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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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Happy Birtday, 4chan Edition

Previous Thread: >>8234281


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
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based, tyfys
kill yourself you threadsniping faget.
kill yourself
I really hope you would stop trolling this thread, man.
uh oh someone didn't make it into the highlights!
Now be good cuckies and post in my thread ;)
based asf
This link got expired. Can someone reupload it?
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>falseflagging this early
Such is the tragedy of the nogens.
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i've seen this exact lamp and curtains about 2000 times by now
holy shit, the tail is a little hard to see but it's still a 10/10
UNFATHOMABLY keyed effortposter
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I want to keep caring about astra
I really do
but korea just mogged everyone and I find it difficult to give a shit (apparently, astra does too)
So no pony shit?
doesn't apply to local, don't care
>I want to keep caring about astra
is porn with immature horses a "bad stuff"?
man saved local for a good many months, I care about local models and he was a major force in that.
kinda let it rot afterwards though, if in no small part due to a monumental lack of cross cooperation (from both sides of the aisle, admittedly).
caring isn't bad anon, it's good to care. I'd rather care than be eternally salty like some.
hopefully it's embedded into checkpoint so tensors would NaN
maybe then you sloppers will stop using this shit
>still convinced astratroon saved local when we'd have gotten illustrious-like efforts way, way earlier if it wasn't for xim
maybe if he didn't "save" local like this we might have gotten a hentai checkpoint that isn't ugly garbage earlier
highly unlikely
the fact we got pony slop distracted all local efforts and stagnated them for many months because "there was no point, pony already does it."
pony was a mistake.
any batch1 vramlet settings for illustrious lora training?
weird seeing maggot baits charas in this style, looks good though
ponyjeets will never understand this
>inventing the cure for the common cold prevents the cure for lung cancer
he's still releasing the weights so who gives a shit
based, more please
>everyone content with ponyslop
if anything, he held local back
what efforts? illustrious only exists because it's funded by the korean government lol
this but naiv1 leak
>retarded false equivalence
everybody here hated pony from day 1 and only begrudgingly used it because there wasn't anything better, newfag
what is wrong with a1111/forge/reforge token parsing? why is (photo background:0) is still a token and changes seeds when it's in.
My gen got used as the thumbnail - my family will finally be proud of me
What did anything that I said have to do with this place retard?
not really, the wd team didn't know what they were doing in the slightest
wd delivered less than jordach citing "need compute"
sure hope they do something ever instead of eternally making claims
is cascade still locking in?
damn I forgot about this bitch, good faps
It's also in a very tricky spot because of the fact that the Korean government is involved and Korea has very strict laws on pornographic content. The entire thing is just a house of cards that is going to collapse at some point.
going by what i'm reading, it's more like jordach's locked out
on his deathbed, tree pulled access to the 3050s as his dying wish. partial epochs are over
Yeah, I can't get her facial markings right though
yeah angel's company has no future either way but at least we got 0.1 out of it. i wonder if it would even be legal for angel to release the newer versions of the model after the whole thing explodes
tree-dono's last act of keyedness...
he died so the world could be free
and the donations spent on fursuits
>leak new model
>whoops wasn't me i got hacked or some other shit nobody would believe but it's not like the authorities could do anything l m a o
it's that easy anon
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thanks, I hate that I couldnt get the skin as white as it is in the game tho
i really don't think it's that easy but even if it was angel seems like too much of a coward to pull any stunts
getting away with it is so much easier than you think
I assume you tried "pale skin" or "albino" already? Is that 1.5 anyways? What model is that anyway, the style reminds me of based64 or aom but it isn't as melty as 1.5 would be.
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Jordach/Tree status?
the man who was cucked to death
rest in peace, actually seemed like a pretty decent guy
its pony and yeah I tried those
try 'colored skin', 'white body' or even 'white skin', might work
File deleted.
i did some illustrious style lora testing to see the effects of difference training with and without the artist's name in the prompt
and i must have fucked up somewhere because this is a comparison of one of my earlier ishikei loras and this latest one:
the style resilience is shit in comparison and there are maybe three culprits: huber loss, AdEMAMix8bit and multires noise offset. i don't think it's any of those so i'm very confused at the moment.
were you trying to do aki99?
yeah that's one of the loras. didn't mean to attach an image though idk how i managed to fuck that up.
from my experience training several artists with the same general settings and only changing whether the name is captioned:
it's all RNG. it depends on how well the model picked the artist up. sometimes including the name helps, sometimes it doesn't. if it learned the style the "right way" but it's underbaked, it helps. if it learned the "wrong way" it will fry the style.
>cucked to death
who cares? They never delivered anything.
b-chama has finally resurfaced and is now aiming for euge-chan
it will likely happen if the company fires him
>angel's company has no future either
depends on what their end goal is, if I was a korean company I'd be aiming for the webtoon market
I'm curious about the last pic.
Is it only prompt, inpaint, or a belly riding lora I never head before?
I always end with mixed results when I try to gen that.
Has any anon created thread scraping tool with support for catbox superscript?
Wanted to archive the ai threads for a long time but have no tool for it , any recommendations ?

Any tool that can simply scrape threads is also appreciated , if im not wrong the catbox links / metadata's are hidden inside the images , maybe i could find way to extract the data from images in future
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This Arknights lora didn't turn out as Tacticoom as I hoped it would.
boxes plz?
I have a tool that's running on current active threads I started a few days ago. It's scanning for catbox/megas/mediafires for loras though, not images. It spits out the results here:


I'm using python, there's a pretty straightforward python library for accessing 4chan's api called basc_py4chan that can get info about the boards/threads/posts. It would be really easy to make something similar for grabbing all catbox image links in the active threads and just storing them in a folder somewhere.

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just use whatever you were using for pony and maybe lower the LR a bit if necessary
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>It would be really easy to make something similar for grabbing all catbox image links in the active threads
Sadly idk shit about coding Anon , maybe you can help us by making this "easy to make" tool , im sure there are others who may be interested.
Its really a shame to lose these amazing arts Anons generated
ashes to ashes, slop to slop
in a year we'll be looking back at what is being posted now and wonder how we were so blind to how terrible it is
>Feel like I have no idea what I'm doing
>Check thread
>Feel better about myself
Man, you guys'll post anything, huh?
in 5 years it will all be soulful and the new shiny stuff will be soulless
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Well, yeah, I'm not gonna attach a gen to me blatantly insulting the entire thread, that's just a recipe for disaster.
any styles recommendations on illustrious? it feels a bit bland for me idk what to mix, be it loras or tags. It does not looks like vomit like pony does, tho
You didn't check catbox in the last 10 threads?
and the ponylegion praises them, too
uh great suggestion
ciloranko deadnooodles tianlongdong
is this ponylegion in the room with us?
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kek would be really really funny if anyone else adopted that style as well
they're all around us, chud
File deleted.
why is her hand black
it's gooknai
I trust you.
Never post here again
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Hmm maybe illustrious did win after all
Catboxes on both of them?
for retarded bakers:
MID,OUT00,OUT01 are the only layers that matter for character training, like pony iirc?
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you're in some voodoo territory where you may as well fix the kohya loss like they discussed in that GitHub issue
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Looks pretty good, what gpu do you have and how much time it took you?

I honestly don't know if anything addressing this shit is implemented yet or planned in kohya but if not, you may as well implement it yourself
i trained my own dim matched comparison lora and it's shit. i tried training with 4x the dim and it's shit. i tried training normally and using b-splicer and it's shit. it's just shit
I don't see why it would be different from pony
don't train input blocks unless you're doing a character like ellen joe who will have a weirdly shaped tail in the background all the time though. or a pokemon or something. even for scenery it doesn't make much of a difference. that is the only schizo block theory that i've been able to actually verify despite dozens of wasted gpu hours
sorry bro I have no ideia what i'm looking at, am retarded just like all
gimme some minutes for proof
yeah its just blora again
Im genning an image rn
you can't do that
My bad just cancelled it
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what happened to the lightning bwo
Lol wtf
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I tried to tell myself I was done after that one. That I wasn't going to use RX-78-2ちゃん again. But then I realized I didn't get her getting railed from behind so I had to rectify the situation.
this is gundam abuse...
Is this truly what AI is for
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the (latent) space no man dare to tread
V4 status?
i don't care
it's clearly a man's face
Also made Schwarz look like a child. Don't forget Arknights is a hag game.
what dark horrors lurk in the outer corners of the latent space
It doesn't matter now. Our not-naiv3.1 model will soon be baked on a cluster, and it won't really matter if naiv4 comes out of the screen and starts sucking your dick, escaping from pony with a company-tier model and having it available for local is 10 times better.
>Our not-naiv3.1 model will soon be baked on a cluster
Insane levels of cope
Is it the same tft guy?
Tell little kurum to buy double the clusters to compete with local
I do not understand why the AI grifters on r*ddit think it's a good idea to post their slop to "normal" subs
Surely they must realize that they will get clowned on, and not get more subscribers to their patreon slop
>theyre still trying to compete with last years tech
have fun being another 2-3 years behind after v4
what is v4
come on, tell me
>3 - take commissions, only 20$ for straight forward custom images of characters I have done before.
Just 20 bux for some slop!
People here felt kinda same way about aomslop till v3 sucker punched local. Not saying v4 will certainly be an insane revolution, but there's still considerable room for improvement.
while this is hilariously retarded I also can't help but feel a bit worried that you or someone else went out of their way to find this.
i'd pay 20 bucks to not ever see ayakonslop again
uses llm + regional prompting to make things more consistent and many-characters-able
>feel a bit worried that you or someone else went out of their way to find this.
Sadly I do have this morbid curiosity when it comes to looking into other posters' profiles/personas. He didn't making it any hard, considering he attaches his nickname to the filenames.
kill yourself
Only thing I can see them improving is prompt adherence but they are still using tags so who knows how good that's gonna be.
16ch vae, expanded but properly tagged dataset
maybe some improvement to TE but I don't know what they can do there
there's still a way to go with visual quality too
but yeah of course they might underdeliver and cook shit, making your own model is a really high-risk move
Based Kon-artist braving reddit just to get shit on, lmao
Spend more than 3 seconds checking over your work next time, the issues are glaringly obvious
honestly, I appreciate the entertainment value ayakon provides this way
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Inpaint chads please advise. When the AI wants to put in certain prompt-immune details no matter what, like skin folds or lazy eyes, Is the only option to fix it manually? It's easy enough to smudge and blur skin stuff out, but any img2img pass afterwards pretty much undoes everything. The eyes though I'm helpless with.
Has Euge given any kind of timeline for his bake or is it perpetual planning stage tier?
I don't know what else we have to look forward to at this point and the only illustrious model we'll ever have access to is half baked
Do the img2img pass first, then clean up the highres version. The higher resolution makes it easier to work with too, if you were to pick up a pencil. If you inpaint over your smudge/blur afterwards at very low denoise, it will hide them without changing anything else.
I think he's currently just amassing K N O W L E D G E
Well before christmas at least according to lax (unless I misread something, lot of esl, there)
so two things that are already exist for local? lol retard
lmao, why does that sounds like some new shiny optimizer shitmix
So forget about it, go into a coma and hope something happened when I wake up. Got it
that's basically the best mentality to have
on another model architecture + automatic prompt separation for the regional prompt
never forget we had pony for 9 months
I'm gonna puke.
we need to get a 9-month abortion
Said it few months ago, pony will be remembered as the absolute worst period for weeb imagegen.
We'll never get anything better than Pony for local
what controlnets work the best on illustrious?
We already do, Based64 was better than pony.
idk either geting fried results with the basic canny one
Bro we haven't been using canny in years.
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I NEED crazy tight lesbian pussy
i should have been posting to twitter instead of this shithole
yes, you should have, ayakon-troon-chan
...The fuck is the nigga saying?
feel like Twitter meta is to do safe-horny and not full blown 18+ and get lucky with algo/audience. I couldn't be assed after a couple weeks
judging by "quality" of posts here, yes, post to twitter. you should get bullied by mentally challenged people there.
im pretty out of the loop for almost everything
what is your process for upscaling? i usually hires fix 2x when i find a generation i like, manually fix the issues, then sd/ultimate sd upscale, but it seems like there must be a better way
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gen>upscale>inpainting fixes

I don't recommend upscaling after fixing cuz details change
twitter is pretty sensitive to ai slop howeverbeit
How do people post there even? Just start and account and start posting, the "algo" will bring up your posts? Or you gotta shill it for it not to be 200 subs sad shit? I actually like safe-horny sexually suggestive pics and shit like that. From what I get they don't mald about cunny too, lots of blue archive girls.
I'm on comfy, so I hiresfix automatically. While it's working I look the the base gen and abort if it's bad. Manually fix issues, inpaint over my fixes then downscale to around 1080p, more won't fit on my screen anyway.
When people mentioned it before they said post on R34 and link the "source" as your twitter. That way you get some follows to start with.
the proper grind is to post popular current fotm on pixiv and link to twitter account, eventually you build up enough of a collection of past works that make the account seem worth following
self-posting to r34 feels dumb.
also they're as draconian as /h/ jannies about funsize looking girls.
less than twitter, so not really an issue in this case
>less than twitter
huh? twitter is full of cunny
Cum UI
what is naifu?
and what's this?
is this the same lax that's with euge?
Wait, it is? Huh, my mistake. Must be the algo keeping them off my feed.
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I can try but they're kind of a gamble with me.
Thanks, I won't be making that mistake again!
is marigold still the best for depth estimation or is there something better now
I don't know, but in my way there I gained a dozen more fetishes.
Yay I made it
I post porn here. I post my SFW stuff on pixiv. I actually find you guys to have a higher sense of aestethics than people on discord/twitter. Not to mention the effortposts some of you make. You inspire me.
Yeah, as much of a shithole as this place is, its still the best place to learn how to get good gens.
>I post my SFW stuff on pixiv.
you can post porn on pixiv too though? or censoring is too much of an annoyance?
At times yeah, especially when sometimes the pic gets taken down being fully mosaic'd but some pics with single black bars get a pass. It's very hit and miss.
i feel jealous when i see popular twitter profiles just sharing their pretty average aislop while and raking in views but i know i would never go through hoops of grifting and making my twatter visible
I love pov shots like this, where you can see the pentration and loving eye contact at the same time
Wish I could get this animated but dont know of any AI animation sites
A bit ashamed to admit that I kinda feel that too. Kinda petty.
I wasnt, last I baked was 1.5
they don't know what they're doing, simple as
They were handed a working config, weren't they?
evidently not
>had a decent gpu for months
>didn't use pony because I hated it, subbed to nai whenever I felt like prompting
>due to life circumstances stuck on nogpu laptop
>feel like I'm missing out with illustrious
gay fucking shit
It's really not that good
That's rough buddy, it's really that good
It's v3 but without artist tags.
half of the "illustrious" posts are just nai without metadata, you're missing nothing other than the shills propaganda
Listen, if that's what you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night, more power to ya scizo
they're getting some brainlet advice to remove tags from e621 dataset and RUN AN AUTOMATED DANBOORU TAGGER on them
>"e621 tags will burn TE"
some of the pics im seeing look good to me, and even if you need to unfuck the noise with a lora or some gan upscaler it's not a deal breaker.
and first month of new shit is always the most fun even if in the long run it's underwhelming
>trust me bro
>doesn't post irrefutable proof
uh oh
Gimme a prompt, I'll run one just for you, champ.
Are we sure that sdxl_noob and the v-pred tune are the same project?
like you said, I'm not going to and don't have the want to go through the grifting hoops so I just can't care.
that and I put too much effort into stylization for any sort of mass appeal so it's a further "whatever."
even if they were, if you actually dig in and read the paper there is a very not insignificant amount of work put into the dataset of the korean model. Unless the guy behind it also hands over all the captions it actually hampers things a good bit.
Not to mention they'll need to cobble together code to get a proper (not completely buttfuck random) dropout method to work.
it's cathagschizo. he'll literally samefag for hours
Is it that hard to gran 1-2k images and run kohya bake on danbooru tags?
thanks for the offer anon, but it's mostly about missing the baking and exploration phase to me.
it's not going anywhere so I'll get to it eventually, and we might have something better by that time
What are some good settings for hr fix or deepshrink?
Is illustrious the same one on civitai? And if it's so good where the heck is the porn?
any good artist mixes for a painterly style on illust yet?
there's no porn in korea
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added kafun. no trigger but if you want to get closer to the artstyle you can use either the artist tag at low weights combined with the lora or vice versa
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I saw the bake is on the 0.1 on their hugging face, is the 1.0 on civitai not the official release of it or is it better baking on the .1? Wanna try some bakes and was curious
if you mean the illustrious-xl model there is no 1.0, only v0.1
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Has anybody gotten any luck with forge couple on Illustrious? For me, it switches around who is where, and details like emotions are completely wrong most of the time. Is there a trick I'm missing?
It's not nai, but it's the closest thing we've gotten to it.
If you are used to subbing to nai, then nothing changes for you, just sub to paperspace now!
I actually helped a gpulet bro set up paperspace before for training/prompting and I think it's just a bad experience overall, waiting for gpus to pop, very low storage and having to upload loras every time
Yea paperspace blew cock to work with. I got it set up to do gens while I didn't have a computer for a while and even paying the middle man option for "more" gpus they're never available, shit breaks randomly and then I couldn't figure out why it stopped working and gave up. Worst part was figuring out how to cancel the payments since they kept redirecting you then blasting emails with "you need to pay for this storage you're using" which you have no way of even finding or deleting stuff from the storage. Shits a scam. and a half.
It's a lot more unstable than pony, but that's the model overall. I didn't run into any trouble specifically with regional prompter. (on comfy)
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workflow to proper upscale remains unknown...
its unironically the same, the default suggested stuff for 1.5 is still fine. unet 1e-4, text 5e-5, a good number of steps, there are many other settings to play with but the top 2 things are making your buckets as high quality as you can - lower the min res to sdxl's min of 32, and raise the max to something big like 2048 or something; and use cosine with restarts with a value of 3-5 (number of restarts is n-1)
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what's the difference
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I'll try that, thanks for the suggestion
Euge, the "1girl, standing, solo, smile, anime coloring, an extremely delicate and beautiful, japanese school uniform" guy is going to be training his next model with a goddamn furry dataset, the most degenerate, the lowest of the low. What have you done?! What have you fucking done??
nooticing a pattern in euge's cord
>ideas guy: what if we do *dumb idea*
>Euge: that sounds amazing, how do we do it?
>ideas guy: uhhhhh
please understand 99% of ai guys have never applied their theory
>new model will get trained on furshit so we'll just have another pony
because everyone can identify the problems but nobody has any idea for the solutions. and it doesnt help that half the ideas are only theoretical, like 16ch vae sdxl. it's going to get slopbaked anyway, i can just tell
at least it won't be hashed/censored/pruned, should be vpred, shouldn't be overbaked and hopefully without broken quality tags.
so basically without all the bad shit pony has
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Is this too /d/
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bros.. look at my magical girl
What are the benefits of a 16ch VAE for SDXL?
Wouldn't there still be 4ch bottleneck somewhere in the architecture?
only if the gapes were excessively large
huh. Yeah pretty much what I went with back then. iirc the buckets were pre-configured that way even during 1.5
more intricate details, less compression, etc. it's like sitting on 1080p monitor and upgrading to 1440p or 4k.
getting 16ch vae working on sdxl implies adjusting the architecture.
either way this task is far too big for a small group of schizos, won't happen.
hey, thats me on the left!
it would need a retrain, but if they actually had the 512x gpus advertised in the announcement the actual training would be trivial compared to making the architecture. the project just seems relatively unfocused but i hope something decent comes from it.
gooood morning sar
please do the needful
Nice job as always, "oi big guy"-kun.
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finally i can self-insert with these new models
Hot as fuck, elfbox?
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Thank you saar have a galko from me
Not like his pony stuff was any different in this regard:
nah the bucket defaults are 256 min and some low max, shitsux
1.5 slop... home...
There's no tag for shaded upskirts, right? Like where you'd have to guess whether there are panties or not.
It sometimes worked with "no panties, upskirt, convenient censoring" but not very consistent.
I'm homeless I gen at the library

i worked tirelessly on this gen and you want me to give you a catbox? did Michelangelo just take his talent and give it to the masses?
Really grasping at straws here bait-kun
i think you should be able to do that by negging pussy/s really hard, no? not 100% what you mean
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I love her so much its unreal. Recommend me some other characters plis...
f you were commissioned by the vatican to work on a gen for years you might have an argument

very impressive in person btw
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Seriously nothing works good on Illustrious for seperating characters, neither forge couple nor regional prompter. We really need an alternative
are there any ways to train a lora as a vramlet?
I love how it looks like the girl was spying on them and angrily reveals herself after the brunette gets creampied
Like when you prompt gaping anus and it turns into a black hole, so you can't tell if she has poop in there. But for upskirts.
8gb can train sd 1.5 or sdxl, just enable gradient checkpointing, it's like magic. you can usually not do too high batch size, if you have lots of time to wait you can turn on gradient accumulation too
Elsa is too fucking hot in anime style, thank you for giving her this style
How to best upscale in forge? I'm using hires set to x1.8 with nmkdSiaxCX_200k and 0.33 denoise, but it gives me a lot worse results than it did on pony, mainly fuckups in anatomy (double navels, odd skin creases, etc).
I have 6gb of vram unfortunately
lowvram mode exists if you have even more time to wait

better would be to do all of the prep work and ask someone in the thread to actually bake it for you
Try Yukana Yame, another gyaru girl.
There's also Ranko Honjou and Marin Kitagawa!
someone gen galko getting blacked
Based ojisans.
>Marin Kitagawa!
bros.. look at my student.
>not 100% what you mean
Kinda like picrelated, maybe darker shade
but yeah I'm pretty sure there's no tag for this so whatever, can inpaint it a bit or roll gacha
What magical girl is this?
>making lora
>artists works are about 4 different lighting styles
>tag each lighting style with new made up tag
Why did you unsub from nai anyway. Your Kisaki was pretty cute, I was hoping she'd get plapped by big guys as well, but you only posted /e/, very disappointing...
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Unfortunately they dont arouse me as much as galko. Yuzu aihara is cute but she is a dyke so its over.
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better is to take over an existing similar tag
I remember I used to hoard porn of this girl and now I don't have any in 2024, Nozomi is queen
i would have recommended oriko from giant ojou-sama but... <50 images on dan
maybe luviagelita?
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well i guess that is 2girls
>Yuzu aihara is cute but she is a dyke so its over.
Its up to you to make convert cute lesbians to dick
I love this, I kinda wanna img2img it so I can make the guy look like me
>I remember I used to hoard porn of this girl
Same. Now I barely look at exhentai/boorus, I just prompt...
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I can't make JK-BlushySpicy-YD-CSR-Redrop_mix work.

What are the key words?
Anon? Did you mean to try that with illu?
>Now I barely look at exhentai/boorus, I just prompt...
Too real... Even with how shit slop can get at times, it's better than most artists. And the actually good ones are stuck drawing hyper popular things with normie appeal to make money
That's the appeal of stablediffusion for me, to commission a regular artist to make new nozomi it would cost around $80-100 a piece, but now you can test out so many different ideas and poses for free
Wait, it doesn't work on pony?
deliberately hashed artist tags is one of the main sources of hatred towards pony. welcome newfren
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Nagatoro is cute too. Galko and nagatoro are basically the godsent gyarus for me...
Do you prefer light or dark skin galko?
Fuck, what other options you recommend?
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Doesnt matter. Galko is galko for me
there's a lora, some of those artists do not work with just a prompt
also, every mix always looks different on each base model
either get the lora named after that slopper or try that on https://civitai.com/models/795765/illustrious-xl
I also suggest you to try something other than this overused slopmix

also {{}} is nai-only syntax
lurk so you dont look like a fuckin moron
>Blushy galko
Fuck yes
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Guess it's fine to go back sometimes
Heaven, please sing for me a song of life
Oh my, so sexy, more plz
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The oversize sleeve hj box please
wan wan?!
The person who made that sleeved handjob scene has my thanks
>didn't make it into the hi-lights
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I'm still subbed. Unfortunately, I started catching vacations for Kisaki so I had to switch to questionable.
>has my thanks
A couple days ago, I had like 3 in the highlights, a thread ago 0, this time 1, it varies
Hyper goes to /d/
kill highlightertard
This is super hot, I'm just imagining him doing nasty groans as his bare dick explores her gorgeous pristine pussy, experiencing the tightness of a slut society says he doesn't deserve
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I am down bad for white blonde bitches i guess. If they are gyarus too i am in space
society is correct
Strangely enough, because the dude is so ugly the girl feels so much hotter in the pic when compared side to side
Don't worry, he paid for the date.
Peach is always a win, I'm glad I live in a future where I can get all the peach hentai I desire
do one in haruyama kazunori style please, anon
>ran out of nai gib account points that I used for inpaints
Not like there was a lack of it in the first place
i don't understand princess peach obsession but i guess that's because i preferred sony games during childhood
She is the perfect woman: cute airhead bimbo with big tits and lots of wealth.
who is the hottest sony girl iyo? I'm fond of Tifa but Lulu is top tier
I didn't see gachawhores until I was already a man, by then they were nothing to me but disgusting!
I meant kid games, I didn't play nintendo at all, but played a lot of games like crash bandicoot, spyro and other ps1 shit. i liked coco bandicoot but thank allah did not end up as furry
Yor Forger
>pov, 1bed
>ahh im gooning!
i don't play any gacha, but gacha sluts are the best thing that happened to hentai
you can choose design up to your taste and there will be lots of pictures and doujins
but most importantly it ended the 2hu hellhole
I like mixing my touhoes and my gachasluts
>it ended the 2hu hellhole
kill yourself
Damn if there was ever a bad take championship, you would take the crown.
Now tell him why he's wrong without sounding mad
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She is the embodiment of sex...
interesting artstyle, what artist make those eyes?
how many more decades do you want to watch the same characters taking cock?
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which character is this?
There is nothing purer than the love between a cute girl and an old man three to five times her age.
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>jpeg groid
I am faithful to my wife until the end of my life, she isn't some passing fad. I wonder where we went wrong to end up with this generation of FotM zoomer coomers.
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>everybody with whom i disagree is the tiktok zoomer
not so long ago bulk of h pictures on boorus and doujins were either touhou or kancolle, but having variety is a bad thing, i suppose
nothing wrong with cooming to gacha whores but I don't understand people who play gachas
bimbos are gross
boomer fandom
Now where did I say "old thing good new thing bad"? It's a matter of some people having strong attachment to older characters. You can coom to whatever you want but don't diss older stuff just for not being FotM, that's retarded.
2hoe isn't bad because it's old, it's bad because it's 2hoe
>Now where did I say "old thing good new thing bad"?
>I wonder where we went wrong to end up with this generation of FotM zoomer coomers.
i hate touhoufags guts because 90% of /jp/ is just different flavors of touhou ERP
pony knows Galko btw. I don't even know what her full name is so I just wrote it like that
>Pissed at illu always making small anatomical mistakes
>go to look at real art
mfw it's just as fucked up
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so erotic...
wow it looks so soft...
girly, pink themed bedroom would be unironically erotic
>poor tv literally melted
wait till you see how the "artifacts" are actually style choices
This is something that I think a lot of people forget, traditional hentai is shit too
Ayakon... fix your lights...
that looks like shit

anyway, the artifacts people are talking about in illu are jaggies from bad scaling in the dataset
illust has both jaggies/scratchy lines and what seem like compression/chromatic artifacts. the former could be due to poor scaling, but lanczos doesn't really shred lines like that so I don't totally buy that being the reason since its soft for downscaling. it's more likely a lot of comics and sketches didn't get pruned which did for NAI. the compression artifacts seem to be a universal issue as evidenced by the NAI paper, they trained a custom VAE to alleviate it but I don't know if local have the resources for that.
>bad scaling in the dataset
what does that actually mean?
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they only trained the decoder and probably not from scratch
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oh no non o no
yeah i think its probably the same team as for this
guess they gave up on it and are looking for help from other groups
god i hate neggels so much it's unreal
please no do not let the discordtards co-opt euge's project
they have literally nothing to show
Someone knowledgeable really need to put together that document on how incompetent niggles and his band of troons are, so that we can spam it on Euge's server and save him from the impeding doom
didn't somebody here say they were planning on compiling a bunch of evidence of how much of an incompetent retard neggles is to show it to euge? that might be the only thing that saves this project from being co-opted by troons...
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that EPIC guy is definitely their insider man, shilling the wd shit
no he's just an underage retard
i mean you don't need insiders when the whole team of wd troons invaded euge's discord already
actual image scaling used for standardizing the dimensions of training images in the dataset. even better interpolation methods like lanczos are still noticeably depending on the image and how much you're scaling it by, and this is apparently what caused the issues with the illustrious dataset since it seems like they basically dumped all of danbooru in it.
you can probably avoid this with whatever multi resolution training is but idk if that works with sdxl
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>zero (you)s on clean upscaled gen
>immediate 6 (you)s on a trooncord drama screencap
this really says a lot about our society
is there no hope for local? why does every somewhat promising project instantly get taken over by incompetent troons?
i can gen myself
Is this "clean" gen in the room with us right now?
>expecting any response to gens in this shithole
jordach is the only one who'd make use of the compute and deep inside you know it's true. we'd have epoch 90 by now. the only flaw of cascade is that he can't experiment fast enough
i remember someone calling my gens "sexy"
Sorry, the future of local is just more interesting to me. But if someone effort posts more young magical girls plapped by ugly bastards I'll find time to give them (You) as well.
This one? >>8237957
Sorry not very fond of this concept nor the style but that doesn't mean I think is a bad gen
you are a fucking troon for spamming the same boring shitpost garbage every single time
jordach gave up on cascade already (at least base cascade, that's why he plans for a 2b proto) and is actually seriously considering sdxl lately so tbqh he would use that amount of compute just to bake on sdxl to give the people a model asap first and after that maybe start doing crazy and probably unusable shit like 1.5 testing or sum crap like that
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Does anyone know any tags for illu or pony that increase the detail of areolae and nipples? I know of 'glands of montgomery' but that's all. Here are some examples of what I mean, spotty or wrinkled.

It's easier to point out flaws than to give compliments. I rarely comment on something I like, but I do complain about something I don't.
Inpaint them at close enough area so they get more detail using artists that draw these details often.
yeah this
people who bother to post compliments are the real MVPs of these threads, kinda wish we had a few of those rule34 coomers here
Nope, just artists. Other than nagato yuki which you linked, try these:
alright my honeymoon period is over, illustrious is cool but severely lacking in aesthetic. wake me up when nai leaks or local gets their shit together.
there should be a balance between coomer comments and reasonable discussion
certainly no need to turn this into roleplay chatroom but this general became too dry and jaded for a porn thread
I would prefer more constructive praise/criticism. But it's for sure better than nothing.
>this general became too dry and jaded for a porn thread
I think because we are overly exposed to virtually any kind of porn out there, we have seen everything so it doesn't excite us that much anymore unless it's something super specific that we like
when that critic guy tried everyone shat on him to stop kek
idk but i posted that gen and i never expect yous, im not such a bitch to complain about it
I figure that's mostly because of the mass replying and how artificial it felt. Not like you notice something in a gen and comment on it, more like he had to fill a quota of 3-4 points for every image and an E-A rating.
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Oh of course, I feel super dumb not thinking of that. I'll combine that with the suggestions from >>8238023
Thank you both.
You want me back? :) I'll be happy to provide some constructive criticism, and give recommendations to what and how you can improve your images.
How can I improve my upscales, senpai? hiresfix sucks, controlnet is a pain in forge and i don't understand deepshrink
Yes, I think it was great. Mass replying did make it look like shitposts kinda but the seething was probably due to being criticized. This is miles better than the shitty highlights.
i don't, please return to where you came from
The mass replying was a bit odd but it's better than nothing
what have we learned from this thread?
touhou hate is a sign if terminal zoomieness
that doesnt make any sense, zoomers were not on 4chan when 2hus were everywhere
kek, still seething? thanks for reminding me why i don't like this fanbase
Someone redpill lax about neggles in chinese. He'll believe one of his own
we really do need to protect the chinese from the troons
Nope (though I'll definitely give Illustrious a try as soon as I can)
wow euge dropped another bombshell
on god bro no cap
>no screenshot
Euge just laid down the law, troons in shambles
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>I wonder where we went wrong to end up with this generation of FotM zoomer coomers.
Social media + cooming = fried dopamine receptors.
One week with 512 H100s, not bad
>it's real
Well it's good to know that there's already an established team so that troonies can't weasel their way in but also
>If this were my personal project, I could afford the time to experiment with all sorts of interesting ideas, but we only have about a week at full capacity, and the project must be flawless. Any mistake could be fatal.
slopmoura is shoebill confirmed, cope
cumming to 2hus is the best dopamine detox and that's why mental health is flourishing in this fanbase
>Once the final model is released, everyone who has provided useful suggestions will be included in the special thanks section
Will we see any anons in the credits
fr ong
No, I'm not Momoura. Thank FUCK I'm not Momoura.
told you fuckers >>8235794 >>8235810
they dont just have 512x GPUs sitting around. the compute vultures like neggles got excited thinking it was going to be a field day for playing around with experiments. they have a single shot at this and if it's fucked it's fucked. they don't have the NAI privilege of having months to toy around with h100s all day
>the chinese patriots are in control
Thank god
cumming IN 2hus**
512 h100s is a lot. that's probably like at least two or three full resonance epochs.
lax is running tests right now tho? they have 1 shot at the full bake, but can still test stuff on a smaller scale.
Will a week be enough for experimentation though? I've honestly no idea how fast 512 of those would be
They have consistent access to 32 h100s for testing, but the 512 will be for the full run is my understanding
i love this style, more?
32 h100s 'for testing' is still WAY more than illustrious used, and far more than any other local baker. that would be considered more than enough for a full bake for any local project
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Euge needs to make an OC so we can make cute fanart of her!
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its enough to test minor things, but 'in theory...', 'hypothetically...' faggots need to stay far away or risk blowing up the project with some experimental shit like 16ch vae. they need to stick to the basics and just combine the best of NAI3 and Illustrious. i would like an ideal perfect sdxl frankenmodel but it's just not realistic especially when you consider that this will be their first real bake
no. every hour that goes by is like, 2 epochs gone. they don't have time to fuck around with random unproven shit on the 512x. the 512x is fast enough to quite literally train NAI3 in a week. NAI3 was trained on 256x h100s in two weeks. assuming the scaling limit isn't hit.
> just combine the best of NAI3 and Illustrious
And get pony in result?
Imagine how many more NAIs they could've trained since, had there been any serious competition.
e621 sexy knowledge is already confirmed!
If that were true you could just block subtract illustrious from pony and get NAI
e621 is 1/32 of the dataset
Have you tried?
problem is that the 4ch vae is hard bottlenecking everything and the theoretical best case is at most naiv3 level
'next gen' architectures will probably start releasing soon so this will kinda be already in the past
though of course if they do the work on the dataset they could hopefully just bake this and then hit the train button again later on the next meme
How big is the dataset now? Exactly what is in it?
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a reminder to all 2hu-hating zoomies
>How big is the dataset now
16m images according to lax
>Exactly what is in it?
No clue, euge only mentioned the ratio of e621
>combine the best of NAI3 and Illustrious
lol there isn't a single thing that gooknai has over nai3 (besides a newer dataset but that goes without saying)
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Raised pinky handjob (x2)
Interesting, thanks
I really don't care about the slight improvement that this could potentially have over illu. Expecting anything more is unrealistic, i know, but it's still disappointing compared to the general imagen sota.
You don't know if 2.6B SDXL unet is enough parameters to effectively utilize 16ch vae. It may require scaling up the whole architecture to compensate for the extra detail and training it as it is will just result in a failed bake and lost opportunity to get at least something (4ch nai equivalent).
good morning saar
i agree, but they've stated that they want to do SDXL with vpred for this project and already they asked for help with vpred. an experimental 16ch rebake is far outside the scope. i think that if the project is a success they will get enough attention to apply for more, especially with 32x h100s working already.
bro just inpaint the details, who needs 16ch vae
yeah i dont mean to want to push them to definitely attempt to use 16ch vae, its just that the situation for baking now kinda sucks
Even at his current slightly dogshit state, I can easily see myself using Illus for months, if we get something just a little better overall out of all of this, it's still a win
Total pony death
Can't inpaint what the model didn't learn
critique every gen in this thread right now
(or every gen you think isnt good)
I really should proofread my messages more, this is barely coherent and can easily be misunderstood.
>training it as it
I meant training with 16ch VAE but without scaling the unet.
The only based poster left
2hoes go to /b/
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holy sexy
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box please
I want to rape her
that's a nice composition, did you get the phone by RNG?
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prompt best quality maxxing
I plan to use a complex tag randomization algorithm during traintime. For a caption, the algorithm processes it in the following steps:

There is a 10% probability to leave the entire annotation blank and return;
Each tag has a 50% probability of being discarded;
If the creation date of the data is later than 2019, the artist tag is assigned in the format of "by {artist}". The artist tag is then placed at the end of the caption.
(Each) a certain probability to assign a character tag in the format of "1 {character}". The character tag is placed at the beginning of all tags. The probability of assigning depends on the rarity of the character. The rarer the character, the higher the probability.
If a character tag is assigned, there is a probability to discard the core feature tags of the character.
For each assigned character tag, there is a 50% probability to assign the corresponding copyright tag. The copyright tag is located immediately after the character tag.
(Each) 50% probability to assign a meta tag. The meta tag is placed at the end of all tags.
Quality tags are assigned based on the aesthetic score and the corresponding probability. Low quality tags is 100%. Quality tags are placed at the end of all tags.
Year tags and decade tags are assigned based on the creation date.
Each tag has a 50% probability of being classified as a "shuffled tag", and all "shuffled tags" have a 50% probability of being randomly shuffled.

All the specific probability is determined by humans.
>just combine the best of NAI3 and Illustrious
So WDV? You can hate on neggles for over promising and not delivering, but the idea and plans behind it are good. Euge and rest of the team literally doing the exact same thing now they got advice from people which makes me very skeptical about the success of this project. Those guys didn't even test if kohya works properly lol.
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So, we're getting homemade NAIv3 but for local and delivered by Euge and friends? Tbqh I don't like the idea of literally getting NAIv3. The model is completely lobotomized on purpose so it doesn't really understands natural language and only works around tags. It's something I really hate about NAI. It only works using booru tags, which doesn't let you prompt for kinda specific things because danbooru tag system is horrible. Even illustrious isn't as overfitted as NAI, it kinda Is able to understand some NL. Is Euge doing something at least special to the dataset so it doesn't become as stiff as NAI in that sense?
mb this was the box after face inpainting
What's the back story behind this? Are they basing it on that paper NAI released?
kohya doesn't work properly for vpred training, that's why niggles had to write a completely new trainer. it seemingly breaks after a certain amount of time and every local trainer is retarded so nobody's actually tested it robustly enough to fix the bug.
local nai3 is what we've all been praying for in the last 11 months, shut the fuck up
Yeah it's annoying how much people put NAI on a pedestal, the quality is good obviously but the prompt adherence on that model is just terrible. That being said they are on a limited time so not much way to experiment on some new training method so might as well do something that at least proven to give something workable.
I didn't
Guess you're just gonna have to wait for pony v7 then
>The model is completely lobotomized on purpose so it doesn't really understands natural language and only works around tags. It's something I really hate about NAI. It only works using booru tags, which doesn't let you prompt for kinda specific things because danbooru tag system is horrible.
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I will come to your house and french kiss you,

thank you for the box
can't wait for astralite "I don't know what network dropout is" heart to have his model flop because he has zero technical knowledge and is only supported for bruteforcing a porn finetune of sdxl
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maybe the reason he didnt ever deliver is because all he has are ideas and plans? if wdv stopped inbetween 'idea' and 'result', then the issue lies somewhere in the implementation of the idea. so either neggles had no idea what the fuck he was doing, or the idea was simply too complicated and time consuming that not even he could be bothered with it.
all neggles and yoinked have done is beg for compute. neggles made a huge embarrassing posts about how he would mog jordach with his flux compute, and then amounted to doing nothing with it. if he stopped yapping about his shitty ideas and just trained on a single 4090 then maybe low-tier sponsors would be more willing to engage with him. the few runs he did do of wdv were broken and half-implemented thanks to his buggy trainer code. the last thing this project needs is neggles fucking up the 1 week they have to bake the final model.
If anything it'll flop because auraflow is much more hardware intensive to run than sdxl
Imagine having any hopes for this model after seeing how clueless the team behind it are in their discord. They even had to bait people with access to compute to get advise.
>its enough to test minor things
fucker, are 32 h100s few for you already?
t bh I wouldn't expect anyone in the AI space to be successful twice. Every good model so far has been a fluke, and the baker ends up thinking it was their amazing intuition and they can't go wrong on the next one.
>please please please give us compute pleeeasee
god i hate these fucking roaches so much
epic is literally a jeet retard wtf, he really doesnt shut up there
>so either neggles had no idea what the fuck he was doing, or the idea was simply too complicated and time consuming that not even he could be bothered with it.
Neggles keeps getting fucked with compute, that's your answer. 11labs gave them like week of compute so he changed to BFL which provided them with like 3 weeks of it and he was fired because BFL got sponsored by Elon so no need for their own GPU nodes which is neggles job. And if you can get job at such places, you are also a busy person. That's why there are almost zero people with compute in image gen space that are knowledgeable to train such model.
okay but what are you gonna DO about it? also why are these wdv niggers so uppity, from my understanding they don't even have a fully prepared dataset to bake.
Funny how localoids keep seething about troons ruining their model here, but not a single one has enough balls to do something about it.
good morning shitstirrer saar
>So WDV? You can hate on neggles for over promising and not delivering, but the idea and plans behind it are good.
He had to restart every single time because something was wrong with the code again and again, and neggles is such a lazy fucking troon he couldn't make himself work on it for more than 15 minutes a day so naturally he lost compute opportunity before baking anything.
How do you know everything is perfect with their code now? Did they tell you that? Because I bet if you give them compute now it will fail again.
Thread is getting shit again. Wish there was some way to set an email notification for when the model is baked.
Alright, neggles, go back to dilate and come back once you've trained a model that can at least surpass jordachs fried 1b model.
>made a discord server with some anons from here like 2 years ago
>just found one one of them trooned out and has a patreon where he posts ai groidslop ntr
i am beyond disgusted
>if you can get job at such places, you are also a busy person
neggles was a neet for a year before being hired by BFL lol
kill yourself back to the wd discord troon apologist
Then post something, no-genner

Nai refuses to get Gendo's glasses right
>a bunch of H100s
>for a week
Is there any way to extend that? I'll be real, I'd donate if it meant them being able to figure shit out
they're already using them to test bakes, and they're still trying to figure out vpred. lax stated that he doesn't want to do to much experimentation this project:
>At this stage, we may need advice on training planning, and Q&A on code, and after the minimum goals of the project are met, we can do some experimentation and exploration together
>cause we are also operating H100 GPUs for the first time, and in such large quantities. hope to be better able to explore research directions of interest with all of you
>If u mean 32*H100 GPUs, it’s already using by my team. And if u mean 512*H100 GPUs,we need a persuasive report to apply and very likely to be awarded, as long as the program is viable
and as Euge said,
>I could afford the time to experiment with all sorts of interesting ideas, but we only have about a week at full capacity, and the project must be flawless. Any mistake could be fatal.
they're making the smart choice of implementing the bare-minimum NAI training settings (which every local baker so far has failed at) before trying out theoretical schizoshit like 16ch conversion. it's simply too much for the project currently, especially when half the people suggesting this stuff have zero idea how to even implement it themselves.
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That's like 200K worth of compute. Doubt donations could expand that by a meaningful amount. Honestly don't know why they'd even need so much compute for a sdxl finetune. Sure, nai did it, but they're retarded.
yes, it's rigtht decision
but you sounded like "512 h100s or no go"
>but they're retarded
lol the grapes are still sour
where did that retard even come from anyways? he's not even in the 2hu ai discord, only in euge's and jordach's
i wouldn't be surprised if he's a shitposter from this thread trying his hardest to ruin euge's model as a joke. i fucking hate zoomers man
they've had a 32xh100 rig for 2 months so far. it seems to scale with the project. their sponsor isn't going to lend them the full 512xh100 just to run tests on, but once they are ready they can apply for the final rul.
>Should we aim at "one perfect" training run, i.e. be maximum conservative in techniques and approaches, don't experiment? Or do we have a possibilities to apply "trial and error" approach?
>The latter is a better format, and in fact other of our earlier tasks submitted similar program documents. our current test task documentation has been submitted to the sponsor, but it is in Chinese so it may not be so easy to understand, you can also refer to other models to release the form of documentation. a typical document containing 1. requirement cardinality and timing 2. dataset 3. substrate and parameters 4. code 5. evaluation metrics 6. test basis 7. timeline and so on, like those reports you come across elsewhere
its a no go for 16ch simply because it's not that simple and has only really been talked about in theory and they are already using the hardware to test other things. the way lax worded the stuff i posted above makes is sound like they'd be interested in doing more experimenting later or in a future project. i hope (cope) by then we'll have better 16ch models anyway like perhaps the new pixart. sdxl is becoming ancient and all the copium patchwork done to it has already surpassed 1.5
Yes, code of the trainer, not the idea. And the only part of code the alpha model didn't have was the TE training. Where are the other kohya alternatives of jordach/euge/angel? I would trust WDV team more than euge who doesn't even bother to check if the kohya code works, has to resort to baiting people with compute just to say it was a prank because he only wanted free advice from smarter people.
he used to be on touhou discord before and he's an actual unironic pajeet
if the euge model dataset isnt at least from august of this year im gonna shit myself to death
jordach coded his own trainer from scratch so that's not even a good example
please kill yourself out of this thread yoinked/trauter
have any of the WD models ever been good? i never used any of them myself
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Which one of you is this
it's an up to date scrape of rule34.xxx without removing ai generated posts
me :)
yoinked sounds like a fag
You glued together different question and answer though. Answer that you cited is LAX talking about experiment submission format (he want such submission to look like report)
doing god's work anon, please don't stop
wd 1.2 was good for the time, being that it was pre-nai. that was sept 2022. everything after that was complete shit.
and the original team for wd 1.2 doesn't even work on it anymore, they got hired for midjourney or something. the name is just cursed at this point
Based. I don't know much about wd team but the begging was getting annoying.
why so much seethe over a couple collages each thread?
>NEET that somehow got job at 11labs and BFL
I'm struggling to see your logic here.
someone in ldg is trying it btw, but on customized 1b pixart, guess we might see how it goes somewhat
god I am so happy L-A-X btfo'd them and basically said "get QQ lol, get a PHD lol, become Chinese lol"
based motherfucker
Never understood why anons were acting like they would give over control to them anyway, it's legit just a discord to get free advice.
neet doesnt always mean unemployable 4chan dweller that has been at it for 15 years
he was indeed a neet
Maybe instead of writing code for the trainer and abusing his poor single rtx card he should go and get a job which could provide him compute
is it not the same related question chain? they submitted an experiment form for the 32x for 2+ months, and will need to submit another for 512x for 1 week. so they can do trial-and-error with the 32x and then the final 'perfect' run on the 512x. am i missing something?
makes sense why no one wants them to get into this project then
good morning, bluvollsirs
can it do yd?
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Not bluvoll, but please look here sir
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can i request artists for the next version
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>anons calling troons and their overlord dumb and nothing about them is worth listening to
>Euge and other are doing almost exact same things as them and following their steps and advice.
so funny
I'll test it out but ngl colors looked washed on most of those, so I don't know.
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is there anyone in the community this thread generally actually respects? maybe lodestone, begrudgingly since his focus isn't anime?
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i dont want to insult neggles too much because i do appreciate people trying to bake, even astrasaar. but its really a case of "tripping up the stairs". neggles can work at 11labs, bfl, go to ml conferences, but cant find a single connection to even borrow 8xa100s from? even treesir was able to get compute from amazon. it's just pathetic him constantly talking about his idea for wdv every time a new project pops up, with still no actual model to prove his theory. illustrious and now this, you have neggles and yoinked in the background going "btw wdv!" for literally a year now.
it's because they are so pushy about it, people like that always try to worm their way in and take over. if strong boundaries are not put in place, those kind of people are the type who rot FOSS projects from the inside out - big red flag to anyone who has seen it before
lol godot reference
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nice hag, catbox?
That jeet used to have really shitty takes in the Cuckdach trooncord. Anything that comes out of that guy's mouth is immediately a "you should think/do the exact opposite" scenario.
one of many sad tales
troongles lost support of this thread when he pruned loli. Even him having a rotting flesh wound wouldn't be enough to give him this much hate compared to that one retarded decision.
Any good prompts for captions?
>find picture i really like
>saucenao it/find artist
>only one picture done in that style
need 1 picture loras
I don't care about danbooru gold shit, I hate him because he's an abomination against god
he lost any lingering support (he never had much support to begin with) when he came here and started insinuating the thread was full of "eggs" and pushing troon ideology immediately. coincidentally he got fired from BFL almost immediately after. fancy that!
why did euge/lax/chenkin ditch hunyuan and go back to XL? was hunyuan deemed a failure? too expensive?
I have no idea on their reasoning but after trying hunyuan more I'm kind of glad they didn't. even with 24gb vram the amount of steps hunyuan needs to produce a quality image just takes way too long. it has a lot of potential and maybe a finetune would help fix that issue, but I expect tencent to still come up with a lot better
what advice from neggles have they taken? doing vpred is literally the first thing anybody would have told them anyways. all neggles has done in that server is beg them for compute so he can "blow nai out of the water" (lol)
we fucking hit gold lads
are you implying BFL guys lurk this thread?
we're so back
I want to see that face without feet covering it. I bet it would give me nightmares for a week.
everyone with any cred in the ai world lurks here
Stability guys live on 4chan so don't see why BFL would be any different.
this retard finally baked something good at last or it's not even worth to download?
alright lets see
the chingchong ping ling style is way stronger than on base. might be a good ft for doing style mixing shenanigans.
we need a euge-chan character design
>prompt sakimichan as a joke
>instant regret and disgust
Hentai general on 4chins, the leading forefront vanguard in AI research that will change the world
has angel said anything more about what the company is doing now? they released 0.1 yet STILL don't have a saas implemented, despite the future models apparently being saas only. they could've used the release to gain traction but completely missed that opportunity. what is their endgame?
>all the acoshitters use cumrag
just a coincidence im sure
The joke's on you
they have no endgame, nobody in that company has any idea what they're doing and how to get money. the only reason they even exist is because of grants by the korean government
>managed to shrink negs to 8 tags
>only one artist tag
>no quality tags in prompt
>no lora
>euler a
>still get coherent outputs
sasuga bluvoll
you could do that on base illustrious
angel is probably gonna be pretty tight lipped about anything regarding releases or the company for a bit after getting chewed out
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>installed https://github.com/catboxanon/comfyui_stealth_pnginfo.git
>the node is there
>Unable to find workflow in file.png
What gives? Where's my
>allows drag-dropping images with stealth metadata embedded to load their workflow
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lucene pretty cool
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this is something i noticed in pony/mixes as well, but is there a reason that these areas seem to be common 'burn spots', adding a bright highlight in a spot that should normally be equal or darker in shading?
I'm really hyped about Euge-chan but I miss the simpler times when we would post images

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>>8238318 >>8238259
Testing on out of dataset artists.
I'm getting this kind of smudged stuff in the background with shion \(mirudakemann\). It was fine in illustrious.
haguhagu also got weaker, also I'm getting simple backgrounds unprompted instead of nice pleasant picturesque stuff I was getting before.
My conclusion: out of dataset styles got worse.
And since I'm not interested in using artist selection collected by aesthetically blind hag lover:
I honestly don't see why they are having so much issue. Just charge less than NAI and release a similar SAAS (with the safety switch thingy). There is a big market for sfw AI image gen considering how well MJ is doing.
Then post images? fucking 'tard
I'm gpu poor

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you can see it here too, on base illustrious
They're too busy enjoying seeing NAI crumbling apart.
repost you favorite images and post something like "more like this pls"
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Just trying out things.
korean government: I guess we doin drawn porn now
please refrain from posting until you are able to post more pictures than text
freetards forgot that less than 24 hours remain until kurumuz reveals v4
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Hows my sakimichan? Took a bit of photoshop but I think it's pretty faithful
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can someone help with why my comfy WF is outputting just shit colored noise? is there a specific VAE I'm supposed to use?
WF: https://files.catbox.moe/2oozu0.json
I won't ask
>failed bakie attempts a proper fine-tune
>it's slop
to the surprise of absolutely no one
less blur more smudge
He's on sick leave
what the fuck is promptcontrolsimple? have you tried using just the normal default nodes first?
Better have a 16ch vae or it's literally over for them
you dont need to load a separate vae just use the one from load model
and as other anon said just use the individual clip text encode boxes instead of whatever slop that is
its pretty blurry and the hands could use more work but it looks good otherwise
Use standard nodes instead of those prompt control and image save things, at least when debugging.
if only we had a proper implementation of SMEAr locally you'd be able to fully capture sakimichan's breathtaking style
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im slopping like some of you could never comprehend...
i vomited
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anons are you ready to spend over 3000 bucks for a space heater?
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get on my level
now post one of your gens
No, but I'll keep an eye on used 4090 prices
>used 4090
Can you still get a post-mining junk now?
there's two in this thread....
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tough shit lol, 4090 production ended and there's been a price hike for new (and eventually used) cards
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Oh... I didn't know it was you.... well, eh, zased?
very good preview mister bluvoll
i regret to inform you those masterpieces are not my gens
Ah right, my bad, must be
They'll drop once the 5090 releases. Smart thing would be to sell my 3090 now and lay low with a nai sub.
one last try big man...
looks like it was the vae, when I used the one from the model loader it works fine. thought I'd checked that but I guess not? anyway, thanks!
There's nothing smart about spending money on a subscription...
Nice try kurumun-dono
thoughts on euge's grand plan for caption dropouts? a lot of this seems like a bad idea to me
>If the creation date of the data is later than 2019, the artist tag is assigned in the format of "by {artist}". The artist tag is then placed at the end of the caption
euge is doing this because he wants the model to learn the recent versions of each artist rather than the older ones, but i don't think this approach works:
- i don't even think it would do a good job at homing into a consistent style for most artists. it's 6 years between 2019 and 2024, and anybody who has tried to curate artist datasets knows that an artist's style often changes significantly in a single year, let alone 6.
- if you're going to not use artist tags for all of the dataset pre 2019 you run into a higher possibility of contaminating tags concentrated before 2019 with artist styles. like if most of the data for a certain character comes before 2019 and from a single artist then by omitting that artist tag you're guaranteeing that the character tag will always keep the style of that one artist.
- there's also the obvious point that plenty of artists get objectively worse with time and for those you'd rather avoid the newer data.
- you could try to use specific tags for this instead, say artist old, artist mid, artist new or something. this would avoid the problems with dropping out the tags but it would have a similar problem with those not necessarily reflecting consistent or desirable styles.
if you really wanted the artist tags to refer to consistent styles you would unironically end up doing something similar to astralite's idea of style clusters, but doing this properly would require more time and effort that this project seems to be able to spare. imo it's probably not worth asking so much of artist tags for a full finetune (even nai3 doesn't attempt that anyways). and all memes aside this is something loras would do a better job of fixing after the finetune is released
used 3090s are getting cheap FAST
Hmm, ok, this one for sure, my male intuition is telling that is this one >>8237989 and >>8237993
not reading allat
why don't you post this on his discord so he can see why you think its a bad idea and consider doing it differently?
do these retard even have the dataset setup and the code ready to go or are they just crying about the lack of compute while doing nothing
will probably become a sub 300$ card after the 50 series launch
With 5090 being more expensive and 5080 likely being weaker with only 16GB VRAM, I feel like 4090 prices will drop fuck all.
this, imagine buying food instead of dumpster diving and growing crops yourself. retards wasting money and feeding capitalist corpos wake up sheeple you're being played
>aesthetically blind hag lover
he makes the most hilariously retarded previews https://civitai.com/images/32462408
great anatomy showcase sir bluvoll
good morning saar
a good base model is more important than trying to get the 6 different style an artist used over his career
i don't want to use discord and i also don't know if my arguments are dumb
only issue is that they are relatively slow for anything AI
any good controlnet for illustrious? all I've tried are shit
I could probably jerk off to the one on the left to be honest
yeah that's also my point
anytest v4 (the full 2.5gb one)
>a good base model
we have pony for that
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>i don't want to use discord
you can sign up on a throw away email and use it in browser, you don't have to download anything. post and never look back if need be
>i also don't know if my arguments are dumb
people will tell you if they have counter arguments and if you don't care if they do or not, then just let euge decide if he thinks they apply or not
I have 15sec gen with my 3090, is that considered slow?
Get on board the hopium train, there's rumors of a possible 24GB variant of the 5080
seiji is one of my favorite huge titty artists
>(Each) a certain probability to assign a character tag in the format of "1 {character}"
why the fuck does euge keep insisting on this? what's supposed to be the benefit of prompting for 1 asuka instead of asuka? if he wants a token to help the model know that what follows is a character tag then 1 seems like a really bad choice
thatll be $1799 sir
but i simply don't want to use discord
for base res? yes
mine takes 8 secs and even less when I remove the power limit
Yeah, that'll be later to fill the 4090s price slot. You rike?
on par with old nai gen times
Indeed, and also sold out everywhere for months and scalped for 50% markup :^)
then what's even the point of having any opinion on what euge is doing if its not gonna help anyone or fix anything?
i mean what's the point of posting on /hdg/ in the first place? i'm fine with it being just screaming into the void
paranoid neet-sama...
Unironically yes. Primarily for textgen because I am sick of giving NAI 20 shekels a month for some outdated 8k context Llama garbage, and I can't trust any other service with the utterly degenerate shit I write.
sir please trust your deranged writing with anthropic they are very trustworthy sir
>Unironically yes. Primarily for textgen because I am sick of giving NAI 20 shekels a month for some outdated 8k context Llama garbage, and I can't trust any other service with the utterly degenerate shit I write.
>god i hate nai so much reeee hate hate hate but i keep giving them money because im a brainlet who can't figure out oai/anthropic reverse proxies
are you genuinely retarded? i gotta ask because holy shit dude it's a miracle you can even breathe
Is their new textslop really that much of a fucking failure?
A single 5090 will still kinda suck for local llms. Maybe buy a used a100 or something
Does anyone have the wildcard artists for Illustrious-XL?
This one? https://files.catbox.moe/8rumas.txt
Bonus https://files.catbox.moe/ofzw8i.png
lucereon vs konanmix vs base illustrious
konanmix seems the best one
anything decent with 48 gb vram is stupidly expensive unfortunately
beg for that one chinese company to release their soldered together 4090s kek
I'll keep using base until someone with ACTUAL dataset finetunes it so nothing is lost in the process.
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Wow! I really like the colors. Requesting box.
do any of the failbakies on civit actually have the whole danbooru dataset to do an aesthetic finetune on everything minus stuff like comics?
Kohaku could FOR ONCE put his compute to good use and run 1 epoch starting from base that actually matters.
>10 years from now we'll have computer waifus taking voice input, responding in llm-synthesized, voiced text, while showing perfect stable diffusion images generated on the fly depending on context, probably animated too
not sure how I'm gonna do anything at that point
konanmix is just the base one but with lesser noise artifacts
That'd be a cuck move
>in just 10 years
>he thinks he'll be able to afford it
>he thinks he'll be alive to witness it
tfw you'll be an oldfuck once this is implemented in full time and your youth will never have been wasted on something so thrilling

..just like VRmmorpgs... I was born too soon...
10 years from now i will be dead lol
wow you are unironically the dumbest motherfucker on the planet
like your brain is powered by tachyons that defy the laws of spacetime so you are able to put negative amounts of thought into things and make the most braindead posts ever
anon, Siberia is big, you know
don't give up oji-san, I'm sure you still have a few decades of life in you!
could try to live longer in the meantime
uh oh proxylet meltie!
wow you are getting even dumber
any usage of SOTA AI for explicit content will be thoroughly stamped out in 10 years, OAI is already making sure of it. think of the payment processors...
smart enough to at least figure out unreliable's rentry ;)
could be the case but we could also see it swing in some other direction.
although right now things are looking good. in burgerland both fucking sides are pushing for puritanism.
Is there another vae for illustrious or people just using whatever they had for pony?
You are literally retarded
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>found some random img2img material
Illustrious-XL is amazing at understanding prompts, but why is the image quality so poor? 1024x1024 looks like 512x512.
Don't care, at least I'm not blind. Non of the shit posted until now improved anything for my use cases.
It's refiner trickery with some i2i smoothing, but I think the base gen actually looks better.
that's "true" anime
Oh fuck yeah
Character name? So beautiful
Looks like my sister, hawt
it's gooknai
I fucking love tangled <3
top tier panties
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am too much of a vramlet to use anytest full, is there any way for me to diminish its size?
Yeah I'm trying to figure out how to prompt with it since I can't get the example images.
it's bbc
Nice facial scene, whats her name?
just don't use the full? That's why there are smaller versions in the first place
they don't work on illustrious
I meant it's sexy af no cap, na meen?
Because only newfags focus on BFL
Yae Sakura
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Give it time, itll get better in more iterations
>le 1 more epoch meme
Angel isn't an autistic money burning furry
we'll see if it isn't
Has forge resumed development? Has reforge becomes obsolete?
when you see a beautiful image on Illustrious-XL it has been upscaled, on my pc I don't even try to upscale anymore because it takes more than 20 minutes.
awesome. Really cool.
Yes and no. Reforge is still preferable for SDXL because Gradio 3 and Ilyasviel doesn't break it every 5 seconds. Regular forge is if you want to use Flux but don't want to touch Comfy.
lllya hasn't touched forge in the last 2 months. It's stable now.
Sexy, name?
it's the Fate slut, you know. Just moe-fied
It's passionlip, you dumb nigger. Completely different character from sakura
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Okay you right. Guess I'll start rebaking my shit for loras for this and see what works. Hopefully the same settings work
I've just found out that Illus and it's derivatives can't do glansjob. I am sad. Unless someone can prove me wrong!
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Yeah that's the tag I tried and used, but to no avail. Is this a case of where you have to combine several tags to get what you want?
sorry, I'm not sure, I'm just randomizing prompts from a text file to test a lora and this was an early epoch output before the lora really kicked in. maybe the other anon's guesses are right
Base res+adetailer, I remember my gen taking 10sec a while ago but maybe I had a less heavy prompt
gotta retool my xy workflow for illustrious proompts and sort out the schizo advice
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i see
skill issue?
'just the tip', 'glansjob'
Is there an artist list for illustrious or people just ballparking what works til loras / good finetunes?
i don't see
Almost everything works to some degree. Even 150-image literally who artists can still have a strong effect, they're just not accurate.
where do you retards come from
So far not everything works, there are times where the photo doesn't even pop up.
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pony settings worked fine for me
just gotta cut it earlier if the model already had partial knowledge before
I was more looking for the version where the hand is either palming or caressing the tip of the penis, it can be done, but it's very rng.
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me either
Almost makes me feel bad, that I just gave it a quick glance in 720p
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Yeah that's super rng. I've also tried
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peak based sexy
holy based
absolute cinema
Based cuny lord. Bless you.
holy fuck, two at once, I love this eager cat girl
Unironically xinsaar's union with tile preprocessor
ask for gold got gold x4

thank you anon!
So you're just doing shorter bakes / less epochs? I'll just run some trials see how it goes, thanks king.
see you took some lessons from ayakon-sensei
>mentioned him 5 times
>isn't in thread
holy mind broken over a file name lmao
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all me
yeah, gacha but still the hands are abominations
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can you make him fat and hairy
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I was called
do you really think someone would do that... post on reddit just to upset people...

it has to be obviously ai to draw all the ai seethers in
I'm, liking Euler SMEA Dy less and less as I keep on doing X/Y plots. It seems to have pretty bad prompt comprehension.
tfw no ancap elf gf
not hentai, but check this thread guys, i had no idea how people fucked up with chinese ai vid generator lol

its cursed af tho
i was an original shill and dumped it long ago on pony for good old euler A
for illustrious i favor more schizo settings
what do you do with that context output?
Yeah it's kinda rigid, I liked it a lot early and used it a lot less to stop using it, I've just been using dpm 2m + sgm uniform or swapping to euler A. Funny how far we've gotten with these new samplers and Euler A is still really good.
On my experience euler smea dy only worked fine with raunet while doing very high res gens
the elite don't want you to know this but if you use one of the finetune into low-weight shitmixes (smoothFT if you're too lazy to do it yourself) with illustrious you can just use regular euler a AYS with minimal artifacting compared to the base model
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I finally got around to using it. Thanks once more.
>the elite don't want you to know this but
are you on FBI's most wanted list now
it goes to an rgthree context switch that forwards only the active path to the image preview
you can just use euler a anyways if you're using any decent style lora
Why does my lora work with euler_a sampler but dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu almost completely ignores my lora and instead uses mostly the base model style?
Is it because I trained with huber exponential?
more of corruption of her please
that's true but i've come to kind of enjoy wrangling the model without LoRAs. it feels like a challenge.
lmao, wild shit
it has potential
anime when?
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I'm thinking illustrious is based.
too nice cock for Illustrious
is censorship in your negs?
Censorship is based actually
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preliminary results from my bullshit schizo testing for my own personal uses indicate smoothFT as the best checkpoint among base gook, smoothFT, and kocene
what is this, link?
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It looked worse without censorship, thanks nip censorship laws for making elevens lazy.
does anyone know about this project and when it will be released for testing?https://huggingface.co/Laxhar/sdxl_noob
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the SmoothFT-SPO version is better than SmoothFT.
you can just use the SPO lora, just like DPO and autismmix
link related: https://huggingface.co/SPO-Diffusion-Models/SPO-SDXL_4k-p_10ep_LoRA
It's euge's project, it should be done before January 1st. If not, they probably failed since the big compute is gone by than (?)
request access in HF and reach L-A-X in discord
Perhaps what I like the most about Illustrious is how little I have to tardwrangle it to get what I want.

I don’t remember where I read this reddit or here (I’m getting old yes) ,but when training a style lora am I supposed to avoid using images with hands/fingers? Or is this only for styles that are really different and clash with the base model? (Like some artists draw incomplete minimalistic hands or really big fingers & etc)
Leak doko?
uoh, but previous style and spiked tentacles were better
no leak
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i kneel
i think if you're properly dialing in quality between positive, negative, and generic loras like SPO, or https://civitai.com/models/798443/some-style-for-illustrious-xl at low power, base illustrious may be best but it's really razor-thin between base and smoothFT

if you want to worry less about schizo tags and loras and still want some bias towards "quality" then use smoothFT
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Didn't change the style tags at all actually, Illustrious is just inconsistent whenever you have more then one style tag.
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perspective is FUCKED
ty anon
finally, a local model that can do consistent upshort shots without a fucking lora
>finger is a limp uncut dick
top kek
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what happened there
>not pointing out the non-euclidean shorts
here's a better one
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catboxes please, nice gens
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i agree
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based konami saving Bomberman
brat needs correction
woah box? nice
the magic of diffusion when you mix a torso with a shadow on a wall
based asanagi enjoyer

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lol imagine starting a story out of this shit lol
i chose bottom right
unboxing the royal shithead
also I think I like the spo version of this shitmix a bit better than base, anatomy is better and the general aesthetic is sharper: https://files.catbox.moe/j7xj8u.png
have them sing baka mitai
Do someone have great preset to train style LoRA on Illustrious?
I try some and it feels very weak sometimes
> still dying of cancer

took this from fishine anon, 4000 steps before batch calculations
it depends on if you are willing to schiz all the way
wtf is spo lol
small penis OBLITERATION
nice artist mix, not sure how you guys find those
this one's just a modified version of wifeanon's to work better on illust
dpo, but it does it's thing at every step instead of being once per image
you mistyped fkey in your artist mix
is it normal for sdxl training to take 4 hours with 12 gb vram
t. first time baker
it's actually fucking over
it depends
depending on your settings/dataset size, yes
anywhere from 30 minutes to 6 hours
if you set it to 10,000 steps and gradient checkpointing then yes
i have 12gb too, it depends on your optimizer, should take about an hour at batch size 2 with came/adam. prodigy can be faster but it overfits too much so i don't use it
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NAI is finished kek
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i have solved dataset captioning
i kneel
Kurumuz can just buy his way out of the draft
Kohaku LoNyu Yog is okay
they dont send tech autist to the meat grinder
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Illustrious is really good at expressions.
thanks to earlier anon for the kikuri prompts
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bro what the fuck is your cfg set to
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here you go big boy
please the needful good sar
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so when we getting d-art on illustrious
Flux lora training is saved
removal of 'distilling' feature in normal flux
I didn't test it myself I am just crossboard shitposting

its 3 meme arrows
looks like typical plastic flux pic
got a link for this lora?
I spent the last month straight trying to perfect loras for flux and I'm not sold on it. distilling isn't the only thing fucked with that model. I'd at best glance at it if someone did a really good finetune, but quality is literally all flux has going for it and quality goes to the shitter as soon as you start training. not to mention it takes three times as long to train a lora for flux than sdxl, and genning takes four times as long. the only plus side is that it soaked up styles very well, but that was at the cost of fingers and general anatomy being nonsensical 8/10 gens
its really cool to be able to prompt really specific scene blocking and other details, for example if you ask flux for 4 people standing in a line it gives you that while sd will give you a random number and half of them probably wont be in a line.

but it looks like fuckin ass.
is there a faster way to censor for pixiv other than manually selecting an area and then applying pixelize blur?
you can record macro in ps so you just click that and paint the area then save
Replacing the positions of uncensored and censored in your prompt.
You could probably also set something up with object detection models like what adetailer does. Off the top of my head I think you can use chainner for that but I might be misremembering.
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Indeed its just an example though

We wait for them to cook as no one really has made a LORA on this new model yet (OpenFlux)
nohomo but are penises worse on illustrious?
Maybe is there like a "penis" model for adetailer? I'm thinking of doing base gens with illustrious and just refining when needed on the penis with a pony model.
>nohomo but are penises worse on illustrious?
Yes, because Danbooru has a lot of censored porn.
>Maybe is there like a "penis" model for adetailer?
its not homo to like big throbbing dicks leaking precum
You may need the penis lora (lol) from a few threads back I dont have the link

But it cant do foreskin, PONY still wins there
pony was trained on /aco/ and they don't censor penises, and yes there is a penis model for adetailer
that was you
thanks for the link anon

if a girl in the image is looking at it i guess not (i hope)

oof will see if i find it, til there was a penis lora
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https://civitai.com/models/808215 but it's next version and just first epoch, still baking with bigger dataset
pony mogs illustrious when it comes to genitals unfortunately
if you're actually captioning with "by x" instead of just "x" I'm going to fucking
No, I changed that for next version, it's just "x" now
good. your life is spared, for now.
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it is kinda surprising/interesting since it seems to be good at sex, but when you want detailed genitalia is kinda rip
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why do you name all your images after crunchyroll?
Why not?
Just installed ReForge and Stability Matrix, now to figure out how to get my models in my old A1111 to pop up on either
Illustrious-XL was able to do almost everything well, except nipples, pussy, clitoris, penis, pubic hair, hands (6 fingers), penetrations, teeth, apart from that it's a very good model.
hello, astralite!
>illustrious unironically needs a penis lora
i take it back, that model IS soulful
That's why furry porn and anime porn needs to be trained together, they benefit eachother in so many ways, so at the end the ultimate porn model can be born.
>everybody who doesn't suck gook dick must suck horsecock
You are either with me or against me. Pick your side NOW.
Reply to this post if you prefer Illustrious over Ponytism
i'm with euge-chan
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>india woke up
>thread gone to shit
good morning sars!
There is no aDetailer on StabilityMatrix/ReForge
the greatest proof is that before the sdxl the best sd 1.5 model was a furry model with a lora with several non-furry artists,EasyFluff+ lora:hll6.3-fluff-a9
sorry, but that's not canon. You've been straying too far from canon, fanbro.
If you use penis/erection + dark-skinned male they come out fine, its the non-black penises that come out distorted
Nice gen, molesting anime girls is always based
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you can install it. its an extension.
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sometimes i feel like illustrious is even worse at left/right symmetry than pony
Got it, thankku
I have no fans.
when >>8238853
isn't shitting up the thread it's actually pretty nice
What race am I?
I'm sure this is absolutely necessary training to fight the angels
Getting a double glansjob from the NGE girls was a dream of mine since forever
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now you can prompt all your dreams, anon (most of them)
Fuck thats so sexy
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how do i fix tail
it's illustrious
I'm already bored with illustrious, there's just no magic anymore.
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Okay Illustrious, you have my attention, and my erection.
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don't worry, it makes sure to remind me every couple of gens
wait for 16m images euge finetune sir
just to get bored of it again because it will still be horribly bad at doing genitals

anime model is not a porn model.
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Nice towas
>not using smoothed guidance
>no gen
Wtf is that? I've been away for weeks.
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IllustriousXL Skill Increased
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I recommend adding some uncensored pussy and dick close ups to the model.
euge's dataset includes a good amount of e621 actually
but i still don't think that's a good idea, especially because the tagging in euge's dataset seems like it will be a mess
snake oil: spicy edition
2 meter long arm
how many e6 pics? if its more than what pony has (500k) then genitals may be saved
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That's a lot of settings, but what does it do?
apparently it's also 500k lol
its very sad to see how much time and money is spent on captioning a dataset that will be unusable because of how retarded his caption logic is
makes things have more sense on the gen
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She needs red mushroom now https://files.catbox.moe/9d256y.png
still less retarded than euge's idea of tagging characters as 1 hakurei reimu desu
nah bro we're cooked
anime dataset is too fucking big in contrast then, it will dillute what it learns about e6 and will prioritize ultra censored and ugly genitals instead
someone tell euge this is not a joke nor a shitpost
Who is this
nothing really beats the retardation of purging artists, characters and body types for "ethical" reasons
i'd rather have subpar genitals than destroy the model with literal feces e621 is
"It won't fit!"
"Bwa ha ha! That's what makes it feel even better! Hope you have a 1up!"
holy based
but needed a LOT more stomach bulge, basically pectoral bulge in this case
She's standing on an incline. Your response, stud?
I am a retard, I need an example of how this does anything and what settings to use.
but i don't want the model to get diluted with ugly furry art, plus making the model learn 500k images with an entirety different tagging scheme already seems pretty suspicious to me
just train a penis lora lol
I got the name but why are they relevant to /h/?
they're only relevant to /aco/
I'm a retard as well, the "base" settings is:
If you're using 7 as the cfg scale, set it to 4.5
Then set the smoothed attention or perturbed to 3, and gen
pony's creator
all of e6 is 4.5m images at best
danbooru is close to 8m
it would be very difficult to be dilluted that way still
and i bet euge is not only using danbooru for anime but also some pixiv pics or smthn
euge is such a fucking retard it's unreal. in under a month this general will go from fellating him for his 512 theoretical h100s to treating him like a lowcow like astralite or jordach.
the more i hear about euge's dataset preparation the more likely this seems desu
Alright so who is Euge? A maker of a model we use too?
my favourite cat!
An autist that supposedly has access to a shitload of GPUs but only for a very limited time so he has to figure out exactly what settings to use and have a dataset ready to make a model in one shot.
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not particularly fond of the artist so I can't tell if it's weirdly off in any manner but it is what it is.
doesn't need the artist tagged at all.
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Anon, but le sovl.. Any suggestions, except merrytail?
in euge-chan we trust
I wouldn't say he's a retard, he's just in way over his head. Not sure about lax or chenkin though, hopefully they can manage to pull off something decent together. Euge seems willing to learn, it's just he treats everything as a 100% good idea so when he gets bombarded by ideas he has zero idea how to filter through them.
it's a must!
Inpaint chads, I'm back again requesting advice. How does inpainting handle non-contiguous masks? I know that with eyes, for example, you want the masks to be touching even if it's a one pixel line so that your eyes match. But if I want to touch up several spots on my image, can I mask each spot and do it in one round? Or do I have to run a generation for each masked spot?
A second question as well: how many sampling steps should I use to inpaint? I generate at 25, so I've been inpainting at 25. But on an upscaled image it's taking a really long time even for a small area.
lovely! but where are her nipples?
formula 1
it could just be a way to avoid unnecessary conflict, hes probably mainly forwarding the ideas to the main team as well where there might be other people calling the shots
im not seeing any improvement. this is a snake oil extension til I see proof
Thanks bbe.
sir, catbox?
i'm more willing to call him a retard. which other baker has gotten the "genius" idea of making people prompt characters as "1 hatsune miku"
Purging artists for ethical reasons is such a retarded concept, its like stealing clothes, removing the tag and acting like its not stealing anymore because no one can prove where its from.
This moral standing mentality for ai need to stop and you just embrace the fact that you cant make an ethical model of good quality and no one actually give a fuck anyways
but no my perspective projection
>How does inpainting handle non-contiguous masks?
inpainting just adds noise to your image and then denoises the whole thing. the masks just control what areas of the denoised image are actually visible. non continuous masks and continuous masks are functionally identical
>I know that with eyes, for example, you want the masks to be touching even if it's a one pixel line so that your eyes match.
you should double check that
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if its taking a long time even for small area then you have wrong settings
also only touch up one spots at a time, there is barely no situation where you would inpaint different spot with the same prompt so im not sure you understand how inpaint work
at least euge doesn't throw artists
The point of generating images is to get them in your favorite artist's style, why would you withdraw them
>there is barely no situation where you would inpaint different spot with the same prompt so im not sure you understand how inpaint work
that is the entire reason why the whole picture button exists
If you inpaint at full context (before upscaling) you can touch up multiple areas at once (which is you essentially doing an img2img on thew whole image but keeping the masked areas only). That being said don't recommend most of the time you will get one area how you want with everything else being wrong.
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rather just do a simple i2i or redo the gen with CN then
How about this, if anyone can relay to Euge (I don't do discord):
I feel like Euge coming to ask people for help is that he wanted ideas that may improve the quality of his model. He already has a team, but he probably wanted to avoid FUCKING UP.
Consider that illustrious is decent, but for the exact same compute it could have been much better if they used bucketing/didn't scale like they did, especially with the use of lanczos. At the same time, using booru captioning untouched will make it not understand english language at all, it's pretty bad at this.
So I feel like Euge should be clear with exactly what kind of bake does he want, does he want the model to have good understanding, does he want to do an Illustrious or NAI tune that's basically NAIv3 equivalent but with lesser mistakes than Illustrious.
I suggest that he publish what kind of model does he intend to do, and his training code and let people look at it , if there's mistakes, others can tell him to avoid a very costly fuckup (512 H100 for a week is not free).
Some very small training runs may still be a good idea to avoid major mistakes before the big one.
I also think it's a good idea to cut discord expectations short, he is having the model he wants, not whatever pet project discord wants. He's there to learn to avoid fuckups or get ways to improve quality, not to complete whoever else's pet projects. Good luck!
Oh so Euge made Illustrious?
you are very convincing at selling bluvoll model
I can't generate now for some reason (using Illustrious)
wait, which one?
>booru captioning untouched will make it not understand english language at all
who fucking cares about NLP man. the good news for you is that euge is planning on including natural language captions for a good chunk of the dataset but i really doubt this is a good idea
LAX has a team of fucking PhDs
they already (according to LAX) have been doing experiments for 2 months, they already have some model (it's on HF, behind manual request though)
guys in discord can yap all they want - they are not a part of the team
>who fucking cares about NLP man
Anyone who ever prompted with something like flux
We live in a time where we are equivalently as cucked as WW1 soldiers on the front lines
i cant make a disembodied tongue lick her pussy, any tip?
SDXL will never be flux
no matter the training method
flux uses T5 and not just CLIP lol
How do you even help AI make perspective projection?
Sorapoi, ririko (fhnngririko), mochirong, omone hokoma agm and asurauser (unironically)

Some of them you can only find the uncensored stuff at sankaku
>there is barely no situation where you would inpaint different spot with the same prompt

Since pony/sdxl you can easily get away with like .5 denoise and 128 and under padding with the original prompt. That's my main work flow, just create initial image I like, send to inpaint with .5 strength, inpaint a few areas that need touchup, upscale the image in img2img to like 1.5 scale with like .25-.5 denoise and adetailer for face, then some light inpainting (again mostly just with the original prompt).
No, that was AngelBottomless from OnomaAIResearch, but it seems Euge also wants to do something similar (a NAI clone). I was just saying that it may be a good idea to avoid such mistakes.

>who fucking cares about NLP man.
I care, because imagine I want to put 2-3 characters in a scene and the only thing you can do now is forge couple or similar plugins that regionally prompt, it's a hack and works poorly, but sort of works.
I want to be able to specify what a character is wearing or doing and how.
>but i really doubt this is a good idea
It might not be, google had a very good paper on doing good detailed captions, but it requires training a vision model to generate good captions, itself a non-trivial project, even more so applied to anime. I don't expect the ponyfag to do much better here. I don't think it can be done in a short timeframe either. It'd be a research project.
Going by that logic, furkan is the best finetuner and lora maker in the world, he also has PhD
inpainting unfortunately
you can't, it either do or doesn't
What's with 4channers and drill ojous anyway?
most of the experiments they did were on hunyuan and it seems they gave up on it so that's fucking useless
time to inpaint BROTHER
grooming euge into creating a good model is probably local's best bet. angel isn't releasing v1.0+, and nobody else have nearly the same level of compute. lax/chenkin have proven to be massive coomers, and they won't censor their shit like westoid troons.
>you should double check that
Maybe I've misunderstood something then. The reason I thought that is because when I was testing out adetailer detectors, the ones that detect individual eyes will give you eyes that don't match each other perfectly (in terms of lighting, shape, or color tone). However, ones that detect the whole face won't have that issue. I assumed that's because disconnected masks are generated separately, but maybe that's not the case for inpaint?
>im not sure you understand how inpaint work
That's certainly the case. I'm learning as I go, sort of. I don't change my prompt to inpaint unless I need to set the inpaint area to only masked, since it references the whole image in "whole picture" mode. Or do I have that wrong too? If my settings are bad, what do you use?
Thank you, that saves me a lot testing time. I'm at a stage where I can't really tell when it goes wrong because of my methods, or because of my settings.
I don't see how any of those things prevent us from having NL captions that would be of higher quality than sdxl.
>I care, because imagine I want to put 2-3 characters in a scene and the only thing you can do now is forge couple or similar plugins that regionally prompt, it's a hack and works poorly, but sort of works.
I want to be able to specify what a character is wearing or doing and how.
none of this is possible with sdxl. what you want is a flux finetune and that is simply not happening now
yeah but currently the only ones grooming euge are the troons so we're doomed
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What's the model, early txt2img? Anyway my impression is that they're looking for things they may have missed out. Illustrious was trained very "classically" like SD was, and it shows, I like it for its knowledge but it could have been better for the same amount of compute, I think Euge is purely trying to avoid making some glaring mistakes by asking people for suggestions. His latter post suggests he wants to be conservative, probably aim for a decent NAI clone.

Yes, I know that CLIP is trash and probably would be worth doing a Flux tune. Although I haven't been that impressed with Flux's understanding in some places, felt rigid and I bet their base model is better. While CLIP may be trash, there's still some options (ok they would be risky so the guy shouldn't take them) for getting better understanding. Also if you tune purely on booru tags you will destroy whatever was left of CLIPs pea brained understanding of english.
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he was just covering them
Damn, people know about every trooncord member's PDFs... What else do you know? Like, do they have a mole on their dick?
dam im using parsec through my phone to gen at work, cant inpaint shit rn
bucketing has to scale the images first, its just a matter of having your shit fucked the least, sd-scripts uses INTER_AREA by default for example
NTA, but for what you mentioned with the individual eye adetailer setting, it is essentially doing a separate inpaint pass on each eye with the "only masked" setting. So the inpaint context is no longer the entire image, but rather a square around a single eye. So the context ends up being different for each eye, thus causing a mismatch.

When you mask both eyes, contiguous or not, all your masked areas use the same context. Depending on the "Inpaint Area" setting you choose, this context is either the entire image, or the square around the entirety of your masked. Either way, your masked areas will all use the same context during the img2img phase, and then it's patched into your original image where you masked.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong though. I'm basing this on my experience.
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i just find charlotte really appealing looking, my first girlfriend in kindergarten wore hair ribbons like hers, and one of my first GBA strategy games was Fire Emblem, so she sits in a nice nostalgia part of my brain
>strips metadata from nai gen so people will beg for a catbox

Can't you get validation from loved ones?
based retard
The reason they do that because they just run a good image through img2img at 0.1 denoise strength, to make it look like their pet model generated the beautiful image when in fact it barely altered the final image.
Usually I laugh at this thread's schizos, but I actually believe this
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I tried, maybe it's too thick.
There is no lora you can just reuse the prompt and see if he is lying or not
While I was thinking about what you posted, I opened up the adetailer mask pre-processing section for the first time and found it has a mask merge mode that fixes that problem. So it seems you were right. Thanks for that, now I can finally use the eye only detection.
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? I have no clue what that means. Some of you retards look for conspiracies where there are none
dunno what happened here, anyways, attempt no. 2:

I keep seeing shit about lanczos being a problem without any evidence to back it up. Assuming this is about downscaling, just what's wrong with it? Best I can think of is it can make some lines blurrier, but the image represented is still pretty accurate, and way better than the INTER_AREA kohya uses by default.

As for bicubic, it's either looks the same as lanczos, or slightly sharper but more likely to alias. The 0.01% sharpness boost which means fuckall for the 4ch vae anyway. Images tagged as oekaki, pixel art, or aliasing should still get the nearest neighbor treatment of course.

If this is about the noise artifacts in Illustrious, that's just from IP noise. (Which someone should also tell Euge to make sure the final epochs at least don't use it).
the downscaling is something they're already aware of and everything else is irrelevant
yeah, almost looking like a dick and its not red enough
>sorry for non /h/ gen
on average how long do you guys spend inpainting on a single gen?
Is Illustrious only trained on data from danbooru up to a certain point in time? It doesn't recognize nozomi from blue archive.
I don't inpaint. I just batch gen then choose the best one out of the batch while doing something else.
anything past 2023 isn't in the dataset
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it depends on how atrocitus the gen is or how much I want the whole thing to come out ""fine""
I must say tho that while using illus I haven't inpaint as much as I did with pony
meant for
anyone else having problems with backgrounds on illustrious? stuff always seem to shift towards white
Sup faggots. What's the current local meta?
this has also happened to me
also sometimes when im prompting seggs the male will just appear in the background as disfigured blob man
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ahhh i forgot the 'cord screenshot fuck
Fuck, hopefully someone will train a lora then because I'm apparently too retarded to get the dataset and settings right.
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I see, I'll add them for the next version then, just don't want to stop it when it's halfway done already, asura already in the dataset anyway lol. I never looked at what he draws, thought it was the usual 1girls, but it turns out there are plenty of futas there too. Are the penises really that much of a problem, at least for non sketchy stuff? On most of the gens it's like "where's the legs?" question from what I've tried now
I only inpaint if I'm making 1girl,standing or I'm posting the 1girl,1boy gen here. 1girl, standing takes me at least 10 to 20 min to be perfect while 1girl,1boy like 1min
CFG: 18
Speaking of, what CFG should I be using with Illust? I've seen people get good results with as low as 1.5
for most samplers, 5
for cfg++ samplers, 1.5-2
uh if they're using cfg++ samplers
It's because they're using eular a cfg++, if you are using euler a, you should be using 5 - 7
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Ok, second question: What sampler should I be using for it, and what exactly are the differences?
>What sampler should I be using for it
experiment with that gives you the best results
i personally just use euler a cfg++ with sgm_uniform @ 2 cfg
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Wait, how do I even get Euler Ancestral CFG++ on forge? Google's fuckin useless.
you use reforge
But I thought forge was the hot shit! Now you're telling me there's HOTTER SHIT?
time to get comfy
I refuse to become one of them.
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All I've got is this jank depthmap setup,
we'll get blinking and proper subject/background separation someday brother...
(However, I have tested manually giving the penis/male no depth in depth map to get better penetrative motion and it works, but I dunno if I want to manually do that for 50+ images and finetune depth anything off of them for that)

Karasu-chan lora mainly but some j.k. and hxd probably contributes, ilya_kuvshinov and as109 may clean up some details, dpm cfg++ sampler makes it not so gritty for some reason
oh and I was using an underbaked nababa lora at low weight too

Anisphia Wynn Palettia
if you couldnt edit out the artist signature and ran the images through auto tagger and it tagged them as "artist name, web address, patreon name, twitter name" would you remove everything but "artist name" or does having it attached to multiple tags help neg it out?
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The fact that it knows Naoto really well by default was all the reason I needed to jump ship over to Illust
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My nigga
perfect timing too
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pls resbond
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I want this setting to work but it's honestly fucking weird, I can't picture a coherent scenario for the pose
everyone's using illust but it's half baked so it's more of a taste of freedom from ponys shitty cartoon slop than anything
we're waiting for euge to release something better if the troons from wd don't poison him with """ideas""" but he's got a team of PhDs working with him now in Chinese so there's hope that behind closed doors they make fun of the bad suggestions and proceed with a decent model
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Haha, time to move my 200GB+ of Pony loras to my archive drive, and start over fresh. Feels like cutting off a tumor after 9 months.
I deleted all my old models expect for reweik and 4 style loras if I ever feel like going back to those specific styles
i just archived the names, deleted all the models themselves. anything i've trained i keep the source data for anyway
Nooodledooode what's your weights for artists?
nothing special, the artist tags are at base weight and the lora weight it's at 0.7
here is the catbox for the base gen if you are interested
how do I prune a controlnet?
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Illus is really good
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why did everyone stop calling it gooknai
Because it's actually good, and its probably better if people know what we're actually talking about.
>polite 4chan
would anons have stopped calling awa arti if it was actually good though
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I'm not going to use an underbaked pre-alpha.
I'm just not gonna!
That's perfectly okay anonny :)
Could you also not frogpost? It's a long dead meme. Let it rest.
>Reaction images
>On /h/
Go back to /v/ and stay there.
These faggots don't get the meme anon but I do and I'm just, haha, not going to use it either. I'm just not going to.
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does anyone have a guide on finetuning base models?
Oh, I understood the meme, you're just not welcome here.
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here's a slight variation
digging this thing up again makes me realize it could be easily improved with bezier curves controlling the animation to look more natural, might look into that one but honestly the depthflow codebase is kinda ass
Much better than the last one, that one was giving me sea sickness.
I managed to figure out better focal settings and added zoom, wish speed was easier to control
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So the weight not even changed, ok. Just wanted to test with tags, seems like lora is just doing most of the work for you, cuz ciloranko is too strong without noodle dedicated lora for me. Where's fangdong tho?
pinchable pusy
Even better, I already finished but this new gif got me going crazy for a second time
Thats pretty good
Also she look so much like my wife I didnt even realize it was supposed to be Anisphia
sexy style, definitely fappe tyme right now
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nice track
no shame in wife hallucinations, who's your wife?
what style is that?
nice photoshop anon
has anyone made any wuthering waves character loras
Been away for a long while and haven't seen anons' LoRA depositories to check.
Anyone have in memory if someone trained a SDXL Doyora LoRA?
It looks like she has giant fluid filled herpes blisters forming at the top of her foot or something
there's a few artists
and this image in vibe transfer
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>Going through manga trying to figure out how to make gens with better perspective gens.
>Looking closely at the panels
>It's all fucking stock photos and 3D models.

Ok. I guess that is a way.
kys nogen
>vibe transfer
to more knowledgeable anons, how does nai's vibe transfer work? is it the same idea is ip-adapter?
when noodlenigger isn't shitting up the thread it's actually pretty nice
okita, like beside the bow placement and the air vent its pretty much 1:1
12 HOURS REMAIN until the enseethening of the localjeets
What is going to happen?
oh yeah, I see it now
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Love that cute dumb face
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Not sure why nobody else here mentioned it but they will also be training on natural language later too
butcha-u style is sexy
>prompts "Completely nude"
>Still gets a thigh-high
Is this the power of NAIv3?
how did he get that much compute while being so unsure about so many topic, feels so random
is there anything better than cow bikini?
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Anyone who unironically wants ironic caricature cartoon abomination pony dicks in illustrious should GO BACK (to pony).
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Got a box for that, mate?
Lax is the one with the compute, with his phd he probably had connections from work. Euge and his group were probably christened by xi jinping or something idk, the entire team is Chinese
literally any other subject matter outside of ayyco territory
I prompted thigh_strap too. But due to high weight of 2B tag it developed into one stocking.
Also how do we fix the issues with our 1boy self inserts being crippled blobs? Do we just add copious amounts of bara 1boys to the dataset?
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>try doing a deadnoodles artist mix to shitpost
>comes out looking a bit like flood
there's no escaping slop, is there?
floox* fuck
>Wanting to see men in your gens
What, are you gay?
>Wanting to see cripples in your gens
What are you, quadriplegic?
Faceless male tag obviously,
No, I only want disembodied_penis and out-of-frame_censoring
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very good
I'm not about to roleplay as a blind man

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The guro thread is a few blocks down
Wow nice
>Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The guro thread is a few blocks down
nta but look up what disembodied_penis and disembodied_limbs entails on the boorus
My bad, thought you were part of my generation. That was a gachi meme from a decade back.
i've just never heard of that meme but i understand, it's a genuine misunderstanding i've seen here before
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Unless I'm stupid it seems like they're actually using the full e621 dataset https://huggingface.co/Laxhar/sdxl_noob at least that is what the text implie
Body proportions may be all over the place but La Creatividad is good.
Uncensored dicks are /aco/ though, not furry. They're more about dicks in weird shapes and colors.
>La Creatividad
that reminded me
couldn't resist
any artist list that work on illustrious?
dunno but i did a few random artist grids on it. want me to catbox them?
illustrious is worthless for generating
ugly /aco/ slop
sure, thanks
What are you trying to generate? It's great on my end.
anything more complicated than "1girl, looking at viewer, sketch", is just completely worse than pony models
uh oh
gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning
um shut up chud
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