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KKG With Glasses Edition

>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX20
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R10
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

>HF Patch (Get this to update without waiting for the repack)
>KK: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK-HF_Patch/releases
>KKS: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KKS-HF_Patch/releases

>Sideloader Mods Pack

Cards are put in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male"

>/kkg/ Card Creator Pastebin

>Where do I upload to share my cards?
(Litter links can be accessed through internet archive)

>KKScene Mega

>Theme Stuff

>Koikatsu Resources Pastebin

>Koikatsu Guides Collection

>Modding Guides

>Thread Archive

>Previous Thread
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Thanks for doing the Thread
"Heroes and Villains" theme is here - superheroes, magical girls, toku heroes, super-spies, monster hunters, aliens, demigods, mad scientists and more have taken over Koi City!
REMEMBER to reply to this post to have your cards added to the theme spreadsheet!

>Character Sheet
>Sheet Font
>Theme Spreadsheet
>Theme Mega
>Monster Pack:
Chess theme?
Hello :)
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I was wondering where you have been, playing ER/SMT5? Or did something else happen irl? No need to disclose if you dont want to.
Damn, have you shared this card anywhere?
Hello Patty!
giving Patty the headpatty
I am once again drawing shitty fan art of the next OC posted
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Nice Toushkas. Thanks for posting these.
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Its JetJaguars superhero theme entry
futa isn't allowed here anon
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It's a disembodied penis hotdogging her phat ass anon.
This is my OC and theres no one here to say other wise
other wise
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you futafags think you're really clever huh? you ain't fooling anyone anon
snacktually chess would be an interesting theme. no players, just 16 pawns, 4 bishops, 4 knights, 4 rooks, 2 queens, and 2 kings.
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are gangbangs healthy?
since I got this early enough in the thread how about a thread challenge I wanna see OCs being lazy or just being really comfortable scenes

I appreciate the enthusiasm
No refunds
I love how everyone portrays her as jewish.
9 out of 10 Naras recommend gangbangs as part of a healthy diet (Coke).
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very cute suey

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Just have fun
Hello, Patty! Hmm... birds? I saw one that was white.
Nice, I liked it!
>fan art
From Becky nice.
Good scene, the outfit is cool.
The plane is going to crash from looking at her ass so much.
Anon's dick died.
Shiz is cool.
Good camera angle.
Without it, she explodes like Kit with two grenades.
Hi, smug girl.
It really isn't futanari bro.
Why is the theme still being promoted if it's dead?
Why do you care?
if you insist
Hello friends, hope you're doing well this month

Work posts following
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Where's that overlay for the full body yakuza tattoo? I need it.

That's probably a matter of perspective.
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EmAnon from Em, Ellie, Chloe and others.

Good job with your scenes anon, I like the lighting.
>There are Anons who missed
Aw, thank you! I missed you guys too.

Yeah IRL stuff that took precedent and kinda left me drained, plus I'm not gonna lie I had some bad koi burn out too. This funnie Half Life/SCP survival game was what I bothered to use some of my free time on though.

Granted once EDF 6 comes out, that might distract me a bit again.
>someone saved one of my posts

Also someone suggest me some poses or mounts to milk the girls in
>are gangbangs healthy?
many people are saying this
Oh my god! Is that fucking Patty!?
Gonna be putting Grym and Circe here as characters for the project. Seems a waste to just have them in my library unused, particularly Circe the definitely not 32 years old goth hag
The elusive female dickbutt…
Wew, nice work on the cum
There appears to have been a misunderstanding.
>fucking Patty
No, germs.
>Yeah, write it on Clarisse
Now you won't forget!
>Also greatly respect your self insert being at perfect standing motorboating height, probably difficult to do if your head's an R though
Based, tall girls are a gift.

Sure here you go. You'll need to use this and combine it with ones on clothes if you want them to mask properly for different outfits.

welcome back anon.

Goddamn Kephi in that outfit is sending me.

Whew this is nice.
nice cum
Arigathanks, I don't usually use it because I'm lazy.
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I want to see Nara getting gangbanged by the basketball team while she's dating me.
I tend to go with lower amounts of cum due to a mix of incompetence/laziness, and because my preferences are in favor of seeing more of the girl's face.

I also prefer having the girl's hands out of the way too - fits better for the angry or begging expressions I like
>Aegypt making an unfuckable card, challenge level: Impossible
oy gevalt
>I made enough Toushka that she got an update
I have power.
it's even more clear in this image that the dick is growing out her ass
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how is that vn going? last time I played it ended on a boss fight against a foxgirl/miko named crow or something like that and I remember you saying that you wouldn't do full on sex scenes only stuff like HBO
lazypost since nothing seems to be clicking for me at the moment
Haha dumb cat.
She is a good girl though.
Good to see you, hope you're doing well, Yumiko guns are still cool and Kyoko is cute.
Cute, but I feel she’s planning something.
I have fapped to her multiple times. Good taste.
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Is that not an OC?
Yes. She's originally by zankuro.
I have been successfully summoned.
Hope you like the update.
Promised Consort Toushka...
mmm tummy
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she looks trans
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>Becky is a tranny
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You've done it before, I humbly request you do it again.
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this is the best op so far
becky's favorite way to relax is in water
thank you anon! this is better than i could have imagined. A+!
where's the teleport support at!?
let me borrow the card anon
also wanted to say i thought this stuff is neat! didn't know anons were THIS cool
The limit is two. Goodbye for now
lol another masterpiece!
you anons probably don't know, but i used to be really good at tf2. i once dominated an entire enemy team! ggez
sometimes i miss the days before the hats existed...
took a picture this time. hopefully i can explain myself now. im trying to fit my characters arms/legs into the binders like the girl on the left. the girl on the left and the devices are all a scene i saved and i dont have the mods for anything. my main question was, is there a way I'm not getting bc I'm new that makes it easy to get the poses I want? my current process is trying to find a pose that's close. then refer to animation into IK and getting it as good as I can. whenever i mess with FK or KKPE it doesn't seem to work well
I assume you want to put your card on that unoccupied sybian in the center there? You can copy the left girl (the copy button is located under the workspace window), move the copy over onto the sybian, then replace the copy with your own card. You can also save the left girl’s pose in the poses menu (I think it’s located under the FK+IK tab? I can’t check right now, just look around the menus), spawn your card in, apply your saved pose, then move her into place.
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holy fuck that had me stumped for the longest time, thanks anon
I downloaded betterrepack for KKP and in charastudio there are scenes that say "missing zipmods". Do I just hunt them down one by one or something?
and is there a way to open a scene in kkmanager to see what mods i am missing?
A simple updated render would have sufficed, but I suppose this form of proof is acceptable too.
Here it is then:
Typically studio will tell you which missing zipmod it can't find in the bottom left corner when you load the scene.
And yeah, unless you forgot to download/move the optional studio mod pack that comes with BetterRepack, you'll need to hunt down those zipmods yourself.
*top left, my b
Turn on debug for Studio. Most mods will have a hyperlink to where you can find them.
>lurking back after half a year of being mia
nta but first time I ever see you share a card, and I've been around since 2020ish
what a time to be alive
thanks for sharing, I'll be studying those sliders

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