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Thread Rules:
- Respect /h/ and global rules.
- Do not troll or derailing the thread.
- Do not make more than one request.
- You must supply references and specify what edits you want made.
- If your request was not fulfilled in the previous thread, do not just post a link to that request in this thread. Instead, re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- No bumping or seconding requests.
- Be patient. Some edits can take a great deal of time.
- Be kind to the editors. They're giving their time to do this for you.
- Always thank the editors for fulfilling your request.
- Constructive criticism is welcome.

Don't hold back! if you like a request another editor already fulfilled, feel free to make your own version.

Feel free to ask for revisions if needed. The editors won't be insulted.

Remember that 4chan now uses image compression. To solve the problem, follow the guide posted below the thread anchor.

Previous Thread: >>8069041
Drawt/h/read: >>8099062
Anchor deliveries here
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This is how to save without compression
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requesting to put the dick inside midna
and she gets a bit of a belly bulge to show it
nothing too extreme tough
File: Madara.jpg (846 KB, 1820x3404)
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Requesting Sakura's face to be all the way down in his lap, please.
Her posing/head position might need some changing.

An anon did a rough, AI mockup of what could be done here.
Could maybe have Hinata and Ino kissing his abs instead to make room for her.
And maybe have Temari looking a bit more smug about holding Sakura down?
That's only if you use the AI mockup as a rough idea.
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Please color this pic.
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Any magician able to remove the text from picrel please ?
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Requesting color for these two pictures

Could you give the succubus this skin tone https://files.catbox.moe/j17qlm.jpg
Can you make their hair black and horns grey and their wings and tails white.

can you also make their bra's green (this shade
and if possible could you make their arm sleeves and socks green and black stripes. if that's too much though, just make them just green as well)

And for the hero could you give the same skin color as the succubus and make his hair black
Requesting the removal of the "sample" text from one or both of these images. Second image: https://files.catbox.moe/6btel4.png
requesting an edit without the floating hands (it's
necessary to remove all of them, just the ones on her nipples and pussy)
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Request to remove the arms of the girl on the left that is covering up nipples and pussy.
File: Onmyouji Youen Emaki.png (2.24 MB, 2304x1728)
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Requesting uncensored edit.
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Requesting the 3 Lilith at the front to be nude, or at least her breasts exposed please.
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785 KB PNG
Does this work for you?
And what is this from?
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Requesting cum edit, with large ejaculation
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734 KB PNG
Requesting lineart and colors for this Liv sketch, also have the guy be white/caucasian please. https://files.catbox.moe/7o72fh.jpg
Requesting an uncensored version of this scene.

This scene is from Triangle Heart Episode 3
Requesting the removal of the paper grain from the following scans of the mahou shoujo akogarete DVD booklet: https://gofile.io/d/xJu0Kg
also if possible, remove the background and make the lines less jagged
I guess this is quite a lot of work though, thanks in advance
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Requesting a dark skin edit for just Pitou only with the complexion like the example pic in the link posted. https://files.catbox.moe/n7p38u.jpg
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Requesting removal of this femme fatale's bra and underwear.
requesting the removal of the candy cane
requesting colour for https://files.catbox.moe/89aykg.png. colours and style as close to pics below as possible, within reason. panties can just be a light/pale pink. thank you.

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694 KB PNG
Requesting color please.
Color reference:https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9526149&tags=super_robot_wars_x-omega
It's from Mysterious Girlfriend X and yes thank you.
Requesting nude edit art of Hien/left female (short pubes) and Benichidori/right female (no pubes) from Dungeon Meshi.
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643 KB JPG
Requesting pubic hair removal
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217 KB JPG
color and edit out censor block
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1016 KB PNG
requesting the removal of the dick and semen
requesting a nude edit (or at least rip apart her suit around her boobs)
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1.58 MB PNG
Requesting the extra guys she isn't interacting with removed, and decensor the guy she is doing stuff with. I like this artist's style, but I hate group sex with multiple guys.
File: 55029.jpg (239 KB, 1280x960)
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Requesting the cum edited out, the guy given the same skin tone as her, and her given hearts in her eyes.
File: DekuJirou_anime_7.png (2.64 MB, 1920x2063)
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2.64 MB PNG
Request a nude edit of Kyoka Jiro from My hero Academia.
File: Bare Naked 8.png (585 KB, 800x600)
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585 KB PNG
Please make her a kunoichi.
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Requesting cum dripping out of her pussy and/or anus
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Requesting for the guy to have a lighter skin tone like Hex Maniac's.
requesting a decensored version of this, please
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Requesting a cum edit, with large amounts of cum on her ass and some on the table.
File: kimono-yoRn0yamai_(req).jpg (2.36 MB, 2880x1620)
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2.36 MB JPG
Re-request to add facials, turn some (or all) of the saliva into cum, cum droplets/drips over their breasts and add cum drips coming from the breast that are symetrically docking like the bit of drool that's there already or make said drool drip into a more prominent cum drip.

Much better version at:
File: tickle.jpg (205 KB, 854x868)
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205 KB JPG
Desample this please
Requesting a topless (nipples) version
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869 KB PNG
Could someone remove the textbox and the effect line and the sound effects of this image?
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127 KB JPG
Requesting bigger tits, where they're pressed together as opposed to there being a gap between the two.
Requesting a nude edit with silver pubic hair thanks
Make her breasts more saggy and an x-ray version too please.
please remove the clothes
requesting decensor and a shaved crotch please
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3.71 MB JPG
Requesting pasties removal
requesting a full nude edit on the milf
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3.76 MB PNG
Requesting a combination/permutation of both of these pictures:
1. Cleaned with the girl nude, barefoot with the randoseru
2. Cleaned with the girl nude, barefoot no randoseru
3. Cleaned with the girl nude, shoes on with randoseru
4. Cleaned with the girl nude, shoes with randoseru
5. Cleaned with the girl dressed, no shoes and randoseru
6. Cleaned with the girl dressed, shoes and randoseru.
Thanks in advance, I have been searching for a clean version of this pic for over a year with no success so I came here.
Kindly requesting mosaic removal in two version: no pubes and light pubes.
sauce: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120793383
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276 KB PNG
Requesting color https://files.catbox.moe/wog7tf.jpg
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594 KB JPG
Requesting removal of the condom
File: kuruminha.png (824 KB, 1131x1402)
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824 KB PNG
Requesting a coloring.
character reference: https://us.rule34.xxx//images/1056/58a4a7cc49461dc643d65b7bc18094a1.jpeg?10157593
Re-requesting a decensor, and a prominent pregnant belly and larger breasts.
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339 KB PNG
Requesting a coloring
Edit request. Replace Renji for Ichigo
Requesting to make the male white/caucasian
File: HALP.jpg (580 KB, 1599x1131)
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Request to change the vagina type to a closed-slit one and, if not too much of a bither, to change some (all?) of the juice to cum drip.
Requesting the man's skin be whitened please
Requesting 3 different edits for this drawing:
1) milk edit
2) piercings edit
3) milk + piercings edit
Thanks in advance, linked because the filesize is too large.
File: 120888297_p0.png (1.48 MB, 1301x1600)
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1.48 MB PNG
Requesting someone to add some big areolaes on Mai please
HELL yeah, ill do it tommorow if i remember
Set a reminder on one of your devices
File: IchijyoMai.png (1.94 MB, 1100x1055)
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1.94 MB PNG
Please let me retry the request.

Could someone remove the textbox and the effect line and the sound effects of this image?
File: IMG_4625.jpg (84 KB, 850x1133)
84 KB
Please make the guy white, thanks!
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Sloppy job, but I tried
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Not the other guy, but I gave it a shot. Let me know if you want any changes
The shots on her bottom are proportioned too big. May you shrink them by about 40-50%?
Can you color the "April 30th" picture?

The only reference available is the cover page.
File: IMG_0376.png (2.26 MB, 2128x3000)
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2.26 MB PNG
Re-drew, hopefully you like this more, 2nd cat box link has both layered for excessive cum because why not
It looks much better! Thanks!
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requesting color for picrel please
here is the reference:
in any case

the girl(erika), has to be:
>pale skin
>black hair
>red, yellow, or green headband
>red, yellow, or green outfit.

the boy (red), has to be:
>pale skin
>black or brown hair
>red outfit, red hat, blue pants.
This is perfect, thank you anon
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Unprompted and sorry for spam, but I wanted to give this another shot because drawing cum is fun

Excessive cum:
I don’t mind. Nice trips too.
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My cum might be a little cartoonish for this style. Let me know if you want anything changed.
Coom edit:
Coom + slight stretch
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Requesting a coloring
For Character reference: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10210703
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295 KB JPG
Requesting the sketching finished, Mii given bigger tits, and color added.

Reference for colors and tit size;
File: 1721675913761014c.jpg (2.16 MB, 2084x2115)
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2.16 MB JPG
Let me know if this skin tone doesn't work
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1.03 MB PNG
The dude's a little bioluminescent, but I tried

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