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Previous thread: >>8344891

This thread is for discussions about commissioning non-Western (primarily Japanese) artists through platforms such as Skeb, Pixiv, Fantia, and similar sites.
Feel free to ask questions and recommendations for specific kinks/fetishes.

>Skeb (requires a Twitter account)

>Skeb Button/Skebify
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skeb-button/onjegdbehgoamaiochjfnkokondpgoim (Chrome-based browsers only)
Displays on Twitter whether an artist is currently accepting requests.

>SkebUe - Memo Box
Allows you to write notes on an artist's Skeb page.

>Skeb Pricing Manager (created by anon)
Retrieves prices, deadlines, and completion rates for both open and closed artists. The price for closed artists will be the price when last open.
>It's not loading any data!
You need to manually navigate to the artist's Skeb page. Directly opening the page or refreshing won't work.

>Skeb Price Sorter
Allows you to sort artists by recommended price. Do not use on a large amount of artists at the same time or you will get timed out for too many requests.

>Pixiv Request
>Help! I can’t request R18/R18G because of my payment method!
Change your UI language to Japanese, and you should be able to.

>Fantia Commissions
These commissions are reserved for supporters, but artists may allow those in the free plan to request too.

Skeb/Pixiv Request/Commission Support General OP pastebin (use if making new thread): https://pastebin.com/3HVj7SgK
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Tales delivery. Agria from Tales of Xillia. https://skeb.jp/@hayamaou_35/works/228
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Two deliveries today, both from 120d artists funny enough

First one from https://skeb.jp/@yunomi1129
3k, 11 weeks. Very good for 3k, the girls are very cute. PSD is just a toggle for the effects/signature.

Second one is from https://skeb.jp/@Tetsu_ed
Took a full 120d and took 3 weeks to accept, went into grace for the delivery too. 3k, no PSD. Draws mature women well and it rubbed off here. I like it, but wait time is a killer.
cardigan looking kinda ikemen in the second picture
Your right she looks like a femboy from otome game
>send one
>rejects it and puts a notice on his profile description telling me why instead of DMing
>no i will NOT draw the inside of the pussy for you and i won't use line censors
well fuck you then, the fresh bonk mindbroke him, i'm not sending another, 0/10
Me with my black haired OC
I forget is this someone's OC from here? Ive been noticing this one a lot recently
How many bands have you spend so far in a lifetime of service, y’all?
Come back in 3 weeks after we get the end of the year report
2ch probably but I'm not sure
so a little update on this. originally i asked the artist for two version. one with costume on and one with a costume ripped for a character.

artist updated the works page today and explained to me that he didnt include the different variation because the costume is too complex to draw and it would have cost over the 50k i sent him. okay then why the fuck would he accept it in the first place?
probably because he could, and knew you wouldn't be able to do anything about it
Post it
i bet it's not the answer you wanted but it's the expected one, you're lucky to get one at all after bitching in your fan letter
that's almost always the case, depending on what the base price is you usually pay extra for variations
Since you didn't actually post the art, I'm glad you feel unsatisfied and I hope you waste more money in the future
seriously piss me off that the artist can do shit like this and just get away with it. i requested numerous pixiv and skeb requests before and if i didnt like something i just moved on since its not a large amount but this is fucking 50k ffs

his base price is 25k. i paid him 25k extra for the variations. what the fuck else is there for me to do if he accepts it and then after he is done he whips out the "too hard need more money" card.

cry me a river poorfag
okay so same thing as last thread, you got scammed, just move on since they made it clear you're not getting it
Far from a poorfag and the only one crying here is you. The misfortune of art hoarders brings me joy
>seriously piss me off
oh he also updated his pinned tweet and some of his pixiv descriptions to say he will never do line censors ever
well fuck you too then, if you don't want my hundreds of fetish dollars then i'll give it to someone else
Black hair girls are CUUTE and hot
You're the only one crying here, buddy.
But keep spreading for your ass for the faggot who just fucked you without lube lmao.
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Fist time I got a "translation issue" with a request (I think). I wanted the man to pull up her shirt then she looks surprise and instead I got her pulling up her shirt by herself. The reaction to hide her nipples make more sense if the man is the one doing it.

Well it's still very good. it's not like that guy who ask his girl to get "knocked up" and instead he got a guy punching her.
>it's not like that guy who ask his girl to get "knocked up" and instead he got a guy punching her.
nah it was ravaged not knocked up
That's a pretty good animation.
Who and how much?
nta but looks like https://www.pixiv.net/users/44867472
it's from "どんちくしょう" on pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/44867472

It costed me 50k yen but he can do for less, I've commissioned him multiple times. The first couples commissions I got from him were only at 30k.
did you get a video file or anything extra like genga
I got a gift file with high res gif
is it just me or is there an "AI-ness" about this artist
I have some card authorizations for a few pending requests, but my card just got stolen (GSC hack). Anyone know if Nalgami going to ban my ass if I get the card replaced with the pending authorizations? It sucks to cancel newly sent requests but I got the card locked for now and am considering my options. Not sure if skeb will treat them as a chargeback
So artist got smacked by skeb janitor for lack of censorship and they reopened again shortly after reuploading my request but they did not enable NSFW On. Would I get into trouble for messaging them to turn NSFW On again?
Nah, there are WIPs on X. But I wonder, what gives an image AI feeling? Is it lighting?
just an unfortunate victim of the slop style, but there's always a chance they use it to assist them in making compositions, since there's a slight art style shift over time but you can just attribute that to growth as well
you will if they decide to snitch for some reason. can do it from a different acc, if you have one
he prob means that kinda traced-over-AI vibe where the linework looks more polished than the coloring
whether that is the case or not I can't really say
I don't think they're using AI but their style does look like the generic slop artstyle a bit
it's hard to explain but aislop does tend to gravitate towards certain colors
Google says transactions with "authorized" status will go through even if the card was blocked.
>GSC hack
what figures did you order
I think this artist is fine.
WIPs doesn't mean the artist isn't using AI. I've seen one post the "line art WIP" by simply filtering out any color that isn't the black line art. Any black colored parts always strangely get include with the "line art WIP" along with some other usual tells.
Nothing too interesting. Some vtuber nendos
would spread pussy anon be into this or nah
which ocs have black hair?
3.5 of mine.
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ive always been a fan of clothed spreading
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Doing my part
>Artist complaining that he has to draw too much for my request
>then complains that my character's outfit is too hard to draw
>then complains that her hair is too hard to draw
>then laments that he should have resent for way higher because he's done 3 skebs worth of work
Damn dude you didn't have to take my money if my comm is causing you this much fucking strife
Need an artist that can do cunny within a week.
Is Hetza still alive? He just disappeared a couple months back on his accounts. His skeb is still open though.
why is anon so obsessed with spread pussy anon?
seriously its getting old and the fetish isnt that great after the 15th pussy
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Second delivery by https://skeb.jp/@puyochocolate

This came out incredibly cute, I love it. Again was 2k and took 4 days.

Sketch that was in the PSD. Wish I could read the little tidbits.
>this is continuation of the 140th request I drew
>this is a story about maid-san and rose-chan using a sex toy
>what rose-chan thinks about girls like maid-san is a mystery...
>because she seems to forgive ecchi behavior if it's not too much there's no way she could be hated...?
not sure about the last one
fee free when
nta but spread pussy anon has good taste in artists and knows japanese so they're cool
Thanks anon.
i don't know what anon does with my opinion either, it's just my depraved fetish
>Chibi appeal spammer
all anons have hits and misses
did chibi appeal spammer nuke their account
How autistic and annoying do mech fans have to be for every single artist to single them or a content they don't do?
>because she seems to forgive ecchi behavior if it's not too much there's no way she could be hated...?
She looks like the type to forgive lewd actions to a certain degree, so she probably doesn't dislike her?
sounds good
We need an oc who's weak spot is her urethra
mecha is a catch all for anything mechanical including detailed guns, cars, airplanes, etc
most artists don't want to do this type of work and probably wouldn't be good at it
>autistic and annoying
Sounds like you’re projecting cunt
when it comes to mechanical things there's literally only right and wrong, your best bet to draw a car or a mecha is to trace it unless you're insanely talented
>artist gets first comic request
>reckons it'll take them a month
Won't be seeing them open for a while if they accept
getting multiple rods is a good deal anon
I'm passing because any variations is 1000 ~ 5000 yen on top of that
On the other side it'll be a good reference to see how they do comics.
Hot take: I wish more arist would opened comic requests. For most mediocre or bad artists their lineart and shading isn't bad just their coloring. Black/white would make their work more fappable.
I just ask the artist to draw a couple of extra frames and call it a comic
You could just ask for b/w and probably get away with offering less
I need some bestiality artist recommendations. My budget is 15k-20k and I need artists who don't have a moe or cutesy art style. I get 404'd whenever someone posts anything close to this stuff andI don't get much results when searching those Skeb keywords myself.
>who don't have a moe or cutesy art style
This isn't just aimed at you, but what the fuck is with this shit where people ask for artists based on vauge, hard to understand parameters.
Post a fucking image of the kind of thing you ARE looking for, or an image of what you AREN'T looking for, at least!
I don't know what beast artists draw in a cutesy or more style by YOUR standards. Post a crop, a catbox link, a pixiv link, fucking anything. A picture is worth a thousand words, and if there's anything our thread NEVER HITS, it's image limit.
>This isn't just aimed at you, but what the fuck is with this shit where people ask for artists based on vauge, hard to understand parameters.
Sorry, what I meant was that I was looking for artists who can draw more voluptuous women, rather than those who focus on loli art or have a "moe" art style. Back when I did have access to this stuff on Skeb, I found quite a bit of artists who have really "cute" style that I wasn't interested in. I was referring to art styles like these that I wanted to avoid https://files.catbox.moe/6j85fq.png https://files.catbox.moe/cgfh8t.jpeg. Any artist that can draw sexy older women would be fine. I didn't mean to be vague.
Skeb pages look better without the pee border actually
Don't care. Thanking the artist i paid $14 who gave me a fucking Picasso in return
I think the free fee thing that requires artists to be open all the time killed his mood. He only did like 2-3 requests after that. Or this is just another time where he disappears for 8 years without posting anything
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Damn, speaking of that design. I saw a request for it.
sure thing anon. I am sure you simply "saw" it.
Who are you requesting? I can probably find someone if you can clarify, if not I have no real reason to search while you are being vague
Artist posted it on 2chan. I'm not the Morgan client nor do I care for fire emblem
Its ok anon I believe you
tell me more about this character
really small PSD makes me think that disgusting corner watermark is still there and there is no layer
>tell myself I absolutely should not send any new requests until I'm down to only 5 in progress
>3rd request sent today

will I ever be free
how else will the artist be able to tell you that they don't want you to use their art
i only know this faggot because he pays 100 dollars a month for a monthly commission subscription artist's patreon, autistic richfag
why does the al in Exalted look like み
I requested a manga a while ago and want to request a sequel. Problem is the artist got slapped by skeb jannies for censorship and they turned off his NSFW and I don't think he knows that. His pixiv requests are also more expensive than his skeb requests.

What do I do? DM him and ask him to turn NSFW back on? Pixiv requests the manga and just offer skeb price?
public tweet at him
Pubic tweet at her
>first pic
i forgot inao-chi does bestiality, need to get some dogfucking from him next time
>artist opens up because someone told him on Marshmallow that they're going to use their bonus for skeb
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when you send in another request while you already have skeb pregnant with several
She is deeply in love, canonically, with a male character that IIRC has that 80s-90s "Doesn't know how to interact with women/love + is too focused on training" syndrome
Yuribros we cannot stop winning
I see ghost loli on the front page
she got milk
giant shota destroying the city
She's a ninja, and she likes a guy who doesn't like her
Old lady like chun li
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Just got this comic delivered, paid recommended comic price. Artist's guidelines said that would get you 1 page with 3-4 panels but he went well beyond that for me and repeatedly said how the should have charge me more so don't expect this much normally. He did a really good job though, was not disappointed.
Screw this project rx, bring back project kv
you could get good animation for 30k
I always found the fire one hot
Sex with the water one
>April delivery date
See you guys next year
>girls getting turned into an afro and girls getting shaved deliveries next to each other
based bitcher but still went above and beyond anyway tsundere
>3 NSFW requests get rejected by the same artist
>try a SFW one and it's accepted within the hour
Will saying skirt in a sfw request get my request management checked by skeb?
>1 hour til deadline
It’s over bros….
Skirt should be fine, I never got my requests held up for it
I don't know what gets you flagged. If you mention panties, it's an nsfw flag, but apparently, diaper isn't a flag.
You'd think the word sex or sexy would get you flagged but apparently not that either. Someone a while back even linked a work of two characters actually having sex that was marked as all ages. Didn't get hit by skeb since no explicit details were shown either.
he doesnt have comic available, only artwork
are you sure you used the Comic option?

how much was it?
He turned it off because he's too busy to do another comic right now, it's double the artwork price
>are you sure you used the Comic option?
not him but if you go to the artist's page it's tagged with the comic label
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Delivery. Christmas Agria from Tales of the Rays. Art by zdoor623 on twitter
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>mfw it wasn't this character
Nalgami got back the money for a 300,000 yen request chargeback.
The time and efforts through legal processes to get it back was well above the initial cost
he's retarded, nothing new
maybe eventually he'll realize why damn near everyone else, even near-monopolies like paypal and amazon, allows for easy refunds/chargebacks
but he is a very dedicated retard, so probably not
>gomen kaasan I used your credit card to buy anime porn
>maybe eventually he'll realize why damn near everyone else, even near-monopolies like paypal and amazon, allows for easy refunds/chargebacks
don't stores ban people for chargebacks too? not sure what business sense there is in allowing easy refunds
that other Anon is retarded
no one does easy refunds unless the law requires it like what happened with Steam
Amazon initiates/requires investigations and flags chargebacks on large purchases like that, for starters.
You can't just buy, like, a 79,000 yen PS5 Pro and then hit the chargeback button and keep it and still get your money back. A refund isn't the same as a chargeback,either. This reads like you don't know the difference and haven't actually DONE a chargeback on a legal and valid purchase.
dropping a 300k request and charging it back is a pretty fun nuclear way to quit skeb if it pisses nalgami off that much, since he can only operate with police in japan i'm pretty sure he cant stop a gaijin from doing it
>He can't stop a gaijin from doing it
Yes he can? Are you dumb, too?
>You pay, going through the 3D payment system AND having pre-existing skeb payment history (and if you don't, good luck getting a payment through without the 3D Secure confirmation screen that demands you verify via text)
>artist accepts, and delivers within your chargeback availability period
>you download and then you chargeback
>nalgami and the skeb system sees this
>contacts either the payment processor, the police, or both, to have the chargeback cancelled
>the chargeback is then canceled, your account remains banned, nalgami keeps your money, and your credit card provider may or may not be upset with you
We're not talking about individual tiny stores, we're talking about market owners/operators (which is what shitgami is) - these almost always have some reasonably easy method of refunding, or don't pursue too hard external methods like card chargebacks, because no matter how retarded consumers seem to get they still prefer buyer protections and will rage if they get screwed.
For actual business owners it doesn't make a difference if someone rages or not, they weren't coming back anyways and they don't have volume to cover it, so most of them will ban anyone who does chargebacks.
But for market owners it absolutely does make a difference, as consumers can still give them money even if they avoid one specific business. If one amazon seller jews them, 99.9% of people don't refund and take their money off amazon, they turn around and buy from a different seller on amazon. Amazon still gets their cut for minimal to no effort, it just goes through an extra step, and the ease helps encourage consumers to spend even more money.
Processors or markets almost all operate this way, for the same reason. They don't care about small volumes of refunds because they keep buyers spending money on their platform. Paypal chargebacks are easy (and I don't believe I have to say this in a fucking commission thread, are you guys actually serious when you say you let trad artists lead you on for a year?), amazon chargebacks are easy, most major credit card companies' chargebacks are only slightly less easy, etc. Yes, if you chargeback 300,000y every other month then you're going to have a rough time, but don't be retarded.
How many people here treat skeb like a gamble because of their no-refunds no-guarantee policy? I've seen lots of anons here say that they won't spend too much on skeb because of this. Shitgami would have so much more money if he'd do what every other money-grubbing marketplace does, but he is literally too retarded to even maximize his own profits.
I mean skeb sells a service vs a product so it'd be more like uber and lyft than amazon
"service" vs "product" is an irrelevant differentiation, you're buying something on a marketplace. Uber and lyft don't let you choose who to drive you around, so they aren't comparable for multiple reasons. And either way, a digital good is still a "product" - I'd argue that skeb, with its "zero contact" method, is even less of a service than trad commissions are. Trad commissions at least have the "service" of interaction and possible edits/corrections/etc, while skeb has nothing except the final artwork.
Look at other commission platforms. They all do the same thing as physical good marketplaces, despite selling only virtual goods. Some require going through actual customer service for a refund, but all have the ability to get one.
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Delivery, took 28 days and pretty happy how it turned out
i hope you know credit cards almost always favor the card holder in a chargeback, there's a reason why credit card fraud is super easy because you can literally just say your card was fucking stolen or someone else used it and they'll charge it back and they'll believe you if you're not a repeat offender
Hey krial, if you're here how long did this one take? https://skeb.jp/@coupling_maker/works/11
Westernbait style.
nigga i hate cheapie moe stuff as much as the next guy but this is just cheapie moe stuff, not westoid style.
character design is questionable, but artstyle is run of the mill.
>request approved from a frequented artist within 15min
There's probably better feelings out there but this is still a really notable good one
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My Dhampir got a new outfit sheet design finished the other day, and while I was at work earlier today the comm for my bishonen/otokonoko character sheet got finished too!

I wanted a more modern/future-y than her usual attire that was just leotard and pants with a big coat.
The artist also drew them in a regular more vampire looking outfit which I thought was nice!
These terms are not synonymous, at all, and I fucking hate the (((people))) who use them as such
but I really like the design of those pants at the waistline, feel free to post more
It was important that both terms were used because I do not know a term that would accurately represent what I wanted, and it worked because the artist understood what I meant.
damn, until I checked the links I thought you meant the redhead vamp was an androgynous boy (with the poofy shirt explaining away the apparent boobs)
how old is this meme
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Uc finally finished my 10 girl piece. Catboxing since there's one /trash/ girl in the background and don't want to cause an issue.


Nice fox
Thanks, she's the gal I've gotten the most art of.
Love this, group pics were the girls are all doing something are great
I agree in usual conditions, anon.
But the entire step I've always had to do with Skeb in larger amounts, regardless of issuer or type (MC Debit, Discover Credit the 3 times it worked, MC Credit, Amex Credit before I realized the foreign fee, Visa Credit) where I have to confirm the transaction is valid through text message, means that Skeb has an additional point of validity to use as argumentation in the case of a dispute.

Fraud is typically easy (The first time) , but when there's additional steps, issues start to arise. Nalgami going through the legal process and requiring additional confirmation on his site show that he's almost certain to fight it, even if it's just on principle.

>Look at other commission platforms. They all do the same thing as physical good marketplaces, despite selling only virtual goods. Some require going through actual customer service for a refund, but all have the ability to get one.

In the least asshole way possible, I need you to name these platforms, anon.
artist so paranoid, they gotta glaze their pixel art
Any anon going to comiket?
I'm thinking rat will
>name these platforms
Fucking fiverr and the other massive normie sites
DA used to, it's been so long since I looked at it though that I don't know if it still does
Other sites that aren't specifically commission-targeted like kofi do the same, and even more are known to not ban clients who chargeback.
Reminder that PayPal, the default commission processor for every retard and their underaged sister, has chargebacks as a literal advertised feature.
Skeb is not the only commission platform, very very very far from it.

And to your top point, you sound like someone who has never used any chargeback system ever. Confirming though whatever 4.6-step verification means nothing, anyone can just say that someone stole their card and their phone and no card company cares. The fact that refunds are so easy everywhere is actually a major issue for some small businesses, as they themselves can easily get fucked over by a bad actor and they will lose 98% of the time no matter what. This is why businesses (not markets) tend to ban people who chargeback, because they're effectively selling on good faith only and if that faith is broken they have to cut their losses. LOTS of sellers bitch at amazon and esty and similar places for how easy they make refunds and how mindlessly they favor the buyer too.
I don't know what world you live in where major providers don't have easy chargebacks/refunds, but I am really interested in what it's done to markets that host chinese sellers so please report on the state of your world further.
Any good options for artists friendly to onee-shota?
The few I know of are all closed.
I am as well. Planning to print out all the comms done by artists that will be attending to have them sign them.
Damn that's an awesome idea, you'll probably make the artists' day
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Dragon girl tiddies
>artist gets popular, starts getting business contracts and hasn't opened skeb in a year as a result
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I received an appeal for this artist for 3800 yen, opposed to 7000 yen. The artstyle was appealing so I jumped on it. His original request response/completion rate was under 1 day/under 7 days, but my request took just under a month after being accepted instantly. I'm not sure if he had a lot of appeals get accepted at the same time. He's not an artist that's super active on social media so I wouldn't expect progress updates either.
Cute harpy
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Apologies, I included the bonus first because the main piece was so huge even using converted that it didn't compress below 4 megs. I used a tool called pinga to clean it up.
request more nopan angel
dragon paizuri
I wish that thot Saurei would commission herself more on skeb
I don't know much about her, but I remember her cause one of my commissions got more likes/rts than hers, despite hers having a hashtag and having been rt'd by her.
I feel there's often something weird about artists that commission other artists a lot.
Not so weird when you want to see something in another person's style
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Dumb slut can never be a thief with tits that big, everyone will be paying attention to her
Love the comic
But how does one press your dick onto a titty and do a tiddy grab like that
men are capable of amazing things when trying to correct smug brats
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requested porn of the new avatar loli

I wish he wasnt so expensive, jealous of all the manga people got from this guy
Such as shifting limbs or genitals to different areas of their body
based japs bleaching westoid cartoon
Cost? Wait time?
What do you even do for a living man, nothing you request seems to hit under 30k
45k (would probably be a little cheaper now, I think his price went down since I requested)
2 months
IT middle-management
Could’ve never guessed
bob and rich tales fag too
Mfw I'm IT and I cringe if I ever spend 20k
sorry i wish i had a cooler answer. I used to spend money I made stock trading on skeb when I first started though.
you're smarter than the rest of us
I worked for the gubmint, I have the lamest answer
Remote IT in a rural town with municipal fiber is the way.
*Dons mask*
Good to see your birb again. Her expression makes me smile. Why does she have the artificial eye?
Whelp, Skeb reintroducing censoring again.
That's because it's analogous to myself. I'm actually blind in the same eye. The excessive scarring instead brings more attention to it and I personally find scars hot. In real life, it's nerve scarring, in character, it's a war accident.

I was thinking of a SFW collab with you, if you're who I think you are, but I've been a bit timid. I've already posted before but still haven't worked up the nerve to discuss it in detail.
I mean I also work for the government (IRS specifically.) and I'd also cringe at spending as much as some of these anons.
if the taxpayers knew how much of their money goes to anime porn oh boy
Compared to normgroid happy wife happy life maintenance fees high quality custom anime porn is relatively not that steep. Do you know how expensive makeup is?
>get appeal
>checkout artist twitter
>it's nothing but her slutty one piece cosplay pictures
Was this, though they have since said the issue was resolved.
that was awfully fast, wonder what got resolved that quickly
gay shit on my front page? it's more likely than you think
nalgami usually tweets about it. VISA suspended their payment on an otaku matchmaking site

I'll leave personal thoughts to DMs. There's only two masks, Drow and Bigtitty. I'm the latter. My twitter's in the google sheet if you want to talk.
This cartel BS has to end.
tai's latest delivery got privated and he's hidden ng
wtf, I can't see these 2ch client's recent deliveries on my second account
yeah same here. some deliveries I was able to view that other anons couldn't now 404 for me too though the API still works. guess nalgami was A/B testing it
>draw a character with your non-dominant hand and also use this highly specific canvas size
kinda weird but ok
Weak. Where are the "draw with your feet" requests
I can only see 110/111 of monkey client's requests.
15 here
I can see 111
I wonder what I'm missing
Remember to commission furry or futa porn at least bi-yearly to renew your access to skeb+
I don't request /trash/. Furthest I go is rape and it's not even on this account.
15. I didn't have any problems last round.
rip, can't see anon's spit roast
I've requested many a girl taking a dump in secret so nalgami gave me the degeneracy pass
It must have been rolling out for everyone or being applied based on location. Like I said many threads ago, at one point I could bypass it with a VPN, but that was only once time. After that, more and more requests were getting 404'd, even stuff I could originally see. I'm guessing it's bank related.
I guess I gotta request an indian character pooping
I can see 111 and I barely request NSFW stuff, and when I do it's the most vanilla stuff possible, this shit makes no sense
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Risu delivery.
4k yen. Took 1 month, and 1 week. Cum/naked variants, but png only.
Draw with your pussy.
Gonna request Lalah Sune taking a massive orgasmic shit now. Thanks for the idea anon
You should just steal money from those jive ass tax payers, and use it to buy great porn instead of whatever our government does with it like that shrimp brain stimulation thing
How do I turn skeb commissions into a tax write-off as a business expense

Love how it turned out, but I guess I need to start specifying that her braids are in front of her ears. It looks fine here and others for the most part but there's been one instance of it being really distracting when someone put them behind.
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Here doot.
anyone know if its possible to register for a new account on skima anymore?
they want phone number for text verification
Maybe one day artists will realize ugly watermarks are self defeating
Do you have a link with all of your lewd deliveries?
well tai decided to let 20/30 requests expire this time

Not at the moment. I only have folders for them in my references for my three fantasy characters since they don't have proper reference sheets. I think I have a few images unsorted for my magical girls but since they have sheets I really only have those uploaded for them.
I'd appreciate if you shared a link here if you get around to organizing and uploading them.
I'm going to hell aren't i
might be that you blocked one of the artists he req'd
mods slapped him for fucking what? judging by the delivery on twitter he probably didn't censor the toy but only the genitalia

a whole foooooooour months
>mods slapped him for fucking what? judging by the delivery on twitter he probably didn't censor the toy but only the genitalia
not sure it was a strike since nsfw is still on

>a whole foooooooour months
dogeza emoji means tai's really sorry, please understand
Tai is unironically overrated
must be a personal client request to hide it
https://skeb.jp/@gvmmr_/works/12 black nun if she had a good design
The glasses girl that got adopted into that black family
Good catch. yeah, I blocked one of them. They sent me an appeal
what'd you think of this year's risu nonstop nut november art
when an artist accidentally delivers unfinished picture

She posted it on Twitter but still not the same resolution
>316 sent request
I saw a shin-chan fanart recently and thought of anon
>Please be kind to me
Do you mean the art by Yu, who drew Risu every day again? Very based. The quality increased from the previous year and I think scenarios got more interesting.
Or in general? Risu stopped making the videos so the amount of art significantly decreased this year. It's a shame, but telling nut jokes every day got old after the first time she did it. Also, random artists tended to draw the most vanilla things possible, missionary or blowjob. Still, having free art was nice.
I hope Risu resurrects the NNN next year, maybe in a different format.
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oni spotted
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Got a comic on pixiv
I think she got conned
I never understood why people liked this half shaved style
I checked on an artist after a long time and noticed they've been glazing since early 2024. I can't blame Musk for that one
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New delivery, very happy with this one.
anon on the front page
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This is what I can see. The site has been blocking some rape and gang bang stuff too.
111 on my end, I may have problems.
I only see 15

this is the first time I've checked one of these where I actually can't see some of them
Know any artists that do pic related decently?
search "壁尻" I guess
how much was this

Has anyone gotten NSFW from this person? How was it like? It's all privated and not reposted anywhere so can't do research.
how do you say clitoris in Japanese?
The Squirrel and Nut emoji?
requesting 500 yen over the recommended to make sure my request gets the yellow tag on it
you could do a single yen
Yellow tag?
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Had no idea that was a thing.
Did anything else get added to the price background colors or boosts?
burnice pose
im glad im not gay nor cringe enough to know wtf that means
I hope so, the alternative is they might be mad I printed it without permission or something.
I also know an artist that timed out on me is going, and I'm conflicted on whether I should print out the WIP. I think it's BM but a friend keeps telling me it's probably fine.
>gentle sasaki opens up
I locked in real quick

Hey nun-anon. Just following up on this to let you know that maruto is willing to accept two characters at rec. Requested your nun and my girl together like I mentioned I would on danbooru awhile ago and he accepted it at rec.
>they might be mad I printed it without permission or something.
that should be fine, it's one of the few things you're allowed to do with your requests
>I also know an artist that timed out on me is going, and I'm conflicted on whether I should print out the WIP. I think it's BM but a friend keeps telling me it's probably fine.
I guess that depends on the artist, they might be fine with it, but I could also see how they could interpret that as you publicly shaming them for not finishing your request, personally I wouldn't risk it
New Li Dailin skeb incoming. See you all in 45 days.
How would I go about asking an artist to "please enable NSFW" without incurring Skeb's wrath?
Ask them on twitter with an alt account
idk how precisely pissy nalgami would get but here's what I'd do/have done:
if they've opened nsfw before, tell them that it's not currently enabled and ask if that's correct
if they haven't done it before, ask them if they plan to enable it i future
afaik as long as you don't go into the actual specifics of the request you're safe
https://twitter.com/kanikani3daa has been tweeting he hasn't been getting many requests recently so i'll shill him since he's a cool guy that gives uncen stuff
i'm not his biggest fan but the min is 3k anyway and i know he said he'll take below rec at some point
Anon on the front page
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>tfw you find the perfect person for a specific idea you've been super autistic about for a long long long time
>but they don't take requests anywhere
>they even have the "we're not currently accepting any new jobs" notice so I can't even hope for a miracle by DM'ing them about it
anon's taking virginities
>brown pso2 anon
every time
another one
Out of all the artists I've done the first request for, only one of them seems to have had a lot of success on skeb. One got depressed and deleted their accounts, one had a few other requests but not many, and the others haven't had anyone after me.
cursed client
Some artist just aren't appealing to the majority of people even if they're technically "good artists".
That's life.
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bloomers spotted
If your OC is blushing in the group shot she's too awkward to hang...
Or maybe she's a slut.

Hmm, I can see this in my following users section but not on the artists page.
toriyama loli became 40hara's cat
I see it on the artist's page
I think they attacked the wrong second file. Previous ones had a fully nude version https://skeb.jp/@yuno_3254/works/257
Artists similar to this?
Came across it and really like the faces and coloring.
reminds me of grubble so check bob's requests I guess

speaking of bob
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Was 3k, took almost all 3 months
Extremely happy with the amount of work the artist did
15 files
The first 14 are all flat PSD but the 15th is a very well organized file of various layers with tori loli and the previous characters and backgrounds
amazing for the price, I didn't expect them to essentially draw a multi-page comic of tori loli

When they open up I highly recommend them, it was worth the wait time
dang you actually requested them when I posted the artist
yeah thank you for posting them, i wouldnt have done it if you didnt mention them here
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This might be the greatest artist i've worked with
Theres more hidden art in the last PSD

holy fuck
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>mfw i've been overpaying him this entire time
looking forward to the result though
Damn don't splurge too hard bro

Really like how this one turned out.
Yanagifish is quickly becoming one of my favorites.
what the hell is mixi2
Wannabe misskey
At least now you know you might've been overpaying. How long did your last request from him take to come in? He's got a complete average of less than a week but I don't know how many people are before me so I'm not going to expect it that soon.
mixi came out before misskey though
10 days. Usually he's done in 6 or 7. You might get lucky and get a fast one, he was complaining about a lack of skebs lately a week or two ago.
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New delivery, 6k on pixiv. Pretty great for the price, I recommend. This is the most aggressive I've ever seen her snakes drawn. I love it
Translate it Esu
even his penis is like a snake
the sequel that no one wanted
Post# ends in 2 4 6 8 commission boner-stroking rape
Post# ends in 1 3 5 7 9 commission heartboner-stroking romantic cuddling
Post# ends in 0 commission feeder fetish art because that scene from ed edd n eddy ruined my life
The good ending
>that scene from ed edd n eddy ruined my life
I think the kanker sisters touched anon
He's a great dude. Even with some of the wackier anatomy on Estelle in the prior imageset, the stuff he thought of for the scenario was so god damn hot that it didnt matter, plus he has the best work ethic of any artist I got on skeb, for the most part and is just a generally fun dude to talk to. Glad to see him get a lot of love here

Really like that alice there too nice work bob
>that scene from ed edd n eddy
post it
>feeder fetish art because that scene from ed edd n eddy
please tell me it's not sumo jimmy
And this one but I can't find a good rip of the scene
cartoons used to be so funny
someone request kanker sisters reverse rape
Oh so definitely a shorter time around. Good to know. If you don't see it before me I'lldefinitely drop the link in either your Twitte ror Danbooru inbox.
Does...does she not control the snakes? Are they independent entities? Maybe some influence? I've been asking bee related questions this whole time and never even considered the snakes
Ever considered drawing her getting choked by her own snakes while getting raped?
She can control the snakes although they can act without her command when she feels like it. I think she's just being cheeky in this one since they're manhandling her hair like that.

Not something I'd request but feel free if that's your sort of thing
>Requesting cuckshit
Kill yourself, tranny
My OC is not in a relationship, she fucks everyone
Which OCs are committed and dedicated to their lovers and which OCs are town bikes
Every non Oni oc is a town bike.
IIRC one of ours is married and pregnant, yeah?
>check request text
Dark-skinned males is not what cucking is, mindbroken anon.
how does one even cuck their own oc
zz anon's animal crossing character sitting in the corner and watch as gorgon gets fucked
I need an artist that does monster bara and femdom.
I'm thinking nalgami will start the anniversary fee-free campaign near the end of the month and it will be short
Has anyone ever commissioned voice stuff?
>Send request
>Resend after changing request and saying to send an appeal if they want more money
>Sends me an appeal
>Resend for the requested amount
The fuck do you want from me, man?
Ghost them forever after they reneg on an appeal.
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got a WIP of Christmas Lailah
That's not even ntr and even if it was people here love ntr oni. Take your meds.
bocchis mom getting FUCKED
High quality post. I'm glad anon just flopped his flabby ass in here to say two things, neither of which are true or make any sense at all.
I’m gonna make an OC and have her in situations where she is holding hands with and doing nice things with faceless studs and make everyone here seethe

The only time Grimace has ever been this relatable.
Sometimes I want to commission my oc getting so horny while she's raped that she starts kissing the rapist and riding him cowgirl style but at that point it isn't really rape it's just having sex with a stranger
Words don't have meaning anymore
That would explain why the artist took so long. Damned incredible for 3K!
I feel like one of the snakes should bite the dick the next time your girl is being nocon'd.
>Speaking of grape.
You have a loli ghost who rapes men, I have a hag ghost who rapes boys. Our characters should "totally' meet up and do something SFW like have a tea party."
>Our characters should "totally' meet up and do something SFW like have a tea party."
That's a pretty good idea, I like it
Joke’s on you, I’m into that shit.
Fuck me this show had a lot of inflation/feeder scenes
I can remember like 5 off the top of my head
Am I allowed to ask for trad comm recommendations for a westoid character without posting images? If not, where would be a good place to ask?
broke out the toy and used it with my latest delivery and it was the wildest session I've had in months
You can ask anything, but there may not be many people with recommendations.
People request Western characters but this thread is mainly for commission sites
Anyone know good artists who would do a big tiddy and thick ENA?
>westoid character
you're welcome to ask here but if it's /co/ material you'd maybe get better results asking in the specific thread for whatever series it is
I don’t think there is any ENA threads on /co/ or /aco/ right now, kinda dead with all stuff related to her right now
Based. Dream BBQ never though
The funny thing is I want regular ENA
Alright. May I DM you on twitter or if you prefer, mine's in the doc/sheet.
People who will draw big tiddies and thiccness are a dime-a-dozen.
I've commissioned him numerous times and he's very reliable. Uses an anime style so might be good for people here who want to branch out.
Brown anon is on a tear today
How dickish does it come acrsso to have someone design a character and then go to a different artist to make an actual reference sheet for them.
I don't think it's dickish at all, designing a character and making a reference sheet are two pretty different skills
You mind dropping the files for this one, boss?

Also, Honey the Cat. Thanks for the first guy who posted this artist.
I want to copy some killer designs from a fangame and call them my ocs is that immoral
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I've had 7 deliveries within the last 2 days. The bottom two artists finished in under 12 hours, both 5k, when I put the request in. I'd recommend all three of them.
Who cares, do it
Thanks for sharing, anon
Just wanted you to know that everyone here is proud of you and clapped
good to know im not the only one who saves the holes for fresh deliveries
That’s a really cute fairy.
Do you guys know any people who do edits well? Like complicated ones?
Don't be coy, what kind of edits
Seriously, complicated edits
Just stuff like, I dunno, adding a piece of clothing onto someone, stuff like that
I haven't but at some point I kinda want to request someone to give a voice to my OCs. I don't think I know enough Japanese to properly appreciate it right now though
the original artist
If you act vague like that, everyone will think you want racial fetish edits
Ayo this guy wants tattoo edits on his OC
unironically this, if you're trying to get a complicated edit without asking the original artist it's definitely some degenerate shit
An artist didn’t do my commission quite right a while back and I don’t think I can get in contact to him because Japanese people don’t want to talk to us
It’s in the edit thread but I don’t think anyone will do it because it’s semi-complicated and no one did it last time
yeah I guess 20k is too steep for an edit
I was actually considering doing him again even with the massive price increase because I like the look of the boobs but he didn’t follow directions through (both pasties aren’t on, she isn’t jerking him off) and I checked another comm he did and he kinda also ignore the description of that guy too.
>Didn't get to check the page fast enough before the artist reuploaded the file
>Now I'm just curious what the change was
It's that time of the month again, anons!
Any projects in the works you'd like to share with the class? How about concepts you haven't sent yet? And of course, the new years and christmas themed requests we all have (or haven't) made?
My requests in the works
1. Comic of a mimic eating and raping a girl (artist MIA)
2. Mind broken girl marrying tentacle plant
3. Pinup of girl showing off her breasts (artist MIA)
I'd like to do some good old fashioned bandit rape soon, that's been on my mind for months so it's time to pull the trigger.
I already have some voice references for the OC I want to get a voice job for. What scares me and makes it difficult is that skeb's voice section doesn't give us many references or samples to use. We're completely blind here, and we're not allowed to contact the voice actors to see if they can even do a certain kind of voice before we commission them.
you just gotta go to their websites or iikoe if they have one to check the work samples
That is, if they have any, or if it's even user-friendly for non-Japanese users. There are always Western NSFW voice actors, but they always have bigger NG lists... plus there's no big site like skeb to find them all, unless you guys know some.
usually have work samples and it doesn't really matter if it's in japanese, you're just clicking on mp3s to see their voice range
>Have an idea for an FE com
>Gather refs for it
>Write up instructions and input it into DeepL to make sure it translates well
>End up binning it after a day cause I feel I'd end being disappointed after dropping a decent chunk of change and waiting like two months for it to be done
I've done this like 3 times this past week for Fire Emblem characters, but I ended up dropping them anyways. idk, feels like really good FE artists are either not open (Harunn) so I feel as though I may waste a com and/or they're just way too damn expensive (Hsin). Anyone outside a select few tend to be very inconsistent in quality regardless of price per my experience. Really feels as though I need a really damn good commission idea for an FE character to justify another request that'd cost $150+ minimum, but I just got nothing these days.
Which Fire Emblem character? I can maybe help if it isnt a shit one
Not being able to find an artist I like that is generally consistent with the style appropriate to the character is why I dont comm as many secondary characters compared to my OCs.
idk, I had a lot in mind. Here's the handful of characters I've at least considered:
>Arya (or Larcei)
>Palla (or the other Pegasus sisters)
Honestly I'm open to basically any girl from any game in the series outside of Tellius which I haven't played yet as at this point it's more about the premise rather than the girls. If you've got anything in mind and for whatever character, I'm sure I can work with it if the premise sounds good enough.
Damn actual good list for a lot of them. Maybe ill think of something
I would like toothpaste
>no malice
Lute has a dedicated requestor, if that helps matters on that end at all.
>Camilla if she somehow even more boring
one m/f occultist and the other a sequel to the first comic, wanna do something with muko but can't think of anything compelling
a sophia, and a koto model kit character
next fee free I need to send off a collab or two and check in on kitsune for either a sequel or an occultist honeymoon. Depending on what pixiv does with their new coupon system for reqs I might go ahead and ask the PC98 guy for some blinking frames and make an animated wallpaper or something.
does bakunyuu anon still lurk
does tharjafag still lurk
Alright I'm impressed. The boomer girls deserve more lewds
does shamir anon still lurk
I think I will request some unpopular Blue Archive characters
Based taste
>Palla (or the other Pegasus sisters)
I've been wanting to commission something with the three of them, but I'm struggling to find any currently open decent artists who let you request three characters at an affordable price.
Eh. I didn't like fates at all and had no regrets selling off my special edition cart once those prices got wild. Malice is mostly a meme on my part because she may as well not exist, but I have some minor fond memories of that game and liked the design and what little character she was given (What if a dodgy bandit was...le ally!)
I'd also never in my life pay money for a Camilla commission. I don't follow the hard rule of "popular series bad", but you'd have to have me smoking crack to pay for an 8 variant uber popular character like that.
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i used to commission lots of fire emblem porn back in the day, same as you youngins
Camilla is shit too but why would I want an even shittier version of shit.
I'm probably one of the few FE fans that's played Jugdral before Tellius as I couldn't emulate PoR or RD on the shitty laptop I had a few years back so I settled to run through Jugdral instead. I can play them now that I have a job with an ok pc, but it's more an issue of having the free time as I know those games are like ~100 hours combined. For Jugdral, I feel as though there's a lot I could do for characters from Gen II even, Julia, Patty, Larcei, Lana, Tine, Ishtar, etc., but it's difficult to justify without a really good premise which I struggle with conceiving.
>I'd also never in my life pay money for a Camilla commission. I don't follow the hard rule of "popular series bad", but you'd have to have me smoking crack to pay for an 8 variant uber popular character like that.
Same. I really don't understand the non-rich people who commission art of a character with shitloads of good porn like Camilla, Rosa, Mona, etc. It's one thing if it's a very specific pose or situation, but I've seen many very vanilla commissions of these types of characters. I pretty much only commission art of characters with <500 good lewds.
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Did you commission this blowjob Annette set from Oathcradle? If so, thanks. It's one of my favorite Annette pics, I've fapped to it many times.
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Dhampir again.

This is the last comm I had in my queue for the year. Not sure if I want to get another of her, or wait a bit and get something for my other two instead.
cute little butthole
i immediately sold my special edition for hundreds when i found out the game was a censored half assed shit job, when i think about it that money went into commissions technically
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I get it man, I've been commissioning holy war girls since like 2016. I think one of the few good things FEH did was getting them back on the radar
I don't really think the two have anything in common personality wise, and I don't comm smut that fails to take into account personality. Camilla is a warrior princess with either yandere levels of obsessed or massively angry. Malice is...a rough merc who isn't used to being treated like a woman and a need for cash. The possible scenarios could not be any more different. Camilla offering to whore herself out to a fellow soldier for money would make as much sense as Malice having a brocon obsession.
Damn thing jumped to FOUR HUNDRED USD when the initial eShop closing was announced. I had already dropped it by the time I learned about the censoring and such.
Remake when?
Personally, I think Lilina needs more prison rape, or having her get double teamed by Gonzales and Garret
I pirated fates with the translation patch and still felt ripped off. I kinda liked conquest when I first played it but time has not treated that game favorably
this is now a fe thread
For me, it's Mia.

>I pirated fates with the translation patch and still felt ripped off.
This desu
Lilina's definitely one of my favs and I've requested both rape art and her having sec with Gonzalez before. Though I was hoping for something more "wholesome" I guess but still maybe NSFW, soft core nudity I guess is what I had in mind.
secondaryfags can't keep winning
Oh really? I wanna see it. Also I usually see softcore when she does get new stuff so it makes me wanna see more hardcore stuff
There is plenty of overlap between us. Personally I wanna request some Female Robin at some point
Isn't Fire Emblem ranked in the top ten series/franchise with the most rule34 entries period? I swore it was like #5 and only recently did Genshin beat it. Pretty impressive for a series that was near dead a little over a decade ago so I imagine a lot of FE fans lurk on NSFW boards in general.
I was just clowning
I'd guess that there's a lot of secondary series that people either rarely mention or it isn't their main skeb focus
I'm not sure a remake would be wise with the current direction of FE
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I was also requesting lilina rape since the before skeb times. We got some anons here with good taste that's for sure
Dumb question, is anyone here familiar with having 3D animation commission done? Been thinking of having a 3D Model of my OC for sometime but I do not know what is the appropriate 3D Model file I should be getting. Searching on Twitter/X has given me alot of Live 3D Models commission for VTuber, which looks really nice, but would end up costing me a few months of savings.
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Oh are we posting Lilinas we have commissioned in the past? I got this before. Realized I really didnt like the artist after (glazen) but this work was ok
How many people here have actually commed Lilina? Should we collab?
Here's the Lilina x Gonzalez page by the artist
Still had the Mega Folder on hand with uncensored PNG and white background versions
Sorry in advance if you don't like the dialog, was a while ago since I requested it. Have a bunch of Lilina coms on hand, though alot of it is either softcore or non-NSFW but I can upload a Mega folder with all of it later. It's not Eliseanon levels of commissions, but it's a decent handful. A lot of it should be easy to find on Pixiv though. Did some of hardcore NSFW coms for a good amount of FE characters, did an Oathcradle Oboro request recently, but now I'm leaning more towards more soft core in general which is what I was shooting for next.
Forgot to put a preview at least
oh I saw this before, I thought the head looked kinda fucked up so it didnt stand out
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this is one of the most off-model, worst commissions I ever got. still guilty fapped to it cause i ain't gonna let that money go to waste
Depends on which site you're going by.
xxx, which forbids loli, has
>pokemon, original, MLP, Disney, Genshin, Sonic, LoL, Naruto, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem (edging out overwatch by ~400 posts)
Paheal has
>pokemon, Touhou, MLP, Fate, Genshin, DC, Final Fantasy, LoL, Naruto, and FE, edging out Sonic by about 5000 posts

Pokemon is severely higher than the runner up in both cases, mind. Paheal is Porkyman (442506) Touhou (167802). xxx is Pokemon 668662 to Original 384636 and MLP 240836. FE also has mildly inflated numbers on both due to numerous CG sets causing one image with 12 variants to be counted as, you know, twelve seperate images. This could theoretically apply to the others, but if there's two series I KNOW for CG sets, it's FE and Fate. Probably genshin too, but considering a single deep rising set has, verbatim, "21 basic sheets, over 300 sheets in total!", and FE getting 10th place both times, I'm pretty sure that if you cut out CG sets for every series, FE would drop the most spots.
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Fair enough kek. This was the ref used, but it still could have had more dynamic movement, but I think that would have incurred additional fee as this was a private com rather than skeb/pixiv. Will see if I can do something more dynamic if I do a follow-up.
Depends, what are you using the 3d model for?
.pmx for MMD, .blend or FBX files for VRchat
.stl for 3D printing, etc
I think it is just a matter of the artist not doing a particularly good job, that said id love to see more
>sunk cost fapping
im guilty of this i'm afraid
Do you guys upload your stuff to boorus or just leave it in your own personal storage?
upload secondary works, keep OC works to myself
i upload everything, ocs and secondaries
Looks good to me, artist?
>it's traced too
jesus anon you got shafted
I ain't uploading SHIT
Boorus can fuck off, hydrus is all I need now, and I only run it in local mode. Backups are important, though. I'll share the link if an artist has one because I know they want those sweet delicious views, but when that's the case I definitely wouldn't upload it. I appreciate the boorus for what they were, and not what they are.
if i don't upload my artwork to boorus how will people know who my oc is
holy lmao
Now I really wanna know the artist. This is a wild level of tracing.
>google image search leads to this
that's just sad
>what they were and not what they are
that's absolutely shameless, absolutely name them
>Guy fucking Lilina is wearing a modern casual attire just like the traced art
Come on man, even if the artist hasn't played FE, they should at least know it's medieval fantasy to at least try to hide their rip off art. This is beyond lazy.
When I'm done with commissions, its all going to a booru or anywhere I can archive them. I'll make my own website if I must.
>Upload to danbooru
>Even if those faggots don't approve it, the image still gets automatically reposted to gelbooru, rule34, etc
She's cute. Which OC is this?
1.Cheria from Tales of Graces (f) as a succubus corrupting Sophie and then having sex together.
2. Atsuka giving anubis anon's anubis a blowjob.
3. Atsuka being forced gto eat out nun anon's black haired nun while having her hair pulled and being fingered.
>status:deleted skeb_commission
I see one anon's request
funniest shit that has happened in this thread in ages, based cum detective
Just opened up. 15k nsfw. I think I reserved them for bondage
What are some good artists for heroines losing to monsters and being broken down into bitches in front of a crowd.
Preferably able to draw curvy heroines in battle bikinis and thin robes.
His "Oishi"? Posted all his private comms on fanbox, and he felt betrayed and had a fit. Bankunyuu anon sucked. All he did was brag about the shit he was getting and never posted it. Literally, no one wants to hear about the art you're getting if you're not going to post it. It's fucking ridiculous
based artist
You guys ever fap to a doujin or art then want to commission that girl? How do you get past the lust
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Fairy I got from https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/72444393/request
I'm still really happy with the design I ended up with
tbf I don't think anyone wanted to see what he requested so he was doing this thread a favor
AH. Yeah the artist does good work (I was the one who got the Half Dragon Half Vampire Idol from him if you've seen that.) and seems pretty cool and open to DMs. Got any plans for getting more of her?
Any worthwhile artists that allow for the option of basically no feedback on skeb/pixiv/vgen for a discounted rate?(private coms are fine too I guess) Basically the idea is to write only the following "Please draw this character in your style. Feel free to draw them however you'd like and in whatever pose/scenario you'd like". I've gotten a bit disillusioned with gathering refs and writing up instructions and I'd rather let an artist I like draw a character however they'd like just to expedite things and make it cheaper ideally. Seems like OC only artists probably do this all the time, but does this exist for secondary artists at all? Feels like you can only really do this for series the artist is already a fan of and draws a lot of art for it.
Skeb is already pretty cheap as it is. I would just omakase artists that don't demand a lot of details and are cheap to begin.

"Hey please draw my OC/This Secondary, draw her doing something cute, I'll leave the rest up to you (ref album)" (3k/~20$), there are plenty of 3k and below artists to pick from too.
Speaking from experience, I can promise you that even artists that draw the secondaries series a lot will still fuck up obvious details about them too.
>Any worthwhile artists that allow for the option of basically no feedback on skeb/pixiv/vgen for a discounted rate?(private coms are fine too I guess)

Skeb inherently makes it difficult to communicate to clients that such a thing is an option, unless you want to burn your single pinned tweet. I've seen it on pixiv reqs once or twice but it wasn't compelling enough for me to save a list or anything.

>Basically the idea is to write only the following "Please draw this character in your style. Feel free to draw them however you'd like and in whatever pose/scenario you'd like". I've gotten a bit disillusioned with gathering refs and writing up instructions and I'd rather let an artist I like draw a character however they'd like just to expedite things and make it cheaper ideally.


>Seems like OC only artists probably do this all the time, but does this exist for secondary artists at all? Feels like you can only really do this for series the artist is already a fan of and draws a lot of art for it.

I think you're just a bit mistaken or confused.
Yeah, a lot of us do the thing where you drop an OC reference link, a one sentence description, and maybe a super vauge concept, but afaik none of us are getting a discount for handling it that way. If you wanna run the omakase gacha with a secondary, nothing's stopping you, but I don't think anyone's getting a discount for it 99% of the time.

But I and others have definitely just slapped down "This is blank from blank. She's a blank and acts blank. Please draw her being lewd" before and received decent results.
so close to this artist drawing nsfw
Name the lazy bastard
Either anon doesn't want to disclosure or isn't here.
I found the artist
Yeah I've got a few idea. I wanted to do some fun but not really extreme stuff with her since I was inspired by all the nice lewd art I've seen with Gallica since Metaphor's release. That half dragon have vampire idol is great by the way she's what actually made me finally request the guy
Flashback to the first skeb thread, god damn
So anons, after all this time, which is it?
are you pro skeb or anti skeb?
Kys skebfag
But in seriousness, anti-nalgami
>there was an anon who didn't know the skub
fucking christ, this website
I like the guy who's convinced the website is sketchy, along with the guy who has no clue about pricing but also wants to commission a 20 page doujin with commercial rights
>Skeb will never catch on in the west. If we do get a Skeb equivalent, it'll be a better website simply because a lot of garbage rules and limitations they have in place would not fly here. Skeb being able to ban you for speaking to artists OUTSIDE of their site and all the other shenanigans they pull would not keep them afloat.. or result in legal issues. They have the convenience of the whole language barrier thing and being allowed to exploit that this is the current "best" method for contacting and commissioning Japanese artists as a literal random twitter user. We don't need them for that here.

lol. lmao, even
Absolutely no one has been wrong about the problems, because this site objectively sucks so much more than it ever should all because it's owner is a genuine retard, but they all underestimate everyone's autism and desperation to commission cheap nips.
If nipland would put up a real competition site that wasn't somehow doing even dumber shit we'd all be better off. RIP skima.
calm down claw
Getting back into the Tales of games and I now realize i have a lot of repressed urges to commission lewds of girls from 20 year old games that are bubbling to the surface

The release of the Rebirth patch makes me want some lewds of Annie. Have too many commissions in progress right now though so it'll have to wait.
sexy rat
8 months waiting and a weak apology is all you get
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https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125313278 JD delivery
Approved a few minutes from sending and delivered in less than a day
Who the fuck takes 8 months to draw a picture

Togashi excluded
And everyone here now has their balls held up by skeb. They’ll bend over for nalgami out of desperation for jp artists.
>censored buttholes
Trad nip comm site. Closed to foreigners within the past year, now requires a nip phone number to make payments and doesn't accept virtual numbers or forwarders or etc.
It was the only real option for trad comms (escrow and hid personal information, searchable, allowed and encouraged communication even if the UI was the usual japanese garbage design, didn't use some esoteric system like needing to subscribe first or purchase ahead or etc.) that had a .jp domain (nips will cut off an arm to use a .jp site over anything else); now there is no .jp option that doesn't have massive downsides.
It had it's issues, but it was easily the best option while we had it.
Pixiv requests in a vacuum is better than skeb. The problem is they lost a lot of popularity because one executive thought he was living in a hentai manga and the other had an obsession with girl dick
>The problem is they lost a lot of popularity because one executive thought he was living in a hentai manga and the other had an obsession with girl dick
PR's problem is no stats and rampant AI. They never had popularity compared to skeb despite on paper being better just for allowing pricing guidelines, not to mention not permabanning you for communication. AI is rampant and like everywhere else shitters don't tag it where they should so it floods search results (and used to flood them even worse), and you can't see complete stats so you have no idea if you're making a purchase or a short-term currency investment.
I rarely see AI when using the toggle function these days. Untagged ones usually get tagged pretty quick now. But that was another problem until the two incidents that made them ban AI from the requests part of Pixiv
Pixiv had an idol group and one executive tried the classic idol rape moves on one like booking a vacation for just them with 1 room and telling her that she'll lose her job if he's not allowed to give her massages. The other one was that they had a trans employee at pixiv and another executive could not stop groping her and asking about her dick despite multiple warnings
What are you searching where you get flooded with AI results even when you have the toggle active, man? I see this complaint constantly but catch maybe two posts tops when I go over my usual tags every month (Hail Hydrus)
it's worse in some tags than others, but it's still common enough when just browsing recent deliveries and especially when trying to browse users.
it's a lot better than it was to be sure, but that's an incredibly low bar.
you lose access to your pixiv request when the artist nukes their account, which I consider to be a fatal flaw
Just download the image
>bend over for nalgami
It's the artists doing that, though, anon. That cut isn't taken out of my side. I prioritize fee frees for the artists' sake, but you might as well say I bend over for the Japanese government, too, because the artist has to pay their taxes. I didn't make them choose skeb as their sole platform, man. It's not up to me.
and what if you get a delivery and they nuke their account while you're asleep? literally money stolen
Artists for muscular males and hebes or lolis?
the artist must've done something bad to have gotten banned by pixiv desu
Is the firefox skebify extension broken for anyone else?
Pixiv had been dying and looked down upon badly even before those incidents.
Honestly, the real mystery is how after all these years of everyone saying Pixiv is shit not a single new gallery site alternative popped up.
It is, yes.
They exist, you just forgot about them.
nijie and nicoseiga
Then you have foriio and xfolio
they started blocking gaijins in October
Pixiv sent me a 500 yen off request coupon and skeb sent me a box of cookies that I couldn't even get cause I don't live in japan
And all of those don't have half the functionality Pixiv's got so yeah.
Use a VPN then. We were talking about the previous years

According to xfolio themselves and the shills, they have all features of Pixiv but better!
Is there some sort of schizo filter that gets flagged by christmas/winter? I swear to god I've requested multiple pieces now but it only seems to be requests where I mention those words or similar that they get flagged for approval by management first
They cracked down on birthday requests a while ago because that forces artists to try and complete art around a certain timing. Christmas might be the same.
anything related to a specific date or holiday gets easily flagged because they don't want you to say "please finish it before xmas"
Nijie is only for porn and nico doesn't really like anything above R-15.
It is proper schizo, because it's not consistent. Adjust your wording. No hold up on either of my christmas themed requests. I assume it's looking for some phrasing for christmas as the due date and is just tripping up.
OCs for this vibe?
This is the loli OC thread sir, you're in the wrong place.
This, and that is why this thread fucking sucks
>Spellcaster but her titties are LE BIG
OCs for this vibe then?
Have any of your OCS gotten their own tag?
why is this image so fucked up, it looks like it was crushed into bitmap-16 or somewhat, what the hell
hell no, fuck that
also I'm pretty sure I have a nozuke animation of this character, thought it was futa masturbation but I guess I was wrong
No and I hope they're never uploaded to any boorus
No i need one of you to make tags for my oc i look retarded if I do it myself
There are barely any loli ocs albeit
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he drew my guy too muscular, but it's still hot
Nigga there's like one hag, 2 or 3 jk/jd aged ones and everyone else is a loli
Worst thing is only the loli ones get talked about even.
Nice backtits slut
Can someone recommend outfit designs who can also do lewd outfit designs?
Time to make tags for all the thread OCs.
Using all the nicknames instead of their names, of course.
I don't think you know what a loli is
What the fuck are you talking about, man. Did you even look at the thread we're in? Going in order from recent to oldest, in just THIS very thread:
JD (Adult)
Fairy x2 (sfw and age ambiguous)
Gorgon (Adult)
Toriloli (Safe, Loli)
Spitroast (Adult)
Glasses girl (JC? JK?)
Thief (Adult)
Harpy (Safe, Adult)
Dragon (Adult)
10 girls (Adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult)
Dhampir (Adult, maybe college years)
Brown (High school? Safe)
Ghost loli (Loli)
Red Brat (Loli)
That's what, 3, 4 lolis out of 14 total?
Even going by the doc, which, uh, fuck that, better things to do, lolis don't nearly make up even half of them. You're being stupid, but worse, you're being wrong. Stop it.
I like how anon purposely omitted blue loli red mage red warrior nun loli elf brown loli brown pso loli and those are just the immediate ones
I didn't, I was listing the ones in this thread, not all the ones we have
Read the fucking post
why would I care to read your seething
Forgot to mention I love kissing boys please make more non-loli male ocs so I can kiss them through my screen
>there's too many lolis, and I'm mad
>no there's not, here's a list
>I read your list, you ignored these
>No I didnt
>lol I didn't read it, actually YOU'RE the one who's mad!
damn toriloli gets pretty upset when the artist he paid 2k yen doesnt draw him a 5 page colored manga
I hoard my porn
9k art, 17k comic, NSFW, OC only
artstyle made it seem like it wasn't JD
Also failed to deliver on me once, while delivering a request with a later ID. Then changed accounts to reset stats or something.
I don't have a horse in this race but context wise, calling the fairy a not Loli is kind of questionable.
Brown anon seems to get his Loli more often these days too.
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I looked at some jp client's oc and he had suntan references. First time seeing that
clever and hot
link the client please I wanna see more of her
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He only has two requests

More images from his imgur
Dude is a jp artist living in Florida
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I got another pixiv request
that's an insanely aggressive tan
Age ambiguous means age ambiguous. It's not the same as saying "Not a loli", it's saying "There is not enough information known to me for me to make the call on that front".
I don't know enough about her and her intended proportions and characteristics to make the call. She could be a hebe or just a flat adult, it's not like there's a good visual way to identify the age of an entirely fictional species.
My first introduction to fairies was Bondage Fairies so I don't really default to tiny = loli, even if flat.
(Lets please not start up the what is and isn't a loli discussion, though)
someone give this woman sunscreen
Lol, what a manlet
>Dhampir (Adult, maybe college years)
Ye she's like 140 or so. Just petite
>non-loli male ocs
Come again?
shiba was the only male OC anon could remember please understand
What should I have my male OC do?

Keep in mind he's evil and looks like a chick
Have him fuck a girl with big breasts, not original I know
I'm hoping yours is the incubus OC, he's an attractive one.

Either way, rape is the only answer. How about he's in the girl's changing room genuinely trying out a new skirt. Gets discovered, shrugs and instant loss begins.
Naw, I'm incubus anon but I was the one suggesting the idea here >>8370339
I do need more art of my incubus though, maybe it's time
is this giantess anon
Nah. I don't need help coming up with ideas.
guessing that you didn't dispute the evil part means your male OC is evil?
I think it's fair to describe him that way since he's a horny and egoistical omni that doesn't care about the consequences of his actions. In his own mind he's giving people the best possible gift when he uses them to get off in some way, himself.
He is kind of dumb though so you can ask him to do something like show off how long he can stare at the sun he'll oblige.
I thought my male OC was dumb but I didn't realize the bar was at "can be easily tricked into permanent blindness"
Eh, not really. I sometimes pop into to the thread to maybe see if someone posts an artist that appeals to me but most of them usually don't. It's kind of hard and I don't expect anyone here to really post artists that would appeal to my particular tastes. Plus I'm actually not even skebing as much lately since I want to focus on other things.


Eh, I'm over that. I had pretty much ran out of ideas to use for that artist anyway. It's whatever.
Actually, do you have more art of him? Thicc hung femboys are my kind of /d/
>It's not that I can't make it in time, it's that I can't draw it in the first place
the end result is the same, artist-san
6 degrees of separation between anons
I'd be ok with any of the male OCs fucking my (female) OC but I don't want to sound like a whore so I won't say who she is.
But you can and should request her fucked by your male OC
>Asked for OC
>Gets Shin from deremas instead
>Asked for Arknights girl
>Gets Shiho from Millimas instead
>Asked for MMO OC (I think)
>Gets Azusa from Millimas instead
>Asked for Fuuka from Millimas
>Gets Kaori from Millimas instead

What's the deal? None of these seem to have gift files either. No explanation as to why some clients aren't getting their characters, but others are. Sometimes the plan says no OC, but not always.
>But I
Hmmmmmmm little freudian slip my dear?
two of those links have gifts
You're right, I was looking at the wrong place.
Still, others don't.
NTA but what?
Why would specifying what (female) oc is okay with getting fucked by all the male ocs make you a whore? Unless...
Because wanting to get fucked by everyone is whore behavior?
https://skeb.jp/@yesporuporu maybe
We had a guy request this artist a while back, IIRC he'll make your request and DM it to you but the public facing one is a reskin to a more popular character
If memory serves, he got [character A], was asked if he'd be cool with a reskin to ostensibly more popular [character B], agreed, got his req, and then the artists' work of [B] was liked by somebody influential related to [A] and I guess the artist was disapointed that he didn't just post the [A] version
Male OC idea
>Help! I was reborn in another world with no skills but a big dick! Now a gang of female bandits rapes me daily and forces me to rape girls they torture and beat the shit out of and ransom!
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Got 2 today both 5k
First in 24 hours and the second took about 2 months.
saw anon's request while browsing nijie, congrats on having 9 people bust a nut to it
Another Risu delivery, tentacle rape. 5k, 3 weeks.
I want to request a tentacle rape manga
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>outfit has gold accessories and yellow sections
>colours them green
Huh?? Any ideas why
Will get around to a gallery eventually, this is all my non-collabs for him.

Magical girls
I don't think that looks bad personally but that sure is a weird thing to do.
who art
Saggy titty anon here
I usually ask for 16k or less, but fuck it, who are some artists that are 20-22k who draw saggers well? Slightly saggy that looks good, not granny saggy.
Same like if you were going to change up the colours, it could be a lot worse, it's just odd is all.

8 weeks and 6k, will probably go back again
Rec'd last thread, ofc there's still apple luncher if your budget has gone up that much

Anon called the artist the wrong name lmao
rourou dare
Is this ntr? It feels like a husband accidentally calling his wife by the name of the mistress.
someone should design a spouse for their oc just so they can request canon oc ntr
I just checked last thread and didn’t see much
Maybe appleluncher, idk
This is the second time I've seen a nice x-ray nakadashi with your girl, you are lucky
one of my greatest fears is writing the wrong name on a request, i would block the artist and change my name out of shame
Isn't this the whole point of oni?
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12k took around 2 months
Is this a case of using the Quote Past request message and forgetting to change the name to address?
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Yeah I used a draft and forgot to change the name because I was in a rush. I let them know through the boost though. Anyways thanks for letting me know she's done.
In my documents I put the artist skeb link then a line break then put my details. So Artist A rejected it so I sent it to Artist B with Artist A's skeb link in there...

I don't remember which request it was though but I noticed when it got delivered.
Sabine sex is always good
Got any more in the works?
price and turnaround?
>In detail: This creator wants maximum instructions as detailed as possible.
>Max body size: 300
what did they mean by this
this asshole changed his name and when he opened up it links to a 404
anybody know what his new name is?
is this him?
Complete ave days matches up
yeah thanks
>To approve your request may take more than 2 weeks due to my busy schedule.
>Response expiration days: 2
It's a mystery
the one time i request a furfag artist and we're already less than 24 hours until deadline, they're scum in both the east and west
15 days
All brown girl OCs owe me sex
>go on 4chan board related to my hobby
>cringe and throw up in my mouth
>go on skeb thread or the one porn thread I use
>all the drama is actually funny and not gay shit
>otherwise everything is good here
That one image of people fighting and it says “4CHAN TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE” and then the image of everyone at the round table saying “4CHAN TALKING ABOUT PORN” is so accurate
Thank you, prolific client who's requested every possible artist for the specific thing I'm looking for
best OCs for this
So, is that actually a custom message? I think skeb just has a "busy" toggle that displays that message and that message only
Yeah it's not custom
I thought about getting a brown oc but i feel like artists would give her stupid nipple colors and then i stopped because I'd only ever be able to request her in bikinis and bras
not many I'm saving money so I'm taking a break
You could just include them in the references
just request her pregnant so artists will always draw the nipples dark
something feels off
I have a brown oc and I unironically like the gamble. I don't specify it and out of my requests I'm legitimately nearly 50/50 on brown and pink.
why was nagatoro brown
She got a tan. I dont remember why. But she definitely has tan lines.
Artist-san please draw my brown oc having her melanin sucked out with a vacuum, give her pink nipples please thank you
What OC is this
Some of my biggest fans are to brown girls
Swim team
PSO2 girl
Pretty sure there's an h vn with something like this premise but it's an orc nice guy trying to be an upstanding member of society but slutty elves keep trying to seduce him.
who's the hottest
how much were they initially
hebe's monochromatic account has always been around that price, might have been 6k but he runs 3 accounts after all
7k for monochromatic
12k for single image
23k for images with variations
Anyone ever renamed an OC even after getting works of them? I randomly remembered that someone I know might be married to a girl with the same name and now it feels weird even though there's a 0% chance they'll ever know my OC exists. I'm not even positive that's her name but I don't want to check to find out.
nobody even knows my ocs names
no one likes my OCs
My OC's name is almost the same as 3 or 4 other thread OCs anyway
second time I've seen a foot request of zombie desuka
i need an evil oc
make one
im broke cause i spent all my income this month on skeb
wtf's being censored here
internal view and penis
one request left approved
>skeb hiding some of the similar works below request
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buff skeb-chan
>moshi moshi
How much asskissing is too much asskissing?
Ever gotten an appeal? Don't sound like that.
What’s the most kafkaesque art piece on Skeb you’ve ever seen? Preferably SFW
I don't remember why I requested this as hidden
Labrynth sisters from yugioh.
40k yen, it expiree once then took 2 additional weeks. They posted on twitter stating it would be take 2 more weeks if I did accept the fans request. https://x.com/KingVoyage00/status/1870033992730436024
Then the aftermath https://files.catbox.moe/lr3wkw.png
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Japanese people when someone asks them to commit the heinous crime of profiting off someone else's intellectual property outside of comiket
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This guys pretty good
was 5k took around 2 months
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also this
I feel like her bust size keeps going up and up
Still, good design.
I don't mean to make her chest bigger but they keep drawing it up
People who don’t like big tits are GAY
calm down raul
she looks cute as fuck here
and if they keep making that chest bigger I'll be forced to collab
Dang, that's pretty nice.
You got really lucky getting that that swimsuit as an omake. Must have liked her a lot.
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it was actually quite difficult finding a furry artist that both 1. takes secondary characters and 2. draws good pussy (please tell if you know any artists that fulfill the same criteria thanks)
good result though i recommend @ugou
>no link to the art
kill yourself
>provide artist
>still get bitched at
>spread pussy anon is a furfag
what a betrayal
I want to see the art. I care about more than just the fucking pussy, you retard
what if he only got that
>needing to be spoonfed
yummy tummies 10k
does tai deserve a second (or third) chance?
Who and who?
My christmas skeb was a lump of coal
Just noticed someone insulted my oc like a week ago...
Wow those are some disgusting hairy male breasts
is watamote still popular
This is hot (not a furry)
What happened lad
it never was.
i'm not a furry either (promise) but i'd plow the shit out of this one arknights operator

Nothing. I was going through the thread and just realized someone insulted my oc. That was it.
Your OC is awful, anon
even if she's awful she's mine
Posting my request…
Inviting me to this thread…
You just wanted me to see your shitty OC…
You’re just like the rest of them!
Never posting my OC here and bragging about how nicely my requests came out and never sharing the artists too and seeing everyone getting mad about it!
this apology would mean more if he wasn't posting his gacha screenshots every other day on top of having 120 days to do it
some of those requests were 240 days
if I don't share my requests it's because I don't think anyone wants to see the 1000th request i've made of tentacle sex (it's a terrible addiction i need help)
I'll never be able to understand how some people can be so utterly and completely shameless.
Damn Joker II really made Joker 1 irrelevant
Damn that's a lot of tracing.
too much curry rice
>open again
>price up again (15k) (formerly 12k 9k 6k)
it's so hard to defend him
Artist: https://x.com/amarimari1092
Work: https://skeb.jp/@amarimari1092/works/157
60 days
Artist has a lot of MxM art but is very flexible and draw women ans FxM too. Both bodies are done very. I am pleased with it and may request more in the future. Recommend artist and overall positive experience.

Merry Christmas and i hope everyone continues to get great art of their OC's.
Yes is at 64 so remember to stock-up on Skebpoints.
huh shows up as 13k for me
Y-You too.
he lowered it between that post and now
Been a long time since I last commissioned an artist. Last time I visited one of these threads was back when artist actually promoted themselves here.. Does anyone have good recommendations for artists for OC designs? Preferably with the ability for direct communication
>finally posting horsecock
This place has broken you.
Someone tell me why I have this artist blocked, because I can't figure it out on first glance.
Looks really, really shiny. I can't figure out if I like that or not yet, but the anatomy and faces are good.
Thanks for sharing. Merry christmas.
I wanted to know why I was so averse to it, especially since that particular couple have dozens of children. While I am satisfied with the artist work, when I recieved the delievery there was an epiphany. Of course they have sex. Of course they have children. Of course they are a monogamous, committed couple.
,Sex is present in their relationship yes, but just isn't something I want to draw attention to overly much.That probably doesn't make any sense. I'm sorry I don't have a satisfactory answer. I just think I'll commission what resonates with me, and while I still like them together and there may or not be more sex, stuff like pic related speaks to me more.
My guy charges like 50k though and I know most people here aren't about that
dedicated fanbase like katawa shoujo
are yordles furries
File: 2.png (3.51 MB, 1668x1668)
3.51 MB
3.51 MB PNG
>Be me
>Message Japanese Oni about collab
>Anon is cool, tells you they'll contact you once they've sent a request
>Days pass
>Oni is still thinking about what kind oof request to send
>Visit previous Skeb thread because you remember someone linking a Skeb account you were interested in
>Realize it was Oni's Skeb that you were using to find artist
>Notice a BLEACH copycap in the old thread
>Spend hours coming up with ideas for a Riruka request
>Check her page to make sure you understand her powers correctly
>They don't work the way you want thme to
What did I do to deserve this?
Not really sure what you're trying to say but sorry that happened
I don't think the artist is gonna accept my shoebill request...
He'll pick mine next, I'm sure....
is this AI?
Quick question for you veteran skeb users. Do the artists you commission regularly use up the entire approval deadline?
I've initiated two commissions, one guy has a deadline of 2 days and the other has a deadline of 1 month. Kinda hoping the latter doesn't actually take a whole month but since it's my first time commissioning stuff, I can't really complain too much.
wait until you get no approval after a whole month lol

People in this thread always spout shit like "due date = do date" but after close to 200 requests I think about maybe only 15% of them were delivered on the last day. But if they have their completion deadline lower than the default of 60 then they it does seem to be more likely that it'll be delivered last minute.
Most of the time for me it gets done 60-80% of the way to deadline. Anything over 60 days is likely to lean towards the end since the artist actively chooses to set it that high.
New thread
Just make them want the way you want them, too, Anon. What kind of weird stuffed animal tf are you trying to get?
looks over-referenced, possibly even traced from photos in some cases
but I wouldn't call it AI
1.5k nsfw
fuck you nalgami. telling me to change my protonmail

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