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File: 1718396488231779.png (1.25 MB, 1575x1800)
1.25 MB
1.25 MB PNG
Thread Rules:
- Respect /h/ and global rules.
- Do not troll or derailing the thread.
- Do not make more than one request.
- You must supply references and specify what edits you want made.
- If your request was not fulfilled in the previous thread, do not just post a link to that request in this thread. Instead, re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- No bumping or seconding requests.
- Be patient. Some edits can take a great deal of time.
- Be kind to the editors. They're giving their time to do this for you.
- Always thank the editors for fulfilling your request.
- Constructive criticism is welcome.

Don't hold back! if you like a request another editor already fulfilled, feel free to make your own version.

Feel free to ask for revisions if needed. The editors won't be insulted.

Remember that 4chan now uses image compression. To solve the problem, follow the guide posted below the thread anchor.

Previous Thread: >>8002222
Drawt/h/read: >>8054225
NTR Drawt/h/read: >>7770501
OC Drawt/h/read: >>7566588
File: Anchor.jpg (1.09 MB, 2162x3743)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB JPG
Anchor your deliveries here!
File: 4chan compression.png (258 KB, 1887x745)
258 KB
258 KB PNG
Guide to saving pictures.
File: mami.png (2.02 MB, 2113x2500)
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2.02 MB PNG
Can I get cleanup and colors?
File: 11.jpg (375 KB, 1280x1751)
375 KB
375 KB JPG
I know someone already requested a Madoka character, but I've been waiting the new thread to post this. Requesting to color the top-right panel, also to crop it (keep her feet too of course), normally I would that part myself but I have no access to any good image editing software right now.
Ref: https://files.catbox.moe/ftvhns.png
File: E8mK9xJVUAokHeY.jpg (365 KB, 1575x2048)
365 KB
365 KB JPG
requesting nsfw edit
requesting removal of all the blacked stuff
full quality https://files.catbox.moe/23h6nt.png
File: 117225682_p0_master1200.jpg (752 KB, 922x1200)
752 KB
752 KB JPG
requesting uncensor of the pussy
requesting colors for tsuyu
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331 KB
331 KB PNG
Requesting colors https://files.catbox.moe/3v229k.jpg
File: 1671502583559744.png (1.53 MB, 1817x1360)
1.53 MB
1.53 MB PNG
Hoping for these edits:
- Reduced breast size to make her on-model.
- Clean lines.
- Colors.
File: 93667910_p0.jpg (2.28 MB, 2953x3561)
2.28 MB
2.28 MB JPG
requesting her nipples be seen by transparency like ref.
File: Onmyouji Youen Emaki.png (2.24 MB, 2304x1728)
2.24 MB
2.24 MB PNG
Requesting uncensored edit.
File: 110863216_p0_edit.png (3.27 MB, 1600x2552)
3.27 MB
3.27 MB PNG
Requesting cum dripping from her pussy and on her ass cheeks and inner thighs.
File: izuna and sheena.png (713 KB, 1813x1521)
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713 KB PNG
Hi, I'd like to request that someone color this sketch of Izuna and Sheena giving a titfuck.

Character color refs here:

Requesting smaller but still big boobs, ref https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10203395
File: kimono-yoRn0yamai_(req).jpg (2.36 MB, 2880x1620)
2.36 MB
2.36 MB JPG
Re-request to add facials, turn some (or all) of the saliva into cum, cum droplets/drips over their breasts and add cum drips coming from the breast that are symetrically docking like the bit of drool that's there already or make said drool drip into a more prominent cum drip.

Much better version at:
File: Sketch 5.png (488 KB, 1387x2000)
488 KB
488 KB PNG
Requesting colors for this image of Nero wearing her Heroic Spirit Formal Dress
File: 0109~2.jpg (189 KB, 780x727)
189 KB
189 KB JPG
Could someone remove the textbox and the effect line and the sound effects and the half-painted picture at the top of the illustration of this image?
requesting pussy decensoring
Requesting decensoring
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3.08 MB
3.08 MB PNG
File: 69584109_p3.png (694 KB, 1297x1437)
694 KB
694 KB PNG
Requesting color please.
Color reference:https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9526149&tags=super_robot_wars_x-omega
File: 1712817055074763jpg.jpg (840 KB, 3508x1972)
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840 KB JPG
Requesting her to be given a set of headphones and an eyemask similar to below, please:
Colouring would just be black straps and a dark purple colour similar to here:
Headphones could probably just be generic, but i'll let you decide.
File: 1718568611452809m.jpg (84 KB, 1024x738)
84 KB
Requesting the guys to be dark skinned.

Here's a higher quality version
Requesting the guy to be the same skin tone as the woman in these pictures

File: 1697787941996819.png (1.64 MB, 3536x2511)
1.64 MB
1.64 MB PNG
Requesting a de-sketching and colorization of this art of Yuri and Robert from KOF.

Color References:
File: 1710141680708596.png (3.36 MB, 2674x2716)
3.36 MB
3.36 MB PNG
Please color this pic.
Requesting an uncensored version of this scene.

This scene is from Triangle Heart Episode 3
File: request.png (1.03 MB, 1600x1200)
1.03 MB
1.03 MB PNG
Requesting Naruto's right arm to be covered in the usual bandages.
Very nice. Thanks for the quick delivery, anon.
File: 02406180639.png (864 KB, 1387x2000)
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864 KB PNG
File: ria_hakuren.png (966 KB, 1200x1400)
966 KB
966 KB PNG
Requesting coloring.
Characters are Ria and Hakuren from isekai nonbiri.
Refs here:https://files.catbox.moe/43ati6.jpg
File: 1714863128012723.png (1.29 MB, 1565x1262)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB PNG
Clean lines and colors for ALTTP Zelda getting butt-fucked, please.
File: 1718692620921497.png (1.31 MB, 1031x1457)
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1.31 MB PNG
File: Kolin.jpg (2.63 MB, 3300x2550)
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2.63 MB JPG
Requesting a Caucasian skin tone edit for the guy.
File: ches8y.jpg (490 KB, 1835x2894)
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490 KB JPG
Please uncensor or cover the censoring with a creampie.
File: Under Eden uniform.png (798 KB, 720x1207)
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798 KB PNG
Requesting removal of the guy. You can remove the entire background if that is easier for you, but keep in her very long hair. Removing of his finger around her breasts would probably be the hardest part of this request.
Looks great, thanks!
File: Hien And Benichidori.png (657 KB, 1240x1556)
657 KB
657 KB PNG
Requesting nude edit on Hien and Benichidori from Dungeon Meshi
File: 1699015638974349.jpg (84 KB, 707x1000)
84 KB
How do I into edits?
File: 103358684_p0.png (2.33 MB, 938x1731)
2.33 MB
2.33 MB PNG
Requesting the zippers on her breasts and crotch be pulled down so they're wide open. Have her tits be on full display through the openings.
File: nerupaizuri.png (35 KB, 656x781)
35 KB
Requesting a color edit (and if possible lineart) of this doodle - the character is Neru's Happy-chan. Here's some color references:
File: HALP.jpg (580 KB, 1599x1131)
580 KB
580 KB JPG
Request to change the vagina type to a closed-slit one and, if not too much of a bither, to change some (all?) of the juice to cum drip.
File: c.jpg (594 KB, 1429x911)
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594 KB JPG
requesting removal of the condom
File: 1691105393036948.jpg (1.79 MB, 2238x3000)
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1.79 MB JPG
Requesting the guy's face to be changed to a faceless one without hair and all, like in the reference. And remove the tattoos too if possible.

For this one too please

Here's the reference
It seems lossless because I can't tell the difference even scanning very closely
File: 02406191317.png (1.12 MB, 1096x1280)
1.12 MB
1.12 MB PNG
requesting decensor please
requesting the removal of the dick and semen
requesting an uncovered pussy, if possbiel I would also request to remove the dildo and give her a normal non gaping anus
full res: https://files.catbox.moe/y84f5e.png
Excellent work, thanks a lot man.
Could you please make the male/penis white in the following images?


Thank you so much in advance.
File: 9.jpg (392 KB, 1280x1808)
392 KB
392 KB JPG
Requesting coloring and making the dude white!! thanks in advance

Hq img:
Requesting the guy to be made smaller to about Boruto age/size, please.
Size references below:
File: 24062006342.jpg (173 KB, 961x1262)
173 KB
173 KB JPG
Perfect! Thanks
Wait, just noticed you mistook the top of her dress above her pussy for flesh. Any chance you could make a quick edit to the area so it's the right color?
File: 4062010172.jpg (173 KB, 959x1262)
173 KB
173 KB JPG
Beautiful! Thank you again
Here you go anon I hope you like it uwu
Requesting her posing to be similar to the linked image below instead, please.
Mainly just the guy holding her arms back and for them to be placed back instead.
Bonus if you could have her thighs smushed together too, please.
Omg thank yooou! It looks so great! I love it! My two sexy ninja babes ^_^
What was the original version of OP pic? Lemme guess, it was a faceless black dude?
File: mt6u99 edit.jpg (2.47 MB, 4299x6071)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB JPG
Here ya go friend
Hirez: https://files.catbox.moe/u9df8a.png
File: szidj0.png (2.86 MB, 2073x2899)
2.86 MB
2.86 MB PNG
Please uncensor. If only for the Bear Girl. That or cover the censor of her vagina in a cum sploosh.
Requesting bigger tits, where they're pressed together as opposed to there being a gap between the two. Uncensored pussy would be a great bonus too

thank you bigman
File: 1694045524558415.png (208 KB, 816x1187)
208 KB
208 KB PNG
Coloring Request:
File: 1718968391412662.jpg (635 KB, 2844x4722)
635 KB
635 KB JPG
Requesting colors and for the guy to be white/caucasian please. https://files.catbox.moe/4lsjmo.jpg
File: 1718968391412662 edit.png (2.37 MB, 2844x4722)
2.37 MB
2.37 MB PNG
here ya go friend
File: 117649969_p0.jpg (3.71 MB, 3750x5400)
3.71 MB
3.71 MB JPG
Requesting pasties removal
Sweet! I didn't think I'd get a delivery so soon, thanks anon!
File: 096.jpg (2.49 MB, 2400x3437)
2.49 MB
2.49 MB JPG
Any chance someone could color gumna's most likely last work?
File: 119672846_p0.jpg (299 KB, 1069x1200)
299 KB
299 KB JPG
Requesting a colored version of this pic, the characters are reisen udongein inaba (bunny ears and lavender hair) and kochiya sanae(green hair) both from touhou https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5136706?q=reisen_udongein_inaba+kochiya_sanae+
File: REQUEST mod03.png (3.76 MB, 2447x2209)
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3.76 MB PNG
Requesting a combination of both of these pictures:
1. Cleaned with the girl nude, barefoot with the randoseru
2. Cleaned with the girl nude, barefoot no randoseru
3. Cleaned with the girl nude, shoes on with randoseru
4. Cleaned with the girl nude, shoes with randoseru
5. Cleaned with the girl dressed, no shoes and randoseru
6. Cleaned with the girl dressed, shoes and randoseru.
File: 73090338_p0.jpg (947 KB, 800x1280)
947 KB
947 KB JPG
Requesting for her to be stripped nude
File: 1705172410971731.jpg (3.76 MB, 2148x3034)
3.76 MB
3.76 MB JPG
Requesting text removal high resolution: https://gofile.io/d/lxAWwF
requesting that the cock gets deleted
File: 35.jpg (437 KB, 1280x1791)
437 KB
437 KB JPG
requesting decensor
File: IA(popopon26494249).jpg (1.38 MB, 4093x2894)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB JPG
Requesting the removal of the X-Ray vision and the addition of a creampie to cover the remaining censoring. Make the semen spill a bit if necessary. Bonus points for a version that also removes as much text/text-bubbles/hairclips/thigh-highs/leg-ring as possible.

Better version at:
requesting the dude be made white
File: Capture.jpg (137 KB, 1613x989)
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137 KB JPG
I feel the need to point something out here so maybe everyone can keep it in mind when they're looking to make requests.

The tricky part with a request like this isn't the execution of the main request but filling everything else in so it looks normal and natural, and this particular image is a funny because the original artist just kinda filled in design space with whatever. They added in stuff that sorta like its almost right but really its off-model nonsense, which is fine when its hidden but hard to expand on sometimes.
File: smaller.jpg (732 KB, 2480x3507)
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probably going to get deleted for loli
also this one but also am I fucking stupid or are some of those instructions redundant
Thanks Vtech for the great edit delivery, I hope it wasn't difficult to edit for a future sfw version
here ya go friend

>>8074218 here, basically what I am asking is a permutation of shoes, barefoot, clothed, nude and randoseru on/off.
File: 1660781256329988.jpg (3.65 MB, 2145x3056)
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Requesting a decensor

File: Madara.jpg (846 KB, 1820x3404)
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846 KB JPG
Requesting Sakura's face to be all the way down in his lap, please.
Her posing/head position might need some changing.
File: shareingcream.jpg (446 KB, 1280x1790)
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446 KB JPG
Please remove the chain and the nipple piercings.
if >>8075224 was a loli then by those same standards several other requests from previous threads are loli as well. that very same image is on danbooru and isn't even flagged as loli there. this is just plain stupid (danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1716177)
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626 KB JPG
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861 KB JPG
experimental, AI used
Actualy pretty great, thanks.
Could maybe have Ino and Hinata kissing his abs instead to make room for her?
And maybe have Temari looking a bit more smug about holding Sakura down?
Maybe next time, I'm done with it.
No worries, thanks for the work. :)
File: ayaka_shibari_E.png (2.7 MB, 2009x2334)
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2.7 MB PNG
I'd like to request a vaginal penetration edit for this one too, but looking like as if the anal penetration already happened.

Then doing vaginal penetration variants without and with cum and finishing things off with a no penetration edit like the cock hanging down so we see her gaping holes full of cum, please.
File: ayaka_shibari_D.png (2.72 MB, 2009x2334)
2.72 MB
2.72 MB PNG
Second pic
File: 101460730_p1_master1200.png (708 KB, 1200x443)
708 KB
708 KB PNG
Original is too high res for here so uploading only the preview but here's the original pixiv link.

Could anyone edit the dick to be white?
File: 80 (1).jpg (240 KB, 1280x1280)
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240 KB JPG
Requesting the girl on the left to be made into Ino yamanaka and the right girl to be changed into Sakura Haruno, please.
Probably the best reference below:
As it was made by the same artist.
>Anon lusts so much over BBC it triggers him when others don't.
Uncensor please
File: Felicia 400.jpg (3.35 MB, 1578x2200)
3.35 MB
3.35 MB JPG
requesting removing the fur bits on her boobs and groin section that are partially covered by her bikini

incidentally, also requesting a full nude
Request for text removal, removing the girl's head-accessories and to uncensor, if only for the girl. That or cover the censoring on the man with creampie.
Here ya go friend. I might do one more later.
Decided to just finish it off.
Here ya go friend
File: 1719170736803431.jpg (97 KB, 850x668)
97 KB
Requesting the dude be the same skin color as the women

Higher quality version
shit sucks
File: d6.jpg (672 KB, 3300x2550)
672 KB
672 KB JPG
OR here and that looks perfect anon I love it! Thank you so much for the awesome work, I really appreciate it and I hope that you have a great day/night!
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467 KB JPG
I was gonna try to make this look closer to the original image but honestly, this looks so much better that I don't even want to.
File: d8.jpg (736 KB, 1578x2200)
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736 KB JPG
Remove the fur portions for ya
thank you!
File: 1681932570882431.png (1.35 MB, 4535x6308)
1.35 MB
1.35 MB PNG
Requesting color please
Reference is Artoria Lancer from FGO and have the males be dark-skinned
Requesting decensor, please.
This was delivered in the previous thread already
Edit Request. Change the purple hair chick for Sode No Shirayuki
requesting coloring, I don't have any reference so U would suggest making her blonde and tanned
File: 1717647406945179.png (276 KB, 2125x2080)
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276 KB PNG
Requesting colors https://files.catbox.moe/wog7tf.jpg
Can anyone make the dude in these pictures black please

Thanks for mentioning, I somehow completely missed the delivery
Requesting the guy behind her to appear more like Alexis Kerib, please.
I'll attach some references for height and appearance below.
He mainly appears in his robed form.
Please uncensor.
I kneel, thanks.
Re-requesting a decensor, and a prominent pregnant belly and larger breasts.
File: ratgod 30.png (261 KB, 595x842)
261 KB
261 KB PNG
requesting removing her panties
Requesting a naked version of picrel
Request to remove the pixelted dick altogether from:
>https://rule34.paheal net/post/view/5056810
You can leave the cum.
requesting decensor and maybe breasts expansion (the dicks aren't important so they can be removed if necessary)
requesting a shaved pussy and a smaller anus
File: 20240629_084608.jpg (1.11 MB, 1466x1882)
1.11 MB
1.11 MB JPG
Requesting remove the guy from the picture.
File: IMG_2260.png (2 MB, 1466x1882)
2 MB
Yup, that works!

Thank you for the delivery!
Kindly requesting text removal
please remove the candy cane
Requesting the man's skin be whitened please
File: 107854436_p0.jpg (1.27 MB, 2856x4002)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB JPG
Requesting colours for these two drawings which both are the "Lovely Labrynth" Yu-Gi-Oh monstercard girl. Feel free to remove the guy she's jerking off.
File: 103954912_p0.jpg (746 KB, 2035x2899)
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746 KB JPG
De-censor as well, cheers.
Requesting 3 different edits for this drawing:
1) milk edit
2) piercings edit
3) milk + piercings edit
Thanks in advance, linked because the filesize is too large.
File: taimabu S3 cover.png (1.58 MB, 1776x2485)
1.58 MB
1.58 MB PNG
Requesting remove the pink stuff gushing out of her asshole.

I'd prefer if her butthole could be redrawn
But if that's too difficult, can just keep it 'covered' by her buttcheeks or whatever.

If the pink stuff at her feet and the hand touching her tits can be removed too, even better. But the butt is the important part.
File: Untitled-2.jpg (101 KB, 600x391)
101 KB
101 KB JPG
I found it pretty quickly
File: Untitled.jpg (516 KB, 2064x1515)
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516 KB JPG
File: Untitled-3.jpg (619 KB, 1583x2000)
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619 KB JPG
File: Untitled-1.jpg (814 KB, 1400x1400)
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814 KB JPG
Thanks anon.
Awesome work. Thanks a lot!
File: IMG_6494.jpg (300 KB, 1200x1600)
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300 KB JPG
Requesting decensor and cum edits
Requesting a color edit on this pic. The guy's clothes can be whatever color I just want his hair to be yellow

Color ref: https://files.catbox.moe/5jol2y.png
Here's the reference again since the catbox link didn't work

File: 578974363.jpg (2.11 MB, 4051x4993)
2.11 MB
2.11 MB JPG
requesting coloring reference and separate images: https://gofile.io/d/OvKC1W
Thank you! Good to see VTec is still kicking in.
File: 1717056775552969.jpg (255 KB, 811x1000)
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255 KB JPG
Request to remove two small pieces of blonde hair above the shoulders.
Can someone finish drawing the rest of the penis?
File: GRNmCTYaAAAB4Y_.jpg (545 KB, 2621x4096)
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545 KB JPG
Requesting bikini top removal
Requesting the guy be made white please.
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997 KB JPG
File: 2x.jpg (1.42 MB, 2344x7500)
1.42 MB
1.42 MB JPG
make her tits bigger please. like maybe 2x if it doesnt end up weird
requesting an expression of excitement with heart shaped pupils and also that her panties be removed, bonus points for making her topless and increasing the size of her breasts
full size version: https://files.catbox.moe/vbjx9x.png
requesting an edit without the nipples peircings and the male
Requesting cum leaking from her pussy
File: 63255.jpg (225 KB, 1280x1706)
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225 KB JPG
Requesting Ilulu given dark pink colored nipples.
File: 1713988858187432.jpg (2.06 MB, 2084x2115)
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2.06 MB JPG
Requesting for the guy to have a lighter skin tone like Hex Maniac's.
Please remove the pantie. If you can make a version with a crampie(s?) it would be great.
Very nice, Thank you!
requesting a cumless edit
File: transformation 12.png (531 KB, 621x900)
531 KB
531 KB PNG
requesting uncovering her nipples
File: Translation.jpg (340 KB, 1280x1807)
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340 KB JPG
Hard-translate this like the one below, please and thank you.
File: darker nips dragon edit.jpg (443 KB, 1280x1706)
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443 KB JPG
Here ya go friend
Bless you.
She looks good with darker nipples. Suits her better, in my opinion. Thank you.
I agree there is more contrast with darker nipples, so you have more of a focus point
File: 6450.jpg (404 KB, 2047x1447)
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404 KB JPG
Requesting a decensor with him penetrating her.
File: 1719964301826638.png (527 KB, 621x900)
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527 KB PNG
thank you very much
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1.6 MB
1.6 MB PNG
File: 72483.jpg (239 KB, 1003x1416)
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239 KB JPG
Requesting a darker shade of pink on her nipples so they are more visible.
File: 55029.jpg (239 KB, 1280x960)
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239 KB JPG
Requesting the cum edited out, the man given the same skin tone as the girl, the abs done away with to give him a bit of a pudgy belly, and, if possible, have hearts in her eyes, showing how much she is loving the sex.
requesting a pantyless edit or alternatively to edit the semen from the alt
requesting a shaved and clean pussy, also remove the dildo
requesting her nipples and slit be edited out and just have it be the purple parts
File: 1720048252476441.jpg (912 KB, 2219x3000)
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912 KB JPG
That's... a weird request for this thread
requesting nude edit for both
even if removing shantae's bikini bottom doesn't show anything
File: 1720107187213.jpg (198 KB, 1065x1500)
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198 KB JPG
Requesting a bottomless edit and a pregnant alt if possible.
File: Mogudan-Himitu.jpg (279 KB, 1038x1500)
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279 KB JPG
I'm a big fan of older works by Mogudan. Have been wanting to see this particular page in color for a very long time. If anyone would like to pick up this project, that'd be awesome.
Color reference :
Sorry, forgot to mention. Don't even have to worry about adding color to the entire page. Just the full body shot at the lower right is perfect.
Yup, that looks good! Thank you for the delivery.
I have a shaved version but it's an brown skinned edit, do you want it?
Requesting a color edit for this picture

Reference for her hair and eye color and skin tone

And make her bow and hair clip red
(Ref for the clip and bow https://files.catbox.moe/fqg98j.jpg)
And her gloves and boots white.

And for the robe cover her breasts abit make that this shade of blue

and the crosses on it as well as the cross she's holding this shade of gold
Thank you, and yeah I know it's weird, but I just find this sexy for some reason, and besides I wanna use this pic as reference to draw my own dragon girl oc and it's easier like this.
File: file.png (166 KB, 397x314)
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I'm not sure this thread does this sorta stuff, but I'm requesting a cum edit to this pic.
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Quick and dirty in gimp. Dunno if you wanted a skin colour change but I did it anyway
AI used
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Any chance of having this without the stomach bulge? Other than that, it's fantastic.
Thank you very much and bless you. As for the skin change, I don't mind either way.
thank you man you're super based
it has to fit somewhere anon
requesting decensor and removal of the micro male
That looks phenomenal! Thank you for going back to it, even when you didn't have to. I appreciate the work.
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Requesting a decensor, the guy given pupils, the question mark edited out, and the girl given dark pink nipples.
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Please remove the bottom section and expand the top by:

-adding breasts
-adding erected penis.
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Reference for breasts:
Looks great. Thank you anon.
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not samefag but second
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Forgot there was an anchor, I'll just link all those together
Any chance of a decensor? Looks incredible already.
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Older works by Mogudan are timeless. Quite unfortunate their drawing style has changed so drastically.

Haven't been able to use Clip Studio Paint in a long time, was a fun project to work on. Hope you like it.
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Shaved too, I might also still try to take her shirt off
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Im not sure about the cum in this style
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if someone else wants to take a whack
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Requesting bikini removal
forgot to add: remove censors please
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requesting a colored version of thus please
here is the reference:
in any case

the girl(erika), has to be:
>pale skin, black hair, red, yellow, or green headband, red, yellow, or green outfit.

the boy (red), has to be:
>pale skin, black or brown hair, red outfit, red hat, blue pants.
Please make a crampie.
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is there a peace of software i can download to color in black and white pics?
The term is creampie, not crampie.
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Late hours got me.
Thank you for such a fast delivery.
holy shit based ty based god
thanks a lot
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I’d prefer a big ejaculation that’s mid eruption.
Requesting removal of the black bra, but keep her shirt and the socks. Thanks
>op image still has brown hand behind the head of the girl on the ground
this was pointed out a couple times already
You mean this one indirect reference?
requesting decensor and shaved pubes
requesting bigger boobs for the bottom girl (around the size size as the ones from the other girl) also could you also remove her squirt of cum?
requesting a nude edit
No, in the last thread when it was done
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Requesting bikini top removal
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Requesting the girls to be wearing the outfits in the reference, but with their tops pulled up so they stay topless.

Thank you very much!
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Not that anon, but I tried to fix it.
very epic, anon

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