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The new Illusi- I mean, IllGames title is out! They finally decided to make AA3
no translation yet
it sucks
how so?
while I wait for translation does anyone have a link to a download of aa2 with some mods?
Does it have the Force option?
Yeah it's basically AA2 with modern Koikatsu graphics. You can even blackmail.
Ohh that's nice. Regardless of whether this game is good or not it's a good sign that more JP devs stop giving a fuck about what the west thinks.
It has IL2CPP right?
What's the tag on pixiv for cards? It's taking me forever to make characters for a full classroom.
just search コイカツ with whatever characters name you want
Haha, that's funny anon. But seriously, what's the tag for Summer Vacation?
koikatsu only anon here, I wish I was joking
cards aren't transferrable through games and are specific to the game?
I've been waiting my whole life for this
>cards aren't transferrable through games and are specific to the game?
Lol. Lmao.

Thank you. There's only four right now on pixiv, but I hope anons here will make some stuff. I'll try to make some cards too for the thread. We need some good old classics from AA2. I'm gonna "attempt" to make Ronald McDonald and give him max stats on everything lol
Found out this was being made just a week ago, lucky me. I look forward to being disappointed again. Illusion always does
How do you transfer Honey Come cards into Scramble? I drop the cards into the proper folder, but they don't show up in-game
If it's anything like Sunshine, there's an import tool in the game client.
While it looks nice and has many interaction options, this game is way too fast paced. H on day 1 and NPCs three-timing on day 2 make the interactions and relationships pointless.
Just like real females!
Application freezes when I open the character creator or try to start a new game, guess I'll wait for a more stable repack.
Oh no really?
What about modding?
Don't they realize they depend on modders to make their games playable?
japanese hates modders
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>Object reference not set to an instance of an object
This shows upon initial startup.
Starting a game by continuing from here, no in-game button is interactable. Only the esc key lets you quit the game.
Hitting escape pops up the exit confirmation dialog when I start a game.
You're right, it's probably related to the object reference dialogue. I can also open the exit dialogue on the "frozen" screens.
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Share your cards
Do we have any menu translations for the game & maker yet? I have some cards I made from HC but I don't want to mess with anything in the creator until I know what I'm doing
Can't mod the game at all right now it seems
>right now
youll learn anon
Why would I? I can simply read the moonrunes
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She refuses to say anything other than exclamation marks to me.
The fuck did I do?
You apologize. Probably?
It seems like "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" is a error from whatever you are using to translate the game.

The initial error happens because the game sends a ping to illusion servers before the main menu loads, you either need to allow the game out in your firewall settings or wait for the crack. The untranslated window say something like "Failed to connect to the servers".
Did anyone know this game works in offline settings ?

( Their last game need network access to start... )
That's a network error, the green check is "try again". >>8174851 is probably right.
Anon11 will save Koikatsu 2!
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any group of autists say they're decrypting the game yet?
>crack doesn't work
it's over
Wrong... game?
I can't tell anymore
>whatever you are using to translate the game
>implying i'm translating this game
I used the prepack as is after un7zipping it.
>implying there's a crack
I'm also using the BetterRepack version, however it doesn't show me your error, it is bitching me because I refuse to allow to send my data to the kikes of Illusion.
anyone has weird audio bugs on this thing?
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I literally just pressed the check mark when I initially got an error on booting the game. Didn't stop me from playing at all? Maybe cause I had it on the wrong locale at start and that just allowed me to get past it? Dunno, also I used the mega rather than the torrent. That's all I got. I've been been playing for a few hours.
audio bugs expected because shitty game doesn't have any type of audio mixing. character loads into map and overrides the mood? bgm doesn't fade, it just skips to the mood track. koikatsu-ass-personalities-tier sound design on the voices too.
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can't wait for some sort of translation because I do NOT know what I'm doing
Where is this studio?
No idea what everyone is on about, but the game works just fine with the 1.0.1 update.
>1.0.1 update
I tried mikocon's release too but objects(buttons) can't be interacted with
Also, I hope you are in JP locale
I changed my format (not locale) to Japanese and it finally worked
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Time to find out how badly it sucks!
It's actually not bad although I wished it wasn't easy to start fucking girls by the end of the first day
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>We are sorry.
>Some contents are only available in Japan.
>They are not available from outside Japan.

>Please understand.
Not translated, actual message.
Also using jp locale already.
Seems to be a costume add on, nowhere in their download page is a hotfix named 1.0.1 found.
you would think that will be easy to fix with mods.
Don't need to run the updater btw, just drag and drop the folders/files and replace them. Updates to 1.0.1
How do I transfer Honey Come cards into this game?
Just put them into the convert folder
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Had no problems after changing Windows Display Language to Japanese.
Thanks. Never noticed the folder until you mentioned it.
Has the preorder stuff been shared yet?
use applocale or locale emulator
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>going through the trouble of that
fucking zoomers, see >>8174985
who the hell thought 3 outfit slots is fine
You only use three outfits per day in AA2 as well. Only more with modules (if I'm not being a complete retard. Which is possible). And with no PE/Swim class there isn't a reason for the 4th.
Though I wouldn't mind having more I'm just wondering why you expected more.
I'll be waiting for a translation anyway since there doesn't seem to be any point to switching off Koikatsu if not for the social sim aspect, but how similar is the character creator to the older Illusion games?
watch the trailer, it is honeycome creator, which is essentially a sidegrade of the KK creator
I guess after this game inevitably sucks we're going to say AA2 was never good and switch to Koikatsu nostalgia goggles
its same as honeycome so basically same as kk but with no mod support so 1000x shittier
nobody will ever say kk "gameplay" was better than aa2, even without mods aa2 was better but with modules its amazing aside from the cluster fuck jank of getting it all to work. kk studio/maker is what keeps people on it. now aa3 being always online and having il2cpp means no mods even if the game is good.
why are patreon modders like this?
even screw this repacker haven't included basic mods made by the japs in his repacks yet
hc charas with their help are infinitely better than kk charas
Because work and effort. Why make new mod for new game when good mod on old game work good okay.
Did all of the outfits from HoneyCome not make it over to SVS? I loaded in a card and her gloves were missing
>now aa3 being always online and having il2cpp means no mods even if the game is good.
HC was also always-online, but it can be disabled by xor'ing in dll
Mods are the problem because devs did something to prevent bepinex from loading at all, so it will take extra time for breaking the protection before starting to develop mods
For now, translation can be done by editing
Because it's all strings instead of static images
What kept me coming back to KK, probably more than AA2 in the end, was the variety of personalities and all the voice acting on offer. It was fun enough to just cycle through all of it and hear what each personality would say under different conditions. I spent a horrifying amount of time just cumming inside girls to hear what they'd say about it.
Wait so people have gotten a translation up? Or just figured out how?
Aside from inability to mod game day1, is this game any fun?
I am waiting for basic qol features, but I am sure some of you are playing already. So how is it?
Literally figured out how to translate without relying on auto-translation plugin just 30 minutes ago
Nothing yet on bepinex
Can you read Japanese?
Than it's more fun than vanilla aa2 and a pretty amazing base to work with if modders can let themselves go break this first encryption.
If you can't then you're probably not gonna have as much fun constantly translating
aa2 personality modules were great even having good voice acting for a few. unless you want another reason to an hero dont imagine what this game could be like if the devs actively encouraged modding. rapidly improving ai voice acting tech, migration from kk autists etc
I only played one day of it because I wanted to make more cards, but from what I saw it's pretty much AA2 with fewer maps and load times between maps. I feel pretty overwhelmed by the amount of dialogue options though that might be because I can't read the moonrunes. I saw characters interacting with each other and inviting me over to do stuff so that's a good sign. However, I did see somebody having sex already by the end of the day which is crazy. I hope the first thing modders do is tone down how quickly it is to build up a sexual relationship
>>8174790 (me)
Meh I tried as >>8174985 have said by using the [BR] utilities included in the repack, launched the game through LREditor.exe.
Seemed to work for now
It isn't. Seems like running on jap locale wasn't enough, had to use the included Locale_Remulator.1.5.3-beta.1 in the torrent.
>Why make new mod
ScrewThisNoise haven't released HoneyCome with mods made by the japanese like TekitoMod
There's already a modding scene for HC having hairMOD hair_convert+CharaMOD maid_MOD cloth_MOD KKMOD(yes it uses the name kk for hc)
Other than Tekitomod others are releasing specific mods too like eyeliners and lipline which Tekitomod mostly includes at some point after updating the modlist.
Seems like an intentional sabotage by western alliance of patreon grifters/"modders" to paint illgames aka rebranded illusion in as much of a negative light as possible blaming le il2cpp >>8174779 >>8174778 >>8174709 for lack of mods when that couldn't be further from the truth as the Japanese themselves make mods. Koikatsu's been out for an eternity having enough time to accumulate mods while Honeycome/ハニカム and Summer Vacation! Scramble/サマバケ!すくらんぶる are still in their early stages. Having vested interests they sure do want to hinder this game's growth as the royalties from their patreon are their entire lives.
So you're saying the Japanese will crack open SVS first then probably?
I was wondering why the KK discord was so ungodly negative about SVS when the threads seem pretty happy so far.
>so ungodly negative about SVS
Didn't game just came out? How the hell could they form an opinions already?
ah yes the western jewish patreon modder cabal conspiring out of spite to make the game unplayable
this but unironically
Don't underestimate patreon milkers' livelihoods. KK being decrowned is a negative for them, they could be here on 4chan, f95z, disqus, their *iscor* and most forums sitting all day waiting for every opportunity to shit on anything that could harm their koikatsu bucks. Samabake Scramble by Innovative Liberty Lovely Games is their biggest ''''''threat'''''' alongside honeycomb.
Your gaslighting doesn't work here despite the ip counter's removal.
Non slider mods don't matter and STN is slowing down to shill his game, which is being made moddable on purpose to bait modders
Do we have confirmation of pregnancy mechanics?
In AA2 you could get a pregnancy "bad" ending, in Koikatsu you just got special dialogue on dangerous days.
These loading screens sure are something. Getting lead around by someone and watching my character sprint 20 meters in half a second to catch up every time an area transition happens
theres safe/dangerous day dialogue. no proof of pregnancy sadly. gonna have to wait 6 more years for it to be modded in
What kind of pregnancy mechanic do you want in school sandbox anyway? For girls to casually run around with bloated bellies? I always found these critique of aa2 weird, pregnancy doesn't fit the setting much.
For me, I just want a unique ending dialogue kinda like how yanderes can kill you and end your game. Except, I want to be able to continue on playing as another character in the class. Maybe even some nice references to my previous character and his girlfriend moved out to start a family somewhere else.
>3 way dialog
>not just arguing but actually positive
AA2 needed this, good AA3 had it.
Anyway I turned the drawing level to 1 where everything's turned off. Is there a global illumination setting that can be turned off that usually fixes everything?
I want not necessarily bad endings, but where you continue living on despite having a child. Like working extra to pay for milk and diapers. And the girl complaining if you miss payments or your girl happy you're providing for your children and maybe rewarding the player with more intimate moments, resulting to more children.
The "pregnant" end feels cheap because I know people who continued school after impregnating a school/class mate.
mostly just more unique dialogue, not just teehee its not a safe day anon. more about the risk, talking to you about it after the sex scene, depending on the personality and hornyness being willing/not willing to cum inside. and like >>8175127 said another kind of "bad end" personally dont care for the kk mod that has them running around like normal pregnant but seeing them knocked up with some dialogue with a bad end is kino and doesnt seem too hard of a task to put into the game.
She should still be accessible to the player whether she quits school or not to raise the child.
Missing sevaral payments in a row would make her move back to her parents,
>working extra to pay for milk and diapers.
>girl complaining if you miss payments
Doesn't sound very fun to me, honestly. It's worse than bad ending.
Ok, this thing where you can read the girl's mind during sex is not half bad
You can still sexo your wife
She would cut communications and the only option is apologize to her family and making up for the amount you missed plus tip to restore your connection and give her another child.
The way they turn around when starting to move looks so silly on the overworld.
I'm starting to think the pathfinding may not be the smartest, however. A girl dragged me all the way across the map to get to a private room when we were standing, I'm pretty sure, just outside of one to start with.
>A girl dragged me all the way across the map
It's not the pathfinding issue, she just wanted the different room.
>>8175089 (me)
Tested out, yup 1.0.1 fixed the issue, don't need to use the locale emulator anymore.
I used both
from girlcelly's release, think it can be applied to any version stn, 2dgf, nemu and haruka
all applicable.
Thanks, that was what I was missing. Totally forgot about that.
I feel like there's people mixing up different issues here. The game itself is broken if unpatched from the people saying that buttons don't work, but the connection issues are separate from that. I even tried turning off my firewall entirely and I'm still stuck there.
Switching windows display language to Japanese fixed it for me. Just having the system on Japanese locale wasn't enough for some reason
Disregard my 187 post
It seems that the locale included really was needed
I didn't encounter the network connection issue some anons were facing but I tried turning off my internet and it seems you need to be online to play.
Does your network indicator say you're connected to the internet?
I mean this is what I'm saying, the people with locale issues aren't the same as the people with the connection issues.
I'm referring to the network error. Apparently all the game does is just ping an illusion server and it won't let you do that if the game thinks you aren't Japanese, and it decides this based on your display language or time zone. I had no actual locale issues
>it won't let you do that based on your display language or time zone
This can actually hurt some of the real japanese players. Not very consumer-friendly.
The game sends a ping to the servers of Illusion before the main menu is loaded, I have been using a Windows OS fully set on japanese locale for 10 years now and the game starts but won't load the main menu of the game yet the firewall is going bonkers, both at the start and when you retry to send in the ping.

I already tried both versions the one from girlcelly and the one from BetterRepack and both have the same problem. Don't be a bunch of retards and get a good firewall, it's for your own good guys.
So pretty much DRM?
Does it have gangrape?
built in DRM
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So what's the canonical robot girl setup?
personally I tried everything I can think of and it's still like that so I don't think it's a locale issue, but I know that for example other DRM requires the name string of the timezone to be something specific, and I did see some japanese being affected by that stinginess, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's something similar, not saying it has to be the same, but anyways I wouldn't know how to check what's the actual problem.
Can you play as a girl?
you can.
it's basically artificial academy
Wake me up if the character creator is translated. I need to create some Precures to fill the classroom!
Can you do shit like putting a girl in a all boys class and set them all to horny?
So I guess it still has always-online DRM like HoneyCome.
Waiting for kind anon to provide HEX edit details so I can disable this "feature" like the last time.
doesn't seem like it
this game doesn't appear to have voyeurism mechanics, (except other characters can stare at you going to town in public) at least not in the first hour or so of trying

what you can do, is announce to the entire room "let's have sex" and you'll start boning the first person who agrees. no it doesn't start an orgy, I tried
oh, and there's only consensual sex between two parties for the sole purpose of recreation
you can't become rance.
Wasn't there a blackmail option?
I didn't try anything edgy besides three-time the girl who was three-timing me
Does it even have good MMF position? The last few games had the same'ish boring ones
my summary of the boning mechanics is that the poses for girl on girl are rather limited. there's literally no reason for you to not create a futanari character.
Also, futanari characters are fixed in this game. Either character can be futanari, because you can just swap which character is in the "lead" at any given moment, giving you access to male positions even though you're playing as a girl

The character creator is a massive improvement upon HoneyCome Dolce, because it offers three cel shader modes (hard shading i.e. anime, soft shading, and even softer shading. it and the outline width are adjustable too.
You can just use HoneyCome to get the looks perfectly right, then import the appearances as soon as traits are figured out.
you have to understand why SVS isn't moddable

il2cpp is just one layer. bepinex has supported it for a long time with only minor limitations
bepinex needs to read a file called global-metadata.dat to be able to do so, since that file contains definitions of types and properties that mods need to access
illusion has gone out of their way to actually encrypt this file, meaning that every game version this has to have the file cracked before bepinex can hook into it. again not impossible since other il2cpp games have had to deal with this, but considerably more effort

but illusion went one step even further into sadism territory. they actually went out of their way to use an obfuscator over the generated C++ code, which not only severely hampers that, but likely means that the data inside global-metadata isn't human readable and would have to be documented

even if you convinced old titans like bepis to come back and work their magic again, they're very likely to just take a single look at the game and see that it's not worth the effort of 200+ hours to crack it and would rather just go back to koikatsu

aa2's mod scene exists the way it does todayu because of a few generous autists and years of effort, mainly because koikatsu didn't exist, and that there was a small dedicated group of people who didn't like koikatsu

unless someone works a miracle, i wouldn't hold my breath. some tools like https://github.com/vfsfitvnm/frida-il2cpp-bridge look promising but no-one's sure how well it'll interact with SVS's obfuscation
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Whatever you say anonstein.
awesome, you found the .csv file in the assetbundle, you've singlehandedly saved SVS and killed koikatsu modding forever
Cope. AA2 community isn't made of chumps and quitters.
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I made this pic and this edited just the file in SamabakeScramble\abdata\action\prefabs\ui
That anon >>8175529 is 100% correct and it will take super autism to make SVS moddable for more than 1 modder
i should know considering i was a part of it
*by made this pic meant i posted in /aa2g/ thread
It's done by some discord modder and he uploaded this file already
One small step at a time, plus you don't have to do all the work by yourself.
For now translation is indeed a priority, forget about everything else until we can actually read the dialogue/ui
So DOA? Illusion games are shit without mods
>and it will take super autism to make SVS moddable for more than 1 modder
Hey that's just the same as AA2
See you in a few years, then.
Jokes aside it's actually better. For one SVS starts with an engine modders are familiar with, and il2cpp tools are already available.
The biggest obstacle is the obfuscation and the fact you will have to update all your plugins every single patch.
Fuck it I'm doomposting, game's a great base but all the English speaking illusion modders I've seen seem like they don't want to mod it and I can't just believe Japanese will crack it open.
Unless the new modders rise up out of nowhere it seems doomed.
I didn't realize how hard the modding community has split up since kk launch.
That was expected, the current modders sold out to the paywallers or are paywallers themselves.
Japs might do it, but new modders coming from the AA2 side of the community might give it a shot.
When do Japs ever do shit from technical side? From what I've seen they're mostly just clothing/model modders.
Legitimately asking.
>and the fact you will have to update all your plugins every single patch.
Depending on how bad obfuscation between updates will be, you will either have to use older version, or wait until Illusion will stop updating SVS(and pray their next game is not building upon SVS so you wouldn't have to migrate towards next version)
It's really fucking over at current moment
A lot of common HS/KK plugins were originally from jap users.
Guess we can cope with settling with a specific version or somehow manage to replicate each patch but without actually changing the relevant files.
Not enough child pornography and I am getting to tired to mod.
Are you here still worrying about the game when it's out there ? Why ????
Play the game and see for yourself
It has already more depth than AA2 since this is AA3, the only downside is the very small map that's it
I have played it a little already, but waiting for anon to release his translation mod. Trying to read moonrunes makes the whole thing less fun
But the modders...
And the moonspeak only launch...
The culture has changed since aa2 everyone is bad and negative now...
It's over...
I'm not voting for ILLgames as president now...
>but waiting for anon to release his translation mod
It's not mine, modder already uploaded file on his google files, not sure if i can link it
I don't even care about the game, just waiting for studio as usual. Would rather play DoL for the "gameplay".
Oh cool. Where can I find them?
It's in Koikatsu discord
Surprisingly, despite this thread narrative about cabal, modders here try to make mods and publish their mods for free
Post it here.
More likely than you think. I take you have never been to the KK general.
I am all too aware of what discord breeds in 4chan generals
Yeah, which is why we should be posting the relevant links here instead of suggesting joining the discord to get them.
Yes, I agree with you
If you were in HC threads, you would know that modding beyond new hair/clothes was all in discord, including slider unlocker(which pretty guaranteed will not work in SVS because of obfuscation unless you cheat engine it or something)
On that topic, how possible is to edit base model itself? Because even with slider unlocker flatties were impossible to create, but if you change base model to be flat, will it work? Or it will break all clothes?
nta but hopefully we can prevent this for SVS.
As for base model editing ABMX is also a thing and generally worked better than unlocked sliders to achieve specific results.
>I don't even care about the game, just waiting for studio as usual
Why? The studio is probably going to be the same as HoneyCome's anyway.
>Why? The studio is probably going to be the same as HoneyCome's anyway.
Also, if hair HC mods loaded fine in SVS, then probably you can do the opposite and just put SVS items/models/animation data into HC studio
>alraedy gatekeeping mods
Discordfags, not even once.
Alright I took one for the team, that's the translation.

Your sacrifice is appreciated, anon.
Yeah sadly it's only the dialogue UI, but better than playing completely blind. Don't forget to always call them niggers and make sure to chase D*scorders away as I steal their shit and repost here, they tried to gatekeep.
>even if you convinced old titans like bepis to come back
I read the KKcord logs a little and apparently bepis did try something out but doesn't seem very willing to continue. Things aren't looking too good for the old modders but there are ongoing attempts from other users.
Absolutely based.
Doing God's work. Fuck Discord.
How do you actually use HC characters? I put them into the convert folder, they got converted but they're not showing up as useable characters? I can see them in the chara maker though.
yes, you have to set up their traits and personality
I must know if there are threesome options.
Pretty much yeah, the people fixing the problem by changing individual settings in their OS to japanese locale without having a firewall on, is a different problem related to the way the request the game uses and ask from the server of Illusion. However if you are a turbo autist like me and with 99% of the internet traffic going out in your computer under control then you are fucked until someone releases a crack or a workaround.
There is, but I have no clue how it works
At least for HoneyCome you can use hex editor like HxD to modify the executable file so that it stops phoning home and lets you play offline.
You can see the tutorial in this post >>7562185 (I'm not the guy who made it).
It is unlikely that the old address still works but I'm going to give it a try later.
Oh, not executable, but the dll files.
Also, as far as I know, nobody has really bothered making offline patch for HoneyCome either.
Whatever they did to HoneyCome it still works as a workaround even if you block the internet access to the file. I already played it without problems and under an strict firewall so it could be the way to solve the problem in this game too.
But I have 1500 cards and don't want to do them individually.
Also some/many of them have mods, are the mod files compatible.
Ah dammit that makes sense, fuck I really need a translation atleast for the traits personalities options, I don't want to give characters random things.
Well for reference, I've converted a few hololive/blue archive among other random characters over and so far it's pretty accurate, some clothes didn't come across but for the most part characters are accurate.
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Some people already mentioned it aboutt he pinging but yeah, gotta let pappy illgames know youre a jappy.
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Are futas available with no mod or DLC?

If futa is taller than girl does it work or does she get stretched to be taller like the male characters in HoneyCome?
To be fair it not only does a ping but also sends and receives data from the site upcheck.illgames.jp. It would be interesting if someone spoofed the data and checked what it is really sending and receiving from Illusion.
The fuck are you talking about?
where the fuck are the sex pictures /svsg/
In HoneyCome if you make a short guy/futa their height will change in the H scene to be taller than the girl
At least in the repack last version I had
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Futa is in but clicking the option doesn't show the dick in the CC. It was only shown during sex.

I tested the heights and they seemed to change but the taller character remained taller. The brown girls height was set to 0 while the blond to 100.
Welp, hex editing the GameAssembly.dll didn't work. Guess I'll have to wait for someone else to do it.
Meanwhile here are translated personalities and traits.
普通 Normal 生意気 Cheeky
クール Cool ギャル Gal
健気 Admirable 妖艶 Bewitching
純真無垢 Pure 母性 Motherly
小悪魔 Playful ヤンキー Delinquent
役職 (Occupation)
ビーチ監視員 Lifeguard
カフェ店員 Cafe employee
巫女・男巫 Shrine Maiden and whatever the male equivalent is.
Traits (特性)
Disposition(性質) Left > Right, Top > Bottom
性愛対象 (Gender pref)
Diff only <---> Same only (両方 = bi)
貞操観念 (Virtue)
社交性 (Sociability)
Low <--> High
貶し方 (How would they shittalk)
叫喚 Shouting/screaming 皮肉 Sarcasm
論破 With facts and logic (but not really)
能力 (Capability)
話術 (Conversation)
生活 (Daily living)
学力 (Academic)
体力 (Physicals)
Low <--> High
Can't be fucked to translate the rest right now and I don't think they're going to matter much if their previous games are any indication. But if any anons have specific request then feel free to throw it my way.
>ABMX is also a thing
>Make sure that you have at least BepInEx 5.0 and the latest Modding API for your game installed, and your game is updated.
Also, it seems it was never implemented for HC, so i don't get much hopes on it, i was speaking of actual hardmod edit of female model, same way as uncensor mods are done but for breasts to make them smaller
did they finally manage to make some decent looking feet?
I wish there was more personalities, I really need an Oh hohoho Ojou-sama and a tsundere.
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It's back to hardmods and conflicting asset IDs, feels almost nostalgic
Better than nomods.
So whats different compared to AA2 or the competition like custom maid 3d and koikatsu
Yeah the selection is really underwhelming and I honestly can't tell what most of them are supposed to be
I miss creepy
New assets, possibly new features, potentially slightly less dead modding.
Normal is normal
Cheeky is correction required
Cool is the big sis
Gal is gyaru(in mannerisms, not necessarily in style)
Admirable is idk
Bewitching is /ss/
Pure is loli
Motherly is, you guessed it, mommy
Playful is actually not AA2 Playful
Delinquent is idk
My game just stop responding randomly when playing, am I just retarded? Locale and language is already in JP, using locale emulator still doesn't fix it.
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what is going on here, I'm trying to update to 1.0.1 btw.
did you reboot after changing locale?
nvm I just dumped the contents of the update in the game folder.
Does somebody also get a long/infinite loading screen on the character creator?
I already had my system locale set to Japanese, weird.
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Picrel is what HC was doing, it's safe to assume that SVS does at least this much (and possibly more)
If you've already played AA2 and any of Illusion's newer games, there is nothing whatsoever here that is new or exciting. And them making it more difficult to mod probably means it will stay that way.
can you actually lock doors now?
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Also, I can't click on anything on this screen.
Change your locale or use emulator
Not really. It's like a sidegrade from KK. At least you can set the toenails color separately from the fingernails now
>your room is a JPG again
Jesus, what year is this 2001?
I already am
change your locale even harder
I've been using locale remulator
Put them into the convert folder
there are no doors
Every problem with starting the game is linked not using jplocale emu
You have to load them into maker and resave them
at this rate illusion should just go the CoD route and turn their games into fat DLCs of each other
they have so much in common it's ridiculous
reboots, skins carrying over, shit being mostly samey
they just need a card data format that can handle realistic shading together with cel shading
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Tried using this (I don't even remember where I got it) I'll try the other emu.
I use ntleas and it's working fine
How's the performance?
It runs surprisingly smooth as long as the minimum requirements are met
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It tried this emu and it worked on the update exe, but it doesn't show up on the game's exe when I right click.
It would be great if Illusion did the AA2 elf treatment on every single filthy gaijin pirating the games. This would be even more effective than doxing them with their personal info.
try the one bundled with the noise repack
Because it doesn't support 64bit. The one bundled with the repack is https://github.com/InWILL/Locale_Remulator which does.
They can't tell legit customers and pirates apart though. And they didn't kill off their old brand for nothing, it was done because the smell of filthy gaijin money is too lucrative for the cunt-eyed bitches.
Too bad jews smelled competition in their porn market and decided to nuke it
And yet they destroyed the mod community for their new games with shady encryptions and the lucrative use of the characters created with their maker with the terms of service of their products. Deep inside Illusion hates their customer userbase almost as much as every other company in the planet so something like a mass doxing for pirating their software is bound to happen.
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It works now, thanks.
That will piss off too many people and certain individual(s) amonge said people can retaliate with a DDoS on their DRM server, pissing off their domestic paypigs who won't be able to play their latest and greatest reskin of a rerelease. Meanwhile the pirates will have an offline crack in a day if not the day before.
They'd have to rebrand again or die together with Japanese economy.
so this is literally just AA2 but in a new engine that's effectively unmoddable. no new content. lol. lmao.
it's ILL2CPP so it will run well. the problem is that means no mods. Illusion is incapable of making a game that runs well and allows mods.
what version of unity does this game run at?
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LegalCopyright: (c) 2005-2023 Unity Technologies. All rights reserved.
Never was interested in Illusion Games outside of AA2, which I played for a day but it felt too outdated and the immersion breaking mods were annoying. This game seems super fun.
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>what kept me coming back to KK
>was the variety of personalities
Hey, if it is same as AA2.
Does that mean they have Yandere+stabbing characters who's cheating/NTR'd too?

There was crazy back in AA2 with amount dialogue...
I wonder how it is this time.
There is an Evil trait like in AA2 but I don't see any Yandere stabbing collages posted anywhere
just stroll on over to 2ch, they have more of it than e do
Surprisingly decent even on a computer below the minimum requirements. I have the loading times I expected, but even they're shorter than I was assuming they'd be.
I wish I had that collage of that one guy getting ntr'd with his private elf
wasn't that staged?
not him, but I guess he meant it in the aspect of interactions variables, they were unique for each personality in AA2, while in KK they only mattered in just the first interactions and they all devolved to basicaly the same dialogues and ways of interacting

one of my favorite things I did in AA2 was to test how everyone acted druing their first time, or how they would complain if you never took their virginity and only did anal, in their own way, etc,also the lack of consequence in KK amde evrything too easy for harem shenanigans, mostly, it was impossible to make someone mad
nope, you just believed some anon's headcanon
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During rape victim's eyes go dead-fish ntr guy wimped out and instead had regular sex
All I'm saying is that it's easier to reverse engineer a game if the code isn't cryptic as fuck upon unpacking/decompiling.
Ideally they'd just open source the project.
I think the "rape" was more conceptual; second anon recreated first anon's waifu and fucked her in front of him. It's more mindbroken cuckolding than rape, I guess.
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>Seems like an intentional sabotage by western alliance of patreon grifters/"modders"
be quiet, a lot of the people who laid the groundwork and foundation for modding in KK simply isn't around anymore and no one is taking their place in this game, that is what the real problem is.
blaming patreon grifters aka people who port assets for money(a small minority of modders) for scheming to kill SVS modding with propaganda is retarded.
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This is the stuff!
Is there more than one fucking ponytail yet
stupid question
but how do i even install the english rough translation mod
think ill just wait a while until there's a complete-ish TL out
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Not the anon who's saying there's a conspiracy but if you look in their discords they're clearly very anti SVS. A game being hard to mod shouldn't garner this much hate, like most of the posts in the discord about the game are just negative.
It's just depressing honestly since the game seems like a solid base but the modding community seems too jaded and too broken to deal with illusion's shit anymore.

The fact we even have a "evil mods" conspiracy now poppping around probably isn't helping matters, atleast the JP community can't see the dooming but I feel like it's only a matter of time till the EN modders pop off and just say "shits fucked it's over bad game"
yeah same
there's none, the game code is encrypted which makes modding super hard
some people are working towards a hardmod

place there, I would save a copy just in case
theres this but apparently just the dialogue stuff
Do girls bleed during their first time like in aa2 ?
yeah i just browsed the koikatsu discord, i think some people are actively translating the rest of the UI
>SVS is being modded in SVS discord
>SVS is being modded in KK discord
>SVS is being modded in /aa2g/
>SVS is being modded in /h/ thread

i'm lost
There are efforts to mod it because the game IS aa3 but this fact mind broke a lot of autistics anons because the status quo got broken and the community got divided as a result
I didn't notice any blood but they did comment about it being their first time and also teared up a bit.
nah, thought I was doing a bit with that other anon. can't believe people are still talking about that.
More UI translations just dropped.
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So how goes your games? Have you made your dream harem? Stole your guy friends' girlfriends? Have you been cucked yourself?
Where can I buy this to pay them easily? Those Japanese assholes can make it difficult. Or maybe it's their payment processors doing EGS bs.
as far ad i know it's only in KK discord, on the mod translation channel

no idea if anyone has even tried decrypt/deobfuscate the code
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Saw my """girlfriend""" having sex with a black guy. I tried to interrupted, but she picked him over me despite me being her only """partner"""...God, I wished the game gave you the option to watch with added NTR dialogue from the girl after sex.
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Those are some nice eyes.
I'm just playing around with the girls I made in Honey Come a while ago, I'm gonna wait for the TL.
I'm occasionally getting freezes in game and the window ended up not responding.
half assed kayoko on the right
It's like a female version of Dark Schneider.
>cucked out of being fully immersively cucked by being unable to see the cucked
Did vanilla aa2 have the ability to voyuer others having sex? It's been so long I can't remember what aa2 had
Not in base, but I think there was a mod they let you watch NPCs having sex
The way characters move during conversation when they change pose looks really weird. I'm honestly no sure whether I prefer this or the old fade-in-out method.
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trying to get used to the editor
does honeycome even have abmx or mat editor yet?
They could have. But they gave up.
No, only slider unlocker which was made by literal who, without posting source code, so when game updated this mod bricked and people had to downgrade to previous version until Marco rewritten slider unlocker(and still, never uploaded plugin on github seems like)
Also, this is basically all dll mods HC had
Most are really small plugins, the most important was Web Request Blocker v1.0.0
when I start the game, I can't click on anything
Use local remulator, or set calendar to Japanese, or update to 1.0.1
damn this game gonna be DOA huh
What a massive shitfest this inital release has been. It isn't just your average game release of Illusion with the new DRM thingy fucking everyone in different ways.
If we give up.
im not a modder lmao fym if we give up. im not playing an illusion game vanilla
The DRM isn't exactly new. It's there since HoneyCome.
It also caused problems back then but not as many as with this release.
Yeah, if you want some mods, you might as well return back around DLC release and check state of the modding and game
It's wizard territory for now, obfuscation be damned
Does SVS have rape? It's lame how koikatsu have so few forced situations.
That ship sailed long, long ago, my dude. Especially so with ILLusion aiming for global releases.
but it does have rape and blackmail
you would know if you play the game
it even has master/slave relationship now
Is vaginal forced the fist time or you can do anal only for eternity?
I haven't seen any restrictions on positions at all
how? I've been playing but I don't read moonrune very well so I've only been able to discover the vanilla stuff. Is there a similar process to AA2 and where is it in the menu? I'd appreciate the help from you or anyone that's figured this shit out.
Anyone else getting a never ending loading screen when trying to enter character creator? I don't know what I'm missing.
Probably locale error. Switch to Japanese locale or use Locale Remulator
You need to run it with Japanese Locale. Either it came with your download under Utilities or you need to download it yourself. After that, just run it in Japanese Locale everytime you launch and it should be fine.
Had my locale switches but it still wasn't working. Remulator did work though, thanks.
I guess there's no translation for any of the creator stuff yet? The one pisted earlier ITT doesn't seem to be working here.
It's the DRM
I think the only thing keeping BepInEx from working (and thus being able to shove in XUnity.AutoTranslator or such) now is the scrambled global-metadata.dat.

From what I can tell, it looks like only the header (normally containing the magic number AF 1B B1 FA, a version number, and then a list of table offsets and lengths) is scrambled and the rest seems to be in the clear. In other games the header seems to be 256 bytes, but here it's ~20x that length. Hopefully someone who has more of a clue what they're doing with a debugger can figure that out.
There were attempts in the 'cord. Haven't checked if anyone made any progress during this time, but yeah global-metadata "encryption" is what walls BepInEx.
Of course that does not do anything if people eventually decide to suck it up and use hard mods.
Is the header that important though?
>list of table offsets and lengths
Is this necessary or it's possible in theory to make workaround for this from Bepinex side(just ignore the header)
Don't forget the obfuscation of code.
I don't think that code obfuscation means that code structure will necessarily change dramatically between runs
sure if you're relying on symbols being the same, that might be an issue, but they should structurally be in the same place and easily identifiable
>bump limit
>not a single ingame webm
Got to respect the grind, illusion soft, selling the same game for 20 years is ballsy
yeah bepis said he has zero interest in SVS so its over
in theory bepinex can run without the global-metadata file, but there would be no point because it needs it to
- wedge itself into the unity hierarchy, which needs the global-metadata map to find the unity types
- provide access to game properties and types, which it has no knowledge of without the global-metadata map

at that point you'd have code running inside of SVS, but if you can't actually interact with any part of the game, then really what have you accomplished

i know of a couple of turbo autists from aa2 side who are already planning to invest a lot of time into it. i'd be able to help them once they get past the global-metadata part, but the main issue is that it requires a completely different skillset than the normal unity/mono reverse engineering did for KK and etc, and a lot more time

it's very demoralizing to spend time cracking into games when the developers are actively trying to stop you. it's why i never delved much into IL2CPP, a separate group of bepinex devs work on that part who have a much larger interest in it
The thing is, the wake up call against il2cpp started two years ago with RG, but no one bothered to try because HS2 was at its golden age.
And the same scenario pretty much repeated itself with HC against KK.
at the end of the day, ILL game modding is slow, doesn't matter if it's because IL2CPP not having workarounds yet or the modding community not dedicating as much brain power as KK(hint: it's both)
if I had extensive unity knowledge like a certain numbered anonymous I'd do the effort but I don't so there's that.

glad that people are actually enjoying the actual game though unlike what koikatsu had and that gives me a sliver of hope.
Looks good. Can't wait to pick it up on Steam at a later date :-)
One can only hope. Mainly for the translation.
Steam version might have different obfuscation, which will make to replace almost every other game file for modding
But it will come out with the actual necessary "mod". The rest can take its time, SVS is already enjoyable on vanilla unlike KK/HS
i've seen a variety of responses from different game communities over the years. slime rancher 2 moved to IL2CPP because it hated its modders, which was honestly justified because they're a bunch of whiny losers that can't stand on their own feet. as a result the scene pretty much died

on the other end of the spectrum, among us moved from mono to IL2CPP similarly yet the modding community is still extremely strong, and i'm pretty sure they have some form of obfuscation too

there are other games where the developers have actually offered both IL2CPP and mono versions of the game to help modding, but that assumes the developers actually care about the userbase. illusion has always responded with hostility whenever the topic of modding came up whenever i / people i know were in discussions with them

really the biggest factor in having a game modded is having someone determined enough to push through it. you're right in those two situations, because the existing game was okay enough to not warrant the effort. in this case though, the aa2 modders REALLY want to move off that game

anyone can do it if they're determined enough. i had next to no idea what i was doing when i made the first couple versions of bepinex and bepisplugins; i just powered through it and eventually got somewhere. i made everything open source so that everyone can learn from it, because i know there are people better than me and i don't want to repeat the horrors of CM3D and HS1
i believe in the power of anons
Illusion went an extra mile from what I could understand.
IL2CPP, additional obfuscation and always-online DRM.
>aa2 modders REALLY want to move off that game
I really hope for their success, they deserve a more modern game to mess with.
i've had a quick look at the global-metadata.dat encryption. like everything illusion does, it seems to be half assed. a lot of the structure is correct and in plaintext, from what i understand it's just a minor part that is changed and is causing bepinex to break. i doubt the obfuscation could affect too much since anything aggressive would break integration with unity, but i haven't opened it up in a x86 disassembler nor would i be able to figure anything out

this would be insanely easy for the guy who made the patchwork version of KK, since this was his bread and butter. i haven't heard from him in years though
IL2CPP just requires different set of talents, not everyone is going to learn C++ and how to RE C++ games just because new illusion game is moved into that compilation
Some people will keep making C# mods for KK same way as some anons kept playing and making mods for AA2. Being upset about it as silly as being upset that AA2 modders didn't moved into KK
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It gets even better, they explicitly look for BepinEx now and intentionally crash the game if it's detected.
Nigga really? Which modder pissed in Ill Games cereal?
Long term, it's fucking over
You can rename bepinex and hide it, but it will be constant chasing that will make people use older games/versions that will just work
Once you get BepInEx to work this isn't going to be much of an issue. It can probably straight up hide the dlls from the game.
Worst case scenario you could just go back to manually patching the EXE like early version of BepinEx did.
if this is happening after GameAssembly.dll is accessed it can be patched, even if they manually add this check to the .cpp code
What the hell… Nobody is interested in their games without mods and they do this?
I was able to get past the crashing by using the version of bepinex that's used for the Priconne TL and moving the interop folder from the honeycome repack, but couldn't get auto translator to work
There goes 15 line of code effort lmao
You WILL buy the DLCs and you WILL like the vanilla game.
Illusion, now ILLGames, is a Yakuza-owned front for money laundering. If they make too much money off the product it's actually a problem, since the financial reporting requirements become stricter. Illusion was getting too much heat, so the accountants told them to kill it and start a "new" company that suddenly has the same game but newer.
interop folder contains generated dll files made from the global-metadata.dat file. you should be getting errors because the generated definitions don't match the game it's running against, but that one looks like it's because xunity is expecting a different version of bepinex
This is pretty easy to patch, though. All you have to do is hook CreateFileEx and lie about the presence of any of those files.
You're right, but the fact that they went that far is just laughable
It really is pretty fucking weird.
It's not weird at all, mods hurt DLC sales. It's that simple.
You're going to need some actual data to back up that bold claim.
we all shit on illusion here but DLC assets are pretty decent quality compared to most mods, DLC sales being bad is a service problem.
>has always responded with hostility whenever the topic of modding came up whenever i / people i know were in discussions with them
Hello Illusion, now ILLGAMES. This is anon11 connect me to your boss. I'm the current representative after you rejected our last offer from the ever so friendly [insert modcord name]. We're a group of modders who made Koikatsu a global success. We demand 40% cut from sales or else we will not mod your latest game. Comply or face our wrath.
last time we talked to them was when we were trying to negotiate purchasing AA2 from them. that might be why they got pressured to make SVS
Please take your meds and stop shitting up every SVS thread, thank you
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Did you include the mandatory image in the email?
shut the fuck up, if anon11 was still here the game might've been substantially more moddable.
>we humbly offer you the generous offer worth a total of 3 patreon buck months spread in 6 month installments spread across 2 years. Take it or leave it.
unfortunately we didn't get to actually making an offer, we just made the expression of interest and declined immediately
i know some people were ready to dump lifesavings into it though
>lifesavings of a patreon modder >>8177942
So where can I get SVS cards?
Converting HC cards doesn't actually give them any data to be used personality or traits wise so it's kinda pointless unless I wanna handcraft their personality and traits myself
i'll be adding it to bepisdb soon. i think illusion has their own database but of course no gaijins allowed
Thanks bro
>no gaijins allowed
Eh? The honeycome uploader on illgames site has always worked fine for me.
Anyways, svs has a card uploader here:
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Gaijin here, you can access the ingame database just fine, just like HoneyCome.
>they already made kisaki
Kisaki is pure sex, of course they're going to do that.
oh wow, i guess they aren't as anal about it as they were for KK. i'm actually surprised about that
They're want to do global release just like HC so they probably didn't want to bother making redundant shit for JP and non-JP users.
Is there a way to speed hack this game?
well japs have made some really good shit within 3 days kudos for them
Sure bro, just boot up cheat engine and enable speed hax
Yeah, didn't work.
86 pages worth, in fact.
>nobody interested in their games without mods
It's hours 30, nigga, this game is being actively discussed and played in like 8 different threads on this very website, like fuck is nobody interested without mods
Looking good so far but needs proper translation and uncensor. Still a move in a right direction by illusion, even with "DRM no mods allowed" shenanigans
Works now. Turned off vsync in my gpu control panel for svs specifically and it works.
Also, I just want to say that scraping this is going to be a lot more annoying compared to illgames' honeycome uploader unless someone figures out the proper JSON API calls of the in-game card downloader. Cards are assigned UUIDs server-side instead of sequential IDs, meaning you can't just wget in a for loop and call it a day.
illusion is gonna ban you if you cheat
and I will personally make a video exposing you making sure that you never get to play on SVS tournaments
So whoever gets to run XUnity translator wins?
Would be amazing right now, I really want to play more of vanilla but I can't read SHIT.
I want SVS tournaments now
Whoever gets Bepnix running is the new king of Illusion modding yes
B-but, Illusion is dead right? Surely the tourneys are managed by a different set of people.
can't seem to get the game to load the character creator, anyone else have this issue?
Japanese locale/format is required
Locale remulator also works.
>my game doesn't load Chara maker mode/is stuck after loading new game/it has endless loading screens
Set locale AND windows display language to japanese OR use locale emulator
>my converted character doesn't show up in the game
You have to set up their traits and personality in the maker
>how do I convert a character from HoneyCome
>windows display language
No need, but format is.
my summer vacationers are scrambling and they wont stop, what do i do?!
Locale Emulator actually genuinely just doesn't work, and recommending it is misleading. The one that works is a chink fork with 64 bit support called Locale Remulator.
>Set locale AND windows display language to japanese OR use locale emulator
*Set locale and format to Japanese OR use the Locale Remulator that's included in the [BR] Utilities folder
The modders "community" is too entitled to see it but most people that buy the game on steam and such barely care about them. At best mods maybe contribute to few percentage points in sales.
This, and even worse, kk showed that people who care about mod the most are those who would rather pay for mods than pay for the game.
God, there's so many wet blankets here Doomposting. If you're so unhappy with your life that you constantly have to whine, take it somewhere else. Honestly, I'm just happy to have an AA3, even if it is fairly barebones atm. This game was likely to never exist in the first place and instead of having some sort of happy reaction so many people here are just pissing and moaning, although it seems to be a few people that are just very vocal if I'm being fair. I trust that people will mod the game and eventually release cooler stuff, why? Because people are genuinely interested in it. If people are talking about it, and want to see more of it, they'll mod it. It really just stops there because modders have shown they can work some wizardry when they really want to. Considering its a coomer game, and a long awaited one, it feels like an inevitability. It's also literally barely released. Learn to have some patience. As for me, I've had some fun with it so far. I can read enough moonrune to go through vanilla. I just haven't been able to figure out the blackmail/forced system.
It's not AA3, there are no academy mechanics here that were present in AA2.
You need to find someone jerking off
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Thank god I can finally wife Pal for realsy this time.
Can't wait to cheat on her just to fuck around.
You'd think so but it is needed, at least for the first launch. I've always run my PCs in Japanese locale and the network error would not budge until I changed the display language. Maybe locale emulator handles this but idk, never thought I'd need it.
It worked by just changing the format for me. Not using remulator either.
People are pissed about it not working, no translation and no mod
When it's cracked and packaged for braindead and more people play it they'll be people appreciating it
At this point it's going to take another 10 years for me to play this garbage without to worry about the retarded DRM.
You would waste your time seething anyway
The code obfuscation is really annoying, but it shouldn't take too long to crack it.
It's a different setting. Now it's part time jobs which includes cafe, beach, and shrine maidens. They're just catering to different fetishes now. The reason I call it AA3 was because it has the same underlying mechanics from AA2. Yes, it's not AA3 but it's close enough and considering we likely were never going to get anything like this ever again, it's nice to have something that actually runs on modern computers, with updated graphics, and a better character creator. It's just a waiting game until people actually start making it better and ILL releases more content.
I really underestimate how braindead some people are because it's literally one of the most simple things to run a locale to make the game run perfectly. The torrent I got even had one pre-packaged in case you didn't already have it installed. Anyone that's been playing jap ero games or doujin games in general should know how to do this by now. It's as simple as downloading a program and then right clicking the app before launching. I do agree that the anti-modding measures are stupid, but coomer modders are literal mythical creatures when it comes to adding goon shit to games. They've transformed so many regular games into porn games. Japs are notoriously bad at creating software and network related things so I doubt they'll have a hard time cracking it and getting past everything. The will is there and I'm sure the way will come eventually. People just need to be patient and stop doomposting just because they're terminally unhappy IRL.
The game just came out and people are still struggling to do start modding.
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Good thing it wasn't a full week then. Game came out of Friday bro.
this but unironically
>397 posts
>ctrl+F "mod"
>165 results
haha, yeah, fuck those guys...
Man, vanilla SVS blows out any other vanilla H game atm in looks. It's a shame that this will probably get Honeycome levels of attention and be basically forgotten by modders soon enough as everyone goes back to Koikatsu. Hopefully we will at least get a good UI translation.
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any updates on the betterrepack release?
If they release a product that's inferior than what came before it. I am not going to glaze it up. I actually bought AA2 when it came out to support them. I ain't buying this.
any updates on translations and stuff?
you underestimate aa2 players, most of them have been been waiting for this game for more than half a decade
this game is not dying, no matter how hard it is to mod
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I just had an enchilada and it was pretty good, mowed the lawn today and my knees kinda hurt. That's about it, thanks for reading.
someone on f9zone Made a partial machine translation with google translate. Dialogues are translated too.

fart audio or the enchilada didnt happen
not bad
fingers crossed they do more
Basically, things like most of the UI and tutorial images are being translated, but dialogue and other parts require new tools to even be able to properly view. Unfortunately, the current UI translations are hardmodded into the game, and will not work if you update from version 1.0. People are trying to find a way either crack into the game, or use autotranslater to bypass it. No updates on that so far.
Maker is being a dick in its UI mod, so it's still being worked on.
Partial machine translation just dropped.
PSA: These are the same files, the original MTL translator just archived them differently.
I am using version 1.0.1 and the UI translations seem to work.
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So in less than 3 days we already have
>almost all dialogue MTL translated
>over half the ui images translated including maker
>and the game is decrypted already

Why the fuck did we have doomers again?
its the old version that got decrypted
we still cant run auto-translation on it

not over yet
Where do you find this again?
Main menu > Uploader (アップローダー) > Download (ダウンロード)
How good are the recent official translations of Illusion/ILLGAMES stuff? Contemplating if I should buy this once the official English release drops.
Well? Let us plug in the autotranslator and LETS FUCKING GO
>shit only useful to those who can't into moon, half of which was done just by hardmodding the text files
>decrypted manifest only brings us closer to the baseline where HC was from the start
Dumb gachanigger. If only things were that simple.
Gotta say, the autism is impressive considering Ill Games actually tried stopping modders, yet it only made everyone more fierce.
it's decent, but honestly i don't think svs will have an English version in less than a year if ever
it's not that easy
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how new are you? I guess you were not here 10years ago when AA2 was translated by anons from /vg/hgg/ ?
Still no repack?
Prepack was up since few hours after release(preinstalled game with no mods, have to use relocale and optionally update 1.0.1/install preorder bonus)
First repack probably will be after autotranslator+DRM patcher plugins will be done
is there yuri content?
You can make girls (and guys) exclusively het, gay, or bi, so I'd assume there is some, at least.
Yuri AND futa
does to show content for all of them? If I remember correctly if there were two guys i'd always fade to black or some shit

atleast thats like aa2
aa2 didn't had futa
did it not? damn i must be thinking about a different game or something
i believe not vanilla but was modded in
>it's not that easy
HC modding in a nutshell.
Do characters have special dialogues for futas or penis on the girl is not acknowledged?
Later, male characters can fuck futa with the dick hanging out like nothing.
0 gameplay or dialog. (pretty sure)
Where is the preorder bonus
It's uploaded in CN and JP Illgames servers(separate entity from KKcord)
what a retard
Anyone got a sort of conversation cheat sheet for conversation?
Until there is a translation I feel like I'm just gambling that what I say will get me laid.
Works like AA2
1. get a room together
2. spam the 3 conversation topics
3. wait for sexy music
4. ???
5. profit
All the girls/personalities have unique extra futa dialogue yes, but it seem to be mostly when they top with it.
I do that and 66% of the time she is annoyed which is a problem
>futa dialogue mostly for top
Well, too bad, I am not going to let anyone top me. And I doubt my pc will say much if play as futa.
I mean, you can see success chance on top right. Maybe you're just unlucky.
Also you can just make easy characters (pervert, and low virtue I guess) and go straight to fucking right away.
That seems to be a success chance to breach the topic, then you have one of three choices to add to that and I mostly end up picking mid chances even if I try to remember which moon runes not to click they end up being the correct answer the next time.
Anon11 isn't even the reason Koikatsu was moddable in the first place, it was Marco.
Anon11 just happened to take all the credit because he "borrows" code and spams like no tomorrow.
Right, I'm not sure about that one either, either the it's random or it depends on your skill parameters and/or target's trait(s). The choices basically sum up to "Try hard", "Normal", and "Take it easy".
For HoneyCome it looks like it took all of a week... hopefully it's the same here (but knowing my luck you're probably right).
>can hear sex partner's thought during sex scene
Ok, this is kinda awesome.
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>how real men communicate with eachother
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Haven't tried it yet. Is there a teacher role or something? AA2 had it and it felt wonderful shagging the teacher before the next period begins.
Considering that this is a summer vacation themed, I doubt the need for adult supervisors.
Anyone know where I can get the update for 1.0.1?
just wait for better repack
official website
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After trying this game for a bit it is another downgrade from Koikatsu and AA2. It don't have function like Koikatsu had for example groping girl in dialogue or it have a lot less locations than AA2 had.

Seriously why there are no ppl in west to invest a little money in eroge businesses. Just 3-5 millions would be enough and you could get a game a way better than SVS, Koikatsu or AA2. But sure more profitable for western people is losing 180 millions on Acolyte a shit tier series but in Star Wars theme or Concord a shit tier game for woke society that doesn't play games at all, well if there even is any woke society other than few celebrities and bots.

About better repack I wish that He would make a better repack for AA2 because downloading and installing all its mod is pain in the ass.
>why there are no ppl in west to invest a little money in eroge businesses
Don't credit card jews avoid working with porn-related shit?
People are content with porn mods
Yes, unless the game is full of race mixing propaganda with DEI characters, jews won't allow it
So fvcking trve
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been making two sisters, took me a while. Now I have to make the mother and I'm done with it.
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Cute sisters
BTW how are svs sales?
Hopefully low enough to bankrupt ILLGAMES
Hopefully good enough to convince them to stop making trash like HoneyCome.
Patreon wouldn't even allow incest and you expect someone to be able to make porn games in an organized manner without being cancelled (apolitically)?
>another downgrade from Koikatsu
literally impossible
koikatsu has zero worth outside of studio
Hey now, Koikatsu is a lot better of a game than trash like Honey Select was. It at least has SOME gameplay elements (even if they aren't great)!
>Hey now, Koikatsu is a lot better of a game than trash like Honey Select was
Everyone except some weirdos who make money out of patreon disagree
one day I will try sexy beach zero
AI was a cool concept, just needed more TLC
Did anyone actually play HS and the like? I was always under the impression that people only bought it to use the studio to make art for other shitty H games.
literally no one liked Koikatsu, the only people who shill Koikatsu are poserfags who scam people out of money with it and paywall modders.
I played HS when it first came out for a bit, but it's just get's boring fast. That and Custom Maid. I just don't get the obsessions with it.
what did koikatsu modders ever do to you?
not bring sideloader to HC?
Yeah even the grind heavy resource management stuff is tolerable it's just that the game pretty much ends after a few hours without it. It should have gotten more areas or like an actual plot
Look, you can't expect /h/ to remind you to take your meds every time, set an alarm or something.
Custom maid was cool when its only competitor was AA2. Then we started getting better looking H games and custom maid just looks so low quality in comparison that it's hard to stay interested in it.

It didn't help that the game remained untranslated for a long time and the modding scene was carried by Japanese players so all the plug-ins were untranslated and the system to add mods was so terrible and messy.
I played it regularly to check all possible dialogues. HC really fucked up by not having subs for them during sex(I know repack added them later, but it was almost year without them)
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Lads, I need a second opinion

Also how do dates work in this game? I remember dates in AA2 and KK just happened automatically on sundays but that doesn't seem to happen here
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Which personality are you gonna use for the character?

I tend to use cuter faces for more childish/playful personalities and mature looking faces for the others, except gyaru because I think it fits both.
Is it an unlockable or are there actually no footjob positions in this game?
>chestlet actually wished her chest was bigger when giving you paizuri
I wonder what's the cutoff value.
Wasn't it just 33% per size in AA2?
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If this game doesn't take off at least I had some fun with it
It's wild considering HC had footjob
I wonder how hard it to port over, considering it's same engine and same models
card ?
Does the yuri actually have a decent amount of positions because their last games had a whopping five (5) yuri positions and three of them were cunnilingus.
There is one trib, one 69 and all of the pampering
any updates on the tl mods?
random stuff has been released here and there
latest from KK discord : https://workupload.com/file/XHxppHQAmVV
some other files have been posted here and there but im too lazy to find them

bepinex autotranslate is very unstable, someone is working on it
チョロイ - 相手を好きになりやすくなります 熱血友情 - 相手との友情になり熱くなります
Easy - More easily falls in love with others Friendly - More easily becomes friends with others

男性苦手 - 男性が苦手になります 女性苦手 - 女性が苦手になります
Androphobic - Bad with men Gynophobic - Bad with women

チャーム - 異性に好かれやすくなりますが同性に嫌われやすくなります。 侠気 - 同性との絆が強くなります。
Charm - Gain favor with opposite sex, same sex interactions are more difficult Chivalrous - Gains favor with same sex

ミーハー - 感受性が豊かになります。 素直 - 相手の行動や評価に流されやすくなります。
Trendy - Mood changes more easily Honest - Easily influenced by others

前向き - テンションが上がりやすくなります 照れ屋 - 恥ずかしがりやすくなります
Positive - More easily relieves tension Shy - More easily embarassed

ヤキモチ - 嫉妬しやすくなります。 豆腐精神 - 落ち込みやすくなります
Jealous - More easily becomes jealous Weak Spirited - More easily depressed

スケベ - スケベになります 真面目 - 真面目な行動を取りやすくなります
Horny - Becomes Horny Serious - Will act more earnestly

平常心 - 平常心が強くなります 神經質 - 他人の物事に敏感になります。
Calm - More calm Sensitive - More sensitive to others

直情的 - 気分の振れ幅が大きくなります。 ぼややん - ぼーっとしやすくなり、相手の嫌味に鈍くなります。
Impulsive - Large mood swings Absent minded - Will not notice other people's mood
短気 - 怒りやすくなります 肉食系 - 欲望に積極的になります。
Hot Headed - More easily angered Carnivore - More open with sexual desires

草食系 - 欲望に消極的になります。 世話焼き - 世話をした相手を好きになりやすくなります
Herbivorous - More passive with sexual desires Caring - Will gain affection for those they take care of

まとめ役 - みんなでする行動を取りやすくなります 筋肉愛 - 運動が好きになり、また体力が高い人を好きになりやすくなります。
Mediator - Will call for more group actions Muscle lover - Likes to exercise, increased affection to those with high strength stats

お喋り - 話す事が好きになり、また話術が高い人を好きになりやすくなります。 ハラペコ - 食べる事が好きになり、また生活が高い人を好きになりやすくなります。
Chatty - Likes to talk, increased affection to those with high conversation stat Hungry - Loves to eat, increased affection to those with high lifestyle stat

勤勉 - 勉強が好きになり、また学力が高い人を好きになりやすくなります。 恋愛腦 - 恋愛に関わる行動を取りやすくなります。
Studious - Likes to study, increased affection to those with higher intelligence stat Romantic - Acts more lovingly

一方的 - 自分からの行動に満足しやすくなり、相手からの行動に満足しにくくなります。 一途 - 恋人を2人以上作らなくなり、またその恋人に対してより好きになりやすくなります。
Selfish - More pleased by own action, angers others Devoted - Will not have more than one lover, gains affection for lover more easily

優柔不断 - 複数に選択を迫られた時に曖昧な判断をしやすくなります。 腹黑 - 腹黒い行動をしやすくなります
Indecisive - Will give vague answers when asked to choose Schemer - Will act shady

世渡り上手 - 人を好きかれやすい行動を取りやすくなります 勤劳 - 仕事に従順になります。
Worldly - Will take actions favourable with others Diligent - Will work obediently

奔放 - 場の雰囲気を気にせずに自分のしたい事をします。 M気質 - 普通なら嫌がる事に喜びを感じるようになります。
Wild - Will act on own without concern for surroundings Masochist - Will gain happiness from aggressive actions
心の闇 - 恋人に対して愛情深くなりますがその分憎しみ深くもなりやすいので、相手をするには注意が必要です。 鈍感 - 相手の質問を聞きそびれる事で第三の選択肢を選ぶ事が出来ます。
Dark Heart - Will be affectionate, but can be violent, be careful with them Insensitive - Has a third option when answering other's questions

節穴 - 視野が狭くなり、相手を認識し辛くなります。 強運 - 不慮の事故が起きた際に持前の強運でなんとか出来るかもしれません。
Blind - Has tunnel vision, poor recognition of others Lucky - May get lucky if the unforeseen happens
So what does blind properly mean here?
Just released from KK Discord
Rough Translation Rev6 - For SVS 1.0.1

gofile io/d/q9NUmH
Oblivious is probably the best choice imo
The description implies that you could cheat on them when they're in the same room and they might not notice.
Is there some secret step to loading in cards from Honeycome? I tried the usual drag-and-drop in 1.0.1 and they're not showing up in the creator.

Put them in the convert folder then run the game.
can i fuck a femboy
this is important
is there a trick to finding non-OC cards?
Are they all on pixiv nowadays? I remember having to go through various japanese blogs to find non-OC character cards
Well, there's futa so... Maybe?
has no one tried yet?
is there a way to watch when you encounter people fucking? Or join in? please tell me theres threesom support..
No watching unfortunately. There is 3P but the requirements are a bit obtuse. My understanding is that all three of you have to be in a relationship with each other
patreonfags and dicksorters btfo
Man I wish they'd add spectating h, like how the other charas are watching when there's h happening.
Same with following/stalking where you can follow the target and follow a girl without striking a conversation similar to how NPCs do it in aa2.
Toilet, bath, and locker rooms are gone too, or if they exist it's purely for h or changing attire outside of the actual location instead of hanging around in the place.
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Launch of HC vs Launch of SVS
is there a translation of the belongings values in the traits section of the creator?
I might start putting blind on everyone just so I don't get interrupted all the fucking time
I understand that dialogues take a priority in translation, but it would be nice to have settings in english.
just went ahead and did a rough translation of belongings using an image translator

this might help somebody
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Miss my old accesories and body paints, did what I could.
From dialogue it seems like safe/unsafe days are still a thing, but they don't get mad about unsafe days like AA2
Hiw am i supposed to ejaculate if she doesn’t want me cumming inside
I probs will eventually, but I'm struggling without proper translation lmao
any tips for getting out of the friend zone? stuck at sukikamo between 2 characters
did they add voicelines where the girl begs to be impregnated?
How's the gameplay loop? Same as AA2 or is it worse?
It's AA2 on easy mode
the mechanics are the same, it's just everyone is way easier now so you can shag a high virtue in one day, though you could do that in AA2 as well if you knew what you were doing
some mechanics are actually more complicated now, e.g. to rape someone you have to catch them masturbating first and then you enter a master-slave relationship
how do master-slave mechanics interact with yuri/faggotry and futa?
Any update on TLs?
asking the same thing here also
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Patch that apparently fixes XUnity.AutoTranslator in BepInEx was just posted a couple minutes ago in the KK Discord.

Mirrored here: https://gofile.io/d/FSRQfU
there's an SVS bepinex already???
Yeah the guy behind it brute forced till he found a version which can be used
Wake me up when someone makes a slider unlocker again.
I don't get how you're supposed to catch anyone fapping when the map is so small you'll rarely find someone alone in the first place
That's pretty great, did anyone test the translator yet?
Also wow, we went from "totally unmoddable" to "I cracked global metadata twice in two different versions" real quick.
>still featuring hover lips
>in 2024
Just why? Is it because of some weird technical limitation that was somehow circumvented by modders without much issue?
Thank you anon, im counting on you
Maybe folks today don't have the gumption to make a new framework.
>They finally add official futa support
>Forget about inverse kinematics for male/female poses so hands just clip into boobs
Fucking japs can't do anything right
I tested the translation. It's very MTL but most of it is readable.
Now we only need a version of the UI that can be merged with if, without actually replacing the game files again
It should be super easy to do that with the auto translator, it's just a matter of editing .txt files.
Didn't AA2 have some funny memes regarding its mtl? I know koikatsu had yellel.
I spoke with no silly
Sure but AA2 was eventually translated by anons.

Some of the UI pieces are pngs, can't translate the text directly from it.
About the auto translator, I can confirm that my performance got worse, lot more stuttering
Do the characters suffer from heavy bulbhead syndrome?
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Not as bad as KK but still there
The performance penalty is because whoever made the pack put the MTL in the Substitutions file, which means it has to scan through the entire thing any time some text needs translating. Rename it to something else and the performance improves massively.
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I need a full translation with subtitles NOW. It's nowhere near as sexy not knowing what they say during sex!
Learn Japanese, it doesn't take much to understand porn
need a tutor for that
>bro, just learn on your own with duolingo and rosetta stone
fuck you, not everyone is an autodidact
Man, say whatever about HC/SVS but the character model is one massive improvement.
does the repack come with 1.0.1 bundled in? or do i still need to get it separately, if so, where do i get the updated repack
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learning nip is super easy if you know what to do.
>t. polyglot with The Gift™
I'm guessing you have a piano in your parent's basement that you learned to play at age 5?
I'm gonna ask the real question, POV mod when
Illusion keeps working on all this other shit, but literally the most fundamental feature is always missing
New bread >>8185905
>I'm guessing you have a piano in your parent's basement that you learned to play at age 5?
I was never interested in piano and never played it.
We know. Even the biggest KKfag admitted that HC/SVS has better base models.

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