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Previous thread: >>8310279

This thread is for discussions about commissioning non-Western (primarily Japanese) artists through platforms such as Skeb, Pixiv, Fantia, and similar sites.
Feel free to ask questions and recommendations for specific kinks/fetishes.

>Skeb (requires a Twitter account)

>Skeb Button/Skebify
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skeb-button/onjegdbehgoamaiochjfnkokondpgoim (Chrome-based browsers only)
Displays on Twitter whether an artist is currently accepting requests.

>SkebUe - Memo Box
Allows you to write notes on an artist's Skeb page.

>Skeb Pricing Manager (created by anon)
Retrieves prices, deadlines, and completion rates for both open and closed artists. The price for closed artists will be the price when last open.
>It's not loading any data!
You need to manually navigate to the artist's Skeb page. Directly opening the page or refreshing won't work.

>Skeb Price Sorter
Allows you to sort artists by recommended price. Do not use on a large amount of artists at the same time or you will get timed out for too many requests.

>Pixiv Request
>Help! I can’t request R18/R18G because of my payment method!
Change your UI language to Japanese, and you should be able to.

>Fantia Commissions
These commissions are reserved for supporters, but artists may allow those in the free plan to request too.

Skeb/Pixiv Request/Commission Support General OP pastebin (use if making new thread): https://pastebin.com/3HVj7SgK
desert fox asshole is an interesting pick
Most obscure secondary/copyrighted character you've seen a skeb request of? Occasionally I'll see "please draw this side girl I fell in love with she's from a visual novel made in 1999" type pinup requests and it makes me glad.
great butthole
Whats the artist?
not OP but it's in the filename
The shop keeper lady from Lords of Thunder.
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I requested this and as far as I know it's the only porn of them that exists. I think I also commissioned the first porn of Lena from 86 years before it got an anime.
>OC's ass in the OP
Well this is awkward
I'm still baffled from what anon saw and posted that battleborn request. FUCKING BATTLEBORN
>my oc didn't make ero dungeon or op
Are the ero dungeon OCs decided already? Maybe my new one can make it in time right??? (Cope)
we can do more than one collab
maybe if you're nice the tlanon will even tl the request for you
his name is esu
I couldn't remember if what was esu or not
honestly esu is such an ethereal part of these thread it even feels weird to say their name
I'm not even part of the collab. I always demanded a translation every time and he does it for free. Got him.
my oc... she's still unreviewed... please
We, the people with unpopular and unloved ocs, should do our own collab and leave out all the regulars circlejerked here
I'm usually around.
Practicing languages normally sucks and I don't have much motivation to just do it. Translating for anons is practice, and the motivation comes from doing the service for a fellow weeb. And honestly some positive attention feels good too. So I'm the one that got ya.
I always ask to do stuff but you guys will never post your OC. If someone says they want to do a collab and is offering to pay please just post your oc.
I like the fat toriyama shopkeep
horosuke please accept my request
buy a lottery ticket
saw a magik commission and thought of anon
Anon's request on behalf of another anon for those two characters from Bloody Vampire seems to not just be the only sexual art of the game, but the art of it at all.
Share it. I started playing Midnight Suns again. I love me some Magik

New delivery
1k yen 15ish days
I can't attach an image for some reason
Penny Fox from Awesomenauts is up there
I would be fine putting the request out and just sitting on it if it wasn't for the fact that they'd still charge me for the wait and 90% chance it won't be accepted... It's pretty dumb they don't charge us when they accept.
One week should be plenty of time before canceling a pending request, right?
Doubly so if the average response time is 1 day.
barb sex on the front page
the teacher from billy & mandy
>send off /d/ request that's difficult to request traditionally
>accepted within 10 minutes
I'm glad skeb exists
That's usually how long I wait until I cancel unless the artist has a long average response time
Unless you want that artist really bad, yes.
Are they really 30k yen?
probably depends on what's being asked for (since they do sketches, collabs by increment etc) but I'd assume that's accurate for a full render
I like braids
>writing out ~1k words of OC world lore, that will never see the light of day and isn't actually needed for any comms, to explain how a man can lose his virginity to his biological daughter
my autism is getting out of hand, this is 100% unnecessary for art commissions. I feel like those nips that dump novels into their request texts just to ask for a specific scene with specific poses and such at the end of it.
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If the Ero Dungeon Anon ever needs some monster ideas, he should take a look at Shindol's Bestiary series. He has three books that are a compilation of different artists creating their own monster, heroine, and story around it.
good pose for good thighs
I don’t think I’m an NTR fag for being turned on by watching dark skinned men who don’t match my complexion fucking anime girls
I think I’m a bit fucking gay
I mean I do like assisted titfucking with two guys
Now what?
if I'm making a oc should I get concept art of it first or make a reference sheet first
Reference sheet
Why would you need concept art if you're going to get a complete reference sheet? Concept art is only if you're not sure what you want and you're okay with letting an artist show you some ideas.
Differences were
>Pre penetration
>Post sex
>Clothes ON/OFF for all
Did the skeb price sorter and manager simply stop working for anyone else?
Manager is trash and has always been. Selecting to choose only open artist will remove a bunch of open artists as well. All of these plugins are super flawed and have a bunch of errors but anons swear they work properly. Price sorter has always been inaccurate with closed artists.
>assisted titfucking with two guys
I'm having trouble picturing what you meant by this
Sorter always worked for me and was how I found 500 jpy artists when they opened pretty easily. Oh well. I havent had much inspiration to get anything from cheapies anyway
Anons who have requested this guy https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/72444393/request for a character design how long did it take? I decided to gamble and let him design a fairy for me
Guy getting a paizuri, other guy behind girl moving her boobs
ahh right, yeah I could see that being either very gay or just kinda degrading for the girl (still a little gay)
12k, 20 days.
Typical 3-stage Pokemon evolution chain.
That's nice to hear.
>TOM no longer sells toracoin
what the fuck? what are my options for subscribing to fantia now? I know this is slightly off-topic but what the fuck
You don't without a Japanese bank card
Amex cards still work
or if you can't get one in your country (like me) then jumping through hoops to get toracoins via bitcash (online payment code service not a crypto)
those faggots at pixiv still havent unbanned my account after two months. I want their heads on a fucking pike.
goddamnit the worst part is I have like 1200 coins that expire this month and I can't even do anything with them or pre-purchase months in advance

Requested the dragon girl, took about 2 or 3 days to accept and another 4 or so for them to finish.
Shindol's bestiary (and sometimes other) shit goes beyond /h/ straight into /d/ territory, and not the innocuous kind like tentacles or futa. It's BAD END all the way through, quasi-snuff.
Have we had an OC OP at all in the last year?
What's your point? It was shared for inspiration and ideas. If he wanted to use their monster designs or be inspired by some ideas, why do the ending of some of the stories matter?
I still don't know what the criteria for the OP image besides whatever anon likes
>find artist
>I drew men, trans men and GAY/QUEER + SCI-FI things
>skeb is all cute girls
The do draw a cute guy and do character designs so I might have to request them
I decided to try an imageset from Yanagifish. Kind of as a soft followup to the first manga a group of us got with Estelle and Tio

pussy feels off
my fault. we paid around 6k per image but you would probably have to ask him about it if you plan on getting one
>blurred thumbnail
>sample image seems normal
>ctrl + F 糞
>2 results
What now? I mean the good news is I’m not into NTR
I’m not into femporn at all, it’s fucking weird as shit. I could describe it but it’s pretty fucking gay.
I need an artist who can draw a badass picture of Destroyah from Godzilla vs Destroyah. Anyone?
Because I have not heard back from some of the anons, I can say that it its still open. Especially for the warrior role since no anons have replied for that one.
When I'm baldfatman and participate in the weekly gangbang if my balls touch another guy's when dping her bottom how gay today, way or nay?
Actually, I do know an artist obsessed with huge anime tiddy and godzilla. It'll take a bit to find them.
Is it the one that draws Azur Lane's Takao with Godzilla? If so, here he is https://skeb.jp/@Tulta_Icon
is this sovl
i need help, is there some sort of tool to search artists by genre? if not then i need a ryona artist, i don't care about the quality
I like how I’m having more second thoughts about requesting a piece of Godzilla art, more so than spending hundreds on porn
I feel sorry for whoever requested this
>dont care about the quality
There are 90,000 SEAnigs online who will gladly draw literally anything for 6.69 - 46.69 USD if you don't care about quality.
_L_S_D if you're weeb enough you need a nip. You get what you're asking for if you don't care for quality.
Ryona enough?
not bad. the first row are all dudes I'm pretty sure
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2ch artist wished people would request kaiju from him
Saki from Valvrave on the front page
1k nsfw
she was the cutest vulvarape
The less loved and unpopular OCs also include people that primarily lurk and don't like posting their own stuff. Shy anons that want to stay anon I guess. Also it's hard to suggest yourself when you rarely post and get involved. Sucks being an eternal newfag but it is how it is.
Woah this guy is sick, too bad he probably costs like 50k yen
I'm disappointed that they didn't give us the future saki from the teaser
see you mid next year
3 days until I can cancel this request.
A nine hour grace period is fucking crazy.
so the grok ai thing was a lie?
what do you mean? it's true that twitter changed its TOS and removed the checkbox, and it's true that some artists are using xfolio or blue sky now
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There's nothing about mandatory ai training and the checkbox is still there
I checked, that page is gone for me. Probably a staged rollout like the block change.
i sure love having all my favorite artists fractured across twitter misskey and bluesky because we had a good thing going for too long
but I have the block change
are nips still boycotting pixiv?
A misunderstanding, looks like. Some idiot didn't translate the checkbox properly to Japanese, so it read to them like it was mandatory.
I'd wager MTL to be at fault.
Immediate replacement with one of your peers by the next page
yeah, there is a stupid few using the "totally has all features of pixiv but better!" xfolio
man, look at the size of those male tits. anon would be ecstatic
Anyone know of kemono artists willing to do design work?
I want to have a smug panda brat (not fat)
Luce on the front page
gay and cringe
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Got another piece from this artist. They do really good details and are only 5k too.


They also draw good ass, check out their Resna on their Twitter pinneds.
When will AINosuke_031 return from the war? I need a new outfit design
Wait, what?
I love her eyes a lot, and the lighting is gorgeous.

Thanks for sharing the artist, too.
My cute-hot wife Resna needs more art, nice find
There's no reason to wait more than 3 days for an artist to decide if they want to draw your request or not. If they actually wanted to accept it but something stopped them from doing so then they can just demand you to resend the request later.
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Another pregnant Kirishima commission from KyougokuTouya

He delivered this commission on 15 Nov, the day Kirishima sunk, how thoughtful
Kirishima is on maternity leave, but since the recent Kirishima Kai2C update, the Admiral (which is me) ask her to try the new Kai2C set

She is reluctantly to try that, of course it don’t fit, she said

“ I’m already in my last month of pregnancy, you want me to wear this…

The size doesn’t fit at all… geez”
cute belly
What an odd coincidence. I just started the webgame after going through my arcade cards earlier tonight
Cute delivery, too.
>First skeb in months
>Immediately sent to draft hell
what highlights go well with brown hair
"Another to add to my collection."
Seriously nice chonker. Built for crushing pelvises and items of furniture.

DM someone, see what they think.
I wouldn't bother with epic collabs unless you want to be the one to pay for it.

Speaking of which, is ZZ around? I want to borrow the undead Celica sometime since my OC and her have similar niches.
>leave request to marinate for weeks instead of cancelling
>gets accepted
always works (except when it doesn't)
Dungeon collab cancelled due to lack of interest.
all that autism for nothing
There arent that many fantasy OCs left, and you cant really get anything coherent if people know nothing about them or you dont see a lot of them. For better or worse, autistic characters like claw were able to get included in prior ones because people make fun of the character for having all this autistic lore. On the flip-side, its because of the autistic lore that it is easier to incorporate since the owner has her on free use anyway and other people like Alin had a lot of art a good design and didnt give a fuck either, helped that artist drew her before too, and there was a more cohesive vision since the guy requesting it included his own character as a trap as well

Meanwhile you have to pry people figure out what they want and what they dont for this one, and there is no vision and no interest other than people trying to push something for free art, and people who dont like rape wanting to be included in a rape dungeon.

Personally I think plant should just request more fleur, its been too long and fleur is hot.
Brown anon
I'm surprised big collabs got so much traction until now. The truth is smaller collabs are more enticing since you get to see more of your OC and her interactions with another character.
Dancer fox x ntr oni was kino for that reason, they both got to see a lot of their OCs rather than them just being a face in the crowd with one page at best
>There arent that many fantasy OCs left,
Only like 10 of them, anons just aren't interested more like. Maybe his autism with forming a party is the issue, since I'm sure a lot of the ones that responded didn't fit alongside each other.
That's pretty much why I didn't enter. There was no slots for me to fit into and the slots that were needed had little interest.
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I offer my ocs as tribute
built for fat corrupted pope taking advantage of their loyalty
I like the style for this sfw piece
You didn't have any restrictions with using them right? I like the bottom one and think I might get something with her. What's her deal?
You can do whatever you want with them.
Bottom girl is a thief/spy for the church. I was going for overconfident and smug and kind of stupid. She is the type that will fall into traps or get caught, badmouth her captors, then get raped by people who want to fix her attitude or shut her up
anon on the front page
day 1 cancel
thank you artist
>Wake up today
>Got accepted
Guess I won't have to cancel.
After I finish playing DQ3 remake I will request my OC who I've been roleplaying as the Hero having sweaty messy wet lesbian sex in the middle of the forest camp alongside her BFF Sage who I've been roleplaying as my other OC with who she's had massive sexual tension going through the entire journey but neither of them wanted to be the one to admit it first.
All while my other two OCs who I've been roleplaying as the Warrior and Priest who'd been out of the camp for reasons but return while they're in the middle of the act and are too embarrassed to interrupt who after seeing those too finally consummating their feelings suddenly realize that they also have feelings for each other and because of how horny they got from watching the other two they now have slow shy wholesome sex.
big mai
JD anon, jp anon is wondering if you want the same exact pose as his previous delivery
Gayest post in the thread
Most sovlful post in the thread
Exact same or similar is fine
i self inserted as the hero and made my party based on my ocs so i can go on a harem adventure with them
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Accepted and finished in 3 days. I sent in the minimum amount of 6k because I only wanted one character. Very satisfied overall but I do have one small nitpick about the glove that isn't too bad.

ciel anon

monster girl anon
What in the Lord's name is this fetish.
Open 8k nsfw
Asking for recommendation on artists who can draw petite girls pregnant. Budget range is upwards to 12k
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106241930 Bellies might be too big but you can probably ask him to make them smaller
>monster girl anon
Cute 500 yen chibi, fast-ish too https://files.catbox.moe/w37had.png
Need to request my boy fucking again at some point
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Got a thing
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she’s pure sex
Oh Christ, he’s underselling himself
Perfect artstyle, thanks for the recommendation. Will put this artist on notification for when they open up again.
Is there anything you like to see? The top two ones can fit.
They tend to close quickly after opening so keep an eye out for the notification.
His price was 6k when I requested him a while back but I'm not sure how much he is now.
cute little butthole
Kabeume draws a nice butthole
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2 deliveries today
First from https://skeb.jp/@keiosu4
10k, took the full 30 days, but took roughly a week to accept. No PSD. Maybe not worth 10k, but going by his interests, he might be interested in bondage/ryona type requests.

Second is from https://skeb.jp/@sinodAdonis
5k, 50 days, PSD is full but no toggles or anything. Very great for 5k, would heartily recommend.
where are my fucking wings, lucina
Just sent an odaibako but my dumbass forgot to log in. Did it still send as anonymous or did it get canceled?
I thought odaibako was always anonymous
I see, thanks
>I thought odaibako was always anonymous
Idk they never really accepted my requests and I dunno how to use it but it shows I can login
I'm not really picky. I prefer tentacle stuff but if you have other ideas go for it.
Pso2 anon, I don't know if you still come here, but did you pay asking price for this?
I really like it, especially the blink animation and stamp.
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another oc, came out really well!
what's her name
what animal is she supposed to be
don't have a name for her yet
a goat
Red mage anon? If so how many OCs do you have now?
yeah its me, i have 7 so far lol. I still have two more planned
Legitimately whichever of you fag/h/ots recommended https://skeb.jp/@u_ma_nic25 you're fantastic, great content, layers and differences in layers everywhere, and really fast delivery times for skeb.
Will make a real male titty request now, and will report back.

Lucky. I put in a request with them but not soon enough, since I wasn't one of the two that they picked. Unfortunately I'm also impatient as fuck so I put the request in with someone else right away.
tiny man fucking an anus
I like the scenario and character, but wish the anus was drawn more in a way I like. It looks like she has awful hemorrhoids.
they probably accepted mine because I talked with them a lot before
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this is the second time I've gotten an immediate response of the same nature
I am not sober enough to understand real risk, all I know at this moment is the absolute maximum that I am constrained by (my bank account and my standard monthly expenditures).
Is this just a difference in living costs? I know a regular influx of 24ky/mo would be lifechanging for me personally, but for a single month I wouldn't consider that oil-baron-tier.
Is it truly just time to stop? maybe it truly is time to stop.
who did you request and what?
different artists have different living conditions, some don't even bat an eye at 24k while some are really grateful, it just depends
nta but looks like it's this artist or anon >>8321145
>ixy started glazing his work
it's a little late for that

As in directly? Because I've requested from them 6 times before as well.
yeah, they sent me an appeal to draw my elf girl and dm'd me to talk about her

I see. I wanted to get a new outfit for one of my magical girls and wanted to keep with the same artist for all their references to keep things looking consistent. Oh well.
anon's right >>8321335
I just want finely-aged male titties, and this is the second time I've gotten a similar response albeit the first time wasn't for a titty request.
Not to be-lay my age, but It's just weird that it happened twice unless I'm actually really far off from how I aught be viewing money per relevant locations.
really makes me wonder what hose conditions are, because at least on skeb you can be very certain that all of the artists are japanese locals living in japanese-controlled territories and thus don't have a very wide range of currency-to-real-value conditions and/or etc.
I am not sober at all, so maybe I'm just missing something important to the context of this.
I wish I had Japanese artist friends...
Can I get the #1 request master to buy me Skebs
You can gaslight them into sending more of a specific character than what they normally send by praising them in DMs.

Futa Fediel is pretty nice.
Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly 24ky = 24,000 yen right? If Google's conversion is to be trusted I make more than that in 1 work day. ($20./hr give or take some change * 8 = $160 per day which is more than the $155 I got from Google conversions.)
Mfw when I've had plentiful opportunities to reach out for a potential friendship with my skebs artists but always stop myself because I have no idea what does and doesn't cross the line of a Japanese person's boundaries that is rooted in Japanese social etiquette that is incomprehensible to a gaijin like me and the possibilty of suddenly getting blocked and tainting the good vibes of my commission would upset me greatly
(I have no face)
I love that oil tycoon/baron is a common phrase for rich clients
Some thing are universal somehow.
What are anon's thoughts on yume drawings and yumeshipping and the people who constantly if not exclusively request stuff like that?
I know that the costs of living in most Japanese locations are lower than most Euro/Murrican locations, but posting about a day's wages for one commission seems odd to me. Especially with the effort that this guy puts into his artwork and deliveries, it's well beyond the dollar value of what is being asked for even on the scale of skeb-deliveries, much less the global commission market. I know the money that artists can make isn't directly proportional to their skill like it should be, but getting called out explicitly for spending this kind of money still feel incredibly pleasant but sort of weird.
Granted taxes are a different animal altogether, I am no where near sober enough to properly analyze the final take-home pay discrepancies.
making an SI OC is inherently cowardly; just own up to the fact that you yourself want to fuck the fictional character and live with that; but if you're loyal to one person (even if that person is fictional) then go for it and carry on.
Just make sure that your requests are easily searchable and please have some level of standards so that other yumes can find good artists through your requests.
What are some of the best artists here that cost 30k yen and below?
depends on what you are looking for. I could shill you ekra all day but if they cant provide what you want then its kinda useless
>making an SI OC is inherently cowardly
Really? Having a idealized SI of yourself is as old as time. I don't see anything bad about it.
30k is way high of a ceiling for that question.
If you're trying to get the most bang for your buck then you've gotta lower it at least by half. If you can afford 30k you're starting to look more into paying for name than for quality-tiers.
If they can do vanilla, femdom, loli/hebes, vanilla, paizuri, pantyhose/tights then I'll most likely be interested.
I only put it that high because I know some of them are up there. So let's say for in this instance it's half. Who would you recommend?
Maybe it's because you're drunk but I don't think they're expressing
>I'm so poor that 24k yen is enough to pay off my house my car my medical bills arigatogothank you richGOD
But that they're in awe that you have the mentality of dropping 24k at once on art, let alone on them, and it's an expression of flattery. The gap of frugal vs liberal mindset when spending exist anywhere, one person will balk if something costs an extra $5 than they thought while another will happily drop hundreds during impromptu shopping spree.
They can probably do femdom, they primarily like vanilla related stuff. I think his skeb recently locked since he locked his twitter but it could be that he had a recent influx of requests https://skeb.jp/@ek_ra

He is usually like 7-8k when open. Typically charges a little more for some NSFW since he isnt the most comfortable with having it public sometimes hence the private stuff.

I got this https://skeb.jp/@ek_ra/works/33 and a few other things in the past if you find the style appealing. They open up fairly often
It's also that they're doing it consistently every month too.
I was confused at first because that seemed like an overreaction for just a single request but then I realized is the consistency that impressed the dude.
I hope you're right, I want to flatter them even though I don't have the money that they're implying I do. Good artists (both in art quality and in interaction quality) are so rare these days that anyone who can meet both standards really aught be shilled to the heights.

I was about to call you a fag but then I realized that I have, in fact, been doing this once a month for the past three months.
Maybe it is, in fact, time to stop.
>Maybe it is, in fact, time to stop.
But then you'll lose your creed and the chance to make a new friend!
Also think about how guilty the poor artist will feel if you stop requesting now! They will think their comment is what made you stop requesting!
>yume drawings
Cute, power to them making things that make them happy through pouring food into artist mouths.
As an outsider it's very amusing when they go to war with fujos while bringing out the homophobic slurs (based)
>people who constantly if not exclusively request stuff like that
*shrugs* they might be a little nutty and obsessed but every non irony poisoned anime nerd is a weirdo and genuity is better than normalfaggotry.
I mean is there a reason why I should care about yume requests? I don't find it any weirder than say people who only request extreme stuff like scat or guro.
Alright then thanks anon. I'll wait for them to open and see if they'll accept.
Kinda cringe, but I understand why it is popular among girls. They can't just SI as a random FUB.
There's a girl I follow that draws and commissions art of herself with Franky from One Piece and the Duke from Resident Evil Village and I'm fascinated by her. Mostly because I've just not really seen women who desperately want to fuck an immobile fat man, but for most yumes they get that same level of fascination from me if it's not a traditionally attractive male character that's their fixation
Requesting artists who can draw lovey dovey sex scene but not on a featureless room that's just a colored background that's colored if lucky and a generic white bed with a single lone sheet but on properly featured and detailed lived-on rooms with fancy and nice big beds.
Might work for you.
The snark in your post is funny because I was searching for artists with that exact same sentiment.
All my current requests end around Christmas time but I am feeling the impatient itch and want them now
Are there any skeb artists who will let you request art of your oc fucking their own oc? I came across a few western artists who let you do that and I thought that was hilarious but also kinda genius, literally whoring our their oc
horse cock 2ch client did a collab with this artist's oc
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I posted this artist without requesting some time ago but I might actually do it next time. I like the paneling and 3 pages for 15k ain't bad.
>3 pages for 15k ain't bad.
That's an insane deal if true.
Say, to get multiple panels from akiakane is it 500 yen per panel or luck of the draw depends on him maybe he liked your request or felt it needed more than one?
Is anyone here actually into scat at all, or do people bring it up just to rile other people up. If it's the former, I've got an artist to link who's looking for a couple request
5k family guy
Post it
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>Already closed
I'm sorry anon next time I'll just post the link. I was just wary about doing it because it's literally /trash/ material
We have all sorts here, just as long as you don't post it directly in the thread
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Good style, fine details, I love the atmosphere

No idea why I am the only one commissioning from him recently

Is he unworthy for 30k?
My personal ref
Delivers good bang for buck in terms of variants and is good at positions that actually show the male if that's what you're into
They are a bit picky (I don't get accepted by them every time) but it hasn't stopped me from trying when I feel like requesting them
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Barbfu on the front page
Barbfu art is absolutely treat to my sore eyes
Barbfu is the best OC in this thread
30k is a lot unless the artist excels at something in particular. Not that many people looking for preg I suppose.
An artist's price shouldn't be evaluated by their style but by how well their style depicts a character you want them to draw
Some artists might be objectively worth 50k+ from a technical/fame level but if they can't draw the character I want them to draw properly I wouldn't pay them 15k for it
That is my fault, the last few commissions with pregnancy are all mine
All fantasy characters ever do is eat big meats
Approved my stupid request
isn't that just tori loli
You saying you wouldn't eat a big meat if you could?
If you look on his twitter, it says he’s not taking requests from new people. So only previous requesters. Kind of pisses me off that skeb is so successful in spite of all of its flaws.
I would shill udon if he didn't consistently deliver either the last possible moment or have to extend it another week
Fantasy ocs have two favorite foods, manga meat and dicks
>cock meat instead of the big cylinder beef
Barbfu is among the ugliest OCs and I'm legitimately surprised people even like her. Even waitress is looks better.
Better than mask and the literal children ones, atleast.
anything is better than mask
>Even waitress is looks better.
well yeah shes one of the best looking ones
She's one of the only OCs here who looks like she can actually bear healthy children, isn't associated with disgusting fetishes, and also isn't either a cunt (Esu's whore) or pathetic (Waitress). Her design isn't SSS-tier, but she's among the top in this thread just by default.
Mask hasn't killed anyone AFAIK so she's still better than giantess
This statement contradicts the state of my pp therefore when I look at her therefore it's false and not true
Dunno who Barbfu is but waitress is peak rape material
The brown leopard print barbarian OC
speaking of giantessfag
People forget my oc exists and that makes me happy when I see all the hate they get
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I sent this artist another request last night and he accepted. It's of my witch infusing magic into my pet cat [related image] to turn it into a bigger beast.
>isn't either a cunt (Esu's whore) or pathetic (Waitress).
That just makes them even more rapeable, collab when?
Honestly glad she didn't make it into the dungeon. But I guess that got cancelled anyway.
Her owner seems to have unlimited money too so he probably doesn't care either
I don't really like muscle girls but even I think she's good
I wasn't involved with the request/idea
Lmao this nigga mad as fuck people like barbfu more than his oc
>Everyone that doesnt like me is just jealous!
Yep! Not universally, but in this thread's OC popularity contest it's 100% the case.
can I take a sexy design someone made for a fan game and just call that my oc
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>wanting to send the same artist another request to draw my witch in a sexy beast mode with these references. Do you think skeb will deny it?
You are replying to someone baiting for drama
idgaf if people like my OC or not I just post to share
If someone lists all the OCs I will make a poll and buy one for whoever wins.
Skeb didn't reject it this time. Now to see if he'll accept it before he finishes my current one.
terrible idea, the beggars are just going to samefag and or get their friends to vote for them. might as well offer it one of the discord trannies like that
I was thinking about getting a kemono style transformation done for my OC
>kemono style transformation
Just to do it or is there any particular reason?
In my mind it would be their ancestor
I'm running out of good bbw artists
Make it happen and do incest stuff or threesomes
I'm skeb abstinent until next year unless one of my never evers opens up but I plan on it
I was gonna request https://skeb.jp/@mabo9317
nevar 4get scar
instead of uniting behind one OC we fractured into autistic infighting about whose sex puppet is the best... 2view died for our sins
I’m unsure if my guy is working on my request. First time I did him he did it in 1 day, the second 5 days, now it’s been taking past his average time, however the views on my imgchest went up by 4 without me looking
Imagine having a take like this. You need to rethink your life
I know what you mean. I'm wondering if I should start trying my luck with furry artists...
>You need to rethink your life
Hearing this from someone that's obsessed enough to keep count of imgchest views just proves my point.
anon on the left
I want to commission my ocs getting tentacle fucked together but can't think of good poses or compositions...
Happy birthday JP anon
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Quick lad
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Whose that BEAUTIFUL BABE on the top left?
Didn't some anon do that and waitress won?
>comic 10k
>artwork 50k
use your eyes retard
comics are uncolored and less detailed
color more work = more money
comic = monochrome for 1p per 10k less work
Artist: https://x.com/kotoru00801
Only 16 days out of 60.
PSD with multiple toggles. Characters by themselves, characters together, background, no background, characters holding orbs that represent the partner. I'm a fan of the water rose design, as well as the unicorn orb Godwin is holding. I never thought of these things on my own and did not request it. That was completely the artists own design. I plan to request again after the holidays of the Unicorn / Demon pair.
I'm da giant fub dat makes all of da rules
These colors are nice. and this explains why that artist comes up as hidden for me. Would use but I have no petite female characters.
Help please
toddlercon luce
Whatever happened to the copy paste chibi guy? I just realized I haven't seen him in months
chibi appeal spammer? he's dead. 10 appeals a day ruined him when it changed. He deleted his skeb and twitter months ago
>sasamori tomoe
>nsfw ng
but why
Why not ask them, anon? You've got a twitter account.
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It's from the ExS-Tia series. It's one of the main heroine's defeat and bad ending corrupted forms.
Tomboyfags aka homosexuals in denial have shit taste more at eleven.
This is incredibly pretty but
>OC only
I can't even scream at this point, the energy's not there anymore.
Genuinely nice use of color though, nice water finishing.

>long hair
>prominent breasts
>wide hips
I not a fag so mmo but liking this but with some muscles is a lot less gay than 2/3 of this thread that wants to fuck things without developed female sexual traits (lolis) and/or that can't reproduce with them.
Tomboy doesn't mean andro, this one is particular is definitely and obviously female.
Someone's been feeding steroids to this horse
Anon make an OC. You not having one is out of pure stubbornness
>Wake up to TWO appeals
well that's a first
Other than having sharp eyes what's tomboy about her?
She's so damn cute, I love her
Quick Cheapie reccs?
Stop asking for quick deliveries, nobody can guarantee an artist will work fast
Define "quick". One, two weeks? What kind of request are you looking to get? I assume you don't care about quality.
This guy >>8321936
one to two weeks
secondary naked with a collar and leash on her neck
Define cheap
welp there went the only one I could send you
I do have one, I have multiple, but that doesn't stop me from primarily wanting art of my secondary husbando.
>horror/moderate guro artist
>NSFW turned off
>when 95% of horror-related terms get management'd for violating terms unless it's marked as NFSW
What is the angle here
Mosaic question too hard
would it be weird to request art of girls from hentai games
No, who do you have planned?
considering how much the taimanin girls get, no
no but just don't expect a high acceptance rate
my least successful requests are from trying to request girls from the Rance series
>would it be weird to request art of girls
Miss Duchess requester
Seeing a completely normal media tab filled with cute drawings, only to go to skeb and find copius amounts of fetish art makes me feel so bad for the artist. It's probably not their fetish and just curry rice. Work is work and all but I think living off of drawing fetish art you're not into has to be soul crushing.
this is how I felt about an artist who's skeb is nothing but monster and animal porn. His normal twitter is all cute romcom stuff. But then he tweeted about how much fun he had drawing slug porn so idk anymore.
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I got my most recent delivery with literal hours remaining to the deadline don't give up...
open 8k
just sent a request
the only artist ixy has ever requested
https://skeb.jp/@Infinite_shiba/works/12 Non-hidden uma porn
this guy is pretty open about what he does, downloading everything before the mafia gets him
As much as I enjoy uma lewds 5k is too much for lineart
I'll enjoy what other people request
the only r18 uma artist I know is eufoniuz
>>8324163 here forgot to mention, any BBC NTR recs?
Which artist? This sounds like the Aoi Nagisa situation, where everyone thought he was just a vanilla guy because he only did rape and ntr when working with the Lilith company, and even his personal doujins were vanilla. It turns out he loves rape and ntr but just separates it from other works.
Are they actually accepting requests? Some NSFW artists just turn off NSFW when they're closed. Skeb hates artists who are closed for too long for their no fee promotions.
Is the term for casual clothes/fashion same in japanese?
if by casual clothes you mean not a uniform then 私服 should be okay
What is the most painful?

>Find a good artist but they don't take commissions
>Find a good artist but they're OC only
>Find a good artist but they don't draw NSFW
>Find a good artist but their Skeb art is trash compared to their normal art
>Find the perfect artist but they don't accept
>Find the perfect artist and they accept but the request expires
>A combination of the previously mentioned ones
>Find a good artist but they're OC only
Why would this be painful?

Change that to
>But only takes commissions for their own characters
>Find the perfect artist but they leave you on pending
>Find the perfect artist and they accept but the request expires
>Find a good artist but their Skeb art is trash compared to their normal art
>Find a good artist, style you love. Takes comms and accepts yours, even giving you a WIP, but then goes silent for months after being hospitalized. Months later you find out he died a month after sending you the WIP, which means there's a chance it was worked on further, but you'll never get to see it completed.
I'd think that'd be really bad.
You alright there, anon?
Yeah, I got my request declined too
No, I have to live with the fact that if only I found the guy months or weeks earlier I might have been able to commission him, maybe even multiple times.
Worse yet is that according to the thread posted on his twitter announcing his passing, there's even a non 0 chance that mine was the last thing he worked on, and if so, that it was almost complete. But I might never know because I only saw the news five days later, and it doesn't appear that the family actively checks the account anymore.
wait is this real I thought this was hypothetical
Michael is a request master now. And he's getting monster fucking.
He's been opened for months and made a few deliveries, NSFW off the whole time.
Maybe they just want to do something different on skeb, or maybe they don't know how much content NSFW actually covers, all I know is I had an entire request typed up and ready to send before I realized I couldn't click the button for NSFW in the request interface and there's no way I can sanitize it enough to get it through shitgami's filter.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined, etc.
what the fuck happened to the Anotherfag client, he dropped massively
any time I find one of my fav non-skeb artists actually took requests several years ago and never opened again
another one
I just joined their Discord and it's only 8k for colored though.
brain generated a bad joke
8k for coloreds
4k for whites
why is dear ciel in quotes
>see futa with balls and vagina on skeb
>tuft of hair above the cock
>tuft of hair below the balls and above the vagina

would you pay 30k for a gif like this?
should have at least given clients a mp4 version too
but no to your question
considering this is 20k, not really.
>please draw my uncle as a hamster
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I've been MIA but I'm not really a fan of that design. Good art nonetheless. I looked up some of her other official designs and there are some that I like less.
This one is good. I will probably request them again.
I mostly only talk to artists that I get multiple requests from. One of my mech artists suggested I have 2 lead mechanics. 1 mechanic for the mechs and 1 mechanic for the ship. So I did that.
This is really cute I hope the uncle appreciates it.
let's love nazrin
if I had the money to burn and no better priorities, sure
I'd prob have to have a very clear idea of what to ask for though, since the ones that didn't give specific instructions ended up with a far more basic delivery than you'd want for that price
Let's find out if artist-san who rejected me twice with secondary characters will accept my shitty OC
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why is buff luigi the ideal
Wouldn't you want to be buff Luigi?
He's the "indeal"
>tfw so desperate to find an artist that fits all my autistic requirements for this autistic idea that I've taken to start trawling the comics tab and checking every new one I see just to see if anyone would fit
@kuroi_suna you fucker, you deleted your skeb
Amputee anorexic im@s onahole on the front page
artist decided to draw nipples for the first time
He'll draw beastiality impregnation but not nipples? That's crazy
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Comic artist who could do a great page like this ref?
NTA but I'm pretty sure he's just not confident in how he draws 'em.

Helpful user name.
God I've got Skeb withdrawals. Haven't gotten anything in in three weeks. Artist-kun's, why???

Nekosatsu isn't around anymore to give me a quick fix either. Sadness.
I'm about to unlink my cards for the rest of the year between now and December 25 I literally have 20 accepted. I need to take a break
There was a brief moment earlier this year where I had no requests in or pending. That was my chance to break free and I failed...
please draw rape artist san
this artist just sent me a resend from a month ago
How do I check how long it took an artist to complete his last comm on Skeb?
follow the artist and another and then compare their deliveries in the following works tab
use the browser tools to view the id of when it was sent
hope this handholding was enough anon
>good nip artist
>10k yen for Skeb
>like 20-35 thousand followers on Xitter
>western artist of the same or slightly less quality
>$150 for a comm without extra characters
>100k+ followers
>accepting commissions at all, or being able to commission them even if they do
I’ve gotten a couple
They’re cunts too. The nicest artists I worked with was this Korean guy and this one girl. Everyone else was either Skeb so no communication, average, or rude
I have about 17 or 18 in process. Some of these from months ago from people with 120 day deadlines. I have a few more people I want to hit up this month. I keep delaying on some artists and they end up closing or increasing their fees.
pixiv faggots still haven't unbanned me or responded to my inquiries. I need my fucking fanbox money.
What should I do at this point?
I managed a 200k once via twitter. Was a cool dude, one of my favorite pieces so far.
The best "western" artists are SEA artists. They're as cheap if not cheaper than JP artists while having a quality and art style often closer to JP artists, and also being able to communicate in English. Got some insane deals from a few of them.
Yeah but they live in third world countries so a natural disaster or gang or police/military might kill them before they finish my request
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thank you!
kek fair enough
Speaking of, I'm pretty sure a south american artist finished my comm and then disappeared like 15 minutes after sending me the files. He said he was going to post it on his socials the next day and I asked him a follow up question about a future comm. He never posted the art or answered my questions. Reached out to a couple of other people who that knew him since it's been a few weeks now, none of them have been getting responses from him either. Strange to think he might have finished my fetish art before going out and getting hit by a bus or something.
what was the completion time?
does the commissioners thread look like a thread full of artists to you
He did accept it. I guess I should be expecting it sometime next week? He assume he's working on mine now that >>8324786 is finished. The guy really loves his sexy ab chicks.
ive lost my fucking mind anon
https://skeb.jp/@syakunetuu big catch
i like this, its really endearing and i don't even fish
get your oc happy with a big fish
I love that the fishes are way more detailed than the characters
Sent them a request
>followed my favorite western artist when he had around 4-5k followers through someone's recommendation
>now he is nearly 80k but sometimes he makes exceptions for me anyway
He is always stupidly busy because he has an amazing work ethic though... but he is a great dude, never let the fame get to his head. Im glad he is doing well for himself
Is there a list of artists who will replace your OC with a secondary when they publish it?
gl anon, seems they closed up already
How long did this take?
Are requests from Indonesian artists fine to post here? Or does that count as Western for some reason
That's a thing?
how ugly is the art
I sent one in
>skeb artist opens up fanbox
>300 yen tier that has a lottery drawing for either oc or secondary character drawn at normal quality every month
>article post has 25 comments
ahhhh, go away. my chances are getting smaller
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seems fine to me
yeah sure that's fine
he's on pixiv requests now
wasn't nekosatsu the artist that had all their works hidden by the germans
no, it was teruki kuma
all requests default to hidden and you can't switch
you can do 500 yen per panel
100% complete rate and always delivers on the deadline but I can't lie it makes me a little nervous
>appealing the broken arm client
hey you can still :> with a broken arm
tracing over a popular meme and replacing some features with autists OCs seems very lucrative, i see it almost every day
>find the perfect artist and they straight up reject you and then close their skeb
nanjamo sex
>they hated your request so much they quit
About to request Nekoko-chan back alley dumpster anal
Do you think they will do beast stuff?
If only 13% of requests are OC, that means skeb is dominated by secondaries, and yet anons still complain about OC only artists.
Do ff14 characters count as secondaries or OCs?
If its an oc, it's an oc. Of course they do.
there were a few copyright scares some time ago where they would be considered secondaries by a lot of artists but nowadays I think most artists consider them OCs
Secondary artist are a lot more expensive, and to people in these threads, paying over 4k for art would literally kill them
I only request secondaries who don't get enough arts. There's no point in asking for popular ones when you know that eventually someone will draw nearly everything of her, see for example iwao with Orihime or Kallen

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