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Highlights dead in a ditch edition

Previous Thread: >>8471460 →

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 | https://civitai.com/models/1232765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgz/edit | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

>>8474642 (OP)
this is the gen op chose?
>>8474642 (OP)
Excuse me I wasn't sure if you were aware but Novel AI v4 released today so it would be prudent of you to include that within the next OP template as most of the people in the thread will be migrating towards using that now.
kek nyo nyo
She's riding raw meat. Guess OP was hungry or something.
way better than last op
the entire last thread was really not very good.
I will post in the no highlights thread
>>8474642 (OP)
Previous Thread Highlights:


the other thread has some shit highlights. I prefer this thread
>most of the people in the thread will be migrating towards using that now.
How? Last I checked gift keys still aren't back so I don't think so. (you aren't paying for porn, are you?)
its nai (noobAI)
kill yourself.
specifically in a ditch.
aaand back with the awful highlights
>you aren't paying for porn, are you?
How much did your GPU cost?
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>>8474632 →
so here are outputs from civitai and tensoart
never using an online generation again
my gpu is for gaming pirated games
>didn't make it in the highlights
it's so fucking over...
I would guess that the CFG is set to 1
by your logic, hdg isn't free either
>>8474642 (OP)
>Highlights dead in a ditch edition
rent free
>hdg isn't free either
sometimes i wish i was free from hdg
Yikes, I suggest we enforce a gen strike to protest the unfair and dangerous usage of generative AI to create content that harms and endangers people and the promotion of such content by the highlights.
your computer uses as much power as a microwave while generating
ngl this looks like an actual art
you and me both.... you and me both
>>8474642 (OP)
>Highlights dead in a ditch edition
Based status?
What kind of ass backwards logic is this?
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well, not by me
but it's not about that, it just so happen that these looking like sketches
they somehow alter your generation and 90% of the time it makes it worse
It's up.
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my own finetune (other post had some negatives)
adult females
What's up?
How many anlas did you guys save up for tomorrow?
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>>8474642 (OP)
NAI just got dropped by their payment processor.
NAI fired their co-founder and main designer.
NAI implemented a hand-crafted script that rotates through payment processors as they get dropped by them, circumventing the issue.
good morning claudefag, wishing you the best in your crusade against nai. it will be a tough battle today but you got this!
How the fuck do you even "rotate multiple payment processors"?
>gpu ain't free, so local gens ain't free
>pc ain't free, so hdg ain't free
it's a logical deduction
Who is your favourite ai artist?
what if i'm a nogen and browse hdg on a school pc?
leave me alone, I'm mad
>i mean we didn't have to leave at all and they didn't want us to leave because we're a big chunk of their revenue, however they wouldn't allow us to do V4 Full, so we left
Why v4 specifically though? Didn't they resolve the issue with photorealistic shit?
depends. what's your age?
>running gpu at full vs browsing web is the same
holy fucking retard
define what free means
Solange Baron, the perfect synthesis of visual creativity and engrossing storytelling.
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why do so many artists do splatoon fanart in danbooru? Almost every time I go to the main page I see at least one from splatoon.
Do you guys think they'll open source v3 after v4 full comes out?
Inklings are cute. And it's pretty popular in Japan.
"no" to all the posts above me
fuck you all fags
anyone else getting absolute dogshit out of wan?
Bros, where the fuck is it?
>Someone asks for a pony v7 preview image
>Post it
>Janny gives me a warning for posting /co/
oh i got in bwos
>paying for porn
>you aren't paying for porn, are you?
You bet I am. Gotta support those indie dlsite VAs.
this is yesterday's post, fillyfucker
stay upsetti :3
he changed it up a little bit because he got laughed at in some of the threads so he had to make up the further news section
>Have all the resources to create truly impressive art
>This is the best we can do
Maybe artists are right. Maybe we are just artistically handicapped.
nai isn't even in the OP
fuck off and kill yourself you stupid fucking schizo
open source never ever
I'm gonna put my pinus inside your bussy.
But I really want it :(
why is it meltie
i'm gonna buy a month of v4 and then complain about how it sucks
its 25$
When you guys type your posts, do you read it in your head in a cute anime girl voice?
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v4 DOA

Here's your Pony V7.
>score_9, rating_general, style_cluster_677, Four characters are sitting on both sides of a table in a booth at a cyberpunk diner. The first character on the left in the foreground is named "Cipher". Cipher is a scrawny, androgynous ork with a cyclops visor and a teal mohawk. Cipher wears a white t-shirt under a black spiked leather biker jacket. Cipher is leaning on the table and speaking in an animated pose. The second character on the left, behind Cipher, is named "Riot". Riot is a tall female ork with brown skin, blue eyes and muscular arms. Riot's hair is short, black, in a military cut. Riot wears a torn-off denim vest over a black T-shirt. Riot has her arms crossed and is sitting back in her seat, observing the others carefully. Riot is behind Cipher in the booth. The third character, who is on the near right, "Glimmer", is a short curvy elf with long wavy blonde hair and green eyes. Glimmer wears a red trench jacket over a white tank top. Glimmer is listening intently to Cipher's story. The fourth character, "Posit", is an even shorter dwarf with fiery orange hair and star-shaped sunglasses. Posit is behind Glimmer in the booth. Posit is wearing a purple robe covered in silver stars, and he holds a scepter with a blue jewel in his left hand. Posit is distracted, looking out the window. Side view, booth, 2girls, 1boy, 1other, group scene, multiple characters, 4 characters
im going to do that and purposefully make bad images with v4 to post and talk about how bad v4 is
novel ai's bankruptcy will be secured if i keep this up
so much thiserino
>Nai is shit why would I ever want that garbage local is superior in every way
>B-by the way do you guys think they'll make it free when the new version drops? J-Just curious haha...
>Check the discord
>It's real
Astra just got lucky with v6, didn't he?
can you faggot quote the post you're replying to?????
everything i post i imagine it narrated by david attenborough
You've just summed up /hdg/'s latest 500 threads in one post.
I refuse to reply to any of you. Stay alone.
except for me though, right...?
It's still a reply without a (You), faggot.
take my energy!!!
>I-it's still a reply w-without a (You)!
oh nyo don't (you) put it in my backd...
God-tier prompt following.
Thank's for the (You), kind stranger.
I hate this general.
It's as bad as the dragon ball general on /a/, except with less porn.
Ok, but how are you going to upscale v4 gens? This shit would be too expensive for me at least.
on one hand, it's certainly TRYING to follow all of that NL garbage.
on the other, jesus christ that looks fucking awful and this really just serves to demonstrate why you should laugh at and make fun of any retard who thinks NL is even remotely a decent idea.
upscale it on local lol
>as bad as the dragon ball general
severely doubt
We can change that. Maybe I'll prompt some Bulma or Android 18 today.
it's even funnier now because local bakers have proved that no amount of time, money and compute can make up for their incompetence with or without external forces trying to sabotage it (leeching furfaggots (all of them))
I thought this was a dalle meme gen
Have they said anywhere that they're increasing upscaling cost?
i'm gonna pay for v4 and make multiple grids comparing multiple great local model in complex scenes with v4 to show how good v4 is.
lol jk no one is ever gonna do that
nai shills are out in full force today for new release i see
I imagine it in my own voice and with my own thick ESL accent.
sure thing, kurukek
>nai v4 releases
>nai shitposting increases by 10x
>nai images being posted remains constant (still zero)
who could have predicted this im shocked. SHOCKED
>i-i-if we get compute and time we can beat NAI!!!
>Noob happens
>shits on the floor, can barely scrape together an okay model
>it needs a better dataset!!
>Illustrious 1.0 releases, and is somehow worse than noob
kuru was right. nobody knows how to cook
What the fuck is that post about then?
It didn't release yet aldoebeit.
Fuck, I wanted to write a good bait but I forgot it just now
It's bait.
im making that post in preparation so i can smugly reply to it in a few hours saying that it aged well
its nai
only for nyoposters
noob got fucked because it was ran by the fucking chinese and they just want to ram EVERYTHING in because "more is better!"
illustrious 1.0/1.1 is fucked because angel went full retard trying to do something different with increased base resolution which ended up doing a lot of weird shit. Also let's be real, the fact that it's based on kohaku is also probably a really gigantic fuckup on his end and I still don't understand why he did it when he clearly had the compute for a full base SDXL finetune.
>100 posts
>6 images
naiv4 releasing today. it's time for the fabled 3000 post thread
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NAI is releasing today bwo, relax
What are you localkeks going to do when the epstein list gets released and right at the top it says
ill redownload pony, that sounds based
but noob/illu is already miles better than nai
>500 anlas have been removed from your account
your sister's ass
anons didn't have a good cock in their ass for a while
oneshot gen a single gachaslut with the correct outfit on naiv4 and noob and report back
>upscaling 16ch vae image with 4ch vae
Unless you mean flux, which doesn't work that well
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i think you might be right this time, 3k thread is here...
I'm working on an image right now which will just get made fun of when I post it here but I'll post it anyway, it'll be a bit.
the 16ch vae on v4 is effectively a 4ch vae for anything that isn't text.
Sounds weird. It is weird. I don't understand how they fucked it up either, but it is what it is and let's not pretend it's actually better than that.
If NAI v4 is just NAI v4 currated but it can do benis and begina now, would you be disappointed?
The quality of NAI v4 currated is honestly WAY bellow noobai
doesn't matter, the meltiness and lack of details won't go away
why are you yelling
anonie was right and low param models just can't support a 16ch vae. just not enough space to store all the details
v4 curated is an absolute fucking joke
>bad and objectively worse character reproduction means noob is uhh uhh... BETTER!!!
>If NAI v4 is just NAI v4 currated but it can do benis and begina now
joke's on you, it's actually worse than v4 curated.
v4 curated had an increased amount of character knowledge due to being a smaller dataset. v4 full has e621 and a lot of faceless smut so it's going to perform worse on average for anything SFW.
currated looks like shit but that's because they haven't trained on 80% of the dataset which is all NSFW images
nah i have no faith in nai so im sure it will suck without disinfo
>p*ny (/aco/slop piss hell)
>illu 0.1 (showed promise but it was based on fucking kohaku)
>noob (completely mismanaged, further fucked up by furshit also the "b-b-b-but lax is a furry too chuddie" cope was incredibly funny)
>illu 1.0 (completely borked)

>cascade (40k and compute down the drain)
i can make burnice with nai v4 so local lost regardless
enjoy your character reproduction with shitty details and lack of aesthetic. oh and don't get me started with fucked up style mixing
CF, please calm down, your blood pressure.
your lora, sir?
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I think we should post images.
it's literally flux's vae with zero modifications though
all you need is sd 1.4, a lora, and a cold beverage
no don't do that
All you need is pencil and a piece of paper.
didnt need loras back in the day with a trusty sears catalog, just saying
if only jordach didn't run away with our best local model, then we wouldn't be in this situation
kek no argument huh?
jordach status?
I accept your concession.
where nai 4
>Trans women are the best at machine learning
>All the big corpos already snatched them up
>Local is left with autistic men
Every fucking time.
I'm dying
whatever happened to that?
I feel like the demographic for this bait is too obtuse anon, I'd retool it a bit more.
In a few hours!
>Trans women out of nowhere
Wanna talk about it lil bud?
nice try neggles but we're still not hiring you
I accept ALL your concessions
it all started when astralite took my pony
bro your bot is malfunctioning
do you guys remember when astralite came in here and laughed at us
Localsisters, our responce?
All memeing aside, I unironically think animagine v4 mogs every other model.
Can I get a Jordach health check please? I feel like it's been ages since I've gotten an update on the little fella.
it's okay to be retarded
>Sir Solangeanon not in the highlights & MIA over 24 hours
b-bros.. starting to worry NyatoraSCAM dev got to him..
today you will apologize to sir kurumuz
Never really realised just how many of the regulars from the /vg/ gacha generals that posted here but I guess it makes sense
Wait, I thought this site is anonymous?
remember when the glowniggers came here and posted a model trained on actual csam from the country where most of the world's supply of csam comes from? you know, the one who won't be joining NATO (L M A O)
good times
>lil bro think he figured all this out
by my calculations, this thread is going to hit 5400
too bad they usually get tuckered out after about 1-2 hours of this and have to take a nap which is when those pesky img posters come out like cockroaches
Neggles cycle:
>Get hired by AI corpo
>Build their infrastructure
>Steal their compute without permission
>Do nothing with it
>Get fired
I think that happened like 3 times
I have so much compute at home I have green diarrea
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i have regular diarrhead and i don't know how to stop it anymore
Turkey is part of NATO.
look at this guy with 2 ips
so this is the power of GIMP...
Why would Israel join NATO
it's not gimp, it's pure regional prompting skills
Wish it was my girlfriend showing me her last date
When will AI learn that putting bed in the prompt doesn't mean the entire bed has to be on frame. I'm so tired of these mini beds can I put pillow in negatives or something
it's a 4chan pass and photoshop, i have a job
we need a bedroom concept lora
>they don't remember
who the fuck are you people where are the early 2023 regulars
look at her raging hard-on, yummy
if you don't stop shitposting, i'm gonna post loli face pressed into the blackest smelliest cock known to man
you won't lmao
use some of that money from your grown up boy job to get photoshop lessons please
hmmm, nyo
What tags would I use to showcase the expression on the face of the janny when he reads through these threads before mass deleting all these text posts?

What about the face he makes after he deletes them?
Guys stop talking about random stuff, NAI v4 is dropping tomorrow!
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>>8474518 →
RNG god gave me tis one
it's a janny, any greater effort than an angry basedjak is wasted
daddy longlegs
GOAT that destroys both naiv3 and naiv4, and it's not even close.
>cascade (40k and compute down the drain)
It was ~8 or 9k though?
it was 40k
why would you post this?
They said v2 someday v3 no plans to at the moment. Can check the Discord just search "no plans to release v3."
its nai
>1 man, pale skin, out of frame, huge penis,
is this what you want you fucking faggot? >>>/d/11242223
Proof? There was one retard that donated several thousand and he was like 80% of donations collected. You are making shit up.
kind of cute but holy fuck im never clicking on a link to that thread again what the fuck is that shit in there
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Probably not the best place to ask, but as I'm here, any of you gusy know of a decent model for realistic / photo like gens? I tested bigasp 2 and it was dogshit.
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unironically /aco/ would be way better to ask
yeah its pretty fucking bad
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/aco/ has a specific thread for photorealism
Oh, thanks guys
come on it can't be that bad...
ok, maybe I'm wrong. abort, abort
remember how anon complained about too much muscle on /y/
this is the other side of it, 1boy (female) standing
her face isn't pressed into it though, try again
>This model is heavily finetuned from SDXL-VAE and introduce a totally new latent space. YOU CAN'T USE THIS ON YOUR SDXL MODEL.
isn't this incompatible with any current models? that's what the readme says at least
It wilds how local always uses outdated architectures instead of trying to innovate and use the latest and greatest
>can't use it on current models
well nai tried a new arch and look how it turned out for them...
Hard to tell how it turned out since the model you might have in mind runs on a 20% of the total database.
losted bigly
i don't see any differences can you point me them with red arrows?
Somebody tell me the prompt to make these whores eat ass. I don't want to use a Lora.
Well, if you stop calling them whores and call them Queen instead, the latent space will bless you
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i was going to help you until that final sentence

I remember seeing kohaku saying that this vae is easier to insert into existing models. I think it's on twitter or laion discord
>start training on unet only
>loras are much better

uhhh why did anyone train on TE again? This is a magic level of improvement dropping it
no u
>change style mix i've been using somewhat drastically
>some characters suddenly are barely recognized and previously barely recognized characters are now accurate
I warned you all about training the TE. I warned you.
Stop frying TE you stupid anin
Only people that give training advice here these days are "creatives". People that could do more than adamw and pray left ages ago or are trolling here now
>he moved to a different location in latent space
>model behaves differently
AdamW is unironically all you need.
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c-can you get lost in latent space?
training what exactly
whatever you say mr. creative
did you not align your steps?
If you're mean to me again I'm telling on you.
moved a belly button in photoshop today, am i an artist yet?
a lora
TE training was significantly better on pony since that shit was FRIED and was also EXTREMELY undertrained on most of the shit you'd be introducing to it.5
on illustrious base training is finnicky as shit to begin with for random weird reasons and training TE has equal chance of working well or making things worse and it depends heavily on just what it is you're training(and there's no real way to predict which will be better).
>gen 1boy, 1 girl
>2 boys show up
billions must die
don't sass me young lady, you know what i'm asking
TE training is just for if you want text understanding right? So the part at the beginning describing the image in plain english.

My experience is just giving up on that entirely and focusing on tags and controlnet is far better
you seem rather upset
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>TE training is just for if you want text understanding right?
>left ages ago
mediafire anon is still here doe?
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How do i know if a controlnet is illustrious-compatible?
I used kohya_controllllite_xl_blur [22117d11] and it refuses to work with illustrious-based sdxl checkpoints.
I get this error
so he's retarded
>Compare TE to UNET, it is fair to say "TE training is just for if you want text understanding right? So the part at the beginning describing the image in plain english."

Your description captures part of the picture, but let’s break it down a bit further:

Text Encoder (TE):
The TE’s primary job is to convert a text prompt—say, “a beautiful sunset over the mountains”—into a vector of numbers (an embedding) that represents the semantic meaning of that text. Essentially, it “understands” the prompt and translates it into a form the model can work with. While it does handle what you might call “text understanding,” its role is critical in aligning the text’s meaning with the image generation process.

The U-Net, on the other hand, is the workhorse that generates the actual image. It takes the encoded text information along with the latent image representation and iteratively denoises it to form a coherent picture. The U-Net is where most of the image synthesis magic happens—it learns to map those embeddings into detailed visual content.

Training Considerations in LoRA:
In LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) training, you often have the option to fine-tune either the U-Net, the TE, or both. Most of the heavy lifting for image details comes from the U-Net. Fine-tuning the TE (text encoder) is typically considered if you want to adjust how the model interprets certain phrases or domain-specific language. However, many training pipelines keep the TE frozen because it’s already robust at understanding general text, and altering it can sometimes destabilize the delicate alignment between text and image.

So while your statement is somewhat on target—TE training is indeed about enhancing text interpretation—it's more than just “describing the image in plain English.” It’s about ensuring that the encoded text effectively guides the U-Net to produce images that accurately reflect the intended meaning.
it's occultsage
actual assistance in /hdg/? last of a rare breed...
anyone still using A1111 in 2025?
>naiggers afraid to offend their overlords
That I don't want to use a Lora? Loras are cheating.
>lora captures the artstyle faithfully but completely kills gen variety
Another day, another failbake
no. TE is trying to teach the model what thing is what.
You can make a TE only lora and achieve similar sets to a unet only lora, with the exception that it'd be significantly easier to fry out(since the TE is pretty fragile).
There's a lot of weird shit that could be gotten into with TE training.
How do I teach these queens to eat ass?
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When inpainting, what setting should I tweak if I get this occurring? It's like a glow around the inpaint area.
It usually happens whenever trying to inpaint anything dark like night scenes or black pantyhose. I can fix it alright in Photoshop afterwards but it would be nice if there was an easy way to make it not happen in the first place.
mask feather
>take my 25$ and let me use the downgraded version of your already subpar model
bros do i bite his bait?
why are localsissies melting down already
bite his balls instead
Because they know their precious software will be made useless in mere hours
bros i literally couldn't sleep thinking about v4
i'm so happy rn fr
I feel retarded, I don't even see that option. That's different than mask blur, right?
First one to post v4 gen gets to stay in my thread.
dont worry bros we'll have a local model on par with v4 about a month before v5 releases
Should you train the TE if you want the LoRA to have a unique word as an activation trigger? I see a lot of people on Civitai baking with trigger words, but I'm pretty sure they're not necessary.
I'm not your "bro"
Have you tried it with other checkpoints? I would guess not illustrious' fault, it's kohya's llllite bullshit. Needs a separate node in Comfy, which means it needs separate handling in Forge too and might not be supported anymore. It's obsolete crap that nobody used for over a year, if ever.
>on par with v4
uh why would I want a worse model?
>Funny how before pony released, anyone mentioning glossy aomslop was deemed a naishill. Same thing will happen with pony. Once a better local model releases, everyone will jump ship and will just speak up how fucking sloppy and dull pony looked and just laugh at anyone using it. But if you mention it now you're a schizo and a naishill.
How true was this?
on par with v3*
literally me fr bro
and then i wake up and it's not out yet wtf
you should always train the te
prophetic desu
>speak up how fucking sloppy and dull pony looked and just laugh at anyone using it.
literally what happens now with ayakon kek
catower is already miles better than v3
>How true was this?
why do we have xitter tier necro-quotes in this thread now
gotta own the localkeks before the v4 crash
Within like a month of Pony's release (IE before that post was made) people were already calling it too desaturated, too /aco/ etc. but it still holds true none the less
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>scat tower
hmm nyo
do videofags really cream their pants over this?
But those were all paid NAI shills. Pony was absolutely perfect, a beautiful and powerful model.
mmmh nyes
The naishill part? 100% true it seems.
so much this I'm cumming
No, I cream my pants over this instead
>>8474042 →
people jerk off to AOM slop in 2023 ,this is same
no way, gens are melting temporally now too!
>I would guess not illustrious' fault, it's kohya's llllite bullshit.
No, i haven't tried other illustrious-based checkpoints yet since the one i use it pretty good but i would say this is the issue.
I guess everyone here is using the controlnet checkpoints from the civitai OP link.
how to do that?
people jerk off to AOM slop in 2025 bro
its nai
how many posts itt are made by cf-kun
no way to do it in local even if it took 200h?
all the ones i dislike
all the ones i like
I say this in my sleep
How expensive is upscaling on nai for 2x upscale? How much can opus get you?
>2x upscale
not allowed
>How much can opus get you
a couple of 1.5x upscales
what did she mean by that?
the max is 1.5 if you upscale through enhancing (img2img) and costs 10 anals minimum to smooth out inpainting seams and ~15 for actually adding details
the regular shitty upscaler costs 7 anals but they're supposedly training a new one
>the max is 1.5 if you upscale through enhancing (img2img) and costs 10 anals minimum to smooth out inpainting seams and ~15 for actually adding details
the regular shitty upscaler costs 7 anals but they're supposedly training a new one
are the nai posters itt really never heard about the api extension that was linked in the OP or those are just false flag posts
there are no real nai users itt, they are shitposters
it "depends."
technically speaking it isn't actually required. It may work better with the TE enabled but you can get activation triggers to work perfectly fine without training the TE.
Weird as it sounds it's usually better to have the TE on for a trigger word the model already knows and recognizes(like, say, an artist that you want to train a better lora for than what the model can produce without one), since the TE has an amount of influence on the output image(and training the TE would, ideally, correct that in a direction you prefer).
i used it for 3 months so not sure if you could count me as such, but reading the OP really shouldn't be that hard, right? nai link was there for a long time
going by 15 anals per upscale it's 666 upscales a month
have, esl. have.
also you can only use GAN upscalers on local unless you want to hiresfix a nai image with a local model
in which case LOL, LMAO even
No, you're not a real NAI user if you're not subbed to it indefinitely! Troll
so yeah it was a bait after all
>or those are just false flag posts
it's claudefag
>Announces release tomorrow
>Tomorrow arrives
>No release
>>8473827 →
Thanks for sharing. What is the dataset and settings for a lora like that? I've only done artist styles so far.
complain when tomorrow ends
That's cool and all, but still not subbing.
It's still 18:00 PM in Turkey, there is still time.
Pretty much.
anytest, promax union and noob ipadapter
all the others feel unnecessary now
>I'm gonna greentext surely that will show him!
Can't wait for the peak organic posting, this is gonna be fun.
What is the difference between NAI v4 currated and NAI v4 full?
>dataset cutoff updated by 1 month
>vibe transfer

Is this enough for you to buy a subscription?
Umm Xinsir?
They're on US time.
But nsfw ai images are banned in the US?
Tell that to civitai.
Inpainting at 1024x!!!
woah, subbed :)
xinsir is his username
he's the one who made promax union
NaiV4 Full Reportedly sports Improved NSFW Performance and Broader knowledge!

What is your take on this tidbit of information?
I Cuumed
That as usual local is years behind, freetard cannot innovate while disruptive startups keep pushing the boundary forward.
This sounds so confusing. I only used local. Why would there be inpainting seams while doing img2img and wtf does adding details means.
it's using the copier method/difference training or whatever so there's two datasets. the first one was a bunch of koikatsu screenshots using characters with the default shaders, the second dataset was those same characters but wearing pantyhose/thighhighs with modified shaders that have visible texturing and normal maps and whatever
then i trained a lora with the first dataset, merged it with illustrious, and trained a lora with the second dataset on that merge
im pretty sure i could get a better version of it with a different shader configuration and selection of textures but that's a lot of experimenting that i don't want to fuck with
>Anyone I disagree with is a shitposter
>model not released yet
>meltie already
>If I advertise for NAI enough, maybe I'll get some free anlas!
>Oh no! This is an anonymous board!
What caused?
you lost and got r*ped claudefag
NAI is just SO fucking shit. To be able to inpaint at all, you have to send Kurumuz a photo of your asshole. And then, every inpaint costs 100 anlas. Paypigs are insane, right?
fuckin nai astroturfers. i hate them so much! fucking shills grrr
>why would there be inpainting seams while doing img2img
you read that wrong, you enhance (basically img2img but optionally at 1.5x) to *also* smooth out inpainting seams
>wtf does adding details mean
it's img2img therefore you can add noise that will hopefully translate into extra detail after denoising
So NAI v4 full is still not out judging by the lack of high quality images in this thread?
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does anyone else find nai falseflaggers to be kind of...cute?
>naikek still coping with muh falseflags falseflag
What do you mean?
But why would there be inpainting seams on non upscaled image.
>naishill thinks if he falseflags long enough people will believe him
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this kills the girl
because inpainting either introduces noise in the whole image OR you can have it only affect the inpaint area at the cost of visible seams
the first option isn't too bad if you have to fix very few and/or minor things but if you have to do another pass on top then you'll probably want to switch to the second
>they waited more than a year just to add functionality that was already available on webui
a fucking joke
>anytest, promax union and noob ipadapter
I suppose these are all-purpose controlnet checkpoints? I'll check them out, thanks anon!
I will now pay for your product
damn thats really impressive
If a gooner keeps commenting "BLACKED PLS!!!" on all of your images, do you comply or just block him?
huh, this is actually how invoke does inpainting
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who here runs more than 1 patreon grief account, raise your hand
You can also just ignore him.
what did I say?
You fucking wish your snake oil regional prompter was half as good as NovelAI's inbuilt spatial aware generation, localjeet.
But I just asked for upscaling. I know how inpainting works unless it's way different than on local. I just want to know how much can I do of: 1024x gen > 1.5x upscale > inpainting face/bad hands, with opus subscription. And you can't upscale more than 1.5x in any way?
I guess that's a downside of NAI inpainting being stuck to 1.0 denoise.
Can we ramp up the organic posting a little?
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here bwo
>Still have about ~9000 anlas left from when I tried out v3 and didn't like it
Guess these will come in handy now.
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based! looking forward to your images
Thanks, but I mostly post on r/animemes
I would bu patreon banned me
let me guess the reason
You have to go back.
yeah good luck spending that 9k in under 2 hours
How do I make my images look less like AI? I feel like there's something I could do in Photoshop, but I don't know exactly what.
I don't have children
I posted a picture of a girl squirting and getting strangled and they said it was too violent
I'll take redditards over your shitting griftnigger buddies from india and ziggerland.
Put ai-generated in negs.
Stop using shitmixes, stop using cyberfix, stop using bad artists, stop being shit at prompting.
anytest is like a mix of canny, normals and depth, no preprocessor, great for transferring composition while ignoring style. At lower strengths even from anime images to real porn and vice versa.

union is an everything controlnet that adjusts to whatever you feed it, preprocessed canny lines, depth map, openpose skeleton, etc and it can also work as tile.

ipadapter is technically not a controlnet at all, just reusing the same UI. It's like a poor man's NAI vibe transfer, grabbing concepts and style from the reference images.
it IS way different, it's infill inpainting with an actual inpainting model.
the answer is not much btw because inpainting costs quite a bit at non-free resolutions, the optimal way to do it is to fix stuff before you 1.5 upscale (or you can do it via the webui extension but then you're adding more steps on top to smooth out the seams if you don't want to introduce noise)
>you can't upscale more than 1.5x
from 1024x1024 or resolutions with an equivalent pixel count? no, not unless (i think you can, never tried it) use the shitty GAN upscaler on top but again they're probably training a new one, the current one sucks.
the alternative is to get at higher resolutions (expensive but worth it) then inpaint via the extension for free and smooth shit out yourself (or again, single pass that introduces some noise that you probably won't notice)

diffusion is expensive
thats very odd, I've made stuff much worse than that and the only thing they got me a warning (not a ban) was making the ddlc characters in school uniforms while being at school
Lemme guess, none of that usage is "free" and will cost more anlas the more you add to the tinkering?
Based, Parsee is my wife.
finetune said it's free
>he wants to pass his ai shit as hand-drawn
yeah I'm not helping this faggot
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Post an example
That would be great, let's see if it's true.
NAI only supports 1.5X upscale through Enhance and 4X upscale through built-in upscaler. The latest option costs 7 anlas points for each generation. An Opus subscription grants 10K Anlas points monthly. Use some maths. >>8475163
Can you post a link to this inpainting extension for NAI?
it's the old api extension that got taken out of the op along with anything nai
videos still are not good, I will wait another few months

If you waste your time with this shit now it will be like when you threw out every base SD1.5 gen for the nai leak and then SDXL based models
what causes such mental illnis?
damn son you talented no homo
how do you cook so good? share the prompt with the boyz
This, upscaling is a meme, there's no reason to go above the base resolutions.
>v4 has no artist mixing
>getting dropped by every payment processor
>employees jumping ship
nai losteding this bigly is delicious schneedenfeed
the following tags are useless:

breasts (ones like "large breasts" -are- useful)

start pruning them from your character loras, it tells you nothing unique about any given image and just fucks with your loras ability to do stuff like from behind
Actual retard.
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disgusting n-word dialect, never reply to me again
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who are you?
More likely just has limited information
so much this I just came
every image of your 1girl has likely has "lips" and every front facing image likely has "breasts".

Booru tags however are not consistent and if half of your images have the breasts and lips tag and others don't, your model will fuck up trying to learn a difference between two images that are the same thing
Isn't it like 19:00 in turkey
good morning ladies
Unless you are genning /aco/, you usually will not have lips. You just don't understand how tags work.
>every image of your 1girl has likely has "lips"
Wait so you're actually retarded. Just go browse the tag and then browse some pics without it and notice the difference.
actually i'm convinced but what you are noticing is that booru tagging sucks and is consistent.
So the actual solution is to retag all your images properly, but unless it's you are waifu I doubt many people can be bothered with such things
The only retard here is (You).
he is in japan
why so mad bruh, is your prompt state secret?
Can this retard just hit the button already
>it's out
Your cock?
can confirm I just let a big one
Your prolapse?
our cock
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First day grifting I think it's going well
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>endless meaningless screenshots
reminds me of the cascade days
still better than nogens
Don't worry you'll have a flood of 1024x slops in about 5 hours.
Jordach status???????!
Thats I am hateing nogens too!
found dead in his new 40k USD fursuit
1 M pixel is all you need with the power of the 16ch VAE
why so mad?
It's NAI.
Something tells me that the West has fallen.
>looks at the preview gens posted on Twitter and Cord so far
>all look sloppy
Hmm, not sure I trust this.
its blurry
You've said this for like 20 times already. Nobody's gonna post images here after a day or two. Maybe nobody will and it's just gonna be a 3k text post thread.
We have a local model that most posters here would kill for half a year ago and nobody's posting anything anyway.
groidscatspammersaaaar is shitting himself
Most of them didn't use any artist tags which makes any kinds of pic look plain awful.
>this newfag isn't familiar with the power of naishilling
You'll see soon enough.
>nobody's posting anything anyway.
the risk of highlightfag turning my gens into some uninspired op is too high, nevermind ending up in the highlights next to ayakon
Do you think we'' ever get an AI that is good at generating images?
Sounds like an excuse to me, but we'll see.
>the majority of people make shitty local images
>the majority of people make shitty nai images
>the majority of people are shitty at everything
noticing a pattern here
yeah, v4 releases in a few hours
you will notice all the best posters use local, SAAS is cope for beginners to get slightly better results
as someone who managed to fool quite a few artists on twitter including some very big ones, and the fucking ceo of shift up (the guys behind nikke and stellar blade) you want to avoid using shitmixes as much as you can since they have that horrible shiny skin ai look which for some reason civitjeets love. and you want to use loras instead of built in artist tag for the most part since they tend to have a stronger effect and look a lot more closely to the actual artist if they're trained correctly especially when mixing.you can add some noise to your pics in photoshop by going to filter>noise which makes it look more "real" but i hate using it/seeing it in pics
Came here to say this. Remember to subscribe now before the site gets overwhelmed by all the requests.
everyone moved to pixiv/patreon already
>you can add some noise to your pics in photoshop by going to filter>noise which makes it look more "real" but i hate using it/seeing it in pics
> but i hate using it/seeing it in pics
whys that
>using loras
noob/illustrious keks in shambles
Draw over them
My favorite images, both that I saved from other posters and mine are still NAIv3 though. Local is fine now but it just still doesn't have the looks.
already did it yesterday! i'm so hyped!!
Your meds?
lora has always been the ultimate solution for style
its nai
>asks random users to test if their system works
this will go down as the worst rollout of a saas product in history of mankind they are fumbling so hard it is over for this company
nai already wonned though
Will Kurumuz Himself arrive to confirm the death of local?
nai already wonned when I gave them my precious 25$
I'm here.
finally, a model that could potentially come close to Noob
NTA, but noise is gross.
Feeling cheesy today?
I don't understand why we can't just enjoy our model of choice without being mean to other people
Like, 25$ is a lot for some third worlders, there's nothing wrong with them having fun with local generation
>paying for porn
easiest way to make it not look like ai though, real artists add noise and ai images come out too clean so without noise they all look like pony slop
nai is like pony in that they had one good model for the time in the original leak and everything else has been mediocre garbage showing they don't actually know what they are doing and lucked out
Umm aktually you can also generate SFW art with it.
i pay because nai is the only company i can trust
Fuck off, poorfag saasjeet. I am a localchad, I paid a hundred bucks for my 1060. That's like 4 of your NAIs.
25$ is like a McDonald's meal for one person, you all really are making a big fuss about that?
sure thing kurukek
Local bros.. i-i though we were winning??
this is doctered btw
>food analogies
jesus christ fatass go on a diet
>for one person
it's a quarter of a meal for an american
Oh yeah, now we're getting somewhere.
poor cf
>food analogy
Third world general, tard.
Local is always the least popular option in anything like this related.
3k! 3k! 3k!
It's human nature, we'll always be fighting over something or other.
don't show the visits to civit
only 3k? that's too low
civitai is a SaaS website
I still haven't heard a single good argument against nai outside of
>P-paying for porn l-lol....
this, I'm a localchad and gen everything at civitai
You have to understand that this is a e-mental asylum for coomers.
where are the gens?
>argument for paying for AI slop
kek mentality
if you haven't heard of them maybe try cleaning up your fucking ears?
Local is less limited than nai
largely this >>8475261
you don't really need it if your style mix is quite simple/isn't too shiny/detailed. I only really recommend it if your style is a pretty generic semi ai looking one even though the pics with noise tend to do better than ones without it numbers wwise on twitter/x.but it just looks ugly to me in most cases

you can get away with using built in artists but why do that when loras do a much better job?
how do you have access to such information? are you kurumuz, perchancehaps?
Based good hygiene enjoyer.
Less limited in making ugly unaesthetic slop maybe
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All memeposting aside, why? I would understand this growth for v4 release, but why are so many using nai NOW. V3 is out for a long time. V4 isn't out. Why 10s of thousands decide to use it?
the thread is going to be unusable for the next 3 days or so
So true!
now post the stats for localhost
>if your style mix is quite simple/isn't too shiny/detailed
>I only really recommend it if your style is a pretty generic
how are simple styles not generic too? i guess noise doesnt make sense for if you are just doing sketch styles on a white background but that sounds pretty generic to me
it's 2025
why would you pay for completely impersonal porn?
The only reason people pay for onlyfans shit is because they might actually know the person behind the account. But AI shit? You can already do this shit acceptably on local without paying $25 a month so what's the point?
anon if you go outside and talk to people you would know that the majority of people do not have gpu that are capable of running ai locally and to them paying for a service is much better than dealing with the hassle of setting up python
The announcement from some weeks ago probably made more people return and/or check it out for the first time
So... not today then, right?
The only one working on /h/ Sota is NAI4. Pony7 is in a hopeless situation.
Stop spreading FUD maybe?
This is still the same "argument", but keep going
But this is from November. Also how do they have the capacity? Don't they have like 10 a100s? I thought they were some small company in Turkey, the discord has like 10 active dudes, how are they pulling these numbers?
What causes this?
I don't need an argument for something so stupid as paying for AI slop
keep crying wwww
and your argument "for" NAI is
>b-but I can generate my generic waifu hentai!
Which you can already do on local.
I visit their site a hundred times a day to get new bait
yeah I can also use inspect element, faggot
when can we expect nai v4 images to start being posted? can someone reply to this post so i get notified to check the thread again
>b-but I can generate my generic waifu hentai!
i say this
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how do i make scales look more textured/thick/3dimensional?also i generated random artist mix with a wildcard, which artist that dosen't do anything should i delete?
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Release that model, if you're so great
To put it clearly, if NAI4 continues to generate without any limits and does not get banned, it will be below the local costs in the Flux generation. Additionally, I would like to add that currently, there are no plans to release Sota except for NAI4.
>STILL no argument besides "$25 dollars is a fortune in my local dying currency"
Okay I guess I'll never know then
>tell me how to run my life
These stats are high-key interesting. Everyone uses this shit on their phone then comes Japan lmao. Also, almost 3 million visits from Koreans? Nai doesn't even have a Korean interface, only English and Japanese words work. How did nai pull Koreans?
by simple i meant more of a less shaded style with less details which doesn't mean a simple flat color anime pic. You'd be surprised at how much of a unique style you can get by not using the top 100 danbooru artists
>How did nai pull Koreans?
Extreme grifting culture.
>korea by far the second dominant country
>nai only panders to japanese
nice larp
Don't you dare utter the sacred words, localslopper.
Koreans are extremely enthusiastic about AI
Bros.... Our paid shill excuse
if you visited certain site you would know
>monkey localslopper
You can see how popular it is in Korean forums and almost every fucking Korean person on discord is using it. Even Angel shills it.
Search booru for "scales", see which artists draw them how you like and try adding them. Also something's making your image blurry so I doubt you'll get good detailed textured scales with this artist mix.
why are naiggers so hostile itt? only 2 of their 4 model releases are shit and there's still hope for v5. Meanwhile local is only slightly ahead with noob and they got nothing in the works.
where the fuck is this faggot these stats? unless
>A hundred percent of Bahamas, 300k people, use the website on their phone
>Bahamas being on the list in the first place
I don't believe these numbers
Don't forget 4chan Cascade.
They have to be, they hate each other, their women treat all men like rapists, their men treat all women like feminazis, everyone is out for money, no one care about anyone else, and if you had a broken condom accident? Like fucking hell you're gonna change things for them, you went through Korean society, he can go through it too.

Imagine the relief in your life if you live in that particular hellhole, and them you can make yourself a tulpa that replies for real. It's not some fucking thing in your head. people will flock to it like bread during the depression.
I just don't get how a general on a dead board such as /h/ can reach schizophrenia levels that are on par with the most deranged /vg/ generals. Insane.
welcome to youkoso, motherfucker.
Am I supposed to know who the heel angel is
Because they share the same pool of posters
its nai
Anti-AI schizos are pretty plentiful on this site, pretty much every general has 2-3 of them. It's kind of crazy how much AI news they keep up with just so they can be relevant with their shitposts. I gen every day and I can't even keep up with the amount of news they must sift through on a near hourly basis.
go to bed m*m*ura
I fucking hate tagging images bros
>anti-ai schizos in my walls!!!!
maybe, just maybe, you're a fucking retard?
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Semrush is for these sites more accurate, I doubt Japan is at OVER 30%. This is here is from semrush
The person who gave us illustrious 0.1v and 1.0v. without it, noob would probably be a pony finetune
we already knew this doe
I fucking told bird-kun that it's the most logical step for them but he was seething and refused to listen. I was right about everything :)
i am the most intelligent person i know
sexy hentia
if NAI is good, local is fucked. Not even a meme at this point.
Illustrious is outdated, "safety" filtered, and is being drip-fed to us
The development process of NoobAI is a good indicator of local bakers not knowing what to do with their resources
illustrious is shilled over pony primarily because of what it can do without loras, pony is better with loras
How do you even do AI on your phone? It's completely unsuitable for anything.
>pony is better with loras
Not even worth a (You)
Pretty much this, yep. Based.
Japan just uses mobile devices for everything
According to the stats they use desktop PCs the most
Japs use their phone for everything, and considering how 99% of NAI users don't bother inpainting shit I don't see how prompting on a phone would be any different than prompting on your desktop.
>you can get away with using built in artists but why do that when loras do a much better job?
because you're replying to the anti-lora schizoshitposter.
you know, the one that suggests downloading another 6.5gb model and doing refiner memes instead of just using loras.
nai on a foldable/ipad+stylus is extremely comfy
Is there any noob shitmix that does single artists well without loras?
In these conversations I always forget that iPads and such count as phones for these stats.
next thread when?
Nope. Pony handles loras better anyway.
Generally, mixing destroys the structure and dilutes it.
Depends entirely on the artists, some will never look good on a checkpoint trained on the bulk of danbooru simply because their posts are very inconsistent in style and no amount of incestuous shitmixing can solve that.
i don't blame you for forgetting that tablets exist
would anyone take part in a threadly lora baking challenge

I would pick a 1girl, you train on your choice of models and produce 3 4x4 grids for "standing 1girl", "pov cowgirl" and "from behind, doggystyle" or something and we see who makes the best loras
burnice porn is inbound bros…
one more post for 3k goal, we can do it bros, this is our chance
Hope we can see her rioding the thickest, glossiest, veinies BBC that AI can gen...
Hey, anons, is NAI V4 released yet?
Where were you when nyoposters were killed?
>is NAI V4 released yet?
In a few hours!
taking the 4th shit in 24h for a total of 18 hours
the roid got tired of the nyoposters and handled the situation appropriately
Shift up actually uses stable diffusion and loras trained on their art
Eat less.
Or eat healthier.
I actually heard, and this is completely anecdotal, that edging for prolonged periods can cause bowel issues.
nai with its infrequent updates just can never keep its finger on the rapid pulse of gacha.
As long as NAI doesn't allow loras, it's basically dead on arrival.
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>completely drops out of the ranking a few months later
>surpassed even by some random "ai novelist".
i have some post-jewflu mystery allergy, not the first either
and characters that just don't make it big on Japanese ecosphere, nai can't do western characters unless they are crazy popular
Why would you ever want to do western characters?
im kinda surprised elevenlabs is so high, it's cool but it's so limited in what it will do for free and very costly for more
it can because danbooru hasn't been an "ANIME" imageboard in forever
v4 is such a fucking joke I swear
is v4 out?
I just tried v4 full and it's basically gay
barely doing them vs doing them accurately is pretty different, league of legends characters on rule34 are unholy levels of inaccurate slop mostly because the models don't know them well at all
textsisters won in the end
spotted the toonfag
just fooled the ceo of yostar with my Nai V4 gen
Gay as in hairy bara buttsex or as in cute otoko no ko crossdressing frottage?
v4 is about to win bigly
just uploaded my v4 gen as the new opm chapter
can you tell him to bring the lappalter banner to global next week
curated is already better than local anyways
both these things are equally gay
Is NAI's new payment processor trustworthy?
just got my first patron thanks to v4 gen
Byuuup, basically pretty much this
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all you need are ahri and tristana
>better using local
the CEO of mihoyo penned me a beautiful letter praising my artwork (it was a nai v4 gen)
>Dead style using local
if that was for last thread then [deleted] showed up more than " nai " :^)
even then it can't do ahri very well because ahri has like 10 different skins and it slops them together
>pony gonna hate
very organic post sis
>nai can't do western characters unless they are crazy popular
Is that meant to be a point against NAI?
If you guys love NAI so much, why don't you buy a subscription?
>nai post full bad slop
what does this mean for kurucoins?
yes I want to fuck ahri and squirrel girl no I don't care about weeaboo extremism
This appears to be a discussion thread on a forum, likely 4chan's /h/ (hentai) board. The key points are:

There is anticipation and discussion around the upcoming release of NAI (Novel AI) version 4, which is expected to have improvements over previous versions.

There is ongoing debate and rivalry between supporters of local/offline AI models (like Noob, Illustrious, etc.) and those who prefer the cloud-based NAI service. Both sides make arguments for the strengths and weaknesses of their preferred option.

Some users are already claiming to have used or tested NAI v4, with mixed opinions - some say it is "gay" while others claim it is better than local models.

There are also discussions around techniques like using noise filters, loras, and controlnets to improve the quality of AI-generated images.

The thread is approaching 3000 posts, with users commenting on the high level of activity and engagement, as well as speculating on when the next thread will be created.

Overall, it is a lively discussion among AI art enthusiasts, with the upcoming NAI v4 release being a major focus.
We have a model for people like you, it's called "pony"
Give me the TL;DR, cuh
NAI has ayakon style?!
what site can i use to generate this?
>headshot only
>still got face markings wrong
now try having ahri do anything interesting in a full body shot
>first gen in 30 minutes
its here. the biggest thread in hdg history
please sir gen more of her in this butiful henti style
>{{{karv::WADA ARCO, konya karasue}}}
What the hell is this formating anon?
That hand...
brave browser's leo ai, that was Claude Haiku model
Thanks, I agree!
Can we start a dialogue about how every fucking local model doesn't know what mature_female tag is? Or at most the effects are extremely weak.
that's why we have v4 now. coped long enough with v3 and had to pretend that it was on par with noob. localkeks did the same with pony so cut us some slack
nai v4 countdown?
NovelAI v4 will be the second turning point in the history of AI Image gen. Keep your eyes peeled
The problem is the dataset. Mature female is literally "not old corpse, not newborn". Everything in-between can be found under that tag.
>mature female
>is 19
nai v5 will be ai generated videos
This post was fact checked by real Japanese Rorikon: TRUE
no that’s Nai Video v1
>4 days without firedotinc posts
It's unironically over, time to end this suffering once and for all.
so what the fuck is the teenage tag for if mature_female also encompasses anyone who isnt 10
>Average gacha/anime fan
>we like older women
>Character above 18
And their image gen model won't be updated for over a year again while they prepare that and AeR!
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I hope nai v6 comes close to Noob in terms of composition
He's just training more of thems self-trained styled.
That was quick.
>white background
>splotch of cum
i fucking came ahhh ahhh
NAIsisters, are we finally going to take over this shithole?
unironically one of the reasons I like Genshin is that most of the women are clearly 20+, have jobs and I can feel ok lewding
Keqing might look more petite but at least she is clearly mid 20s in a senior office role instead of 13 and in a high school like most anime
Yeah the splotch of cum is distasteful and distracting, this needs to stop already.
thanks for telling me,i stole it from korean forum site,i don't know what it does and i'm not even using it correctly
I'm not gonna post my NAI gens here. They don't deserve it
unrelated but ever since that doujin where she motivates those miners shes made me diamonds
Why nyot? :(
we have a redditor over here
You forgot the iconic composition that required over 9000 hours of inpainting and controlnet doodles.
>Clearly mid 20s
Sorry, but she looks like she could easily be in high school
go back
not gonna happen, they would have to compete with klingGODS
petite women exist, the clear part is that she canonically is older and working an office style job regardless of what ingame model is used
Now that's some proper zoomer tourist cringe, gj
>no one has done Tamamo Cat "wan" jokes yet
cmon gen her
I'm 26, am I allowed to lewd asuka from nge or is it creepy?
>real art
liking petite woman is a sign of pedophilia
if they're old enough to get knocked up it's fine
If it's real then why does it look worse than basic slop
Creepy af, gramps
She's old now, so you would be lewding a granny.
she is older then you at this point
League isn't exactly /aco/ core, nor obscure in Japan. Look at Totally Spies, or Total Drama Island.
The only way liking petite women isn't gay is if they have a really, really, REALLY hairy vagina
by the same logic it's alright to look at actual 90s cp. They're grown up now
Yes, but you must use 'aged up'.
>lot bait
Will the Noob > NAI4 jump be even remotely as impactful as going from AOM2 slop to Nai 3?
Those genshin models, the middle sized ones don't have proportions or looks of adult woman.
there are many mid 20s chinese girls who would look exactly like keqing
fr fr
I don't think so. It's gonna be good, but not groundbreakingly good.
>chinese girls
You mean ugly clones?
can i mail order one?
Arknights is the hag gacha. Genshin only has three body types, so a lot of "adults" end up in the middle group together with Xiangling and Fischl.
better nai post itt
using local pony without artist
I like strong American women who can beat the shit out of me :3
>t.5'6 manlet
all I am saying is chinese girls are pretty hot AND very likely to be happy to date white nerds
I hate AI
>NAI releasing soon
>suddenly there are millions of gachacucks in the thread
paypigGODS run this joint
It wasn't impactful.
With inpaint, loras and controlnet (local tools) AOM2 was much fucking better than NAI slop. You were deceived by NAI shills.
>chinese girls are pretty ho
Not really, I lived and traveled all over China for 10 or so years from 2013-2023, most were ugly, your perception is just skewed because you only see the pretty ones on social media.
They had to watch local users pounding their newly released waifus for months and now they can finally gen sloppy seconds
Mihomo troons ruining yet another fucking thread. God, I fucking hate every single one of you.
so we posting straight up nonsense at this point?
With no style mixing, what's the mushy loli meta gonna be?
refine with noob
this, you gen with nai and refine with local
it's that simple
Tomorrow we goon
>tall, flat chest and ass
fucking based
there's no tomorrow
Yeah not seeing the issue, I'm paying for base res gens and that's what I'm getting. If we could do it all in NAI we'd prob have to pay $100!
v4 dropping in two hours
highlight schizo fell off in the past couple months
maybe effort does matter
based if you're gay
first step to homosexuality
with naiv4 he is going to have to go back to doing 3 collages with the amount of mogging that is about to happen in this thread
Thread currently on pace for 4k posts. Keep it up bros.
The next jeetlights will feature all the high quality refined esthetic NAI gens. Gon b yet another demonstration of how far behind local is.
I'm currently on pace for another anal prolapse.
alright, I walked into that one making that post today kek
>i don't know what it does and i'm not even using it correctly
im giving it a spin and getting nice results, thanks for the info. nonetheles. Also for you issue you could prob go to e621 a get a tag artist that gets scales well i guess
that's right, girly looking females are gay
I'm currently on pace to post my first nai v4 gen

1girl, standing, huge boobs, huge ass.
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>huge boobs, huge ass.
i will be disgruntled
I love highleg panties so much, very sexo
so do i have to prompt v4 with anthro and farting on prey in negatives?
thin waist, short-medium hair, tube top is honestly peak. wish more character designs went with it
should I post the horror seizure that wan i2v did to illya?
1girl, standing,{{{{{{{flat chest}}}}}}, huge ass, wide hips
I just realized that local will most likely use nai for training now lmao. They will try to pull an deepseek.
>an deepseek.
how long will i have to wait for illustrious loras that are trained on the best nai v4 style mixes?
small compute of 5 million
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But for real though why is this release taking so long
its nai
I'll start with her. {{{Ryona, choking and tears}}}. Then I'll do the whole cast of jjk in that jjk artsyle getting raped
>There's a non-zero chance that this will be the last NSFW NAI version
Payment providers HATE coomer slop
when exactly does it release? how many hours?
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2 days ago they were talking like if it was weeks away...
cute butt, but
>{{{thick thighs}}}}, wide hips,
what are you doing, anon
welp, you asked
>what are you doing
I dunno
oh yeah, she also spazzed out the guy's dick into oblivion
Can someone with access to NAI V4 full try this prompt:
>a beautiful woman with curvy hips and delightful looking cheekbones lying on her back, a man with a giant meaty penis covered in veins rubbing her vagina while grabbing her tender breast with his other hand, by hideo kojima
I think I see the point with 480p wan, 15 minute gen is crazy
Their team is honestly fucking stupid
Announcing the new model 3 months before release is stupid
I'm betting they're pushing it out today because they were afraid people would get mad from all the payment processing crap and they wanted to have some positive news to go with with
Expect it to be completely broken and need weeks of updates until it works right
to be fair, looks the same
tags describing physique other than breasts sizes seems to be weak in general
>by hideo kojima
Might just be for the curated version,seeing as the majority of the dataset will be nsfw anyway in full.
>ctrl+f (you)
>9 results
>none of them are replies to me
Could you please stop this shit
What's the first thing (You) will proompt when V4 goes up?
i was testing a lora but it was fucking FRIED, back to the bakery, it was only saved because upscaling
1girl, standing, large breasts
dark-skinned male, very dark skin, veiny penis
your mom, taken from behind, black man, large penis
damn, unfortunate
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uhh that's neither of those
artist is sho (sho lwlw) if that's what you cared about
her right leg seems a big long don't it?
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I'll check them out, thanks
it's inpainted
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oh okay
holy sexo
>Almost bedtime for me
nyooooo I want to be here for the NAI V4 full meltdown thread
bookmarked and followed
can't wait to finally make some Kachina images
Why is she eyeless?
link it on the 'cord bwo(ungenuine)
I have it on good authority that a lot of the popular twitter artists are actually using AI, they just paint over it to mask it.
Is that pixiv?
The meltdown is already here
So it's e621 + danbooru again?
it's inpainted
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Where are the nai gens??
I didn't sub :(
Whats the exchange rate
If we could earn anals like buzz that would be cool. But that would require them to turn their paid service into a user-driven platform which probably won't ever happen.
they hold contests on the trooncord every once in a while thoughbeit
Sounds exciting!
Pony v7? Still in the oven, be patient.
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free anals
Any requests anons? I don't do sex.
thats awesome, nai has to be one of the most generous AI companies out there
Show your feet.
It's not out yet.
That's... not a lot. What do they have the contestants do usually?
oral and anal isn't sex
Submit a gen.
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Like within a specific theme?
either a theme or "do something cool with VT"
Something like "Halloween"
NovelAI Scholar here. They didn't plan to release it today, but they needed to save face after the payment processor issue. Users are frustrated, people are tired of waiting over a year for a model that keeps getting delayed. It is not 100% ready but they have no choice. Forcing people to switch payment providers while offering nothing for 14 months would do crippling damage to their wallet.
nice bait
it's not considering i keep winning 1-year eastwest cc+ giveaways by doing nothing
Why don't they accept crypto along with the other options? I'm never attaching my CC data to my cooms, sorry.
your data is their product
>I'm never attaching my CC data to my cooms, sorry.
i don't get this train of thought at all
who's gonna care or snitch? banks don't care about what you do and unless you're a young adult who for some reason still lets his parents manage or check his account nobody is ever gonna find out
I mean, if you do cunny (or whatever flavor of a nono content for normies is the current boogeyman) and one day they decide to go all AI safety cuck way or get pressured by authorities they'll give up your shit in a hearbeat.
basically, anyone who doesn't want to pay for porn is a pedophile
>usual fearmongering argument
repeat after me anons

why would I spend 25$ when i have a working nvidia gpu?
I'll take you up on that, gimme me a girl, spread eagle and spreading her pussy lips, and I mean spreading. I want to see a V out of those legs.
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what the fuck lol
That looks surprisingly good
You're from aicg and you're well aware that some niggers there are getting sued by MS rn, so why are you lying?
on the internet, no one can tell that you're a dog
>that object permanence on the wooden floor trim
local could never
You shouldn't.
>You're from aicg
do you want to explain to the rest of the thread why you immediately jumped to that conclusion or...
flux does it because 16ch vae but the model and arch are shit
Hmm... Nyo!
I'm not that fag, but in this day and age where everything you do gets tracked, and it's only a matter of time until it gets monetized, it's better not to risk it.

Sure, the banks and credit card companies wont care about it at all.... Until someone wants to come and buy your shopping data. "That'll never happen, not in a million years" you'll reply back, but they'll find a way. They'll sponsor a few senators into congress, they'll pass a law saying they CAN sell it so long as no personal data is with it, and all of a sudden your porn preferences are up in the market.
im not well aware. can you tell us who why and what is being sued
first legit good NAI v4 gen
VAE has nothing to do with object permanence.
I wish I was creative ;-;
can you flux off???
>and all of a sudden your porn preferences are up in the market.
>all of a sudden
i've got terrible news for you anon
Sub to NAI, it will do all the creativeness for you, you'll just need to press the generate button.
I wanted a 1girl spinning around her some used condoms, I can't do it
why is it good then
since v4 has regional prompter, will v5 have controlnet and v6 loras?
>>8474631 →
catboxes please?
3 days have passed since they said "tomorrow"
Looks like it's not happening, NAIfags
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post gens
Tomorrow it will the first of March and that means it has been an entire month since it was February where they said 'today'
>895 posts
>64 images
right on track
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You don't use NAI because it's better than local SD. You use NAI because it can achieve 85% of local SD potential by using a 10% of its total resources and requirements without needing you to waste your time and to be a NASA engineer with either a 3090 or a 4090 in your mom's basement. At the end of the day, local genners can say whatever they want but time, convenience and efficiency always beat mass-fuelled autism in quality.
ok but
I can shart gens every 2/5 sec with NAI, that's the main selling point
i'm training, should inpaint out that double ear tag
What makes something /aco/ instead of /h/?
Is it the characters not being from an anime or the artstyle?
Mainly the second.
An updated base model is always going to be better than an outdated base model that needs to be raped with LoRAs
jannies are blind and retarded and will mostly only recognize the former while largely ignoring the later, though.
There's a bunch of anons that have been scraping API keys for various corpo AI models and running proxies for aicg coomers with those keys. Mostly for text models, but also Dalle. One of those proxies that wasn't gatekept and free-to-use got linked on aco at some point and the fags there started genning nsfw celebs (not to mention all the csam-like gens the other fags have been doing on it), Microsoft somehow became aware of that and decided to file a lawsuit against the anons running the scraping and proxy efforts, lumping them together as some kind of an organized hacker group. It's still ongoing and the lawyers have identified and doxxed like 10 people already (mostly because those proxy hosts have been mega retarded with their opsec and also started snitching on each other once pressed) but I don't think there's been any real consequences for those anons so far. Most of them are thirdies and a couple are from US and I'm guessing MS will try to go after those burgers.
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Just the art style. Compare:
Characters do not matter as long as their original style doesn't show through.
>Tfw the average anon finds it extremely hard to just do "git clone" and "git pull" on a page
would kill my own family for the metadata on this
I just like to shitpost
kim possible would be /aco/ even if ciloranko himself drew her
it's nai (local)
it's noob artificial intelligence
dick too big.
Nice gen tho
she is 14
>do wire fraud
>get sued
>surprised pikachu face
nothing ever plappens
What a hag, sheesh!
you can make actual cursed shit with this
out of ten
out of 10!
wow they weren't kidding, you wont even need inpainting on face details because the eyes dont even come out blurry anymore. that vae is something else
fr fr those eyes are so perfect!
>hatsune miku as a chair
imagine how much better v4 full is going to be with e621 added to the dataset
It's incredible how that looks 10x better and more detailed than everything I've seen posted here in the last few months.
ikr? I'm legit amazed, subbing as soon as v4 comes out
Yeah ok, cool memes, any hentai yet
ok but now do hatsune miku as a child, realistic, and make them retrain the model again
>any hentai yet
Nyo! I-it's... too lewd
best i can do is /aco/
I have some but the thread feels really volatile right now and I'm not in the mood to be made fun of so I'll wait until it calms down a little bit to sneak my image in.
it's curated
so you are a pussy, got it bro
Yes I thought I made that pretty clear with the post you just replied to.
can you do fern holding a baseball bat (but the bat is made out of Reimu) hitting a baseball (but the baseball is miku)?
We are going to have to much fun bros
I love you all
Got $25 to spare Sir?
Isn't that just what v6 looks like? Also still strikes me ass odd how there was never an attempt to tag artistic qualities and traits instead of that mess.
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give me your address and I'll mail you 30$ dollars
That's c*sam
What the fuck is that
thank you for the catbox
you can't just say that without dropping the sauce bwo?
25$ is barely enough for three dozen eggs, don't make such a big deal out of it
Best I can do is my Monero address. :)
I'm not your "bwo"
embodiment of reddit
>does life outside the US exist?
>no, it must all be fiction
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Nah, it can be done. Here's a quick attempt.

The issue is if you go too far from the characters' original style it's hard to keep them recognizable because their unique facial structure/features do not transfer across styles. Might need an artist's touch, or at least keeping their clothes on.
name a more iconic duo than cumragUI and /aco/slop, i'll wait
complainer and nogen
NAI and astroturfing.
NAI and anime
local and losing
NAI and mogging this general!
A pack of 60 eggs costs 6 euros here
there's a bit of astroturf in my thong, how did it get there
thirdworlders can't afford nai and europeans gen with some french local model that is 5 years behind sota but conforms to all their regulations. Japs don't come here
My anus and prolapse.
>most of this general can't afford NAI
Yeah, that was my whole fucking point.
>europeans gen with some french local model that is 5 years behind sota but conforms to all their regulations
>some mutts actually believe this
nai and meltie
NAI and lying about release dates.
/hdg/ and possumachine
Some proxy users are also seemingly getting caught in crossfire. Looks like they did a shit job investigating the whole thing so far
But can you reach arbys, wendys, five guys and white castle with a single f150 fuel tank from wherever you live?
NAI and lowres slop. Noob and fucked up anatomy. Pony and sepia.
My cock and your butt
Yeah,tho there are no "white castle" in my area
v4 is looking really good.
How does a half-sentence bait post get more attention than all the gens itt combined
Don't worry about it.
shitposting general.
it's birdschizo baiting
I confess, I samefagged more than once :(
this but for real, as I said the other day, no one really cares about images here anymore
How does a retarded question get more attention than all the gens itt?
oh nyo
it was this or becoming a second /edg/ once iaschizo set his sights on this place
probably talking about all the accessory stuff like controlnet usage, baking loras, regional prompter, etc. The skill ceiling on local is higher, but so is the barrier to entry and the base requirement to make something nice.

Of course since most of us have already spent months if not years learning how to use it, it's not much of an argument anymore.
V4 comes out and the first prompt will be Olga Discordia with a horsecock
>The skill ceiling on local is higher, but so is the barrier to entry and the base requirement to make something nice.
I still haven't seen local gens that are as nice as NAI v3. Sorry. All the endless tools and it's still (ai-generated:1.1) slop instead of (ai-generated:2.0) like it was with pony.
>I still haven't seen local gens that are as nice as NAI v3
low effort bait
if v4 full will be brown i will cum without touching myself
Nice in your measure is some kind of ciloranko oil painting? I'm not interested in making those.
Cummed here to say that.
5 minutes bros
Agreed I've never sawed an actually good looking local gen and I've being here from the start.
Umm but Aki99 Peach?
bwo pwetty pwease. my balls are blue.
i would suck a male cock for 1 month of NAI v4
we knw, freejesh
Just if it's nice to look at and if it's AIness is not obvious from the first sight. I don't care about gangbangs or cock catapults or sex machine vore or whatever "Creative" genners try to do, I have a simple taste. I look at NAI gens I've saved and they're pleasant. I look at Noob gens and while they're lightyears ahead of pony, they're still not *there*. Obviously there's a lot of disgusting slop produced by any model, I just cherrypick stuff that I tend to like and I still prefer v3 gens the most.
Oh xhis hands are shaking already jeej
are theres any way to get a free days of novel ai 4 trial???
Nyo. Pay up piggie!
If you were subbed before yesterday, you can get free anal by transferring your sub to the new payment thing...
this but noob. Can't take v3 fags seriously at this point. It's not even proper vpred
why did i buy an nvidia GPU when i could've gotten 5 years of NAI... my card will be outdated in a week while NAI remains cutting-edge
what do nai users substitute gaming with in the gaming-gooning cycle? do they just come her to shitpost?
Yeah I just got a 5090 and regretting it bigly
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It's funny because the prices of 3090s / 4090s are still going up, and you realize that this place is full of jeets coping with 3060s
>they're afraid to release it because it will surely be the disappointemtn of the century
this thread is the only reason to justify this otherwise dead board
i literally dont give a shit about cards, im gonna buy me a 9070 xtx prebuilt pc and call it a day. I dont understand why people NEED a 5090. If any game is not working well enough ill just fire on fsr. In what scenario do you need a gpt that costs 3k? what games do you play on it? is it the 4k meme?
I'm using noob now. It's much better when it comes to prompt adherence and freedom, but I still like it less. I don't gen much nowadays so I don't really feel like paying 25 bucks for a couple hundred gens a month would be a smart idea.
>It's not even proper vpred
Explain or it's just a shitty bait?
Bro is ranting about people buying top gpus in AI gen thread, holy kek the tourists NAI brings in.
don't forget the Taimanin gacha scene viewer
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NAI V4 full is officially released!

Is what I would say if it was officially released.
But really though what the fuck is taking so long? Are they postponing it again?
Convince me to buy a nai sub with cold hard facts
trying out new models is fun
At most 6 hours still
Don't and hope we get a day0 leak.
It's been about 21 hours since they said 'within 24 hours' and its release date was revealed on their official website as a footnote on a news post about something else
I don't think they actually were ready for it
Fact #1
>You can shoot how white sticky cum all over your keyboard without having to worry about getting your fingers all sticky because NAI is in the cloud so you won't have to use your own keyboard to type your prompt, one of the anlatan employees will prompt for you!
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Nvidia cards are AI cards. Games are just a side bonus.
i think that hagfags don't get enough hate lately because all this fuss over v4
"tomorrow" meant "next business day"
and at their office they were already on the last business day of the week
no release until monday
can't we all just get along
I don't even shit on pedos and still have to deal with this
buying prebuilt pcs is retarded tho
i shit on both, despite liking lolicon
Can we maybe get rid of the actual fags before we resume the pedo/hag war?
if you can't afford $25 for unlimited image gen for just a single month even to just test it out then you shouldn't be here or online at all and should be working
Nah. You can leave any time though.
>actual fags
NAI v4's actual value will be on whether it can do loli/shota without 20 snakeoils. That's it.
>unlimited image gen
You're severely retarded if you think you need any snake oil to gen loli, the fuck you even doing.
why is it melting down?
because i'm disgruntled
Post 'em to prove me wrong.
>inb4 long ass torsos
>inb4 wrong head proportions
>long ass torsos
good morning toddler faggot
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You just gave me an idea for later, nice gen btw
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Nice request bro but we don't do that here.
NAIsisters our reply?
I know someone is on their discord,, post what they're saying there
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They're laughing at us :(
>it's not delayed, it's still friday, stay calm, take it easy
most recent statement
That's what they would say if it was delayed
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>11:55 PM
>It's coming today guys don't worry
I see it already
i'm writing a light novel where the protagonist gets transported to another world of swords and magic but he magically keeps his smartphone that has a connection to the novelai servers. still looking for a title
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vtubers are inherently /aco/
what's the appeal of listening to chatgpt with some sassy prompt and girly ai voice?
this is such a word efficient piece of bait, incredibly based
india's only exposure to females
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that's sooooo truthful sister!
in the form of an chldis
That profile pic fits him so much
kys discordtrannies
Gonna gen him plowing a cunny after v4 drops, aren't you?
You know they could've just said Saturday and saved themselves the headache
Let's avoid saying such things tonight, okay?
some of you are alright, dont download any files in the shota channel on the 'cord today
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Sorry things just feel really heated right now
I'll be more careful with my words
metadata for anyone that cares
Yike. NAI v4 would never
technically this is /h/
And untechnically?
oaekakischizo, you're my fav in this shithole
I can somewhat understand pedos not wanting to go to /b/ but why are fags not posting on /y/ or /lgbt/ or wherever fags go
i care. thank you for not using uncomfy spaghetti.
>like clockwork
ok pedo
honestly impressed how you get that with such short prompts, is the pose just left to controlnet input?
So, Saturday?
>sleep for 10 hours
>wake up
>still no v4
What the fuck.
You seem obsessed, perhaps you should go back?
are you noooticing something and want to share with the class?
please, post some glossy nigger butthole closeup, because i can't stand this gay shit
You gonna interview yourself this time around or nah?
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whos your favorite pokegirl anons?

I'll go first, hex
Why do you feel the need to ask this in every other thread?
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it's a mix of learned behavior of knowing what you can/should omit and slightly shortening prompts between lowres t2i and upscale. And you can generally guestimate how a pose should go by selecting adding or omitting tags.
for example here's the lowres for the selfie shot
Having "holding phone" forces it to the 3rd person selfie reference rather than the selfie-cam pov. Convenient censoring, with both her hands occupied, generally leaves the dildo to be placed betwixt her legs and conveniently covering her.
And then in upscaling you can drop the convenient censoring, hat and technically you can drop the "holding phone" tag(I forgot to, oops). Once it's visually represented and you're forcing it with controlnet tile, the model is going to recognize and put it there anyway off of inference from the selfie tag and it'll do the convenient censor from the omission of a genitalia tag. And if you drop those it "should," in theory, improve the end generation since you're not locking inference down as hard.
colosseum leader taylor, lana's sisters, acerola
Wtf is bro musing on
I think it's an invitation to post gens, or a thinly veiled request. Rather than a simple question.
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Anons, what could be the reason that after performing an inpaint, ADetailer makes everything in the found square lighter than it was before? Picrel as an example - near Yae face, on the right below, you can see a clear rectangular border(just in case I circled the area with a red line) and along it there is a difference in shades of light. Maybe there is something wrong with the settings of ADetailer itself? Using standart 832x1216 resolution and Hiresfix with 4x-Animesharp - x1.5. Settings - https://files.catbox.moe/0l2ol1.jpg
Illustrious 2.0 when?
ask your patreon subs
Because inpaint manually you lazy bum that's why.
you have 1.0 and 1.1 and nobody uses them
boring baits
v3 slaps doe??
Last time I asked that, not him. I made a list of all the suggested poke girls and have been enjoying them.
my dick is out
Your prolapse?
I don't have patreon, xD. Just learning some stuff and trying to figure out what's wrong. There were no such problems when working with waiNSFWIllust v8 and v9, but after switching to version 11 they began to appear.
I see.

side note, anyone genning using ay em dee? is it a hassle to set up and what kind of gen speeds are you guys getting for say, euler a 1024x1024? tempted by the 9070 xt
up the mask blur
why didn't you post any for us to enjoy?
How high?
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her redesign with the big ol' tiddies make me brock hard.
I should get around to doing that...
until it stops making the box
Ty, will try.
NAI v3 is out
Don't they have to take the site down or go into maintenance mode to add the new model?
what's the obsession with v4? why do they think it'll magically improve over the preview because of some added furryporn?
That, and removing all pedo shit from the dataset.
are furries really such a significant part of the nai userbase that they had to include them in their flagship model?
he hates childs.
Having everything in one model is less training effort.
Is that something they're doing
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might as well add some mlp.
they did
is r34 in?
why would they waste precious params appeasing niche fandoms when they don't even have enough to capture all the detail the 16ch vae provides?
do NOT run that prompt, it produces mustard gas
Yep, delayed the launch for that specifically.
naiv3 always lost to pony when it came to /d/ fetishes, including the more extreme monster girls
e621 dataset helps a lot here
so v4 can do some disgusting vore on the level of mgq, but who asked for that?
>niche fandoms
aco seems to be bigger than anime looking at civit and still they have only pony
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl3glnMxeRg [Embed]
:hype: :poggers:
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it's here
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>fart dataset
v4 consensus?
It's out.
{{{{{{{{{{farting on local}}}}}}}}}}
is it doa or is it not? as a local sissie I need to know
See you in a month.
wow it sucks
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The lack of prompts being posted can only mean one of two things
>It fucking sucks and everyone keeps retrying
>No one in here can afford it so no one is prompting
>initial few tests
Meh, kinda mid
yd \(orange maru\))
Mogs. Mogs. Mogs.
where's the ciloranko deadnooodles tan long dong from v4?
chloe von einzbern
there is none
mixing no work :(
My mix looks really ass, even the one I was using on v4 curated
Now that the dust has settled, will we hit 3k text posts with this release? Be honest with me.
no, american hours are slow
it takes just one rogue imageposter to ruin our fun
have you transferred your styles yet?
v5 when? Kinda getting bored of v4 already.
I've got it, my initial impression is that artist mixing has been butchered to shit. I knew it'd be bad but this feels almost unusable.
Emphasis doesn't seem to do shit so some artists feel unusable on their own too because the AI outputs groids by default.
loli is pruned
hello? nai gens?
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So can anyone translated what the fuck this means
That's it, I'm ending it all, goodbye.
based kurumuz is based
sage is a retard
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it means i subscribed!
"just NL prompt the style mix, bro :)"
(this doesn't actually work they're just trying to imply there's some sort of skill issue without providing an adequate solution since one doesn't exist)
Any changes for what's "free"? Like upscaling, resolutions, inpainting, "enhancing" and shit.
simple, just write an essay about what you like about the style of your each artist. minimum 5 pages each. then let the sage do its magic
My first v4 gen (just a v3 prompt that I reused)
now try farting on prey
Unironically happy if it can do rimming since that's something v3 (non-furry) couldn't do
The new inpainting feature is free, nothing changed otherwise.
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so, with v4 out are you guys gonna post gens with me? :<
i'm leaking!
Fuck, well at least inpainting is. Does it work well at base res I wonder?
when is v5 being leaked?
somebody try pov holding hands interlocked fingers sex on v4, that's the real test
The bird girls need to sleep, I will be posting images tomorrow.
Danbooru prompting fucking suck, my brain was rotted by the limited prompting options of V3.
Any V4 chad able to explain how to prompt now?
remember, nothing ever happens
Danbooru tags, but you can mix in natural language as you like or prompt only using that.
Leak leak leak?!
nai wonned bigly
nai sisters, have we been lied to?
easy, just paste danbooru tag prompts into chatgpt and ask it to turn into sentences describing a professional artwork with traditional art jargon
>my brain was rotted by the limited prompting options of V3
What? Everyone was Booru prompting on it.
But is it better than noob?
Images must be great because no one is actually posting them here lmao
Hell yeah, Frieren in high resolution!
Looks like slop, not gonna lie.
no way this is ai...
turns out it was never about gens, just a place for discord troons, jeets, and bots to threadshit in
Nyes, it mogs!
i can sense the sepia
Why does it feel that no matter the quality of image I post with this new NAI v4 that the image will immediately be shat on by jealous local users?
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It worked fine for me up until the point where they published the announcement five minutes later, now it takes like 30-60 seconds per gen
I suppose I sohuld've seen it coming but I'll just wait for tomorrow. If it's anything like V3's release it will take a day or two for people to tardwrangle the prompts to establish some general guidelines anyway, I personally really don't care enough to experiment with natural language vs booru tags
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BEHOLD THE MAGNIFICENT {{{{takamaki anne, sweat, feet}}}} exde
what a shitbox, lmao
all of these are local and v4 isn't out yet. you guys are trolling, right?
I love you oekakischizo
is v4 OUT ??????
why does this look like something that unironically belongs on deviantart?
Sex Wolf.
Omg local could nevr
can't escape the furry dataset. illuchads stay winning
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No more local gens from this point on please!
>and best model.
A bit arrogant isn't it?
It's out
this guy is 80% leg lmfao if he stood up he would hit his head on the ceiling
while nai sissies are waiting 1 minute per gen, I'm training a few loras of my favourite niche characters

He's dwarf
this gen time is actually brutal holy fuck
First impressions:
>Colors are really good
>Seems to know characters pretty well
>Can do some artist styles really well

I think I'll stick to local, but it's a good model I think.
it's NAI (v4)
Basde. Any tutorials for character lora training specifically? I've never done one.
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Can it do non-danbooru artists?
the best one so far
Which artist styles have you found are good on it? I can't get anything that looks remotely decent.
can someone generate xiangling using v4 for me.
>new model
>no gens
it's over
3k posts... i feel it
2 more years, am I right localsisters?
Looks like the servers are being raped.
generate burnice white please having sex, large breasts
can it do yd?
You're not on curated, right?
alright, get it over with, start posting the nyantcha overexaggerated hypersluts
I’m probably gonna wait a few hours before genning. Sitting around for a minute waiting for an image to load is too long.
Post some artists then.
get at least 20-30 high quality & varied pictures of your character, then properly tag them. I'm testing tag dropout atm
>Cunnykeks suspiciously silent
>Sitting around for a minute waiting for an image to load is too long
local sisters...our response?
>generation timed out
The ones I tried and really liked:
>yomu (sgt epper)
The ones I don't like:
>hero neisan
>shexyo (looks way too washed out)
>kamatama rom (weird body proportions)
I was gonna make a joke that it feels like using local, but I decided that was mean.
your verdict, paypiggies?
On v3 launch the servers were shitting themselves for weeks.
>"request_type": "Img2ImgRequest",
my local gens take 2-3 seconds
it's alright
not worth it over v3
how is possom healthyman ding dong mix?
Thanks, I'll give those a shot.
Not too impressed with the model currently but at least the regional prompting is neat.
>can't even beg for a gift key now cause they disabled the purchase option
Sucks... Anyone wanna share their account or something?
i'm doing it to coom not to be perfect
Why would anyone want that you pajeet?
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>realistic data slipped in anyway
>Why would anyone be kind?
True, we must simply eat one another.
cunny status?
>prompt nude, pussy
>pants are on, up and buttoned
wtf going on
you're telling me I can jailbreak the ai and gen kurumuz?
Literally 0 cunny gens posted KEKAROO
Can't hear you over the sound of my 4090 doing 3 second gens and 10 seconds for a full 4k hires.
>being kind = give me free shit
USAID is over.
I tried some e621 artists but they don't seem to work.
I'm not too familiar with furry artists though so maybe some of the most popular ones will work
/ss/ status?
so naiggers, you can do whole doujin pages in single gen now, right?
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Of course it's magatard, sigh...
Not going to cope bros
I don't like it. Don't know what the fuck they did with artist tags, but it's impossible to get a consisted style
Maybe it's SMEA missing but I'm not sure about that
cnnuycord is having a party
Correct. Creating the first ever v4 manga (for my Patreon only) as we speak.
>Maybe it's SMEA missing
wait wtf there's no SMEA? that was what made all the v3 gens actually look better than anything else, it was an instant style+ button

how the fuck could they release v4 without it
I meant artists that exist predominantly in sites like panda (nasipasuta for example) but yeah.
v4 leak doko?
nasipasuta seems to work, but he also has 100+ images on danbooru.
nogens, we must come together and reach 6k while naisissies are waiting for their gens. localsissies are too busy malding to post. this is our chance
no refunds ;)
their servers are blowing up, takes 1 minute for a gen.... i thought they were falling into obscurity
SMEA was pretty much mandatory to make my shit not look like ass.
Guess this is a flop, I'm going back to genning 1girl pov cowgirl on local.
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>1girl pov cowgirl on local
hell yeah brother
Yeah, my issue with "works" is that it's probably doing his very early style. Same thing happens with artists like Takeda Hiromitsu where 90% of the danbooru uploads are from 10+ years ago and the current style has like top 10 images.
I thought this model was supposed to be super hyper efficient or some bullshit
or is the real issue that people gave up on v4 and went back to v3 because they don't want to waste their $25?
thanks for the doll idea anon very cute
NAI69420 could never
>generation timed out
So how do I make it look good? Natural language doesn't really work well.
Wouldn't surprise me if natural language only really works for sfw pinups
>ai can finally do vibrator cords without fucking it up
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This is what it looks like
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This is the best i got before it went crasheroo, which is only a few tries. It's definitely different, V3 prompts which produced gold (albeit with problems) don't work. More detail seems to help this model, as does using the character function. adding a "{{{NSFW}}}" tag at the top helped a lot for me. I dont know how i feel about it yet, but i'm hoping it handles monster girls better specifically, which it kind of seems to.
Guys who won I need to fucking know!
The definitely fucked something up during release.
Using the exact same prompts with the exact same setting I used on curated is giving me a infinitely worse result
I hope adding the furry booru to the dataset didn't mess everything up
first gen
how come kurumuz has enough money to bake one flop after another? isn't he always whining about tight margins?
someone with v4 try genning smut with a completely SFW artist
I'm curious how bad the disconnect in inference is.
where is the v4 leak?
Local won hard
logal :DDDDDD
So artist mixing is fucked? Simply listing two made it pick up the style of one and literally nothing changed once I removed the second (which also works on its own).
it understands deepthroat nicely
v5 any day now, tik tok localkeks
oh yeah, might as well see if it can do the shiny groid style
haru57928031 has 156 entries on danbooru so I assume that should work.
otherwise I think mochizuki kei is completely SFW and has over 500
Put the artist mixing in the actual character descriptions, not the prompt. Otherwise it's super jank and fucky.
>style mixing is essentially dead
>many artists are completely fucked, tags like "newest"/etc don't seem to do anything
>natural language was hyped, but doesn't seem to do much
>text is a meme if you want to do anything beyond a word or two
>upscaling is shit
>no vibe transfer
>no SMEA
>literally regional prompting meme to separate characters beyond what v3/local can already do
Yo bro you just have to write about the style
Yeah that's the early style.
Kinda esoteric, innit?
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I’m gonna be honest, bros. So long as I can keep genning paizuri and blowjobs, I don’t care.
Like a poem? Or a haiku maybe?
Sure is a lot of FUD being spammed when the model has been out for less than an hour. How long did it take for people to get decent looking gens out of v3? A couple months?
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that was a hefty nut. ty.
>V3 is yet another case of "he got lucky"
>V4 is DoA
>V5 will just be a damage control mix aka V3+patches
Every time.
It can do x-ray deepthroats as well though I can't seem to get it to show actual cum going down the throat
I'd post some prooompts but this shit is taking forever to even generate
Ask the specifics to this guy >>8476146
you don't have a gpu?
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hexo sexo
Can you post one of his images with his newer style?
Maybe I have to add some extra tags
I'm still astounded how they haven't banned him from talking in their official channels.
>Guise our model is the best, you just need to ask chat gpt to write everything for you because you're probably too retarded to understand how the prompting works!
I'm not paying to be figuring all this magical shit out, I'm paying for the ease of use compared to local (well, at least I thought so). And no, v3 was super easy to use out of the box and immediately looked nice as soon as you applied an artist style to it.
Is that some random retard or someone in the actual dev team?
Is that sarcasm?
my very first V3 gen shocked me by it's quality
Damn, Is this your dream model NAIkeks?>>8476329
He has the Anlatan team role but I have no idea if he's just a community manager or an actual dev
>ease of use

especially with this new architecture, LOL
I’m usually genning on my phone, in bed, with my dick in my hand. I don’t like jerking off at my PC, it’s uncomfortable.
NAIfags are promptlets confirmed
They can only type 1girl, standing and hope for any model to shit something decent.
Yeah, then what's even the point? I can be slopping at low res on local just as well, and I don't need to spend half of my paid subscription time just to figure out how to mix a couple of styles.
Nuns are hotter when fully dressed
well it worked on v3
goes to show that 90% of NAI images ever posted in these threads had artist mixes that people stole from other people's gens
the only creatives left have all moved to local
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>v3 couldn't do fellatrix, like his style but not the stuff he draws
>v4 can barely do it and it looks like ass despite having 300 images on danbooru
I don't understand. V4 seemed like it was gonna be great from the preview but this is just ass. Is it no smea? I don't get it, it feels worse than v3
>They can only type 1girl, standing
Works for me on local.
>concerning amount of actual naiggers in the thread
Why Yang? She works totally fine on base illustrious and pony.
who do you think has been shitting up the thread for the past year without posting any images after they couldnt afford their subs anymore
what will come first, v5 or decent wan2.1 video indie R18 animation finetune/loras?
freejeet already shitting his pants over v4 and only 3 gens were posted roflmaoooo
i'm not a naigger
What's the most unknown character you could prompt with curated? I want to try something
is NoobAI still the best local model? been a while since I played around with this
>>>/aco/ and never come back holy fuck
Trying out some v3 prompts on v4 with my leftover Anlas. Looks pretty nice, but the reasons that made me drop v3 are still there, so won't resub.
Should've gone SDXL again, eh?

Can you try to recreate any of those?
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dude that was like 3 posts off what happened
>Character I did hundreds of gens with on curated now can't be recognized by the full version
Excuse me?
i got you bwo
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just keep fucking sluts at the end of the day, nothing new
Turns out it's a bad idea to include realism data with cunny, who could have seen this coming? Actual fucking retards
had to make room for e621 somehow.
please understand.
The character was curated out.
should have just copied the entire flux arch instead of just the vae
Which character?
NovelAI Diffusion V4 Full登場!アニメ風イラスト生成最強AIツール
22 gigs models aren't worth it, anon.
bwos don't appreciate the upper thigh mole. What has the world come to
will sdxl ever be topped for price/performance?
i hate moles
NAIv4 can't see sam :'<
I genned some, so at least I can confirm it can do it (although only worked for me with a cunny-specific artist). Looked like shit though.
Can we still have a 3k even if the model is disappointing?
>even if
that was the plan
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think we're plenty on the rate to 3k, depends how quickly the shit flinging putters out
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uh... bros?
what the fuck is wrong?? this is my go-to artist for testing. it looks covered in a layer of digital gloss, and why does v4 have so many fucking fried artifacts look at the fucking face. cascade was the only model to get this artist right somehow
16ch vae... wtf...
the NAIrrative comes crashing down
So with that out of the way, Pony v7 status??
What sampler and scheduler? I need to see this for myself.
it's brown
>we aren't sure how we made it work so we cant do it again
Playable character from unknown french game
Exact same prompt and settings, no artists
Full version only has the dark skin because it was prompted
Meanwhile in local
>New samplers everyday
>Good Controlnet
>Shitmixes to choose from
>Video gen
Naisissies on suicide watch
jordach was the visionary
and you despised him
you deserve this
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Yes mochizuki kei is definitely one of the artists NAI v4 is struggling with.
Other artists work really well, there are only a few from my testing that just kinda shit the bed.
>unknown fr*nch game
anon we've all watched omelette du fromage
for the curious ones (if you're not afraid of me glowing), my bot @imgfun_bot in telegram has full nai v4 right now with all resolutions, just do /nai to see all params and usage examples. will leave it running for some time
is she a dwarf?
How the fuck everything is different? Not even the same hair color etc.
samplers need to be implemented individually for each model
pick me a good one ubel ;)
Localpoors, our answer to this piece of Art?
Because v4 is a different architecture and they are going to change it even more with newer versions
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cascade's 1b btw. remains the only model to get the artist (egami) skin texture correct.
uhh no thanks
What's stopping you from baking a lora if you care so much about his style?
uhh yes thanks
So how do we get lax to convert noob to a 16ch vae? SDXL is king, clearly
Momobox for the right one?
are furries to blame yet again?
Wish I knew
This one took the green hair and just applied it to everything? Ant the other is a demon girl with lamps for horns
Every prompt is a completely different character while curated would at the very least keep skin and hair color consistent
I really hope this was a rushed release and they're still working on the details
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NAIv4 looks dogshit with my patreon slop blend that normally looks "good". what the fuck how did this shit downgrade
maybe bird guy was right >>8475365
I'm intellectually challenged, so he is GPT, but I am requesting help from DeepSeek. Aren't you different?
Bwos.... not like this.. friedey night RUINED!
what new samplers?
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just put the cunny in the bag
Final thoughts after testing all my regularly used artist tags:
NAI V4 is a good model, it just struggles with a handful of artists.
i'm slopping with default settings and no one can stop me
V4 quality tags have rating:general on by default btw
they don't actually, v4 curated does, v4 full does NOT
Only curated, but full still needs you to put nsfw in the prompt.
no they don't, just read their website bwo
holy shit
gen is good, but wow, the style is shit
proompt and more
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where are the cunny gens nai bros
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That's probably just the upscaler, try this
it gets it right everytime. melina fellatio, marika rimjb
>no longer recommended for use
I just don't get the logic of artist mix working on the curated half finished version but being missing from the full thing
It works better on full for me.
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we peaked here
thx it works
It's the same issue as noobai.
Can do a lot of things, but the aesthetics are kinda mid.
Bro get to the shelter.
what does SMEA do?
couldn't have had a better post number for that
do artist tags not work properly on naiv4 or something? wtf
NAI wonn'd
you are passing them properly right? with spaces, without escaping, just like "doroshe (sdpw8474)" for example, or even better "artist:doroshe (sdpw8474)" (sometimes makes the effect too strong)
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rimjobgods won
still need to bake a lora on that guy's stuff
wow this is so boring
>Falsflagger keeps posting disgusting shit to cope with NAI superiority
Every new version we go through this, and every time you end up losing...
Do we still use {} and [] for "weights" on v4?
have we figured out what the forbidden keyword is yet? how do we jailbreak this
they don't, im comparing the exact same tags between curated and full, the option is straight up gutted in full and in curated, works better than v3
works fine for me with loli artists like comodo
find the closest tokens to it in encoding space and let them average out to the forbidden token in a triangulation fashion
do you need to change it? they work fine when I swap back to naiv3. I think their artist tags are just fucked
damn ,that's a nice meme idea for the clown hours
idk anon, artist tags work fine for me
What artist doesn't work for you?
im trying with the artist that did to love ru, it does not work
You gonna run it tomorrow again? I'm a Euro, gotta go to bed now (can't afford subbing rn).
maybe, depends on usage
What if artists actually work well, but they're hidden behind some secret sauce so the turk can avoid getting sued?
Now that the dust has settled, was V4 overhyped?
just tried van gogh and got nothing even close, how does it not know him?
I see, thanks again.
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well it need good prompts actually
100% overhyped, but it's still cool.
I've run into this as well, full being unable to do stuff I can do in curated
well, artist tags getting absolutely butchered kills it for me but the improvement to general consistency, multiple characters and positioning is geniuenly amazing
I have the typical redrop, cutesexyrobutts, orange maru combo, so it's all fooked

first naiv3
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at least you can still gen this
now do non-groid
v4 can do tribadism and nursing handjob,
for the time being i am satisfied
same prompt with v4
It probably only knows danbooru artists.
write an essay describing a mid impressionistic period painting by a famous painter
Rimjob model.
Mixing artists without weight tasks seems to just make it prioritise one while ignoring the others
Mixing artists but reducing the weight of all the names does produce a different style that carries remnants of identifiable traits but it's not really something that'd make me go 'yeah that's supposed to be artist X'
You can probably find something you like as long as you aren't too anal about it absolutely needing to look like X and Y from a twitter or booru near (You) but it does feel needlessly janky so far
I think I might be getting somewhere
Try prompting
Draw by _ and _ and so on
post prompt
imagine they discontinue v3 shortly after
Mixes are different now, but the individual artists should still work.
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mixes are not different, they are fucking dead
well fuck,what did they change about the mixes?
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directly prompted text kino
Nice esl.
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Wildcards are fun.
What's wrong with it? Teach me, oh native speaker god.
emphasis is semi-borked and tags are much stronger than they should be
damn its so fast what GPUs do they use?
its ok i guess but the concept knowledge is not up to my exacting standards
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this is "4chan" prompt with no quality/no negative preset, it gets really weird
Still on track for 3k, hold strong gentlemen!!
pretty sure he's an ancient dev who almost exclusively works on the text gen side of things
Now that we can gen rimjobs, is that it? The endgame?
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okay so it looks like I'm not the only one who had their artist combo get fucked over in v4
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need good mix
Just gen single artist rimjobs bro.
Nai V4
Pros: Natural language prompting works well, way better at doing niche fetish stuff and character placement
Cons: overall style quality drop, artists mixes are fucked, needs more experimentation

Two steps forwards, two steps back
how did they manage to fuck up the artist mixes so bad?
>overall style quality drop
it does SINGLE artists very well
mixing is fucked tho
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i need to figure out how this subsurface scattering shader works or get a better diffuse map, just fucking with the normal isn't working all that great
>it does SINGLE artists very well
not really
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yep kino, idk what that stain is though
this shit is stupid and NOT hot
i can't believe you already read my mind
idk the ones i care about it does well, better than v3
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Lemon, aloe vera, cucumber. Very refreshing beverage.
my problem is that it did the artists better in the fucking curated version, they must have fucked up their "retraining"
damn i wish i did fap this morning
Ratatatat74 looks weird from my tests
Surely that wasn't a conscientious choice
They're much more likely to get into trouble by some artist finding someone perfectly copying their style over someone copying the way they draw eyes and the way someone else draws skin and so on
Seems like it's still a bit retarded when you're doing 2 characters interactions with several characters features and actions/positioning. Not v3 or Noob retarded but not getting everything perfect either, oh well.
been a hot minute since somebody said this to me
example? did you use the proper action tags? the source/target ones?
so far its about 10x better than v3 with way less fucked up anatomy, can do concepts v3 could not, better composition, better artist replicating (optionaltypo is my only test so far), and the character shit is really cool, + the text is great as well, and im still noob with prompting v4
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i like it, it does feel a bit like 3.5 instead of 4, it's got a lot of the same quirks but it knows mushiro and that makes me happy :)
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i mean those:
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It's not cheating if it's oyakodon.
Soo much that!
how the fuck do i prompt text in v4 i cant figure it out!!! word bubble text i mean
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also regards positions, you can set them manually actually, although it works very approximately
how good is it at natural language? is it still tag or can i give it specific instructions now?
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Gonna try it, didn't know about that. It does the main action well, but mixes up the secondary. Like the rimjob is right but the hand positions for both characters are often wrong (I specified both). Or if one character is nude and the other is in underwear or closed tends to "undress" the other one more (once again, all the underwear and clothing are specified for both).
tags will still work better but yeah natural prompting will work
if you want two characters physically interacting you need to pick the same square for both
just saying
>text prompting,
i never understood why this was important
thank you, where can i find this documentation?
Try the tags, pc98, pixel art, dithering :)
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wow nice
is the "caught" tag all you really need to get the voeyism/reaction pose to work well with one of the girls watching?
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It works well for things like specifying relative positions that can't really be described in tags.
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it gets much more kino if you disable quality tags though
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where were you today when v4 won?
holy fucking SOUL
you can grift pretty well with it for patreon bait unironically. normies love dialogue.
now if only they fixed the broken artist combos
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>trained using 230,000 H100 hours
assuming they used 1/3rd of the 512 cluster it's about 56 days
im sorry why do i care about this persons shit opinion
>muh grfiting
Go back, tranny.
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Remember to add "fur dataset" to the negatives
no need, its not activated by default, the wording is basically saying "if you want e621 tags add 'fur dataset' tag"
is it just me or do some of the results when doing r18 stuff with V4 come out with like the whole image really blurry?
it almost looks like when a gen gets aborted 70% of the way through. wonder if their gpus are dying
>add this to negatives
>all my artist mixes start working just like v3
Nyo, I'm getting knotted.
nice bait
thanks, i'll be putting it in positive
Didn't even prompt for that. It was a happy accident.
she has a nice penis...
Make sure you have the "nsfw" tag in your prompt.
do you like children?
what is it with saas cucks and their black penis obsession?
falseflag local genners buying nai and prompting bbc porn is a tale as old as time
Putting it into negatives actually drastically changed my results, don't know if it's the artists Im using or something else
And if you take your meds?
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That's actually some really nice bukkake.
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why pay for nai when you can get paid on civit?
why can't people just check the network request? that's what I did for my bot, the presets are:

"none": "",
"light": "blurry, lowres, error, worst quality, bad quality, jpeg artifacts, very displeasing",
"heavy": "blurry, lowres, error, film grain, scan artifacts, worst quality, bad quality, jpeg artifacts, very displeasing, chromatic aberration, multiple views, logo, too many watermarks",
} as const

and quality toggle is:
", no text, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdres"
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is this safe sex?
this is IMPOSSIBLE on local btw
NAI woneed
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the one on the right looks much better though. they must've messed up their training data
but cant you just..put the text in yourself?
this is from v3
that's a nice looking hallway to be honest
>worst aesthetic
this is ryukishi07 slander
finally, local is on the same level as NAI
v3 > v4
Login now to unlock the power of NovelAI Diffusion V4 — your next masterpiece is just a prompt away!
>gen salute girls on naiv4
>they finally fixed the double salute issue but didn't fix the legs won't FUCKING uncross you dumb slut just stand at attention issue
I'm just going to bed and when I wake I'm sure they'll have announce an upcoming fix
ever since v4 got released, I managed to grift a bit under 100k subscribers on pixiv. thank you nai!
so do we still use {{{ emphasis }}} brackets with v4 or no?
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so how do I fix an artist mix on v4? is it just totally borked for now?
not with artists, deemphasis is the name of the game
just like v3 you test it and mix with other artists until you get something you like

how did any of you get your mixes for v3 to being with
Experiment with []s and lesser known (weaker) artists.
any pics comparing mixes from v3 and v4 using this?
So what is the consensus of v4? This thread exploded when v3 was released
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nigga I stole that shit from some guy who made it and didn't know what metadata was lol
you should basically treat it like v1 - first experiment. since v4 is 100% their own custom architecture, not sdxl or anything, v5 would be actual kino since they would learn from their mistakes
Right now it seems to be a downgrade quality wise
>since v4 is 100% their own custom architecture, not sdxl or anything, v5 would be actual kino since they would learn from their mistakes
new cope just dropped
>mixes the artstyles of
should I keep the brackets?
Experiment with the number of [[[brackets]]]
the only style i ever liked out of V3 was shutenfag's
explain without sounding like a paid shill
do you have it saved by chance?
^ lol
artist tags are too strong so you need to deemphasize the strong ones if you want to attempt to mix them
you literally are a paid shill
metadata example pls anon
>making their own architecture
hubris, this is going to be horrible
ah, im not much of a mixer, but good to know ty!
Just spent two hours sorting all my gens from December to today.
same anon here, took the advice to deemphasize artist tag, doing it as "[[artist:yabuki kentarou]]" yields much better, but still not perfect result
also removed the artist tag from the individual character prompts and put it in the overall prompt instead
good boy
so far v4 is exceeding my expectations and im still in the very early noob testing phase, cant wait to master it
So uh what's the meta for local right now? Still noobpred or are there better options?
base quality is clearly miles above whatever the fuck localkeks have but who knows how far you can push it
B-bros.. can v4 do Solange? Local community would take a crippling hit if we lose Sir Solangeanon to v4. Please check!
pony mixes
Better composition, better prompt coherence, much worse style adherence. Wait for v5.
you must pay for novelai
there is no alternative
okay so adding [] on artist tags does get shit looking more normal on prompts. guess you just got to brute force this shit autistically to get back to "normal". why did they think it was a good idea to make these so damn powerful
have they added any juicier snake oil options?
Really? Thought Illustrious mogged pony
>character recognition is quite good just like previous nais

I think no smea is why it looks so....undetailed. What a fucking let down
>v4 loses pedoanon
>nipples seem to vary from being hyper detailed to non existent, might be related to the artist issues
have you considered putting "nipples" into your prompt?
>>8474642 (OP)

Noob here.
How to extend image / outpaint with Automatic1111 stable diffusion ?
>filtered within an hour
yeah i have noted some serious nipple problems and obviously half the artists are fucked
i just open the image in gimp, extend canvas, then inpaint the new area
she works with proper tagging
If it's good, don't post her, anon. We can't lose Sir Solangeanon..
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thx. both anons who suggested mizumizuni and doppel are the cum kings.
why do you have it out for that guy so much, this is kind of getting cringey
any tips for wrangling artstyle mixes?
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it does
this is a troll thread for the next few days
The pillar has come back, and has spoken...
>different quality tags
>tags too strong out of the box
>doesn't like doing emphasis because see above
anon i enjoy your posts but you're being slightly retarded here, prompts aren't drag and drop from v3
He's the only pillar I recognize.
are you the real one? why did you leave us?
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I don't CARE if it can do shit like two girls better if the overall quality is a massive downgrade.
>thinking he knows better than shutenanon
where is your image faggot? the dude basically pioneered and perfected genning with v3
looks like a complete downgrade. no surprise that unet remains superior to modern snakeoil architectures. flow/dit were a mistake, t5 even more so
>Try old v3 prompt on v4
>Damn this looks like shit
>Try it on v3
>Still look like shit
>Realize smea was off
>Looks good now
I think I found the answer guys
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Didn't they say smea isn't in v4 because they couldn't figure it out?
I just got home, so what's the verdict?
wtf? i want to pay $25 and make bbc porn nao.
Actually unironically grim as fuck
>t5 even more so
T5 is such a retarded decision, I'm dumbfounded this is still standard to this day. SD 3 medium, for example, has 2B parameters for the image generation part and ~6B parameters for the text generator. I hope everyone can see how retarded that is.
very good but some anons are dooming bc they suck ass at prompting with a brand new model (shocker)
Poor guys only had one and a half year, give them a break
How's the loli situation looking on v4? Does anyone feel like NAI "curated" the data a little more?
who care's about facts? whatever opinion I state on what's shit or not means it's exactly that
how to prompt,
i want /ss/ ffm threesome stuff, thats not too muich to ask is it sd?
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it sucks in terms of details. you can't be serious.

what was the MUH 16channel vae for then?
Funny how all post like these never share any prompts
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I'll just post sakura, fuck it
why have we not evolved past T5/clip?? this stuff is from 2019, 3 years before SD1.4 even.
do you think they'll make fixes to the v4 model or are we stuck with it for a year?
add the tag close-up and maybe portrait
don't capitalize "NSFW", and try without it
I mean they should, v3 knowledge is outdated asf
realistically, they'll iron out the kinks like vae color artifacting and maybe tune the samplers to fix details/"brush" textures if lucky
Why do all NAIV4 gens look.. "fried"? Idk if that's the right word, but it's almost like they're all artifacting.. but not really? I'm going schizo
There is no other encoder architecture available out there for language. LLMs went Decoder only a few years ago, and so will generate shit embeddings. No one cares about proper text embeddings because they have to move fast and break things.
some other anon said they tried to build from scratch instead of SDXL based
which is probably good if they want to avoid ever paying stability licence fees, but probably much worse as an actual model
because without SMEA they literally are all fried. it was what saved 99% of the styles from v3
so where is the writeup or video on how 2 prompt v4 before i squander the few anlas i had leftover?
maybey it was trained on ai ?
ayo dis da powa of NAI?!
Did they really train from scratch, though? Training from scratch is hard as fuck, takes a ton of compute (not only to train, but also prepare data) and requires Billion-scale datasets. I honestly think paying stability's fee is just cheaper (and likely yields better results - you need to know a lot of things to train one of these from scratch). This sounds so stupid that it must not be true.
Even when you manage to get some mix working there's no consistence
At seemingly random one one artist tag will overpower the other and mess the style
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+ her degenerate gf
>thought the 3k text posts would be NAI v4 absolutely mogging local and people seething for an entire day
>turns out v4 is actually just shit and the 3k text posts is people laughing at it all day
i really shouldnt have bought an opus sub yesterday and just waited it out, mother fucker
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did NAi not realize some of the best stuff that came from their model was people blending artstyles?
>takes a ton of compute (not only to train, but also prepare data)
they have it
>requires Billion-scale datasets
not true
they didn't break it on purpose, it stopped working
>"mix the artstyles of__"
Does NAI not support alternating prompts? eg: "[artist1|artist2|...] on forge / A1111.
nipples look fine to me
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How the fuck does it just stop working?
yeah i think that other poster is just a retard that doesnt know how to prompt or maybe it is because all he prompts are children
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>v4 shits out slop that looks like local stuff 2 years ago
The frying around the extremities is better but it's still makes anatomical errors, it's basically a complete failure.
>they have it
Last I heard, they had 256 GPUs, which is not really a lot. They could maybe do one run, but then they can't ablate.
>not true
It is, though, if you want something minimally knowledgeable. What's your counter example here that was trained with fewer images from scratch?
nice NAIv1 gen
>which is not really a lot
it is a lot because they're H100s, anon, you're comparing image models to text models aren't you?
There will be another pioneer for v4 like Truck-kun during v3
Trust the plan
v4 is a completely different architecture
v3 was an SDXL finetune, v4 is 100% their own model from scratch (the only pre-trained thing they use is a VAE iirc)
Claudefag is really working overtime pretending to be all these different posters with his 10 phones all so that he can try to trick people into thinking NAI v4 is actually bad when it's the best AI image gen model that has ever been released to the public.
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No anon, read the SD3 paper, for example, and check the numbers. It might have been OK in SD 1.5 days. Not anymore.
Also, the DiT models are very comparable to text models, now.
anon, they don't need a general fucking model, they're making an anime one. it doesn't know shit outside of danbooru, you can easily check that yourself.
didnt they publish something along the lines of V3 spent a lot more joules to finetune SDXL than Stability did to train SDXL in the first place
It definetely knows things outside of Danbooru. Danbooru has 0 Clymenia image yet NAI4 can immitate it near perfectly.
>prompts aren’t drag and drop from v3
Yeah, that’s part of the problem.
What's the odds they actually release something dealing with all these issues?
what specific thing are you referring to? i'll check
read their blogpost, this is still unet lmao.
Of course they will patch it and anyone that thinks otherwise is trolling.
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see guys it's not nai's fault
Clymenia, an H-game artist
>tfw going to have to stick with v3 for a year and not be able to do some characters people try to commission me to make sets of
I wish I had this much confidence but this fuck up was so massive I'm not sure they even know what to fix
loli works just fine
quick sloppa with tags i copied but didn't fix beyond swapping cameltoe to cleft of venus
it looks like generic anime slop
i can't even find that artist in google, got any links?
Anon, you can't train just the anime model. It will be shit. Do you have any experience in this? Anyway, I checked, SD 1.5 was trained on 256 A100s 80GB for a total of ~200k GPU hours. This is like ~1 month? That was 1.5, anything dit likely requires more time. I highly doubt they trained fully from scratch and they probably have some partnership.
Yeah that's what I am saying, so niche that's he's not even in Danbooru.
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idk why are you being so adamant, its FROM SCRATCH, they have enough compute, SD 1.5 was an early experiment, current things can be way more optimized, and they use H100s
thing is, the only way to "patch" a model is to finetune it further or merge a lora into it
both would have far reaching side-effects

they could do some UI fuckery. change your prompt behind the scenes before it reaches the model, like when they removed realistic from the v4 preview.
>so massive
What are you even talking about? The fact that you can't 1:1 transfer your old prompts into an entirely new model and architecture? Which has literally never been the case in all of history of AI generation? People throwing their hands up and giving up after 20 minutes of fucking around are people with opinions you can promptly throw directly in the garbage.

I think I'll go ahead and continue testing and I guarantee in another week people will not only have found better artist mixes but see how much better this model is than what we've ever had.
why is nai so blurry
it looks nothing like your nai gen
>SD 1.5 was trained on 256 A100s 80GB for a total of ~200k GPU hours. This is like ~1 month
NAI v4 was trained on 200k H100 hours
>has been trained with roughly 230,000 hours of H100 compute.
your point being?
Anyone know if the inpainting is still just using v3? The interface is nice instead of just eyeballing it with the webui extension.
v3 didn't support it, that's prompt mixing and its very very different
The full version is an entirely new model and architecture from the curated version?
hoping they make naiv3 public in like a year and then we can just use it with lora's and shit on local like they released their OG model
lmao cope
I'm asking how you know that, anon. Also, the reason I am doubting you is because that would be such a stupid idea that there is no way multiple layers of people greenlit something this stupid. And trust me, I did my time in stupid VC driven companies, I know some real stupid shit that got greenlit.
it took them years to officially release a mass leaked model lmao they don't give a shit about local or open sharing that was just an advertisement that cost them nothing
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The body does bro, I gooned to those games for hours, I know for sure how it looks
They did it because of wanting to free themselves from the licences probably, and a bunch of people sold the people with the money the idea it would just be better doing it this way
you're schizophrenic
What I don’t get is how the curated V4 looked better than the full release. How the fuck did that happen?
kind of eye-opening to see so many nai roaches here. maybe that's why /hdg/ was such a piece of shit these past few months
my point being that this is a really stupid way to avoid paying the stability license, lol. all that compute costs a lot, but hey, I guess I'm gonna keep getting surprised by waste in AI companies. Congrats to NAI folks.
You’re an ESL.
that was always the case, did you not know or what? curated is exactly what it says, its trained on a smaller, higher quality subset of the dataset
it helps that curated is like 20% of the overall dataset yet still ended up having less snapping issues than pony
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now that v4 is proven to be complete shit and they all wasted 25 bucks we'll have a month of them shitting up the general and then hopefully they off themselves lol
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Artist mixing wasn't intended I guess lmao
v4 full has inpainting now
prompt for that scene?
>remove inpainting
>remove SMEA
>remove artist mixing
so this is the fabled v4 that was supposed to defeat local? seriously?
>what if we accidentally did something good but then just didn’t even try to replicate it
It's a new model release, you aren't even a bit curious how well it works? Most will come back to local after that one month.

this is good
it accidentally worked because CLIP is really stupid (this is why tags at the front were like 5x stronger than tags at the end)
T5 is smarter but being smarter makes artist mixing not work. the dataset doesn't have mixed artists beyond one artist doing lineart and another doing coloring
>That's why they're jumping straight to working on v5
Where is this from?
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should've pulled a flux and had dual text encoders, using clip to process artist tags and t5 for the rest
Have a box: https://files.catbox.moe/slb88f.png

It's basically nipple slip and leaning on another, head on another's shoulder, etc.
idk why you are all mad that the random hacks that you used don't work anymore. retards, its a NEW model.
the inpainting model is already in, can the shitposters at least try harder than nai did?
yeah I bet v4 couldn't even come close to this
thank you
nai v5 when
It’s a new and worse model.
you're a new and worse human
how does this keep happening? at least 7 models butchered thanks to T5 by now
This is so dumb, why can't they just do NAI 3.1?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
my frontend has dynamic prompting so i don't need schizo prompting
Good bait, please post more
>If it ain't broke
apparently the best parts were the parts that were broken lmao
Unironically if they just updated the v3 dataset I'd take it over this
you don't have to aggro because you wasted 25 bucks
Anon, I worked in a team developing one of those image models out there. I'm convinced decision makers in these companies are retarded. With a little bit of long term planning, they could train a proper text encoder that's better than clip and T5 and also smaller, then train a pretty good image model. No one wants to do it. Also, the researchers making these models don't use them, so they don't even know what to improve.
wtf the blur just comes and goes between seeds
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>v4 not even a day old
>already downplaying it to hype up v5
It's over
Requesting more busty /catboxing/
Do they really think anyone’s going to be around for V5 when V4 is an unmitigated disaster? It’s functionally worse than V3 in almost every way.
i didnt, i steal accounts
What browser are you using? It forced me to switch to chrome to stop the blur.
can it do more... interesting angles?
This update might be shit but don't worry it'll improve as soon as they're done training the very important and often used vibe transfer feature sometime at the end of this year
That post is from 2/12 though.
Wdym hyping? This is normal stuff. V4 is their FIRST own model, so obviously with V5 they learned from their mistakes
it's a bit random, weirdly so. At least its fappable I guess but it really shouldn't sperg out as much as it does.
why the fuck are NAI so fucking retarded. that was like their whole appeal
firefox, but I tried a gen on chrome and the results looked identical
curated spergs out way less for some reason
It pops up a warning on firefox, I went to chrome and it fixed it for me.
They likely only realized it after they trained the base model, or at least halfway through. Too late to stop, now. It's what happens when you have internet smart guys instead of PhDs training base models.
full seems to ignore text prompting more often?
Yeah but normalfags pay for a month gen some hundreds of images and then fuck off
Their real longstanding userbase area the types to test with mixes and try to find out new ones
that is so fucking stupid.
Can anyone gen something that's impossible with current models? LIke some really complicated sex scene with multiple people doing multiple things?
idk why the artist mixing whining, it mixed just fine for me
I remember those retards happily announcing the upcoming v4 release the second they started training, instead of you know, waiting a couple days to see if nothing would get fucked
i mixed your cum with mine
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Post, please.
did you try the same gen seed/settings on both browsers?
I don't see an image with your post
i'm on local
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i mean, i imagined this pose as "from side". i can't really imagine what other angles would be good.
Remember to agree with "artist mixing works" baits
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but just for funsies i tried
I can't even get the source/target bullshit to work for a simple breast grab
three-quarter from above?
Same prompt yes, but using the same seed may be the problem.
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one sec
she looks rather young
Yeah I just successfully mixed 4 artists, though their distribution appeared to be like 99.95%, 0.02%, 0.01%, 0.03%
But it mixed :)
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V2 was also a mess but at least they replaced that one somewhat quickly
Do you reckon they'll throw out some kind of 4.1 or whatever they'll decide to call it?
With how they keep talking about V5, it feels like V4 is just something to tide people over and get them to stop bringing up a lack of progress.
lemme guess, "photo (medium), cosplay photo, loli, nsfw"?
you're very cute
what color panties are you wearing today?
yes, in exactly 30 days
>NAI Diffusion Anime V3
>Our previous model. No longer recommended for use.
nah, It sounds like they know this is fucked and need to retrain. Honestly, I read that message as "we realized the only way to fix v4 would be to start fresh, so we just released that shit here to get some money from you while we train the model you wanted to pay for".
They should remove it
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So what exactly happens if they sunset V3 completely and don't allow people to use it?
>NAI Diffusion V4 Full
>Our newest and best model.
And open source it.
It needs SMEA/DYN. V3 looked shit if SMEA was disabled and v4 gens look like that
> stop bringing up a lack of progress.
If only the same worked for text gen, those poor souls haven't had a single good new model in years
this, nobody uses v3 anyway
>8k context
They probably will release the weights like they did with 1.5.
3.7 is almost as good as Opus while being a fraction as cheap, which is something, at least. If only Anthropic wasn’t staffed by completely retarded faggots obsessed with “””””safety“””””
open source never ever
I think they've already said that v3 will never go public.
The real joke is that it says (No longer recommended) by V3 despite it still being better.
did they ever release their v2 weights?
>V3 looked shit if SMEA was disabled
i feel like we're in different timelines, i had the exact same experience but if it was enabled
they did that because it got leaked a year prior
these pricks will NEVER open source anything ever again
well, thankfully safety doesn't matter on API where you can do prefills
I feel really stupid for shitposting for months about wanting v4 to be leaked. They can keep it, kek
For now, but they’re working on a second filter that everything has to pass through.
how do i mix artists
smea was extremely hit or miss depending on the style, it was situational
anon, it's specifically for chemical shit, they never mentioned it'll be for sexual stuff. and again, there's NO external filter on the API so far, never been
At least it's something they're aware it's a fuckup but how long until an actually fix comes along? A week? Month? Next year?
I don't know if many people will stick around until then
you don't need it
A single employee mentioned that he doesn’t believe it should be for sexual content or anything that isn’t explicitly breaking the law. One employee’s beliefs don’t indicate a company-wide stance, especially when they’re headed up by a stupid fuck who literally split from OAI because he didn’t think they were being safe enough.
anthropic mogs openai in models doe
so uhh.. whats the sota for local models? preferably a model that does fingers right more often than not.
I agree! Especially after 4.5 costing a trillion dollars to do anything.
anon, your adetailer? your inpaint?
most likely pony v7
shame 'bout the mixes but it still feels more fappable than v3
fuck it lads I'm going to switch to local.
I do the typical patreon slop combo on naiv3 what local model should I try that might work with it?
is this a joke? i thought there are models just as good as paid ones? The v7 has like 2 useable styles, and fingers are right maybe 1 out of 20 times. never if 3 people are in a image. are people here shitposting? what are the models that are so good?
this is a textbook damage control strategy. when your product is shaping up to be underwhelming, begin downplaying its significance while hyping up consumers for distant releases. this lessens the impact of the failure by making it seem like there is more staged in the pipeline than there actually is.
v5 is nothing, they have nothing. despite taking 14 months, v4's architecture is only about 6 months old. there have been no major technological improvements that would suddenly make 'v5' an amazing leap. it's over
>Yang= hdg
>black man = nai
no? that was always the case, when v3 just released they started talking about v3, and so on
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forgot about character positioning so it took me a sec. something like this?
Guys, is it possible to train style LORA off the artist mix in V3 because V4 fucked it up. I might go local at this point.
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>can’t even gen some damn Firefly paizuri in peace with my old artist mixes
This sucks. I waited for this and it fucking sucks, man. I’m going back to V3.
>there have been no major technological improvements that would suddenly make 'v5' an amazing leap. it's over
While I agree with the sentiment, they probably realized what went wrong with v4 too late and would have to do a full retrain. V5 is what v4 should be if they were being honest. Current v4 is a money grab to keep them afloat while they retrain.
Yes, see this lora:
no it is impossible to train off v3 because it is saas model
>training a lora off AI-generated images
it's possible but awful
you're a faggot
yes just make sure the images you use are free from fucky artifacts or else the lora WILL learn them
Apparently this whole general is just retards who use "artist mixes" instead of actually learning to prompt. LMAO.
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you're telling me v4 can't do better than this?
I hate using loras, why won't they just release noob with an updated dataset...
so much this. just describe the style via prose. its THAT simple
>all naigens posted have been the worst thing in a while
Actually fucking grim.
even the character separation shit doesn't work at all everything is just getting mixed together
highlight anon is going to spit out his drink when he checks back at this thread haha
we don't do that here
>it's been less than a day and nai v4 slop is immediately recognizable
this is fucking tragic
it'll be like coming back home to a delicious feast opposed to the typical breadcrumbs
I would really like to see something impossible or really hard with current models. maybe a dude ejaculating inside a woman's mouth (from outside her mouth) while she masturbates with a dildo and tweaks her nipple? Probably prompting for this amount of detail would make this hard on current models.
if nai gens are bad where are the good local gens??
this looks like base ponyv6 gen
Local cannot achieve this, the only one that can is the current State of the Art model NovelAI Diffusion V4
request anchor plz
it's nai
>Best comprehension of all models
>Most styles
>Can actually dogeza and do more than 1girl standing
>Got thousands of new users each month the past few months.
Do you actually believe stating this like that over and over will make it true? Like, that people will go "schizo says bad, so I won't buy"? Like bro you're at it for now 2 years, Everytime I lurk here it's the same dude over and over. They literally doubled their shit views the last month alone.
oh i see, thanks
it's nai (real)
why do you have to defend nai so much tho
can naiv4 do kobeni holding an empty mug and jerking off a dude to cum inside the mug? (penis must be inside the mug)
catbox pleasE?
Why hasn't Cathag posted any images today? Is he okay?
alright I can't do it anymore this fucking sucks
how else will i justify my 25$?
not really. just calling out schizo behavior.
>based64 shading
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I still have some more tests to try but early results seem promising.
v4 sucks
based wanGOD
man, this takes me to b64 times, nostalgic...
the worst part about this is that means that fucking retarded nai shitposter is completely vindicated and will only get even more obnoxious
how are you getting good results on wan? half of the shit i get is janky dogshit
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add artist:ddolbang
do you have an allergy to artist styles?
you're not using naiv4, you can make aesthetically pleasing images as base
>people on twitter all go off how amazing it is
>sever strained so much it takes half a minute for a simple gen
nai will someday sure fall bros..... one more post
V4 is only good for complex shit or using a single art style
>people on twitter
Not even a single artstyle, without SMEA it looks like shit
this guy is singlehandedly proving all the complaints about nai v4 are from promptlets
as opposed to people on 4chan? lmao
If femboy-focused porn is allowed, I think futas should also be allowed.
I would really like to see some complex shit, though. Why is no one finally trying some hard shit?
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kek indeed
It's local...
I'm going to reveal the bitter truth to you, anonie.. Are you ready? Like, really ready? Okay, here you go:
If you gen with Opus ($25 sub) on default res, your gens are put into a shared queue which is slow. Guess what's fast? Genning without an active subscription or with higher resolutions where you get billed anlas ;)
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I'm coming to your aid, its a lora for nsfw
picrel is t2v, but loads onto i2v. its generalized so it'll do some other positions but it will probably be outpaced by trainers with more specific datasets
yes and no, in this case, I find the more 2.5d animates better than strictly 2D, so I had some of these lying around to test. I haven't tried a more anime test just yet.
local doesnt know that character yet, its only in the newer models like nai v4 retard
Yeah no SMEA is a fucking blow to my nuts
I mean when it works, it works. It can do fingers/eyes/little details flawlessly. It's just a complete fucking toss up whether or not it can do literally anything seed to seed.
so THIS is the power of wan...
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keep it up rrat anon
how badly would wan perform on 4070ti super (16GB VRAM)?
what are loras
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v3 vs v4
NAI v4 is perfect for 1girl abstract surreal images that I can post on my Japanese twitter account.
we may never know
how are you training loras? what's your workflow? there's a l2d specific dataset i was planning on making
>art vs ai slop
yeah, accurate
Increasing step count works too.
Thought it was better, is it still that slow?
Well yes, anything that makes your gen paid will make it much, much faster. I'm talking like 5 seconds for a FHD gen
based so much this
this so much based
so this much based
so based much this
so, what's next?
How on earth did they fuck this up so badly, any degree of complexity and the image goes to shit.
Nevermind gutting their main attraction with artist mixing.
you and me kissing
Pony v7
literally me
Yeah not happening, chudai's.
this is boring, it was funnier when v3 was released
we already knew it would be a disappointment, what did you expect?
I expected nothing and still got disappointed
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now that nai is confirmed dead in the ditch, can we have some oekaki 1girls to celebrate?
noticed artists in naiv4 seem to be case sensitive, weird
Danbooru tags are lowercase...?
I might finally bite the bullet and try to learn local
Is there any up to date retardproof guide?
I gave up last time after reading 7 terms I never knew on the first sentence
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use the example workflow and change the model to "wan" and point to your dataset + wan model
yeah here's ur guide
>wait for gen u like
>beg for catbox
>ur now a local master
bad time to ask unfortunately, thread-shitting is at an all time high atm
That doesn't really teach me how to install a frontend and pick models though
Prompting is the easy part
idk couldnt get the style until i fixed it
Experimenting to increase my masturbation efficiency, e.g. trying to unfuck style mixing, takes priority over experimenting to push the boundaries of what it can do.
how retard proof you need? I agree that there's no good guides but I'm not gonna shake your dick for you
and then they wonder why people use saas
literal skill issue.
Over the years I have asked for catboxes a lot but I don't usually use them hehe. I don't know why I do it but I do know that it feels good to be asked for a catbox so I guess it's kind of like a compliment.
I tried 1boy 2girl sex and it completely fell flat on it's face, why would I bother doing anything more.
compliment this dick
Something like install this followed by this and this?
I hear people going over comfy illustrious pony forge and I've no fucking idea which one goes with who
It's just personal preference?
>find the torrent of v1+v29b-v2 a few threads back
>you're 90% done
I have no idea how to prompt it, but booru tags feels more stable, background just goes crazy
Found a random image on danbooru and copied the tags over
Exact same settings on v3 and v4
>uc": "nsfw,
please don't tell me v4 is the one on the right
bros how does one run wan2.1 on vast.ai
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gimme prompt... please...
starting to get better with v4 and holy shit its good
It refuses to do nsfw for some reason, even thought it has the fellatio and explicit tags
I'm sure I can get it working if I put more emphasis on it but it feels like the more {} the more fried the images start to look
you need to put "nsfw" in your prompt chud
It's pretty fun if you ignore style mixing
This skin texture reminds me of miqomix
That's NYATORASE to you, chudai
nai could NEVER
What did they mean by this
nta but reforge is the easiest to install imo.
pony, illustrious, and noob are the main base models and they all have their own merges it's personal preference which you pick. unless im retarded pony loras basically only work on pony based models, but noob can take illustrious loras pretty well so you can go back and forth pretty seamlessly until you find what you like.
here's one. after installing forge you can place it and any vae you choose in their respective folder.
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it's cope
whats chuddy trying to accomplish
v7 isn't even out yet, kurumuz, stop falseflagging.
free online scuffed nai v4 soon, trust
And they said vibe transfer wasn't in v4
To me that dude is VIBIN'
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It's truly over
Invest in local now while you still can
Right!? We just need to describe our artists with a Haiku everytime, it isn't even that hard ffs tbqhf
this reads like kurumuz is controlling their twitter account
i am the artist.
smea was a bad crutch anyway. styles should work without it to begin with. it fucked up anatomy and details. not a v4 shill just saying that wouldn't have saved it.
the damage control is real
Oh so this is why cutesexyrobutts overpowers everything regardless of how much I deemphasize it.
Guess I'll wait a few days for the stuff to be fixed.
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You think she wears panties? Funny
It's NAIv4
>few days
next month, when you'll renew your sub
kek indeed
>like you had to do from v2
who's gonna tell 'em?
didn't see anywhere on their site but is there a way to get a refund for a novel ai subscription?
I'm having some limited success getting around the overpowering issue by having multiple instances of the artists getting overpowered in the prompt.
Should I use a vae? Been using Illustrious for like 2 months and haven't been using any vaes
waow local wonnered!
this is pretty good, did you prose or tags? did you use the character feature?
just b urself ;)
they're not gonna fix it in v4 but CSRB in particular always overpowers other tags out of the box on seemingly every model including v3
just deemphasize it and emphasize the ones that don't show up
Where were you when v4 died?
I was comfy at home local genning in the cloud.
it does do deepthroat consistently well so that's cool
very nice uooh
so much cope...
Yes. Don't use the standard one though.
I was genning Link otoko no ko in his gerudo set alternative outfit.
Any you'd recommend?
>also removed the artist tag from the individual character prompts and put it in the overall prompt instead
Can you give an example please?

artist: alice, artist: bob
artists: [alice and bob]
is that what you did?
SharpSpectrum, should be on civitai. But you should try the other ones and see which one you like the most. Tbf sometimes you won't notice anything different unless you have a 99.99% SRGB capable monitor.
don't listen to him, there is nothing better than base sdxl vae. which is grim
she's the best
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soon free v4 for some time (yes ai slop code i dont care, still changing it a bit)
you can still style and artist mix btw but it takes brainpower beyond the capabilities of this general and i will not share my wisdom ... :)
>brainpower beyond the capabilities of this general
So actual knowledge of prompting? NAIkeks would never
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lmao, she's vigorous

is there a comfy node to save as mp4? not sure why are there so many artifacts because of the resolution or because of the webm
old style too
so THIS is the power of wan...
wangods keep wonning
try altering the resolution of your image to something like 832x480 or 720x480
videohelpersuite will let you save to others.
the artifacts I find are resolution is too low, not enough steps usually.
DO NOT USE THE TAG artist:philipp urlich on NAI
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update nai userscript pls catboxanon
looks fine doe?
if you use a young character it will summon sea sam
>if you prompt for csam you get csam
WOW!!! Astonishing insight!
why is it so
>Try to just write out a style
>Works 60% of the time with base and I like it
>other 40% is I can clearly see other shit artists just pop up in the mix because of feature connection
This shit is so ass they somehow didn't learn from furry naiv3 on why this prompting is ass. Hell even just doing pixel art it keeps randomly changing style because of artist connection to features, it's so fucked.
In my case it's just way more powerful in v4.
I'll wrangle it more tomorrow, I actually got it to spit ok stuff but I guess I should read the provided documentation to understand how to take advantage of it.
pixel art will always be fucked if they don't train it at a specific pixel size
I assume you mean the attention editing one. I need to do that, yeah. I'll get to it soon.
That was my example but I'm seeing it in a lot of the gens like the style just changes by seed. Hadn't tried forcing emphasis yet but I can't even get cowgirl position it keeps just sticking the dick into her belly.
Why is it so detailless?
what a fall from grace...
ugly penis
Thank you for you hard work, 10 (ten) anlas have been deposited to your account!
Damn, v4 pics in the thread blow out of the water local ones.
Just look at composition and consistency: local would never gen such cool and unique poses and not break limbs and lines even with simpler composition in the process.
And that's just the beginning.
good one
Think the worst part about v4 is they've leaned into this regional prompter-lite thing with characters so I imagine it's gonna be a pain to make that work for the nai extension for reforge.
Sakimichan works on NovelAI V4!
what did they mean by this?
Guys! Nyantcha works on v4!
does yd work on v4
does shadman work doe?
>asanagi doesn't work in v4
owari da....
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yeah, seems like something of that helps a lot, thanks
someone do the floox style
seems like all banned artists work on v4...
anyone know how years work? can you do ranges? does it just put more emphasis on images closer to your year or does it ignore everything not on your year?
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I guess it's not that bad
>localjeet gens stick out like a sore thumb in the midst of all the v4 goodness
bravo, kurumuz
Anime Screencap GODS...
no, it's that bad

Free NovelAI v4 full/curated, slop code, largely untested, but you'll get metadata so you can see if there's any difference.

Click "New token", it'll spend some time generating a PoW (proof of work token), there are some ratelimits.

Should generally just work.
the soul... its seeping through my monitor!
its a web page sir
it's web virus
>novelai proxy
dont spread this slop here
open it
I ain't cliking that shit nigga.
Post a torrent if you want me to download something.
You just press "get token" and it generates one online, its not gatekept.
any other oppai loli artists I should try?
its real free working online nai v4 sir
what settings/prompt for this?
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how the hell do you generate tokens
who do you think needs your ip, worthless niqqa?
You press "new token" and wait ~20-40 seconds (it'll use 100% of one your CPU core), its just an anti-spam measure
sir you forgot "fur dataset" at the start of your prompt
kurumuz status?
ah, so a miner, gotcha
>it'll use 100% of one your CPU core
. . .
catbox please?
Why can I generate with any resolution, who pays for this?
it's https://github.com/fabiospampinato/crypto-puzzle a proof of work verification, it doesn't mine any crypto (it won't be profitable anyway)
that's a mystery
maybe try
kz_oji, e-note, kaedeno_yuu, ayawasuca, chipa_(arutana)
no I mean how do YOU generate tokens? Like where the hell are you getting them from for free?
>that's a mystery
he scraped for exposed keys on the internet. aka theft
it's not theft if it's novelai
Why don't just say that it's a sekrit link that kurumuz only shared in his personal sekrit discord? You fool.
>nooooo you can't just steal from my favorite corpo nooooo
cry more bitch
It is not kurumuz, see https://rentry.org/minigen and https://surround-admit-surrounding-tide.trycloudflare.com/ its the same anon who hosted Imagen apparently
>relearn prompts
???? nai is based on danbooru tags what the fuck are they talking about. this reads like a cope that their v4 is dogshit
god damn all of this looks like crap
this but especially local gens
v4 being this shit legitimately ruined my weekend. All I wanted was an expanded dataset and instead they fucked up everything I liked from v3.
this is why you never trust malicious closed-source greedy faggots
wait is this actually real wtf?
Oh that pose is very nice
>artist mixing is fucked
>anatomy is fucked
>common tags regularly getting ignored
I've been subbed on Opus continuously since v3 came out, and this feels like a huge step back.
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
local could never
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Would be better if you guys could just leak the weights.
why is this shit so utlra fast, why is nai's gen so fast?
power of the cluster
but sir its literally a FHD image in like 4 seconds
what exactly does \\(thing\\) do?
I get it's escaping something, but what's the benefit?
There's no benefit, it's people who came from local to NAI and forget that NAI uses {} and [] for weights, not (), so you can type () normally
makes sense
What's the worst they can do, anyway?
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why are you scraping user accounts and stealing their money
rape and kill you
same but it's worse for me because I"m unironically a patreon fag and now I can't gen new characters in my currently style
leon is making them justify their employment
they will get creative
>theres free v4 in the thread specifically to make schizo gen the worst gens they can with scuffed v4 and post them
Do we have proof that this is not using some kind of local model?
can be faked
good v4 gen
Yes, artist mixing doesn't work.
So why not first gen the image in V4 and then inpaint with V3? Get the best of both worlds.
>load proxy gen into nai website
>gen with same settings
>same image
someone gen something on it then try it on real nai
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any way to get autocomplete set up here? not sure if im using correct tags
any ideas to get a consistent breast tent? tag or natural language
Sorry, would be too much effort, I just took the Imagen frontend that I had and Claude rewrote it for NAI (backend + frontend) in about an hour with a tiny bit of manual action
whats the genuine point in doing this
why are you doing this
artist mixing just doesn't work...
it just picks one style (perhaps the stronger one)
go kill yourself kurumuz
good luck img2img with your preferred style and keeping the same composition, not to mention that new characters will be lost
what is even going on here, did nai not secure something with their infrastructure or something?
File deleted.
cheers for sharing the joy of v4 with other anons
Current spend is about ~1k anlas in 2 minutes
based, it works.
anon, this is local...
I'm the same anon who shared nai accounts here way back like half a year ago, I wanted to make this thing before but got too lazy, this time I actually made it since v4 released, nice fresh new toy
probably just github keys
So that's it huh
Pony won
NAIfag here, It's real.
Copied metadata from Minigen to NAI V4.
So who's paying, then?
local is paying in all the tears that will be shed when they lose access.
my mom
how does nababa look on v4?
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Yeah just to say beforehand, I'm not planning on keeping this up for long, I want to save some NAI for myself for the future. But there should be enough for hours with some active use at least
not clicking this shit but can somebody confirm if these results look like the typical v4 dogshit if you try to use an artist combo?
uhhhh bros I hear sirens outside my house
the cockroach is coming
Kurumuz is approaching your destination.
>that result
there is no way that's naiv4 lol
its mostly cause ive never used nai so i dont really know the syntax compared to local. thanks though, this is really cool. how long do you think itll stay up for?
hopefully he's bringing v5
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>how long do you think itll stay up for?
well from >>8477313 (6 minutes ago) 3 thousand anlas was spend, so currently its going at around 1 thousand anlas/2 minutes, I have like 150K in total and can "add" more anlas if needed, I'll see, I could also make ratelimits stricter and resolution dependent
based asf
i can already smell a sekrit club forming
No, it's not sustainable
>150k anals
can't you make it free? constrain so it won't use any anals?
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That requires Opus, currently I'm just doing anals gens for everything without a subscription, that's why they're so fast
wait what the fuck this is actually v4
the fuck is going on? did that guy rip api keys or something?
ah, my dream was for someone to host opus proxies similar to yours
Any chance you could add Regional prompting?
I like to imagine that a NAIfag employee or associate got salty at V4 or something, and got his hands on API keys.
isn't that a feature of v4?
Probably not at this point, I'm ADHD or something, so I work in short bursts, right now I made this work so I'm just not going to do anything for some time
honestly knowing devs I wouldn't be surprised if some retard left keys in some public facing repository or something by accident.
5.5k anlas burned in the last 6 mins
well whatever, at this pace this won't last a single day
if there were such a thing dunno if I'd rather him leak v3 now or stay incognito until v5
Unfortunately it's nothing like that, just some inactive accounts with leftover anlas. I wouldn't have made such a service if I got their "god" API key or whatever.
thank you man, ill try to use less. didnt know it was that much
It died.
>Error: No valid NovelAI keys available. Please try again later.
party's over, everyone
anyone make anything good?
thanks for putting this up.

tried mixing some styles...
it kinda works but the stronger style tag seems to take precedence and overpowers the rest
text prompting is kinda entertaining at least
I'll see why's that and if they actually revoked the accounts. If yes, that's proof that the signature thing identifies accounts uniquely
A shame, thanks for doing this though. Trying it for a while convinced me to stay in local, v4 is not that much of an improvement.
I tried to replicate some v3 gens I downloaded from here and the results were REALLY disappointing.
damn. i got a few good pics out of it though, so thanks.
it'll be alive really soon anon, dont worry, looks like the default key just lives for shorter
so they can actually track what you gen?
alright everyone now post one good image you got from naiv4 :)
does that mean kurumuz or his drones are in this thread with us right now?
admittedly number of requests is probably easy to catch, but it would be so funny
nono, its just my own fault
why the fuck are oppai loli still this inconsistent. how hard is it to just not draw a hag.
Just wait a couple mins I'll restore it
sorry guys I was spam genning cunny at max steps and res
Your mature female in negs?
it works again
hag, granny, ugly, landwhale, karen in negs
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so this is power of v4...
fuck off I shouldn't have to schizo prompt for a basic concept. that shit never works anyway
the tattoo came out really good ngl
>No metadata found.
Its fake
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I stole it :(
Why are you shit flinging at me when you're the one that doesn't wanna put in the work? You already saw how you need to write a poem to mix a style, what did you even expect???
>gargantuan breasts
is this guy retarded
I tried it thanks to >>8477223 and apparently v4 is really good. Damn, now i don't even want to use local with how easy it is to gen eye candy on nai... Unironically deleting 1.0+v29
This is a marketing trick
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nta but >>8477385 presence of metadata isn't a good qualifier
that was more of a general to the world/krumz fuck off
oppailoli schizo... how i haven't missed your presence...
kek even
he's from the anlatan team
did they ever update v3 in it's lifecycle?
hoping we're not stuck with this dogshit. I was really excited to make characters like frieren that didn't work great previously but now the fucking artist combos don't work with v4
what if hes logging our gens?
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wait what? the signature can be tied to the account?
Looking at the gens he's posted is proof enough
so some goober has my shitty lewds, so what?
this man knows less about diffusion models than the grifters shilling NaiV3slop on patreon
was there an opll schizo? I haven't been around in over a year
These retards don't even know danbooru tagging and somehow still get hired. No wonder v4 is fucking shit.
No, I guess they just revoke sessions quicker now (in the past they lasted 30 days, now they last a few hours without refreshing or something). I'll use persistent API tokens next time
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>I haven't been around in over a year
yes. im talking about you.
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Just made a test with wan 2.1...
How do you make this shit work well?
So why is everyone suddenly silent
see you next year o/
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alright, I am impressed with its adherence to pussy tags, no praying for some proper clit with this
this is creepy
moment of silence for hentai imagegen
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WTF that's fucking terrifying
chatgpt, is this real?
sage is really dumb but this statement is 100% true (as long as you do not follow HIS advice)
i've seen a bunch of people saying
>v4 doesn't work!
and posting a shit gen, and then i look at its metadata and it's 100% schizoprompted
post good gens
no i'm making shitpost gens with text right now
>look at its metadata and it's 100% schizoprompted
almost all NAI v3 gens were like that
Vpred kings, I kneel...
thx anon
post em
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Can you fuckers post actually good cadaver v4 gens?
v3, home...
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why do you keep using your honkai lora along with the rest of the artist tags? clearly deadnoodles alone is overcoming the rest
i don't want to get banned, they're sfw gens of a character holding estrogen
Why is she glowing.
I mean have you looked at the gens he's posted, its even worse than here.
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Seriously wtf am I doing wrong?
Because the poster is a fed
yeah but
>follow advice or stop complaining
is right
some people just want to copy-paste v3/local prompts into v4 and get mad when it doesn't work
>why does a retarded jeet keep doing retarded jeet things?
real mystery that one
have you tried genning at the right resolution? 480x480 or standard video resolutions around 480p
I can't believe v4 prompt meta is LITERALLY >ask chatgpt
wym that's peak
what the actual fuck, is good but on a very weird way, could pass as an actual joke
how the fuck am I supposed to prompt sex stuff with chatgpt????
Maybe they shouldn’t have been retarded in the first place and made it so you could copy-paste v3 prompts into v4 and just have it work. But no, clearly it was a better idea to change the entire architecture, have everyone be disappointed, and then tell them “No, you’re just not using it right!” I’m sure those people, formerly paying customers, will take the time to learn the ins and outs of your stupid system instead of just leaving.
whats the v4 verdict now that we have free access?
Is it dead again?
no, works
its kino
So did anyone figure out how to make single artists work properly again?
I think there is very heavy rate limiting on place, like 1 gen per minute or something
>Maybe they shouldn’t have been retarded in the first place and made it so you could copy-paste v3 prompts into v4 and just have it work
are you aware that danbooru has changed a bunch of their tags? they rename tags, add implications, etc
it would be BAD if NAI said "everyone has to use the tags that existed in 2021" when we're living in 2025 because then we have to look at the wiki for every tag we type/exclusively use auto-completed tags
{}[] being shit now is bad but if you were doing {{{{{{shit like this}}}}}} you were probably already schizoprompting, and that never works when moving between models
one sec
the fact that ChatGPT ass prompts work on v4 but not really on v3 is kind of telling to the fact that they dont' have the booru tags as strong as in v3. might be part of why the body part focus tags aren't working as well and why artists are fucked

enjoy this cute mo-san also (v4)
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tbf danbooru updating/adding tags over the years is a good thing. v4 suddenly asking you to run your old prompts through chat gpt is what is retarded af.
those eyes are fucking awful lol, the power of v4
The whole image is fried
Yeah I know what it is, my server is literally getting ratelimited by Cloudflare which NovelAI uses, using proxies for this would be expensive since bandwidth is high, hmm
True, but I always look at the eyes first; eyes and fingers/hands.
fern anal worm infestation pleeeeease
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Tried 640x480p
you could say that about 90% of v4 gens and I'm seething about it too
for all its faults, v4 has been great at eyes/hands compared to all the local models I've tried
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You can't say that after you posted that fried mordred though.
I want to like v4 so much, but i just can't.
>I don’t remember it exactly.
He was absolutely prompting Dexter from Dexter’s Laboratory having sex.
why the fuck do they keep saying people need to rebuild prompts when this shit should have been built on booru tags?
is it cope?
>no 3k
Even v4 let us down.. textgenners are dead.
Instead of constantly telling people they just need to “figure it out,” why don’t they publish some documentation?
chudai mentality
Isn't the entire point of NovelAI to be easy to use? Most of these people are genning on their phones and shit lmao

Where can I find the Wan workflow? I want to test.
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Kek it's true, I was also getting half the images blank while experimenting with samplers. Sorry about the anals, proxy anon!
Nah, this isn't the ratelimit, this is >>8477477 seems like a legit issue
>Isn't the entire point of NovelAI to be easy to use?
yes, v3 was quite literally retard proof
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why do so many accounts on xitter spam this word
Can confirm, I only gen on my phone and while jerking off. Them expecting me to learn an entirely new system of prompting with ZERO actual guides besides just repeatedly telling people that v3 methods won’t work just makes me not want to use NAI at all.
>v3 was quite literally retard proof
Then why did it take the pedofile that posts that horned child to teach all the nai users in the general how to gen?
There's no documentation, they had to release this shit as is because they were losing subs. v5 will be what v4 should have been (if they abandon the retarded idea of forcefully removing """problematic""" content from the dataset), but v5 will take another 6+ months probably.
Missed with reply like a retard, >>8477488 was meant for >>8477477
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yeah i'm thinking this noobai (nai) v4 isn't as good as cat tower
wan 2.1 desperately needs a finetune
>teach all the nai users in the general how to gen?
lol? I don't remember that
>Chudai Means Sex in Hindi, the tags are for reaching indian users
why do the community managers sound like such cunts
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you're right. less fingers this time.
She's literally a child.
Not you too chinese anon..
>freesaars and paykeks are both finally realizing that ai has only been getting worse
we peaked at winterhalter elves and no amount of 'prompt comprehension' can fix these fundamentally anti-aesthetic architectures. it just gets increasingly bland with each model
>indians literally just get on twitter and search chundai and wata and thats why all those posts that look like bots and steal art get so many likes

it all makes sense now
Jeet word for sex that is not hidden by the algorithm, whenever you see it, you can be certain that the poster poos in the street.
I applied for the NAI free distribution program without any qualifications, and my DMs were completely ignored by NAI. I'm now relying on you for help.
On the bright side, we'll all get to laugh at ponyv7 being absolutely useless when it releases.
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she's built for it
>not even 2.5k textgens
I'll never forgive NAI for this.
So, any gens from that thing?
wan2.1 desperately needs loras/finetuning to stabilize what we're after consistently, the TE isn't enough right now
bake the bread
Why is it so fried?
Those with sufficient funds or unlimited tickets, please consider donating to him. We need to develop something a bit more robust. The era of being consumed by jealousy and attacking NAI4 is over.
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it's almost there with the interlocked fingers, cnnuy's alright
New Thread:

>>8477523 →
>>8477523 →
>>8477523 →
so v4 really cant do artist mixing? thought it was just some troll lol
Chinese bwo, you ok?
I thought it was the reverse? people spamming it because it gets views from jeets (larger audience)
It's mostly jeet and chink accounts fishing for jeet clicks.
Increase cfg rescale or lower prompt guidance.
didn't bother to inpaint this yet
this is a base gen
local could never
Turn down CFG or put white background in negs.
It seems more strict. Make sure name order and underscores are in
>v3 gen
get outta here
/hdg/ is no more
Does anyone know how to prompt the pinched fingers megalia symbol thing? Like the emoji? Is it still not possible? I've already tried a few things in v4.
No valid NovelAI keys available. Please try again later.

too much spam in this one
Keep posting here we need 3k
new bread???
>/hdg/ is no more
for a second though that the current thread got nuked
uh, no they last forever. till you delete them yourself. that retard got nuked lol
Holy based! Could you add "enhance", please?
catbox b4 404 pls?
So… realism no longer works on NaiV4
I wonder why…

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