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Wholesome Edition

Previous Thread: >>8248072


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
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kill yourself
made it, nice

>didn't make it
>pony models still not removed from OP
I still find it funny people who say "made it" which is equivalent to "I gave Highlight anon a boner nice!"
I (ironically) gave Highlight anon a boner nice!
obligatory kill yourself
>"I gave Highlight anon a boner nice!"
I wouldn't mind if he said that directly :3
please refer to xem by xer preferred name of IA schizo
I'm gonna say it.
I like the highlights
Thank God I made it, I wasn't getting really self conscious for a while there.
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kill yourself.
Astralite just shit himself
= I like helping jerk off this one guy
you ok there anon?
what do you mean? i'm just using xer preferred pronouns
As opposed to the entire thread?
Every time you post a gen, someone is jerking off to it.
>preferred pronouns
Pony models are still the best.
I just come here to steal artstyles, not cum.
I wish :(
Naa that's posting something you like but when you do it to satisfy just one guy, idk kinda gay. I mean not judging of course.
you are posting in xir thread
>Every time you post a gen, someone is jerking off to it
no, this isn't /slop/
I'm so mad that Angel didn't hash artists or characters. What a piece of shit, thank god Astralite did the right thing.
Any good artists that do fake looking boobs? Like the ridiculously round and gravity defying ones?
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>two whole days to finish a thread
not like this...
something like a quarter of the US is currently flooded
please to the understand
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>put "dark-skinned male" in negative
>still get nigger male
What the fuck do I proompt to get BLEACHED?
would rather see saber ride a bbc than with sh*rou
People shit on the quality of these threads but they should really check out /trash/. Its like a glorified rule34 comment section with spam reply feedback loops on absolutely dogshit gens, it's like no one there has standards
what the fuck did you expect with nyantcha
try to remove the other nigger
if nai works like illu you need dark-skinned male, interracial and dark penis in negs
>artist nyantcha
hmm, I don't know what could possibly causing it anon
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Haven't found another artist that results in convincing negresses.
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It's an honest thread though. The aim is clearly to get people off and if the lowest-grade slop is good enough for someone to jerk off, it works. I don't mind the gay atmosphere so I was fine posting there when hdg was unusable.
Oh, you use masked loss? How do you do the masks?
please go back there and never post here again
Nyo~ :3
How dare you sir! Here we have dreams to be a bunch of future AI porn Davinci. Fun is for losers
this thread needs more discord screenshots
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Surely this is an extremely old screenshot right?
i'm so ready for nobody to use gooknai again after v7 drops
lmao you would think.
that's a cute style
no it's not and i'm really tired of people pretending it is
Bro how did you get that picture of me?
illustroius killed the general.
a-are you on the left or on the right?
Our leader has spoken, we can no longer like what he doesn't like, hear! hear!
your drawings were definitely more enjoyable to look at than this slop
I'm just happy that he is still alive somehow
he's far from being terminal coomer, his posts were just a funny larp
t. terminal coomer
be honest tho, are they really objectively bad or you just don't like that they're not full anime and have black girls in them?
I don't think they look like "slop" at all
Is it possible to prompt out the grain on lusty?
somehow is the right word, I have a fungal infection on my butt I can't get rid of because of sitting for too long proompting non stop. I've been using the cream the doctor prescribed to me for 2 months and it's still there
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RuntimeError: CUDA error: out of memory
CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call, so the stacktrace below might be incorrect.
For debugging consider passing CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1.
Compile with `TORCH_USE_CUDA_DSA` to enable device-side assertions.


Is it normal that it struggles with memory for this resolution?
img2img upscale is worse and less convenient than hires fix.
it's gooknai
Are you training something in background?
Not normal, are you using forge?
>black girls
i'm only racist towards males and ugly females
>not full anime
it's anime in 0%
>objectively bad
it isn't but it's just as basic as can be with rule34 tier caption
Change your diet. Stop eating slop and eat local raised meat and dairy mainly. No processed food, sugar, bread, vegetables, alcohol or smoking. Get sunlight at least every other day and full rest every night.
illustrious v1.0 never ever btw
you need 32gb ram for that
Ponychads win again as per usual
Those resolutions are way too much tbqh.
Try to not go above the 1024x1024 chart and 0.5 upscale.
but I like jizz on skimpily dressed curvy girls, if it's not objectively bad then it's just a matter of you not having the same kinks, it's completely different than it being slop or bad
those are just alpha masks made erasing parts of the image manually, nothing like rembg. i do use scripts for generating the actual masks if that's what you mean
Don't listen to this snakeoil
Change your diet. Stop genning slop and gen on pony or local mixes mainly. No img2img processed gens, inpainting, anime, loli, characters or styles. Download loras at least every other day and train loras every night.
my diet is healthy, but I never leave the apartment since I'm severely autistic and I absolutely despise the outside world.
AI is the only little boost of dopamine I get, since I can continuously gen, never actually 100% achieve the goal in my mind, and this hooks me up in a loop of proompting back to back.
I'm overwhelmed by everything and this is the only solace I can get in a moment of complete utter burnout
Finally some good fucking advice
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what anon were you again
no one is forbidding you from liking these things, just post on-topic and keep news about your rectum health for yourself
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do what I did and move PC next to bed, lie on side till butt fixed.
doodle anon aka the wizard
this is the only way to obtain strengths and virility of a horsefucker
why are you so hellbent on keeping this thread a soulless discord and dramashittery dump
i'd rather see this dude's aco shit and read about his rectum health than reading about same fucking jordach/vpred/1e-5 garbage again
aka the hemorrhoid anon
yup, that one, decaying tooth, hemorrhoid (which is now an infection), starving, dirty house, tax office looking for me.

Basically slow suicide by proompting
what happened since the postcard
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Thanks for the answers. I've been satisfied with the baked-in ones and when it's been a problem it's due to lack of or zero data on Danbooru, in which case I'll train one. What >>8251049 mentioned is a reason I do like that NAI added year tags. Guess I've just never been that autistically entranced to nail down an artist to an exact style I like.
Had a few months where I was feeling better and even found a gf then I fell back into full depression and proompting non stop.

The gf is still there and helps me but I'm in total autistic burnout and proompting is my drug
Hmm, never used masks for loras. Can you mix non-masked subsets with masked ones?
Can I get a rectum / ass status for each anon in this thread please?

Mine is doing alright, I have a zit right in the crack which is kind of annoying but I put some cream on it this morning.
any illustrious checkpoints competing with (or shitmixing on) noob yet?
>little bitch is having a fit because the thread isn't centered around her and people honestly worry for an anon
I save time and just proompt on the toilet all day
mine is feeling fresh and ready for action
Why is it so blurry?
dunno, i just add masks for everything.
its illustriass
Was shirou an allegory for US middle east policy?
>what's a raita?
>Are you training something in background?
No but I have 3 monitors, I try to not watch videos.

>Not normal, are you using forge?
What is forge? It's just plain Auto111 with a few extensions and xformers that I installed a year ago.

>you need 32gb ram for that
I'll grab 5090 on release, I hope 1000 watt PSU would be enough, I dont want to change other parts.
What's he using to caption them? Joycaption?
how much ram, not vram, do you have?
Threw up in my mouth a little bit.
hes talking about physical ram
I'll physically ram my fist up your ass if you don't shut up
They were a bitch to fight in left4dead
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It needs ram? I have 64 but chrome can eat up 30+
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I put a plug up my ass every now and then but otherwise nothing to report
sweet banana tits
that's cute :3
really makes you think
it do be like that some days
close chrome and whatever the fuck eats your ram and try again
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Ok, I've tried and it's definitely GPU memory, with 1.45 hires it goes up to 23GB and sometimes fails. With 1.7 hires it's always fails. Without hires 1080x1400 it takes around 12GB.
>Anon uses chrome
turn on xformers or sdpa retard
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Turned them on 1 year ago, did anything updated with them?
Use reforge
switch to forge, reforge, or comfy.
nobody uses auto.
>racist finds the pause button
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sweet nicole sketch, did you draw this? :)
no that was greg, he lives in my pc. he's good at this stuff
this thread sniping faggot still hasn't updated the op, jesus
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yoink controlnet'd
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>stable diffusion thread
>"did you draw this?"
it's missing pencils and crayons in frame like in these pinterest doodles
she is just TOO sexy
Anyone know where to get an updated danbooru.csv? Last one I downloaded was from feb
can i get a picture of an anime girl having sex with a penis wearing a police officer uniform please
>a penis wearing a police officer uniform

>a penis wearing a police officer uniform
How are you going to see the uniform if the penis is going to be inside the girl?
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is it possible to have a positive prompt wildcard add something to the negs? like idunno, you need animal_ears in negs for one character in a wildcard but that same neg would cause issues for others in that wildcard
I haven't used kohya in a long time but vaguely remember there being one one prompt window and a way to add a negative through it
This makes me wonder how is abmayo doing nowadays, did he moved on and accept the AI progress?
can AI not do x-ray images???
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good morning sir
he's still been going strong. his miku autism knows no bounds.
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I don't understand appeal of miku
you just don't like anime at all
what is miku anime title
Same but all idol shit
aw shit here we go
this, i'm real anime fan, only 2hus, vocaloids and kancolle
Jashin-chan Dropkick
idols have appealing design and convenient setting for smut
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there you go, now you'll have to add the anime girl
delicious brown booba
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seems familiar...
is there a way to lessen the impact a character prompt has on style
sometimes they're just completely drowning out my lora
>character prompt has on style
what? what sort of dogwater model is that happening on? you could try lowering the weights. (character:.5) or something.
what the hell where is the anime girl
on noobXL
am i just prompting wrong? some characters have an IMMENSE impact on style
in your heart
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Example? There are characters like shoebill who indeed carry a strong style anywhere
now gen them having a loving and stable relationship
forces this anime screencap kind of look
observed it but thought that im imagining things
while prompting for some oc with artists mix, style is jumping all over the place but with character tag it gets stable
model might be trolling or all data of character is from one source. I would try lowering the weight of the character (might need more descriptions of character to keep her on target) and I would also try the exact same prompt in another model and see if it's still cursed.
No the other anon has just never used a model that actually knows characters without a lora before
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whats wrong with chrome?
>Anon uses chrome
Schizo femdom next?
more of those shiny boobs pls
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Denji just breeds her and leaves. He wants to use his access to high school to get some pussy in there.
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A bit of off-topic out of curiosity: how does Illustrious (can't test it myself right now) handle tacticool stuff? NAI is okay-ish with it even if you add some artists and an existing character but Pony just utterly shits itself.
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Based bunnyposting. I did this one in the prev thread.

pretty much most of the stuff nai can do illu will do too (except for dataset being newer but most artist tags working worse) just don't compare anything to pony, it's just fucking garbage soulless hollow model for slop porn
give me a prompt and I'll run it
forget about decent result till flux 1.1 becomes the norm
The pic is NAI so it's there.
>kobuichi, muririn, 1girl, large breasts, pyra \(xenoblade\), red hair, short hair, bangs, red eyes, tiara, (alternate costume:1.2), military, tactical clothes, body armor, bulletproof vest, load bearing vest, ammunition pouch, long sleeves, gloves, cargo pants, knee pads, baseball cap, headphones, holding weapon, rifle, m4 carbine, cowboy shot
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pretty well, made it nude for /h/ rules
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I'll do it in a bit, getting jester pilled first
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I would lap up her melting tits
VERY nice guns
surprisingly so
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> you will never breed a strong bunny girl who pins you down and milks you for your seed.

The bitter truth...
Interesting style

hate gook and nai shills so fucking much
fucking troons you could do all this with a lora on pony who cares about the base model? styles from the base model will always be inferior
Works well enough
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So practically same as NAI. Do the pics have those nice colors consistently? Half the time I use prompts as concept-intensive as this in NAI they come out kinda fried (as was my original pic).
illu is pretty schizo in my experience but won't have strong contrast swings like nai does. thing is with nai you are pretty much expected to tune rescale due to vpred
Yeah I find Illustrious has quite nice colors. But to be fair, I'm using SmoothSPO which is slightly more contrasty than base Illust
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Your order sir kek
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>tfw no gym bunny gf who could kick the shit out of you

why even live
schizogenning champion of /hdg/
nta but WHOA MAMA
that grin is just top notch
>pretty well, made it nude for /h/ rules
That's /e/, you imbecile, you have to add cum. Just leave cum on body as a boilerplate tag and it'll always be /h/.
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bb--bb--box in my walls?
sir the metadata is there
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It seems that illustrious does pretty OK with horror themes. This gen was braindead easy.
why is this thread so gay
There is cum there. You're gonna have to find it.
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Installed reforge and it is much better. Even 2x hires works, wow. Thanks.
bro.... your stealth PNG?
i miss mjm anon and his schizo backgrounds, but i believe that one gen in the last thread was his
drop the image into this
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This fucking model, what a time to be alive
unironic /d/ is in now huh
>janny wannabe can't appreciate ART
I seriously don't get why we have so much content police in this thread.
When will you fucking retards learn? Just use pony with a lora.
I don't see any 1boys here?
I for one, just want the pedos gone
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Namio Harukawa moment.
schizo cunny onegai
Careful anon
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>prompt for schizo UHOH crucifixion
>it works perfectly
lol, incredible
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sorry anon I don't want a vacation.
this model is full of surprises
this may be enough for it desu
btw thanks for ggo recommendation, still watching and it's really fun
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base illustrious
illustrious smoothft spo

which one am i supposed to use
Why do you care what base model they are using then? Who cares about the base model?
Download them all and run comparisons, its your gens anon.
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The one you think look the best. Do an XY
My NAI gens though the extension have been lighting fast these past few days with, did they upgrade their servers or what?
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cant you just tell me which one is the best one??
it's an insane memory and cpu hog and has been that way ever since the start
just use animagine, it's what you deserve
I see the bigrbear there, great gen. Never really saw him used in NAI gens which surprised me.
It really depends on your mix. I use base on some and noob for others
I miss base autism hands
This is not NAI, though. I'm >>8250699 and just got a fresh epoch.
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I know it's not NAI. I was simply expressing a wistful sentiment over the common artist mixes used in NAI gens. Nigga can't take a compliment I swear to god.
are you the dude testing wip versions of olympusXL
hahaha, thanks for the compliment, this time I wasn't supposed to be rude.
nope, though I wish I could be.
which ever one is closer to the same x/y grid without the lora applied
nice bunnies
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i really that collage style
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i miss pony
join the illustrious wave bwo
*pulls on the tails*
I hate how the anus always appears stretched when it should appear clamped with a plug in.
why do I get ugly hands when I gen paizuri pics but not with other poses? am I missing a prompt or something
im into large buttholes atm

noo q_q
Nice. Very cute.
i won't lie i kind of want an illustrious flavor of this type of style and line clarity
No thanks
more for me *shoves you*
Why not just gen with illustrious and img2img with pony. The best of both worlds, ideally.
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NTA, but.
Mayhap you could be indicating, dare I say, a Pony refiner?
deepest catgirl anus lore
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i'm genning with pony and inpainting with illustrious......
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saars, im a poor indian girl, i have pc with only cheapest amd gpu

can any of yourselfs do the needful and generate an image of a human with cock cumming by rubbing their penis on the thigh of a hot female?
Happy meal ?
good morning EPIC
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Is there any working link for matrix hentai pony? Seems like it got removed everywhere
Sir, this is a no-pony thread.
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This one? I could reupload is somewhere, but my upload speed is dogshit.
That would be much appreciated
It definitely is more detailed, big guy
You're a sick man
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>had to save as a jpg again
at least it could save at quality 12, but still.
here's individual boxes(without metadata)
and if anyone cared here's a box with metadata

I'm honestly still really surprised it actually got the second season.
Now if only the same could happen for heavy object.
i know
need to fill them holes with cum
>No pectoral bulge according to the dildo's size
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
Why is that guy so famous? Just because he looks weird?
izi to fix, since im planning to animate this, ill have to lol

You're a based man
the dude from the "My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined" meme. has a huge yt channel.
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>t. gay furry
Because he is a meme fuel, I mean he literally looks funny as hell, very skinny while almost always wearing suits and also has that weird haircut
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thats the one thing that illustrious is missing, that pony can do easily.
Wanting to see little girls getting fucked by big horse cocks its the most normal thing anon, what are you talking about, also there is nothing furry about that
how is pixiv tagging system so fucking bad after all those years
change is scary
please to the understand
so much kino has been posted here since illustrious's arrival
>first-rate female bodies
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big is enough, kek
photo background is a fun tag
Fuck pony is so disgusting
where? this thread's peak in density of quality gens was december 2023
hyper goes to /d/, retard.
Am I suffering from a skill issue or does illu have problems with butt plug tails?
and you need to go to Twitter
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Cool office party.
>he didn't use a lora and prompt for anime artist
Skill issue!! ;) That's all it took for top-tier aesthetics on pony and you couldn't even do that!
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Hyper is

the other is just not a micro penis
nvm was using the wrong tag, fuck danbooru
legitimately what is the best way to explain to your family you make money doing AI art without elaborating on what it is?
can NAI do hard lines with no aliasing?
nai's obviously miles above pony visually but most of nai prompters who posted back then posted slop, like that aki99 tard
How did my old gen that I only posted to my Pixiv make it as the thumbnail?
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naga u?
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i know illust can but nai may be too heavily aesthetic tuned. try removing EVERYTHING from positive/negative and doing a simple prompt starting with {{microsoft paint (medium)}}
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Pretty fun to play around with, thanks for the concept and prompt.
not op but someone posted it in last thread though
-ACK box?
The gen is shit, but that's not hyper. It's just perspective.
oh never considered taking out quality tags. but yeah I never really expected clean lines when zooming in, figured it's just a limitation of the tech. let me see those illust examples.
I don't know what the fuck you want but can any model in existence do "hard lines with no aliasing" and how does it look like
you will need to wander there first

there are special lora in the comments q_q
Hyper has an extremely specific detail level and style.
If you can't recognize it you're blind.
Here's a hint: If there's massive, tumor infused hanging testicles it's hyper.
I don't think any model can I was just curious. would be important for pixel art, microsoft paint style like that guy mentioned could be fun.
that will remain your personal criteria
she mean she hates pony right ?
>wants aliasing
>wants to do pixel art
are you retarded
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just prompt for jaggy lines
you wont ever get pixel perfect aliasing however, that's an issue at the VAE level
oh yeah I'm retarded. hard lines WITH aliasing
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>can NAI do hard lines with no aliasing?
I'm not sure but here's an example from Illust that makes me think "it's probably a limitation of the SD architecture". It's close, but you're never going to denoise
sexo's back!
>but you're never going to denoise
Had a stroke mid post. You're probably never going to completely denoise hard lines, there will always be some "blur" because of how the diffusion process works.
gens so boring they're only missing the ayakon filename
not really
it's easier to do with some post
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wrong armlet
wrong collar
wrong amulet
halter color flipped
wrong earring
random sleeves, she has very unique asymmetrical gauntlets

not dehya
what's up with those troll posts?
its pony
based, almost as good as AYAKON-sensei
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my waifu was botched, done completely wrong and you're laughing? You're laughing?
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what artists in illu make the best dicks
i need them SUCKABLE
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Nice gen actually
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tailong dwang femdomyang
lovely little tipsucker
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she is kinda stuck with the same gaze
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finally, that's how real adult woman pussy should look like
it's pony
finally our thread has returned to normal
Damn... she got 9 months pregnant in a matter of minutes...
between lora and prompting
you can do whatever you want with pony

but i you meant default expression yes probably
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Murdered your mdfあん for fun (sorry...)
illustrious MELT and NOISE
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Dehya has a lot of details to get right
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can you lower the saturation a bit it's a little too vibrant
thread is healing
from splotchy fad fotm back to the tried and sexy solutions

im sure you know that one
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hdg is healing
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A few years ago I tried to draw a Cheelai doujinshi, but I couldn't...

This drawing is a cancelled commission
nice one lol, do you use controlnet with some sketch then ?
Why was cancelled?
that kind of post gives me urge to post blaked nigger shit, even if i dont like it

NTA, but kek he triggered before me
I legit thought it was a bad koikatsu image the fuck
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>that kind of post gives me urge to post blaked nigger shit, even if i dont like it
I have some of that from old experiments with pony
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The story was when Cheelai arrived on the planet and Broly saw her for the first time.
Broly had never seen a female in his entire life, so he was desperate to fuck her.
So Cheelai starts with a speech that women need to be respected, to be loved... and he rapes her.
I wasn't able to draw at the time and the drawing didn't suit what the person wanted...

He ended up commissioning the drawing to another artist, I'll see if I can find it...
we're so back
im tearing up... /hdg/ is... healing?
i didnt said it because of that
its because the penises unironically has more details than the girl
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Super Broly would never! Z Broly on the other hand...
broly would lose to omniman
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Sir, it's time to let pony rest, come home to chinknai
More please
hotness, great work
Requesting more Raiden suck
is this illustrious? if so, box? thought this was NAI thats really good
yeah, koreaGODS save local
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I found it, this was the art that the person commissioned in place of mine

It was this pose, he wanted a drawing of his character fucking Cheelai sitting on a throne, while Broly kneeled at his feet
slopbros our response?
OCchads.... we kneel
bejita bro btw
how gooknai can compete
what artists are you using for Illustrious ?
the ones that I like
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it's comfy, do you really want a box with my shitty workflow or just the mix?
just the mix would be fine as im braindead and filtered by comfy
(ukiyo-e, traditional media, print \(medium\):1.5) horror (theme), dark, darkness, gritty,artist: tsukushi akihito, artist:quasarcake, artist:dino \(dinoartforame\), artist: healthyman, chromatic aberration, film grain, artist: ssambatea, artist: chii (tsumami tsumamare),dim lighting, amazing quality, beautiful color (best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres),{{realistic, (wlop:0.3), concept art}} aesthetic, 1990s \(style\),(glitch,dissolving:1.2),(muted colors:1.4),(black background:1.4),(dim lighting:1.2), (monochrome),graphite \(medium\) black background, (black background:1.3)
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Are there any Illu samplers more suited to inpainting than Euler A or Euler Ancestral CFG++? i feel kind of underwhelmed by how they're performing, had to fight the urge to swap to pony to inpaint certain things
(nyantcha:0.8), yd \(orange maru\), (cutesexyrobutts:0.8), realistic,
all of them
my prompt is 30k tags long
thank you kindly
oh and it's not base illustrious it's https://civitai.com/models/833294/noobai-xl-nai-xl
stop using euler a for illu and start using euler sgmuniform
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there are plenty of ways to get there q_q
2048x1536, restart 60 steps, upscale 60 steps, 2-step post upscale. Only 5 minutes and 30 seconds for a pic like that. Not too bad desu, still needs correction in photoshop or something.
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what mix is this?
>chink bro left a catbox with his loras
really nice
>5 mins for a melted to shit ""upscale"" using one of the worst models possible for the post-gen upscale
your gpu putting in worthless work i see
why do absurdres upscale like this if it looks awful up close
waste of time
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more Dehya
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wtf is going on its like suddenly thread got thrown back a month ago
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>just before marrying Anon, 1 last party to make sure she is not carrying his child
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someone flooding the thread with their ancient gens
If you're gonna be a useless fuck that constantly does nothing but wait until as soon as possible to snipe the next thread go update it yourself without someone else having to tell you. What an actual (you) farming bot with no internal validation
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I'm unsure if I like hentai anymore
well that's one of the bad examples maybe
this one should be better
i am still experimenting with different resolutions and upscalers to get maximum possible sharpness out of my forge
Think you can do IA walking around in a glitchy dark forest?
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eyes looks bad when zoomin
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It's novelai so you can just import the image. The artist mix is "{shigatake, synecdoche}, blushyspicy, [[[cutesexyrobutts]]], zankuro," + "{{{{{chibi, toon}}}}}" which cutifies the artstyle a bit.
damn this looks great, just convinced me to try it
of course they do, how can you expect perfectly drawn eyes without detailer/inpainting/postprocessing etc
KEK sovl
Hmmm. I feel like there is a specific board for stuff like this but I can't put my finger on it
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I have been really looking for a pony tabletop/top down map lora but everybody is making them for flux. Anybody found any at some point?
>alt-tab back
>/sdg/ raid
Thank you, so good!
Speaking of wholesome art
is it an actual raid
any update on the chink super model?
sovl... so much sovl...
>euler sgmuniform
download link plz daddy
how do you get large groups of men like this to pop up?
This girl is ultrahot, thanks for genning her with multiple dicks
You're welcome
what is the best for euler a cfg+++?
what is the best what? cfg scale? schedule type? resolution?
schedule type, karras? or AYSG
ah, a comfy user
it does have sgm uniform, doesn't it? if not, then karras will be okay
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here you go bud
It's NAI (at home)
its smea
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holy moly
why is the anatomy so fucked?
it's hag
bored esl's out in force today i see
why does it look so good?
it's not pony
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i love the tail wag, korone was built for happy sexo
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Anyone have any idea what Ginto AI uses for his prompts? Theres a few Lora on Civitai but they don't seem to get the same effect.
It looks rad but you can clearly point out which parts were inpaint or was your intention to have such contrasts between styles?
>contrasts between styles
yea im mixing artists that do a very sketchy style with one that has a really smooth style, style is unaltered
guys look look im clip

I agree
Bruh its always been a huge fantasy of mine to get fucked cowgirl style by a girl with wings. The lift she would generate while flapping her wings while her hands remain on your chest is the hottest shit ever
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cant get more than two girls in scenes like this with noob.
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alright, i think im done with pony for now. you made me a believer
Any tagless training anons out there? Fucked up and loaded up a dataset without caption files for an Illustrious lora bake and it doesn't look bad in testing.
super hot anon, thank you for baking
requesting a box to go
May it bring you good results
ngl not using lora for most of art styles and somewhat new gacha characters feels so liberating
i need a lora for "shitty oekaki male, normal female"
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>Nunnery bunny wants to know your sins
it is not i have le extension
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no box sar its in metadata
NTA but I can't see the metadata either
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What was this guy talking about back then? Half the board got purged.

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jannies did something stupid and accidentally wiped all the threads on like half of the boards
does not answering my question
you see he
oh right, I misunderstood
ty sir
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>pony and its mixes
>works out of the box
>no hyper autistic combo of artists required
>no autistic "high quality masterpiece super good art" spamming for every prompt
>requires autistic "super high quality pls give the goodly image" spamming
>artist mix required to make something that looks decent
>often worse with hands than pony
>early access slop
yeah, i'm thinking pony is still the best around. gookshills can leave.
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I mean keep on using it then? Do you need to feel included or some snowflake shit?
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Just blowing out all the gook shills that are screaming to change the OP to their slop,
So true sir!
twintail grab work on illu or you just got lucky with hair grab?
>>no autistic "high quality masterpiece super good art" spamming for every prompt
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, source_anime, rating_explicit, rating_questionable, highest quality, high quality, realistic, highres, fine detail, extremely detailed, absurdres, incredibly_absurdres
Why do you feel the need to lie, saar? Are you having issues with your lack of skill, saar?
don't forget your ExpressiveH, saar!
all of those do nothing on pony, just noise
except realistic but thats not a quality tag
>often worse with hands than pony
only part of your post that's wrong. change it to always
>she uses pony score tags
no wonder you complain about the model!
only tag that's actually useful on pony is source_anime and that's so you can distinguish cartoon, anime, and other styles
something illustrious is sorely lacking and why you need to spam it with artist tags
I still add source_anime on illustrious tho?
imagine being this mindbroken about a porn model
>porn model
Good morning schizo-saar. Heading down to the beach for a poo, saar?
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based ponybrained proompter
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I'll give You a (You)
Just Ohisashiburi?
ba dum tss
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What model is this
illust smooth spo. 2m sde karras sched/samp. euler cant do the funky lines.
artist is ikzw
not telling :3
Stop genning while you can-
This is just a piece of my story, you may ridicularize it, you may learn something from it, idk, but hopefully it can reach someone who needs it.
24 years old, male, introvert and I had the girl I thought I would marry for 4 years, met her at 18, so 6 years total. Even when we were just friends, everything clicked, personality, expectations, even the clock and I considered myself lucky as I also have social anxiety, so meeting someone like that would only get harder and harder as I got older, I'm not sure about exact dates but when abyssorangemix launched, it was nothing more than a funny toy for me, 1.5 wasn't that great, but then pony launched, it became an addiction, I used it 4-5 hours per day (idk don't ask me, fighting against the model) for about an year (more or less), I slowly became distant to her, couldn't visit her cuz I spent all the night genning so I had to sleep during the day, we talked about it and I managed to salvage the situation, I turned away from genning but it's like a drug, there's always the temptation of something new, better, and Illustrious came (even thought it may or not be, it's just something new to try) and I restarted the cycle just when I was about to break out of it, my girlfriend got tired of being patient cuz she saw no future with me, I have no job (that's bad, I know, but she still incentivated me) but the slacking and not caring for her enough made it all worse. I know it's a me problem, be it moderation issues or many other underlying ones, but if you're weak to that stuff like me I'd say stop genning.
some toph
Is Danbooru the only website Illustrious XL used for training? It doesn't seem to adhere to e621 tags. Has anyone found documentation?

id post but too many bbcers desu
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Absolute bless yah
uh oh gatekeepies are here
Little girls doing dirty stuff with disgusting ugly bastards is hot, based cunnyseur, but you should've catbox that
good thing i'm a virgin and i'm gonna stay like this for quite a while, maybe till death, who knows
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Based spic bro
Porn addiction bad
Please remember to add faceless male to your pos prompt next time, faggots
Alright, post a gen, I'm curious, it's clear that you have a particular fetish
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You like people with no eyes? I mean you do you but kinda weird
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would i get banned if i posted this on /e/ and said it's mayo
boxes please
it's comfy
if I say yes will you never post again
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kouhai box?

shout out to this anon
incentivized? no wonder you fought against the model, you can barely use english
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the whole point of my gen was bulma and vegeta exchanging looks. Why do you want to stare at dicks all day, anon?
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It claims to have been trained on entire e621, but I'm very sceptical. It can't really do scat, or feces as e621 tags it, meaning they had default blacklist on and it can't replicate any well known artist. Doubt they bothered downloading entire e621 which is 6 or 7 terrabytes, but at insanely slow speeds which would take literal months.
any default anime style artists that work on illustrious?
Take your pick
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Great Asuna
noob vs smoothft
nice, thx
is this a shitpost? where did you read this because it's not listed anywhere on the actual model info
is lucereon good?
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What is your favorite thing to generate?
I just figured when people talk about illustrious they mean noobaixl, just like how everyone who says pony means autismmix. noobaixl claims to have been trained on entirity of e621.
this is definitely not the case then as it's not a straight upgrade for anime and may anons here are still using illustrious
Yeah and pony had more downloads than autism, but my point still stands.
Currently we don't really have an upgrade for Illus mostly sidegrades so people are using whatever fits their mixes.
They did but it was only a few epochs not enough to learn anything more than genitals from my tests
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the anon asked for illustrious-xl, not nai-xl
>They did but it was only a few epochs not enough to learn anything more than genitals from my tests
What a fucking waste
Nobody asked you faggot
i accept your concession
They're currently still training that model, we only have it because someone in their discord with access leaked it so they were forced to upload it themselves
not a waste we just got an early version
Same thing, if it's not usable, it's a waste.
nta but if they don't fix the color range problem it's definitely a waste. time will tell
what shit bait. are you the faggot that came in here crying about being unable to prompt portraits yesterday?
Can't get any of the artists I want to show up in Illustrious, bkub works great though. Any data gathered for artists yet?
from euge cord
oh. well this is good
>shit bait
How is it bait? If a model is shit at something it's trained for, it's a waste and you might aswell use another model.
>unable to prompt portraits
Do you think there are only 2 people in this thread? Complainer vs praiser?
the researcher that brought us LoRA for diffusion models has now written a VAE trainer. who's gonna be the first anon to take a crack at this to help improve Illust?
Damn that came outta no where. Sick!
>GAN loss
You have to train anime vgg first
this is from scratch though, you would need to retrain the base model
It looks cleaner but it's still super bright, hard to really gauge if it still has the contrast issue. Thank ye for sharing
>autistic anons argue about what's a waste or not
>one thinks it's a waste to use an unfinished model
>the other thinks thinks he's saying it's a waste of a model because of it being shit in its unfinished state
>they're both arguing around each other
Holy shit, dial down your autism and learn how to communicate
I can communicate just fine, using an unfinished model is a waste when there are other models that perform better for said task.
It's the other retard who has 0 reading comprehension.
>>the other thinks thinks he's saying it's a waste of a model because of it being shit in its unfinished state
that's not what i said. i said it's a waste if they don't fix the problems with it when it's finished (pony with it's sepia bullshit)
All Disney Princess XL LoRA Model - Ralph Breaks the Internet sisters.. should we take this snub as a personal attack?
>It's the other retard who has 0 reading comprehension.
>Is Danbooru the only website Illustrious XL used for training?
>Illustrious XL
Good job, you proved my point that you can't read.
>>one thinks it's a waste to use an unfinished model
He's right btw, lusty is neat and all but it's just too raw and unstable to dethrone pony as it stands, as flawed as that model is. I'm sure v1.0/2.0 will be up to the task though, it definitely has the potential.
So how exactly amount of vram affects lora training? Do I actually get worse results with 8gb or does it just means I have to train for longer amount of time?
>m-muh unfinished model
good, we don't want retards like you to use it
>we're doing this routine again
You are a literal nobody. Go back to genning NAI V1 bbc slop
>>m-muh unfinished model
Literally how is this not valid criticism?
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>lgbtqai+ghewnblr5iuysghbliuerh hair
>couldn't use loras and needs to rely on half-assed model knowledge
>somehow pony users are retarded
gook shills are somehow the most obnoxious faggots to ever shit up this general
that is how her hair looks retard
>early access :|
>early access, gooknai öÖö
>couldn't use loras
Ah, good to know you haven't even used it.
i dont know the character, troon
>arguing with gooknai spammer
just stop
pajeets waking up. time to fuck off for a bit
where are all of the screenshots?
Thread in shambles, just because I said an early version of a model was flawed. Someone's feeling extra insecure today I guess.
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AI is so fun
pony defence force working overtime today huh
You mean Illustrious defence force? As soon as I gave the tiniest bit of negative criticism, everyone shat their pants lol
literally no one is saying they want pony to stick around, just that lusty isn't there yet
what's new on euge's discord?
OK, don't use it?
Something is wrong with my paimon
Something like this?
Paimon corrupted by the abyss
how long do you guys estimate for v1 to happen
>10 min since last post
thread is kill
How is it not there yet? Can't do smegma?
Lovely, her hair is so nice
It is, I haven't generated any Makima suck yet but it looks fun, she has amazing eyes for it
painted fingernails? fuck that, let's just have painted fingertips
What's the deal with Flux hype? I'm trying it and it looks like SDXL in its first months, way worse than current ponyXL.
skill issue, learn to prompt
Haven't used local in awhile, mainly because I got tired of fucking with LoRAs
Which local model nowadays works the best without them?
Hey haven't used local anon #1056 I heard this is the best
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Not Based
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the fuck is that
its pony
blushypixy's watermark from the brushy LoRa
its miqote
>4 finger slop
you can do better anon...
when we training copier loras for illustrious?
youre right, i need to redo that one
copier than what? illustrious is already cope
>training loras on watermarked samples
This should be considered a crime.
>watermark on negatives
why is the guy penis grey
actually why is the picture greyish
just mask them during training if you are not a retarded jeet training on civitai
maybe its maybelline
Why is anyone even still using pony? Isn't that almost like intentionally trolling or something?
kill yourself
*doesn't caption watermarks*
now what bitch?
Huh??? I'm just asking a question
Path of least resistance, easier to use, more resources available and some people like the look I guess
shills really just can't fucking stop huh
give me one good reason to swap beside your shitposting
Pony is still more versatile at prompting scenes that go beyond pov blowjobs or missionary.
Pony is a finished model with a mature ecosystem, Lusty is a raw underbaked pre-alpha prone to artifacts and general fuckups that lacks the sheer amount of LoRAs Pony has accumulated. Also it's kind of "NAI at home" whereas Pony is, for better or worse, pretty distinct from it so if you have NAI, you have little reason to be excited about Lusty.
>Made the highlight
Still kill yourself, regardless.
Not a bad bait, cathag, but it's always the cherry on top when you include one of your purposefully disgusting looking images.
they're just threadshitting as usual, anon
I have literally no idea who the fuck you're mistaking me for, I'm just an average anon.
dont try to argue with conspiracy schizo
I'm not him
The other voice in my head isn't a conspiracy theorist anon
>There's a lora for Sankuma and Sorimura Ryoji

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reading is hard for retards
heh... i'm just an average anon, just like you, fellow non-threadshitter!
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What is this, 2023?
Wait, it's not?
10/10 would organic response again
friendly reminder that anyone trying to stir up shit between local models is a paid nai shill
tied up breasts are so sexy
i do it for free
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Where do I get my check? I shit on pony for free every chance I get, but some cash wouldn't hurt.
box? nice style
it looks amazing, but what I want to know is if this new model will be better for nsfw arts, because Illustrious-XL is terrible at it!
Actually, I do it for nai gens - 1 post 1 gen
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can pony do anything close to this without lora?
Would make sense, he is banning people talking about Illus. Kurum is scared of gook dick
Not at home, can't chech, but on other hand I couldn't get rimjobs working on illust.
do you have to prompt artist by "artist:xyz" or just "xyz" is enough ?
for what model?
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just the artist name works im pretty sure, since its just illustrious
Very uoooh, fellow cunnyseur. May I kindly ask you to package that up into a loli-box?
NTA but it has nai metadata guys
Neat pose, did you gen it like that or controlnet it?
It's anilingus on danbooru. not my fetish so I am not even try to fix it or upscale it
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skill issue
shitty gen but you get the idea
bet there's no rimjob...
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its a matter of luck
tags are anilingus, from side, kneeling, clothed female nude male, femdom,
the anatomy is beyond retarded but at least the halo look cool
Any other average anons in the thread?
My mother says I'm above average, sorry.
You better not be lying, above average anon.
How do you do my fellow local users?
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yeah, more often than not it doesnt get the rimjob right. it also cannot draw anything other than side view, it just starts spawning abominations instead
>prompt doggystyle on illu
>sometimes generates dogs instead of the guy
I see...
>prompt ponytail
>it spans a literal horses
>oh nvm, it was pony
>prompt cameltoe
>it draws a camel's foot
>prompt zelda riding horse
>generates zelda riding horseback
wtf that's not what i wanted
I wonder why NAI anime is completely unable to do anything resembling anilingus at all. Same dataset. With inpainting it can kinda understand what you're trying to do though.
They probably pruned some tags
>prompt prompt
I don't like that so I personally told them to prune it, sorry guys
Still not analingus, so much for "skill issue" lol. There's no tongue or anus visible, you're just prompting what's essentially "head in ass" or in previous image "looking at ass"
Illustoids coping
Only 2koma and 4koma stuff. If they didn't prune cunny, why would they prune anilingus of all things?
Although those are probably noobxl gens and e621 helps with rimming.
Neither Illustrious nor NAI can do lip biting either so it is kind of weird
>What do you mean the 0.1 version of the model can't do a niche fetish for scatfags?
Mental illness
That guy was not me but thanks for the answers regardless. Did he ever upload that finetune or name it?
this desu
coping I see
Probably highly style-dependent considering most anime styles don't really render lips?
Shit like this https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8242430?q=biting_own_lip+ is tagged as "lip biting" so not surprising that it might struggle understanding it.
If the model can't do a basic concept, it is worthless
Yeah, pony's western sources probably did a lot of heavy lifting on that one. It's an acceptable tradeoff to be able to use face tags again I suppose
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added grimgrim to the mega

>Ponyfags have a literal shit fetish
Like pottery
you really think (((gpo, ces)))-posting was ironic?
Getting your ass licked by a girl feels nice and is a sign of submission (voluntary or not)
ackshully scat is vanilla, sar!
I was about to train grimgrim too. Can you share a bit about the data you used?
I'm thinking about gathering his comic pages from fanbox and using auto panel cropping and/or masked loss.
>need 2 try to write a proper sentence
Actually, could this be it?
Oh the irony
why do people keep posting this garbage on sadpanda?
who wants to see this shit? is it to make sure nobody ever gets ai out of their filters?
get out
yes why see garbage there if you can see it here too!
it's pony
I dont even know why ai slop gallery are allowed on exh
If it was 50 cherry picked pictures then sure maybe but those 2k pictures gallery with 100 pictures of the same prompt are a complete waste
Criminal, they can't even spell my wife's name correctly
Just like illustrious lol
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Anyone know what artists this guy is using here?
it's based64
How do you design outfits without the clothing tags bleeding into one another?
Like say I want a off shoulder shirt with a fishnet crop top underneath, but it keeps giving me one shirt with just some fishnetting scattered throughout it
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i've added the data into the mega folder
I didnt do anything special other than using the auto panel cropping tool an anon linked a few threads ago. and I used a python script to add a background to any of the transparent png pics he has
>p*nyfags were scatfags all along
to the surprise of absolutely no one
NTA but arigatou. I haven't trained since 1.5 so I'm going to use this dataset and try it for myself. Hopefully if it comes out well I'll do some of my compile some of my own datasets and bake
also breast vein, smegma and stray pubic hair fags
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>breast vein
Literally what's wrong with this?
Well sometimes you got kinos like this
NAI could never
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Very sexo.
no it was this https://civitai.com/models/684052/v-pony
if all of danbooru 2023 is like 7.5 million images and everything tagged comic on there is a bit over 500k images and nai's dataset was around 6 million images, where's the missing 1 million images?
oy vey...
nothing but illu won't do it
No, I promised not to lewd the Kanna
but holy fuck nice
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I think I found my mix for milfs: (yukimaru (gojo):0.6), (mikoyan:0.5), (kakure eria:0.4), (artist:orushibu:0.25), (flat color:0.35), (aiue oka:0.4), (butcherboy:0.3)
What are you working with anons?
I couldn't ever get this working with pony mixes. If I bumped up the weight it'd go from non-existent to ugly blue squiggles. Same often with stray pubes, they'd go from non-existent to really thick ugly lines.
I am a dpm2++ 2m fag tho so maybe that's the issue.
>be me
>be autism
>model named autismmix
>oh hey thats me
its mad gay
i wanna be like floox
but I need to learn how to control net so my dudes stop generating in with female faces or swapping clothes with the girl
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Whats the ideal number of images for training a character Lora for Illust? I've got a few datasets from back when I made some Based64 Lora and embeddings, and was wondering how much of the lower quality ones I should prune. I've got like, 140 images to start with.
140 is berry gud
just make sure they're the right dimensions
...Define "Right dimensions", because I've done anything specific with my images, and so far so good.
>I've done anything specific
*I HAVEN'T done anything specific. I'm still half asleep.
Oh just make sure you don't have smaller versions of pics if you meant to have the hidef versions. When I tried to train a Lora I forgot I had thumbnails and sample images instead of originals.
Oh, fair enough. I'll give a quick look through before I bake, then.
yeah it's a struggle. the artstyle also affect how they look
I find it better to gen without, then add the tags on i2i stage, so they get added as subtle details
That's a good idea, I'll give that a try. Thank you.
I did it with regular Illustrious, not noob and it knows it fairly consistently (from the side at least)
I've been going for around 6-9k recently but 140 should be enough too.
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My dick hurts
this nigga's training cirno LoRAs on illustrious
Sub 100 and even sub 50 is fine as long as the data is quality. I've been focusing on "small dataset, highest quality" for a while and it's got me the best results especially since Illustrious actually fucking learns details quickly unlike Pony.

You can look here: https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/n1hVVTLA for an example dataset/config that worked well with just 24 pics.
Isn't that the mom from the flim videos? Got a lora?
Got a training guide for Illustrious? How is it different from pony?
which model is a base for Illustrious lora training ?
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Rin is deeply racist and would never
i thought threads would get plenty of images again with new model...
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please saar do the needful and make the sexy images !!
That's basically a guide anon, I included both the config and dataset. CAME+Rex, DoRA, somewhere around 6e-5 and 8e-5, tenc only for characters and keep it low, like 1e-5. As for how it compares to Pony, it learns characters much faster and styles slower, but it learns both with a much higher degree of accuracy.
new model?
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https://pixeldrain com/u/bZJbgTmu
Here's the reupload of matrix pony for the guy that wanted it.
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>if all of danbooru 2023 is like 7.5 million images
It's more like 7m.
Does the year tag do anything on illustrious?
My nigger in christ it's an open-weights model, run some X/Ys and see.
kohaku was trained with date tags like newest, recent, mid, early, old
I think they work on illu to an extent
I was just asking if anyone else did it before I bothered, jeez.
Alright thanks.
that still means there's about 500k images unaccounted for in nai's dataset
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Based. I kneel.
This is just an annoying situation. Every place that allows ai is pretty much unfiltered and allows endless streams of horrible broken jeetslop, and almost everybody ends up filtering it, it's much harder to get (You)s now compared to how it was even a year ago. Possible but mostly with luck and persistence with your grifting and shilling yourself.
Even minimal moderation would be sufficient, just filter out extreme garbage like >>8252664 >>8252680 and it would be good enough.
Now people who want to avoid this just stopped marking their ai pics as ai, risking a ban for this. Seen quite a few of those on pixiv, and I think they do get more views compared to posts properly tagged as "AI".
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I've testing them but I'm still not sure, its paper says it does tho
Is using regularization loras still the meta for illu?
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illustrious did irreparable damage to this thread
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Jokes aside this place was unusable for months before illustrious release. Any time you visit there's some sort of spergout, shitposting, spam, you name it. Quality of gens was generally bad too.
>somewhere around 6e-5 and 8e-5
What about min_lr for rex?
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So I should use newest instead of 2023, interesting
>just simple 1-3girls all in the same poses
Still slop really.
it's even worse now desu
gooknai brought all the discord troons to this thread
>inb4 hyper goes to d
Why do people call it Illu? Shouldn't it be Lusty?
kill yourself
Gooknai saved this thread. Bet we could even have a discussion about seasonal anime after the recent exodus of /aco/ sloppers
We always had discord troons in this thread the fuck are you on about. At least people are posting images now rather than fucking discord screenshots
[spoiler]What's gooknai?[/spoiler]
you mean a discussion about vtumors and gachawhores giving the kind of retard zoomers infesting this thread now
Complete RNG of "pole dancing"
hyper goes to d

jk, im fine with it
You don't tell me what to do
d goes to hyper, HAH
You have good taste mnemosynekotorin
boxes pls
Anon, I'm new to this and I have a few questions: What local program do you recommend? Is there a colab program that works well? What do you recommend for captioning a dataset?
this and also anime is shit
i don't see the point of discussing anything other than touhou
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no matter how much you seethe touhou will never stop being central to otaku culture zoomie
Fate however will always be central to otaku culture
Touhou is so fucking based... so many cute girls I can rp as...
make a fart lora for Illustrious
well thanks anyways
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sorry I've already deleted the exact pic, but this one should produce similar results
vtubers will always be central to otaku culture
Wait why did you delete >>8252970
I was fucking around with the tags and seeds and accidentaly uploaded the worse version

anyway, turns out the pic you were asking for was still in the recycle bin so here you go:
thank you
I'm a different anon. I was just curious lol.
>Everyone praising this guy for baking blacked /co/ shit loras for Illustrious
That Makima picture is cute as fuck
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>584MB style lora
what the fuck?
the more size the more style it has idiot
pony defense force never rests
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That's an old 64/32 lora
absolutely disgusting I'm going to scrape their shit and make my own lora just to dunk on them
friendly reminder to watch llenn's show.
SAO related, so no
I forgor what happened in the first season
asuna died
what sort of fucked place is that? I would say it's a gas chamber but it's got tile on the outside too. is that a giant window between two communal showers?
dude what the fuck, spoilers
its a cuck shower
the first episode will probably remind you enough.
besides that the first season actually holds up really well and is fun enough to the point that rewatching it is actually enjoyable.
sao exists within it but the characters and that story has zero impact or relevance to llenn's show outside of like two random dialogue references.
it's NAI (at home)
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uh oh, grab it quick
wups meant to reply to >>8252994
im retarded
civitai is such a shithole...
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Need more gyarus
Isn't than AI artist? Wtf kek.
>Truckkun curses you from the grave~
lmao it is, and they're just using the same quasarcake/sweetonedollar/fiz-rot mix as everyone else. imagine submitting a takedown request because someone trained a LoRA on your generations which are indirectly copying other artist's works.
I don't think anyone uses sweetonedollar/fizrot outside of here/double desu
Guess I'll post the improved version and the slapbox: https://files.catbox.moe/12qdlr.png
What's the base image for that?
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Where can I find those loras?
I definitely see quasarcake/sweetonedollar in there but the fizrot is questionable yeah.
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>put "multiple boys, group sex" in negative
>keep getting cuckshit
What the fuck is wrong with NAI? This shit is why I invariably end up going back to POV - at least it's consistently free of other males.
In Lusty
is it possible to merge illus and pony?
With some artist tags it's almost impossible to escape some tags
Yes. What comes out the other side will be a thing, let us know how that goes.
Well... no one can stop you from doing that
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Meanwhile the oh-so-hated Pony. Nice SOTA NAIkeks lol.
Doesn't fucking matter what, if any, artist tags I use.
you should merge your brain with buckshot
NAI is unironically really bad at following your prompt, Illustrious/pony both mog NAI when it comes to prompt following
i'm gonna do it
i'm gonna do it
same seed
I usually avoid putting artist tags right at start of the prompt because of this, it starts hallucinating sometimes

it's generally very sensitive to prompt order compared to illu or pony
(vofan, fiz-rot:0.7), (sweetonedollar, bigrbear:0.35), masterpiece, best quality,
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mistakes were made
NAI trained with a rigid prompt order. Look it up, I forgot what it was, but artists were always first. That's why.

Illust also trained like this, though.
What the fuck are you doing
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thanks king, can you link me to the zankuro lora?
they have recommendations here
they don't mention artist tags but in my experience artist tags at start can cause issues, 1girl 1boy character 90% of the time
>Illust also trained like this, though.
the only model I tried that was that strict with tag order was arti. didnt try illu myself, but from catboxes I saved it doesn't look like it's as autistic with prompt ordering
We all can share anons wife now..
can you explain your upscaling method?
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wtf why did you send me a virus
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"Really bad" is an understatement, more like "hilariously terrible" sometimes.
>give up on side view blowjob
>proompt something else entierly
>put "dark-skinned male" in negative
>1/4 gens have vantablack black hole gorilla niggers
Sometimes it feels like mockery or stealth DEI prompt injection at times, I swear.
>generate with t2i raw using Euler A CFG ++/SGM Uniform/25 steps/1.5 CFG (same settings used in i2i)
>send to img2img
>enable adetailer with 1024x1024 separate width/height and whatever denoising/blur/padding what you want
>Set Upscaler for img2img to Remacri
>Set denoising to 0.33 and scale to 1.5x
>Enable MultiDiffusion integrated, select "Mixture of Diffusers" and set tile width/height to match image
>Redeem the image
while i agree that it just snaps and does random shit somewhat often, you have to be terminally retarded to fail genning from side fellatio
NAIsissies they're laughing at us again...
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Me in the background. Psssssssht
Their scrape might have been earlier. The probably also filtered animations.
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I wanna move to comfyui
is it mandatory to not be a brainlet in order to use it?
Any new illu finetunes since smooth and bluvolls bake or only shitmixes since then?
there's chinknai but i personally don't think it's an improvement over smoothft since it rapes the colors
it's really easy to use
you just plug things into the right hole
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it was easier to make sense of for me personally since the more "traditional" webuis are kinda magical boxes, but in comfy u get to see exactly what gets applied in which order
even if you know what you're doing it's a pain in the ass to use but I guess you can just copy people's workflows if you're lazy. it's missing a lot of basic QoL the gradio UIs have, too.
try it and post results
i can see autism (not base pony) helping with anatomy, but autism may also bring the thick lines and weird colors with it
can't say I agree https://litter.catbox.moe/teahde.jpg
rare insight into the mind of a jeet
Besides horrendous fingers, I like the right art more.
common insight into the mind of a shitposter
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i wish kohya integrated in forge had some description on what the fuck do those sliders do
why do people think autismmix did anything to "help with anatomy"? it was like 2 anime artist loras merged into base to nudge the style (someone else can probably name the exact ones).
Loras also help with anatomy on illu
because people aren't retarded (unlike you) and understand that merging 2 anime artists with good anatomy into a model trained in low effort furry porn can help anatomy
What ControlNet models are you guys using for XL?
>training lora for furry artist with very distinct style
>barely looks like their art at a 2500 step train
the fuck
do i need to prune the furry tags to make this work? im worried that'll force characters to gain furry traits
Isn't easier to just use hiresfix?
Don't touch block number, set downscale factor to value X in Resolution/X=supported resolution, start percent 0, end percent .5-.7.
maybe try training for longer dunno
So… can NAI do rimjobs yet?
I have the same exact problem with a few regular artists too.
At best, it remotely look like the style but nothing distinct features.
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illust loras will either come out really well or fucking suck
lol no
p*ny can, it's a scat model
It is
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Is autismix still the best for local? Whenever i try random shitmixes i get worse anatomy compared to it.
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Yup yup carry on
nai furry can
nai anime hasn't changed for almost entire year so no
I don't care.
You should.
>best for local?
for some reason, OP still hasn't been updated, but you should skim through the past few threads and look at the catboxes
explain in one sentence why i should read this without sounding mad
Why? Explain why I should make 800MB finetune extracts with massive quality loss from resizing instead of 50MB DoRAs that produce better results without sounding mad. Preferably with A/B comparisons.
Because you can't train a dora on your furry artist?
Go back, bluvoll
Should be in there within the stealth metadata plugin
I'm not him. Why shouldn't I check the box that makes my LoRAs better for no tradeoffs?

I'm not him, either. Maybe he should try increasing his LRs.
>for some reason
this thread is now IA-sama private property
Try to increase batch size (especially if you use 1) and gradient accumulation.
Don’t have a computer good enough for local.
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autism is good, aaautism is better imo. reiwek is also good.
a lot of people are using illustrious smooth spo which has a lot of upside compared to pony models but has worse anatomy and some issues with jpg noise.
how do i make lora
how gen imagery
how to turn off a PC
Hello sar, how do i generate pooping fat female?
how masturbate cock
tell me
how do i cum
>most normal /hdg/ hours
why dont you tell me
how to get a gf
how female stable diffusion image vagina
you just don't
i rap you with my 12 inch cock if you dont tell
why the fuck do you rap into your own cock???
We use xinsir, SIR
ok i make your mom rap into my 12 inch cock
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reiwek seems good now that im trying it, been a while since i messed around with local.
where can i find this?
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Dangerops prangent sex? will it hurt baby top of his head?
Pony with a lora is all you need
It's: nsfw, 1boy, 1girl, characters, series, artists, other stuff
schizo hours are back
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Funny to see kurumuz and euge struggling with the current iteration of their model, meanwhile astra has already planned generations ahead
I'm going to say the n word
what's your favourite way to upscale a gen? mine is
but cogvideo has already been defecated by the other chinese video model
why nsfw at start
It's the right order.
Astra is a grifting retard who got lucky once and will never succeed again.
Pot calling the kettle black, kurumuz.kun
What artist is that?
ponycord is funny. someone posted the nai paper a while back. subsequently people speculate "did nai do this or that?" "would be interesting to now"
they'd know if they just read
true art, anon.
Their eyes have been permanently damaged by looking at sepia and gpo/ces, give them a break bro.
funniest shit was when retards here were seriously saying that nai3 was just using loras for every character and style back when it released
and not so long ago someone was almost sure that nai is using dtg analogue for characters
>someone was almost sure that nai is using dtg analogue for characters
Kohaku probably still believes that
there was like two anons that said that. do you think there are only two people here?
>nai paper
didnt it ommit the most crucial points?
like, it was a recap of stuff they applied in their old models like bucketing
it's (wlop:0.6), ribiadan, piromizu, (quasarcake:0.8) + an arako o lora shared a few threads back
did you miss the pages they spent on vpred/ztsnr
honestly if they were actually smart, using keyword triggers for lora's/embeds would be a really smart thing to do for SaaS. It'd take a bit of effort to implement but it would allow incremental improvement of the model as a service while they naturally expand their dataset for the next big train.
iirc it's heavily speculated that midjourney does something similar but more in the realm of refiners with full, separate models. Basically, they do stupid shit that only makes sense to do if you have datacenter level compute.
It omitted the hyper-secret nai exclusive research that forever elevates nai over local models. Nai has a team of dedicated researchers that are years ahead of public research, they don't just implement papers.
How MJ does it is pretty cool and intuitive, if only their service wasn't gimped to shit and back
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sometimes this model knows too much for its own good
holy dunning-kruger
Laugh it up, you ugly local monkey. It's your destiny to forever bake deformed, sepia ridden slop.
Now that's a blacked waifu
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this was my favorite sdkek cope when dall-e 3 released. the cope was so bad even emad was saying it was actually an elaborate comfyui workflow and not just a good model
i hope local never catches up and nai increases opus to $100 a month just to make the poorjeets in this thread seethe
>No... Models cant possibly be good at many things at once... It Has to be overfit on one thing...
still not paying for a sub pajeet. take this (you) and go redeem your tokens
Kurum is already banning people for talking about gooknai bro, which I don't think is a good sign for whatever he is doing with V4
We've passed "Backlit" and reached "Blacklit"
Kurumuz and friends have been hinting that there's no need for more parameters than what SDXL has. Better hope it has a 16ch vae.
imagine being this mindbroken by being so poor you can't even afford 25$
NAI didn't do anything else besides vpred, zsnr. Also their aesthetic scoring is kind of secret.

Besides, it's what most folk failed to grasp: If you have data and a lot of compute, 99% of the work is doable by brute force. They threw 75k GPU hours at it.
is baiting with this shit still fun? wouldn't it be more fun to have a normal thread without your bait garbage?
spamming images in a text thread is pretty cringe
you mean he banned some retard thirdie kid sperging out about an irrelevant model? oh no
>no need for more parameters
This is some jordach level cope. He just doesn't want to rent more gpus for inference
NTA and you'll call me a shill, but to be fair, if you were running a business would you want people coming into your store and talking about a new competitor that's opening up shop? Even if whoever was banned was shitting on illustrious, any publicity is good publicity. Seems pretty autistic talking about it on NAI discord and expecting not to be muted or banned desu
Just making fun of the paypig retards that unironically claimed stuff like that merely a month ago
we'll need a different narrative when euge's bake with 80k h100 hours fails
It's on the chinkNAI model page and someone here checked it out and it was cause he was recommending people to try it on runpod if they couldn't run it.
Yeah I am not callling them out on doing it, it's their business but doesn't bode confidence on their next gen model though.
why would actual paypigs care about any of this shit
like i said, mindbroken
That would be quite the feat for him, to be honest. He would have to be collecting wrong decisions (like recaptioning 100% of the dataset, or running the TE at a huge learning rate). With this much compute, it likely will be at least middling.
>NAI didn't do anything else besides vpred, zsnr
that's part of it but a really big contributor is also their frequency based loss shit.
the korean model implemented something similar but a bit different and honestly I feel like having a strategy in place for one of the two approaches is absolutely necessary for a model to not be shit.
(pony somehow circumvented this through sheer luck and overloading it with so many different varieties of shit that it diluted everything just enough to be operable)
That's fair. Some anon pointed out a few threads back that they weren't worried about Illu itself, but the possibility of SaaS competitors offering a similar or even better service (LoRAs, ControlNet) for cheaper.
>pony somehow circumvented this through sheer luck and overloading it with so many different varieties of shit that it diluted everything just enough to be operable
astra just balances his dataset beforehand and likely prunes outliers
Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that. That was the real nugget from their paper, the same as the dropout scheme was the nugget from the korean dudes.
illustrious 0.1 didn't do a single thing about tag frequency, so you're wrong. all of the elaborate dropout techniques where used only for the later versions of the model
the lesson of illustrious 0.1 is that all you had to do for the best local model was just train on all of danbooru at high batch size for a reasonable amount of time
>Kurumuz and friends have been hinting that there's no need for more parameters than what SDXL has.
source is your anus
I gave him my two cents of advice and if he fails now, I'll just blame it on him only listening to the loudest troons.
nai has been using tag frequency loss scaling since v1. it was even part of the code that leaked, and neggles got into trouble for using that code for his trainer
>It's on the chinkNAI model page
dont see it there
however it is funny to see all the civitjeets complaining about illust since it doesnt have a base style
your spoonfeeding, sir
why do you care so much about what some random civitjeet says?
Sutton is always right
I wonder how come NAI didn't sue people over their model leak. Are they afraid that someone would have ruled it uncopyrightable and the floodgates would be open, whereas now they get to at least threaten people? Anyway, that's nice to know, it was news to me when I read the paper.

I honestly hope he doesn't fail too hard. I don't believe he will be able to achieve novelty from it, but a competent bake at this point seems doable even if it was his first time at this.

If you want to stick to tag only prompting, they might be right. If they can release those shackles and recaption anime stuff, then there's a world of stuff to be done on more parameters.
>simplest approach was the most effective one
i'm so sick of local bakers egos
This. Architecture and training tricks are nice to have, but you can ultimately force success by increasing parameter count, dataset size and training time.
>I wonder how come NAI didn't sue people over their model leak.
who would they have sued and what difference would it make when pandora's box was already opened? there has to be some tangible benefit to recoup otherwise it's just a waste of money
Suing anonymous randos on the interwebs isn't that easy, they're a small company and probably didn't have the time or resources.

>they might be right.
The point is that they never said you don't need more params.

Every single generation service out there hosting models that, on their model cards, had no shame to say "this was trained on / merged with NAI", and what they could recoup is their exclusivity at least as a generation service, if not the model itself. But yeah, it would hit them hard on the PR side.
>If you want to stick to tag only prompting, they might be right.
I might be spewing retarded shit but don't you need more params to be able to utilize better detail of a 16ch vae
>The point is that they never said you don't need more params.
So where's the discord screenshot of him saying that more parameters are needed? huh? exactly...
SD3 M (the shitty one) had a 16ch VAE on ~2B parameters, kinda like SDXL, and did and OK job when we're talking about detail (it was absolute crap everywhere else). It doesn't necessarily need that.
So where's the discord screenshot of him saying that more parameters aren't needed? huh? exactly...
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>46 posts
>no images
text only general
>not the hecking textrino!
Sir, there's a discord screenshot right above you.
broski... your strawman!?!
Here's your image :) >>8253321
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I came
4006 nodes and lots of spaghettis to make this image btw
He doesn't outright say anything. Kurumuz isn't the type of guy to brag with a huge parameter count anyway. He'll underpromise and overdeliever
only essential node for that gen is ppm, for the extra cfg++ samplers
>Kurumuz isn't the type of guy to brag
Are we living in different dimensions? All the fucker does is brag
Go suck his cock man, I aint wasting my time with this shit
>no proof
Someone's angry.
why would someone go here and just suck that turk slopmaker's cock non-stop? like what's the purpose for this? motivation for local? false flag? just endless desire to bait? why?
all you need is pony btw
uh oh localsister meltie
cant wait for the next big localite breakdown when NAIv4 MOGS everything again
>just endless desire to bait?
this is my motivation
>over 1k posts
>240 images
you say that like naiv3 hasn't been continuously mogging local for a year and counting
I just came in a small cup
lurk moar
That doesn't seem that bad kek. It was way worse before in some threads. The baiting jackass just woke up so gotta wait for his tantrum to end
fuck off neggles
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I want a ham and cheese Turkish bread meltie right now...
>doesn't post an image
Ultimate powerplay
>no 16ch vae
>no artists
>no loli
>genlets complaining and doing nothing to fix the problem
you are the issue btw
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Don't have a good enough rig to gen otherwise I would contribute. Most of the thread is people responding to a schizo.
>Don't have a good enough rig to gen
lol, lmao
explain why you didnt attach a gen to your post without sounding mad
my rig isn't good enough either
>Don't have a good enough rig to gen
Same and that's not stopping me.
kill yourself spic
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Good morning sir
They're talking about V3 there.
I will not post a single morsel of image until highlight fag is dead and buried!
holy based
i fucking kneel
before you're banned, what artist is this?
Alright Anons, I come to you pleading for help.

For some reason, using illustriousXL on comfyui results in the image producing just static noise, no matter what sampler/scheduler I'm using. Am I missing something?
get rid of the clip skip node retard
remove clip skip
stealth metadata
fml, I'm stupid, thanks.
Why does leaving it on the default setting still cause it to bugger out, I thought it wasn't doing anything in that case.
it's a relic of the past just forget it even exists
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Is this Illu?
You really are deep in that Glitch phase.
So I haven't used AI in several months
Back when I stopped NovelAI was the best thing if you wanted quality
Is it still the case? Or has SD caught up?
novelai is an sd finetune retard
hey i haven't genned in a year--
I know but their model was much better and more consistent than what was available
How is it now?
post your old gens
how do i upscale
nai3 is still the best model by far
After all the baiting the "I have returned is NAI still the best?" post, how do you fuckers still get baited by it.
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>a year ago
Tomorrow pic related will be one year old.
I still blame pedos. Just because pony couldn't do loli they felt the need to shit up the thread for almost a year. Childish "If I'm not having fun, then nobody else is allowed to either" mentality.
It wasn't a bait bro
still have gens left from back then
holy KIN-
>it was just pure img2img trash
How come an underbaked model like illu does a better pure yd than nai? Is this the power of aesthetic tuning?
when will you kill yourself IA schizo?
nai is fried...
gooknai's yd is still garbage so who cares
at least you can bake a lora
>better pure yd than nai
yeah pure yd on nai is awful for some reason
what's pure yd?
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So I haven't genned cunny in several months
Back when I stopped NovelAI was the best thing if you wanted quality cunny
Is it still the case? Or has SD caught up?
sir, redeem the secret flux cute and funny finetune
post your old cunny gens
which model exactly are you referring to?
there was a brief moment when i thought that this place isn't garbage anymore
>old cunny
how could it not be garbage when you're posting here?
lurk moar, newfag. We have 59 thread exclusive memes and our own lingo by now.
I was around from November to February, just tell me the name bro don't be a dick
no i don't think i will
Gatekeeping fucking ai porn holy hell
resonance cascade
gatekeeping=/=unwillingness to spoonfeed
>it was just pure img2img trash
you make it sound like a bad thing
Illustrious XL 0.1
thanks anon
Waiting eagerly on what is it that bro decided needs fixing! VERY suspenseful!
requesting netorare pics, preferrably interacial (bbc)
morning status?
Based racist janny.
Saar, please the generate butiful bindi girl with ugly english man, i needful, please, saar
requesting loli pics, preferrably cunny (moe)
what ?
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There's nothing "moe" about sexualising minors, pedo
I wish for all anons who have the metadata in their images a very happy weekend!
noobnai is worse at making more than 2 characters than base illus/smooth
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never had problem doing breast vein but the style lora you use have a lot influence on details like that
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Anyone know if there’s such thing as a “prompt commission”?
This user has insanely good generations using NAi, but they scrub any metadata and do not share their prompts. I just want to get something semi-similar looking on my own side but I don’t even know what artist or keywords they use to get these results. Anyone know how to replicate this in the slightest? Obviously, they’re doing some in painting and what-not. But I just need the base.
If they actively scrub their metadata you aren't ever going to convince them to share it because it's their business having a unique style
it's nai
Based Biboo Poster
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I know I’m not going to get it off them and that is totally fine. I was just hoping to get pointers on how to get something similar for my own uses and to mess around with.
Basic ass mdf_an slop
I’ve seen this Pixiv artist before. I don’t think they “actively” wipe the meta data. I think they just do post-processing work and the metadata gets lost in that step.
wtf happened
very moe
>If they actively scrub their metadata you aren't ever going to convince them to share
i remove metadata from all my gens but i'll happily give it to anyone who requests. should probably post it in my profile though
new model effect lasted a couple days at least
Is this “soul”?
good and needful
it's zun
I made sure to sign it as well as I was so proud of it. I made that image
this explains why it is so anime
im proud of you, zun
Controlnet is broken on my reforge right now, how the fuck am I supposed to upscale without getting 5000 belly buttons?
i think noob is just too underbaked to have any improvement over base at this point
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Found a set with 700 pictures.
Where and how do I upload all this shit quickly?

found it here https://tsumanne.net/si/data/2024/10/11/9609407/

>NAI shit
Why do you need to upload it somewhere if it's already uploaded to mega?..
>100+ pic sets
omega jeet slop
look at 2 images and you can infer the lot
>style mixing
>expression mixing
he must really love nyanpyoun
that looks like a boy
good morning tourist sar
>without getting 5000 belly buttons
You just clean 'em up in post.
im not a tourist im a femboy chad and i will be mentally replacing all pussies in that mega with penises
I thought it would last longer. Now it's back to hundreds of nogen posts with same fucking baits again.
i'd rather it be accessible somewhere else before it gets deleted

they get a bit better
kill yourself tranny, traps are for straight males only
ahem, to be specific i'm a femboy-loving chad. i do not wear the chastity cage myself
you can thank the highlight fag
Anyone know if it's possible to prompt "anal tail" reliably? It feels like it just doesn't understand it on most gens. Sometimes it gets it, but it mostly doesn't. I've tried a ton of tag combinations at this point and still nothing reliable so far.

>just img2img/inpaint/controlnet bro
Sure, but prompt alone is always preferable.
fine then, but they are just cute boys not some tranny buzzwords like "femboys"
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my preferred term is otokonoko but not everyone is familiar with it
fuck off to /y/ and kys, fag
That's a man
>/b/ and /y/ raid
Fuck off back to your shitholes
are you on pony?
because lolno it can't.
if you're on illustrious/noob just prompt for anal tail and it'll usually mostly get it and default to a cat tail but you can prompt for a different tail type and it'll usually reinforce it into a different direction.
>moe raid
please stay here
post otoko no ko
Stealth metadata is there bro
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>she hasn't read asanagi's lebe doujin
Just Noob. Maybe it's good if you only prompt anal tail, but with my usual prompts just adding anal tail results in a normal tail more often than not.
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i really should figure out adetailer on comfy one day...
i gen to avoid drawing, damn it
/y/ is bara and shit, traps go to /d/
>i gen to avoid drawing, damn it
It's not rocket science, upscale a couple of times, put one gen in the top layer, one where the extra navel is in different position in the bottom layer. Use eraser with low hardness.
>/y/ is bara and shit, traps go to /d/
What does it matter if the gay shit is muscular or not? We don't have a separate /h/ for girls like barghest or mirko either.
>i really should figure out adetailer on comfy one day...
in what sense? how to install? use?
because muscular men are for fags and traps are for straight guys
It's both gay in the same way that tomboys and dainty princesses are both straight
post a peer reviewed study to back up your assertion
sorry I derailed the thread
I forgot what /b/ was for nowadays
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i used to do a bunch of redrawing back in the 1.5 days, even used to break out my tablet sometimes, but i've gotten lazy
i tried someone else's workflow for it and that shit just errored out so both i guess
I like images of hentai sex
i like text of mental sex
>Background: Gynandromorphophilia (GAMP) is sexual interest in gynandromorphs (GAMs; colloquially, shemales). GAMs possess a combination of male and female physical characteristics. Thus, GAMP presents a challenge to conventional understandings of sexual orientation as sexual attraction to the male v. female form. Speculation about GAMP men has included the ideas that they are homosexual, heterosexual, or especially, bisexual. Method: We compared genital and subjective sexual arousal patterns of GAMP men with those of heterosexual and homosexual men. We also compared these groups on their self-ratings of sexual orientation and sexual interests. Results: GAMP men had arousal patterns similar to those of heterosexual men and different from those of homosexual men. However, compared to heterosexual men, GAMP men were relatively more aroused by GAM erotic stimuli than by female erotic stimuli. GAMP men also scored higher than both heterosexual and homosexual men on a measure of autogynephilia. Conclusions: Results provide clear evidence that GAMP men are not homosexual. They also indicate that GAMP men are especially likely to eroticize the idea of being a woman.
Alright, maybe you're not a homo, but you're not straight either and definitely a fag.
Anyone got a script that takes in a danbooru link and automatically spits out a prompt using the tags (and ordered in the same way as Illustrious and others were trained with)?
I probably can't help you with any errors, but
>install comfy manager if you haven't already
>restart comfy, reload web page
>click manager, custom nodes manager,
>install comfyui impact nodes
>restart again
>the nodes you need are facedetailer, ultralyticsdetectorprovider and SAMLoader (impact)
rest should hopefully be mostly self explanatory
it has stealth metadata, you should be able to read it
Nice style. Catbox?
you did a phenomenal job here.
more hidden and secret themes plz
mdf an, wagashi, tottotonero
based artist nooticer
why is it so (male focus:69) lol this is straight-up gay nigger porn or then can someone tell me why is the male SO detailed and oiled up, im being serious the dude is really a turnoff
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thanks. nice gen

boxes please

are the new epochs good improvements?
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I'm sorry to admit but I want you to know that my computer did like 95% of the work.
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leave him alone, he just hasn't found his muse yet, that's why his gens are so utterly uninspired.
more riven pls
thanks for nice and clean looking hentai gens unlike this splotchy garbage posted here lately
one man’s trash, another man’s something something
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sexiest of hentais
This model is in practice indistinguishable from what could be an arbitrary epoch of an arbitrary release in the Kohaku series, I can't determine any valid technical reason for the hype around it at all
then dunno. I haven't tried with noob and haven't done a whole lot of it with illustrious but it seemed workable-ish on it at least. Though it's possible I may have just been a bit too tolerant to it since, as mentioned, pony can't really do it properly for shit and any progress was good progress.
could also be that it just has issues depending on pose or other shit going on.
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so true ponysister nice gen btw
wiiiide dude
there's nothing "wrong" with Illustrious but it's not really better than say Anime Illust Diffusion XL or also just various later releases of Kohaku than the one it was trained on
Can't wait for euge's bake desu. Illustrious and noob really showed me how shit NAI is about some aspects. NAIv3 is insanely overfitted, it fucking sucks at prompt following, unironically noob and illu are better at this. I can kinda use a little bit of NL with them, it seems to work. The fact that Euge and friends will deliver a model that has a wider knowledge and will have definitely better prompt following than NAI really puts a smile on my ugly face.
>training a style lora on my pony gens for Illu
i'm down bad even worse than you could ever know
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what the fuck is that bait
how many levels of bait is this post on
He is casting a very wide net these days
we porting that (gpo:1.5)
I legit can't tell if the pony defense force are just trolls or ayakon-tier sloppers who don't like a different meta.
probably mostly the former and a few of the latter. i can't see how someone could in good faith compare kohaku's experimental models to something actually pretrained for a reasonable amount of time
this may come as a surprise, but you can like multiple things, anon
"defending" pony or whatever doesn't mean someone hates illu
i still can't get rid of the impression that he is a very dedicated troll
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Illustrious is currently garbage with no reason to swap over to it. Autism because of not liking the pony base models author isn't an argument
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>he is a very dedicated troll
he's an actual retard that tries to pretend like he's acting retarded on purpose to le troll xd
i mean i personally just want someone to explain how exactly they find Illustrious to not simply be clearly a refined Kohaku Beta (which it is) and nothing beyond that. Like I did try it, it's fine, but nothing very interesting. Has nothing to do with Pony. Comparing Pony with actual anime focused finetunes like these doesn't even make that much sense.

Illustrious really doesn't seem to be trained by people who are particularly concerned about how good it is at hentai, also (they've never once mentioned it ever), so that's also part of why I find its popularity in here a bit confusing
there's absolutely zero reason not to shift to a different meta tho. The effort it takes is extremely minimal and pretty much any knowledge worth anything is directly transferrable.
and I say this as a fag who spent hundreds if not thousands of hours training lora's on pony(albeit mostly while I was asleep or occupied doing shit that doesn't need a GPU but that's beside the point).
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this poster has an unfathomably smooth pussy
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the very obvious reason is there is also zero reason if the new model isn't better, none of the melty blurry gens do anything to convince me the model is any better.
If someone came out with a flux nsfw fine tune, I would swap over very fast, I have no emotional attachment to pony, Illustrious is just garbage
>there's absolutely zero reason not to shift to a different meta tho.
there is
you can't get sexy hentai like >>8253716 >>8253714 from illu
and while it might sound absolutely insane, some jeets prefer this garbage
Yeah me too, trained a shit ton of pony LoRA. Just went to the folder and hit delete and moved on kek. Why would I get attached to a stupid model.
but there is no way that he isn't posting broken shit on purpose
like how the fuck do you even get constant ridiculous anatomical errors without cherry picking
Who and what determine a meta for porn gen? Are you the arbiter of what is the best model based on nebulous criteria?
i unironically can't tell if this is an insult or a compliment kek
stop using kek for every single sentence you write you fucking subhuman
>like how the fuck do you even get constant ridiculous anatomical errors without cherry picking
absurdres tile upscales with high denoise? sadly I haven't seen armpit any pussy kino lately
>pony sloppers refuse to take anything that is not pony
anon, they will refuse to switch even if they were handed the original nai3 weights, their /aco/ stockholm syndrome braindamage is not recoverable. there's no point in arguing with them, especially knowing that a huge portion of these pony defense posts is trolling anyway
no models in existence consistently get perfect fine details like fingers, he clearly just doesn't inpaint them all and I don't care that much about it
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>they will refuse to switch even if they were handed the original nai3 weights
i would, but why would i switch to an underbaked piece of shit?
Illustrious is trained on an old version of Kohaku from October 2023. The current Kohaku Zeta's dataset is actually a bit bigger than Illu 0.1's, at 8.46M images.
you will not because you never used nai3 in your life
You call yelling muh /aco/ every time someone mention pony arguing? Dismissing any criticism of illus as people trolling or being pony shill is so retarded im starting to think you are just shitposting to stirr up console war once again.
Meta is just what most people are using. And most of the thread has moved on and anyone still using pony are in the extreme minority(or are posting intentionally bad garbage as troll shit).
You didn't see this sort of thing from kohaku or arti, even during the first day or three of their release(because they were absolute garbage). It's pretty obvious the direction of where things are going.
yes but illustrious is trained for far longer than any of kohaku's models which is apparent from using them for more than 5 seconds
>dismissing pony criticism is fine
>nobody should ignore illu criticism!!
you are such a faggot
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easy character easy pose, remake it using Illustrious to try convince me it's not garbage
i used it exactly once in here so far retard.

Anyways apparently nobody wants to answer the question "why they specfically think Illustrious is better than numerous other actual-anime-meaning-not-Pony models", which I was asking in good faith, like I really don't understand the origins of the hype around Illu at all.
illu can't /aco/
Once again misinterpreting what people say to fit your narrative, very innovative
who are you quoting?
>why they specfically think Illustrious is better than numerous other actual-anime-meaning-not-Pony models
it can do sex and it's a reasonably baked danbooru tune unlike kohaku and arti?
Any way in Illustrious to really make the penises pop?
>I really don't understand the origins of the hype around Illu
Just the character and artist knowledge should be enough to catch anyone's attention. Artists being baked in, means you can play with weights to get interesting combinations, something that is harder to achieve with LoRAs.
Opinion here, but I do think Illu has better image quality than Autism and you don't need to tard wrangle it to produce anime like you have to do with base Pony.
it's impossible to get good genitals from gooknai unfortunately
quasarcacke, dino, fiz-rot, sweetondolar, loli and mine is popping
You are using the penis lora during upscale, right?
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won't be saying that when i'm finished baking
I mean im not disagreeing about everyone wanting to justifiably get rid of pony but illus has flaw that are hard to get around, which is natural considering its supposed to be an early prototype, and I think its normal for some people to wait for the model to improve more and have a bigger gap of improvement before swapping since the model is clearly not currently there in term of quality
the joke's on you
shading looks too /h/
>intentionally try catering my effort gens to appease /hdg/
>told to go to /aco/
>post /aco/ lora example
>told it looks too /h/
brother i cant win
how come we never got a naiv1 or pony tier finetune for sd2?
was it THAT shitty?
aco should not exist, all drawn porn is hentai
>the /aco/ boogeyman never existed
my eyes are opened
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i feel like current noob isnt much improvement over base illustrious, does anyone have examples of something that it noticeably improves?
it's much closer to that familiar and popping color range of hit models like autismmix
16ch vae requires more parameters from the base model than 4ch one, is more sensitive to training and requires more compute
Sadly 0.1v is riddled with so many mistakes that even the newest versions are still suffering from them and are behind naiv3
As much as I hate that guy, he is kinda right. I noticed this topic appearing once in a while on hdg and anons are confused on what he means. All of image gen models are undertrained. The scaling laws apply almost to all neural networks, that's why for example you can predict the training compute and performance of models like gpt4. It is cheaper to make a bigger undertrained model than it is to saturate a small one to be equal in performance.
someone said NAI is the best one so i downloaded it
based 1337 hackerman
probably style and artifacts, furry examples ahead because im too lazy to swap models again
smoothPTO: https://files.catbox.moe/ngwaif.png
noobXL: https://files.catbox.moe/8bugpd.png
loses color obviously but i edit colors and shit in post so whatever
It's NoobAI.
its ok, pretty hot. thanks for the catboxes cus ive been struggling to find the right settings
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biggest reason I'm using noob is because it handles color ranges "better" with less artifacting(which benefits doing filter shit/changing vibrancy and such in post). Also some of the artists are a bit better expressed.
It's absolutely a lot more drab out of the box though and from what I can tell, using lora's trained on illustrious actually drains the color significantly, meaning it's probably better to retrain, again, on noob if you intend to use it.
>using activation tags for style in 2024
what artist draw beautiful dicks
no homo
pick your poison
characters is cool but I've never cared about named artists even slightly, i vastly prefer to just be like "this Lora looks like I want my gens to look" and then use it
futa artist
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using named artists is creativity bankrupt, your gens are not your own in any way
Absolutely gorgeous work anon, need more. Beautiful face!
Ultra fuckable
Oh fuck the new dragon is here too, lovely
Tsunadeeeee <3
Yeah it is, it actually comes out really nice
Best of the thread
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Which vae do people use with illustrious? Also, fellas, best settings?
original sdxl vae, any other is a meme
euler a cfg++, sgm uniform, 1.5-2 cfg, 28 steps
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Thank you but I think I'll wait for the official certified highlighter
gonna need a box for this one bud
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Cute firefly
I just realized that the way the arm binding works it looks like the two arms are connected into eachother.
I am deeply regretful and apologize for that ayakon level mistake. However it's also a character I feel nothing for and don't care about so I'm not going to go back and fix it.
pic not related?
>looks like the two arms are connected into eachother
seems like an easy inpaint fix
Pic totally related
>pony couldn't do loli
Is this bait or are you just retarded? Pony can very easily do loli.
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SharpspectrumVae XL is slightly better than base SDXL VAE for basically all models that exist, anime or not, IMO:
>finetune to the original vae that just fucks with contrast
no thanks
yeah, amazing proportions with enormous head and odd torso
Skill issue
i know and that's why i use illu instead of pony
they will change goalpost to
Amazing how after all these months ppl still recommend using VAEs that enable the sepia thingy.
Astralite GOLD SUPPORT TIER out working hard today i see
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With noob I simply enjoy fucking around with different artist tags too much.
+2 anals deposited to your account, rajesh
Even if they did, it would be invalid. You can prompt good loli on pony without any LoRAs.
>he hasn't ponied up the cash for Sepia Support Tier
you call yourself a shill?
gook hands typed this posts
post it
>get the extension to autocomplete tags
>issue is that the tags come with underscores instead of spaces, and no \ before parentheses
>don't know how to code
>ask an LLM to make a script to replace the characters
>it just werks
Holy shit I love AI.
proof with metadata or die as nogen
i don't wanna see not even a single lora being used in order to get good loli
Pony V1 to V4 were SD 1.5 models. Pony V5 to V5.5 were SD2 models. So we literally did.

The SD2 ones were not bad, better than V1 to V4 and better than the SD 1.5 version of V6 he also made. Fairly worse than that improved version of the SD 1.5 V6 somebody made on CivitAI though.
>nogens demanding gens
lol, lmao even. Do it yourself
my extension replaces underscores with spaces and places \ before parentheses as is?
i mean it works and looks good I think, suit yourself though. I have no idea why you have some kind of moral stance about this at all.
Your extension?
I googled and got https://github.com/pythongosssss/ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts
not my as in I created, but extension I used
seems like comfy issue tho https://github.com/DominikDoom/a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete
>moral stance
i just dont need a vae for contrast lol
sorry but this argument is beyond that. you are a complete retard. pony can't do good loli without loras and there is no proof that states the opposite of that. and no, jeetmixes specifically made to make the model to do loli doesn't count either.
I still don't see a gen from you.
Go try it, I've got better things to do right now.
>makes claim
>no proof
>not even a side by side
absolute state of whiny nogens
that already has a setting to replace underscores with spaces though
I keep all my gens for my self, and you should as well.
oh yeah, catbox btw?
>claim that pony can do loli
>no proof
The burden of proof lies on the accuser, someone accused pony of not being able to do loli.
>pony can't do good loli without loras
it can i just keep getting banned for posting it
Just doesn't pop the same way pure pony miqo does
its just some retard trying to make you waste 3 hours trying to gen good loli on pony, just ignore it
fuck off cathag
You tell them, miquCHAD. Illustrious is GARGABE only praised by anti-pony sc*izos
the only good pony loli gens since its release were in nogen tales
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that was my issue too.
Illustrious has that high saturation watercolor effect on txt2img. It's img2img is nice but I like Miqo/Aut for generating on txt2img.
why do you keep genning shit with such fucked up eyes? do you not notice the double eyelids? are you blind?
Stop noticing things.
stop being blind
For me, I simply do not feel like re-training a 200+ personal lora collection until we at least have a 1.0.
Don't tell me what to do
Lol, who said pony couldn't do this? It's so easy!

(its noob)
Close but no ciqar
positive: "source_anime, rating_explicit, very young preteen loli 1girl penetrated by older male, sex from behind, from side"

negative: "source_pony, source_furry, source_cartoon, rating_safe, sketch, greyscale, monochrome, (simple background:1.3)"

Adding the score tags will make it more "3D" almost certainly but might improve quality. Either way that WILL produce exactly what it sounds like it will.
why is the anatomy so dogshit?
just retrain the few you actually use overnight?
it's not like your GPU is going to be doing anything else.
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It's shitllustrious
how do you know he's not using his gpu to train the next best model over night? ever think about that, huh?
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nice try anon, ive actually really been enjoying ill.
cause it's a sloppy finetune of Kohaku Beta?
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>why do you keep genning shit with such fucked up eyes? do you not notice the double eyelids? are you blind?
Naw I didn't notice them till you pointed it out, thanks
Though for small details like that I don't really notice. I'm not a "sonic's arms are the wrong color" kind of autist. As long as I get like 90% of what I want in an image i'm happy
i'm actually 100% unironic when i say your miqomix gens were better
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Ugh, Illustrious, why you do this to me
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oshi no ko?
character name? Sexy as fuck
>I'm not a "sonic's arms are the wrong color" kind of autist
there is a difference between color and literal mutations
USE MY (illoustrous) SHITMIX
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everytime I go back to pony after using ill it just doent feel the same. I've been illpilled.
>there is a difference between color and literal mutations
You care about this way more than I do, sorry
>USE MY (illoustrous) SHITMIX
You forgot the link?
go back to genning slop with sd 1.5 then
Did I?
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>go back to genning slop with sd 1.5 then
How dare you call 1.5 slop
1.5 is based and all 1.5fags are heroes and saints
Did you yoink this from a pro on pixiv? Looks way too go for casual /h/
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Cutie spread, love the flat color look, just needs bendier fingers and itll be perfect
So simple but so perfect
tfw no `jpeg artifact, scan artifacts` as recognized phrases
Mostly ready for the next thread here but, if someone has a proposal for updating the OP, post ir or jump ahead and make it.
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Fuck Illustrious
Pony 4 life
remove comfy links
She's so sexy in this one
the few times you see her eyes are so entrancing
it's pony
the duality of man
my proposal is for you to fucking kill yourself
>high heels
>on knees
>generates high heels on her knees
for fucks sake
notice how angry all gookshills are?
ponyGODS unbothered
really? they clearly used a super shit upscaler for it, for one, looks like RealESRGAN or something.
it's definitely realesrgan 6b, thing is so shit it deblurs the fuck out of intentionally blurred backgrounds
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gonna need a box for this
your gen has no teeth, grandma
I was going to make a better illustrious gen to respond this but it cant generate middle fingers to save its fucking life
wow illustrious is way better at learning shitty aco styles than pony is... really makes you wonder...
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People could have just trained SD 1.5 at XL resolutions if they wanted to, but nobody ever did for some reason so there's not a lot of models like my ZootVision out there
yet it can't generate middle fingers in img2img even on CFG 4 and Euler a + SGM
Yeah I don't use anything other than 4x Foolhardy Remacri or 4x FaceUp DAT these days, for any purpose
interesting choice in models but that's better than 6b atleast
Fuck Pony
Illustrious 4 Life
have you tried on noobxl
Foolhardy I do for anything non-photorealistic or 2D, FaceUp I use for photographic stuff, basically. Never found better options for either case yet.
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why is the anatomy so trash?
its pony
masterpiece, best quality, absurdres, vibrant, highly detailed, source_anime, jujutsu kaisen, kugisaki nobara, brown hair, brown eyes, eyes, lips, middle finger,
Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, Schedule type: SGM Uniform, CFG scale: 4, Seed: 3066633144, Size: 1024x1024, Model hash: 3e15ba0038, Model: illustriousXL_v01, Denoising strength: 0.75, Clip skip: 2, ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer version: 24.9.0, Version: f1.0.2-v1.10.1RC-latest-693-gdee9105a
>Model: illustriousXL_v01
Don't forget to update the OP with all the new links to the Illustrious model!
But that's clearly illu
boxes please

uzaki tsuki. shes uzaki-chans mother
explain how illust is superior to pony without sounding mad
What links?
Blacked Raiden is best raiden
i like it :)
can't you do anything on your own
explain why you're mad without sounding mad
no not yet
I hate pony and sepia and astratoon
3rd one isnt me, but heres the other 2

You sound a little mad there, bro.
based and agreed
better character and innate style knowledge.
this isn't very complicated.
miqo redemption arc
its txt2img is shit atm
can't get nice hands
upscale a nude body without getting navel horror
I wanna be like floox
very good, what model/lora did you use?
irrelevant when you can just train a lora
Loras are useless, I can draw
yes. watched the last episode today and got inspired https://files.catbox.moe/6vrsb3.png
all you need is AOM3 and a lora
Links? You mean other than
Yeah fuck going back to LoRAs and I say knowing I trained over 50gb of it
sounds like your loras were garbage
tell me how you know his loras are garbage without sounding mad
We need to unite ourselves in the mutual pursuit of making all our gens look fucking hot
regardless of the model or loras we choose, we must aspire to help each other ascend from civitai slop to patreon slop
odds and i delete all my pony loras
evens and i delete all my illustrious checkpoints
What actually funny is how literally no one gives a fuck about 4th tail anymore lol
that would imply that anybody ever gave a fuck about 4th tail
Who is 4th tail?
Share them before you delete them
no one really cared much to begin with. some people tried to make tofu work bust most of them gave up almost immediately.
The only people I remember are MiqoteAnon, KaliAnon and TouhouAnon.
Are there other prominent sloppers/genners on here?
4th tail was just another sloptune, only held relevance because people were desperate for ANYTHING pre-illust
I don't even know who you are.mp4
post a catbox of ur stuff
hey guys it's prakesh bandarali here . just wondering how what you guys thinking about the pony and industrious merge model ?
Dude it's me, the above average anon
i post like 1-3 images per thread
you dont know me but i know you
Exactly my point no more trying to perfect that perfect LoRA, freedom has never tasted so good
It was good for gening cunnyarchive girls tho
Will you remember me if I post the hairiest anuses? I want to be remembered as the hairy anus guy
>i post like 1-3 images per thread
>you dont know me but i know you
Oh yeah. You. Motherfucker. You killed my dreams of going pro. Prepare to die.
>still no new thread
It's over.
highlight anon is busy assembling the best gens from this thread into a neat package :3
it means that there's a slight chance that the IA schizo finally ended xer pathetic life
highlight anon needs his dick sucked by galko as a reward
>highlights anon finally killed himself
quick... somebody bake before XE can...
I hope I gave him a boner <3
Why are the /hdg/ threads filled with more trolling than the most autistic AIhentai discords?
Is this going to be our first 3/3 highlights post? He's really cooking
but I'm busy cleaning up a miku rape gen
Who is the Sukuna of the /hdg/ threads? Like the scariest villain slopper on here that makes everyone afraid when they show up?
are you new?
>Who is the Sukuna
please exit the thread jjkfag
wow and I'm retarded and backlinked the wrong post. really shows my attention is on the miku rape.
>BBC with IRL girls
oh naw fuck outta here with that
>BBC with anime girls
Ehhhhh, sure why not bugsex and dogsex is fine with me
>BBC with extreme raceplay tattoos and text
Errr you lost me
>BBC with gacha/genshin girls
hmmm, you may be onto something
>BBC with kissing, heart pupils and pregnancy
I'm Lovin It (tm)
No but I had fappetyme turned on for the majority of my time on /h/
new thread, since highlightfaggot is slow
I need a link, never tried it.
New Thread:

you're too late faggot
Thanks for the assist.
>BBC with gacha/genshin girls
hmmm, you may be onto something

yea its fun doing this with gacha characters i like
Wdtroons are now trying to convince Euge the model is TOO SATURATED
you can't make this shit up
No loras, I'm using someone's half done illustrious finetune with "hisasi" as artist.
null and kanikama are futaba channel's standard mix artists, like blushyspicy and tianmen fang ding dong here.
Love these
Are you talking about the lip bite? You're the lip bite faggot.
would be funny if it is because it looks like shit
still cuming buckets to this one
My pain every day, I'm probably gonna end up making a lora on nai3 furry model just for that since it's always the problem of
>Artist draws great girls but shit genitals
>Artist draws great genitals but shit girls


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