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>Viewer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Kd2T9gVZtsoEHP9nIeDSIdLOnw4Xgt7
>Viewer Big Patch: https://mega.nz/file/glx0UQgC#QIeQmw5esGAH5Z2hpAME7HNb-rBHpRjt3eE9yovM31w
>Event Patches: https://mega.nz/folder/OuBwSajD#cRAyhgZtXTkBouEIREiz7Q
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snLByV1Jn4Y&list=PLWTepIlReBpnRRQcQMjQGxDo7whb4IxIe

>Game: http://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin_rpgx/
>Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k22dzpoUyYc3dgqOeiYWf5aKdzcMTM-22PPZ15ePyiw/
>Viewer: https://mega.nz/folder/9jN0RKrD#0sDHOUgClLaQH3MU7_eQgA
>Story TL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1koBwcMlYnY5Z5gezuY9tbnBLWxQ9jByLbcO2A_ZGDwA/
>Translator Tool: https://mega.nz/file/dYN0WQLS#7nT4m6amxQvrasjvhQBxXs-3dPIXmwEnnC8wufL0UMY
>Translator Tutorial: https://files.catbox.moe/0toapd.mp4
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkX8aSzVqMg&list=PLWTepIlReBplP_mSvQ3_if7-A8In-45Nc

>Game: https://www.actiontaimanin.net/
>Bond Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQeF7NBX7kc&list=PLWTepIlReBpnAQ-6Q4ptiCjCSwPCCxwUM
>OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU36_upTNP0&list=PLWTepIlReBpn1CNGkTSiYcGeQ_m7Cm-zS
>Other: https://rentry.org/atgExtraLinks
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDPxJMNdhu8&list=PLWTepIlReBpm7B4YZ_ETyKdlgmzCxYe1x
>Mods: https://mega.nz/folder/BrJGkJgC#7N9YZylOksCDTfHBRg6dXA

>Drama CDs: https://mega.nz/folder/lKRE3ZJB#gexG4fUbKgJNU7Apyel4ZQ ----- https://mega.nz/folder/jUoj1CTY#VN2ZH-QuInXG1jbJ7xMhsA
>Drama CD Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18s-5M3thLSF95tHCbMLuYtLXWreCRUI-F6jSgT9CBIY/
>TA3 + TABA + NUYE Artbooks: https://mega.nz/folder/0WMWBbDC#W51-m3HWu-EBV2p4WF5qVA
>Wallpapers: https://mega.nz/folder/ZxEB1CgC#wSHJmx6rvuzMAefaCUoX_A
>Lilith Art Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/c0N2WSzJ#hv2t5xRVyo2R_OLLUWc0Jw
>Lilith CG Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/HPp0TaDb#9uHUdeBUqJz72jBytgXUzg
Previous Thread: >>8087228

Recent Updates:

>Latest TABA scenes for the RPGX viewer: https://mega.nz/file/poQ0gZrZ#2KjPkBRPA6m-T8aQXBC-FOILy4z7Zx2UyszgtBNV7Tg
>Latest TABA scenes for the eTABA viewer: https://mega.nz/file/NwpjAJqB#8iohiCxJRLyFhwCP063KEKNDT2xG3-mCJXymfcGYZ2I

>Taimanin Animations: https://mega.nz/folder/ExxVmARa#XvlEEzcybEQyOlhEIPBz4A

>HTML RPGX Viewer H Scene & Story Patch: >>8083771

>English Extasy Patch: >>8083558

>RPGX Extasy
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule
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Taimanin Artist Showdown: Round 3
Kagami Won The First Round, Sian Won The Second Round, Between Shindo L, Mikoyan And Nobushito Who Is Your Favorite Artist?
>{Show Picture Example}
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Mine: First round was easy for me because I'm a Kagami stan, 2nd was a bit tougher because I like Sano's characters more, but felt Maidoll and Sian drew better bodies for their girls and ultimately went with Sian. This round is actually even harder for me than the last and i'm starting to wonder if I'm on a self-destruction arc. I really hate to say it.. but I think I can comfortably put ShindoL in 3rd place between these 3. Which sucks because hearing some of his interviews he seems like a really cool guy. I like the subject matter that ShindoL touches on the most of these 3 by far, but I like the way the others draw more.

Mikoyan vs Nobushito might actually be impossible for me to answer definitively. I think Nobushito is the better artist professionally speaking, but Mikoyan does things Nobushito doesn't. Mikoyans characters have sexier bodies I feel, with nice muscle tones and defined curves, and I like how he gets out of his comfort zone and draws other artist's characters as well. Nobushito has a treasure trove of top tier characters like Brigitte, Sonia, Crakul and Misao. On the other hand Mikoyan has Cerastes which for me equals all the ones I just named for Nobushito. I'm going to begrudgingly state that Mikoyan is my favorite, just know that could flip as easily as my mood changes, its that's close for me personally.
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Morita (the bully) is one of the two main people she fucks in TY2, though Inui (the incubus hiding as a valet) fucks her a lot more than him IIRC
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I would have to go with Nobushito, Mikoyan just isn't for me so that rules him out immediately, I like Shindol's art and Amane is a really great design but that being said I still find him weird as a Taimanin artist given his distinct style and other major works outside of the Taimanin/Lilith umbrella.
Like the other anon before me said, Nobushito is an overall great artist in terms of their fundamental skills and I feel like of the 3 their art fits the mold of the kind of visuals I like to see from the series.
Also I feel like Nobushito has a lot of one off/irregular characters that are just really well done
Crackle, the true protagonist of TABA and RPGX. 'Nuff said.
Mikoyan wins easily. The man does excellent muscular women and even when he's going outside his comfort zone (MILFs or the like) always delivers. The fact that he's a military otaku and Cerastes is essentially "do you want to draw a monstergirl, a tank or a tomboy?" "Yes" is simply a plus.
Shindol is extremely skilled but his Taimanin output is mediocre. Nobushito doesn't even register as a non-generic artist for me.
Shindol's art can be distinguished sure, but you guys aren't saying Shindol can't draw characters in a more traditional manner are you? He can draw pretty normal proportions when he wants to, he just likes to do extra in sex scenes sometimes. I actually think Shindol doing both kinds of art makes him one of the best artist.
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I want a witch gf....
I can't believe i found out about this game so late... i finally was going to join the mobage fags after a decade of consuming VNs.
Only for shutdown to be imminent.. what a terrible fate.

I want to learn about these new girls like Maika, Aina and Shikanosouke but alas. I am not downloading the JP version with its retarded workarounds to understand it i want to be an EoP
>new girls
Mikoyan and Sian are the only ones I trust to draw other artist characters.
More futakino
oyakodon confirmed
Now this is what I wanted to see in her first scene.
Can anyone help? c177 in RPGX viewer reported an error, but the scene worked fine in TABA viewer. Even their script is the same. It's weird.
Fuuma is a lucky dude
WTF is wrong with his feet ?
Could you say what the error is?
It seems that the audio is too short. This issue was fixed after I lengthened the ogg that reported the error.
Is it just me or does Aoi's art look significantly less fucked up?
But i like Asuka balloon tits and bimbo ass
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That's exactly what I was thinking when I saw his last Asuka scene. The proportions and camera angle were actually good for a change. And those are usually my main 2 critiques about his scenes.
Shindol is responsible for granny milkers so.. yeah.
This is one of the scenes that I really wish had a translation.
>terrible fate
>it's a gacha
Since RPG Extasy is shutting down, can we download the game and use the assets on a private server?
You can still read TABA, there's actually some VN continued scenes in that one. RPGx has a few but it's so comically rare, it's accepted its fate. I also think there are youtube channels that throw the RPGx main story in english on there if you just want that, even before the ENG version was announced, but it moves slow as shit.
when you think about it it's impressive how little creativity the gacha industry has.
>there was a meeting at some point to decide on what kind of gameplay a taimanin game should have
>someone actually thought "autobattler with chibishit grafix" was a good fit
>it actually got approved
Are there any incest-bait characters in this series?
Since most males are either twinks or cucks, is there any male character with an insanely hot mother that flusters him?
Other than Rinko and Tatsurou, that is.
Specially mother and son.

uhhhhhhgggggg....Hebiko feet....
based and footpilled
Rpgx was kind of an upgrade, TABA had so little actual gameplay that it might as well be considered a clicking simulator.
Shindol is also one of the only artist that focuses on feet from time to time. Tho it may be accidental.
Too bad his feet suck. He draws toes like fingers.
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Shindo L I consume too many of their doujins not to put them as one of my favorites.
It basically goes
Part 1
>Hebiko comes to Natsu about learning tassel techniques so Natsu prepares a special training session
>Natsu brings along a senior boy from the academy called Daiki, who Hebiko is not really attracted to but Natsu claims is a 'sexpert' and would make for a great training partner for Hebiko, who is hesitant due to her feelings for Fuuma
>Natsu showcases her techniques, including basically having Daiki under a charm spell, enlarging his already well endowed penis which Natsu has set with, and seemingly tying the pleasure from that to Hebiko, who becomes hot and bothered from it all
Part 2
>Takes place some time after Natsus demonstration, it is just Hebiko and Natsu this time, with Natsu coaxing Hebiko into doing what she suggests, including having sex with Daiki as a means of training, as well as using her feelings for Fuuma as a motivation to get better at tassel techniques
>Hebiko is still hesitant, however after enough prodding through conversation as well as by sexually stimulating her, Natsu gets Hebiko to admit she was turned on by Daikis penis, despite not having romantic feelings towards him.
>After getting her on board, Natsu lays things out even further, suggesting that Hebiko could sleep with not just Daiki, but the school council team as a whole.
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Can you do a summary for Hebiko's bride scene or this one?
seconded on the Hebiko bride scene. All I was able to glean from that one is that Fuuma and Hebiko are infiltrating a sex party and the target they gotta get close to is a big shot there.
Do you think it will be translated before the servers go down?

Quick rundown of prologue and scene 1:
>Fuuma and Hebiko infiltrate a prostitute party for evil business men as master (Fuuma) and prostitute (Hebiko)
>They do this because they have intel that one of their missing juniors is being held here.
>The theme of the party is brides, hence her themed costume.
>They only plan to get close to their mark (fat business guy) and nothing more.
>Air condition is blowing aprodiasiac essence in the room, making Hebiko horny
>Fat guy goes on the offensive and tells Fuuma that he should show off his lady to everyone
>Fuuma and Hebiko hesitantly go along with it and have sex in front of everyone.
>Hebiko and Fuuma get really into it, but Hebiko is getting too slutty on that dick.
>Fuuma cums inside her and Hebiko orgasms at the same time.
>Fat man goes double offensive and decides to sample Hebiko with a surprise kiss.
>Both of them are shocked by this.
>Fuuma is seething but Hebiko is starting to get into it herself a little. The fat guy is still taking the lead here.
>Kissing ends and Hebiko is in a semi-daze.
>Fuuma is still pissed and Hebiko is all sexed up by now.

Scene 2:
>Fat man desires more
>Fat man asks Fuuma if he would be willing to temporarily give his bride to him.
>Fuuma outright refuses for a while but gets convinced by the Fat man, the mission, and Hebiko reassuring him.
>Fat man starts fucking Hebiko
>The obvious happens: Fat man's big dick energy starts making Hebiko fall
>Fuuma seething extremely hard as Hebiko goes from trying to resist, not barely resisting, to not resisting, to meekly indulging herself in it.
>Fat man has modified orc sized dick too, so Fuuma can't compete.
>Fat man kisses her some more and Hebiko is less resistant than the first time.
>He cums inside her and Hebiko ahegaos from it. When he pulls out, Tokiko squirts and then pisses herself from how good it felt.
>He moves his penis up to her face to be cleaned and Hebiko does it without hestitation.
>Fat man leaves Pokemon Gary Oak style (The equivalent of "Smell ya later, nerds")
>Fuuma's raging out inside his head and swears to get back at him.
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I was tempted to give it a try with the closing so soon but i'd rather focus my time on AT. I'm spending all my gold and materials on upgrading my favorite brown Elf atm.
Yeah this anon >>8104380 >>8104381 is pretty much spot on, it's kinda similar to the NTR scenes that Kurenai had. For some reason Fuuma's kryptonite seems to be overweight/obese politicians
I was promised oyakodon
wait warmly
Womp womp
Does anyone know what's in the new scenes yet?
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Ragnarok is just handjob and doggy style
with yellow man or just a random dude?
What about the new ZOL unit?
yellow man tit slapping
Doggystyle is pretty based, but I yawn at the handjob
What scene number is this Tokiko unit from in the RPGX Viewer?
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That's 528. It's 'Young Tokiko', not her main-verse self, and a sequel to an earlier scene.

(I wish they'd do more with the idea of contiguous stories between scenes)
>but Natsu claims is a 'sexpert'
? He was a virgin
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She says he has talent, I'm assuming since he seems to know Natsu that she has probably taught him theory on pleasing a woman or something
You also have to remember that Natsu was purposefully trying to make Hebiko desire Daiki
Talent is inherent it's not trained
she's ready for cum shower
I'm sad blue skin Asagi disappeared and isn't in RPGX
Because villains in RPGX are on ultra easy mode, Asagi doesn't need her full power
She'll be unleashed when Fuuma gets killed
I have made a profile viewer for RPGX, ideally the profiles should be included in the scene viewer, but the next version that will allow that is not done and the global version will shut down this month. That is why I have created this viewer to be used temporarily until the profiles can be added to the other viewer.
I am sure everyone will notice that the interface and presentation of this viewer are ugly as hell (is just plain html and a little bit of css), that is because I suck at making UIs and because this viewer is temporary and I don't want to spend a lot of time in making it nice.

Here is the link to the profile viewer:

The viewer, as far as the global version is concerned, is almost complete. Only 4 (or 3) units are missing:
00147 - 【Christmas】 Akiyama Rinko
00151 - 【Enjoying New Year】 Kokawa Asuka
00175 - Yomi Akitsu
00226 - Annreed Bonnie

Two of these units were limited and can't be obtained anymore, so I can't extract them myself.
And the fourth one, I think is just in the album list, but won't be added to the global version.

Instructions about how to share unit profiles in the next post.
This are the instructions to share the missing profiles:

Unfortunately, there is one problem; the "file" we extract with the profile texts also contains the user internal id. That is the id within the RPGX game, NOT the Nutaku/Johren/DMM id.
Obviously, the ids are not included in the viewer, because that file is not included, I just copy the profile texts from that file to one of the viewer files.
As the download process already requires to have python installed (to download the images and voices from a .har file; which I shamelessly adapted from the old instructions to download the RPGX scenes), I have created a second python script (it requires to have installed the python library pycryptodome: https://pycryptodome.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/installation.html) to encrypt the extracted profile "file".
I'm not sure if someone here would download the shared file and report it to Lilith or if they would care and ban someone from the game. But I made script to avoid that scenario.
Of course if you don't care about the internal user id, you can share the file without encrypting it. I don't mind.
Here is the latest and final RPGX Official English Patch.

MEGA LINK: https://mega.nz/file/OEUUWRCK#GmbMcImOKxxxusLh3ggatU8FGE5AFmQaIJ5gqnlA9JY

This patch includes official English text for:
Chapter 17
Raid Event: Toxic Enough to be Medicine?
[Full Gear] Igawa Asagi (2x)
[Steel Schoolgirl] Kokawa Asuka (2x)
Yanagi Mutsuho (2x)
Kaibara Nao

Last patch considering EOS is at the end of this much. For whoever is maintaining these patches, please let me know if you are missing any translations. I can try to grab them for you if needed.
that shota is getting a face full of ass. damn why is kana so hot guys
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HTML RPGX Viewer H Scene Patch
Added current event scenes

HTML RPGX Viewer Story Patch
Added current event

Scene 0660 is the 1000th scene for RPGX.

Next event is Bunny Girls.
Gacha SR is a character I could see being a non-limited and I'd assume Lilith want to avoid pissing people off with b2b2b limiteds.
I think she's more popular on /atg/ than here, but there's not really been any reason to talk about her here.

Let me know if I've fucked anything up.
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Waiting for this
Just read the scene, honestly I enjoyed it despite the weird plot. It had a lot of comedy in it and Ragnarok actually pulled it off well. Scene was hot but I think I enjoyed it more for how off the wall ragnarok was in this scene if only for having a memorable personality. She's kind of an asshat that teases the shit out of both fuuma and kirara.
where is this patch applied to? the viewer in the op?
Thanks once again patch anon
Yeah, pretty good scene
Yeah just drag the files into the rpgx viewer that you can download from the OP.
where do i find scenes before 2023? looking for older summer ones (2021, kirarasuka)
Thank you very much.
But there are two images missing:

The normal portrait image.
You have to view the list unit list when your unit is in its normal costume. Alternatively, you can browse the Taimanindex list because the portraits in that list are always the normal one.

The full body version of the normal image.
You have to click the "Image" icon when the unit is in its normal costume.

Could you please get those two images?

You don't need to create and process the har for only two images. You can right click the two rows of the above images in the network tab and select open in new tab. That should download the file, or at least in Firefox it does.
Thanks for making this. Is there any way to change the white background?
Oyakodon fucking when?
made for baby making incestuous sex!!
The scene literally ends with Kirara asking to fuck when she gets her body back. Probably gosha in september if I had to guess? Unless Lilith wants to b2b summer onisaki scenes.
There is not an option in the viewer itself, but you can edit the css of the viewer.
Edit the file:
<Viewer folder>\data\styles\style.css
and add this at the end:

body {
background: black;
color: white;

With that you will have black background and white text.

If more people like it this way I can make that combination the default one.

Perfect, thank you.
Tomorrow I will make a patch to add that profile
the censor makes it look like he has a dog cock lmao
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..Ok, this was a pretty good scene. I gotta say, it feels like Aoi is shaping up again. Between this and the Asuka one last time the pictures have been pretty good, am I alone in this thought?
>Fuuma's raging out inside his head and swears to get back at him.
Does the story continue in any other scenes released or is that it?
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my 17yo momwife has a cute and weak backdoor
Thank you anon
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I don't understand why she isn't used more when she had a full dedicated game.
Decided to use the translator tool after one year and it seems like it doesn't work with the newer deepl versions. Any workaround?
I'm missing these file(s) for whatever reason. Could anyone share them for me?

This pops up for the latest events Epilogue
Learn jyap.
we've gone on the "yeah, this game actually fucking sucks" tangent so many fucking times already that i honestly dont understand why some of you guys still dont get how much a flop this was
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I love my wife Rinko-chan.
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Who the fuck was talking about the game? Did you willfully misunderstand or is it natural for you?
Wasted trips.
Have you considered adding an option to search for scenes with continuations? The Young Tokiko discussion made me realize that there are so many scenes that share a continuity, but there's no way to know that except by reading the scene itself and guessing which other scene it describes.
ShindoL no question. Aside from Asuka, Amane is my favorite character due to her design.

The right foot I guess, but the left one looks fine.
No, when he gives a shit he's still pretty good. The evil woman from the Rinko plotline (don't remember the name) had some good scenes. It's simply that his "classical" characters like Shiranui,Yuki and criminally so Rinko feel like throwaway mangled designs nowadays. I mean, this >>8105656 is better art than Rinko's last 6 scenes.
Since the RPG Viewer was updated September last year, all the previous scenes (2019-mid 2023/scenes 1-550ish) are included within the 5th Anniversary Viewer bundle.

Not anything to do with Viewer anon, but the number of 'continuity scenes' is really kind of tiny. You'd find them by searching for that character.

Thanks Anon.

I don't touch AT; can anyone furnish a decent guess who the SR bunny is? Assuming they're not gonna start crossovers with the AT girls, that leaves.. Rin? Aina? Saika and Shisui have already been bunnies, Annerose is hardly 'not talked about'...

Also, I'm pretty sure this means RPG has run around 1 (active) year longer longer, but not quite gotten more scenes than TABA. What (or who) would you, the fappinwdpag viewer, add next?
Nah, it was lame as fuck
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While he doesn't have many as many characters as the others, I have to give it to Mikoyan mainly because Cerastes is one of the coolest and best designed characters ever.
Just how many fetishes did he manage to cram into one girl?! Her later design is perfect too.

I love alot of Nobushito's characters but a lot of them are also very forgettable to me.

ShindoL is great overall for doujins but personally not a huge fan of his characters or the way he draw faces.
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Is this everything from the ENG server?
I've considered it before, but was never satisfied with the solutions I came up with.
It's probably something I can do with the AIO viewer. Scene tags can have a series category and a tag can be made per series, e.g. Hebiko Boujutsu, Become a Slave Prostitute, etc. then you can search/be made aware of all the different continuations available.

>Also, I'm pretty sure this means RPG has run around 1 (active) year longer longer, but not quite gotten more scenes than TABA
TABA lasted ~4yrs and 9 months so RPGX has been running around 13 months longer.
So close to matching the TABA scene count with the 6th Anniversary gosha scenes but unfortunately scene 1017 will be hit by the event that runs through the first half of September. If there's a Yomihara Fes on the 25th of August (6 months after the last) then the last scene from that will be the 1017th.
Yes, it's the official English translations from the global version of the game.
hi, im sort of new to taimanin and would like to know where to start with this franchise.
I find it particular that they were still updating these translations right before they shut the game down, you’d think by the last event they’d stop
I have updated the profile viewer >>8104736 with Yomi Akitsu's profile
Here is the patch:

Aditionally, in the configuration file (<Viewer folder>\data\scripts\configuration.js), I have added an option (blackBackgroundWhiteText) to switch between white background with black text and black background with white text:
"blackBackgroundWhiteText": false, ==> For white background with black text
"blackBackgroundWhiteText": true, ==> For black background with white text

Missing profiles:
00147 - 【Christmas】 Akiyama Rinko
00151 - 【Enjoying New Year】 Kokawa Asuka
00226 - Annreed Bonnie (She appears in the Taimanindex, but I doubt she will be added before EOS)

If someone want to help before the EOS at the end of the month, you can find the instructions in one of my previous posts >>8104738
Just for clarification, I'm only speaking art wise. Idk if the scene itself is lame, but do you think his artwork has been getting better lately?
I liked it, one of the few games to pull off NTR well, it really surprises you
Seems like they cared just a little bit since it's ending anyways, why not give the players the translations?
But this is not canon, right? the scene is its own thing
Is the RPGX viewer really like 12GB of archives? I was thinking about downloading it since I won't finish reading all scenes before EOS, but damn, downloading everything with Mega fucking sucks.
I hope someone make a torrent on nyaa with just the Extasy/translated stuff eventually.
Read the VNs, they’re still peak
Wait a second...

RPGX doesn't have lewd voice lines?
Read the VNs(chronologically)
Then if you want more action download the viewers for extra scenes. Dont play the gachas
Some units have extra voice lines for their lewd outfit. But the first (~300) units released didn't have them, only units released after some time have those voices. In the global version, only swimsuit Shiranui and bunny Maika have that kind of voice lines. Reading the texts for those two units, I wouldn't call them lewd, more like a little bit spicy at best, at least from my point of view. Maybe the voices for the units that are only available in the Japanese version are lewder?
So now that the scenes are out, japanese speaning bros, is Shinonome Yahiro really a Hachishakusama rip-off?
is having both a futa dick and a clit an oversight or a reference to snakes having 2 dicks?
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Noooooo Kirara
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More Power Lady love?
I do greatly enjoy Cerastes. The nagas are something I greatly enjoy and wish there was more of.
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Her design is top tier. I wish it wasn't a kid and that the nurse was more used but the game was fine.
Also, they should use the teacher from the superhero game more too.
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Power Lady has enough T going through her system we're lucky if we finish the event without her growing a full on goddamn beard.
It's romanized as Hasshakusama, anon-kun. I do not trust your inquiry.
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I'm just surprised that she's not some form of demon or has orc blood.
That artist doesn't get enough credit for how much he's carried lilith designs/artwork in the background for years now, him and K-SUWABE who I do think gets a decent amount of credit.
Just going off the CGs she looks like she's got some La Llorona going on.
I'm going to have to go with Mikoyan out of these 3. Shindo l is fine, but sometimes his scenes can look a little odd. And Nobushito is good, but kind of forgettable too. Mikoyan characters always have something interesting happening to them. And he gives them proper thickness. Also this chick needs to come back, her scene was surprisingly good.
Is this the final ver?
You mean of the pic?
Yeah probably, that artist never finishes the artworks
Is there a full translation for the scene viewer?
It feels like forever since the last Asagi scene, I'm starting to go into withdrawal.
Nope, I had a lot of stuff translated with MTL but apparently something with the way translations are read by the viewer got changed so now they end up desyncing the dialogue
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They save her for big events now it seems. Her last truly good scene was the swordless Asagi scene where she got raped by a giant orc. Everything since then has been disgusting vanilla bullshit for the vanillafags.
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They might have something planned, in her last scene/event she chastises for taking advantage of her during the scene (they needed to have sex in order to reverse the effects of a curse) and says that 'next time' she will be the one who takes the lead, so she will probably dominate him to some capacity
Thanks for the explanation!

So I believe this is the final event before EoS?:
(Original runtime: 2019/7)

And from what I can gather this was the very first character with a "lewd voice line":
Who was a rate up from this event:
(Original runtime: 2020/4)

So it seems the only reason we have Maika and Shiranui voice lines is because they released them one year early for some reason?
The comic did that part really well, shes probably my favorite milf.
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but i just finished Hyouryuu Kangoku Chronos and im looking for more VN like it, basically the plot of Alien but the heroines get raped instead, any recommendations?
Yes, that is the current event and the last one before the EOS at the end of the month.

Exactly, we got those units because when they announced EOS, they also announced that we could get 6 extra units ahead of time.
Really feels like Butcha (the artist behind Hyouryuu Kangoku Chronos) used Kangoku Senkan as a basis for that game, he's even done art of KS characters before. So I might suggest that, but there are no aliens in KS unless you count humans born in space as opposed to on Earth aliens.
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I fucking love the box art of these two onaholes, especially Kirara's. I'm not really into onaholes, but I think I'm gonna buy them just for the sake of owning and displaying the boxes.
I have the Shiranui one, its very tight. Yukikaze must have been a tiny baby.
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Can anybody tell me the scene number where Yazaki sent Fuuma a video about him fucking Shiranui and telling him he will steal Rinko and Yukikaze and does so in a seperate scene?
I tried the Taimanin RPGX - TABA translation auto tool but whenever I tried to press Alt+A like in the instructions my mouse keeps acting on its own to the point that I have to restart my pc because it interfered too much on its own. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to stop it?
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Meh, my dick would probably be too big for those... If i want to see a cool illustration i'd stick with a Wallscroll or Daki.
Chronos was a big disappointment to me. Its plot goes quickly into pieces and most of the scenes are disappointing. Even for Lilith standards, the ending are flat-out fractured and incomplete (the Space Pirate and Alien Queen endings essentially come out from nowhere and are almost summaries).
Butcha did Injuu Kangoku before, the art is a bit less refined but if felt less haphazard than Chronos. If you liked the space theme, we got Space Pirate Sara ages ago but it's not an Alien knock-off, it's more of a space opera. Still good for its era, the Twins are amusing villains.
I will check out Injuu Kangoku. Space Pirate Sara is a classic that has aged surprisingly well, also one of the only Lilith games that is uncensored.
If you have any more suggestions ill gladly check them out, been in a real sci-fi/space mood lately
God I wish I was an orc
To be orc is a state of mind.
But I got a small dick
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The scene with Yazaki & Shiranui's sex tape is 0067_2, the only scene where Yazaki fucks Yuki in RPGx (or even reappears) is 0574_1 and 0574_2 where he fucks Rinko and Yuki.
The two are not connected though. the Yuki/Rinko/Yazaki threesome feels more like a 'lost scene' from TY1. They do something weird at the start though where right as Yuki is penetrated she apologises to Fuuma in her mind, but then is even baffled by this herself remarking that she hardly even knows him
It's still a good scene though, you could head-canon it as a follow up if you give enough of a shit since the story ties between these H scenes are very tenuous
You weren't listening to the other anon, a state of MIND. You don't think there's some poor Orc who came into this world with a micropenis? Sure an orc micropenis would probably be somewhere around a smaller/average sized human but that doesn't matter
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Also just as a little sidenote for 0067_2, at the end as Yazaki declares that he will make Yukikaze his property as well, Fuuma gets mad at him for saying that, and just as the scene is about to wrap up it acknowledges that he got a raging boner from the sex tape and implies he is going to Yukikazes dorm room to ravage her
I'm not sure if it was supposed to be funny or not but it really reminded me of picrel
The mouse flickering is how the tool works, those movements are the script you injected performing a specific set of inputs at certain intervals (giving itself enough time to translate each part). If you are going to try and use the translator I would always do a fresh PC startup and make sure only 1 monitor is being used when starting, that should avoid any issues.
If you want to stop the mouse jumping around without restarting your computer make sure you have task manager open before starting a translation, if so you should have enough time if you are quick to jump to the exe for the tool and press delete to close it
>Yuki is penetrated she apologises to Fuuma in her mind
the lengths Lilith goes to memoryhole tatsurou is mind boggling
It would almost be artful, if it wasn't so pathetic..
to be fair, Tatsurou is not a good partner to Yukikaze
Yeah, my initial belief was that she was with Tatsurou at one point before the plot of RPGX but they had broken up with each other (RPGX Yuki has at least been with someone before, as shes never depicted as a virgin). But at this point it seems like he just doesn't exist, the last time I remember him even being mentioned was that scene where Rinko dates a school senior
To be fair, Tatsurou hasn't been relevant as a character in ages. Yukikaze 2 came out in 2015, almost a decade ago at this point. I think the audience that plays the gacha and only that wouldn't even know who the hell Tatsurou is unless Yukikaze kept bringing him up otherwise. But Lilith's made Yukikaze into a Fuumasexual since then.
>Yuki is penetrated she apologises to Fuuma in her mind
Yellow dick is so good it broke the space time continuum
>RPGX Yuki has at least been with someone before, as shes never depicted as a virgin
who and how do we know she's not a virgin?
Nta But I’d imagine because she didn’t bleed, which while not every virgin bleeds in real life, they do in Taimanin.
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As >>8108813 mentioned, no hymen/bleeding. Which they've established should happen if Yuki is supposed to be a virgin (established in both TY games)
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It's still not too late to redeem himself with a nice Shiranui scene. This would make for a great comeback at least, imagine Tatsurou being back from the dead with a dong bigger than Fuuma and a stronger appetite for Milfs.
Thank you very much anon!
Unfortunately I'm also missing NY Asuka but I'll gladly help you with Xmas Rinko.

I followed the instructions, I was able to download the images/voice lines as HAR and I got the "unit_downloaded" folder but I have a problem with the info file: my version of Firefox (Waterfox especifically) doesn't include the Save response as option in the dropdown. I only have the option to Copy and Save all files as HAR. What do you suggest I can do to the files (other than installing normal Firefox)

Also I haven't checked the viewer yet so I'm unsure if you are aware and already fixed it but they messed up the profile info of [Beach Empress] Ingrid and [Jade on the Seashore] Hisui and instead they used the same info of [Beach Warrior] Donna.
Thankfully they included the correct info on the twitter post here https://x.com/taimanin_extasy/status/1806870223028383963

Can you include the Steam "censored" images? I know the point of the game is to look at the sexy costumes but honestly some of them looked really good like Yukikaze with spats and OG Kirara and I would like to keep a copy of them as well.

Mikoyan of course. For me he is the undisputed leader in monster girls. He also takes a great deal in adding so many details to each character just like with Cerastes here >>8105924 and all of his characters are so well designed and are really sexy. His newest doujin series of an ogre and dark elf is really good.

Was it ever mentioned why he never drew Cerastes (or any other unit) again for RPGX? >>8105935 was the last unit added to the game.
I forgot to mention I downloaded each info file as HAR and dropped them into the same python file from step 24 to see if they could be unzipped/decrypted but nothing happened.
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Shiranui is Shikanosuke's property now, he probably has a bigger dick than Tatsurou anyway
Dude have you even read the scene at all?
Shiranui almost killed shika
he'll get better at it when they inevitably have a double date scene with Fuuma/Yuki and Shika/Shiranui
is there any tutorial that tell you how to install the RPGX Viewer? Should I just download everything and extract by date order?
what are these ".py" files for?
You just download the 3 RPGX 5th viewer zips, put them all in the same folder and extract the first one. Then launch it by opening the html with a browser. You don't formally 'install' it.

To update the viewer with new material, you need to download the H-scene/Story patches, put them in the folder with the html, and extract from oldest to newest, choosing to overwrite same-named files each time.

The .py (python script) files are executables that carry out a few complementary options (patching in translations, making cg sets, etc). You don't need them to run the basic viewer.
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>Butcha used Kangoku Senkan as a basis for Hyouryuu Kangoku Chronos
I wouldn't go that far. Sure there are similarities between the two, and Butcha has taken inspiration from lilith games before, but the Chronos game doesn't adhere to the core KS formula.
Female duo as antagonists? Nope, main girl is the badass action hero.
Political intrigue and world building? Nothing remotely close to KS.
Heroine captivity? Present, but nowhere near the same extent as KS games. Main girl is running around for most of the game while KS girls pass more than 80% of their time in captivity and sexual training.
Brainwashing and body modification? Body modification yes, but no classic brainwashing, in Chronos we're more in the realm of infestation/parasitism.

Previous anon >>8107521 did notice the main influence of Chronos, the movie Alien is its actual basis. Then, on top of that is grafted Butcha's usual fetish package of grotesque monster rape/infestation/incubation/birth. The basis of KS is Gundam, which explains the lack of aliens.

>Space Pirate Sara.
Looks interesting. I'll check it out.
If you don't have the option "Save Response As", do you have an option to copy the response? You could copy the responses and then save them in a txt file.
The response is like this:
{"crypted_body":"#A lot of letters and numbers#"}

Another option could be to open the response in a new tab (if waterfox have that option) and then just save the page (go to the new tab, right click on it and click "Save page as").

Another alternative is to keep the filter in the network tab with "unit/info" and once you have all three rows with "info?temporaryTo…" after step 12 and before step 13, then use the download all as .har option. At least in Firefox, this only downloads the requests shown (3 in this case). Then open the new .har file and search for "crypted_body", you should find 3 lines like this:
"text": "{\"crypted_body\":\"#A lot of letters and numbers#\"}"
Just copy the 3 lines in a new txt file.

I didn't notice those two profiles with the wrong text, thank you for pointing out. But I don't have a twitter account, and I get an error each time I try to view the pos. Could you copy the texts in a separate txt file and upload them together with the Xmas Rinko files?

I will check Stream version, but I can't make any promises.
He probably did, Fuuma doesn't really care if a girl he likes gets raped by an orc or another dude he'll fuck them anyway. And as shown by the Amane scene recently he can "cure" mindbreak with his dick.

Tatsurou would probably be stun locked and just masturbated to the video. Not have the guts to Yuki room.

Then again that's a character thing. Tatsurou is a typical pure hero type cuck MC. Fuuma is designed as a DNQ. While he's nicer in RPGX he still exhibits the same tendencies as his crueler TABA ver.

Yep It's definitely a homage to the original Taimanin Yukikaze bad end scenes. But in the RPGX timeline. But it's before Fuuma and Yuki became close. I still find it hilarious that Yuki thinks of Fuuma instead of tatsurou here as she's deflowered.
I'm also considering getting the Kirara daki.
I see, thank you. It's just like TABA then.
Do you use the paid version of DeepL because the free version only translates a limited amount before it stops and tells you to upgrade to the paid version.
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That shit when Kirara has been my sole fap material for almost 3 days straight now.

Half-demon blondie's gorgeous titties got me acting unwise.
Naa I translated a lot of stuff before they made it stricter so now I only really translate the handful of interesting scenes in each patch
Agreed, Kirara is so beautiful. Her mother as well
I didn't mean basis in the sense that Butcha used the same formula. But that it shares similar settings.
Too bad she’ll never be Black Lilithed because of the fucking target audience.
tatsurou cucking yukikaze with shizuru or shiranui would be cool desu
>RPGX Fuuma Amane voice lines
Damn, Tokiko really be living rent free in Amane's head.
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You mean space setting? Then sure, both games have that in common.
Amane is aware she is inferior.
Sorry I guess I missed it. But what scene does Amane talk about Tokiko?
It's her profile voice lines. She might be talking about Tokiko in her scenes though I'm not sure (haven't seen them).

Little Lord, why do you keep someone like Tokiko at your side? I am superior to her.
That rotten Tokiko... Getting in my way again!
Little Lord, as a butler serving the Fuma family, I will do everything in my power to aid you. Far better than the likes of Tokiko.
Little Lord, I will show you how I, Fuma Amane, surpass Tokiko in serving as your butler.

Some unsubbed/untranslated voice lines as well (Deepl):
(What do you think? I won't be outdone by Tokiko.)
(Here we go. Oh, and Tokiko, go stand by.)
(Mission accomplished. What do you think? Have you found me more competent than Tokiko?)

This means 7 out of 23 voice lines are about Tokiko.

I like everything about her but she needs to chill.
I used all Extasy patches I could find in date order in the archives, but for some reason lots of scenes from Extasy are missing translation now.
ah never mind, I think I fixed it after installing the latest JP patch
Does anyone know how to switch out the dynamic assistant character in the shop for RPGX? I can't for the life of me figure it out
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I wish they drew Taimanin actually giving birth and holding their monster babies with loving motherly affection.
Or just being a good housewife to their Orc masters.
Its funnier to me because tokiko is the better single target blue fuuma of the two in RPGX. She strait up took Amane's job.
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I used to think she was pretty boring but damn that art from the end of 161 activated something
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When she gives you that look, you know she wants more of your dick and cum inside her pussy.
> Cumming in Kirara's mouth

All cum must go inside her womb and birth canal, but for her mouth, she needs something special for that.

Give her that ultra thick, creamy semen. That kind that you let out after 3+ days of nofap.
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I want a Taimanin game where the main focus is actual impregnation, sex during pregnancy, orgasmic labor and childbirth, and then repeating that cycle over and over again. That's one way to level-up the degeneracy of the franchise.

Just look at those gorgeous, athletic bodies. Perfect pieces of meat for breeding.

(Also, that shit when I just found out that orgasmic labor and childbirth is real.)
> Monkey's Paw Curls
> After impregnation every scene turns into lovey dovey vanilla sex
> Further drops this Franchise's Degeneracy Levels one step closer to Vanilla

But maybe I'm just in the minority that isn't into pregnancy/inflated belly in hentai. I think I get the appeal, but I hate it how it "looks"
So what was the new Ragnarok scene about?
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Considering all portrayals of Ingrid in the visual novels and the what-if Gacha scenarios, if I were isekai'd into the Taimanin world as a badass, how could I make her fall for me and betray Black without resorting to brainwashing, magic or rape?
That is easy. Firstly Black is completaly oblovious of Ingrids love for him. Secondly Ingrid still has sexual urges. So the only think you have to arrange is that Black and Asagi couple up. Than Ingrid has to cope with the fact because as far I can tell she would not have the confidence (or has to much loyalty to Black) to intervene (and say no, I want Black). Now you can actively pursue her and she will probably fall in love with you if you have a large enough dick and are good enough in bed.
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>I want a Taimanin game where the main focus is actual impregnation, sex during pregnancy, orgasmic labor and childbirth, and then repeating that cycle over and over again.

FUCKING fund it. I want to impregnate Shizuru, have preggo sex with her, and watch her give birth until her womb dries out. (and Asuka too)
This, but anal impregnation with Yukikaze!
I personally don't care, give me vanilla sex with either of them.
Yeah, I'd like to see them actually getting pregnant and the stories continuing from there, it sounds interesting.

Is this really a monkey paw though? if it went vanilla I think many people (myself included) would go all in.

Not too much of a fan of Shizuru but it would be great seeing her pregnant, Asuka though, hell yeah give me that.

Christmas Rinko and New Year Asuka

Different anon from the one who pointed out the profile errors on the two summer units, but here are the images from Twitter of the correct profiles for Ingrid and Hisui.
Thank you both!

If it's not too much trouble, could you help extract the images from steam?
After another anon asked if they can be included in the viewer, I managed to extract the steam images for my units, but I am missing the same units as before:
00147 - 【Christmas】 Akiyama Rinko
00151 - 【Enjoying New Year】 Kokawa Asuka
00175 - Yomi Akitsu

The process to extract them is relatively easy:
1) Link your RPGX Johren/Nutaku account to the RPG Steam account. When I did it, I couldn't link my account from the start screen. I had to start and, after the tutorial, link my account from the options menu.
2) Go to the units list
3) Open the unit
4) Click in the image icon
5) Exist the unit
6) Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 for other units
7) In windows go to "C:\Users\<YOUR-USER>\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\infini-brain Inc__TAIMANIN_RPG_Extasy", there should be a few folders that start like this:
uni_00147_l_* (3 folders)
uni_00151_l_* (3 folders)
uni_00175_l_* (2 folders)
Only the files with those prefixes are missing, the other folders are not needed.
8) Zip those folders and upload them.
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> I just found out that...childbirth is real

Young Anon learns where babies come from thanks to the Taimanin franchise lol
>if you have a large enough dick and are good enough in bed.
Anon said without resorting to magic.

Here you go.
Asagi bros....
next scene wen?
knock. her. up. kosuke
Excellent, thank you
nice collage
I appreciate her too, her tits are fucking great
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>Not too much of a fan of Shizuru but it would be great seeing her pregnant, Asuka though, hell yeah give me that.

and Shiranui
were built to be impregnated and should be pregnant most of the time
based and shizurupilled
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I heard someone was looking for a vanilla protagonist
Kosuke can have her though, he's been through enough
impregnation is based but vanilla is lame
that is all
>Dude have you even read the scene at all?
>Shiranui almost killed shika
What? NTA, I'll admit that I threw the entire scene into DeepL, but I didn't see anything like that. In fact, other anons were saying that Shikanosuke says that he prefers to have his butt violated, but from what I read, he only admits to having been fucked anally to Shiranui and only at the beginning of the scene, and by the end, he's saying how he loves her pussy and is glad that she's made him into a man.
> I'll admit that I threw the entire scene into DeepL

can...can I get that. I mean I have tried deepl myself but I've had trouble with it.
I'm convinced 80% of this general has not consumed any of this series outside of the image galleries
I would consume more if I had the time. Actually you know what fuck it going to try and knock out one visual novel per week.
Shizuru needs her own VN where she gets caught, turns evil, goes full S, and it backfires on the people who did it who have to beg the Taimanin to "fix" her
not a bad idea
Why did you delete your post? lack of conviction?
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> (and Asuka too)
> Asuka though, hell yeah give me that.

Asuka's impregnation, pregnancy, and pregnant sex is my favorite so far.

It's fucking lame that pregnancy and then pregnant sex is considered "bad ending", as if you don't want it to happen to them. I mean, fucking hell, these women are getting creampied nonstop, millions of sperm swimming inside their birth canal and womb for most of the time. Might as well build upon that idea and show a lot of hentai scenes involving sex during labor and orgasmic childbirth (birthgasm).
Sorry for getting your hopes up but I basically had some free time and read the whole thing 1500 characters at a time while listening to some voice lines that I thought would be hot. Loved how it sounded like Mizuki was forcing kisses on Shikanosuke.
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I'm getting this error and a quite a few scenes after extracting all the H scene patches to the main viewer file. Any idea what I might be doing wrong? Is there instructions somewhere I'm not seeing?
I love how she has inverted nipples that get really, really puffy when aroused. Very suckable.

Her nipple style kinda reminds me of Oshiki Hitoshi's art. Puffy nipples that you really wanna suck hard.
Is the scene in pic related when she gets pregnant?

>It's fucking lame that pregnancy and then pregnant sex is considered "bad ending", as if you don't want it to happen to them
I agree, I'd like to see more story after they get pregnant. I'm guessing I'm not the first but hearing about the ending of Taimanin Yukikaze and that Yazaki says three generations of the Mizuki family will be his, I'd honestly love to see a game from the point of view of Yukikaze and Shiranui's children fighting agains the people from Gosha because they've been led to believe they are the enemies. I think that would make for very interesting stories.
No RPGX chapter update today.

More bunny girl hints because why not.
Event SR: A character more popular with the Japanese playerbase but I think they have a few fans here. >3 years since their last scene.
SR: They'll have a few more portrait images than other characters.
HR: Think I've seen this character talked about once in these threads. Their last release was actually the event before the last one for the Event SR.
R: Their last release was a few events after the SRs last release. Kind of surprising downgrade in rarity.
All of these character's artists have had a game released under Lilith.

Possibly something special happening after the bunny girl event. IDs 666, 667, and 668 all have files used by SRs, and 669 is present without the SR files. Maybe a 1 character Yomihara (or other) Fes that's being held slightly early? Could also just be an error that will be fixed by the time they're added.
>because why not
The "hints" are often obtuse, self-fellating and I'd rather just wait for the official announcement or have someone straight spit it out.
yeah, the girls in these games always yell "dont cum inside, ill get pregnant! I dont want a monster baby!" or whatever when theyre getting creamed but the game rarely proceeds to show the consequences of that baby making. Is a taimanin truly conquered until her enemie's baby is not only in her womb but later birthed and suckling at her breast?
>Is the scene in pic related when she gets pregnant?

Kind of. In the bad ending, she became a porn actress and got impregnated by some random dude. She got creampied twice in the first half of the bad ending scenario. She's pregnant by the second half, which took place half a year later. It's also possible she got pregnant in some off-screen sex.
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I don't know if I am remembering something wrong, but anybody else remeber there being early art of Yukikaze where her age ist stated as "16"? Might have been a tweet or something. I know there was art of future Yukikaze with her age. I am not talking about that one.
It's just a April's Fools, anon. Don't ever think it's canon, Anon. There's no way Yuki is 16. Rinko, being clearly the superior choice, is 18.
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>Possibly something special happening after the bunny girl event. IDs 666, 667, and 668 all have files used by SRs
I remember this one.
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Of course. Silly me. It was just a joke. Those rascals at Lilith pulling a fast one on me.
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>tfw you forget to (you)
New chapter is late again
Lol no. It's cause each time I posted, for some dumbass reason "s m h" would automatically change to "b a k a" (spaces incase the reverse happens). But I'm not a weeb who mixes Japanese words/slangs with my spoken language, so I deleted that shit, said fuck it and went on with my day c:

Basically I called anyone who settles for Vanilla in Taimanin fake fans.
oh, a tourist
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>I'm not a weeb
This seems to be a theme in the series. Also, so a porn actress not a prostitute? interesting
>I called anyone who settles for Vanilla in Taimanin fake fans.
Finding it exceedingly difficult to find the lie in this statement...
I just wish there were more sexfights, femdom, and erotic power struggles
Is Murasaki being choked with her own arm here?
Indeed.. And they remark that since her body is immortal that they could do whatever they wanted with her and she could endure it.
I have updated the profile viewer with missing profiles.
Here is the patch:
I also added a full version of the viewer to the mega folder from >>8104736

Changes in the viewer:
Added the images from Steam.
The images are now separated in groups: Normal, R18 and Steam.
Removed the placeholder for "Annreed Bonnie" because I don't think that unit will be added to the global version.

With this, the profile viewer for the Global version should be complete.
Those scenes you are trying to access aren't RPGX H scenes. They are scenes from TABA.

To get them to work in the RPGX viewer you need to create new folder called "TABAScenes" inside of your RPGX viewer folder.

Then you need to download the TABA Viewer. Open the TABA Viewer and then you will find a folder called "scenes". Open it and inside there will be many folders starting the letter c followed by numbers. You copy all of those c folders and paste them in the "TABAScenes" folder you created in the RPGX viewer.

Should be working fine after that.
Forgot to mention. You can also delete the TABA Viewer afterwards if you don't want both viewers on your PC.
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just look at those heavy lookin fat fucking tits
Question. How do the Shizuru fans feel about Tatsuro being one of the lucky ones to have sex with her?
will we ever get scat?
Thanks so much for making this.
I tried doing this after the patch but it doesn't work anymore.
Where can I get the TL for this scene?
In the configuration file (<Viewer folder>\data\scripts\configuration.js), I have added an option (blackBackgroundWhiteText) to switch between white background with black text and black background with white text:
"blackBackgroundWhiteText": false, ==> For white background with black text
"blackBackgroundWhiteText": true, ==> For black background with white text
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I don't care, I just want to see her naked tits

But also I don't understand why they would let him score with this absolute megane mommy fertility goddess when they want to portray him as this ngmi loser cuck guy
Not a fan of her but like >>8113909 mentions, I think they are very inconsistent and don't know what to do with him. On the one hand, his endings are absolutely pathetic, but then you're supposed to root for him and Yukikaze and even Rinko has something for him (and he even wacks off to her videos in her bad ending) but then is oblivious to things happening to them or doesn't do anything. Really weird.
>people who incessantly whinge about Vanilla are newfags
Thank you for the instructions anon.
I'm a different anon but I want to know, can I also use the etaba big patch 20231107 and eTABA Event Patches on the RPGX viewer? Or are they exclusively for the TABA viewer?
>Asuka's impregnation, pregnancy, and pregnant sex is my favorite so far.
yeah easily, because her big preggo scene was hardcore and epic.
pregnant gangbang with dozens of her fans, drinking a liter of cum from a bottle, very concerned with her fans' pleasure, not so much with her baby who is basically just a part of her performance/AV contract.

>sex during labor and orgasmic childbirth
yes! too bad lilith never explored this, but they tend to shy away from pregnant scenes most of the time, with scenes like asuka's being total exceptions. for instance, lieri and naomi should have totally ended up pregnant in KS.
>very concerned with her fans' pleasure, not so much with her baby who is basically just a part of her performance/AV contract.
That sounds like some ShindoL tier writing.
Those shouldn't be needed. The regular TABA viewer should contain every scenes ever released for TABA. Someone can correct me if I am wrong though.
I can't believe asagi 3 had a long, drawn out childbirth scene that cuts to black right when the actual birth happens.
Genuinely the lamest moment in all of the Taimanin series.
Made worse by the fact that the game had a lame as shit larva birthing scene earlier on. So it wasn't even a matter of pleasing the censorship brigade.
One thing that I hate that got ruined when I first got got into the Taimanin stories was in the last episode of the Hell Knight Ingrid Hentai. When Murasaki and Ingrid were about to be bred but the hell dog but they end up getting saved before it could happen. Wish they could have been saved afterwards at least.
not seeing ingrid getting fucked by cerberus was wack, yea. at least the fans stepped up and made fan images and animations though it isn't the same thing. on the topic of impregnation, i do wish they showed it more, although im of two minds about actual childbrith scenes. sometimes they can be hot and other times when other artists do them they come off as kinda weird and not arousing.
>I can't believe asagi 3 had a long, drawn out childbirth scene that cuts to black right when the actual birth happens.
>Genuinely the lamest moment in all of the Taimanin series
I take it you both forgot about pic related. Gets killed the night before she's going to give birth. made even worse by the fact that it wasn't even the real Asagi, meaning that the real Asagi wasn't going to be affected by it.
I wished that child could have survived if only to have a revenge plot against Asagi for killing the child's mother. I feel like some good scenes could have come from a plot like that.
> meaning that the real Asagi wasn't going to be affected by it

haven't played the game but I am going to assume the father was human since it is a cloning plot. Wouldn't the child be a taimanin meaning it would be a rouge taimanin which very much would be a problem that affects gosha. I mean look how much trouble one or two rouge taimanin cause. We have TABA fuuma, oboro, and shiranui.
anyone else having an issue when downloading the 3 rpgx 5ths zips, they aren't coming out as zip files
After adding this, my viewer page has gone all white except what looks like two sliding tabs.
tatsurou should just cuck yukikaze and rinko and just knock up shizuru desu
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Its one of the earlier scenes in RPGX so it might already been translated in Extasy.
Open the developer tools of your browser (F12) and go to the console tab.
Make a screenshot and post it here.

No, you can't use those patches for the RPGX viewer, they exclusively for the TABA viewer to add the events and profiles to the TABA viewer (the RPGX don't have the TABA events and profiles, only the scenes).

If you are asking because you're missing the translation of any TABA scene in the RPGX viewer, you need to use the "Latest TABA scenes for the RPGX viewer" from the second post >>8102725
>but I am going to assume the father was human
It was some thug Asagi beat up at the start of TA2. He became obsessed with her afterwards and eventually fell in love with her clone. Right before the real Asagi took her out, he was planning on breaking her out of the brothel she was in so he could start a family with her.

>wouldn't the child be a taimanin meaning it would be a rouge taimanin
The clone didn't have access to any Taimanin abilities, so I'm not sure whether her kid would've either.
I wish some good soul would translate the TY Light Novel, i wanna read about drugged and uncontrollable Tatsurou fucking Shiranui, Yukikaze and Rinko's brains out while going insane with lust.
>Nothing Personal, Kid
>anime site
>anime porn board
>ninja porn game thread
>not a weeb
Sorry anon I just enjoy the taste of my own cum too much.

Event SR: Clear
SR: Oboro
HR: Donna
R: Kaylee

The Japs seem to really like Clear and there's that one autist on futaba that farms her. You also had to know that Fuufuu fucked off to do V-tuber shit and assume she'd get one of Lilith's main artists.
Oboro's hint is based off of Masked Taimanin needing more portraits because of mask on/off and Bunny Oboro just happens to be wearing a mask.
I should've probably given a better hint for Donna since it's really a 50/50 guess between her and Takaomi once you get Clear.
Kaylee's last unit came a few after cheer Oboro and she seemed like a character they were trying to push on her release and now she's relegated to R. 2 Kagami units in the same event too.
I don't mind the playful hints. I don't engage, but its nice to see others try to figure it out. You forgot the picture tho..
Kaley is a pretty good character, its good to see her back. Even if its just one scene. I would like to see them focus on her again.
I have made a patch for the RPGX viewer to add the English chapter/event names and the event banners.
This patch ONLY adds the English chapter/event names and the English banners. Nothing else.

In order to create this patch I had to change a little bit the code of the RPGX viewer:
1) File "story.js", in the "STORY" object, I added the chapter/event names in the property "engName".
2) File "story.js", in the "STORY" object, I added a new property "engBanner" where I added the file name of the English banner.
3) File "init.js", in the function "initStoryData", I added 3 lines to copy the new property "engBanner".
4) File "story.js", in the function "buildStorySelect", when the banner is image is going to be added, I added a condition (like the one used for the event name) to use the "engBanner" if it have a value.

I think the file "story.js" is updated when a new event or chapter is released, so unless the anon who makes the story patches add this to the next patches the English names and banners will probably disappear.

Also, on a side note, the banners included in this patch (with the exception of the banner of the current event) are the small version of the banner.
The viewer uses the large version of the banners, but the event archive only has the small version.
I was thinking about this the other day and I'm glad someone stepped up since I suck at coding.

Here are the big banners I've collected including the last 4 ones from the final Global version. I'm missing the banner from The Forgotten Serpent God event.
I've also thrown in the EN buttons for the scene viewer for good measure as well.
Just realized chapter 71 is quite late this time, very unusual because last July we had a new one unless they’re planning on more of the endgame for the main storyline.
Thank you

The file don't have the big banners for 3 events (excluding the one for The Forgotten Serpent God):
Lightning Taimanin
Exam Season & the Almighty Taimanin
Mari's Great Adventure: The Odd Gentleman from the City of Darkness
Do you have them?

Changing the buttons seems to be trickier, because the size and aspect ratio changes in some of them and adding them it would require more changes to the viewer than I can do without breaking it.
I think that this is something that the anon who made it could do if he so thought so.
Lightning Taimanin and Exam Season & the Almighty Taimanin arrived directly in the archives on global so I don't know if we ever had those big banners available.

And unfortunately no, I don't have the other two remaining events and they aren't in the Extasy wiki either.
>Mari's Great Adventure: The Odd Gentleman from the City of Darkness

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>banner from The Forgotten Serpent God event.

whoops those are the "s" ones

Thank you.

Perhaps do you have the urls for these 4 "l" banners?
Right now the "l" banners that we have for those 4 events are slightly smaller than the others and they have the start and end date, unlike the other "l" banners.

Also, in case you can "guess" the urls, maybe you know the ones for the two events that were directly added to the archive?
I think the other anon is right those were archived, so no. I'm also not sure if the LocalLow caching was going at that time. I only have from 00004 and up.

Op here, I've been away for a little bit. For the sake of the next threads updates give me a comprehensive breakdown on exactly what's updated here.. in laymen terms. Final update for Extasy?
I'm not any of the people involved, but there's now:

A final *addition* to the ripped translations (there's also an accumulated bundle linked to in the previous threads)

a 'completed' profile viewer with all the official english character profiles released,

an *incomplete* effort to collect the english-text banners from the release.

Ideally, all of these (including all the TLs) would be collected together into a single mega for the next OP.
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Great, thank you very much.

With this the English chapter/event names and banners are completed:
This patch contains also my previous patch from yesterday, so only this one is needed.
>In one post anon destroyed his own position
I have made a single patch to add the English scenes, story, story names and banners to the RPGX viewer:
With this single patch we should have all the English content in the RPGX viewer with the exception of the profiles.
This patch do not have the .txt files because those are only needed to create the script file, and I am not the one who created it.
Also, there were errors in 3 scenes due to missing audio files, those are fixed. The real problems weren't missing audios files, but wrong names in the script file.

This is the RPGX profile viewer from here >>8113717

I think that for the next OP you can add the two links.
Op here
I understand, so this Patch I'll be placing as the permanent link to the Extasy update in the Recent Updates tab I created. I'll add the profile Viewer beneath it, expanding the tab as well.

The amount of Thanks you and others put into compiling these cannot be overstated.
Anybody has a pack with all of the Maika stuff?
could someone explain me how I can use the Translator Tool for the normal stories as in the events, every time I do the same as with the tutorial, the viewer collapses and does not let me access the story scenes
You arent thinking like a woman, you would be utterly disgusted at some clone of you running around getting pregnant from randos.
Nta but I don’t even have to be a woman to feel the violation that comes with such a scenario.
If I knew a clone of me was making children with my genes, I’d be fucking pissed.
make your's and now your genes spread 2x times faster. If you're a guy it's a win situation
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Anyone know the source for this picture of Maika?
Yes, this is from a 1 page comic about mock survival training, where Maika insists on Fuuma cumming outside, but he retorts that would leave traces behind and make them easier to track, so he has to nut deep up in there to hide it may chaos take th
New Thread:

Oh, but do you have the full picture? Or a link to it?

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