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Strange Dreamscapes Edition

Previous Thread: >>8229252


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
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thank you for making there, anon
where artifact-less finetuned illustrious be?
comfy is not comfy and gives me errors
two weeks
(tomorrow maybe, maybe not)
highlightanon I like the highlights but you have to be more critical and cut it down to 2 max
THREE highlights?!?

Is /hdg/ finally healing?
Agree. Will try to keep it to two or maybe post catbox links for 2/3 and 3/3 next time.
i puked
questionable selections in the highlights as per usual
Very nice, the skin texture almost made me think this was a NAI image but then I saw she has large breasts.
it's naiv4
>gooknai does danbooru-style emoticon face tags
yep, not using pony again
I don't think tags like bad quality, worst quality do anything
Lot of good stuff.
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I lost the exact seed but it's the same mix. Yukimaru is from one of the megas, and you can barely even see the other two, mikoyan and exabyte from civitai.

I'm not good enough with illu yet to say what works and what doesn't. melon22 "should" be the easiest, he trained super well on all the other finetunes. Animagine got him spot-on with just 12 images, so not sure what happened here.
"lowres" does because it's a booru tag
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>nogen talking shit
didn't get in, lol
As with any other negs, put them in positives with an otherwise simple prompt to see their actual effect.
yeah i also feel that, i mean angel did say 0 aesthetic tuning was done
i'm actually in one of those
can you tell which? ;)
actual new thread
Doubt. Also that was a quick reply. You should be genning something at least.
yeah I'm testing negs and trying to find which work best for illustrious
please refrain from spitebaking
all ugly pony ones
Kill yourself IA faggot
the op is too similar can you bake another one?
He can't put lolis in highlights, so of course coping with what remains makes it a pretty sad sight, but those are the rules...
>troll thread
holy lack of meds
we should all have one thread each
can you explain your obsession with whoever that is? besides your mental illness? i'm tired of seeing your schizo ramblings
please go to your containment thread
unironically this
pedochads on hdg are the only ones with aesthetic feeling for art (opposite of pony)
Tranny who cant gen so he has to "snipe" every new thread and makes highlights. Also known for posting 1.5 gens with a vtuber in an abstract background
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okay, and?
thread theme?
4 or mine made it to the highlights?! Will my parents finally be proud?
Thread ruiner
cow print
Genuine question
Why are you doing this?
its a tranny who wants attention
samefags getting uppity again
i wouldn't mind highlights if pedoshit was allowed in it, otherwise i don't see a reason why i should look at them
Why the FUCK do you schizos care if someone posts their highlights? Literally just post your own highlights if you don't agree
There's ZERO reason to shit the thread up just because someone posted highlights of images you don't like
Fucking retards
Kill yourself IA tranny
fuck off schizo
Not like hags are "allowed" either. There's one Eadeath and even she looks younger than she's supposed to.
drink bleach
I actually would like him to reply, what sort of impact is expecting from doing this.
good start guys keep up the seethe
You could do loli highlights on /b/ have you tried that?
his esdeath gens are atrocious (it's pony)
it's ayakon, a special brand of ponyslop
I really enjoy when posts have one style that they never deviate from or one character that they never deviate from because it makes me feel like I'm hanging out with my friends every day. It's like hey there's Jerry, he's doing that one child character again he's so silly.
loli is an irreplaceable part of hentai
and this here is a hentai thread
The greatest weakness of illu are grey white backgrounds.
bwo that's ntr
Should I even bother posting my cunnyboxes anymore?
don't prompt for them???
1girl, 1boy, (slop:100)
So Shuten anon's name is Jerry??
it's pony
i love jerry then
its the only reason to come to these threads
i literally hit shift+w once im in because there isnt a single image posted actually worth seeing that isnt from a direct catbox anymore because 95% of these threads is either pony slop or this new gooknai snakeoil (which just looks like shit)
but the cunnyboxes are from gooknai doe?
need new fotm slut to gen
yeah, jerry douji. he took his wife's title as a surname because she (cutely) threatened to kill him otherwise
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That would be off topic so fuck off to /b/ or /trash/ where it is not
Nice to hear there are some of us left.
Any requests? I want some new fun gen ideas.
Let me know if you have some hate for "x style"
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Gonna dump some loras tomorrow for illustrious.
nah fuck right off with your falseflag, its super easy to tell when people edit the metadata so people are now taking nai gens and img2img them on local to troll the threads and try to shill this fucking garbage model
>says someone's falseflagging
jesus christ you're not THIS mentally ill, are you?
just leave, less pedos is never a bad thing
are you retards really that gullible
finally, art, thank you
So is this the Illustrious version of the sepia aco pony shitpost
what is wrong with pedophilia?
does it know homurahara uniform btw?
enjoy your ban pedofag
Saya is back on the menu?
>from one of the megas
Think you can just give me a link? Can't find it
Nice, Asuka <3
Guess I can go through the megas same as you?
This guy does really strong loras, but they all need an activation tag.
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what is this position called?
yay, a touhoe
Fuck that looks nice, fappable work
>he thought comfy was comfy
ahahahaaha we got another one
full nelson, which is just reverse suspended congress with the legs held up like that

背面駅弁 in moon rune
gooknai needs more redundancy in how you prompt than pony
I'm going to be gone for a little bit but if something big happens with Illustrious you guys will tell me once I get back, right?
no, just lurk
What is gooknai
lurk for 3 decades before posting again
stop giving things retarded nicknames just say the model name
it's slantaom
you must be at least 18 to post here
just search civitai for 'lusty
That oven is a fire hazard
It's NAI at home
pov: shinji if he had balls
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Lovely POV
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Thank you anon, I shall use this knowledge to create and spread hags
oekaki in negs
WOW https://civitai.com/models/808215/illustrious-xl-48-styles-collection?modelVersionId=903794
>Aesthetic tune with a little bit than 11000 cherrypicked pictures of different aritsts with purpose to make Illustrious xl look more clean.
mother load
I'm a bit behind on this Illustrious stuff, it just looks bad no? Is there some power behind it and it just needs mixes, loras, experience and it will be great?
traditional media, marker (medium), millipen (medium) in pos
Thanks. But training with "by" on top of model trained without it is haram.
if youre the baker have you experimented with the te_scale= arg? and where did you find it?
a mandatory kill yourself
It's alright at CFG 4
Yeah, I don't care about any of those
>that yabby preview
not feeling confident about the quality of this one
Reminds me of base pony. Takes a lot of effort to get anything good out of it. Loras make it simpler, and finetunes will probably stabilize it.
I'm gonna be honest fampai, 90% of the ones in the catbox look much better on the base model
what noise offset settings are people using to train illustrious styles, if any?
ngl those previews are screaming fried ai-generated ponyslop
i think illustrious is a bit underbaked, but maybe that's a good thing for fine tuning
I want white backgrounds, but they turn out grey.
But she doesn't have any balls!? In fact there are none in the image!!
Looks decent, sure. What I'm wondering is
is this better than what we currently have, or can it get better than what we have? What's the point of it? I'm tired of pony style for sure so not running defense just wondering
good morning bakariso
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Anyone find a way to remove the silly raised finger? There's no tag for it afaik, not even sure where it comes from. Seems very rare in, about 1/3 in reverse grip and pretty much none in regular handjobs.
>is this better than what we currently have
It's pretty nice, better than pony at some things and worse at others. Pedos are having a field day with it tho
Let her be classy.
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kohya deepshrink is more stable than raunet on gooknai, i wonder why
try negging pinky_out?
>worse at others
nigga easyfluff is still better than pony at what it was made for (furry art) and it's a goddamn 1.5 model. it's time to let go.
We've already seen most of what pony can do, and like 1.5 the base style that seeps into everything just gets old after a while. It's straight up worse at western styles and characters, realism, 3d, most monster girls, /d/ and obviously furry and pony.

But this being the /h/ thread, and a lot more puritanian that the rest of the board, we're mostly about the core anime styles. In those it's already better than any pony merge, if you actually go through the effort of finding a style mix that's stable and clean, and figure out cfg++, get an upscaler that hides artifacts, etc.
we're starving for decent food and this doughy premature bake is the best that's come out other than pony mixes
But these two are both on the same arch, so treating them as equal options makes sense. This being a specialized anime model it can't really be beat it its own game, but it can't do much else.
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Goddamn, Illustrious fries the fuck out of the image when inpainting/img2img
A few days back on NAI and god it's annoying trying to get some tag to work rather than look up a lora. See-through cleavage is my current enemy, I have more luck getting it to spawn if I don't tag it, even putting cleavage in negatives doesn't help. Turtleneck + collared works decent but it's not very flexible for instance if I want a swimsuit, bodystocking is another work around but it often bleeds into the rest of the outfit
how to use cfg++ in comfyui?
That was a nightmare tag on pony as well. Always has to use regional prompter to get it consistently
lower your cfg
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Note to self - 10 steps is more than enough when upscaling/inpainting, 25 is way too much
Just select euler_cfg_pp or euler_ancestral_cfg_pp, tone your cfg way down, 2-2.5 is enough
If you've updates in the last 2 months they should be it the list of samplers as "eluer_cfg_pp" and "euler_ancestral_cfg_pp". If you want the others you have to use "CFG++SamplerSelect" node and noodle that into "SamplerCustom" instead of "Ksampler"
what are your settings for deepshrink?
this and v_sign seems to help a bit, though it's not reliable
I'm abusing that related tags function on Danbooru. Honestly the struggle keeps me more hooked anyway
I feel like inpainting could be the way here (see-through with masking the cleavage). Could you post/catbox example of what you're trying to get? I might try that if I get home soon enough.
I'm weird like that, but I enjoy finding workarounds with pure model more than just sticking in lora for a concept, that's why I really enjoyed nai after 1.5 lora hell. Character loras certainly would be nice though, that one you can't reasonably work around with prompting
I do 28 steps for inference and 16 for upscaling, 0.3-0.4 denoise. Illustrious feels much more prone to hallucinating things in upscale, likely because it isn't deep fried like Pony.
Example with some denoise post-processing:
B: https://files.catbox.moe/e1d7ms.png
A: https://files.catbox.moe/djmcij.png
oh, it ruined her mouth and eyebrows
what did he mean by this
That could be adjusted by tweaking adetailer settings, I believe it uses a higher denoise than standard i2i by default.
is for >>8231456
yeah I realized that later I'm a little slow
what did he mean by this
That was another anon who posted link here. It was this pr https://github.com/konstmish/prodigy/pull/19 which was not accepted by the repo authors because muh sd. I just tried to follow the idea of the longer you bake, the less te training is needed, so for this run I've tried to set 0.2, usually if te is about to be trained with a quick lora I'm just dividing unet lr by 3 for adam
So does it really feels that bad to use it? I didn't know what to put into comparison and ended up at this hag, lol
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Tiem to hassle inpainting on illustrious.
what did he mean by this
god imagine the sensation of being lightly brushed with alpaca's unfathomably fluffy bush as she gives you intercrural...
no more bullying I beg
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damn it, the more schizo and underbaked model is - the interesting and kino composition it makes
i'm afraid finetunes will make it boring like autismmix did to pony, hope i'm wrong
what are you comparing
Autismmix wasn't a finetune, it was a couple of shit loras merged into pony
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Providing positive feedback to the thread's heroes.
I'm glad someone is encouraging actual genning rather than the schizofagging that normally takes place here
Isn't that the entire condundrum with AI tech, the more we train it to do what we want the more rigid it is since "that's what it's trained to do". Like asking a mechanic to repair your plumbing
so is pony v7 out yet or not. i want to immediately show how shit it is once its here
kill yourself
This is why you are not on the list. You are bitter and sad and a bad human being.
you'll know when it's out because the whole thread will switch to it
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It's a non-vpred/cosXL model so that's sort of a technical limitation, but you can always just composite the image if it's only the background you care about. Using LoRAs also helps a bit with this even though they're also not vpred trained.

Yep, it's a huge fucking issue with LLMs: if you train them more so that they give more accurate and intelligent responses, they lose their creativity ("SOVL" as we call it). NAI managed to make a great model by doing multiple aesthetic runs, but I'm willing to bet a lot of information was lost between those runs which is what necessitated such a large amount of compute. Essentially [big pretrain on full dataset to round out base knowledge] -> [aesthetic run on smaller, curated set erodes some base knowledge] -> [few epochs at full dataset size] -> [repeat].
he's still tagging the 100mill dataset its gonna be at least another 5 months
What was the difference in training between illu and Tofu? I mean same dataset, both raw SDXL finetunes yet the results are very different.
please go back to whatever discord you came from
Did Tofu also use the Kohaku version of danbooru2023? Regardless, my guess would be that Illustrious simply trained for longer since Angel had some corpo compute behind him.
paper on illu will be out tomorrow
If it's a monocolor background just use color exchange, takes like five clicks in gimp.
You are an anon of culture
and so are you, fuck yeah psg
You too mfkr, yay for artoria
this scares local
I found the only people that ever complain about highlights are either
Curious how that works
A few Illustrious loras that were posted elsewhere.

Amedama Akihito/Old School Academy: https://files.catbox.moe/a4nt07.safetensors
Fujimura Carlo: https://files.catbox.moe/vcylt2.safetensors
Apostle: https://files.catbox.moe/6ulhwf.safetensors
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So is Euler A CFG++ with Normal scheduler @ 2-2.5 cfg the current meta for illustrious ?
hey don't throw us under the bus
cancelling my gooknai sub and buying 10 nai subs right now
But I always get into the highlights and I always tell that IA retard to kill ximself
Nice image to prove me right, dumbass.
curious how it's always nogens calling out nogens
Why should I care about what subhumans "think"?
Concession denied. Keep seething for eternity, faggot.
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>It's a non-vpred/cosXL model so that's sort of a technical limitation
I mean, sure, but it's not just a little bit grey, it's full on 50% grey. Pic related is "1girl, white background" on NAI1 and "1girl, white background, simple background, cowboy shot" on Illustrious-XL. They're both eps-pred.
Now this is the Illustrious I recognize from my tests, finally a real post showing how dogshit the model is compared to NAI or even Pony.
pumping ahh ahh
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With the image posted in response to you it's actually slightly lighter than the SD 1.5 example. Skill issue?
uh oh! angel did an oopsie woopsie with the model! please angel-kun drop the next model release that fixes these colors!

oh, right... :(
What's wrong with my prompt? Asking for a somewhat white background should not be hard.
I don't know what's wrong with your prompt, because you didn't post it.
Not keen on uploading my works at the moment especially since they're not nsfw and it's only tangentially related to my current prompt (pov hands breast grabbing with deep skin, surprised looking girl). But it's a good idea to go with inpainting, bit hard when I've got the hands there but I need to get into the habit of inpainting stuff like expressions rather than overloading the prompt.
The see-through cleavage has been a thorn in my side for long though so if you wanted to throw together an outline of your workflow I'd appreciate it.
I did.
>1girl, white background, simple background, cowboy shot
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>22 artists
>2 loras
no wonder this looks like shit
emerald herald a cute
it's gooknai sir
promptlets getting filtered hard by gooknai
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My bad, I'm retarded. You're right, it is definitely grey leaning without any sort of quality prompt.
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Adding my boilerplate quality prompts with otherwise the same prompt and seed, it fixes it immediately. I've been suspicious about the claims of the dataset being solely Danbooru, and I wonder if there's other shit and there but the quality tags are only applied to the Danbooru subset.
i hope this is a joke
Don't you need some amazing quality, divinely aesthetic, impossibly highres, antipasto, 1990's anime screencap
What do you mean? The color comparison being bad or the quality tag/dataset thing?
Fixed what, it's still grey
>It's a non-vpred/cosXL model so that's sort of a technical limitation
It's much less grey than the other two 1girl, standing examples.
Tenk lora posted before
trigger is "tenk"
Reweik can do #ffffff white and #000000 white without vpred
Reweik looks like plastic-y dogshit, however.
Even with some recommended quality tags/negs:
>1girl, white background, simple background, cowboy shot, masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdres
>lowres, (bad), text, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, low quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, oldest, early, chromatic aberration, signature, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan, [abstract], monochrome, sketch
skill issue
More importantly, moving the goalposts. We were talking about colors and technical limitations.
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Those quality tags/negs are from Angel's huggingface space, so I assume they should be good.
This still looks better, but I do consneed that it's odd behavior.

this shit is so lazy
I think we can all agree the colors are better than Pony though, right?
>I better give him more traffic so he stops doing it
Are you mad because he gets +1,000 likes on his AI art?
This, but unironically. Changing the output manually is cheating. A true AI artist makes the AI do all the work.
Both are probably true
gonna seethe a little more?
kinda? I hate that kind of algorithm abuse (1 mil retweets for next picture!!) even from normal artists, nevermind someone pumping out 10 "challenges" a day on the worst ai images
The worst, really? Not bad, just generic.
He had to grift his way up to the place where he can post lazy 1girl standing and still get all the viewers. That takes effort and skill too, some amount of luck too, of course.
And for normies who have no clue about ai this still feels like he's putting in a lot of effort to mask their bodies and add "nsfw, completely nude" instead of the outfit.
The only thing that upsets me about this is that he seemingly doesn't disclose that the images are heavily AI-assisted even on the Patreon. I couldn't care less about some scam artist fooling people for money on Xitter Dot Com.
This is the mindset that does not want AI to improve.
>it's good enough, I can photoshop the rest
The more the model can do out of the box, the better output and creativity it will have. If the model is too dumb to understand what a white/black/blue background is, you're never gonna get any interesting colored backgrounds out of it and any derivative background will be worse off.
Stop replying to some anti-AI falseflagger
Why does that upset you? People seem to enjoy his content regardless of that.
nta but I don't like people hiding they are using ai, it is that which draws anti-ai people wanting to ban it
Because trying to hide it when the average Xitterites would get out their pitchforks and torches upon being informed it's AI is pussy behavior.
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So when you guys are talking about "white" backgrounds, do you just mean "basically" perfect white, or like actually every pixel is #ffffff? I can get most of them to be completely white according to color picking, with the odd one being off by one in some of the channels, but never really more than that, and it basically looks like perfect white to me. Same for blacks as well.
The denoising upscalers during the workflow help of course, but you would be stupid not to use them.
It's good enough for me either way, but I was just wondering what exactly is meant, cause I've been seeing some anons complaining that they can't get it.
I don't know, seems based to me. If it is later proven to twitterfags that he's using AI it might make them reconsider their stance. Or seethe more, which is entertaining too; and the dude's popular and making the bank regardless of retarded anti-ai drama.
wtf... i never noticed how cute tohru actually is...
I'm talking about "not visibly grey".
it was pony
let me look at the metadat--
catboxes were meant to be
I'm just stupid
With artists it's fine in my experience, as long as one of them has images with white backgrounds
Nah, it's illus. Metadata is there
It's cumfy spaghetti
if it's not perfect on every pixel it's slop and i can't cum
Yeah it's the manwha upscaler trained to fix bad scans. Doesn't count.
I never masturbate with my gens
that's crazy
what do you even use ai for
I do but only after running the 2D version through a realism model with anytest/i2i/tile.
what atist would people like to see as a lora for illustrious?
I also only masturbate to miqo and cathag gens
All the western artists that make Pony a stable model.
pony gens make me cum in my thong uwu
For myself? Nanameda Kei https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4383623
For the greater good(as in, nipples)? e-note https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5870057
Hiromitsu Takeda
Gnsisir please
Try any of the existing style loras, should be enough. Base pony is similarly unstable without schizo negs or a style.
Tidy up your workflow holy shit
jcm2. nobody was able to get it right due different styles over years.
collect them like pokemon cards
s16xue and takorin please and thank you
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have the dataset for him already so I will bake after I finish rebaking my envenomist lora
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I'm still testing stuff. Once I'm happy with the workflow, I'll clean it up obviously
>that navel on the left
I've noticed illustrious does this a lot more than I'd like
sure seems like it
If I spend too much time on an image it's not hot anymore. Like a real artist I suppose. Gotta either slopgen them out fast or come back to them months later once I forgot.
why is it so fried
i was wondering what the immediately obvious issue i missed would be
Illustrious is shitting the bed
In addition to the other anon I'd like to ask: what are some styles that don't work ON NAI, either inaccurate or at all? Eastern or westerns who draw anime style only, please.
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>>8230281 (Cross-thread)

I added a few loras to my mega

Wtf, he gets to cum with his dick AND fingers?
I only had 3K anlas to work with, but most styles I tried felt way weaker than loras, even with emphasis. Ones I missed the most are probably hakika and harada takehito.
Certainly fishine, but we already have a really decent lora for him on illu
All pony loras were trash regardless of how much you want to hate NAI. Illu does capture styles nicely.
>All pony loras were trash regardless of how much you want to hate NAI. Illu does capture styles nicely.
please do not troll, thank you
I would just like to formally thank all the bakers we have left.
jesus i didn't expect so many responses so fast. well i guess use that post as an anchor for lora requests then
It was not meant as criticism, he asked and I answered honestly. You don't have to start deflecting right away.
My disdain for pony is genuine.
i can do this right now but idk if it'll turn out as well as the pony one since style training on illustrious is weird
if possible make the lora of the artist prinny801/anime801 too!
i looked through the requests and these were the only decent ones
Ikemeru19/Shijiu, though it's a challenge to train lora for their art due to most of it being gone from boorus and untagged. Also a lot of duplicate images due to imagesets with small alternations.
you're welcome
>baked one lora nobody wants to use
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I'm doing some styles im testing out an Artsheops style now.
t. samefag
lmao, I wonder if he knows
That's absolutely not a troll. Even burnt LoRAs on Pony had the plasticy 2.5d look bleed through, it was such a night and day difference looking at my Pony Fishine gens vs Illustrious that I just straight up deleted the Pony one.
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illustrious still shitting the bed
this one is good too
start be getting rid of those score tags, that's a lot of unrecognized tokens close to the start of the prompt
they use some insane format though and t5
nai3 please leak...
Yep it's this yellow plasticity, the aco deviantart backgrounds, the fucked linework that always seeped through. Autism did add this awful 2.5D shit as well. I just can't understand how people couldn't see this.
Illu's artifacting is not great but at least it's fixable already. And I believe it will only get better in that regard.
it is pretty easy to avoid that. imo if you can just copy and paste your pony training settings and have them work on illustrious then they were probably bad, pony was overfitted enough that my style settings for it are killing loras I'm training on illustrious
also zsnr and 16ch vae memes
it's never going to leak. the turk took the intern who leaked v1 out back and blew his fucking brains out. gookcope is way better than ponycope though, I'm happy for now.
literally inferior to illustrious
edakaradekiru is an artist I had in mind of training myself, but said artist specifically stated on their pixiv page not to use their stuff for AI... How much trouble would one get into fr if one trained and uploaded a Lora on civitai? I don't wanna end up in Japanese court
We were talking about strength of artists on NAI, and you suddenly brought up the illu comparison and Pony's base style.
it was confirmed to be leaked by an outsider. and if you're happy with gooknai then good for you but it's not remotely close
Then don't upload to Civ. Just upload here.
I agree that it's not even remotely close, but it's so much better than pony that I couldn't care less. AI is a toy to me at the end of the day and I'm not going to consolewar over SaaS faggotry.
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Hagbros, I'm getting to a style I like, but my milfs come out to cute and not mature enough for my taste. Can you recommend me some artists I can use on illustrious, or some tags I might be missing? Thanks
>Through the relay super-resolution process, Gaussian noise is added to low-resolution generation results, and the diffusion process begins from these noisy images. Our results show that CogView3 outperforms SDXL with a winning rate of 77.0%
>My model with hiresfix is better than raw base SDXL
holy skill issue
Should we just guess blindly at what you may be missing? You didn't include the metadata.
who asked? i don't care what you think
who asked? i don't care what you think
True I could do that, but what if I get turned on by sharing loras with as many as possible
>but it's not remotely close
Some of the pics I'm seeing made with it look really nice. I can't test it properly myself as I'm a laptopfag, so I'm wondering, what's wrong with it beside fixable artifacts and lack of vpred?
it's a miracle no one has made an incase lora for Illustrious yet, the most used artist to generate images in ponyxl!
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completly right, my bad. https://files.catbox.moe/2wi3oe.png
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>what's wrong with it beside fixable artifacts and lack of vpred
i mean those are the big things that are wrong with it and they're a major selling point. i would say besides the greater dynamic range, NAI also has much better aesthetic tuning, and it's easier to get "pretty pictures" with fairly basic prompts.
NAI >>> gooknai with some elbow grease >>> lazy gooknai >>>>>>> literally everything else local
>gooknai with some elbow grease >>> lazy gooknai
don't think the gap is that big there. cfg++ samplers take you 80% of the way to decent looking gens with illustrious
so does flux make porn yet or not
cfg++ is a massive meme
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>still caring about flux
Bro that's ancient fotm. Current fotm is gooknai.
Guys, can illustrious do 3d blender like FF7 and Overwatch?
nta, qrd?
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https exhentai org/g/3048606/d773be2385/
https exhentai org/g/2372031/1fe21d89c9/
is this most of his stuff? couldn't find it anywhere else (except his pixiv with like 4 posts
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NAI+ vibes
did you gen this this wide or was it a normal gen composited on the widescreen canvas? either way, catbox?
It's a vidya (mostly persona) drawfag from /vg/
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It's Gamenamepui for sure, he draws kid faces even on adults. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8170828
pic is with and without

btw you're using the pony lora when there's already an illustrious one.
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This was genned wide. Illustrious does much better than pony at different resolutions. Should have meta if you use stealthpng
Got better results with the pony one, weirdly. Thanks tho, I'll do some tests without it
No not yet, at least not the likes of what we currently have with pony, nai, illustrious, etc. It's a matter of those wanting to finetuning it lacking compute, and those who do have the compute won't finetune it due to the licensing needing you to split profits with the company behind flux.

Depends how much 3d stuff is on danbooru, because that's what Illus is trained on. I doubt it's more than what was included in pony's training data. Plus (at least to my knowledge) a lot of 3d stuff is animated videos and gifs, which isn't included when training models.
catbox script failed to load metadata for that one gen (works fine for this one you just posted)
what is cfg++ guys I think I missed that development
snake oil
Seems to suck even at the 3D stuff that does make it onto danbooru, like DoA or Custom Maid.
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even without the TE, half the UNET LR and with huber loss, schizo captioning continues to work, which is nice. it's obviously diminished in effectiveness but still overpowering the artist tokens.
it also seems like multires noise iterations is still a major influence in how blurry style LORAs wind up being. i changed a few settings between 007 and 008 but becoming noticeably blurrier/less sharp is the exact same behavior that i'd see in pony when disabling multires noise iterations. and that seems bad since using my current pony combination of 10/0.4 has been fucking up illustrious style loras around half way through training.
There is also this from hitomi.la, maybe more up to date compared to what is on exhentai:
That's the straight to jail artist
Oh yeah you're right, it's gacha if post editing ends up nuking the metadata even with stealthpng. Here is another one with meta
>No metadata found.
Is Hitomi ever more up to date? Seems like they've just been scraping sadpands for the past decade.
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Most likely they just scrape, but it's sometimes nice to just go and see stuff from exhentai without having to login.

Though don't know if you're the original anon who linked me those exhentai links for said artists works, but are you intentions to start training a Lora for linked artist or are you just helping me find dataset? I'd just like to know if I myself should put in the effort or not :p
vpred doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me in this case, the model can at least produce reasonable darks and glow effects like in the OP pic, while with pony it was just completely fucked. yeah it won't make black and white background meme, but personally I don't make gens with such extreme contrast anyway unless I just want to mess around for the sake of it.
>and it's easier to get "pretty pictures" with fairly basic prompts.
easier but considering that loras are pretty strong with it, it's pretty achievable on gook I think

I'd say that nai's inpaint is still pretty strong point still though, I think it's really convenient but yeah not really necessary to create nice-looking pics.
>easier to get "pretty pictures" with fairly basic prompts.
>NAI >>> gooknai with some elbow grease >>> lazy gooknai >>>>>>> literally everything else local
Doesn't add up. If you want easy pretty pictures, gooknai is the last thing you should be using considering the hoops you have to jump through to get something that doesn't look like ass.
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It's someone else, I'm just here to complain about e-hentai knockoffs
and you're right to do so. most e-hentai scrapers only get the downsampled images anyways
so thats why my lora had a tendency to be blurry, its over
It's not "over", it's time to retrain
>so thats why my lora had a tendency to be blurry
it's gooknai
black and white background isnt the main problem, it's just an easily identifiable symptom. the color range is fucked in other ways that results in XL ultimately producing washed-out gens. stuff like this
is a nightmare on local SDXL due to the poor color range. it's way easier to go from a full color range to a limited one than it is to 'inject' color with copium like vectorsCope (which the OP pic uses). full dynamic range can still do muted color palettes while limited dynamic range can never due proper color. it's information loss.
while it's not a dealbreaker, it's something that has been neglected by local failbakes for almost a year and only now are people really starting to finally take notice.
if you don't post dogshit you do color correction on your images anyway
what other cope should i use then if not multires
i mean we've known about this for months but the only local bake who bothered doing anything about it was wdV (lol)
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i'm not sure if that's the only reason but it's what seemed to make the kiato and deal360 loras i trained actually have sharp linework
i also am not really sure if multires noise is what's causing my loras to fry or if my unet LR is too high for illustrious, the settings i'm using are all geared around getting usable styles out of pony merges and not a more normally trained model
It's very easy, I just type my prompts and get my lolis, hot, sweaty, blushing and horny. Only normalfags have skill issue, I'm sorry you wern born this way:(
>lazy gooknai >>>>>>> literally everything else local
Completely delusional, lazy gooknai is completely unusable dogshit tier.
Any other local model and you tell someone to add 2 quality tags to get alright output out.
No fucking around with combinations of tags, upscalers, schizo negs, artist mixes, specific autistic scheduler setups, CFG++ snakeoil, etc.
why is pag so odd on gooknai?
everything is weird on the model because its severely underbaked
imagine if we had the full thing
wait are you saying multires is making your loras LESS or MORE blurry
because if LESS then it really is over for me and i will have to go to the dataset fiddling mines
That is why I don't understand why there is nothing but praise for it in this thread. It's alright, but I don't see it as good enough to justify putting my GPU through Lora training hell again.
It's the latest toy, and people are huffing lethal doses of copium just like with every other prior model that was gonna be the Pony killer.
>but I don't see it as good enough to justify putting my GPU through Lora training hell again.
it's not pony
it can do sex unlike previous local failbakes
it looks decent with effort
it's not pony

retards saying that it's fotm are either trolling or completely unaware how despised pony truly is
ok astralite go change your diaper
it truly is hilarious how some of you think pony will be relevant going forward
illustrious is here to stay
>Decent model releases
>it does good hentai and is super fun to use
>might get better in the future
Why can't people just be happy for once
>how despised pony truly is
>A couple of seething pedos aren't representative for the entire thread
>how despised pony truly is
You autistic PDS sufferers are the tiniest of tiny minorities. And like all tiny minorities, you are the most vocal and most obnoxious faggots in existence.
pony defense force on duty
never really understood why people get so heated about models like this
i dont care what anyone else is using, i want to make good images for myself
i'm super happy. this is the best toy local has gotten in ages. i think a good amount of the copers are trolls or just super sunk cost on pony. like even the big scale anime finetunes of pony completely miss the mark compared to illustrious, it's hilarious if they aren't being ironic.
less blurry
to understand prompts it is incredible, but to generate images, the quality is even worse than sd 1.5 sometimes!
It's acosloppers angry that they no longer have any excuse.
gooknai shills cannot comprehend the idea that one can hate this underbaked, artifact filled model and also hate pony's disgusting sepia, horse smegma filled ass
sure one is less disgusting than the other but it still doesn't change the fact that we're coming up on a full year of local humiliation
i'm just sticking with pony until the illustrious lora database allows me to replicate most of what i have on pony in terms of styles and characters
i don't really utilize anything that illustrious does better and i really like the style mix i have going
oh nonononno
also u might want to try high schizo batch sizes if your shit is frying, ive been trying 2 batch with 8 accum, but you need really high lr, it seemed to go ok with 0.003 unet and 0.00001 te decaying
this, switched back to miqomix until illustrious catches up. will take months probably
illustrious feels undertrained and has color issues, but it's still a massive step up for local and just playing around with it is fun. i will probably get bored within a week, but i'm still having way more fun with this toy than the others (arti, 4th tail/tofu)
I just wish people could be happy with the new thing instead of bashing the old.
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I was going through the gens in aibooru, and was wondering how you could prompt or edit the image so that objects fo not overlap, like in this image, which makes the chair look as if it is phasing through the desk.

so this is the power of gooknai...
thats anythingV7
me on the bottom
1.5 does better genitals than that tbqh
forgewebui broke for me for some reason, maybe the latest commit was broken idk

how do I rollback in forge?
you ask claude
delete venv folder and git pull again, its the easiest way
original anon here
i'd like to train a lora on his stuff but it seems there's a lot of dataset clean up in order. if you put a dataset together i'd gladly train the lora. i'm training another one right now so it'll have to wait until this one is done
>raising saturation in gimp/photoshop = color correction
Is there a tag for the non-sexual kind of eye_roll?
yes? are you having trouble?
i'm saying you're dumb and that's not how color correction works
annoyed + looking to the side
who are you quoting?
keep posting your sepia man
Daily reminder that vectorscope has a hdr script that generates your images at several color range bands and then splices them together.
>he thinks i'm using pony
>ponysloppers have to pretend they arent using pony now
how braindead are you? the whole point is that only retarded people on pony need to "color correct" their images because of the baked in sepia that isn't present on other models. and if you are color correcting, raising saturation is not how you do it
explain further
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The blurrier the image - the more erotic it is. NAI team knew this all along. Local is finally catching up.
this looks like splotched doodle
dark skinned female keeps making the guy dark skinned no one understands my pain
I do, just two posts above yours.
How do you do it, actually? Most times I just lower the color temperature, that seems to be a decent proxy for a "sepia slider".
needs white penis tag from e621
dark-skinned male, interracial and dark penis in negs
how can somebody be this retarded?
Any "dark" neg makes the girl lighter, even "dark background" because of clip leaks
kill CLIP
Split your prompt into parts with BREAK
Does it work with Illustrious too?
The UI eats your breaks before CLIP gets to see the prompt
it's illustrious
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why are the hands so dogshit?
it's nai at home
it's illustrious
It works with any text2img model, but it doesn't do what he thinks it does. it only resets the emphasis on early token. Like if you do:
>1girl, [50 other tokens], artist, best quality
then artist is rally weak because it's too far back. If you do:
>1girl [50 other tokens] BREAK artist, best quality
Now both 1girl and artist are tied for first place. Though both are now weaker than if they'd been in first place on their own. Also best quality got shifted from last place to tied for second place, which may also be unintended.
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is league of legends allowed on /hdg/ or is this more /trash/
Both? Her left seems fine, other than it's dripping flesh instead of sweat.
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Miqoanon, you on? I wanna see your illustrious images
Yes, characters do not matter as long as the style is clearly anime.

Else it'd be /aco/ anyways, /trash/ is for furries.
>Easy to tell apart anons who frequent this thread on Civitai
>They post perfectly fine, cute and SFW stuff there

It's like a porn movie director volunteer at a children's hospital.
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aye, I am. I've been working on some loras but civ is shitting it self so I cant post them rn.
Which anon is:
((high quality,best quality)),masterpiece,absurdres,safe,detailed,ultra-detailed,masterpiece,best quality,<lora:Chimera-NEO-XL-ZETA2-000030:1>,<lora:REMOVE NOISE:-2>, (voxel style, voxel:1.2), 1girl, solo, lantern, long hair, green eyes, bug, butterfly, brown hair, instrument, twintails, braid, open mouth, smile, twin braids, looking at viewer, very long hair, outdoors, holding, water, bangs, dress, holding lantern, standing, night, nature, chibi, pixel art,a digital illustration in a pixel art style, featuring a young girl with fair skin and large, expressive green eyes, she has long, wavy, reddish-brown hair styled in pigtails, with bangs framing her face, her outfit consists of a white, long-sleeved dress with a green collar and cuffs, and a green bow at the neckline, she is holding a small, glowing lantern in her left hand, which emits a warm, yellow light, the background is a serene forest scene with tall, green grass and a small pond in the foreground, the pond is reflecting the light from the lantern, creating a mirror-like effect on the water's surface, the sky is a gradient of blue and green hues, with a few floating, star-like symbols scattered throughout, adding a magical, ethereal quality to the scene, the overall color palette is dominated by warm tones, with the girl and lantern standing out against the cool, blue hues of the forest and pond, the illustration is highly detailed, with smooth, rounded edges and a pixelated texture, giving it a three-dimensional quality
Fuck you.
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looks like it was just my UNET LR being too high
is it weird if i want to fist her anus?
These prompts didn't work in Pony:
- v-arms
- interlocked fingers
- sidelocks
- v-shaped eyebrows (it sometimes works but still keep making peace sign most of the time),

How do they fare in Illu?
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another one
>messing with lr
anon-kun, use prodigy and set to 1 :)
every danbooru tag that works on NAI works on pony, though some have been aliased eg "v" is "peace sign"
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how should i know
Artists do it all the time. Or they make a separate twitter for sfw.
box? i like the style you got goin on here
er, sorry, every tag that works on nai works on illust

obviously pony is dogshit because astralite is retarded and you can't fucking prompt ":3" on the pony furfag model
Can gooknai do /ss/?
Why do all of these look AI? Why aren't people trying to make their gens look natural and drawing-like? Isn't that the whole point?
kill yourself redditspacer
score_9 lora doko?
Defintely not all but a lot do
>see stuff from exhentai without having to login.
Just don't log out?
nice b8 m8
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neat, it gets the school uniform right right out of the box, a chika lora would take barely any training
It can do much better by pairing shota with loli like God intended.
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No thanks I'm not a pedo.
me on the right
Pony would NEVER waste precious gen space like this.
That OP pic is mine sir, I get a pass.
All my images are i2i from a highly denoised mona lisa
:3 is "cat smile" on pony. Not a good example, it's a e621 tag. Though it works better with "smug" and leaks into cat.

But yeah, many of these anime-specific expressions are probably aliased under weird names we don't even know, or merged with similar western ones.
how come gooknai is even worse at backgrounds than pony?
If you do that you won't make the highlights. Go check a gallery view of the last thread.

But no, the whole point is to make fap material. You can pretend to be soulful on other boards.
Kill yourself jeet
i've been trying to live without an alarm clock but i am way too irresponsible with the time i spend generating hentai.

sleep schedule shifts +5 hours every day. i actually get migraines and become sick because of messed up sleep.
Weirdly enough the more wordy ones tend to work fine. You can't get "o_o" but you can get pretty close with "solid circle eyes, white eyes, no iris".
that has never been a goal for most /hdg/ anons, if you want that you have to look somewhere else
why are you speaking to yourself in third person?
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Any particular examples?
Can we stop with this cfg++ meme or will it haunt us like break?
No one is making you use it sir
My one style lora works fine with Euler A, and I'm scared to use anything else.
gooknai is so broken that you get entirely different results with every sampler so it's easy for idiots to imagine that their snake oil is finally useful
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with how easily it recognizes her is a lora even needed?
you don't understand saar I must bake cirno and miku and asuka loras for the civitai points
Mindbroken pony users when they learn you don't need a lora for every basic function
i like clothed sex and while it can do the academy uniforms mostly right it can't generate the shoes correctly and it won't do that green bikini
>different samplers working differently is... le bad
>/trash/ is for furries.
Most things can be trash, but for some reason most prefer not going there.
Pony has broken this general
retard who doesn't understand different samplers are supposed to give different results mindbroken by pony being so overbaked that dpm and euler gave similar compositions
anon it's a single shitposter adamant on being as annoying as possible (without being funny). just ignore it
He rarely includes NAI gens.
is there a tag that can reliably do afterimages of body parts? (ass in my case)
just "afterimage" doesnt seem to work at all
The whole idea of highlights is fucking retarded. Like the implication is that this is the best of the best that those threads have to offer, while it's actually just an opinion of a single nogenerate faggot.
People also want to make hentai fappable where "hand drawn" look isn't really necessary. I tend to go for somewhat digital look for my fap gens and more painterly for sfw, usually.
holy kek
rustle, fkey, fizrotart
>The whole idea of highlights is fucking retarded
sorry but im always included in the highlights when i post and it makes people very angry so they're a really good idea if you think about it
Same here sir
what discord did you come from? just curious
Jordach's server
i need to upgrade my gpu this is taking too long
Has anyone used SketchRush? https://github.com/NakamuraShippo/SketchRush?tab=readme-ov-file
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i puked
Can we get some more miqomix gens?
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Have you watched this anime?
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there's pretty much no chance it'll do justice to the manga desu
>it makes people le upset lmao!
>epic updoot troll 4 tha winnrar!
retards like you are fucking insufferable.
this looks like a page from a doujin or manga where the sex finally happens and the heroine loses to ntr
Maybe you should stop seething over every minor thing that you perceive as bad?
blud really gave us triple highlights before gta6 :skullemoji: :skullemoji: :skullemoji:
>Illustrious-XL-v0.1-GUIDED is minimally safety controlled model, which works as better option for usual usecases.

Released 3 min ago
gooknai but lobotomized to only do sfw? we're so fucking back sisters
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Ah hell nah
if it were just some faget doing the retarded "le highlighterno" backlinking bullshit it's whatever. Retarded but whatever.
Instead it's a faget sniping threads before the prior hits image limit to force their choice of OP and post their retarded highlight bullshit, taking image slots and encouraging shitposting.
And your dumb ass thinks it's a good thing because "lol people mad" when people tell them to fuck off without actually considering that, maybe, what they're doing is literally trolling outside of /b/.
>waaah waaah waaah
>We plan to release several aesthetic-finetuned model variants in near future.
kill yourself
You are prohibited from monetizing any close-sourced fine-tuned / merged model, which disallows the public from accessing the model's source code / weights and its usages.
As per the license, you must openly publish any derivative models and variants. This model is intended for open-source use, and all derivatives must follow the same principles.
wow when you put it that way you might be right. imagine how many discord screenshots we've had to wait 10-15 minutes to read because the highlights made a thread hit the image limit more quickly... that's crazy
>i don't like it so it's BAAAAD and only done to spite ME personally because i am the protagonist
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Guided can do boobs, I will test sex scene
all me btw
I guarantee that "guided" model is just a way for Angel to avoid trouble with his company.
its company*
Oh my bad bro, thanks for the heads up.
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yeah all good just remember it for next time
eggplant box?
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based guided model
perhaps the worst gen to have been ever posted here
try a lora
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How many hours of artist mixing and sampler parameter tuning would it take to replicate this artstyle on Illustrious-XL-v0.1-GUIDED.safetensors?
It's NAI but the metadata must have gotten removed in my post gen editing

I get into the highlights every single thread that I post an image in.
Do you think highlighter-kun has a crush on me...?
aaaaand hide
>black pantyhose tinted brown
kek pottery
who are you quoting?
moar bbc please
>hide 1 shitpost
>10 hidden replies
stop taking bait from people who most likely have speech impedements irl or are indian
Can anyone upload the model to mediafire, mega or whatever, please. I'm not making a huggingface account
VERY nice
sexy cute cat bukkake
Sexy hentaii bukkako
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Guided can't do pussy
LoRAs trained on 0.1 are working.
Why do you even want the "safety controlled" model?
Into the trash it goes. As expected.
if you are korean and it's illegal to see a vagina or nipple on a screen
And now Illustrious just doesn't want to fucking work at all
It was working earlier today, wtf
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>new chinese 3b model with 16ch vae and t5, has a distilled model too for 4 step and 8 step
big if true, new arch on par with flux and apache 2.0 license, perfect for a future /h/ finetune
So the spammer officially killed the -e- thread? It's a graveyard now.
Doesn't t5 make it untuneable anyway?
Your trial period expired, bro. You need to buy more anals.
>no metadata
so do you want help or do you just want to whine
Why? Also do you have "no norm" set?
If that was spam it would be deleted. It's against rules after all
no, I don't know why everyone thinks that. t5 itself needs no finetuning, you can finetune the regular clip TE, T5 understands and stands alone, no one has ever finetuned T5, not even SaaS of flux or anything, it is even strongly recommended not to by google who created T5 because it would be retarded to do so
They have a dedicated thread baker, so at 300 they just wait.

As for posts up till then, this was their usual speed before the spammer. Only picked up on occasion when /hdg/ became unbearable and people moved over for a bit.
Ok cool, they can claim they have the SFW switch they were talking about yesterday, now when are we getting the uncensored full release?
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I didn't think being off dimensions would completely ruin the image. Also no.
My bad
Alright fine, I bought more anals.
>T5 understands and stands alone, no one has ever finetuned T5
Does that hold true for nsfw tho?
>my first visit to this general
>made it twice
>Unethical, offensive content generation: Generating offensive, defamatory, or controversial content that violates ethical guidelines.
Better hope the CEO doesn't look at this thread.
>Illustrious-XL-v0.1 is untuned BASE model, which works as possible base for all future model variants. LoRAs / Adapters can be trained on this model, ensuring future usecases. The model is research-only purpose, as not tuned for aesthetics / preferences.

>our model is not as good as we had hoped, you'll have to fix it using your own loras
yes, of course it does, why do you think flux needed to safety censor anatomy? it still understands all of those things, you can describe a sex scene in perfect detail and it will understand. for obscure booru tags you still have the regular clip TE, which is all you are using on any other model, hardly a problem to also have the t5 aiding you. the only bakers I've ever heard claim t5 would be a problem is jordach and he hasn't ever explained why, so I am assuming it is just some petty autistic faggot thing for him
Only the lazy and unskilled would want a model that does everything for them with no further manual work required.
Finetuning CLIP is no less retarded, and yet people keep doing it.
tell them jordach!
>lazy, unskilled
sounds like most bakers tee-hee
I also do not agree with finetuning clip after my tests on flux, yet since some faggots insist on it, I can at least assure that they are able to do so without needing to ever touch the t5
It's wild to claim that a model's inability to follow a prompt is actually a feature.
You should get into politics.
>going through my old list of good naiv3 artists and trying with illustrious
>they work
we are so back
Idk, it's just kinda hard to believe that t5 was trained on an uncensored dataset or is able to generalize all this nsfw knowledge. I'm also kinda ignorant concerning the relationship of t5 and clip (does t5 just provide a better encoding to clip that then gets joined with whatever clip came up with?)
>uncensored dataset
It was trained on C4. It's a very old model, from the days before AI researchers got their panties into a bunch about filtering their datasets.
>dont train clip
>dont train t5
>dont train vae
the only people shouting this are incompetent localpoors who don't know what the fuck they're doing. quite literally damage control copium because the side-effects of fucking up are worse than not training at all
still testing out but some of the best so far: 7010, wagashi \(dagashiya\), cromachina, ratatatat74, accio, orenji \(wholesomeorenji\)
No, training the VAE is fine. Just keep your hands off the fucking TEs.
if you want to understand it better, go use flux. write whatever you want. it will be fucked up because BFL censored their dataset so genitals and nipples are uncanny horrors, but it will understand the scene, no issue. you find it hard to believe because you don't get it, but that is exactly the truth, it is not censored like modern datasets and it has such a large training that it is capable of inferring and extrapolating all of these things no problem. you can train a lora on flux on any concept without training anything but unet and it understands them, though if you use the same words 'boobs, penis, vagina' etc it will turn out garbled mostly because BFL hard trained in censorship, but not because of any limitation of T5, the fact that its outputting those garbled things means T5 understood perfectly well what you wanted
none of those people finetune in the first place
Says a lot about the highlighter
please stop trolling the thread and post something useful
based retard
except for that these are things SaaS are doing, its the localpoor bakers who are training clip/t5. you can make loras for flux with anything you want and it learns them perfectly without training any clip/t5, how is this possible in your mind? you are just believing blindly what has been parroted to you
nta but what about re-training it to understand booru tags instead of natural language
Competent SaaS are not training the TEs.
nai3 trained clip and even the vae somehow
A few questionable picks but nothing important was left out.
Sounds like you didn't make it.
>nai3 trained clip
>nai3 trained clip
did they? somehow I missed that in their paper
that is what the clip TE is for. even flux can use and learn booru tags no problem. you can train loras for it on pure booru tags training only the unet, too. it is not such an impossible thing, I do not understand who started this stupid rumor and why it gets perpetuated because it is demonstrably untrue even on small scales
NAIv3 trained a custom VAE to eliminate noise and artifacting. They froze the text encoder.
they didn't say shit about clip but there's no shot they didn't train it
>They froze the text encoder
>You have to train CLIP to make the model understand Danbooru tags.
This is easily disproven by NAI1.
all the TEs are outdated garbage from pre SD 1.3 and deserve to be scrapped. the fact that we have no better solutions just shows that 'AI' amounts to stacking transformers and diffusion endlessly regardless of the core issues the architectures have. just keep scaling into 500b parameters with the same prompt-bleeding issues
yes, that is what I meant to say, sorry if my words were confusing
>trained clip
they did not
training vae is no issue if you had the compute NAI does, but realistically this new arch has 16ch vae so I am imagining you would not need to touch it either, no localcuck baker will touch vae anyway
I feel dumb not understanding the implications of training/not training the TE... I don't really understand what it is :(
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>pony gen
text thread
It's the thingy that makes the text into the funny numbers
did you use nai1? "understand" is a strong word for it
>You have to train CLIP to make the model understand Danbooru tags.
this is not what I said, I am in agreement with you
in that case you really don't need to understand, because it is likely you are not even training loras yet alone dipping your toes in any kind of finetune. the only take away you need from this is to understand that if a baker says they can't do something because it uses t5, they are a lying faggot, and have some ulterior reason we cannot imagine
text encoder is the part that understands your prompt
The text encoder takes the text and transforms it into a vector that the Unet gets conditioned on to make your pictures. It has some knowledge about language, so it can do things like bind the color from the "blue" token to the "shirt" token after it, so the Unet can look at the embedding of "shirt" and see that it's blue. CLIP is a bit fucky and spreads attributes all over the place, so everything else tends to turn a bit blue as well, unless the Unet is trained well enough to learn to ignore the low-level blue spreadage.
what's the difference betweening training the TE and training CLIP? or is it the same thing?
That's not really true. There was some recent paper where they just slapped the sdxl vae on top of a llm
CLIP is just a type of text encoder common in SD, but other text encoders exist
CLIP is the TE in most cases, though when there is T5 there is a second TE which = T5. flux for example, uses 2 TEs, clip and T5. SDXL uses two 2 TEs, but they are 2 clips for some retarded reason
so on
Yes. Have you?
Oh, I never make it. I made peace with that long ago, I'm >>8229638

But to pick a tourist who's out of touch with the thread's tastes, and do it multiple times. That suggests the one making the highlights is similarly out of touch.
well yeah that's almost a prompt base 1.5 would understand
I honestly wonder what would it take to get the idea that highlights are unwanted to the IA schizo. Spammer gave up really early and he probably wouldn't have achieved anything anyway.
Maybe the highlighterfag is indeed a shitposter though.
Jordach will be proven right. Architectures peaked with SD 1.5. There is no need for DiT, flow matching, cascading/hypercompression, rectified flow, T5+CLIP, or any of this other dogshit snakeoil that results in untrainable useless rigid garbage. more parameters, better datasets, and minor architectural tweaks are all you need.
>a tourist who's out of touch with the thread's tastes
Maybe you'd make it if you just posted things you like instead of things "the thread" would like. My (the tourist) posts were >>8229759 >>8230594
>more parameters are all you need
not according to jordach, at least get your shitpost material right
at least you admit you're a tourist. but the question remains: why don't you go back to where you came from?
I do post what I like, that's why nobody else likes it
Have you used base 1.5?
I've been on this site longer than you.
https://arxiv.org/pdf/2409.11340 This was the paper. They just stuck the sdxl vae to phi-3 and got some nice results after training. Could probably do the same with lama 3.2 and a 16 ch vae and get a competitive model.
was here before the kikes took over
sure thing, dude
don't think it'd understand characters and peepee in vagoo though
>he doesn't know
those are indeed good examples of what you get when you don't train clip for an nsfw anime model
did jordach just give up? there hasnt been a partial epoch in weeks
tree was dying or something, remember?
>As far as I’m aware Lite reached the compression limit
>Any further improvements are on the exponential requirements scaling factor
what is better forge or automatic1111
>because it is likely you are not even training loras
I'm rather sure most of the guys who are training loras don't really understand what TE does either.
reforge is forge except ilyasviel doesn't break it every 5 minutes and it works with gradio 3 extensions
yeah he literally gave up on cascade as an architecture. not a joke, he's even looking into training on sdxl now (lol)
sadly likely true
I know I don't. If I don't train TE shit still works the same way, characters or styles.
Are we the most prosecuted and marginalized group right now?
he's right tho
doesn't it do alot of shit in pracice, like raising or lowring the TE has caused style impact way back when I trained on 1.5, despite no activation tag for the style. Saying it's responsible for prompt understanding is a bit of a simplification or even outright untrue
I've noticed I've been getting a lot of gens of just 18 different girls all over the place like small sketches on illustrious
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Everything I don't like is bad.
it's illustrious
Return to based64
Return to AOM3
chibi inset, crowd, people, everyone
that's my neg for nai, and considering illu works very similarly, should work too.
sloppa days best days
But how does the vision part of clip work during inference when it's not trained?
Refund when?
no refunds ;)
anything v3 was the real shit
someone link this new chink model to him
The official negs have "multiple views, 2koma, 4koma, comic". Although just using any style lora is enough too.
Okay, so you are just retarded. Just say that from the beginning.

Here's your base 1.5 gens btw:
Explain to me when and why I should train the text encoder without sounding like you're mad or a techlet.
He is mad though
It's not used at all.
No train, no gain
gpt says
Image-Text Alignment: CLIP’s joint embedding space is often used to evaluate and guide the quality of the generated images based on their alignment with the input text. and etter Alignment for Image Generation: If the goal is to improve the quality of text-to-image alignment during the diffusion process itself (i.e., guiding the generation more tightly around the text prompt), fine-tuning CLIP could help. This would adjust the model to better match the particular dataset or style of images that the diffusion model is generating.
You shouldn't, because you'll just mess up the visual alignment (CLIP's TE and the vision encoder embed similar concepts to very roughly similar points in latent space), destroying the only part about CLIP that's valuable. The unet can figure out any arbitrary point in embedding space, but the visual alignment makes it easier.
The vision encoder is not used in T2I, unless you are using something like IPAdapter.
when did i say that base 1.5 would give you the same result on those prompts? i just said that you don't need to train clip to produce extremely simple sfw anime gens
if i had any trust in a random anonymous idiot i'd be willing to bet 1k with you that nai3 trained the TE but as it stands i'll just call you a retard and move on
Pony has a last laugh. Cascade's donation was driven with hatred of pony.
Nah, I'd win.
>gen'en (sioherashi)
>utsusumi kio
Any of these would be great
>still seething this deep into the thread
Also, the whole "these look like Ai" is beyond subjective.
>le highlighterno
Did you just defend those? They were well before the highlights and were actually encouraging really bad stuff. You are really just pointlessly mad at this point.
Add me bro.
fist merge appeared
They posted the nai3 paper on astras discord today. The king in yellow didn't even respond, his own research is already far ahead
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Was shilled here yesterday and nobody liked it
>Illustrious is a fully trained SDXL model.
>v0.1 and underbaked as shit
yeah bro and with a 60% of it doing something completely unrelated to your prompt
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yeah nah, I'll wait for the real allegedly promised finetunes
That's how they describe the checkpoint category on Civit. As opposed to a merge.
>retards already posting useless jeet merges
NAIv3 took 75k H100 hours for the final training run, and on their 256x cluster that's about 2 whole weeks. to put it into perspective if a local baker somehow managed to even acquire 4 H100s ($100k), an NAIv3 equivalent would take them over 2 whole years to cook.
it's over
every local model is underbaked, v4 will put an end to local entirely
how much gacha/inpainting did that take?
>not a 2.5d "realistic" slop
They have no cluster, they rent it from coreweave
any tips on training styles on illustrious?
not that much, base gen was mostly fine
anon we're long past 1.5
finally, le hecking touwus blacked, so zased
Tell me you use pony without telling me you use pony
localcope. coreweave wouldn't even bother replying to peasant localtrash like you even if you wanted to rent
Even flux fucked that up for me occasionally.
>reddit line
ok kurumuz
he's a reddit tourist after all
I could go to their website right now and rent the same HGX H100 nai is using. Only difference is that I'd have to pay an even more extortionate price than them. Nvidia enterprise gpus are a scam and not even kurumuz can avoid it.
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now that's some BORGAR I can get behind
gook bake has potential but i sleep until more epochs or finetunes
prodigy, cosine, lr 1
local will only be saved when silicon production bottleneck is finally resolved several years away
>black dude
>girl as dry as the Sahara
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i have never read csm
>I could go to their website right now and rent the same HGX H100
If you actually go to their website, you can click on the "Reserve capacity" button and fill out a form. A sales rep will get back to you within three business days.
Same as pony, just redo your tags again if you pruned smileys and character/franchise tags. And if the style has 100+ on danbooru you'll have to cut it earlier since it's partially trained already.
i am in awe, juicy meat
Obviously. Else you'd be genning Reze instead.
go to runpod instead
no you cant lol, you can get scammed and at best maybe rent a 4x, but you can't just rent a massive cluster without having contacts. they don't just list superclusters up 'for rent' where you click a buy button.
kurumuz avoids it by having a special deal with coreweave who avoids it by having a special deal with nvidia. its a revenue share all the way up. only localpoors like jordach are stuck paying those prices. even tree was almost able to secure him a minicluster but he dodged it at every opportunity.
you are not Chosen enough to come close to renting a cluster even a quarter of NAI's size.
this. it's one of those cases of "if you have to ask, you can't afford it"
ok kurumuz
good, you learned your place. now go back to waiting for more epochs
Quite the backpedal from "their cluster". You are coping hard if you think that anyone but nvidia makes serious money from this.
An anime only model should have an easier time with kigurumi/animal hoodie

I've been using fishine anon toml, which just works
adjust repeats/epochs to give you 4000 steps before batch size. and change the batch size to fit your vram
is this some sort of humiliation fetish, like the "people" posting bnwo in gif all day
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That's not what he said.
>Did you just defend those?
Saying one thing is worse than another is not saying the other is "good."
The le highliterino shit was all pretty blatantly obvious shitposting. This is concerntroll grade shitposting where it tries to present itself as sincere while being an active detriment to the thread.
>y so mad!!?!?!!??
oh fuck off. Calling out a faget and explaining why a behavior is bad and should be shunned is not being "mad." Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from.
NAI probably has better profitability than the AI hype scams
I mean someone could get mad over it, but this is just what 2hus are for. The only bad thing is that this is NAI so it's going to be a pain to try and repeat on gooked version.
>>well yeah that's almost a prompt base 1.5 would understand
>when did i say that base 1.5 would give you the same result on those prompts?
you said 1.5 would understand the prompt, but other than some very few aspects, no understanding is reflected. ":3"? not at all. correct genitalia placed in the right spots? not at all.
what kind of pathetic cope is this? NAI is one of the few profitable AI companies alongside midjourney. meanwhile look at SAI who had to be bailed out numerous times and OAI who is now planning to up their prices and switch to a for-profit model. the reality is only localpoors are the ones who see H100s and weep at the pricetag. actual companies with connections, like NAI, just call up their guy and they arrange a deal.
does NAI physically own their cluster? no, but it's still their cluster. just like you still call your shitty 3rd world mumbai shack "my apartment".
it's a win-win situation. their coreweave partnership ensures they don't have to pay full prices to buy and also don't have to pay goy prices to rent. when the next generation comes out they'll be upgraded without a hassle.
is this the fursuit I keep hearing about?
I'm rather sure highlighterfag now has a couple of opportunistic shitposters who piggyback off him and sing praises so he'd keep doing this shit
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Don't use it if you don't like it.
It's just a stupid merge, do a better one and share it.
Calling people that tune stabilislop on porn an "ai company" is a stretch. Pretending like renting is better than owning is also a hard cope. NAI is just a tiny company and can't afford their own infrastructure
I think his issue was doing the previews on already functional prompts, instead of showing how it can improve an artifacted multiple views mess.

Any style lora would do the same, but the common Civitai user doesn't know that.
>do a better one and share it.
Why bother? Loading up one of the multi-style loras is enough to stabilize gens. I'll wait for a proper finetune
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I hope her tits are big enough
I'm trying it out, I found that the quality of the images was much better than the standard Illustrious, it even seems to understand the prompts better!
Trying this now and the results are amazing. The anatomy seems more solid and artifacts are pretty much gone. Thanks bro!
catbox please?
its nai
they arent finetuning stabilislop anymore. they started out doing that yes, but they grew out of it and now have their own architecture.
you can cry about how they aren't as big as google or openai to make yourself feel better or something, but at the end of the day they still completely mog local at porn and this is a porn board. they found their niche and are dominating in it
Looks like pedophilia.
>muh (((credentialism)))
She's like 24, dude.

Running ancient soulful gens through the modern audience filter.
it's based then
>they have their own architecture
>v4 is still "NAI Diffusion V4
uhmmmm what's wrong with that? thoeverbeit https://files.catbox.moe/2m894a.png
Real lolicons don't fap to Tatsumaki, she'd way too old.
Cute tits.
me on the right
tatsumaki is for anal only
why is it so melty?
Any todderchads who like bike shorts?
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So from what month is the version we got from, March or something? Because it looks significantly worse than what I was using on the free-prompt demo. And stylistically looks quite behind NAI3. The stuff on the (first, not second) web demo actually had me thinking it was decently close to NAI but this one feels quite a ways behind.
If I (((triple emphasis))) in 0.1 the artist resemblance starts to come back, but I didn't need to use any in the web demo.
So what's the situation? The model leaked, his company's country doesn't allowed NSFW, and there is still no saas service set up for it regardless. What is the endgame here, how is this company even real, what are the other employees even doing? It feels like he just came aboard to make a good model and is now stuck.
Tits are never big enough
>found their niche and are dominating in it
Ai generated asian comic porn of little girls isn't such a hard niche to dominate... Then again, last time I checked their value proposition kinda sucked and everyone was using local. Their complete mogging of local apparently isn't even worth 25$ to most people.
big girls too
maybe it's the one you're talking about i saw it on huggingface illustrious-xl-early-release-v0-sdxl
>So from what month is the version we got from
>Because it looks significantly worse than what I was using on the free-prompt demo
that one is from september
>What is the endgame here, how is this company even real, what are the other employees even doing?
i strongly doubt that they know themselves. they were just able to do whatever they wanted for a while because they had funds from the korean government, but it doesn't seem like they have the any realistic plans for monetizing illustrious
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this is my guess using an elo graph he shared
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For me, it's idolsex
Wish Yd would stop drawing this slut already and return to fate stuff. Guess it's the deserved comeuppance for nasu ruining his franchise
Oh please. Nasu ruined nothing. He simply ran out of Leaf VNs to plagiarize.
that's a pretty nostalgic schizo take
its enough to sustain a team of full-time paid employees while also somehow enough to rent an 'scam' cluster apparently even bigger than BFL's (flux). so if local is so much more popular, why have they failed to raise any funds at all to train better models?
why lie to yourself about it not being profitable? just gaslighting yourself because you can't access their model weights? maybe local could learn a thing-or-two from NAI. i often hear that NAI users are poorfags, so surely if this is true and local is both more popular AND full of wealthy users, they could put together a funding project to greatly outcompete NAI, right? where is local's cluster?
YD drawing this slut and her girlfriend/side chicks is peak
NAI users are paying 25$ to be below kohaku.... kek
Go play Kizuato and Shizuku and take a shot for every thing Nasu took "inspiration" from. You will dead within the hour.
anon that's why you have AI now...
the actual only proper response considering what thread this is kek
absolute nogen zone
both shit games, but it's obvious that nasu was influenced by them (as was everybody writing eroge in the early aughts). you could at least go the more interesting schizo route of claiming nasu copied air and dragon knight 4
It's just not there yet. I can and do cope with a pale imitation, but we'll need some 200B parameters more to gen a real YD doujin.
I don't want him to stop, but it would be nice if he mixed it up a little. It's a bit repetitive, and that's coming from someone who really likes Higuchi
I'm mainly refering to him not pulling the plug on fgo. His writing was always second rate and he only excelled at world building.
No way he'd pull the plug on his biggest cash cow. Even if he wanted to, does he even have the ownership/authority to stop FGO?
his writing is the best part about him though
well, for a doujin, yeah. but for whatever sick fetish you have, it could be enough.
Damn, so those models really are just sitting there stuck in limbo.
Is it really that hard to set up a subscription donation plan for model releases? I wonder how much Illustrious would make if they decided to go full-local with a crowdfunding plan rather than a SaaS. Would local users see the values and pay big money to sustain it? Even Cascade had a whale donor. Unlike UnstableDiffusion, Illustrious has clearly proven itself. He said before he is the only one doing the actually training, yet the company has 16 employees. Is that really necessary, what do they even do?
wtf why is her hair censored?
His writing always suffers heavily because he has to try some new format that wrecks his story or pacing (vn, psp game, gacha).
We're going to hit an asymptote with training parameters (besides the high parameter models are going to be gimped corporate models). It would probably take less time to learn to draw and take classes on some of those Japanese artist bootcamp websites (as long as you know how to read moonrune) than it would take to wait for AI models to become capable of genning a doujin at YD quality.
Can't tell if this is a joke or not, but that's her signature hairclip
give me a better sampler/resolution settings or a post processing pipeline because illustrious keeps frying my shit, not my fault (it is my fault)
reminds me of scorn guy
It's more about endless practice than any secret skill the nips could teach you. Also >>8231664 I really doubt he's able to fap to his own stuff.
That, ot he is hiring a ghost writer. He has always been very, very lazy.
>on par with flux
yeah, I need source of that. The paper shows that it is barely above SDXL and Cascade in benchmarks and the prompt adherence looks concerning. I wonder why there is zero flux mentions in there or SD3.
A reminder for vpred atheists
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Go remind someone with compute
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its not on par with flux, its not on par with anything. look at the example images. they're deep-fried cfg12 looking garbage.
it's one of those 'comprehension at any cost' models where it looks no better than stacking 5 loras and going "see, 1.5 IS smart if you engineer it correctly!"
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im one of the biggest zsnr/vpred shills but that paper did a shit job at illustrating the issue. what even was the intended prompt? was the hair color left ambiguous?
I always preferred the fate stuff by other authors anyway (zero/extra/etc). His only good fate contribution was stay/night, and only if you ignore the retarded premise and character motivations.
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ya get skeeted on
Why do people keep jizzing on Asuka when she is comatose anyway?
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Why not? What's she gonna do? Tell someone?
Current Foss model papers are always either a scam for grants or some promising proof of concept that never gets a follow up.
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>was the hair color left ambiguous?
Unet is unable to produce red hair on a red background because this would deviate too much from grey sloppa. This happens because of a fucked epsilon noise schedule which doesn't add enough noise, which results in unet not being tasked to remove it. The paper shows that SDXL's higher resolution further exacerbates this issue, and this is why 1.5 had better colors.
>but that paper did a shit job at illustrating the issue
It's basically ztsnr paper for dummies, I'm not sure why that would cause anyone difficulties.
the examples look worse than cascade and I'm not even exaggerating
somehow cascade even has more detail than whatever this airbrushed garbage is
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It's laion-ai
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it could be a super limited garbage dataset and not a problem with the model itself maybe
why is she melting into the guy?
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>Unet is unable to produce red hair on a red background because this would deviate too much from grey sloppa
i mean, maybe? i guess im just taking the perspective of trying to explain to the average failbaker why their models look so bad rather than trying to explain a concept most researchers by now likely already understand. it really shouldn't need more explaining anyway, someone just needs to bake a fucking fix already
the incredibly noisy background pattern is another obvious symptom
ok so multires noise = less blurry or more blurry? got confused about what the dude said
Based, we need more cute idols
A personal favorite.
missionary on top, legs together underneath
very snug fit
Would that be enough steps? Aren't other big boy models several orders higher?
bois, I have a dilemma. I’ve got low VRAM (8GB), so I’m stuck training in the cloud. I used to train on Civ, then moved to Colab. It’s good enough, but I’m tired of spending money on credits, being tied to Google’s services, and having to jump through hoops to configure training when I could just streamline everything locally.

I was waiting for the 50 series to launch so I could grab a 5090 and escape VRAM hell since it’s supposed to come out soon or early next year. But the more I think about how much the 50 series might cost at launch—and how hard it might be to get one—the more I’m starting to consider the 4090 as an option. It’s within my price range, available, and its issues are known, unlike the 50 series, which could have its own launch problems (like the 40 series power adapter fiasco).

What would you do in my situation?
nice looking gen, box?
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Why is it so blurry?
added ekrea jan and alkemanubis
I am both happy and sad.
I'm happy that you are making this model better, I am sad I need to retire my 1TB PDXL lora stash already.
thanks for your contributions anon, I really appreciate them (and the other megas)
Buy dual 3090s
here, it's just basic illustrious
everything you just said is pure retardedation
load up ebay, buy a used 3090
literally just buy a used 3090 they're like $5 now and the second best gaming gpu as well
5090 or used 3090. 4090 prices havent dropped like the 3090, and it's on the edge of being replaced. possibly the worst time to buy a 4090
>t. 4090 owner
pony is obsoleted so fucking hard by this half baked korean jank model it's unreal. if i want to gen /h/ i load up illustrious. if i have the dark urge to gen furry then easyfluff is unironically still better than pony because it's vpred and has insane comprehension for a 1.5 model.
me? i load up cascade
Anon... you're a hoarder
Give me refund.
ponyfag may have been able to compete if he didn't cuck himself on artist tags too lmao
>second best gaming gpu as well
4090, 4080, 4080s, 3090ti, 4070ti, 4070s, 7900xtx, 7900xt?
it has more cuda cores than the 4080
I bought a load of SSDs during the brief dip, I have 6.5TB installed in my machine and about 12TB of SSDs sat on my desk and probably a few spares here or there
it's a lot of data but it's not like I'm suffering for it.
I wasnt aware the 3090 was so popular for training. I thought everyone would say 40 series or wait for the 50. I do game a decent amount still so having a 40 or 50 series sounds appealing for that. thanks for the info, I would also be cool if anyone else has an opinion.
incest box?
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3090 is the cheapest GPU that has 24GB and is still usable for other high-end tasks. it's also fairly future proofed since i don't think anything is going to need a better card for a generation or two unless you're tardmaxxing 4k rtx nonsense.
why is she so fucking smug?
holy shit. is there anywhere i can get that lora
you dont need it
nta, posted earlier in the thread >>8231673
she knows that you know that she knows you want her to suffocate your cock with her hanekawas (but she doesn't know everything, just what she knows)
Wait, it's actually safe to keep character tags in dataset for gooknai?
thanks. just trying it myself and it doesnt look anything like that one :(
Shows of affection like this is my aim. I just wish things weren't so dependent on the Chaos RNGods.
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The only drawback of 3090 I could remember is lack of fp8 acceleration support, the price is incomparable for that tho
i second the other anon. also have a super soft spot for this pairing played straight from reading re:take as a teenager...
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to get the sketch look don't use any positive quality tags when using the lora and minimal negatives(or non at all)

or just copy my gen settings(both images have metadata use stealth png)
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as far as i have seen multires noise iterations = 10 produces sharper lines than 6. Going over doesn't seem to provide any benefits afaik
shinji is for mari only
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Expression test
it's still crazy that anno basically wrote some absolutely dogshit evangelion fanfiction and turned it into a theatrical series and people actually liked it. i will never understood how anyone didn't check out shortly into rebuild 3
i guess they just wanted a conclusion (again)
3 was dogshit but 4 was kino because anno was so mentally checked out that he went full retard with the "no more goddamn evangelion" angle
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it already had two and rebuild isn't even the same plotline. It's just an alternate, shittier version of evangelion with nicer animation. i don't understand what the appeal is and i don't think i ever will. the weird ass alternate versions of eureka 7 are thr same shit, i just don't understand the appeal
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CFG at 4 seems to fry the images a lot
nohomo but does illustrious does worse penises vs pony?

if using cfg++ samplers, cfg 4 fries it i think
yeah for now penis are hard to do right
>nohomo but does illustrious does worse penises vs pony?
they're much worse than pony's, fellow straight bro
another very straight anon trained a penis lora for it recently but i haven't tried it yet
>nohomo but does illustrious does worse penises vs pony?
depends on the style. it's a danbooru issue, both fluffyrock and pony did dicks better than even NAI so we kinda just have to live with it.

i tried that lora and it really didn't do anything. further finetuning on more uncensored artwork is probably the way forward.
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gentlemen, I would like to wish you all a
nervous sweating, turn pale,smirk, open mouth, shaded face
day, thank you
those look like rpg maker face sprites on the thumbnail
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What style? Also did you inpaint those hands or did that come out perfect on the outstretched hand on the first try?
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did add merrytail and antifreez3
It's illustrious
civitai produces its own buzz-walled checkpoints. assume the dataset, captioning and config are done at least as well as NAI's. upside: specialized model with lora training and other features exposed. downside: it's trained for westoid 2.5d slopsuckers. would it still be worth baking for?
if it can't be run locally there's no point.
if it can be then it gets treated like any other model.
Yes, but only two of them won't gen so bright picture https://files.catbox.moe/9zlhfc.png
True, but the number of people with Potato Inside pcs is very large.
>the dataset, captioning and config are done at least as well as NAI's
>it's trained for westoid 2.5d slopsuckers
those 2 things are literally contradictory. it's impossible far any dataset full of westoid garbage to be as good as NAI's in any reasonable sense
I find myself in the need of learning how to draw hands. These mangled abominations cannot be allowed to continue.
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what prompt are you using to get the far away view?
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was this just raw -> upscaled gen?
I color corrected it for the absolute contrast but the composition and silhouette body are t2i.
damn, thats nice
surely NAI will give me priority access to v4 for remaining a loyal opus subscriber these past 10 months, right?
that'll be an extra $40 a month please
same bro
they'll release it soon anyways
they'll TEASE it soon, in 4 days. but i predict a
>i know you're all super eager to try out our next generation of diffusion models, and as you may already know this is our first time building an entire foundational model from the ground-up, which comes with its own set of difficulties. we're almost there, but please hang with us a little longer as we sort things out!
delayed until 2025
the faster it's out the faster it makes $$$
>aetherroom and weird 8k ctx limit on the retarded 70b tune
yeah okay you might be correct
Nah, it's coming soon. Why else would they release the report?
as it should be

let them play corporate games
it seems more likely that it's almost ready given the fact that they finally released the nai3 report and given the way kurumuz and the others have been talking about the architecture recently
at least it werks as expected
i will pay DOUBLE opus prices if illustrious releases a proper local commitment plan. i will pay ZERO for illustrious saas. nobody will pay for that shit anyway, it's literally useless. when the whole thing comes crashing down i hope he doesn't run away...
They also just moved all their stuff onto more powerful hardware. One part was likely due to the new text model, but it's probably for the new image gen model as well.
it's illustrious
you need to buy more huangs, not anals
it's so fucking over for localkeks naiv4 will be able to reach out of your computer and suck your cock
what year? so can we say that google was based?
>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, source_anime,
>why am i getting bad results
it's funny how even with all of that slop that gen is still infinitely better than any deep fried pony shitmix output
i hope nai v4 is good, for the sake of local. complacency breeds stagnation. v4 will push angel over the edge where he releases the september checkpoints
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Should have metadata with stealthpng, but it was rng.
where it releases the september checkpoints*
it looks like sd 1.5 1girl standing wym
can you make the male lighter
the version of illustrious we have seems like a pretty thorough pretrain, I assume whatever they've been doing since may are aesthetic rounds to try and unfuck things we've already been figuring out how to unfuck. plus there's no guarantee they aren't sfw aligned like the alt checkpoint he posted for 0.1.
>the shadow
who is taking the picture...
lol no
the version of gooknai we have was trained on 6m images. meanwhile by september the dataset had expanded to 20m (which makes sense if you tried more obscure characters and artists on the gradio demo)
in-context learning = in-context lora training
>we won't get it
has any insider info on aetherroom spilled out yet?
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they're not sfw aligned, the web demo models weren't at least:
if they were then they wouldn't have been so highly ranked, as nobody would've voted for them. pretty sure the alignment stuff is only recent, after the gradio demo produced nsfw as well as the leaked model. he's now scrambling to try and get a safe saas set up.
you can see:
the 'guided' one clearly isn't pruned enough which is why nsfw concepts still leak into it. i almost guarantee there has been no sfw alignment shit until the gradio demo, and now that's what they've been training the past 2 weeks
please do a more through search and don't make me post trooncord screenshots myself
simply search 20m there
The latest version has more dataset than danbooru? Do they have their own captioner?
File deleted.
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you're right, the pleb version is indeed 7.5m
but ANIMA, aka the good version, is 20m
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what did he mean by this
>freetards shitting themselves
going by angel's posts he might have just used swinv3 lol
oop, I posted the bad screenshot with the bad seeds from before I hand picked the seeds
>nonaigen to prove he's not a freetard himself
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256 H100 to train naiv3 is just plain retardation
skill issues but they have enough compute to throw into problem
just contact the CEO lmaoooo
>he used nearest neighbor for downscaling/upscaling
no wonder there's jaggy line issues wtf
danbooru/gelbooru is at MOST, counting every deleted image and without quality pruning, 10m. what the fuck is he training on to DOUBLE that? even if i add up all my source ideas (safebooru, zerochan) it only approaches 15m and that's pre-deduplication/filtering etc.
did he just download every booru and slop them all together? i can't even fathom how you'd get that many relevant images easily unless you majorly start slopping things together
it was lanczos thoughever
That's the thing anon, it's all slop with shitty captions. More isn't always better
what is the more up to date autotagger?
pixiv, kemono, twitter, e-hentai image sets, anime screenshots, etc etc
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he says it was both howeverbeit
but he also claims that's not the issue
Just need the technical report...
it never even began
synthetic data
for example 3d models rendered out
scaling artifacts get beaten out by finetuning/loras so i don't really care. simply continue the pretrain with better data.
there's some figurine dataset added now too, he was posting examples
love these baseless guesses
keep trying anons
i can frequently increase the size of an artist's dataset by 2x-3x just by cropping images to make full body shots cowboy shots or cowboy shots upper body shots without having to actually resort to upscaling
i wound up having to change scaling algorithms in my bucketing script because of artifacts introduced during downsampling but that was due to loss masks. grainyness might be being caused by weird noise offset settings or something.
Anytest controlnet keeps disappearing after switching to different controlnet like Depth and Open Pose. How to fix this issue so I don't have to reset auto1111?
uninstall a1111 and get comfy
uninstall a1111 and get reforge
Real answer, is just refresh a few times. It should show up. If not yeah do what the other anons told you kek
oh it shows up fourth time. thanks.
uh oh
>local gets obliterated and btfo by a dude who has access to a100's but said quantity of a100's is less than 10
why can't local just fucking die already? stop being so persistent, it's hopeless. just a matter of time before the quality gap between local and SAAS gets incredibly massive for local to ever catch up.
look im a kurumuzposter too but i dont make it THAT obvious. at least i try to bring up decent points...
anon bro, you need to get some help. This isn't healthy, you must know it.
uh oh poster is possibly about as mentally ill as jordach
>1004 posts / 159 images
what the fuck happened? road to 2000 posts already? i thought that gooknai saved the thread, but i guess the shitpost is just too strong
may as well bring back the groidspammer
if you'll direct your attention to the very top of the thread, you can see the issue. any thread that starts with highlights ends up like this
it really is hailaighterinouuuuu's fault?
ayakon, noodleschad and iasigma gods keeps winning and you can't argue back. simple as that.
groidgods and cunnychefs, keeping analtan afloat and hdg bumped
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there's actually a (chink) local team right now with 16xh100 of compute so maybe it's not hopeless after all!
wait wtf, did euge partner up with chenkin's team or where did that compute come from
i almost missed this one, make sure to properly tag it as
next time

and HOLY SMOKES this is NOT a drill damn i was kurumuzposting like crazy about the 256xh100 but this nigga has 512xh100??????? WHAT THE FUCK, this has to be edited right?
is it april fools today?
holy motherfuckin shit
please please PLEASE show this to jordach so he can do something signifcant for once in his entire life and go help euge and share his knowledge
i think i'm too invested in this shit, no idea if this is real but this post had to at least double my heartrate for 30 seconds after that last line... i need a drink!
sounds censored as hell
into the trash it goes
>checked euge's server thinking this is bait
>its real
what the fuck
bro you can't seriously be suggesting that jordach would collaborate with anybody under any circumstance
chinks don't give a single shit about censoring actually
No but really, I hope something good comes out of this
jordach would lead him astray. no doubt jordach is pretty smart, but he has his limit as seen with cascade when he started asking claude to explain and 'fix' it for him. i'd trust a furry like lodestone, and even a troon like neggles, but not jordach. he's just too bonkers
>Are we the most prosecuted and marginalized group right now?
it's a bell curve
>AI users
>traditional artists who use AI/AI users who invest time and effort to create good art with AI
>traditional artists
where the most prosecuted and marginalized are in the middle
imagine listening to anything this retard says
They hacked Elon Musk's cluster, its just 0.5% he wont even notice.
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i don't care, i just want euge to get as much help as possible now
jordach may definitely be interested if he sees the sweet 512*h100's thingy
may be true
send the post to lodestone then
isn't edm opposite of vpred? how can they be used together?
>double of the cluster that baked nai3
naisisters, our response?
Dude, Someone has to talk to Jordach to see if he is okay.
Someone post that screenshot in the weeb trooncord and the furry server, cba to join discords but thats where the people with knowledge are.
someone send it to tree and don't send it to neggles because i don't want that fucking useless parasitic troon garbage to do anything with euge
apparently he's spending all his time playing blue archive
please don't inform jordach of this, he's maniac and will ruin everything
also kurumuz, they'll find a way to sabotage it, just like they did emailing angel's CEO to destroy illust
How does he have 'up to' 512 H100s. Surely he's reading a website label wrong or something wrong. There is no way this literal who has dedicated access to that many GPUs. Even a local bake with 8x H100s would be a significant step up. Angel/illustrious doesn't even have like, 4x.
It's outside the access of ANY local ML project really. There has to be a misunderstanding, it's about as believable as saying "I found 10 million dollars on the ground!" because that's about what it would cost.
Lmfao that one truly did make me laugh now
neggles has been looking for a compute sponsor for wdV so he'd just ask euge to use his compute lol
holy fucking based if true
euge is too pure and cute, I don't want any of these nasty fucks we have of failed localbakers to go anywhere near him. they won't help, they'll poison, even if they go in with good intentions
fuck neggles, he'd prune all the good shit
>so he'd just ask euge to use his compute lol
that's what i meant by parasitic garbage
for fucks sake not again please not again
that troon had a literal fucking cluster in xer hands and what did xe do with it? nothing but try to stick up in xer ass the 4th elephant dildo
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Ugh, alright
im cumming to euge saving local
die noodlescum
>posting gens in the ai thread
anon PLS
what we really need is 16ch vae. we've hit the details ceiling with this shitty vae we've got
have some
meds. it's getting real tiresome.
lmao kurumuz feared of competition
I have been posting many gens lately and now you decide to sperg? tsk tsk, you can't keep up with my progress after all
With that much compute, why SDXL at all? You could rebake SDXL in less than a month with even a quarter of that many GPUs. Something is wrong here
training a model from scratch for it to output latents compatible with a 16ch vae would require people actually knowledgeable about finetuning
it's american and gayropean privilege actually
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what about that chink model just released cogview? it has 16ch vae
150k h100 hours for SDXL sloptune lesssgo!!

Kurumuz will seethe so hard
Bros, he edited the post and the dataset is actually 16m images.
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he's planning something. he only just joined WDV 'cord shortly after posting that. what is his endgame???
llamao naikek in denial
You just bragged nai's 256 h100s several dozens posts ago?
Irony, isn't it?
can we get an actual answer on the belly button situation? why does illustrious insist on either adding two belly buttons, shifting them up, or deleting them entirely? i have to prompt navel to get it to stay, and then when i do it has a chance of duplicating/shifting. WHAT is going on?
yeah, as he did with lolis
discord link is on his civit page
oh no
pruning loli 100% destroys "size difference" generation as well, since it basically leaves just shortstack stuff, which is unfortunately 90% bad art.
>i have to prompt navel to get it to stay,

> and then when i do it has a chance of duplicating/shifting. WHAT is going on?
inpaint after upscale, stop being a drama queen
i also think 512 must be a mistake but one should keep in mind that china is currently the biggest market in the world for weebshit and is also home to some extremely wealthy weebs
i want to believe euge-chan, but some troon will eventually tell him to censor content (muh lolis).
stay strong, euge-chan...
personal preferences and moral preferences must not influence dataset decisions
I will put in dataset even thing I vomit from if it helps with quality
Euge says his friend from a massive corpo got him the compute
Kek holy shit. I want to see kurumunz reaction since he loves stroking himself with his cluster.
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ask him to confirm the number because that just sounds unbelievable
My current theory is that he just found a school that has compute and he's making an assumption that he could, maybe, use all of it. Which is doubtful. Similar to Neggles saying xhe 'has' 64xH100s when really they were being used to train Flux
no he didn't
Cute Lize.
even if you have infinite compute could a novice even finetune flux?
I'm just going to say nothing ever happens, and if Euge pulls it off that's great. If not, oh well.
What's even neggles reasoning?
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Neggles never "pruned loli", this is literally a meme. Even the wdV proto will do loli.
that he lives in australia and the feds would murder him for it
Ironic since the channel of his 'cord where neggles spends most of the time is all 2hufags rp'ing eachother, literally a bunch of pedos
a member of the wdV team convinced them to keep the loli tag for some sfw images but it's still true that wdV doesn't use any of danbooru gold
He did some tag swap thing where he pruned all explicit content with that tag and then switched all the SFW back to it, or something.
no, even pro can't
flux sucks
same old troonie logic
even pony can do "loli". oversized monstrosity loli that is. the problem is intentionally removing loli dataset. illust has best dataset exactly because they didn't try to harm it in any way intentionally
i can just tell its a blueball typo 'well maybe...' nothingburger
nothing ever happens
>neggles is typing in euges discord
it's unironically over.
screenshot or it didn't happen
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el meow
2hubros this is not a good look...
bro what
thank you for protecting the privacy of those degenerates
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no way, the compute owner is in there to? lmfao
wondering if the danbooru gold restricted loli images are in the illust dataset
we might actually be saved
alright, I'll cook some gens, seems like this is going to be an interesting night
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pretty sure they aren't, angel said so.
still, i guess danbooru2023 is enough to make loli content by itself IF you don't out of your way to deliberately destroy it (what neggles did).
uh oh...
i fucking hate him so much
guys i think we might need to make neggle's smartphone explode in his pocket if you catch my drift
naisisters...this cant be happening...
oy vey
Kill this disgusting opportunistic troon for fuck sake. Xhe deserves to suffer for pruning loli content
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the call to arms from chenkin to...
Local won't be able to move forward until fucks like him let go of "trying to blow NAI out of the water"
Focus on making your own shit stand on its own feet.
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don't read the 'cord
you'll get depressed
if neggles and he's troon horde can influence euges efforts in any way, it's fucking over.
we need to kill him asap
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omfg REALLY....
this nigga dont know his place. he wants to hijack EVERYTHING, he was clowning on jordach gassing up his compute back in fucking MARCH.
damn the back of the bus can keep this one fr, all yap and no smoke.
Now say it again without crying.
Israel, you there?
It's over
kek, shut it down
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You're all retarded, now let Euge and others who actually know what they're doing bake instead of crying.
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naisisters...how are we coping...
you've piqued my curiousity and I must find this now
please choke on "girl"dick and die troonsucker
Oh it makes sense now
Lax is the same dude who is giving euge the cluster
Things are going to get interesting.
>talking about loli literally 2 minutes after the funder introduces himself
BRILLIANT PLAY by troongles and hdjeet flame-stokers, nobody even said this was nsfw but no its time to bring up drama and yap about fucking lolis...
i'll mark this as the next sinking of local alongside the illustrious ceo email
That's the /b/ 2hu cunny server
with this troon attitude they'll find more than one way to destroy the model
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wait a minute, let them cook
Isn't neggles the one who had compute and did fuck all for almost a month with it?
If this is true my curiousity is no longer piqued. Thanks for the heads up.
is neggles in there?
i suppose not
In Illustrious, how do you do lighting and time of day?
This is actually embarrassing, neggles and this other retard (who is obviously from here) are just arguing about porn and loli in the questions chat. Christ, have a fucking filter before they shut it all down
he did make a model which was ALMOST on par with old 1.5 models, he even came here and post some dogshit gens to prove it
bro all of the chinese members of this team are cunnyseurs
besides euge because he's pure
yeah like, do anons know who chenkin and these people are? They're literally cunnycels lmfao
isnt it funded by chinken?? >>8233043
wasnt his thing supposed to be censored or something?
Anon, you may not know, but lolipedos tend to be low IQ subhumans. They keep getting caught because they won't shut up about it.
what's the cord link
it isn't funded by chenkin and chenkin is a cunny lora baker anyways, you fell for a meme
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i'm craving mcdonalds now
neggles is trying to hijack the compute
it can't get any worse
god i didn't know i could hate that troon more than i already did
holy shit singling out neggles is peak comedy
>lodestone is going to join
the local avengers have assembled...
stop being mean to neggles !
poor euge-chan...
he's far too oblivious to what these malicious troons can do...
out here Euge, minthy, Angel, Astra, Kohaku, Linaqruf (RIP) have infinitely more weight than neggles because they actually delivered results.
whether or not those results were good, they culminated in things that ended up a lot bigger than what they started at
neggles has never delivered anything, who cares about them, need to stop giving them air time. hell Jordach has more credibility
watch euge make nothing of note either
what the fuck i did.
this seems to good to be true. i saw his 'call to arms' thing posted a few days ago and just assumed it was another censored bake, as most local models with compute wind up being. but no this guy's the real deal.
Euge is too wholesome and genuinely wants to bake, we must defend him at all costs from the retards.
just watching people pull up to this is surreal. lodestone gets mentioned and 2 seconds later he's in. this feels fake like a dream almost. i hope these fuckers don't corrupt this shit.
yes, but I don't want lines of chinese to flashbang my eyes every time I look at models
our double agents have infiltrated the server. nothing to worry about, we won't let the freetards get anything started
aint no way this succeeds lmao you need an actual leader for this kind of project you cant just bring in all these personalities and have it work, its never worked for anything
it's past the time to use your mk ultra activation words
Euge is leading the project with the other chinamen, that discord is just for suggestions.
hope he doesn't let troongles get a single second of his compute
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it already has succeeded anon
illustrious is already a success for local
it's only up from here.
Kek the tranny just keeps making everything about herself even after getting told to shut up
Let's say things go the correct way and they somehow manage to get into a general agreement of how to train the whole thing, how many tries and time it is expected to pass to have the final refined product? not that I want it asap but i'm just curious
With the amount of compute they have, they could get it done probably within a few weeks.
I wanna know how jordach reacts to each epoch
if they're not lying about how much compute they have it could literally take a single week
they're gathering all the worst bakers in one place, and you all really expect something good?
see this post: >>8232334
swap NAI with local, and change 2 whole weeks to 1
bros just one more screenshot
no matter which version is better slop promptlets are still gonna get btfo by people who barely try
For the people using controlnet, this kind of doodle works too.
but it's not the pose you put?
>chinese took over the discord channels
it's over
>they invited Jordac
It's so over
nah jordach saw the announcement and called it "bait", whatever that means
Not the exact one, no, because of the weights. I was testing which kind of doodles work, and which ones don't. Stick figures are completely useless, for example.
we're gonna have so many discord screenshots bros
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here you go. kurumuz about to swallow some L-A-Xatives and shit his pants!
not seeing any bud
nope, with this many failed bakers in the 'cord it's going to be one quick trainwreck
what're the odds that this entire thing is a massive psyop and there is no compute
we might be back
what's the count on failed bakers in this general, who all has assembled
the absolute worst case scenario is that they "only" have the 16xh100 chenkin's team was able to secure, which is still way more than any previous local baker
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I said months ago that it would be chinamen who save local. Good to know I may be right
my bad i mean cord
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You won't convince me something good will come of this, I refuse.
It's okay, kuru-san. I'm here if you want a shoulder to lean on. I'll prepare an Anlatombstone...
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locals best baker might join the fray...
this shit cannot be real lmfaoo
that technical report isn't writing itself
place your bets who gives the most harmful advice to euge-chan
angel isn't a local baker and he's not particularly knowledgeable at any rate
lodestone or jordach if they're there
How many chinks and nips are aboard?
dr head. screencap this post. he arrives within 3 business days
I cannot read a word. What the hell is even this conversation about?
definitely dr.airhead or redhotgarbage if any of both ever gets in there
this project will only succeed if asians are the frontmen.
west troons can't achieve a single thing.
Good news for you anon, they literally are the frontmen.
I am loath to agree. Nothing good comes from retards seeking only attention/validation, and not profit.
>new local base model trained on 7.5m danbooru images drops out of nowhere, already works great and still has yet to be finetuned
>chinamen working on what could be the best model by far
>astralite dilating trying to caption another 1/10 of his dataset
What an interesting month
Yeap, finally some good fucking drama
>astralite dilating trying to caption another 1/10 of his dataset
Are you sure he isn't just sitting with a thumb up his ass letting the patreon money keep flowing in?
They should be working instead on a model that understands english and not fucking tags.
astra is massively in the negative
I thoroughly enjoyed mr lite's product and will probably consoom v7 too.
if he is making more money than you it is you talking about him that is the loser
Future models should be hybrid in that they take in the first <100 character natural language prompt which is then flanked by tags as needed

There I fixed AI images comprehension
Any ideia how to use these?
naiv4 status?
2/10 needs a bigger cluster than local
2 more weeks
HAHAHAHHAHA holy fuck i'm gonna love these memes now
>cute euge discord discord turned into trooncord overnight
no, please god, don't let it be like this...
Can this help us bake better loras? I must admit this is above my knowledge.
It's unironically over for nai huh?
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it got... worse..??
can someone share id rather not request access
Illustrious v0.1 was trained on a 7.5M dataset consisting of 1024 × 1024 images with a
batch size of 192. The data were tagged using the original Danbooru tags. The learning rate
for the U-Net was set to 3.5e-5, and the text encoder learning rate was 4.5e-6, trained over
20 epochs

I had a feeling it wasn't only 6 epochs
>need to request access to view it
fucking gay
250 mb pdf file
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we'll get illustrious 2.0 out soon, right guys?
For what kind of prompt? At least post it or something.
>Based on insights and analysis on the v0.1 model, we expanded the dataset by including synthetic dataset based on generated images and captions to resolve the issues shown in Figure 3c.
ITS OVER, no wonder v2 of the gradio demo looked worse.
>We note that open sourced Illustrious model variants are being released
under a research focused, non-commercial / no-closed source derivative public license, solely for
open-source progresses.
There's hope...
gofile io/d/dz54mP
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its also very funny just how much more detailed this is compared to naiv3s joke
Did it really?
I don't hate troons because they cut their dicks, I couldn't care less. I hate them because they are pretty much always fucking like this. Self-absorbed BPD attention whore freaks.
i mean yeah, nai pricks couldn't care less about local
NAI report was a "look how much compute we have and you don't lulz". I like someone posted that report on *eddit and they just laughed it off as someone trying to stroke their dick.
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The local renaissance is happening before your very eyes
nah naiv3's report is more useful than this. this reads like an undergrad trying to meet a particular word count but not saying much of substance
This but unironically
he has fucking experience on his hands
there we go:
see you can train anything you want if you know what you're doing. kurumuz must've been spreading FUD to keep local from experimenting.
>it's over for us with poor gpus
I don't understand a word of what this doc is telling us
it's actually over for euge
okay i finished reading it. i don't think there's anything interesting about it besides the quasi-register token thing, which angel was also talking about in the discord before
freetard cope hours
don't worry, after looking at lax and chenkin's civitai profiles i think he's safe from troon sabotage. they will guard him like the terracotta soldiers
>bakelet doesnt understand anything technical
the cookies are in the oven i repeat
post picture now
you need to go back
Nai is closedAI literally
illust 1.0 dropping march 23rd 2025
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fear not my 1080 child
man i havent had fresh baked cookies in like a decade fuck you now its on my mind
get baking (real) anonny
holy shit what happened to euge's discord over night
it was so comfy and now there's two discordtranny anime avatars arguing
kek, All those that you thought were enemies have united to defeat the big bad.
who's the big bad in this case
Heterosexuality, I think.
it's obvious
theres nothing to post except troongles commenting on everything. this shit wont get baked until 2026 with how much of a bloat they're going to turn it into
Yeah, neggles learned chinese and is now taking over from Euge and the chinese cunny bakers.
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The beginning of the end for Euge
I read the GitHub and watched the video and I still don't understand what it does or what I'm supposed to use it for
go make some oatmeal cookie, ignore the recipe and up the cooking time by 10 minutes and the degrees by 15
slightly overcooked oatmeal cookies with that extra browning are god's gift
Has anyone made any scenary with Illustrious? If so, using what? I assume you don't just roll the dice if you want something that makes sense.
>using what
?? just prompt for it
I mean something that works like controlnet, but for architecture.
Well yeah, if the character is known then using their tag just prevents learning unnecessary stuff
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Illustrious is capable of SOUL...
If this is worst quality then I should just stop learning how to draw
why did you faggots let this happen
whichever one of you has been talking to him the most in his discord you better fucking warn him against these shitters in advance and continue to whisper in his ear to prevent their infiltration I swear to fucking god this is your duty
kek yeah it's a very cute sketch
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what's the new discord link? the one on euge's page is expired
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[spoiler]Little did they know, Batman was watching[/spoiler]
Invite only now, don't need an army of retards flooding in.
pretty sure he revoked it after people started flooding in
if only he had been fast enough for the troons to not get in
that sucks, I wanted to follow along. oh well
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what did he mean by this
True, the masterminds of /hdg/ should be in there with their incredible knowledge.
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>(photo background:1.3)
>(two-tone background, blue background, red background:1.6)
Euge has awakened
With Angel's screenshots I always feel like more meaning was lost in translation than was actually understood. But maybe that's just an after-effect of playing Project Moon games.
Thanks for sharing the results. Do you know if posetest is a straight upgrade from anytest, or is the use case different?
If you're not schizo prompting, are you really having fun?
>use case different
anytest is more broad, its meant to be used with sketches or existing images
posetest is meant to take stick figures and turn them into a gen with your desired pose
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What >>8233371 says.

What I did find is that you will get much better results if the controlnet image has the same dimensions as the output.
>over 60% of the dataset is average quality and below
It's over.
when will euge re-open access to his trooncord
its probably percentage on their classifier
nta but anytest is still primarily canny/depth/normal. This is more like a freeform openpose without a preprocessor. Different use cases.

It's difficult to use gesture drawing with anytest because it wants to be strict about lines, you'd have to mess with the strength or end step for every pic individually. On the other hands, this is less useful for transferring poses from finished pictures, or photographs. Anytest can also double as hiresfix guidance, instead of tile controlnet.
Good to know. For a while I had been thinking about using this lora https://civitai.com/models/596934?modelVersionId=666873 with anytest to take the details out of pictures with good poses and use it as a reference to feed back into anytest. I've been having trouble finding good non-ai images though so maybe it would be better to learn to draw a little and use posetest instead.
Why's he going into cardiac arrest?
Ass so good, what can you do
I'm not even sure if I want to know what's going on in there now that all the bad actors joined. Is it really desirable to get locked in with them?
He is a EraToho player. He needs to pray in order to get Suwako pregnant.
Euge is only responding to genuinely useful advice and ignoring anything retarded, so pretty well to be honest.
Anybody manage to gen something good with Illustrious yet?
yes, tons of cunny
Noooo, Euge is just too cute to be partnered with the likes of neggles...
>Anytest can also double as hiresfix guidance
I never considered that. Thanks for the new trick. After reading your post, I wonder if maybe the idea I had originally here >>8233379 would be better with posetest after all.
Well, it wouldn't take much effort to try both and compare.
euge-chan was just slammed against the wall by neggles...
I asked the CEO for an invite to Euge's server, it's all over now. Sorry guys, I had to shut it down, I couldn't watch troongles infest another project.
It had to be done
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How good is ilustrious for Ryona-Chads ?
the founder of OnomaAI just stepped foot into euge's dungeon...
Pony and NAI will die at the same time... Let that sink in.
Holy shit.. IM CUMMING!!!!!!!!
the man tugging on angel's leash
they're grooming euge-chan already, aren't they?
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>Still no b-chama
Every day that passes, she feels further and further away.
dont worry our esteemed bluvoll-kun is there
We're so close to perfection.
With the amount of compute L-A-X has given local, how is finetuning flux not on the table? Or anything really, why limit to SDXL?
no amount of compute will salvage flux
Flux is an unknown variable right now. Basically its a game of goose until someone is able to verify it's viability. Similar to how NAIV3 allowed people to get serious about XL
im doubting he has that much really, there's simply no way. that would be enough for an entire foundational base.
until he shows a terminal i'm just going to assume it's the original 16x that chenkin mentioned in that one post. which is still far more than jordach, angel, kohaku, etc. but not enough to safely escape <8b models.
FLUX is untrainable garbage.
It's a tech demo useful for advertising. It can't actually do anything worthwhile as far as actual """art""" concerns go.
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maybe it depends on the style, but occasionally I don't have to inpaint/adetailer faces on gooknai while that never used to be the case with pony
Okay but that's /aco/ tho.
>FLUX is untrainable garbage.
vramlet cope + skill issue + issue of skill + cope of vramlet
i'm just hoping they're at least gonna do vpred, I already made peace with the fact that 16ch vae is off the table for years
>no noses
fuck off back to /g/, cretin.
continuing, but flux devs are faggots. neggles worked for flux and apparently cant say a damn thing about it because of nda? complete bullshit company designed to use local for attention to find saas partnerships. they havent released a single thing about the model since day 1. even SAI was somehow a better local/community partner than BFL. the model itself is filled to the brim with synthetic slopped data, nonsensical vlm captions, and all sorts of other junk that nobody knows how to thoroughly remove.
if the troon closest to flux doesnt even want to tune it, i'll safely assume it's untrainable garbage.
fuck off back to /g/, mongoloid
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see: >>8232749
if nai v4 does 16ch and they announce it as one of their features, it will be spitebaked into local.
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!!!!!!!!!!!! not anymore
local is finally saved fellas
so who is personally inviting the troons since the invite link is gone
>date shopped out
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>if the troon closest to flux doesnt even want to tune it, i'll safely assume it's untrainable garbage.
uhh he did want to train it though, but then he got fired and couldn't because no compute
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I will make my mission to lobby for the model to have copious amounts of high quality Ryona art
he was going to use that compute to train wdv/cosxl, not flux
Local status?
saved (for now)
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Style tags?
worst_quality, anatomical_nonsense, extra_fingers, sketch
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*me* is cumming...
can Illustrious do porn?
or is it "1girl standing" finetune?
Isn't there a furry flux finetune (ChromaFur) already, seems to be a alpha but look like it's working from the results (unless I am missing something)
If they had it, they would have said it long ago.
it can do kinography (and porn)
had what?
and they didn't say fucking shit about v3 until this meme paper
It has better understanding of nursing_handjob than any other model so far and that's good enough for me.
>pretty much zero posts
>every image looks stylistically exactly the fucking same
and this is why flux is absolute garbage.
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1girl standing is all i need
how to raw gen girl licking penis shaft/base can only get licking the tip
>had what?
16ch VAE for V4

>didn't say fucking shit about v3
Before V3

After V3 all they do is talk to appease their costumers.
no, he wanted to finetune flux too, despite what little he shit out for wdv being an absolute mess
>He doesn't know
I don't know whether they're going to be 16ch vae or not, or if v4 is going to be great or going to be shit, but what you're saying makes no sense
They literally mentioned no tech details about v3, they just released it and promised that papers would come out in 2 weeks
i can gen sasha \(haguhagu\) porn on illust and it's all i need
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As long as it's anime style it belongs here. Just be careful as some of their faces are too strong, yordles are /trash/, annie is /b/ etc.
Will Euge-chan be groomed by Neggles? Or carried off in the loving arms of B-chama?
Next time, on /trooncord/general...
Jesus christ, you are fucking retarded and/or a zoomer.
I don't remember electing you as the local artstyle commissar.
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I'm just saying you can post western characters here, the rules don't talk about it.
>genned 500 images today
illu is good model
Pony is much better if you don't have skill issues.
>thick outlines
>heavily stylized
>disproportionally large hands
>western cartoon eyes
Okay secondary I guess it's fine because some westaboo chink drew it? Cope, seethe, and take your slop to >>>/aco/
It's kinda disgusting how all these troons flocked to euges discord as soon as they got a whiff of compute.
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It's better for ryonachads, that is already a game changer for me
post them
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Do I have a problem?
>85k images
and i thought my 10k was bad
Wait until you hear what old anime looked like, zoomzoom.
>LoRAs to unfuck the pony shading
No thanks
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how limp/hard is your male reproductory organ?
they really did out themselves as grifters by doing that
cant its all /ss/
At least we have b-chama now.
I'm sure it looks like the guy's penis closest to the camera
im at 100k total lifetime and 3.5k in the last week
I doubt most of them had heard of it prior to that though, it's not like they were asked to join and held up their noses at it
This. Local is healing.
It's funny how quickly it revealed that all this pony coping was indeed fucking coping and lies.
Instead of honestly saying "nah I won't pay saas" (which is a very reasonable stance) people made up this elaborate crap about pony being actually a good model and that it being stuck up on same fucking compositions for most of the prompts is actually a good thing, that you could always train a lOrA to compensate for its terrible inadequacies like awful expressions, awful character knowledge, that its colors are good enough and its just shills making up shit etc etc.
Literally same shit as it was with 1.5 - UHH you actually don't need a good model, you could use a lora!!! - and then, when a model capable of sex releases, they drop 1.5 slop almost immediately.
jordach stands alone but he will never falter
Can someone give me a brief rundown of the happenings?
nta but I have around 50k saved from 1.5 days till now, total prompted txt2img/img2img is countless at this point and my dick is still doing great!
Local won. Naikiller incoming in less than 2 weeks .
The show's style was meant to be a parody of cartoons. But this one went more than halfway back to anime. I mean it's pretty far from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1727444/mediaviewer/rm232201984/ which is actually just /aco/

Don't know if that's illu being stubborn, or intentional from that anon who genned it.
Euge is now packing and troonies started flocking to him
euge and random chinamen have up to 512x h100 (still zero actual proof). this would be 2x that of NAI if true. the news spread life wildfire and never every griftroon has pulled up. neggles shamelessly begged to have compute access. arguing and troonbabble floods the channels as euge sits there quietly trying to glean what little useful information he can
bros this is literally heckin avengers
When pony was released it was the best model available. It had by far the best character knowledge and furries have better tags than danbooru.
danbooru only has vanilla tags whereas on e621 you get stuff like perching_position which on illu you can only hope to get randomly when tagging size_difference
It is a parody, but retardo-kun cannot tell /aco/ or anime style apart.
>Euge-chan (Artiwaifu creator) has a discord channel, only a few members
>Euge-chan is very cute and humble, listening to suggestions earnestly and winning the hearts of many, but isn't very well known
>Euge-chan announces he's got a lot of compute, btfo Nai's cluster tier compute
>Suddenly, every troon, furry baker and their mom's nephew's pet bird flocks to join and give """help""" and (in the case of Neggles), not so subtly beg for a piece of the compute pie
>B-chama makes a long awaited reappearance
>(You) are here
Euge is putting together a team...
euge-chan the dumbcutie will win locals heart once more...
It's more like the suicide squad and faggles is that really shitty joker with the face tats and grill
Someone warn Euge of the clown
Oh holy fuck, sexy scathach, fapping now
Now define anime style.
there is only two ways this could go
- euge ignores the troons and delivers naiv4 killer
- euge takes every troon advice and model is worse than naiv1
>style I like
pure anime sovl
>style I don't like
Not quite, it has worse character knowledge than Animagine, because that one focused their dataset on FOTM and didn't hash anything. Agree on the rest, except maybe don't respond to trolls.
i have a feeling we're gonna see a model EXACTLY like artiwaifu
what did neggles mean by this
My illustrious gens looks like shit and I don't know which artists I should use
Will this implode and end in tragedy or simply stagnate and go nowhere like the open model initiative?
stagnate or underwhelming results. take your pick
No it's not
I'll post it in like 6 hours when I get home
Believe in Euge. I'm sure Chenkin will tardwrangle the server if it gets bad
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Ok so I went ahead and tested it. If anyone else wants to try here's my process. Typed in a text editor so forgive my formatting.
Step 1: Put the input image into an auto-tagger and then into anytest.
Step 2: Copy the prompt over from the auto-tagger, remove anything you don't want in the lineart, and add the lora, lineart and monochrome tags. I had to crank the lora up to 1.5.
Step 3: Generate the image with a model that's fairly compatible with the lora. I used autism confetti.
Step 4: Clean up any stray lines in the output image using an image editor and plug the cleaned lineart back into anytest.
Step 5: Switch to the model you want to use for the final image, add tags to create the scene you want and generate.
With better ControlNet settings the anatomy would have been better but here's what I used for the quick and dirty test.
Generating lineart: Weight: 0.75, Guidance Start: 0, Guidance End: 1, Control Mode: ControlMode.BALANCED
Generating final image: Weight: 0.75, Guidance Start: 0, Guidance End: 0.25, Control Mode: ControlMode.BALANCED

It may not be necessary to do the lineart steps, but removing all the details will let you set the control weight higher without getting unnecessary details or style influence in the output.
Going from a couch to a bed may not matter much, but if you wanted to put the scene somewhere more creative it could save you some trouble.
I cherrypicked a decent seed for the final images shown, but between anytest and posetest at the same settings I got better results with anytest overall.
Pretty happy with how easy it was. A library of poses and settings could really speed things up, but it would take quite a bit of work.
so suddenly you all are rooting for euge after shitting on artiwaifu hmm?
I have another question for you: Is Berserk anime?
the ones who shit on euge would be ponytroons sir
asura_(asurauser), nyantcha, cutesexyrobutts,wamudraws
You know, all the great Japanese manga/anime artists.
It was mostly ponysloppers shitting on him. I mean the model really wasn't great at sex but the effort is great and it looked nice if you used it correctly.
not falling for this
I was on his discord from the day it was made. It was comfy and innocent back then, filled with a floral fragrance. Now I can't recognize the place anymore
you are small time.
(this isn't including any img2img outputs and is missing like 5 months of t2i that I have moved off to a different drive)
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I always liked Arti more than Pony
Could someone share a brief outline for how you'd prompt things like this : https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4340532
I've always had trouble getting two distinct girls and assigning the right girl the right features especially if they're close where fixing it with inpaint feels impossible.
our criticism inspired him to get better i was the pioneer who called out that bocchi slime gen on the previews
I don't fucking care bro. I don't decide whether to like or hate something based on some made up bullshit category.
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I'll add this to my personal notes. Thanks.
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Artiwaifu is still bad there's no way around that. But Euge-chan was willing to learn from his downfalls, something no other local baker has the mental maturity to do. If he's not led astray by the troonbrigade, there is no reason not to root for him
>god damn it my icecream is turning into cum again
sir the prompt is right there
Likewise. You can fuck right back to /aco/, idiot. You will fit right in.
Do you have a catbox for any of your psg prompts?
it's going nowhere. it's just a show of empty hopium from localpoors who desperately want their nai-tier model. as evidenced by every single local name from troonys to furrys hopping in. all it took was some literal whos going "we have cards!!" and every localshmuck fell for it without a second thought. and now they're assembling their le-epic avengers team just like OMI.
>immediately contradicts xerself
Define Anime.
If they are named characters the model recognizes, don't prompt any features just their names. Of course that limits you to very simple compositions, so the other option is regional prompter / forge couple.
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so far all Im getting out of it is very underwhelming...

will stick with snowpony for now
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That picture is rather well-tagged, grab some of the tags from there
With something like local's forge couple it really shouldn't be any issues with separating character features, I even prompted breast envy pics on nai which doesnt have forge couple analogue.
Something like
asymmetrical docking, breast envy, breast conscious, looking at breasts,
could work
I don't give a fuck what you think. You are nothing.
Jordach did not bend he did not waver. He won't join the 'cord he will press on
>they're assembling their le-epic avengers team just like OMI.
I'm pretty sure most of them already outed themselves as unstable and bad team candidates in the first half hour of them joining the coord. Euge-chan and Lax-sama don't seem to be taking them too seriously, just considering what technical knowledge they are sharing and if they should give a shit about it
>tfw can't join the 'cord now without outing myself
should have joined earlier...
The only good he'd do there is tell off Neggles and even then it'd be negated by whatever schizo advice he tried to peddle
make sure to actually include the nsfw tag when prompting for seggs
Okay but why are you seething? Are you too dumb to define and explain your own hobby?
skill issue, artiwaifu enjoyers keep winning
unless you are a local celeb nobody cares
She already there bwo
I'm not sure there's much improvement left to be had within SDXL, between Pony's versatility and illu's style and character knowledge. He can do vpred for better color range and train a little longer, but even if it works out would that be enough to convince people to move over again? I feel like even if NAI were to leak at this point it wouldn't be a huge upgrade. We need Flux or another new arch to move forward.
I can't join what did our queen say?
>Pony's versatility
No problem. But after a little more testing, just putting the original image into anytest with the prompt from the output image gave very similar results. Unless you want to create a particularly unusual scene, it may be faster to just play gacha or inpaint what you want.
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the truth many won't want to hear
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Increase your resolution to get of this artifacting on the lines.
Also catbox
artifactng is sovl
>to move over again?
Fucking idiots, I've been telling everyone for years that you must not build all your tooling around one model. This happened with sd1.5, this happened with pony, keeps happening with illu and this will seemingly happen with artiv3. You will suffer until you learn your mistake.
>>8233609 (Me)

Oh, that's you? Love your compositions.
besides colors there isnt much left to milk out of SDXL. it was created with the same trash dataset as 1.5, and local models after that were all trained on a different form of trash dataset. you might get some visual improvements from flux, but local captioners are so pathetically useless that half the project would be spent figuring out how to train one properly.
all to train flux which the furries tried and amounted to a lora-tier bake that can do a bland naked 1fur at most. the sad reality is that every local option between XL and flux is just shit, and it's not like those two are magic either
>no workflow even when downloaded from pixiv
The prompt is a sham! Asymmetrical docking breast press just gives normal docking even with symmetrical in negs. Height difference gets ignored, even with looking up/down as well. Starting to get some results without breast press though
Not necessarily those characters
Trying out NAI at the moment since I subbed for the new text gen (It's okay), will bookmark the couple thing for when my subscription expires and I start torturing the rtx3060 again.
Is the move to tag for a base image and then inpaint the characteristics? Faces/expressions are usually fairly easy to inpaint but I don't know how to go about inpainting touching bodies especially if I want differences between them like arm positions
please learn how to upscale wtf
>the moment the naishill realized his 25 dollars were no longer valuable
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Having a NAI3 tier model with lora would in fact be huge. No, Pony and Illu are not even close
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thanks illustrious
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Hope Illust 1.0 is good
it is but it's never coming out :)
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I'm to busy cooming bwo

pic related will help
>that image
Why is it that people praise nai?
Also thanks, all I wanted was the artist tags.
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(this is the same prompt on illustrious)
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Artoria Lancer Alter is the best fate girl
euge and neggles just kissed in the private channel...
Impressive, very nice. Now let's see the catbox, and can you get those midsections to be against each other? There's a lot about the original image I like so I want to learn how to make something similar in all aspects.
thanks anon
This. Since troons came that place became completely unusable. With the endless troon spam and how they are felating each other, trying to turn that server into another touhou shithole, it's impossible to discern any meaningful discussion anymore... Yet another thing they ruined...
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Blueorca is such a good artist, don't know how he manages to make things look simple yet detailed at the same time.
Cease this bullying immediately. I will not stand for this.
i just straight up took the tags from the danbooru post.

>can you get those midsections to be against each other?
once you start getting that specific you probably need to use controlnet
We need to subtly bully them out in a way Euge comes to see them as the cess they are
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uh oh euge is already taking advice from the sloppies
>Asymmetrical docking breast press just gives normal docking even with symmetrical in negs.
separating character features with non-standard outfits is the annoying part for nai
asymmetrical docking, mother and daughter, breast conscious, eye contact, looking at another, breast envy, breast press, size difference,large breasts, small breasts
worked somewhat reliably and I didn't even really really try here

but without forge couple or whatever there is now, it really is going to be a gacha no matter what, that's just how it is when you deal with simple tags only
>Neggles kept fucking up wdv because problems with his own code in his own trainer
>Had to restart every other day
>Now in Euge's coord he's jerking himself off saying Kohya can't code, can suck his balls and that only his code is any good
My God, I hope, I pray that Euge sees this faggot for the worthless retard that he is.
it's not THAT bad, but neggles is trying to co-opt it and turn it into wdvi. realistically this was just supposed to be another arti bake with vpred and some dataset adjustments, now it's turning into a massive bloated mess for no real reason.
the problem is that everything gets wrung out until it's ideal. everyone talks about the 1000+ issues as if they all need to be solved before baking, regardless of how possible they are to even solve. this results in a list a mile long of 'things to do' and maybe a footnote on 'how to do them'. they just need to do the simple stuff and run a test bake on their hardware first. assuming the hardware is even real, it's setting itself up to being another wdv where nothing gets done as the cluster slips away.
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some autist needs to write a google doc showcasing how inept Neggles is so I can dump it in the chat, i'll swear i'll do it
i forgot the box. my bad
I hate n*****s
Was there anything you skipped when copying the prompt? Or am I mistaken in thinking I should pick and choose what tags I think will be effective?
Nice attempt as well. Getting the feeling I need to get rid of some of the artists I've let sit in my prompt for days without change.
Autismmix v2 when..
You'll get Autism 2 when you fix this damn door~!
Pls lord pls let Euge ignore Neggles for long enough that he fucks off
Pls pls pls
2hucord is based though
Fuck off nogen.
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At least the troons and furries haven't made it into the inner sanctum yet
>they'll find a way to sabotage it, just like they did emailing angel's CEO to destroy illust
You guys are fully capable of doing that yourself. You don't need any corpo help with that.
Euge? Artiwaifu?
at least it's good advice
please read the thread sir
Did kurumuz really do that shit?
hello sdtana
Ok so when are we getting the newer versions?
>yea bro use resources from the nai leak
>Yea bro use this shit upscaler
>good advice
We don't know who, or even if it really happened.
we arent you can only cope with a model better than pony
Sorry for being a tard, but where do I get anytest?
Don't use lanczos is good advice. As for suggesting others, there's no harm right? I assume he's going to run a test first and compare the results before committing to a specific one. Like any sensible person would.

Does someone have rights to update the OP template? With this, xinsir, posetest, illu and the illu lora rentry
updating the template costs 7 highlight points
Kinda violent, but still scathach and hot
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I did even more testing, and I really think outside of creating a very specific scene all of those steps are unnecessary... it's not totally useless, right?!
Here's a quicker method.
Step 1: Run the input image through the remove background a1111 extension.
Step 2: Use an image editor to mostly erase whatever the extension missed. I gave it a solid color background too. If your scene is really out there, use your amazing art skills.
Step 3: Prompt whatever and use anytest.
Picrel for my amazing art skills+remove background input, and the output with a little prompting. I used the same controlnet settings as before. Anytest is amazing. I'm still not sure if I need posetest at all, though.
Floox is the best
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You think illu has attracted his gaze already? How long until he bakes the asuka lora?
i unironically welcome him. ive been baking nonstop slop and it's good enough for me. illustrious needs more attention
nice hand kek
surprisingly few people have noticed illustrious
not even r*ddit has posted about it
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ryona is pure kino
Well, it is just another anime model. The majority of genning still happens in realism and aco, and much of what's left can't tell the difference between Animagine and Tofu.
>>Nice attempt as well. Getting the feeling I need to get rid of some of the artists I've let sit in my prompt for days without change.
Yeah sometimes that can cause unexpected issues. I just slapped in the artist from the original pic and something random that came to mind in this case
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Yes. I didn't realize it was in the same repo
This place is probably one of the most picky in the ai space and it's still full of sloppa, so yeah.
she really needs to learn how to eat strawberry jam without getting it all over her face baka
Padded cell?
>The majority of genning still happens in realism and aco,
that's the most surprising thing about imagen for me
always thought that anime style is extremely mainstream now but in reality just aco alone completely overshadows it
single incase lora on civit has almost as much downloads as all bakariso stuff together
incase is anime thougheverbeit
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about to train a pony lora for 10 repeats on every bowsette image from booru lol, 40k steps.
Obviously massively overkill I am just interested in how much better if at all it ends up.
need an improved version of Euler SMEA Dy for local....
alright get to work then
oh, you don't know how?
When you think about it, anime is a niche art style of one little island (plus China and Korea?). /aco/ is literally the rest of the art world. And photorealism is actually competing with real porn.

In my eastern european country anime is mainstream enough to be recognized by almost anyone as separate from western cartoons. But mostly known for kid's shows and/or cringe fanservice with underaged characters. Either way not something adult men spend their time with.
this is kurumuz's greatest ace, worth more than the v3 weights
for me it's inpaint model desu
smea is nice but I don't even always use it
Are Animagine-foocus and Flux not enough? Seem to work just as well for anything other than sex anatomy.
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it's kind of amazing i can now look at nai gen be like
wait, i can gen that
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Illustrious doesn't need a lora to do that!
I haven't used local for a while but without the model style/character/sex knowledge I assume it's only useful to inpaint backgrounds and hands (do loras work?)
it's not essential but it's fun and convenient, basically like a seed reroll for any part of the picture or easy edits.
Nothing local will be able to beat Pony for at least one year, mark my words.
but 2girls1cup already did?
it's already beaten doe
>slop crusty fotm underbaked gookmodel
RUH... RMAO???
It tries to match the style even without full knowledge of it. But yes it's mostly hands, objects, background pieces. Animagine has character knowledge in there somewhere, it's just undertrained. Too spotty to actually gen them, but with most of their body there as a hint it sometimes catches on.

Use Flux for any sfw anatomy.
that's enough to dethrone sepiaspegma gpo slopmachine
It has been decreed by the King in Yellow, from his sepia throne, that none shall challenge his reign. The pretenders, who flock around false hope, shall soon have their aspirations crushed by the magnum opus that is V7.
it's funny because pony is still the only model to do smegma
t. knower
>cringe fanservice with underaged characters
they're not wrong thou, they just don't see the true light
but seriously, drawn porn isn't the norm despite the artstyle and average normie would frown upon any porn
>adult men spend their time with
but they know this is the core audience and that's why they seethe
yup, looks like it's shitpost o'clock
Retardo here, i have a question

do you need to escape spaces on ComfyUI?

like for example aru \(blue archive\)
you're escaping brackets here, not spaces
what you posted is the correct syntax
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Gracias negro
>average normie would frown upon any porn
that's just reddit-tier hypocrisy
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"Dark-skinned males? On my /hdg/?"
It's more likely than you think
this is just a side effect i noticed while testing, try to prompt a pov hand with the phone without it getting schizo (you can't)
it's okay if they're cute like the one in the post above you
Doomping some shitty illustrious loras. Also taking requests.

https://files.catbox.moe/reikjl.safetensors artist gud0c, dataset has watermarks/signatures removed so much better than native, no trigger
https://files.catbox.moe/pqheti.safetensors artist landidzu, didn't remove watermarks/signatures so they're very common unfortunately, no trigger
https://files.catbox.moe/ayxdgs.safetensors character madaraki fran, activation trigger is madaraki_fran
https://files.catbox.moe/0wpvfl.safetensors megaman legends style, really schizo, I might rebake it or create a new dataset, you gotta give it a fair bit of stuff to work with or it'll make some really abstract gens, honestly behaved better on pony
https://files.catbox.moe/kt737j.safetensors saya no uta, based on a dataset I got from here a while back, characters are tagged by their first names as well as different color themes from the games, red theme, guro, monsters, etc
https://files.catbox.moe/blfq16.safetensors character victoria vance from paw patrol, activation trigger is vvance, also helps to throw in her features, green hair, purple glasses, dataset was 3d images so you have to put 3d in negs and use an artist if you want her to look 2d
a loose interpretation of tile wall
>Also taking requests
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I request you post a sample gen along with each lora next time
yes fucking please do waterkuma
>paw patrol
what in the goddamn....
choking/strangling, face/breast punch is possible with prompting. quadruple amputee works surprisingly too, stuff like decapitation/accurate blood/cut marks doesnt work too well but I could be prompting like a retard
can someone share invite telegram link for these ai hentai stuffs?
>saya no uta
it's on discord and you can currently not get invited unless if it's by someone in charge
Illustrious still can't do the absolute BBC perfection that NAI can do. The darkest of blacks and the thickest of cocks is only reserved for those paying for Opus and that is so frustrating to me. When will local be able to create images like that, how long will I have to wait? I can't afford NAI right now so I'm just not able to create any blacked images? What are my options realistically?
Telegram requires a real phone number. Why would you ever use it to talk about porn.
why do those falseflagging localfags dream about black dicks so much
I tried that and all the dicks come out looking more indian than black. I need animalistic jungle African and not just a tanned man
there's a lora that copies nai bbc look on civit
Box pls
add bestiality tag

not memeing
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new Illustrious finetuned dropped
How can you disown one of your brethren so cold-heartedly.
Aren't BBCs every NAI user's Raison d'être?
nobody makes blacked shit with nai, those are all falseflagger localfags
jesus christ

what the fuck type of bait is this, remacri is well regarded through hdg. if you've got issues then you might as well point them out and suggest good alternatives with some data to back it
it's a ploy by BIG nmkdSiaxCX_200k
consider that gan upscalers are several times slower than algorithmic
remacri is okay as an inbetween step for hi-res fix. that's why it's well regarded
as a final pass, however, it is dogshit
>some data to back it
give me a booru post to upscale and ill show you the best model
4x_AnalogFrames_1.0_Gsisters, our response?
i just use bilinear
sure i'm down
let's go with this:
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Today I found out Illustrious does not HAVE to produce skribble lines
denoise upscalers + style loras have given me some phenomenal results.
question about tiled diffusion
is it a set number of tiles or just how many it needs based on your tile resolution? like if I img2img a 1024x1024 image with a tile res of 1024x1024 does it just do 1 tile or multiple tiles
hoping it's the latter because that may help a lot
It is however many tiles are needed. But that depends on the overlap setting too, so might actually make four in your example I don't know. But if the tile res is higher than your image, yes it will only use a single one.
Even with cleanup/denoise, you can still see that it's rough at the core.
Can you get outputs like this? https://files.catbox.moe/gp7fsf.png (random sfw nai gen from trooncord)
Obligatory "why is it so blurry" post
remacri will alter the colors and maybe add whatever subtle gan artifacts
Is the 0.1 gooknai on HF the same as the leak torrent?
well dang
now im just wondering if there's a way to force it to divide it up into more tiles
Why don't you just set tile resolution lower if you need more tiles?
This might be a dumb question, but if you're training at 1024 why not just throw away pics that are smaller. The booru still has more images than you can realistically train on.
Is this more stable than the base version or only an attempted fix for the artifacts?
i know that, but in that case we're still going to want an alternative upscaler that performs better than remacri.

it would be a waste to get rid of most of pc-98 images when they have a very nice aesthetic
angel did this but for smaller than 768 i think
i could try i guess, i just thought that results start to get wonky if the resolutions are too far away from 1024x1024 or its rectangle constituents
i'd of course be testing this instead of asking if i were home right now
naiv3 trained at 512x512, this allows them to do bigger batches and allowed for better generalization of those batches.
You do throw the smallest ones, but going >1024 for both sides you will be throwing some artists away fully I think.
it's smea with 5 cfg and no img2img pass
most of naifags seem to unironically enjoy this washed out look, but I don't like it
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Nothing beats euler a for base gen + dpm++ sde for upscale.
just use loss masks bro it's easy
character lora for qingyi
Are we talking about loras? I thought this is about full finetune, in which case loss masks are too much of a compute overhead probably.
What are trying to achieve? The main purpose of tile is to allow high denoise upscales, where the model would break down due to high resolution. What would be the point of tiling up a 1024 image, or of using smaller tiles, when the model can work fine at that resolution?
Wait I thought glorious Korean weeb model already can do everything and more? Why do you need Loras that only degrade the model's quality?
>Also taking requests
https://exhentai.org/?f_cats=1007&f_search=artist%3A%22tsuji+santa%24%22 tsuji santa
It was, until this guy barged it
maybe something with a smaller scale, 2x should be enough to just fit the min resolutions
>The main purpose of tile is to allow high denoise upscales
No it isn't? Are you confusing multidiffusion/tile scripts with tile controlnet?
this one's rough, not many models are trained focused on PC-98 dithering, esp not ones attempting to recover high frequency detail, will get you results soon tho
in terms of training i don't think that loss masks actually cost anything
What do you think is the purpose then?
that was just an example, the actual images i want to tile on are about 2800x2800
i inpaint masked-only at like 0.4 denoise in small areas at a resolution of between 1024x1024 and 1536x1536, the area being smaller than these resolutions of course, and edit them in bit by bit, by layering them and erasing parts in a third party program
if i could do a tiled upscale where the tiles are smaller than the target resolution then it would potentially allow me to speed the fuck out of this process
vn art specifically
To go upscale to higher res than your gpu allows you to? Usually.
I mean, it depends on what you consider to be high denoise. With anything above 0.5 (which is what I consider to be high denoise) tile upscales go to shit.
What is SPO?
In that case I did mix them up, or rather treated them both as one thing as I use them together.
supposedly fixes nonsense in foreground/background
dunno how effective on illust
i prefer doing stuff like this over upscaling when it comes to low res images in training data. generating masks is typically a lot faster. i just wish there was a way to actually dynamically place the image within a canvas during training instead of having to pre-process images myself
probably this: https://github.com/RockeyCoss/SPO
there's another one but idk if they released anything
Ok, trying SPO version then.
Here is a raw t2i -> i2i upscale with none of the denoising nonsense I've been doing to work around the artifacts, no LoRAs. It seems to both reduce artifacting/noise and add a bit of stability.
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GookNai simply cannot. I am not being ironic.
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holy fuck
kill yourself
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you're supposed to use negative loss here, amirite?
Another flavor of DPO, aesthetic tuning basically. Training the model towards what normies think looks better.
You are being ironic and you need to get a hobby that isn't "poorly attempting to troll people on an anonymous forum".
>i just wish there was a way to actually dynamically place the image within a canvas during training instead of having to pre-process images myself
That would be a couple dozen lines of python code.
she's melting
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it's jungle
humid and hot
alright here, not really satisfied with the result but this is the best i can do for a single model
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what about other illustrious models?
I see them mentioned in the pdf
But no info where are they, or if they are going to be released...
der ewige slopbaker
let's see how long it'll take for local to sabotage itself yet again
>every opinion i don't like is trolling
Stick your head back up your own ass and stay in your fecal echo chamber like all queers, please.
How have people in this general not learned to ignore birdanon?
its cancelled
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thank you angel
birdanon? shoebill anon?
>But call him an /aco/slopper and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”
i think the issue would be using it alongside cached latents but i'm not really sure
bwo it's a jungle it's like a gorillion degrees and high humidity. here's a sharper style.
The only good poster left, unironically
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you are not even trying to hide that you're a shitposter with your purposefully inflammatory posts
im sorry that people rejected your slop and now you have to act all ironic but at some point you just gotta let it go
catchad anon is based
unironically (ironically)*
kys samefag
>noodletroon melty
>catfag has been lashing out all week because he is the only poster left on pony now that everyone rightfully abandoned it
kek what a fucking baby
of course this schizo is cathagfaggot
I need more of that delicious ass
>bad hands
>bad hands
>bad hands
>bad hands
Nonono, this time is gonna be different, reroll
>bad hands
I know I should just inpaint, but gambling is a bitch
>poke fun at the latest fotm slop model everyone will have forgotten about in a month
>"purposefully inflammatory posts"

>24/7 console wars about which discord tranny embezzled the most money so far
>pedos coming out of their caves by the dozen
>vaporware shilling
>"healthy on-topic discussion"
way to out yourself noodletranny ;)
Sorry. I read it five times and still don't understand. Not even sure where to ask for a clarification.

You have a huge image, okay. You inpaint a tiny piece of it at 1024 res, masked only. Why do you need to layer and erase anything? Shouldn't the edges be unchanged due to mask only, and so fit neatly into the original image?
inpainting is also a gamble anon... there, i opened a door of possibilities
it's just noodletroon seething, ignore
>he keeps samefagging
you're fucking pathetic, failed miscarriage
Maybe it's just me, opposum sweatdrops look like skindrops
why haven't you killed yourself yet noodleabortion :?
Why am I living rent-free in your head and why do you think I'd post such hideous /acoslop/ or anything other than Kemono Friends/Touhou?
what does this lora do?they posted it on civitai but in the description it doesn't say what it's for.https://civitai.com/models/811492?modelVersionId=907455
Not really, If I pre-draw some ugly paint fingers and denoise at 0.4, I'm pretty much guaranteed a good result first try
>muh aco style is not aco!!
>muh pedos
>muh pony is eternal
>deliberately disgusting style and themes
>deliberately antagonistic posts along with your slop
fuck off
what are you talking about
this faggot has been behaving exactly the same way for the last half a year
kys ;)
>>muh aco style is not aco!!
Define aco. Define anime.
same as groidspammer better to ignore this shitstain
too much effort and money has been sunk into shoehorning SDXL checkpoints to work decently in the first place
the layering and erasing bit is pretty irrelevant, just an anecdote of what i do with my inpaints
basically when i do these small area/medium res inpaints i'll take the resulting image, layer it underneath my main image in an art program and erase parts of the top image that the new one underneath does better, i do it like this because it will also typically introduce unwanted artifacts or malformities alongside the better bits, so i can just pick and choose what to amend
it's autistic but it lets me make sharp images
I need you to save our thread sir
i, for one, do not care whether it's aco or no.
anything that cathagfaggot, ayakon or miqofag posts is fucking hideous.
As a self-proclaimed based poster I take offence to that
>uh oh anime means animation in jap so every drawing is the anime!!!
keep seething noodletroon ;)
Ah okay, and instead of inpainting bits and pieces you want to try running the whole image at once. But then why do you want tiles smaller than 1024?
Gooknaikeks in shambles
That seems to be inherent to his actual style, yeah.
Here's a raw un-upscaled gen with fishnets since that was one of the example images on the model page. I think this little merge is a straight upgrade to the base model.
miqofag has been improving lately though. and honestly I don't think he deserves the hate despite his catwife being somewhat grotesque
and while I think that cathag's posts are intentionally disgusting, there's some degree of polish and effort to them
ayakon on the other hand is a genuine retard and his slop is offensively boring
ah i forgot that local inpainting works differently
>you may only post anime here
>what exactly does that mean? there's a hundred different artstyles ranging from realistic to highly stylized
>anime duh!
with RAUnet i frequently get pure noise on illustrious unless i dial the prompt into a sweet spot that i find by feel more than by estimate, i havent had this problem with any other SDXL model. regular kohya deep shrink works about as expected tho
These both were upscaled afterwards, here's the originals
After initial generation I apply a stack of three "upscalers" at 1x resolution to counter the artifacts at least a little, it's all in the generation group, these two models >>8230524 and this one https://openmodeldb.info/models/1x-GainRESV3-Natural
img2img along with txt2img, Ultimate SD Upscaler and inpainting included in the workflow
How can someone be this based? There should be a limit, right?
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Post gobbos, it's been too long
umm no sweaty ;)
I am unironically cumming.
that's a big gobbo
well i joined lot of cosplay av chinese group and they shared paywalled stuffs, so wonder if ai generated is available too?
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finetuned models gives me text again, shame
The master of mindbreaking anons
I kneel
>there's a hundred different artstyles ranging from realistic to highly stylized
that's why i'm posting only the ones with overexaggerated noses and lips by some deviantart or hentai-foundry tranny
Hello, you rang?
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I like bigger gobbos, but here's a small one, just for you
There's no /aco/ here. It's against the rules after all.
Simple as that.
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"smoking" working so well is really nice
Yeah and others only post the ones where characters look like they hit the wall at 88 mph. Don't see me shitting and pissing myself about it.
Hentai-foundry wouldn't be called that if it wasn't hentai
What's up, noodletroon? Lost all your argumentinos?
then it would replicate my settings for my inpaints, i do it with masked-only enabled and select an area smaller than the resolution i'm generating (ie: area i've drawn to inpaint is roughly between 500-700 px both ways but is being generated higher to allow much cleaner inpaints)
if i'm right, then instead of selecting an area i want to clarify, inpainting, selecting a new area, repeat a bunch of times, then for extra time generating these hypothetical tiles monsters i would get images that would be doing this to the whole canvas
it wouldn't be good for a typical user's use-case but it would be perfect for me
it's simple, you include (clioranko:1.3) at the top of the prompt or it's /aco/
noodlesissies not like this
it's just that kawakami rokkaku is overtained on manga panels, neg out sound effects, speech bubble and weight them up, ez
Is there a way to filter every single post that has text even if it has an image?
If the text isn't worth including within the image then it isn't worth seeing it at all.
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doesn't bother me that much, besides text is less gibberish compared to pony lol
Your gens are making this thread a little bit more tolerable, thank you for that sir
Mmhmhhhh ahhh pumping
noodletranny can't accept reality
genuine question
why do people that clearly hate anime artstyle and want to stray from it as far as possible just refuse to go to their own general?
is attention from the "epic trolling angry weeb prudes" worth for you more than being around people that actually enjoy what you make?
ouch, wasn't expecting it to do that badly... remacri performs significantly better but stuff like 1 pixel lines still get smoothed out still:
geniune question
why haven't you killed yourself?
oh wow he still samefags with 60 second intervals
genuine illness
Then instead of making the tiles smaller you could set the target resolution for the upscale higher. Like 5-6K, that way you get more tiles at 1024 each. Then scale it back down to merge with your image.
is /aco/ in the room right now?
acofags say that it's because their general is le dead
>oh no it's the SAMEFAGGERINOS!!!!
oh, you wanted one that preserved dithering, lemme see what i can do then
man maybe i am retarded
my PC usually has a heart attack when i try to gen at 3k+ before it switches to tiled so hopefully this works out
im using reforge
for RAUnet when I use Euler SMEA Dy I sometimes get pure noise/flat color, doesnt seem to fail with ++ samplers
I still like RAUnet outputs better when it does work and its definitely faster than Kohya
It worked so well on pony so its a shame its like this on a better model, oh well i can take the compromise
Because it makes you faggots seethe. I hate anime but I hate you more.
it wouldn't be dead if they would move there
catchad anon...
>1700 posts
Soul vs Soulless
Modern moeshit aimed at little girls and manchildren is not the entirety of anime.
actually wait, why would you even use a model if you wanted to upscale without removing dithering LOL, just use nearest neighbor?
i dunno enough to say if it's a bug in RAUnet, or maybe it's because the model is underbaked and has trouble converging on anything if it's too far out of its comfort zone
Guys, do we have to do this every day? Yes, he's posting inflammatory text with every pic and using a borderline style on purpose, just don't bite the bait. No he's not the only one using pony, no I won't try to convince you to go back to it. Would be nice if you could stop bashing it for no reason, but I realize that's asking a lot.
Fucking pedos refusing to move to /b/ and making rules about what /aco/ is or not
That's true but they'll keep coming here because it's active, and considering that jannies don't give a shit about aco troll posts (it doesn't affect advertisers which is all they care about) it's not gonna change.
It does that automatically? I thought only the VAE switched on its own, to avoid an OOM error.
yeah bro! i only like the real animus like cowboy bebop and akira
only the real hentai artists like incase and fellatrix give me this vibe
Wait, that's based.
Keep screeching about pedophiles and I will move /b/ here instead by repeatedly advertising this thread.
so i should melt about so called pedos? aight
thought it would be a good test to see how good models are at preserving details at scale (12M images), but yeah you're right, nearest performs leagues better in this case
it was a while ago on another installation of SD, i think it was just a plugin
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illustrious is finally good now
...can you drop a link, please?
yeah you're correct
seriously, we need to purge this place from all the "moe" pedoshit
it's funny to me that it's 1800 posts and not image limit because somehow even though this is a technology that lets you create visually appealing images in like 5 seconds people are still too lazy to gen and just want to shitpost

pedophile website
How about pedos and /aco/ sloppers both leave and I get to enjoy this thread with the one other normal anon
you missed the 2.1k post threads sir
if your goal is to be faithful to the source, dithering & pixel art should only ever be touched by nearest neighbor.
anyway the only models id recommend for generalized use over all of danbooru would be IllustrationJaNai_V1 or manhwa null
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wait, I thought upscaling supposed to fuck illustrious up?
Can we just ban all avatarfags? How many infest this fucking general at this point??
it just takes one hemorrhoid and thread goes nuts.
anyway va11-hall-a is based
glad to know illust can gen them
>just spend "the 5 seconds" on fixing the shit just throw it to the toilet
but based gen
I think it's just the loud minority. Gens itt are too varied to be done by only a few people.
only with artists that got hit by the "dataset poisoned by lanzcos" bat
3 that are fucking tumors
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genuine inquiry, trying to recreate this sort of level of detail and shading outside of pony mixes (refiner used is a merge of reweik and animagine)
Seems like an overreaction. Are you really angry with each one?
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I feel like all gobbo bros tradically died
that's cathag, miqo and IA/highlighter?
>people are still too lazy to gen and just want to shitpost
I gen a lot, just barely post any pics here. hdg right now might feel like shit, but it's still unironically better compared to how it was during April-August, it was actually unusable.
We can keep goatgirlanon
miqo died a week ago
someone was talking about baking a noise lora for illustrious but they haven't posted it yet :(
Pussy so cold lil bro suffering severe frostbite.
I just find it hard to not slip into /aco/ style shortstack proportions or /d/ sized belly bulge when genning those. Get enough random vacations as is.
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the red-haired goat girl is just miqoanon again
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this is the only real /h/ content
moecucks btfo to /b/
by the way they just figured out bloodborne and ps4 "emulation" in general, it's much lighter than ps3 emulation
No thanks
>inject latent noise
What does this do?
it is stable yet? like solid and locked 60 FPS stable? I really want to play it
I got hopeful for a moment and then remembered that stellar blade is ps5
Like all quality snake oil, it does a bit of everything.
Are they holding hands yet?
>no incase
god damn it don't curse this project with the NLP white whale chasing memes. it just doesn't work well on SDXL, stick to fucking booru tags
firsr two and ayakon
it's not that perfect yet, it's very GPU heavy, think only 12gb+/4070 or equivalent can do locked 60
so that filters out most of this general kek
but it's fully playable from start to finish, just some sound bugs and a few lighting bugs left
okay but is it playable yet without having to download 10 different forks with 10 different fixes from 10 different devs with some being locked behind paywalls?
miqo is mindbroken currently but i'm waiting for the black lipstick relapse
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the true horror is when you realize as shitty as it is, this thread is still as good as it gets for ai /h/ posting and feedback
just how much power does one man hold
the 'cord is much better but your kind isnt allowed there, so
this but instead noodletroon and IAschizo
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Euler SMEA Dy seems to be fucked for some reason but DPM++ SDE CFG++ werks just fine
Here's a raw messy RAUNet gen with it

>think only 12gb+/4070 or equivalent can do locked 60
so that filters out most of this general kek
Perfect, my 4070TI super would do just fine I guess, may try to set up later
Meant for >>8234125
i frequently get noise with euler a cfg++ but it was my favorite for pony, guess it's time again for schizo config sorcery
gobbo and yordle bros probably had a big overlap and mods suddenly decided to ban the latter, so
which 2hu wud u fug?
I don't think I have ever seen a good feedback here kek
neggles wanted to purge loli from wdv instead of just having one of the other project members handle the dataset. do you really think xhe would be in a /b/ cunny server?
This general is one large bucket of crabs.
>tfw this sub unironically got me into blacked
nta but Parsee
i did a bunch of testing with cfg++ stochastic but i still like normal stochastic
not him but remilia or maybe reimu
r*ddit is that way sir
go back
the slampig, obviously
Reimu (on a compensated date)
brb ripping bloodborne
damn nice, i've never been able to get RAUNET to output anything really desirable on either this or autismmix
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I just asked and nobody responded sorry anon probably too busy gooning
what the heck is a RAUnet
I don't believe you.
i'm glad seeing this fanbase ending like this
Is when you RAIL the UNet using your big fat cluster
creampie pls
>that last message
I don't want to join anymore
ok where do i go then, some more of my posts ITT are >>8232601, >>8233920
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does this count
Male needs to be darker
any new comfyui snakeoil nodes come out lately
i pipneg dark-skinned male by default
kill yourself pedo
Residual Attention Unet
>spent a few mins waiting for it to gen, 4096x4096 so 16 tiles
>i was in the inpaint tab with nothing selected
i love being disabled
Can illustrious do tailjobs?
rise up to the jannies who punish yordleposting
it was a staple of these generals during 1.5
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huber loss... i shouldn't have doubted you...
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while I understand that nai is good and all but this level of cargo cultism among some of the local users (and especially bakers which keep repeating that their newest failbake is literally local nai) is genuinely embarrassing. touhou ai server even has a channel dedicated to nai leak.
general rule of thumb is "can nai do it?" -> answer is yes since same dataset with less pruning
well it's inevitable that people will compare any model with the uncontested best anime finetune
I don't know if Nai can do it tho.
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500 images is a little low for a concept, I know tonguejob doesn't work at 300. You can always just pony the composition then refine/img2img.
my wife chino looks kinda strange bros...
the tiny head with the budget Scooby-Doo comic stoner face is sending me
otherwise excellent
comparisons are fair and necessary but this level of obsession is just weird.
people aren't comparing that model to nai3, they're comparing it to nai3likediffusion which was the previous model by this guy lol
Does the grifter mix not work on illu or why haven't we seen a sudden influx of csr watermarked gens?
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dpm++ 2s a cfg++ is an interesting sampler
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i want them to look like real women, not some moe slop
human proportions?
karin my beloved purpligger
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ok, making progress by altering sampler/scheduler, this is beta scheduler dpm++ 3m sde cfg++
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the writing came out very clean
they're for pedos
oh yeah you're right. still cringe but a bit less cringe
your bias is showing
nai3 is absolutely fantastic, but it's also sorely lacking in many areas.
having something powerful locally does more to counteract these weaknesses than overtake the strengths.
It's kind of frustrating to be honest. We can even see it in this thread. I don't think Illustrious is horrible or anything and it is nice to see a new base model considering all the failures we have seen this year, but it does not change the fact that the model is underbaked, has a bunch of issues and we aren't even using the most recent version of it.
There is also the very questionable future of it due to Korea's laws on erotica.
Thread almost out. Culturally appropriate the "alternative thread" or bake a new one?
you're both right to be quite desuhonest. the naiv3 dicksucking/cope that a localslopper with 2x 3/4090s can match them is cringe. but it's okay to be cringe, they just need to shut the fuck up about "this pony finetune will KILL NAI FOREVER". i'd much rather have the best models locally, but that's obviously not going to happen since half of the local community is fucking retarded and the other half is either busy getting screwed over or working on autism projects that don't produce a tangible result.
at least illustrious is a huge step forward for local anime shit since we have a foundation that isn't overbaked we can build off of, it's a good base.
more blacked images please
yeah yknow what the "mogging" is overdone
make a cool model by itself rather than by comparison
feels like LLM benchmaxxing
Those blacked gens are nice. Posting the most demanded fetish is always good. Thank you.
every time i look at /lmg/ I want to blow my fucking brains out. nobody there even uses the models they just circlejerk over numbers. at least in the dark age of /hdg/ people were trying to make something out of pony even if it was garbage.
doesnt huber just make bad datasets more forgiving?
i demand hags the most
i looked up the math for the different loss schedules and i dont see a reason not to do L2 loss since IIRC it already incorporates the reasoning behind huber loss
all datasets are bad, like beyond perfect 4k vector art with zero mistakes, every single piece of data has outlier flaws
smoothing over em is a good thing
bros what artist mixes are you frequenting on illust?
Unless the "flaw" was really supposed to be there
playing a lot with loras so it varies heavily
was doing "(boa \(brianoa\), ryusei hashida:0.6), (opossummachine, wamudraws:0.3)" for a general cute/soft style
"(wamudraws, fiz-rot:0.8), (opossommachine, healthyman:0.6)" for cunny

since i can't post dorothy lewds here I'm experimenting with adult woman fetishist mixes
granted the """correct""" approach to outliers these days seems to be tag loss scaling or similar methods (register tokens?) to keep infrequent datapoints
it's complicated right, how do you focus on just removing stuff you don't want? maybe masked loss? not denoising/redrawing at any rate.
huber is just a quick bandaid that results in more wins than losses, it's a free lunch for local loras, not sure how it performs for finetunes.
Why aren't you making bank with AI art rpgmaker games, anon?
huber loss as implemented in sd-scripts still uses l2 for the later timesteps and transitions gradually or something. i'm not really sure. the prompt there is "girl on top, cowgirl" so it's seemingly doing something beneficial for the image composition over l2. i'm not sure what else would be making such a big difference there between the two iterations
Im Lazy :(
im too busy cooming
I have zero desire to monetize this hobby because the second I do I know I will stop enjoying it.
did some testing on >>8232378
https://files.catbox.moe/qpzxec.png base image
https://files.catbox.moe/iqon9b.png 4096x4096 tiled 16 times at 1024x1024, denoise 0.41, 32 overlap, full prompt present
https://files.catbox.moe/ryjyj8.png denoise 0.42, 0 overlap, only female trigger present in prompt
base image had colors edited so the img2img results naturally deviated back to sepia
results obviously as a whole make the image worse but if you do the layering -> erasing thing i mentioned then this is a pretty immense time save
i dont even know if this is going to help anyone maybe i'm the only one using this kind of work flow lol
This is true. Making a few dozen pics for a game isn't as bad as pushing out a patreon set every few days. But you still gotta make the rest of the game.
thank you bro.
>img2img results naturally deviated back to sepia
Just run the image through colormatch with the original afterwards
Do people normally gen that high? My screen is 1080 so I go like 50% higher to add detail, then scale back down.
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progress, cant let it get in the way of some chores tho
well ideally you'd do this step before doing any color slider adjusting but that works too
absolutely not, im a huge slopper but this is some nice tech for people who might do the same thing i do
why do you fags keep posting /aco/
>desk cock
just stop tile upscaling it's never a good idea
what are you gonna do about it, report it?
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ok, maybe im permanently sold on illustrious over pony
We should go to /aco/ and post /h/
you will get banned for that
just don't use that part then you fool
the idea is to layer it under your base image and selectively erase bits of the top layer that the bottom (tiled upscale) does better, the image as a whole has been ruined but you can scavenge for the nuggets it creates
just maybe just upscale with something like animesharp or nomos variants instead of gambling the entire image?
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uoh, please more of her
It's the worst quality that wouldn't get removed by the moderators of a site like Danbooru. That's actually a pretty high bar
danbooru approvers deserve their very own holocaust

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