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>>2878779 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
Request Anchor
File: Dark elf MT.jpg (859 KB, 3000x1600)
859 KB
859 KB JPG
Challenge if you care to do it

>Catbox for template:
File: 1720548739930943.jpg (1.22 MB, 4000x2499)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB JPG
Requesting a nudie harem of these 5 ladies together
cute delf girl
do you have a box for the right one?
File: bus.jpg (3.53 MB, 2160x8271)
3.53 MB
3.53 MB JPG
File: catbox_wm2rwd.png (2.01 MB, 1152x1728)
2.01 MB
2.01 MB PNG
Did you find what you were looking for down there, Master?
File: catbox_oecrjm.png (1.4 MB, 896x1344)
1.4 MB
1.4 MB PNG
Armor Bun.
File: catbox_xlsh9g.png (1.97 MB, 1728x1152)
1.97 MB
1.97 MB PNG
POV You get back from the City and find out she has sent the staff away for the day.
Highlights. Feel free to add your own


I have a number I didn't end up using too
File: s-2287679743.png (1.9 MB, 1536x1536)
1.9 MB
1.9 MB PNG
but i'm part of the staff...
File: Dehya.png (3.1 MB, 1536x2304)
3.1 MB
3.1 MB PNG
Requesting Dehya's bra removed.
Anon, are you okay? What is this?
File: 00013-927470415.png (1.36 MB, 1024x1024)
1.36 MB
1.36 MB PNG
hmm this one doesnt have metadata at least i cant see it with the extension
It's easier to just share the txt file
File: 00022-967798892f.jpg (289 KB, 2496x3648)
289 KB
289 KB JPG
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811 KB
811 KB PNG
File: 00112-2129308185.png (1.02 MB, 768x1200)
1.02 MB
1.02 MB PNG
Oh yeah, I guess the only reason she didn't get implants is she did need to be inconspicuous on occasion.
File: 00173-2129308246.png (985 KB, 768x1200)
985 KB
985 KB PNG
Only occasionally. ;)

(Hey, It's winter in Australia)
File: 00013-20283151.png (3.97 MB, 1664x2432)
3.97 MB
3.97 MB PNG
File: Yotsu-11-07-2024_00007_.png (2.45 MB, 1640x1120)
2.45 MB
2.45 MB PNG
Merry Christmas!
File: 00008-1108741849.png (2.61 MB, 1248x1824)
2.61 MB
2.61 MB PNG
File: 00011-2538388107.png (2.62 MB, 1248x1824)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB PNG
File: ComfyUI_000240_.png (3.9 MB, 1613x2074)
3.9 MB
3.9 MB PNG
touch snow
File: 00012-2853799854.png (2.39 MB, 1248x1824)
2.39 MB
2.39 MB PNG
File: 00001-3185710080.png (3.87 MB, 1664x2432)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB PNG
File: ComfyUI_000242_.png (3.3 MB, 1613x2074)
3.3 MB
3.3 MB PNG
>previous thread reached the limit
Knew it was going to happen while I was out... Even had the Thread Highlights ready at 80%
File: ComfyUI_000244_.jpg (1.74 MB, 1843x1843)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB JPG
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3.82 MB
3.82 MB PNG
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2.07 MB
2.07 MB PNG
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2.16 MB
2.16 MB PNG
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347 KB JPG
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2.49 MB
2.49 MB PNG
Thank you for reading my 3koma story arc.
Just put it all in one image then instead
File: Singer ST.jpg (961 KB, 3000x1600)
961 KB
961 KB JPG
Chart name bothered me, so changed it a little

Sorry anon, beat you to the bunch
File: 00008-2818487038.jpg (419 KB, 1664x2432)
419 KB
419 KB JPG
I'm going to give this a try tomorrow.
Sorry, that was just some light humor. Unless three pictures is considered spamming?
File: 00019-3371485844.png (1.45 MB, 1024x1024)
1.45 MB
1.45 MB PNG
Humor is appreciated, just thought it would be better in one file rather than 3 post (I'm not the police, you can do what you want). Spammy is like 5+ pictures in a row of basically the same thing - you're fine.

Didn't mean to come off like pic related
you can still post em
No problem. Better for the thread to have more bakers.

Later when I get back to the files.
File: 00017-2777238668.png (1.48 MB, 1024x1440)
1.48 MB
1.48 MB PNG
Finally started XL/Pony models. Feels a little odd moving away from 1.5. Anyway I wanted to make a monkey girl because almost no one makes them.
I WILL gen hags in age-inappropriate cosplays.
You WILL appreciate their finely aged bodies paired with a childish demeanor.
Hag supremacy.
Requesting a living doll/robot girl ready to get some loving from her master/owner. Can be normal human-type or more of a monstergirl like an elf, dragongirl, mothgirl, etc
Muelsyse from Arknights, Miko Yae from Genshin, and Wakamo from Blue Archive masturbating and/or squirting please
Okay, I removed her need for a bra.
File: 1720232445670108.png (689 KB, 1024x576)
689 KB
689 KB PNG
Requesting Usagi and an older Chibiusa depicted in the image at a nude beach
File: 1720379183830352.jpg (401 KB, 2068x1469)
401 KB
401 KB JPG
Requesting more of Ami going skinny dipping.
1girl, nude, and she's emotionlessly flipping off the viewer.
File: 00030-1138327547.png (1.5 MB, 1024x1520)
1.5 MB
1.5 MB PNG
Just how big should a raccoon tail be?
File: 00444-333431637.png (2.22 MB, 1152x1728)
2.22 MB
2.22 MB PNG
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2.55 MB
2.55 MB PNG
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851 KB
851 KB PNG
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553 KB
553 KB PNG
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1.19 MB
1.19 MB PNG
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1.14 MB
1.14 MB PNG
File: catbox_jkd3ai.png (1.37 MB, 1008x1368)
1.37 MB
1.37 MB PNG
File: catbox_de2ech.png (1.31 MB, 872x1376)
1.31 MB
1.31 MB PNG
File: catbox_jtci9r.png (1.55 MB, 1048x1496)
1.55 MB
1.55 MB PNG
You're on the wrong board buddy boyo.
nta but I will
3dpd using local SD is uncanny for me. Dall-E is okay, good enough to at least not give me the creeps, but it still has anatomy fuck-ups.
File: .jpg (1.04 MB, 2112x1216)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB JPG
I think you misread the board, anon. 3dpd not allowed, ew.
cute, but looks /aco/ to me.
do you think you could fold her into a pretzel?
Post them, anyway. I'll try to make my own highlights later today, too.
File: 00019-632479801.png (2.7 MB, 1248x1824)
2.7 MB
2.7 MB PNG
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2.24 MB
2.24 MB PNG
File: ¿.jpg (785 KB, 1728x1344)
785 KB
785 KB JPG
>he actually did it
was not expecting that, that's hot.
Would you mind making her tits around the same size as the original pic >>2880183
which model? nai?
File: file.png (1.45 MB, 1280x1200)
1.45 MB
1.45 MB PNG
okay now I'm trying to get this pose but am struggling; could you show me your prompt/catbox the image?

this is the original
it took me quite a few tries to get an image close to what i wanted and then i inpainted the feet, well my prompt was not optimized for this but in general i noticed it doesn't seem to be very consistent with crossing feet or having them visible above the head when it comes to these poses, i think your image is the expected result from t2i and everything else is gacha or has to be achieved through inpainting
also this pose isn't very consistent if you look at danbooru
but considering ponys dataset is more than that there might be a better way to describe/prompt it, maybe if you look at e621 and use their tags if they're better
File: Challenge_1.jpg (1.2 MB, 3000x1780)
1.2 MB
1.2 MB JPG
File: anim65UF.png (893 KB, 896x1152)
893 KB
893 KB PNG
with thanks to the guy who did the original edit,
requesting a revision where the strands of hair are removed to make her right nipple more visible.
File: file.png (3.34 MB, 2560x2400)
3.34 MB
3.34 MB PNG
>has to be achieved through inpainting
My deepest fears confirmed. Oh well I'm not too heart-broken either way.
File: maryjane.jpg (1.41 MB, 3000x1600)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB JPG
Thanks! It's nice having an excuse to effort-gen once in a while.
File: catbox_wkkgzy.png (1.06 MB, 1008x1368)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB PNG
File: catbox_k61bnk.png (1.29 MB, 1008x1368)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB PNG
which one is better this or >>2880341
i've gotten similar results to that one i posted in t2i before when prompting sex, so it don't think it's impossible, just very random and you probably have to keep screwing around with the prompt
What's the best ui to use for inpainting now?
File: file.jpg (838 KB, 2720x1760)
838 KB
838 KB JPG
Okay, I am done with this. The hand is a bit awkwardly placed, but outside of basically drawing it manually it's hard to get.
>writing on the mug
Nice touch.
What issues are you facing with whatever you're using now? I've never thought too much about the tool I'm using and more about the settings available to me and what to set them to.
File: TH_-edg-_2024-07-10_a.jpg (3.61 MB, 4500x3500)
3.61 MB
3.61 MB JPG
Previous Thread Highlights
File: TH_-edg-_2024-07-10_b.jpg (3.81 MB, 4500x3500)
3.81 MB
3.81 MB JPG
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3.7 MB
3.7 MB JPG
File: TH_-edg-_2024-07-10_d.jpg (3.85 MB, 4500x3500)
3.85 MB
3.85 MB JPG
File: Nasa_of_the_Lake-E.png (2.96 MB, 1920x1280)
2.96 MB
2.96 MB PNG
Thanks for the rescue. It looks really good. Especially with that morning background.
All hail the king
File: catbox_v79yix.png (1.24 MB, 1008x1368)
1.24 MB
1.24 MB PNG
File: catbox_dp0s75.png (1.15 MB, 1024x1400)
1.15 MB
1.15 MB PNG
File: catbox_2g3dtl.png (1.14 MB, 1024x1400)
1.14 MB
1.14 MB PNG
File: and i took that literally.jpg (617 KB, 1928x1088)
617 KB
617 KB JPG

the faces are not very anime so i'm not a fan
File: PriestessAI_k.png (2.29 MB, 1024x1536)
2.29 MB
2.29 MB PNG
>and i took that literally.jpg
>the farlands
I know next to nothing of Minecraft but the idea of that glitch and it's strange variations and bizzare looks it has is quite the rabbit hole to get lost into. Spot on joke aside, I think it's meaning based on that some of the not!Priestess pics are of her in quite strange rocky/grass places not too far away from the first iteration of the farlands. In any case, that Lily still looks surreal so it may just do the trick.

All of that said, thanks for the fix and thanks for more Lily.
too close to /aco/
>post small breasts / loli
>get into highlights
The big breasts are the psy op bluff to hide intention. I've got you by the balls now highlights anon.
File: 00022-880451378.png (2.64 MB, 1248x1824)
2.64 MB
2.64 MB PNG
File: 00024-2587992732.png (2.57 MB, 1248x1824)
2.57 MB
2.57 MB PNG
File: witch meme.jpg (2.01 MB, 3000x1600)
2.01 MB
2.01 MB JPG
Im always open to charts, they are fun
File: Demon ST.jpg (999 KB, 3000x1600)
999 KB
999 KB JPG

these look great anons. Thanks for humoring me

When I made the thread / highlights, I made it a rule to not use my own images. Glad to know other anons included me in theirs
File: 00006-413197649.png (1.92 MB, 1160x1696)
1.92 MB
1.92 MB PNG
File: 00008-2258304578.png (2.11 MB, 1160x1696)
2.11 MB
2.11 MB PNG
Are you done, Goshujinsama?


good gens, but they all seem very /aco/
File: 00011-2442035914.png (2.31 MB, 1160x1696)
2.31 MB
2.31 MB PNG
was not the objective but I ended quite liking the maid
File: rena-6.jpg (1.51 MB, 1664x2432)
1.51 MB
1.51 MB JPG
File: 00012-631903340.png (2.27 MB, 1160x1696)
2.27 MB
2.27 MB PNG
File: 00013-563111282.png (2.15 MB, 1160x1696)
2.15 MB
2.15 MB PNG
File: 00015-272751872.png (2.26 MB, 1160x1696)
2.26 MB
2.26 MB PNG
File: Test.jpg (231 KB, 1152x893)
231 KB
231 KB JPG
Wanted to try something new. Still a work in progress

I didn't request this, but this is nice
File: mood.jpg (819 KB, 3000x1600)
819 KB
819 KB JPG
Am I too late?
File: 00038-878157310.png (2.68 MB, 1248x1824)
2.68 MB
2.68 MB PNG
Are we making traditional art the theme of the thread?
Cute style
Never late. It's the thread challenge so anyone can do it at anytime
>rivalry between the real human maid and the few fully-functional breedable robot maids
>to properly clean them she has to tongue out all the semen
>never gets fucked herself
Damn... Well these turned out real damn nicely thanks so much anon
File: Yotsu-12-07-2024_00004_.png (1.66 MB, 1120x1640)
1.66 MB
1.66 MB PNG
>adds all his own gens to highlights
based or cringe?
>adds none of mine
File: Yotsu-12-07-2024_00055_.png (2.27 MB, 1120x1640)
2.27 MB
2.27 MB PNG

A delinquent with pyrokinesis
creator here. I just realized she has a tiny vagina in the palm of the hand
The future is amazing.
File: 1720339954431860.png (711 KB, 576x1088)
711 KB
711 KB PNG
Requesting Usagi naked based on the image here.
File: 1720232340072080.jpg (148 KB, 746x1024)
148 KB
148 KB JPG
Requesting more of Ranko naked with her hair down
File: 1720232551305141.png (1.71 MB, 1280x1280)
1.71 MB
1.71 MB PNG
Requesting more of Shampoo here
File: 1720288500780663.jpg (698 KB, 1366x2188)
698 KB
698 KB JPG
Anyone knows how to get humanoid robots, but that do not have human faces?
I have no problems with the bodies, but sometimes I want the face not to be human but cant find the right tags,

You know, something like the classic black screen that shows emotions with light, or armored faces, things like that
File: idea2.jpg (1.21 MB, 2071x2494)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB JPG

Huh, I'll look into that next
File: 00000-80934043.png (1.27 MB, 1024x1024)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB PNG

I blanked out my usual negative prompt and used led helmet to get the result. I'm sure you could get a better style to your liking in a few gens.Using autism confetti as a point of reference
Requesting a girl (design your choice) laying naked on a picnic blanket with the other food around her. There's hints that she was masturbating before you got there, but she's not embarrassed, just happy to see you.
File: catbox_la1olr.png (2.61 MB, 1632x2224)
2.61 MB
2.61 MB PNG
>score_5_up, robot girl, metal skin, mechanical joints, mechanical limbs
It's the cumulative influence of score tags that's forcing a human face, especially the higher scores. You can add them back in for the upscale step if you need them for quality.

Facial features in the prompt push her towards human too, though I managed to get a smile in.

not going to lie, some new cards were released in master duels and there's a giant mecha girl. So I'm invested now
File: 00044-3421905439.png (2.79 MB, 1248x1824)
2.79 MB
2.79 MB PNG
File: 00002-1013548834.png (1.21 MB, 1024x1024)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB PNG
Any tips on how to inpaint well? When I try to remove clothes or change breast size like in >>2880291 it always refuses to do so or looks awful
I got a nice idea for a couple of images, Will post later
Draw a colored blob resembling what you want, then inpaint that at a lower denoise. Cut down your prompt to only what's visible in the inpaint area, plus maybe a vague description of the scene like 1girl, sitting, indoors.
I lived most of my life not understanding the appeal of an "original character", but then I genned one
>He joined the club
Welcome to the OC side why not give the challenge (>>2880172) a spin?
An elf girl with floor length orange hair and pink eyes leaving a public bath with only a towel draped over her shoulder, the people in the background paying her no attention as if this is ordinary.
File: 00001-2690317658.png (2.4 MB, 1456x1456)
2.4 MB
2.4 MB PNG
I present you:
>My art club kouhai can't be this jealous
File: 00022-2999740985.png (2.02 MB, 1456x1456)
2.02 MB
2.02 MB PNG
File: 00023-2214485160.png (2.23 MB, 1456x1456)
2.23 MB
2.23 MB PNG
I on the other hand started AI mostly for OC but now I do more known characters than anything else
I'm surprised AI can even do this, never seen clothes on robots like this before.
File: mai_waifu.png (3.96 MB, 3000x1600)
3.96 MB
3.96 MB PNG
I really enjoyed this as it gave me an excuse to make new images of my work in progress waifu. Being able to manual fix the image in while genning is so OP. It makes genning so easy when you already know how to draw a bit.
File: ComfyUI_000246_.png (3.43 MB, 1613x2074)
3.43 MB
3.43 MB PNG
Anything with a flat chest and a puffy innie
tags for android girls with exposed joints and such, please?
robot_joints, doll_joints
File: file.png (1.02 MB, 1200x1754)
1.02 MB
1.02 MB PNG
Lora that can help: https://civitai.com/models/542772
It tries to replace the model's knowledge of "head goes here" with "printed a generic object instead". You can use it to instead make TV heads like picrel (not my gen, it's from that lora's gallery).
File: 1005335592.png (2.07 MB, 1408x1536)
2.07 MB
2.07 MB PNG
File: IA_Total_Eclipse.jpg (2.76 MB, 1776x1776)
2.76 MB
2.76 MB JPG
NICE. Reminds me of this one.
>I made it a rule to not use my own images.
>adds all his own gens to highlights
Anon? Other than the Shiori pic (that comes from /vtai/) none of those are mine.
File: 00000-3498004197.png (2.57 MB, 1248x1824)
2.57 MB
2.57 MB PNG
File: t18.jpg (3.82 MB, 2656x3888)
3.82 MB
3.82 MB JPG
File: bath-FAZZ_(Edit).png (2.28 MB, 1920x1080)
2.28 MB
2.28 MB PNG
Requesting pic related to be re-created with AI. Character is Vocaloid IA.
File: anime45CFC3.jpg (91 KB, 688x1016)
91 KB
thanks to the guy who did the AI topless edit on this pic.
the original can be found at:
File: 00002-3616990798.png (2.56 MB, 1160x1696)
2.56 MB
2.56 MB PNG
Oh, my god, I dont know its ecchi potential yet, but this is fun, thanks. Will experiment more later
No worries, it was just something I came across while searching for invisible women (I know, they're hard to find, but I did it). I realise it's more /d/ material than /e/ so probably best not to post any more here. Have a not!Marcille.
File: 1712175573144002.png (2.16 MB, 1344x1792)
2.16 MB
2.16 MB PNG
File: 00087-2512027573.jpg (1.68 MB, 1536x2688)
1.68 MB
1.68 MB JPG
Late prompt response.
>POV: You are the bike

Close enough. You're lucky that I genned this a few days ago.
File: Silhouette&Veil.jpg (99 KB, 1280x1856)
99 KB
Rescued from /hdg/
>rescued a fucking pixiv pic
File: 1720873493415.jpg (366 KB, 1536x1536)
366 KB
366 KB JPG
File: 00008-3122385308.png (1.1 MB, 1024x1024)
1.1 MB
1.1 MB PNG
The cheap illustrator from india
Anons, any idea what artist tags may be used here??
Building a new rig. Is Nvidia still the way to go GPU-wise?
File: moods.jpg (1.76 MB, 3000x1600)
1.76 MB
1.76 MB JPG
The is by far my favorite.
the middle, I mean.

I had initially made this for elegant but decided I wanted a consistent photoshoot like look for all three images instead.
Middle one is the sexiest as well...
Nvidia will always be the way to go for """AI""" things. They've implanted themselves as that, and AMD will never catch up. I have a 7900XTX and it's fine, I made the above set of images. I bought it before I even thought of trying SD and only cared for games. It's fine for that, 0 issues.
Thanks for the feedback.
I suppose the more VRAM the better? The idea of paying 2k€ for an RTX 4090 stings damn.
Also good taste in artist.
I find I have to use that style lora otherwise it comes out too manly looking.
More vram is generally better but if you're willing to deal with tiling then it's not as hard a limit as it used to be.
This came out pretty good anon and glad you enjoyed the exercise. I like the elegant one the most, good choice of outfit

The middle one definitely fits the "cute" motif. Probably the best of the batch
12GB VRAM (like an RTX 3060) is pretty good for SDXL (can keep everything in VRAM, only 400MB spare though), but if you want to future-proof for "the next big hing" then just go as high as you can.
Making my way though request have this (and a family of elves I suppose)

File: 09897756245468.png (1.98 MB, 1080x1576)
1.98 MB
1.98 MB PNG
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1.02 MB
1.02 MB PNG
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The 4090 is by far the best card but the 5090 is coming later this year, and it'll likely be 70%+ faster for the same price and with more VRAM (leaks say 28GB)
Here you go
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I couldn't get a bag head at all like Faust but got TV heads okay. How do you get pixel faces like features though? I assume my style loras are just fucking with it but it's a cool lora.
Unclear - do you just want soap on the hair or a new gen in the same style?

What do you mean by older? In anime, that literally just translate to bigger breast for the most part
>2 gens later for 4gb more
I really hate how Nvidia can choke hold that shit and get away with it because amd just refuses to try
I love the style you use for these, Keep it up anon

>nudie harem

I too love 1 girl technology. This will take a minute
Oh it's trying, just failing miserably. Same for Intel. There's too much money in AI now for them to ignore it.
I was also reading on the 50 series just now since I realized current cards came out in 2022 yeah. I'm not in a rush since my current PC still works ok so I'm probably gonna wait indeed.

Read this on my end:
>However, according to the most optimistic rumors, the GeForce RTX 5090 uses a GB202 GPU with 32GB GDDR7 on a 512-bit bus. Even with a VRAM clocked at 28 Gbit/s, such a configuration results in 1,792 GB/s of memory bandwidth, a significant increase on the RTX 4090 (approx. 1 TB/s).
>The GeForce RTX 5080 features a GB203 GPU, 24GB GDDR7 and a 384-bit interface.
Pt2 in the attached https://litter.catbox.moe/gix994.png
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There are multiple different speculations regarding the VRAM size.
32GB seemed the most likely option until recently, now there's rumors of 28GB and some are quite convinced of that for *reasons* and unfortunately it might be the most likely option.
28GB is the lowest that seems possible at this point.
I hope it's 32, if it's that large I might even buy 2 at launch, but I'm not holding my breath.
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Watch out for those ankles.
New gen in the same style
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reasons being they can afford to sell worse products at higher prices when amd is so far beding
that's some typo
I've heard (tinfoil) ideas that Nvidia and AMD CEOs are related and amd is just intentionally samdbagging
Right, and none of their shareholders noticed. And not a single whistleblower among their 25K employees.
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>might even buy 2 at launch
idk how much they'll cost but perhaps you're better off going for one of the actual workstation cards at that point? Like an A6000 or something. I have a few at work and I'm waiting for some dumb office/government agency, perhaps mine, to sell off "old" equipment and hit the jackpot and get something like that. It's a super longshot, check govdeals if you care.
red hair is not sexy?
The character (Shermie) has a powered up (more) evil side where her hair changes color
Guess they don't use it much in fantart. I never played Street Kombat
The A6000 costs 4-5k at 48GB of VRAM and it's the professional equivalent of the 3090, not even the 4090.
I wouldn't buy one for more than 2-2.5k.
The 5090 will likely cost 2k.

Currently I have a 4090 and a 3090 plus one more 3090 through thunderbolt.
Why I prefaced the tinfoil but who knows. It's hard to think of how / why amd just has failed this bad at AI tech or just haven't seemed to try. Either way gonna be slaves to Nvidia for a while
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Any requests?
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>"Hey, let's do something creative today!"
>nothing works, everything is cursed
Okay, have some big tiddy blonde instead.
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that is the sexiest Muelsyse I've ever seen
Let's try harder instead? Post cursed, someone might be able to help.
That's not saying much given her proportions
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Well, mainly just Reweik refusing to give me good hands for the most part, so nothing too unusual.
The composition is really good. I'll be honest, I've just learned to not expect good hands but it's nice surprise when they come out. Why not just inpaint though?

See >>2880171

I feel like cute and sexy were reverse here
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Never really got the hang of inpainting and the way I personally approach SD, I'd rather just gen five more pics instead of spending a long time on one pic. Usually something okay turns up within a few gens, so I never invested the time to set up and learn and tinker with inpaint.
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Not sure if this is useful to anyone else, but I made a user script that lets you sort posts by reply count or the number of cat/litterbox links.
>can't get in the highlights
>can't get any replies
You're killing me bro
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I don't know what you mean. To confirm, I am severely retarded.
I generally follow the same rule but sometimes I like to effort post (pic not related)

It'll be okay anon Which one(s) did you post anyway?
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Thinking about starting doing manga with pony
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Megumin and asuka pls
It’s great
Why its extactly the purpose? Is not as if the number of replies is indicator of anything
I only really wanted the catboxes in one place for /e/, but I stuck the reply count in there too for other boards.
By older Chibiusa I mean the one on the image, which is basically what if Black Lady was good.
Not quite /e/ my friend
Oops, blanked out on the dude. Corrected.

Peak, I was messing around with this idea yesterday. I'm glad to see someone to actually doing full "scans"

when the failure is too lmao to toss.
sorry for spam, last one, back to ps5 while training. ;q
>Cute butthole
Whatever happened to the manga? It's been on hiatus for like half a year
how much does that anime lora help? have you done comparisons?
> come back

sigh, time to restart with lower learning rate.
Not a significanct difference, but I wanna say some things look a bit nicer in some cases. But I don't use it a lot.
don't stop the brown goddesses pls
> fufufu, all you have to do is ask
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>>2880440 here. did the thing from >>2880172
Gomen anon I got a fever earlier and I've just been genning ankha. What kind of brown girls you want.
small breasts, one tit out
the rest is up to you
thanks in advance
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cute style. metadata is missing from catbox though :(
The problem is if you describe ANYTHING that could relate to the human body (even parts of the lower body) that could lead the model to generate a human face. You may need to utilize the negative prompt to counter-act this.
Let's take a look at the gallery for the TV head example:
>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, female_focus, <lora:Insert_Head_Here:1> android sign, object_head, h3ad, curvy, fat body, goth, latex, spooky, fishnets, large hanging breasts, low hanging saggy breasts, wide ass, black flip-flops, sexy pose, expressive, stunned, drips of cum on floor
>watermark, signature, artist name, twitter username, 3d, muscular, bar censor, furry, source_furry, head,mouth,nose,eyes,hat,holding, ugly

Namely, "head,mouth,nose,eyes,hat" prevent the model from generating a regular human face. But if the positive prompt had more words describing other body parts like "large hanging breasts, low hanging saggy breasts, wide ass", then that negative prompt would have to be stronger.

And yeah if you're introducing your own loras into the mix that's on you. When I'm working with a new concept I first try things as vanilla as possible; ponydiff, euler a, 30 steps, 1024x1024. Once I get the concept I want consistently, I work in the things that I want from there.
could also try dropping the score tags, if it's anything like robot face >>2880423 they're biased towards humans.
>intentionally making it greyscale when colored is just a two word difference
Anyway the major problem with using AI for manga is the lack of consistency. Even in this three panel page, the character's fringe changes from two major bands to one across the forehead. It's very distracting.

No offense to you, but you probably want to learn some storyboarding techniques before attempting something like this. Knowing basic stuff like introductory shots and how to guide the reader's attention can help tremendously. Like for example, if this truly is the first page, it's difficult to tell what the surrounding situation is, so having an establishing shot showing she's on a race track would make that clearer.
love love love the red kimono maid uniform
Fucking hell. Catbox, please?
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this proompt had pretty good raw gens
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I quite like this character
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Sorry, shared the upscaled up version. Have the .txt file

She's one of my latest OC obsessions. Glad you enjoyed. I guess I was going for a Genki Dark Elf lightning mage

We need to bring back the challenge post in future threads. We are unironically getting such fun gens
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and one more for CC
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very cool, except /aco/ face
shit, I meant to post it at /aco/ actually I'll probably correct it later when I get to my pc
I like the challenge.
It's cool, I like that it takes more effort than thread theme usually does. Though I wonder if they're still eligible for highlights, at least one of those three images.
Probably not something like this thread's challenge. It's possible you can like only one of the 3 for example. The caveat would be to just include each individual image in catbox links

If I end up making another thread, think we should do something in the vain of >>2880846
and make our own doujin covers.
>- Pictures featuring girls with a loli body type, or Furry pictures. Do not post these anywhere except for /b/.

Wrong board
Okay, boss! As you wish.
Just trying to save you from the bans anon. Have something I've been baking.

Here yo go. Related to my earlier image (the water mage likes here showers) >>2880693
Couldn't get the exact pose, but how's this?
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This is a nice piece

They're nice nice and all, but you might as well consolidate the pics and playing with the grey area of /b/ and /u/ at once. I've been banned for less before
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I would like to see more titty monsters turned into flatties, please.

This is beautiful.
Here's original. There's been a few layers of inpainting.
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Very nice.
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Which AI companion app or website is the best all around? For instance, character.ai.
Also, are there any dedicated threads for that on 4chan? So far I haven't found any on any board.
I don't know anon, haven't dabbled with them before.



>I have so many gens, should I chain-post them all?

>You shouldn't. /edg/ isn't a fast-moving general, so one-man spam can be pretty disruptive. Quality over quantity is the preferred way. If you still want to post more than just a few gens at once, a good practice is to compile them into a mini-collage/set using your image editor of choice. A Catbox gallery is another option.
Can you shut the fuck up?
Three posts. Three. And the thread is already past bump limit too.


/edg/ loves asuka confirmed. Next thread will be asuka themed per popular demand.
I mean, I can't say no to a good redhead but gen is just exceptionally good.
>Doesn't read op
>Get's pissed when called out for it

Granted, tifa one was fine but that doesn't include the earlier Yuffies ones. They're good gens anon, just fucking read
It really is. Deserves the next op thread thumbnail at the very least. 10/10 asuka.
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Can you post the right and left image individually

This kind of shit sucks.
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Interesting txt2vid result.
kinda looks 3d
Here are the catboxes. I also have a few that I didn't compile together

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>This kind of shit sucks.
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3.15 MB PNG
Collages suck.
this is nice
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Why are horizontal gens so fucking hard, jesus.
Cheers, thanks lad
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they are necessary. it's not about the bump limit, it's about how fast we go through the thread. if everyone posted just one image at a time, then we would be going through the threads like /h/. Then you'll have the board bitching and moaning - which they already do to an extent - because we're taking up all the other ops from the board.

It could be solved if the jannies did their job but we know that's not going to happen.

A collage is not going to kill you.
To be fair, others bitching is not gonna kill you either
yeah, but then you'll start to have shit threads. You can also catbox the extra pics instead if you don't feel like placing them in an editor.
I think collages can work if you are gonna post two gens that are very close to each other, to avoid taking sports with "the same image" but if its three different images is just better post them
nta, I fail to see why a slightly faster thread becomes a shit thread, though.

Sure, clogging up the board with too many OPs I can understand. Going through multiple generals a day I can also understand, but we're at a 2-3 threads a week rate, now. I think we can afford to move faster and not ruin everything.

I think you should still stick to collages, though, if you are going to spam the thread.
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The teacher that moonlights as a cosplaying hooker was the only thing about Persona 5 I liked
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The doctor feeding you unknown substances was alright too.
Should have been more clear - I mean people start to come into the thread to complain, which is what makes it go to shit. If we use the img slots, it is what it is, but might as well be smart about it.

I think the clear line is if you have 3+ pictures of the same character under the same concept, just group it together. Collage, catbox, whatever you like. The anon who did Lusamine 4 times in a row earlier for example should have just grouped them together
But that's enough bitching and moaning from me
That's insanely blurry for such a high resolution image. Did you upscale it in photoshop? Or export to jpeg with low quality setting?
If I want to be able to gen outside home, it's better for me to tinker with A1111's in-built network properties or just mirror my pc screen through something like Parsec?
I want to host a bunch of things to use when I'm outside, like Stable Diffusion, eventually /wAIfu/ stuff, music through Jellyfin, etc. The first thing I want to do is Stable Diffusion, though. Any tips and pointers?
I'm lazily phoneposting from bed instead of using my PC, so I used a website to gen and waifu2x to upscale
Thank you, I really like this style and will now check out the artist.
You'll need an image editor for inpainting, unless you only want raw gens.
chocolate and vanilla milkshake
NTA, do you mind catboxing that?
There are boogie man stories of people searching for open address to hijack, so wouldn't recommend making the local public. Might as well do a screen share.

Very nice anon. The actual artist does mostly pin up, so the quality of the gens you will make with this lora will vary (the more simple the prompt, the stronger the style will resemble the artist).
I did manually paint in a finger. Laugh at my hires settings because I have no idea what I'm doing with them. https://files.catbox.moe/4p40ye.png
Mirroring your screen is the to-go, albeit it uses way more data. Other option is VPN to your home network. Don't expose your web instance to the WWW unless you wanna get DDOS'd.
>the more simple the prompt, the stronger the style will resemble the artist
I've noticed this applies a lot. The more tags, the less any one tag has influence. Brevity is key.
It's also completely burnt, don't use it at full strength
Thank you!!
You're not using a tag though, just the lora
> Lora from citivai
> burnt
many such cases
>VPN to your home network
This one seems like the best option, screen sharing sounds like it will be too wonky to use properly
4th tail v0.4.5 came out recently, seems pretty good. unfortunately it still sucks at hands despite 4.5 focusing on it. What are your thoughts?
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doc' loves her job a little too much
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my wife is underage drinking in the yard again...
h8 gacha
luv oni girl
simple as
very ugly nai gen
keep it up!
Hello guys, I would be very grateful if someone could use AI to remove the censorship in the following images

https://files.catbox.moe/fb665y.png (remove the fingers)
https://files.catbox.moe/uv4jgh.png (if you can, remove the bikini entirely; otherwise just remove the mashu face)
https://files.catbox.moe/gsjtuk.png (remove the steam clouds)
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These look a bit too /co/
this one is pretty nice, like the background
My good man, I'm going to need to know what loras you're using. Those brown qts with that style is top tier.
Was thinking the same thing when I was posting. Ill keep that style elsewhere.
Catbox pls?
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they still look pretty nice though
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I can't wait to roll for this retard two days from now
>give Nilou a summer outfit
>covers even more than her vanilla outfit
what were they thinking?!
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Absurdly wild how out of all of Hoyo games, Genshin is the only one that censors itself like that.
probably because it appeals to a wider audience then it's other games
Fair enough, and the cashflow comes from the eventual non-whale going hard for a character and lots of people buying the monthly pass than few whales like the other games. Their marketing dept wouldn't do that if it wasn't profitable...
I don't care that much, I can just mod skins on desktop anyway
lol, fair enough

I'm now thirsty for milk
Honestly, she was the hottest character from Queen Blade for me
There you are, friend.
Here's the original. This one has gone through significant inpainting and I dropped necklace and cross from prompt at some point.
It's interesting anon, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
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Yeah, I can understand that thirst.
Sir, is this where chocolate milk comes from?
more pokehybrids
Noire from Neptunia cosplaying anything.
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Heh, you've activated my trap card. I summon self-conscious Noire to the field. I place her in defense mode, thus, ending my turn.
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I'm having a pickle with some of these. Absol comes out clean but can't get rid of the blackface 90% of the time, can cheat it somewhat with shiny absol and just go red skin.
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Brown girl supremacy.
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it's a model based on pony, with a new dataset being trained on it. Notably, it removes the score_9 style tags and replaces it with its own, fixing the problem of pictures randomly turning into sketches/monochrome/yellow filter. The creator is positively taking feedback from users (like, a user asks if a certain artist's style can be improved, and in the next version the style is improved).
If nothing else, it's much better at styles than pony natively is. Almost like pony was trained on an incomplete and censored database... It's a good stop-gap while waiting for the next big thing.
just lower the strength of the prompt / Lora
Anon, I have some secret sauce for you. Just like if you were to prompt pink lips for white girls, prompt brown lips for brown girls. Results may very, but adds an extra umph to the pic
very nice pic
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Yeah, I like her too. My OC (>>2880769) uses a lora of her as a base. One of the best coombait characters ever designed.
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Needs huge_breasts, sagging_breasts, hanging_breasts
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don't forget covered_nipples, erect_nipples, cleavage, breast_focus, areola_peek
24 AI gens of Gwen in an American flag bikini in various styles: https://catbox . moe/c/7h044j
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The guys in the back realize what's up.
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I can hear the moo
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Lovely gens. Care to share catboxes?
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i don't like how it turned out but this kind of stuff is fun
Here's mine:
>the only one that censors itself like that
what? Honkai is censored as well, hags cant even have leotards, they need them to turn them into shorts.

And ZZZ was consistently censored compared with the initial designs
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selfie series
I really like this style
do you have catbox or lora details?
Here's box: https://files.catbox.moe/1tnw12.png
There's no loras in it.
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luv edits. cba to catbox the third so do excluse the protein shake, jannie

elegant's great
> heterochromia
> star shaped pupils
those are funny touches that work really well
I love this style. is this f.s.? also she is looking for chocolate milk from flowers?
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Funnily enough I think that only happened like that due to the American flag bikini tag (Gwen normally has cross-shaped pupils). It looked nice and thematic so I kept it as is.
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Nope, Hyocorou and Masamune Shirow
So cute, I love how much this is like her, too. The ill-fitting bunnysuit is just the icing on the cake!
These look real nice!
Actually can you do specifcally a bellossom and vespiquen
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More bikini Nayuta please
If she had nipple piercings she'd be perfect
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>nipple piercings
oh, good call, let me see if I can get it to gen those
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This thread moves slow as dirt, so no apologies for double-posting.
If only this wasn't /e/ I swear to god these girls would be inseminated
> Ghost in the shell guy
could just post the follow-up on /h/
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Need more gens with alts...
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I think the /h/ should be in front, but thanks for letting me know
No, I think I just missed the third meme arrow for cross-board >>>8104827/h/
This should be the syntax >8104827/h/
Didn't realize they changed it, used to be you just added three arrows and it found the destination board on its own.
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Did you order anything on prime day, anon?
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I'm more of an ass guy, but I can be persuaded otherwise
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Ass, tiddies. Ass 'n' tiddies.
Good taste
Decided to mess with lora's again. Which is better in this case?

Nayutummy <3
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this one is better imho
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> fat ass
> skirt
> thong
> slight pussy peek

Chef's kiss. Hit all the right things there anon. The Chibi one help get more expressive non-h images, but you can't beat asanagi for lewd between the two of them
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I'll let you anons finish out the thread. Hope whoever makes a new one gives a fun challenge post
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This outfit i actually really neat. Who's the character?
Character is Meltrillis, but the costume is from Passionlip character
mine was nai
i'm so sorry

I guess we're moving.
Hey nice thank you!
Get that milk.
thanks for the reminder to try genning suhibi stuff

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