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>>2877645 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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Requesting cute ninja girls with small breasts.
But give them some sort of "twist". Any sort of twist, at your discretion.
what if the twist is huge breasts
How about "Kunoichi" be the thread theme?
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Requesting Dehya's bra removed.
Requesting Isane Kotetsu, Saying Hitsugi and Hakufu Sonsaku in USA flag bikinis
by twist, do you mean you just want a secondary theme applied (i.e., ninjas.... in space).
Congratulations, you have bested the Bunobi
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Congratulations, you have bested the Bunobi.
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bunne good
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isane lora really tries to give her two locks
requesting tits on sticcs in return
Muelsyse from Arknights, Miko Yae from Genshin, and Wakamo from Blue Archive masturbating and/or squirting please
Which lora looks the best? I'm going to do some mix and match because I'm getting bored of my previous ones.
just slopmix it all together
They are way too different, by personal tastes I would pick 2nd probably, but they are so different no point in comparing.
First two and second two could be compared with each other, but first pair with second pair are so different...
For my tastes first set of two since the other look more on the western cartoony style but is not as if there is anything wrong with them
You guys do that? I remember to mix plenty of styles in 1.5,

But with XL I never use more than 2 loras on the same image, with 3 loras already starts to look melted even if you lower the str of the lora
You know, why not. Sure

The funny part is I assume they are all easter artist (their twitters are all in Japanese) but I agree. We have two Chibi-like artist, and doujin guy, and then just some artist ( I think the last lora sucks desu)
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All good ninjas study their Bible.
this >>2878727 was with six style loras at 0.5 each
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Request to nude edit the girl with the katana like it was done with the image of the previous thread's OP. That or recreate the image in AI with the girls nude.

Original here:
Sometimes, but at 3+ you do need to play with the weights a bit. I have a mix that looks pretty close to >>2878850 funny enough if I tweak it
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Pretty much I got a wildcard set for it to use 2 of my favorite artist loras at .5+.5, one for .5+.7, and one for .7+.7 and it's been great. I tried full strength with them but it can get kinda fried sometimes and if a chara lora gets used it exacerbates the issue obviously.

I've been trying to find a few, but as stated before, they all start blurring after a while. I'm not even going to take up an image slot with the results. Some might be worth salvaging with inpainting though

This isn't normal fyi, those might be some crappy loras from Civitai. Try some from the rentry, if it still happens your setup could be broken somehow.

I heard training with noise offset causes lora incompatibilities, but didn't test it myself yet.
That's most likely it since that's exactly where I got it from. Sadly they aren't on rentry so I either have to make my own or brute force it.
Need something holding that butt hole open
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One of these days genetic engineering will give us tits like these. God, I hope I live forever.
And reinforced spines hopefully
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Thanks, she looks amazing with her hair down
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More of Ranko naked with her hair down
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Requesting Sayo Hitsugi doing casual nudity shit.
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Requesting Usagi and an older Chibiusa depicted in the image at a nude beach
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Every lora you add makes the model "dumber", so to speak. It's not like SD1.5 where the outputs were so bad that you didn't lose much by lowering the model's intelligence, but with SDXL it is noticeable.
You know there are like, models that have bodies like this right? Don't be disillusioned by corpo people saying "it's hyper-sexualized!"
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She's embarrassed because you found out she just naturally has a gaping anus for all the anal play she does

That makes sense. It's a shame I like to use artists that isn't autism mix.
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what if the twist is (formerly) huge breasts

Thank you both for your flattening works!

I was totally expecting Doodle Sensei to be the "something" in between, haha

No worries, and thank you!
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I wanted it to look more like this, a nude female Revolutionary War soldier. It's funny that "tricorne" has 2400 hits on Danbooru, but Autism doesn't understand the concept very well. I had to prompt it as "(black tricorne pirate hat:1.3)".
Requesting the right portion of St. Louis' dress be edited so it has slipped down enough to fully expose her breast.
1girl, nude, and she's pointing at a another girl taking a shower
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Elbe at home
Girls jilling off at the computer, drooly, unshaven, unkempt coomers preferre
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Cute boat wife
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USA > Pochincoff > Eiken > Mikoyan.

Are these heavily mixed with aco artists? Both Mikoyan and Pochincoff faces look nothing like the artists.
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just experimenting a bit with colors
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I see, that's more interesting. I was just following your instructions, only the last two gens I started adding stuff to make it look more anime in terms of style.
dont let that murdererer get close to Izuna!
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WTF thin as a stick yet her ass is fatter than mine??? I'm appalled...
Love the gentle pubes though.
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Maybe he's just using too many score tags, the model page still recommends all of them even now. Or a shit baker left something else in the dataset.
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Any chance of some Kobeni Yonomori from Mikakunin de Shinkoukei?
nta but good job
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Don't worry, Rio's a bit preoccupied right now.
damn nice
No, I just used only the lora. I think what happened to Mikoyan was the "full lips" tag, which probably altered the face. Otherwise the other ones I genned were more comparable.

I agree with Pochincoff though. That lora looks nothing like the artist.
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which Ranko?
This is very nice anon. Good job on this one
Female Ranma Saotome

Ranko is her nickname

Can you have Shampoo here going skinny dipping in the beach water and she has some fun there?
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Could the guy who posted this in /g/ catbox the full pic please?
Requesting a personal harem of mine, Usagi Tsukino, Flannery, Isane Kotetsu, Hakufu Sonsaku and Sayo Hitsugi naked together one by one
While I like, I'm sure someone will complain it's not /e/ material

Why not just tag the guy in /g/ ?
>it's not /e/ material
most of the lora are hentai artists and it's a little too much for /g/ I think
/e/ is allergic to full lips, but I say the more the merrier. Also yeah, probably too much for /g/
>Forgot pic
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>allergic to full lips
it's not the same without the soul sucking lips
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698 KB JPG
Can someone do an aged up naked Kagome
That can already be considered full lips as far as generic anime faces goes.
OR here. That looks great! Thanks for the edit, anon.
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I love how clean this image looks like
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Especially love the last one, the slight sag on the hips is sexoooo
Thanks !
>Don't mind if I do
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>aged up
i'm sorry.......... i cannot
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I have never used an AI generated image as my wallpaper before.
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Reminder her anime is out
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making a cave woman is harder than expected
>Why not just tag the guy in /g/ ?

he might be a homo...
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You can never go wrong with a good elf

This is one of the best gens of the thread so far. Very nice
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3.28 MB PNG
fun one. its so hard to get a full bra like that.
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it's against my beliefs
Nice upskirts
Thanks, beautiful choco-pussy.
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3 MB
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Thank you. Idk why, but I love smug choco-pussy under the moonlight
Ok that's far.

How about you make Kagome walking in the nude instead and her at the beach
The quality of AI art and people's understanding of the tools is really being shown in these threads. Good job people.
Cute smile
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3.16 MB PNG
quality in these threads is actually nuts compared to most slop out there
Agreed. I'm switching over to SDNext and once I get it running I'm going to start finally inpainting my gens.
can you boxo me this suna
box won't do any good, but this is largely the Liam Wong (japanese street photographer) lora, I got it on civtai.
hm well if you did this one do you have a box? >>2879131 and what model, is it animagine?
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>muh sekrets
the numbered lora is fresh film light photography
based thank you
With how much easier it is to get access to better models compared to l1 year ago, those who are willing to put in the minimal effort can make some pretty good stuff

Is SDNext better than forge?
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beautiful gen. Can I get a box?
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Still feels like all the advancements show up in /hdg/ first, then leak here through crossposters.
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Requesting more like pic related, aka, naked, long-haired, blue/green eyed blond girls walking in the Minecraft's Far Lands.

Here is another example:
>https://rule34 xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10551136
(in the upper pic)
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711 KB PNG
Requesting Usagi naked based on the image here.
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While I agree for most people it doesnt really matter the "quality" of AI pictures, if its AI they dont care if its "good" ai or a completely messed up melted "bad" ai for them is AI and thats all, and its "bad" by default.

Although, to be fair and to say everything those who DO NOT care if its AI or not is the same, they dont care if its a mess or if its "good" as long as is the content they want they celebrate it.

Its a really weird spot to be in.
just make it look good enough so twitteroids would think its real art (not really possible with pony, in cascade/WDV we trust)
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dreadlocks are underrated
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Getting stuck in wall is easy enough, trying to get it so I see the wall as a divider and front / back half is a pain in the nuts.
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The real question is why a lora? The model already has millions of furry pics, hard to believe you couldn't just prompt for it.
can confirm, the first time I tried to get a tasteful centaur girl got horse pussy
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2.16 MB PNG

Yeah it's easily promptable, most of the loras are. It's civitai retards / people who got used to having a lora for everything on sd 1.5 where you needed it.
same, thankfully arknights fanart prepared me for it
I'm still fairly new to SDXL. So there are all those source_x tags, source_anime, source_western, source_comic, source_furry, source_anthro, source_pony... is there a complete list somewhere?
New to Pony you mean, there are other more "normal" SDXL models. Scores only go down to score_5_up, and I think those are all the sources you listed. Do not rely on them too much anyway. Score tags have some /aco/ bias that adds up as you use more of them, and the sources just give a slight style offset, much weaker than a lora.
Are you okay with me adding on her charging up her ki to send you on a journey the likes of which have never been seen before and never will happen again?
nta but that's really good, could you upload to catbox?
That depends entirely on the model, not all pony models have all the Source_X thing.

You need to read the description of the model you are using to see.
They all have the tags in due to being based on pony, there's no way to remove them short of retraining the tokens to mean something else. They're just weaker on some models, depending on how much other stuff was merged in and how much it was trained further. But even the realistic porn models, even the PVC figure one, they all respond to them.
>Is SDNext better than forge?
UI-wise, things make more sense. It doesn't feel like a SD1.5 tool that was hodge-podged together to accomodate more, and the modern layout is a better workflow.

However it manages memory the same way as A1111, so if you're using Forge to avoid crashes in A1111 stay away from SDNext. You can play around with diffuser settings to lower memory usage but it doesn't work around the lack of VRAM management.

Extremely cute Ciel.

The only ones in base pony are source_anime, source_pony, source_furry and source_cartoon. The rest are placebo/added in via a Lora. https://civitai.com/models/257749/pony-diffusion-v6-xl?modelVersionId=290640 "Other special data selection tags include, 'source_pony', 'source_furry', 'source_cartoon' and 'source_anime' and ratings of 'rating_safe', 'rating_questionable' and 'rating_explicit'."
thanks bro
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Requesting more of Ami going skinny dipping.
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I am here to announce the great magic games of /edg/. Submit your mage for the trial
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Weird, I should be at the trial grounds already.
Dont tell me one of my rivals used an illusion spell already!
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"Remember, senpai, if you want to ever see or touch it again, you better get good grades"
based sameprompter
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Goddamn, img2img do be doin' weird shit sometimes. I don't know why it happens but it's kind of frustrating but kind of cool at the same time. That last one is weirdly shifted to the right and overlaps, like old VHS tapes that aren't tracking properly
requesting something with sexy lips, that's all
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i am a naigger my good fellow. i'm so sorry.
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Fully nude girls walking in places like pic related. Be it in the sidewalk or in the water.
> fufufu, it's working on the less competent
I won't spam the thread with images, but here you go

> I guess I'll have to deal with you myself
File: 00027-4152142605.png (1.47 MB, 1024x1024)
1.47 MB
1.47 MB PNG
Last witch for the night.

You probably need a better lora, but the dark nipples is a nice touch
Any one have the lora huge breasts for short stature V5? Its been deleted off civitAI
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1.92 MB
1.92 MB PNG
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2.09 MB
2.09 MB PNG
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2.4 MB
2.4 MB PNG
Sorry, our new lactomancer is still just learning to control her powers. But next year for sure.
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2.37 MB
2.37 MB PNG
Chun's getting ready for a date.
keeping the spiked wristbands though, just in case
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2.21 MB
2.21 MB PNG
Did she commit the crime, anon?
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2.16 MB
2.16 MB PNG
very pinchable
Very nice, but I always imagine Anya growing her hair long like her mother.
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1.66 MB
1.66 MB PNG
Who is this generic arknight
I apologize for the late response but there's girls with tits so huge they boggle the mind. What I'm saying is such tits will be common. Sorry for the misunderstanding and thanks for the picture.
I see, I apologise for misinterpreting your original message. It's good to avoid misunderstandings like this.
Ascalon, apparently. It was a ranbooru creation which I thought was nice enough to post. Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/zcet7p.png
A girl with short blue hair and eyes wearing a striped tie side bikini realizing she's the only one wearing anything at a nudist beach where everyone else is naked.
I mean it looks alright, just nothing like her.
File: 00016-142862703 kuro ver.png (1.27 MB, 864x1224)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB PNG
Nah, she is just the no sense of direction kind of chara

> T-too cute! These are the mages??
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2.07 MB
2.07 MB PNG
great hair, so fluffy
sexy af
File: s-2597142954.png (1.82 MB, 1536x1536)
1.82 MB
1.82 MB PNG
me on the right
This was actually fun to try to make. I had a lot of inpainting but I hope you like.

The bear?
File: 00036-2600304033-1.jpg (1.77 MB, 1536x2688)
1.77 MB
1.77 MB JPG
Low angles are very nice.

I like these flatties a lot. Catbox, please.
This reminds me, I wanted to but forgot to leave a (You)...
Nice one!
Man, that's great!
There you go, anon
Thanks, anon.
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2.8 MB
2.8 MB PNG
Best friends in summer.
An office lady who's clothes are torn off and stolen by a gang of kids mocking her for being naked on the street. Leave her wearing something like her thigh highs and garters.
These request are hilarious at this point. Are you the same person who asked for the elf hiding behind a tree the other thread?
Based. I couldn't get the other one to work, but if I can get this one, I'll share
Forgot to mention you can mix as many innate styles as you want, those do not cause problems. Even add a few loras to them.
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2.44 MB PNG
>You're under Arrest
Good taste
File: download.jpg (40 KB, 768x512)
40 KB
I'm back lol, I was absent the last couple of threads
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54 KB
Large-breasted pinkhead
Requesting a girl (specific design at your discretion, but lighter colors are preferred and no pubes) laying on a picnic blanket with no clothes but an open button-down shirt. Around her is a picnic spread, just whatever food you'd think to have for something like this. Her pussy and right fingers are wet to show that she'd been masturbating before you came along, and she's smiling as if she was waiting for and thinking of you this whole time.
File: ComfyUI_00223_.png (3.66 MB, 1613x2074)
3.66 MB
3.66 MB PNG
I couldn't really get any laughing children in there though.
Ok, but why does she look me like that? I did nothing, I swear!
> How it feels to play Phantasy Star Online for the first time
> me on the right with cute but tame character design
>Everyone is a fucking giant with giant tits and ass

How was I supposed to know there would be nothing but gooner designs everywhere
Huh. Well, it's a cute girl anyway!
Mostly do AI art for personal stuff, and it's usually not very high-quality, but there are a few that I've done that I'm really proud of even if it's not as good as most of the stuff shared here.
Or how PSo2 players call it: Tuesday

Frist, welcome to /edg/. @nd, don't just dump everything. Either add them in a collage or put them in catbox, you're using all the image slots
File: 00071-2429833105.png (2.67 MB, 1248x1824)
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2.67 MB PNG
Noted. Thanks.

No problem, happy to see more of your gens.
>>2879547 and >>2879542 are pretty nice
Playing as a female character just means you will be mogged 24/7
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2.28 MB PNG
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3.78 MB
3.78 MB PNG
This might be the best pic all thread. How did you get it so clean?
File: ComfyUI_00225_.png (3.6 MB, 1498x2189)
3.6 MB
3.6 MB PNG
Just experimenting around a bit with midkemia. Sometimes you get lucky with your prompt and your settings I guess.

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849 KB PNG
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3.47 MB PNG
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fellas, how do i get away from 1.5? i cant stop prompting with it.

Also post some girls on bikes please
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1.1 MB
1.1 MB PNG
>base gen
>1 belly button
>as it should be
>no skin folds, creases, shadows, nothing that could be confused for another belly button
>smooth and uniform skin all around
>3 belly buttons
it doesn't happen often but
how the FUCK does that even happen
it doesn't matter what resolution I use or what hires scale
doesn't matter that it gets fucking everything else exactly right, the amount of fingers and everything like no problem at all
doesn't matter what denoise unless I put it all the way down to like 0.01 like I might as well just extras upscale at that point
I do not get it
loyal and cute
if anyone can get her to work, I'd love some sexy/slutty Aponia from Honkai
File: 00078-2084312038.jpg (1.67 MB, 1536x2688)
1.67 MB
1.67 MB JPG
Thank you!

>I might as well just extras upscale at that point
There was a guide posted some time ago that I can't find that had steps like these (note that this is in Forge):
1. Upscale in Extras (I do x2 with 2xHFA2kShallowESRGAN)
2. Send txt2img original to img2img
3. Send Extras upscale to img2img
4. Set denoising strength to anywhere between 0.25 to 0.45, change seed if you want.
5. Enable Multidiffusion Integrated, select Mixture of Diffusers, and set the Tile Width and Tile Height to the resolution of the original txt2img results

Haven't needed to use Hires fix since learning this method.
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1.39 MB
1.39 MB PNG
File: cowboy shot.png (1.23 MB, 1024x1024)
1.23 MB
1.23 MB PNG
Can I post this here? If not where
Wait those steps confused me.

So I generate image at (for example) 512x512 (Image1)
Upscale in Extras x2 (Image2)
Send Image1 to img2img (same resolution?) (Image3)
Send Image2 to img2img (Image4)
???? I don't get the point of this
How easy is it to get the Forge to run off of Integrated Intel graphics? I realise it will take forever but I dont have a GPU

Im on NixOS if that helps
This is very nice anon. Looks like official art

I mean, I guess? Might be a little too realistic for /e/ so you may want to go to /aco/
>So I generate image at (for example) 512x512 (Image1)
If you're using an SDXL model, you should be genning at some variation of 1024x1024 (832x1216, etc) for the first step. If it's an SD 1.5 model, it should be some variation of 512x768.

>Upscale in Extras x2 (Image2)
This gets you a clean upscale without any alterations to the image.

>Send Image1 to img2img (same resolution?) (Image3)
This is just to send the prompt over to img2img. No genning is happening during this step.

>Send Image2 to img2img (Image4)
The upscaled image is what you'll be using img2img on.
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1.49 MB PNG
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If you're only going to post on /e/, you don't have to get away from 1.5. Pony Diffusion XL is for generating /h/.
zambie ninja
unless you want a semi complex pose
Also backgrounds are more comprehensive and detailed.
What are some good models to use for lower powered machines? I have 16gb of ram and selecting the autismmix model in the forge kills the process :(
What graphics card do you have and how much VRAM does it have?
integrated intel graphics, im using hassaku at the moment and getting about 3min per 20 step image which is about what i expected
lmao. better art, soul destroyed.
Maybe fastsdcpu is worth a try
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422 KB PNG
what initial positives and negatives are people using for their images?
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1.7 MB PNG
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1.97 MB
1.97 MB PNG
I really like bulged out abdominals on curvy women like in this gen. No idea how you would prompt it without ending up with a muscular woman.
File: download.jpg (49 KB, 768x512)
49 KB
Sorry for the vanilla SD slop
it sometimes happens with very low emphasis abs
You could probably inpaint abs then edit out the inside lines
File: download (1).jpg (38 KB, 768x512)
38 KB
Alone on a Friday night? God you're pathetic
im trying to get hassaku to generate ntr pictures of women who look like my partner to deal with my feelings of knowing shes having sex with other men tonight
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48 KB
Succubus oni thingy, apparently
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2.79 MB PNG
"Were you really jerking off under that blanket? Pathetic..."
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2.11 MB
2.11 MB PNG
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2.83 MB
2.83 MB PNG
Requesting if https://files.catbox.moe/pb4zoq.png found at >>2878419 can be salvaged or turned into an actual pic of its own.
File: Antabaka!.png (2.46 MB, 1000x1333)
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2.46 MB PNG
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37 KB
Here's a dark-skinned girl
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56 KB
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2.73 MB PNG
nice idea, my favorite ninja one so far
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3.18 MB
3.18 MB PNG
Note to Jannies: The clear liquid is pussy juice, please don't ban.
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1.61 MB
1.61 MB PNG
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2.14 MB PNG
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2.61 MB PNG
u never know
Two girls, one with long brown hair and eyes and the other with long blond hair and blue eyes, both of them topless in a tug of war fighting over a ripped shirt.
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3.88 MB PNG
Shy girls presenting.
Whoa I like this
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1.2 MB
1.2 MB PNG
File: 5chicksatthesametime.jpg (1.23 MB, 4000x3000)
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1.23 MB JPG
Requesting a nudie harem of these 5 ladies together
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1.34 MB
1.34 MB PNG
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2.77 MB PNG
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2 MB
zzz have some really nice girls, but the loras need a bit of improvement
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3.06 MB PNG
Ill post mfw into a link to not take an image slot

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1.23 MB
1.23 MB PNG
>"Hello traveler, have you heard of the swamp girls of Avonia?"
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1.18 MB
1.18 MB PNG
>"They're very friendly."
I heard they are quite the social butterflies.
Love my plant girls
Sure. https://files.catbox.moe/dzl29c.png
>guns that look like guns
what arcane magic is that?
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1.07 MB
1.07 MB PNG
Niceeeeee thank you
smelly battlefield girls.
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request to make this into an ai image. chara is vtuber shiina if it helps
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1.98 MB PNG
very nice anons
File: download.jpg (44 KB, 768x512)
44 KB
This thread is so fucking slow
and that's not a problem
better a slow thread than one filled with low res low quality trash like you just posted
I'm just doing fit bikini women today to test some things, not sure if they're /e/ enough to post. melon22 tag hash was dicovered, prompt editing between bikini and competition swimsuit, diffusion-CG for brightness and hue offset, outline thickness lora,...
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2.35 MB PNG
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483 KB PNG
how am i doing?
pretty sure you're doing /d/, or at least very close to it.
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in orcish the question mark is spelled with two balls
That is actually an orc penis, it's curved like a scimitar. She's asking for a good dicking.
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2.64 MB PNG
File: Shiin_Beer.png (1.07 MB, 832x1216)
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1.07 MB PNG
NTA, but very nice. What's your workflow for that?
Nice gen, whats the lora(s)?
the queen in one of her rare moments not killing hornsent
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1.18 MB PNG
here is an alternate one too
well that char has a specific color of blonde hair that I couldn't prompt for so I downloaded a lora for her.
then I cleaned up some of the lines in photoshop because the original is very sketchy. used that as base for controlnet with canny at weight 1, balanced, txt2img. prompting for "anime coloring" plus everything you see in the image. put "sketch, greyscale, monochrome, unfinished" in negative. ran about 24 gens until I got one I liked.
then in photoshop I added the gradient background and lime wedge because sd could not do the lime. I also downloaded a manga font from dafont and rewrote the original dialogue.
for the alternate version I just replaced "simple background" with "day, outdoors, beach"
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1.19 MB
1.19 MB PNG
I made the steam summer sale girl.
I was wondering when someone would do that. Looks good. She needs a cat
Here's Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/8qozns.png
lol nice
you made her? like you came up with her design?
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2.95 MB PNG
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tomboy sleepover........
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3.61 MB PNG
How do you guys get Luma to animate your images? I uploaded an image but it gave me this.
Who is that?
I feel like I almost recognize her, looks very Bleach
Tatsuki Arisawa
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Yes, its me, Gabe Newell, did this one myself.
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it's supposed to be slow. /e/ is slow in general anyway. Also the op post always mentions that even if you have a shit ton of gens to consolidate then or just pick the best one instead of spamming
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2.32 MB PNG
All is fun and giggles until the bikers decide to crash on your place

>what do you mean by "leave"?
correction required
Bache did it better
Bache is peak
The funniest thing is of all the things they censored the bike plate, probably the lest ofender of the whole set
At some point, at the very beginning I legit thought she would become a fighter and be part of the action team.
Finally managed to get Luma to accept an image. It was a pretty shitty one, but it's something.
Use pika instead? No really point in trying to fight a censored system
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1.24 MB
1.24 MB WEBM
Wasn't aware of Pika, but I'll try that. Result from Luma was pretty bad.
lesbian soccer girl
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684 KB
Is Pika always like this? Tried a few times and it looks pretty bad. Might just keep fighting Luma.
File: 00003.png (2.79 MB, 1000x1462)
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2.79 MB PNG
hi, please disregard my first two
here's my final attempt
I won't take up more of the image limit but there is this too if you want more of a background:
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1.09 MB
1.09 MB WEBM
>She died on the way home
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408 KB JPG
I fucking hate you with all my soul. I was eating a sorbet and now my screen is dirty, my keyboard is dirty and my chest and sides hurt so much I can barely write this
Erm actually.
very good
same thing.
Is there an XL or pony model somewhere?
thanks timea 10!!!
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2.4 MB PNG
Can you swap the beer out for a glass of chocolate milk? This pic just makes me think of that choccy milk meme
"navel", "stomach" (at low weights), "groin" and "mature" help out. Even if they aren't that specific aspects they are tangental and tell the AI o work from images that typically feature them.
Excuse the extra finger.
(sorry I don't know, but it's funny that all these companies are injecting the phrase "African American" into user's prompts)
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3.18 MB PNG
Wait. L-Lucina?!
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2.21 MB PNG
>start removing score / quality tags I've been using for months
>image quality appears to get better
I fucking hate pony so much.
there's some mold growing on her bikini bottom

But yeah, I wouldn't say it's better but the scores do push you towards a (now) generic /aco/ look, and with older girls. If you need the quality just use one of them, and not necessarily score_9.
Oh yeah? Then prove it. What's your favorite class in TF2?
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2.27 MB PNG
This model that I was using (you can find the name in metadata, look it up in civitai) is an xl model with artist tags baked in. ~80% of them do more or less what you expect, others have a passing resemblance to the artist. Shindol is on the latter category, sadly (see picrel for example - only has shindol for style), but it still works fine in a mix of styles
I like the fucking camera shake lmao
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2.58 MB
2.58 MB PNG
Yes, anon. She's eager to show some more in the right context, but she's a bit shy during parties.
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2.85 MB PNG
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3.19 MB PNG
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will she even appear on season 2?
cute and can i get a boxo?
I've found if you use a lora trained on an artist's style then you get a more faithful reproduction of their style when you remove the score tags
Yeah because the scores almost act like artists tags of their own, especially when you use multiple of them. But it's less of a problem with innate styles than with loras.
and a more lewd version: https://files.catbox.moe/mr02no.png
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Yeah realized it when you said it and I did a 5min glance over the image, fucking ai blinders. It's public hair that the ai just puts as splotches half the time it's more annoying on scenes and clothes where they're wearing more and AIcasso is like fuck it here and slaps the colored splotch down. Easy inpaint fix just missed it. And yeah set up now to wildcard gens with removing the quality tags / score tags see if it's noticeably better. If nothing else it looks cleaner like not as grungy. I'm aware the score tags had their own bias on weights I just hadn't messed with it much after the first month or 2. Hopefully the furry doing cascade can pump his out and we'll have a new toy soon.
You sure can, anon: https://files.catbox.moe/rwhzkl.png
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3.42 MB
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1.01 MB
1.01 MB PNG
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3.02 MB PNG
> I had missed a bad finger in the waving hand.
I apologize.
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956 KB PNG
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fairies should be clean
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Do you think they all shave religiously or do they just not get pubic hair?
That's not Lilith. I need justice
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Maybe in next thread, anon.
Maybe. I already have an Idea of what I'm going to post next thread.

Just passing by to drop some (You)s while we wait for next thread. These are great, anons.
I've been wondering for a while, so I will ask.
How old are you?

I ask because I often see in this thread plenty of "old" stuff, Kof, Darkstalkers, Ishikei, Masamune shirow, old hentai, old artists.

So I was starting to wonder, if there is an important sector of AI friends that are veterans, or if on the oposite is new people that has developed a taste for old school characters and style
it looks like official art because it's original art by ChuckART with some inpainting to look more anime. it was a request from a couple threads ago.
I'll give you a clue, my first exposure to anime was Evangelion on fandub LaserDiscs provided by a Chinese exchange student
I'm over 30, but I don't think I have a normal age here. This is /e/, so I would expect folks here to be in their early 20s. sdg maybe gets a bit older folks because it costs money with GPUs and shit.
>Is SDNext better than Forge?
Can't tell yet. I'm getting an "" error. Trying to figure out how to fix it. I believe it's a torch/rcom issue. I got the UI up but can't gen because of that.

Late, but here it is.

Reminds me when people complained that digital art wasn't "real art" and now a ton of artists sprouted because of how much digital tech has helped people. AI is just a tool and some artists make models based off their own art to help with coloring. Normalfags also love realistic AI art so I don't think people care all that much outside of virtue signaling.
my first hentai was Mahou Shoujo AI
they still haven't topped it btw when it comes to tentacles
30s. I sometimes reference older artists in my gens but in most cases I reference modern or 2000s artists.
advanced nerd hobbies like these appeal to 30s people like myself
30s here, but "old hentai/ecchi" is a double edged sword. You have excellent works like stuff from Satoshi Urushihara, but the averate quality of what you'd call r34 pics or hentai pics in general was much, much worse than now. I can't say I'm too nostalgic for the latter. Not saying that there are only good pics today though.
Today there's way more options for western folks, though. When I started on this shit, there were very few good H-manga and like 3 eroge. Nowadays it's much easier to get stuff.
The amount of uguu-faces and front-pussies has also decreased a lot.
the general art level has raised dramatically since the internet gave people like 10000 resources to learn with
>Mahou Shoujo AI
I remember back then thinking it was a bit too extreme for me. Specially, and If I remember well, there was a gross scene with mechanical tentacles.

Now, not that I was traumatized or anything because Im the kind of person that rented Urotsukidôji vhs thingking it was some random cyberpunk anime and that kind of made me bulletproof. But still thought it was kind of extreme for me. But I loved Mahou shoujo Ai design.

Same than princess 69. It was on that really weird spot where I liked a lot the characters but the scenes itself were a bit too much for me.

Even today Im not up to that sort of stuff
Also, there's the attention flywheel that motivates artists to keep drawing. Pretty useful, especially because art has no money flywheel.
good point
Late 30's

I've been interested in AI development for awhile but more importantly having started with lowres doujin scans years ago, being able to make composite ecchi and hentai is mindblowing to me
I made some bread

More moths please

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