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Hot Librarian Edition

Previous Thread: >>8093874

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Threadly reminder to pray to Neggles for local's salvation!
i just want to be happy
won't happen, champ
Trying to get a position like this is fucking impossible.


That's from Viper series, right?
prime subject for controlnet then
just controlnet+inpaint
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Bros, wtf is this. I came here expecting to type "hot naked anime girl konata izumi" into the prompt and get a fully detailed picture like those that people upload to hentai websites. Instead, this is what I get. I open the github pages and there's like a billion things to study and configure. At this point it might be easier to learn how to draw, wtf man. How do I make it not look like shit? Please point me in the right direction and not just throw an AI bible to learn.
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any advice for going from paizuri to fellatio? I want it to look like she's leaning far forward and really getting in there
my cute wife (adult)
also taking wife requests because im bored

I'll get to it eventually
saber Lily and Shuten school girl outfits
Were you tricked by the butthurt artists into believing making qt grills is as easy as pressing a button?
when training a lora does "keep tokens" mean if I set it to 1 it keeps the first tag up to the first ","
spread cunny close-up.
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Maybe Florence/Shishou?
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Sounds like something a concept lora would do, mixed with some heavy inpainting.
grab a decent pony based model and a character lora and let er rip


take this catbox image download it and drop it in PNG info to see my prompt

here's the lora I used

What loras did you use to make this style?
I was tricked by OpenAI’s and Microsoft’s heavily censored offerings that work like that.

Should I use the pony models even if I’m not interested in mlp porn?
oshino shinobu of course or taiga aisaka
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I did a huge extract from https://civitai.com/models/463446 (512 dim) which is just overkill and not needed, but testing things.

I use it on the forked forge upstream since like, for batch size 2, count 2, hi res 1.5x Euler a and Restart

A1111 takes about 1 minute 50 seconds
Forked Forge about 1 minute

It seems A1111 takes like really a lot of time loading the lora, forge takes nothing.

catbox https://files.catbox.moe/xwf4s7.png
head rest seemed to give a decent effect, I made a quick example to use as a guideline to gimp the original head into position and finely inpaint it into the new pose.
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people will bitch and moan that I am saying this cause they hate the creator of it, but the pony based models are the best right now for local genning.

If you go and look at civ you can see what kinda stuff is made with pony-based models its not all mlp. its the best at making anime stuff currently.

most people use a mix called AutismMixConfetti and some style loras of their choice.

I will shill my own model tho.

don't get him into negative bloat right off the bat
bro, everybody here agrees that pony is by far the best local model we have
that's exactly the problem
File deleted.
Is this from a custom trained model? Do I have to set up a scraper on a booru to get a model like this?
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the character lora? No, There are a million on civ for pretty much any character known to man, just search and you will find it.

As you learn how to gen things you will get a hang of things and learn the terms. I recommend stealing other peoples prompts thru catboxes to learn more.
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Better give her some tits unless you want the banhammer, friend.
oh hey thats my gen
>want to get a single girl doing a double peace sign
>write 1girl, double peace, plus the rest of the prompt
>get 2 girls doing double peace
Tried setting the weight of 1girl to 1.6 but I'm still getting 2 girls most of the time, any ideas?
Based Konata enjoyer. Shouldn't be posting flat chests here though.
did you try with "double v"? that's the proper danbooru tag
Yeah, same issue.
So I have been running some tests with controlnet, and the further away the subject of your picture is, the more haywire the result. This one worked really well compared to the original.

(Hand fixed)
Beautiful. Thank you.
Are you making a horizontal image? The dimensions will effect the image results.
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based, thanks anon
hands up, peace sign

hands up are both hands up
You are completely delusional or lack the ability to read if you think people will bitch at you for saying pony based models are the best for local
Yeah, 768x1024
This doesn't happen if I don't use double peace or double v.
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I do double v all the time as a test for various loras,

I figured more people would complain and call me a shill or something
Well yeah of course, the point of Cn is to act like a guideline for your picture, if the picture you use as a base has a specific thing like an haircut it will bleed into your gen unless you lower the weight but then the pose become less accurate thats why you need to play with the weight
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Try this.
Could be a specific problem with the new 4th tail then. I don't get this issue if I'm doing an erotic prompt with a girl and a guy, but the moment I want 1 girl doing a double peace sign it fucks up. That said, this >>8096675 did the trick.
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maybe you're running out of the 75 token limit in the middle of "double v" so the model reads it as "double" and "v" separately
4chan striped the metadata from this.
Still at 65.
no it didn't you need the catbox extension for your browser check the OP
which sampler do i use for multidiffusion upscaling method on forge?
Where did you get those loras? I can find like half of those but no luck for the rest
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>oh that style looks nice, maybe I should ask for a catb-
>see hands
nothing against you anon, the style is really nice it's just that I know it would keep bothering me on every gen and I'm too lazy to use inpaint or adetailer for hands so I need decent hands from pure txt2img
Bonus variations, quick saved so didnt inpaint all of these
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You can also just grab the catbox from the filename if all else fails.
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Your love for stockings is not lost on me.
This Lora is perfection, thanks for pointing it out, I've been genning Konata like crazy these days..
I'm trying to generate using the same model and lora, but it's slow as fuck and is giving me an ETA of 30 minutes to 1 hour. I'm using an RTX 2060 with 6GB of VRAM. Is it over for me?
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how the fuck do you explain to your parents/family that you make a significant sum of money making AI "art"? my extended family actually does my taxes because they're accountants so I'm really not sure how I'm going to phrase this considering I make degenerate smut
tell them you love bbc so much you had to share it to the world
6 GB is probably too little. I have 8 and after high res fix there's only 100 MB left. I want to upgrade to be able to use more advanced shit like control net.

If anything, make sure you're using the recommended local UIs.
6gb is enough to gen sdxl with lora on forge
slow as shit but you can even do 1.5x upscales without tiling
if you mean miqomix and catbox those are mine, I gen on a 2070 8gb and it comes out fine pretty quickly. If you are using hires fix I would disable it, I feel like its a waste of time for a vramlets like us.

You can also try lowering the res down to 768x1280 and 1280x768 and visa versa
>going online and telling lies
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OUR (adult) wife
Sorry bro, I can only offer full grown adult woman pussy
But have some other variations too

They're always a good touch
Im actually getting better gen with no neg instead of source_pony and source_furry
What have I been doing all this time
its been known that putting those in negs will negate a good chunk of the dataset ponyfucker finetuned Pony on, either tone them down or don't use them at all or itll fuck with your gens. Why does it work that way? I dunno ask astra
>pony cannot do backgrounds
>pony cannot do proper depth of field and blurred background to conceal this atrocity
do i just gen fucking white background at this point?

love your gens, shutenanon
NTA but same case then with score_9, etc?
no and also the anon you're replying to doesn't know how negative prompts work
well fuck me feel like I wasted a lot of gen, is there any neg that actually do anything positive then?
You can pretty much remove everything but 9 and 7 without too much issue most of the time and 9/7 if you are using a good lora
Feel free to explain if source_pony/furry are mandatory then
>how negative prompts work
nta, but you can throw all that knowledge out the fucking room when you're working with pony, it's completely fucked under the hood
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It's gonna take 1 hour. I'm using the webui and the same parameters as the other poster. I don't know what's making it take so long, I tried another prompt with default settings at 1024 x 1024 and it took 5 minutes at most.

>if you mean miqomix and catbox those are mine
I have no idea what those are

If this is true then someone could get a 4090 to pay for itself with these gens.
Any prompts and gens you could share?
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>If this is true then someone could get a 4090 to pay for itself with these gens.
I started my patreon on june 18th and I'm already up to $240ish gross and the first month isn't even over. honestly might just use this shit to upgrade my rig even though I use NAI
followers when you started it? I've got something going on pixiv but I've mostly given up
Wait thats your significant sum of money?
they aren't mandatory, but it's not negating half of the dataset or whatever. it's denoising your base image twice for each timestep, first with the negative prompt and then it's using the changes made by the negative to tell the positive prompt what not to do
you said you were using the same model so i figured you were using the one I linked and the catbox is the linked image with meta data I posted.

I don't think it should take that long even if you are on a 2060, are you on forge or A1111?
I was at like 3k pixiv followers when I started
im retarded and reposting cus i didnt notice new thread. is the 4th tail + autism here https://civitai.com/models/568043?modelVersionId=633045 better or worse than the other one from pixeldrain
box please
>you said you were using the same model so i figured you were using the one I linked and the catbox is the linked image with meta data I posted
Yeah I downloaded the konata lora you linked and it asks to use the pony model, which I'm using.

>are you on forge or A1111?
Where do I check those? I downloaded the webui version and just ran the .bat script.
dang only at 1.4k, were you doing smut? I don't feel like doing that and figure it's hard limiting me
yeah, thats probably part of why, pixiv for some reason also really favors algorithm wise with the thumbnail image so you really need to pick a good image for your first one even if its out of order
if you look at the OP, which front end did you download? Forge is a more optimized modded version of A1111 with many pre-installed features.

I highly recommend using forge if you are not. If you are already on forge I am not sure why it is taking so long for you to gen.

Maintained branch:
pixiv will ban you if you reference your patreon anywhere on your profile, you are not supposed to link to anything that has non censored content
>He didn't buy nvidia stocks when SD/Chatgpt first got released.
>AIslop literally already paid for itself over five fold if you got guts to make a bet
>Now I can afford over 10x 4090 if I wish.


Must sucks to lack guts and foresight. Good news is that the best time to invest is NOW. Time in the market beats timing the market. Literally free money in my sleep.

>inb4 LMAO, he bought when peak

Same energy as this dumb ass, ngmi

Oh nevermind, I'm using A1111. I'll try using the forge one, thanks
I suggest either




If you have less than 12GB VRAM.
you can't reference it as uncensored anon. you just say "full sets and (other bullshit) available at [link]" you also don't link it directly you just link to your main page
Here you go
bonus variations, includes both characters

glad you like bro
holy shit anon this is amazing, 10/10, thanks
Main page as in just the home page? That seems fucking retarded but so is their censor law so whatever
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Does anyone know of a good night time lora that actually works? At this point I am considering just putting a blue filter on the image.
like your patreon homepage yeah. the law is a bit retarded but you just can't imply or directly link to uncensored content. if its paywalled and you don't mention it then they don't care lol
if youre still doing requests, try for the feeling of "i miss her so much". interpret this however you feel
Sylvie from teachingfeeling, solo and nude, in a beach? It's a cunn- err I mean totally adult character. Grey eyes and hair, also with long hair, no ponytail pretty please
its always funny to me how pointless those censor are, I dont even get for who or what purpose they are
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Fuck, turns out my vocabulary is really weak expression wise
please send expressions

I know its not negating half the dataset, negative obviously dont remove the model knowledge otherwise you wouldnt be able ot gen anything when putting white background+simple background in neg but im not really sure what their purpose are if im not getting pony or furry anywhere anyways
to be fair, lip bite is a good expression as is
try to put "disgusting nipples" in neg
there isn't one
Give me your oppailolis.
How long did it take for you to gain 3k followers?
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Here's the finished result after 1 hour. Still doesn't look the same as the picture posted earlier. What could be different here?

I'm gonna try the forge fork now
any furfags using NAI know how to get a little fluffiness spread throughout? instead of one tuft and the rest perfectly smooth
never used nai but try to use furry artist
the expression "euphoric" always produces interesting results
Tried to share catbox links, but 4chan keeps cockblocking me (Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.)

Try score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, 1girl, <lora:konata:0.9>, Konata Izumi, 1girl, long hair, blue hair, ahoge, green eyes, mole... continue from there.
try asking on trash? I really doubt there's a lot of audience for nai furry model, it just doesn't hold up for genning afaik.
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Thank you.
oh god not that furry model lol I mean normal nai, does trash do kemo?
I use my own custom model that has a style baked in and that's why yours are not coming out exactly the same. I linked it earlier. Drop it in your model folder and try it instead of pony.

Lizard sexo...
Here's shinobu, the aged up adult version of her of course
Genning her is weird because all of her versions go under the same tag, and apparently its impossible to do her fat tit version from kizu
>get bored, very much not creative
>try to make footjobs
>wonder if i can make it do shoes-on footjobs
>it kinda can, but fights back a bit
im a little surprised
>actually jerking it to opossumachine lolis
I should just fucking stop before I go too far. I really went from ignoring lolis to having loli in 90% of my prompts way too fast man
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which ones got you
yeah stop before the hallucinated noise from your computer get hurt
wait you dont hgallucinate and befriend them?
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download any autism mix
use this konata lora https://files.catbox.moe/ld4ack.safetensors because civitai one had like ~20 pictures as dataset without proper tagging
I'm prompting my own
nah that i dont care about, just feel like going this far is fucked for my mental health.
>downloading random loras
what a way to get pickled.
You didn't specify
You don't eat the funny cereal just because it says healthy, do you anon?
Unironically people aren't lying when they say stuff escalates, stop before you end up cooming to furry scat.

So I had a bunch of new parts and shit come in yesterday, so I wasn't able to train up the :3 model since I had to re-assemble like 3 computers (mine with new shit, transfer the older HW to another computer, and the shit from that to another).
I'm in the process of getting my computer in order, and once that's all wrapped up I'll get that :3 shiz taken care of.
I doubt anyone was exactly itchin for it though.

On the bright side, I finally got that shiny new HDD, so no more "no lora, prompt only" shit from me.
Though now that I've gone full stockholm syndrome, I'll probably stick to prompts for as much as I can, only dippin into loras for shit I absolutely can't do.
Thanks for reading my blogpost. Wildcard anon, out.
I tried this one. It seems to have issues staying on model, but that's not so bad if you don't want to stay close to her original design.
>staying on model
you mean cunny? just use cunny tags and "size difference", you have to bruteforce pony in this regard, i've tried putting some of it in dataset but it won't do much against base model
also mole under eye is ass to gen, sorry
Also it helps if you use "Konata Izumi (\lucky star\)" instead of "Konata Izumi".
>On the bright side, I finally got that shiny new HDD, so no more "no lora, prompt only" shit from me.
It's autism but I unironically dislike loras.
Getting shit with prompts only felt way more satisfying to me. I mean I still use them but I felt more fun trying to get stuff out of the model with proper prompting and inpainting rather than just resorting to loras for every fucking thing. Can't avoid using them for characters the model literally doesn't know but using them as a crutch for everything feels boring.
No I meant the face. Sometimes it outputs a completely unfamiliar face compared to Konata.
>nah that i dont care about, just feel like going this far is fucked for my mental health.
I once failed an entire semester of college because I would stay up all night and play my cunny-modded Skyrim with 100s of porn mods.
I'd stay up all night, and would be too tired to wake up to make it to class, so I'd just sleep in the entire day until like 5pm and then do it all again.
Really fucked my GPA and grants up, and ultimately fucked up the entire course of my degree since I had to do like an extra year or so, and then life shit happened on that extra year that forced me to drop out.
Cunny is a fuckin drug.
try putting "(lucky star:0.5)" before BREAK and "jitome" after, "cat mouth" for her usual expression
To be fair that's like my whole folder of her
Can you upload an example in catmoe?
>I unironically dislike loras.
I've reached the same point. Mainly because people train them like shit. Their ineptitude at training fucks up gens. Prompt only means it's either your fault, or Pony being fucking Pony.
I think I'll just use them for styles, and characters that aren't in the model.
I'm literally day 0 sub of NAI, so trying to learn from local.

I fail to replicate your great image even copying exact same prompts, any tips? Maybe I'm missing some settings or whatnot
Don't stop that's based, also don't blame the AI or the porn, it just just unearthed what was hidden inside you all this time
check off auto under the sampler settings, check smea on, and dyn off

also i gen in high res natively
I mean in a perfect world you dont need lora but yknow...kinda stuck with pony for now
no anon you dont understand. im mind broken and miss someone that was very close to me. some days i just sit outside at night and think while looking at the sky wondering where i went wrong
whatever that feeling is, i want to capture it
pony could never
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But you didn't post anything...
I'm curious to see the awful attempts now
Thank you, that did the trick
I actually haven't seen anyone test it with excessively wide resolutions and missed the chance myself while I had the opportunity
would be cool to look at results
Post anything how?
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still cool that you can use this shit to make lewds of obscure characters who would never get such art if any under normal circumstances
Skyrim porn was addicting not gonna lie, was like a shitty koikatsu with a side rpg game I would play for 30 min before getting bored and spending the rest of the day fucking one of my follower, had probably 1500h and I could never finish this piece of shit game
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the problem is my ESL brain can't grasp your complaints, if by "off model" you mean she doesn't look like from anime - dataset only consists of fan-art and im afraid to put any screencaps in it to not poison base style
Generate a fake portfolio of SFW art
toss it up on a wordpress with a paypal link
tell them people just like your ideas :)
Do Konata
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Yeah, I meant she doesn't look like from the anime. "Off model" usually means away from the original design sheet, used a lot to refer to badly drawn animation in anime.

Can't post cnnuy in 4chan so here's a Konata with medium breasts (heresy)
and kagami-chan
>we have eye focus at home
> not so bad if you don't want to stay close to her original design
The gens closest to the original design are the best, regardless of character
Unironically just easier to tell them you do "graphic design". It's familiar enough to most people to have an idea of what it entails, but still nebulous enough that they know fuck all about what graphic design actually is.
>it's fucking over
it's actually kind of crazy how pony does practically everything in its power to avoid looking aesthetic
>I gen aislop for porn addicts, problem?
You can upload the cunny imgs to catbox and post the links here.
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>eye focus

I didnt even have that in my prompt thanks, its better now
I wish I could. The character I like has not gotten fanart since the early 90s, and most of it is lost. The little I managed to save up is too lowres, and almost useless. The rest is all scat for some god forsaken reason.
Tell me about it. I've wanted to gen stuff from the 90s and unless it's super popular like Dragon Ball or (maybe) Slayers, you're fucked. It is what it is.
post the best one you got, you absolutely can start with 1, but takes a lot of effort
The art on danbooru is all over the place for her, nai had some trouble without going max description
dunno how accurate it is for you but, album:
thats a fish
I somehow trained this one using cropped iPad screenshots as my sole data source (it is pretty fried)
but yeah the manhwa having a lot of different panels with different angles in its 100+ chapters did help a lot
Sorry anon, not really sure how I'd capture that myself
no you're a fish
>thread is plunging into model penis comparison again
also this is an adult woman by the way
I would if 4chan would stop cockblocking me, says it thinks my post is spam. I'm also not sure how to get the inline link instead of the direct link (I don't use catbox much)
This is the most highres (off model) art she has. The rest are miserably tiny.

lol she looks closer to tachibana arisu than to sylvie
i can try including screencaps but my lora training skills are ass + unfucking miyuki dataset atm
Yeah, its like TRYING but not really getting it; probably better off doing a lora on local for her
looks fine to me, pull up your boot straps and get to work
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This image fucking hurts m,e because if there is someone who needs a damn vacation, that's Sylvie.
Nah it shouldn't be this far off, tried prompting Sylvie on NAI before and the result was certainly closer than this. Maybe the styles are overpowering here.
thats just a blonde girl with wavy hair you probably just gen her on base with how basic she is
Holy mother of mercy thank so much you shutenanon
If you could do her now doing the lewd with a well-endowed 1boy pov or non-pov, indoors, that would be absolute best
Maybe, could just be artist issue
I didnt really try without artist tags
Didn't more {{ }}'s to empower tags like grey eyes and do the same for the ponytail and hairpin would just do the trick?
Who's this? Cute
Ponytail and hairpin both in negs I mean
That's my issue. Sure, she has wavy hair, but her particular hairstyle is lost with so little good data available.
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as an example, here's a quick gen. with determination, you can fix all the details while improving the overall quality and then voila you now have two images.
Here taiga (adult)
interestingly, my artist mix REFUSES to gen her unless i include toradora! near the top, and including that fucks with the artstyle a little
https://catbox.moe /c/4xabln
when it gets this bad you can commission an artfag lol
I see your point. I will drag her screaming back from obscurity.
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Good luck!
Testing to see if 4chan doesn't cockblock me: https://files.catbox.moe/van2y0.png
>The rest is all scat for some god forsaken reason.
(fec:1.3) aside, sounds like a usable bit of data to me, considering that you can't be picky in this case. Just crop to the head/shoulders, leaving out the shit. That seems to be the important bit. Train up a model using your extremely small dataset, gen some halfway decent images (helper tags are gonna help a lot), then train a proper model.
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as an unrelated example, pic related was no lora using just the corner pic as a starting point. we have the technology.
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How did you get her to rotate?
from side
sitting, solo, expressionless, looking at an empty chair
So I tested gen speeds on both A1111 and forge and found them to be identical. Has A1111 caught up or am I missing some command args?
might get away with it, thread got much more relaxed recently. but yeah that is cnnuy
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If you aren't vramlet that's to be expected
Forge still should outperform on 6-8Gb
i have some ideas
i have to make it /h/ somehow, and i know exactly how, but thats definitely next
Is that silo9's girl?
that's what I thought. Any command args for A1111 then? Right now I'm only using --xformers
i forgot the pov indoors part but here's these
i just went with the same description prompt, same album with added extras
Maybe it's like >>8096258 >>8096272 additional prompts push it towards one or the other
i appreciate your material but do us a favor and at least not make the dude fat
dude must be fat, impossible to self-insert otherwise
but anon that's literally all of us
that may be true but i hate fat people, it is truly disappointing
NTA but swole dude here, you lazy ass niggas better go do some pushups before the diseases starts to kick in
need kagami gf to wake up at 6 am and jog in park with
good night anon
Tysm for the Sylvie pics, even though she doesn't looks as intended and also the fat dude (I go to gym at least 4 times a week) but that's completely fine, thanks again bro
Go get some gains, do it for wife

Do it for your wife, anons.
fit dudes in porn are fucking boring
>no bbc spam
>no bans for lolis
is somebody on summer break?
then make it a shota since youre already getting loli, i just hate fat guys thats all anon, tyhey dont need to be fit, they could be a skeleton, for all i care
>there were transparent pngs in dataset all this time
if this is the reason why all attempts at training sucked ass im gonna snap
not shuten anon
and sorry after exposure to jav porn my brain is just wired to gen middle-aged fat dudes fucking cute girls.
not even fat myself yet but I'll get there eventually
Ever notice how there's only ever blacked OR loli spam happening at any one moment, and neither get banned? Think about it.
>if this is the reason why all attempts at training sucked ass
the funny thing is i have zero idea if you're talking about your own lora or some local shit-tune being worked on, because this could apply to all of them
to be fair, even outside of JAV there's an overwhelming amount of uoh content featuring fat oji-sans
lora, i haven't fucked with dataset this much because i don't like miyuki and found alot of bad apples in there, and now angry at myself because of wasted compute
i can tolerate even melanin-rich males but as long as they are less detailed than girl its not hard to self insert
Do I really need to remember you that back into some months ago the bbc spam always started along when someone started to complain about "pedos" then it suddenly stopped when this person stopped complaining
why can't you faggots get over one fucking spammer that hasn't even been there for like a week already jesus christ shut the fuck up
you literally can't stop accusing each other of being him retards
>loli spam
ah yes, cunny posters are groid spamming colective
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Okay whatever conspirator-kuns, stop talking about this topic, we're not summoning this person again.
right, back to hagposting then
right, back to cascade hopeposting now that jordach got blessed with god-level hardware
>now that jordach got blessed with god-level hardware
Take your meds. Now.
more like copeposting lol lmao even
>euler a turbo
is it worth?
which lolis did he post, were they even good?
>saisaka taiga
?????????????????????????? D:
just bland 1girl standing shit
like the loli posts in this thread
it was around the time when people started get bans for "generic anime girl with medium breasts"
this whole vow was, if i remember correctly, in thread when somebody got ban for Nagatoro
but back then, many different anons were spamming, now it's just one person and one resident shizo is blaming every loli poster
Any maths whizz here who can put 2 and 2 together?
As an Amifag I enjoy her loooking this retarded, but does the typo matter? Most tags tend to work still if they're close enough.
Is a minute 11 good for 40 steps of euler a?
you didn't specify resolution
Right sorry. 1080x1280
takes me 9 seconds.
drop down to 30 steps, i couldn't imagine waiting that long for ponyslop. you're better off seed hunting at lower steps and committing to it after you find a decent pose. unfortunate that generating at lower res (512x768) on XL doesn't really work. with 1.5 is was much more tolerable on low-end thanks to the speed buff
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as a concept it works about the same as it does on nai except it distorts the face more often and requires more gacha for the right angle
Damn what kind of hardware do you have to get those speeds?
what's her name and where are the on-model images
it wasn't worth it
Reiko Shindo, from Kakyuusei.

Your hags don't get yous because the smell of their eggs gone bad is off-putting. Try generating normal girls instead of throwing hissy fits about cunny.
Reminds me of when news outlets dig into the private life of a mass shooter. That's exactly what he wants.
uh oh pedo melty...
not him but im averaging about 3it/s on amd with zluda on 7900 XTX, and it goes up to 9-11it/s if you use deepcache on comfyui, but i cant find any simple way to integrate that into webui without raping the whole setup.
a 4090 is not worth it in my eyes, nor is the stress and bullshit on amd's best offerings for consumers (and dont get me wrong, if i had 4k to drop id get a W7900 for that 48gb vram) but i just cannot justify that either. but on the assumption some magic solution appears like olive and onnx working with sdxl you could see 4090 comparable results on a 7900 XTX which is definitely ridiculous
Why don't cunny posters just move to Jordach's new board since no one wants them anywhere and b is a cesspoot? It's a no brainer
this general seems to be physically incapable of shutting their mouth
think something break rules? report and move on
but nah, have to start malding
someone always will eventually get mad no matter how stupid and obvious the baits are, no matter the theme, cunny, consoles, hashes, cascade, nai
that's how you get groidspammers and other thread-ruining schizos
i can already see this shithole reverting back to its former state after a good week
>Jordach's new board
wait, it wasn't a shitpost?
Sorry, but could you be more specific? Did you use controlnet? img2img? Some lora or addon in particular?
do you really want his hag or shota shit?
adios loliposters
maybe cathag groidspammer could move there to post his animals, would feel right at home among other animals
I keep getting an error saying I have too much melanin to post.
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I have spent way too much time on this thing, but it mostly does what I want it to without disrupting composition too much (for better and for worse).
Many lessons have been learned in the process.
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that site stopped working for me at some point and i can't be bothered with it again, but i had some elf cgs and looked up more stuff
the gacha art is just sad, why the fuck does she have a completely different eye color?
i was googling her name and someone seems to have a made a lora already for 1.5 and pony, they look messy but it's something i guess

anyway she has a decent amount of art, isn't there a way to upscale the original cgs/sprites? there's also that elf all-stars datsuijan game, one image of her i found from it looks really good. if the scat images are good aside from the scat, you could inpaint it out, feel free to catbox the good ones and i could remove the shit with nai (unless it's 50% of the image lol)

the main reason i was asking cause i wanted to mess around with inpainting trick and vibe transfer, you could probably use that as a way to add extra images to the dataset if you were willing to put up with a lot of gacha and do some work on the decent images to clean them up, but at that point you could do that with the existing loras too
heres all the results
Don't inpaint it out, just use masked loss. It's less work, and it won't learn any weird stuff from your inpaint job.
No but it is technically done in an anime style. Regardless, Azula is too fucking hot, so I don't care.
azula sucks. come back when you have better taste
characters don't matter for the rule, it's just style
what about this variant

Works at 2x
She does more than suck.
does she sneed?
is there way to gen on local girls with very slight amount of chub, without changing proportions?
i mean something like this https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119478939
she looks squishy but not fat
tried different tags like chubby, belly, etc. with different weights and fat, wide hips, thick tights and so on in negs, but it always distorts and newer looks good
Not with peasants.
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Is it true /hdg/sisters? Did he really mog us?
kuro.. https://files.catbox.moe/fcqk5r.png
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Sign up for NAI $25 tier and type "nsfw, 1girl, konata izumi, lucky star, completely nude"

NAI shill
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Neat. But v14 has better training data.
Did kohya add saving as fp8 or did you hack that in yourself?
and realise it's THAT easy. You localfags are utterly miserable sore losers.
Sorry, it should be: nsfw, 1girl, izumi konata, lucky star, completely nude
Japanese name order and all that. But it works either way.

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run it against v14 if you want:

I added some comments, used in sd-scripts.
For your lora I stripped it, saved as fp16, resized it then saved as fp8.

FP8 saving is practically free for 0.5x'ing your filesize but for some users it can break compat.
I guess it's better than fire
>majority of nai babbys have spent around 600 dollars on a garbage service that generates a blurry smeared mess
Can't we all just get along?
This general can't. Spiteposting got ingrained into its identity at this point. You'll have an easier time if you either accept it or let it go.
nah, all it takes is a single meltie
I just get really annoyed when people insult NAIv3 its so much better than local. Yes Ive spent upward of 1400 dollars on upscales and inpainting but its honestly worth it
forge fork anon, if you're here
do you think it would be possible to implement new lycoris? or a1111 and forge implementations are too different and only original creator would know how to?
God damn!
hell yeah samefag sister
nai is way too good
Why is local so much better than NAI? How can a multi-million dollar company with a 1024 H200 core weave cluster get mogged by some mentally ill bronie?
listen up chuddie the future is SaaS so just subscribe NOW!!
>But here's her album too
I actually would use both if they added crypto payments. Got all this fake internet money that's easier to spend and not have to pay taxes off of it. How does fucking Nutaku manage it and not these guys?
uh oh hes going to go down the thread replying to every nai post now...
Astraliteheart/Purple-smart is just that good. The amount of poses, angles and consistency currently possible with local is just nuts. With IC-light NAI even lost the advantage in lighting. We'll proably see the first completely locally generated doujins at C104 this year.
>mogged by some mentally ill bronie
what does he do? serious question
just good math and programming skills?
How will us sissies respond to this transgression?
Pony would be perfect if loras worked well but it always keeps that weird western furry slop artstyle no matter what lora you use.
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Might be the reason she didn't work without the toradora!
its literally one schizo falseflagging to ruin thread
lmao thats pretty sad. how could anyone hate nai? its only 25 a month
Some more Konatas.
You can find the prompts with this: https://novelai.net/inspect
Thank you! Why are they so blurry though, can you fix this?
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Skill issue
I think you need to clean your glasses, shitposter-kun.
Oooops sorry, the blur is because of NAI.
Gave it an img2img pass through AutismMix, is that better?
I appreciate the gens but they have a "melted" look. Just wondering if this can be fixed. Specially around the eyes and nipples
uh oh nai melty...
Maybe, but please point out the exact location of blur first.
>Still a year until the second part of the remake makes it to pc
I'll be 30 when they release the third part
>nai gens are blurry
nai's awesome, like offensively good
the webui over it is not very fun to use, I'd go as far as saying that their bootleg inpainting is objectively worse than local, but you can get pretty good, sharp results out of it with inpainting, or even without.
dumb meme. local for heart, nai for cock. reject subscription models (if you want to) and embrace results no matter which model they came from.
I cant believe this is working
can you stop feeding schizo
this so much this!
we should just start posting dall-e images of princess peach
f*ck local...
"nai melted" faggot is the same person as pedo images complainer AND also the melanin spammer
It's doable. Drop score tags, leaving one at most if you have to. Or prompt an innate anime-looking artist at low strength, like aaaa \(quad-a\)
I'm local for sure, but I'm also not delusional enough to think that a platform is bad because it's not perfect for me.
I just don't permanently mald over not having things play out exactly how I want.
Just picking the right dataset and having enough compute.
if you hate nai you should just die
If you can make them /h/, sure...
only results matter sweaty...
dall-e has the best prompt comprehension thats all we should be using
It's literally nonsense that the thread schizo spams to be an annoying pest.
if you seriously think nai can achieve the same clean lines as local you are delusional
>only results matter
>dall-e has the best prompt comprehension
It does.
>thats all we should be using
If it could do hentai, sure. It can't though.
majority of nai posts are just 1girl not doing a sex act
dall-e can do that so lets just all use dall-e
>clean lines as local
that's not a bait
it's a whole fishing pole
Damn, I need to revisit all the pose in my wildcard to check which one can benefit from your lora
Evenif it weren't censored its prompt comprehension would fail at sex. There just aren't any well-captioned datasets for porn. Not even tags like we have, much less natural language. And you can't have AI tag it, because again you'd have to train one on captioned porn first.
nai is not blurry or melted or smeared. stop lying,stop lying,stop lying,stop lying,stop lying,stop lying
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local lines are much cleaner and less blurry
i was going to reply to your inpainting comparison but thinking about it gave me a headache
i'll just say, there's no point comparing the two in that regard, just stop
>local for heart, nai for cock
it's the opposite for me
nai = soulful happiness fuel
local (pony) = fap material
although 1.5 is also soulful, in its own way
local lines are whatever you want them to be, thanks to loras
you replied just to say you didn't want to formulate a reply?
anon, this isn't a conversation, this is a dismissal
Good morning, bluvoll sir
did shuten anon's posts cause the meltdown?
Nobody is complaining about pedos, as long as they catbox their mental illness. That being said, they have been getting uppity in this thread again. Might be time for another purge
Lets all sub to niji journey its LITERALLY the best anime model
you just did, naimeltfaggot
>Might be time for another purge
Waiting for your batch to finish, good sir.
uh oh theres more than 1 person who hates nai
is your worldview about to come crashing down?
It literally is the best if it wasn't censored.
it's literally only (you)
where's your blacked collection, come on
>Might be time for another purge
>evil lolifags did this, they vowed
Groidspammer is a pedo, don't let them twist the truth
>just stop
that was my reply, is it a dismissal? maybe
but seriously
>fill inpainting, can't change settings, likely uses inpainting model, adheres to the composition, seamless (composition-wise) inpainting, does its best to respect the style of the image, does not let you keep masked content
>multiple inpainting settings, no good inpainting model exists, has controlnet inpainting, high denoise fill inpainting often ruins the composition, does not respect the style of the image, lets you keep masked content
both have things exclusive to them, there's no point in saying one is better than the other
>i can already see this shithole reverting back to its former state after a good week
yep called it
1600 nogen shitposts incoming
have fun
Local is free if you don't value your time
We should have thread challenge where people try to replicate a pose
just sub to nai
sub to crunchyroll
sub to youtube premium
sub to gamepass
SaaS IS the future
>just sub to nai
>sub to youtube premium
But no upside down poses or local is immediately out
you forgot
>blurry and melted and upscale costs anals and doesnt really help
>unlimited upscale + clean or as blurry as you want
You will be happy
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we basically agree on everything go figure
the web ui for nai sucks, you can partially mitigate with metachs addon
as for whether or not we should compare, who cares, least important part.
>sub to nai
yes, because there's no alternative for my gpulet ass
>sub to shit I can pirate
NAI = iPhone
local = Android
ps5 has no games
>Implying you can't pirate your blacked gens
>because there's no alternative for my gpulet ass
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Here you go
melted, blurry, it's actually a nai post lmao
Alright, we believe you, buddy, now let's get you back to all your friends on /aco/
We do a little bit of nogenning
How do these look so much more like her actual design, did you train some custom Lora?
is it the case that you have to either choose fast gens (forge) or a functional controlnet (a1111) if you want a gui?
whats the tag for this, belt paizuri doesnt do anything?
The integrated controlnet works just fine on forge
you can have both if you use noodles
It's NAI.
Nope, it's just AutismMix with the available lora in civitai, check the metadata. You can use base pony as well instead of AutismMix, and it works with the 4th tail 4.0/4.5 as well (4.5 has different quality tags though so can't use that entire prompt).
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It's actually ebara, stop shilling
Looks way to yellow for NAI
it's chimera mix
So much funposting
very funny people in this thread
i'm gonna cum from laughing
might as well call it comedy general
>very funny
We just need to add cute and you VILL cum.
Nevermind I got confused with my last post yesterday
I checked the Cascade finetune discord to see how long until 3.6b, and whew the average furry is beyond retarded. Not the project creators, but the randoms. They don't understand anything about genning, repeat the same base questions over and over, are more pessimistic than doomposters here and all think SD 1.5 is the way of the future. No wonder Jordach is obsessed with /hdg/ instead, outside of a select few the furry community has a collective single digit IQ. Skimming that chat was as if I were in a room full of jeet Bidens. I don't know what I expected.
thanks, I let chatgpt write all my funny lines
perfect thanks
>He didn't get to know about manni
Hope you're not including B-chan, queen of /hdg/, in that statement
When is she coming back bros...
>Optimizations *NEW*
How do I install this stuff?
just stick to forge if you're vramlet
I'm not clicking back there to see who you mean. Some of the furries weren't bumbling idiots but they weren't the majority. I wouldn't be surprised if Jordach started making pure anime focused models, let the furry community keep 1.5
He needs the e621 dataset anyway
I want to try canny controlnet and deforum vieo generation and both of these are fucked on my forge install for some reason (take forever to generate)
check Forge's dev_upstream_a1111 branch and see if it improves things (other things might break so backup your shit)
its more worth to fuck with it than A1111, loras takes forever to load compared to Forge
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Where is it?
> That last guy couldn't satisfy me, so I had no choice but to slit his throat.
> Hey, what's with that look? Get your ass over here and fuck me. NOW.
i gen ghislaine getting spit roasted by monsters and pretend its b. ill do some regular irrumation next to post. shes the type who needs to be put in place.im diamonds already.
Never stick your dick in crazy
even 5ch's /hdg/ has been getting flooded by spambots lately (they're posting gore instead of groidshit but same difference)
it's over...
Time to move to

This message was sponsored by meanoldtree™
Jordach if you have active mods and no groids I'll move to your board
I thought it was under construction? Can we use it?
if groidposting is allowed there in any capacity I'm not coming. even if it has its own board or thread, I'm not. it's not worth the crowd it draws in
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if you guys think that moving to a board managed by delusional furries is an acceptable option then by all means go there and never come back
i don't understand how no one has tried 8ch yet, if you look at the most complaints itt, their rules are perfect, blacked is against the rules and lolis are allowed
Anon, I don't visit furry websites.
Can't be worse than the trannys, jews and jeets here. Unless they start trying to force furshit on me why should I care that they're furrys?
It was infested by saars and brazilians and there are too many boards, so no other active user base ever collects and stays.
good morning meanoldtree
>8 chan.moe/hdg/
its all boring loli posts
There arent any furry posts but its dead. If they want an active 4chan user base they need to keep away from furry crap and post hentai.
if yiff is allowed there in any capacity I'm not coming. even if it has its own board or thread, I'm not. it's not worth the crowd it draws in
this one is awesome
can you please make more like this?
Furries and coombrains are unironically better than constantly bitter shitters that reside here now.
Don't forget we'll have B-sama.
as opposed to the exciting hag posts here
B-sama has admin rights on the /lol/ board of meanoldchan
because they're ran by the same company that runs pornhub
>Time to move

no posts, well it looks like no one is moving anytime soon
it was a good week anons
Bro, it's dead anyway, there's no point. Try american hours, at least there's some active posting.
I stand corrected it might be time to move afterall
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Everytime I try to post a catbox album link I get told it's spam, how do you do it?
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>cascade shills
>pony shills
>wdV shills
>groid spammers
>biden voters
This general has fallen, Euge is our only hope.
He killed himself due to the pressure. There's no hope.
What can I do with a 1050ti card until I get a 3060? Is my only option subbing to NAI?
Play some vidya
Made a userscript to add NSFW tags and artist tags to NAI's tag suggestions. https://gist.github.com/catboxanon/cfcd89f2838b410d3c5b10ca46e799da
Why did Yukari turn black?
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what is this fucking autism lol
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Thanks, this uses an older danbooru csv version?
Nice job.
Does anyone train with AdamW8bit here? If so can you post your settings? I tried using the settings from the fugtrup lora but unet always blows up for some reason.
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It uses one from 2023 which should be fine since that's gonna be all NAI had trained on at the time. If there's artist names that got renamed or nsfw tags that got aliased just let me know and I can fix them and/or dig into getting more accurate data.
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lol imagine using adamw8bit instead of pagedadamw8bit
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Can you post your settings or am I on /sdg/?
Fuck off beggar pajeet.
I remember when /hdg/ used to share prompts just a couple months ago and everyone was discussing training settings and learning from each other. This place has really gone to shit.
0.0006 UNET/0.00003 TE, batch size 3, cosine with restarts with one restart every 750 or so steps
>0.0006 Unet
Idk why unet 0.0003 that I'm using now would blow up unet but I guess it's worth a try. What are you optimizer args?
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this area is wrong
but if your batch size is lower that might be effecting it. idk, other anons have said that they've tried to use these settings and it melts shit too
it's just one guy, look at the previous thread
Honestly it just feels like her head is flying.
The arm is also cursed
stealing this idea
What tab is this on kohya?
I want to believe in Cascade but the stuff i'm seeing has me confused; does Jordach genuinely believe it's on the same level as pony or is that just shitposting?
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oh damn, that snuck right past me.
You're not wrong, but few people have $20k just laying around.
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ahhhhhhhh mistress please let me stroke my throbbing worthless cock... mistress my pre is coming out when i see you like this... my queen... seductress... gooning for you
Are there any guides for model mixing?
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but we all know Lucy is the best
I've noticed you use token merging on your gens. Do you actually see a speed increase or is it just a remnant.
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Thank you Pajeet-sama, very nice LoRA sir.
NAI is so inconsistent
How do you guys get good gens with it? Just reroll 100000 times?
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i don't know, you tell me
Make sure you got the pubic tattoo -> womb tattoo alias.
What do you mean?
no tab
if you havent kept up, jordach apparently filled out some form and got experimental gpus from intel to use on the cloud. instead of training cascade with them, he's debating training XL solely to try and spite astralite's model.
I feel like 9/10 images I generate are completely unusable.
And I hate NAI's inpainting because it messes up the image even more most of the time.
Even copying other people's prompts I still get bad gens.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
they all should be in the pony lora repository, in the megas on that same page or on civitai
link to this?
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I just kinda figured it out myself but, I can make a small guide.

Using Kohya, select Utilities > Lora > Merge LoRA

Here were my settings, pick your base model, select your style LoRA's, and set the strength values. pick save path, one thing I forgot my settings for was the merge precision and save precision settings were, you may need to experiment with them, and select Merge model. I crashed once when I was doing it but I think it was because I messed up the merge precision settings. Keep trying it and it should work.


Sorry whats token merging exactly again? I gen stuff all the time but I don't know what it is.
we've given up on cascade
waiting for wdV now
face adetailer mask is very noticeable too, sloppa-kun
>And I hate NAI's inpainting because it messes up the image even more most of the time.
Make sure you have the overlay original image thing turned on, otherwise it'll really mess things up badly.
When he comes here he seems to be reasonable but his behavior and actions just make him look like a wackjob.
Can you catbox a picture? Idk how you get something bad if you copied someone else's NAI prompt.
wdv is equally dead because, just like jordach, neggles homegrown training code keeps breaking every 3 epochs
It theoretically increases gen speed but I didn't notice a significant difference when I tried it out. You always have it on though so I thought I'd ask.
Post something and I will help you
Thanks a lot.
Oh, I didn't even realize NAI changed the name of that... it looks like both seem to work though, with pubic tattoo actually behaving better. I don't think there's any changes I need to make in that case, as my script will return the correct Danbooru tag (`pubic tattoo`) when searching for both `pubic tattoo` and `womb tattoo`. I'm not going to bother removing NAI's `womb tattoo` result.
[citation needed]
wdV is dead because neggles is an adhd zoomer troon who can't keep xer attention on a single project for more than 30 seconds
is it actually doing anything, according to this it only kicks in when u run out of vram
hes not using a vae apparently? also the sample images are just basic tags and not the word salad he recommends so i dunno what the fuck
imagine pretraining the model with kohya-ss
sdxl doesn't have a vae that shits out dots like this
it's just a trash lora
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Sorry, I'm not more help. I'm on fork anon's version of Forge, and I just run with all the default settings I don't think I've changed it.

I looked in my settings of forge and I found the settings for it and I just have it set to 0.7. I'd say just to play with the setting if you think it would help you.
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works on my machine
That's the one linked in OP right? I didn't notice that much of a speed difference between forge and A1111 so I think I'm probably approaching the limits of my hardware.
honestly i have no idea. i started using it so long ago that i can't remember why i did in the first place.
Like this?
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No its this version, I don't think you will notice much of a difference with this version either.

Do you have a high end GPU? I'm on a 2070 and I have a huge difference between forge and standard A1111.
oh i remember why, iirc i either got better it/s or lower vram consumption when using a paged optimizer alongside sdpa than a non paged optimizer or xformers or something. idk if it's actually related to the optimizer or just something weird with bitsandbytes or if it even still matters now.
Zoomers can't read past the second paragraph, can they?
>Compared to CPU offloading, a paged optimizer has zero overhead if all the memory fits onto the device and only some overhead if some of memory needs to be evicted. For offloading, you usually offload fixed parts of the model and need to off and onload all this memory with each iteration through the model (sometimes twice for both forward and backward pass).
thank you so much anon
really like this
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No way, making your own trainer leads to bugs???
They should have used kohya that works perfectly and has zero bugs because of perfectly clean code.
They changed it, because "pubic tattoo" can leak pubic hair.
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more trainers = more good?
everyone's making one these days.
sometimes contributing towards fixing things creates cancerous codebases that really could benefit from a restart.
i am tired of using loras for characters. give me some basic generic character traits, i want to see where this goes
I don't understand if you are hating or not on people making their own trainers like OneTrainer, etc.
Besides, wdv wouldn't be able to train using kohya because adding support to it for hardware that they use to train wdv would be harder than making their own trainer from scratch
large breasts
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Don't you believe in fairies?
alright good. what else? hair, hair length, eye color, etc etc
not sure where you got hate from anon
what I'm saying is that when everyone piles on to one codebase, for example A1111, it ends up being functional for all purposes, barely, horrendously bloated at every level
at a certain point, cutting your losses and starting fresh with inspiration from other codebases is highly beneficial
that's not hate right
Black hair, green eyes, tsurime, eyeliner, bobcut, short hair, black choker
not a single open source trainer except sgm by stability has cosine edm v-prediction implemented
idk what u think it says, but it seems to me that obviously it has no overhead when it doesnt do anything, and has some overhead when u run out of memory and has to offload
what i meant with my question, was that even if people use the paged optimizer, they still probably arent gonna crank the batch size to 128, so there might be no active improvement

i see, guess it might be good for peace of mind anyways to avoid ooms
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one thing I found that works good for me is to find a standard fantasy race that you are into, elf, oni, cat girl, dog girls,dragon girl,bunny girls, and make your own character. I enjoy making new custom characters with random races and hair styles and looks.
This. Even better when you make a custom character, then setup text gen, and have AI gen pics for you while you're plapping her.
you have to understand, im not looking for what i want, what i want is already dealt with, i want to see what happens if i work with what others want
Oh you just want requests?

old west theme, red hair,long hair, large breasts,saloon prostitute outfit.
It means it doesn't actually do all the operations you request on GPU memory immediately, it only does so if the page of the memory in question is actually being used, you retarded zoomer faggot.
no not requests, i just wanted basic features since everything i like ive already got on hand, and characters are usually niche for my taste anyway. i just wanted something more generic so with enough character features from you all since that would get the gears in my head turning
i will note down yours though
I see, you're right. I updated it to only return the tag NAI uses now, but searching for either works. I know `v` and `double v` were renamed too so I added those in. If there's more I'm forgetting let me know.
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I tried to make a more comprehensive and consistent expression chart using base pony: https://files.catbox.moe/nc1eys.png

A lot simply don't do anything, but I feel like it's better to keep them here than let people think their placebo works. I've basically hit the limit of how many x/y/z will let you generate at once
Can I borrow the girl in the middle
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So you want niche tags to add to custom characters, I think I get it now, I like doing unique hairstyles since there are a lot of different tags possible, like the hair style and you can independently control the bangs and hair intakes and stuff like that, it lets you get some unique stuff.

You could also play with wildcards to create characters to get your creative juices flowing. Ive made a set of wildcards for elves with chatgpt with various elf features that will make random elf girls. It needs some work though.

>If there's more I'm forgetting let me know.
those are sfw tags they renamed
can you explain what you mean step by step with pointing arrows, because i cant see how it can have no overhead if it actively fucks with gpu memory access all the time
1. You ask to allocate a gorilion yottabytes
2. It allocate anything but says it did <- this is the part you fail to understand
3. You think it allocated a gorillion yottabytes
4. You multiply your tiny matrices, you need about 1MB to do that
5. It allocates 1MB and multiplies the matrices
6. ...
7. Profit?
They're supposed to be a package deal
>It allocate
it doesn't allocate
Thanks, forgot about those. Updated now.
These don't represent the thread. Not a single female here is nasty, gross or extremely obese. Basically you missed 90% of the thread.
I don't even see abundance of obese women here except for catto poster.
ok heres how i think it works
1. you run out of memory on gpu
2. exception is raised which gets caught by the optimizer
3. it moves unused parts of the model to preallocated ram to make space
4. forward/backward pass with needed parts
5. possibly all over again, except it now maybe does it automatically instead of having to run out of vram
Learn what a virtual memory and memory paging is, kid. If it gets OOMed, it gets OOMed and you can't do anything about it.
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called it. as of one hour ago:
5 paragraph long 'natural language' shit is not the future. being able to properly link objects and subjects and craft scenes with relational trees is, just like the blender and koikatsu. you will write short descriptions/tags for each subnode that form the overall scene
>{GirlA} is walking down the street holding a {Phone}, looking at {GirlB}
>{Phone} is pink with music playing
>{GirlB} is standing on the side of the road. She is wearing a {long white dress C} and has blue cat ears. She is waving at {GirlA} with her {Left Hand}.
>{Left Hand} has long painted nails, alternating between blue and red
{Long white dress C} uses a specific lora to get the exact style dress you want and have it only impact that specific character
>B-but i don't want to do that it's too complicated!!
You will have an LLM layer that takes your prompt and automatically converts it to the graph-based language. This is the future of diffusion.
>This is the future of diffusion.
This is an ultimate crutch of the whole transformer architecture for diffusion, not future.
I accept your terms and expect delivery upon payment confirmation
literally everybody already knew that something like this would be necessary in the future, we're just waiting for a proper implementation
ok so os gets asked to allocate more memory on gpu and says it cant allocate any more, i dont see a practical difference except arguing semantics
nodes are shit.
Give me individual layers that can be shifted around on canvas to do things one by one to build out that it can then take and appropriately mesh into a single contiguous scene.
Anything else is garbage.
>Author names
The exact opposite will be the future
god bless you anon i forgot about how much I loved this cutie
Regional prompting already exists
>that face
>that body
literal perfection
im bored, should i make a high effort post and just make a 4 page doujin-like piece? i feel like itd be more creative than just mindlessly genning slop
how pony can even compete with this shit
>samefagging naigro
you love to see it
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lets all sub its only 25 a month!
>closed eyes
>eyes clearly open
Ok but closed eyes does work though so how much of this is pony being pony and giving you a shitty seed for the prompt?
do as you wish. if you feel it's worth it go for it
We already had a nai meltie today, let's save it for tomorrow
just let me samefag ffs
At least post gens then
i don't gen, my 1030 is too old for sdxl
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Any idea how to get shorts or panties_around_leg to gen without it making a second pair? Adding bottomless doesn't seem to do anything.
I miss the old NAI days bros... When will v4 come out so they can give us this model?
holy shit
pony could never
How dare you stand where he stood?
the blur is so good
i hate local so much
Depth of field is the one thing pony can do well innately.
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artists tagged removed
furry model focus
100,000 experimental yiff models a day
cluster running for 10 years straight but still cant remove the melt
inpainting and upscale cost increased tenfold
they haven't even given us v2 a year after v3's release, what makes you think they're ever giving us even a single v3 weight?
>pony v7
they didn't gave us v2 despite being a failure
It can still make more accurate Kagamis out of the box than local models without a lora
Thanks for the pose idea
Even Animagine?
My dried tears anon. I really don't have much left these days. Seriously though what I actually want is what they promised: an explanation for how they unfucked SDXL so rich retards can make their own NAI at home.
and thats why im crying rn not being able to figure out why the fuck miyuki lora can't produce fucking uniform while kagami and konata loras can
i'd switch to animagine if it was able to produce luckies
All jokes aside pony has to be a massive thorn in NAIs side. Wonder if they are banking on it being a fluke or if they tried hiring astra at some point and he declined
Even I know this takes gacha. Even NAI can't do panties around one leg without spawning an extra pair.
wdv will be better than nai4.
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has there ever been a truer true
mistress i am gooning
If you spent all that time genning misaka you'd be the most beloved anon on /h/, but you choose the path of evil
Didn't get bet approached by someone from SAI? All I remember was everyone seething at this because his model wasn't that good until the confetti merge then autism merge released shortly after.
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now you made me spend my anal
>only nvidia card i have is an A2000 12g
is it over or is there hope?
that's even more than a100 holy shit
This sounds like a prime problem for forge couple
WAIT was ArtiWaifu trained with tags sorted alphabetically?
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I prefer Mikasa
its not. its a 70w rtx card which is basically nothing
That's a fair point and I'm disappointed in myself for not catching that one, but it can also highlight issues with pony's training data in so far as how poorly some concepts are trained. I feel words that do nothing are fairly obvious: every single one reverts to the same very plain expression (the last one of you need a reference for nothing prompted), whereas "closed eyes" still did something, even if it was not the expected result.
I'm going to try and do another one with 4 different seeds to try to give a better range of results, but I am hitting a limit to how much I can reasonably share: this PNG was 220MB before I resized it for cat box and 3 more seeds would likely be 880MB assuming linear growth. I'm also using a 1080ti for generating these, which limits my throughput considerably for what I can generate overnight. If you have something better, I can share the PNG info. I didn't check if it got stripped after resizing.
sorry, it was a retarded joke
I don't know if quadro have issues with compatibility (most likely doesn't), but 12gb 70w by itself should be enough for genning, although relatively slow
but is it faster than zluda 7900 XTX is the real question
They're expressions, not fine details. jpeg is fine.
We should have a board hardware survey. The old one is quite outdated
I really hate how forge couple handles global promoting, so I made my own template that takes advantage of dynamic prompt's variables so you don't have to depend on prompt weighting:

${global=!score_9, score_8, whatever other quality tags you use}
${global}, first prompt
${global}, second prompt

I generally also use a dedicated separator character, but the important bit is that the output is better than writing a global prompt using couple's method and easier to keep your global stuff consistent than writing it multiple times
I have exceeded JPEGs allowed dimensions already.
I kneel. I still think you cheated though but my sub expired.
You need to stack them in multiple rows. This single row thing is uncomfy as fuck.
What's wrong with the inbuilt global effect?
That's fair, though I'm not looking forward to opening this in an image editor.
Maybe I can figure out how to get imagemagic to cut it up so I don't have to
ill gladly do it, not like im doing anything better. i would just need to make sure there is a consistent way to gauge performance, and given the configurations and extensions used this would be really goddamn hard to ensure it is accurate without saying "just do a quick git pull and use this basic prompt, log metrics"

i am a hardware guy so i know approximately what things should or shouldnt be but im also not sure how much it does or doesnt matter
I have been trying Pony TurboMerge and its pretty good, I get better colors and more dynamic pose than confetti but the colors seems a bit fried but overall good result
It's weighed. It means in order to use it, it has to manipulate the weights of the regions. It's like using `(score_9, score_8...:0.5) (your prompt:0.5)`. It's hard to visualize with text but if you've ever done conditioning combing in Comfy, you'll understand the pitfalls.
If you believed this you would have posted a gen.
I feel like specifying UI and cuda/zluda/rocm should be enough. Everything else has a pretty negligible impact
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Regional prompter had an inbuilt feature for your method, but I never noticed any difference between the two. Got any examples where the weighted version would produce worse results?
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Why does NAI embrace beauty?
File deleted.
while local worships ugliness?
Why does pony have unironically better backgrounds in this one?
right but then you have stuff like deepcache where you can get 3x speed increases depending on the setup. its a little tricky so the more stock, the better
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Hands will forever be my greatest foe.
wdv please save us...
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I could use these two images to point out how the west now worships decadence and filth over beauty.
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>better = more random melted gibberish
remember to use <more-details-ultra-mix:3> for best of background!!! love from mumbai
How do you get halos to work without getting the shitty BA version?
Only good oc since sheepanon left
if wdv is gonna be outputting NAIv3 tier SFW gens i'd switch immediately
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Not my OC. She has an anime coming up later this year. Noblebright slice of life kind of thing.
That's something that users can easily turn off. Just make some preset that can be run on all the common setups
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Reweik can do some backgrounds but yeah, no way near to NAI levels
Pic related is reweik with style loras
What's she from?
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Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Oji-san. Hit or miss for most people, even if it consistently gets best sold Amazon japan manga in winter. For me, it is my love for ojous doing the talking.

Which reminds me that I should be making a Sernia Flameheart lora.
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You know, I'm gonna be real with you. I had a moment of panic where I thought "oh shit, what am I gonna do if I go and test this and the results are completely the opposite," and then I hit generate.


This is the one using my method. The other one uses the "first line" for global prompt. Seeds are the same
some genderbending isekai series
that guy gens genderbent guys in almost all of his posts
Not all. I post plenty of characters, but you couldn't tell because I shuffle style and models all the time.
i know you also post miku sometimes but what i said is still true
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Hmm, I usually overlay one big bounding box as the global prompt and never touch the weights. I still think it follows the prompt fairly good
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I won't deny my hyperfixations.
Is it the one we're the old salaryman oji-san gets reincarnated as a novel ojou-sama?
it will get close but not fully there, right now the dataset is still cluttered with duplicates and garbage. NAI achieved their soft default style by hand-picking artists and images of high quality and giving them focus in the dataset. boorus are a sea of trash and the best artists have way less uploads than the worst.
if you want an aesthetic and creative model you need to prioritize aesthetic and creative images, which is what pony completely fails to do. this is why i propose using a wallpaper/hires booru and matching md5/histogram as a filter for quality rather than score tags. you then use those images for the aesthetic tune stage or give them higher repeats to outweigh all the junk
the nature of wallpaper boorus already does the quality filtering for you, way better than trying to write some shitty classifier based on user score.
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One of several. But it is loosely based on otome games. If it was an actual otome game there would be lots of rape.
I didn't mess with anything but the global prompt setting. I left the weight default and used the automatic regions. I didn't cherry pick my results, it was the first result I generated and maybe it just happened to be a seed that failed with that way of promoting. But it's always been more consistent for me, so it's what I use.
I cant its all futa
perfect chub ratio
But it's not.
Oh, I actually read some of the manga before. I should check if there are new chapters.
>still no local dall-e3
deliver the leak when saar?
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Your new Taimanin
>t. didn't do shit on 1.5
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How do you like it when compared to autism?
If you believed this you would have posted a catbox.
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How long until I can automatically uncensor my ecchi in real time?
if thats the result I would rather keep it censored
it's a vagina
what's a cool non /h/ /e/ artist you think would make an interesting style? im not baking anything on pony because it's shit, but i'm having fun looking through styles and trying to find unique ones i haven't seen before
I won't tell you because you're not baking, but I did find a couple of neat styles
you didn't
ponysloppers don't deserve a bake, and no artist deserves to be dragged through the literal mud that is astralite's sepiashart model. i have come to realize he did artists a favor by pruning their tags, as none of them deserve to be subject to inclusion is such a disgusting bake
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Didn't use autism much tbqh but it felt like it never followed my prompt the way I wanted, neither does reweik but it's more close to it in general
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wildcards are fun
now is the part where you samefag and mald about blur and jpeg artifacts?
What model do you bake on then retard?
it's groidspammer
it's ok anon, you can just say that you have no idea how to bake a good lora and we'll give you some advice
I've kept a tab open for reweik since it released but never got around to using it. Might finally pull the plug and try though. Does it play nice with character loras?
novelai vibe transfer mogs style loras, as does nijijourney styleref
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>Does it play nice with character loras?
No idea, never used any character lora just style loras and pure prompt
What style lora is that?
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A mix of three at different weights, here is the catbox for them if you are interested
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>if wdv is gonna be outputting NAIv3 tier SFW gens i'd switch immediately
There is Trifusion (pic related is something I'm habitually genning with it), but the author of that model received lots of complaints from crybabies that his comfyUI example gens can't be replicated in a1111/forge, decided that his model is shit and removed it from civit. Good luck finding it now if you don't already have it downloaded. Also all his example images with prompts got removed as well, there were a ton of them.
the retard who made that shitmerge also shilled it here and we laughed at him before
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Pony can be funny at times
That's the exact reason it's better than NAI
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So am I correct to assume that you love pony outputs, but this to you looks like a shitmerge?
Maybe people don't deserve good models, after all most of them are retards...
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Convince me why I should pay 20 dollars for NAI when pony exists
what do you expect, this entire place is infested with troons, jeets, freetards, and other swarthoid subhumans. the quality went down the absolute toilet after all the good posters moved on and the shitty local sloppers stayed behind. anyone incapable of seeing the sepia is simply a subhuman in my eyes, a pathetic creature who doesn't deserve to use this technology.
that looks like a 1.5 gen and no, i hate pony as much as anybody else
you know you can just remove the sepia right?
the creator said he might reupload it to huggingface and that he deleted it in a rage because he got some shitty outputs
freetards cant, as evidenced by the localshit in this thread. which is why i view them as subhuman
all true but why are you posting that while replying to some guy crying about his pony+animagine shitmix not getting attention?
how is that related?
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Thirdworlders seething cause no gpu and their nai sub is 25% of their salary
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Reupload it here.
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Yes 1.5 had way better backgrounds than pony.
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Anyways, this is my last example from trifusion (hairclip is on the wrong side, but I don't like this image flipped horizontally).
Maybe somebody will get interested, because your ponysloppa is getting tiresome to scroll through bros. If not, well, have fun with your washed out nu-blizzard-tier cartoony backgrounds and /aco/ girls.
Looks really good to me, but you really should stop feeding trolls.
you're aware that trifusion is a pony merge, right?
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See you tomorrow, anon
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Miyako is a bad example for Ruby.
How did she ever get custody of the twins?
He is the one who is trolling though. He came here to show off and then fuck off after he got his (You) quota for the day.
anyone else think mixes are fucking stupid? looking back, after based64 i cant tell the difference between any of the 1.5 shit, it all looks the same now. based64, anylora, anythingv4.5, meinahentai, counterfeit. i just think "yup, that's 1.5 alright" as it all has that signature look to it.

same with the xl stuff, i can't tell the difference between autism, pony, tponynai, arti, etc it all just blends together into the same shit. ai is just starting to look like ai to me, i think i'm getting bored
i'm sorry anon but you should go see an eye doctor
There's a massive difference between autism and pony though.
yeah there's a difference between using a lora and not using a lora
Exactly. That anon really needs to see a doctor.
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What lora for the style?
I'm still here, just don't want to post more /e/ stuff in /h/ when I can just post in /e/. And the few /h/ gens I have are a bit too loli and will get me banned.
The old link still works from when I asked the guy to reupload his model: https://gofile.io/d/w5UMC3
But I'm using trifusion enhanced which is the same thing but with 2 loras merged in. I really can't be assed to upload it because these services work slow as hell for me.
You can merge the loras in yourself if you want the same model I'm using with this recipe: https://files.catbox.moe/mvftzg.png
>trifusion enhanced
is it the same as this? https://huggingface.co/realding/trifusion_v10Enhanced
>ai is just starting to look like ai
And what does ai looks like?
Well the name is the same at least, so probably yes.
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complete dogshit
Thanks a lot.
Stop generating 2.5d slop then
>today /hdg/ has devolved into:
>Talking about some obscure model that looks like dogshit "trifusion"
>Discussing wether AI art looks like AI, and what AI looks like.
I need to leave this place.
more like never should've come here
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I'm so sorry, I know you want people to discuss /aco/ 2.5d hags all day but they just don't seem to be interested in them! It's tough, I get it, but did you know that /h/ is about anime?
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Is there a specific way to get NAI to generate scenes involving multiple males properly? Listing spitroasting, DP, and even listing multiple actions doesn't seem to properly register.
It's just 1 schizo who brings up trifusion every now and then because he's butthurt that no one uses his trash model.
The best thing you can do is to just ignore him when you encounted him, he'll get bored and leave after a bit of sperging out.
*should of
its nai right?
My ancestors are smiling at me, anon. Can you say the same?
2boys, 1girl, nsfw, spitroast, all fours, doggystyle, oral, anal, from side
Something like that has worked for me in the past. Make sure you use an aspect ratio that fits the image.
pussy in bio
Hey, there schizos are everywhere.
For example! There's 1 schizo who always brings up that there's 1 schizo for every single topic on /h/.
When pony was created, no better models could be made, for it was and is the ultimate apex
Spitroast should be as easy as prompting spit roast and 2 boys etc. DP is hit or miss unfortunately and even when it works it often creates a second anus. Just make sure to prompt what you can see. If spitroast you need to prompt vaginal and fellatio/oral. If DP you need to prompt anal and vaginal.
Glad NAI finally listened to your prompt. I like this one better too.
Cute cat on the blackboard.
(fine, the girl is cute too)
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Are there photoshop screencaps in the dataset or wtf is this
it looks like they didn't crop the dataset correctly and just threw it in there with UI stuff intact
>randomly get gen that have no lora activated
wtf is this?
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not a bad attempt for a 1.5 model
I've actually had that shit show up in a few lora trains completely fucking randomly with no real known cause for it. Nothing in the dataset had anything like that and there was nothing in the prompt that should produce it and it wasn't predictable when or where it would happen.
Only explanation is that the lora is fried in a really weird and cursed way.
that's procreate interface lmao
some artoids upload their wips straight with ui
Would it be possible for model maker to ask for compute power instead of money?
You mean share each other's gpus directly instead of asking for money to buy gpus?
keep up the nice big brown nipples anon
Yeah, kinda like mining bitcoin for someone else but for model instead if that is even possible, like maybe not 24/24 but if you feel like letting your computer overnight to help or something
keep these uneo gens coming anon love themso much
My eye lora worked in one image, then if I just removed a few detail tags with everything else the same, the eye lora would be heavily faded or not visible. These are tags like 'hand under chin', they had nothing to do with the lora. So to get it back my eye lora working correctly I needed to always have some sort of specific pose tag even if it's unrelated to the lora in question. So fucking weird, man.
what eye lora?
also you can cheat and put all those worthless tag just in adetailer and it should still work
No, sharing these kinds of workloads between PCs via the net just isn't feasible. The computational overhead to coordinate would be immense
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Both look fine to.
Bro how do I prompt on this thing? I should have known from .jpg that you were hiding all the important info but I didn't think it would be this bad.
i wouldn't mind subbing if they actually updated their shit every other month or so, but having to wait a full year for updates? local already moves that slow for free
Wait wait, so it was true or fake that jordach and tree got good Intel hardware?
>try to install rocm for linux
>keeps bricking the whole os
>find out its some kernel compatibility bullshit
sticking to windows and suffering it is then i suppose
Yeah thought so
they got compute credits, not hardware
what distro and version do u have, that's the first time I've heard about something like that
AMD specifically states which kernel versions are supported on the rocm documentation page. Massive skill issue on your side
What's that? Like, GPU time?
it really is
dont worry about it im sure im not missing much anyway. i legitimately havent seen anyone post a comparison between the two anyway. im mostly just needing to know just how big the gap in performance is for windows zluda vs linux zluda
pretty much
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[spoiler]What he doesn't know can't hurt him[/spoiler]
is there a lora for this pose? i hated doing this raw
Zluda was about a third slower on my 6600m and more oom errors since windows doesn't have that fancy Google memory optimisation
For how much? What's the GPU's he's gonna use and how many of them?
im working with a 7900 XTX for the record. problem is realistically my setup is less than stellar and im thinkin of making a bootable external device to solve the problem more effectively rather than repeatedly swapping my nvme ssd.
if im currently getting 3it/s on 1024x1024, then i assume id see ~9it/s given what youre telling me?
What happened to the assisted blowjob lora some anon was baking, was it ever finished?
I wouldn't call it 'getting hardware', he doesn't physically own it but neither does NAI own theirs. He apparently has access to some intel enterprise cards for a limited time, Intel's idea being to recruit more people into their ecosystem and break into nvidia's market. No idea if this shit will even work for training stablediffusion without an insane amount of code rewriting with all sorts of quirks
8 hibana gaudi 3 cards, each with 128GB of VRAM
idk for how long
Will these prices ever come down? I swear corpos are trying really hard to price us out of this shit.
More like 4it/s, but could be more since the xtx is the only consumer card with rocm 6.0 support.
I'm trying to add a model to adetailer but I can't find on my computer where to put it. None of these pt files exist on my computer but somehow it's using them.
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I notice that your mix yields plump girls without trying.
Is your Ssd too small for a dual boot?
That's not a bad price though, all things considered.
Have you tried webui/models/adetailer?
what are some negatives that just work for pony (I'm not buying that it doesn't need negatives)
yeah, it's an empty folder
What exactly is being considered? I know 128 vram is a lot but is it really worth the cost of a house?
my setup is lets just say, not very convenient to deal with
>prompt 1 girl standing,+the proportion I want
>once I get exactly what I want start prompting sex
>proportion becomes random and retarded
I love it
muscular female (monochrome should always been in negs though)
that's the price of 8 of them
how did it run for you overall? for example rtx 3060 12gbs and google colab t4s run pony from my testing at 1.00-1.31 it/s. I have a RX 6650XT desktop and been looking for comparatively close benchmarks but haven't found anything relevant
Why is invisible man such a difficult concept
You are gonna need 2 things. Miqote Anon's model and my character lora. Be warned though, that this a test character lora is based on a loli character named Xi'er from game screenshots. It needs some wrangling to keep it from making 3Dish images.


what this guy said, also compared to nvidia it's cheaper so take it or leave it I guess
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that sounds like a win to me. thanks for posting stuff with my model its fun to see what people here have done with it.
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Likely dataset issue
1024*1024 was 1.7s/it.
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Soooo... Will jordach save us now? That's enough compute to even finetune SDXL
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>a loli character named Xi'er
Which game? I was actually curious what those glasses were called and figured it might be a character lora.
>It needs some wrangling to keep it from making 3Dish images.
If I may offer some advise, I recommend getting a couple 2d pics in addition to your 3d screencaps to help make it more 2d. 3d in negs also helps but is not required. Pic related. I have about 100 screencaps from the game and about 30 2d fan art and it works fine, of a little bit overtuned to her arms at sides stance.
if he doesn't let his ego completely cloud his judgement, maybe
he's considering using that hardware for an sdxl finetune already (not cosxl for some reason), but keep in mind that he has an irrational hatred for sdxl so who knows if he'll actually do it
I wouldnt call it irrational
that's what he's planning to do anyway apparently. no idea why he doesn't just use it to follow through on cascade like originally planned. maybe he too thinks it's shit? the 3.6b looked decent so idk why he's so determined about xl instead of just baking the fucking model everyone wanted originally
he was training an 1.5 model as late as march of this year while everybody else was using pony and nai
we all know sdxl has limitations but it's also true that the best anime finetune we've ever had was trained on it
Genshin Impact. I was playing and figured that I could just take screenshots of her and try my luck. I pretty much did the same with Taoqi, with mixed results.

Xi'er has NO fanart at all. Taoqi does, but I put that limitation on myself to see how the AI would react.
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Forgot my damn image again.
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forge fork anon here, did some big updates related to cfg_denoiser


Re-added and made work: NMS, Skip early CFG (Ignore negative prompt during early sampling), NGMS all steps, add is_edit_model, skip_uncond, cond_scale. DPM++ 2M CFG++ and a bit more performance to check for nans in unet only once, after all steps have been completed.

Have to fix DDIM/PMS CFG++ but at least the custom schedulers branch has CFG++ as a scheduler.

Hope anons enjoy (if someone uses it)
if were on your version can we safely run the update.bat to install the update or do we have to do something else now?
you're doing god's work, anon
by the way, did you notice that people in 5ch have started using your fork?
What style is this?
I'll eat my dick WITHOUT SEASONING if he actually delivers something that's better than pony.
what make you think that pony is that good
it's unfortunately the best local model by far
I think there isn't an update.bat right? If you're on a older version, you can do (in the folder)

git pull

then automatically when running the bat/sh it should be updated.

What really? I didn't know, it is related to wikiwiki.jp? Seeing the traffic, a lot seems to come from there.
Even NAI devs hated working with SDXL and were happy they could unfuck it for v3.
Yes im not arguing against that, but acting like its unbeatable is nonsense, the guy who made it has no idea what he was doing
Is that related to the scheduled CFG people were talking about last thread? (not available on forge)
there is absolutely zero reality where he figures out how nai got such good results. he's a furfag, he will never spend weeks curating anime datasets and aesthetic pruning. even wd likely won't put that much effort in. I still don't know why everyone is talking about xl now as if cascade has been dropped like a hot potato. what was the point?
It's beatable if you're not delusional about your progress. Alas...
Nice. I'm actually in the process of making a Taoqi lora but I got sidetracked by Jinhsi's release. She looks really nice with that artist combo too. From my experience it doesn't work with 100% screencaps, which I assume is because pony wasn't trained on anything that looks like that. It does really weird uncanny stuff with the character's face and fucks up the body too. I've been trying to do a whole bunch of loras with game screencaps and it gets really close but doesn't fully grasp it.
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thank you, pulled, but is there something wrong on my end, when click gen i get this error.
also wondering if
How important is it that I switch to this though?
oh, you must be pretty new if you haven't heard of 5ch before
5ch (formerly known as 2ch) is the biggest anonymous textboard in japan, which inspired the imageboard 2chan (also known as futaba), from which moot stole the code to make 4chan
5ch is pretty big in general but in particular it's one of the biggest places for discussing imagegen in japan
i don't think wikiwiki.jp has any relation to it but i wouldn't be surprised if some 5ch anon linked your fork there
>he will never spend weeks curating anime datasets and aesthetic pruning
NAI isn't good because of this though. hey did something to SDXL's architecture itself in order to improve colors and give you true darks etc. There's more to it than an S tier dataset unfortunately.
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>as if cascade has been dropped like a hot potato
no, jordach still thinks cascade is the best architecture for imagegen currently available
the reason he's talking about finetuning xl is purely because of his free intel credits. so why doesn't he use them instead to speed up the cascade bake? apparently because he wants to let the 1b model cook slowly so he can make the necessary adjustments until the TE finishes baking. no idea if that makes sense but it seems to be his current plan
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Cheers, my dude.

It kind of just werks, in an odd way. I just took a couple dozen screenshots and that kinda did the trick.

Box in a cat?
He first needs to make the trainer work properly for the gaudi gpus, and doing that will take some weeks kek
cosxl i hope at least, not base xl?
Do you do specific block training or just slapped some training preset in the LORA?
Jinhsi has plenty of decent loras so dont bother, taoqi lora are all piece of shit
apparently jordach doesn't like cosxl
I used a preset that Anon suggested several threads ago for when you have very few images available.
Well I'm also very autistic about getting at least 90% of the outfit details right. I took like 90 screencaps from cutscenes and AI still didn't get it.
AI can't do moles well at all.
Not good enough for me unfortunately, especially after I saw how shit the rover and yinlin ones were so I've just been making them all myself. It's good practice anyway.
Guarantee it's because Neggles is training wdV with it. Gotta be a contrarian after all! The wdV test epochs actually do have proper dynamic range/darks.
apparently his xl tune is doa then
I've heard from some people that cosXL is even worse than base SDXL, why would it be worse?
Why is it that everytime you start shilling for him in here, he's just making the stupidest decisions every time.
>Wasting money on Cascade
>Wasting even more money on base XL finetune instead of cosxl
You cant expect AI to understand outfit details, the current model dont have a good enough accuracy for that, same reason why you cant get illegible text, also dont get me started on the rover and especially yinlin loras because they are all complete garbage
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(me) Okay after some comments and requests, I have decided to rename the repo to: stable-diffusion-webui-reForge. So it is a updated version of Forge with A1111 upstream dev updates (not all of them) plus some other features.

Hope this is not confusing.

I didn't see much of the past thread, but these updates do add scheduled CFG yep.

If you haven't updated since the rebase, I think a better way is to re-clone the repo, since huge changes were there. I can gen just fine (ignore the torch message, that is from nightly 2.5.0)

If forge works fine for your then not needed honestly. It is QoL changes and A1111 changes. Also it may be like, 1% faster than forge, at least I notice on a RTX 4090.

huh TIL. If you use 5ch, can you share the repo with the new name please? (Though if using the old link, it should redirect automatically)
Outfits are very hard, particularly with these chinese made games with a gajillion accessories. As you can see in these pictures, it gets the gist of Taoqi, but the overall outfit fails inspection.


nah, i'm not a jordach shill and i agree with both of your points
Ah and I'm dumb, forgot the new link: https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/
No anon, you don't understand. We have to keep training Cascade even though it's unproven (and looks even more fried after every partial epoch). Also, it has no community support at all tool wise. I respect the attempt, but i'll still shit on it because they took money kek
I strongly disagree anon. I haven't seen anyone get the details this well just because they give up too early because they think AI can't do it.
What was your training process? I am intrigued.
who the fuck knows why somebody said that.
cosxl is just a vpred tune that can actually do colors correctly
god i fucking love base sdxl that adds random light sources to an image where none should exist, and inability to do straight white qnd black colors. looking forward to jordach's next sdxl tune to do exactly that!
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very nice
Alright awesome work then i'll try those later on when im not afraid of borking my forge by updating
How the fuck do I get started making AI shit? I just wanna make porn of Touka Kirishima.
Color me impressed because they match incredibly well, how flexible are they when it comes to style or body proportion?
very simple, you need a huge competent team and a fucking ton of money for that, this is not a job for a single big brain. so that's why for-profit corpos exist, for example anlatan.
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Read the OP
add zluda support
okay that's actually faster...? weird considering it's amd. you were on linux right?
I take a bunch of screencaps, at least 50+ from cutscenes in high res 5160x2160 to get them from different angles. Then I go to danbooru to look for 2d shots of her in the same outfit and completely nude and whatever normal outfits people draw her in. Then I even search r34 for completely nudes. I hand pick them to make sure things like earrings, ribbons etc are in the correct spot as a lot of people make that mistake. Then I make a new folder, create a custom tag for the outfit, put the custom tag in all pics where the outfit appears in for both main folder and this sub folder, prune all the tags for the outfit, then move the custom tag to the front. I usually use no more than 1/5 of the images in the dataset. I bake with 10 repeats for the main folder and outfit folder with prodigy for 3-5 epochs. Lowering the lora weight/putting the outfit tag in negs helps remove most of the bleed.
This looks pretty good though but I haven't stared at her outfit for long enough to catch all the quirks.
Fits correctly over any style loras and you can change the body parts, clothes etc.
hm... installed reforge from fresh, still got the same error, dunno...
what is zluda?

Hmm interesting, let me try with a clean installation and see if i can replicate
If you are smart enough to bake such model you would be already hired by some AI company. Your luck is looking for someone that is already hired by some corpo that lets them use the compute, like wdv with neggles where they have access to even 128xh100 from corpo compute
>wow I am getting better colors I wonder why
>realize I forgot to remove a completely unrelated fried lora I was testing
>test with and without, barely change the gen but improve the colors at like 0.7 weight
I will never understand ai, https://civitai.com/models/531253/pov-or-viewer-on-leash was this lora btw
imagine taking screenshots of genshin when mihoyo or whatever company makes the game releases MMD models with the shaders correctly configured
dont do this to me https://github.com/vosen/ZLUDA
Well very nice job, I can count on one hand the amount of lora for complicated design I saw that actually worked
I'm certain that it works. I managed to get Eve from stellar blade in like 7 different outfits with most of the details done correctly so I know pony can do it. What it can't do is the actual 3d model. It can't do writing, or moles, or tattoos but it can do most things.
The lora ended up being a failure because there isn't enough 2d of her in these outfits yet.
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I git cloned and got no issues, but even then the variable name was wrong, pushed a new commit that should work https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/commit/0d6d7ba0374daba9705c5a2d595dc41e3e76eddc

huh interesting, til amd can run cuda or kinda
Do you post your lora anywhere?
Might want to write up a quick step by step like you did earlier so it can be pinned somewhere
its been a few months, it was originally for intel arc but they pulled out, and then amd picked it up, and did the same. rip that guy but fuck me was it a banger. it literally got nvidia to rewrite their terms to disallow reverse engineering of cuda shit
No the Eve lora is delayed until they release a PC version so I can take screencaps with more variance. I might release Rover and Yinlin ones though since those civit ones are just atrocious.
Anon, can you add support for lycos like this one? Forge doesn't support them, and auto added support at some point.
Yeah I would gladly use those rover and yinlin honestly, I completely gave up doing those because I was getting way too annoyed at the result
https://pixeldrain com/u/gD7vLjMH
https://pixeldrain com/u/ELj1Ep8G
They should be fine from my limited testing but let me know if I fucked up somewhere. The outfit tags should be the folder names in the metadata. Should be "stringsuit" for Yinlin and "mainsuit" for Rover.
Any chance if you know they have their own loras somewhere?
Would Cascade be possible in Forge if it's updated?
the commit fixed it, thanks
also bump >>8098254 if that's possible, thank you
is there a token for shin/knee up? I want just a little more then cowboy shot
feet out of frame
Nice it got fixed, about the lyco:
Forge fails there because it has

if len(lora_unmatch) > 12:
print(f'[LORA] LoRA version mismatch for {model_flag}: {filename}')
return model, clip

on /ldm_patched/modules/sd.py

And the extract from the OG model creator somehow has more. I can remove the limit but the effect I think can be weaker. You can try raising the limit to test that lyco if you want.

Also, I have done a lyco extract that should work without issues, same size, here it is:


I guess it depends if it's implemented on A1111 or something similar.
Have you perhaps already added no normalization in prompts weightening on your fork?
For example 4thtail >>8098254 relies very heavily on this, without it the artists will just take full effect even when give like (:0) weight. There is already setting in forge, but it doesn't seem to work for me when setting it to "no norm", doesn't work with the old extension to fix that either, but works fine on the latest a111 dev.
Is it something wrong with my forge or is it really just broken?
Not them but they tend to upload onto random megas or huggingfaces
You can also search through their threads.
cool, thanks
I should have fixed "No norm" in the fork. I use at least without issues, but if you find still doesn't work please tell me.
>use the outline loras at -4
Nai has been achieved
i don't think they have a separate lora repository, for the most part they either post them to civitai or post them on megas that close in 24 hours so only the thread regulars can use them (which is pretty silly)
Thank you very much, i'll give them a spin tomorrow and delete those polluting my lora folder while im at it
Hey thanks. Look up nashikone in huggingface if you haven't done that yet. He got ton of good loras.

yeah, I'm just looking for their megas somewhere.
bleeds "feet" very often though
I haven't tried your fork yet, my forge is just a mess with so many manual editing, that I couldn't even remember what was edited, since illya guy just dropped it and disappeared, I will do a fresh install with existing venv a little later, dora support and soft inpainting fix is already there? It's something very easy to add, since there was ready to go pr's for them.
they usually don't post the megas outside the threads, again so only the regulars can use them. they even post exclusive model merges for the thread users sometimes
and yeah nashikone has some good stuff
Yeap, dora and soft inpaing is there.

Well basically it has (that comes from my memory):

- Scheduler Selection
- DoRA Support
- Small Performance Optimizations (based on small tests on txt2img, it is a bit faster than Forge on a RTX 4090 and SDXL)
- Refiner bugfixes
- Optimized cache
- Soft Inpainting
- Multiple checkpoints loaded at the same time
- DPM++ 2M CFG++
- NMS (Negative Guidance minimum sigma all steps)
- Skip Early CFG (Ignore negative prompt during early sampling)
- NGMS all steps
- Fixed png_info for API
- Fixed built-in controlnet not accepting ControlMode/Resizemode as int
- Restored forge custom tree-view for loras, instead of the A1111 one
- More Upscalers: COMPACT, GRL, OmniSR, SPAN, and SRFormer and fixes from https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/pull/14794

And a lot more I forgor
>4.5 lyco extract
thank you, very cool
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I fell down a rabbit hole of block weights and micro-optimizations, but I think it was worth it. Thanks.
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then why doesn't he use this new hardware to spitball rapid experiments on the 1b so we can finally get the godmodel 3.6b that was fucking promised months ago? why the fuck is he wasting time with baseXL (not even cosXL) when the whole idea of cascade fundraising was to move past shitty XL (which everyone agrees is a pain to train) and try something new? it's just so fucking baffling how there seems to be a divine intervention preventing local from ever actually being good. months of begging for donos only to not even use them. getting blessed with hardware and then trying to dance around finishing cascade.
just load that fucker up with a ton of training prototypes and let it rip? it should take 2 days max to cook on that hardware. assuming he even has it at all and isn't just fantasizing like he does about his model already being number 1 in the localspace.
4th creator stated that making extract, while using lycoris scripts somehow retains more information, in comparison to sd-scripts on the same rank btw
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I find it amusing that sometimes it does this
>Look up nashikone in huggingface if you haven't done that yet.
Did I just download 40 loras? Yes and fuck you man I didnt need all those to test I was already overwhelmed with what I have
Np, enjoy the extract.

The extract I did was using lycoris directly at least not, so it is a lyco.

Lora extracts are weaker yeah.

Maybe he uses some extra parameters, I do a simple extract with linear_dim and conv_dim.
You probably don't get it, if you extracted it, using just https://github.com/kohya-ss/sd-scripts/blob/main/networks/extract_lora_from_models.py with linear and conv layers, that is what I mean about weaker effect with scripts from sd-scripts repo.
He extracting it using new shit from kohaku https://github.com/KohakuBlueleaf/LyCORIS/blob/main/tools/extract_locon.py this is why it is not working with old forge, but it's somehow better for such a huge finetune.
No I know, I extracted using https://github.com/KohakuBlueleaf/LyCORIS/blob/main/tools/extract_locon.py

py .\extract_locon.py --is_sdxl --safetensors --mode fixed --linear_dim 212 --conv_dim 212 'ponyDiffusionV6XL.safetensors' '4thTailAnimeHentai_v045.safetensors' '4th_tail_v0.4.5_lyco_extract_212dim' --device cuda

That's how I did it.
Thanks for posting my old pictures anon. I didn't think anyone saved them.
Oh, okay, than it's probably really the problem with some args I guess. Unfortunately, I don't know the args he was using for it
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nta but im pretty sure I have some too
Nice. Brings back good memories.
This one looks familiar. Is this pony?
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Thanks for the links bros, there's a lot of loras I can put to use here.
Yeah, it's a mix of 2 loras I made using AutismMix.
>want to prompt Lisa from doa
>not recognized by the model
>go to civitai to check for a lora
>no lora
Im actually quite surprised honestly, I would not have expected anyone from this series to not work
there's this
Just request it to novowels. He made most of DOA loras already.
i like how it's called style-characters because pony is completely fucking incapable of not baking the style into the character
>test run of shark girl lora to check style bleed from the mmd model has already surpassed every civit version in quality
wow that's crazy
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Uh, not sure about this one, i dont think its even worth trying it out but thanks
Good idea thanks
no it's because this dude specifically learned the lora on in-game screenshots, no 2d fanarts
I mean thats quite the low benchmark, there is like 2 passable and the rest is garbage
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What did you use for the background?
catbox for this please? (if it wasn't made in NAI)
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not nai, you can tell by the face and stress-whitening on the breasts and elbow. local loves to add random gloss-shine to things for no reason
thank you
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I love the gloss, sometimes I even prompt shiny skin
Maybe I ate too much slop
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I can't find the original gen to check and confirm but I'm pretty sure it was CoMix BGXL V1.
i have decided to make a small 4 page comic and along the way realized i can finally make the autistic wholesome thing that's been in my head for the last few years
i hope to share some clearly unskilled but high effort content soon
Ahh okay thank you.
Dont post about things you havent released yet or you will get complacent because your brain will take the attention you get as a reward without actually doing anything
you dont understand i am determined
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>Made a giant ass picture
>Original IRL concept was a way bigger ass

I'm a tittyguy, what's gotten into me?
im not saying you wont do it but thats still true for a lot of things in life
american website
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the payoff to me will be if i follow through with what i claim. my one regret is i have no idea how to fill all the gaps without a fuckload of inpainting
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well yea that was kind of my point
probably has a noise offset.
using a lora with, ideally, pyramidal noise offset is how you actually fix base pony's color issue.
is there a proper just pyramid noise offset lora for pony?
Rebecca could do this and David still wouldn't get the hint. Poor girl.
not really? it's not something you can just do without actually specifically training a style, character or concept or something.
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Cute and based
Looks like the rentrys haven't been updated for months, where do I find the current lora training meta?
So is the WD 1.4 tagger still good or is there something better these days?
Completely unrelated to this anon >>8098469
Is there a way to specify like a temporary output location on Forge? Like say I have a main one, but I'm working on a project and want to output to another one for that project for the current session, is there a setting or something I can check to be like, "yo, shit these out here for the time being".
the "anime screencap, source_anime" tags are so good in pony. is there any other tags that make it look like a real anime?

Just posted new version of Confetti. Same place as always. https://civitai.com/models/184813/animeconfettitunexl


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>Wasting even more money on base XL finetune instead of cosxl
ntayrt (I am the actual shill anon), but there is no money being spent on the xl finetune (if they end up doing that), the intel hardware is free. I also don't see why they'd bother with cosxl, at least with sdxl we'd get existing tool compatibility. cosxl is just another risk with little improvement over sdxl. they've already gambled with cascade, there is no proof cosxl is even any good outside of that it can do darks/lights, which cascade would already cover..
>after based64 i cant tell the difference between any of the 1.5 shit
that's because you barely used 1.5 or you're just retarded
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all the posts in civitai pertaining to pony use the incase lora and I swear they all look like
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pic rel
isn't it supposed to be yangmalgage
box please
Spelling it wrong weirdly works better in a mix than adding a bunch more brackets. Same kind of thing with the year tag
Is the confetti comrade mix from ages ago?
WD works, although I use swinv2
What exactly do you want to know?
I was in a similar situation a couple weeks ago and the lora stuff still generally seems up to date, but if you want to try advanced stuff (which I didn't) you'd have to search the archives for relevant words since I don't know any of that stuff. You can also search archives for "toml" or "json" to see the presets that people have shared and that will generally also contain information that they've said. I tried a whole bunch of them but ended up with the simple and primative AdamW setup with nothing fancy like warmups or weird samplers or anything like that.
But, it seems to be that every use case is different so maybe yours would benefit from that that complicated stuff that HAS NO EXPLANATION ANYWHERE
Well to start there's these two civit guides.
any reliable way to squish my booby lolis when they get too long?
try height lora from here i guess
interesting, i see
you can get something similar with non-pony models and the right artist mix / style loras
post some examples of what you mean by "NAIv3 tier" here or on edg and lemme see what I can do

lemme guess
deadnoodles, fdy, ciloranko, pottsness, ?
>fdy, ciloranko, pottsness,
Just those, yes
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Completely adult girl btw.
Yeah, AFAIK the comrade and autism mixes used a really old version.
Ideally a spoonfed preset, but what about pony specific stuff like are people including score tags these days? Is tags+natural language a meme?
good guide, wish it SDXL based though
share preset?
Like I said, what exactly do you want to know? Those guides have a bunch of useful info that still applies. The main thing with SDXL was just settings. Do people really put natural language in their dataset captions? Never even heard of that meme. Don't put score_9 in your captions.
good artists and gen
natural language is a joke, just us WD tagger v2. natural language will NEVER be relevant unless the base model is trained with it. pony doesn't have enough images in the dataset to teach it an entire relational language. don't use score tags either. also make sure to prune meta-tags like translation_request and such.
search TOML in the archives for presets, people shared a ton earlier this year. i don't have any on hand after i realized pony is shit and stopped baking until better slop drops
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Sometimes you prompt stuff but then you get different stuff and you change course.
I guess not then. Last time I was here people were arguing about whether 64dim/alpha was bloat and some anon was training without tags, but I guess that didn't catch on. Was hoping for some consensus on settings but I'll check the archive.
>share preset?
Sure, but like I said it's extremely generic. https://files.catbox.moe/z1i12p.toml
I really don't know if it's efficient or good or anything, it simply looked the best from my testing after running LORA training for a solid week. I had about 150 source images.
The only thing I do special that might be different from how people do it normally today is that I have 2 folders, one with great images and one with simply good images that are there to add more variety. The great folders are set to repeat 10 times and the good are 4 times, but I really don't know what kind of effect it has. It's simply how I learned to do things a long time ago before I came back to this for XL recently.
Those retards didn't even try training with natural language captions, why are you so eager to listen to them? Also there are v3 taggers which are better.
you'd unironically do better going to civitai, trying out some loras, and messaging the 1/100 baker who manages to make a lora that feels just perfect. ask them for the settings (some even provide it already on the page). the problem during the baking days was people would spout all types of nonsensical shit with nothing to back it up. you have to keep in mind how fried peoples eyes are here, some of the most rancid garbage gets shared where you'd question what the fuck they were thinking genning such trash. plenty of the rentry loras are complete underbaked ass but their bakers would happily claim that they work perfectly.
you should only be copying settings from someone who provides images to back up what they say.
full body, barefoot in positive and changing res closer to 1:1
>and the right artist mix / style loras
that's the problem, i don't have another 500gb to spare on loras and lora cope is becoming ridiculous at this point
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shortstack tag works. Just weight it low unless you want to go full gobbo.
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chibi works too and has different side effects
something to experiment with
Sorry for the late reply.
It's a mix of opossumachine, hero neisan and boingoo, but mostly opossumachine.
It's not a lora, it's artiwaifudiffusion.
The same artist tags as >>8098553
I still can't tell if this is part of the thread schizo's tactics or if someone legitimately is this blind
nice. is that an aura lora?
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box please?
>Intel hardware
Is Pat Gelsinger a lolicon?
Why do people get so upset whenever you mention a model that isn't some pony slop mix?
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Of course not. Rich people screw actual children, not fap to cartoons.
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Arti is probably the best local model right now for simple prompts.
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>melted literally everything
>indecipherable hands
such quality
Shit is extremely raw and ugly to look at, I will never understand this.
Don't really see the issue there, I hope Intel starts making headway in AI so we can be free of Nvidia's tyranny.
It looks SO fucking awful right? Where's the sepia? Where is the heckin detailed shading like on my mistresses' gens?! I fucking love pony, who could ever want something else?
I want something else but I'm not blind, try again.
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How did this guy make Ghost in the Shell.
i now get it, shitters here hates eastern styles and thinks everything that doesn't have 15cm lines is melted
love watching local tards seethe in squalor. you had a year to catch up yet did absolutely nothing. now you're left with nothing but trash. you deserve it for bringing abyssorangemix2 into the world. none of you deserve a good model, and none of you will ever get one.
can you just go back to groidspamming, you're so tiresome
We have autismmix, retard.
The groidspammer quit because queen of /hdg/ b-sama said she doesn't like it. Bait posting is all he has left.
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All memeing aside, arti looks 100000x better to me than any pony mixes.
It actually looks like a drawing instead of something computer generated.
I will never understand /hdg/s obsession with accuracy and details, those things don't make for an aethetically pleasing image.
You guys are like /ic/, trying to draw everything in 3D and as anatomically accurate as possible, not realising that good looking images are rarely anatomically accurate.
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All I see is a bunch of nogens larping.
Arti looks like aislop with burnt saturation (yes pony is sepia slop but Arti is on the other side of the bad spectrum). Not to mention the retarded amount of steps you need to use to generate an image because of how fucked up the bake is. There is a reason the creator ran from his own failure.
>It actually looks like a drawing instead of something computer generated
>posts something with anatomy so fucked it can only belong to AI
>with hair melting into the head and obvious eye melt
can you just fuck off already
I think it's the reason why localturds are dissatisfied with NAI when they try it. They just can't stand anything other than pony brainrot.
need immediate box STAT, this looks 1.5 good in style
>I will never understand /hdg/s obsession with accuracy and details, those things don't make for an aethetically pleasing image.
professional deformation
can b- please come decree she hates arti, too? I thought we were past this.
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just lookup banpai akira on civitai, nothing special about it
Any more gens? Is it only good as sfw?
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NAI is good, but it not being local makes it a non-option.
So arti is the only option left unless you want stiff looking 2.5d ponyslop.
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>7900 xtx
>stock settings, ~2.79-3it/s
>auto undervolt, ~2.84-3it/s
>auto core oc, ~2.88-3it/s
>auto preset rage oc, ~2.89-3it/s
>didnt even bother with quiet or balanced doesnt matter
>manual 13% undervolt, +10% oc vram, +15% power limit, ~3.13it/s
>manual 10% undervolt, +15% oc vram, +15% power limit, +10% max core freq, ~3.25it/s, but keeps running into runtime errors
>manual 10% undervolt, +10% oc vram, +15% power limit, +10% max core freq, ~3.25it/s, errors gone
>+20% oc vram, +15% power limit, +25% max core freq, crash
>manual 15% undervolt, +20% oc vram, +15% power limit, +25% max core freq, crash
i know many of you dont give a fuck but jesus christ amd is suffering for this but its nice to see i can get a slight more bit out of it
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Diffusion is GPU-bound, just so you know. VRAM clocks ain't much of an issue.
its also better on linux and i need to migrate to it but i dont feel like doing so without a portable nvme drive to do so. once i get that it shouldnt be a big deal but until then its what i got
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That's not so bad. My 3090 gives me 3.6it/s max and i usually have it limited to 3it/s
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keep in mind a 7900 xtx is equivalent to a 4080. if you shunt mod it its around a 4090, but im not ready to shunt mod it
fuck not this retard again, did you not get enough trolling in when sharti released? spare the general we're finally recovering from the spammer
I'm hoping if we all ignore him he'll fuck off again.
No pony criticism.
Do not slight pony.
Do not ever offer any models other than pony.
If you do, you must be a schizo troll baiter spammer shill. You must be crazy to not like pony, it's so fucking good and beautiful, and you can even bake amazing loras that make pony look better than human-made art.
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fuck off cunt ill do whatever i damm well please
inb4 he starts trying to shill his retarded refiner bullshit again
Might as well use that base 1.5 and bake a lora for it.
>all the same astratroon shit with some jeetslop mixed in
what did he mean by this
havent cleared out the garbage yet, figured id do that when i get bored this week
on it king
>Post some arti gens
>The whole thread gets derailed
Why are you people like this?
Is it really that bad that some people are trying different models?
Pony is good, don't get me wrong, but it also gets extremely stale after a while. How you guys have not gotten bored of pony yet is beyond me.
People here are extremely defensive of their model of choice for some reason.
the thread is full of faggots who prefer bickering like women to actually discussing the thread topic
bros has cascade DEFEATED pony yet? or is it another 6 months
>say stupid shit
>get called a retard
>be surprised your shit got called out and blame everyone else for
fuck off already faget.
use whatever the fuck you want. just don't make up some dumb bullshit narrative to justify being 'speshul.'
>Pony is bad
>Posts some /e/ tier 1girl standing image of some kohaku tier shitmix
You can discuss your softcore models literally anywhere else
Whatever happened to heart of apple?
It sucked so we moved back to the waiting room for freedom from pony jeetmixes
This has always been the case.
Anons ITT latch on to whatever is the popular model at the time and refuse to even hear about anything else.
It happened with 1.5 as well, back when pony and animagine came out, the anons here hated even mentioning pony lmao.
Now pony is the popular model and the cycle continues.
See for yourself https://anti-mass.spectrometer.lol
Don't gen too much, that's the same 3090 the current epoch is cooking on
>Don't gen too much, that's the same 3090 the current epoch is cooking on
i thought that was jordaAAACCK's personal 3090
He's committed to continuously slowing down the training and hardware so he can better monitor it. He bought the raspberry Pi for e10 already.
as a raspberry pi owner, whatever you do, dont look at the prices for those shits
>less than $100
not for the good model
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i'm no anatomy expert but i think something is fucked
well whatever
What the fuck does this have to do with anything?
this made me puke in my throat a little
sounds delicious
replied to the wrong one, was meant for >>8098665
>localturds are dissatisfied with NAI when they try it
But are they actually?
In terms of anatomy, only the breasts look bad.
The real issue is just the pose. It looks unnatural.
There is a reason any professional AI work is done on local and with comfy, just saying.
You really are pulling a
>but muh REAL studios use 3d Max! None of that free Blender bs.
but with AI.
>Model that can do pretty much everything that NAI can do gets released
Akshually, Mattel is using Midjourney.
What the fuck are you talking about? We're making hentai AI images here you fucking retard.
what ai work? making low quality stock pics?
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pick one

when im not on the clock im a professional shithead and retard. we are easily the most professional ai related general next to /trash/.
>changing the number of sampling steps completely changes composition in the early steps
Has this always been true or is my Forge bricked? Euler A 18 steps and Euler A 28 steps with the same seed are literally two different images.
What do you think schedulers are for chud
Why would the first 6 steps produce completely different results just because I adjust the maximum?
This model is incredibly good at generating few flaws, compared to autismmix. (You don't need to make pixel art with it)

Although it could be that the embeddings I use just play nice with it.
Positive: score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, zPDXLxxx, BREAK, <rest of prompt>
Negative: zPDXL-neg, zPDXLxxx-neg
Good morning, ElArgine Sir
Sampling Schedule: The diffusion process involves a schedule that determines how noise is added and removed over a series of steps. Changing the total number of steps alters this schedule. Even if the initial conditions and other settings remain the same, the distribution of noise and the subsequent denoising process will differ based on the number of steps.
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motokos juicy robutt
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For me? It's Based ElArgine Xir.
>30°C indoors
that's enough AI for today
>Controlnet anytest
>Spent over 3 weeks mulling over local auto rigging solution with blender for posing models.
>It doesn't fucking work, blender is beyond my skill level
>Fuck it, i'll try Adobe mixamo free service.
>Posing models works right away.

Gives me conniptions... I can only pray something better locally comes along in case Mixamo gets shut down.
I'm going to impregnate you
Has anyone experimented with negpip on pony already? It definitely can change the style a lot.
that's why i put off resubbing to nai until summer
What about cascadeur?

I need another model to adjust the head size to anime proportion for cascadeur. That was how I went down the blender rabbit hole. What a shithole it was.
holy fuckeng JEET

Huh. Interesting. However, that is another potentially useless program to learn. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
It's pretty intuitive, but the results with animagine are meh. Wish we had a real openpose
Interesting, guess its a good workaround for that but still kinda weird to use a random lora for that
ideally you just find a style lora you actually like made by someone who knows what the fuck they're doing and has it baked right in.
or you figure out how to do shit on your own and do it yourself.
Do you have any lora like that in mind? I think the floox lora was kinda doing that since In was getting better colors when using it
But who bakes good loras? It's really hard to tell, since a lot of good bakers are awful prompters. Like bluvoll makes solid loras but his example prompts look like someone fished them out of the ganges
If someone can't prompt, I can't trust them to make good loras lmao
his loras are fucking awful
Nope, that means he has no eye for good aesthetics, good composition, good images in general -> can't bake good loras because he is blind.
No matter how good your settings are you have to judge the outputs with a good eye. If you don't have that, don't bake fucking loras you retard.
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I make all my own shit but I'm also stuck in a perpetual loop of doing weird experimental shit and stick pretty rigidly to certain types of artists and I have a lot of stuff I need to update/redo. Also my mega is a bit of a cluttered mess.
mega for reference
Alright, maybe he can't bake either but who can?
Tried this a year ago but gave up because I failed at generating gangbangs. Is it better now?
Will your picture get fucked if you use 2 loras with noise offset?
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i needa watch some anime to find some big tittied girls to gen
all my wives are boomettes
Oh yeah I already had that kasa and tkmiz loras, the dowman look pretty cool too
instead of a lora how hard is it to just add artists to a ponymix? are the compute requirements just out of reach for the average person?
anons, which kohya_ss version are you using? mine produces mustard gas and burns without learning anything, despite using same config as before
I do use one but it's not necessary to make them. It just helps guarantee the scales and stuff are more detailed.

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I laugh every time someone mentions Arti in a good light and in the next hour or so the thread schizo appears and starts showing his bleeding ass off. He's either unironically has some mental issues or is a troll.
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i use the dev branch with whatever PRs i'm interested merged in
>has some mental issues or is a troll
that's the same thing, "trolling" is 99% of the time "im retarded, wait i was only pretending"
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gacha was pretty good, just needed to remove the other penises
is there fp8 in easy training scripts? can't find it anywhere
The shape on colour similarity of her tongue and the glans make it look like the dick gets mirrored in her mouth
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nice au ra
I'm the only good lora baker here.
Nice lizard
hi nochekaiser
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i miss his old profile pic
Krillin's a lucky dude
it's heart of apple
Background is too shitty to be NAI.
it's wasabi mix 山葵Mix
this is nai
missed the opportunity to have the dick under the pokeball and shooting cum through the center
Im dissatisfied with NAI because inpainting is practically useless. I can only cross my fingers and hope it gens what I want, not ideal specially if any decent res costs money. If they fix it I will give it a fair go.
based retard
Surely you can install a single extension on webui then? I end up using their way of inpainting (infill) more often though, it's less effort
We dont sign our posts here
You know, I'm something of a basedman myself
that looks nothing like wasabi mix, did you reply to the wrong post?
Same, was that him but AI'fied?
You mean Roshi.
idk, but why else somebody would use photo of some sea dude
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i can't tell if i like or hate ishikei's newer style. the repaints he does are fine but sometimes i wonder if the guy has a brain tumor with how weird the anatomy and faces get
>outputs mustard gas regardless of settings
>switches to easy training scripts
>>Error caught was: No module named 'triton'
>pip install triton
>>ERROR: No matching distribution found for triton
someone please make a good base model already jesus christ
easy training scripts is kohya ss
>Can't even tell the difference between NAI and local anymore
It's over, NAIsisters
which commit you can recommend then? i've only pulled thanks to new GPU and every baked lora was shit ever since
judging by how fast the interest in imagegen falls off even with crazy leaps, I feel like even if we get the ultimate dalle5 trainable local model the interest would eventually fade in like 5 months
the tech we already have all considered is fucking crazy but people are too bored to even treat it as a cumrag
idk, whatever. triton not being installed is also fine and expected, it's a linux specific distro. there is a windows version but it's bad
i'd use it for sovl luckies generator
wouldn't be crying about it here if it let me start training
>idk, whatever.
its over
>i'd use it for sovl luckies generator
You can do that even with current tech
that's not what's stopping you
it requires character lora for each luckie + hundreds of style loras to escape base style, tech is here but not for local
don't talk about NAI unless you wanna give me an api key
so what's stopping you from training the character and style loras
just train a lora retard
because im sick of having exactly the same dataset and tag structure with exactly the same config resulting in completely different results, kona and kagami looks good while tsukasa and miyuki are producing mustard gas and not even learning their unfirom
>I will never understand /hdg/s obsession with accuracy and details, those things don't make for an aethetically pleasing image.
You had me until this part. Your images don't look that bad but if you really think having good anatomy is not required then I now understand why artfags hate us so much. Why do we have to pick and choose? Why can't it be both? Also I have a 4090 but I'm not interesting in genning at 60 steps for a basic pic.
Yeah it's not smooth sail for local now but it is what it is. Hey, at least you get a bigger sense of accomplishment if you bake a good lora of your waifu, just genning can get pretty boring.
This must have been a lot of work.
>Also I have a 4090 but I'm not interesting in genning at 60 steps for a basic pic.
this is so weird to me
are you guys just sitting with a dick throbbing in your hand and can't wait for 4 more seconds it takes on a fucking 4090?
>if you bake a good lora
there are no good loras and im not baking one because noone knows how to bake them in first place
>can't wait for 4 more seconds
Eh you're exaggerating but the actual salient point is that once you get at 20 secs with hires fix you can't go back to 1min+. I've been testing out different samplers lately and 30 steps DPM++ 2S takes 40 seconds which is so much more painful than the 20 secs Euler I'm used to. If I had to double the steps and wait even longer I'd kill myelf.
If they all have the same uniform, have you thought of training it separately?
I only have a 3080 and genning with 50+ steps takes maybe 5 seconds longer compared to ~30 steps.
i'm sorry anon but tsukasa and miyuki's designs are extremely simple and if you're having problems with them you must be doing something wrong
ive been making loras for 4 months and have learned nothing since the tech is so schizo
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that's what im fucking saying, it all started after unavoidable git pulling and i don't remember safe commit
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More Miqote anon's model testing.

Erection, but also disappointment.
>there are no good loras
nai is not perfect at replicating character features either and fixating at baking a *perfect* lora will make you go crazy. just inpaint bro.
A 26 year old man used the git pull command, this is what happened to his forge install
he pulled?
This anon >>8098672 is completely correct. Before autism mix came out people were desperately trying to pull anons from NAI by claiming base pony was amazing when they knew deep down it wasn't. Once something better came out it was like they were suddenly allowed to criticize pony and everyone ripped it to shreds. It's essentially don't shit where you eat. However, there's still a lot of truth to anon's criticisms. I'm very eager to try out new models but after trying out trifusion, I finally realized why anons were shitting on that guy so hard. The model sucks and the shill knows that, which is why he was hiding his prompts and cherry picking his gens to make it seem better than it is. Then when you ask for help he evaporates. Many such cases in the history of /hdg/ and gatekeeping works. It was like the fights we used to have here when everyone started SDXL lora baking. I used to make long blog posts filled with pictures which people would ignore, then retards with no gens would later on start telling me I was wrong. It was so bad it turned many people away from lora baking. I'll say it again, gatekeeping works, especially when the shill has no/bad gens to back it up.
im """learning""" training with singular chars before baking character pack, kagami and konata (plus their merge) baked good but tsukasa and miyuki are awful for no reason
>and fixating at baking a *perfect* lora will make you go crazy
if lora can produce two-striped pink uniform and recognizable features of each char (especially eyes) i'd call it a day, and it isn't happening atm
You dont need a perfect lora, a good one will do the job just fine and at worst you just correct the few mistake
the meme that pony only works because autism anon figured out the perfect loras to merge with it might be one of the dumbest recurring jokes of this general
Here we go again. As if I haven't seen the putrid garbage pony shits out generally and with the style and character loras I trained directly on it. It's so bad it tempts me to train on the mix itself so I'm closer to the style/character. I don't care what you have to say anon you're just trolling.
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There's no way this tech will grow any stronger than DE3. DE3-tier hentai model would not be bad by itself, but it still wouldn't be able to come up with original characters and struggle with unknown stuff. The next step would be to make the actual artists use the tech, which would require ditching transformers and LLMs.
>talking about good lora
>mentioning perfect lora out of thin air
i just want it to produce passable t2i result before photoshop, less work required from me - the better
perish in hell nai sissy
>and with the style and character loras I trained directly on it
i'm sorry you had to learn about it this way anon but if your style loras don't work with base pony then they're absolute garbage
ive tried a few times to train on a mix and training on base generally gave me better results
>which is why he was hiding his prompts and cherry picking his gens to make it seem better than it is. Then when you ask for help he evaporates
How did I miss it?
don't say there's no tool to convert toml to kohya_ss config
Oh I'm very well aware. I made a long blog post, with pictures, about why you shouldn't train on autism mix back in the day but no one read it and later on told me I was wrong. Every other anon here is a troll unfortunately.
why is local so fucking ugly and nai so fucking good?
which is why everybody trains on autism now, right?
seems like you're not as important as you think yourself to be
newfag here.
How do you guys see the metadata/prompts of the images you've previously generated using the local forge ui?
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how do you like it?
it's fucking garbage
There is but I wont tell you because it's obvious. Also, kohya also accepts toml.
very cute!
would be better to not post anything if you don't wanna help
>kohya also accepts toml
very samefag
>nai is not perfect at replicating character features
That's very true, it sometimes makes three instead of two white stripes on Lucky Star school uniforms, in some places, and sometimes Kona's mole is on the wrong side or missing.
I thought the story was that despite /hdg/ dunking on him, when they actually used the lora it was very good. He might be blind and put shit sample pictures but somehow the loras all still worked fine.
Yes, you're just confirming that you are retarded.
Pretty much. It makes it passable for further inpainting but the details are usually off, especially with asymmetrical features. Which is fine by me btw, I don't expect perfect txt2img from current tech.
last. bye

holy shit moar, so cute.
so you could just say where is it instead of acting like an astracookie
there's an add-on you can download that you can upload the image to... I started using faggot comfy to test new archs and have forgotten what it's called, but if you go through the list forge gives you of possible add-on installs it should be there somewhere
Whatever are you talking about?
Nta but it only accepts toml in its own format, it won't accept easy scripts tomls which is likely what he's trying to use
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Plump girls/10

Juuuuuust the right amount of chub.
You and I both know that if NAI v3 leaked today people would be up all night for the next year training mixes, teaching people, and generally putting out Toki-tier art for the next couple years. The issue has always been that we don't have a good base model.
I was wondering for model where you just slap loras onto it, do you get better character lora compability? Like a lot of character loras bring their own style so when I want the style im aiming for I have to play with weight and change or add a few things depending of the character, is it more consistent when its a model?
im talking about converting easy scripts .toml to kohya ss .json instead of opening it in notepad and inputting values myself, and right now you are failing to tell me where i can convert it
I could give it a try if you upload your dataset.
You can... just open easy scripts and click a button.
click a button to train through easy scripts that gives me
>>Error caught was: No module named 'triton'
and if i try to install it in venv it says
>>ERROR: No matching distribution found for triton
, right? its the reason why i returned to kohya
loras can do everything
base models don't even really make a fucking difference, perish in hell fucking naishill
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To me the sense of accomplishment is baking a lora with an obscure waifu, since no one would ever draw her under normal circumstances.
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it is really good for plump girls, one thing I found that works really well with my model is this lora, add the tag shiny skin to your prompt and set the strength to 0.4. I also recommend renaming it since its in moonrunes so you can type it easier.


Idk what you are trying to say but my model works pretty well with character loras, I can show some examples.
horrible falseflag
apply yourself
Nope, you can just click a button in easy scripts to do exactly what you asked me for. Hint: the button is in the menu.
but it's true, the answer always is just to train a heckin lora!!!
its another reason why lora training suck ass, every sane baker left months ago during melanin-rich male spammer ravaging thread and remaining people here are shitbakers like me, gatekeeping nogen trolls and shitty civitai guides with cropping advices
(And never use it ever again after you tested it)
Arti is about on par with NAI when it comes to SFW gens.
It just lacks complex NSFW stuff.
Yet it hasn't really taken off at all, not here nor in the SFW generals.
still not using refiner sorry
To be fair I always get this error and it doesn't matter. IRRC triton is a thing for linux users for better optimization but it's not that important.
>Arti is about on par with NAI when it comes to SFW gens.
It's unfortunately objectively not true though. NAI has better colors, knows characters and styles better. It's still miles ahead of pony in that department though.
Stealth png info. Retards on here don't use it because they get a rush of dopamine when someone asks for their catbox.
Also use this so you can search for pics easiser.
>>Save Toml
>checks "Save as type:"
>only *.toml is available
no it doesn't do what i've asked you, i need .json that could be fed into kohya
Bro these Taoqi's look great. I'm lora is still baking.
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>>8099014 (me)
I think I have had a better time with the compatibility of loras since making my model, I have less colors being washed out and issues since switching.

here's a eula I did with a character lora as an example.
You are terminally ill, anon. You almost found the button, but you obstinately continue to pretend it's not there.
>knows characters and styles
From my testing of both (to be fair, I've only been subbed to NAI for about 3 weeks now), NAI seems to do certain styles better, certain styles worse.
I agree that NAI's colors overall are better.
Characters I actually think arti does better. Some characters on NAI are just not accurate or require a lot of manhandling to get them at all.
Not to mention that arti has the benefits of LORAs so it can always stay up to date with new characters. Yesterday I tried to gen images of miyako from oshi no ko, and NAI doesn't know that character at all.
Arti knows that character, but there's also a bunch of loras on civit for that character anyway.
It would if the pics people saw with it were as impressive as NAI. Even the trolls here have to pause when they see a good NAI gen.
My lora is still baking*
The lora I'm making is still baking*
My bad
i actually do agree that arti knows some characters and styles better than nai
but the model is so rigid that you can barely do anything with them so what's even the point
other buttons in "File" are "Load Toml", "Save Runtime Toml", and another menu is "Theme" to change easy scripts theme
don't bother responding unless you provide a screenshot
Sounds like you are quite baked yourself.
>but the model is so rigid that you can barely do anything with them so what's even the point
That's fair.
It can do some basic sex stuff but nothing close to NAI or pony unfortunately.
Hopefully we'll get a v2 at some point that could maybe deepen its knowledge a bit when it comes to NSFW stuff.
Yeah I just woke up.
It's hard to get good previews if it's only one or two people posting here though.
>I tried to gen images of miyako from oshi no ko, and NAI doesn't know that character at all.
That may be the issue of the dataset cutoff. What I meant is that it knows the characters *better*, not necessarily more of them.
>loras trained on ai outputs starting to flood civit
>new base models being trained on synthetic slop
local is doomed
Anon... You just listed the button you starve for.....
NAI mix style loras are some of the best around though.
>cascade has a bunch of naiv1 slop in its dataset
it's jordachover
it saves as .toml but i need .json, easy scripts are incapable of saving as .json
You have to try better, anon. I already said that .toml is not an issue for kohya scripts.
>all cascade sample prompts have (by novelai:2)
it never even jordachbegun
nurse box?
>.toml is not an issue for kohya scripts
it is an issue because it doesn't do anything when i feed it easy scripts' .toml
Are you aware that easy scripts launch kohya trainer via .toml?
of course not because im a GUI-let, and "Load/Save Config file" can only load .json
Come on anon stop teasing and just tell him if easy scripts can automatically change .toml to .json that's it. A yes or no would suffice. Stop shitting up the thread.
gave up and just inputted everything by hand, no shit why people hate loratards, noone likes gatekeepers
those formats are similar enough there should be a converter somewhere
you can also do it manually but it's a lot of work
which upscalers are people using now?
i used to use something uhh "4x-animesharp"
is that still good or do I use these newfangled DAT upscalers?
>A yes or no would suffice
Either would technically be incorrect, kek.
Alright, you are so fucking stupid it's not funny anymore. Just pass the .toml files you get via "Save Runtime Toml" with --config_file for config .toml and --dataset_config for dataset .toml
nomos is overkill unless it's your last pass
foolhardy remacri never fails and I don't see the difference between it and nomos
what the heck is a nomos?
You don't need anything fancier than lanczos.
>newfangled DAT upscalers
I was just going by the names in the A1111 list like DAT x2, etc.
how do i prompt pose like this? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/66119934
just inpaint
anytest controlnet
No shit why we still stuck with ponyslop.
yeah that anon could answer everything in one post instead of trolling, "local is free if you don't value your time" anon from yesterday was right
We still have niceposters but you gotta wait a few hours for a reply
It's not about importance, it's that I spent a bunch of time doing a thing and took the time to explain my process and results so newfags don't have to waste time also. But, as always, there will be some retard that comes to obfuscate and derail just for fun never, posting any proof since they're here to troll. Last time I was here I was fighting with some nogenerate because I told newfags that monochrome in negs helps with pony's colors. It doesn't matter that it would have taken him 60 secs to confirm himself, he just wanted to shit up the thread. This retarded behavior is the reason why there's no consensus on /hdg/ for lora baking and why newfags would rather go to civit, of all places, to learn than here. It's been like this since pony released.
It's because noooone of you have the tiniest drop of neither intelligence nor experience nor self-sufficiency, all you can do is scream and while loudly something along the "WHY CAN'T I PUT A SPOON IN MY MOUTH???!!!1"
If you were a bit experienced in software AND self-sufficient, you would have easily guessed from my very first post to you >>8098974 that you don't actually need to convert anything, you just need to feed the right .toml.
If you were a bit intelligent AND self-sufficient, you would have looked through easy scripts code to see the way it handles the "easy scripts" .toml file.
>"local is free if you don't value your time" anon from yesterday was right
So yeah, he was right if he implied that you are an imbecile.
>he just wanted to shit up the thread.
its true >>8099106
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modern sdxl models know enough artists anon


hdg loves its tribalism
it was the same with based64 before

picrel is from Cascade, make your own conclusions

interesting style choice

nice dark gens
good morning b- sir
Incidentally, I still didn't touch on the fact that he tried to use triton under windows.
Could you share your cascade gen settings? I tried one gen on jordachs 3090 and the result made me puke a little.
blame easy scripts, kohya didn't threw this error and allowed me to train
this is not from Resonance anon
Workflow is tuned in for this model, lemme see what I get with Reso 1st
If this cloneofsimo guy is straight and white it could be more than a nothingburger this time
nobody in the nai team is straight and white though
That's why it excels at blacked and Tianliang Duohe Fangdongye and fails at everything else
There should be an NSFW version of this https://zele.st/NovelAI/
Any clues what kind of workflow/lora model combinations can generate 3d like outputs similar to these? https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=user:etsa My attempts at 3d always end up a bit undetailed or blurred in comparison
most boring showcase images i've ever seen, can it do wallpapers or girls on grass at least?
of course its blacked
>most boring showcase images i've ever seen, can it do wallpapers or girls on grass at least?
No clue. I'm just reposting reddit links for engagement. Don't even have comfy installed
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Hey, any amdfags mind helping with training loras? Ive got a 7900xtx and have seen some tremendous improvements in both vram usage and speed since finally getting flash attention working, enough so that I'm feeling adventurous enough to go down the training rabbithole. Anybody had success with training loras on amd?
Are you still on windows?
Looks like wdV is a meme/DOA going off of their latest discord posts. Also, idk who said they included danbooru gold images,but neggles purposefully chose not to include them :)
All roads lead back to Jordach, god bless the one true king. Unfortunate it'll take another few months for the 3.6b bake or his XL model, but it is what it is.
hello jordach :)
>Not showing even a screenshot of what he's talking about
Nice one schizo
Is that you Miqo Bro? Cat box please.
I use 4x_NMKD-Siax_200k. I've used 4x-animesharp and foolhardy remacri and fount NMKD to be better. Test it yourself and see if you like it better.
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Just a warning anon, if you start training, you won't never leave that hole.
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I feel like others have already achieved this goal
last year
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but why?
goal is sd1.5 what?
its wdoVer
jordach won
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okay tried Resonance (epoch 6)
just add some artists and put "artist_name, text, " in neg
picrel is "by deyui, (by omone hokoma agm, by quasarcake:0.8), "
use "5_fingers" for better fingers

other settings:
euler_a, karras, 22 steps
CFG is scheduled between 12 to 6
use 24 compression instead of 32
i told you faggots that waifudiffusion turned into a troon hub. spend one day in their "ai art" channel, it's baffling how they put on this faux-cognitive dissonance acting like horny is bad yet their entire troonoid personality revolves around degenerate sex. just like with astralite, it's all about controlling what YOU are allowed to generate. this is why jordach will win in the end.
Made the switch from dual booting linux to WSL2 since it got official support, working pretty solid so far.
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Tale as old as time
my god this thread doesn't knows the definition of loyalty lmao
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Does this pass for anime? or I'm I still in /aco/ territory
Man pony is hard to work with but it's so good at the same time
jordach-sama, i'm sorry for ever thinking that these troons could ever dethrone you...
add the gold posts or ACK neggles
neither, that's 2.5d territory in my book
loyalty to what? delusional troon bakers? delusional furry bakers? lmao
all i want is a local model baked by somebody who isn't an incompetent retard, is that too much to ask?
drop score tags, lately I've been using just 5 or 6
then prompt an anime artist from the innate ones/hashed ones or a lora at least
How many images on Danbooru would you say are needed for Arti to know a character so you can get it with just name and series? For NAI the cutoff seems to be somewhere between 100 and 300 images.
>cascade is crispy af while not even hitting double digits in epoches
>wdv is another animagine
>only options are /aco/ sepia poison, SD1.5 and owning nothing while being happy with NAI
i understand doomer anons now
2.5d is /aco/
3d is also /aco/
even photorealistic, that's why they have two AI generals
orange is the color of my loyalty
it depends on how complicated the character is, but around 200+ images in my experience
also note that arti actually has a list of how many images of each artist and character are in the dataset, so that would be a better reference for that
It also depends on when those images were uploaded. Like Frieren characters have a shit ton of uploads now but didn't make the cutoff for NAI v3
explain your post
Did newfags really expect something out of Waifu Diffusion? You guys should've learnt your lesson by now.
Are robots okay?
based jibun wo
>he doesnt live by the "its over/we're back" cycle
i told you tards this back in 2022. local is done for because they have no money, and those that do follow goyim rules
wdv will be the better model but will be censored and completely useless for sex
cascade will be complete shit but 'hey at least it's uncensored!'
local will always be a monkey's paw. you will never have an all-around outstanding local model that gives you everything you want. open source is, and always will be, a joke. this has been true since 1980 and will remain true for eternity to come
Dude just calm down, jordach got big compute time in gaudi 3 gpus and he's considering to finetune SDXL
based. i'm considering going through and removing the loli content from a style lora i trained. the drop in quality and anatomy is simply not worth it.
Don't you have to be Jewish or Asian to make this work correctly?
we'll be barack but it has always been joever for Waifu Diffusion. They literally never made anything good except their tagger I think? kek
What discord is this. And is this American or EU date lol
kek, like couple days ago i commented that troon will prune shit out of this model but ofc
>thrust the dilator, he has danbooru gold dataset
Well if it's AI there's nothing stopping you from grabbing 100 of those pics and making a style lora from that.
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indeed it is.

>completely useless for sex
ill happily give up sex for sovl /e/ genning if its gonna be NAI tier, but /h/ local scene is done sadly
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animagine bros, we won
Astralite won, cant wait for the next pony model to save local again.
Every. Single. Time. It's always something with these people. Local will forever be fucked.
yeah, he has it in the same way astralite has the artist tags. rules for thee but not for me. you just know he's including all that shit in his personal bake
Their trainer is still buggy in TE regards so tey haven't trained it on their own
I normally see them on /d/, think they're in the same basket as monstergirls. Nice design btw.
only little boys
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damn, sad day for local
oh well!
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where is her pussy
>Dude just calm down
I'm still laughing kek. We're fucked anon. I wasn't even a doomposter until this moment. Fuck me man. I swear if I ever become rich I'll come back to hdg and try to improve things. It's definitely gonna take several decades for anything interesting to happen here anyway.
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Interspecies breeding with dark elves
Didn't know there was anything left on /d/ other than solo futa
She's a fish
Isn't Danbooru gold just pedo stuff? Not much is lost when you can't prompt dingling fangshye zangdang
is there a way to enable fp8 training on easy scripts?
Jordach i know you're reading this shit, can you just hurry up and start the 3.6b already? it's been 4 fucking months of 1b shitbaking and it's clear it is unusable. just grab the TE as it is, throw it on the new hardware, and run the 3.6b. if it fails, go to XL or something. the 1b is YOUR monkey's paw, it's ugly and shitty and it's time to move on
Did you prompt robot for this? I've been prompting android but maybe I just need to go full on metallic. I wanted to make a character lora for a girl that looks like this too.
yes lol
I like them but I agree with the other guy I think they are more /d/ , there's a good robot lora that a guy made from /d/ that I enjoy.

jordach i know you're reading this
please include b- nudes in the 3.6b bake thank you
Post the robots here. Post anything as long as it's not that damn cat
no lol
huge amount of artists with over half their shit behind gold on danbooru
such a garbage website
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B-sama bros, we won
He likely changed his hobby to a better one, he's not with us anymore, I'm afraid.
But they are also using sites like gelbooru and pixiv, so those artists are most likely there
Is this the B-eginning of the cascade arc?
danbooru gold is based on content not artists, the difference is that gelbooru is a swamp quality wise, i he doesn't want to include it, this means that he is pruning loli shit
I used this as a base >>>/e/2880423
Android girl is supposed to have a human face I think.
They said half of there dataset is literally untagged btw.
>We're fucked anon.
I know, I'm sad too
>I swear if I ever become rich I'll come back to hdg and try to improve things. It's definitely gonna take several decades for anything interesting to happen here anyway.
Bro I would unironically and definitely do the same
I'm so fucking tired about this state of local and I am 100% willing to fully commit to AI development, it's what a loner incel like me must do
b-sama, we love you
Tried that one before but it really loves those spine-only torsos, they freak me out.
>metal skin
This might be it actually, thanks a lot I'll go play with this.
What if he already has
thanks! yea the scales and horns came out really nice
wtf i love cascade now
Because they have the guy behind the easy training lora UI making their own tagger and pruner still that is not done yet
Isn't B- basically jordachs discord kitten? Doesn't that make us cucks
I would be surprised if the corpo neggles works at would even allow that. Or it's either Loki or nsfw
wtf i love ntr now
*Loli, stupid auto correct lol
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All of this was posted in March in the WD trooncord
why they behaving like a cult?
like ofc this isn't about troons but shitting on another retardet baker
how even jordach got his intel stuff without committing to to being good goy
Are we cucks, or are we cucking Jordachcord? Chicken and the egg dilemma.
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I have been making tifa on and off almost obsessively ever since stable diffusion released
I have a problem.
Anyway, suggest vidya or anime muses (but preferably vidya)
Troons are gay, B-sama is extremely based.
>almost obsessively
Just like any wife generators here, don't feel ashamed of that
same but kagami
Same but Jalter
The spine is my fav part I think they look really cool.

yeah, but their posts on trooncord are like from some coach fake crowd grifters
Same but Korra.
>is that too much to ask?
Actually yes thats quite a lot to ask
i wish to have gay furry charisma and rule over neet sluts and anon paypiggies
I'd donate to cascade if there was a gacha for B- nudes attached to every donation
Sir, can do you Tifa paizuri and Tsunade with big bobs please sir
The thread is healing
I'm still looking for good coop paizuri prompt, and I think I need to fuck with locational loras or something just don't have the energy to set that up (no idea where to even start)
indians are coming back to their natural habitat
What does that mean in English?
Do you guys think 12GB will still be enough in the future of this or should I aim for 16GB? I'm planning to get a new graphics card and my budget is around 800 murican dollars
Get a used 3090
Oh I was wondering where the fuck you been
batch 1 or 2 for lora training?
you can get 16gb for refinery meme but mostly we'll stagnate for a year or two, 12gb should be enough
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open wide for your spoonfeeding
as someone with 12GB I frequently wish I had got more, especially if you want to try new models/archs, or train loras on non-fudged settings
bro coop paizuri is easy to do, the only annoying thing is to get 2 different girls
Is this forge couple?
Elf sex
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Slf Eex
thanks, please spoonfeed a little more and send me the lora, I can't find it
The main reason I don't trust cascade isn't for the arch, or the 1B training. It's that Jordach keeps ignoring and side stepping around the model faults. Makes me think we aren't going to see future improvements, he sees nothing wrong with the current output.
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Not bad. I'm surprised it learned the tacet mark so well.
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WD deadlines vs Jordach delusions
I'll give it to jordach, he was right.
>decide on a whim to try and go back to batch1 so I can try to use repeats again and also use huber loss
>it actually works and might fix some issues I've been trying to iron out
oh god fucking dammit.
I hate this.
batch1 takes so fucking long to train.

regular plain jane noise offset? Usually yes, things get fucked.
Pyramidal, aka multires noise offset? Not really, no.
The downside of pyramidal is that it tends to obliterate backgrounds. It doesn't make them impossible or anything, it just makes it so you absolutely have to prompt for them - more than you usually would.
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thanks for the inspiration

no that's regional prompting

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Thank you anon
I'm guessing the weird tokens are related to regional prompting right, how difficult is it to use?
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Is there any way to speed up tiled vae decoding? 7it/s strikes me mighty slow for a 3090
tiled is much slower than doing it in one go, if you have the vram for it
same thing under the hood, just a different UI on top
Are there any optimizations I can use to speed up generations with comfyui, 3060 12GB?
It's not slow-slow but I often wonder if it could be faster. I tried downloading the RTtensors addon thing and I'm not sure it did anything for me.
Do you mean ADDCOMM and ADDCOL?

Yeah, they designate the zones, in forge Enable Regional Prompting by selecting Active, and check Use Common prompt, Columns and rows change the zone orientation, you'll be using columns most of the time. set the width and height to be the same dimensions as your image then hit visualize and make a template.

Copy the ADDCOMM and ADDCOL onto your prompt and put each character within the bounds of each template like in my catbox from earlier.

Here's a screenshot so you can see what I have set.


A bonus thing that's interesting to play with, if you add an extra ,1 to the divide ratio and hit visualize it will add another line to the template to let you do a 3rd character.
Thats indeed surprising for such a small details, do you have any plan to do changli in the future?
absolutely based.
>nooo local is done, fucked, toast, zero zilch nada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
lmao cunnyfags kicking screaming & seething
Yeah when she releases so I can take some sitting screencaps and a couple of those unique poses.
Nice, will be waiting for it since the loras you shared worked pretty well and the current changli loras are awfull
Imagine tearing this terribly out of context and censoring the names for (You)s
catbox please?
Oh man, surely nothing bad happened to my wife before she was killed
this, that's why i hate NAI
Astralite did the best model on the market and i hope that he will get rid off all problematic concepts completely in next model
as for Neggles, she also has my support in making safe model for all
So you take your pics from the model directly? I don't know anything about anything so I just take pics from the game itself. Cutscene/game animations are useful because I'm not very creative so I can't think of interesting poses.
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Something that I noticed is that if you want a reverse cowgirl picture, is to put testicles in the negatives. Otherwise the AI will go for the standard cowgirl position.
You can also find premade poses and animations for 3D models. Since these seem to be MMD, you could just put her in there and load up a dance motion.
this is fake. nowhere in the WD discord is this said
white name, it's clearly somewhere else
if the mmd model has good shaders built into it then i don't see why not, and i think that one does.
you can also download poses or animations that other people have already made. i have a bunch of different sets that i've used before that are just things like different sitting positions
clearly made up more like
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Guess I've been out of the loop for a bit, what is wdv?
Pony mix? Completely new model?
>multires noise offset
What settings do you recommend for multires noise? Someone told me that it was bad to use this a while back and I've forgotten my settings.
nothingburger until released
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The first time wdv was brought up here was 1st july >>8084491
This "screenshot" was prepared 3rd july (assuming he didn't use browser inspector or shit to fake it)

How gullible you are, /hdg/.
Interesting. Well thanks guys. Using the mmd model will be really helpful for my PGR mods too.
what is that screenshot supposed to prove other than that you forgot to take your meds
This one is edited
>Troon tries to backtrack after /hdg/ laughed at him
Not that it matters either way, wd could be the best model possible and we'll still never see it. Neggles is too busy snorting hrt to ever complete or release anything. Wd has always been cursed.
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Telling the truth, which is that SD is primarily used for R34, tits, ass and seggs - is treasonous when you're up against a cult that worships the NAIv1 leak, and has a dedicated ass thread begging for Anlantan to notice them. They cannot see past their former fiefdom glory. Are they releasing anything? No? Then they should shut the fuck up.
A white username means either that message is from cached history or it's from a private message.
>>to (you) and everyone else in thread
I have the knowledge and know how at this point to use the obscenely fast Intel hardware to produce a potential Reso XL model while I can. Just remember fellas, I can discard the original Stage C Lite and retrain it with the existing text model if I need to (which also is how I made the 3.6B prototype, by reusing the text encoder), but since I plan to halve the text model's learning rate post E7 it'll be a lot less fuckery-pokery.
Take one look at the hidden thread under ai-art acting like cult members hoping NAI XL leaks. That's all you need to know how competent they are.
gullible is thinking dilateggles will deliver anything.
>Take one look at the hidden thread under ai-art acting like cult members hoping NAI XL leaks
to be fair that's also all of this thread
I can tell you've never looked at that thread
which thread?
>it was all a ruse to get people to shill cascade
no surprise. neggles remains winning, wdv will emerge victorious
Auraflow finetune when?
6-10 iterations, discount of .3~.4
I'm usually on the higher end and doing 10 iteration .4 discount
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wd discord thread
they're just like us desu
>Wants to kill PDXL
>Posts a westernslop image with even thicker outlines and infected bolt on tits
Got something actually /h/?
Can you not read what you're replying to?
Polished turd contest.
WHY USE DANBOORU AT ALL?? gelbooru is far superior. danbooru bends over to takedown requests and is missing so much content in comparison
Is that 1.5 lol?
Jordach cult is real.
danbooru has way better tagging
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I'm highly bearish on Transformer models in general because they simply fucking suck at predicting out of dataset things, which art/image models often do. So, no, Auraflow is out of the race, I want shit to run on a 4GB GPU from 2014 at a minimum. No tech spec circlejerking here.
Giga based.
There, this better? I've got IRL shit going on that I've gotta keep an eye on rn and following extreme tism is not possible.
Where do you think I got the anime data from friend?
People are looking for hope in these dark times and I'm one of the extreme few brave enough to try. I don't want a cult either, I'm just sadly acknowledging that it exists in some form.
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just use accurate automatic captioner to caption all the internet, boorus, sadpanda, sukibei, etc bruh
Does anyone know what this artist combo actually is?

>artist:j.k., artist:blushyspicy, {{{artist: yd orange maru}}}, artist:Cutesexyrobutts, artist:redrop,realistic,2023,{{best quality}}, {{amazing quality}}, {{very aesthetic}}
I thought it was this one but it looks different.
sorry jordach, i want to believe in cascade but we've already seen much better outputs than what you've posted from some of your shills but even those aren't at the level of the best 1.5 finetunes
i don't think you're convincing anybody else here that isn't already convinced until the 3.6b model starts cooking
>Quoted post is calling Jordach's gen shit
Get glasses or learn English.
It's the one with nyantcha.
Euge will come back and wreck you and neggles with a pixart $$$ transformer model finetune
The joke's on you, ESL-kun.
Why are you acting like NAI was not trained on danbooru? We haven't even reached that level yet.
Why are you wasting time on a SDXL model instead of improving the 3.6B model? I thought you were keeping the current training settings because of money limitations, why would you not improve things now that you have the compute? We suffer through pony because it can do a wide variety of concepts and sex poses. Your model can barely manage POV at 75% completion, how does this not give you pause? Can you not look at the images ITT and see the quality difference? Have you never actually used autismmix?
Sir Jordach, anime dataset is only from gelbooru or kemono/panda also? taking into account that most stuff in now paywalled, that what's bothering me the most
not jordach but it's just gelbooru
thank you for the tetos
I can do both, SDXL as the research model and 3.6B using whatever's left in the donation funding source. Or just do both on the Intel hardware and save money. More than *one* way to spin this. There's other backchannel stuff going on including no stake grants from other corporates with "do what the fuck you want with it" energy attached. Things are going on, even if it doesn't look like it. If I have unused crazy powerful resources, why not use it if it's not costing anything?
Gelbooru. But I do take dataset donations. Palcomix was a custom job of mine because I hate Palcomix' legendary paywall bullshit. They're also never added to the auto completes.
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Is that... Anne Frank?
>This is jordach
>This is not
wdv dataset is 11M images. Danbooru is only 6.5M. SURELY the missing images are in there somewhere, right??
i guess it's not yet time to set aside loras
meanoldtree is the puppet master who will save us all
we're still 4+ months away from anything useable from either party
Tree is way too competent. He'll either get hired by faang or shot in the head within the next three months
The story of local kek
how many times have you made this post now? "local is so fucked kek!" at least try to switch it up you lazy nigger
>Can you not look at the images ITT and see the quality difference? Have you never actually used autismmix?
This. How do you look at Resonance, then at this thread and think they're on par? I coped in the beginning but your training set up is not it. I can do 50 seeds for a basic concept and not get close. Eyes are blurry, no tools to fix them. I can't even use this as a decent 1girl generator. 2 more epoch or whatever it is will not make this model work for /hdg/. Try gening a sex scene that isn't a anatomical horror, you can't. How is more compute going to fix things if you think this is already better than Pony?
Just bought 30k anlas
It doesn't look like shes in an attic to me
You think its just one person who realizes local is dead? I made similar posts at the start of this thread so far gone from the current discussion. Each day the news gets worse and worse.
Thinking about a mature Kawakami gets the almonds activating.
I'd rather have a broader model that kinda gets the idea and smashes it out of the goddamn park with LoRAs for niche things than hope and pray it does it out of the box. Like seriously, LoRAs are *better* for manhandling models towards things.
Blame useless drooling retards who refuse to support anything other than their personal cringe mix.
>literally my employer and boss
for nsfw paid is lagging extremely behind local so nsfw AI is just dead in general
>b-b-but nai
ah yes their new furry model is the talk of the town!
>Just train a lora, bro
I still support the effort, but you're not wrong. Pony/autism can do images like this with no inpainting needed, there's no denying the gap. https://civitai.com/posts/1892686
>local is dead
If you truly believe this, you have no clue what is actually happening.
Local is behind. It will always be behind services like NAI due to the compute difference.
But the thing is, consumer GPUs will continue to get better as they have for the past 30 years. Local will never catch up, to services like NAI just like how no open source photoshop software can ever catch up to adobe's photoshop.
But that doesn't mean that it won't get better year after year.
Pony v6 is way better than NAI v2 and earlier.
Pony v8 or an equivalent model will be better than NAI v3, except by that time NAI v4 will probably exist.
Educate yourselves on moore's law.
when will you be able to use the intel compute? do we still need to wait another month for the TE to finish training on your 4090?
Fuck off, hopeposter, we don't take too kindly to your kind round here
>Pony v8 or an equivalent model will be better than NAI v3
this is the only part of your post that is wrong, but it's so wrong that it invalidates all of it
Request pic related with woman in link
True, v6 is already better than nai3. v8 will be NAI5 equivalent
nai3 mogs local, you're retarded to think otherwise. it's just not worth the price they charge for it. freetards like you shouldn't have a say in this conversation, because you praise local garbage for its sole merit (being free) and then try to weasel that into meaning the merits of the model itself are also superior. they're not.

local is garbage. no matter how many loras you stack you cannot escape the ugly sloppy style. you cannot escape the inferior datasets, the lackluster training, the fried unconditional. there is a reason every japanese prompter uses NAI3, and that's because it's actually fucking good. pony and autism are pathetic, as evidenced by this thread growing completely bored of trying to mine hashed tags and the post count exceeding the image count at ratios unlike any before.
all stats point to local being stagnant
Jordach's trainer doesn't use frequency-based loss scaling, the thing NAI used. Take that as you like.
stop replying to the resident schizo, dumbass
I don't care what arch it is, someone give us a finished model we can use already.
nai is still using a dataset from a year ago lmaooo
meanwhile local can add any artist or character or concept it wants
local can also do 3d or real styles even if they arent your taste
paid is lagging so far behind its insane
meds, sunk cost fallacy faggot
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it can anime, nice
treebros... we cant stop winning
Local coul- Wait a minute I could do the exact same in pony!
>Glass shoe filled with cum
Shes going to get the worst blisters
astratroon is trying soooo hard to remain relevant but its failing. we all see the slop now
astrakeks our response????????????
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post images and stop shitposting about shit you have no control over.
Boss man says it has to ship out from Taiwan directly and might take from a week to many months, but current cash on hand with rented hardware is also viable. Yes things will continue regardless, but better, faster hardware is on the horizon as well. Multiple timetables with no current locked in plan due to flux.
>thinking loss metrics work
This is the kind of thinking that makes you think Zero SNR loss weighting is a good strategy.
It's about ~66% done currently. Lite will always be "lesser" fucker still has to manage the 32x compression factor no matter what. With the text encoder being "done" (It's learned all it can from the current tag distribution overall.) I'm dropping it's LR downwards by half every epoch from now on. Why'd you think E6 cleaned up over E5? The dropping of LR will help.
Bruh, that's literally my employer.
>Release by far the best local model for free
>It's considered magic for about 4 months
>After 4 months people call it trash and want your head on a spike
Maybe the real reason we don't have local NAI v3 is because we don't deserve it.
Why'd you post a baboon butt farting then, this isn't /h/ material
If they don't work then why did NAI use them successfully?
NAIfags already called it trash on release. In the end only gens matter.
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its nai garbage
hes spent over 500 dollars on upscales btw
>It's considered magic for about 4 months
you obviously weren't in this thread during pony's release
but i'm probably replying to bait
>mistaking a crucial method for a metric
Sasuga jordach, local saved!
the sepia was there on day 1
it never went away
local lost
we're witnessing the biggest nai melty of the week
>from a week to many months
it's over
billions must subscribe to nai
It speaks volumes about astra that he managed to alienate large parts of the community with just some discord messages and civit announcements. Guy would be seen in a far less negative light if he just kept his mouth shut
love watching the grapes grow ever more sour for freetards. they deserve nothing
>fell for the NAI meme
>$25 wasted and nothing to show for it
Don't be like me, guys. Use that $25 to buy yourself a low quality girlfriend for an hour instead.
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>just some discord messages and civit announcements
yeah, i'm sure it was that and not hashing artists and then lying about it, pruning concepts, pruning characters (including touhous because of his personal beef despite using reimu to advertise the model), training his model with downsampled jpgs etc etc
Local has:
What does Nai have?
yeah, a lot of the animosity towards astra is from him being an absolute retard. he even came here trip on to act petty towards anons. not a good way to keep people from pointing out your flaws
>just a few more 5 dollar upscales and the blur will be gone
>oh no its permanent -ACK!
Give me your NAI account, I can and I will give it a better use. It doesn't matter if you think it's blurry or smudged, either way I'm not posting a single gen ITT, I will gen for myself. Take my offer as a huge favor to you!
>just a bit more mining and the artist tags will be found!
>oh no its sepi-ACK!
I can respect Jordach for being the only dev I've seen not act like a complete faggot when posting here desu
>LoRAs for niche thing
nudes are paywalled so by this, lots of anatomical knowledge is lost
forcing Pony to make proportions like given artist with loras doesn't works great
ths might be the greatest local tantrum we've experienced yet. can someone just leak the model so they shut up? even though we allllll know they don't deserve it!
fair n true, WE deceive the spike.
>nai v4 is gonna be amazing!!
>wait they made a furry model instead and are removing all artist tags
How much will it set me back to get b- for a hour?
What model are you talking about exactly?
*sigh* just start the groidspam already...
13 spectrometer coins
nai does make the darkest and most luscious BBCs....
What are you even saying? I'm fucking laughing my ass off right now
Why yes I drag vectorscope even further into the yellow spectrum while genning on pony
Oh shit, someone better start baking man, look at the image limit
All jokes aside, what actually causes pony's sepia filter?
Frequency-based loss scaling
what was the nai grifter artist mix?
Jordach just said that's unimportant
sdxl is a dull model in general. try the base model yourself. nobody (except the actual smart researchers at NAI) figured out how to unfuck it
Slop dataset mixed with sdxls absolutely garbage vae. I don't understand how no one has cooked a better one
I'm fucking dying laughing bros
Decline of the West.
B-sama made him stop using groidspam with her divine authority, only text melties are permitted now.
This is the NAIkeks greatest fallacy. If NAI had competent talent it would immediately get poached by the big players in the AI space. NAI is at the bottom of the barrel and so is their talent.
Because NAI can just brute force the problem for hundreds of thousand of A100/H100 hours, I'm on the fucking clock when it comes to donated money. And using any custom stuff for the base model impacts how LoRAs will train on said base model. If I use a custom loss, others have to use said custom loss otherwise it doesn't work and it just creates ass.
As I said, I try and get as much public data covering that niche as possible. The coming Reso R2 dataset expands Gelbooru and e6 upto 4m each, with R34.xxx expanded to 2m or 4m.
>makes score_x conditional across all images
>wonders why model is non functional without them
It is unimportant because they can brute force with that method until it works, I cannot do the same on limited hardware. I've been burnt once by custom loss modification and scaling and refuse to do it again.
if you're being serious, there's nothing specifically wrong about the way the sdxl vae was trained (unlike the 1.5 vae which is actually fucked)
the problems with it are entirely because of the architecture itself
Local will never die. You literally can't generate something like this on NAI.
>Detailed background with tons of fine detail
>Mature and refined feel while still feeling hip and fresh
>Unique style that calls back to the greats like Norman Rockwell yet still infused with that signature cool anime vibe
>Amazing upscaling models that give insane levels of clarity
People say local needs to catch up? Please, it never fell behind in the first place.
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NAI will never be able to compete
>anime vibe
>realism merge slop
This is why SAI died, and why CivitAI is in the process of dying from.
I thought it was common knowledge the sdxl vae is utter trash? There was even a completely busted version rolled out originally that had to be replaced. What fantasy world have you been in?
Making the next generation of mages. so fucking hot.
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Treebros... I don't feel so good...
never post something like this ever again
lmao you mean the one that got fixed in the first week of base sdxl's release? you seem very confused
How long until we can expect a finished model from you, any arc? If we have to wait months before you even have the Intel hardware to train I'm giving up on ai, I'm so tired.
The first step in saving local is for Civit to die
At this point someone should make a discord screenshot lora for faking conversations
>Because NAI can just brute force the problem for hundreds of thousand of A100/H100 hours
>over 100,000 experimental models day!!!
does anyone believe this shit? they wouldve done something already if this was the case
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>if I never knew about the bad things you did I'd never have a bad opinion of you!
Well gee I never thought of it that way anon.
reminder jordach made up a lie about neggles to try and damage wdv's reputation
love a woman that can mulitask
wtf that's my sister
Ask neggles yourself :)
i don't want to distract from her research
Thank you xir
>What does that mean in English?
Not them but I think they mean she sounds forced.
its ma'am
It's PR 101. Rather no explanation and let people speculate than outright admitting everything and bragging about it.
>Also helps that i'm basically people's "diversity friend" in those circles. I'm a female identified intersex disabled BIPOC. i check all the diversity hire boxes.
Is this a joke?
Right now, you can use the in progress models from the CDN by going to the .art/unfinished page and grab work in progress models. Yes they'll be a bit weird compared to official releases but they're somehow, often somewhat better than the last official epoch. Currently, training is at E7/E11.
>caring about race/gender when the guy has functional power over corporates
This is why you should be grateful one is on your side instead of against you. Sometimes your enemy is your best friend.
kekked and checked
>WD never released anything of actual note
Plus they're still grifting off of the name, and no original WD devs are left there.
When you have a fuck ton of compute experimenting on stupid ideas is fucking easy. Imagine what the fuck I could do with a handful of H100s. l appreciate the your concern, but they can brute force things until it works, I cannot do that with limited resources.
>the research: how to remove code from my GitHub because it's using the leaked NAI code
It isn't, it's the very big "I win" button when working against corporate 'Murica.
Get with the times chud. The road ahead is queer, whether you like it or not
Unironically based
nothing wrong with gaming a broken system if you're honest about what you're doing
Nothing he said was wrong there retard. The anlatan devs said they did this and the obvious improved colors prove it. They also said they would explain what they did but never posted about it again. That's the thing we should be seething about, not whether or not NAI leaks.
Are you talking about the model that was considered garbage until autismmix released? That one?
Is Tree-sama trans? What does this mean for B-sama? Where do I buy tickets to the cage fight?
>When you have a fuck ton of compute experimenting on stupid ideas is fucking easy. Imagine what the fuck I could do with a handful of H100s. l appreciate the your concern, but they can brute force things until it works, I cannot do that with limited resources.
wasnt implying you couldnt do this but nai clearly arent. i severely doubt theyre running their compute at 100% 24/7 right now doing experiments. probably being mismanaged or thought sd3 wouldnt be shit
STOP SHITTING ON LOCAL it's free you cant make fun of free stuff so just stop please
We need a summary of the b- lore in the next OP.
what's your current plan for the total number of 1b epochs? seems like you've already overshot the initial estimate by quite a bit
So hum guys... about the hentai?
We're discussing B-lore now >>8099703
Why is everyone clowning on pony? I worked hard making the best possible model I could. I even gave you guys one too
We need a separate nai thread
>But I do take dataset donations.
Ideally how would you like datsets sent to you and any specific format? Just zipped up images with tags?
Don't be sad, astralite<3, it's just evil naishills. They'll go bankrupt soon enough.
I see
well, hope the TE stabilizes
BTW, is Grok-Fast applicable for diffusion models?

take a good look at all the hentai in boorus
a good chunk of them is yellow/brown AF
Artists like AGM are the exception

the SDXL VAE is fine
the release broken version is indeed broke, but the 0.9 uncorrupted version is fine
it has its limitations with text, of course
What even is the "b-lore"?
Yesn't is the answer, and unfortunately, not a clear one, from what I've heard in a meeting, it's genetic in nature.
NAI can experiment as they please since they have a shit ton of cash to fund said experiments. I lack said funding currently.
E11 is the current target based on Text Encoder LR halving. Seems to be helping Stage C Lite to "lock-on" better. I've been seeing large jumps even at 12.5% done due to TE being at a lower LR now.
Zipped, preferably pinged at my DMs, the Discord server or something else.

Files formatted as:

Where .txt contains the caption pair, both image and .txt file must be in the same folder. Subfolders are supported as the dataloader will check subfolders if you want to keep things organised.
Not that I'm aware of and would demand Grok-Fast to be present for LoRA training to remain "compatible". It has almost stabilised, because E6 can use the in-progress E7 text encoder without issues.
>NAI can experiment as they please since they have a shit ton of cash to fund said experiments. I lack said funding currently.
do you have a reading comprehension problem? or is this a business safe response?
>Where .txt contains the caption pair, both image and .txt file
When tagging artists do you just have it "by x," in the data so I make sure it's comparable with existing training or any artist overlap.
Natsumi moe is you sister wow
>B- starts shilling cascade her
>Some anon recognizes the handle and links nudes from old /fit/ threads
Is the /fit/ girl really B-? Probably not, but it's a decent meme
she posted with the same trip here just to confirm that we did indeed see her nudes
She posted here with the trip so nudes are confirmed.
They can effectively set fire to a lot more money than I can with regards to figuring out what works and doesn't work. This is why I'm turning down suggestions because "by the book" is all I can do with Cascade at the minute.
tags, kinda, look, like this, with single (apostrophe) and double quotes are stripped, by some artists name here, things like (artist) are also supported

There shouldn't be a trailing comma at the end of your tags/captions. But yes, an image with the name: somename.png in a folder will expect somename.txt in the same folder.
I support Cascade now
mixture of settings, trash XL VAE, XL, as a model, not being great and also probably a lot of bad/"close enough" tags that end up corrupting things(think things with an off-white background being tagged "white background" or a dark gray background being tagged "black background").
>the SDXL VAE is fine
no it fucking isn't.
It's """"""fine"""""" insofar as it's functional but it's also absolute fucking garbage.
The release VAE was fried to fuck. The "working" rolled back VAE is still fried just not as badly.
listen here you coding socks AGP discord mod with a vibrating dildo up your ass
i wasnt saying they COULDNT do any of those things but they ARENT i never mentioned your funding feel free to give me the same answer again thought!
So many girls are backing Cascade I'm feeling kinda shy
B- could be a trap


dafuq do you even mean by fried
post examples
I'm transitioning to show my support for Cascade, please call me Neggles from now on.
NAI has paid workers and can figure out things on their own. I am stuck with whatever fucking scraps end up on GitHub. Bit of a difference mate, and no guarantee that it'll even work with Cascade.
you're the one who isn't reading what he's saying, retard
his point is that he can't afford to experiment with different loss calculations because he doesn't have the option of just restarting the finetune the next day if something goes wrong, unlike nai
xe's just a retard who doesn't understand what the vae does
xem brought up that nai is doing a gorillion experiments a day
i said they probably arent
xhe keeps bring up the funding which i dont give a fuck about
its really not that hard to follow
At a glance she's got years worth of lore on /fit/ and posters claiming to have seen vadge pics, attentionwhore seems more likely.
>i said they probably arent
didn't know we had nai employees lurking /hdg/
man the reading comprehension has gone way down in the last couple hours
weird how that correlates to all the mentions of discord
oh well!
it must be hard to handle life with an IQ this low
how long were you held back in elementary school? 5 years? yikes..
I went through this shit months ago and I'm not going down the rabbit hole again. You also can't really do any demonstrations because there just isn't an alternative VAE(every XL VAE is exactly the same but with minor block shifting/compression shit/whatever, it's all the .9 vae)
The original XL VAE was replaced with an earlier version within a day of XL releasing because it was so bad. the .9 variant is just an earlier revision of it. If you've done any training, you know that frying is generally a gradual process with median ranges. And in .9's case it's less fried but still results in corruption around the right border and really shit color depth.
If you have to ask then you're not someone with a lot of money, so I'd say not to buy anything. I'd certainly love to have more than 12gb, but I'm able to manage. I guess you should ask yourself what you would be doing with the extra VRAM right now and not what you might theoretically do in a few months when your money situation could change for the worse.
Anons, any idea what artist tags may be used here?
auraflow bros...

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