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Previous thread: >>8092862

disgusting. also stop making a thread before the previous one isnt even archieved yet.
Is there sauce or just this illustration?
any momcest with a manipulative grooming mother something like this https://exhentai.org/g/2479526/d1536cd91f/ but a mother instead
because many of these pics are unsearchable it would be nice if people gave the artist name, comic title and possibly even a link to sadpada or n-hentai
Tell that the exhentai users.
Anyways that's semantic lust.
He doesn't have much besides the ones I posted.
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for the momcest asmrs listeners. a sequel for Natsumi mama was announced. this time the story will be about a summer festival date with your mom in a yukata. thats nice and very lovey dovey. dont really see that kind of setting a lot.

besides that also looking forward to the thicc village mother. the sample voice for her is pretty good imo.
Nice, Natsumi was so lovely. I hope for preggo.
Also damn noticed they're giving out some prequel to the sequel on their subscription site... Anything juicy?
Since the sequel story is about a summer festival date in the countryside... natsumi mama needs to buy a new yukata. so that prequel track for the sequel work will mostly be about she and her son talking while going through the yukata catalog. well that sequel track will be released next week.

personally, i am really excited to see her in a yukata. maybe even a nice lovey dovey firework scene.
Probably shota shit and it got reported?
Well, might be better to not have any art.
It's a dead board for a reason. There are other threads which are over a year old.
U mean /h/ in general?
Yeah, it's the hottest porn but still manages to be dead by being strictly boring.
Being against straight shota hentai always seemed unnecessarily evil just for the sake of it, just because they technically can. In a momcest thread nonetheless.
Can't imagine a non fag being a report button user. It always has been fag reddit behaviour and still is.
apparently in these threads its too hard for people to not post shotashit or westshit
Shota is for pedo fags ngl
I'm not a woman and the very fact that you imagine there can be a woman pedo at all is so faggy to begin with.
It's just doubling down on your reddit take.
>pedophile faggot argues against things no one even said
Only reddit pedo faggots obsessed with little boys could say something as dumb as this
God this retard seems to struggle even typing out the simplest words. It's always the ones going on about Reddit too. Are you from some third world country and mimic what you have once seen others type here without understanding the meaning behind it? Reddit is control, 4chan is freedom. You're arguing for control.
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Looking forward to read this one this weekened. The mom looks so cute.
Nta but I'm fine with stopping pedophiles like you from posting their pedo porn here.
It's all the same guy, he always uses fag in everything
He gets mad over people who dislike shota
He gets mad over people who dislike cheating or anything involving cucking or infidelity especially when it happens to the dad
He gets mad over people who don't like asmr
He gets mad over people who like chubby moms with massive milkers and sons who are fit young adults
He gets mad when people arent obsessed with pregnancy as much as he is
He gets mad when people dont fellate his blogposting
He also thinks you're gay if you're not obsessed with shotas or cucking dads like he is
is it really always the same guy? I think this can go both ways like you thinking its just 1 guy getting mad over that guy. Not like you can proof it. You are judging w/o evidence, which is also pretty retarded if you ask me. I am pretty sure its just bunch of different ppls.

>He gets mad over people who dislike cheating or anything involving cucking or infidelity especially when it happens to the dad
That goes both ways too. Ppl arguing that you should stop reading momcest because cheating/infidelity is something that will happen and the other way around were ppl tell you to stop posting momcest that involves the father getting cuck'd.
Then again, shota/loli/furry/guro porn etc isnt allowed outside of /b. Its in the rules. No idea why someone would choose a shota pic for the momcest thread. Someone will obviously report it.
'freedom', that dosent mean you can break the rules. shota porn isnt allowed outside of /b. its in the rules. Not our fault that people want to follow the rules unlike you.
It's just a coincidence that they're always calling everyone else fags i guess
I have been following this threads for a while and ofc read the arguments too. But I can tell you that some of the takes you took...not everyone used the word 'fag'. You are just over dramatizing it. Its bunch of different people who got mad for whatever reason. Sure there are some people here who are weirdly very obsessed about a specific topic like pregnancy or shotas. I personaly dont care about shota (middle school to uni student is my prefered age for the son), I dont have much feelings about the father (so i dont mind it), I enjoy asmrs cause its also a nice way to improve my japanese listening and some VA are truly amazing to listen to, chubby moms with massive milkers are fucking awesome (and I go to the gym anyway), idc about pregnancy lol (story needs to be good for me).
I don't really care about the dad being cheated on if he barely exists or never shown but there's one anon who would always post the page that focuses specifically on the dad being cucked like if they have some kind of agenda
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It doesn't technically say that though.
Am i the only one who has no idea what this post is trying to say? Dude brings up reddit then complains when others bring up reddit
it does.

those are obvious baits to trigger the people who dislike that kind of thing. Honestly, if people are falling for that, its really their own fault considering how often that dude does it deliberately.
No, you aren't. I am actually pretty lost with that reddit convo too.
I think, and this is just a personal opinion of mine, but I believe, that it's possible, that it could be a different anon.
IDK, just a hunch, correct me if I'm wrong.
I am pretty sure there is one anon here who sees an arguement and then starts to 'disguise' themself as the other anon to make the whole conversation/arguement worse even if they dont really care about that topic. I cant prove it ofc but sometimes I get the feeling that someone is deliberately trying to make the thread worse even though people said that they are fine if someone dosent like X.
Just to add on my comment from this >>8118929
The reason why I get that kind of feeling is that I usually also like to talk about momcest asmrs with some anons here. As you can see from here >>8117747
But iirc 2 threads ago someone got kinda mad that an anon dosent like it or so. I thought its normal. I dont like reading Light Novels for example, I would also not like if someone argues with me for thinking that Light Novel suck. Anyway, that arguement was kinda heated and the other anon thought it was me I believe (?), even though i mostly said 'thats fair, its not something for everyone'. Then again its 4chan, sometimes its hard to proof if its the same anon or not.
I remember that thread, it went from him attacking some dude for not liking asmr to the argument over dad cucking then lost his shit because some guy frogposted with "i love me dad"
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>chubby moms with massive milkers are fucking awesome
Amen to that
It makes perfect sense for a hag mom to be the one with a fat ass and massive tits
Definitely not entirely true. I am obsessed with pregnancy because I love it quite a bit and have had people insult me as if we had a long standing argument even though I just made one post. People jump in and out of conversations all the time and people think they are much better at identifying posters than they really are and using the word fag on 4chan is the most normal thing. Not sure about the other things though.
It was really weird. At least to me it looked like that a different anon 'disguised' themself to make the matters worse, then started with the dad cuck shit and about shotas or so? I was so confussed what was going on. But again, I dont really see a problem if someone dosent like X. I think its rather normal. Some people here seem a bit extreme if someone dosent share their opinion or dosent like what they like. Anyway, about the shota topic, I dont think there is much to say about it. Its against the rules on /h board.
Agree. Especially if the mother is conscious of her big ass and thinks she is fat. But the son and obv every other male think its juicy thicc!
>obv every other male
Just to make sure before someone gets the wrong idea. I meant it as in every man would think that this woman isnt fat but has a big juicy thicc ass.
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Thicc MILFs for life.
I think you need your meds.
fuck off fag
Btw. I can share that one this weekened if anyone wants it. Since i know that the works from higehurai are hard to get since no-one really uploads it besides chinese translation and iirc some anon was afraid to ask for an upload.
Let's get this straight, this guy who wrote the post I'm replying to:
- is the one who gets angry about shota
- is the one who gets angry about "cucking" the dad
- is someone who apparently dislikes asmr
- dislike pregnancy

HE is the same one for all the worst opinions. Is he the worst poster in these threads?
100 bucks it's HIM who also spammed the report button, you can thank him.
If so he did at least do one good thing.
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Look beautiful her with that belly. I would like to rub my dick their pregnant bellie.
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Recommend the new Benii Kenkyuujo. While even at 85 pages it rushed in a few moments, it has a very lovely preggo or double preggo ending easy to nut to. Just blew a huge load for it.
A mother's anal virginity belongs to her son
Would love to
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It seems that Hegechi released a new work
I really thought that he wouldn't release a new work.

It is worth mentioning that hes only work
Didn't get a translation wish someone will get the work done
I really like that artist's previous thing, I hope it gets Tld too. someone should post the new one.
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this shit is hot.
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I liked the face of the last mom better, this is at times a bit ehh like some imouto rather than mom
I still like it, hope someone posts the whole thing somewhere soon. I got these form the sample.
absolutely love after-sex shot
it'd be way better if her pussy was dripping with semen.
no thanks.
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Yokkora's retirement left a gapping hole in my heart. For a period, he was my favorite porn artist, who clearly shaped my interest in momcest, incest in general, Venus body types, hags, and other...more /d/ tier fetishes.
He slowly started drawing more and more vanilla stuff, a lot of it just IdolMaster pinups. And now I think he's gone.
As an amateur artist, his style is one I look to for inspiration always.
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In a hentai, Imaizumi would have shown his mother how manly he became by railing her.

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