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Rules of the Thread, Please READ Them
1. Post art sample when "taking x requests".
2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to /ic/.
4. Only make requests for OCs you own.
5. Don't request characters that will result in a DMCA takedown.
6. Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info after delivering.
7. Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
8. Ignore the shit posters.

Previous Thread: >>7566588
NTR Drawt/h/read: >>7770501
General Drawt/h/read: >>8099062
Edit Thread: >>8069041
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I'd like to see Onachan giving a sloppy blowjob from behind. Please take inspiration from this thread here >>7981478

Alternatively I'd like to see her striking a lewd/sexy pose on a stripper pole. Being a stripper is her main job so anything you draw would suit her.
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Didn’t expect my character to be the face of the next thread! I’d love if someone would take a crack at her again.
She’s been captured a few times in game since the last thread, so something BDSM related like the example photo would be appropriate, but if you have another idea for her go for it!
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Requesting my OC Tilde. She is kind of a smug sadodere like nagatoro but a complete girl failure at heart.


I'm into BE, Size, mindcontrol/possession. I want to see her taken advantage of.

Go for it anon. I really like your expressions.
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Requesting my elf in a pov cowgirl positon with some used condoms on her like in the refs below.
Requesting a female OC who is essentially a qt soft butch brown tomboy whom I used for a tabletop game session I participated a few years ago. Her name is Deah, unfortunately I don't have too much details of her other than her name and appearance since I used her as my character for a tabletop game session that was already more than a year ago. Though I know it was a essentially a DnD session and vaguely remember she was in love with an pretty elven high prince.

So can I please have my soft butch brown tomboy girl in loving baby making sex with her blonde high elf prince BF/husband. The sex position is vanilla missionary and she is leg-locking her elven prince BF/Husband and both of them also kissing during sex. I'd also like and appreciate it if face the elven prince boyfriend/husbando is also visible. I also can't recall too much details of Deah's prettyboi high elf prince husbando. Though he is as much of an attractive prettyboi twink, basically just like any bishonen or young youthful male character in an anime setting.

So in all: Deah, the Tomboy and her high elf prince bishie husbando in missionary baby making sex with her leg locking him. And add a creampie section or fertilization shot too please. Thanks.
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Hey. I want to request once again Carrie Delacroix (Nidavellir studios). This time I want you to choose one of the following two
>showing her ass to the viewer, her pussy filled with cum and one of her hand is on her buttcheek, both moving her bottom panties to the side while also touching her butt
>normal male human hugging her from behind and kissing her while she is getting impregnated, deep creampie
In both cases, and if you want it, I would also appreciate if there is a pregnant variation. Either way, while her lingerie is preferably, I am ok with bikini, too. Please and thanks
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Requesting Edda the Witch with enormous breasts, mind controlled into having sex.
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Drew this drone conversion for an oc of mine a while back.

Feel free to draw her or your ocs on the suit or well, make a new suit using this as a base!
I'd like a female oriented request of a maid having sex with her Fox Boy master. The Fox Boy master and the maid are having sex in the Lotus sex position while on a fancy luxurious couch and most of the maid's dress is stripped off except maybe her skirt, or just unbuttoned but the bottom part of her maid's uniform is removed. Both the maid and the Fox Boy are looking at each other lovingly.

If it's okay, I'd also like a bit of dialogue which the Fox Boy says:
>"Get pregnant, give me an heir and bear my children and more of my kin."

And the maid can say:
>"Yes master, yes. I'd be happy and love to."

The maid image is based off an OC or is a random one shot character drawn by Twitter artist "hero_of_groznyi".
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I apologize if I didn't time this correctly. I intended to post just as we hit page 9 or 10, but I'm not that great with time management.

I'm still working on that Twine game and I would like to request a picture of my OC, the dark sorceress Clara Ravenwood, getting fucked by a bugbear tavernkeeper (Lets use the Baldur's Gate 3 version as a reference: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Bugbear). I will leave the pose up to you, but, if possible, I would like for you to show that he has a bad leg (he got injured on an adventure and that's what caused him to settle down and open a tavern).

I'd be more than happy to fill in more details/lore upon request, but I've begun to suspect that artists don't like reading massive walls of text for some reason.

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