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File: Kuroinu.webm (3.78 MB, 1920x1080)
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https://store.steampowered.com/app/2348170/Kuroinu_Redux/ Steam
https://www.gog.com/en/game/kuroinu_redux GOG
https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=1337 Mangagamer
File: Kuroinu Chloe.webm (3.77 MB, 1920x1080)
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File: Kuroinu 2.webm (3.88 MB, 640x360)
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Previous thread >>7871404
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File: kuroinu_1_720p_v1x_17.gif (3.34 MB, 720x405)
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might be the greatest minute in all of animation history
So awhile ago I was in the /tg/ solo rpg thread and I had an idea for a choose your own adventure quest that's like Kuroinu. You're a barbarian ruler, and the realm is ruled by a bunch of snobby noblewomen, and you've decided to take it upon yourself to make a harem of them all. Very Vult/Rance/Genghis Kahn in concept. Instead of doing anything useful like make a gameplay loop, I made a random 'noblewoman generator' for fun.

Roll up some characters for that Kuroinu 3 we'll never get.

I can't post the PDF directly (thanks /h/) so here's a link
Heritage: (01) Human - Noble Regent: She rules this kingdom because it is her birthright.
Title and Realm: (05) Princess: A principality centered around premiere artisan workshops or foundries
Primary Terrain: (1) Coastal
Secondary Terrain: (8) Tundra/Arctic
National Wealth: (2) Times are tight, but people make due
National Defense: (5) The army is well funded and mobile

Age: (4) Distinguished in appearance
Height: (1) Very short for her kind
Skin Tone: (4) Sunkissed
Face: (1) Square, well defined jaw
Gaze, Public: (10) Serene
Gaze, Private: (5) Easy going
Eyes: (4) Green
Hair: (1) Light blonde
Hair Type: (1) Slight wave
Hair Length: (8) Base of spine
Physique: (6) Slender and supple
Chest: (9) Bountiful
Butt: (6) A little light in the hand
Noticeable Feature 1: (6) Luscious eyelashes
Noticeable Feature 2: (11) Prominent tattoos (ancestral)
Purity (innocent rules): (10) Only shaken hands with a man
Why still a maiden?: (6) She is waiting for someone worthy of her embrace, all suitors so far have disappointed her.

Affinity: (5) Forests
Proficiency 1: (4) Nature
Proficiency 2: (9) Spycraft

Tags: +Pride, +Willpower, +Covert

Story: Princess Isemay is the ruler of a collection of industrial port cities in the far north, guarding the waterways from invasion through the ice flows. The cities may not be the richest, but mostly because they do not export the excellent arms and armor they produce, instead keeping it mostly for themselves. She might be short for a human, but all in her long line have been. The people of the northern nation are a tough, practical type, and the royal bloodline only mixes with those who can prove themselves worthy. This has produced a princess who is as crafty as she is confident. Her body is a living library of her ancestor's accomplishments, and her tightly curated bloodline, free from the slightest hint of shame. Little does she know how close the invaders are to her ports..

Some AI pics and follow up defeat welcome!
Since its Kuroinu related does anyone remember that HMV with Kuroinu and I believe a remix of Beethoven's 5th symphony?
Trailer for opiumud's Kuroinu episode 2
Not bad

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