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Previous thread: >>8218946 >>8226508

This thread is for discussions about commissioning non-Western (primarily Japanese) artists through platforms such as Skeb, Pixiv, Fantia, and similar sites.
Feel free to ask questions and recommendations for specific kinks/fetishes.

>Skeb (requires a Twitter account)

>Skeb Button/Skebify
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skeb-button/onjegdbehgoamaiochjfnkokondpgoim (Chrome-based browsers only)
Displays on Twitter whether an artist is currently accepting requests.

>SkebUe - Memo Box
Allows you to write notes on an artist's Skeb page.

>Skeb Pricing Manager (created by anon)
Retrieves prices, deadlines, and completion rates for both open and closed artists. The price for closed artists will be the price when last open.
>It's not loading any data!
You need to manually navigate to the artist's Skeb page. Directly opening the page or refreshing won't work.

>Skeb Price Sorter
Allows you to sort artists by recommended price. Do not use on a large amount of artists at the same time or you will get timed out for too many requests.

>Pixiv Request
>Help! I can’t request R18/R18G because of my payment method!
Change your UI language to Japanese, and you should be able to.

>Fantia Commissions
These commissions are reserved for supporters, but artists may allow those in the free plan to request too.

Skeb/Pixiv Request/Commission Support General OP pastebin (use if making new thread):https://pastebin.com/3HVj7SgK
What the fuck happened to the other thread?
brown pso2 anon still hasn't answered me
Because someone used the same OP image, mods probably thought it was a duplicate/spam thread and deleted it
Nah, more than likely OP got banned. I bet he was the one spamming every thread with a bump to make the skeb thread go to page 10
called it
>still impossible to search "skeb" in twitter without getting usernames that have skeb in them
God this is the worst fucking platform
I want to give money to a woman post snopes factchecked™ certified© female (female) artists
>Finally have an OC
>Can't decide what artist and what positions to commission
My OC and your OC smoochin under the bleachers
let me see
Big guy fucks her with his big penis.
Obvious amazon press
Amazon press looks like shit when it's not drawn by someone good at it, super risky
Full nelsoned by an orc
Futa breeding other OCs
beaten and fucked in a colosseum fight. actually theres a few OCs that work for this...
Standing sex in a natural hotspring
Spider cowgirl or "laying on top" (Not sure how to describe it but it's basically cowgirl with a full body + breast press.
Instant loss doggystyle
Yawning/stretching with nip slip
Sorry anon
No, I still really didn't like it very much; it's like a weird experimental thing, but I appreciated the apology the gave me at least.
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Give a short idea, get a new OC
10k for a character design is good though
I'm not really into their artstyle
2k nsfw
:> marin
The barbarian should eat all the other fantasy OCs
Post OC so we know what we're working with.
jp artist on the front page
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I did but I'll repost the image I guess
Any skeb artists who draw dogs? Not like as in bestiality but as in like "Hey I want my pet to be drawn"
seeing the pussy from behind is underrated
What artist do you think would be good for Drake or maybe Noah?
Drake Iyapan style might be fun. It would be cooler if the artist can do a mask on + mask off version.
Cool concept, but not at that price. For 10k I can find a much more detailed artist and micro manage every aspect. I'm not throwing that away on a 1 sentence idea.
Not if I have barely any input on the design beyond one sentence.
>Obvious amazon not amazon-pressing.

From my own (autismically obsessed) experience, it's about as difficult to draw as a mating press is. Just flip the roles and that's 90% of the work.

Epic battle scene drawn by https://skeb.jp/@metallightheart (if/when he opens).
Ah, sorry, it was in the last thread (that wasn't nuked). How hardcore do you wanna go, theres a lotta content you can do with primal women.
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>condom nipples
In the thumbnail it looks like they're bleeding
>Condom Nipples
My MAN!!
condom in hair is pretty hot
is this the anya face
Condoms tired on to horns are also top tier.
Bonus if the girl forgets about them and greets someone who looks shocked at seeing it.
thank you!
アイドル idol
I also really like using condoms as hair ties
I just want 1boy 1girl sex nothing super rapey (yet)
built for dinosaur and/or dragon cock
Rampaging as a giantess in a modern city. Complete with building dildo finisher.
calm down jenny anon
I like the prospect of her taking bounties and initially being really successful. Then she takes on a big bounty and gets humbled really quickly.
Nuggetize all buff fantasy women
I'm so fucking mad Skeb still refuses to let us search artists by tags/fetishes. It's so much harder to search for things than it should be. Even looking for gyaru art is hard because not everyone uses the same word or phrasing.
Have her riding a defeated opponent Cowgirl style.
how muscular is too much
A little too bodybuildery for me with the veins but that's well within acceptable size range.
how come some artists won't do copyrighted characters, but others have no problems doing them?
how come some artists won't do porn, but others have no problems doing them?
upper body petrified and then raped by a cockatrice
too much for an anon
People... differ? What kind of questions are these?
cute kokusei
which one is more copium:
>hoping the artist sends a resend request after canceling your request
>hoping the artist fixes a mistake in the delivery
I want that clown to show me her clussy
Definitely the latter
Woah, jp artist is improving. This looks like their best art yet.
Anon on the front page
Ghost blowjob
>skeb email
>get excited
>it's fucking skeb coin
>Ghost blowjob
>get excited
>It's not the ghost loli sucking dick
Day ruined
That's what she tries to get for venturing to zones outside her level range.
Really like Occultist
Delivery is due in 3 hours. Will they deliver? Place your bets
Is their completion rate 100%?
>tfw only 1 out of 3 manga requests actually gets completed
Been having lots of cancelations lately.
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Oh, yeah. Really happy with it. I'll definitely be keeping the ghosts around, too. Took a while, but I don't mind.
102 days 16k (2.0x)

Muko delivered today too, by coincidence.
17 days 12k (1.5x)
Was curious how far they'd go for a bukkake request, but I'm quite a fan of her look in the top left, specifically.

Muko's also opened up requests on pixiv, and since the half fee campaign is still going (I think), I'd recommend using it, if you can.
Idk how occultist class works but the ghost class is busted bro ain't no way it's her fault
>immune to all types of physical attack
>switching into ghost just needs you to die with at least a single unfinished quest entry
>get killed as a ghost? That's a level up, instantly.
>complete control over appearance and form
>second highest fear multiplier in the entire game behind skeletons (who hit the integer limit)
>devs are retards so you get instant access to impregnation skill even though it makes ZERO sense

Coulda been overleveled and it wouldn't have helped. Pardon the pun, but FUCK ghosts.
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I made this thread >>>/d/11131196
So what do you guys think? As I understand it skeb is kind of bad for what I have in mind right? I basically just want Bonnouji's attention and to compliment him on his taste, see if he shares my fetishes, and maybe get him to consider including my ideas in his next work.
Rather that do something original; I just want him to continue what he has been doing as I'm a fan of this Kuon story.
No delivery + resend request + they still don't deliver
That's a soft occultist. Highly recommend Muko too, easily one of my favorite artists on skeb and possibly the one I've requested the most from.
You cool with people using your girl by the way? Got an idea for a thematic collab.
Poor girl never stood a chance, that impregnation skill is bullshit.
what did you ask for
Yeah but also
>no particular immunity to magic
>exorcism magic is an instant kill
>most are limited to a territory they can operate in
>weakness to skills that control undead
Occultist clearly didn't train her exorcism skill enough if she can't send them into the afterlife.
now THIS is the type of "draw my pet" art I can understand.
>You can buy Skeb Points with Bitcoin or Skebcoin starting the first on October
>Fuck off kusogami do you know how fucking far away Octo-
>Realize that that's next week
Still the most soulful artist on Skeb
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Right before I head to bed, too.
Nudie wallpaper version attached.
A little under 60 days, 11k. Can provide sfw if someone wants it.

Ironically, the closest due wasn't any of these; hopefully you'll be seeing a fourth one today or tomorrow.
It just...depends, I suppose. Nudity through masturbation to yuri would be fine, anything past that and into hetero would be situational (and going past that into beast or rape is a hard no-go)

Or you can just DM me, I guess.
If there's an email on the back of his doujins (or his SNS or something), that sounds a bit more appropriate for what you want to do, unless you're willing to drop some big bucks for those plots and ideas you wrote up in your /d/ thread.
Three deliveries in one day? Really hit the jackpot, damn. Got one pending from the same artist so it's nice to know it'll probably go over the average so I'm not checking impatiently every day past the 20 day mark.
She looks great and those ghosts are adorable.
>Nudity through masturbation to yuri would be fine
Was thinking yuri with some ghostly hands helping out by groping occultist so that's perfect, will prob shoot you a dm in a few weeks to okay some details.
If a ghost baby is stillborn or aborted vs being born normally or can it just phase through the womb or how does that work
>skeleCHADs maxing out the game engine with their spook multiply factor
Bonebros...we can't stop winning...
Do we any way of seeing pixiv commissions like we see on the new works page on skeb? I know they show new requests on pixiv but only of artists you are following.
For me it's occultist Alin rogue and plant
So, has anyone tried to request the menhera tart since/after the meltdown?
he's done a few requests but he hides the in-progress ones now
Plant raped alin already, maybe Rogue needs a go too.
>Extremely well known artist open for requests
>Hasn't delivered in forever but has 100% completion
Do you assume it's because they're expensive or just that they're open but not actually accepting anything?
I looked. He has:
A closed skeb

I don't have a twitter account but I probably need to make one for this huh?
>Artist messaged me that shes pregnant
>Messaged again when she gave birth
>She got diapers and other baby stuff on her amazon wishlist
would i be a cuck if i got her something
Yes, you retard. That's exactly why she did it
No. This modern pechant for absurdist-misanthropic paranoia over the simplest of matters would though.
Only if you seriously wanted to fuck this woman. It sounds like you might be a different thing called "friends".
t. Cuck
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Is there a technical name for this type of non-distinguishing aesthetic that every dude in early 90s/2000s eroge had other than "Bangs covering eyes"?
At first I thought "Mob Face/Mob Gao" would work but based on cursory searching it seems like that's more reserved for people with NPC tier faces
Yes, but you would also be a cuck if you didn't, you have been since she fucked someone that wasn't you.
Good thing you're shitposting though.
A minor fork of "Faceles Bastard" I guess?
Spending your own resources to help raise another man's child is an extremely accurate use of the word cuckold going by etymology
>Find a good artist that would be fitting for an idea
>They re-post everything private on twitter and pixiv
>They re-re-post it behind paywalls too probably with differences and bonuses
Always a bummer to see a would be good choice become worthless like that.
mob face is appropriate, just specify you want the eyes covered by his hair
Maybe stop being a retard who cares about that shit
Sorry for not throwing away my money to any random retard without any thought.
God forbid I'm allowed to be picky with what I'm paying for. You should work at the western videogame industry with how entitled you are.
You are literally crying because your autism prevents you from letting other people see your comms
It's not the artists fault, it's yours
They do things I don't want to support so it's their fault actually. Simple as.
I'd be more concerned if the skeb artist didn't share my comm because I'd assume they're aware it isn't on par with their usual work
Plant raped rogue too actually and has like the only claw lewd nothing can stop the plant rapist
>artist shares the link to my request on Twitter
>Doesn't actually post it there
>Plant raping all these other OCs
>Still no futa of her
Alice (from 2hu) pissing herself on the front page
I love having my comms publicly posted and I love seeing other people enjoy them. Even better is when the artist themselves clearly enjoyed drawing it
What ever happened to that claw bestiality work anyway?
anon on the front page
>Plant raped rogue
where? I looked at his profile and don't see it. also got Neige and JD I think, maybe got hidden by mods
Spending your own resources to help raise another man's child is cuckery when the act is not involved in friendship and it consists of some amount of skin off of your nose, which this situation does not satisfy.
You're a maymay brainrotted imbecile, I hope you know that.
deadline is due time probably
Men and women can't be friends, cuck.
What if you're gay
Men and women can be friends with difficulty, rather.
if you buy things for a woman for her children you're a cuck
if you buy things for a woman for her lover you're a cuck
if you buy things for a woman for herself you're a cuck
Pretty based, thanks
It's sad that you don't realize I too am an enemy of the malevolence of NTR/cuckery but unlike you know that it only works when opposed rationally.
You only do the left/NTR axis favors by making it look silly by being a pantswetting dipshit about it.
But of course thats the aforementioned brainrot at work.
All true
Round 5 with namarei_x expired. He accepted right away and shortened the deadline, and I reduced the request to just "draw my character" in case he was hung up on the details, but still no dice.
rip, he was a good one until the burnout hit
wasnt the deadline already passed like many times over?
big cock croc killed the artist
I swear artist san keeps drawing gray/black man by default
What artist? Link them.
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Try my friend out
Currently working on something for me as well

She recently cosplayed as Haruka if you really need confirmation
>friends with tori loli anon
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Which is the best and less annoying way to join a fan-club in fantia?
Fantia is dead for foreigners, its genuinely not worht it now after they restricted credit cards
Just use Kemono if its a popular artist
https://x.com/FellatrixArt/status/1792966538150195531 (it's a guide, not their usual hideous art)
they still accept american express, the moment they cut that off then yes we literally can't use it
>has a random idiosyncratic issue where any commission must be kept completely secret
>immediately brings up western game development out of the blue (they live in his head and he cannot stop thinking about them)
>initial post is a falsehood shitpost made to obtain (You)s (nobody will respond otherwise)

Please go back to /v/.
Get an American Express card (obviously one of the zero annual fee ones)
Don't think about using it for skeb though, it'll work but they have a foreign transaction fee (not huge, but an annoyance nonetheless)
I just have it set to auto pay itself off every month and that's that.

I'd prefer to not have to, but there's just some artists who don't have a Fanbox (or even a pixiv)
Kemono hasn't been able to scrape fantia for nearly a year now, and can barely keep up with the websites it does parse
As fellatrix and several anons note, it's literally just easier to get the Amex card.
can't get amex in my (non-third world) country so it's what I gotta do
buying toracoin accepts slightly more payment methods, if you have access to none of those either in your country then youre just out of luck, you have better odds paying someone to rip a fantia for you
>work at a bakery, give a child a free cookie
>sister comes over for dinner, make food for her kid
>donate to children's hospital
>um, going by the dictionary definition and not how people actually use words, that's cuckoldery!
Jesus christ you have some intense brainrot.
nothing wrong with ntr.
which oc is most likely to cheat on her future lover?
esu's whore
Family relation and taxes really do throw a wrench in by etymological definition of cuck being used, don't they?
If any of your taxes go to public schools at all, then you're already done for, unless you count attempting to avoid the long term societal ramifications of dipshit kids a benefit to yourself, but...that could apply to the regular one, too?

And of course the family one has a few layers. Hell, babysitting your own siblings for free would count, much less a niece or nephew. Although I can't help but think the brainrotted freaks with cuckoldery on the mind are likely ostracized by what family they do have for such weird-ass worldviews.
Red brat
https://x.com/tigatarin/status/1827181403035070896/photo/1 artist-sama has been working on it.
Correct. Much to my frustration, but the general quality of the work is so high that I resigned myself to not caring how long it takes and will probably get the artist again for some other OC here if his rates stay the same. 15k for 5 manga pages with crazy detail is insane. Open to ideas with OCs, but probably wont do any more claw unless she is paired with some other girl I need a change in scenery
God I hope not, the new deadline is late December. But you are probably correct.
gonna wait for the artist to deliver my shit before sharing it with you ungrateful fucks
how does someone look at claw and go "yes, this is the character I wanna see raped non stop"
how does someone look at my oc and not go "yes, this is the character I wanna have sex with non stop"
calm down esu
need more cute butthole skebs
that's how i feel abut sfw ocs
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Mindbroken by a smug, hung femboy half her size or smaller.
What artist did you commission for this anyway?
Calm down shiba
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October 26th!! Mark your calendar! That's the deadline to get your 60 day artists your requests in time for Christmas!
Get me something cute, pls, thx anon.
Maybe I'm too new, why is this esu guy hated? I havent seen anyone with that trip or anything
He's not hated, it's a meme because he requests degenerate stuff with his OCs but all of it is hidden
autistically gatekeeps his oc's purity while jacking off to his personal porn stash daily
I’d get some if I could find a good butthole artist that can actually draw petite women
I do this.
What situation is better
>Onsen sex (Reverse upright straddle)
>Standing sex (Leg lifted/psuedo spooning) against tree
>Spooning leglift on bed

Was inspired to comm them to design my OC after seeing this https://skeb.jp/@anagumasan_/works/165 but I think mine came out 500x better even if I didn't get alt view angles
is it just one guy hating on OC anons in here?
ive noticed it happening randomly
Its one guy hating on all ocs and Hates that artists don't draw secondary ( from a copyright media) characters because of their personal choices. As If people who can draw arent allowed to have boundaries or some shit idk. The "calm down esu, is a meme. Esu is fine.
So I assume its his OC being called a whore then?
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After around a year of getting bounced around by artists numerous times from ghostings and cancellations, the Sariya and Hijiri manga is finished. Artist is https://skeb.jp/@yanagifish
Less vanilla than what I usually request but it came out very well and he did a great job with the ideas I gave. If anyone has any concepts for manga, I definitely recommend giving Yanagifish a look.
Yeah I guess I can see that with her settings being what they are. Not a fan of NTR personally though. Maybe BSS at most.
I don't think I'm hated, mostly atleast. There is an anon that swears up and down I'm samefagging though, so there's that.
One of my requests happened to get published by an artist and the premise had her being whored out. Hence the nickname. Doesn't bother me, if anyone cares.
Also, shoutouts to Esu for doing the English translation, I appreciate it a lot
can somebody post the OC doc again, i wanna see albino loli's NG list
it's 4chan you retard, people are going to blindly effortlessly hate on whatever they mildly dislike on a whim for four seconds.
every OC is going to not appeal to someone.
and fwiw, OCs in general (especially the ones posted here, usually posted for attention and not much else) are extremely hit-or-miss in enjoyment and will inspire post-worthy emotions in either direction often.
fwiw I have very rarely seen an OC that I care about beyond the attached artist rec, and really wish faggots here would stop attentionwhoring with their erp faceclaims.
There's something for everyone, I guess.
>having a whore OC means you are hated
I just call a whore a whore. Esu does translations and recommends artists so good enough for me
I need to find who to talk to to get mine edited, things were put on mine that are okay

I'm always in the thread, just yell into the void and I'll change it
I hate occultist because he doesnt want his OC constantly gangbanged by a ton of men with a design like that
Who are the attentionwhores anon?
Anyone from VRchat
You know If we split the thread we wouldn't have any problem.
>bored shitposters wouldnt shitpost if the threads were split
Stopped posting my oc because I felt like anons here were being rude to her
>artist is charging $600
being poor is suffering

such a great style and amazing color
anyone who has ever "vagueposted" with obvious hints or lead-ons like a tee-hee onlyfans girl
and (especially and) anyone posting deliveries for their OCs without artist rec and related artist information, like their OC is the only reason anyone would ever want to see the post and the entire point of the post and that the associated artist rec means nothing or is secondary at best

we wouldn't, but that doesn't matter because the real problem for any comm-related threads is SEAnigs and until this shithole of a shit rangebans them (pass or not) we'll never know real peace.
>anyone posting deliveries for their OCs without artist rec and related artist information
i agree with this 100% actually
this place isn't your blog, if you're posting your OC you better include a link to the artist and at minimum their price or turnaround time
is this a cunt punt
God damn that's amazing.
>less vanilla than what i usually get
dancer fox is pure sex though so she deserves it
damn that's really hot, artist did good with all those scenarios to work with
congrats anon
how the fuck are you supposed to put the sentiment of "please appeal if you want this to be hidden" into a request text that shitgami accepts? fucking irredeemable rape-worthy nigger thinks that anything with the word "hidden" violently violates his mother (as opposed to gently violating his mother, which he clearly enjoys) while he watches, so how the hell am I supposed to communicate the sentiment?
Someone really paid 3-6k for a single AI image
maybe something like "if this subject is acceptable but it doesn't suit your skeb portfolio, please appeal the settings"
and it wouldn't surprise me if something as vague as that still got pinged
neige on the front page
found a scat artist, who was the anon that wanted to comm something with one of these guys?
is it just me or are the arms too thin
i don't use pixiv requests because of how rampant AI is there. sure they released rules about it but they came too little, too late.
I feel that, anon
Being Hijiri's boyfriend sure is hard it seems. Love the entire thing, both girls are incredible and damn that must have cost a ton with all those pages.
Now I want to request Yanagifish again.
Anal sex with albino loli
Authorize charge
Charge released
Authorize charge
Charge released
hot, very degen though
Anon's cousin and little sister are breedable
Normally I'd just say "loli who cares" but in this scenario you are calling literal children breedable
idk what to say so I'll say cute because it seems appropriate
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Comic part 1. Artist took the whole time, but is a friendly 2ch denizen who appealed. Did good. Paid listed price, think it was 7k at the time, pretty satisfied.
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Part 2
I’ll post the other page to make things less awkward
>moralfaggotry in a hentai thread
Anon's mom, grandma and aunt are breedable
>place where loli is banned doesn't like loli based on real children
who would have guessed
if i want two characters, should i do double the rec price? or should i just ask them to appeal if it's not enough money?
If all their deliveries have 2+ ppeople, base. Otherwise 1.5. This is the best way to get maximum quality of both characters I've found
Ass bread
I want to add that I specifically asked the artist to sexify the adults. I left no directions for cousin and sister other than to include them. My cousin more or less does look like that. She looks 20 IRL
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you just know the artist was gonna draw her ass fully exposed
I'm tired of /v/ style shitposting here if you've got nothing worth saying or showing shut up. Don't put on a show when there's no need to put on a show because no one is laughing, and no one is entertained.
2k loli
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ek_ra delivered yet again. This time it was an idea from a friend of mine, he wanted to see an aged up Kanako in an Oyakodon scenario, so I gladly humored him. I even got a bit of a bonus. Turned out great. Budget of 15k this time because of the extra character and im not afraid of overpaying ek_ra

Albino loli anal rape
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Got this today. Sent the request when they were 1.5k before they got swamped and stopped doing their lower price promo. They're 4k currently; I might go back and request two new character designs from them if they're still open in a few weeks.
Chiwino is open again, literally always worth it. https://skeb.jp/@EuZ0ocLz6ougDuR
Is there any reason not to buy skeb points?
love this guy, sent another
only that they have an expiry date and that you can't cash them out
if you skeb regularly that's kind of a moot point
>Expiry date
How far from the date of purchase?
180 days
>The request was successfully sent.
>id 2500002
FUCK i hesitated a little and missed a get
imagine sending the 2.5 millionth request and having it get canceled
anyone ever had success with moketa?
"join me in world conquest" pose
got deleted and completion went down
sent one since he wont be back for months
>response average 10 days
>it's been 15 days
why is it always when I ask for a character sheet these assholes never accept
>oyakodon with a character that doesn't even have kids
Kinda cringe
how dark would you like your male
It's grimm blacksoul
Maybe your character is just no good...
Thanks, glad you like her too. Just expanding my horizons a bit I guess.

By far the most expensive comm I've ever done, but I'm satisfied with the result. I really like Hijiri and since her bf has a design now, I might try and think up something with them in the future.
Opened again 12k

can't afford him anymore despite popping his cherry
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delivered in 1 day, paid rec price, big quality drop from other deliveries tho
That's not bad though, I like that more than the other ones I can see.
>tfw you don't have a hole to fuck
I sent them one but they forced me to make it hidden to accept. Time to wait and see how it looks.
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>/h/ with only a dash of /d/
>/d/ but given marching orders by /h/
Based, you're literally me. 10/10 taste. Fapping to your thread rn.
Pretty sure that's the case for me. Sad times but I understand. I stopped doing art commissions because I hated making things I didn't like the look of.
> https://skeb.jp/@sleepyshippy
Is anyone else seeing only two requests out of 126 for this Request master?
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can someone tell this idiot how to see the request ID of a delivery again
it's ok
does anon have artist san that can doo quick sketches or drawings in like a day or less
If only you KNEW the power of the dark side
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cute nora comic delivered

How long did this take?
It's over for me bros I asked a japanese fujo to draw a charcter getting sissified but it was not the pairing they ship.

My DMs are already flooded with mail and my spam filters can't keep up.
Go on without me.
sent it on the last day
I wish complete averages were more heavily weighted toward recent deliveries. 30 days on a 30 day average is no big deal, but 30 days on a 5 day average is agony
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Anyone who draws really good teeth? I want to get a skeb of my OC showing off those sharp chompers
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Manga commission came in.

Their Harvins are always so good.
look at the requests of the other sharped teeth OCs
Oh hey Bob could you post that zooey .psd? Thanks again for getting it
Filming is always based
It's a shame Siero doesn't get many lewds despite being so sexy
Thanks for the harvin sex anon
hot as fuck
good delivery thank you for sharing
nice spread
Glad you liked it.
The PSD is too big to catbox but it was flattened with just the cum variation and signature as layers.

Damn i thought there would be a lot going on due to the size. Oh well. I greatly appreciate it all the same. I'm spread pretty thin but if I see opportunity I might explore this idea more myself
What else is on your pending list bob?
Are those lalafels?
Quite a bit

Animation of Shalem footjob and sounding rod play
Orologia being coerced into sex followed by rape reversal where she makes Gran call her mommy while getting creampied
Pholia and Gran record a NTR video for Alliah, Alliah and Gran watch it together.

Cuckquean Alliah, PHolia and Gran having sex
Vira gets caught peeking on Gran and Katalina, gets invited by Katalina
Futa Fediel and Galleon (not futa) tag team Gran, Orologia walks in on them
Societte and Yuel present a sissy Kou to Gran, followed by sex
Artist choice GBF work (probably bestiality)
Suwako tongue play with a shota
Monika instant loss spar with Gran
Anila raped by GW beast

Io and Sara succubus curse tempting Gran into sex
Reverse NTR scene of Pholia and Alliah with Gran
Gran and Lyria shared senses, Metera cucks Lyria and Lyria feels it.
Io defeated and raped by a monster
Aster, Sutera, Metera sex ed with Gran.

Lyria bestiality with wolf x2
Societte and Yuel sissify Kou, blowjob and felch in between Kou getting fucked
Vajra getting knotted loudly while Cidala twins ask Laolao about the noise
Alliah sharing Gran with Pholia
Cuckquean Senko cleaning up after Shiro
Lyria and Io forced to mate with wolves after capture
Medusa and Satyr spitroast Djeeta(male)

Cancelled but supposedly still being worked on by artist
Pholia and Alliah reverse NTR work
Cagliostro group date with Gran using her Homunculi followed by harem sex
Aster and Metera cosplay as Lillith and Morrigan
all that context in the post and you still decide to ask a dumb question
hey >>8227822 here
I'm new to this, can I get some tips about how to commision well? Expecially for "traditional" (that means like sending an email I guess?)
Do you know japanese, or use an AI translator the nips use?
2k sfw
I use DeepL to translate.
Main tip for it is to use formal language without any euphemisms or aphorisms and avoid complex grammar. Translation software isn't perfect and will mess the translation up for the smallest things. Always paste the jap text back in and double check the translation. If it reads good after double translation I assume it is good enough. If necessary I just use the pixiv tags in parenthesis or include a reference image for them to understand what I want more accurately. It works well for me with only a few misunderstandings due to me being horny and not proofreading my request before sending it off.

For contacting them, use your discretion on an artist to artist basis. Skeb forbids contact and some artists will report you for contacting them regardless but most will just politely say that skeb forbids them from discussing details.

For traditional commissions, make sure you have a working payment. Wise and paypal are the most common ones I use but some artists will just use Skeb or pixiv as middleman services even for traditional comms.
Use DeepL for simple phrases/instructions and for complex instructions you're best off looking for an existing native speaker's skeb request and copy+pasting it after editing it to suit your means like changing character names.
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Anon, why haven't you commissioned a physical painting of your wife yet?
>response expiration, 30 days
I hate this because I never know when I should take a hint and just cancel it myself
I cancel it after a week like pixiv requests. If they really want to do it, they can demand a resend
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How does fantia work if I want old content? If i subscribe to the most expensive fan-club plan from an artist I get access and can download all of the previous works?
Depends on the person. Some charge for every month you want to see. Some give you everything. You have to check
What are the particular "problems" of phraseology in my thread that stand out to you?
I have a request due on the 3rd of October. If it expires and the artist resends. I will resend it after one year
anon on the front page
Name your bitch
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tentacle plants eating and raping nuns
brown nun
black nun
A lot of wolf stuff and monika I see. Extra based. Like the kat and vira stuff too. Thanks for humoring my question
What's better out of these position options:
Always good to see some more nun vore
Must be an older request, anon said she had a name now but I don’t remember what it is.
Recommend a quickie who is actually quick and will definitely deliver
I like the third the most. It puts more on display. All of them look a little awkward.
2, tiddy grab is the best
I recently had a request that was finally accepted on day 29, so sometimes it might just be worth it to keep waiting.
You would have to edit some stuff to make it clearer for DeepL to translate.

Just a quick copy past into the translator Eng->Jap->Eng results in this for the sex scene idea section-

>[Sexy scene/request from artist P1]
-Tentacles tongue fuck you and you orgasm with otherworldly delicacies and your tongue becoming an erogenous zone.
-The tentacle fucks her in the back of her throat and everything the tentacle touches feels like pussy and has taste buds.
-The tentacles make her drink her own milk, and she loves how the flavor magically increases and her tongue and throat become erotic. The same goes for semen.
-The tentacles plunge their tongues into her nipples and work their magic on her tits, giving her the taste of her own milk and the intense sensation of ejaculation.
-The nest of tentacles grows a futa-dick on Kuon-chan, but she refuses to touch it, fueling her desire.
-The tentacle puts Hisatochan to sleep, sealing off her senses except for touch, and then plunges its cock into her frightened best friend, the exorcist. As she enjoys thrusting her hips into what she imagines is the mouth of a tentacle, her senses are unsealed and it becomes clear that she is raping her best friend.
-She denies it and tries to pull out, but the tentacle uses electrical stimulation and aphrodisiacs on Kudo, and she loses control and rapes her crying friend. To her chagrin, she is unable to cum.
-The tentacles cum in Hisato's pussy and make Hisato cum in her futa, while Hisato's cock is still inside her friend.
-The tentacles become even more intelligent and eventually fuse into a handsome, masculine figure. So handsome that it makes Hisato's womb throb and her heart beat faster.
-The tentacle man nibbles her ear and speaks sweetly to her. He calls her “mother.
-Tentacle Man returns to his tentacles for some fun. Tentacle Man returns to his tentacles again.

Here's his skeb by the way.
Thank you. Very helpful.
Yeah I have all his sites open in tabs already. Closed I notice. Also I heard skeb doesn't like you to fuckin interact too much right?
Yeah. It can result in a warning or ban depending on if the artist reports you.
Hey mind if I reply to you from my thread? Want bumps/efforts posts ect.
Cool if you want to keep it here for thread discussion reasons though.
Pff we're at bump limit durr never mind
Third is the most natural but like >>8232045 said they all look at bit awkward.
I'm just so tired of POV Missionary and cowgirl
Any good 80's style artists like this guy out there?

Get reverse cowgirl
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This character has not been unlocked
Get this lynfag to draw your OC's fat titties (1 week turnaround)
Nigga please
>The same as normal cowgirl except if you're the guy you can't see her face
I've just never seen the appeal
You do know she can turn around?
I just prefer positions that allow for kissing or close body proximity
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Has anyone here ever commisioned Null?
This picture from this doujin was the picture that truly cemented my pregnancy fetish.
Null(Nyanpyoun)'s pregnant bellies are the barnone best I've ever encountered. PERFECTLY drawn.
On top of that this rather recent pregnant sex video by him became my favorite pregnant sex animation ever. Maybe sex animation period. And it's just a little voice acted tweening animation. Diamonds every time I even think about it.
>named Saber
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Sksk's price has went up recently but still can't resist their stuff. Will still shill for them any time, especially given the fast turn around time.
Usually get NSFW from them but needed something heartwarming this time.
>from Kuon
How the fuck did that happen some Kanji bullshit?
Probably just auto pricing from him getting a few requests
if you looked through null's socials for one second you would see that he doesn't do commissions
sadly I don't think he's ever used a skeb/PR/etc type platform and there's no indication that he takes trad comms
>artist clearly heavily referenced AI slop
>have no recourse
love it, thanks skeb
post it
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Damn, well that's fuckin lame
Based sksk enjoyer.
Probably auto pricing yeah but happy to give them the extra either way
The feeder of kiwifarms draws his girls nice and fat, no surprise
I don't think he'll ever do commissions but I'd sell my kidney for them if he did.
Has anybody tried commissioning art of their OC, writing 20-30 page smut to go with it, and selling it as an ebook or whatever? I need a way to fund my skeb addiction
Why the fuck would I write 30 pages of shut when u can barely speak the language
You'll need a twitter, not just for skeb, but also...the man takes Twitter DMs. I noted this in your /d/ thread, but he makes multiple references to manga being difficult for his health, and his last skeb opening in August didn't allow manga submissions at all for exactly that reason.

I think it would be best at this stage to maybe send him a DM with some of those kind words and compliments, and maybe wishing him well, but since you don't already have a twitter, your new one will probably get the DM flagged for spam...although he might still see it anyways, if he checks them often enough.
Assuming this isn't bait, I have been the middle man in similar situations.

Ultimately you wont make enough profit to justify the expense. Also it's a grey area to hire a skeb artist to draw a commercial product. It's better to ask beforehand and much better to just find someone who accepts DMs and gain a rapport with them.

Also, unless you're already well known as a writer, no one will care about your characters.
The health bit is lightly worrying but I'll stay optimistic.
>I think it would be best at this stage to maybe send him a DM with some of those kind words and compliments, and maybe wishing him well
That was my intention, thanks for the advice about twitter.
ok new plan
how hard would it be to publish fanfic of my oc and use my commissions as illustrations to build up a fanbase and then try and profit later
how about you actually make a successful oc like chaesu before getting delusional
You need actual artistic value or a compelling sales pitch, people arent going to give that much of a shit for your words on a page, a lot of the "popular" OCs like Chaesu are from artists that draw them a lot and draw them well
Ah fuck it I'll just post it in both.
Would you advise I attempt with like Pixiv or Twitter first?
I essentally want to butter him up and say I like HIS work the way HE does it and to just continue the Kuon story with elements that would naturally be fantastic in it.
The hardest sell would proabbly be the ikemen thing as I imagine some contigent of tentacle lovers do it because they are put off by/don't prefer chads fucking women.
The second would be the ball-less part, as his pervious work had the girl get subjected to a temporary futa-with-balls trap. I wonder how strongly he holds that variant of the fetish.
Do archive of our own
if you're going to try to be an ideas guy that exploits artists for profit you're going about it the wrong way
the merryweather approved way is to find SEA artists that will draw anything for less than the cost of a sandwich, then don't or barely credit them so normies think you made it yourself
wash rinse repeat
File deleted.
>that look of terror as she realizes the time tentacles just brought her to the cusp of labor AGAIN in mere seconds
Diamonds. Fuckin choice doujin m8.
You're brave to post tentacles here
will they let me post smut pictures or will i get banned? I'd be cool going this route
Oh right
you can't upload directly but you can image url
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Oh look he also posted this to his twitter.
Kuon's powers have an accident or something and they lolify her. He's got plans.
Oh the possibilities.
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For me, it's standing sex
damn, even the balls are not safe
cute uma
man, I'm so thankful for the anonymous request feature, otherwise I wouldn't be able to have my account look pure with nothing but art of a single character.
I've never seen such a short completion average, this artist is insane.
it was pretty funny when that one artist uploaded blue archive picture for the Anotherfag client
kafun is short
Accepted my request, went with Tetia from Witch Hat Atelier this time since I’m eager for the anime and also since the only porn out there for her is from Butterchalk.
how do i find my super degenerate fetishes now that skeb is a wholesome website for good boys and girls?
pixiv requests
if your tag is hidden there too, maybe see if a there's a popular, frequently drawn character that's adjacent to your fetish and search them
Still think it is funny how loli is a banned request tag but not sassy loli.
uhh... did skeb ban loli or something? I'm way out of the loop, and I've never really requested loli characters before but coincidentally, my recent request for a character would technically make her "loli" for being small in height and breasts, I hope I don't get the artist in trouble
Pixiv blocks requests if you include certain tags, but all you have to do is not use the actual tag.
Skeb's started hiding works with certain contents but you can still request anything.
more like shadowbanned
requests with certain keywords (like loli, bestiality etc) get automatically hidden regardless of what you sent it as
>sassy loli
You mean メスガキ?
Is that Orihime or Ringu?
Seems Orihine, dirty retarded whore.
Where's that list with the alternate names for certain keywords for dlsite?
you can still send reqs with those banned words, it'll just functionally be a hidden req
toriyama hiyoko
>deepl translated comm in the boost to communication and didn't touch tysm
JCB-chan becomes addicted to skeb
Piss cannon
Series that have plentiful r18 requests on skeb but no one seems to draw voluntarily? I've found higurashi/umineko to be a case.
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It's probably fine but...
Sorry I don't know your obscure retarded franchise. Faggot
albino loli
i'm sorry you were born retarded with the lack of ability to infer context when reading without being spoonfed
i don't play granblue either, you have no excuse
how the fuck is this artist still posting new skebs when he hasnt opened in months
Thanks. I'll actually save it this time.
Nah, titty monster Satoko revitalized that r18 industry
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He was open in August for 500 yen. I'm pretty sure i only found out because someone in the thread linked him
Maybe in normie circles but it has more art on pixiv than shit like kobayashi-san or even old franchises like digimon. It's not one of the biggest hitters and I'd hardly call a franchise that appeared on the Evo main stage obscure.
If you buy 30k skeb points are you able to have two different 30k requests at once if they're crossposts?
horse dildo girl
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122917235 Sabine on the front page
>Artist wants maximum instruction
How am I a no ideas guy supposed to request you?
Some people have it on but still take minimal instructions
Just send whatever you want
I take that as "instruct details like expressions" or which tit is out and bouncing upwards or downwards and stupid stuff like that
It just means they want instructions for the background, expression and pose and not "Draw my character however you want"
The first female request from, this emerging thread whore
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>pokemon header
>pokemon avatar
>nothing but pokemon images in gallery
>oc only
Went from 6k to 8k so I don't think he's worth it
Don't you have a pokemon trainer self-insert OC to bang pokegirls like Nessa?
Anyone have experience with skebbing from
https://x.com/goriro9999 ?
Generic big butt artist drew a nazgul
Yes. He ignored instructions. It didn't happen to me, but he's uploaded the wrong files for people's deliveries on multiple occasions.
I'd avoid him personally.
>Look at their page
>All the same request from the same guy
I have to wonder how artists feel about this
>message small artist who's trying to grow on pixiv
>think it's a slam dunk cause I want to request what appears to be their fetish
>24 hours pass and no response
I am...broken...
>Go to artist suddenly just stops accepting any of your requests even when you try different characters/situations
Maybe they're just full and havent closed yet? Or has this been a long term thing for at least a couple months now?
This has been like 1 attempt per quarter dating back to 2023
No, the glory days of crossposting is over
Weird, is other stuff is being accepted you can see? And is your content something heavy? Not uncommon for artists to suddenly drop a kink.
Yes and no, just vanilla sex
Weird, I cant think of why they're blocking you, especially if you've been changing up characters and price. Only thing I can think off is they had such an unpleasant experience with one request of yours they just gave up after. Again, no clue why though.
Well, whats the fucking point then?
I just wanted a cool picture of Mankey
Pokemonfags are fucking retarded.
Meanwhile you ask random 5000 dude who doesn't even look like he's played anything beyond Gen 1 to draw your OC as a Pokemon Trainer, including a brand new outfit design, with a full team of six mostly of newer Pokemon and they draw you a masterpiece.
Never request from Nintendofags and specially from Pokemon and Splatoonfags. They're always raging massive faggots.
>wanting mankey over manko

Gonna be level, with the SKEB search tag system fucked I'm finding most artists from these threads.
This happens to all my artists.
I’ve only gotten one guy to talk to me in pixiv before, a Korean guy. Nice guy, would buy from again but he’s too expensive now
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6k, 17 days (10 to accept, 7 to complete - he only seems to take one at a time).
I think this was my first certificate of not-AI.
I should request this artist again. They're going to rotate between me and the other two uma clients
nobody actually calls her this, esu
her name is esu's brown whore
Cheapie tentacle seedbed artist let my request expire and went no comms on all accounts so I need new suggestions.

And I'm talkin serious tentacle seedbed'n. Body modifying, HUGE belly, breast expanding, all the way through-ing, mind breaking, tentacle birthing artists.
baka it's alin anon's OC
You just missed Canvassolaris opening up the other day, especially if you wanted futa to go with all that
I wonder if he still does trad comms
I had a notify on him actually, but he's not quite what I want for this, plus I didn't have internet. All the good artists either don't do skeb, only open 2 hours a year, are like 30k, or a combination of the three. Shit sucks. The guy I had was pretty decent and very cheap, but it looks like something's happened to distract him. He hasn't posted anything in like 3 weeks and that's unusual.
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Now this is what I call hustling
I really wish that Interspecies Reviewers never got popular so that I could actually commission Amahara
would you be okay with the scribbles they post on their pixiv
rejected im gonna kill myself
Speaking of monster girl artists I'm kinda sad I missed the boat on mizone, he hasn't opened forever and likely never will again.
For me, it's Xelvy
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how'd you see it before me
esuschizo i cant defend you on this one
Aw, why did they have to have a shitty completion rate
not a fan of the blinking but style reminds me of https://skeb.jp/@everyNTRge
Ideas for a queen/princess type getting fucked? Particularly involving a throne, but other stuff too.
torn dress teary eyes a look of abject fear/disgust at being violated
getting fucked doggy ongoing her throne, guy sitting on throne eith her in a full nelson
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This but hetero
Gangbang during revolution, the prince and retainer's corpses lance'd in the background
>mimonel never fucking ever
Pixiv messages are weird. I'm on friendly, talking terms with multiple artists and a lot of them don't DM back within 24 hours. Seriously, don't sweat it.
Sex with the princess' favorite guard in the king's throne at night (if they get caught the guard is definitely gonna get his ass killed)
Interesting. Not rejected yet but not accepted like another anon here. Maybe he's still eliminating one by one
I'm more salty about mimonel being secondary only but win some you lose some I guess, I do enjoy his secondary stuff anyway and I can understand why he does it.
From behind with her gripping the arm of the throne for support.
Fingering herself on the throne when someone walks in
Leashing someone and having them eat her out if she's the dominant type
Someone full nelsoning her in her own throne if she's more submissive
I'm glad that I seemingly managed to get the final skeb he ever did even though I'd like to request him again.

Reverse upright straddle on the throne is the simplest one
The other classic is doggystyle over the balcony
I wonder what's the exchange rate for skebcoin to skeb points
It's 1 coin = 1yen
skebcoin is the crypto
Simply request better, he’s never rejected any of mine yet 6/6 so far
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And it's over. A shame, I was really looking forward to it
>man giving paizuri
Kinda weird
What's the grossest part of this image?
>anteater mouth
>pubic hair
>nipple chain
the ass king has opened
Got this just now in the recommended creators email and I'm starting to doubt their algorithm. this shit is disgusting, expensive, and matches up with nothing ive ever requested.

There's this cheapie too, in case anyone likes them
I like donuts
oh, I missed Ray-K opening up
If I stop requesting anonymous will artists talk to me more
Accepted. Patty sex soon.
Patty-chan. Tea-desu
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Now this is what I call a secondary collab
did anyone ever hit up this guy or is he also a scumbag
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This has got to be the fastest acceptance to delivery I've ever received. It also came out pretty fucking good. Warning, it is on model animal crossing
anon on the front page
How to draw anime-core
rance anon
Actually, yeah, you can't build a relationship as a shadowy figure.
6k nsfw
that one guy that requested a blowjob to completion in 3 separate deliveries instead of just doing it all at once
https://skeb.jp/@huhuhu13422 is open
anyone requested from them and their turnaround time?
>shadowy figure
you should be more worried about getting in than turnaround time when he has 500k followers
Ask spread pussy anon
Been afraid to cause I only request /d/ shit but maybe this'll help me get good rapport with artists
one client claims this artist for themselves
I've requested him before. If he's not interested then he's going to leave you on pending.
the really popular artists popular sort by price, accept the ones they want, then click the cancel all button
This is my favorite pic of that of all time https://exhentai.org/s/c0a1ced077/2958346-29
How does that motherfucker belt out so much?
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I still don't know how that commissioner managed to get their OC by mimonel, I've tried several times with either my OC or secondaries but no luck...
Skeb has started declining my card/3D Secure has stopped working after management rejected a few request of mine. Is that normal? Could've sworn that didn't happen before when I kept trying to request a different artist earlier this year.
>3D Secure has stopped working
I know it might sound stupid but have you tried different browser, at some point 3D secure wouldn't work on Firefox for me so I had to use Opera instead...
Neither Michael or the jp clients
guys i think im done with skeb
i met a girl online and she wants to do it.. you know.. "it"
Tried it on my phone and that worked, yeah. Don't know why it suddenly stopped working on my laptop.
Try clearing previous browser's cache and cookies and test if it works next time you want to request something on your laptop
Wait a minute, this isn't the usual client
>artist draws every single day
>takes your request
>socials immediately go dark
You shouldn’t be so sure until you’re with this girl for longer
what's her complete rate?
I don’t know but I heard anon is very fast and sloppy at his own commissions
>hop in bed
>get notified that artist is now seeking and decide to request in the morning
>wake up, no longer seeking
ive gotten like 5 things back from him but after the popularity spike only the overpaid ones actually got accepted then the rest expire, it makes sense to pick more money for less work when you get hundreds of requests on a single opening
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Pretty satisfied with this. Only complaint is that it is a single layer and I can't remove the signature.
This is why you don't request addressee...
Artists will still put their own signature on it.
And Pholia not being heterochromatic.
Good thing for photoshop.
Brown anon got a new OC
cute big hair
>Artist is open despite seemingly not having taken any skeb requests in over a year
>blue skin and pink hair
Brown anon is a man of taste.
Dear artists
I am literally trying to give you my money but that requires you hit "accept", or at least "deny" if you don't want my money
the passive aggressive pocket veto shit is easily the worst part about skeb
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I love her. I'm extremely happy with the design.
would've looked even better with yellow eyes
Great outfit taste too, 10/10
brown anon's slut arc
He always grace delivers, but this is a pretty extreme case. Teruki...
8 months is 6 too long. I really hope it blows you away anon
I'll have to be the one not glazing here

The blue skin+horns combo is completely played out. I've seen multiple OCs / 2views with the same thing. The latest blue skinned gachaslut makes it even less interesting.

That outfit is trash. They just threw a bunch of different fetish gears together and it looks like a mess. She has actual pierced ears but has to go with fake pierced nipples? The garter belt OVER the leotard has got to be the dumbest shit I've ever seen. And why the fuck is her sweater wrapped around her arms? She go to the danmcahi school for retards? Don't even get me started on those Temu exclusive shoes of hers.

The only really interesting part of her design is that one of her hands is bigger than the other, but I can't tell if that was on purpose or if the artist just sucks at perspective.
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Ehh, I've got bad and abstract taste anyway. I've literally got a scarred muscular black girl in the works as well as another OC that probably won't be to many people's taste as well. I saw lots of red Oni around, so I wanted to be a bit self indulgent and request a blue slutty one since I really don't have any blatantly lewd OCs to work with. I didn't know there were lots of blues out there. Thank you for the honesty, though anon.
I'm not sure what to commission now
need to see the wendigo spitroast and the anubis full nelsoned by an actual anubis monster
Honestly if you're here commissioning lewds of your OC, there's a good chance your OC is pretty much a collection of your favorite fetishes. I wouldn't fault anyone for designing their character like that, I did it too.
if they let it expire without responding it doesn't influence their response average, which is retarded
how did anon know my oc was a melting pot of my fetishists wtf
There's only 2 types of OC self insert and fetish
You can add your fetishes together without looking like moetron
I just like to see hot girl getting fucked.
artists for this?
This one >>8236273 should be fine with the spitroast
A bit on the expensive side but https://skeb.jp/@komin_namihara/works/209 will do furries raping regular girls as seen here https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8167077
Excuse the futa examples
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>Submit to artist A who is open recently after being closed for awhile and will almost certainly accept my request
>Submit to artist B who is open all the time and probably won't accept my request anyway, but I like their art more by a marginal level
>Not enough money for both
>artist I like who closed randomly last year hasn't closed at all this year
Wonder what that was all about
That withdraws the money from my account for the duration of the crosspost I thought
>accept 1 or 2 requests
>he accepted 5
>at least two are car pools
Damn I really fucked this guy over by sharing him a ton...
If one request is pushing you to the brink of overdraft territory don't comm.
Didn't even accept my request
Suffering from success
it's not about overdraft its just annoying
I didnt even put one in this time around, probably would have been too crushed if he accepted all of those and not mine anyway
Pretty cute for 4k and 30d
2 days, 2 requests, 0 responses. This is why I can't stand trying out new artists I need some mcdonalds shit not amazing but I know it's reliable and always there at least
This is why multiple OCs are always a good idea if you have too many fetishes
I got addicted to having OCs designed now I don't have enough money to commission them all
This oc is so bad that it makes 2view and claw not look cringe
Has anyone bought points with crypto yet?
Posting your oc here is like asking to have people insult them
Seems kinda pointless. No one should spend their bitcoin on skeb, lol

And the exchange rate for:
USD/USDC to Skebcoin to JPY/Skeb POINTS

is the same as:
My credit card company keeps blocking my skeb point purchases so I might have to do the bitcoin route.
There are two reactions to OCs
>this is the stupidest looking piece of shit ive ever seen
>your oc design is great I'm going to have her raped
rip scar
Tell us how it goes if you do, anon.
Actually gives an idea for a request for someone's modern OC
>oc being raped on stream with chat laughing at them
>comments are sourced from here
Could be a fun one for 2view
Actually pretty accurate
>raped on stream
I wanna do this but I'm too pussy.
Rest is a great idea not like some one can't mock it up using an already made request either.
We should pool all our ocs together and create a hentai gacha, using skeb commissions as the CGs. People would pay for pulls and we use that to fund more requests which we feed to the gacha. We could have write fags make the lore and story and hire twitter sluts to do lewd voice acting via skeb too
Sounds like something I'd get for Reia if my budgeting wasn't so shit lately
Isnt this like the 10th time you bring this up, anon? Leaving aside the commercial use of skeb comms, do you think gacha games are free to make?
Let's just leave it at the tier list
>rape livestream
>some virgin backseats how to do it
I'm trying to make some cash to feed my skeb addiction. We can have chatgpt code the core for us and saves lots that way, see? Easy fixes
OK but how are we actually going to sell people on it? We have maybe 5 designs that might have actual mass appeal while a lot of others are either ripoffs or belong in the bargain bin
I'll lend you my OC and all her art for free if you get the minimum viable product working.
>hentai gacha
anon, people flip their shit for any kind of male interaction in most gacha, see a lot of the recentl shit with GFL and GFL2, unless it is boring yurifag bullshit a hentai gacha wouldnt work
accursed neko of doom
Thanks anon
Instead of an actual game, I think, a more reasonable thing would be mockup screenshots: gacha pulls, combat, rape after defeat by various enemies, maxed-out relationship with the player scenes, etc.

I doubt it will fly with a lot of gacha already being borderline ecchi with an immense amount of R18 fanart surrounding them.
Not that I think this is a workable idea in any way, but you could go the Honkai/Limbus route of having a small cast of characters with different versions
>5* rolls
Red Loli who is there to cuck people who want waitress, strong unit, the ones the artists draw the most of, most popular
Waitress, who is there to cuck people who want red loli and bloat the pool, mediocre as a unit but is the fotm girl used to advertise the game for people who jerk off to hags
Plant the 5* that is functionally stronger than the other two but people dont care about as much
Claw, the ugly overdesigned 5* that nobody actually wants and nobody draws but is probably the single strongest unit in the game used to carry events
Shiba, the male character that is supposed to appeal to fujos and gays but fails
Albino Loli*, Not as popular as red loli, but a much stronger unit and still appealing enough
Dancer Fox, The 5* that is gimmicky and shit in gameplay but everyone wants due to the design
Occulist- Big booby wife for normal people artists draw terrible things with her. Defacto MC

Toriyama loli*
Sleeve Girl
Nun Loli*
Esu's Whore forma fantasy*
Esu's whore, forma normal, which is just a poorly edited version of the fantasy one to save money
Fallen Angel*

JD forma nun*
Brown PSO*
All of anon's monster girls
Brown and Black Nuns
Green Dragon

Blue and Red Dragon
All of the other anon's shittier looking monster girls
2view, your starting character, failed mascot, replaced later
The other shitty rejected thread OCs
That ugly shark
Fallen Angel (Forma peasant)

*-Units that end up being super strong and carry lucklets who cant get 5*s
>see a lot of the recentl shit with GFL and GFL2,
Okay but the amount of misinfo around that was insane. The CNs weren't just mad at 95 having touched another man, they were mostly angry that it was a terrorist, and the Type 95 is the CN military service rifle. You can imagine that one of the most nationalistic retards in the world wouldn't like that. Theres also the fact that some GFL1 stuff was retconned so that some of the girls weren't close or even liked the player character.
A better example was the apology Yostar had to issue because BA players were mad Mahjong Soul players could "marry" the students and they couldn't.

Also tons of h gacha have gangbangs and arguably cuck shit. Ie magicami.
Fuck off shiba
steam is full of ai slop gacha porn
Speaking of fallen angel I saw a wip of them about to be knotted today
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Collab requested by another anon that I forgot to post here.
Artist: https://skeb.jp/@AoyuzuAoyuzu
>my characters are still 3*
hahaha...no I'm not crying...
nice beer
don't they have ways to upgrade shitty chars nowadays? imagine having a special event the girl must endure to be of use again.
>she must survive the wildest sex of her life and accept the seed of power in her womb without losing her sanity to power up
Holy kino, you're our lead game designer now
Who would become the female self insert of a saudi oil princess obsessed with a 1* scraggly old mob barbarian and commissions lovey dovey sex with him regularly
>maybe 5 designs
That's a big maybe, doesn't look like any OC is liked much other than the occultist, waitress and maybe red loli. Add the new amazoness if you want. Pretty sure everyone else is just same fagging.
Id say any design where anon has gotten a collab is ok enough ideally multiple. Waitress, Red Loli, Tori Loli, Nun Loli Fallen Angel, Plant, Esu's whore, rogue, Alin, Medsua, and even Claw since medusa and plant got collabs with her not to mention the VR chat circlejerk. More than you would think
Basically kamihime project before they bowed to vanillafags. Most the early characters got raped in their story you had to level them up to unlock, still go back to some of them from time to time
yeah you can add alin.
counting plant anons stuff seems like cheating since he just picked from what anons suggested and not his favorites. If he got anything it's more likely because anons wanted to repay the favor. waitress anon sounds like the only one that likes nun, esu only gets collabs that he pays for and it definitely same fagging, same with rogue, fallen angel. The VR circle jerk is exactly a circle jerk and doesn't even count since they just bought the designs from somewhere.
>waitress anon sounds like the only one that likes nun
Didnt fallen angel get something with nun or am I misremembering
>cringe deviantart tier oc somehow got more collabs than my oc
>3* shitter carries the early game, helping the player with goblins and bandits
>It doesn't always go well for her, but she tries her best and never gives up
>The late game, player now runs with fully kitted out 5*s, slaying dragons and shit
>3* forgotten, can only watch from the sidelines the player having fun with new girls after a successful quest
>Decides she'll rank up no matter what
>Goes on a quest to gather materials, under-leveled and lacking equipment
>Suffers at the hands of strong enemies but in the end manages to gather resources
>During the rank up ritual she is raped, mindbroken, and corrupted by demonic tentacles. The seed of power is placed in her womb.
>After the ritual she confronts the player, insisting he has to let her join the party. She became completely unhinged
>The player hesitates. To prove her worth she challenges his best character, brutally beats her up, then rapes her with tentacles
>The player is forced to accept her. After the quest, she keeps the player all to herself draining him dry, while keeping the rest of the girls occupied with her tentacles
I wouldn't want to collab with someone with such shit taste that they think the shitty deviantart sparkle snake girl is actually a good design
Its not shiba because he likes my OC
I dont think claw collabed with anyone just got forcefully thrust into scenarios
mask is the ugliest
Jokes on you, my oc is a tentacle masochist and gets turned on when they rape her
In a triple-penetration scenario, what is your preferred order of penetration?
For me, it's pussy -> ass -> mouth.
For as much hate as she gets, Claw at least has design beats like the eponymous claw or the armor.
Think about the fact that there's like 5 characters that qualify for "red loli". Or that waitress is just referred to by her assumed job, rather than her actual character. A bunch of other characters here are painfully generic, or could be a throwaway enemy design on a low budget JRPG.
Red/pink hair with red/pink eyes, blond with blue, black with red or black. This describes enough of the thread OCs that they keep getting called out as being in the front page when they aren't.
Maybe being recognizable is a good thing, even if it's a little cringe to be a snowflake.
>esu only gets collabs that he pays for
Speaking from experience, this is untrue. He was cool with my requesting his girl.
all at same time
Me? I just like the bee
Her rank-up involves a gentle and loving fuck marathon with a celestial being that purifies and fixes (brainwashes) her.
Mouth > Pussy is ideal since she can't see it coming, and spit roast is better than any pussy + ass position. Triple penetration with mouth requires too much positioning for the men anyway, some dude is going to end up with balls on his face. So either spit roast + hands or tits, or just DP.
thanks i'm going flaccid just thinking about this
The pay-off comes later when she encounters a tentacle monster and in the middle of getting raped the brainwashing breaks
Faceless guys being uncomfortable with balls in the face is the last thing I care about. Also, toys, machines, and tentacles could be used instead.
I agree with "she can't see it coming". But for me, it's Pussy -> Ass. Hentai might have ruined my brain, but I always enjoy it when the girl gets surprise buttsex. Mouth is the last, as it limits her ability to express herself.
>as it limits her ability to express herself.
That just makes it better, but to each their own.
I think oral can be hot but it's gotta be angled from the back.
Bro, what the fuck. You can't actually jack off to the fucking bobblehead animal crossing characters. I could get if they were drawn like furies but come on
Anything with a cute face is relatively fuckable
I'm convinced he can fap to anything by some of his deliveries
Hot as fuck

Where did he post this?
Motherfucker why can't we cancel something that's been sent to drafts. Wrote up a request and of course didn't realize until I sent it that there was a detail that I forgot to add.
I've had 3 requests inget approved in the past hour that spent over two weeks in pending jail, wtf.
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Why haven't you commissioned your oc's origin story? (Origin as in the sex that her parents had)
:> :<
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Is it normal for the pics I download on fantia to be less than 1MB in size? even when I've paid for the highest fan-club plan? or am I missing some hidden max res download button?
You have to click the blue button in the top right corner
Thank you dude, I'm stupid, I thought it was some kind of share on social media or some shit like that button.
Has anyone got a skeb of like 5 variations on less than 2 weeks? I would like to ask for my waifu, but don't know if it will make it on time for her celebration. It involves cowgirl position, going from clothed to nude, and she's doing nipple tweak to the viewer.
can't tell wtf is going on with the genitals
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Another Tales delivery today. This time Symonne. This is by mogahonu on skeb.
it's some kinda chastity cage afaik
Tits way too big, she has medium (for premium), but thanks for recommending me.
Any recoomendations for vomit artists?
>all requests are made by one or two guys
>request details are either just a character's name or poorly written ESL
>all AI slop

This has to be a self-request, I swear
Is sending a ref folder that has nsfw stuff in it for a sfw request frowned upon or something that could get you or the artist in trouble?
Her has on one of those flattening chastity cages like Anon said. It's not enough to be locked you need to have no dick for maximum sissy gooning shit
gimmie some ideas
>cocky shortstack thief
>actually an idiot but thinks she's smart
>looking for treasure
>accidently wanders into a tentacle nest while looking for treasure and becomes a seedbed
what type of pose and angle?
Late, but he delivered. It is the amazing work I expected, just a little too long of a wait, being nice, for me to want to jump back in so soon. Dori sex collage #3, this time the theme was rough sex. loli and Genshin warning I guess.
Will be back eventually. If you want a loli collage and have inhuman patience, Teruki is a great call.
40k request sent tonight or 30k request sent 2 days ago
the race to see which gets accepted first...
I was about to type up a 50k request myself...may sleep on it till the morning but it's been on my mind for a month
I was thinking about drafting a 50k for sian but I know there's next to 0 chance I'd get accepted since I'm not even sure he still accepts skeb work despite being open 24/7
extremely picky or busy. Because he was closed before and opened it after summer comiket iirc
maybe I'll throw a shot in the dark and if that fails I'll take an equally unlikely shot in the dark with halcon
better chances with halcon desu
I tried him a few times before with secondary characters unsuccessfully
Maybe my OC would fare better
damn really? He's like 99% secondary.
I had Ruise from Seiren in the back of my mind if I ever requested him
Tried with secondary characters like Asagi or Rinko from taimanin and Nemu from Bleach but no luck.
Tried with 2 of my 4 OCs still no luck. They don't even cancel they just wait it out which is the most annoying part of it...
Guessing no one had experience with him in here? I'm going in dry then
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My OC's origin story is being corrupted by an eldritch abomination in a dream. The girl's body is just a hollow husk now and the entity inside her is from the dream dimension that doesn't really have time or beginnings.
Tempted though. Wanted to get something like pic related for it.
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What should I tell pixiv?
Any good bestiality artists that do manga?
Want to request a few pages of my OC being raped and forced to submit as a beast's bitch.
>"Let gaijins request R-18 illustrations"
We can, it's a working situation that filters the CC companies
Show complete rates and average completion times to compete with skeb
0k0j0 if you have a pregnant fetish too.
Delivery from https://skeb.jp/@hayamaou_35
5k, took a little under 5 days; the averages are real.
Wanted to get lounge wear for a while and a friend suggested a pose, so I went for it. I like the coloring and the eyes a lot, and the hair is on model too.
The expression is slightly off compared to what I had in mind, but my only real complaint is the background.
For a 5k 4 day impulse purchase, I'm more than satisfied.
Which OC? I can probably help
Cute Yuka. Need a quick delivery artist to fill in the dead space I'll have between this weekend and next month with all the longer delivery times I'll probably have.
Really like how she looks here
>blue skin
>artist will draw darker blue nipples
>red skin
>artist will darker red nipples
>green skin
>artist will draw darker green nipples
>brown skin
>artist will draw pink nipples
>White skin
>artist will draw pink nipples
17 minutes before the grace period shuffle starts and I put the gun in my mouth
>hey pixiv-san artist I see you do manga requests what would you charge me for this?
no reply. 3 days later, check their twitter and they opened a skeb 6 hours ago with comic pricing. Should I assume this is their response? I wish they'd just respond to messages like normal people sometimes.
received a wip today
Been thinking about this guy. https://skeb.jp/@hitokuirou
Hard to find good male anubis references anyway
Based. who is the artist?
This artist replied to me charging a higher price per page than they have listed on pixiv or skeb...
I've lost track of how many poke requestors there are besides that one anon who always complains about an OC only poke artist
Thanks friend
There's only one requestor that wants to fuck female pokemon when there should be more
How much for a page like that? I might wanna try getting kiri from him one day
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these are his prices, you gotta dm him on pixiv
to actually answer your question, i paid 7k
Sounds good might check him out
Looks like you found all the references I'd recommend. hitokuirou is a good choice of artist too
Is this guy named Raul?
I'm normally an oc guy but youtube's been pushing pokefucker animations by a korean guy in my recs and it's making me want to get some secondary stuff
nah it's bakunyuu anon but he requested gardevoir alot
Garedvior is so basic that it's practically human, especially when they give it big tits
artists who dramatically changed their artstyle that you no longer like? used to follow https://skeb.jp/@wakikamaboko but they changed their style and stopped drawing porn
Shilling one of my favorite cheapies again since I got another character sheet from them, does great work for pennies including nsfw and character designs, works very well with detailed instructions
this skeb mascot looks off
anon on the front page
relatively flat secondary character in a sfw request and the :> man appealed me?
Anon is horny for Meowscarada
were you anonymous? congrats on being one of the ten
yeah, why he waste it on me
Not just that, they did pretty cute kemonofied versions of Zeraora and Incineroar too
Wait, we can talk about Pokéman here?
Anyone got any big tiddy Delphox artists? Big slightly saggy titties?
Maybe I'll bite, how long did it take?
Two months, though I think the time was a bit longer because I asked for two outfits
Why the fuck wouldn't we be able to talk about Pokemon here? We can talk about /anything/ in the service of commision discussion here. /d/ stuff, loli, furfaggotry, everything.
Not open at the moment and not saggy but does big titty Delphox
>62% complete
But that’s a good Delphox though
Here are some references if you guys need it
Just as long as we don’t post pics, gotcha
Brother, I post links to my furry comms here all the time. Although there is always some autist who cries about it. Here's some recs for big tiddy pokegirls. Hope this helps

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Sorry for the late post. I wasn't really expecting anything in return. I made a throwaway request at an artist to see what he could do.
But if you don't mind, you could get one of your characters groping Power's breasts. I don't have an artist in mind and you could request it whenever.

Thanks anon, I typed up a request for a character sheet just last night. Time to see who accepts first.
hasn't done Delphox but probably would
Thank you anon
2 artists I knew about on there I wanted to do but they price increased, but not they’re down, thanks for the heads up
This one looks good too, thanks
Huge thank you anon. Don't normally request oc x secondary but I do like Power a lot and it's the sort of thing one of my girls would do so I'll pencil that in for late november/early december.
>got a great delivery today
>fantastic, I'm happy with it, A+ satisfied
>13 more requests in progress
>already anticipating the next delivery
>already pained in waiting, despite having a good delivery literally earlier today
I am beginning to think I may have a problem.
Skeb addiction is real
Narrator: It was the 40k request
whos the lucky expensive artist
>try to send request on pixiv
>realize the artist doesn't have r-18 on despite drawing all r-18
>take a risk and dm them about it
>they turn it on for me

3k, they draw good blowjobs
after emailing the catbox admin he fixed the weird bug that happened with firefox and the certtificate expiring
at least i think, its all working fine now
>I'm pretty happy if it's a female brat
Well heck. Should I?
You should
Open 5k melons
Which one we have like three
Red brat/loli
red brat obviously
I am reminded of a deeply personal desire to see Pikachu banging zero suit Samus.
>response average days is 1 and 24 hours and 1 minute has passed
What suicide method should I pick cliff or train
>artist is really active on twitter
>send request
>artist falls off the face of the earth and hasnt posted in a week
did you request the ring video
>Tfw found out this artist I requested is some weirdo femboy
well okay then, hope they're not busy gooning
>tfw I bought a otokonoko cosplayer book about their penis sizes
Same thing happened to me. Kind of funny seeing their art right next to their chastity cage pics
Received an appeal from https://skeb.jp/@siina__xx. Is this what is called SOVL?
was emilia that big
this OC and the other ugly OC could be friends
why haven't you neckmaxxed anon
Didn't the certificate expire only a few months ago? How did it happen again
anon on the front page
the new design is growing on me
this new kiral sucks so much
im not tech savvy so maybe its something else with an SSL or something
but all it means is I couldnt load links with a JPG or PNG
had to open up catbox first, then open the link
post link
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2ch artist drew anon's OC and doesn't know how to deliver it to him/post it on 4chan.
Another person said 4ch captcha is hard.

artist: https://skeb.jp/@0pkz4qKSWrZaUAE
Cute unga bunga
where was this posted
2chan discord
>scat artist
I wish toshiaki drew my OC...
A skeb artist did a little doodle of my oc once...that was the highlight of my life
if no pooping is involved and it's a free doodle, I'm sure anon would take it
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5k, took a little under 3 months.
Seems good. I'll send him one.
cant stop thinking of that tori loli art with the inflated stomach from over eating
every time
It was either that or "an anon on 4chan posted a link to you"
It feels weird to not have an intro unless I've requested them before, I guess. Rawdogging a first request or using that robotic template of




just feels strange.
Catbox links for this!
Any of you guys have luck with getting a comm for petopeto in? My request isn't probably gonna get accepted even though I put in like 25k for it.
showa farmer guy seems to be doing standing pictures now
this quality looks kinda rough, no?
imagine paying 25k for this
brown anon
2ch artist is happy someone posted it for him
how about you tell him たかをちゃん可愛い、眉毛好き
24k nsfw video
This bee needs to get corrected already
Compare it to the Ceres blowjob from the same artist. It's kind of not fair
She learned orgasm denial, her smug powers continue to grow
>send request
>artist's average response time: 20 days
>day 3
>they neither accept nor cancel request
>social full of random shit unrelated to arts like cooking or betting on horseraces or videogames
why don't they just close skeb if they aren't going to use it?...
>not checking this before sending a request
I got tricked because they retweeted like 5-6 arts before I sent the request...
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Risu. 5k, approved and delivered on the same day.
My only issue is that he ignored or chose not to do the hairstyle from Risu's last outfit, which I gave a reference for, and did the default hair instead.
Still great for the price, and the fastest delivery I ever had.
>azasuke opens
>hesitate for a second
>strong against men
>weak against females
>has a mech
She's basically un(s)toppable
Most overrated ocs
Esus whore
I always enjoy convenient censoring.
>OCs that get more attention than my own
Fixed it for you
>phew, have spent so much money on skebs recently
>ANOTHER 3x a year artist opens back up
Sometimes I forget my own oc exists
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I got one mostly to see what it would be like. I would not do it again and I don't think I would recommend him. I'll keep her. The only change I want to make is to add a unitard under the dress. This one is free use, not that any of you would like her.
oh she's so cute anon, I really like her
This design is better than all your other dragons. I'm starting to think you just have bad taste
This is fucking great. What exactly do you retards want?
please tell me this is in the psd
This place has unreasonably high standards most the time
I think the overrated ocs are cute
How much was this guy again? I'm about to request a cute monkey girl
Looks like all plans are 10k
>Design a character in one word!
Is this pure gacha with no description or references?
Yes I obviously don't like her because I want to make 1 change. Your reading comprehension skill are bad.
I just don't like getting character design single angle for 10k yen. There Someone posted the artist and there was some discourse. I wanted to see what we would get and how long it would take. It took about 22 hours from accepting to completion.
I'll expect to see all of your new characters by this time next week.

I can probably request additional angles/ details for another 10k if I really wanted to.


I used 3 words and 2 pixiv tags. You can inspect it and see exactly what I wrote https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123000757
> would not do it again and I don't think I would recommend him
Seems like you're shit talking to me, you little bitch
lol he always gets so pissy when he gets any pushback.
can't believe the anon who only boosts to complain is like this
I'm sorry thank you for your criticism

That's the crazy part people have different opinions
i find claw cute that is why I'm having her get raped by animals
Why not orcs and/or goblins?
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I'll probably get the weapon redesigned but other than that I'm very happy with her
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doll joints SEX
No pussy?
why not just buy a BJD at this point anon?
you'd be able to actually hold her and possibly fuck her with a dollho mod
I like, but only if she moves in an obviously artificial way
NTA but this anon is right.
You want a design change and at least double the result (an additional angle) after getting a sub 1 day delivery of literally what you asked for. No rug pull, no surprises, and it's 60x faster than it needed to be.
"Would not recommend" is goofy.
If the artist didn't deliver a 500mb PSD with at least 10 different angles and offer to suck my dick the next time I'm in Shinjuku, they're trash. Simple as
Isnt this one of ours?
The space miner
the urge to turn my OC into a centaur for horse pussy skebs
Thanks for making me think that artist had a skeb, asshole
Love doll joints
I had originally requested under nsfw, but the artist wanted me to resend with sfw. I might use her for possible nsfw works later so yes pussy.
When I was collecting figures I was always on the cusp of becoming a BJD guy but I knew I would have been spending way too much money on custom doll stuff. I had to pull myself off the ledge many times
Sorry, Anon. Maybe she'd do it just to mess with people
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Would it not be more goofy to say "I recommend this artist, but I would not request them again"?
Anyhow the art speaks for itself if you like it go request the artist like the anon talking about the monkey girl.

In other news my 6th request from raamenzuru came in.
nice doll
>Greetings from pixiv Requests.

>A request you sent to 妄想自炊人 was canceled because the deadline for their response has passed.
Skeb would never
Mom is it my turn to have everyone jerk off my oc yet
I just wanna see OCs getting raped is that too much to ask
have you ever had anyone request your oc without asking for permission?
Be the change you want to see in the world, anon
literally yes, that would have been less goofy. Or just "I recommend this artist", we don't have to know if you would request them again (I do not mean this in a rude way)
But I have anon...
Is this my burden to carry alone?
Post them I bet I would like them you fucking coward! Heck if you post them we'll do a collab and I'll pay for it
I had an oc designed but never posted them because the comments would be 75% "she is ugly" and 25% "she needs to be raped" and my emotional state cannot handle that
I would have said she was cute and said what I liked about her
Youre OC should be rape because they are ugly
Post her so I can smooch her
but then you'll never know if it's a clean 75/25 split or if there's some she's ugly & needs to be raped overlap
china dragon is cuter
Yeah that's mine. Wanted to take a break between occultist stuff. I really like how fluffy the hair is.
>mythra having sex with a boar on the front page
I've only ever given other people unsolicited collabs
I did that too with another oc I liked as well. Didn't turn out that good
I do find it funny that many other thread OCs get unsolicited all the while 2view goes relatively untouched
2view did her job of showing people how easy it is to make an OC
I wouldn't mind revisiting it but it would have to be a different scenario probably with different girls too.
never speak of 2view again so help me
I've got 3 composition ideas for my OC
1. Post-combat POV of her looking down on the viewer with a "You gonna get dragged home and raped" vibe
2. Slovenly lounging around with a piece of boned meat in one hand and alcohol in the other
3. Basic erotic pose pinup (undecided specifics)
second one but she's also inviting you to some sloppy sex
Also give me a specific scenario, and if I like it enough I'll make it happen at some point
You should be raped because your OC is ugly
im not in this thread much, what does 2view look like
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>check his pixiv
>see this
Damn maybe anon was right about the blue horned girls
>the latest fotm popular OC everyone wants to see bound, banged, and bred
>the most niche (do we even have a single other sci-fi OC?), least mentioned girl that literally exits my brain the second I'm not looking at her
The duality of anon.
Even the gacha guy agrees.
>one is 5*, other doesn't get a mention
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nothing will be as awful as neko of doom
We need all the ocs we can get for our gacha so it's fine
what the hell
Why is this bad
it's not but no one is going to spend money on her
Mai getting milked
anon on the front page
weird bbc
rat anon, if your friend paid 30k for this, he got ripped off
That sounds like fun.
I'd rather request from quirky people like that than someone who's just a career artist. Call me silly, but I feel like that gives the drawings more "soul".
It's not, Anon just has a hate boner for her
which oc is made for it?
A good majority of OCs have taken dark skinned male cock
it was an accident
Is this plant anon? He's the only one that has gotten OCs raped to my knowledge.
I've already requested two of my ocs getting raped, need to get the rest done too
>Deadline is today at midnight
I don't feel so good
midnight JST?
isn't it adjusted to your time? Since it is already like 4 am over there
both pixiv and skeb have deadlines at midnight JST
How many last minute/11th hour deliveries ended looking good vs looking like shit? 3/2 ratio for me
Some of my favorite ones were near the last hour.
Its roughly half and half for me, but nearly all of the good ones are from the same artist who delivers last minute on principle like skeb's a rhythm game. If we went by artist and not by delivery I'm at maybe 1/3 good/bad depending on how loose you want to be with the term "good"
well, I'll give it another 4 hours for the "grace period"
OCs for a request like this?
If I like them enough I'll include them
people so bored they're literally shitposting
You're not making a request like that, stop lying
Pretty sure there is another anon without an oc that gets some
Yes I am
All the VRC ones
Glad my OC isn't popular
I too wish to procreate with monster hunter creatures
Just sent off a vanilla request to a guro artist since they draw nice muscular girls, hoping it goes well.
Please share artist so I can request a muscular girl who had a very unlucky day
Wish my oc was popular enough to get raped
That MHA one tempted me
Who is she?
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two new girls will soon be born
The worst part of having an OC is wanting to update her design and then having a bunch of commissions that are outdated
>big forehead
>mid split bangs
>dot eyebrows
>*lf ears
Yup, quadruple combo of things I hate, deserves to have unsatisfying sex with men with micropenises and to end up in a dull boring marriage for the rest of her life.
sex with rejected glasses girl
Make their new design a time-skip
>big forehead
>mid split bangs
>dot eyebrows
>elf ears
Yup, quadruple combo of things I love, deserves eternal love and affection
do you consider hair up to the shoulders short
That's mid. At the ears or higher is short
sex with the other one
Real short-haired ocs have never been tried
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What do you MEAN skeb. Nothing has changed.
Real short-haired girls (neck length is not real short) suffer from higher rejection rates in r18 commissions. This has been fact checked.
>very short hair
tomboy or dyke?
>but I knew I would have been spending way too much money on custom doll stuff
surely theres cheapo stuff from aliexpress
China can't fuck up a plastic doll that badly right?

I bought an onahole from aliexpress and its been fine, no infections or anything wrong with my fat cock!
>Phthalates are linked to health conditions related to the liver, kidneys, lungs, and the endocrine and reproductive systems. They are also linked to reduced testosterone levels and low sperm counts in males
Lol. Lmao.
(Phthalates are what makes that shit soft, unless you inexplicably got a high-grade silicone fleshlight, which we both know you didn't)
>The delivery deadline of the work has been exceeded
it is indeed actually over
Any good male character designers? Fantasy style, sort of protagonist looking.
name and shame
They dropped to 50% from 60% (So they missed three deliveries with me included). Waited 30 days
i'm not eating the fleshlight
If their average response time is 20 days why are you bitching about them not responding after 3? Give them another 17 days and then complain.
She's cute. Did you at least get a gift file? I'm considering going for it myself but only if I get a gift file out of it.
Who’s supposed to be fucking her
Phthalates don't cause those effects by ingestion. (Well, they probably do, but that's not the exposure method any study is talking about)

They leech back out of the plastic they're used in over time (referred to as "sweating" in the toy community-- it happens to nendoroids, as an example, although they specifically don't use pthalates as a plasticizer iirc due to this exact concern). The addition of friction and liquid makes this happen faster for obvious reasons. As it leeches or sweats out, it gets absorbed by your skin and particularly your mucous membranes (urethra).
Other BJDfags will know you're the guy that cheaped out when you show your doll off.
You get an email about a gift file right? If so then I didn't.
I wonder how many the artists know about the gift files. I think I only got 1.
I have one pixiv artist posting images on danbox like 3x the pixiv request resolution
I don't remember if I got an e-mail about the gift file. Maybe an anon can correct me. Either way if you check your request and go to the request page itself it should how you whether or not there's a git file.
*got an e-mail about the gift file when I got one before
don't know what's going on with the face
it's a bovine girl. the black spot is the nose
huge futa dick
cant believe he has some genuine fans now sending him requests instead of just appealed deliveries
Pretty sure "Thank you for your message." is an appeal request
eh the art is okay even if overpriced
3k sfw
quintuplet paizuri
anon's worst nightmare
Their ass knows they're not gonna stream. You gotta know when you don't have the charisma to keep it going
Q4 2024 DEBUT
the worse part about these wannabe vtubers is the hashtags for art
nahida installing her head onto the body of a 500lb fat bastard and fucking and impregnating nilou with it
Oh, I didn't notice it at first, but later nilou's head is pulled off and installed onto nahida's currently headless loli body and nahida(piloting fat bastard body) impregnates that too.
pretty good background for 5k
that pink hair nun has a :< face
Poor Nanjamo, she couldn't make it to the bathroom.
Deadline in 4 hours, always get a little anxious even when the artists have a 100% delivery rate
Husband, I guess
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Bonnouji Yura posted this a few days ago and it escaped my notice:
>Thank you for your help. I am a temple of trouble.
>As for our plans for the next month or so, we would like to start working on the manga.
>Therefore, we will only be updating the progress of the work for the next two to three months.
>Please note that we will not be able to update the difference illustrations, so please be careful when you support us.
>(We are very sorry to tell you this just before the end of the month...)
>The contents we are thinking of at the moment are “a story about a pure-blooded degenerate whose womb is converted into a tentacle-only womb” and “a story about a company girl who changes her job to a tentacle nursery.
>I have my hands full with completing the illustrations of the two Senkohime, so I have only a vague idea of what I have in mind, so I will be able to give you more details about the contents and schedule later.
>In any case, we will definitely include a tentacle nursery birth situation, so please look forward to it.
>See you next month.
This seems like a perfect time to strike, so I sent my message. Wish me luck guys.
Anyone got any 1 day nsfw artist? Any price is fine
>I have my hands full
I hope you mean befriending the guy and not begging him or something.
It goes without saying, and I'm sure you know, but don't make an ass of yourself or try to get free art or anything.
No I didn't do that. I just let him know that A. I'm a fan and his story is really good B. I have some cool ideas I want to talk about C. I want to commision him to consider them.
I haven't floated the ideas themselves yet.
It's like they expect to be popular it makes you really embarrassed for them.
Generic Brown Guy #3
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cute joy
Thank you both for the great Hex images. I will be adding these to the collection
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Flat PSD but still.
Plant must be pretty weak to lose to Bee. Every other girl seems to make her the sub instantly
grass is weak to bug and flying
Probably the last time I do an unsolicited collab. Dunno why but I felt compelled with this one
did you forget what bees do to flowers in nature
the bee has that effect on people
Oh yeah I also want to see purple snake lady as a lamia again it was cute
I assume by real short hair you mean something like this?
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Decided to get a request of this one from before https://skeb.jp/@364ing01/works/608
Gotta say I really like how it turned out, her horns are pretty different than usual but that's part of risk of having unusual horn shapes I guess. Still love it regardless.
The invitation of a succubus shouldn't be taken lightly.
Fullsize: https://files.catbox.moe/m0r2mi.png
Pretty good
Hahaha, you're kidding!
I've got a hex comm from hatomune in the works, too (Nov 15th due date)
I even saw the WiP on her twitter and thought it was mine!
Will artist-san complete my request the second time or will it expire again? If completed, will it be a half assed delivery, or a fine illustration? Take your bets
>"Sorry for making you wait so long!"
>The ID is 20k higher than the one I'm still waiting for

Unless they typically do their requests out of order, assume they said fuck you and skipped yours.
In time for Christmas, should I request:
>A long western dress. Trails to the ground in the back.
>A short style dress. Colorful and frilly. Stops at the upper thigh.
nopan short dress
Art by https://skeb.jp/@kafun

Never knew Bee had such a huge butt! Delicious.
>This artist also draws /ss/.
Another to add to the collection it seems.

I've had people ask about Lucretia using people as toilets. Ectoplasm or "gel" is the solution.

I'm tempted to accept. He can't possibly fuck up something with no facial features. Right?
what character?
and why not combine them? hi-lo style dress or long with a slit in the skirt. could make it frilly and fun with a puffier skirt and ruffles along the hem/slit or something, or elegant and dramatic keeping a slimmer profile and longer skirt train.
>see cute dog on the front page
>notice artist has nsfw enabled
you know what to do
Does Lucretia hack and wheeze like Grievous?
>I'm tempted to accept. He can't possibly fuck up something with no facial features. Right?
You'll probably get a case of
>Instructions unclear, drawing her without the mask
Someone bake
open 1k nsfw
horse cock girl
I'm gonna get my OC in a santa suit, but like one of those detailed rustic santa dolls
huh I wonder what fetish this client has
Snubbed by https://skeb.jp/@TOBATOtheDOXXX
Looking for anyone who can draw crones that aren't completely grotesque
Any suggestions or ideas of who'd be a good artist to trap-ify my OC?
who is your OC
Has done my incubus boy before and likes drawing male ocs so probably a good bet
Sent a request to a super expensive artists who'd I'd been dreaming about drawing my oc since she was being designed but it's been sitting in the pending box for 4 days so it's not looking good
what do you define as super expensive
My condolences, anon.
What are their rates?
Idk who these are
50k for a picture. They usually draw 15+ variations. I've requested them before so I'm not panicking yet. If it expires I'll try again later I guess.
not gay but feels like there should be more of a bulge
post the artist
Fujos have never seen a man in the 3rd dimension
>go to check the Twitter of some artist I've seen on skeb s few times but never requested
>You're blocked

I have no idea how or why since I've literally never interacted with them but fuck you too, cunt.
did you reply to something they didn't like
My current pending request has 3 more days to accept or I'm just self cancelling. I can understand not getting to requests within the first 1-2 days but I feel like a week is more than enough time

Fuck if I know. I barely used Twitter for years before starting using skeb.
I'm not going to post an artist on here to the mob for not accepting a request after 3 days
who was the artist that DMed anon because they thought anon posted them on this thread
I don’t think you need to worry about that with a 50k artist.
anon on the front page
I want to take off her glasses and let her hair down
She deleted after her menhera meltie
bless artists that post hidden skebs on pixiv anyway
who's the girl hanging from the ceiling
Charlotte Aulin from castlevania. Her and Johnathan are a team so just think of it as NTR
I forget their handle but was it that autistic BL artist that used to(?) draw a lot of Astolfo x Sieg from Fate
nta but is it https://skeb.jp/@endendstart

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