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Previous thread: >>8359708

This thread is for discussions about commissioning non-Western (primarily Japanese) artists through platforms such as Skeb, Pixiv, Fantia, and similar sites.
Feel free to ask questions and recommendations for specific kinks/fetishes.

>Skeb (requires a Twitter account)

>Skeb Button/Skebify
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skeb-button/onjegdbehgoamaiochjfnkokondpgoim (Chrome-based browsers only)
Displays on Twitter whether an artist is currently accepting requests.

>SkebUe - Memo Box
Allows you to write notes on an artist's Skeb page.

>Skeb Pricing Manager (created by anon)
Retrieves prices, deadlines, and completion rates for both open and closed artists. The price for closed artists will be the price when last open.
>It's not loading any data!
You need to manually navigate to the artist's Skeb page. Directly opening the page or refreshing won't work.

>Skeb Price Sorter
Allows you to sort artists by recommended price. Do not use on a large amount of artists at the same time or you will get timed out for too many requests.

>Pixiv Request
>Help! I can’t request R18/R18G because of my payment method!
Change your UI language to Japanese, and you should be able to.

>Fantia Commissions
These commissions are reserved for supporters, but artists may allow those in the free plan to request too.

Skeb/Pixiv Request/Commission Support General OP pastebin (use if making new thread): https://pastebin.com/3HVj7SgK
OP artist
https://skeb.jp/@DenMasked 5k
For the anon who asked for pregnancy artists
They close quickly so send a request ASAP
Highly recommend, they do good work
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https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/63797358 JD delivery
2 days to approve and 2 days for delivery
Oh I wasn't trying to get a stuffed animal transformation. I was trying to get myself riding on Riruka's shoulder or breasts. But her powers aren't just shrinking people, it's shrinking people to put them inside of things. I don't think her powers work without a container to put someone in.
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requested Tsurugi paizuri
cute spray
>yotubeya posted naked shiroko with minimal bar censors
>gets a strike
yeah I could tell that was coming
that's what he gets for rejecting me 8 months ago
>Do the artists you commission regularly use up the entire approval deadline?
I cancel pending requests that were not approved in 1 week. There are just too many artists to choose from. Usually, requests are accepted in 3~ days. The only reason to wait the whole month (the default approval time) is if you really want that specific artist and inhale hopium.
Anyone know if this guy does variations or multiple characters at recommended?
send and find out
>artist's average completion days went from 26d to 31d
I did that
Outside of budget rn
Has anyone ever asked him to draw a lighter guy?
The contrast makes it look better
Someone should send him a brown girl
Will just draw an even blacker giga nigga.
Not even Karin is safe. They somehow manage to outdo literal carbon black just to keep fulfilling their giga nigga fetish.
Outfit is made for this exactly.
Kinda cute looking too.
I made a request multiple times but it keeps getting cancelled.
I used my credit card which is from America.
Is there some special rule I'm breaking? I even requested what I wanted in Japanese.
Show us the text.
Cancelled by whom?
Management or the artist?
If it's the artist they just don't want to draw your fetish art. Pay more or get better fetishes
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Please draw Hilma in this pose.
Her breasts are pretty big so please include that. I created a reference image for you to help.
I appreciate you taking my request!


I removed any copyrighted stuff too. Such as "Overlord".
I put an imgur link to the image attached which was detailing the pose.

It was cancelled by management.
99% it's because you didn't check NSFW. "breasts" is getting you flagged and the NSFW references are getting it rejected.
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I tagged NSFW though?
Are you sure it was canceled by management? Nothing at all seems off at first glance.
Might be because of the text in the image, you're not allowed to add instructions in the references
I just reread the message, I forgot to remove some Japanese I initially wrote which does contain copyright.
Skeb is really strict. The Japanese need less laws regarding fan works.
This is not about laws, this is about Skeb being extremely autistic.
And mentioning a work's name, the source of where the character is from, does not make your request be canceled. By that logic even just naming the character would cause trouble. As autistic as Skeb is, this is not one of those things they get autistic about.
This >>8373756 seems to be the more likely thing to be.
copyright is fine, it's up to the artist if they want to draw it or not, I still think it's because of the text in the reference image
Mentioning copyright means nothing. I regularly put "draw X from Y game sucking dick"
no text in your references
Nice, nice
style reminds me of kusujinn for some reason
Nice, will fix and thank you.
Slow day
I have four deliveries due between now and the last day of the year because of the fee free.
this thread's been slow recently
Artists are on vacation so there are less deliveries
I'm broke.
>artist keeps liking my tweets randomly throughout the week after rejecting me
bitch just fucking DM me what the fuck do you want
Why not DM them asking what the fuck they want yourself?
because they keep them closed you fool
i can't decide between requesting ocs or secondaries
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see you next year
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I have yet another wip as a deadline comes and goes but I will be damned if this quality isn't absolutely crazy for 14k jpy. He still has two pages and a ref sheet to go but he can take as long as he wants if it will look like this. Wish this guy took secondaries but I'll have to stick to leading other anons ocs. I'll consider any ideas anons have. If not might get a plant+claw work or maybe a vampire work

Also I didn't ask for the ref sheet was just something the artist did on his own, at least he had a wip for one. He can scrap that for all I care
Haven't you been at this for a year now?
Saints patience.
only 120 more days until tai's completion drops below 50%
anon, he's open
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Post your white whales.

White Whales = People you would like to commission but can't because they aren't accepting or too expensive.
Urushihara drawing a bunch of fairies like Aloe, Leaf, Aura, Tiki, all the growlanser ones, and a few others posing seductively and getting collectively glazed.
the urushihara clone isn't good enough?
Do you want the artist to include the malnourished version of Hilma or did you have trouble finding good refs of her before that? You mixed her original look with her skeletal one.
No, lacks too much detail on everything but the hair compared to Urushihara. There is a reason Urushihara could bankrupt a hentai studio with his quality.
christmas ych
I always answer the same but one day I'll get Yaegashi Nan and Tony Taka.

In other news, I forgot my OCs birthday, maybe I shouldn't have made it so close to Christmas.
Shame on you, Esu. As punishment, you must bake cakes for all quintuplets' next birthday
I can't bake, but I'll buy cake like I do every year.
(Like I do for every anime girl I like)
Almost. But for 14k yen and that quality I'll wait for as long as I need and I will ask for more
I wanted the artist to include both versions. Yes.
Why do you think they would include both versions without detailing that?
I wouldn't have cared, I just wanted either or.
what kind of ideas do you want
Anyone got stuff from here? Kemono only goes up to May.

Anyone know any artists with a style similar to namonashi?
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2.5k and took two days
Did my usual ask of "Hey, just pick one of my OCs" and draw whatever you want and ended up with this adorable thing. I think the were doing a small half off discount, and I managed to squeak in as the last person, but even at 5k, I would send them a request
Had him registered for 2 years now

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