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- Lolis are forbidden by global rule
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Previous thread: >>7795444
bros why doesn't kemono work????
You're going to have to be more specific than that, what doesn't work?
Pulling up posts works on my machine.
Since it always catches retards, if you request the page too many times too quickly you get bounced by the DDOS guard. Or you know, your content creator of choice hasn't been updated yet.
Not that anon but it was throwing up error 504 for quite some time yesterday. Seems to be good now.
File: 1715965979844004.png (696 KB, 1200x630)
696 KB
696 KB PNG
>No blacked shit, monsters, etc
at what hue does it start triggering you
File: 1688230817989075.jpg (1.24 MB, 1141x1506)
1.24 MB
1.24 MB JPG
Nobody wants to see your shitty mspaint bucket tool edits bro sorry

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