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Hello /h/.

Today I would like to propose to you that spanking threads belong on /h/.

Rule number 3 of /h/, which you can find at https://www.4chan.org/rules#h, states:
>3. In addition, alternative, ecchi, shota, yuri, and yaoi content belong on their respective boards.

But what is "alternative" content? If you've ever visited /d/, then you probably know how outrageous most of the fetishes that get posted there are. Spanking on the other hand is probably the most normalfag fetish there is. It looks tame in comparison.

One potential argument is that /h/ is for "hardcore" content, while /d/ is for "softcore" content. Basically if it doesn't involve penetration then it doesn't belong on /h/. But there are several threads in the catalog right now that either don't focus on hardcore content or don't feature any pornography at all. Here are a few examples:
If bondage threads and even meta threads are allowed on /h/, then I see no reason spanking threads shouldn't be as well.

All we ask is for a single spot in the catalog, so that we arent stuck on /d/ anymore.
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you cannot name anything better than a bare bottom spanking
Wonder what happened there.
Io saturnalia!
>But what is "alternative" content?
If this thread is anything like the one in /d/, then it breaks Rule 3 because it's "yuri" more than because it's "alternative."
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This thread is more about the act of spanking itself, which isn't limited to F/F. Drawings are almost always focused on the spankee and the spanking they are receiving, and sometimes the spanker isn't even shown.
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Yugioh spanking?
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Nice angle.
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Characters you want to see spanked?
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Forgot image.
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I don't care who, but I'm dying for some switch spanking.
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I don't have switching but I do have caning.
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More caning
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Switch spanking means that participants do it to each other. Switching places...
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Oh, I thought you meant spanking with a switch.
It's called switching, I understand the confusion.
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here's a good switch spanking
i like it too. dominance and submission is great but i think a big percentage of spanking fetishists appreciate both spanking and being spanked :P
So good to see a girl who spanks get her own bottom bruised up in turn. Teaches em not to get too big for their britches, even when they do some spanking themselves.
Also i love the idea of a domestic discipline relationship where rules technically apply to both partners, so even if there's a dom and sub, either one can earn a good spanking at any time.
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wow that quality was horrible
lemme try reposting it, if it still looks bad here's the link
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>i think a big percentage of spanking fetishists appreciate both spanking and being spanked
It's not reflected in art though. So rare, it literally hurts.
Here is another recent example.
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Is it just me or has barky gotten way worse over the years
He is just doing some experimental stuff. I'm sure he could draw better if he tried.
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Seems like he can.
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What are your favorite spanking scenarios? I prefer punishment spankings, but I also like it when the spankee is secretly into it.
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still obsessed with this one
this is Barky's best piece ever imo
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>favorite spanking scenario
"Official" punishments ordered by law.
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Time to Singaporemax. Also
>Hendserson Alice
>Personal request
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Any form of "official" punishments are nice actually, not necessarily legal ones.
I like this. The idea of a woman seeking out sex workers every week to get her ass beat for 3 hours is pretty erotic.
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3 hours and her butt is only moderately red? There must've been a lot more going on during that punishment session. Maybe some spanking interspersed with corner time, mouth soaping, and butt massages. Should've also included a rotation of implements but that clearly didn't happen.
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Love the details on the pantsu.
One favorite that I rarely see represented or talked about is unfair spankings. Like getting punished for stuff you didn't do and your denial is just looking like non-repentance
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Yes! I'd love to see more spanking scenarios where a girl is being punished for something her sibling or classmate did and then gets her revenge on the true perpetrator later. Something like this spanking manga: https://hiramapunish.booth.pm/items/3791214
It happened to me last year. I don't remember what exactly it was over, but I cried so much because of the frustration.
As recompense I got to punish my mistress back, and that was quite a lot of fun too. She's got a lower pain tolerance than I do and isn't a bottom at all, and I teased her by repeating stuff she usually says to me.
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I like to imagine that the teacher can hear the smacking sounds and is slowly getting aroused as the phone call goes on.
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Does anyone know why this anime hasn't been released yet?
(Shounen ga Otona ni Natta Natsu )
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Gushing Over Magical Girls is apparently getting a second season, so we'll get some more spanking art in the future.
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came here to post this and this
Looking forward to it
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Where would story even go now
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You mean in season 2 of the anime? It will just adapt more manga chapters, probably up to chapter 50. The manga is still on hiatus, but they said it would be continued eventually.
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>he doesn't know about the manga
It literally only gets better.
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Rika did get a spanking from her parents in the Higurashi Rei Visual novelS and she couldn't sleep well afterwards. So this drawing is actually canon.
Both cheeks are getting spanked in this one
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Your response?
Yes, ma'am
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Asuka has to be one of the most spankable anime girls. She really needs to be disciplined.
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Why are corner time drawings so rare? Does anyone have any good ones?
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It's from the Saikoroshi arc. Rika snuck into the ritual store house without permission and got punished. It's not shown, just mentioned.
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Why does no one know that rackets are made to be as light as possible. They suck at beating anything. Do people not play tennis anymore.
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does anyone here have that shadman comic of a mom about to spank her daughter? I cant find it
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Higurashi's author might be a bit kinky. This is from Umineko when they cry.
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Source of pic?
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my local church had a spanking room. it was (not) soundproof and had an assortment of implements like belts, paddles, and switches that were donated by churchgoers. Every Sunday at least one crying kid would be taken into the room and everyone would hear the muted but audible spanking and screaming. The pastor would always make time to talk about the benefits of spanking at the end of sermons.
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this is a great dynamic. daddy is protective of his little girl and would never raise a hand against her. While mommy will spank her bare bottom or nude anytime any place.
The dynamic is even better if it's a stepdad whose new wife spanks her hot daughter's bare ass in front of him. So she ends up confiding and bonding with her new step dad that protects her.
& of course, the solution to this conflict is daddy turning the tables on mommy and giving her a hard spanking. That is, if he has what it takes.
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Agreed, it's a really fun dynamic. The mother being a much harsher disciplinarian than the father is a fascinating trope.
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God i Wish this was part of my childhood
My favorite that never gets used is the public spanking in pillory. Basically a defeated villainous is stripped, captured and forud to endure a public spanking to the enemy before all.
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you mean like this
if I had a daughter & I found out my wife was spanking her, I would sit my wife down, explain to her in detail why spanking is wrong and is using bodily violation as a punishment, until she promises never to do it again. Then I'd strip her nude and give her a Singapore-level spanking, 100 swats with every belt in the closet.
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I like how blatantly masochistic these girls are.
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Moving this from /d/ to here is a terrible idea. It's been tried before. This board is way too sensitive to reeeeeing over muh westoid shit and muh "loli" (that isn't actually loli) that comprises so much of the best spanking art.
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Your image and the other one in here are from Cutie Spanking. They do seriously awesome AI work with plenty of other good corner time scenes. But being AI, I have no idea how people and jannies will react to it. There's plenty on Pixiv and Civitai.
I like this one a lot. Forcing all the girls to pick their own switch for their group punishment is pretty hot.

Spanking is a popular BDSM fetish though. It really doesn't belong on /d/.

I would agree with you if it weren't for what I just said. I guess we'll see how it ends up playing out. I just hope it doesn't do lasting damage to having a thread up and splitting that thread between multiple places.
Guys i need help, I once saw a video of a swedish movie of a mom birching her daughter bare ass, how was it called? It got deleted from yt?
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This looks so weird.
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I love this one, especially for the shape of the butt. the text says that she's getting spanked for breaking a vase and not admitting it. which is pretty boring so I want to come up with a new story before I typeset it.
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these are all OCs btw
the girl getting spanked is a Chinese artist named Bu Li (aka Bully)
The spanker is another artist named Akarenn
and in >>8216332 the spanker is someone with a Chinese name that I will call Penguin who is Bully's mistress
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Here's Akarenn spanking another artist named Ichiro, who I headcanon is half Chinese half Japanese just because of her name
she is a huge masochist
I always love it when there's a third person who is watching the spanking in amusement. It adds so much more embarrassment for the girl who's getting spanked.
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>spanked bare ass for a 59 when a 60 is generally considered a good grade in Japan
what a bitch mom
Because it's an obvious photo trace slapped on a 3d background. That artist started pumping out soulless crap in the months before he quit.
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i really dont like spanking videos, they are never proper spankings.
The only spanking video that features proper spanking to this day is "2 party girls spanked".
Either that or a spanking thread on /gif/ once every dead pope
>watched professional videos
>surprised that they seem fake
Amateur is the only good kind of spanking video, but they're becoming rare desu.
Is someone good enough with editing so that this animation doesnt have that retarded pause when it slaps the butt, but it keeps swinging like a spanking should be?
see link for reference
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>2 party girls spanked
one of the first spanking videos i ever saw, still one of the best.
The video you mentioned is very good, but I also like the ones from that japanese "hand-spanking" website. They have some fun plot scenarios.
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Are there even any good spanking sites left? RSN/ hand-spanking still make decent videos but those are the only two I can think of. Seems like everyone else retired or went to shit.
>2 party girls spanked
I loved the double strapping on the bed in that video. This shouldn't be as rare as it is.
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this was the plot of my persona 3 fanfiction with Mitsuru as the teacher and the mom at the end is the protagonist
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Hey OP. I'm the guy that made the bondage thread. I agree with you that things over on /d/ are pretty extreme. That's why I took the risk and made my thread over on /h/.

After all, things like bondage is a pretty normalfag thing. I'm glad that the jannies haven't killed our threads. It appears that we do have a space over here to post this more normal kink stuff.
I quite like Dallas. His videos are decently long, he has a lot of models over the years so enough of them are cute, and he roughs them up well (without going overboard like mood for example). He's not my type at all as an old guy twice my age, but I would love him pulling me over my knee. I'd cry in like five minutes for sure.

Not who you're replying to, but personally, I'm much more into amateur stuff -- especially DD videos. But God yes. I wouldn't turn down a chance to get spanked by Dallas for anything lol
Where did you get this one from? I thought i had these artists followed but this doesnt look familiar.
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>2 party girls spanked
Just google it. It's with Audrey Knight as the spanker
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While I like amateur stuff sometimes (not much of a fan of drawn out roleplay and cheap tricks like filming the same scene from multiple angles and splicing it into a longer video that many studios use) Dallas is a professional.
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>still not filter for AI slop on 4chan dot org
Rika gets spanked in the anime as well after she's blamed for breaking a statue (Satoko did it btw).
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We should just have a full AI ban aside from threads specifically devoted to it.

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