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Bulbhead Attorney: Investigations Edition

>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX20
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R10
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

>HF Patch (Get this to update without waiting for the repack)
>KK: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK-HF_Patch/releases
>KKS: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KKS-HF_Patch/releases

>Sideloader Mods Pack

Cards are put in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male"

>/kkg/ Card Creator Pastebin

>Where do I upload to share my cards?
(Litter links can be accessed through internet archive)

>KKScene Mega

>Theme Stuff

>Koikatsu Resources Pastebin

>Koikatsu Guides Collection

>Modding Guides

>Thread Archive

>Previous Thread
"Heroes and Villains" theme is here - superheroes, magical girls, toku heroes, super-spies, monster hunters, aliens, demigods, mad scientists and more have taken over Koi City!
REMEMBER to reply to this post to have your cards added to the theme spreadsheet!

>Character Sheet
>Sheet Font
>Theme Spreadsheet
>Theme Mega
>Monster Packhttps://mega.nz/folder/QPUUEYoC#9gZyckpaKDWVtuMVnCgriw
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Kit love!
New thread, hooray
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I tried a night time scene. I don't think I did well, but working with a dark skinned character was extra hard.
This is probably how she became so retarded.
Anon, that happened BECAUSE she was retarded. That said, I've seen episodes of various shows where the idiot gets hit on the end, becomes a genius, and then gets hit on the head again to become normal again at the end. I could see that playing out for Kit. It tracks with her dumbass character archetype.
Nice. May I suggest stronger rim lighting on dark scenes like this? I use them like outlines for night-time scenes.
This place is dead. /kkg/ participationis the lowest it has ever been.
And this is all he has. Let him cry about his lack of purpose in life.
Don't worry the theme will surely save it.
what theme?
The one that god knows why has an anchor post.
Does anyone know why the multiply projector isn't working for me? The Add and Alpha ones are working fine, but the multiply one doesn't effect the scene at all.
It's broken. Pick either of the other ones and change the shader to multiply.
Where is the tier list for the past 2 themes?
Good work
try finger
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i just felt like other angles made the image better and i was undecisive XDDD


also made new stuff
It's an idea. Never decided on whether Yumi should have a boyfriend/girlfriend or not. I feel like she'd still be a virgin.

Tomoko (short hair, blue eyes) isn't though. Still settling on if she's a slut or not, but she's definitely fucked.

Chie (Brown eyes) is definitely a virgin. She's weird, and talking about UFOs and aliens isn't usually a good way to find a boyfriend.
Having a boyfriend or not isnt going to stop a group of Anons from finding them for some fun.
>le epic DARK SOLES 5 reference
First it was Helldivers 2, and now this.
/kkg/ is just using excuses to be lazy.
As if people want to use his cards.
{Medicine} {Do you need it?}
{Mithra} {hand} {job} {Can I have it?}
I could’ve sworn I saved this card before but I have no idea what folder I put it in. You got a creator name?
you never had that card that guy is a privatechad
Oh my goodness gracious
shes so cute bros I can't
Must've been remembering something else then. But what...?
relvel has a card kind of similar in design
I do, just not Emi.
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But doctor... I am Relvel...
Also I can't believe I forgot bungug in hindsight. In my defense I am so fucking tired rn but can't sleep.
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that reminds me, why didnt you made a sheet for your superhero char?
Got distracted making Daisy instead, and then I got depression burnout which made me take my sweet damn time with making her scissor swords, but they’re almost done now so maybe I’ll be able to update Perpetua soon.
What's the best way to stop skirts from ballooning so much from wide hips/big asses?
Please forgive my retardation, i couldn't find anything about it in the guides.
Asking again since I got no actual answers before. What are your favorite card/scene makers that don't post here? Trying to find some cool stuff I might be missing.
I guess Laggen counts now. I like his moody scenes especially.
Scratch-Key does some incredible animations - I save pretty much everything he releases.
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Laggen red bubba
Red and Bubba both came back just recently though (but Red went on a trip or something shortly after making Madison if I recall correctly).
Sorry for the inconvenience
Does anyone have the [bokuli]alyz_00 zipmod?
It's for an Elysia card
Thanks in advance
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Thanks anons. I think she's the cutest card I've made so far.

Can not stress just how OP it is that you can load maker accessories in studio now. A lot of which have fully functioning FK bones. Absolute game changer.
>The way they make women and male cards reminds me of something I can't put my finger on. I want to say reminsicent of YA fantasy novels but that's not exactly it either. Pretty sure they're a gay guy or a woman judging from designs.
i giggled at this.
that's a cute description.
also, woe upon ye, another repost of this one pic. so it gets drilled in your mind (because i love gaspard and seraphina)
Time to leave, like many had had.
Here's a temporary link for them, then.


Tomoko is pretty much finished. Chie is still missing outfits but otherwise done. Yumi has been finished for a while but I included her in case you don't feel like looking for her on Bepis.

Most of my girls are on Bepis and Pixiv if you want to use them. I've got three I need to get around to uploading and have a few more WIPs I'm sitting on.
>Is that an OC?
Yes, but heavily inspired by someone else's Pixiv artwork. The "Red Angel" aesthetic was very cool I wanted to use it in some way. I also just found out their page was deleted a few days ago and now I'm sad.

Yes, I'll become the /kkg/'s greatest shitpost spammer. I'll have to draft up some good schizo rants, too.
definitely one of the best plugins we got recently
What's up with the dude in the background?
Wants to fight the principal
How do I mess with scenes well? Half the scenes I load up have loads of stupid object bubbles all over the place, and I can't find any good way to hide them so I can move the poses around without clicking on them.
i could say half of the d*scord members, but my picks will be peskyhuman (privatefag that made the best furryshit i've seen on the entire koiscord) and sock (very creative designs + shares the cards, based.)
also, haggen. miss him (and his femboys)
>(and his femboys)
He never shared that new one.
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>I read a post about how they wanted to floss their teeth with a woman's pubes before so weird lesbian stuff like that. I think they like black women a lot.
I can't believe I've been called out like this. I think I definitely like black women a lot more than the average anon, but part of it is that it's always been so rare to find good 2D black ladies that it immediately nabs my attention when they're done well.

Phoneposting drains my soul, and still waiting on a laptop, so I only check the thread every few days right now.

Somehow this is grimmer and more dour than your signature lighting, I'm fucking cackling. Great job dude.

>But doctor... I am Relvel...
Have you just tried not being Relvel?
>Have you just tried not being Relvel?
Ye, but unfortunately I outed myself before it really went anywhere. Apparently actual cops do not call dibs on confiscated “evidence”. Waste of good ketamine if you ask me.
actually guys, i am also relvel, on top of being catanon and coolv
no its my turn on the relvel
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You've hogged the braincell long enough!
Any update on that new game Illgames is working on?
Wheels are in motion, my friend. Draft up the IOU.
Shut up you impostor I am the catanon bugnug coolv rice clique blue shadows
When a demo gets announced or released, usually a starting thread goes up. So nothing atm.
>catanon bugnug coolv rice
So... the clique was just one anon along?
I meant to exclude from my question anyone that has been a regular poster here at any point, perhaps I should have been more explicit.

Laggen's works always had good quality. I just didn't vibe with most of his chosen themes.
Scratch-Key is a good one, I've discovered him only recently but it's already one of my faves.

Red and Bubba are from before my time, so I don't actually recognize their work. Time to search.

Now that's a name I've never heard of. Looking at their twitter, I can say the renders are very high quality indeed.

I never got into discord much, so it's good to see some names from there to guide my searches. I'll look into both later (not into furry usually but we'll see).

Just passing by to shout CUTE

I too wish to know how to hide those balls.
If there are no constraints involved, a trick I use is moving the thing I want to edit elsewhere, do the the edits, then move it back.
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This guy is pretty good
no, I am and I have proof:

>blue shadows, leg proportions, cupe, kanna
>everything I make is shit! My twitter is down the drain, my life sucks. anyway, see you guys in 6 hours.
SamCos and WamekuKyouzin for scenes
cosmic entity shows up and starts talking about gundam and OO at that it is truly a horrific act

>good 2D black ladies that it immediately nabs my attention when they're done well
to think Shiz was hearing the call of drums in her head the entire time

yea I was dreading the tedium of making a studio version of my mods so thank the mod maker that I never have to do that and rip hamsta that went through all that effort for his mods weeks before the plugin dropped

did you just trick me into watching that stupid ad again

shrink the thigh and butt colliders and pray that helps otherwise work on the skirt sliders and pray that helps and if that don't work edit them in scene and pray that helps, really its a crap shoot every time
Cute Birdd, Vlakace and Valiance all make very nice meaty girls that please my penis and Arcadia does some very sexo animations (assuming you like girlpenis content)
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B-Brutalized? No that is not quite my thing. Monster sex is cool but I don't like when stuff gets too violent.
Would you throw Nara into the tentacle pit? We've asked them to be gentle but we have no control over them once they have her.
I can state what I like and dislike but I don't tell people what they can and cannot do. Tentacles aren't typically my thing unless its really well done but I appreciate that more as art than as something kinky. But if you wanna do Nara tentacle stuff go right ahead.
Yeah, pretty much
just a heads up things means its okay to BLACKED her OCs
Gently raping Nara !
Sick outfit.
Hard sex good.
but when people say "brutalize" I'm thinking like ryona and stuff.
post more
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that proves you being cat and coolv, what about the rest?
somehow I don't have a good pillory scene. Care to share that one?
There are more render-only authors mentioned than expected. Not that they are bad, I was just hoping for more things to nab.
For now I'm getting ready to dive into discord...

Yeah, pretty nice renders.

Good ole' Sam Cosmyon. I haven't updated his folder in like 2 years, but I keep seeing him in pixiv recommends. Gotta fix that soon.
Good ole' WamekuKyouzin. I actually got up to date with his stuff just a few days ago. One of my old favorites too, just wish the scene folder wasn't that heavy...

I only know Valiance from these.
>Googles the rest.
I see you have a type. Their renders are cool.

>assuming you like girlpenis content
Short answer: No. I don't mind futas when they are the ones doing the penetrating though. Arcadia's content looks pretty good in terms of quality, but the content is hit or miss for me. Anyways, thanks, CoolV.

I agree
Milly has made me coom.
I'm sorry to hear
any tips on how to make cum look better? Are there any specific cum items I should try to use, or do I just have to manually plop them a strand at a time if I'm not going to use the body-section ones that just cover the entire surface?
eat a lot of pineapple
Try using material editor.
>Mat editor
>Goo shader
>Fuck with sliders until it looks how you want it to look.
Scene please?
UmaMusume getting a EN release finally!
matedit, goo shader, and matcaps. if you dont want to think about it too hard find a scene with cum looking the way you like and copy their matedit settings.
What's the name of the new game again? Looked like a new Koikatsu game.
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beckino, becinema

i love wagie

for a second i thought she's wearing a swimsuit...
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>to think Shiz was hearing the call of drums in her head the entire time
Don't get cheeky with me! It's largely your fault to begin with!
Meant for >>8077007
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so should more others

It's 'Summer Vacation [Something]', I think. Tho that's with Google translate, the actual translated name might different; I'm guessing they'll work 'honey' in there somewhere
As to it being Koi-like, currently the guesses are that it seems to take more influence from Artificial Academy (zoomed out camera, 'sex void,' etc), tho they will likely have a studio mode at some point
I wouldn't call it guesses. The game is all but AA3 in name. They even kept the shitty parts of AA2 in this new game.
all I want is to bully other students and be bullied; I want to have to fight for my girls and other people's girls. To cuck and be cucked.
become a theme shipfag
It was made by kiaps
nobody ever ships my theme cards
People don't do shit for themes anymore, let alone shipping.
thanks, any chances of you sharing the girl too?
Apologize to Farm Theme.
Anna won
Nope, sorry.
The main issue is how people are scared of doing stuff with other cards, either they expect others to do stuff with their own cards, and it all becomes this self eating cycle of "if no one is doing shit, then I'm not going to do shit either".
The only way to actually give motivation to others is doing shit yourself, And then keep the snowball rolling. The shit thread from a month ago didn't helped either
Though right now people are probably either playing the new dlc of elden ring, or the remake of SMT V, On my end I have started playing for honor and these days I would rather play an actual game tbdesu.
Not my card btw, but I also just wanted to actually give something rather than just yap it out
>still coping with the "shit thread derailed the theme"
Maybe people just don't like this one. You ever think about that?
Pretty much everyone who was interacting with the stuff I was putting out is MIA
t. 30% of all superhero theme content
then we do the regular themes, then anons go "Why we keep repeating Sci fi/school/fantasy? lets do something different"
but that is just how it is when a decent amount of people are in a thread, different opinions are going to appear.
>Coping with "shit thread derail"
I mean it certainly didn't helped the mood of the thread at the time, and always early on is the moment most stuff gets made.
And I appreciate you for that.
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newfag here, is there an egg vibrator+wired controller for studio? or is there a mod? I tried looking through some of the op and didn't see one. also, any tips on how to not fuck up a face? I assume just messing with it more I'll get better, but I feel like it always looks weird when I mess with it, the preset can look goofy too though
Make one out of shapes, use a tentacle for the wire
Oh, thats a good idea. Thanks
We used to get 70+ or even more entries and people posting content even after the theme 'ended' during 2021 and 2022. What went wrong?
covid ended, inflation started. the people went to work
You saw all those people last thread complaining that they weren't notable enough to get put on a list? People are always really insecure about getting left out, but a significant chunk of theme cards never get used. This happens to people a few times and they just give up.
It's the driving force behind clique shitposting too
Multiple things. People try attributing the low activity to one thing, but in fact things just pile on top on each other.

Things like the theme itself not being that popular, or these >>8077614 >>8077652 among others. Many small things create a bigger problem.
And these issues just kind of happen because of just how the thread is
>friendships (I refuse to call basic human interactions clique at this point) form because if you vibe with someone its easier to work with them
>Couple that with people annoying them, well of course they will isolate themselves to their own bubbles or go to discord
>Veta anon and how we proceeded to shit on her for various things, turning them hostile towards the thread overall then moving on
>Begfags coming over trying to force this place to be only for sharing paypig shit
>themes forms, become a popularity contest even though that was never the idea in the first place
>people post their stuff but they expect others to use it
>Since it is not necessary to include them in scenes people dont do it for any kind of reasons
>Covid is gone so we no longer are forced to stay at home
>Anons shitposting any attempt or moment someone voices their opinion or how they feel at the time, or what would people call "a Melty"
>They dip after that
Its just so much shit that we have allowed to fester either because of bad actors or just the natural passage of time, I could keep going but my bias is already showing with what I say or me not thinking problems in the thread arent real problems.
>You saw all those people last thread complaining
no I didn't I came here after quite a bit of time let me check
Unrelated bikini pic that I was doing for fun

Thank you!

It's true, maids are my favorite of the usual fetish uniforms! Though I'll add that while I "like" pretty much any kind of girl of any shape or size, my actual narrow strike zone is bookish/literary-type girls.

I think you just need to make sure your Mega/Pixiv/etc is up to date and on the Pastebin. I'm neither very active nor very skilled myself.

Like the other anon said, you've clearly already got a handle on composition. Keep it up!

She's so smart for this

100% this. I know I regretted not using some cards during the 2022 School and Fantasy themes cuz my Studio execution isn't very good, but it'd probably be better to make a simple scene with cards you like than to make no scenes at all.

Ripped tights on thighs is always good.
>all those people last thread complaining
dunno about anyone else, but I was the first reply and it wasn't supposed to sound like complaining. I just assumed the anon who wrote all that out was someone whose only been around since the start of this year and thats why I wasn't included. I haven't posted in months so it's a given that they wouldn't mention me.
I am once again drawing shitty fan art of the next OC posted
Shoot me next time I forget to rotate a pic
i saw that manul girl
No refunds
the 2D Ichigo is real...
The limit is two. Goodbye for now
a dispenser AND a sentry? you spoil us
How do I take higher resolution screenshots with Reshade?
I cranked up the resolution to 3840 x 2160 but all it did was increase my screen size...
It's hard to explain because Im not too tech speak. But basically my screenshots look jagged as fuck and unappealing
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I can only ever get 4k reshade screenshots when I change my actual desktop resolution.
Make sure the actual in game resolution is set to 3840x2160 in the launcher.
So the clique really was the friends we made along the way....?
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>Anyways, thanks, CoolV.
wrong gock enjoyer
honestly im probably only going to bother with theme stuff if I get a good idea im willing to actually go through with now, past couple have just been
>throw out card after a month of being uninterested in actually making it
>dont do anything with it because I have no motivation beyond making unfinished jerk off scenes
Textpost theme
Veta was a shitposter that held groodges on petty shit. They didn't know how to take criticism. A lot of people here don't, and they'll make sure to hold their groodge until the end of time. Which is why it's a death wish to post criticism under your name.
Why do you guys make up shit? I see criticism all the time from named posters like jet and aegypt and nothing happens to them.
Reminder that you should ignore all text only posts, including this one.
I've only made 1 card during the early days, and then have only character swapped it into scenes and occasionally put different outfits on it, I'm unable to create anything of my own, and don't really feel an urge to. Is this normal?
You might have npc brain.
Gotta admit, it's pretty neat.
Aw shit, congrats dude
I don't feel like that's the case. I poked a LOT of fun at Piz but he always knew I was teasing at worst -- more often offering actual constructive criticism. He actually tracked me down on discord a while back to check in on me and see how I was doing.
Why should veta live rent free in the general they already left? If you want to stalk them so much search the discord posts.
It's just the one retard who's still seething over veta because they wouldn't just roll over and accept getting shit on by them. Dude still brings them up unprompted time to time.

Yes, finally.
Why are you trying to gaslight us that Veta wasn't and insane person who was shitting on everyone else first.
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We’re all gonna make it, brahs.
It was a good thing to bully all the schizos out of the thread and you cannot change my mind.
we still have a bunch though
nta but
>obsessed with getting attention, hostile to anyone who didn't suck him off
>massive ego yet extremely petty, mad that not many people liked his experimental style and fetishes
>threw A11's girl into a trashcan because he didn't like him (A11 didn't even know who he was)
>got a vacation at least once or twice for shitposting for months
>eventually ranted about who he hated and had grudges against in the threads before moving to discord
maybe he's better these days on discord idk, but for his own sake, I'm glad he doesn't post here anymore.
are coordinates supposed to load advanced pushup settings?
I don't think so, those are just tied to the outfit slot. you have to redo them if you change outfits iirc
those are BOYS.
you are GAY!
Thank you so much. That did the trick.
I spent two hours messing with supersampling and it was mediocre compared to just blowing up the RES.
Why do you keep bringing up someone who's been gone forever, other than being obsessed of course. Nobody else gives a shit to hear about veta, the new posters don't even know who that is.
I miss Adachi.
I didn't bring up anything I merely responded.
Why do (You) keep bringing it up then?
say is there like a auto-zipmod finder? i've got alot of cards i'd like to use but actually getting the correct mods for the characters seem like to be a bit of a pain
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Oh my god, congratulations! I'm still PC-less so have this horse as well-wishes
Ya fooled me good
theres a few clowns like that here
admittedly its an easy mistake, its definitely the kinda stuff up his alley too
i dont really follow a lot of koi creators outside of here
u-uoh? so cute
kek, this one's better
A11 literally went overboard insulting his card when he was new and the man himself apologized to him later in the threads. Veta took it too hard for how this place is but if the people themselves can acknowledge they were bad too I don't know you schizos can't stop talking about him.
personally i like the small angel and the big devil
You complain about people talking about Veta more than anyone actually talks about Veta.
Im aware they made up, still doesn't detract from how petty it was of him to do that, along with all the other stuff I mentioned. all Im trying to say is that he did a lot of shitty things, which some people seem to deny or just tout him as some sort of victim who did nothing wrong. he really didn't have the mentality to keep posting here especially with all the flak he got over time, so its good he's separated himself from this place.
there was never any anons named veta. the only one lying here is you. grow up anon.
you cant psyop me anon. my tinfoil hat is made with the most premium tin and foil.
Wassup cat
oh we're pulling out all the old schizos now?
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schizopost-o-clock 'round here?
now that Nara is here, its gangbang-o-clock
Once again, I am forgotten.
are you waiting for people to just randomly mention you for no reason? KKG users are something.
I can't forget you if I never knew who you were.
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Im depressed and horny, post sex.
Hey, how do I insert text in the studio?
Your loss. We could have been something.
>We could have been something.
You're right. We could've been murderer (me) and murder victim (You). How sad that fate tore us apart this way.
Ermm...you got it the wrong way actually buddy.
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You're adorable.
I've got a decent amount of Yuuko group sex pics but I'm not 100% sure if I was right about the overlap of "chronically unlucky depressed girl with multiple failed relationships" and "enjoys group sex."
Thanks anon!
How do i animate a wink if I sawp from one eye satte to the other the change is way to fast.
I wish.
It's stupid vagueposting, ignore it
For the crime of being a breedable squirrel, I sentence you to pegrant.
I want to animate a wink but i can not figure it out.
>no you
I accept the concession.
People are more likely to pity him since from some perspectives he was the victim even if he had been petty back to them at that time and because schizos will bring him up out of nowhere which will naturally cause people who liked him, like me, to chime in. Regardless I agree it's best he left this place. The majority seem happier once they leave here.
why does no one talk about me.
I did stuff here.
>The majority seem happier once they leave
>criminal and breedable
>not tied up and milked
anon why
i like nice girls! not schizos

i'd eat breakfast with her
i like that guy that does mmds with fucked up bodies. like the head will be on backwards and stuff lol
what did this add do to you? nice vid though!
this woman is not afraid of pain
>cosmic entity shows up and starts talking about gundam and OO at that it is truly a horrific act
that's what i'm saying!
>beckino, becinema
thanks anon! i like that your pic too. i don't know if i ever told you that, but now you know
what about the lore though? how do you feel about the lore being ignored/followed!?
she looks nice! i'd probably try and hang out with her
good job! i hope you did a real marriage and not just marry an anime pillow or something
i would do good and evil deeds with them regardless of age
you do blendshapes as other anon stated. such as blendshape 5 or 6 depending on the eye. then you click the blenshape group link in timeline kkpe section.

what i can't figure out is how to get good teeth in a smile. japan full of toothless ass smilers
Like what?
forgot to put the pic lol

ha ha ha ha ha
I never actually knew. I always loaded existing scenes when I needed text.

>i like that guy that does mmds with fucked up bodies. like the head will be on backwards and stuff lol
Wait, who is this? Doesn't ring any bells.
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>what about the lore though? how do you feel about the lore being ignored/followed!?

I don't care much about that. If you want to follow it or not is completely up to you. I consider most sex things with Nara to be fanart.

Like the whole "Nara for gangbangs" narrative stems from ME liking gangbangs more than Nara does. I more imagine her liking to imagine or think about it like a kink but I never thought of Nara as the type to slut around.

But much like any other porn fanart, I still like seeing lewd stuff with them regardless if it makes any sense or is """"cannon""""
Minor grammatical error, excluding Nara from future gangbang scene now.
Due to her addiction to Coke, Nara's breast milk tastes exactly like Pilk and is unfit for consumption.
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No! Please! I'm sorry!
I mean it doesn't have to be for anyone else's consumption. Can feed it to her for all I care.

The point of the milking is the same as tying her up, or gags and blindfolds. It's a humiliation and control thing. Just one more aspect of her being used while helpless
I may abduct women and forcefully impregnate them, but I draw the line at wasting food, it just ain't right.
If I'm going through the trouble of milking women, then I'll actually use the milk for something. Else, there are dozens of other ways to keep them bound and helpless.
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Would you impregnate Yuuko?
Ill fuck any woman at this point
Made my first KK time-lapse video today, I reckon it came out pretty nice all things considered.
How long does it take YOU to make a scene on average? I'm curious.
14 kuti_ha.ha00_ikari_op is good for open mouth smiles with only top teeth showing.
That's exactly the kind of guy she's looking for!
Nonsensical edgy caption bollocks because I was half-tipsy making this shite and made up the whole scene thing on the fly with zero planning like an idiot.

Congratulations Skullchan-anon! So handsome!
Very cute.
I think today I will have... the small ones. Very cute girls.
Such a sexy squirrel.
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Two questions:
>Will I get another ISP letter if I torrent BR sunshine without a vpn?
>Is stitching together animations the only way to get my character (male) to fap?
Illusion has to contact your ISP and they're dead so no to the first one.
Yes to the second one but it's pretty easy with a piston and node constraints DESU.
Torrenting Brazilian sunshine? That's a paddlin'
>He likes tall women clearly. Most of his girls seem nice so I think he likes soft and cuddly tall women.
Guilty as charged.

Oh man she's cute, but she also looks a bit crazy... Which is kinda hot.

Pure sex.

Clarisse's dad got cucked
by whom?
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>Illusion has to contact your ISP and they're dead so no to the first one.
Forgot they both died and were the ones uploading it to Steam, as opposed to a third-party.
Tenkyuu for the advice!
I will admit that I don't know for sure how it works, that's just how I understand it, so if you get FBI'd it's not my fault.
Understandable, he's pretty cute.
Cursed swamp veta
Nice timelapse.
Seems like alot of practice and things to do.
Not autistic enough to start learning this shit.
Have a (you).
you makin boys anon?
>Will I get another ISP letter if I torrent BR sunshine without a vpn?
unironically nothing will happen to you. they just send those letters to say they did something, the ISP doesn't give a shit and the company themselves are not likely to sue you.
not encouraging you, do what you want.
How would your girl fare against a goose?
That goose is cooked.
Is the goose hot
Can xps models be imported into KK? Specifically maps, not characters.
Depends on the girl, really. Natsuki could absolutely beat a goose in a fight. Yuuko could not.
I wish Emi would drown in semen.
Congrats, you've made it! I hope the best for you and yours!
This one is really cute. I like her hair a lot.
I like the redhead a lot. She seems so tired. Nice dark eye overlay you gave her.
Those glasses... I know them...
Phew, very good body on her.
I like this mischevious kot you've made.
The body is so defined. Nice background too, I almost didn't notice it was an image. This girl reminds me of a yugioh card but I can't recall the name of it.
Actually congrats. I'll refrain from making a joke this time.
Anyone haveSeth / Seth_reloaded's cards?
Guess who had another d*scord melty
go to f95.
becky. can i know what you take so i can take it and make funny pics like yours?
i'm sure everyone on the irc is dying to know
How does one emulate bruising and swelling on a face in studio? I started with colored shadows but it feels like it's lacking depth. Any tips?
iI's a pain in the ass since there's really no standard outside of the manifest.xml. People post them in random places but finding the author's social or googling parts of the mod usually works.

I've scraped and extracted the manifest.xml from most of the zipmods on the sideloaded repo. The main goal was to put all of the guids in one place since you can't exactly trust file names. Download or view from either of the links below:
web: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT_9DjZOKYI62JvuqVUOsjJGuV503vzsjr7W1TFYx_yvCXiQte6KcICJ5MEtEucIA/pubhtml?gid=1394488552&single=true

If you think it'll be helpful, can you add the above links to future threads?
Gobbo card is done, for whoever wanted to get the body paint. And for whoever wants her too, I guess.
Can't help ya there, the only yugioh girl I know is Magician Girl. Also, a cute.
looks great.
why the fuck the penis twitching bros
what the fix. its legit just bugging out. dunno whats causing it.
you imagined it didn't you? being strapped down by these two >>8078230 , helpless as they throw water balloons at you
you crack me up little buddy
no i mean it, genuinely. in h scenes the dick just twitches, i end up having to disable showing the penis all together.
t. new user
Two trucks having sex
Two trucks having sex
My muscles
My muscles
Involuntarily flex
Anon this scene is godly tier may you share it?
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thats gRIZZly

cute girl

overnight with the gals

she's destined to defeat the evil

kino absolute

we milking this one

Vhix moment
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almost July 2024 and I am still forgotten and unmentioned
Sucks to bee you desu
Still waiting for you to post your updated cards
i like how i get the mental image of an anon with the sobbing emoji face strapped to a table while thats happening
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kek same, somewhere between that and this.
Delicious choco
recently got sunshine, been looking for nikke cards but all ive found are behind paywalls.

any suggestions?
Avoid this place.
When in PoV mode, is there a way to set your camera a bit closer to the MC's eyes? a lot of the times the camera just clips into the girl in some positions.
Pixiv and Bepis have most of the free stuff.
Snoop around F95zone for the paywalled stuff.
thank you anon
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As a lore autist, this is probably the best mindset to take. Once anyone's cards are in the thread or on Pixiv for anyone to use, it's really out of our hands, right? I wouldn't release them if I didn't want people to use them.

Thanks for the video post! I haven't really learned how to use fancy lighting things so I'm sure I can learn something from studying it.

Geese are really easy for even a child to beat. It's swans that have the bulk to back up their aggression.
Glad you folks enjoyed it. I shall have to make a better one at some point.
How the fuck am i supposed to know how to fix those tiny square shadows?
Turn off ambient occlusion. It doesn’t upscale with your screenshot resolution.
Though considering that card’s proportions, AO is the least of your problems.
Deviantart lookin ass
you guys really should spend all this energy on workposts rather than shitposts
All of my energy to workpost has been drained thanks to Pixiv banning me for mentioning that I have uncensored versions of the pictures I make somewhere else on the internet.
My workposts get no engagement here.
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damn, you guys suck! except >>8079486, he's cool (dont come to school tomorrow)

anyway, theres one with scenery, i am amazed that for whatever reason there was a tiki gnome sand sculpture object in studio
Do mods in the subfolders of the koikatsu/mods folder actually load? I can't be bothered moving all of them but also they don't seem to work unless I do and I don't want to lack mods for scenes...
Elden Ring and Dawntrail, my dude.
What about the theme?
I've still got stuff planned for it personally but once Dawntrail drops this Friday I'm pretty much gone, scissor swords be damned
you said those were almost done. just finish them and post the scene before you leave.
What theme?
G'night lads.
I would compliment you more but you don't share any of your work. And privatefags go on the shitlist.
I THOUGHT they were almost finished, but I fucked up without realizing it - I only beveled one side of each blade and left the other side flat, like an actual pair of scissors. So if they were detached and held in her hands, the left side of each blade had a, well, BLADE and the right side was completely flat. Those wouldn't make for very good swords. Unfortunately, I had already applied the subdivision modifier and wouldn't be able to easily fix it.
On the bright side, I've started from scratch on these things so often that I can probably finish the mesh before Friday (when DT drops) and then texture it quickly over the weekend.

Now give that kitty some MILK!

Love this punk Korra
NTA but a scissor-shaped greatsword that can be split into two blades is already both impractical-to-the-point-of-useless and structurally unsound as a real weapon. I wouldn't sweat the small details and push for a release already, especially with how little content this theme has gotten overall.
Fair enough, but honestly it also triggered the fuck outta my OCD to have the bevel of the blade face the same direction when held instead of both facing outwards. Besides, I already deleted the file and blocked out the new shape. The blade part is already done - just doing the handle now.
I recommend that pixiv user in general, very pretty scenes.
thanks for this.
very cool timelapse
Updated Toushka.
I love to see old theme characters still getting updates.
New themes are getting no content.
What new theme?
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Thank you, anons! It all still feels kinda unbelievable to me.

Cards for large girls?

There's only one boy, but he's got significantly broader hips than the girl.
this is a wip, i spent most of the time jerking with blendshapes. you anons know about blendshapes?

good to know, thanks for this opportunity!
even fathers can be kino. i think this is a cool pic! i don't know why the other anon called you gay.
also thanks for secret tips! the main problem is the bottom row of teeth doesn't behave as i'd like but i think i'll be able to get some teeths in the end
but why are they keeping it a secret?
>becky. can i know what you take so i can take it and make funny pics like yours?
i don't do drugs anon! maybe your problem is that you're too drunk or something
kinda reminds me of this yugioh card
very lewd
becky is built different
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This is after all modifiers have been applied.
Chocolate and vanilla
And butts.
Show the topology.
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>>8079891 (me)
Nevermind? It somehow fixed itself.

No, it's shit lmao, especially around the hole.
But it renders outlines correctly in Koi and it textures okay, so it's good enough! All that's left is proper texture.
>Now give that kitty some MILK!
I don't think that was milk she drank.
Oops! Gerbera Tetra!
bit of a lazy post and showing off the goon squad

yea in hindsight she needs a double take to take in the scene but I'm so used to her tattoo's that I didn't really take notice

I regret nothing squishing that face between those cheeks

nice and congrats

Gianna showing her best features her lovely smile and come hither eyes also her tits are there

>this woman is not afraid of pain
I was back and forth about cleaning up the tattoo around her nipples but I opted to stick with it as like a dedication thing

man you make it look so effortless making mechs in studio

and you got me bit in learning more 3d software I wish I could just take a formal class in learning this stuff as a hobby but there's no where nearby and time as well

nice buns now make them kiss

>you anons know about blendshapes?
I wish I did instead of brute forcing a bunch of sliders to get the face to look like the way I want it to and god forbid I try and get the tongue to actually work

nice and fuck if I can fit any kind of fantasy posting atm
the bigs:
and for the uoohers:
magical girls have a natural charisma guard which protects them from all sorts of attacks. you can blast, shoot, send them flying across cities and theyll still be fine. theyre like rubber balls except extremely durable
Is that Bert on the left? He looks badass!
Kek, nice!

Hahah! Nice! She's flying!
>check youtube
>my timelapse video already has 60 views
Damn, wasn't expecting more than 10, if I'm quite honest.
Anyway, how are we all doing today?
VERY hot moff
how do her eyes work? are there holes in her pupils?

Bert is goonmaxxing on skibidi
How was your OCs first time? What were the circumstances? Who was her partner?
Not my girl, but clearly she lost
Shut up and make a new scene with studio instead.
Will you give me a (You) if I do?
If you count begging for the card, then yes!
I don't believe you.
yea its Bert wanted to give him a simple mask to hide his face and ended up with something akin to punisher

every time I try to clean up the clipping in this outfit I STILL FIND MORE its so fucking aggravating
Fixed it, is it any better?
That looks so cool, but it's amusing that you're aggravated by clipping on a tacticool outfit. They're always total clipping hell, I can't deal
Pupils ARE holes, silly. Those are actual buttons - they’re contained in a shallow glass dome with a white backing. Like googly eyes!

Clipping is just part of the Koi Experience(tm). I just learn to deal with it.
He looks great tho!
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If I want to draw and use Chara Studio to help pose, are there any KK models or options designed for that purpose?
You should leave porn for a while buddy, you're getting into some extreme proportions, don't end up frying your brain beyond repair
Nice outfit.
Damn, he's using the cup as a toilet.
when you gnoming with your gniggas
förbannade tomtar!
clearly she has to suck the milk back out
I think another poser with normal proportions would probably be better, but I'm not sure what kind of special options you'd even want.
Serious answer yes. I think your giant ass proportions are stupid looking personally, but that's your thing so keep doing it if you like it. It's your porn after all.
It looks way better without the crappy AO and I like the dark lighting. The only thing I would suggest is getting rid of the shompoon overlay, I think it looks like garbage. You can also see the body overlay doesn't match her neck, there's a very obvious seam with the head and body.
I was mostly wondering if there was some sort of card that has lines on its body, i’m too used to inverse kinematics that working with normal kinematics feels like such a pain.
but they have IK
There's nothing "extreme" about my koikatsu scenes, you only want me to make the ass small because smaller asses remind you of gay men don't you? Do you think porn needs to be "vanilla" enough with such boring shit (like paizuri and vaginal) and should not be just a little kinky?
>Quit porn for a while
You can't tell me how to pleasure myself.
your scene is extremely mid
This might not be exactly what you want, but it helps pose. Just download the file.

This might help too
True, but that's not really the problem. Many scenes here are mid after all.

The problem is not just that the ass is too big, it's that it looks so unnatural, it makes the whole thing ugly. It's like you turned up all the sliders up in the legs, but didn't adjust the rest of the body to compensate. The legs look out of place, like blocky chicken legs pasted over human legs.
Many of the people around seem to care a lot about aesthetics, not just the right fetish, so don't be surprised that nobody gives positive feedback.

Also I'll never forget the cursed thread you made.
>Many scenes here are mid after all.
Which ones?
>True, but that's not really the problem. Many scenes here are mid after all.
IT IS THE PROBLEM ANON! open your fuckin eyes! your ass is fuckin mid bullshit ass and it's your fault our culture sucks
Point out every scene here you find mid.
no there isnt, and i wouldnt recommend using it to help you pose
Calm down, Anons, the guy who creates the new threads always makes these mistakes.
>cursed thread
Ignore the touhou guy.
I wouldn't say there's anything extreme about the scene itself, it's just that the girl looks extremely disproportionate so it ends up looking very off putting, not really criticising the size since i mostly make big girls
Can't you just make a tutorial on how to make char cards with plump asses?
Guys, I brought the pizza!

Read the character creation guide in the guides collection in the OP.
to be fair, all scenes that include chika are doomed to be mid or worse
It's still a bit buggy, and light shafts sadly don't react to Vanilla+. Requires my ComponentUtil.
Also please don't come crying to me when (not if) your GPU explodes.

>Demo with Spotlight

>Demo with Directional light
Awesome. Thanks, lad!
Fantastic! I'm not 100% sure what all the settings does but I managed to cobble together this.
You really upset the mid creators here.
name them
Awesome, love this punchy boy
anon from the pastebin
newfag #2
Are you able to share the tropicali cards storyanon?
Thanks, works great so far

>I would say gay but I've seen his scenes so I think he likes to just use males with girls he likes from the thread.
Correct, everything is on the table, but am indifferent to faceless males. Mine is a mog or be mogged world, and if you're gonna get mogged you better be cute or hot.
Everyone that's not my wife Anna.
I tried following the steps and i already gave up in the ass part
Just give me a video tutorial please (and don't make it SFW)
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always double check your settings before clicking record
I mean it's not bad, it just feels like you're phoneposting this lol
Shompoon overlay? Sounds like "shampoo" to me.
>he doesn't have an antigravity bed to fuck his waifu against a wall
Find a card you like and copy the ass.
throwing bananas into the femboy cage at the zoo...
This was my POV from the wardrobe the other week watching my Anna (the character) gf getting railed by hung shotas from the baseball team.
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what do you think of these proportions?
fake and gay
Waist needs to be bigger
Does she have jaundice?
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yes, fake as in based on french anime

her skin tone is pretty orangy in the original show, though maybe its a bit much
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i didnt expect to see wakfu here
I only have WIPs
Switch to Sneedshine for a free gamer gf.
I already have it. Give.
This is in your top 3 best timeline scenes.
Tried making a pair of wings made out of a bunch of firearms, but that kinda failed.
Still could be a really funny backpack. Like the guy just has eighty guns connected to robot arms.
That's a very good idea! Thanks!
I might give that more of a look soon. Originally this was supposed to be a poster of Hiro (pictured) seeing as how despite being one of the main heroes he's severely neglected by me.
He looks plucky. I like him!
A nice round vulnerable forehead ready to be slapped.
>mid scenes
>mid scene girls
why is he so small? I hate him.
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does anyone have moonlightmusks scenes, all of his links are outdated on kemono but his scenes are really hot and i want em
try f95
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Do this on Studio with your waifus
It's the Saber from Fate/Samurai Remnant and he is indeed small and plucky
second from the left is absolutely prime
Her name is Samus, damnit.
I thought her name was Metroid
Girl card?
Metroid “Samus Damnit” Prime doesn’t deserve this disrespect
:) Nice, good work!
New laptop? Or is this not _?
I'm the other one
Here's what I could throw together quickly
Laggen is alive!
Could you post their cards?
>Elf Princess

Firs three cards don't have finalized outfits, and just have whatever is left from the card I cannibalized for them. Hell, I don't even have names for the mother/daughter pair yet.
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Thanks bro
have fun. I still need to come up with names for the mother/daughter. I keep making scenes I like with the pair, and I'm trying to figure out how to include them in on the lore for what I'm doing.
>almost a week
>138 images
this place is dead
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I will repost other people's content that I like.
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and that's all the non-comic content I have saved. Not gonna flood the thread with those...
>My work wasn't reposted
It's never been so over
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its funny we got all these nice jet models yet no standard armaments milsim autists be slacking

time to explore some jungles

nice to see you back again Laggen

nice big lady helping tiny friend :)

I'm a little afraid to try this out atm with my toaster ass computer but much appreciated yo got this working on koi
No thanks.
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You fell off
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i think it still needs work but i'm most proud of the teeth

looks like a cool squad! probably all equally powerful
i like this guy but also hate this guy. nice port though!
this reminds me of a scene in black lagoon
these are some nice gnomes!
they might just be going super hard!
hell yeah! put those gays in jail!
also you're probably at least above mid!
that's a girl!
she's in my secret mega in the pastebin! SECRET
I didn't post the full folder and I didn't want to post comics; so either yours didn't get posted because I wanted to do something else, it was a comic, or it was bad. Don't know what to tell you :o)
I really need to come up names for these mother-daughter slaves
post one with a black girl in it
Nice hag-ass

I didn't even think of that, I've wanted to make plane stuff since forever and they're gonna look goofy without missiles

Hey that's neat
I suck ig.
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Sorry, having too much fun with all the Dawning and the Trailing and whatnot
Is it even good? I liked Endwalker fine despite all the issues everyone else had with it, but FFXIV: The Beach Episode just isn't pulling me in. Viper's cool but like that's not enough for me to sub.

I'm having plenty of fun with Elden Ring at the moment anyway.
A friend made an AI generation of how Envy would look as a plush, and I've been chuckling just thinking about it all day.
I dunno yet, I’m powerleveling viper so I can do the MSQ as one! It’s fucking awesome btw.
Everyone is playing Dawntrail and im just stuck playing the shitty classic WoW.
It looks like it. I've always been a fan of dual-wielding. I guess when I do get back to the game, Viper will be my DPS alt job to take a break from my Gunbreaker tanking duties. I'd main Viper but I like being Party Dad.

Sounds like you suffer from bad decisions.
>Sounds like you suffer from bad decisions.
Well I did create Kit after all.
Very cute.

That wasn't a bad decision. Being a kusoge cuck on the other hand, that's a paddlin'.
>Playing classic WoW
>Not playing Pandaria Remix
She's cute, card?
>That wasn't a bad decision.
I think some people would be very happy if the Kit menace was never unleashed upon /kkg/

I need to get back into remix. I got max level but then I wanted to wait for changes to make it better... they did those changes but now I just feel very far behind and unmotivated.
It's a boy.
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Then get motivated, easy
I wish it was that easy.
Maybe I should just level another character or something.
I'm sorry
He cute, card?
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Girl on the bottom doesnt look like she is enjoying this.
She is merely confused due to this new form of pleasure.
I will show her many new forms of pleasure if she wants.
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The best way for sisters to bond.
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Yeah I'm just saying crap trying to distract myself from the heat.
I didn't know you do femboy stuff now.
Personally I think soppy romantic food mishaps are lewder than rear-entry positions
The heat is no ones friend.
I didn't care until I found out he had mind rape.
Looks like I'm going to end up redoing Hiro's outfit. Again.
I've mostly just been using Remix to level alts (mostly Pandaren). That and getting some of the Pandaria mounts and such that I haven't been able to get otherwise.
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Has an anon ever stole your style?
>It's real
>Check previews
>Someone made furry stuff with it.
I wanna see Kit in this style
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I dont have a Kit lora for Pony so its far from perfect.
Blursed image
Now do Emi
I dont have a Emi lora and dont really wanna try prompting her right now. But if you can share either I can do something maybe.

Bonus Milly & Charlie
And heres Flower

This Lora isnt very good or at least im not using it right.
Technically speaking I am making Loras of my characters that feature some scenes so I guess that counts?
I don't know what a lora is, but I have some solo shots of her on my Pixiv and Twitter.
How is this Koikatsu still?
Because it looks like koikatsu with some ugly smooth shader, Low Poly balls, and AO legs.
When someone comments like this, I think they are either too focused on the artistic side of the pics, or are simply perfectionists with high standards.

It looks fine to me. Not a great work of art or anything, it just looks fine, fapable even if the character was more to my taste. The average viewer won't notice that the shadows are slightly off, or that there are things are noticeable low poly if you zoom in enough. And that's usually what matters.
Dearest Miquella's chest and belly...
>-10,893 aura
Jaundice LoRa. Perfect
im at level 72 and the early pacing is fucking ASS
i ended up dropping a joke about how 4 hours in i've killed 7 enemies
boywife spotted
>the early pacing is fucking ASS
That's most expacs.
nta, but it's an exaggerated response to someone with an extremely poor taste
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AI is not plagiarizing artist's work btw
>My style hasn't been stolen
End it already
imagine if I took your OC and started to fuck her for hours haha
You won't.
but im a privatefriend
what's the best way to get really bouncy bazongas in a scene? fucking around with the gravity or manually animating them?
my OC has nothing to fuck
You are no friend of mine.
cute girls
why only one is a fag enabler? come on, laggen, put that hat on all three.
>perfectionists with high standards
bro fixing all of those things takes like 3 minutes, if even that since AO and ball uncensors can be toggled with one click. it's nothing compared to the hours of autism that go into making any timeline scene
'it looks fine' is the cope that enables mediocrity, it's the slop maker, and at that point why even bother with koikatsu, just use AI since that also 'looks fine'
AI isn't as easy to animate (read: replace characters in scenes). Mediocre is enough to sell most of the time. They're not looking for the best possible result, they just want clicks or quick money. You overestimate the average maker and consumer.
> t. average consumer
Ah, son of a bitch.
You asked how it's Koikatsu.
Oh no that would be such a shame.
Please dont fuck her Anon.
The boob physics plugin, but manual animation will always be better.
Take your pick, man, they're all on Bepis. Just look up Snusmumriken.
How long can Emi last in bed?
I want to go until she passes out and then keep going.
She has a pretty high sex drive. Could theoretically go all night provided she isn't tired from work or interrupted by something important.
Sex with an exhausted Emi after she had a hard day at work!
Taking Em for a walk
Her poor knees.
At least give her some knee pads. Those stone paths are going to be a murder on her knees!
don't worry, the walks aren't too hard on her knees
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This turned out shite.
Ah well.
I think the mouths try to convey dynamism, while the rest of the pic really doesn't. So either try making the whole thing more dynamic, or just close them.
Yeah, once I'm home later next week I'll redo it.
I think the face shapes are a little too different too?
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tips on how to fix the face? used to have a really pointy chin/egg head but it still looks kinda off to me sometimes. only had the game for a week so far, or is it not that bad?
That too, but playing around with sizes and angles should be help.
Try fiddling with the cheek height sliders. They look way too high.
Steal a good creators card and start from there.
Can I get some troubleshooting help for probably a dumb question? More than half of my scenes I load, whenever I swap a character in the scene, the hair comes out as a garbled mess. How do I fix that? I can't find anything about it online.
did you install the game good?
Newfag here, may be the dumbest question but, how do I render bigger screenshot resolutions than my native screen resolution? F11 just isn't doing the trick for me. I have 12gb of vram so I don't think I'll have issues
It's like an issue with some scenes, not the actual game itself. Like the bones of the hair are just garbling together for some reason with certain scene cards.
search screenshot
Might be the dynamic bones or colliders. Check them out in KKPE.
post a picture
Okay that fixed it. It was a dynamic bone issue, thanks anon.
i was also going to suggest that but the other anon responded first
that could have been me getting thanked
Omfg thanks so much anons
Good job with the scene.
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Anons, why does one of my character's crotch look normal and the other one's bulges out too much? All the genitalia sliders are set to standard
maybe the top one is trans
check the joint adjustments
Where is this located? Is it possible to find it in the editor? I'm just new to this game
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Seir isn't though

Select the character in studio and check top left menu anim>joint adjustment

Sad, but pretty based.
Here's your proof.
no one rememebrs
Cute little monke
Timeline chads, how do you manage screen space when working with timeline? I find the screen takes up a lot of space even when minimized.
I wish there was a way to make the timeline thing a seperate window or have it in two monitors without fucking up my zoomin.
is he just a normal guy who's getting his dose of penis because of possession..?
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Can anyone share the mega link for scenes? I can't open the pastebin in the OP
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I don't. I suffer.
Wow... That's very helpful, thank you! Hopefully the character editor can be enabled too
How do I keep the audio I selected on the studio on the video I am exporting with Video Export? Mine comes out mute
Basically, but I'm going to make him bottom anyway like I do Kaoru

Video export doesn't record audio
Thanks for telling me. So if I want to include audio what do I do?
video export works by mashing the screenshot button 60 times a second and then stitching things together which is why reshade etc won't work with it.
if you want audio you need to record with OBS or something or add it in post.
Understood. Just one last thing, if I'm going to do this I don't want to record the HUD. The plugin menu says that 'space' hides everything but that isn't the case. It also isn't H
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Reposting my question here in the hopes that someone has tried animating toes in timeline before since Discord has been useless as usual.
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an outfit, feeling quite primal lately


not as lewd as a fresh hotdog

Good outfit.
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thanks anon!
i do really love the shoes. (since i'm here, what did you use for the dangling cloth thing on the shorts? sarching something like that for a character i'm making)
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wu underwear, in the underwear tab (it should be in the repack by default)

and the shoes are platform cork sandals
Your final challenge, share your card.
there's a bunch of cards on my pixiv if you're interested in them!
Food mishaps are indeed top tier.

I'm so tired of it dude.
Bunch of dudes! I want your women.
Is it just me or has this thread been really slow so far? It's been nearly a full week and there's still 100 images to go.
i went to see a movie. why you go do something with your life anon?
VERY cute, I need to see the followup to this
quick scene

there's a woman in there too...
Two big video game expacs just released, it’s gonna be slow for a while
Just about my entire clique just up and vanished, it's going to be a boring couple months
It doesn't surprise me that the clique guzzles down FromSoftware slop like a man in a desert
It's fine if things are occasionally a little slow.

I've just been slowly working on a sequence where all my recent work is the same basic set, and I don't want to spam the thread with my mediocre posts
Flower has finally finished reading every book she owns!
What should she read next?
My love letters. All 3,892 of them.
If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer
Is there a way to make the male character see-through in free h? I know how to do it in Studio but in free h they just turn opaque blue.
Change the main_silhouette material in the character creator. This is on a per-card basis and won't be editable via Free-H I assume.
it's a button on the keyboard, one of the bottom row probably. also you can probably do it in the options
That's cheating! It is a girl hair cut.

Nice scene, love the new outfit.
can you post her having sex please
but who was the clique
Did her tits get bigger? Good.
Ayy, toon bros.
If you have to ask, it's not you.
Rice gets to suck on those big Clarisse boobies every night...
Let me in your clique bitch.
Thats a lot of letters Anon.
Might take her a bit of time to read them all.
She has two choices:
>Get reading
>Get breeding
Show us your cards Jessie.
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that took a while to figure out but got it, thanks.
Sorry Anon but I dont think this is the kind of reading she wants to do.
Guess you better just get right to the breeding.
>Guess you better just get right to the breeding.
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We don't get new people anymore.
where did everyone go? bingo?
this is hilarious. block rice is super cute
is the IRC even alive anymore...?
It's been ages since I've made a proper sex scene with her, I need to fix that.

Maybe, it could just be the lighting haha...

I'm so lucky bros.

Thanks! It was Raime that made the r blockhead. I'm sure it wasn't for any nefarious means.
Hot damn, sometimes I forget how cool you actually are
It died the moment _ entered it.
It died because it was run by aika.
AikaAnon has been missing for months.
What about the theme?
Not really, almost everyone left moved elsewhere. I'm still idling in case any missing person suddenly returns.
Read! >>8076214
Ironically, waiting more for the theme to start probably didn't help. Some of the people who actually wanted it are no longer around.
Yes he is such an obnoxious shitbag that even with him allegedly missing, as you love to repeat so much, nobody wants to associate with anything related to that french fuck.
Maybe stop bringing him up
Who even was in the IRC? Who is left?
From pastebin only two.
Scene Mega Anon
Anna, Antares, Veta, CoolV, Rikki Balboa, Adachi, YuukiS, Rice just to name a few
Anna, never!
Veta? Poor...
CoolV? What? No!
Balboa? Dead!
Adachi? Where you are? :(
YuukiS ?????
Rice?kek, a lot!
Adachi was the only one of these to have ever been on the IRC
I saw Anna there once too. But it could have been someone just changing their name for a joke.
I hope he comes back.
Real talk, I haven't used the IRC for a while because the client I prefer hasn't been functioning properly.
There are 2 peeps from the pastebin who have been around for a long time, and other than SceneMega are the only ones connected 24/7. However, one posts like once a month, and the other even less often.
There are 2-3 others (not sure if still on the pastebin) that still come around and hang every few days.

Most likely that. Adachi at least visited somewhat regularly while active, we know he was the real one.


Ahh, that's a pity.
Considering none of the relevant discord haters remain active, maybe we could move there...
Dashing prince(female) doesn't get as much play these days as it deserves.
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The adventurous princess.
kek. I like Feelai.
I'm thinking of making a Euroid blonde girl but need to decide between German or Swedish.
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Spell your name correctly now!
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Am I lazy if i like to make non-OCs that already have their hair ported to KK with mods?
Maybe, but if you like the end result it doesn't matter either way.
Snusmumriken, though my Pixiv and Twitter are under Snusmumrikenkoi
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that's just how things have been for a while now. Sadly?
Wasn't planned but I suddenly wanted to see it too.

Yeah there's slow spells, nothing to worry about.

Need gobbo maid
Absolute kino
No problem. Also that's an old pic. I'm surprised anyone beside me saved it.
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Most people have left.
Not sure if most, but definitely a noticeable amount.
Do we have a list of the people who left/missing?
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it's time to move on.
Form a new generation of /kkg/ users.
Am i stuck in a time loop??
The new ones still need mentors, plus an enigmatic anon that leaves cryptic advice now and then.
We're all stuck in a Timeline scene.
Good luck with that.
>an enigmatic anon that leaves cryptic advice now and then.
That's literally me. I'm not cryptic on purpose, though, I swear. It's the autism, I tells ya.
>Ayo, the pizza here!
are you guys really that concerned over the thread or just bored

pretty funny with the lowercase r
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Guys why do these hairpieces look different in the shadow?
I copied the material and everything
Tried different materials and colors too it just doesnt work
Different shadow color? Check if they are the same.
thats blue shadows my nigga
Just checked and all colors are set to the exact same numbers on the same material
Sorry no idea what that means
I first noticed this when I placed the character in a scene so lightsource color shouldnt be the issue
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It means shadow settings have blue color. Blue is default color, so you'd need to change it in material editor for each hair piece, clothes, etc.
i thought she wasnt wearing any pants at first
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Ok that worked thanks
I still dont understand why the same material with identical settings would behave differently but oh well
They clearly weren't. Keep in mind that ME will not overwrite with default settings. Since blue shadows are the default, they won't overwrite the modified shadow color if you copy and paste the material settings.
>They clearly weren't
But they were
I compared the exact numbers in the material color
It was the exact same thing in all fields but hair and accessories behaved differently
i still dunno if the gif texture patch is live
I have already moved on. Nobody remembers me, so it's fine. Good luck new future.
womp womp
wrestling Charlie and nuzzling her
bunny tummy?
I'm past concern, or even grief for that matter. I'm celebrating, I'm euphoric. kkg is dead, long live kkg
But they weren't. The shadow colors were different.
My guy I hand typed the exact same fucking numbers into it
How the fuck would a blue shadow make gray hair yellow anyway?
The game just shit itself
Haunted koikatsu copy clearly
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Every copy is personalized.
Her ears are erect, which means she wants it (I think)
I hate how Hideko anon basically copied Julia anon's style, its weird behavior
Yeah, how dare he! We should find him and beat him to death with hammers.
Haunted koikatsu (real) do not play. My waifu came out of the screen, jerked me off then stole my car keys and bought apes with my collage savings
Your koikatsu girls will never be real.
What if I turn a real person into kk?
Thats how you get haunted copies
Skill issues
and if my skills lie in the seduction of relvel?
That’s not a very impressive accomplishment desu, my standards are abysmal
It wasn't the same settings. cope. you didn't even know what blue shadows meant do not respond to me with your neanderthal brain again.
Does her dad have a fatter ass than her
Yes, and that's... pretty cool
I wonder who the hardest to seduce would be?
i remember a dude who 3d printed his koikatsus
did he put them in the jar [or the yar as swedes may call it]
so much text
Why do my skyboxes and backgrounds always look like shit ? Even with the color correction tool?

Lighting is hard enough, but backgrounds are also fighting against me.
Goku with your kanabo.
did he ever post pictures of this? I only ever saw a shitty looking STL screenshot
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>Hey that's neat
thanks anon! i think the way you typed this post was cool
you can change the size of it in the options but stuff usually ends up being a mess of windows anyways
i made a funny post about this on pixiv
>not as lewd as a fresh hotdog
i've done some wild stuff with raw hotdogs.
that fit looks nice!
ha ha! that's how i'd do it!
clarisse loves those plugs huh
she should dream about investing that money
i have merch of my girls! you guys need to try harder
did you change the shaders on those?
>hotdog man, win!
You made me laugh a lot, I love you!
>I have merch of my girls! you guys need to try harder
Beat you to it.
cut your gay fingernails homo
Haunted Lucia plush that drinks all your monster and calls you kiddo affectionately
man that's cool. i don't have any kkg trading cards like this
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>i have merch of my girls! you guys need to try harder
This is really cool.
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Does anybody know any hair towel mods? I found one on DeviantArt but the fag behind the mod won't let anybody use it for NSFW content.
I'm not sure if there's one from the Sideloader Mod Pack tho.
>but the fag behind the mod won't let anybody use it for NSFW content.
How exactly does he intend to stop you?
Ok, you're actually right about that
But the thing is, how am i supposed to install mods from DeviantArt?
If there’s a link to the zipmod file, you just drop it in your mods folder.
managed to get my 4th of july stuff done early so I'm not scrambling to make something again so back to making some small stuff for a bit

I actually have a towel head wrap from sims 4 I grabbed from DA some months ago its been on my list of things to make an outfit with. I can an obj import coordinate in a bit

when it comes to digging around DA the key words to search with are mmd and xps and most of the time its free as far as getting them and most of the time will come in xps format or dae so you'll need to convert them yourself in blender
I can't seem to find any tho.
Here's the link for the mod if you're wondering:
So can you do the obj import?
There's a link to the model in the description but the link is dead. Sorry, anon.
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so thats gonna be in pmx format which won't work in koi anyways but its easy enough to search blender pmx importer and from there just export as an obj

yea its an easy enough low poly accessory that been on my plate for months if not years
Cute, that kid is just like me for real
Fuck Koikatsu and the slightly dark red tint it gives every fucking object. Stupid fucking programmer shit heads. What were they thinking?
turn off ambient occlusion
That's not what he's complaining about.
The month is over, she has lost all her powers now.
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Shiz in hospital shortly after successful breast implant surgery...
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Is it possible to unlock lost Koikatsu creators on /kkg/?
What are the unlock methods?
you have to seduce them using your charms
>What are the unlock methods?
I cant wait to-
Suddenly I don't care about unlocking them anymore.
1. Call them cute
2. Ask about their characters
3. Scoop them up when they're not looking and take them home with you
On discord
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Are we allowed to bring guns?
Appreciate their content I guess.
please kill me next.
and not erotically.
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The universe has it out for you then, because I’ll be more active then ever now. I got laid off today.
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That just means you'll die of starvation some day!

(Don't actually do that. Get a new job or something. Good luck.)
some plugins you need
shaderswapper to replace vanilla with v+ equivalent, configurable.
shadowcolorswapper to replace blue shadow with your set of shadows.
that plugin that removes rimV, i think its a separate plugin that saves rimV to 0 adjustments in card when saving. or was it a material editor feature now?
Damn, don't be sad, get a new job and good luck.
so where's the info on illusion's next piece of shit
Fuck that's sad, I remember you being super excited when you got the job. I hope things go well and you find something new soon my dude.
What the fuck, did they just decide they didn't need you anymore and told you to be on your way?
One of us! One of us!

(Don't keep it that way for too long if you can...)
I have all those already in place.
I manage to get my scenes look a little more presentable using the two-tone fog(s) and post editing in Davinci Resolve.

I've tried messing with the Xukmi DoF and can never get that to look right either. Too many cracks in Koikatsu. It's painful.
Thanks, I’ll need it.

It was really one of a kind. Only lab like it in the world, actually. I was incredibly lucky to have recieved the offer seeing as I was fresh out of college with no money or connections to speak of.
Part of me still hopes that I’ll wake up tomorrow and find out that it was just a bad dream. The rest of me is just kinda numb.

They just so happened to have compiled an account of every mistake I’ve made so far since starting but never thought to bring up with me in person or via written reprimand - until last Friday, shortly after it was announced that our budget was getting cut by a third. Hard not to believe they were looking for an excuse to get rid of me for some time now, especially now that it’s election season. They’ve gotta justify their budget to the bigwigs in Washington somehow. I know for a fact it was upper management’s decision, seeing as all my coworkers were shocked that I was being let go. And now they’re going to have to pick up the slack, which makes me feel even worse.

I’m not a big fan of the government.
>I’m not a big fan of the government.
Who is...?
>comprehensive list of every fuckup you ever made
The stuff of nightmares. That shit actually did go on your permanent record. Condolences
>get a ping in the cliquecord
>not any of my many help requests
>it's a fucking announcement
I hate it.
Finally something that isn't a repost.
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speaking of it's time
Was about to say "too soon". Then I saw that small 10 in the corner.
Should I write you a note so you don't forget?

Good mom, looks like she takes Amelie on little adventures.

>clarisse loves those plugs huh
She's Plug and play!

Comfy, it'd be nice to wake up to this.
Yeah, write it on Clarisse
Also greatly respect your self insert being at perfect standing motorboating height, probably difficult to do if your head's an R though
>to have compiled an account of every mistake I’ve made so far since starting but never thought to bring up with me in person or via written reprimand
God I hate this shit so much, city work isn't much better and I've recently found out that any blame on workplace accidents gets put on the person that gets hurt. I hope you have a decent amount saved up and that you quickly find something that can tide you over.
im a complete begginer, how could i improve this? pls help
Riceman please give me whatever alphamask you use to give a girl only one leg please thank you
1- the skirt you can adjust it with FK nodes
2- her face looks a bit weird but you can use KKPE to move her mouth around and make her do the dumb gyaru grin and hide it, alternatively change the mouth or move the camera a little
3- maybe move the legs a bit so they don't clip
4- you can improve the lighting with colored shadows, projectors, map and point lights with v+ shaders
5- Test different camera angles and rotations, dutch angle (anyone remember that?), shadow types (sharp/smooth)

However you're a beginner so I doubt you'll know most of the stuff I am talking about so anyway, congrats! Your stuff is better than the average beginner at this who doesn't even know there are lighting sliders. Or maybe even some people here
Hey besties quick question. Do you know where coolv went? I can't find him on discord anymore.

I love the government, I love secret societies and I love the United Nations.

That sucks big time. Pick up your crown, you'll make it one day as long as you never give up.
Tilt every picture 45 degrees and make everything orange. Make sure to add some shotas too.
>Do you know where coolv went?
Well Pride Month is over so he's back in jail where he belongs.
I've somehow been even less active since i got laid off.
Alright, here you... hey wait a minute, that render is from damn near two years ago!
I'm gonna need better proof than that bucko.
>Do you know where coolv went?
continuing the coolv cycle, he'll be back when he's too starved of attention
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You can make her real if you wanna to.
Well I guess I do have a frog pond that could use an Akari model in it
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any tips on how to get a character in studio to fit into something? i dont have a ton of mods so far, mostly scenes. what I've been doing is loading a scene and then finding a pose that looks close and then trying to FK until it fits. Is there some easier way I haven't thought of bc I'm new? Sometimes it really doesn't work or look good.Trying not to resize everything either bc I'm making a whole story with it, so it would look weird having characters grow big or shrink compared to the map. Maybe I just need to look for more mods....I'm too tired to think about this shit after work
I have no idea what you mean or are talking about. But you can freely resize characters with the scale tool.
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That's dope
Reading this, I assume this is what having a stroke feels like
Elaborate on "fit into"
well there's this... fold? crevice thing at the bottom of the cards I downloaded and after reading the pixiv instructions from google translate it says I should move it around but I don't know how you make it do that. do you need to pull it open first or something?
Sir this is a thread about a video game
Anon pictures, how is anyone going to know what you're talking about without pictures.
Do you guys know any good theatre maps?
You guys still like sex or no?
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Cool red girl...
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kkg is allergic to sex
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You green haired girl, oldfag!
Cith the girl from egypt
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Charlie needs a good dicking to control her horny level
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Fix "Buen Día Relvel" :D
I haven't opened koi in months but I think it's because of the ambient light color in both maker and studio. it's not something you can change in-game unless you go into the UnityEditor plugin thingy and search for lights. you can try that and see if it works.
alternatively, UTS shader is unaffected by this and has no ambient light by default, if you wanted to hurt yourself changing to that.
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Old theme.
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I agree. But who is willing to step up and be that dick?
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Sad n1
Damn, you know it's a slow day when my stuff is getting reposted.
I need to think of something extra lewd to do with her.
Looking at the tummy right now.
You're cool and cute, why wouldn't you get a fan repost?
I'm just surprised someone saved those is all.
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Hmm... Hoaryu, kkg oldfag.
>you know it's a slow day
Im gonna lick her tummy.
I can't make anything new until I'm back home later this week.
So: what alcoholic/soft/juice drink would you assign to your OCs based on their looks and personalities? For Lucia, it'd have to be the Original Monster flavor, due to her hair/outfit coloring and energetic nature.
Pennzoil SAE Motor Oil 10W-30
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A good theme is like this.
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Sad n2
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Sad n3
I love these cocktail scenes, if I can't figure out a cocktail that matches I don't use the character. It's an integral part of their soul
so you're reposting now
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Kek, you're an old one too with that ancient lazypost saved.

Almost wish I was more familiar with the stuff.
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I would be honored if someone reposted my works.
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Those who don't help, don't get in the way!
What do we do with a captured Pana
earl-lie in the mornin’?
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Good to see you.
I guess I was too late to the theme for my girl to be included in any of these group pictures.
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that was early yes don't beat yourself
Seriously, I think some stuff isn't worth saving and someone out of nowhere surprises me on the occasional blue moon.

I've done my part, this damn machine isn't going to clean itself.
Eh. I don't want to think about how much money I've spent on booze over the years.

Way, hay, up she rises
Suggest something, I'm in a rut

y-you too buddy
Oh yeah that's probably why. I was going to ask what month that was made but I forgot.
cute biki
that chess piece is so lucky.
kek x2
Cute five-head
Chess mini-theme when?
Think about it.
We all make OCs based on the 6 pieces, there's two teams to pick from, the scenes kinda write themselves.
Are we free?
New thread.
I'm not scene mega anon, sorry.
Not at home and it will take 3 hours for me to get back.
Unless you guys are willing to wait, someone else has to do it.
You shouldn't be, the other guy shouldn't have to be the only OP.
Based that namefag is annoying
Any specific reason as to why beyond just the name? Mostly to know if I'm being kind of a cunt to try to be better, or anything else.
Nothing to be sad about in there

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