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Tears&Snow Edition

Previous Thread: >>8474642 →

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 | https://civitai.com/models/1232765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgz/edit | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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local (29+1 + H) vs NovelAI v4
really? of all images you could make an OP with?
Gatekeep it. Don't post it in this thread. Let it last.
And what exact prompt did you use for nai?
>>8477521 →
hot, can you get her to watch the mom get railed?
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local... survived...
>>8477526 →
It can’t. It was a quirk of the previous architecture.
is that shrek?
Free NovelAI v4 full/curated

>>8477223 →
>>8477223 →
>>8477223 →
>>8477223 →
{{{worst aesthetic, ces, gpo}}}
Box for local?
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Solange eventually learned why she was forbidden from exploring the dungeons under the castle alone, but at what cost?
Based, gatekeepers seething
Post NAI4 nyantcha slop
but I'm a nyoposter...
>>8477521 →
imagine this guy was posting on danbooru from v3 just so that nai could train on his style so he could use it on v4
Someone give me the most basic bitch prompt possible for NAIv4 that gives nice quality. Some artist tags that work well or something. I just want to test the composition and not worry about the style.
Unironically doesn’t work. The typical /trash/ combo is broken, and nyantcha by itself just spits back garbage.
Can v4 finally do pubic stubble?
v4 made me go back to baking loras.
The guy is phasing through her cloak though. Maybe if it was torn, it would look better.
All they had to do was train on SDXL again with an updated dataset, improved tagging, 16ch vae, etc..

v4 made me appreciate local
Ticket celebrities, please grant him several unlimited accounts and switch the program to random distribution of about 1,000 unlimited accounts.
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it comes full circle
Its very annoying, mixing artist tags don't work, using just one results in dogshit gens.
Using prose to describe the mix works fairly well but the style is extremely inconsistent. It just seems to pick one artist similar to the described style.
is someone else using my vpn IP? keep getting 429's
chinese bro you ok?
Nah, I appreciate the effort in developing their own tech, but it clearly needed more time in the oven.
Who the fuck are ticket celebrities??!
As I said, those are 429 from NovelAI itself (from Cloudflare), can't do anything about them since I don't wanna buy the proxies and stuff yet
I think 429 is global, as in it's not based on your vpn, our bro gets rate limited by cloudflare and this gets everyone trying to gen a 429 response.
its my personal lora dont wanna share sorry
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the only good thing about v4 is the speed and genning text. local won
I just want to do more of what it can do, but it ignores the style tags half the time
>>8477523 (OP)
Previous Thread Highlights:

>solangeanon appears
hdg is saved!
We know that they occasionally appear to offer their help.
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Have her cloak torn from her experience in the secret glass room, that also has the effect of softening metal
Anything else that you might wanna see with some little narration involving Solange?
downloading unironically
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V4 is pretty kino if you're using styles like wlop/etc..

(jk, its noob)
Someone should try wlop on v4 though, guweiz as well.
i fucking love chudai!
I don’t appreciate it because they’re asking for MONEY in exchange for their services.
v4 is their own custom model, not based on sdxl, it doesn't know those that are not on danbooru
Have her be paraded around in slutty armor.
So... what caused the declinerino?
When I tested the characters in the game, their representation was definitely higher than that of noob. Nai4 was undoubtedly top tier.
Honestly, after trying this for a bit, I don't think it's even worth burning all the anals. Maybe save some for next updates, I couldn't even get ONE single image better than my local slop...
you can use artists in the neg prompt btw
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I never played her story but she sure is cute
maams, is there a booru tag for this sliced in half effect
Solangeanon and people hyping up his slop
she has a story?
it all started with miqofag...
But can nai do mushy gens?
solangeanon is an industry plant
>trained loras using adafactor and new settings based on lora i found on civit
>low step epoch at a whopping weight of 2.5 is presenting 0 artifacts and supplying a solid backbone for style cohesion
holy moly i'm cracking the code
She makes women, faggots, and trannies extremely upset because Mihoyo only ever promotes her with the male MC.
toml? i wanna try too
solangeanon is naishill
nyo :3
prostate cancer
Please remember that the T5 solution is not implemented in /h/, so not everything about T5 can be reproduced.
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besides being a cute bitch who's down to fuck, doesn't really matter
You burned 50K anlas already btw
is it true that batch size effects the quality of your lora?
using a web based trainer so my settings are very limited in what i can change
text/unet 0.0005, max steps 1,000 epoch used 250, 4 repeats, adafactor instead of adamw8bit, 32/16 dim/alpha
also training on Illustrious 1.0 despite using it on a noob-based model
yeah, anything above batch 1 makes it progressively shittier
this one seems to work pretty good on v4, any other ai "artists" that managed to work with v4 that are tags?
>max steps 1,000 epoch used 250
might i know the size of your dataset?
okay, i'll crank it up to be as high as possible then
I'm going to sleep, so I guess I'll just ratelimit it way harder so it lasts some more
oh yeah, it was just 40
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thanks for your service
Turn it off, nai is done anyways.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but now 5 gens per min, with 2 concurrent, it'll run until all anlas is gone. I of course have more, but I don't want to put everything. 240K anlas left so far, will probably last for an hour-two
>Token expired due to inactivity. Please request a new token.
kurumuz found it
just press "New token" anon, its the proof of work
Fuck I wish I posted my slop on danbooru, then I would be able just to use it again on v4
>max 5 images
alright, thanks for the fun, back to MH
>playing Wilds
Man, you’re really loving the slop today, huh?
it's called spending some quality time with friends, but I doubt you'd know that
I'm spending quality time with friends right now in this thread :)
v4 or wilds, which flopped more bigly?
Your friends also eat shit, faggot.
v4 won’t be fixed, Wilds… might be?
Nah, ever since they disabled gold accounts, building an account from zero just to get to builder level takes months and a lot of luck to not get on the bad side of any of the moderators/approvers. If you start uploading slop as a new acc. it's just going to get deleted and your account flagged.
I wonder how many people have been purged from the NAI 'cord
catbox for local please?
that guy fluffywhatever got all his posts deleted (but they are still accessible through "status:deleted") so i guess nai just scraped all images regardless of status, that's why I'm sad
>I can't unsee something that's not there
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Thanks for the free gens on your latest failbake kurumuz-dono, but I'm not redeeming.
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>can finally prompt proper voyeurism (my fetish) with multiple custom girls watching another girl get railed
>my NAI artist combo now no longer works
I've legitimately been monkey pawed by v4
box pls?
it's nai v4, the latest (and best!) state of the art anime model by anatlan corporation.
my honest reaction
Nai is still shit at foot fetish art compared to noob shitmixes. I will not be redeeming today.
based oppailolischizo
what about tomorrow?
When the images it produces makes my pp hard, I will reconsider.
i am not posting boxes, i hate /hdg/
Catbox please?
who needs artist styles, anyway?
>All these NAI gens
ok what about some local gens?
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me (I'm a slop grifter)
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This, and even in the fringe scenarios in which you would, one is more than enough.
NAI version when, king?
Local is dead. Nai won. Sell your GPU and buy 10 year subscription.
I just genned loli Fern
Fuck you, faggot. Sir Solangeanon is the only one here that still enjoys the grind.
cute wa
Going back to v3 or local?
v4 seems like complete dogshit for consistent style slopgens
thats an childrens
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local could NEVER
>>8476976 →
box me senpai...
sticking with v3 for now, buddy of mine showed me that I can que gens on local though so if I can get the time to find a local model that can do something close to my style blend I might move to local and then just que my gens to run overnight.

will be a pain in the meantime if people request newer characters that don't work with v3 though
I only do 1girl, because I am not a gay and I don't like looking at fat ugly bastards.
post hyper please
why is it so nai?
imposter amogus
Never I'm not paying for Solange gens ever least of all to a company that forgot what they started as
NAi was always king for 1girl standing (<100 tokens) so yeah, I'm also sticking to local for my /d/ fetishes.
why don't you like looking at yourself anon?
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Self-loathing, or intense dislike and criticism of oneself, can have profound and multifaceted effects on overweight individuals. These effects can manifest emotionally, psychologically, socially, and even physically, creating a cycle that can be difficult to break.
Self-loathing can contribute to unhealthy relationships with food, such as binge eating, emotional eating, or restrictive dieting. These behaviors can exacerbate weight issues and create a harmful cycle.
Fear of judgment or embarrassment may lead overweight individuals to avoid social interactions, exercise, or activities they enjoy, further isolating them and reducing opportunities for positive experiences.
Feelings of unworthiness can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors, such as giving up on weight loss efforts or engaging in unhealthy habits, reinforcing the belief that change is impossible.
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Adjustments may have made it better.
thanks chatgpt
those are childes
Someone do a Nai v4 gen of a girl beating the shit out of ugly bastard
who killed the thread?
this, but opposite
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Did it but now I wish I hadn't really because Cattower seems to struggle a lot with a background crowd.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I'm all for more of it.
my dick
Have NAI tell the user to draw it instead?
Fat people who hate looking at ugly fat bastards.
Young boy beating the shit out of an ugly fat hag?
Armor needs to be sluttier (see https://e-hentai.org/s/19f4eb0099/2359990-11). Maybe you could prompt silhouette to help with crowds.
Gotta admit, the airplane one was very neat.
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that's a childe
Anon thats not even keeping the pretenses of armor anymore thats just a jacket partially zipped up. At that point I might as well have her streak around in the ruins of her kingdom
based nusmusbim
did you ever box her? kinda want to start genning some myself
post your tastiest v4 cocks
You think you have authority over me?
It's hard to make nice cocks without artist mixing.
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Can I use that v4 token site with the local NAI extension or am I limited to using that site's interface to gen peeing lolis?
Nah, least of all because my attempts to box don't have metadata for some reason
But for the essentials it's cattower, the pony lora for solange because that's the most modern one that exists I'll get around to making a dataset for an illustrious one soon.
Also slapping on a Kinu Nishimura Lora for illustrious.
You're free to try your own spins of course before I found the Kinu lora I was using one with Saimin Seishidou's artstyle. The more Solange there is the better. Thats why I started genning
uploading the ones i've done in case anyone wants to see how it works for them, extremely /aco/ coded so only try if you're based
https://files.catbox.moe/h6zg4t.safetensors (S-Purple step 500/2500)
https://files.catbox.moe/7yu7x3.safetensors (Dieselbrain step 750/2000)
https://files.catbox.moe/cetk7i.safetensors (Monstrousfrog step 250/1000)
my current use case is each with a weight from 1/0 to 3.0 with a mix of other regular loras that total in weight of about 4.0, picrel is the first lora with a weight of 4.0
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forgot pic
the very high weights that make it style accurate seem to really flatten the color as a byproduct
maybe a reason why they become so agreeable when mixing? idk
Trained them on vpred?
>weight of 4.0
probably not, trained them on colab (lol)
kiss me about it, i'm doing mad experimentation that died during SD 1.5
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bro he means which base model did you train them on
the point is to show how low she had fallen, but fair point.
Is he wrong
oh doy
trained on illustrious 1.0, using them on the Wai 9+10+11+ill1.0 merge
Probably a Pony user as well
amazing naiv4 gen
where are the good local gens thoughbeit
Imagine if the gooks weren't retarded NAI dickridres and waited until this shitshow that everybody with a functioning brain could foresee by looking at how dogshit the curated model was to release Illustrious.
i made thousands of slop on v3 and v4's artist mixing and consistency is FUCKED
what am i doing wrongg the finer details are objectively better than v3 but it does so much weird shit that i dont know if its a skill issue or something with the model
>v4's artist mixing
known issue
artists are pretty consistent alone, though if you try mixing the consistency gets really fucked
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The official response is: ask chatGPT to describe the style for you.
The thing is, he could be wrong but nobody would know because they won’t fucking tell anyone the “correct” way to prompt since v3’s methods don’t work right anymore.
Artist mixing doesn't work full stop, also using artist tags results in a shit gen from what I've found. Better off using prose to describe what you want, but it is not consistent at all
nai4 can do shinjiro, bless up
>completely new arch
>people are having trouble adjusting after years of sd slopping
who could have seen it coming
Insider Scoop: Dev team is having a falling out right now internally. Key members are leaving NAI
I feel like the preview was better somehow
We wouldn’t be having trouble if they published documentation, and they would have documentation TO publish if they didn’t rush v4 out the door to get people to shut the fuck up.
t5 is the great satan
>new car revision gets a different engine
>steering wheel is now sideways
Post photo from the meeting room.
this is the analogy i wanted
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>they won’t fucking tell anyone the “correct” way to prompt
But they did you chuddie, stop spreading FUD about the latest and best SOTA anime gen model.
Cut out the penis and nipples with photoshop you lazy bum.
this is a load of barnacles
also occultsage is providing the least amount of help, this feels incredibly rushed
I expect everyone's filled in "CLIP apology form" on my desk by 5PM.
>this feels incredibly rushed
astonishing observation anonny... you need a reward...
>also using artist tags results in a shit gen from what I've found
Yeah, I accidentally forgot to add an artist before and the result looked much cleaner and overall better (even if strongly ai-generated looking). They really fucked up big time.
With these complaints easily being fixed over the next year or so all this does is make me extremely hyped for NAi v5.
Okay, the bigger question is, how will Laxhar Dream Lab respond?
this time jordach will take nai down for real
>try removing artist tags
>every gen looks worse
I’m gonna find you, break into your house, and surgically remove your fingers.
Anyone got a toml to train style loras on vpred?
search for "toml" in the archives and youll find one
Thanks bwo.
You need to replace it with prose silly
Wearing something like that would mean she's ok with it her outfit is slutty as is. I tried to get the vibe you were going for with a downcast expression the handcuffs and her being covered in cum implying she had been shared with gusto just before this, and was even thinking of slapping on a trashy womb tattoo before reconsidering because those are hit or miss. The crowd alone makes it look like something badly made
I tried the one that was shared here but I got shit results (tons of artifacts, melty eyes, ugly sepia tint), I'll just train with my working eps setup since the loras still work fine on vpred.
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beautiful AOM gen
What am I even supposed to do? Feed ChatGPT images from the artists I want, tell it to mix the styles, and then put the prose in NAI? That’s fucking stupid.
unga bunga me cum hard
just add depth_of_field if you don't want to inpaint every single background dude
Basically, even then it clearly focuses on one artist style more than another
I imagine they are telling people to use chatGPT to describe the pictures because that's what they used to do NL captions
What does Northernlion have to do with this?
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i think they should add giga-opus tier
>make a good model
>pretend you know what you're doing
>make another model
>ends up being complete shit
>turns out the last model was a complete accident that you can't replicate because you don't understand how it ended up good to begin with
how does this keep happening? is ai just too confusing and complex that people pretend to understand it or something?
>giga-opus tier
>the literal only additional function is that v4 can now be prompted like v3
every model baker is terrible EXCEPT for me
you didn't sub/didn't spend anals enough
kurumuz is unironically too busy retweeting elon on his twitter to give a shit about his AI anymore
he made his millions, now he has no reason to care
every remotely good model so far was a fluke one-time success
You dont understand you just need to use the exact perfect prompt, its your fault its dogshit
it always is, has been and will be skill issues :)
I found a couple in the archives, I'll test them later today. I do have a working eps setup with the Rex scheduler/optimizer and I was hoping to find something similar. If all else fails, I'll try that one.
I think they should have local tier
lmao the entire discord is damage control and people asking why it's fucking weird
its joever ngl fr fr cuh
screenshots sar im banned from there for memeing about paddle
Angel should release Illustrious V2 right now to dunk on kurumuz
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it is indeed.
skill issue desu
>slop original: https://files.catbox.moe/sr9gvy.png
>slop prose: https://files.catbox.moe/bjzwlq.png
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I can see how NAI V4 is better in some ways than noobai, but it's not by a large enough margin for me to switch over.
Call me when V5 drops.
>car analogy
NAI v4 can do anilingus, that's something
>Call me when V5 drops.
that will be another 14 months saar
unironically might be a good idea and thats why they wont do it
>using a web based trainer so my settings are very limited in what i can change
which trainer? also you should probably document this somewhere like a rentry since it could be useful as a proof of concept.
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We've split the /d/ general, to contain the spam of 1futa standing and give other fetishes a chance. Come post a gen if you want.
Astralite was right all along. Now apologize!
It's actually LAX that's the real winner here.
v4 lacks innate sdxl knowledge like classic artists
>which trainer?
i honestly don't remember and can't seem to re-find it, i've just had the ipynb saved in my google drive for a while, looks like this though
probably shouldnt matter as long as you can upload your own model to train on though
baking an Unou lora right now since people might listen if they see an eastern style, gonna see how that goes
v4 lacks soul
Congrats on finally reaching local
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oil of snake
>Fuck, the community found out we want to get rid of artist tags!
>Hmmmm how can we get rid of artist tags without actually getting rid of them?....
I will never forgive them for killing artist mixing.
can you upload the ipynb somewhere? I've been needing a way to try and train loras until my GPU arrives...
works on my machine (illustriousXLPersonalMerge_v30Noob10based.safetensors)
novelai has fallen
why is it so bright
yeah that's what I was talking about day 1 since v4 curated, but no, some retards were still sucking nai's cock and pretending there's nothing wrong
y'know, you don't need to make smut.
Legendary shit lmfao
sure thing
it might default on settings i've changed from default idk
if you know your way around the settings it shouldnt be a huge issue
who needs artist tags anyway?
>The novelai team consists of some of the best talents in the ML industry
>A couple of Chinese madlads mog their latest release 4 months ahead of time
Novelai V4, Generate 2 cactuses singing nursery rhymes on the planet mars!
it'll be my first time trying to train a lora since SD1.5 models so i'll probably wait for you to write down your discoveries before actually attempting anything
kurumuz is up at 1 am doing damage control
apologize to lax and euge NOW
keep complaining dude, fr
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>you don't need to make smut
I got nai at home mom
At this point I'm unironically 100% convinced that they delayed V4 in a (failed) attempt to make it better than noobai
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Actually, everyone here needs to get on their knees and apologize to Emad right now.
This looks like fucking garbage. You actually owe me time just for the fraction of a second it took to load both images.
Shuai ge LAX and Euge, I kneel...
Bro, I never got off my knees in the first place
he looks like he likes chudai
...yeah fuck this I'll start looking into local next week
Reminder that LAX and Euge did it for free.
>aini complaining about inherent issues in v4 and not understanding why while their reddit mod tells people to not use artist tags
...yet still better than local.
...on opposite day.
reminder jordach exists
trying some more stuff, it can do kunaboto/jujunaught waay better than NAI v3
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local won
Sending this to Kurumuz rn!
>..don't use artist tags.
It's me, AI invented time machines in 2033. I came back as soon as I could to tell you that we are still stuck with SDXL. It's so over saars. Do the needful.
Put me in the screenshot!
>Hrmm.. I wonder why.. a singular artist tag works so well but adding another doesn't work? Must be because I'm so popular!
Remember to get this bros
Honestly I just hoped NAI V4 would be good enough for us to create synthetic data for finetunes/loras with it
either i can't use it correctly, or it's worthless
local has been perpetually winning for the past six months at least
but this was saas' best shot at evening the score, doubt they'll get another chance this year
>just don’t use artist tags
>but I want it to look like this artist drew it in their style
>well, fuck you
keep complaining dude, fr
I thought you all were coping, but v4 really is overhyped. That's fucking tragic man
chances are it's both
reminder that kurumuz has a net worth of over one million dollars
Dall-E 3 is still the king easily. Imagine what you could do if you had that tech locally and trained on all the anime porn.
>Let's make a SaaS
>Let's make it worse than what people can get for free
Hmmm, what is their business model here?
can we all agree at least that astralite is far from cute?
Overhyped would imply there’s been anyone talking it up. Everything since release has been negative.
it's saas for saars
I would fuck them
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i might be onto something, unou lora testing this time
on the left is step 250/2500 at a weight of 15 (FIFTEEN), and on the right is step 500/2500 with a weight of 5
b/g pics seem competent too
what da hell adafactor
“The people too poor to afford local last year will still be too poor to afford it this year.”

And, honestly, it’ll probably work. Broke niggas are the easiest to take advantage of because they have no other options.
NAI3 is still better than local for certain styles and because of SMEA, but when it comes to aesthetics v4 is a downgrade. It really doesn't make any sense, because it also got harder to use lmao
pony v7 will save this general
They need to fire occultsage, that fucker is bad PR waiting to happen
this is it lads
it's me, I'm broke niggas
you are absolutely correct
I'm going to be mad about it, but this is still the best option I have
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Your brand new NAI v4, sir
I wonder if this will finally push them to implement prompt editing. [artist1|artist2] or [artist1:artist2:0.7] would easily solve the mixing issue.
yeah fr. it's just $25 wasted.
He is literally disabled and goons to LLM slop all day
unfortunately he runs the LLM division
(which is probably why it's shit)
Tbf nobody even considers Dall-e for nsfw stuff because of how censored it is, but yeah, local is nowhere close to Dall-e levels.
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>expressive oil painting
imo dall-e 2 is better
just don't let technical people talk to customers, that's common sense
/hdg/ is really home to the worlds brightest minds... such an astute observation!!
It feels good to win bros
Bro we're all gooners here, you don't get to make fun of anyone else's intellect
>just don’t use NAI for any of the things NAI was known for
Actual geniuses over there.
it's just like how v3 has a better style than v4
Why is v4 so garbage?
They grossly overestimated their skills in building a whole new architecture.
Just don't use artist tags and it's great
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This is what really gets me. “Oh, everyone’s prompts are just optimized for V3, you can’t plug those into V4.” OKAY, RETARD, SO TELL US HOW TO FUCKING OPTIMIZE THE PROMPTS FOR V4. “Just put it in ChatGPT” You know damn fucking well you weren’t doing that during testing.
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same prompt
You are all so negative. Look at the bright side (Epred 1.1).
Just gaze at the model card and you'll realize how much of an improvement V4 is over V3
bigger boobs = better gen
They keep saying this, but no one has "optimised the prompts", its just deflection bullshit
holy fuck 4 just looks like sd 1.5
Hey Kurumuz, nice architecture you got there.
aom strikes again
battle of jeetslops
their new architecture was so new that they literally remade sd 1.5 and now have to build off of it which is why it looks like sd 1.5
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'Roughly an hour prior to the Triumph Parade of the invading military through deLuxia, Princess Solange went missing along with the troop of soldiers meant to detain her. Possible causes and reasons for this are hotly debated between historians, but what is certain is she was described as looking especially downtrodden during the procession that followed while coated in odd fluids. Others of course conspire that it was a plot to ruin DeLuxian morale.'
-The Kingdom of DeLuxia, a History
Lol this feels like SD3 all over again
solange is having a breakdown again
>Introducing... NovelAI Diffusion V4!
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Okay? Those weight to use your LoRas seems like a freaking nightmare. If your method is good, try to train small details. IE small random trinkets, patterns on complicated characters.
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>try to break out of SDXL
>fail miserably
He was a visionary. I kneel.
Only thing missing was some ass ripples and that guy grabbing her ass. Put some "motion lines, speedlines" in that prompt.
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>naiv4 is a complete disaster
today was a good day
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>kurumuz and other anlatan employees spend months proclaiming that v4 will absolutely mog local
>chinese students get access to cluster, bake models for free and release them with no strings attached
>v4 releases, kurumuz and other anlatan shills melt down in the 'cord and elsewhere to cope with how shit is

10 more years of SDXL for local... it's over... No more Analtan to show us the way
Is this the real Sir Solangeanon or that charlatan?
wanGODS keep on winning
that's it guys. I've decided to distill v4 onto our best noob shitmix. send me your worst prompts
So locapoors are gaslighting themselves again?
that's a chudai

That's very nice. Local videogen is advancing. Any chance you can box the workflow?
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another (last) example
kunaboto with "realistic, photorealistic"
wan is shit doe? Unless you want to gen a photorealistic cat running through a grassy field.
good lord
he doesn't share loras (you can commission one though!)
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k... kuru!?!?!
i was mad at them for being incompetent, but now at last i see
they were not retards, they were based retards
cope and sneed, staticjeet
Model is worse than the curated version
>a curated model with a small dataset is able to generalize artists to a higher degree of accuracy than one trained on a dataset 10x bigger
woah... surprising...
*plap plap plap plap plap plap*
oraaa!! take it!!!!!!!
*plap plap plap plap plap plap*
in that case just give us smut in curated and everyone will be happy
Don't use artists in your prompts?
Christ, think of the children!
nyo :3
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>Guise we don't know how to save styles to specific parameters! the dataset is too big! Base SD did it with a dataset 10x the size?? Oh well...
>Give us 25 dollars though!
Ermmm did you just ASK for smut??
>Created an entirely new architecture to beat SDXL
>Fails to beat SDXL finetunes
Hmmm, nyes...
>antifurry remarks
No, I’m demanding it.
... y'know, you don't need to make smut.
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sure, its just the default with shit like triton and sage-attn so if you don't have that installed you're gonna have a bad time.
is there one I haven't shared yet? relax man you'll get it before I sleep in the next 3 hours and I'll even post it here.
Ok, but can local make hatsune miku into a chair?
50 anals have been deposited inside your bussy
Provide a detailed guide on how to train a video lora before bed, mmkay?
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my mfw exactly
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so uh why is there a site on which you can gen naiv4 for free
don't help retarded fucks
cathagfaggot, your verdict?
Getting better by the try, RRat anon.
1. install diffusion-pipe
2. change the defaults to point to your downloaded checkpoint/dataset and change the model type= "wan"
3. ????
4. Profit
I've literally run maybe 4 training runs on wan. all default settings. the repo is the same used for hunyuan so any of those indepth tutorials will still be applicable.
Everyone should try it and see for themselves how shit it is.
I generally like to figure shit out for myself when it comes to AI shit but I couldn't figure out why my artist mix always looked like shit and I was trying to prompt with natural language as well
Now I know why I guess
V4 full original was too good in areas where it wasn't supposed to be. They started a new training run from scratch and made a worse model.
how much of a speedup do you get from triton+sage attention? seems like a pain in the ass to manually install on windows

Thanks anon. May you be blessed with a 5090 in the future.
I don't know how to prompt for that, but probably not. Still kinda cute though. https://litter.catbox.moe/3gulry.png
its really not that scary if you can solve syntax, plus before there was like no help out there but its pretty treaded ground now with 100+ how to videos on youtube with AI TTS voiceovers for your viewing pleasure.
but yes, I definitely think its worth it.
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K-Angel is at it again. Now he's lauging at kurumuz. (He posted state of art gens of his 3.5 vpred model)
...that look like base Pony gens
not our patricia!
snitches get stitches
What a sad cunt
age ol spitefags
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NOOO THE $25 SD 1.5!!!
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Newest and best my ass, somehow even the curated version is better as long as there isn't direct nudity involved
>Hdg dead
>V4 comes out
>Hdg alive
Lol, literally nothing else is coming out. The funniest shit is nobody is posting anything but nai.
I don't think it's bad. I understand it from my own tests, but being bad means being pushed into a much more miserable state. That's the situation Pony is in right now.
It's him!
n-word behavior should not be tolerated

>b-but it's okay to steal fro-
kys brown
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Can some 'groid expert give me an assesment of these V4 bucks?
I hate NAI as much as the next guy, but give them a break.
Their latest model is a failure, the community is making fun of them, people are giving out their SaaS for free.
I genuinely am worried for their psychological wellbeing.
Worse than Illu v1.0
style is too good, use something like sakimichan
>that guy probably pays to be a janny for them
I have some integrity even in my shitposts.
what a fucking cuck lmao
No you don’t.
>puerto rican
Hi Kurumuz
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Wan nsfw e14
missionary is the dominate format but will do others as pictured. penis's kinda suck and you should watch the gen like a hawk during inference, sometimes it will go to shit quick. I have one other lora im training tonight before rerunning this with a longer frame count, so its not the only planned one.
they deserve all of this and more. greedy cunts
>watch the gen like a hawk during inference
This is literally so fucking funny
Twenty five smackers for slop from 2022
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>I hate NAI as much as the next guy, but give them a break.
No, fuck them. I hate this fucking mentality, even if you’re being ironic. I don’t have to give someone a break when they’re trying to sell me something and failing because their product sucks.
>when someone says something so dalit, you have to hit them with brahmin stare
Fuck em, they aint giving this shit for free. If it sucks you tell it to their face
why's he looking at me like this
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videohelpersuite for comfyui
go to options and enable this
you're his prey
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My patreon is open
>You're indian!
>No, you're indian!
>Spoiler: they're both indian
/hdg/ summary for the past year.
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kys third worlder
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The only positive thing I can do with V4
Their product is shit
I will shit on it
Simple as
it's the flavor of the month insult
oh, this faggot >>8478043 might like it.
>NAI V4 is now literally THE cuck model
Can't make this shit up.
If there is a god, he has a great sense of humor.
that's a chudai
does this work if you're only using the video combine node?
Anlatan is just following the same progression every image AI does, destroying aesthetics in favor of MUH COOKIE PLACED ON A CHAIR WITH NATURAL LANGUAGE WOAHHH BRO
god I hate discordfags so much
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but holy the vaginal look ugly af, I've tried for hours but it still looks like shit
Behind every AI architecture is a fucking idiot who thinks he’s going to revolutionize the world.
it works on sampler nodes, not just the vhs nodes
what artists/prose? bls i beg
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the power of the 16ch VAE
not seeing anything on ksampler
nai wonned local could newer
We don't wanna hear you say "naigger" nyo more~
We don't wanna hear you say "naigger" nyo more~
make sure to refresh the webpage.
nai4 is dead to me with the lack of style mixing, but the text gen is honestly kinda fun
The fuck is going on with the nipples
It's nai
It's the latest and best SOTA anime gen model
so it does text but at the cost of doing everything else very poorly
do i get this right
why is NovelAI crumbling?
I also switched to 'i to wan 720P.'
I kneel
It has better character knowledge than noob (before loras), but that's pretty much it.
so local lost because... you can have the ai write on her forehead? have you heard of paint?
Remember that those who are falling apart are clearly the ones who haven't gotten T5.
Text gen is fun to be fair
Every model baker gets a huge ego when they are successful with a bake, and than fails to deliver for all future models. This is a universal truth.
if only training loras didnt fuck up upscaling locally
have you tried using hi-res images in your lora dataset?
character recognition itself is much, much better
but it can not produce consistent artstyle at all
Your understanding is incorrect. Only one of NAI's genius engineers has moved /h/ forward in the past. The locals have merely followed this, either as a latecomer or as apprentices. In fact, we do not plan to get the Flux generation.
Thanks for your services anon, but wouldn't it work better with a lora per pose instead of trying to make him shit out all of them in one lora? Unless you have the compute to train a huge dataset
What are you using to train it, 3dp porn videos?
>look up diffusion-pipe
>'you must use linux for this'
fuck, guess I will wait for a windows way, unless I can use the same as hunyuan's
they all get bucketed down to base res regardless
i think my issue is lack of distance variety but not 100% sure
you can set the min and max resolutions for the buckets
i know, doesnt change the fact that easyscripts drops them down to buckets closest to the training resolution.
Flux is unironically dogshit for /h/ and I'm tired of the one retard that keeps trying to shill it. There's a much better chance trying to tard wrangle SD3.5M into something usable than to try to do anything with Flux
>Even angel is shitting on nai
naisissies I don't feel so good...
What caused the decline? :DDDD
so how do u fix the weird cropping, close ups and out of frame on v4?
>nai is shit
>but we will try and get it for free

I'm using easyscripts right now and I don't get that issue. I have images from 832x1216 to 1536x1536
Everyone is shitting on v4.
interesting, last lora i trained a bunch of images were collected around 832x1216 despite limitless max res
oh boy, can't wait for 3.5 vpred in 2027 after they're done dripfeeding 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0
don't forget
>no ztsnr
You're fixing what is not broken. Upscaling worked fine even back on old 1.5 loras trained on 512 res. Your issue must be elsewhere.
I feel like it doesnt do text reliably enough
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this is a very simple 1girl, solo, outdoors, shrine, hakurei reimu, huge breasts gen, and i prompted correctly by putting her in the character prompt for v4
almost every v4 base gen has artifacts and fraying around the eyes and fingers and smaller details and also has muted color
what the fuck is going on with vee four, it genuinely looks like basic sd slop
So how do I start my first Patreon/Pixiv grift?
im unsure where my issue lies then, my dataset itself SHOULD be fine, doesnt look any different from others ive seen
100%, a more specific model for individual shots will probably yield better results. it was mostly 3dp but I did throw a couple 2d and maybe 1 real porn to keep it from locking in a style.
yeah I use windows WSL2 and just use ubuntu. handle all the file navigation in windows and run commands in terminal.
Use v3 for starters.
firstly, kill yourself
Okay, Then?
>pick your fotm gacha slut(s)
>prompt huge tits
>prompt dark-skinned male, interracial
>v4 failure
>smea debunked as lucky accident
>payment providers scrambling to get away
>general userbase furious
>competitors closing in
are we seeing the fall of kurumuz' empire in real time?
Spent a good few hours trying to figure out v4, in short its fucked.
Simple 1 artist gens are low quality slop, mixing artist tags doesn't work and makes it even worse.
Best thing to do for quality is use prose to describe a style you want, but this just seems to make a pool of artists it will randomly pick from, but this pool varies from character to character so its impossible to really narrow it down through UC.
You can make nice gens but its extremely inconsistent in style and the floor is so low its crazy. Text gen is nice though I guess
Good, now look at the top 5 patreon artists and mix their artstyles until you get a nice shiny glossy style that makes your BBCs look downright scrumptious.
>competitors closing in
So why has it been years and no other company has come close to beating NAI?
i never used nai so i used noob negative form civit
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goodness fucking gracious it's seriously 1.5
last time i checked civit and seaart have a lot more monthly visitors and angel has exclusive deals with them.
>Text gen is nice though I guess
NAI text gen has been a joke for years now, it's a lobotomized tiny-ass model.

Now how do I get subs? Do I start a twitter?
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local v-predators cannot stop winning
That actually looks like it LOL
based64 bros we are so back
He meant that v4 can write BLACKED on underwear now
Text gen has definitely improved, though enhancing nukes your text and its a nightmare to fix.
Enhancing in general is shit now, can completely swap artist style at >0.6 lol and usually makes it look worse
Correct, don't forget to post on every discord server you know to really get the ball rolling
Hi guys! I've been out of action since last nai model got leaked. Is v4 the GOAT or is it DOA?
I did slap on motion lines it apparently didn't go through.
This is the one and only. The poor quality gen should give it away. That said I've said before I'm perfectly ok with more Solange posting from others in these threads. I'm not in this for money I just wanna see one particular blonde slut getting fucked.
even the most zealous naishills retreated, it's over
It was over when shutenanon decided the quality was garbage.
Thanks! I'll get the 9070 XT instead in that case
this, unironically
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Ok but seriously what the fuck happened to make it look like 1.5.
m-masaka... birdschizo?!
what are the implications for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)?
pls post the top left kuru
>Claudefag lived to see NAI fail
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it's over
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it feels good to be a localGOD
Every fucking gen I make looks like 1.5 dude there's no way they're serious about this
Internally they must know that something is fucked with v4
Can /hdg/ join the Belt and Road initiative?
not saying these are any better, but something you're doing is causing that specific style
ATTN: For some reason, V4 is including not only deleted (non-active) images from Danbooru, but also images tagged with ai-generated. Try this artist for example. It clearly knows them because their web address watermark is baked in fairly well, even with only a few dozen uploads. https://danbooru.donmai.us/artists/325532
Danbooru never outright deletes images permanently unless its straight up some illegal shit, so... if you want NAI to train on your slop for V5, now is the time to make some burners and upload your shit to Dan.
Unlikely with how china has been cracking down on the very stuff you'd find here
Owari da...
Thanks to that fucking snitch.
Anyways thank u Anon for that site
I can't believe its actually this bad
Bait used to be believable
total nai roaches death
seems like running prompts through a LLM nets you notably better results on wan
why must we be in an era of purple prose slop
It has the metadata, try it yourself
>real gen
Wtf is that face
you turned off undesired content and turned off quality tags which seems to make a big difference but not too much of one
just like v3
>>8478176 (me)
Im no expert, but at least for my goon gens it was ok, most people just angry about artist mixing which is understandable
Single artist worked great
I wish they just update v3 dataset
>it actually has metadata that checks out
your 16ch vae sir?
We're home, AOMbros...
You can really see those artifacts that get into small details in these, it's the same that get on the eyes and fingers, the entire picture looks like a canvas painting
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might need to reinforce the character prompt with the main
Fuck me even AOM wasn't this bad
v3 comparison
holy shit l000000l
Umm this is because the model is meant for higher resolution gens. :)
Please use the "Large Portrait" option for Ideal gens.
- Anlatan Team
v3 comparison 2
do I need to preface everything with
>not saying any of these are better
It's shit. We can all see that. Doesn't hurt to figure out best practices for it though
I'm looking forward to truck-kuns statement about his new ai
this also uses a prompt guidance rescale of 0.2 instead of the 0.5 in the main prompt
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Your high resolution gen sir
iirc devs say it works better in chinese too. I tried to run some prompt through a LLM to have it translate it in chinese prose, but I got worse results, though it might be because the LLM was censored so it censored my prompts to some degree in chinese as well
Its the same even with 0 really, it only affects when you build out the prompt
File deleted.
Still haven't figured wtf is their dataset. They also included koikatsu creators lol.
The colors are definitely more muted compared to v3.. big sadge
Part of her breasts now.
>>8478115 →
I defended NAI against crazy localjeets when NAI was great.
I am laughing at NAI along with localchads when they have failed.
At least the background is passable h-haha
What's the best local alternative to V3 (V4 be dammed)?
kurumuz banned a guy who said v4 was undertrained and then talked shit about him afterwards and went to bed
Look at those artifacts AGHHH IM COOMING AGHHHH
novelai nowadays is just throw shit at the wall and document nothing
What's in the dataset? Prompting tips? What's that!
Fuckin lmao
Just use vpred 1.0 with euler a cfg ++ and simple scheduler. Shitmixes are a meme.
v1.0 is a shitmix by definition
it's over sirs... my 25$ are reedemed
>Shitmixes are a meme.
and cfg++ isn't? lmao
your definitions are off, it's a finetune
This but Beta and v1+v29b-v2
replace with good old CFG rescale if you want, the effect is very similar
No, it's really not. Braindead general RAAAAAAAAA
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Very well trained, huge leap forward
/aids/ here. We don't care, we use NAI for text gen.
Anyone has a lora for Ali-Baba or Zozo from Code of Princess? I was thinking I could gen some /u/ri as a change of pace, unless you have some interesting ideas to gen/narrate
ultrawide 135 anla cost gens coming up for v3 and v4
Ok this one has to be bait.
This is the only reason anyone should use NAI this is what they started as
its so funny how kurumuz specifically is unable to take criticism lmao
>llama 3.0 with 8k context
https://files.catbox.moe/fej9va.png v3
https://files.catbox.moe/0uck0y.png v4
Their text gen is a hopelessly outdated meme.
boxes please?
nai text gen is even more obsolete dogshit than their imgen
He's a destiny viewer, it's not surprising. (this is not a meme).
Why are you guys posting AoM gens? Are we pretending it's 2023?
those were simpler times but I look back on them fondly
What replacement do you recommend then? Like a proper textgen not the character chat stuff
Unbelievable hahaha
Wait, for real? I'm gonna have to disown the turk then.
when are we getting the AOM equivalent for video gen
claude 3.7 or grok 3
Don't those come with guardrails of some sort
local should be sad that v4 isn't a huge leap forward. without nai dashing ahead local bakers will just sit idle and do nothing because they are too afraid to take the risks nai does
Claude is unobtanium and Grok can't be used in SillyTavern.
? just use openrouter via google vertex lol
This but unironically. 10 more years of SDXL. Grim.
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Most likely just the addition of gelbooru.
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Sounds like your brain is about to die. Do you want to explain the differences so we can talk about it?
build 2000$ server and use deepseek r1 671B
>2000$ server
buddy consumer gpus cost more than this
cute gen though...
>can finally prompt cute sexy lewds of my cute daughterwife Kachina
>v4 model is shit
owari da ...
you don't need a gpu to run deepseek
this cant be real
>build a server so it can run slow as fuck
lmao no
get a lora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq_cmN4j2yY [Embed]
Did anyone expect v4 was going to be THIS bad? I know people were kind of memeing on it but a lot of these images look like those ones you guys were posting from the Cascade tests to laugh at. I have no idea how the NAI discord is sitting and pretending that this model is superior to v3 in any way.

Am I missing something???
>only at Q4
no thanks
Pony v7 will be a great leap forward.
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current artist mix cope is "just use less artists or don't use artist tags at all"
Claudefag really subscribed and is now posting his intentional shit gens, huh?
novelai should use some of that LLM expertise to finetune a model to enhance your prompts
You know shits fucked when the highlight gens look better than NAI4
If only I could use a better style
It's day 1. Give it a week, let people figure out how best to use it. Doesn't look much different from Pony or illustrious' early days.
Just remember, pony v7 will be worse than nai 4. The memes are only going to get better, we're eating good.
V4 looks good there though.
V4 is nice, but wrangling it so that it gives me the expected result is painful. There's still cross contamination between character tags, art styles have a tough time applying to all characters evenly, and the manual positioning tool is all but useless it feels like
I'm really not sure. That koikatsu creator has plenty of animations on dan and gel but only ~10 images in total. And I would think, oh, they're extracting images from videos, but then you try an artist like umezawa itte, and it doesn't know them at all.
lmao. Go look at the difference between flux details and NAIv4 details with the exact same vae. Every single v4 gen still has the AI look to them
where's intentional good gens at?
is it really up to animagine to drive progress now? Can't think of any other project that has at least a 10% chance of success
it's so mushy...
we're saved!
Its incredible...
Prompt please?
animagine sponsors hate nsfw
guys stop, if only you could look past the models flaws you'd see the turkish delight it can be
scrolling through the entire discourse of the day since release on the discord, kurumuz and aini are being really secretive about "three or so" tags that aren't included that may "impact" gens
whatever those tags are could be the reason for it looking sort of like shit maybe?
they won't tell anyone about it
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NAI Discord is just their actual paypigs, I would not expect anything but ass kissing from them, especially considering Kurumuz bans any dissent.
It'a the fist day of the model, we MIGHT see someone get something good out of it consistently with some adjustment to its quirks. But honestly I kinda doubt it.
v4 was a gamble and seems like they lost. Smart move would for them to take the L and add v3.5 SDXL with updated dataset for their GPUless customers or just people who liked v3 a lot (that kinda includes me).
ANIMAESTRO is going to be kino, just you wait
It's farting and poop and shit
this is like some sd1.4 level shit holy
animagine team is at least training a new model on a somewhat promising arch. meanwhile lax, euge, jordach and neggles are mia. pony is more than doa judging by the previews
I still think the funniest possible timeline is if v7 is good but the chances of that are truly astronomically small
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chat is this real?
Its high quality, best quality and amazing quality it seems
it's probably flat/loli/child or some shit
didn't they need to recook it because of the gens you could get?
It's "cosplay" when used with "realistic" or "photorealistic"
Yeah, that's Aini's tripcode.
No valid NovelAI keys available. Please try again later.
it's been dead for about an hour
yeah. that'd do it too I guess
>Claudefag has no reason to live anymore
Please live bro :(
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I DON'T WANT YOUR CHATGPT "CERTAINLY"! AND O1-MINI "Hm.. It seems the user wants.."
waow another local banger nai could never!
What is Aini-sama doing here
Coping with the rest of us.
Use ChatGPT. Any more complaining will result in a mute.
Welcome back eulanon
>people affiliated with NovelAI unironically browsing and posting in this general
they fucked V4 up bad huh
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chatgpt, is this real?
I didn't know I left
you can see all the artifacts really well doe
Docs has been updooted with V4full preset/uc changes, inpainting... Ummmm I guess the "fur dataset" is blog only atm, let me go mark that down.
What else is there and what do you need? (If it's reasonable/doable I will certainly listen)

Curiosity, crosslinked in aids and that screenshot made me laugh so I couldn't resist
shes... beautiful
How do you know it's his? It could be anyone with a tripcode
>finetune has locked himself in the server room with a bottle of vodka and a sturdy lan cable
owari da
Need "how to gen a loli" guide.
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as a novelai hater (mainly because kurumuz openly despises us, local) i feel sorry about this laughable release.
What caused the nuclear explosion at NAI headquarters?
Why is there so much scuff around fingers, eyes, and other general area of the body when it's simple character up close generations, even with "prose" as one should with the mixed generation language that V4 has? Even you should see these issues, while V3 may have a lot of anatomical errors and issues with small details, it never suffered from as many artifacts as V4 has.
>kurumuz openly despises us, local
I dont think thats true. I only seen one screenshot where he *kinda* shits on local and that seemed more like a joke.
>What else is there and what do you need? (If it's reasonable/doable I will certainly listen)
Perhaps put the word up there about artist mixes being a complete mess... I understand I will not get similar results with the same mixes as in V3 or (even V4 Curated) but whatever they did here is far from acceptable when it was a popular feature from V3. Also, something has to be done about brackets which for whatever reason worked fine in Curated but now mess with outputs on Full
what about innate knowledge of classic artists that sdxl had? do you think we will be able to use them in the future models?
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Not to mention, even in official documentation, these artifacts are not only openly visible, but presented as "examples" of the alleged powerhouse that V4 is
16ch vae, please understand
with more channels there's more detail! even if hte detail may not be to your personal liking
it's working as intended! just ask chatgpt how to mitigate it :)
Try with an artist?
I should ask chatgpt how to make a better model
so do we add v4 to the op or nah?
damn wtf
considering the state it was released in, no lol
t. shilled for NAI for the whole duration of p*nyslop
They should bake a good model to deserve it.
hell no
Honestly I'm more confused about the usage of NL for this (more of why it's implemented but also how it's supposed to be used)
first image is artifact free, doe?
yeah there's always an issue with the eyes even more than i had with v3, there's this weird shimmer in half the gens
you should be more supportive of nai in light of this small mishap. Really don't understand the sudden U-turn on a company that has given you so much.
that second image reeks of shitty gan-esque detail yikes
>given you so much
and that is...?
Don't make garbage if you ask money for it. Give us new v3 or eat shit. Sowwy
almost bit this bait, good work soldier
it's the vae and there is no fixing it other than v5
Okay but why remove SMEA
what benefit could that possibly give us by taking away one of the best parts of v3
SMEA wasn't working properly in v3 and they don't know how to replicate it not working properly.
how about you release SMEA for local since you abandoned SDXL, faggots?
>We implemented something that worked by mistake and we don't know why it worked
>We change architecture and can't implement it back again because we don't know why it worked
Here's your answer anon. That's most of AI code in a nutshell
6 years ;)
SMEA on v3 was not implemented correctly.
It was broken in a way that made it not look like shit.
But different model means different things and you can't just copy/paste it over, it'll be broken AND look like shit.
Please to the understand that you now realize that v3 was carried almost entirely by early movers advantage and a single scheduler that wasn't even working correctly and isn't reproduceable.
of praying to see kurumuz hanging ;)
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holy esl
so instead of spending time figuring out how SMEA worked so that they could implement it in v4...they instead did...what? add a furry dataset??
what is your argument here bud
you're complaining about the shit that matters the least lmao
just be glad that you can do rusty trombone with the unrivaled speed of the coreweave cluster now
what's the use-caserino?
>the main reason every artist mix of v3 looked so good matters the least
am I the only one who like v4
>please re-implement the option that made the model destroy and "melt" small details uncontrollably because i like it when things are bad
sure if you don't care about styles
Nah, most people I've been talking to love it. This place is a tiny echo chamber compared to the vast majority of people putting out awesome looking images now.
No, but you should migrate to the discord hugbox with the rest of the idiots.
>smea on local is broken
>smea on nai is broken
so who even has a properly working implementation?
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Model is its own architecture now, no longer built upon on SD/SDXL so they no longer work. Not sure about future iterations

I am being told high freq causes this (Excuse me I am not a nerd)

>images are made with curated
argh gotta updoot, good catch bless u bb

As long as you ensure proper English + Capitalization and ending sentences with periods for parts of it you shouldn't have issues. You can kind of just throw it in with or without tags. Personally I toss it in where I am lacking tags for things I desire, and see what happens.
if you like it why aren't you posting your gens?
Me but I'm NOT going to share it.
I like it too, but it isn't a huge upgrade compared to v3
me :)
V4 is generally copying artists better than V3 did. And it is clear that some people might have a problem with that if they got attached to the "less accurate" version that V3 produced. Happened to me as well - i really liked my artists there even if they were not 100% and the more accurate V4 versions just don't produce the results i originally liked with V3.

But the core problem with V4 is that it's simply not consistent when it comes to mixes in general. Sometimes it does incorporate elements from various styles in the way you like it - other times it just outright ignores one artist or produces something entirely different.
V3 had that as well occasionally for whatever reason but there it was like 2-3 possible "styles" while here the results are way more random which ruins consistency.
I did yesterday, I just woke up and saw that everybody seems to hate it
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>no longer built upon on SD/SDX
Is there any way to generate this pinching gesture? For memes
good bait
This will be just like Pony all over again where this general whines and complains but everyone ends up using it anyway because it's the best model available.
wow that clipboard and not actually bothering to check really fucked me there.
>As long as you ensure proper English + Capitalization and ending sentences with periods for parts of it you shouldn't have issues
...NL is case and grammar sensitive?
fucking lmao. what's even the fucking point.
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nah. I'm enjoying genning stupid guilty pleasure bullshit.
>everyone ends up using it anyway
V4 has better style reproduction and character comprehension than local, but not to the point I want to spend money on it. I can create cleaner gens locally, too, thanks to upscaling beyond 1.5x
>Look at xitter NAI V4 full announcement tweet
>Everyone complaining about SMEA, artist mixes and NAI V3 looking better
Is it finally over for analtan?
>V4 has better style reproduction and character comprehension than local
seconded, I miss my mixed husbandos. May they rest in peace for now or at least until I replace them with more sexoer V4 branded ones.

pinching gesture
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how can you have better character comprehension without being able to use loras
sorry bro i gen gachasluts with complex outfits
He's hardcore! He's hardcore!
they get secretly funded by blackrock and can afford some failures
try it!
so sad you didn't fix her eyes and the dude's fang
it's really nice
Hmm, it seems like polyexponential works better than karras.
i wanna fix it,but i'm on 1050ti and have severe skill issue
Fingers are touching in that gesture tho
>[spoiler]what is irony[/spoiler]
What else is now retroactively broken in v3 while they try to gaslight people into thinking that was actually the bad model and everything people loved about it was actually totally not intended and you shouldn't expect that in v4
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why does the spoiler thing do not work here? or ,why it is not enabled in here?
mfw they use the same strat that apple uses for old iphones
Nah, people in black threads and NTR threads on /trash/ are loving V4 too. /hdg/ just has autism.
holy shit
Loli of course! They didn't fix it in v4 though, will have to wait for v5...
Mods don't take hentai plot lines seriously so they believe they can't be spoiled.
Because this is a porn board. Why would you need spoiler tags on it?
>oh i hope no one spoils me on the plot of "Rapist Demon Maid Assault - the maid just found the horny red guy and i don't wanna get spoiled on what happens next"
>retard mixes gazillion artists just to see only 1
other boards don't have it
>If clicking on the buttons seems too cumbersome, an alternative way of doing Multi-Character Prompts is by using the | character in your prompt to separate the base prompt and character prompts. Prompt mixing is not available on V4, so the | character is used for this purpose instead. Note that it is NOT possible to mix the | prompt syntax with the character prompt boxes. If any character prompt box exists, the | syntax is disabled.
Comedic effect.
>i was merely pretending to be retarded :^)
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>NAI4 doesn't give people here the j.k, cutesexyrobutts, yd, redrop mix they like so much so it's considered bad
if kurumuz can do it then so can i
>butthurt this much lmao [spoiler]thanks for playing[/spoiler]
I think that's a jejkek
>Prompt mixing is not available on V4
Another feature excluded. NAI just can't stop winning...
why are her nipples so wrong looking
So, if I want to mix artists I shouldn't be using V4, is that it?
its cute how the tourist keeps trying to hide its embarrassment
her nipples, whatever happened there...
It's called "curated".
NAI4 is like the start of the Ryzen CPUs.
Entirely new architecture no one really understands and heavily undersupported.
>no SMEA equivalent
>no mixing
>vibe not even there at launch

It has potential but it's gonna take ages to get anywhere and the question is if that will be worth it in the long run.
Thanks for the heads-up.

Does anyone know any other AI models that lets me mix artists?
pony v7
I get it now
What tends to happen if you train a lora on an artist the model already knows?
You create mustard gas
was trying out a different scheduler, looks better with karras
your GPU explodes
oh no, it is getting MAD
that's a chudai
What is currently the best upscaler for anime tiddies to use with hires fix? Can I make it any faster, my shit card takes like 5x longer with 1.5x upscale.
i don't care
i care
did naiv4 really made another stable cascade?this compression artifacts are exactly what happens when you take a 16ch latent and compress it into a black hole.
i don't care
we care
i'm gonna piss brb
choice of upscaler doesn't really matter for speed even something slow like nomos only takes a fraction of the time that the diffusion part takes. for a speedup you might wanna look at deepshrink
arch designed by kurumuz btw
i don't care about your pronouns
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can they fire kurumuz (preferably literally)
Hey that's pretty good
>open prompt
>"you're a dumbass"
Oh well nevermind then, screw you.
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Not bad but SO BAD aaa where is my smea faggots
Cascade was 16 channels per 1024 pixels (32x32 tile). This isn't the same, as it's 16 channels per 8x8 tile. Something else is wrong, maybe not enough parameters in the unet to utilize 16 channels properly, maybe some of their "optimizations" to the architecture optimized out the image fidelity...
hey man don't spill my secret spaghetti sauce all over like that
UNet compresses the latents within the architecture too.
Stable Cascade did that compression with another diffusion model instead of within the UNet. (Stable Cascade Stage C isn't really a UNet btw.)
the parameters were needfulled for the furry dataset, please understand saar
blame euge for giving NAI inspiration
it was a genius strategic move, i give him that
meta doko?
>quasar earthquake
mona lisa move over, there is a new work that will be taking your place
Why do I suddenly crave subway?
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I assume he was talking about innate knowledge

Somebody test Amaha Masane. She's two people under one tag, 350 pics and has some weird asymmetric armor that AI struggles with. Even danbooru can't decide whether it's a bodysuit or bikini armor. v3 and noob both come up with a different variant on each seed, can't get it right
is this ayyayee?
absolute cinema
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At least it can do this VERY consistently. v3 and local just keep giving the guy and/or the middle girl a strap-on.
So we'll be able to distinguish V4 images by their horrible artifacting and 'painted by an amateur artist with palsy' aesthetic. Sasuga
this needs to be the op image for next thread
Holy shit I genned loli Fern AGAIN
it's /aco/
Just woke up. Any fixes announced for v4?
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all it took was removing SMEA and nai really goes from
>why is it so blurry
>why is it so fried
The model is already perfect and without flaw.
>anti-nai schizo insists there will be nothing but shitposts and barely any actual nai gens
>meanwhile in reality the thread is full of v4 gens with the occasional localjeet post
uh oh!
That's gonna be a one in a lifetime fuck.
Least of all because they never will be again.
Consider the following.
curious how all other forms of shitposting suddenly stopped now that all the naiggers are sulking in some discord
You can't just slap Comic sans on an AOM gen and pretend it's NAI v4
My pillar has considered it
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>>8476987 →
Not sure if you're memeing, but it's not hard to gen on local, just a bit gacha.
Is that Tsunako? If it is how can you make her style look better in v4 full? I've tried it with Neps but I find Curated looks much better
how do we achieve smea on local
add blurry:3.0 to your prompt
we have to do something illegal to novelai
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>finally able to get good results in my Pony lora training
>everyone's moved on to Illustrious
and why you should care by it?
it knows Shizuka Masou well enough for cosplays, even
pretty nice
now that we successfully defeated novelai, who should be our next target? midjourney?
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Midjourney and Nijijourney are both cool though, I don't want those defeated
'It is said that the last incident noted regarding the fall of deLuxia was that of the warlord Kai-Sehk offering Princess Solange to his Orcish Legions for the duration of the sacking as a reward for their loyalty and blood spilled. Details of what followed are slim, if not deliberately destroyed by those who recorded such things to spare the dignity of their fallen monarch, but what has survived is the screams of the princess could be heard throughout the castle for the 3 days the pillaging occurred.'
-Conquest of deLuxia, a Composite History
That bit aside, this is my last gen for today. This post is going to get drowned in the NAI screeching but fuck it. Remember that despite everything, you are valued by someone, somewhere. Never kill yourself, because I won't.
What was it?
solangeanon carrying all of local on his back!
why is one saas bad but other good
v5 preview
it's pretty good
That's it, it's official: local is dead.
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>mfw reading this
based solange poster
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Frankly, I don't care too much about styles, I just want decent, consistent, flexible FFM. The previous example was pretty consistent, but this is far from it. Maybe it's just a prompt issue, not sure.
mj folxs don't say mean things on discord about us
meant for >>8478543
The ones I like are good and the ones I don't like are bad.
not reading all that but your gens look awesome anon, what model do you use?
im going to need more before im convinced
it almost feels like you should be using character prompts OR standard ones...
as soon as you add both it turns to shit
it's Pony (unironically)
is mininai censored? I can't get blowjob pics, only nudity
mark my words
in a weeks time people will figure out how to prompt in nai v4 and you will look back on this shitposting as silly and juvenile
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Are you on full and do you have nsfw in your prompt?
>is mininai censored?
did you drawed this? patreon name??
you can't prompt your way out of vae compression silly
damn, never had much luck with pony so when I gen with local I stick wtih noobai.
thanks anons!
go back you retarded shitstain
this. once the first lora comes out... oh no...
Does the NAI plugin work with NAIv4 yet? The faces are a bit less detailed than I'd like them to be and as a man that likes tits, I'd like to see some more detailed nipples too...
you're only partially right
there's a definite skill issue that people overlook but the artifacts and lack of artist mixing is quite bad, they need to improve it fast
Fuck I meant extensions for webui, not plugin.
nai, right?
v4 yeah
You can use the new inpainting function on the website to add detail. It's the button next to the brush and eraser tools.
it's over, there will be no improvement. kurumuz is filing for bankruptcy as we post
It works but it's missing the new inpaint and the quality presets aren't accurate to the website.
Seems like V4 knows most 100 pics dataset characters when I tested. I tried going for Kanami which have 50, but it didn't find her, so the limit should be between somewhere between, which is better than most shitmix and noob, at least for this. Regional prompt doesn't have much bleeding either, even with 4 characters
there's GOT to be some explanation why ""they"" gen this >8478582 shit
i guess ill save my remaining anlas for v5, havent been subbed in a couple months so i dont want to waste them
kanami is an exceptional ninja, of course it didn't find her
>Cosplaying as {{masou shizuka}}
wait, wait, that works on nai?
he's not using pony, just a pony lora.
Not the same thing.
someone mentioned using dual text encoders: clip for artist tags and t5 for the rest. would that actually work?
how about use clip for everything and t5 for nothing
I just hope it's the real Sir Solangeanon and not the charlatan.
this girl has 53 images and works
that's not very progressive of you, anon. apologize!
>No valid NovelAI keys available. Please try again later.
I mean that's nice but I want something like adetailer specifically.
it's only $25
how do you text right in v4? it just comes out garbled
its nai
It's v4.
its a birb
if natural language enhances the images so much why don't you guys create some kind of llm prompt enhancer that users can toggle on or off?
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with v4 exploding on many jap and korean forums and on x, how great will the next increase be?
somtimes it works right away, sometimes it needs some wrangling
*genuine question*
it's ___
its kurumuz
Is the free method dead?
yes, someone tattled >>8478001
why is the anatomy so incredibly fucked?
it works on local too, but both characters need 500+ pics
or a lora
why are some people like this
I understand if it was their corpofag but its just a nameless tard that gets nothing by snitching like this
is it possible to generate shota lifting up(folded) a milf?
i invested 25 a month into vast.ai
flagship diffusion model rolling out in q3
>implying v4 is worth $25
I think it basically works the same, except it doesn't have automatic face detection.
unless I'm missing the secret sauce, v4 is just very inconsistent sometimes. maybe with specific artists it works better, I haven't experimented much. I'm just genning whatever comes to mind to see how it handles stuff
kurumuz chill
>v4 is shit! it is the worst!
but also
Artist tags fuck up the image quality for me,especially combining them.
Have you found some style that gives consistent good anatomy? Don't care if it's a little stiff/ai generated, just don't want half of my 1girls to turn into slenderman
its nai :(
Text: YOUR TEXT IN CAPITAL LETTERS HERE, english text, speech bubble.
Wrap them in {{}} if the model doesn't draw the text.
Saars...please fix the free V4 link saars....
just like v3 the character knowledge is really impressive
ngl no artist mixing kinda fucks it for me, pls fix it kuru
what good is being able to prompt fern if she ends up looking like this >>8478570
oh that's neat
or a certain autistic comfy workflow I posted few threads ago
gen the clothes girl, then use her as a controlnet reference to gen the same girl again, but regional prompt the head area as the second girl
like I said, I haven't bothered experimenting much with artists yet but the ones I'm using now give good results more often than not
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Can someone please explain why there isnt a good local model? I thought deepseek made it possible to get a model for like 5 bucks, making training cheap as shit. Why are people saying they need 5 quadtrillion to get one training run going. Literally pony was released march or February LAST YEAR. No new model. New papers every single day. Nothing new coming out. HOW? I also want a local model but there is literally nothing coming out. google makes a godlike video model, china releases 5 quadtrillion models, new shit is opensourced ever single day. Still nothing.
all text to image models are garbage, the can't generate simple prompt of 1girl, floating above ground. she's ethier flying/standing or ground isn't visible.
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>all text to image models are garbage
dall-e is still the best one
>I thought deepseek made it possible to get a model for like 5 bucks
Deepseek is a text model you absolute troglodyte
and we got illustrious since Pony
clearly a shitpost
no big player(or even medium) cares about t2i
nai v4 penises remind me of illustrious v0.1 penises. absolutely not delicious looking at all
noobai by laxhar labs is currently accepted as the state of the art model for anime image gen
okay, so? Does that mean they cant get shit done? Also new shit on models is being released every single day. I have the feeling these dudes are just picking random images and press "go" and hope the model looks good.
I'm gonna come ;)
All generation period is shit compared to the autistic power of my imagination.
generate 1girl/boy floating above ground(as in 10/50 cm or 20 inches above ground) with ground visible
you seem very knowledgeable about how models are trained so your feeling is probably correct
We need to get this guy some compute so he can save local
>try some noob eps shitmix (wai)
>it has godlike anatomy and hands
1. there are no new improvements for months
which means 2. They cant make better shit.
Should be easy enough to understand,no?
its vpredps
cool. now generate a dark scene without the character looking like a spotlight is cast upon them
still naiv4
Does this count or is she too high up?
pretty good, but a bit too high and zoom out.
that's what mixes do
you compromise on knowledge, style and composition variety and in return you get stable, predictable outputs
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beat me too it...
this one is total slop, but it kinda works
Ok I can't do this concept on local but of course, a lora could solve it
here you go
and flying above the sky
use dpmpp 2s a on nai to waste their resources 2x
vpred shitmixes have good anatomy too. shitmixes are essentially faustian bargain where you get easy prompting with decent anatomy (hands included) for reduced flexibility and lora compatibility. most notably shitmixes fuck up artist tags heavily.
Can you add a rope?
compositional variety isn't exactly a strength of any noob model. Only drawback of the mixes is the ai-generated look
i used my knowledge i've gathered combating the sloppiness of shitmixes just to come back to this >>8478224
this is exactly what i'm looking for
this is to high
why? that's not kurumuz on this pic
That's not floating.
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It's not all that consistent mind you.
1.0 is really only useable with loras for me. single artists are awful and I never warmed up to style mixing
This was done with a minimal prompt and just rerolling. Now I tried making a better prompt and it's pretty consistent.
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it's noob
like this?
I accept your concession
impressive how garbage this looks
I'd call the first and last of those flying, not floating.
>compositional variety isn't exactly a strength of any noob model
It is, when you compare it to cat tower. It's a clear downwards trend from base illustrious down to the worst late-noob shitmixes.
it's light UC
masou shizuka does not have that many pictures, hence why I was surprised it works.
>can do dogeza
now try pure eps 0.5
it's so varied it's almost schizo.
>please give me
just had a goon session. Ryona, girls getting beaten, chocked, and pissing themselves as they get chocked out is not allowed on , right?
when the bots rise up, I'm not going to be on their bad side anon.
I see, I call it hovering
As long as there isn't blood, I think it's still /h/
no here, but you're welcome on >>8477807
completely forgot I had that shit on light, fuck
whats that?
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Took a bit of wrangling to get milf takagi to work, can't get milf sylphiette to work consistently though. tomorrow i'll try out milf yotsuba because my brain is going to be mush from how many times i genned
ryona is /d/, as is piss play
do you think a dramatized 1.5 hour video essay about the v4 release would get clicks on yt?
Undesired Content preset
it's a set of negs that NAI adds in automatically, to hide people's skill issues...from themselves
about 3 clicks
i seem to remember a lot of light ryona being posted here and the only ones deleted were the ones with blood or loli
not sure about piss play as the only piss images ive seen here are loli and those got removed but i assume for loli and not for piss
i mean, its not pissplay, its her going unconscious and pissing herself. does that count as pissplay? ryona is getting hit anyway with it lol
oh you can change the preset somehow, or do you just have to add a bunch of wrong stuff to UC window?
very good, does nai actually understand those descriptions or you just hope it does?
nobody asked if the v4 inpaint is better/worse/the same
>nai4 comes out
>suddenly the artstyle for a ton of "creators" on pivix changes a bit
>suddenly way more complex scenes
>they have patreon and fanbox and even get money
Cant people tell ai is ai? why would you sub to someone using ai when you can use it yourself and make everything you want?
Just going off of what threads you can see elsewhere on the boards:
with no mention of either anywhere on /h/
Most people are complete retards
nothing, it's fucking terrible
it's chudai
How new
With natural language you never know for sure.
Wait, I thought we hated SAAS here? Hypocritical cucks.
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It's pretty consistent, so I think it understands. Without the "dog height" sentence, she's usually higher up. This grid has "shadow" added to the tags, since that one tends to get lost.
this thread got infected by literal maggots
4chan is a saas because i cant host it locally
Actually, just having shadow makes the dog height unnecessary. Without the shadow it helps though.
the real question is why haven't (You) made a patreon yet?
Even if you could, you'd only be able to talk to yourself.
Why does it look like shit? Style-wise I mean. Worse than first days of v3
so how would that be different from the thread rn?
i do this already
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I guess people aren't happy with NAI4? I haven't messed too much with their image gen until now. I gotta say, I'm happy with the quality, and some of the more simple tools are really, really fucking nice to have.
holy kek
This, I'm happy with my NAI subscription too :100:
You can type it in manually and edit it as you see fit, the UCs are publicly available in NAI's docs.
>inpainting was invented by NAI v4
I had that issue until I tried disabled UC heavy. Light and none give me text no problems.
all the dabbing on nai is fun and all, but can we go back to posting quality local images that make use of all the amazing foss community tools (regional prompter, controlnet, lora, etc)?
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I know that many people here basically just joking around and shit posting but:
Am I the only one that thinks we actually need fundamentally different processes and architectures in order to get anywhere advancements out of this? It feels like this whole diffusion thing is hitting a complete wall as in this is not a viable technology to truly achieve fully autonomous creation of game worlds and settings and overall images.
I think we genuinely need a breakthrough in the sense of processors and PCs that are more like the brain of a human. We had crazy advancements over the last years but the technology was basically new and came to the public, it existed, but it was essentially new for the population. I think diffusion is just wrong dry. We can't get better than this. All ai models are just equal to each other.
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kusura bakma ama yarrak gibi model
Any chance of a NAI 4.1? I don't wanna wait another year for a new version.
Should mostly work, but haven't tested much since v4 is so mediocre.

Inpaint should be working now, apparently v4 forces NAI's retarded 1/8 resolution masks.
Naikek still seething for some reason. Aren't you supposed to be happy people here are actually paycucking despite all the big talk against NAI before?
You faggots clearly have your panties in a bunch. I didn't say anything about NAI inventing shit, I don't even use image gen in general.
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the difference is that it would be real, not just a shizo illusion
Who are you talking to bro?
how is it a favor if i need to pay? is kurumuz doing me a favor by offering opus?
Is that how it looks like even after upscaling? Wtf, that's Noob melt/jank levels, maybe even worse.
Need NAI v3.5.
>just come up with a new field of maths that is superior to the current one bro
kurumuz is a saint
That would be nice too
>Inpaint should be working now, apparently v4 forces NAI's retarded 1/8 resolution masks.
I assume with the latest commit you can now use the new "Focus Inpaint"?
poorjeets seething over NAI's success, like usual
>let's prove those hdg keks that upscaling is actually a meme
>by making our model spit out slop at any resolution, not just lowres
Kurumuz is a genius.
Bros is there a newfag guide to prompting on local?
I can't figure out how to get two girls in a threesome even though they work individually, the second one always end up being some random OC
Just subcsribe to NAI.
Ask chatgp/deepseek/grok
I'm not joking
RNG until it works, regional prompting, other options, there are ways to go with that.
This, V4 their latest and best SOTA model just came out and we are all having a blast using its revolutionary proprietary architecture to create mind blowing gens rich in details thanks to their bespoke 16 ch VAE and unique spatial awareness prompting.
im going to say the i word
I am subscribed and that's the exact reason I'm trying to learn local
Fuck them for ruining v4
I've no idea what I should even ask. Just verbatim what I just typed here?
I heard of regional prompting but can't find anything in the OP
It's NovelAI v4
>I've no idea what I should even ask. Just verbatim what I just typed here?
nigger if you are this fucking dumb I can't help you
That is basically NAI's implementation of sdwebui's Inpaint Only Masked, UI is better, but the functionality is equivalent, chopping out a section of the image and sending only that for inpainting.
wow buddy no need to sling around the n-word
So you could already do that through the NAI extension for years? Lack of basic sensibilities like that is EXACTLY why I don't use their website.
>I heard of regional prompting but can't find anything in the OP
what ui are you using?
I like the style, box? Or, if it's comfy, prompt + loras?
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I haven't seen this slop thread in a while, I decided to join just to see the meltdown and holy shit is fucking delicious.
But at the same time is disappointing, I was planning on getting a sub anyways for v3 but I have a fear they might gimp it.
for reforge you can use one of these extension
Don't know if they will work since reforge dev constantly breaks things when he adds new snakeoil. first one is more intuitive to use but more limited in scope
who is even melting down here? real salt is on the discord
Thank you anon
I'm going to try it and figure something out
instead of swapping to jpg, why don't you just strip the metadata?
https://modifications-comparing-explain-patricia.trycloudflare com

Restored it for some time, enjoy (replace space with dot). Still old ratelimit.
Is he really that delusional or is he jejing?
Because nai also saves metadata in the png alpha channel which is a bit more involved to delete
Thanks, are you the same guy that ran the TG bot?
Is that AI?
Just packaged up this URL and attached it to my carrier pigeon. Kurumuz will be notified of this as soon as possible.
she got that retard face
I guess? can't imagine it's much easier than running a bat, but If it works it works.
hard to tell
You're not Fiz though are you?
no haha
Thank fuck <3
can you do me a cowgirl pov, please? v4 style, thanks.
>immediate resolution
>in imagegen
No refunds!
>don't use artist tags.
thanks for hosting this. cool idea with the pow token, I'll give it a go in my next project
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>I like the style
You also need a small local DB (SQLite for example), and limit the token to a single IP, so it's not possible to generate the token on some beefy server and then reuse it for proxies
I used https://github.com/fabiospampinato/crypto-puzzle
Read the manual please, you shouldn't use curse words along with the name of model/company. Delete immediately.
yes refunds
>everyone on discord/reddit is elated about v4
>small minority of disgruntled localjeets here hate on it
hmm i wonder who i should believe
>nai creature already in pre-meltie mode
you should be able to complete this simple iq test
cope ^^^
Same thing happens everything NAI does something
V2 was trash until the leak happened - suddenly NAI became based and good and a huge leap forward for localfags.
When V3 dropped you still had them go how "local is actually better as long as you put in the effort" - only for localfags to literally put NAI into their setup to "further enhance it"
Same will happen with V4.
nice! thanks for the link. I was thinking I could try something like bitcoin did with hashing adding a timestamp + ip + (maybe) a resource uri, but this might be better
Me when I make shit up.
The same also happens when local does something. Everything gets shat on.
and despite all the seething this thread is overwhelmingly v4 gens with barely anyone genning local kek
v4 sucks but its still better than local
So this is the power of NovelAYYAYE v4
make slop get slapped
I like how trolls shifted to shilling for nai now that all the genuine shills left
>>8478878 (not me)
haha ikr? nai mogs this general yet again
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the artifacts are all over the place
people who like sd1.5 look don't matter
im clappin while fappin
Localpoor seething over V4 being better again?
It's local :D
I'm gonna stick my pp in your anus
people doubted noob would get there with extra training in half-cocked schizo directions but it did
i think NAI can still hack together a training regimen to unfuck V4 and improve mixing
I liked nai and like local now
why is this place so obsessed with nai though
how hard is it to just post pictures without endless stream of low-effort trolling diarrhea
ive lived my life doing the exact opposite of everything reddit has said and its worked great for me so far
True, I'm subbing to NAI now.
saas bad nai bad
very hard, i'm very lonely and need attention
look at this motherfucker cherrypicking, if you prompt more than one artist with a strong weight in the model then it just arbitrarily picks one
Please experiment with receiving several unlimited accounts from other Anons and leave them unused for a while.
you forgot your image with this post thoughbeit
cute 'rimmer
Grifters on suicide watch.
i use nai and local is it bad that i can afford both
artist mixes are literally the best feature of ai. if your model doesnt do them you failed
is there something wrong with noobaixlanixl_vpred10version? When I try and use that model my gens take forever, even though the eta says 1 minute but it's been almost 30 and still chugging. I don't have this issue with that vpred v29bv2 whatever the fuck dumb name it is, it was from a torrent. Why are all these names so complicated? What's vpred? what's cyberfix? what the fuck is v1 v29b v2 etc etc????
I can't use local.
No Chinese sir, I'm not planning on running it long term, and opus gens take way longer, they're almost instant on this thing because it uses anlas
why would i mix anything when yd-orangemaru.safetensors exists?
Can you afford lending me $25 too, perchance?
Check the hash of your file and compare it with the official one.
I can tell you RIGHT NOW that people will massively use nai for datasets. This thing gets fingers right like crazy, it actually produces coherent scenes. These dudes will use that the same way deepseek used Claude and gpt for their model. The banger? People will say those model trained on main are godly and amazing lol.
yeah it's the same
>naiv4 releases
>suddenly a shitload more text posts
>all complaints about features missing or just being bad
>they still havent figured out how to prompt
local wonnered again.
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This, v4 is actually so freaking good.
>This thing gets fingers right like crazy
Tel me you haven't used it without telling me.
no smea = no my dollarinos
I'm a local sissy who tried nai with the help of the generous anon above. honestly, it's ok, but I like the control of local a lot more
I have 2 phones,
one for localhost
and one for kurumuz
Why is it melting so hard? The line for her nose continues onto the dick as if it's a stray hair, the dick in her ass has experienced mitosis. Tell me this was satire plz
These dudes trying to be the next "curated" civitai. https:// arcenciel (dot) io
Umm it actually was trash and never worked properly as per NAI Lords on Discord. I trust them!
nta but I've been playing around with it and I've noticed that feet in particular look great almost every single time
im still happy testing out local schizo mixes
this unironically!!!!!!
Close-ups look good on any current model. Everything further from camera is janky and the fine detail are sloppy, maybe try zooming in on your gens for once.
>>8478776 →
what have the japanese said about v4 so far?
so small amount of testing;
style mixing *does* work to a degree, though not quite as well as it probably should.
the model is schizophrenic as fuck and it's really, really not very good at NSFW. It wants to try and hide/minimize nudity and prompting something like "nsfw" to try and fix it just completely fucks artist style bias and throws a lot of shit out the window. And it's so bad that you can't even prompt for nipples and get them without adding nsfw.
Also I think a really, really big issue going on here is unironically a learned skill issue. v3, so far as I've seen, is fucking RETARDED in how people have prompted it. The emphasis bullshit is actual garbage and doesn't actually work on any model that isn't v3. That it works on v3 and not v4 is more of v3 being fucked up than v4 not working properly.
Final conclusion I've got on the model is that it might technically actually be pretty serviceable if you're not a retard who locked themselves into v3 and only know how to prompt it, specifically. But the compositions seem really weird and floaty in terms of perspective and the NSFW is really subpar.
They love it, as usual Japan has the superior taste while dumb westerners cry and poop their diapers that their optimized v3 prompts don't work on a brand new revolutionary architecture.
trying this extract
Melina bros..... Why are the men all black?
have you seen a lot of the nai v3 prompts from japanese people? they have been boomer prompting for a year already so they are loving v4
Okay but what about the fact that it just looks like artifacted shit?
check your fridgerino
It's NAI
That's a good one, it really helps smooth out Noob's rough base style without turning everything into slop.
What's the site for sharing leftover Anon 'anlas'?
N4 has a lot less artifacts compared to V3 in my experience
Lol what? Any sex scene is coherent, what is it that it can't do? Especially once you use the character function.
idk, seems mostly fine for me so far. Or at least, it could be a lot worse. But I'm not being a retard trying to NLP some weird convoluted scene or anything.
what is your ratio of good gens to raw gens, like if you prompt a scene how many of them first time come out without body horror, stupid positions or 8 fingers
joke post?
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>Any sex scene is coherent
This, so much this.
Does it? v3 had fried eyes that were easily fixed with inpainting if you used the API. v4 has artifacts all over the gens which makes them look dirty. The anatomy is also fucked.
This all might be a skill issue and lack of knowledge, of course, but so far it looks really bad desu.
How does style mixing work on local?
Do I have to download two loras and use them together or do I need bake one with both styles?
The first one, or you can just do it with weighing the tags if you are on a model based on illustrious.
Just post a catbox album, you don't have to sell it so long...
Give it a week or so they'll start noticing. Right now they're deluding themselves because it's a new shiny toy.
>x posts get thousands of likes
>They literally tag them with novelai
How many people are actually using nai? Imagine how many are actually using nai and just no lt disclosing it. Makes me remember when they all actually started using it and they all had the metadata in their images on pixiv.
pony has a couple hundred (known) artists too, but yeah

any style with over 50 danbooru pics works on noobai, no need for loras
this shitmix also showed some promise
Thanks bro
did they fix the anatomy problems
local could NEVER
idk i hadnt used it before
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For v3 (at least the little I've used, I'm more of a text gen user), almost always would require "good anatomy" tags or something along those lines. In v4, I can get a decent image out of the gate without even trying.
I haven't used any of those correction tags for beyond specifying "nsfw" and using "Disney" to try to recreate a certain style. This a prompt using regular expressions, no prose.

what happened to copyright? I thought llms and image models would be banned? That the lawsuits would destroy the companies. It's been 2 years. What happened? Is it legal to just download the internet, create a wrapper and then release it for free?
lawsuit against stability is ongoing
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In v3, this is what I get using similar tags.
>almost always would require "good anatomy" tags or something along those lines
>this post
>this gen
not sure if bait or actually terminally retarded? "good anatomy" crap does nothing retard-kun
So you made it up?
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is this sort of style peak AI art?
"I've become able to clearly see the lies about NAI4, thanks to the Anons sharing anlas. There are no particular issues.
Why aren't you using civitai to gen if you unironically have this sort of preferences?
bad anatomy neg at least has meaning
Are you trying to be pedantic or what? I'm talking about shit like typing "no extra fingers" and the like.
yep thats bait
>(at least the little I've used, I'm more of a text gen user)
stay in your lane
if i were to choose between two evils, then i would prefer this over semi-real oversatured slop
>I'm talking about shit like typing "no extra fingers" and the like.
That does nothing either retard.
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Kek. What are you? Some AI proompt gatekeeper? Suck my dick.
omg is that (nyalia:2.0)
Should've tried that on your v4 gen cause those feet looks broken.
yeah, alright not "any" style
the more unique styles train much better, and all are more accurate on base noob than on merges
extra digits neg is the correct thing to try
that doesn't work retard
if you i2i an image of your dick i'll i2i an image of me sucking it.
in all seriousness tho very nice fidelity would like box
I don't understand why Anons forget about NAI4's T5 technology and say it's the same as before. Wan is also taking responses to the next dimension.
you arent going to get it
Let me spoon feed you: https://img.2chan.net/b/res/1288260222.htm
You said they love it, I was asking for proofs of that. We're also genning with it here, you know.
nai v4 has soul
it's nai
you miss 100% of the shots you dont take
I really don't know of a single artist tag that looks good without mixing across seeds/prompts
local could never
yes it's the final boss of style mixers
unfortunately looks like it was upscaled with a hq4x filter
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It looks orders of magnitude better than the results from v3, which was my point.
Yeah, that's it. But I haven't had the need to do that for v4 yet.
where is dithering?
Where is pc98?
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This is the capability of V4, to create cuck content just like kurumuz intended
nowhere to be seen unfortunately
would've been 10x more soul
at first looked like she was shoving her arm into an abdominal orifice
In the tests, the fingers were quite accurate. I put a load on the Anons sharing anlas to test it, but there were no failures.
Post more V4 gens please
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that looks nothing like pc98, what the fuck. how is dall-e 3 still so fucking far ahead?
>PC-98 screenshot, dithering, green haired girl, close-up, mouth focus, finger on lips, witch hat, tongue out, one eye closed, from side, looking at viewer,
i though at least another saas would've caught up by now, but honestly why the fuck is every image model so far behind in comparison? deepseek caught up with text, hunyuan/wan caught up with video. yet image models just get worse
ill sub opus on the weekend when ill have more time to indiscriminately slop
why does lil bro keep bringing up deepseek
I think it's just that nobody really gives a shit about image models in general and doubly so for anime ones.
dall-e has fuck you money behind it and didnt squander it too badly
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blame that anons prompt I guess?
kinda hilarious that the only use of v4 is to create cuck content
you're welcome kurumuz
Every time you say “DeepSeek,” a NAI shill dies.
yeah, I'm still dogshit at wrangling v4
Assuming your image is dalle, that also looks nothing like PC98.
>none look like pc98
id like to remind people that i understand you are testing things but this is still /h/ so please test images that have a penis or cum in them
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flux pc98 lora
flux remains the number one promising model, yet localsaars are too incompetent to train it and saasjeets repelled by its anti-grift license. two more years of sdxl!
hmmm, nyo
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Wellp, if the OP said that thread is "Snow Edition" - there must be some snowy blowjob, but I didn't found any. Let's fix that small mistake.
So how does one use controlnet in order to get a character with little art?
the penetrations look terrible
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Newsflash: effortposting severely devalued as NAI V4 makes adding text to your gens TRIVIAL
Beutiful anatomi.
Her leg doesn't look right.
why is her face full of jpeg artifacts
you can use ip-adapter or reference only, but you're better off training a lora since one-shot stuff is generally awful
It's NAI v4
v4 turning completely into an NTR model is hilarious to me
see >>8479065
localchads could always just switch over to flux for that
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actual pc98
Pony looks like THAT?!
v3 was already the groid model so not much of a change
>broken, twisted limbs, missing fingers all over the place even when genning at higher res
Guess I'll wait for v5.
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we're cucked from a good artist mix
Which is the best practically usable model for local now? Gotta be some noob variant or shitmix.
flux doesn't have the proper knowledge of text typefaces and styles and stuff used in doujins
v4 might be a disaster but the thread is actually fun now!
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localchads can just gen without text and then add it in post in 30 seconds.
why do I see some people do \"TEXT\" for text? wasn't it supposed to be "Text: TEXT"?
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a little better?
still looks too new, like a remastered rance or something
I love you
Yep, I'm enjoying it. Was hoping that the resident schizos would stop recycling the same baits at least but I guess not even a NAI release can do that.
saars = cucks
cucks = groids
it all makes sense
keep multiple versions depending on use case >>>/e/2945341
rance 03 remake translation releases this month btw
there are some good ones yes, check the last few threads for civitai links, i like h_v10 (sorry idk what its called on civ) > waishufflenoob > this https://civitai.com/models/1201815
Yeah, but it's still missing that pixelated lines look.
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Disable quality tags and it'll be even better
Sir, remove quality tags, and you'll get realistic pc98
no its an actual screenshot from a pc98 game
Damn I literally use all the same models except for wai.
Should've clicked the link when I posted it.
Whatever you say. In any case if they're really enjoying it, good for them.
Not documented, but I find "text" is best for prose while Text: TEXT is best for tag. You can combine them for stronger effect.
where are her nipples
This is illegal, take it down
show me the power of nai and recreate this image
Ram :)
looks like you're stuck in the vpred color bias dungeon and need to try new shitmixes and snake oils
remember what happened to aicg before you click random links for free ai stuff
rim my rusty trombone
hey nice
nai isn't microsoft methinks
Literally nothing, a few semi-organized scrapers got doxed and maybe (just maybe) the ones living in the US will actually get sued, otherwise looks like a nothingburger. Also I live in a shithole, I dgaf.
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Yeah local losteed
can somebody please explain this meme to me?
it's novelai
I see, so the /\ are pointless and nothing new like that was added?
>nai4 knows custom udon
interesting, does that mean they trained on videos as well? i don't think that dude does anything but
With nai its completely impossible to generate a man and woman with the same light skin color, the man will always be darker
BBC model
bitch know >100 artists
chudai model
Why do the same artist combination have different effects in the nai4 preview version and the full version?
he does have 20-30 hidden non-animated posts on danbooru
the childe/lumine gen from last thread?
can someone explain the psychology of the grift? im talking about stuff like NAI, Ponyv7, and subscription-funded 'development' in general. it seems so incredibly easy to get a following of bootlickers who will happily defend every bad decision you make as if you were family. ponyv7 looks like complete shit yet it's full of people defending his decision to use auraflow and gut artist tags. NAIv4 is an aesthetic downgrade yet people are damage controlling the poorly baked model. what causes people to adopt this type of behavior? it's the same thing you see in crypto rugpulls. people are happy to pay endless amounts of money to dead-end projects and when it starts failing, instead of calling the developers out they instead defend it all the way to the bottom of the ocean.
Just generate dark women
Because it's not "preview", it's a curated model you retard. Curated model has a much smaller and more high quality dataset
sigh... its nai
v4 honestly isn't so bad. feels like a nice sidegrade to noob if artist mixing isn't your thing and you don't want to train a lora for some quick and reasonably faithful gens
Why does the model with less data know more obscure artists, that's what I'm tryin to figure out
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more N4
Again, because they picked some specific posts. The % of that artist in the curated dataset can be higher than in the full dataset.
That's true for literally any model trained on danbooru. It's true for local as well, male tone is always slightly darker unless you force your way with character tags or hacks like [white skin::0.2].
I am honestly having fun with pc98 gens
It's also $25/month.
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Yeah sorry, I know I need to start moving away from darker scenes but I like my shitmix..
I kinda cheated with 'ghost' but this was one from earlier
Because the full one needs to learn all those nsfw concepts and they take up space. It's simple data compression theory.
>nai v4 trained on the latest booru data
>winds up looking like HyperToonRealismMixV3Omega
funny how jeets flooding the internet with 1.5 slop has absolutely doomed imagegen datasets for good. NAI's first model wound up sabotaging their last. pottery.
We're not talking about storage here, and there's no compression.
Machine learning is nothing but data compression from a theoretical point of view.
just make bigger model since you not gonna open source it anyway
>he doesn't know
so what? that's how much my 3090 appreciates every month
Remember that NAI4 is the first model to acquire T5 technology for /h/. It's still nowhere to be found.
Oh so you're baiting, gotcha.
v5 will btfo local forever
It's l*cal
How is it baiting? I can have local and nai essentially for free
what do I not know, you disingenuous faggot?
my home adress
Heard the same about v4, I'll believe it when I see it.
wanna test this little theory of yours?
>I am honestly having fun
stop it right this instant!
no, i apologize, please don't doxx me
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you mean COPE?
i gave nai my home adress :)
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i'll accept your apology if you agree to become my little pogchamp
becoming the pope of cope
best artist tag for realism?
thanks bro, you mind boxing the pyra/mythra double paizuri too? did you use regional prompter for that?
how much realism are you trying to get (with nai?)
this was the word you should've never said under any circumstances. prepare uranus
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mob face sexo
Is that Pony?!
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way to fucking tired to play with v4 prompts, but it seems to handle scenes way better than v3.

I'm just dropping old prompts with basically no modification. But so far, I really like it. Took me about 3 months to get the hang of v3's quirks, guessing it will take me a similar time since each keyword change is radically changing the outputs.
you think you're funny huh?
>did you use regional prompter for that?
Nah, I used controlnet from an earlier gen (from vpred 0.6). I actually wasn't getting any luck with getting them back to back like that through txt2img so I said screw it and threw pic related (https://files.catbox.moe/hkfcay.png) into anytest at a low controlnet weight and it worked alright. Not even sure if I'm supposed to still be using anytest with Illustrious or if there's another one, but it worked alright.

And here's the pyra/mythra double paizuri one
it's kinda demoralizing to see all the nai posters that I thought had left forever crawling out of the woodwork again.
So I've achieved a realistic body but with anime face. Am I in trouble now?
>people manually removing metadata from nai gens
check other boards for it
this, i'm literally fucking shaking right now
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Hustling is a 24/7 job
uh oh, localcutie having a little meltdown over naiCHADS getting a shiny new toy that mogs their chinese jank? :3
how new
you say it as if that's something bad
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still impressed v4 will hold hands with you if you ask nicely
I'm just using the free keys kurumuz gracefully let anon scrape to gen loli double vaginal since it's more convenient for genning goonslop than local.
welcome to grifter central
thx anon
curious how you managed to get to comic panel format to work properly
I'm embarrassed of my prompts
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Prompting without the webui is too much of a hassle.
Personally, I have to wait for the NAI plugin to be updated to offer full V4 in the dropdown to be able to use V4.
thanks...gonna go find a controlnet tutorial now...
Anyone tested the TIPO extension with NAIv4?
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The FUCK, v3 blew ai gen out of the water DAY 1. v4 instead is just the holocaust.
im scared to post my local gen...
no, cause it's not real
retard, v3 had a learning curve too. In a week everyone is going back to laughing at local
don't worry, we won't laugh...
The model selection has already been updated, but the positive and negative prompts haven't been (there's a bug report with a patch you can apply to get up-to-date prompts).
Also NAI extension anon pls.
kohaku has to come and save kurumuz
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the NAI staff on discord seething and banning people and acting snarky as if it's the prompts are why outputs are shit and artist tags don't work makes me really think they realized they've fucked up.
so much this
Did they fixed SMEA already?
>v4 full gets vammzu, forastero, and gray impact
Nice, but I wonder where they are getting their data from. It isn't mainly danbooru like how it supposedly was with v3
i was inpainting something and my computer just bluescreened WHAT THE FUCK
>v3 blew ai gen out of the water DAY 1
its kurumuz
aren't we all?
>posting local gens in nai discord
>naiggers ask for prompts/how i get such amazing results with v4
I really wonder the technical explanation of why what they replaced clip with causes one artist tag to dwarf all the others instead of mixing
its t5
And then you woke up to a cold uncaring world where saas still reigns over local.
it's nice to have a model that knows all the shitty artists that i like
So does nai not allow for prompt mixing like [tag|tag]?
CLIP has its own problems, afaik the main reason behind it was to eliminate leaks (so you could prompt eyepatch_bikini without getting a pirate) and improve natural language comprehension. In a sense style mixing is a similar leak, so this was an unforeseen side effect.
oh right, token leaking. Fair enough, color bleeding into hair and shit was dumb in 1.5
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essentially THE model to make money with. They present themselves as "artists". This makes it even funnier, they will HIDE that they use nai, because even just knowing the model endangers their business. They hide the model, remove the metadata and will never answer when you ask for a prompt, deleting the comments that ask for them. The problem they have is, that once people now that they use model x people will then use model x and can just do it themselves. There are nai users that make like 3k a month by now on patreon. Many make 100s. Literally free bucks, if people could right click and download the prompt they would get 0 bucks. Localpixiv users do it too, but nai gets them the most bucks thanks to being easy. Well, and because it actually looks good.
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no, and never did
just another in a row of inexplicable decisions, they worked months on creator tools instead of basic functionality
made me not watch the anime when I found out it was a
yerppp i was right >>8475719 →
Their subscriber count plummeted after a year of no updates, and the payment processor dropping them was the final nail in the coffin. V4 was not ready and was never going to be. This was the real reason it was delayed, the "real photos snuck in!" shit was always a coverup after they realized the model was shit and needed a rebake. The rebake too wasn't good enough yet their hand was forced with so many subscribers leaving. Their funds are dwindling which is why longtime team members like Tabloid have 'departed' the company.
They cannot afford to continue any more 'research' and so they are downsizing. They will likely start releasing "V4.1!" updates, which are the equivalent of cascade partial epochs, in order to prop up the illusion that things are being improved and keep people paying.
It's over for NAI
>inexplicable decisions
The only reason I can think of is they don't want to copy A1111 functions too explicitly..? This shit shouldn't be too hard to implement, right? And it would literally save v4 from the artist issue.
Take your meds
You shouldn't be. The act of sharing alone absolves you from being flamed and you can even sometimes get actual feedback and tips for your prompts.
Built for ugly fat ojisans like me
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damn... so this is the power of NAI v4...
>the NAI staff on discord seething and banning people and acting snarky
So a normal day on Naicord?
the vpred chiaroscuro lora does a decent job nudging light levels without biasing colors
Color bleeding is a UNET issue. The color is applied to the general area of the tag's influence, but most tags influence random crap across the whole image, at least to a small degree.

You can do nonsensical color prompts like "blue fellatio" and it'll still work. Might make the dick or her lips blue, unless the base model/style fights against it.
tabloid was an incompetent retard that was doing nothing with aetherroom for more than a year
I tried applying the patch but it keeps telling me it's corrupt and that it has trailing whitespaces and I'm too retarded to troubleshoot what the fuck is wrong.
It's already open source implemented on A11 and Comfy, just grab it and test for a few days. Same with controlnet and regional prompter.
>vpred chiaroscuro lora
Interesting, I will check it out. This one?
Just open it as a text file and apply it manually yourself, it tells you more than enough.
I just hate his new design in the manga but he is great
I added the v4 tags to the extension, honestly surprised people actually use those, I just use styles.
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yea, fuck sleep.


idk, just throw shit like "multiple views, instant_loss" into the mix and that should do it. It's pretty gacha to format.

you fucking know it.
I just like it when the extension settings achieve parity with the website OOB. Thanks for your service btw.
styles unironically look better on v3. or local for that matter. v4 is actually fucking jpeg artifacted, did the anti-nai schizo curse anlatan, what the fuck man...
That was quick, thank you so much!
Isn't v4 their own thing not built upon any existing model?
nai staff should have read some more papers instead of bragging about their revolutionary new arch on discord
v5 waiting room, any ETA?
2 weeks
>with naiv4 you can finally get threesomes to work properly and can get those scenes were you have a girl wrapped around the guys arm watching the other girl get railed
>my artist combo doesn't work

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what's the keyword to make a bikini top slide up/undone exposing nipples?
I worship Lord Kurumuz
>uploading high effort loras for free on Civ while the guys next to me are pushing low effort waifus and shilling paterons/fiver/twitter/etc while actually making money
Yeah, I'm considering throwing in the towel or just joining the grift.
this artist style is really nice, thanks anon
Wardrobe malfunction, could also try untied bikini
nice {{{{{{{{shiny skin}}}}}}}}
Nothing wrong with at least linking your profile on one of those tipping sites. Anyway, your efforts are appreciated
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what's wrong with (shiny skin:1.2)? shit's hot
bikini top lift
too aisloppy which kills my boner
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It's grifter.
you do know there are people out there making good money posting models/loras for these things, right? you just need to advertise well on forums where your potential patrons are

I know an indonesian guy making good side income selling custom big titty Illusion game models on his patreon
this prompt is giving me a headache
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i think my learning rate is too high
What forums are there for these things?
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>nobody is posting their prompts but posting their images
>everyone is complaining and asking for prompts
Some of us actually live in countries where 20 dollars is not good side income.
Nailed it.
Also while you're here just a few things I noticed:
>NAIv3 and NAIv4cp don't share the same quality prompt, it's 'best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres' for v3 and 'rating:general, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres' for v4cp
>the check for NAIv4 (elif model == NAIv4:) will always fail because NAIv4 is not defined - it has to be NAIv4f for Full or NAIv4cp for Curated
>light negative prompt for NAIv4cp has been changed from 'blurry, lowres, error, worst quality, bad quality, jpeg artifacts, very displeasing, logo, dated, signature, blurry, lowres, error, film grain, scan artifacts, worst quality, bad quality, jpeg artifacts, very displeasing, chromatic aberration, logo, dated, signature, multiple views' to 'blurry, lowres, error, film grain, scan artifacts, worst quality, bad quality, jpeg artifacts, very displeasing, chromatic aberration, logo, dated, signature, multiple views, gigantic breasts'
Here's the patch for the latest commit: https://files.catbox.moe/hf7r2a.patch
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just make your own bro. bee urself
fr just prompt ur own prompts lmao
I don't think I can describe to you guys how happy I am I can now prompt proper female voyeurism.
now if only I could get my old artist combo to work

thank you to the anon from earlier for this artist tag
wow local could never
you don't want my prompts anon
>local could never
why not?
I'm just hoping that all people here, be it using local, nai, or otherwise, are having a fun time making images and sharing them with others.
We simply don't have a tech for 1girl watching 1girl+1boy fucking on local yet.
inpainting and controlnet and regional prompting and couple are cheating
kek it seems to know fonts, there's certainly a difference between impact and comic sans at least.
SHUT The fuck up Im masturbating.
its been over 24 hours and i havent seen anyone ask or answer the real question

how does v4 handle farting on prey?
Base gen before manual edits/upscaling
nothing stopping NAI from updating their frontend to leverage new snake oil
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How can I activate my Nyalia lora on NAI?
beutiful noses
licenses certainly do
Tick the SMEA box and write {{{{{shiny skin}}}}} in your promptbox
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>artist:chiwino, {{{huge_ass}}}
now THATS a bunda
based nai!
Kurumuz is acting so smug cause he knows that v5 is gonna mog every model in existence, AND it's almost ready
is there a reason every NAI gen looks like a low quality JPG from 2008 or are we gonna have to deal with this from NAI posters for the next year plus as analtan work on their next DOA text gen model
Thanks for checking, should be fixed now.
i dont think using GPL3 projects in their webui means theyd have to release their model weights
the funniest part is thats how every NAI v3 gen looks as well but people always have smea on so you wouldnt know
All of this will be fixed with the aether room release
You're into some weird shit, anon.
Prob cause they dropped SDXL but aren't competent enough to build their own model that does everything well from the ground.
No it doesn't, bait-kun.
v4 does. Base noob does.
base noob looks far too rough and noisy to be mistaken for SMEA gens
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why does v4 automatically add mustard gas to my prompt
because you didnt sub high enough
Nai embeds metadata retard
NovelAI truly can do it all
Post your gens from that glowie free v4 website
not even nai can escape the yellow tinge of e621. I hate furries
anyone have any success yet with getting the typical redrop, cutesexyrobutts, orangemaru, jk combo wokring on v4? can't seem to get it to work still
Nyo, it's for FBI eyes only.
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Idk why people are talking about mixes instead of SMEA. SMEA is the far bigger loss to me, without it images just look so undetailed like some v2 slop. Even if you could mix artists it'd still look worse than v3
its over bro artist combos are fooked
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testo testo
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I can't get her to look at the phone, this is so tragic. Looking away, looking to the side, and averting eyes all make her look at the penis. Looking at phone does nada.
I think it depends what you wanted out of NAI. SMEA was always kind of an /aco/-lite button that helped transform styles into more 2.5d. If you like regular anime styles or flatter styles then the loss of SMEA isn't a huge deal.
local could never
I used SMEA for half of my v3 gens at most. And if I used it, I usually did img2img passes to make it less blurry. I don't think it's that good for most artist tags.
I usually have to use "looking at phone" in combination with "looking at object" but it's still pretty RNG
Sorry, but I'm glad the furfag data is in, so I can generate images like https://litter.catbox.moe/1ydoa8.png
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I really don't care what anyone says at this point, the ability to gen consistent FFM stuff is worth any compromise regarding styles and any (within reason) artifacts to me.
>{{her dicknipples are pooping feces from their urethras in the tips}}
looks like shit but glad ur happy desu
that penis is too distracting, maybe try a smaller one
Make a better version then. C'mon. Show us the power of local. Oh wait, right, you'll have to search for good loras, generate 1000 images, inpaint, detail, and only then you'll get comparable quality.
how many more times are you going to say the same thing though
t5 doubters in shambles
how is there not more outrage for the furryshit in the model? was it really just naigger schadenfreude when it happened to local?
I'm out of the loop, why would there be outrage?
it was just birdschizo
post-hoc rationalization of paying $25 for a dog shit model
>why are people complaining about the shit in the food when the chef also put too much salt in it
i think the furry dataset is the least of nai v4's issues which is the main reason
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the male urge to gen femdom
local willing used furryshit model for months, why would they complainabout it?
I'm using it for free
The proxy won't last long and then what?
bunch of furryshit in the dataset may poison the model or is at least hogging parameters
holy cope
Take your meds shitter.
if you can do that with your nipples you probably have gyno
easy peasy
I thought inpainting was free? Not seeing anyone fixing anything on their v4 gens, what's the issue my good sirs?
We're using it through a scuffed frontend
There's plenty of nonnies here who paid for a sub even before the proxy was up, yet everyone's posting slop.
Because this thread is stupid, why would actual skilled AI artists post here?
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You're right, time to post something new.
why do NAINNERS add nsfw to their prompt
does it actually do something?
I for one am subbing to every talented AI Artist from hdg.
I was promised 3k text on v4, what happened?
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>put 2 artists in prompt
>add 3rd artist and it completely negates the previous 2 artist and only makes it look like the 3rd artist

Force of habit since v3, I'm not sure it's needed but for commonality's sake I use it on local too.
Yeah, without it it can straight up ignore the henti parts of your prompt.
its actually more needed in v4 than it was before
just remember NAI copers, these gens are as good as it gets lmao
We've learned that v4 actually mogs and collectively submitted to our Lord Kurumuz.
omg is she gonna chop his cock off?
some artists are stronger than others
It is 100% required, without it it v4 gens nipple-less breasts and other censored garbage. It is also part of why v4 sucks as it massively reduces the already sketchy aesthetic quality.
>some artists are stronger than others
which artist could beat up all the other artists
Yes, if you don't slurp the cummies off it within 5 seconds.
I fear for v5, are they gonna fall in line with AI safety fags?
I'm fixing my gens.
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kso is strong
the worst part about v4 is now local has zero pressure to bake
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At least upscale it mang.


text sucks. It doesn't do type setting very well either. As in, not at all unless im missing something.
Do you honestly thing Astralite will take his foot off the gas pedal? Pony is full speed ahead and it's looking amazing
Show me anything v4 can do that Pony v7 wouldn't be able to do!!
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the male urge to gen more femdom
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apparently capitalization matters for prompt adherence in v4
is there a way to let novelai generate forever
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its t5
Why do this? Just adds more retarded tinkering
Of course it does, it's T5
Good to see you are posting more than just one pic. Is that the difference in workable output you are having right now?
What exactly are you testing? The ponytail girl or the model?
That's so fucking retarded
Just start it over
My entire college degree in Prompt Engineering made obsolete
No, that's not possible
Of course, capital letters are different tokens for T5. Enjoy. :)
They really should have considered second text encoder.
retarded tourists just finding out about T5
yikes... i take that back
maybe he should've went the speed limit!
Make gpt write you a script, I had one for v3 I used on the site. Don't forget to add some several second long pauses between genning cause they actually can limit your account if they notice you genning like 24/7.
Seethe, Kuruwhose.
No character bleed in one shot is kind of a game changer, someone needs to rig sillytavern to auto gen in stories now that its possible
And why the fuck do I have to wait 900 seconds to post now?
So I don't get how it works, do I need to capitalize every character and series name?
I just can't fucking run it on my 3060...
I vaguely remember a script on nai back then where you could up and down emphasis ({[) easily with ctrl+up and ctrl+down, anyone has it?
textsisters lost
Get a used 3090.
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When will image models be able to generate images like this without any deep tinkering? With this amount of precise detail.
When using tags, make everything lower case. When using prose, capitalize according to the rules of English grammar.
Incase you want to see old ones, they're archived here. Ones with the logo or goose tend to be the "general" threads while others focus on some series and its usually only OP posting gens. https://tsumanne.net/si/AI
If you're checking with the userscript the \" comes from JSON character escaping. Until recently NovelAI didn't allow newlines in their prompt input so it wasn't really an issue to display it as raw JSON until several weeks ago. I probably need to update it to parse in a similar manner to their /inspect endpoint.
Yeah, it's broken because they updated their prompt input for reason above. I need to fix it.
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it's a way less retarded way to handle nouns than just copying danbooru tagging, which has irreparably fucked illustrious and noob
thanks, don't know why i didnt think of this but it works
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>What exactly are you testing?
My status lmaooooo, I thought I was going to be banned but seems like it's not the case
Not anytime soon. Rolling a solid base gen and inpainting the parts with fine detail one by one can get it done without any manual drawing though at least.
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just gotta love t5 haha
Return of the King.
Naikeks destroyed by a Pillar with one simple gen!
my eyes destroyed by disgusting localslop
Why does the girl look like a low quality 3d render? Especially the pussy and skin
can someone try remaking this in nai
its pony
It's Ayakon.
Impossible, too much careful manual work with attention to detail involved there.
guy is in the three nostrils meta
im glad ayakon is finally understanding the appeal of simple background, white background
Is Civitai still using Paddle?
lina approves
does v4 allow gore?
Probably, considering they keep cucking more and more.
local lost again...
I'm still sad you didn't give me the prompt before when I was cosplaying a zoomer. no hard feelings, but never point a gun at me again or else
>Yeah, it's broken because they updated their prompt input for reason above. I need to fix it.
Damn, it was so useful too...
You can't buy new gift keys but you can still redeem them. Why don't Kurumuz come and drop some gifts for his favorite henti community?
that seems like alot of tagging autism for some results. I assume it doesnt do good broken bones, wounds etc out of the box?
bye bye
>naiv4 doesn't recognize emojis
>local does
v4 clearly lost
let me see a proper gen
a blue bird just flew by and told me kurumuz is collecting all your prompt so he can sell them to openai
first sale to make negative money
considering how many retards are trying to prompt for cunny gens, that data will be quite valuable to some people
>the best v4 gens posted are retarded gore shit
>retards are trying to prompt for cunny gens
>literal barbie doll body
We're just accidentally finding out Kurumuz's fetishes. Rimjobs, gore, what's next?
Lol wasn't kurum going on about making "AI easy for the masses" or some shit
Yeah, it sucks. It recognizes them in that they cause the model to hallucinate shit, since it is something T5 certainly knows at least, but it does nothing useful. Probably a byproduct of v4 being trained from scratch and their dataset not including anything with emojis.
try meta:zbrush (medium)
What's that for?
interesting. thanks
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occult sage is a gurofag
Pretty strange guy...
I just find it hilarious that I can prompt and it'll just spit out a hyper generic 1girl while local will spit out an actual snake or, if you have a lora on, usually a lamia or something scaled/snake themed.
also I probably need to test a bit if it's just me using primarily SFW artists but the anuses in particular are REALLY bad on v4. Shit's weird.
"better" prompt
meta:koikatsu (medium) also works pretty good, it would have taken 5 loras for local to achieve the look
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move on to text backgrounds
T5 tokenizer literally cannot encode emoji.
>noob got furry
>v7 got ponies
>v4 got gore
when are we gonna get some vanilla here?
Good name for a schizo desu.
>text field supports emojis but 4chinz actual posting doesn't
god dammit I forgot about this.
whatever they show up in metadata now. but 3 snakemojis just spits this generic shit out on v4
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Had to ((looking at phone, looking at object, looking away)) and play the RNG game.

Weird but carry on then.
Just add [[[[[[laserflip]]]]]]
>v4 got gore
v3 still had it
Local keeps losting
I dunno man.
Kind of feels like it's a bit worse now.
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Ah fuck, you're right actually. Ignore me then.
Yeah sounds about right. Could try looking down too but that probably works better for portrait style orientations.
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>But the core problem with V4 is that it's simply not consistent when it comes to mixes in general
that's the really annoying part of it. I would not mind having to create new mixes, but there's no consistency to the damn thing. I didn't change a single thing between these two gens, yet one they lean into different artists from the mix.
>jordach radio silent on v4
don't know whether that's a good sign or not
He finna fix it.
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v4 still kinda sucks but at least I can occasionally get it to spit out something I like.
I'm still waiting for his fox for flux
comparing riding_bicycle on local/v4 really shows how far ahead nai is now
don't look twi- I mean link
>bakes a bicycle lora
You were saying?
What a story, where can I buy the whole book?
me behind the window
ur pokemon
gen her out of the futon sometime. there is not much of her as it is.
artist:takayanagi katsuya
very good
a modern dali
me on left
I ride like this
bake all the loras you want localkeks, but you could never in a million billion years ever
I'm local and I am unaliving myself. Goodbye.
I wonder if they will opensource smea in 6 months
whats going on with the feet
no-clipping out of the shoes, a common bug
Halfway she transforms back to her base loli form
Can you give the pigeon tits?
Ok, but why are you guys fricking out. This only matters for natural language. Do you guys seriously capitalise danbooru tags randomly?
artist:itzah, pixel art

look good
cam make bike black ?
V4 has worse anatomy than V3, I'm so disappointed.
/d/ WISHES is was this creative.
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I’d cum instantly.
Having skill issues on v4, can anyone replicate this pose? https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8874062
Doesn't seem too complex but it just refuses to do both fingering and nipple sucking to the point where I'm getting body horrors on every other gen. Yes, I tried putting everything related to each character into the respective fields.
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post csam. or else
Wouldn't say worse, I think it's better, but I'm getting too many broken limbs and body horrors and shit to be happy either.
>femle pov
but it's not real...
It's there. Even tried reinforcing the prompt with a NL description along with all the tags. No luck.
fingers too long
hello fellow sam posters how do you do
fellow naixisters, I authorize the posing of 2hou lineups to turn the v4 narrative around

So did anyone ever figure out why noob vpred 1.0 just randomly spergs out and generates extremely saturated schizo images sometimes?
>10 pics left
c'mon, I have lalatinas to repost.
okay so turns out v4 is actually the best model available right now and it was just a prompt issue?
kill yourself you insufferable faget
use nai
Now that's a real v4 gen
base noob vpred? yeah, it does that from time to time, use a shitmix or a lora to stabilize it
Maybe T5 isn't so bad after all...
they really should add some crutch for artist mixing like prompt editing or second TE
>All V4 gens posted so far are either:
>Cuck shit
>Humiliation shit
Really makes you thunkted
>All local gens posted so far are either:
>Cuck shit
>Humiliation shit
Really makes you goonkted
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sounds like someone needs urgent box-zuri!
all real nai subscribers have killed themselves at this point. It's just localchads memeing until the proxy dies
catbox please?
My bull paid for my subscription, I could only repay him by genning our fav fetish
i'll be honest, no marketing kurumuz can do would ever be better than what exposure this proxy gives. If gens just looked cleaner I'd pay for a month
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Mine are relatively normal but then again I’ve only posted thrice.
Well who do you think put it up?
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really? I did like 5 gens with it before I went back to noob
>v4 can do gundam sex
oh no. illustrious based models are now no longer in a super exclusive club.
>No valid NovelAI keys available. Please try again later
Did you really need to fucking do this?!
Just needs some cleanup with inpainting.
Local must win the the PR battle
hmmm some of these women do not look 25+...
This weird noise/artifacting really detracts from v4 gens. They look alright/nice otherwise but it's so fucking annoying to see this.
I'm fine with not being able to mix artist styles, not having SMEA, etc.. but the artifacting just kills it for me.
I’m not fine with any of those things.
Looks pretty much how I was prompting it, too bad the proxy died so I can't try genning more, but maybe it's the landscape orientation that did it for you. I wanted it to be vertical like in the example so didn't try horizontal or square.
does overclocking do anything for gens or is cuda just what it is?
Why is children having large breast?
Get over it chud, Kurumuz and friends have said this model is better than literally everything.
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gachaslut dose
box? rip his testicles
Furina next.
What are some of your favorite V4 styles?
Who is this Kurumuz guy you guys keep talking about?
Any anecdotal experiences with using the prompt field vs the character field(s)?
my dad
Styles? Brother, it’s V4.
pure yd is okay. a little overtrained but serviceable
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xiangling next pls
Can NAI V4 generate good pantyhosed feet?
Yeah, first time ever I'm seriously thinking about paying for it. It can generate girls with less than 70 images in the boorus, fairly accurate, while noob usually struggles with them. https://files.catbox.moe/vu9o9b.jpg
Exactly which extension do I need to install for adetailer?
Style cluster 9!
I'm disappointed with V4, have to thank the guy for saving me $25.
I'm not disappointed with V4, don't have to thank the guy for saving me nothing.
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blue tao
not in my wildcards
Based. Gotta love the Furineer. Just gotta.
At least V3 is still pretty good
Is this the right repo?
yes, there's a list with all extensions in the op
V3 with V4’s data set would’ve been enough for me to open my wallet.
New Thread:

>>8479711 →
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Wasn't he claiming 20 before? I am pretty sure the curated ones could work with really low images. The fuck did they do to fuck it up this bad lol
>Be newfag.
>Made it to the highlights.
I dunno how to feel about this.
I'm going to turn you into a femboy
men gets emotional for things they ejaculate to often

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