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Straight, explicit sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

Previous thread: >>8057897

>the male must be attractive
>the picture must be focused on the male
>the female must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male
>the female may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless girl self-insert
>she may also be the focus, but preferably not more than the male
>unexaggerated proportions are preferable
>content of Asian origin and anime/manga art style, western art goes here:>>>/aco/femporn

No yuri, no yaoi, no faceless dudes, no shota, no loli, no derailing thread. Thank you.
Tip: Before you ask for the source of an image, use reverse image search sites such as iqdb.org, trace.moe, or sauceNAO.com to find what you need. Do not post solo male pictures even if it is meant to be straight, since those are considered /y/ content in this site and could get easily deleted.
Do not post /c/ or /cm/ content either (anything that is not porn).

Femporn Reclist v.2

List of Archived Threads

Related femporn genres and Japanese terms are:
>女性漫画, 女性向け(Josei manga, Josei-muke/for women) *might also include BL
>レディースコミックス / レディコミ (Ladies' comics / lady-comi)
>シチュエーションCD (Situation CD)
>乙女向け, 乙女ゲーム (Otome-muke/for maidens, Otome game)
>夢向け (Yume-muke/for yumejoshi) *try adding 夢 to series name on Pixiv for yumejo results
>ティーンズラブ / TL (Teens' Love)
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as long as it fits the perimeters of the rules I don't see why not
love this drawfags work
Did she make an alt with other skin tones?
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In the honour of thread 169# I'd like to humbly request 69 images.
Most of the ones I have have a bit too much male focus on them to work.
I know alts is a thing I do sometimes but I didn't for these...sorry...
no you're totally fine!! don't be sorry and ty for drawing him. i love him sm and you draw him perfectly
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so today i heard some random girl say "is it weird that i suddenly have a craving for flaccid penis?"

god, i was barely able to contain my laughter
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Can we start this thread with buff older dudes? Last thread was kinda boring. Dilf are fine 2
Source on both of these ? They look GOOD
I refuse to believe people find laios's schlubby body attractive. I feel like I'm being gaslit
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Same. I don’t find his body attractive either.
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The first is, https://bato.to/series/146711 (some odd censoring just FYI) FL is hilarious
The second is this one, https://bato.to/series/137953 (think there might be 2 parts to this, check the author's works)
If I could have my ideal, a man that is relatively/muscular but also has a higher body fat percentage is my favourite body type. Strong but soft.
Rugby players have great physiques for example.

Very low or low bodyfat % is more attractive on slim men to me, not very muscular ones. It's a shame because it's not common or often done well being too much or too little in one extreme or the other. A regular guy like Laios is perfect for this!

More than being "gaslit" it's a difference in taste of course. You do not have to find him attractive just because others do. Everyone has their favourites and some favour certain character types over others. People will always vary.
you'd be surprised how many females like regular looking dudes. it's not always bishonens with 10 packs
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Pretty sure it's Juhi
yep thats her, thanks mate.
requesting more nipple play
Of course
What's hotter to self-insert as? Younger women or older women?
God, I miss when these threads had chubby guys in them.
Women *generally* tend to be more attracted to a guy's "vibes" than his appearance, and lots of women find Laios' vibes attractive. It's why you see Tumblr and Twitter women falling in love with and getting horny over silly cartoony guys. One extreme example is there's literally an artist on Twitter who draws selfship art of herself with Mr. Game & Watch from Super Smash Bros.

Emphasis on "generally", though. Each woman can absolutely be different when it comes to this.
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>What's hotter to self-insert as?
Be the change you want anon
Ye. Personality, voice, aura etc. Almost any character can feel attractive if they have an attractive energy. Laios is cute silly and classically handsome outside of not being "ripped" though that's an overblown stereotype that people *only* want that as well.
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Aura and elvan noice
How much Yumejo material has been produced as a result of the recent dungeon meshi anime?
I thought Laius would push a lot of the right buttons.
Is it me or is the femporn reclist a 404?
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Maybe up your alley
I find his face markings to be kinda dumb
This is pretty good. This author has a lot of dilfy goodness.
But yeah they should just leave off the markings.
any book with lots of hand kissing and neck kissing?
Just curious, does anyone else here browse AO3?
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AO3 is cool. lots of wank material there
favourite has to be reader insert fanfiction
i love his nose
i was going to say the same thing kek
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This man is activating my neurons, I didn't believe possible to go this feral for a man.
I'm manifesting him into reality.
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he looks beautiful. can't wait to give this a read later!
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Yeeaaahhhh! Dooo eeetttt!
I can't get enough of his expressions! It should be illegal for this to be a oneshot, I neeed moorree!!!!
omg he's really cute fuck
i love his piercings too ;;
ty again!

Honestly? I can kind of see it. He's not especially buff, but he's got a nice face.
This made me feel things
I want to be enveloped and consumed by a man
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I need english translation of this asap.
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He cute!
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Ah thats so hot >_<

That look where they can't restrain themself just makes me melt
bless you
he's SO handsome cute perfect. great find anon.
art is beautiful
mhm, passionate bubbling up energy is the best
What this >>8111886 anon mention. It's all about the vibe.
Laios is very attractive in the way he approach life. He's passionate, goal oriented, loyal, surprisingly clever when situation demands it, kind and generous. He's a man very comfortable in his natural masculine energy. Even his flaws makes him endering.
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This was honestly perfect outside of the first scene at the apt. Though I understand it was necessary for the plot.
He's incredibly handsome and cute cute. I really love the FL, she's really amazing.
Wonderful. Thank you for the recc.
I'm still reading this but it's lovely. The ML is so incredibly cutely handsome and the FL is beautiful.
The art is so nice.
>Laios is very attractive in the way he approach life.
>He's passionate, goal oriented, loyal, surprisingly clever when situation demands it, kind and generous.
>He's a man very comfortable in his natural masculine energy. Even his flaws makes him endearing.
I couldn't have described his charm better, you did so perfectly. I love love Laios and this is a perfect description of what makes him so lovable and attractive.
Really nice. Source?
>find laios hot but he reminds me of someone i hate and cant bring myself to jerk it to him
life is unfair
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Please remember to reward your boy after a day of working out.
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shotafag you know you don't have to reply to the OP everytime, right?
this isn't hentai
>expecting men to follow rules
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Yumejos will see a hostile and evil male character who may or may not threaten the lives of the Fem MCs and say:
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Love and Deep Space, anyone?

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