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Who's The Better Female Antagonist To Asagi? Oboro Or Kaliya (Snake Lady) (Main Timeline vs ZERO Timeline)
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Mine: This is actually a little nuance for me. Oboro is probably the better antagonist due to them having more history, but I vastly prefer Kaliya as her antagonist overall. For one, I find Kaliya way more attractive, and I actually like that Kaliya takes pleasure in participating in sex acts against the Taimanin; unlike Oboro that's always just cowardly watching off screen shit talking. It got really old for me after the first Taimanin Asagi Side Story, hell even Kiryuu does more to Murasaki than Oboro does to Asagi.
do you have the full image of the background oboro? I like them both but snake lady is so under used so I like oboro more. actually they're both criminally underused, but something like 20% of snake lady's futa scenes are using it on a guy which is fucking gay.
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Yeah, thankfully I save all the parts I use to make my pictures, here you go.
Oboro is a perfect antagonist. I do like Kaliyas design and attitude a lot, but personally I just don't like futa stuff
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I love Oboro so much it's unreal. Snake Lady is nice, but I'm not big on futa stuff. I just wish Lilith would something more with the fact that Oboro is a vampire since TA2. It would be nice to see her use her fangs to drink some blood imo.
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tfw might get banned posting Snek at her best...

I realize Oboro is the OG rival but I don't care, Snake Lady is way hotter (and futa is based).
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>The way she talks in the 2nd part of the Natsu/Hebiko scene makes it really seem like she wants Hebiko to admit to having some interest in Daiki as a sex partner. I think part of her does want to corrupt Hebiko
That was a typo. I meant Daiki instead of Natsu. I don't think he will be the big deal that cucks Fuuma.
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Oboro is for Asagi, Snake Lady is for Sakura. if we ever get a Taimanin: Sakura I hope SL is going to be the antagonist.
Yeah no, Daiki is not really a character himself. If they are going to turn the route into an NTR focus then I think the 'big deal' would be Natsu in how she uses her position as a tutor to corrupt Hebiko.
Aside from that I don't see them having some big named rival of sorts this late into the games lifespan similar to Gisuke
was this from battle arena? I vaguely remember the pose but not with the vibes.
Snake Lady is for Shikanosuke.
No she is not, stop with retarded meme, it's getting boring.
that was a good scene
he was a fun toy for her
NTA but how is that a meme? They literally had a scene together..
Anon it was just one single retarded what if scene that came 6 years ago.
Repeating the same shit over and over gets boring.
It's funny cause the characters barely met when they saved Hebiko from the chaos arena.
Inb4 some loser will post that ugly commissions for the 100th time.
Isn't virtually every scene in RPGX a what-if? So I don't really see the point in using that to dismiss it.
>Repeating the same shit over and over gets boring.
Sure, I suppose. Is this really any worse than any other fan shipping in this fandom? I never knew ppl hated KaliyaXShika until now..
One of the most retarded ships to ever exist, only soon to be faggots like that ship.
This new era is filled with trannies, so it is normal that you haven't met people who dislike femboy shit.
He probably prefers Shika with Shiranui.
Wrong i prefer shika with brain flyer, when the brain flyer puts him 6 feet under.
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Modder anon here, I have done this time Cara the Blood Lord. Look at the picture if you want to see my mod in action for that VN (I mean, it's basically just TA Premium Box all over again).

Torrent at: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4206486
>Snake Lady is for Shikanosuke
Shikanosuke is for hags.
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No, Shikanosuke is better being a cocksleeve.
You can say goodbye to any visual novel.
They just asked 15 bucks for a single 1 hour ASMR... And over 7k people bought it. A vn needs 100s of CG actual progression AND multiple hours of voice acting. It's over. The yield from that is too crazy, they AT MOST paid like 400-500 $ for 1 hour of voice acting. Even if they just got 10$ from each sell after taxes, that's over 70k. For under 1k invested. They 70x that investment.
Now if only they invest that into developing actual 3D Taimanin eroge lmao

I like CGs but I do want an actual full-fledged eroge Action Taimanin instead of being a fonge.
Everyone knows that the merch always does great, otherwise they wouldn't have remade those dakis for the 5th time now
i would love to see a Action Taimanin game in the style of wuthering waves or genshin...meh, one can dream
Depressing, but no surprising if true. I will wait with baited breathe to see what if they do anything with VN's again.
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I want a witch gf..
I really do not understand why people like you allways call all hope is lost if anything that is not a VN Lilith does makes money.
Instead of saying good for us, Lilith-soft that makes Taimanin continue to exist and probably has some cash to spare now for other projects you allways pretend that somebody stole the next VN.
The reality is that yes, Lilith will continue to make ASMR until they no longer sell and then they will do something else.
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Anon from previous thread uploaded this https://mega.nz/folder/QCFwzKDS#1zRUSpm4BeM557ydVZdP1w . Someone add it to mega list
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>Do stuff with Asagi
>Stuff sells
MC here, why even bothering with other character ?
You are completely misunderstanding his point.
What anon is trying to say is that Lilith has way more success with an ASMR (seriously, this shit just should be free, not bought, it's some audio, nothing more) gets WAY more money than with a product that requires some heavy investment into it.
So by that logic, any company knows that it makes more sense to them to just forget about investing into a product that has less market potential, specially when the one that generates more money takes little to no effort to produce...
In a nutshell, he is not mad at Lilith, but rather at the customers for their purchases preferences, which sums up at just buying anything Taimanin related, no thought process at all.

I'm sorry but 3D slop looks so bad, good art will always be more important than pure animation.
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Not that anon, but companies are also known to have passion projects to keep things relevant. Even if other things sell more I would not completely write off VNs for that. It could just be the case that they feel the need for a VN is appropriate after a certain amount of time.
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Do any of the Taimanin ASMRs have subtitles?

Also a VN based on Maika Kamimura or Uehara Rin would be pretty nice. Even an ecchi show based on the RPGX timeline.
>seriously, this shit just should be free, not bought, it's some audio, nothing more
according to who?
the fuck is wrong with vnniggers
youve never spent a single cent on the franchise yet you should have a say on what they do with their own franchise?
Because she needs a larger supporting cast than herself and some orc cocks.
Ah... now I remember why I don't tend to interact much at 4ch, so much free hostility for no good reason. (Also, why only a customer who is more likely to have a positive opinion regarding something is the only one entitled to share their opinion?)

I will reply to you by saying this, Milk Factory gives away the DLC for their penultimate game and the ASMR for 1 yen, so you tell me how much money really costs an ASMR to produce...
Has anyone shared this ASMR?
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Sad, but not surprised.
Yet somehow, I’m still hanging on to a tiny sliver of hope.
Maybe one day, we'll get the high-quality Taimanin game we deserve.
Any T&W fans around? I'm trying to figure out what story differences are in the untranslated bits of the vn without resorting to using a machine translator and giving myself a migraine.
>3D slop

I mean, Lilith will never invest into VNs again because RPGX makes steady money so why not venture into 3D realm and commit more? I take something new if it meant Taimanin game that doesn't solely exists as a gacha nowadays.
I’m still waiting for Snake Lady’s face turn.
My dream is for her to have lovey-dovey consensual sex with Sakura for procreative purposes in Sakura’s very own VN.
But it’s foolish to dream of new VNs, isn’t it?
Eventually you’ll need new visual novels to sustain interest in the brand
Post a full body of her taimanin costume. She better have heels or some kind of bacm window.

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