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Straight, explicit sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

Previous thread: >>8273268

>the male must be attractive
>the picture must be focused on the male
>the female must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male
>the female may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless girl self-insert
>she may also be the focus, but preferably not more than the male
>unexaggerated proportions are preferable
>content of Asian origin and anime/manga art style, western art goes here:>>>/aco/femporn

No yuri, no yaoi, no faceless dudes, no shota, no loli, no derailing thread. Thank you.
Tip: Before you ask for the source of an image, use reverse image search sites such as iqdb.org, trace.moe, or sauceNAO.com to find what you need. Do not post solo male pictures even if it is meant to be straight, since those are considered /y/ content in this site and could get easily deleted.
Do not post /c/ or /cm/ content either (anything that is not porn).

Femporn Reclist v.2

List of Archived Threads

Related femporn genres and Japanese terms are:
>女性漫画, 女性向け(Josei manga, Josei-muke/for women) *might also include BL
>レディースコミックス / レディコミ (Ladies' comics / lady-comi)
>シチュエーションCD (Situation CD)
>乙女向け, 乙女ゲーム (Otome-muke/for maidens, Otome game)
>夢向け (Yume-muke/for yumejoshi) *try adding 夢 to series name on Pixiv for yumejo results
>ティーンズラブ / TL (Teens' Love)
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>>8366474 (OP)
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i miss when chubby guys would sometimes get posted, it's really difficult to find any stuff that isn't ugly old men ntr shit
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Who is he? Where are they from?
Straight big guy content is pretty rare in my experience. If it's character driven it seems to produce nicer art.
There is some of Laios with a bit of tummy but he's not heavy set.
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God bless this drawfag.
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incredibly based love love
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more kissing
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>>8366474 (OP)
>imply mmf/mmmf/gangbang on the cover
>it's one-on-one from start to finish
Why are TL manga always like this?
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Because usually these kinds are to show off various relationships in multiple character choice games/stories. So they're shown together on the cover so you know all the guys are featured with MC.
That's all.
Multiple versions of the same character can yield good results tho :)
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I love how this artist draws totk link there's just something about hair and the body that makes me melt
Understandable but oh so disappointing. Are there many where this isn't the case?
>>8366474 (OP)
>, no yaoi

Excuse me but some of us like being in the room when two men are going at eachother
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If you want gay content, I'm sure there are other threads for it.
Cool, but this isn't the thread for it. Get out.
*other boards
I'm a guy and I've always preferred porn catered to females, I love romantic and passionate shit, more than just mindless fucking. Is there something wrong with me?
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with my very limited knowledge of mouthwashing, even I know this is kinda, whattheactualfuck??? didn't he like rape her? not the ''kyyaa, oh no, I totally don't want you to force yourself on me while I pretend to be proper and pure'' but actual rape, like zero consento, or am I misunderstanding this?
Like I get it if it was her and the captain dude, but this guy???
How is that any different from the rape being posted here regularly?
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I already explained the difference
yeah it's weird
but more, it's western art so would be better posted to /co/
beautiful wonderful spectacular
Not really, retard.
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Not my fault you lack critical thinking skills.
>makes retard post
>cannot backup retard post
Old teddy was right about arguing with idiots. Nice pic tho.
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I'm not spoon feeding you shit, if you don't even understand what I'm talking about in my original post.
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Source? I love his build and the size difference sm

I don't know why this stuff does it for me, but it does.
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Something about pearl clutching and tourism
>>8366474 (OP)
Is there a new link for the reclist? This one seems busted
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I live for size difference
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uhm, is there more of this?
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Need more Homicipher. Need more hot scary men.
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age difference is the main cause of size difference
It's actually sexual dimorphism! Unless you're a manlet I guess.
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SAME and tysm anon! you're the goat.
>licking sweets off of a penis
my fetish...
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I'm new making NSFW drawings, this is only a sketch but I would like to do more femporn that's the reason I'm sharing this drawing here
My finished drawings are on pixiv and X, but I like to draw exaggerated proportions and most of the pictures are more focused on the female so I don't know if anyone here will like them
If anyone is interested, I accept recommendations of characters on Twitter for free, request on pixiv.
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My OC's name is Azmat
very nice! the symmetry of his body and your line weight are really beautiful. if you're the person that dropped by in past threads for pointers, you've done really well with the advice given!
I'll have to shoot you a request sometime of my bando. Good luck!!
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Thank you so much for the compliments, I'm so glad you liked it. Yes, I'm the one who asked for tips here, I haven't done a full drawing of femporn yet, but that will be the next one, for now I'm trying with the sketches.
When you make the request of your bando I'll do it with pleasure c:
Also, this is the drawing I posted on the previous thread, but finished
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i thought it was you!
her breasts are crazy haha
the rendering is nice and soft, good work anon
i look forward to more from you!
>I'll do it with pleasure c:
omg > <
very exciting, thank you and good luck!!
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Unfortunately more suggestive rather than /h/ but I liked it a lot.
>it's really difficult to find any stuff that isn't ugly old men ntr shit
Too true, it's hard being giga based
Moar femdom please
I'm more in the mood for younger tops.
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Thanks for the support and the nice words about my drawing :D
She has big breasts because she needs them haha, look at Azmat's size
By the way my nickname is Azmayil = Azmat + Yilin
I've been trying to find stuff that hasn't been posted already
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Of course!
Good lord. I see what you meant about oversized proportions now lol
Cute name, take care and good luck!
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I'm sorry, I thought his dick was a tree log so I just had to.
I wish you the best on your artists endeavors and Happy Yule :D
>la bûche de noël
not him but tysm for the late xmas gift anon!
i love her expression and his general build
anyone got mutual nipple play?
its a kink of mine
Source please?
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I hadn't thought about it like that, it looks fun xD
Thanks for good wishes and for the drawing, it's very nice, I loved it <3
Do you have a twitter account where you shared it? I'd like to repost it
Algo Happy Yule too :D
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Somewhat surprised there are a number of women who're either into Regulus or evil/villain/antagonist males like him. Correct me if I'm wrong as it's been forever since I watched or remembered anything about Re:Zero. But how or why might anyone be into him especially if I remember correctly, he is polygamous or has a literal hundred wives. Such a man probably wouldn't love you or spend much time with you and God forbid having to compete against the other wives. Yuck!
I can fix him.
I can break him.
>Me trying to convince my hubby that we should have another baby, while he talks about boring stuff like our finances.
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the fanarts already started
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These two are all I can think of these days
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so sweet and hnng
there was a really good piece i saw on twt earlier but it's censored...
they're super cute
i'm anime only atm and the pink guy just got introduced, he's so fucking cute and dumb i want to punch him (pos)
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Why did I read swifties insteed of sweety, thought he was a taylor swift fag.
Fuck I meant fan.
More men with these expressions please, if ya got any
Whop, image didn't attach
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>Do you have a twitter account where you shared it? I'd like to repost it
Sorry, I haven't been active on twitter for a while, however will make a comeback this year.
I just like gifting sketches from time to time, happy you liked it :)
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beautiful. he looks so handsome and she looks so cute.
hope you've been well! i never put that laios ref together lol
life got soo busy and im too autistic with how i do stuff kek
wish you the best of new years!!
also do you have any characters you love? Id love to make something for you for all you've done sometime.
I think the word “fag” is much more appropriate here LMAO
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why are mobs/femcs always the cutest ever
how do you feel about bisexual porn?
as in, both the man and the woman are sexy as hell and the focus is shared between them?
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Thank you! Been going back and forth on his design but, I've finally found a middle ground I like, while her design came to me naturally.
>i never put that laios ref together lol
ngl, I completely forgot about that, lmao, well I'm still open for that request if ya ever want laios :)
>life got soo busy
I get you, God, last year just EXISTING was a challenge, never been so stressed in my life, never again.
>Id love to make something for you for all you've done sometimes
<3 Aw, that's really sweet of you! Then can it be any kind of character? or are there any limitations? Could I request maybe some of my oc's?
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god i want to fuck him so badly
I absolutely looove how physically imposing he is, but gosh she's gorgeous too. More please!
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he's beautiful and lorge...

PFFT yeah, i hoped you had and weren't wondering lol
i might sometime! if i do, I'll slide it your way :)

UGH yes. God. I'm sorry it was so rough on you ;; I hope this next year is much kinder and you can relax and decompress some.

of course!
and yeah! I can do something of your OCs if you like! i will let you know now i am no where as technically skilled or advanced/good as you are at all. so something simple might be better.
just let me know!

he's amazing... his new nickname lines have me beside myself > > his ENG VA is too fucking good...
LEWD and wonderful
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the explicit pics are avoiding my feed,looks like I'll have to hunt a bit
I love your work! I think you've got some hot catgirls and cowboys! Definitely keep at it! You're onto something!
So, how is this thread feeling about Rika/Chili from Pokémon winning the Yumejoshi polls for the third year in a row?

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>also do you have any characters you love? Id love to make something for you for all you've done sometime.
Need phoenix wright femporn...
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need more fags getting pussy
You get me! Homicipher content makes me go nuts.
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He's perfect
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Who did the poll?
Literally that whole pixiv account, lol
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So it appears one of you have browsed the draw thread and saw my Ensemble Stars request of Eichi fucking a fem POV girl with him sucking or licking her boobs.

I was going to post it myself, but also post it in the color and edit thread as to color him and depict the fem self insert in different skin tones or vague ethnicity.

Here's the thick lined version.
No idea, but they've been doing the yumejoshi poll since 2018.

What do you use to draw with? I've always wanted to be able to see what I've imagined outside of my own head, but I always end up giving up quickly because it feels like I'm just wasting paper. I know there's tablets and things these days but I'm just clueless and evidently getting old quick.
He didn't draw it.
Re-reading it, I see that now. How embarrassing.
You're OK anon.
Personally I did traditional for years and years then over the past year have started trying to transfer over to digital.
I'm not able to recommend cheap drawing tablets or programs but I'm sure there are threads on /ic/ that can help with information and getting started.
Personally I'm using a wacom tab and CSP is serving me well.
Practicing anatomy and doing studies is incredibly helpful.
I see, thank you very much for your help. I'll have to look into that. It's about time I develop some kind of skill.
Good luck! Wish you the best.
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What a pity, I wanted to post your drawing on my Twitter with credit to you
Can I post it? I would like your permission or @

Thanks a lot! :D I'm glad you liked my characters.
And here is my cowboy as a cowboy hehe
but just as sketch, I can't draw much now, the layout of my house isn't the Best T_T
Attempt at foreshortening but not very good
way too big, wtf
Sorry, I wanted to draw a foreshortening, like when you put your hands right in front of the camera... but I think it looks like something else T_T

I mean he is big, but not that big
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new stuff by the GOAT (if you like toji) but as always her art is huge
will re-size and share more later
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not big enough
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While Toji as a person isn't to my taste, I love his physique. He's so tall, broad and muscular. Prominent veins. No dense body hair to get stuck in my teeth. Often drawn as 2x the size of the woman. This kind of body checks all my boxes. hate it thats its so rare in yume works.
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I get and understand what you mean lol
My brain is filled with mama fushiguro and what if scenario fantasies lmao
But yeah, double wide fridge a best :)
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Give S2 already
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>i am no where as technically skilled or advanced/good
Oh, that doesn't matter, what is important is you having fun while creating, that is the only expectation I have.
Took a while to figure out what I wanted, was going through my art folder and stumble across some old Sailor moon/Prince Demande ship art and got nostalgic. If it's not too much I'd love for some Usagi/Demande action, it can either be wholesome or absolutely deranged, I drew a ntr comic with them so can't judge. So if you're up for it, I'd love some shipping art of these two. But no pressure, take your time or if life's get in the way it's okay if you never get around to it either, just have fun and do it when you feel like it.
>Can I post it?
Sure. If you want to @TheCuriousNSFW
>Carcel my beloved and my babygirl Richard
Impeccable Taste.
A handsome man crying is truly a work of art.
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beautiful work! i love his face/facial expression!
his hold is snug and strong too, feels secure but also possessive in a soft way.
the size difference is really nice too > <

>usagi x demande
you got it! i'll make something for you! thank you for being so chill and kind ;;

also, what is the title of this webtoon?
i'd like to give it a look
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>his hold is snug and strong too, feels secure but also possessive in a soft way.
I always fist bump the air when I'm able to deliver what intention I have for an certain art piece, Thank you!
>you got it! i'll make something for you!
Yatta! I look forward to it, there isn't enough of Usagi x Demande to quench my thirst. Was a little bit worried since I know I tend to get backlash for shipping them, so I'd completely would have gotten it if you didn't want to do it, I know it's toxic but dammit did they tickle a funny part of my brain when I was 5.
>what is the title of this webtoon?
They are from two seperate webtoons.
The Broken Ring: This marriage will fail anyway >>8405563 .
If you like the black cat/golden retriever dynamic, then this is it. What I love about our mc, is not only is she beautiful, but she also just radiates grace and dignity. The fl/ml dynamic is also just *chef's kiss* Carcel is such a true gentleman with Ines, literarily goals. Not to mention the smut scenes are very nice and spicy.
The other one is, In the Dog House >>8405747 .
Richard radiates bratty power bottom energy, I'm mad with jealousy and wish he was my pretty little slut.
Speaking of anime boys:


Who you voting for?
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yay i'm glad then!! i know just what you mean.
it's great when your intentions come across smoothly ;;
you know, as a kid i felt anxious about him bc he was a bad guy, but he was also handsome so i totally get it too lmao
and it's just art, a fantasy :)

and thank you sm for the information on the webtoons!!!
im really looking forward to checking them out now lmao

also this is beautiful yet again ;;
his face, nose, forehead, lips, chin, gorgeous.hips and thigh, perfect. powerful plush. suddenly i want sashimi...
she's got the most precious face and cute neck and shoulders. keep working your magic! i hope we get to see some colours on them sometime >:)
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>top surgery scars
>clearly has a real penis
??? Anyways if I had a nickel for every time I had to point out art with top surgery scars in it, I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice.
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whoa..... thank you anon.....
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Damn, I didn't know women had such based taste in porn.
my favourite
there's a color edit of this?
where can one find it?
its coloured and decensored on panda
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>>8366474 (OP)

Also under the "more like this"
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How much foot licking (male on female) have you seen? I've seen it a few times.
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I think it's gross personally but I understand why it's there time to time.
You've seen it before?
I humbly ask for source, or at least more images in the same vein.
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These are Kinich and Mualani from Genshin Impact's Natlan
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please, sauce
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Yatomomin ofc
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Kek, I did saw this in the danbooru Female Gaze Hetero pool earlier when browsing. Which means some yumes or even one of you here are into traps or femboys.
Why even bother make this statement? Of course some will be into it, while others not.
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He wants to jerk off to anons here discussing it.
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"Even though he's so intimidating..."
"His touch is gentle, like someone else entirely..."
"Also, I..."

"I don't know if I man like me can satisfy you, but..."
"Let's see what I can do..."
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thank you for the translation anon ᐡ ᐧ ﻌ ᐧ ᐡ
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Are there any h-games that appeal to women because I sure haven't found any
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If you find one, let me know. Because I've not found anything I've liked yet. LADS is the closest but it's not actually an H game.
>big man small woman
as it should be
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>>8366474 (OP)
>>>8436715 →

Draw thread delivery, which is Naruto and Hinata being loving husband and wife. Oh sure, Naruto's face ain't visibly shown and there's more show of Hinata. But it's the fact that it is Naruto porn featuring Hinata making love with her husband and not her being gangbangd or assaulted by black men like in 99.9% of Naruto porn that features her.

How rare is it to come across Naruto porn or R34 that doesn't have Hinata being a cheater or being forcefully fucked by groups of black men?
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UM ish? From Nov. lol
She's uploaded a bunch of stuff from past couples too recently. Here's hoping we get more subordinate and boss (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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really nice
amazing perfect omfg
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diesel-97 on tumblr!
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Why is an unknown, nameless, rookie, urchin of an entertainer like me...
getting brought home by a famous actor...
And holding hands like we're dating...
Even though we're not even a couple...
Why is he holding onto me tightly...
kissing me lots...
all while making love to me...

Here, Manager, we've come somewhere private.
It's a love hotel, though...
Can you walk? Here, hold on to me...
Manager, you cry so easily when you're drunk.
Sorry about that. I mean, I'm just a women whose annoying tendency to cry causes all her dates to run out on her.
That's not true!! Manager, you are a very lovely woman!
Then, would you be able to have sex with me?
W-well, if you're okay with it, Manager, then of course I...
Take off everything below your waist, and sit there.
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ty digbingus :)
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These two are my favourite couple of her's, hope she'll do a full lenght comic with them one day.
That's two men, anon.
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Make one!
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where's the Caleb smut? I need nii-san sex
oh my goodness gracious
Found this oddly cute
There's two fully translated h-games
>fxxk me royally
>Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome
as far as I know
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that boy is built for pelvis-breaking cowgirl
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How you can tell a manga is used and was owned by a woman.
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Not a fan of the art style but that ankle grabbing position needs to be way more common.
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>Who is he? Where are they from?
solid art
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I've seen this artist before.
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i was posting these last thread, love this artist and their creepy twinks
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not usually a fan of men this old but these kinda hits the spot...
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sex with my prisoner
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seems to be this artist's specialty
>>8366474 (OP)
Link is giving 404. Any rec for age gap stuff that's wholesome?

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