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Fateussy Edition

Previous Thread: >>8084114

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Cunny, please and thank you.
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a few threads back I was asking other anons about how they're handling storing/organizing their images. I came across szurubooru as a good solution - self hosted booru site that has tagging and all that. highly recommended for any other fellow hoarders.
Another reason why tentacle hair is superior
good gen
Seeing the thumbnail I thought you were doing thread highlights.
Based request
The me from 15 years ago would have loved this shit
Cant bother doing that for all the porn I have nowadays tho
Also surprised you managed to get a dino onesie because I just couldnt do it
Cringe request
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I stole the dino onesie from this thread I think
I have it set up to autotag using wd14, and it can also pull in tags from public boorus for non-stable diffusion stuff
too large breasts but good gen
does it has autocaptioning? can't be bothered writing something else than character name and if its cunny or not
there is out of the box captioning but It's not that good. I have a custom script I wrote to tag using the Kohya UI and then update via the szuru API.
>Hey guys is there any way I can-
>Uhmm actually I wanted to-
Request request
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unironically yes
all this regional prompting cope is easily solved with a few minutes of smudgy approximate editing
How that femboy ever end up with her is a fucking mystery to me.
nice melt faggot
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there's stuff you'd like to gen more consistently than manually drawing over and over again like multiple chars, it still takes alot of rerolls to get good forge couple gen while having to gen stuff slower so i usually give up and mash several t2i together until it looks passable
Grody what do you think about cunny?
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Grody what's your opinion about Cascade or wd?
Grody where's the B lora?
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Only cunny I have on hand, raw gen
Grody when is NAI V4 coming out?
always grody this grody that, never how is grody?
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Please respond
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Grody, if cunny is for pedos, say "lol"
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Yeah I know its the same gen with a blindfold on, was a good base gen and the blindfold made it better whats your point?
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Damn, wrong post link
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how is novelai so good? i can generate with the same prompt and get tons of different posing and angle variations yet with local i just get the same thing again and again with only slight differences.
midjourney, nai, dall-e 3. why do local models lack the 'creativity engine' that powers all the good models?
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I caught a site-wide 3 day for global rule 8. First time. Funny. But now I'm back.
For some people the variations is not a good thing
Wouldn't you want your model to be as close to the prompt as possible? If you want random slop on local, just use wildcards with poses or angles.
>i just get the same thing again and again with only slight differences
Did you set CFG scale too high? Try 1
Also, the longer the prompt the less variations you'll get, but for that matter, local models will generate you exactly what you ask for.
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So you always use the same seed for everything?
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Changing the seed typically doesn't give you "ons of different posing and angle variations" unless you omit those details from the prompt.
Might as well just prompt "score_9, 1girl, standing" and let it roll.
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nice 2butt
Sounds like omitting those things was what anon did.
> different posing and angle variations
That's what the prompt is for, retard. There are tons of camera positions, views, etc.
The only limitation is (mostly) your imagination.
The caste system is just. Dalits and shudra should know their place
>The only limitation is (mostly) your imagination.
There is no limit. If you can't gen something, train a LoRA for it, inpaint or controlnet.
Fine, I'll make an exception.
because the 'creativity engine' in question is millions of dollars
Probably because most local models are close to burnt as shit. Pony working is just a fluke.
>If you can't gen something, train a LoRA for it, inpaint or controlnet.

common nai W
Hello nai blur enjoyer
>with local i just get the same thing again and again with only slight differences
This is because there wasn't enough training data, you can notice it on Pony the most, it's what people call the "snapping" issue. You can even more or less hunt down the original pic it copied if you're bored.
Lora is actually possummachine, don't remember where I got it
Now that's a good meal
>there wasn't enough training data
lol no it's because pony's fried as fuck so the dominating pose is burned into each tag
NAI V3 can also suffer from the same issue, it's *extremely* rare but I've gotten pics that were 1:1 with the ones I was trying to copy out of boredom.
It's undoubtedly also a training parameter issue with shit getting overbaked but it's exacerbated tenfold by the lack of data.
It's also people using schizo negs thus removing 90% of the dataset, then prompting with the score tags which converge towards the same few "quality" poses.
AI is fun to play with but this irks me a lot when it happens. It just gets stuck on some of those too.
SMEA feels like it should be a slider not a sampler
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Thoughts on Orcs? Sometimes I get green skinned males in my gens even though I'm not prompting for it.
Cute artist
>It's also people using schizo negs thus removing 90% of the dataset
Yeah. I haven't used negatives since Autism dropped, but it was always funny seeing people justifying that almost block 3/4s of Pony's data was a smart idea.
You can also drop quality tags if you are using a Style lora that is trained decently enough, but that isn't enough to fix how deeply flawed the model is.
>then prompting with the score tags which converge towards the same few "quality" poses.
Which they wouldn't have to do had the model been trained properly...
The only way to mitigate it is to finetune the model. Or just stack a gorillion LoRAs and rape the unet even more.
What bugs me is that when Pony was released that astralite had admitted the scoring system was a mistake, but because he got his dick sucked, because Pony was really all local had, he now thinks all of the mistakes he made with Pony are now great things.
the smear
the blur
local will never reach this level of slud- i mean creativity
no, if you've used base pony without negs or score tags and with a good style lora you'll know that it has the exact same problem with poses and compositions
plus that's not even how negative conditioning works
so true localsissy you tell them
Can you post one of your local gens, please? Anything, just to see what you gen
its only 25 dollars to make a smeary mess wtf is wrong with localtardturds
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>nogen localjeets coping yet again
why are they always like this lol, like, just bake a good model bro why you spend all day coping??
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sent ;)
so sharp, so /h/, so good, i'm cuming
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You call that a deepthroat?
You're doing it wrong.
goddamn this is good stuff
which model is this ?
I have never gotten a jacko pose that good, did you CN it?
I don't actually care about orcs but I can see why some anons became annoyed as there were legitimately posters intentionally using them as a replacement in their weird ntr blacked fetishes. To me they're a common fantasy hentai trope stock race.
>as there were legitimately posters intentionally using them as a replacement in their weird ntr blacked fetishes
I think the worst hentai-related take I've ever seen on this god-forsaken website was something along the lines of "UHM AKSHULLY SWEATY LIKING AND JERKING OFF TO TAIMANIN ASAGI MAKES YOU A GROID-LOVING KEKIE ;)"
I don't mind orcs, unless they are drawn in that ugly csr style
uhhh actually it does you can cope doe...
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Not a NAI user personally but I don't mind it. I use local in my day to day gens because I've got the hardware for it and I enjoy baking LORAs. In fact I think both NAI and local users must unite against our common enemy; the Nogen.

>intentionally using them as a replacement in their weird ntr blacked fetishes
It is weird that a straight up Nation of Islam talking point from the 50s/60s has become a popular sexual fetish in the modern era. Strange times.
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that sounds like something the schizo would post as bait though, I doubt anyone actually thinks that. I'm talking about the retards who were doing 1:1 blacked images but swapping the skin color to green after getting chased out for groid posting
Doesnt Taimanin have a male MC then his love interests get raped by beings with dark skin. How does this not make you a "GROID-LOVING KEKIE"
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Oh I know exactly the dude you're talking about, didn't he also give green skin to the women and passed 'em off as goblins? lmao
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You have interracial brainrot, seek help from a small caliber firearm.
But my description of the show was accurate was it not?
Explain then
Is this the shit that goes into the dataset?
no wonder models look like trash. thousands of useless garbage images that the training can't even comprehend
>In fact I think both NAI and local users must unite against our common enemy; the Nogen.
Nta but iirc the girls are raped by tentacles infront of the male char and the male himself turns into a monster/orc and rapes them or something. Been a while I always skipped the parts with him in it
>Taimanin ASAGI
>thinks the main character is the guy who gets brainwashed and absorbed/turned into a monster
has anyone had any success with plugging their image's into AI video apps?
there were some links on g's new stuff posts that looked promising, haven't tried them myself though.
i know very little about the series just osmosis knowledge
guess i was wrong lol
I couldn't find anything
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We could talk for a while about what should and shouldn't be posted ITT, what level of effort or curation should be put into the gens people show off, if some people post too much or just dump things in the thread that cause it to move too fast, etc etc. But all of that is underpinned by the idea that we have something to post, that we are posting on an image board, not an IRC channel, not a BBS, not a radio broadcast, but an image board. In a thread dedicated to a technology that produces images. The most basic aspect of the thread is that you post images, and you, a nogen, cannot even manage that simple task. You are content to sit on the sidelines, nipping at the heels of real posters. Pathetic, weak, and pointless, you try to start shit because you can't contribute positively, so you pull others down out of resentment. I would take a dozen groidspammers over your kind. At least what he does is worth criticism, you aren't even worth my contempt.
i was worth your essay, hugbox poster
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NTA, but I don't like to post anything while there is a bot left untouched. I agree with the rest of your sentiment though.
Asagi only had a fiance in the original game so that antagonists had a way to make her give up without a fight. It was pretty much that simple since NTR wasn't even the huge fetish that it is today back when the original VN came out so nobody even saw it as NTR since the fiance is also a complete non-character with no POV. He gets captured, turned into a monster and then dies.
Yukikaze is the NTR'd focused sub-series of Taimanin, but even the canon for that has Rinko and Yukikaze both still as virgins since the protagonist Koutarou manages to bail them out before things fully play out.
The hilarious thing is that Koutarou still essentially got cucked because the overall male lead of the franchise is now Fuuma due to the various web games and mobile games.
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yeah, that makes sense. I definitely never got ntr vibes from him being in the hentai, his scenes were just boring as shit compared to everything else imo
Nope, just regular prompt
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glad you liked my gen

It does suck to have a bot problem but I wouldn't let that stop you from posting. This thread's a good resource and source of inspiration and I'd hate to let it become a wasteland of bots and nogen troll posts.
Any tips for NAI besides the OP links?
Use https://novelai.net/inspect and copy in NAI gens that get posted to learn from them. Maybe press the dice icon in the prompt box too.
Use artist:/character:/copyright: (in that order but feel free to reverse the first 2), prompt ordering is king, use the human focus UC preset/copy it, disable the preset and prepend your own shit (default behavior with the preset on appends your custom uc instead, big difference), when mixing artists keep in mind that some might be stronger than others and that the last one in the chain usually has the most influence overall, neg "official art" and/or "official style" if it bleeds from the copyright tag, learn that ordering > deemphasis because the latter does jack and shit, keep in mind that the cutoff is September 2023 and artists need ~50 pics minimum and chars ~100 minimum to work, etc etc

You can install this https://github.com/shoebillanon/Danbooru-Tags-Sort-Exporter/raw/main/Danbooru-Tags-Exporter.user.js and just copy the tags from a booru post to get started, they're automatically sorted and meta tags get prepended automatically and you can set the weights beforehand
make sure to put amazing quality in prompt and blurry in negs
they dont help at all since the model is inherently a smeary mess but you can cope!
me when i smear two helpings of grease across my monitor (it makes pony look like nai)
well damn then
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I agree with you, people sit and complain at each other about random shit and they can go for an hour without posting an image on a hentai message board.
The fact that you can break an entire general forever for the average price of the average american male's mcdonalds order is endlessly entertaining
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Catbox please
I wish I could even begin to imagine being this retarded
You don't have to imagine anon, you *are* retarded.
how do i set the weights beforehand?
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Here, have some Sugu's sugus
>Great gen
>Already pre-boxed for my convenience
>No metadata
Anon how could you
+X = X amount of {} get added
-X + X amount of [] get added
is her left breast merging into her upper arm
thank you! do you know any other good QoL extensions for nai?
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if a tag has an exclamation point in it I've found that it can fuck with the prompt. For example for full metal panic! I'd usually have to drop the exclamation point or I'd have weird consistency issues even though their auto tag completion does not drop it.
There's a few danbooru tags that have been altered:

v should instead be written as peace sign
double v should instead be written as double peace
|_| should instead be written as bar eyes
\||/ should instead be written as open \m/
:| should instead be written as neutral face
;| should instead be written as neutral face

be careful when importing images for tags/settings/seeds because if you just slam the gen button you might gen at an unintended res and waste anals
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Does Midkemia generate non-POV sex as well as AutismMix?
There's the webui-style attention editing in catboxanon's link listed in the OP, it lets you use the same shortcut as local for setting weight (I forgot what it is on Windows, it's Command+up/down arrow on ChadOS) and a few other ones like
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/483223-novelai-use-anlas-alert (turns the buttons orange or whatever color you want if you're gonna spend anals)
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/484613-novelai-disable-backward this disables the back button so that you don't accidentally try to leave the page without saving shit
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/484679-novelai-execution-audio-notifier audio notifier for successful/failed gens in case you have like 50k tabs
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/484946-tag-shuffler technically a tag shuffler but has quick save/load prompt buttons to quickly test out prompts if you're too lazy to open the notepad
Fuck! How did I miss that...
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Here, without merging
Also some more Sugu
Use this and don't even use the web page. Using this introduces so much QoL that I don't even know how people can use NAI's site.
Just set up a dedicated A111 instance for it.
Ron is a lucky guy
ty anon! i cannot seem to find the attention editing thing you talked about though
can this do batch gens without using anlas? that might make me swap over, even if it takes time, setting up a que of prompts and letting it gen would be really nice
>can this do batch gens without using anlas? that might make me swap over, even if it takes time, setting up a que of prompts and letting it gen would be really nice
Yes, as long as you are on Opus and not going beyond the unlimited settings for Opus are. You just queue them up using something like the Agent Scheduler extension or Dynamic prompts with a wildcard file.
The nice thing is that you can also give it an adetailer pass using V3 as well and 1024x1024 is a free generation for Opus.
Are you using a style LORA to get this flat anime shading? If so can you link it, I'd like to try it myself.
This has a "generate forever" and wildcards support

If you want you CAN use the webui extension (make sure to set it up right like in picrel and make sure you have the stealthpnginfo extension https://github.com/neggles/sd-webui-stealth-pnginfo )
Set it up like picrel once you have it. To get your token go to the main page novelai.net/stories, click the gear > account > get persistent token and paste it in the box in the nai-api extension's settings page

To import shit correctly (the webui is bugged) just drag and drop a NAI image inside the prompt box (don't use the pnginfo tab, it's bugged), you'll see the entire prompt - click the button with an arrow that points to the bottom left (it's right under the generate button) and all the NAI settings will get copied to the webui (this also copies the seed so make sure to randomize it)
After that you're good to go, if you want to make sure everything is 1:1 just import an image after applying the settings in picrel, generate it and compare it with the original, if it's 1:1 you're good
You can also use adetailer if you want (also change the timeout from 120s in the settings if you want)
Frankly I don't think the site is that bad but if you're used to the local extensions and workflows more power to you.
also I forgot, to gen in batches you need to change the batch count, not batch size. If you collapse the NAI settings thing in the t2i/i2i tabs there's a button to force Opus limits so that you don't spend anals no matter what
(also if your images come out too saturated change the cfg rescale setting to 0.5/0.75 depending on your artists)
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I think this must be coming from Suguha lora, you can try this one
Sugu lora: https://civitai.com/models/416000/suguha
i sneed this still
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"anime, anime_screenshot, anime_screencap"
Pretty good results with that SAO lora
Thanks man
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that's local or nai?
Vampire hunting is a long, hard job.
is this a raw gen too? that x-ray came out really nice... pure gacha?
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Raw gen with this lora
You inpaint with it on non-xray pic, but most of the time it works just with taw gen
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local sadly
Does she have Musk's brain microchip with blue LED installed in the back of her head?
it does look really decent
thanks for the box
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that's confidential
This vampire looks very dangerous and we must deal with it.
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thanks anon, mostly used the loras that miqo anon used, but with DPM++ 3M SDE + Align Your Steps Scheduler. Also another checkpoint, but it werks.

Have been liking AYS a lot over Karras.
Nice panties
are you on auto1111?
also requesting scheduler changing for forge >>8083257
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Forge but testing A1111 alongside it, it gets the same result, kinda (like 99% of the same image)
is there a way to get align steps on forge?
There's this https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/pull/726

But also


Have fun
When having sex with maids, it's polite to make sure you don't take too long or else it might interfere with their duties.
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I use Eagle. I've talked a bit about it before if you search the archives. Picrel is stuff I've saved from here and other places, although I haven't been saving a lot lately.
I have custom scripts that auto tag stuff and write gen parameters to notes. I like it because I can manage everything related to SD in one place. Thanks for the szurubooru suggestion, I've wanted a self-hosted solution to browse my library when I'm not home/at my computer and this might work, maybe.
thanks, time to figure out how to apply these commits to main forge using git...
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Not sure if you can point from one user to another, I just edited manually the files locally (yeah it took time)

Also you can download the zip and replace the files i guess, but it would break some git things
>I have custom scripts that auto tag stuff and write gen parameters to notes
Anything you mind sharing? I don't have Eagle but it's been something I have considered outside of AI even.
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I knew those colors looked familiar. How are you liking it?
it seems you can just do
git pull https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-forge.git dora_dev_schedulers
better to make a new branch before and do this in that branch
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Pretty good, and with rasRealAnimeScreencap_v10 you can use
<lora:flooxyfloox:0.4> <lora:PijaMix_v1:0.6>, anime screencap and it looks more interesting. DPM++ 3M SDE with Adeitaler and AYS for sure do some nice eyes imo.

You can pull like that from another user? TIL. I was thinking about doing a git clone on another folder but this may work
My scripts are very specifically made to work with Eagle so I doubt they would be much help. What exactly are you trying to do? If tagging: for SD stuff you can just extract tags from the prompt. For other stuff/additional passes on SD images you can do what >>8086810 does and just use WD14, which is actually what I use too for auto-tagging.
Oh I mean I don't have Eagle /yet/ but I do plan to eventually so I may as well save scripts for when I do. Sorry I could have worded it better.
god i would just stick it through the pantyhose
what the fuck is align your steps scheduler
hi ty for the extensive breakdown! i just got a111 installed but im a bit confused, i put in the API key, but do i need to change the model in the top left? or can i just hit gen? see pic rel
>chloe and that artists mix
god, i miss those times so much
also, do i need to disable all other preinstalled SD extensions and just leave the nai extension active?
sorry if this is a turn-off but unironically join their discord: invite/N4yU33xqEW
they advertise their shit really poorly so no one realizes there's an entire group of users working on AI auto-tagging plugins (among other things) for their v4 beta. i'll probably figure out who you are and can help you from there after you join
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Scheduler developed by NVIDIA


Basically it performs very well with few steps, but also it is adapted to do very well in more steps.

Here is the original A1111 PR https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/pull/15751

I'm just used to 25 steps and have gotten good results
actually scratch that, i got it working, ty!!
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ays is good, but since it converges very quickly it's kinda hard to make some complex prompts with prompt scheduling
From the pictures shown it seems really good, how does it perform for sex tho? If you have any comparison with and without that would be awesome
berry cool, did you use wordly for the background?
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i used that lora
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Very nice, especially top left
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It should perform pretty good.

Here is a cowgirl comparison. Used VP and CFG++ as well (custom random implementation) from that repo above, with DPM++ 3M SDE, DPM++ 2M and Euler A (I guess the latter 2 are the most popular samplers)

25 base steps, 10 hi-res steps (Restart sampler), 896x1088x1.5

catbox for hd, zoom a lot: https://files.catbox.moe/0wy07z.png

What is prompt scheduling? Like doing some steps with one prompt and then with another one?
>prompt scheduling
yeah, like [black hair:red hair:0.4]
or [spread pussy:0.3]
wdV is going to come out of nowhere and mog everything. Screenshot this post
see you in 16 months
Looks nice ty
do you need anything for that to work? never worked for me
1boy, 1girl, outdoors, camping, dirty, rain, sexual activity
should work as is with ancestral samplers, they work best

wonder if this vae will be better once he actually trains it for sdxl
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funny how ++2M barely change no matter what
guess I need to test for myself
Im using euler A and this legit never worked, I tried with color and eyes being open or not and it was like it was ignoring the second tag
gyatdaym im prooompting
box pls
fuck off to your hole >>>/aco/sdg
Thread needs more Jalter
everyone who has tried to defeat GODstralite has failed
yours shall be no different. just another trophy on the wall
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I see, I haven't tried it with AYS yet.

Yeah, DPM++ 2M is pretty similar with any scheduler. I like DPM++ SDE and there each scheduler for sure it changes the output.
Now try a gen on base pony
Neither had previous baking experience unlike ponyfag did, they literally released everything they ever baked
All this time you spent whining, the new WD team was baking prototypes and adjusting things little by little, making sure the model looks and feels good.
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base pony looks amazing
you really think other ai models are going to be able to compete with this?
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cascade could NEVER
v6.9 hype
sovl, they look like sketches i've drawn like 10 years ago
all true, except that the one thing that astralite had in his favor (compute) is the also the one thing that the wd team has
meanwhile jordach has spent 2 weeks cooking a single epoch on a 4090 (lol)
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Requesting a few tweaks to this image, please.
Mainly just that her hand on the left side should be a similar orientation to the right side with her wrist, hand and fingers in more of an upwards direction.
And the guy's bicep and hips look a bit strange. I think the bicep's a bit too thick and his hips might need thickening or widening?
Here's the original image so you can reference the hand:
ask in next thread
regardless of compute, wd will fail. it's not a matter of facts or logic anymore, it has shifted into the realm of fate and destiny. all local models who oppose pony fail. this is a divine truth carved in stone
they oppose nai though
you're shitposting, but i do think it's pretty funny that a random horsefucker has been the uncontested king of local for over half a year at this point
a lot of the finetuners were waiting for SD3 to release soon after the announcement and it got stalled and stalled and then sai served them absolute unusable shit
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Imagine having competent devs.
anyone who thought sd3 was going to be good was retarded. nothing they showed looked promising at all. it was obvious from their claims that it beat dall-e 3 that the model was shit and they were just gassing it up to try and get funding.
though i cant blame finetuners for waiting, it's not like local is handed anything but scraps anyway.
how was this animated? luma?
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In cascade finetune's defense, the progress in this 6th epoch on the 4090s had the biggest gains in diverse comprehension. I honestly never expected the 1B version to perform this well with flat anime style so once 1B is fully cooked I think it will be quite a capable model to use while I wait for 3.6B since I'm sick and tired of using pony at this point.
Also excited for the wd's cosxl finetune. More model makers trying to make the most capable anime finetune is a good thing for me so I'm rooting for everyone who tries (except the censoring horsefucker, fuck him). If they have the compute to experiment I hope they try a cascade model at some point.
I don't understand, why didn't Ash ever blast off in Team Rocket himself?
good morning b- sir
>exclamation point bugging NAI prompts
Very interesting, I'd noticed some difficulty with goblin slayer, princess connect, and kaguya characters even though they should have plenty of examples, and this brings it all together because they all have exclamation marks in their tags.
Whoa, whoops, almost became a nogen. Can't have that.
leaked your timezone in the last one
Requesting anything with this figure:
how does Eagle compare with a free alternative?
also wowie even my junk made it in (PSD/WEBM)
Just for fun I ran a short prompt with this character in the AI, and while it seems like the model should know her (She had around 500 hits on Danbooru, which surprised me), it didn't. I realize the idea of getting hotgluing images for this figure you like must be exciting but you should understand that this shit is not magic. Hell 90% of getting a good image is just tard-wrangling it. And if it doesn't know the character, it definitely doesn't know this specific scale figure from 2017. Tell you what, get a dataset and I'll train you a character LORA and you can go nuts with a figure style LORA.
>Picrel is stuff I've saved from here and other places
>no wife
Unless it can do degenerate smut that belongs on /trash/ more than it does /h/, it will never be better than pony to me.
The merge of Booru+E621 shit in one model is fuckin great.
How do people get such crispy sharp and clean gens? Is it Hi Res fix, or are you genning at higher base resolutions? Or just upscaling after?
Any time I try Hi res fix, it's a blurry mess. I had a model that worked, but I forgot what it was when I had to start from scratch.
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Someone ordered some Rouge?
>Any time I try Hi res fix, it's a blurry mess
You're probably using latent upscale at low denoise.
I know latent sucks huge donkey balls, so I never use it, but I can't remember which one worked the best. I think it was an ESRGAN one that I had to download, but it's been so fucking long. I never paid attention to the name, I just renamed it "USE THIS ONE". Bold move I admit, but now I'm really regretting it.
8 nomos is considered the best but is the slowest
also use this method for upscaling
>also use this method for upscaling
From a quick look, it doesn't look like it works with batch gens. I'll definitely use it for singles though. Thanks
So do people not just gen batches at high res?
idk what xenoblade 3 girl to make a lora for next. i never expected to actually get to the point where i'd stop repeatedly training cat ones
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She looks way too young and small here. It's probably the style.
>This post was deleted. Reason: paywalled content
and there goes rule34.xxx
it's been a good run
A bit, and also because I left in the petite tag and didn't tag things like mature woman, curvy, large breasts, or whatever.
Nice. Her face is also much closer now
so uhhh
are there any photoshop chads who can do some basic color correction for me? I'd do it myself but I have no idea how
I just use Gimp's color temperature tool, drag it downwards until the image is more white/blue than yellow/green
doesn't that change the color of the whole image though?
Yes. Isn't the whole image sepia-tinted because of SDXL?
Not to disparage your gens or anything but just a word of warning, the jannies that lurk this thread are pretty big sticklers for the /h/ rules and I think Rouge is too furry to be acceptable for /h/. You might catch a 3-day vacation, I've caught one for posting onee-shota.
nah I just got some alien colored skin when I didn't want it because my promptfu is weak
sounds awesome
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Color correction is one of the easiest to learn operations bro. Just look up a tutorial.
almost as easy as getting uncensored gens
you okay bro?
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It's actually so easy that I had to add "mosaic censoring" to get the proper effect. So if you're correct, then color correction must be a breeze.
Am I an idiot for trying to train a concept lora on multiple different artstyles?
that sounds like the correct way, otherwise you'd be training the style along with it
this is the only right way to train concept loras, and characters too, to regularize
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Fair enough. Was planning to post Amy Rose and Lopunny gens, but I'll post some human vidya characters instead. Thanks for the heads-up. For future reference, would I be wanting to post the gens I originally wanted to in the /d/ hdg thread instead?
>Was planning to post Amy Rose and Lopunny gens
Yeah this would definitely not be allowed. /h/ is pretty vanilla, almost annoyingly so. The rules say no western art styles, no loli/shota, and nothing that would belong on /d/ or /y/ etc. To answer your question, furry stuff officially goes in /b/ as per Global Rule 3, but a quick browse shows that plenty of anthro stuff ends up in the /trash/ stable diffusion thread.
damn, how was this made bro?
who's wife? my screenshot only has like 1/5 of my saved images from /hdg/ so there's a decent chance i saved something with her at some point.
>even my junk made it in (PSD/WEBM)
i like your work, it isn't junk
>how does Eagle compare with a free alternative?
i've tried nearly every free and paid alternative there is to eagle and there isn't really anything that compares unfortunately. most alternatives are missing one (or more) key features. for example, allusion only works with image files, and that's an immediate dealbreaker for me.
also fyi allusion isn't maintained anymore. most of its contributors have now jumped ship and are actively working on onefolder (https://github.com/OneFolderApp/OneFolder)
>who's wife?
The result seems to only be getting worse. Am I supposed to increase training time proportionally with the amount of different styles in the set?
What's the deal with denoise being recorded at like 0.7 on a lot of the catboxed gens I find here (excluding hiresfix gens). Are that many people using i2i or am I missing something
Why don't you single out a few of those catboxes and ask directly? Could be latent upscale that only uses the base gen to set up the composition, could be upscale guided by tile or anytest controlnet, could be img2img from a stolen pic...
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Put "equestria girls" in the negative prompt.
nothing, sorry anon
Also pubic tattoo is womb tattoo on NAI.
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>anthro stuff ends up in the /trash/
Oh, okay. I'll go hang out in the trash and get super stinky a bit later.
its okay
I've noticed it for quite some time but from yesterdays thread there was:

honestly I think it just implies that it went through i2i in some way or another. It's just something I've noticed for a while now and was curious.
Isn't that the denoise value for adetailer?
very nice
>my wives made it in
Send me that pic, I don't feel like digging through my gens
ADetailer denoising strength is it's own parameter. I was just wondering what so many workflows were doing in i2i but it's probably just inpainting.
what do you people use to train ponyxl loras? everything i find is either defunct or not working.
Are you asking for the tool or specific training settings? I use this https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts
very nice samefag
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Last one of Samus, then imma move on.
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different Samus
Can this save sdxl?
I've no idea what to do with this
>If you don't know, you probably don't need this.
What is it supposed to do?
it would need full model retrains
but could be huge in case we won't get any other usable model in years lol
It's an alternative 16channel vae for sd3. If we get an adapter for sdxl it could lead to better finetunes in the future
wouldn't the dude just need train the actual vae for sdxl and it could be used as is with any sdxl model?
>Note: Not SD3 compatable
>This VAE is not SD3 compatable as it is trained from scratch and has an entirely different latent space.
Wouldn't you still be bottlenecked by the model's latent space channels during inferencing?
Unironically it will be much sooner than you think, anons are in for a pleasant surprise. We're talking weeks, not months.
just 10 business let's trust them
Nah, I'll cascade
*30 seconds
Hurry up and show us the porn
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>Who's the little whore with a dick inside her asshole?
>You better learn her name because it's,
Are weekends included in that? what about overtime?
Here you go >>>/b/ ;)
Let me ask my mother
ashleybox please?
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One of my JP friends found my lora on civitai and he's filling the page with his JP meta prompts. Unexpected mania of BBW but glad to see him enjoying it nonetheless.
can you share the link?
Got the metadata for the makima and lumine one?
the makima blow? nai3 unfortunately
inpainted but still nai3
Anon, please teach me your ways...

Also, is there no 12 (Real XXIII) lora for pony? Can't find one anywhere.
Shit, well thanks anyways
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Any advancements lately, anons?
Just waiting for 3.6b cascade and/or wdv to save local
for waifu tunes
pdxl v6.9
neta v2

for foundational models
simoryu's lavenderflow

(two more years)

cascade does not qualify, it's shiiiiiiit
they're obsessed with competing with pony to the point of delusion
they're not interested in a waifu tune. in the best case scenario they make a furry tune
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Expression cutaway is honestly a pretty cool tag, and I had to go through E621 tags to find it. The closest equivalent danbooru tagging had was just multiple views, but that would give you too many panels in most cases. Expression cutaway is still some what RNG but at least I can get more or less what I was aiming for.

>my gens from 6+ months ago

I didn't think anons even gave a shit about the stuff posted here. It's a shame i'm always battling storage space no matter how many terabytes i get, can't do the same.
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>Anon, please teach me your ways...
Nope, that's passion.

May I ask which loras you used to get that style, now that I've seen you inpainted a lot?
base gen here: https://files.catbox.moe/o787gp.png
several tagged artists and loras were wildcarded, the rest i use as the backbone so the style doesn't look like shit
uhh im not sure if this actually helps a lot though, i was genning in batches of 2 and im pretty sure this pic got lora style bleed from me wildcarding style loras, it clearly has reagon long in it despite that style not being in the prompt
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The style works on base pony, it just makes really weird faces
Thanks, anon. You made a really cool pic, I hope you continue to have fun.
>cascade bad
>he hasn't seen the performance of the latest partial epochs
sure bro it's the only bad finetune on this list, keep hating. meanwhile i like and support every effort of getting us out of this ponyslopsepia dogshit of a model, our best bets are wdv and cascade
lol lmao even, astracuckie hasn't even started to caption xer dataset, at this point wd team will deliver a lot faster than xer
Holy fucking shit that's a lot of rerolls
I hope you have a 3090 cuz otherwise this just took at least 2 and half hours
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>they're obsessed with competing with pony to the point of delusion
it's almost a little sad at this point
wdV should unironically be done within a couple weeks if you keep up with their discord. They finally have access to the compute (a literal h100 cluster) and have been pumping out test models off cooldown with a MASSIVE dataset. There's also Cascade, which will take longer but they'll both be done before Astralite releases another model kek
>he hasn't seen the performance of the latest partial epochs
i have and they still look a billion times worse than EF+HLL
fuck off back to jordach's trooncord with the rest of the delusional cascade shills
Just wait for 20 epochs of 3.6b anon, you will see!
some ideas to make life easier:
low(er) res on gen (aiming for 1024 max any one side), this makes inpaint easier.
smaller inpaint areas, with sketch to guide lower denoise (0.4-0.5)
smaller inpaint area again (ie: not opposite sides of image, or adjust res to fit wide/tall, like 1536x768), this provides more detail to a smaller area, sharper result
upscale at the end, optionally refining with low denoise if you really must.
are they gonna have score tags or how do they make the base gens not look like shit
or what? you gonna start wiping thread with melanin again?
if cascade is good I'll go shill the model myself
I have no particular tribal association with one trainer or whatever, I will whore out for any good waifu tune.
but it's not good, it has never been good
promising was ages ago, when they were like hey here's epoch 2.
we're now squarely in cope territory, the results aren't improving much at all, they're just frying more and more as the guy talks about more and more obscure shit that doesn't matter at all.
i'm not surprised that you're delusional enough to think that there's only one person with doubts about cascade in the whole thread
>the results aren't improving much at all
go fuck yourself astratroon
nta but cascade as it stands now is just a dead end. he keeps banging his head against the wall with this 1b shit and every epoch he embarrassingly goes "hot DAMN this one cooked hard! pony/wd/nai btfo already!"
man i wish jordach wasnt retarded. he seems to realize everything that needs to be done regarding local but is just incapable of seeing his own flaws and instead views himself as the promised savior. which might be understandable if he was ever proven right, but shitbake after shitbake and cascade still can't even do basic 1girls properly compared to even basic 1epochs like kohaku.
he already rented compute and trained for 7 epochs here and the coherency is still far less than XL models trained for a single epoch. he needs to figure out what the fuck is wrong but that will never happen because, like mentioned months ago, he's too stubborn to realize the whole thing looks fucking fried
Who cares about base gens when all artist tags are included kek
But they are doing something for quality, similar to what NAI did im pretty sure
Can always ask in the discord, they're open about everything.
1b is not supposed to deliver superior results
it was obvious from the beginning
his pdxl "obsession" is just ironic shitposting
>he didn't compare e5 with most recent partial e6
e5 was a huge crap, even jordach said it
most recent partials are coming out okay-ish but the important thing is that i don't see as much meltiness as before
also, he said yesterday that the model is about 50% done so expect e11 or 12 to be the end of the bake
>his pdxl "obsession" is just ironic shitposting
nope, jordach is delusional enough to think that the 1B model will kill pony
Isn't he also saving money for training the 3.6b model, which is why it's taking so long to finish the 1b/TE?
if that looks good to you, sd1.5 is probably super exciting.
I could have hallucinated it, but I think I saw him saying that there's no rush with 3.6b, might as well do it on 2x4090 while saving money from donos towards buying their own compute. Which would mean we won't see shit until 2025.
wdV it is than
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Yep that one. He might just be retarded..... that or he really believe 1b is good enough (so still retarded).
good morning b- sir
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Astralite won
yeah it looks good for half a bake, i'd like to see what the 11th epoch of ponyv6 looked like, taking into count it took about 21 epochs. maybe if you use more braincells and stop judging models like this:
>model usable right now? no = complete dogshit and will always be like this no matter what /// yes = good, excellent, perfect
then you could be a little happier, but i doubt it coming from someone like you.
then what's the point? originally it was supposed to be 5 epochs on 1b for poorfags, and 5 on 3b for the actual good one. now it's just endless doubling-down on the 1b. when he was originally shilling cascade he would go on and on about how it 'trains like fucking lightning' and the architecture requires very few epochs to get good. meanwhile what we're seeing is the complete opposite. it's taking forever to get competent while other models produce coherency in 1-3 epochs.
take your meds, or better yet fuck off to /soc/ or something
believe me i make good use of masked-only inpainting
my main trick is running the penultimate image through img2img or a big masked only inpaint at 0.35-0.4 denoise 3-5 times and taking those gens, layering them underneath the earlier image and using a soft eraser brush to get the best parts of each iteration with none of the shit parts
>if that looks good to you, sd1.5 is probably super exciting.
this isn't the flex you think it is anon

hope is good
cope is bad
This is why bakers should never release anything to the public until it's well cooked.
noise offset during training loras? the pyramid setting?
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nah that's the wrong takeaway from this
the problem isn't that the early epochs don't look good instantly but that jordach keeps insisting that they look better than nai3 and pdxl while refusing to look at their problems objectively (until he finally admits 2 weeks later that he was wrong and that those epochs were indeed garbage)
>make it so the model doesn't need to reproduce outfits by overriding outfits
>mostly doesn't even try to include wings on remilia and cirno, and it should have better skipped those on flandre
clever girl
it's deprecated now
well it's on the lora training koyas scripts, just ignore it?
actually lemme show results
image before i began mashing together the img2img variants: https://files.catbox.moe/1nnka6.png
after (and color/contrast correction): https://files.catbox.moe/e3phet.png
pony makes brown girls too light so i fucking magic wanded all of her skin, copied it as a new layer to make it darker and smoothed off the rough edges
yeah exactly, I want to root for the underdog
I want to stop using animagine but this isn't even competitive with 1.5 nevermind xl
there's still this blind belief that cascade is secretly good yet 0 people have demonstrated it
quit taking the multistage retard pill and just move to xl
unless you have that one pr then it's fine to use it at the lowest setting imo
no lies told
nice one
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Stop talking about Cascade and post fat asses
guys if you like ponyv6 so much, why don't you use base pony for your gens instead? oh wait look >>8087349 it looks so sep- uh um well it looks shi- err it doesn't looks brown at all it just looks ah um well it just uses brown shades! that's all!

Provide catbox so I can get metadata to work with and make some, if you mind
Oh alright
Not him but you have to include wings in tags which isn't done in this image obviously. I prompted "cirno, ice wings" on 25.e5 and it worked alright (well there were 2 to 4 wings on each side but sometimes you would get 3 not mangled).
? I thought it was obvious without looking at metadata.
Why wouldn't the model pull the wings in just from the character tag? That's weird.
he wants to say 'i fucking told you so!' so bad where he'll continue doing the wrong thing just to try and prove himself to the other furfags. if astralite discovered the secret cascade training guide, jordach would do the complete opposite of what it says out of spite
I can kinda see that in the eyes now but seeing a booty like that with this style is funneh
That is why AI is based
Hello :3
dennou coil?
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Jesus I forgot how disgusting base pony really is
it's more flexible though
autism completely neuters some styles
but yeah out of the box default pony is absolutely disgusting
No one knows ore cares what those are you blart-ass boomer
reminder of what? everybody knows that base pony is aesthetically disgusting
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Reweik is the goat, only the v1.1 version tho
There is literally one person here who spams that criticism, just ignore it. Obviously pony looks worse.
GOOD MORNING SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it morning for you in India?
Lightning/Hyper variant when?
freetard woke up?
yeah sorry not sorry but even the e1 of cascade looks better than this shit. hell even heart of apple, kohaku-xl, artiwaifu, animagine mogs base ponyv6. props to the autismmix anon that truly did the impossible. he's the real carry here.
b- was banned for bitching about the spam loving jannys, not her.
Reminder that the majority of users on sites like Civit which offer generation as a service are using BASE PONY and flooding the respective sites/the internet as a whole with pony slop. Try going to rule34 or another site and looking at the amount of slop that's instantly recognizable as base pony, it's genuinely unholy.
hopefully you're trolling and not actually retarded enough to think that prompts without quality or style tags prove anything
I was, but I'm not b-
>a majority of users are wrong
stats don't lie anon, people use what works.
No, people use what's easy and they generate pure unfiltered dogshit and spread it everywhere
all models function the same
you download it, copy someone else's prompt and produce cute waifu
welcome back to cope
>real pajeet mindset
what the fuck bros? are they really here?
There's a reason none of the popular accounts posting AI on pixiv/twitter use pony. It's because it looks like shit.
Go to civit and sort images by new
I invite you to gen a good pic (at least at the level of Autismmix) without using a single LoRA or embed. Go on.
one lolifag was posting actually nice-looking pics with base pony and no loras
why is this piece of shit the top rated image of civit
they all use nai, which 100% mogs local
nobody's in there using animagine if that's what you're implying.

people having bad outputs is exclusive from "people pick pony because it's the best local"
the best local can still be bad.
Definitely not what I was implying.
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that was true few months ago but now people are are kinda getting good styles. plenty of pretty believable faux-nai styles as well where you might get actually confused which model was used. but yeah first months of pony/autism it looked awful.
i'm not on my pc so you'll have to take this civitai gen for now
That's just not really true
define popular
The most followers, getting the most likes/views etc. What else would I mean?
WD dev is a retard.No idea why people think he could deliver anything worthwhile. WD1.4
Fuck you
haru isn't neggles
neggles is a tranny but not a retard
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>didn't see the new immiscible noise fix before training a lora with it
it's over
the fix helps
>not a retard
pick one
if neggles is legit a troon it's over, I have no hope
yeah, i did some 1:1 comparisons on base pony without score tags and could see a difference in detail. it's just kind of annoying

So has anyone tried setting up WDV's trainer? Apparently it's written from scratch. Looks like bitsandbytes should work, so 8bit optimizers should be available. Bucketing is also there.
>if neggles is legit a troon
he is but him being mentally ill doesn't mean he's retarded and incompetent
astra is a troon horsefucker, jordach is a furry and linaqruf is indonesian so it's not like we have good options for local bakers
Neggles is the only competent weeb trainer left for local that hasn't been hired by Anlatan or turned into a moralfag. I don't give a fuck if they are a tranny, this is literally our only hope. There is nothing else, no one will be able to get the compute they have access to. We must form a prayer circle and shout "2 more weeks" to the heavens.
Mixed BF16 also should be there. It's probably possible to run this on 24GB GPU with BS 1 and some accumulations.
>using lora's is ILLEGAL!
>I will continue to shill my shitmix that is literally just the model with lora's tossed on top but YOU are NOT ALLOWED to use lora's!
>actually using lora's is EVIL!
go jump off a bridge already you arbitrarian retard.
What's wdv base model? Or are they trying multiple? And how could sai manage not to improve on their previous models with sd3?
cosxl with modified sigma schedule
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so anyway, I started blasting
also they probably swapped cosxl text encoder for the one used in sdxl but i'm not sure about that
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How about a cute ass?
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We need a model that is ruled by strength, not by committee
Unstable diffusion is cooking something BIG. You'll see soon enough.
Wasn't that some failed kickstarter for general porn?
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wtf i love jordach now
Is CN anytest marger still the most recent model for referencing pictures?
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I've been hibernating with Autism since like Feb, only took brief glances for the hash mining table, last tome I came here I gathered SD3 is completely DOA and it just so happens to be the new thing a lot of local devs hinges on. So now that shit crash with no survivors what's next? Are people stuck with minmaxing Pony/Autism and trying out schizo techniques or is there something I can look forward to?
hibernate for 6 more months
holy based furryman
judging from the reddit posts its gonna be stability all over again except with less money and mainly trained on ai outputs
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luma yes, made a loop version

they clearly are doing layering and background reconstruction, they have previous papers on img to 3d pic. it's probably mixing all that
>AI ops on /a/ without people screeching over aislop
damn times change
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i dunno what you mean, i went there and now im just glad, ai exist
>open model initiative
if they do one thing right it could be open sourcing their techniques and tools
the model is important, sure, but how they get there is far more important to me.
>i dunno what you mean
I remember when AI op pics were used on /a/ during 1.5 times literally every third post would be someone seething about aislop and how the op is a pathetic pajeet scammer
To be fair it's way better than my rachnera attempt
it's nai
so what bucket min resolution should I use
its harder to screech over aislop when you're looking at NAI or worked out pony output
yeah I think we can recognize nai/pony outputs from the thumbnail due to exposure to all this but for people who don't look at ai pics every day for the last year good gens are not nearly as obvious as they used to be during aomslop era
I've probably looked through hundred of thousands AI pics and I still can't tell with some well done NAI outputs that they aren't hand drawn. Practically everything local is easily recognizable though.
still not sure what u mean, its probably because they don't know it's ai,
i posted, good ai stuff, in fan communities, they were all, its good and marvelous, and the moment one guys get it's ai. they turn into the Aistrash mode kek.
they just don't even consider it's ai, i've been tricked myself plenty times just because the pic didn't look like an abomination from the first glance
hell, haven't recognized this >>>/a/268420403 as AI, now im thinking about moving away from autismmix to either reweik or base pony for better styling
there's some SD1.5 autist genning SFW madoka girls on pixiv and if he hadn't said he used AI i wouldn't know, you just need to put alot more work into local unlike NAI
If you use some weird style lora on local you can pass it off
I could instantly tell its AI myself but im more surprised its not NAI
what a long sentence to say, skill issue
you can tell by slight frying in the eyes. if the proompter bothered to inpaint that you could probably still get suspicious due to the resolution.
and honestly while I like the style, the nai matte is visible on most of the pics if you've seen enough
>I could instantly tell its AI myself but im more surprised its not NAI
It has NAI res though
Yeah on second thought its obviously NAI I was just confused that it know newer character since im not familiar with the model
I agree, but only if you admit that everyone in this thread including you has skill issue, because I haven't been fooled with local once:)
its either gets retrained constantly to include more FOTS characters (Frieren for example wasn't in initial NAI release) or NAI is literally several TBs of loras that get triggered by keywords in prompt
"i have a god complex"
Ok I didnt know they actually updated the model, they must be raking crazy money
csm part 2 had been releasing for more than a year when nai3 cutoff their dataset
frieren had like 3 years of data by that point
i've even seen nai3 perform well with characters that came out in august 2023
I've never not immediately recognized a NAI gen
I think one of the lolifags legit did good-looking pics
Hmmm, okay what's a single tell here: https://archiveofsins.com/data/h/image/1714/73/1714736046923073.jpg
this is local
this is aom2
it's nai
Is that a joke? Look at her shoulder. Either she has the lats of an Olympic swimmer or a severe case of scoliosis
The inconsistent lines on the mat
>I didnt know they actually updated the model
i don't know either but it wasn't been able to gen Frieren when show became popular, there was one NAI anon bruteforcing her yuri companion by prompting '1girl, hime cut, purple hair, purple eyes"
they've never updated it
skill issue, legitimately
Well she IS wearing a competition swimsuit!
test yourself: https://aibooru.online/posts?tags=has%3Ametadata&z=2
i get about 90% correct. colors and poses are obvious tells
That's just the skill of the average loli enjoyer. If you make cunny you better make it good.
I thought he was talking about local vs NAI. The most obvious AI bit is that her halo is wrong.
They have not updated it.
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>One of the 4 pic is AI generated
show me you expertise, oh /h/ master
Fried pony wouldn't attempt to generate the texture of the yoga mat
trick question, it's all 4
>by WatashiNoGovno
its obvious
>20,000 images trained on dual A100
Why does a random chink have that kind of hardware
Gacha whales are a different breed
erase the signatures next time but yeah all 4 are ai
a better question would be which, if any, are using pony
You know you can rent hardware remotely
>and feels good
AI doesn't have feelings anon
i forgot ai expert need to doxx, to spot ai pics
Coffee cups are surprisingly hard to gen, but she's missing a finger, there's an extra scar on her right hand and way too many pouches hanging off her belt. The shading on that golden ball is also off and her right eye is about to split into two.

Didn't even look at the others.
i answered it correctly within 15 seconds, dumbass
Wait are you saying the models look at something??
Also it's 250 characters crammed into 220MB. Someone tell me again you need dim 128 for your special snowflake girl.
Let me ask my mother
>try to make mating press with the girl jerking off
>it on very rare occasions succeeds
why is this such a hard thing to make happen? ive tried 400 different loose and excessively specific prompt combinations now and none seem to be getting it
My Jalter lora is bigger than the base model and there’s nothing you can do about it
Even a real artists would struggle with that description
why its either 256dim for 4 characters from obscure anime trained on fucking screencaps or 100+ charas from popular franchise on 32dim
that 2hu lora still can't produce tewi with black/brown hair instead of white, you don't need 128dim for single character but you want as much braincells as possible for multichar of this magnituder
>nai is sooooo good
>please ignore the smear and blur
it shouldnt be so hard to get, im basically looking for this. i got damn near everything EXCEPT the girl stroking the dick which should be the simplest thing to do and i really dont want to resort to manual editing to make it happen
controlnet it
What tokens are you using? Stuff like hand job or masturbation might invite noise from the base model. Try penis grab instead
adding controlnet has broken my setup several times because i have to use a fork for amd gpus and something about this doesnt play nice. controlnet isnt really a viable option until thats sorted out
>Try penis grab instead
thats what ive been using, to no avail. when it does work it often has the guy just stroking his shit while standing which isnt what im after either
Don't be a faggot and listen to the fags. Post here, but through catbox. Nobody gives a fuck about the rules
yup freetard woke up
very high iq behavior
buy a real gpu poorcel, the time you waste on a solved problem in a real workflow isn't worth it
some people are bullies get over it
my hate for nvidia is stronger than my desire to get better results. not happening.
something's boiling
im generating image/text porn in mid 20s and somehow i feel much better now after acknowledging that website's purpose
the "gpu war" is over or never even began in the ai field, you get nvidea or don't bother. Do you think their stock has pumped to make the company bigger than microsoft for fun?
Take the linux pill. The penguin cock isn't so bad
so what bucket min resolution should I use? am training a lora on pony, so I assume max is 2048, but min is 512? or should it be 768? idk
top 2 are pony derivatives, third is NAI, fourth could kind of go either way.
first is missing a finger and the belt is fucked multiple ways.
second has a fucked up upper body and awkward nipples on top of really bad color mixing on darker colors. Also the shirt is weird as fuck when you actually look at it(has pleats and if you tried to imagine it without being pulled halfway down it just wouldn't sit properly).
halo is a bit wonky in a way it wouldn't be if someone actually drew it on the third. label on the blood pack is also fucked and it's pretty obvious it was just dropped into place in post. Also weird random hair strand from the back of the bun that just shouldn't be there.
Fourth the ribbon the tail is whonked to shit. She's missing a toe and the gem on the inner side is warped. Also the boob window does not actually look anything at all like it should and lighting on the left-side leg is weird. Also the right side shoulder has a continuity break between the hair, as does the ribbon attached to the ear.
use max and min buckets based on biggest/smallest res pics in your dataset
its not about gpu warring its about hating nvidia as a company due to my actual field of work. i just hate amd less and stick with them. its been a decade of being on amd and i wont change it unless intel by SOME miracle can convince me to adopt them over amd.
i have 2 arc gpus already becuase again, work, but it has nothing to do with gpu warring or brand loyalty. its just a true hate toward nvidia and their products

i would but im getting effectively the same results speed wise with this windows setup. ROCm is fine, ZLUDA is windows only, DirectML is a joke. if ONNX and Olive were usable on Pony id be getting 4080-comparable results but as of right now it only works with SD1.5 and thats shitty
this sometimes results in images all being in one bucket which you dont want
ime dim has always correlated more closely with the level of detail that a lora can achieve and not as much how much you can jam into it. i've trained three styles in a dim 8 lora, but to get little single pixel white dots to pop up in the eyes in one of those styles i had to switch to training at dim 32
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I'm getting okayish results with some mating press lora from civit
512 and 2048 are fine, you want to stick with SDXL's training resolutions and those should work out to be 1:1.
giga based, switched to arch linux half a year ago and everything just works great, although i use nvidia
>ZLUDA is windows only
huh, no? it should work under linux as well
can you link which specific one youre using here, and is it fucking up your style loras
toddler tier mentality
i couldn't care less about any of your shitflinging
the guy provided a vomit inducing furry image just to be dishonest, i remembered seeing a recent anime one in /e/ and decided to share it
but i'll leave you to your tribalism and obsessing over which model is good or bad
>huh, no? it should work under linux as well
as far as i know it is more work to get it usable under linux than using ROCm out the gate, and the results are comparable anyway unless i am mistaken, but when I tried it definitely wasnt having a good time with ZLUDA
NTA but i'd go ballsdeep if there was an executable that would reboot Windows into Linux and wise-versa, avoiding gurb and other shit, or if i could access Linux installation from Windows Boot Loader
https://civitai.com/models/411020/mating-face-pony This one. Don't know about style interference, the previews don't look too samey
Why do the previews have a bunch of doggystyle and 1girl standing? Do people just leave it on at 0 strength?
much appreciated, trying it out now
you should burn windows to ashes as soon as you get to install linux, otherwise one day you'll just reboot to windows and never use linux again no matter how convenient dual booting is for you
What are you running your gf on? people still using stheno?
>i don't mind booting linux to do the same thing i do on windows but slightly better
lmao, that's exactly my thoughts before giving up several years ago (i used it mostly for web development)
good shit, mind postin a 'box for the St Louis pic?
Fimbulvetr-11B-v2, now there's Gemma and i was able to run Q6 on 32gb of RAM under Windows but wasn't satisfied with its speed, still needs testing in smut/RP area
Do you mind boxing up that cat please?
WHERE IS WDV im tired of waiting for the next slopmachine just give it to me already!
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Old gen but sure
i dont frequent the /h/ threads i dont know who that is
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Goated fate op
they're both nai. i can reupload the makima .psd if >>8087720 doesn't mind (the original mediafire link is down)
thank you for posting.
that image was posted in december, not even a whole month into nai3 releasing. it predates all of this retarded arguing so ignore newfags who try to start shit constantly. that artist mix is probably what floox/truck kun/all those pixiv and patreon meme bbc artists used as a starting point
why do you have so MANY luscious NAIv3 BBCs saved?
How is it possible that hands hasnt been solved yet?
Are you retarded?
Because hands take a ridiculously long time to learn and by that time everything else is fried
use better lora
Same problem with AI not understanding "holding 3 pencils" and drawing 5, 1 or 2 pencils most of the time. AI still can't get that type of stuff.
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at this point if you're having problems with hands it's either a severe artist issue or your gigantic skill issue
or a burnt lora regardless of artist
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Uuuu so local is dead? No new models? Sai is dead? Some dudes were saying 1 month, 4 months ago...
I just can't seriously relate to all these
>hurr, the local is ded
when just less than 2 years ago anon was sitting like a fucking monkey for hours trying to get at least something that looks like human, forget about fingers, pussies and all that shit.
It's really amazing how fast humans get used to something good.
I like the ixy tag, but it turns hands into garbage.
this 100%
I'm still having fun with 1.5, pony, other sdxl models and nai
there's just too much, doesn't help that I like a ton of characters and not just for hentai/sex either
I'm just happy this tech exists and I'm enjoying it to the fullest atm, whenever something new and better comes along I'll be enjoying it too
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Same with KAB. Gives you a nice anime style but ruins the hands. Might have to make a BREAK prompt to try and focus the KAB on only the face and keep score_9/score_8/score_7 for the hands, unless Adetailer stops fucking up
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after trying this for a while ive determined that this definitely doesnt make reasonably sized dicks and while it is getting the results i was looking for, this is a new problem that i will need to assess.
thanks regardless. have a very melty image because i am prepping for a convention
It's such a shame this artist messes up the hands so hard. I like the style otherwise. Mixing in other artists barely helps.
Try a shorter aspect ratio, it seems like that style starts the dick at the very top of the screen, so a taller image will result in longer dicks.
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i will try that. have a mistake that showed up along the way
Realistically 2 months away probably
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>My hero academia 427 preview
me like
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Is there a way to prompt hugging pussy lips like this, or is that purely artist dependent? Sort of like cleft of venus but for penetration.
bros, sometimes my a1111 gen is fast as hell, sometimes it takes like 2-3x as long. I have no idea why. I have ever app on my pc off except for one chrome tab. anyone ever experience something similar?
Is that one chrome tab civitai?
A1111 has shit memory management, that's why forge is still superior even with no updates
no I just meant the tab for webui
https://civitai.com/models/446981/lips-that-grip ?
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Do you use ADetailer or HiResFix at all? Those have been known to use a lot of RAM and result in slower generation.
Also what are your dimensions?
guys, for adamw, what's a good learning rate for 32 dim/alpha?
which loras are you using?
it depends on your batch size. i do 0.00003/0.00006 at 3
one box sir
Thats NAI
at 1 and 2, what would be good values? thx
idk, why train at bs 1 or 2?
It is still possible to pay for NAI with Google Pay? I know it was possible before to buy gift keys, but i don't see option now and there is not much information about this.
And yes i'm asking because i don't use debit card and i don't have access to my old paypal account and idk if they will ban my new one.
uh cuz its what my vram can handle, training for a character
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Also, combine with https://civitai.com/models/44276/concept-larger-insertion-more-girth-vaginal for ultimate grips
>uh cuz its what my vram can handle
are you training on an 8gb card?
you have enough vram to train at batch size 5 or 6
12gb can handle batch4 gradient accumulation 4 with fp8
NTA but batch 4 is max batch for 12 GB VRAM right? And what does fp8 do exactly?
you doing cosine?
sometimes it's fine to use batch size 1 or 2 even if you could go higher because lower batch size makes the lora learn your dataset better (which could be a good or a bad thing depending on what you're using it for)
10gb can do batch size 4 if you enable fp8 and disable the in blocks. you might be able to get five if you do full bf16 training, i haven't tried that.
if you're having vram issues at 12 with 4 then you're having bucket issues, that waste at least 1.6gb of vram, if not more. try adding or removing a few images from your dataset at a time and your vram consumption will plummet
loads the unused weights in the base model in fp8
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wanted to try out the combo, works pretty well. Dont know how much impact the grips lora has tho.
i do cosine with restarts with one restart every 500 to 750 steps
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More schedulers I guess (for forge) https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commits/dora_dev_schedulers/

catbox for hd, zoom since image is huge::https://litter.catbox.moe/req5sh.png
all the pictures looks like shit, its always a coinflip wether the pajeet on civitai sucks or the lora sucks
I was looking for the same but for the asshole
bf16 for more batches? so its "worse" per say? an option to save vram
i think that by default training runs at fp32, enabling full bf16 reduces the precision but should save vram. but i haven't really felt the need to do that since batch size 3 works well enough and i still have around 1.5gb of vram free on my 10gb card to do things like browse the internet
are tentacles /h/ or /d/
/d/ sadly
I legit cant tell the difference and if there is improvement or not
imo when training loras it's important to keep in mind that there's an issue with sd-scripts that creates a vram usage goldilocks zone. i don't know what actually creates the variation but it seems to have something to do with the specific number of images with specific aspect ratios loaded during training. just randomly resizing my training images so they go into different buckets, but keeping the same number of images and the same overall number of pixels loaded during training, can cause me to go from using 8.5gb of vram to maxing out my GPU at 10.
how much content needs to be added before /u/ material is allowed on /h/
Well, all you need to do is check the lora yourself, I usually don't care much about sample images, all I care is if the lora can get me the results I want or not. If it can, even with some additional fine tuning - it's good enough.
If I had 4090 I would probably train myself, but on 3070Ti - no thank you.
just add a dick in the corner and you're golden
3070ti is definitely enough to train loras, you're just lazy
would justifying this with 1 girl asking for a dick as the other girl is annoyed that eating out isnt enough be a good reason
It is enough but it takes a lot of time. I don't want to wait for days just to get 1 character lora, and concepts take even more time.
put some dude in the corner with his cock out. otherwise gen as normal
enya's puffy asshole....
how do i install these to my current forge?
More options I guess, I like Euler A Karras/AYS, DPM++ 3M SDE AYS and DDPM Karras/AYS.

AYS GITS seems to be interesting as well
>even more minmaxxing fuckery i have to account for and experiment with
i'm so tired bros
Woah there, remember, real artists experimented with different paints and canvas materials for decades!
would've been funnier if you said digital artists and pen pressure / drawing tablets
I gave up. Unless someone shows something making a SIGNIFICANT difference I'm not adding it to my workflow. Otherwise I'll get caught in the infinite testing cycle again and never gen. The worst part is that under circumstances you can think the test is an improvement only to find out it's been crippling your outputs later, like adding schizo negs.
they walk so we could run
we are waddling in shit right now but still
Yeah same, im happy with my current setup, it get the jobs done and it work most of the time for what I want to do, I dont want to fiddle around for some minimal gain when the real bottleneck is the model anyways
Unironically - mastering photoshop and other drawing software is also not an easy task.
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Generating tons of slop to use as training data is very tedious.
i agree with what i see
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I'm not sure how you can point a repo from one user to other, or if it's possible?

I git cloned into another folder and used the same venv as og forge/a1111
Where's the adetailer model for pussy, ass, and dick masking? Need to automate inpainting of those regions.
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is there any way to mitigate style bleed on lora training? been training on anime screencaps for a character with no fanarts, it gets the character okayish on the first epochs, but the clothing details only come on the later epochs, which also make the screencap style bleed
train a lora on screencaps of that anime that the character isn't in. then merge the style lora you trained with the base model, then train your character lora
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this can't be true
how about you inpaint some bitches
and 2 years ago local was so far ahead of everything else. since then:
>a full year of relying on the NAI leak
>almost an entire year of SDXL being the leading local image model
>NAI 3 mogging local for almost a year now
>consumer GPUs remaining completely stagnant while enterprise gets bigger and further out of reach
>every local base model sabotaging themselves over 'safety'
>coomer finetunes (easyfluff, pony) looking for more and more ways to censor the model
>incompetent chink models autotagged on broken english and trained on ai outputs
>nai making their own base model
>dalle remains practically secret technology
>audio and video ai decades ahead of anything local has

it comes down to money. nobody in local has money to train anything more than a shitty finetune on a StabilityAI model. and the very best of local get poached by those with money. local has been, and always will be, reliant on handouts. there wouldn't even be a local image scene if it wasnt for runway/sai's 1.5 (millions of dollars in funding), and same for text models with meta's llama (billions of dollars in funding). the circumstances required to change this are highly unlikely to ever align. i wish this wasn't true, but it's simply the nature of things as they are
also friendly reminder that v1 leaked
people call it the leak without even understanding what it means
hint: it wasn't supposed to happen
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Re-factored the branches so it's easier to work with them.

> https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commits/dev_schedulers -> branch with just new schedulers (so no DoRA PR, no VP/CFG++/AYS Variants), this can be made as PR for forge directly.
> https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commits/dora_dev_schedulers -> branch with just new schedulers and DoRA (so no VP/CFG++/AYS Variants)
> https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commits/dev_schedulers_test -> branch with new schedulers, DoRA and test/WIP schedulers.

AYS and Simple schedulers have a lot of potential. Have to check how to improve CFG++ and get better sigmas for custom AYS implementations.
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if you say so
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here's what we must do
1: break into nai
2: steal v3
3: travel back in time hours before the v1 leak
4: give them v3
5: v3 will leak instead of v1
6: ???
7: profit
you can change 1 to letting some retard leak it accidentally
lets say i have fresh forge installation using the one click package on the main branch
how do i apply https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commits/dev_schedulers_test
for example. seems like just copy and pasting over the files would just not work. such is being retarded
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follow this
there might be an extra ] on line 242 in sd_schedulers.py in modules folder
> https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commits/dev_schedulers_test -> branch with new schedulers, DoRA and test/WIP schedulers.
Can u add the soft inpainting fix to this pr?
Catbox of picrel pls
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Thanks, fixed.

Sure, added here https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commit/6cfc8947e573e17d4c64481330e4f654172a3c1f. I guess the test branch will have more things.

Quick question: can you make straight shota stories in novelai, or does that kind of content lead to a ban?
yeah upload it if you want
I could probably dig out more docs if you're a data enjoyer
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you can make anything
Thanks for the pr lad, the day Forge will truly die is the day when all the memory usage improvements and optimizations gets fully added to A1111, which is likely to be never.
you can do anything, it's just a 13b model but it's uncensored and they don't care what you do with it
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can I train a lycoris while blocking some weights? don't see that option on the GUI
Straight to jail

sorry guys I may be retarded, ELi5 how do I update my forge to this version >>8088654
how the hell do you add Align Your Steps Scheduler to forgeui
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memes aside, wdV is our last hope.
>Only competent trainer left who hasn't been absorbed by Anlatan/bought out.
>Completely self motivated, not an ethics tard
>Has access to NAI levels of compute through their job
>Has a proven track record, not related to the original WD team
>Expects the model to be fully baked within a month, not a moralfag.

If that fails local really is fucked, we'll see in a few weeks because neggles is rapid firing shit right now. Cascade is a meme, the next pony version is at least six months away because Astralite is a retarded jeet. There's nothing else unless a random chink model falls from the heavens.
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Is there an overly indepth guide/faq on inpainting? One that includes a workflow preferbly, I never feel happy with my results when inpainting and it doesn't feel worthwhile when I can set things up to generate images while I fuck off elsewhere.
>>Has a proven track record, not related to the original WD team
What is it then?
>milk bottles WITH milk that float
i will be stealing this idea
Ironically, /trash/ has a bettergeneral template. Found this on it:

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+1 to this, I suck at git
Tried that and it's not working for me, says it can't find the repository. I put the / in there before I get low iq filter'd. Just git bashing on the main forge folder so not sure if there's something else I'm missing.
While I remember, thank you to >>8084798 for your suggestion. This worked and now I can use Forge!
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am*ricans will order this as an afternoon snack every day then act like $25/month are too much
Off-topic but fuck am I hungry
gen an anime girl eating all that but add cum on the food to make it /h/
Awesome thanks for response, guide is pretty solid and does try to break down how/why things work.
Thoughts on canon 28 year olds with a successful independent careers? That's my favorite body type.
you don't have to add a pretentiously witty "lol look it's not actually a loli haha pls don't ban me janny" caption every time you post an A cup, it just makes you look insufferably cringe
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Any Holiday Yasumi enjoyers in chat?
age is meaningless in anime land, if my dick get hard blame the guy who made those girl sexy, they can complain to me when we get real anime girl
i want a giant text file of characters and a giant text file of actions. I'm building my own but surely someone else has done this too? GIVE IT TO ME
they're called wildcards and they already exist, you giant retard
I aint giving you shit, my wildcard is for my egoist ass only
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denoise stuck at 1.5 which is causing assertion error
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i have no mouth and i must scream
thanks, I now see the massive wildcard section on civitai, i was blind
Can you give me the complete error? Reverted the PR in the meanwhile.
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Actually 4 LoRA's:
Holiday Yasumi (style, trained on Seiai Hakusho and excerpts from his Tsuzuru comics)
Tsuzuru (Holiday Yasumi)

>it's too big!
>t. Nigger
fuck you, it's my convenience, not yours
damn brat, needs correction
if its working for you i probably fucked up
Correct bad girls
>too big
literally how? dont most people have over 20tb at their disposal at any moment? i may be autistic but surely theres no real issue holding all that shit in one spot locally right?
some nigger keeps telling me my LoRA's are too big
How can I replicate, were you inpainting with some specific setting?
well tell that nigger to get
>better internet that doesnt throttle him or have bandwidth caps
>get more storage space
>use a method that requires no downloading
we live in some fucking amazing times, there is no excuse for "too big" anymore until you work with datasets in the hundreds of terabytes or more.
in fact, recently i found out im processing nearly half a petabyte of shit. storage is cheap, nobody should be struggling anymore
just default img2img settings, i managed to get a debug that was telling me denoise value was 1.5
Connect with princesses
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So whats the style requirement for /h/ so i dont get jannied for trying to share shit?
Depends entirely on how which janny is on. Don't let your memes be dreams.
None, actually:
here's the makima .psd
feel free to, i wish i'd saved more over time
I also require assistance from the git chads

>oh you don't like my bloated unoptimized piece of software? you must be a nigger :)
Reminder these people will when OTHER people provide THEM with bloated shit. But it's okay when we do it.
Me on the left.
yes that is the case. they are niggers and theres no excuse
please spoonfeed a retard. I'm pretty sure my specs let me use SDXL, SD3 etc. I just have 2 questions.
These are my goals
>generate BBWs like >>8086877 (big areolas are a must), MILFs like >>8088481, latinas like >>8088611 and futas/femboys with minimal effort
>pov pics like >>8086941
>be able to use controlnet or whatever is used now to control poses and shit like that
>eventually to do animation
1. can I do all this with Pony or do I need some other finetunes?
2. Given my needs, which software should I use? comfyui seems like a pain in the ass. Fooocus seems like the most retard-proof option but I'm not sure if it has everything I need.
install webui forge
use reweik_ponyxl v01.1
Okay I can confirm the issue, it seems to happen with img2img in general, not related to the PR. Gonna debug to see why is happening, probably something related after the changes to processing.py.
>>generate BBWs like >>8086877 (big areolas are a must), MILFs like >>8088481, latinas like >>8088611 and futas/femboys with minimal effort
This is a shitpost, isn't it? Please tell me it's a shitpost.
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>complaining about the size of XL LoRA's
lolmao, no

AutismMixPony/Confetti are fine. Use Animagine as a refiner model for artist control. Pony excels in body/physiology/composition but lacks in style control, so you either need LoRA's to be unimaginative/directionless or use Animagine to find mixes of artists that make your peepee get hard but aren't just one artist's style.

That being said, LoRA's are good for things Animagine doesn't have.
why are you doing v01.2 dirty?
what makes you think I'm baiting? I'm 100% serious. I know nothing about this shit and specified the stuff I wanna generate cause I don't know if some models/finetunes are bad with certain poses (pov), and I do know some of them generate generic skinny young white women no matter what you say in the prompt
>not prime aisha or eris
160 megs for a simple character lora is retarded m8 you gotta resize that shit
80% of the learned information in there is pure garbage anyway
because it works better for me
simple as
People are gonna butthurt again over that rentry.
>or use Animagine to find mixes of artists
Or 4th tail lyco extract.
At this rate we'll get to 32dims 100+ characterpack loras again and won't see anything wrong about them.
I'm on the third book. Without spoiling me, what do you mean by this?
I've played around with a lot of settings and I'm comfortable with my outputs after having trained literally hundreds of LoRA's. I don't have any desire to figure out the compression methodology and I'm not changing my Dim/Alpha. I'm not resizing shit and it justworks.png
Haven't seen that one, but this methodology has been effective. Is the 4th Tail extract analogous to the HLL's?
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>what do you mean by this?
enjoy the series bud
>Set up a new folder for the branch
>Can't do img2img upscales
Giving me some "NoneType" Object is not iterable error?
>Haven't seen that one
0.4.0 versions
you wanna either use good Lyco version if A1111 or inferior Lora version labeled as "simple lora" if Forge because it can't process new fancy Lyco format
both are weaker than refinery anyways but more accessible to 90% vramlets itt
Season 4 inspired me to finally read. Won't get more of the anime for at least a year and a half, but the books are great for fleshing out the world and backgrounds. Great experience.
Yeah it seems broken, tinkering to see why it fails, so for now if people want to use img2img stock forge on dev2 branch should work, it has AYS as scheduler on settings.

Something from "from modules_forge.forge_sampler import sampling_prepare" is killing something with the new scheduler thing.
>weaker than refinery
>can't use weaker version on Forge
It's over
Oh well, I have 16GB, so refinery will still work fine for me.
very hot
>stronger version on Forge*
I've been using kohya hi-res fix anyway recently so it's not as big an issue as it could be just wanted to make sure it wasn't just a me problem. That being said trying the euler a ays the colors seem to pop more but that might be just some copium.
yeah uuh
wait, lyco don't work on forge? that's odd
>it can't process new fancy Lyco format
older Lycos are fine
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there are massive filesize savings when mass converting sai2 -> psd then 7z, but you lose some layer blending settings and stuff like that
what's more important?
also some of these docs are incomplete, but that's just how I did things I guess
are you lost?
mistakes were made
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>Think you can share the catbox of the posted image as well?
i'll leave it and the others that i could find just in case

there's an extra one but colors are messed up, well i'll leave it here cause whatever

>solo lily
posted her in /e/
>Barem? Sushi?... Denji, what the fuck are talking about? Come on, we need to walk the dogs
I want to walk my nayuta
too tired, fucked up the link to lily
oh yeah
Love 'em, thanks!
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it's nayutover...
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Okay I've fixed img2img/inpaint/etc it on the dev_schedulers, dev_schedulers_test and dora_dev_schedulers branches. CFG++ breaks on the test branch but img2img now works fine. I will fix CFG++ tomorrow. (Not sure if someone uses it)

Also re-added the soft inpainting fix, tested and works fine https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commit/0a88f2c3a692893e064174aea1926cda9a9b1dec

Sorry for the delay for the fix, time to sleep
I like this style. Nice.
I refuse to believe. Look at how much alive (not dead) she is!

if i put "anus" in negative prompt, will it fuck with every other generation, or only affect the doggystyle prompts?

(i dont like looking at gaping anus)
then you put gaping in negs
as you can imagine, i am not exactly in need of storage. i'd take the .sai2 files and 12 GB is nothing
also i wasn't sure if you were inpaint anon or not but this confirms it. i love your work
no, he's talking about uploading the project files for his inpaints
>even more IA

>i'll leave it and the others that i could find just in case
Thank you.
>got banned for """ban evasion""" on my home IP for NOTHING, just for one of the posts that got purged yesterday
I fucking wish I could fucking piss in jannies' worthless mouths. Hey nigger, NOW I am evading your retarded ban, eat shit you worthless faggot bitch
Did you get a dynamic IP? Could be because of that
no, my home ip is static
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>same but for the asshole
A guy on /e/ suggested "swollen anus", it sounded disgusting so I never tried it before. Wasn't even meant for penetration but seems to work, and even the pussy variant. This is without, with, and at 1.3.

Gonna try other art styles now.
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nayuter will be fine (in our gens...)
>there's an extra one but colors are messed up, well i'll leave it here cause whatever
and that fills the missing gap. good job
the uploading begins, see you in 200 years
hey thanks, nothing beats a >(You)
that's cool, man
What does "source_pony, source_furry" in negative prompt really do? I mean I'm already not generating images of furries or ponies. It's not like it ever surprises me with a sudden random furry. Does it improve quality to put it in negative because furries are shit artists and the less the AI knows about them, the better?
kek wtf I thought that was a meme joke, he's actually trans? model will be DOA if hrt addled faggotry is in charge. only a matter of time until the censorship starts up
Why don't you try it and find out? Takes about as much time as writing out that post. imo it's just a slight art style shift, used to be stronger on base pony so people kept it from back then
i suppose in the end these really are all just "artstyle tweaks" yeah, that makes sense.
Yeah. Pretty much promised to be trash. No project headed by a tranny will last.
If he comes out as trans I will happily delete pony and all pony derivatives from my HD. No joke. This community has enough plagues upon it, we don't need those freaks welcomed here too.
wtf i just put source_trans in negs and my images became 200% better...
>put source_based in prompt
>all my girls come out with red or orange hair
ngl I admire your dedication. wish the average normie would recognize what a menace they are. openly being trans should be treated the same way people would treat a registered child sex offender moving in next door and knocking to introduce himself. it's crazy they're even allowed to be hired in modern society with the level of mental illness you have to have to do that shit to yourself. legitimately fucked up.

hey Jordach if you're reading I'll post daily on your new board if you ban trooners.
You'd "support" him if you donated to wd. If you're just using the fruits of xher labor you're not supporting him.
Same goes for ponyfucker.
Cope all day if you want, I'm not using a troon model. Simple as.
i support model bakers by not calling them troons, faggots, schizos, mentally ill, etc.
isn't that enough?
That's not a cope.
But you're probably the same guy that did the "I won't use a model made by a ponyfucker" bait.
I judge people by the quality of their work, but would prefer if they kept other parts of their life private.
He's not really vocal about it.
I've sat through wd's chat for a bit and there IS a couple of obsessed obnoxious troons there though. Like the types that talk about their dilators, depression and hormones all the time.
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gorgeous work
I can't get over how sexy your OC is, holy fuck
thanks much
Same I start gooning every time I see her.
i want to mine my childhood memories for cartoon waifus but im all out of them, AHHHHH
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this actually makes it worse sometimes, and carries way too much style
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pixeldrain com/l/e6ELFwRU
only madness ahead.
Anon, is it possible to get LORA to re-upload this illustration?
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Another fun artist mix that messes up hands in annoying ways.
thank you anon, as always
"inpaint masked" in webui with metachs NAI addon with alternative denoise mode for max zen
you can also use this to have infinite canvas size for free (1024x1024 or similar res) gens, by working with smaller tiles of an overall image.
a traitor seems like a fitting test subject
Pusbox? her artstyle looks cute
Vigne is a good girl
nta but there is his other one with box >>8087189
Why do my locally trained loras produce better results than the civitai training service? I'm using almost the same settings. Am I being scammed?
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have somebody encountered images breaking when sending to inpaint sketch? is it a google chrome thing only?
nevermind, this shit happens when you try to resize the browser window and setting it to something different from 100%, god i hate gradio
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Glad to see that the 8k in donations get used to make clones of perfectly fine websites while the actual model is still cooking on a single 4090
The websites will be full of furshit anyways.
>perfectly fine websites
Such as?
4channel.org's /hdg/
Nice, thanks anon. Now if only I could get this wildcard problem ever solved it'd be incredible. Only started happening on forged with the dynamic prompts extension where it sometimes just ignores the syntax for wildcards and prompts literally whats in the prompt box instead of converting your wildcard into the prompt.
There are more than enough barely moderated image boards you could move to. Don't see why you'd wanna go to one with a core population of insufferable furries
We need more finetunes instead of lora. But with pony fucker model it's almost impossible. I think people forgot that finetunes have much higher quality than lora
Why would you need a 6Gb lora? Just train a lora. Have you trained a lora today? Who needs models, who needs finetunes when you could just train a lora?
normal finetune of pony is impossible
it's overcooked
finetuning a finetune sounds like a bad idea to begin with
is there a three-quarter view tag working on pony? or do i have to fuck around with (from side:0.6)?
bang bang
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It isn't if it's a proper finetune, plenty of usable stuff was made for nai leak for example
but pony really is a special case
she hit my heart
nice boobjob
Guys, I saw someone say that anyone that jerks off to AI generated hentai is beyond saving :((( is it true??
yes it's over for you incel
should have kept jerking off to human-created hentai to support heckin artists
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To your own gens? That's a slippery slope towards drawing. To someone's AI patreon? I don't even need to say it.
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lmao even
Say it.
post cunny
>making a lora of anime chracter using only anime screencap because autism and want to keep the artstyle
>supportive character so only one outfit
>outfit bleeds into other clothes if genned
>roll the dice and gen her in other outfit that don't have the bleed
>use those gens to add to the database to create another lora
Call me Frankenstein, because I'm about to create an abomination.
Good shit. Thank you.
>asura (asurauser)
didn't they say they're going to use h100s for training the big model?
asura (asurauser) is dead and the pedos killed him
post cunny
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ahhh ahhh mistress pumping my little cock for you... its trembling and pre is coming out...
cant pay for nai anymore so i guess im getting on local now ,
though I wonder what would happened if i tried fine tuning a model on all the stuff i genned on nai, anyone tried that?
You could sell your gpu for 15 months of nai
its the idea for minor finetunes like tponynai
it *kinda works*
I wouldnt bother doing this myself
this is junkie-tier shit lol
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So we can make loras for the ching chong ming mong model now? Any sense in doing that or does it need some anime finetune first?
Can I assume that model coming into the future will use the same format of 1 girl,1 boy,sex?
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NTA, but I call skill issue
This is what I can get from base pony
>Any sense in doing that or does it need some anime finetune first?
I haven't tried it, but hunyuan should have *some* innate anime knowledge, unlike SD garbage. Doubt it will be enough for loras to not be extremely stiff though.
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happy ameriday bros
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Amen (greetings from Malaysia)
i thought prime day was in 2 weeks?
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It knows anime among other things very well, but it doesn't know NSFW since it's literally illegal for them to make it in China. Considering how fast this project is evolving I'd say Chinq models are the way of the future, that finetuners are planning Sai model finetunes still just shows how out of touch they are. No finetune being made on a SAI arch is going to stay relevant for much longer.
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Gentlemen, behold!
I came

Really? Even after I did the fork dynamic prompts extension have worked great. Do you have any example or error message to check? Like most of my gens are just wildcards/dyn prompts.
this took me a while to grasp
true art
any guides on training with masked loss?
Do I just create a folder named conditioning_data_dir having the same names as the dataset images, but being png masks?
Just ask ChatGPT. Been doing that all day, telling it to explain all the settings and parameters I don't understand and it just works.
you need to create a masked version of your dataset basically. so if you have 1girl_A and 1girl_B then you need to have separate loss mask folders for A and B. the folder names don't need to be the same but i think it's easier to work with if they are.
i have a script that automatically generates training masks based on transparency that you can use:
just specify the path to your dataset and whatever folder you want your loss masks to be in and it'll create a masked copy of your dataset pretty quickly
then create a dataset toml and specify each training folder as

image_dir = 'your\training\folder\A'
num_repeats = 1
caption_extension = '.txt'
conditioning_data_dir = 'your\mask\folder\A'

you can also just let the training script generate them automatically based on transparency but it's incredibly slow and the .npz files it generates are huge.
No way lol, that's pretty niche stuff. You sure it's not hallucinations?
Not as niche as you think. It knows many of these "tech support" type of answers because, unsurprisingly, many people have been posting about them on various forums and reddit.
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try asking it how to set up a masked loss config for sd-scripts
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How did you guys find a style you like? With the near infinite possibility im always thinking I could do better and im never satisfied with what I have
in my case it's a style just enough to wank
I used to mix the styles all the fucking time but eventually settled on certain mixes that I like. Rarely I find something interesting at someone else's prompt and try mixing it in somewhere.
always go by features
if you like the cute/moe features in one style, and the rendering of another, mix
go a step further, start splitting off blocks for cleaner merges (OUT00-OUT05)
once you start looking at styles as bags of features, use intuition to see which you should combine with to maximise the appeal of those features.
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That small e6 rebound really didn't help his delusions...
Any /hdg/ approved Pony checkpoints for better or more detailed backgrounds?
pony is too fried to do backgrounds, unironically switch to animagine or go back to 1.5 if that's what you want
any advice on how to get the cock completely buried/hidden in POV shots? i've tried a lot of descriptions and negatives to no avail
I used to cope thinking this was just shitposting but yeah time to accept that he's just fucking delusional.
isnt that censored?
reweik has the best ones by far, though nowhere close to animagine. And using a style lora will drag it back down towards pony
Thats quite a good idea honestly, my only issue is that after looking at so much different shit Im not even sure what I like anymore, I need a brain reset
(Updated and improved version coming soon.)
Like other anons have said, wdV is our only hope. Anlatan has already tried to go after Neggles by claiming some of their trainer code was "stolen" from the NAI leak. That's how you know it's a real threat kek
What, are you trying to gen nude landscapes?
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There was tag related loss code in the leak and the cheeky "hey look tag frequency based loss scaling wonder where we got that one from" in the readme looks like it probably was that.
Hello sir, may I redeem a box?
he's just joking you guys can't grasp sarcasm
Everything people on the internet say is 100% sincere and you must take it at face value.
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'box? artstyle looks lovely
somebody recognizes thit artists mix? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119985103
like ofc there is ciloranko, but what makes body proportions and anatomy overall, NAI gens don't usually have such body by default
It's NAI, sorry.
no, this is what he honestly believes, and he's made similar statements in different situations and different discords
you're just an autist who can't tell when people are being sarcastic
nta but I can understand this
it's hard to believe that someone's actually this delusional
like how can one look at the outputs this 1b model sharts out and say this is pony/nai level
because that's barely 1.5 level, fucker
>like how can one look at the outputs this 1b model sharts out and say this is pony/nai level
By never having used either and believing pictures people post are inpainted to hell and back?
one could expect a guy who started a finetuning project and gathered $10k donations to be at least a bit knowledgeable about current imagegen state
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im gettin paid
he used neither? are you serious? bruh.
correct, if you've seen jordach talk about pony and nai it's pretty obvious that he has never used either
but that's to be expected from the guy who was training a 1.5 model at the same time everybody else was switching to pony and nai
its always better to have more competing models than less, if wdv devs are gonna work harder due to pony+loras AND cascade pressure - so be it
it's just so disappointing. i want local to break free of censor sepia ponyslop but there really is no path to salvation here. i wish angry tree man was in charge because he at least seems rational and sane.
some of you fuckers are shilling wdv/wdxl but you've been saying that shit since 2023. nothing officially posted about the model itself
Either Cascade or WdV, that's for sure. But you need to choose between a delusional baker or a tranny baker. Can't have everything in life.
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previously we had to choose either a brony dev or stick to 1.5 slop, look where are we now
Trannies are delusional by definition. But somehow troondles seems to be less delusional than Jordach so I'll go with xher.
It's not even a choice.
Xir has access to an h100 cluster and is baking with it as we speak.
i like how you didnt even bother to include 'furry' as the window has shifted so far that it's not even a noteworth detraction anymore
bets that it will be pruned from "problematic" content?
if I was a fan of slimegirl I would bust the fattest nut
he's not the obnoxious type in that regard.
already confirmed to be using all of danbooru gold
then by bad
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Doubt, unless something changed from a month ago
Is neggles obnoxious type?
danbooru already IS pruned. i was going through the top artists yesterday and every page had at least one with 1k+ images that was just deleted due to a 'takedown request'. and their shitty gold account filter too
that's why they're also using pixiv, and they also have all the gold-locked images
xhe's a cunt kinda, but doesn't scream about his identity and tranny shit
They don't say much, seems like they're just focused on baking.
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just you wait neggles, the day of reckoning will come
Chat, is this real?
exactly like a baker should behave, kek
i hope that dataset will be actually curated
my hopes for resonance dropped upon learning that they dataset is raw gelbooru scrape
I've been out of the loop. Where was it stated a new WD is being baked?
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it's from the wd discord
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when i was going through artists i realized just how bad it is. so many of the top artists with over 2000 images are just endless pages of comics that the model simply can't understand. this is why i suggest using yande.re and konachan as an aesthetic filter and weighing those images higher (2 repeats) than everything else. there is simply too much useless junk that doesn't really contribute to a good image model
its not going to use a higher channel vae is it
Eugesisters, are we irrelevant?
I'm afraid we are..
Obviously not.
I'm going to say something brave anons.
I hope all bakers succeed :)
We love our bakers folks, we have BIGLY bakers.
yup, and that's just tip of the iceberg
many artist with even hundreads of illustration have incomplete catalogs on boorus,
there is lots "free samples" and that's require scraping kemono and panda and mannualy assemble datasets,
some tags are extremely poisoned or strait up dysfunctional, best example is loli on gelbooru, at least half of it is toddler shit and most os the rest is total worthless garbage quality wise , with such dataset for resonance this tag will not be functional at all
Ganbatte bakers

You have some ponyslop to dethrone
content classifiers: exist
what is a good preset for fine tuning/dreambooth?
that's only for third point in my post, but still feeding model with tag where probably over 90% is garbage it is good idea?
why are you so insistent on the idea of *feeding* them?
what? kek
u can filter retart
hello sir
please do the needful and redeem english language before posting
sadly i can't, always make mistakes when typing any longer sentence
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don't forget about the epic bake-off between neggles and jordach where jordach claimed it's 'over for 1.5' while neggles embarrassingly and unironically shilled SD3
4 months later cascade is still worse than 1.5 and practically unusable while SD3 is a complete disaster and wdv still has nothing to show for itself
the absolute state of local, folks!
this but vaginal and wet is peak
>epic bake-off between neggles and jordach
>neggles embarrassingly and unironically shilled SD3
pic unrelated?
>in about a month
they aren't anything close to a finished model now, in july
why say shit like this
hrt-induced delusions
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maybe you missed the part where he spent the past 7 months getting wormtongued by cumrag and mcmonkey about how SD3 will be the peak of image gen, so much so that he started gaslighting his clique into believing that wd3 would actually be good.

there are no saviors coming for localkeks, both jordach and neggles are complete retards. jordach's eyes are so fried by furshit that he can't see the ugly mess directly in front of him while neggles can't acknowledge the here-and-now and commit to actually making anything at all. you will get 5 more months of underperforming cascade epochs and 5 more months of nothing from WD.
>you will get 5 more months of underperforming cascade epochs and 5 more months of nothing from WD
that's the most likely outcome by far, unfortunately
got any posts proving that cumrag was shilling sd3? after its failure he's been saying that he hasn't been related to it
He's not wrong about sd3 being good, just not the version we have weights for
>he started gaslighting his clique into believing that wd3 would actually be good.
there's no telling if he was using the same model that got released
Where the flip has he gone
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Alright enough Carl's Jr ads, back to testing stuff in Regional Prompter
I love how WET this looks
It's been an issue before the fork, like it just seems to be happening more on the fork. I get error messages constantly about embedded wildcards saying "it can't find them" but it works anyway. But for instance my prompt will be like
To pick charas and prompt setups I got for sex. What it does is just ignore all those and I'll get a string of like 1girl, hsex, etc and it just gens literal stuff. Nobody else seems to have the issue from what I've seen except some blurb on their github with sometimes if you have a long chain or too many it will just freak out or can't handle it?
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I wish this shit was consistent in any way whatsoever
So which model has this baker made in the past?
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here you go, right from the WD trooncord. that entire place is basically just corporate cocksucking between all the midjourney and sai employees they have there.
lol cringe
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For the people that use the forge fork, I've added more schedulers (Normal and DDIM), from PR https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/pull/16149. (https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commit/93059781b0e2dc8b788596cd423488021cfc0e4e)

Also CFG++ seems to work even after the modification of yesterday, though looks weird (as well as KL_Optimal) if using Restart + CFG++/KL_Optimal

Okay that's pretty weird, if you want you can upload those wildcards and try that same prompt.

Is any chance that you're using any part with triple underscores in the prompt (___)?
i think this is the either 4B version with only the T5 that got canned for the 2B version or the 8B model
Nah no triple underscores, it's all doubles. It's an intermittent issue just seems to happen but it's happened more frequently on the fork. I assume it's just an overload of wildcards or prompt token thing making the extension crap out
>Have an entire functional model
>destroy it
Sai is gay.
there was a possibility that we'd get sdxl with a broken vae as a mean to "watermark" ai gens for safety sake
that and 2.x failure should have prepared you for this bullshit
Volume 10 was peak.
love this . can share prompt ?
It's NAI, prompt isn't scraped cause it's just stealth png.
stealthpng has been a thing since forever, wonder why anons didn't use that instead of catbox extension
catbox extension still lets you read the metadata
Well, getting people to install an extension just to benefit other people using their prompts is a hard sell, even if everyone would benefit if everyone used it. It should be added to the OP though.
>the one good feature they mentioned was just stolen from NAIv1
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Reply with the best feet you can gen.

>220 MB lora vs 19 MB lora
Reminder that size isn't everything.
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i havent genned any recent feet so ill have to repost
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We're doomed
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Finally, Euler a + DDIM and DDIM + DDIM

catbox for HD:

Really weird, if you want as I said you can upload those wildcards and I can try them, or the complete prompt you're trying with that for

I use for example a prompt like

>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, nsfw, uncensored BREAK female, __haircolor__, __hairstyles__, __hairlength__, __eyecolour__,__breasts_sizes_ranges__, __attire_jewelry_and_accessories_head_and_face__ , __accessories__, __attire_headwear__, __bangs__, __legwear__, __neckwear__, __face__ , {(abs:0.9)|curvy|athletic} BREAK { __breasts_clothes_for__| nude, {puffy|inverted|erect} nipples| completely nude, {puffy|inverted|erect} nipples| __Clothing__|__clothingtype__ }, {from behind, rear view, ass, looking back|from side|from above|from below|from front position|}, __backgroundsvariantstxt__, __focus_body_parts__

and it works fine.
so jordach is stuck in the 1.5 era of "good vs bad" gens huh
does network dropout makes training slower? as in more steps for convergence?
what makes a good foot?
>hey look tag frequency based loss scaling wonder where we got that one from
So what are the chances that this line is what ticked them off? They probably checked out his repo after he talked to that one NAI guy and were like hol' up.
It would make sense.
For such a simple concept (that pony completely fails at doing it, reason why you're training it) there's no problem with that. Actually, you train it even better. Higher dims are only for complex features, it could be either a character, a style or a very complex pose/concept. But in very few cases, reinforcing a concept that the model already recognizes like the one you trained or if you're trying to train an insanely simple character (for example any girl coming from go-tobun no hanayome), I do believe you can train using 4 dim or even lower. You just need to identify how simple or complex is the thing you want to train, then use a dim that fits nicely with it.
Are any of those nested though? Like I have some with wildcards nested into wildcards and I think that's where the break's come in.
wonder how many arcane tricks NAI used for V3 that we'll never know. guess it really isn't as simple as chucking images at a generic training template. maybe thats why every local xl gen looks that same and fails to emulate soft styles
I have some nested characters like

{__chars1__|__chars2__|__chars3__|__chars4__) and it works fine D: but only that in the prompt

do you have multiple nested wildcards?
How would you determine (or at least approximate) the complexity of a particular character/style/concept?
Or would you just train at 32 dims and then resize down?
the tag count loss is definitely still employed but probably at a even more advanced level, considering nai v3 is able to reproduce characters, concepts, and styles with as low as 150-200 images (s16xue for instance)
Am I crazy anons? I tried NAI for a week and am already unsubscribed. It feels infinitely better to gen locally, dunno how to put it into words. I guess it doesn't help that NAI doesn't know some of the styles I like/cant do the degenerate shit I was hoping it could kek
for me it's that 'multiple views' inpainting trick that was being passed around in january to get it to generate characters it didn't know. i have yet to see any other model able to do anything like that. it's clear it's not just a simple "check the data at it!" finetune and that there's far more research to done before anyone approaches that level.
yeah, until we have a finetune on an inpainting model we wont be getting anything like that locally
well of course it's not just a matter of throwing data at it, it's also about having 10000 times more compute than any local baker
nai mogs local
local is massively limited in terms of variety, but it's unlimited in terms of genning, loras and tooling
nai is unbeatable in terms of fidelity (detail in gens/texture/anatomy/etc.), variety (poses, camera angles, mundane objects) and composition (foreshortening, blend styles, camera fx like dark/light or themes)

local nai would be the ideal, but that's not happening.
>nai MOGS local
>spits out a smeary mess
they're jealous of the tub of grease nai used bro cut them some slack
freetards woke up. 2 more years until they catch up?
I wouldn't recommend rezising everything since some LoRAs starts to break after they reach a certain dim size. When you resize, the Lora may or may not work, but regardless, you're still erasing information from the model. The right thing to do is to retrain at the intented dim size, so everything fits nicely. How? That's the unfunny part: you'll need to retrain a Lot and play with settings, make grids, etc. But I would say there's some kind of rule of thumb:
2 or 4 dim: concepts that the model already recognizes and just needs to be reinforced
4 or 8 dim: very simple characters with no unusual features, shapes, or outfits. Made for simple concepts too.
16 dim: characters that could have unusual features or shapes, also used for not-so-complex artist styles. Can learn outfits as well. Can learn different simple characters, but only a few. Can learn concepts with unusual poses or smthn, but not too complex.
32 dim: complex characters with lots of unusual features and/or shapes, colors, etc. Recommended for asymmetric characters as well. Artist styles will learn very nicely here, it is able to capture a Lot of patterns and also color ranges. An artist trained with this dim size can kill ponysepia. Can learn different complex characters, but only a few. Intended for very complex concepts too.
64dim or higher: intended for insanely complex art styles, to learn basically nightmare fuel creatures and/or obscure concepts/characters. You can fit dozens of different characters here too.
You'll have to deal with a risk of overfitting from 32 and above, specially 64 or higher.
GOOD MORNING SIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>2 years
i'd give it 4-5, couple more years of bakers rolling around in the mud trying to make a good model
I'm getting the strong impression the only one shilling the troon baker here is the troon himself. Pathetic, even the delusional furry has a hot female (female) that shills for him.
more steps and each step is more slower
saar please be subbing to the nai very cheap for poop smear
The shills are in the walls
b- box sir? were are bobs and vagene
i'll give you the female part though
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Looked good to me for 3dpg.
im already far ahead of you. nailets could never even dream of the degree of waifu fidelity that i have achieved
anime version of the garden of earthly delights
is there any service i can use to animate some of my images? i use nai so i cant do any local animation
Dont you dare speak of my waifu that way. Her cuteness is without compare. If I could bake, I'd make a b- lora
So what it was doing and I think I figured it out is if there's 1 (uno) single fucking error in any of the cards, the whole extension shuts down. Got an extra bracket or miss a close in one wildcard it just bricks the gen. I saw someone mentioned that as an issue that didnt' seem to be resolved and watching my gen I saw the error pop up when I went and re-introduced my wildcards 1 by 1 so far hasn't happened yet after fixing the one that was botched, which was a more recent one.
With all the GPUs they have why hasn't Nai invested in animation gens? Are they hyperfocused on their failed textgen stuff or something?
You're gonna post your gens any day now right?
i already do
>"X/Y/Z" plot script
>it only plots in two dimensions
>>8089575 Here. Wait
All lowercase text... b-, my love, was that you all along?!!
b- is currently banned for complaining about the jannies
how did you get this so consistent? my luma gens become schizo, what do you prompt?
What in Gods name is wrong with them
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Nice you kinda found the issue, yeah these things can break wildcards.
ohh nice
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dont type too much thing, the more you type the more it get crazy, "a anime girl in a lake with a waterfall in background"

also dont use their optimize prompt thing

for the fellow ass man
>bottom left
that was a crazy stream, sad he's retired now
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Did he go full schizo?
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Experimenting more with style combinations. Any anime/manga styles you guys keep as your go-tos? I'm trying to expand my horizons on that front and work out good mixtures in the mean time.
go ask /aco/
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>8 iterations later
>still can't match the level of detail of the original, allegedly broken implementation of immiscible loss
i see
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I don't know what you want from me, both style LORAs I mixed were JP styles. And even then, what would /aco/ know about hentai artists?
He has a website up that lets you test out Reso on his GPU so it's more like someone was probably testing something annoyingly taxing.
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Holy shit what went wrong
This is fucking incredible mang
you can't use sdxl and 1.5 as refiner just like that in webui, if that what you were doing. they can't switch vaes on the spot
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She even has the small anime nose
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This out of context thinly veiled furry hate from discord is a waste of the image limit. If you are not going to provide context or tell us who these people are, please stop posting this.
Wanted to try these ones, I cloned the fork and everything went well but I want to use the same venv folder as my original Forge installation. I tried venv_dir on the webui-user.sh but it's not working, can someone tell me if I'm just too retarded?
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>How long is this brat going to cum in me?
Why does he use it for public testing if he's going to spazz out about people using it for... public testing?
good morning newfriend sir
Because confetti mix actually does anime styles unlike the other ACO centric autism mixes. I've been telling you fags this for months and you keep shilling DPO instead
why is it called confetti anyway? Because it's a party?
Just activate the venv first and then start the webui from within the venv
Have you not read a single thread for months? How can you unironically not have followed any of this by now, even from casual lurking?
Can these fags stop inventing new bullshit and just settle on one single standard?
I don't know if I would call that spazzing he just said "fuck off for an hour". Considering how he talks, that's about as polite as he gets.
I'm more curious why he said that in the furry diffusion discord instead of the Reso one knowing it could have been someone in either. Not a great way to make sure the message gets delivered at all.
It's merged with the confetti model
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No, I usually have Fappe Tyme enabled to ignore all the schizoposts from non-image posters because it's always the same "NAIbad/Cascadebad/Negroidbad/Pajeetbad/LocalBad" spam
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LoRAs are already pretty ubiquitous. That's your standard for you.
It comes off extremely unhinged.
Everything aside from Lora is a waste of time.
who cares about jordach personally having a bad day
if you're going to post drama at least make it baking related
That's because he has the annoying to talk to type of autism so I give him slack there and feels kind of wasteful to care about. I would never want to talk one on one with him though.
Because its a mixture of little scraps of many artists and thats the first word that popped in my head.
Just like your obsession with inconsequential drama
>Filters all posts that would provide context for the images
>Confused why he doesn't understand what is being posted
I see
that's pretty based actually
keep up the good work
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How the fuck are they all so different
On a side note im gonna fuck the right one
Here's the raw image. I inpainted out the puddle of cum that comes with prompting (excessive cum:1.2), but other than that it isn't really heavily doctored.
I did use anytest controlnet along with this image to get the final result: https://files.catbox.moe/bd5pry.jpg
love the style! which style lora are you using?
>pip cache purge
>purged 2217 elements
>Go to see disk
>I freed 32.5gbs of space
What lora is that? The lite version seems great
Thats the type of shit you find terrible when you are not horny but insanely good when you are
It's foreshadowing to the outcome of the model. An unhinged, narcissistic baker is going to make rash and spiteful choices and poison the final product in doing so. It's a storm brewing, hardly inconsequential if you have hopium or money invested in his finetune.
feel bad for the guy who dropped $6,300 on his tune
i also don't have high expectations for resonance but you're managing to come off as more delusional than jordach right now
i did it and now my sd keeps generating bottles of mustard
thanks man
i invested like $30 and i dont care. its a shame that it's become a failbake but alas, it's whatever. if another project pops up i'd probably donate $30 to that too. hating on cascade isn't even worth it when it's so inconsequential and impacts nothing. unlike SAI which deserves all the hate for actually sabotaging local models and setting progress back years
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How do I purge my own pip cache?
half the thread is delusional with their drama faggotry
See >>8089263
It's still cooking.
you care more about it being bad than people care about it being good at this point im starting to think its just shitposting
just stfu and wait and see, no one care about speculating on an unfinished model
I'd be more pissed if I was that guy that they've randomly decided everything is being cooked on a single 4090 when the original promise was that donations would go towards a faster release. By the time you see 3.6B at the "finished" epoch Cascade won't even be a relevant arch anymore. They got greedy quick wanting to spend donations on their own personal cluster.
I spent my money on it why shouldn't I care?
The catbox you linked seemed really promising for keeping the style so i'll be waiting for it
Been busy for the last month or so, what happened to all the catbox images in the pony token spreadsheet and the lora rentry?
token sheet was spited
Basically this. Most of the /h/ regulars are people who can't generate shit so they just wreak havoc on here to try and drag down others who are actually trying to improve
someone probably shat on it, no surprise. the effort to mine tags got boring after people realized that pony looks shit regardless
I mean to be fair you can't make shit so who are you to even say anything? You're just a slopmaker.
Literally type pip cache purge into your CMD
hello cascade discord member
That's like saying you can't tell a movie is bad if you've never directed one. Literal retard.
good morning b- sir
Bad bait
holy cope, my sides. it's Astrakike jr
sdxl vae fucking sucks
it's why i honestly don't really care about wdv or whatever.
train a better one
oh? you cant?
>You're just a slopmaker.
So, you agree he's on the same level of creation as Jordach? Nice one.
Remember when Jordach initially claimed that the 1B model would be good by epoch 5 and then doubled down on that in here a couple of weeks ago? Me neither.
*cums in you*
obvious samefagging, weak bait.
Remember when Jordach claimed the donation funds would go towards speeding up training and then decided to just use his 4090?
Me neither.
Remember when Jordache said on e2 of the 1B that it's already a pony killer, and is now claiming it's better than NAI? Me neither.
whats a better one
there is none
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xe's right though, it's an architecture issue rather than the vae being trained wrong
bolt on sd3's bloated 16 channel vae onto sdxl
POV: you're now Chained Man
ahem... UOOOOOH
What VAE do you think NAI v3 was trained on?
Don't worry anon, who cares about models. We have nullsector!
This is literally about minor changes in SDXL vae like contrast. Not stuff like channels anon. Like 1,5 vae vs blessed vae
The opinions of the gooning slopmakers who don't do the work rarely matter compared to the ones who actually know what they're doing.
Take for example how fervently my comment got spammed with angry replies just because I reminded someone that they were indeed, a slopmaker. A slopmaker on a shitty /h/ thread, who has to drop their images when they post out of fear of being ostracized from the threads because their opinion is fucking idiotic.
Why is this considered bait? Because I told the truth, that the furry working on the shit we use is more important than the failed patreon sloppers who can't afford NAI or even sell a set?
Until they're the one developing the stuff we use to generate images, you don't matter, and its best that they shut the fuck up. Simple as.
Just stick to uploading pseudo-hentai trash that nobody will pay for, and let the actual professionals do the ground work.
sdxl's latent space is 4 channels
>use a pose lora
>get pretty good result
>realize I forgot the lora
>activate the lora
>get worse result
Ok I dont know who is more retarded, me or the lora maker
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Lots of pony concept loras are just snake oil desu
The failed Patreon sloppers who can't afford Nai are the ones paying for these hacks to be able to fuck up, sweetheart. Keep up.
The model itself
did you hear that b- is going to be constantly samefagging every thread to make they seem like they're active? gosh, i can't wait to move there!
Explain, what the fuck is a "nullsector"
SD3 as a refiner when
I'm pretty sure people who can't afford nai can't afford to donate but keep doing whatever mental gymnastics you want to do to continue your narrative
jordach's 4chan clone that will "incorporate the best parts of CivitAI, /hdg/, e6ai, and the scatterd ai generation discord communities"
I wasn't onboard at first, but if I'm getting nonstop b- posting... Where do I sign up?
this just in: delusional furry and elderly man think all of their projects will be a big success and everyone will flock to them!
Will b- be posting nudes?
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here you go, sir: https://board.spectrometer.art/
I'm the poster you originally called a slopper and I'm telling you I donated a large sum to the project, hence my displeasure at Jordach being a faggot. Did that lay things out clear enough for your room temp IQ, simp?
Can you confirm >>8089783
It's very important
nice oc she is very hot
im curious if the eyeshadow is from prompt or the artist you used?
they're in the secret boards that only meanoldtree can access
I hate how yelan outfit is so fried, thanks pony I guess
>a large sum
How much imaginary money did you donate?
sir please do the needful and donate over 50 dollars to redeem exclusive b- bobs and vagene
I'm just starting off generating, can I ask for help and pointers in this thread? Or is there a separate thread for such things?
go to /g/ we're having a meltie rn
ty anon
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Tell us your specs first, then we can go from there
Your device can narrow down how we can help better
Yeah go for it.
Several thousand b- nudes.
explain this new shilling point. is this 16 channel shit some cascade exclusive gotcha that they're trying to use to cope around the fact that cascade looks like complete dogshit, or is it an actual relevant improvement? what does the difference look like between a 4 and 16 channel, and is it something that can be trained after the model is cooked? is this something that's a reasonable complaint or is it like me complaining that cascade/wdv are dead on arrival because SAI base models are shit compared to dall-e?
it's SD3's vae, which is able to construct fine details much better than older models. It only works on SD3. Unfortunately, it's wasted on a dogshit terrible base model.
just got back, i went days away from the thread, what's happening now? why are we hating and shitting about cascade, wdv, or the 4chan alternative that the furryman is building to escape from groid troll posts and jannies? i thought we all wanted new model and a place free of niggertrollspam, i don't get it
it seems like a massive improvement
during training every image is converted into latent space via the VAE. a 16 channel VAE is worse than the ground truth but it will allow the AI to see things like legible text on a shirt or cowboy shot/full body characters with pupils. a 4 channel VAE shits out blobs and smudges instead. basically every training image in sdxl is being run through a shit quality smudge filter.
from what i understand there is no way to switch out the VAE, SDXL is fucked forever and is why i'd much rather see the wd finetuner work on cascade
hello b- sir, did the ban just run out?
16ch VAE is harder to train and requires a bigger model to compensate.Pixart tried making 16ch vae and complained about how hard it is to make it work
>from what i understand there is no way to switch out the VAE
don't worry, indianchads are on the case!
Eh it's not that big of a deal to be honest for an anime model. It's definitely an improvement sure, but it's not the end of the world not to use it as shown by NAIV3.
wasn't she still banned i think? i just realized a lot of posts are being replied like this, i'm just a random lurker you shouldn't care about
he's talking about using the VAE for lora training, which does seem like it would be a pretty big deal
ok maybe sdxl can be saved then
you say this but i have tried and struggled a lot to train an aura lora that is able to recreate her pupils when mind controlled accurately and why even bother otherwise
I let people I personally know make use of my personal 3090 if they're a bit short on GPU power, and I was attempting to get a grid to generate under CAPGUI but things just didn't want to play ball until I restarted it all.

I've been dealing with bullshit motherfucking-ass bureaucratic nonsense today, especially since disabled people are treated like second class citizens. It's been a massive pain in my cunting ass. (No, it's not election related.)

>thinking I'm going to ruin a golden opportunity
You know my intentions at this point, I'm not going to screw it up. If it needs extra oven time, I'll pay for that myself out of pocket.

There's two GPUs: my main desktop 3090 and the 3090ti that powers the public instance. (They're in separate PCs.) The private 3090 is the in development version of CAPGUI and is often unstable if I'm testing out new features, and, I hadn't run the test grid for e6. Today's just been a write off for me personally, not training wise

Just bad luck with paperwork. If I was really spiteful, I would've used SIGKILL on the training terminal a long ass while ago. I'll be fine once I eventually settle back down.
Floox makes more money generating NAI hentai than I do working a full time job
I hate my life
What the fuck has happened to this general? Pony has only been out for 6 months and you'd think we've been stuck with it for 2 years. Did people forget how bad 1.5 really is? We went from more than a year of coping with 1.5 slop and barely being able to generate coherent sex, to being able to generate basically any nsfw concept in a BASE MODEL. Just sit back and relax, something better will come eventually.
When are you planning on switching back from the 4090 to cloud computing? And is it true that you're going to cook the 3.6B model only on the 4090?
what's the current plan for the big model?
the h100s aren't going to be cost efficient but I'm sure some people donated knowing that a faster bake has a premium fee
Oh look he's here
Well at least he actually comes to 4cuck and speaks with us instead of being a tranny going full shilling an utter garbage model for months, then probably spend 5 months figuring out how to use a cluster
No point looking at the 1% that managed to get that first place lead unless you plan to catch up to them somehow otherwise just ignore it
if you've been using pony constantly during those 6 months there's no way you wouldn't understand why so many of us are sick of it, even if it's obviously leagues above every other local model
Please stop pretending people use base pony to achieve their gens
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then why does every cascade image look fried, especially the eyes? i'm not trolling here, i genuinely want a good local model whether it's wdv or cascade or something else. an issue with a lot of cascade gens is that they look poorly upscaled. you see a thumbnail and it looks nice but you open it and it looks like it was dragged up in ms paint and then ran through topaz gigapixel. i'm not seeing the 16 channel vae take effect here at all
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Doing 1.5 txt2img was such a shit show, but I'm still attached to the few images I made that weren't shit
This >>8089835
Also, 100% of that small 1% of dudes needed to work hard and get their current followers for at least more than one year, followers buying your shit doesn't grows out of trees. Those people were already posting a lot of 1.5sloppa before NAI3
I use it daily anon, but not "constantly." When I feel the urge to gen, I'll gen for a bit, coom, and move on to something else. You'd be sick of anything using it "constantly" for 6 months straight. Same reason I got burnt out on NAI3 after using it for a few months. Everything is better in moderation anon :)
Go back to generating slop, slopshitter
the 1B model is fried garbage and will most likely continue being so
a better example of what cascade can do would be the 3.6 prototype
Pony is really good and everyday im happy that we are past 1.5 and I can make good gen without jumping through 20 differents loops
Its also a piece of shit that make me seethe at things that should be working but just dont and I wonder what could have been if the guy who made it was actually competent instead of just lucky
pic not related
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>how bad 1.5 really was
good morning astralite
I'm not sure if this makes any sense but is there a prompt to get the body spark/jolt whatever things on characters? Like on the bulge in picrelated. I get it in some of my generations but I can't figure out how to do it on purpose.
idk, i think jordach said that he's using the same training parameters as the group that originally made cascade and the group that originally made cascade said that 1b was shit and they didn't put much effort into finding good settings for it
The eyes look like that because they're undercooked actually since it's having trouble comprehending all the styles of how artists draw eyes within a small latent.
1. white background sucks so who cares
2. now prompt sex on based
3. i still dont get how this retard managed to fuck up white background
You can say that about a lot of things in life anon, is what it is.
Now try to prompt a gangbang on 1.5
Soonish, I have zero access to the non-profit bank account, meaning I have to wait for the guy who runs the non-profit to sort things out. Right now I want to see if it's safe to leave e7 in the oven as-is at 5e-6 LR before making rash choices. I want to see what it's doing from now on, rather than going in blind now that I have some experience.
I had like $50 the other week in Vast credit so I tested a singular H100 on the models - my tests are that the H100 performs only slightly better than a 4090/Ada A6000 on 3.6B using the already existing text encoder from the Lite run. And Lite with the TE trains barely faster on the H100 than it does on quad Ada 6000s. Trying to max out the tensor core usage on the H100 is for the most part impossible due to how fucking fast it is relatively speaking. I spent more time shuffling data from SSD storage to the H100 than actual training the model.
I don't get it either, but on occasion it'll snap to full clarity like it just realised wtf is going on. I didn't see this a ton in the 3.6B prototype so my guess is that the text encoder plays an insane role in how things work inside the actual image model itself. Because it's not locked into place yet, things are still a bit fuzzy, but nowhere near as bad as say e5 or e4. It is improving, but not as well as it would be if I stopped text encoder training.
It can be undone if I don't train the text encoder, which is the entire plan for 3.6B. I plan on releasing a frozen TE run on top of E6 to see if it cleans up. Or in other words, text encoder training gives the model a headache.
What this guy said.
Bit of both actually. On occasion it goes nice and pin sharp like 1.5 in hi-res fix or SDXL does. Once the text encoder is done I can just kick off a run on Lite/1B with the finished, frozen text encoder until it behaves properly.
the seething stems from the BEST sdxl model being locked behind bars at novelai, and all bakers being too incompetent to make a rivaling model
did you remember to post on civitai today slopsaars?
if your model looks ugly as literal shit, it's not worth prompting sex on. local sex looks so fucking boring and expressionless. pony isnt an objective upgrade from 1.5, it's a sidegrade which is why sophisticated people choose to use NAI instead of dealing with gross toonslop outputs.

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