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Sky Dive Edition

Previous Thread: >>8477523 →

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 | https://civitai.com/models/1232765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgz/edit | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

>>8479711 (OP)
Previous Thread Highlights:

>>8479623 →
sometimes I pause and think about how incredible technology is. Such a massive leap the past few years
Kill Yourself
>naiv4 op
>naiv4 not in op
well playing with v4 was kind of fun for a bit but man does it feel real fucking mid.
kill yourself.
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asuka if she was hot
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magical girl love
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>>8479711 (OP)
Add the NAI ad back.
Thanks for the proxy!
Can we make it so that it's just not allowed to say bad things about nai?
why is her clit smudged off
who erased it
>Asuna and Kensuke’s love-child
Drop some gift keys for us first, Muzzy!
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>>8479605 →
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AI basically being my on-demand artist for all the stupid porn shit I’ve always wanted but never intended on commissioning because I’m not made of money is a godsend.
box please?
MiniNai bros... its over...
can you do homura as well?
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wish noob knew her black dress better
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>never forget
Yike, local looking worse than ever!
anon was right, artist:itzah,pixel art is a nice combo
Time to pay up, piggie
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sir you must validate me reedeming $25 sirs,,,
>>8479670 →
they look decent until you zoom in
i remember having that issue with artiwaifu
nai could NEVER
alright that's a rad gen ngl
I give up on v4. Spent over 10000 leftover anals, and haven't gotten anything remotely half decent. "Learn 2 Prompt" shit is nonsense, the only good looking images posted in the last two threads were Noob, the only v4 images (here and elsewhere) that didn't look terrible were seed gacha or carried by a single, unstable artist tag, where the style changes drastically if you change one or two scene/character tags.

Hard to be too upset though, Noob may not be perfect, but at least it's free.
>Spent over 10000 leftover anals, and haven't gotten anything remotely half decent
how many MD5s am I gonna need to filter for this kek
>80% of the highlights are nai v4
you all bitch but at the end of the day its still the best model and the people have spoken
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yeah this mix of loras and artists has always been pretty fried especially the eyes, but I enjoy the impression the girls can give off with it
hypersexualized nudity
Delusional if you think this is the same as back than lmao
v4 won
textsissies lost
MiniNai status?
>80% of the highlights are nai v4
>Over 90% of thread is NAI.
Hmm, I wonder...
Dead again.
dead... i used too much
v4 can't make 3D pics, local is better
the last two threads have been more lolwut so no surprises there
This was pretty sad. Was the moment when I realized that this thread is filled with blind dogmatical faggots that were willing to deny reality just because it made them feel uncomfortable.
>blind dogmatical faggots that were willing to deny reality
like v4 shills now?
>I can't believe the thread is filled with people who actively dislike tourist shills who keep insisting that you HAVE to pay a monthly subscription for porn
who would have thought
Not really. V4 looks poopy so far but I'm willing to wait for some time, maybe someone will figure it out.
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I actually really like homu but due to that I've gotten multiple bans for her so everytime I think of posting her its just (((lol)))
+1 cnnuy: https://files.catbox.moe/ehzio2.png
Don't pay if you don't want to, nobody can force you sis, just don't be a delusional retard.
By the time people figure shit out, V5 will be on the horizon because these retards are determined not to share how to prompt “correctly.” No, telling GPT to summarize a style is not correctly, and I’m not taking advice from the stupid nigger in charge of their LLM division.
So post something...
this is still the most fun ai image general on this site
Best artist tags for realistic in naiv4?
A remake of a classic.
I don't think I'll bring it up again for now, the first run consumed about 160K anlas, this run - 350K. Maybe some time later?
you wouldn't by any chance be interested in chlidnsre would you?
>highlights are now pay to win because if you have a nai v4 sub it means you get in automatically
such bullshit
all v4 prompts need alas even i use 28 steps?
hoooooly based
nice, now wider
perferrably to the point where it looks distorted
I used accounts without a subscription, that's why the gens were so fast. On Opus the normal gens will be free, yes, but quite a bit slower because anlas gens are prioritized.
no? 2048 combined pixels at 28 steps is free
local look like this to me
Sadly, my local gen got in this time.
Meh, do that furry model hgd wife beutiful lady portrait instead.
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I've yet to see any NAI posts that look better than local
oh thx
You are getting exiled to India, pack your bags up and say goodbye to your family.
Genuinely, no. I just want to generate thick women in obscure cosplay
almost based, just inpaint that smartphone image
It's slop.
I've yet to see any local posts that look even close to NAI
>just inpaint
We don't do none of that here anymore, Sir.
I have yet to see any posts that are better than the ones following the nai/illu release. seems like only newfags are motivated to post images these days
:this: :100:
meta:blender (medium)
Is this ironic?
Someone show me v4 deadnoodles, I'm not renewing my subscription just for that
artist:drive shot

Looks really nice
try it out anons!
i like it
You don't need to renew a subscription, just use your leftover anals.
Bros how do I stop being a promptlet?
I'm not used to local prompting
It's accurate MMD style.
I can agree with that, haven't genned anything that looked this bad (>>8479839) locally in years.
is minotaur/werewolf x human girl cosplaying said animal allowed here? any other suggestions if anyones into that
The NAI V4 have improved in various but it still have some flaws like it have problem mixed style example like artist style or creatures/characters.

But it become more easier to prompt when you want to have more control of image generation. But it take some extra effort to write rather than just typing the tags.

Here is prompt that I had used for this image.

a petite girl with long straight black hair, brown eyes, red lips and purple eyeshadow. She is wearing black garter belt and stockings. Her nipples are fulled erected, long labia with pubic stubble. She teasing the viewer while thrusting inside her wet pussy with dildo by using her own hand. The motions lines appear around her hand and dildo while inserting her pussy. The background is bedroom. nsfw
can v4 do game screenshots?
does it have any internet knowledge like dall-e 3?
>It's accurate MMD style.
Those melted v4 hands certainly aren't.
Sure, thanks for the freebies anon. Maybe limit gens a tiny bit in some way next time? So it doesn't consume too fast
So just retarded, gotcha
Why is it so grey
Hope that they can get enough funds to quickly train v5. Otherwise this will be the end of anime model progress for a long time
its eps
yeah really we need to support them all we can. this is only the beginning, things can only get better from here!
This, I subbed from two diff accounts just to support Novelai!
sure it's not the best at 3d but i think it does okay, i'd probably take this into local and i2i with a lora and get something better but lazy
I don't have enough anals remaining for a proper test but it doesn't look that different tbqh
Hopefully someone can make something way better
why is it so ugly, artifacted, grey and blurry?
it's local duhhhhh
>detached fingers
So this is the power of a 16ch vae...
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i liked v4
I unironically did that back when v3 gen-times were 15 seconds or more, now I couldn't be assed to even hunt down the API key for my last account with leftover anals.
Kurushills tried pushing the "v4 does perfect fingers" in the previous thread, meanwhile most gens barely look better than Noob with fingers and other anatomy.
beta vs sgm uniform?
Good for you.
NAI v4's style blending is completely fucked, I cannot get the style I was using in v3 at all. Everything else is great but I will have to stick to v3 for now, maybe fine tuning images in v4
have an egg in this trying time
If you use 'nsfw', they look far worse than Noob most of the time, and are only semi-passable without it, and only with a handful of artist tags.
wtf Kurumuz is anti-hentai now??
euler a?
No, it's just a mediocre half baked model they panic retrained after a CSAM scare that they had to release because they were bleeding subscribers waiting for v4.
Kurumuz-chan, don't read that!
welp v4 sucks
anyone want my account to spend my anals?
Not me
i'd love it
post burners
Post bunnies
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Is she corpse?
id rather give u anal bby
I'm wowing rn
these look great, catbox?
those doll joints doesn't look quite right
Why is it so blurry?
it's her fleshy dollpit vagina hiding in there
It's NAI (version 4).
Pony v7 will save anime AI generation.
Weird doll joints, must be some lora.
If it's the same schizo, it would be kind of pathetic.
which one of the threads for monster porn?
Really? That's crazy.

I suspect that I fiddle the setting.


Missed that, it is not uncommon that fingers become mess.

Bu anyway another thing that I discover with V4 it is more easier to control various characters to perform sexual intercourse compared to V3. In V3 it was more painful and it require several attempt until I get the desired result.
Nice esl Sir
saar why is your hentai men wearing lipsticks
My boyfriend is so upset over Naiv4 he's barely touched his ketchup-mayo steak..
yeah cool control. now if only it didn't visually look like something out of V1 it'd be worth $3/mo
holy mother of /aco/
I can't believe intercourse of sex used to be painful until kurumuz invented V4
Changing my "artist: alice" to "alice" seems to up the quality, interesting.
I wear lipstick
why is v4 genitalia so bad?
it's not sd1.5 bad but it seems worse than pony was and that's kind of fucked up
To make you feel safe.
But you are a cute nyoposter wth milky white skin and a small lovely penis, not a nigga with an afro.
What's the best local program/model to :
- inpaint
- upscale

(anime model, mostly naiv4 and noob)

I'm using comfyui but the inpaint nodes look like something a sadistic psychopath would create.
>almost no cunny gens posted
I thought NAI was a pedo model?
I've tried like 4 different styles with various amps and de-amps and the dick literally ends up looking the same almost all the time lmao
it's prunned (NAIV4)
V4 is dogshit at mixing styles, why would cunnyGODS bother with it?
reforge for both
new forge and foocus have the best uis for inpainting. you'll have to use inpainting controlnets and external software like photoshop for complex stuff
You can always gen in a single artist style.
do you use anything other than "slop" to describe anything?
Errrr so why did nai fuck up their model to add writing instead of just updating their old dataset?
do you post anything but slop?
Thanks anon, my knowledge stopped at a1111.
They drank their own cool-aid and believed they were the best data scientists in the world so they baked their whole model from scratch.
They saw the success of Flux and knew that text generation was the future. Most people don't care about autistically mixing styles and they just want to mimic their favorite artist one at a time so that was wasted space in the old model and replaced with the ability to put text on clothing or wooden signs.
they trained their own arch to avoid paying license fees to stability
Stop it, you'll make Kurumuz sad :(
How has he been reacting to everyone shitting on his failbake? I want to see some more screenshots of their discord
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>>8479711 (OP)
>see some more screenshots of their discord
fuck no make a drama eceleb channel or something, I'm tired of this stupid shit
Wtf that can't be l*cal can it?!
When you mention it.... I thought it was normal until I took closer look it, I quickly edit with inpaint and added red lipstick on undesired content.

I notice with some problem with V4 it could also "spills" prompt to other characters.


Real good image generation take time and it don't help either that they forced to retrain it again after they disocer that V4 could make realistic image of real people.


Yes it is pretty much bless. Now they need to update more of V4, V4 still lacking some features that V3 had. Or hope that they will release improved NAI V5.
why did you edit thi V4 gen to have local metadata? Are you insane or just trolling??
>Wow that’s really good. Omg. How is this AI lmao.
The raw power of v4 is blowing minds left and right.
>Hentai style
Great tag for making the hentis
sometimes we have to remember that normies haven't blasted their brains with millions of ai images, and cant recognize the slop
>"prompt": "Hentai style, couple, bedroom, motion lines, nsfw, no text, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdres",
>"char_caption": "a petite girl with long straight black hair, brown eyes, red lips and purple eyeshadow. She is wearing black garter belt and stockings. Her nipples are fulled erected, long labia with pubic stubble. She riding on his cock while having ahegao expression. "
>"char_caption": "an big muscular dark man with afro hair. his huge cock that penetrate pussy. he looked at viewer while giving thumb up and smiled brightly"
Someone please tell me this is a shitpost.
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>dedicated channel to (not) help people get something even remotely decent out of V4
what the fuck?
Most people are surprised when they're told AI images exist that isn't like AOM slop from 3 years ago
lmao, they are totally in damage control mode.
Wondering if I train a lora in that nai style would work
is there an updated webui extension for v4?
it's really easy to sneak AI onto subreddits that seethe and cry about ai constantly if you hide it at all even
>v4 being shit is 95% to blame on furryfreaks
I didn't really need yet another reason to hate them but sure I'll take it
And on the other hand will immediately scream slop if an artist draws the eyes slightly blurry or the tw*tter image compression does that to his art.
Yes we know Ayakon and everyone is impressed every single time you talk about doing it here
>Wow. Wonderful. Sublime. Please. More.
Why isn't every v4 gen received like this here?
That's one of you losers larping, stop this
Furries convinced kurumuz that he was too hot to pay stability fees and that his team had what it takes to train a full model from scratch?
v and vg are NAI shill central if I'm not mistaken.
No, they're just boards full of normies that think that AI = dalle-3 hallucinations or SD 1.5 shit, they act like monkeys seeing fire for the first time every time someone shows them an AI gen that doesn't have salad fingers or melty eyes.
IAshizo here. What's up?

[spoiler]Realmente estas mejorando con ese nuevo estilo rarotonaga alternativo que traes de vez en cuando.[/spoiler]
because depressive people here forgot to enjoy stuff and just doom post "slop" all day to literally anything shown
/trash/ is nai shill central
/v/ and /vg/ are dalle retards
Those two go hand in hand tardie.
Saars they are on to us, the gig is up
So true NAI is perfect
I like the composition, but the eyes man, I get them in low resolution like this and it's quite annoying.
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Nice spoiler
Normies use DALL-E cause its "free"
They wanna generate dumb Mario, Peach and PIkachu images. Not hentai and all that other weird shit thats for cringe ass weebs.
The old one should work.
can you not make thread wars shit, and just go to sleep
That's your fault for not being able to prompt and leverage the full power of the 16 ch VAE.
Why is there so many retard like you expecting the style mix to be 1:1 on a completely different model? Might aswell complain pony couldnt do style mixing as well as v3
Still V4 look like shit overall
Normies were using dall-e to gen pics of Taylor Swift making out with dogs.
Is not "upscaled" unfortunately.
I wish [spoiler][/spoiler] worked in here.
v4's style mixing is ass because it doesnt even really mix styles
sticking with v3
So general consensus (and also my thoughts) is that V4 is genuinely worse than V3?
I mean the only reason I'd use V4 is to more easily prompt threesomes or use a character introduced after 2023.

It worked on curated version, I could use anime or manhwa style instead. It is good idea to add style prompt otherwise you could get diffirent style.


Nope, I tried this prompt instead of only using tags like in older versions. I notice that I get more desired result but sometime I use Danbooru tags when feeling lazy.
V4 is way better at furry which is pretty awesome
Imagine paying $25 to gen shit that would have been considered embarrassingly ugly even during the Pony days
v4 is way better at composing an image but way worse with styles
if you're still the one doing the highlights, do you just go through a mental checklist to decide what needs to fill out the collage?
one of the characters in the koikatsu training lora i made was auto tagged as mythra \(xenoblade\) and if that's the reason why all of my subsequent training iterations have had her specifically fry im going to die
More like going through the thread (and the archived one) and pick stuff up/compare pics against one-another but that changes a lot between threads.
Xiangling pls
kurumuz status?
yeah I was thinking that once an image seems to have ticked a box for some composition, everything else with the same seems to get passed up, so I thought it was a funny autopilot behavior
looks like pony? why
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>patreon slop artists now can't use their normal artist blends sending everyone back to square 1 if they want to use the new nai v4 features
>I've already struck gold with a new blend

It's time for me to breakout brehs
someday you will get a request from that one /bag/got
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Don't they all use local anyway, the same "2.9d" art style like the catboxed one here : https://files.catbox.moe/dw9x75.webp
I only post my slop here so he'd have to come here himself.
nokezori tag works in v4
nah most of the biggest ones all were nai
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the metadata is there broski
naiv4 FLOPPED bigly
NAI just raised the CFG slider from 10 to 20 and removed the "Decrisp" option for V4. lol?
Oh I see.
it is good?
I think these ones are more a thing of chinese users
western and japanese ones are nai or local (but always the same style even in local, so lazy)
>>8479623 →
>>8479585 →
can I get your prompts?
im retarded, it was meant for >>8480047
is this what they call user friendly?
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Out of all the shitmixes I have tried, this one is good with all the artists that I care and it's somehow good with complex prompts
Also I don't have to use an additional lora to stabilize it, just a minor tweak to my negs, see pic related (was mostly a test of one of old prompts)
It's fine, not perfect but pretty usable
Fuck animagine 4 is so good in terms of styles, but completely shits the bed on anything slightly more complicated than just 1girl prompts.
Noobai with animagines aesthetics would literally solve world hunger.
I'm sensing another refiner meme shitpost on the horizon
See you guys in 2027 for V5
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nta, but this https://rentry.org/hdgcb from the OP

what causes this logical discrepancy?
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pixelart inpaint test
nai v4 left, v3 right
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rolf, so the current version is the final version until v5?
Lol they are giving no tips or help on how to make better images are now desperately hoping some one figures out miracle prompting or people just get stockholmed into liking it
KEEEEEEEEEEK, good fucking lord
you just need to learn how to prompt anon, it's a new model that just came out yesterday there's no reason to make comparisons this early into its life
How in shambles is their discord right now on a scale of 1 to 10, it seems like every screenshot I see of Kurumuz is him telling everyone it's a skill issue
If the model is that good why are they already hyping up V5?
LMAO and people actually pay this fucker. At least stability gave SD3 for free before insulting it's users
if it's a skill issue why aren't their employees sharing their good gens on discord for everyone to see?
Honest this smug atitute just burned any sort of good will I had left
>lol just git gud dude no I'm not going to explain how you're supposed to use the tools you've given me money for you just have to trust me that you suck and need to learn to use it
I'm not giving them money anymore
Take your meds. Imagine coming to a thread about a 28 year old videogame so you can shitpost about AI
>tell everyone they suck at prompting
>dont post good looking pictures
>dont post good workflow
>refuse to elaborate
that will be 25 dollars per month cuckies lol
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They tried. It got embarrassing.
You never did stop trying to virtue signal
>It's not the product, it's you.
Classic shit-tier software company damage control at it's finest. Fuck them, I get enough of that shit at work.
Like looking in a mirror, huh?
Do I know you? I don't remember virtue signaling around here
>spent months thinking claudefag is a complete schizo who is obsessed with nai for no good reason
>nai v4 comes out
>it's actually kind of funny how bad it is
>find myself just supporting his schizo posting and enjoying the complete shitshow that is nai v4
well i guess im a hypocrite
Genuine question from someone who has no idea how training works:
Can a model look bad when it's 95% done and become good in the last 5% of training?
Or is it not salvageable at that point?
This one doesn't work btw :
NovelAI prompting userscript (emphasis keyboard shortcuts)
go back to /vg/ old man, this is zoomer country fr
>find myself just supporting his schizo posting
this was never a good idea
fr fr ong
Jesus christ LOL
ive never trained a diffusion model before but i started out training GANs and ime those always looked progressively less shit throughout training
if you mean stuff like loras then they shouldn't ever look worse than the base model and if they're bad in the last 5% then they're probably fucked. the same thing is probably also true for fine tunes
I didn't check deadnoodles at all while the proxy was working(even though I probably should have).
here's an amechan tho
this fucker actually blind
This is why their LLM division is in the fucking toilet. I genuinely don’t see NAI even lasting long enough to release v5 now.
does anyone there actually really use their models
holy shit
The problem with this model is the inherent architecture won't allow what people are hoping for (artist mixing), that was a side effect of how dogshit clip was at constraining concepts. Contrary to all their gloating NAIV3 was essentially a lottery win for them and doubt they will be able to replicate it
>People still making fun of NAI V4
It's not as good as we thought it was going to be, but it's far from bad lol.
Just because your schizo artist mix isn't working the same way it worked on v3 doesn't mean it's a bad model.
i just hope someone leaks v3 if they go under
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I was asking because I just joined the pony discord and saw the v7 previews.
I was excited for it and heard it was almost done, but now I'm doomin' and gloomin'
no, training is usually done with decreasing lr towards the end and only small details get learned by that time. That being said, you can train with something like stable decay as long as you like and just branch of whenever you like for refining
Oh my bad I thought you meant V4 lol, Pony is a lost cause, ignore that one
It’s a bad model specifically because they killed artist mixing, using just one artist isn’t good enough, and everyone involved is more interested in jerking each other off in their server than actually helping paying users. The only thing NAI had over its competition was ease of access, and that’s in the toilet.
I may be retarded because I installed it, the first one, and nothing changed
They should just update the v3 database and cut their loses short
the only thing that would make this better is if they made it so you couldnt use v3 anymore

the patreon grifter tears would be absolutely insane
Explain what you think grifter means.
pony or at least it's mixes were quite amazing at mixing artists (that worked)
is it just a sdxl thing?
it's just one bait posting the same thing over and over and over and over again, then watching other anons take the bait
it's endless, I wonder how much time it will go on before he tires out

though I disagree, if it's not a bad model then it's a badly explained model, at some point they need to publish actual guides
I am able to get nice erotic stuff, especially with multiple characters, but it's like 3 in 10 and I'm unable to understand why it's so uneven outside of the base model itself being uneven
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local won bigly...
Anyone making more money than me
A person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud.
man the devs really don't know how to use the model at all
I don't think they can, they had all the compute to do small incremental updates anytime but I think they realized they are anything else they do with the model just fucks it up (since they pretty much admitted to not knowing how half the stuff they made works).
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did it really?
people would be happy with it's prompt capabilities if the existing artists didn't look as bad as they do on top of the artifacting
you WILL tweak ze style prompts
It's the same situation with Noob but I'll give Euge and LAX credit that they didn't shit on their users like this
Nice gen btw
Your mom says the same thing about you (she also lies)
Making their own model from the scratch was a mistake, all they had to do was make something with Flux.
do you ever stop
They really need to tell that guy to shut the fuck up because everything he says makes them look incompetent as fuck.
>almost everything good about v3 happened by accident
>spent approximately zero time trying to figure out how or why those accidents happened
>make your own arch
>I wonder how much time it will go on before he tires out
How much time did it take last big release (v3)?
I don't think he ever stops, just learn to ignore.
Honestly, looking at noobai convinced me that all you need is SDXL.
Flux and SD3.5 might be good as a general model, they suck for finetuning.
SDXL seems flexible enough to basically do whatever you want it to do.
what's with the recent trend if blaming all posts you don't like on 1 (one) schizo?
I'm a schizo but I'm not that schizo
Don't worry about that guy, it's just 1 schizo constantly blaming it on 1 schizo.
What went so wrong? V4 could easily pass a 1.5 shitmix, even pony is miles better.
At least nips LOVE it tho, they never moved from the 1.5 style and this is like a holy grail to them.
you shouldn't feel too bad because pony v7 was always going to be shit. astralite has said himself that he doesn't understand training very well and just threw darts at SDXL until something hit and now he's trying it again with a fundamentally shittier architecture and a fundamentally shittier base checkpoint. if it's at least comparable to v6 it'll be a miracle and even then it'll be DOA because it'll still be impossible for most people to run or train locally while v6 has a massive ecosystem on civit
this. we should train sdxxl where we add 2 more clip instances and triple the parameter count
>they never moved from the 1.5 style
I'm kind of tired seeing dlsite games/asmr with this style though, I hope they'll migrate to v3/4 at some point.
lots of stable diffusion geniuses in here
Thanks anon
>they never moved from the 1.5 style
why is that though
Kurumuz loves the iconic 1.5 style
>retrain model so each version requires users to remake prompts causing them to spend more to get real results
now that's a business model
Idk they just like it. All of their illu/noob shitmixes try to mimic that style.
This faggot is blind in the same exact way anons were/are when they compared pony outputs to v3 outputs and went "look, we can do that too! it's the same picture!” for the longest fucking time
>Pay for NAI
>Complain about their product
>The developers literally humiliate you in their public discord
How the fuck is anlatan still a thing?
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it's still kind of weird
maybe i really do need to just figure out this subsurface scattering shader, which sucks since i can't find any documentation for it online
you figured out how to make nai v1 skin?
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i figured out how to make shitty pre-pbr skin

Pick the correct number of steps for euler_a. If you get this number wrong, your family will die.
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>unprompted sweat and sweatdrop
not even NAI v4 can't escape the average amechan experience huh
dont click this steals your anlas
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Can someone confirm this?
like i've said, nai v1 full skin
he's completely absent from the style, what happens if you delete it?
Now how do I [] instead of {}?
full of shit, I've tried every single combination and there's clearly soft banned artists like mizumizuni who I used to provide shine for my prompts' dicks and now he's basically impossible to show up in a prompt even if I put him at the front and amp him 5 times { }
give the link anon
I would go the opposite route, aka [ instead of {
>soft banned
schizo, what? he works just fine
why it looks so... saturated?
v3 is still the best saas model
it's 25 actually
even that feels like overkill sometimes
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saar turn down the saturation of the monitor in the settings
I downplayed his style with square brackets but you can still see a tiny bit of his influence on the eyebrows and shading.

here's one without his style, it's very very similar
nips are tech illiterate
if they manage to get something working that they like they will never seek to improve upon it unless it get canned
remind me of umemaro still using his 20 years old setup to do his porn
nice artist, thanks
the dataset for all models comes from danbooru, which means,the woman should have lighter skin, the male darker. this will guarantee your final image will look better.
i use 32, bigger number=better right?
You forgot about Illust v3.5 (not available state of the art model)
28 maximum
>didn't make it
it's so over...
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I would just like to know how do you keep a consistent style in v4 without straight up copying an artist. The fun thing about mixing was getting something completely new
the problem is when you go high enough on euler_a it decides to completely change into what looks like an entirely different seed
and so theoretically you want to get the highest number you can before this change occurs
why is he such a kek?? noob and illust have faults, but never did the bakers double down and swear the user was wrong. they always said something like "we'll try to improve in the next release". why is NAI so opposed to doing incremental updates? they have the compute to try out tons of shit and experimental early access is literally one of their advertising points in the opus subscription description. i liked v3 but i'm simply not subscribing for v4 after how awful they handled this. first with the xittergrift early access and now with the doubling down on a failbake.
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one word. ego.
fool has gotten so comfy on his pedestal that any criticism against model means people are merely using it wrong. his models can NEVER have issues
Because if you’re complaining about v4 then that means you’re either subbed or paid for anlas, so they inherently view you as lesser than them.
there's a reason he didn't use any actual distinguishable styles to highlight his post. I just tried it with my shit, moved them around, swapped the order, added more brackets. Literally the same output lol
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fucked up
It should change completely with every single step added, that's the whole idea of ancestral samplers.
what a shitshow, if the arch wasn't ready they should've baked v3.5 in the meantime
so hows v7 doing anyways?
Surely just another month and it would've been fine
This is our fault for rushing them
All those "drawn by" should be enough of a tell
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Do this.
Imagine if NAI hadn’t dropped the ball.
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Bro I get that you do it with good intentions but that's fucking terrible, on wide shots like that you should always upscale the whole thing and then inpaint the fine details
Interesting, thanks anon
It's an improvement over just posting the raw gen.
Thanks, I want to do that inpainting locally, but I'm not sure I get why you should upscale before? To get better details in inpaint? But isn't inpainting "zooming in" the area you want changed?
all of that and the majority of the gen is just as109 lmao
can v4 do cooperative buttjobs?
>can v4 do
>I'm not sure I get why you should upscale before? To get better details in inpaint? But isn't inpainting "zooming in" the area you want changed?
you "inject" pixels into it but you can only add so much based on the canvas dimensions
bigger image, better inpaint results
sure, just use the character thing
it's very good at poses with multiple characters
>nai v4 is out
>thread is filled with lowtier groid, (ai-generated:4) dogshit gens again
see you in a month local xisters
Don't worry guys, the next partiral epoch is locking in! Gosh, v5 will mog local so hard fr fr.
hm, you're right, the body is very as109. i could tone it down a tad. thanks.
I see, thanks!
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>>8479711 (OP)

New per thread thing I will do until people start ignoring it completely
the eyes are also straight as109 with maybe a smidge of the others. I'm just pointing out how artist mixing just doesn't work with v4 such that that prompt just collapses into as109's style despite everything else trying to force it not to be
copium is in good supply right now I guess
ignored already
No I don't think I will.
lol wtf are you doing
what a good day, I should go sleep
Just use chatgpt to make a prompt, and than make sure to properly split the prompt into the general box, character box, and of course your negative. Don't worry about the artifacts, that's just a feature because it learned so well!
Thanks for "upscaling" that one.
Good improvement. Thanks.
I have this example of sorts:
First half is the raw output and the second is the impainted works. Dunno if it will help you.
what is bro doinnggggggggggggg
Looks interesting, but I'm going to wait until a character I care about is used before I try anything.
Who draws the softest looking huge dicks?
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you can do a character you care about any time, this is a chance to try something else!
Thanks anon, at least I can see the difference it makes. In nai, did you just write the inpainted zones prompts, or did you keep everything?
For example, inpainting eyes, did you write "eyes" as the only tag in prompt?
mamimi dicks always looked like soft socks full of toothpaste to me
me :)
base with as109
base without as109
i guess the ring eyes are as109 as well.
I misread this post and just started adding {{ }} around each artist tag and it seems to make mixes better, am I experiencing placebo
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I cant gen penises since its ramadan
Those are not mine. They are from saya-anon.
Any technical anons have an explanation for why NAI4 has so much "artifacting"? It kind of reminds me of base illustrious with how it strains the eyes.
go pay someone for your dumb commission shit
extreme focus on anime eye training destroys the understanding compared to realism, like you mix in millions of different eye styles and black dot eyes compared to realistic images/photos standardizing the idea of an eye
that is how real illustrations look, most artist don't use high resolutions
knew i'd get this dumb as fuck comment, go be negative elsewhere
You should try the ass-to-ass tag
this thread doesn't take requests and the the threads don't last long enough for any of that dumb shit.
if you want to see that shit do it yourself. I mean, you do have a GPU and can run the models, right? Why else would you be in this thread if you didn't?
stop being a negative retard and join in the casual fun compare you gen with others thing, or at least stfu, yes exactly no one needs to do requests or commissions
How come "huge ass" or any variants like big butt work?
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>stop being NEGATIVE!
>just let me make my thinly veiled requests that I can't even fulfill myself!
>who cares that it's just asking for low effort garbage just to meet the bare minimum! it's my thinly veiled request and I WANT that!
fuck off retard, it's a popular character there is probably 1000s of images of like this if someone wanted the concept of the image in general
my pc is busy genning wan2.1 videos sorry bro
fern anus? plz ty
i mean ill gen 2B doggystyle but the male has to be black sorry thats just how it is
post earlier in the day
i'll try post them at the start of threads in future
2b is /aco/
explain this gen then >>8480279
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last one before suhur
you know v4 is fucking bad when the thread is still this fucking dead
i was going to say she has 2 anus but she is 2b so 2 anus is okay
I didn't know 2B stood for 2 Buttholes...
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V4 verdict?
Gens look like v2 gens
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I like the robot and sword details
it's great. people say it's bad because you absolutely need artist tags to make it look good
If it's so bad, why are you subscribed?
oh my fucking god dude holy fucking shit
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>it's melting
Explain what you think melting means.
>it's coping
I'm enjoying the characters thing a lot.
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Fine, for this one time I'll give it a try.
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Learn the model instead of complaining. My provided output was more in line with the prompting required by V4. Also, just don't use artist tags?

they should put a muzzle on him for anything but LLM related discussions
>it's loling
so is this true? >>8479163 → did they actually wind up training on a whole fuckton of AOMslop to get that result? that looks like peak civitia, nothing from base NAIv1 had that look, it only occurred after countless mixes.
I appreciate Novelai V4 because it's easy to spot a naigger in the wild when they post an image with a shit load of artifacting and shit composition
kurumuz has never been more active in years than he has right now doing damage control in the discord
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>training on a whole fuckton of AOMslop
you can upload AI slop to danbooru and it never gets deleted, only hidden. NAI downloads everything, including hidden gens, so yes. ai slop is in the datset
Why the pee?
Do you guys remember all those screenshots of Kurumuz talking shit on local models saying how badly NAI v4 was going to blow everything out of the water? I just thought about those screenshots today.
it's squirt, bigot.
post 'em
thread is slow, thats all you need to know.
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That is pee, sir.
god he's such a smug fucking retard
i dont think he understands how llms even perceive images. What does this guy even do?
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>What does this guy even do?
he dabs on promplets in discord, get rekt paying customers
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She couldn't hold it in and the disembodied penis didn't give her a break.
If I ever get an email surveying why I canceled my subscription I'll be sure to name this stuck up retard
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even kurumuz thinks he's a retard
But she's a robot.
It's a new feature just for this occasion.
Are all deaf people like this? Is it just a way of coping?
They really do think of everything.
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I'm filled with an internal rage I can't describe. Imagine making your prompt, asking a simple question and then getting back the worst 1.5-esque slop humanity could possibly imagine, and not even match the same character, and this fucker acts smug about it
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shiiiit the ctrl+- script is broken on nai
Haha, pesky lazy customers! Eat shit, no refunds!
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not quite doggystyle
Kek, you got me.
what tag gives that cool sexy ass deformation effect?
if ur a vram GOD you can just use animagine 4 as a refiner at like 0.3-0.5 depending on your steps. just make sure to change it to allow to store 2 models in ur vram or else it'll take a really long time for gens because u have to unload/load models back and forth between gens.
NovelAI V4, ChatGPT, {{{{AOM}}}}
eeeeeyup. Another day another coom
this makes me as angry as that stupid megaman laptop picture from years ago
Guys, stop bullying the NAI employees. Local has NO TALENT and only they have the secret sauce.
oh I see, thanks!
local is still catching upto v3 btw
V4 is the bestest anime model for the next 5 years, retarded local chumps cant even fathom our new architecture
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honestly the v4 gens of anime screenshots im seeing on other boards look pretty good too bad its all blacked and cuckshit
so it really is that easy to get a shit ton of requests fulfilled for what you want
I wonder If nai's implementation of SMEA was incorrect, does that mean local got it right?
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this post radiates anger, why is that?
because anime screenshot is literally the only style that works as artist mixes are dead and weights on the majority of artists is completely fucked
they are 100% lurking this thread, they were even posting last night
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no problem
she happy
I saw that and he doesn't touch on it more than prompt guidance
They know something's fucked with the model
you can reuse their ideas and make your own stuff for fetishes you like, they indeed are experimenting and finding cool stuff
Finetune you are the best Anlatan member I love you
Daaaaaamn! I need to see this gape.
how did nai v3 came to be with retards such as kurumud and wizardhat
is aini and finetune guy that good?
best employee
box please?
NTA but that's exactly what I do, they got really nice gens going.
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what boards?
now that's great prompt comprehension
why are discord moderator types always like this? dude has zero self awareness, hope he goes homeless.
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adult pussy
when you accept the answer to the janitor question you reach true understanding
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like clockwork
Sovlful Noob masterpiece
Our new and best model
adult penis
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>billion hours compute to take steps back because they thought they knew better than stability
Maybe LAX will be able to teach Kurumuz how to properly finetune a model.
holy shit ayakon
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ok who's saving local now?
What the fuck?
Astralite just won
if someone can explain how do i tile upscale (do i use that xinsir union promax model or what?), i'll post 2b doggystyle
Illustrious v2 will break new ground.
this, but unironically
We owe him an apology, he surely did better than naicucks
I can explain but you have to post mushy cunny instead.
i'll post both
Holy shit!
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Alright, guess I don't mind this angle just this once
schizo moment or did they do something to V3?

i swear to god maybe my brains tuned to must from staring at V4 trash, but I'm starting to see similar textures on the dicks of my dudes in my mix that I saw in V4 but in V3
>janitor question
I don't know what exactly it means but the point is to shut up and say nothing if all you have to offer is just being a smug fuck and not even a good one.
Download this, do x1.5 in img2img with 0.6 denoise, 0.3 control weight, 0 start step, 1 end step. Hope that helps.
Maybe they updated v3?
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>"How's this?"
>sd1 looking gen
what sampler/scheduler would you suggest for upscaling?
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actually it's bad if you preserve unique tags
taking bets if he starts spamming
Even reddit's complaining about v4
careful or the king will banish you from his kingdom
>What does this guy even do?
He heads up NAI’s LLM division, which explains why it’s an utter shitshow—he fundamentally doesn’t understand how they work.
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The same you'd use for base gen? Or you can change it if you like, it doesn't really matter
shit like this just makes me wish some other researcher would come out and completely mog him on a technical level for everyone to see
unfortunately a lot of researchers really only care about new discoveries and not creating great models
those who DO care about making models make generalized ones like flux or wan
yeah or are brain drained into LLM big money land, which I don't blame them
I don't think anyone in that company understands how anything work. They got compute and are throwing shit at the wall lol
ayakon is getting curb stomped by kurumuz in the 'cord rn
This whole v4 fiasco is so embarrassing and funny lmao.
I mean, a sufficiently large lr will definitely scramble the model weights to near random, think lr=69420 or some shit, you just leap across local minima and forget everything
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she came out of the wildcards, I don't like blindfolds
i'd define that as training it wrong though
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why is ayakon who is still using pony arguing about the quality of nai which he has never used
he still thinks he made V3 and didn't just luck into it like ponyfucker
making people angry despite having no stake in the argument is fun
muh AI bro "I know tech" ego, what else is are they gonna do with their time, they sure aren't doing any real groundbreaking research or tooling development
how will local ever recover? the compositional capacity of this model is astounding
>basically had nothing from the original model
Except that's blatantly untrue, v3 definitely had non-booru concepts, they were weak, but still there.
What have I missed these past couple of weeks? Anything exciting?
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still not satisfied with my tile upscale settings, maybe i should stick to basic hires fix...
alright, here's your mushy cunny
last two threads have some exciting things in them
NAIV4 was a failbake is your tldr
Can someone explain why v4 sucks to a retard that knows zero about the actual workings of AI?
this one is most important
Stability was the researcher level billion pound project, nai is a bunch of morons who think they can do a better job
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adult kiss
everyone knows better than nustability now. v4 is better than SD3. robin is the only one who knew anything at that C-tier company, which is why flux handles text better than NAI and flux loras capture style infinitely better as well.
It's not very mushy. Have you selected preprocessor? What model do you use? Sampler/Scheduler? Maybe it's just your artist mix.
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the people who train flux are the only ones in the ""local"" sphere who know how to cook. to the point that nuking nsfw generation without harming the model was childs play.
>Have you selected preprocessor?
shit, no, should i? tile_resample?
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>white dude
>actually some pretty good takes on 2b
thread challenge was a good idea actually, if you are not a miserable cynic you can do cool things
>white dude
incredibly based, saying this unironically
i welcome it
>lets just turn this entire thread into /slop/ requestfest
yeah im glad im not a cynic this is super based
i'm redeeming
What is this? Genuinely asking
>there is literally no difference between request spam and one post with a high level idea
how to make slider loras that dont affect style or etc
Just the updated method of making copier/slider lora. Means for simple concepts like tinting things you don't need a lot of images.
Isn't Flux composed of OG stability researchers? Makes sense thinking like that
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>this place
no, not really.
nobody is requesting futas with a dark ugly penis with smegma here. or some cub gens. or bestiality.
iirc they're the people who developed the tech that stable diffusion was based off of, latent diffusion
i wouldnt be opposed to some of these 2b doggystyle gens being with actual dogs though...
I would be very concerned about that half-fallen building just above my head.
Cool, thanks for sharing.
Thanks guys
>nobody is requesting futas with a dark ugly penis with smegma here. or some cub gens. or bestiality.
good way to manifest it. cant wait for spiters to do exactly this and then say SEE!!! BAD IDEA!!!
its not possible because we're in /h/. and here you can actually report such images if they ever get posted.
because this is /h/, not /trash/, mr. einstein.
Why is she blue
yea they'll be removed only right as the thread is about to slip into archives :)
>dark ugly penis with smegma

fukken BASED!!!
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i enjoy this. please keep it up anon.
My god why are you people so fucking pessimists? Almost like I'm talking to a wall. But the wall has a graffiti of a sad face.
dabaadee daboodie
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v4 just isn’t doing it for me. I appreciate that the dataset is newer but the look is wrong. Maybe I’ll learn local or something.
If you just want a hugbox maybe reddit is more your speed?
Give me a single reason why I should believe things will get better besides empty-headed “”””””optimism“””””” from stupid fucks.
because noob got better
No smea/dyn has it not having the detail of v3 and leaving it look more slop like
it will get better, you just have to pay more shekels ;)
i want to see bishie boys plappin you're waifu, none of this faceless male fat man head out of frame nonsense
i still cant cook loras that work at a higher resolution than base
Yup. Kurumuz actually just announced his suicide in the discord and Novel AI filed for bankruptcy.
I unironically wondered if it would help if I increased the step count into anlas range and it didn’t.
fucking finally
we're so back
you don't really need consistency in the pose/angle of the training images to get this effect
Is ForgeCouple still not following my prompt 60% of the time or did it got better nowadays? Is new Forge worth it now?
>make your own image diffusion model
>made smea in the first place
>don't think of getting ahead of it and making it so that smea is natively supported by the model from the get go
what did kurumuz mean by this?
maybe a direct donation to kurumuz will help?
smea only works on SD based models
Maybe he should’ve recognized his limitations and not tried to build a new arch then.
nig if true
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So... You guys were complaining about CLIP being shit all this time, but turns out that when NAI decided not to use it, then you guys start whining about not having SMEA or that artist mixing stopped working. But this was all thanks to CLIP.
>Maybe I’ll learn local
Do not use comfyUI
give 5 valid reasons that dont boil down to a skill issue and refusal to learn
i refuse to learn
NTA but if he is gonna start out comfy is a pretty bad idea, I say as a comfy user
comfy sounds like saying cum and that's gay
nodes have the word no in it so no
i never went to school is that 5?
Nobody should start their ai journey on the most autistic piece of ai gen software.
forge does everything comfy does better, comfy is obtuse for the sake of it just like when people insist on using linux for gaming
More like uncomfyUI
was trying to gen yool with blue body paint and it made a girl that was entirely blue and I just went with it
If you think NAI4 is bad, just wait for pony v7..
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>rip on new model
>some naishill figures it out after a few months
>posts mog local boring gens
>general breaks and devolves into IRONIC meming ("its nai")
>other anons silently seethe at naishills superiority

It's happened before, i'm wagering it will happen again.
using a node based GUI for inference is really embarrassing
im automating workflows that gradiochuds cant even fathom
I want that to be true, but when shutenanon is saying the model is shit it's over...
I just gen lole
how many layers of snake oil are you covered in?
very little actually, just some perturbed attention guidance and some occasional regional prompting
Considering their previews are already bad the actual model is going to be horrific
i just click a button for those
so what's the point of clutter if webuis can do the same? queuing the slop?
Speaking of that, any new lore from the pony 'cord? Surely the hugbox must have been compromised at some point.
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Y is it so...
it looks like an artist drew it :O
this is pony v7
catbox please? sexy gen
When will DeepSeek release their hentai model
>it's textgen
>even the blacked waifu general on /trash/ says V4 is garbage
It's so over
Dude, all you have to do is use chatgpt to make a prompt. HELLLOOOOOO
That’s because they can’t use the generic /trash/ artist set. cutesexyrobutts IMMEDIATELY overpowers every other fucking artist tag and it comes out looking like complete shit.
why did blackforestlabs never release an undistilled model, did they intentionally neuter any local training capabilities?
For local on noob what's a good number of images from a single artist that it would actually affect the artstyle of a gen? About tree fiddy?
about 150
Artists with as little as 30-40 images can work if you weigh them high enough - some need tags like newest/year tags/etc to make them stronger (idk why).
Anyone ever messed with the Wan2.1 image to video?

Good results or more trash ai hentai videos?
Tell your higher-ups to introduce prompt editing from A1111. Won't fix the artifacts but will at least help with style mixing. Go, do it.
I wonder if you can train wan for images, it's undistilled as far as I know has uncesnored and has a big and small version. I think one of the developers was saying it's also a really good image model.
>>8478500 →
thank you, didnt see your catbox since it was after new thread
you can, it's surprisingly good at T2I. desu, may try
what the fuck is going on in anlatan
One of the anons here made a sex LoRA for it, seems to be good
WAN2.1, please create Lora first. We can talk about it afterwards. Generating with Lora will work well.
Yeah man I understand you
I actually have a leftover gift key that I bought from someone I know around September (can't sub with my card). Didn't use it because was having fun with local and felt like leaving it for v4, but man it looks disappointing.
Maybe I'll still use it for v3, it's much faster than my shitrig can do local and I still like the model anyway.
Based. Thanks anon.
This is great progress, even if its still a little wonky.
kekorino. Autists make the best trolls.
Just like pony, they just exposed that they basically got lucky with V3 and that it was a flash in a pan. It's best feature (style mixing ) is basically an unintended bug.
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I kneel
SDXL proving once again to be the God Model Of All Time (GMOAT). NAI3, Pony, Illustrious, Noob. No other base model has had such a run of successes like SDXL. It will remain local's go-to for decades to come
>It will remain local's go-to for decades to come
those are painted balloons, i refuse to believe otherwise
Noob is the last hentai model you will use. All other bakes will fail. You will be stuck on noob forever.
I thought PonyV6 was the last model?
>You will be stuck on noob forever.
i think i'm alright with that
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Motherfuckers aren't serious are they? Does that idiot not notice how shit that looks? That same fucking moron pinned a horrid looking gen as a showcase of the "features of v4" and then acts smug to anyone who says it looks worse than v3
Noob can be updated though
>you will use v1+v29b-v2 and you will like it
Everything turned out better than v4
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Listen chud, style mixing is unintended just like our SMEA implementation. CLIP is bad, you WILL embrace t5 and use gpt to make your prompts.
Better Noob than being stuck on Pony.
>You will be stuck on noob forever.
Could have been way worse tbqh
post the gen
We love pony around these parts
Nah, I think I just won’t sub.
'they' pronoun was cancelled, retard
Just make V3 with updated dataset ffs
They’re too retarded for that.
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Behold, our latest advanced model!
there is zero chance this is something he posted
Come on post the screencap, I want to laugh
AOMbros, we are SO back
no fucking way, this dude HAS to be compromised
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A reminder.
>undesired content: blurry
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Holy fuck I'm in tears
Can we get jordachs opinion on this topic
They really need to let Sage go as their PR guy. Dude just comes off as an asshole no matter what he is talking about.
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A reminder.
The fuck is with all the useless information he put in each character prompt, is this guy fucking retarded?
looks like a showcase for V1
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You're fucking kidding
does the new wan uses 16channel vae? also, what hardware reqs for the big and the small models?
text csam
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yes and it also uses (modified) t5 :)
why is it so blurry
he is perfect just the way he is
... SDXL based models are still going to be standard for another 2-3 years.

AI hentai tech has stagnated.
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tried v4, got cropping issues, has anybody got them? is it the model or just the tags i'm using?
how is that a problem as long as the result is good? I dont care about my gen looking the same at every steps
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>the fucked up artifacts
>the blurriness
>the SD 1.5 worse than V1 quality
Pony v6.5
NAI v3.5
this NAI hate reeks of samefagging
Big one has 3 versions 720P image to video, 480 p image to video and 720 text to video, as a full model they take almost 24gb of VRAM but there a Quants so you can go as little as 12gb for those.
The 1.3B model is the small one which takes around 5-6GB of Vram
I used to make less {{{{{{{{{{ai-generated}}}}}}}}}} stuff than this on based64, what the fuck?
Get back on the ‘cord, Sage.
this so much
holy based gen, been a while since I saved one
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Every gen I make on V4, I just think “This would look better on V3 if they’d updated the dataset instead.”
Never ever.
Just wait for v5 (v4+patches).
We have a premise that we are embarrassed, and since all local T5 projects have failed, let's extract static images using video models. This will be the basis of our discussion. However, I think Wan will work well, as I don’t see any obstacles. First, we need to create things like Lora and study the quirks.
No, I don’t think I will. You fucked up.
please use Claude Sonnet 3.7 as your translator and not one from 2006
how the fuck did you manage to make something like that
/weg/gods eating good
wow what a big sexy girl with huge bazongas
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Local could NEVER
ChatGPT could have helped
03mini free
yeah but we dont understand what you're saying
google translate would be better than o3 mini
the ultimate cuckold model
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dude someone needs to lay this guy off what the FUCK
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occultsage is a rather unexpected lolcow but certainly an entertaining one
I mean, those have a consistent AOM style, he's not wrong
We are using the ChatGPT recommended by NAI.
Based insider.
>dude, um, the 1girl… lying…
We’re actually REGRESSING technologically.
Yeah. I will just stick with my noob shitmix. This level of denial may just make me cancel my NAI sub.
I wish I could get paid to do this too
They have to be baiting us specifically at this point, there is no fucking way.
Oh my lord
It's fucking over. Why can't they just shut the fuck up? Failbakes can happen, okay, but after this disastrous damage control I have absolutely no expectations about anything they will ever do again.
Just fucking hack them and give v3 for people already.
real genuine advice given from a dev to the end user btw
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The Ako sex...
Sage literally cannot ever shut the fuck up. He will constantly just state people have skill issues even if it isn't a skill issue and the model is just trash.
Odds of they firing that guy and he leaking V3 in revenge?
Vgh.... Trvdition...
Just...write. retard
0 because they’re legally fuck him to death if he did.
Yes Bro He leak Model in RAGE
But what if terminal mental ilnis?
i fak all
I would still kill for v3 leak ngl
Maybe I was being a little bit too harsh with Astrallite.....
Astralite is even worse, the only based bakers are Euge/LAX.
*adds millions of cosplayer photos to your bake for no reason*
Keep posting 'cord screenshots, I'm so close to CUMMING
I'm not gonna say precisely what it is because I don't want to just spoonfeed analtan (i know they're ITT) but there's something really fun you can do by messing with something that should have a cap but doesn't.
writefags... we won so bigly!
Honestly their shit show has given me more entertainment than any gen here lol
If I wanted to write, I’d talk to chatbots. And I do. That’s why I don’t want to fucking write for image gen.
yeah and that's exactly what novelai didn't do, and
how did that turn out???
Actually true kek
I fucking told you people. >>8480175
Cosplayer pics was the secret sauce all along. Euge/LAX sama I kneel
erm, 3d has the same benefits irl pictures have for anatomy, doe?
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He's the LLM guy, I think. Nigga under the impression you prompt like you fill a SillyTavern char.
All roads lead back to AOM
I miss the day before v4 released, when I still had hope.
why did alibaba use umt5 and not something like gemma
>Just... write
Can we make adopt it for the general? It's been a while since we had this much goldust.
bros i give up. i'm just gonna go back to baking loras.
do i bake on illu0.1, illu1.0, noobeps0.5, noobeps0.6 or noobvpred1.0?
its all a mess to me at this point
Makes sense desu, NAI's LLM so fucking shit only reason people even use it is because it's uncensored (and V3)
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that’s just me, sorry
go bake on noobvpred1.0 if its the model youre using atm
go bake on illu1.0 if its the model youre using atm
bake on wan2.1
CLIP can go fuck itself in the ass.
There, I said it.
You cannot say that....
Birdschizo status?
alright mate, i don't suppose illu1.0 loras will be compatible with noob vpred?

isn't wan a video model? how different is the training process / data prep? i'm honestly curious
believe in yourself kurumuz, surely its just a temporary setback!
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>guess which one is v4?
>The worse one
>i don't suppose illu1.0 loras will be compatible with noob vpred?
They are, actually. But there's no real reason to bake on that model, do noob eps 0.5 or the v-pred model you're currently using
Image models are just video models with a frame of 1. Being serious though, you probably better wait till kohya or onetrainer add support for that. Currently you can only train wan through diffusion pipe which pain in the ass.
Its a skill issue bro!!!!!!
>how different is the training process
so from what ive seen, you can train it with both images and videos. dataset-wise i believe it's similar too, videos just need a caption text file. diffusion-pipe supports it
How long does it take to train a Lora anyway? Maybe I should try getting into it.
I grieve in stereo, the stereo sounds strange
I know that if you hide, it doesn't go away
just like always
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…Nobody puts Anonymous in the corner.
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The sad truth is that we are in the minority

Most normies don't have a gpu or even a PC capable of running SDXL at a decent speed, let alone installing and setting Noob/Illustrious
yes and those people are civitai localchads, not naifags
sage my beloved lolcow
That didn't stop me. Had to spend several hours reading and lurking lot of shit but it was worth it in the end.
Alright, I guess I'll continue to bake on vpred1.0.
I previously tried baking loras on illu0.1 and using them on vpred1.0, but my results were rather mixed.
Some styles that were originally weak in vpred were able to be replicated decently well in vpred using the illu lora and had better color contrast compared to the vpred loras i trained. Albeit I do wonder if it is because of the dataset being biased towards white / grey backgrounds led the vpred version to 'lose' darkness and contrast...
On the other hand, when training loras for styles that vpred1.0& illu0.1 inherently did not know, i got melted outputs when using the illu lora on vpred...

Oh that's cool that it can be trained on both images and videos.
I saw that diffusion-pipe requires linux, guess I'll wait for a windows implementation
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setting it up isn't hard people are just retarded
there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that boughted NAI not because their PC can't handle it but because they're so fucking stupid they can't setup local
there's also this, which may work on windows, unsure. it's the one wan has listed on their github. https://github.com/modelscope/DiffSynth-Studio
I'll probably follow up with an initial train of the same datasets on illu1.0 and testing it on vpred.
I'm also rather curious if illu1.0 converges easier as i found training on illu0.1 quite unstable
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My LoRa takes up 8 hours... cause I am autistic about small details that needs to be correct as much as possible. Haven't arrived at the zenith... But I am trying.
More screenshots please, I'm gooning.
it takes me around 1hr to bake a lora on a 3090. although the testing is what usually holds me back
What if people who don't have good GPUs spent $10/month on Google Colab Pro instead of $25 on NAI? Like me.
Unironically how are commissioned artists coping with this?
>8 hours
Jeez, I hope the end result is worth the effort.
That sounds a bit more reasonable, I might look into it a bit.
Most are on their performative weepy rape victim soap box crying about how AI images look too legitimately now after they spent the first year of its existence crowing over how nobody would ever get fooled by AI because they were too stupid to understand that technology evolves. Some just don’t care and either use it as a tool or don’t feel threatened.
>look too legitimately
*look too legitimate
I’m tired. I’ve had a very long day.
Different anon but good for you if you like local and take advantage of it.
I chose the multi-account path.
Give training on illu 1.0 a shot if you like, it seems better than 0.1 but not necessarily better than eps 0.5 or directly on v-pred.
What, like salted email account? I thoughts you couldn't do that on civit
Super hot, love the size difference.
how consistent is v4 at making cooperative_fellatio with 2 different monster girl species?
give me your specific idea and i will test it for you
amazing gen sir box it yes
just a brown oni girl and pale skin dragon girl with red cheek/hand scales and tail sucking of human boy that sits on sofa

Kohya-SS GUI, for Nvidia 4090. Reduce Batch size if you don't have enough Vram.

Dataset is what matters. Garbage in, garbage out.

Base model OpenIllustriousv1. Seems to gen correctly on all Illustrious/Noob models to varying degrees. Reminder that my goal is small details... if you want speed, get another config from another anon.

can confirm that v4 inpainting works really good, enough for me to keep my sub
>Dataset is what matters. Garbage in, garbage out.
willing to upload your dataset somewhere? i wanna see a reference
Same. Just... write.
nta but what are the block_alphas and block_dims in your config for?
Batch size always makes the result look like shit for me regardless of VRAM usage (I have a 4090)
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A few learning pains from training:
>If you don't have data on the shoes... the shoes changes.
>If you have too many leg shots... you gen headless pics.
>If you don't tag the tiniest trinkets... you can't remove them.

v3 could do that too. Well if it isn't a downgrade it's good enough I suppose.
yeah, but it's noticeably easier to work with, and has the improved character knowledge and better fine details, so that's cool. still lacking but maybe the vibe update will fix that.
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classic artists don't work on v4, don't bother
However was the anon that gave free V4 yesterday, I want to thank you so much.

I didn't have to waste any money to test the overhyped piece of shit. Some anons here are cool.
Satori does not have tits like those.

I don't know what it does, the original prodigy config was posted by /hdg/ anons like 2 years ago.
It's the Taimanin Satori continuity.
Every single 2hu deserves to have fat tits.
Why? Noob basically has surpassed it
nta but v3 aesthetics and artist tags are still better. people are still baking loras from v3 artist mixes because they worked better on NAI. it's not good enough to pay for it sure but I would still prefer it to noob as a local model.
not a big deal at all desu
chat is this real?
Pretty crazy how we went from "NAI v3 has such a nice aesthetic and is so good at mixing artists that local trains loras on their gens" to >>8480779
imo not even just the lack of furry artists. some artists like jcm2 are abysmal on v3 but look great in noob
Any predictions on how fast the vibe will shift? Sooner or later there's going to be people here praising NaiV4
When the check clears and people “organically” just show up to take v4 up coincidentally all at the same time.
if there's one thing v4 seems to be better at it's pussies. visually it's very hard to wrangle. I was in a coma for a few weeks so I didn't realize it had released and I'm fairly disappointed with it.
We already have them in this thread. Because apparently being able to gen Burnice getting BLACKED is worth no artist mixing, artifacts and the SD1.5 aesthetic.
holy fuvck
the exact same shit was happening when v3 released, thread was still bitching months after people learned how to use it
leak kummuz's dataset
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ai and hands name a better duo
they increased max config up to 20 and removed decrisp. wtf?
No it wasn't. v3 throatfucking ugly local slop was almost immediately obvious to anyone who didn't drink the freejeet koolaid. v4 looks like garbage, a downgrade from SDXL with exactly 2 quirks. Some shit T5 does is fun but it ultimately looks like garbage.
Don’t let anything distract you from the fact that the advice of the official NAI’s staff to make your gens look better is literally “just write” with no further clarification.
Yeah it's a weird thing to say, V3 was the first model that can do sex out of the box without wrangling, the wow factor was obvious to anyone. This one meh
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He warned us this would happen
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wtf it's good at 3d?
>No it wasn't. v3 throatfucking ugly local slop was almost immediately obvious to anyone who didn't drink the freejeet koolaid.
yes, and the threads were recommending some bullshit hacky 1.5 fur model. I agree v4 looks awful
But would you pick SMEA or V3 if you could only have one?
It's image to video I think
smea, if it would fix vpred 1.0 burning up
V3, SMEAr was something NAIgroids needed to make up for being stuck at base gen
this is true, i scraped it.
76% of the images in that thread are from NAI v3/contain v3 metadata. NAI dominated the 3 months after its release until pony, with at least 50% of images in the threads being NAI gens. v4 completely failed in comparison
NAI v4 sure can produce some wild-ass shit
so is nai smea anything like euler smea for local
why didn't you gen shrek stomping his child?
On local, pussies are a solved problem as long as you neg out "bar censor".

Wan was mainly trained on photorealism and 3D. It has to be hacked to handle anime: right now, the most convenient way to do it is with i2v, but maybe more anime LoRAs can be trained for it later.
what the fuck lmao
Local cant do anal birth without a lora, kurumuz won!!!
pretty sure that's the anon training loras for the T2V model
smea didn't work in img2img so if your style depended on it you were fucked
uhm, excuse me?
Are there optimizations out yet that let Wan fit in 12 GB of VRAM? I don't care if it'll take 5 minutes to gen a 5 second vid, that's in the ballpark of how long a batch of 4 images Hires. fixed to double the resolution takes to gen, and I only gen batches of 4 images because they're static, one vid would be an adequate replacement.
This is deranged but seems like there are some benefits from T5 at least, clip would never. They really should have done the Flux thing with dual text encoders though.
...are you sure?
It's not that dramatic.
jesus christ, it can...
it wonned
its e621
>asura (asurauser)
e621 is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural
furry data is worth it's weight in "gold" for lack of a better term. but somehow NAI fucked it up compared to a bunch of chinks
such civility in that thread
over a year later and the thread has become... this.
what happened?
Turns out that the chinks weren't as stupid as the Fields Medal winners that all gather here said and that V3 was just a fluke.
overhyping a model due to losing paypigs to local
Freejesh stopped taking his meds in February and turned this place into a console war shithole. All the shitposting followed.
Its.....its GAWDlike....v4 won
yeah that looks great. I was talking purely in comparison to v3, which can produce some really fucked up looking pussymeat. From what I've seen local is at least on par with v3 with some obvious advantages over it but at the moment it's a bit inconvenient for me.
v4 can do that? Holy crap!
>ctrl + f "kurumuz"
>previous thread: 47
>current thread: 22
Christ give it a rest already
He's retarded about LLMs too.
t. kurumuz
AOMbros... we... won...
Noob wonned in the end
Yeah I think I'll wait for something for reForge. Maybe there will be actual finetunes/LoRAs for 2D.
i2v training script?
and what hardware
why are things like this
(((they))) don't care for hentai image/video gen
in fact they're inclined to make it illegal worst case
>i2v training script?
doesnt exist yet, only T2V
Those gens were posted in the discord too.
V4 could never
It's not fucking joke that it looks like actual AOM. Even the blur is similar. What the fuck? Did they train on slop?
blur so powerful a static image has ghosting, I fucking kneel
Currently, it is no longer the case that it cannot be executed with 12GB of VRAM, but depending on the chosen model size, the performance and quality will simply decline.
chinese wan-dev bro please use a better translator
How the fuck is it possible to even train a model from scratch and "accidentally" make it look so much like AOMslop
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because no one is willing to put effort to actually make high quallity data set with additional manually added tags for precise and consistent(without bleeding) generation of complex general poses/characters and also train great text enconder from scratch
T2V LoRAs work on I2V so you don't need to double dip and I think it's doable with 24gb vram rn. It will probably go down once better implementations come out
On /h/, ChatGPT is being used following the guidance of NAI.
Right but that doesn’t explain the retarded decision to make their own arch instead of just accepting their limitations and building off v3.
Just use an LLM to prompt for you buddy
Simple, you scrape the internet for anime pics but you forget that at this point 90% of pictures upoaded on boorus are AI (even if the posts get hidden) and don't prune them from your dataset.
Kurumuz is too smart to give the stability AI Jews their pound of flesh
OK, and?
It's not working.
put this prompt into NaiV4 and you will see the power of NOVELAI
I never thought the release of v4 would be this entertaining. I can't believe this is real and not satire.
>be texgen company
>make imagen model that gets better results with LLMsloppa prompts
>make no effort to incorporate your existing textgen models or at least general textgen expertise to make LLMsloppa prompting the imagen easier
wait a second, you might be onto something
Well for starters their LLM models are fucking shit.
its funny how the second open weight corpo funded LLMs were released, novelai faded into irrelevance. only reason they're clinging onto image gen is due to general disinterest in an anime model by 99% of corporations
bro, your Janus?
for me, it's big_janus, detailed_janus, y_janus
DeepSeek is unironically worse than GPT, but it’s infinitely cheaper.
Pillars, should I use PAG, SAG, both or are they wasted GPU computation that is better used in upscaling?
PAG is the only guidance snakeoil i actually found made a difference
i can't believe we're in a timeline where base64 with a lora looks better than v4
You can't say that here!!!!!
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Like jesus fuck, this is literally just AOM
Kijai has completed the implementation of speedup for all WANs.
Why is there so many Loras with thousands of downloads on civitai for basic ass characters and positions that the base model already knows? Is everyone promptlet?
Neg stitched
Because it makes genning them more consistent
That way every gen comes out with anal birth instead of one every 8 gens
There are people who renewed their Opus subscription for this.
Newfag here, anyway to make 4chanX automatically watch new /hdg/ threads that are made ? Dont want to do it manually every time u guys are kinds fast...
I can't tell if people are shitposting, there's no way that's actually what it looks like (on mobile so cant check meta)
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Lot of you complain about NaiV4, but have (you) said thank you once?
I renewed mine for V3. I won’t be renewing after this.
It's sorta shitpost (has [[3d]] in prompt and film grain) but v4 still looks like shit.
i thanked kurumuz when v1 leaked
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Even without [[3d]] and film grain it still looks like AOMslop
I would like to express my gratitude to NAI4 Share Anon here and now.
okay, put ai-generated in the negatives
BONUS: use an artist
It's pretty poetic that the only people I see actually praising the new v4 model are furries.
ai-generated negged
Same, I might have been tempted to buy a sub for a month without trying how shit v4 is for myself.
That's not too bad desu.
instantly better, lmao
>ai-generated is one of the default negatives in v3
>isn't in the default negative in v4
Why the FUCK would they do this?
I can't believe SD 1.5 with loras looks better than noobai
>ai-generated in the negatives
That's a thing?
>ai-generated is one of the default negatives in v3
no its not
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Thanks, time to gen some Akosex.
Where is aki99 and asura (asurauser)?
she's beautiful...
I had a dream..
>OpenAI releases Dall-E 4
>Supports NSFW, anime, realism and artist tags
>Understands booru tags and natural language and their mixing
>Full control of all the settings, no forced prompt rewriting
>On-site model finetuning (lora equivalent for SaaS only model)
>$30 for unlimited plan, less than 3 seconds to spit out 4x 2048x2048 images with the ability to use their superior upscaling technology to get crisp 4k images.

Then I woke up as soon as I started to use it. I want to go back there so bad... Reality fucking sucks.
>dreamt about SaaS
uh, lol?
Where catboxing :(
Just... write.
Please understand, his only purpose in life is to be a gay little faggot golem slave.
hopefully dall-e 4 won't be a pos thanks to the shitty failed sora thing
So true, unique freethinker sister. Some day we will break the chains of capitalism.
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Nah, you’re mentally ill and dream of handing over your money for things you don’t own. You are a rape victim.
It works in positives which means it works in negatives too, that goes for all tags. Try it with artists.
I didnt expect v4 release to go like that but thats more entertaining than I thought
you already said that
I didnt expect v4 release to go like that but thats more entertaining than I thought
I didnt expect v4 release to go like that but thats more entertaining than I thought
Eguchi Tomoka doesn't work on NAI4 no matter what tags I use, she has like 60 images too which is supposed to be replicable ... Why is it so DOA
I didnt expect v4 release to go like that but thats more entertaining than I thought
I didnt expect v4 release to go like that but thats more entertaining than I thought
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Compilation of everything up to this point
hey guys i just got out of my prison coma and the last thing i remember was nai v3 releasing and this general coming together to share great looking artist mixes

any major developments since then??
I say that and I do that.
NAI V4 can do anal birth
if anything im grateful to NovelAI for providing some weekend entertainment
Pretty cute
what prompt did you use on the right? just "big breasts" alone or with quality prompts?
Just... write.
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>patreon guy with 500+ members doesn't scrub his metadata on all his 1000+ pixiv posts
>used to download all his stuff and copy his prompts for my own patreon
>got pretty big myself
>guy deleted his original pixiv and relaunched with a different pixiv username, now reuploading all his old stuff but the metadata are all scrubbed

guess bro noticed huh. pic related
For me it's catTowerNoobaiXL_v15Vpred.safetensors
>removed decrisp
yeah doesn't work yet with their new model apparently
What settings do you recommend?
>the noise around the eyes
In every fucking V4 gen
Well, you gonna pass some of the fucking metadata yourself or what, bro?
is new 16vpred dogwater?
>deleted his original pixiv
You ever think there'll be lost media but with AI sloppa?
The noise is everywhere on most of the gens, the eyes is where it's the most obvious. Don't know what actually causes it.
Yes, and it’ll be models like v3 where even the “creator” doesn’t know what the fuck they did to make it work so good.
how do you not scrub metadata in the process of censoring the naughty bits
I’m gonna kill you.
You can just prompt for mosaic_censoring
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many of brer's pixiv posts didn't contain naughty bits that needed censoring

also all his patreon uncensored pics didn't have their metadata deleted either. bro literally genned his shit and post them directly on his patreon

it's literally the first result you'll see if you google image search jesus christ how lazy can you be
Just.. write.
>jesus christ how lazy can you be
As lazy as the guy who copy and pastes other people’s prompts. You gonna hand em over or what?
So many skill issues in here lmao
she's trolling
Oh no no no the nips are turning on Kurumuz as well...
It looks almost like JPEG compression artifacts. You don't suppose... they converted the whole dataset to JPEG like Astralite did? Because that would be a really stupid thing to do.
>OpenAI releases Dall-E 4
>Supports NSFW, anime, realism
Technically it will do that if they ever release it if it's like dalle3.
Its problem isn't that it's not outputing nsfw, it's that it's censored post generation (and you can't prompt no no words either).
>koikatsu somehow getting in the second prompt
if you only slop gens for pixiv, not for yourself
nah im pretty sure its just vae artifacts, other ""intended"" usecases are fine, such as anime screenshot
Pony didn't produce artifacts like this though
How did this guy get hired?
Why would you waste time genning for yourself instead of creating content for your socials?
putting ai gen in the negs with an artist makes it look a hundred times better after testing it with a bunch of gens
how much fucking aislop is in their dataset
OK but the third one is genuinely just a dire skill issue.
Like how the fuck do you fail to prompt the official Love Live artstyle in NovelAI when it's insanely overrepresented in the data set. There's fucking pages and pages of SIF asset rips uploaded directly to Danbooru. Literally just "love live! school idol festival, official style" gets you what you want.
>even the “creator” doesn’t know
Yea I can imagine years down the line some AI art getting rediscovered but the prompter completely unable to recreate the style again.
what a retard lmao
>Literally just “love live! school idol festival, official style” gets you what you want.
No it doesn’t.
You know what that lora is? I could not find it.
how about koikatsu (medium) ?
Any idea what styles this guy is mixing?
its nai
Yeah it was much worse.
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no ganesh nobody knows the lora because it's fucking custom made by the guy himself

maybe train your own lora based on his art if you want it so bad, fucking pajeet
raj this is not a good look
bro i just wanna know the name of the artist that textures skin in that manner :(
And that is where all the "magic" is mister "prompt stealer". The prompts are basic shit.
Don't ever again waste my time.
why are yall falling for her baits
Is there anything coming up at all in the local space? As in any new model that improves fundamentally upon everything? It has been 1 years now and there has been literally nothing new. Are there some upcoming projects that at least look promising. Like, pony v7 was announced (by now) for over a year. You can't tell me that something went wrong there.
Is this supposed to prove me wrong?
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Is having people make a lora off of your style the ultimate achievement as an AI grifter? What would be considered more prestigious than that?
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I kneel
>What would be considered more prestigious than that?
…Getting rich, probably.
He was right
Pony v7 will be another epic fail and source of lulz for this thread.
After screenshots of NAIv4 and PonyV7 damage control dry up, we all are gonna have to start coping with the fact that SDXL will be the only option for local hentai for 5 more years.
Bro your Janus anime finetune?
maybe they should start with ciloranko
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>SDXL will be the only option
Always was
>Pony v7 will be another epic fail and source of lulz for this thread.
Style buckets guarantee that it won't.
How can one man be this based?
>console war shithole
shit you are right
lMAO it can do 3d but you need some insane prompts wtf
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Chinese NAI killer comming in 2 weeks.
1boy, standing, dark skin, smug, smile, half-closed eyes, black hair, glasses, suit, fat,
and you're not gonna share it
yup ;)
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Is that the Phone_Exposure lora? It's a bit fried, but usually does better than that.
judging by filename its from civitai
It's NAI v4, the latest and best anime model by Anatlan.
It can do gore, vore, birthing , body part replacements and all other sorts of /d/ tier fucked up shit.
>10 million views per month
>If the average dude visits 3 times a day that's divided by 90
>A subscription costs 25 bucks
Bros......... That would be $2.78 million PER MONTH....... Are they actually rich as fuck?? Imagine a local baker would get 2 million. Just once for a project......
*has sex with you*
It's a paid only site which is one of the top 6 most visited AI gen sites on the internet. You really think they make no fucking money?
>Long time no see, kurumuz.
Yes, they have 0 operating costs, all that money goes straight to financing NAI V5
Emad lora when?
Think of all the money they fucking wasted on v4… lol...
Nobody is denying they got operating costs. Those highly expensive NVIDIA GPUs ain't coming from nowhere.
>Just saw hat growth rate
It's over, they will literally be able to afford a private army by the end of the year. They will genocide localbakers.
But for real, arenty they Turks. Turkey is cheap as fuck to live in with a first world wage. They actually make money.
Lol what? 10m views makes you the sixth most visited site? Aren't there like 100 other sites? I couldn't find a chart for that.
Yeah, few h100s are gonna cost you 10 million a month.
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>a single month of atlantans is more than the combined funding of all local imagen projects combined from the last year
this so much based
total novelai death
Someone in the last threads posted a chart which shows the most visited AI websites and NovelAI was among them.
And again: The difference is that projects like DALL-E or openAI give you free shit. There is no NovelAI trial.
Cuckbros, we are eating good!
Just a cursory glance at their Likedin page would inform you that they are an American company, and judging by some of their employees' profiles they are located in Los Angeles.
>Yeah, few h100s are gonna cost you 10 million a month.
Unless they managed to achieve AGI and replace all their employes with bots, their biggest expense is going to be the astronomical salaries AI software engineers demand in the US.
why is it so artifacted
It's called "soul", it's the premium that NAI subscribers pay for.
How are they that big, how do so many know them? On discord are like 5 fags talking, on reddit the posts never get more than 50 likes, where do all these people come from? Does nai even make ads. That's crazy, i thought they had like 2 a100s, now I hear they're a real company with 10s of thousands of users. Da faq
me on the right
What's the tag for the hands being under the womans mouth? Like trying to catch the cum?
me taking this image, i've got a really tiny penis
Uhm, proofs?

Thanks king
Literally nai4 is a divine model, NO other model captures the worshipful as they kiss bbc well as this one.
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v4 will go down in history as one of the greatest blunders to be released in imagegen history to the point that it actually killed an entire company.
can you make the male darker?
name ONE local model that produces results THIS good THIS easily
All we had to do, was follow with NAI 3.5, CJ.
>character.ai at the top
Nobody is using that shit anymore. Ever since that dumb teen boy comitted suicide the site has gone from mostly useless to complete useless.
Those are from last year and it shows NAI falling off the top 50
you'd be surprised, gen alpha is eating shit like character ai and chai up
They are behind pixAI lol
why are you replying to my post with such an ugly blurry gen
wait for v7, its gonna be the same shit but worse in all aspect
Proof that money and compute mean nothing if you are a moron who made it big by being lucky once.
dunno, if I'd see previews like that I'd skip it.
Good, but just not the style I want.
Was this made in like 2023?
Half of these are basically dead.
I assume because it has cupping hands, and metadata to reproduce it
The dates are written right there.
>if you are a moron who made it big by being lucky once.
v1, v2 and v3 were pretty competent.
v4 was a big gamble that they lost. Should have played it safe but they got greedy.
why do you retards keep mentioning pony v7? it's obvious it's a complete shitshow. the release will be boring as fuck.
My statement still stands
Last year, there should be a new one soon because it says "every 6 months".
Doesn't matter if schizos here hate it, it's a hit with the paying customer base of normal well-adjusted people.
V4 being a complete shitshow was obvious to anyone who didn't have kurumuz's circumcised penis lodged firmly in the back of his throat, and yet here we are.
I don't even know many of these
How to preview Wanx gens? The video helper suite toggle doesn't appear to do anything?
Another day,another thread of localpoors seething over superior Nai
set preview method in comfyui manager to Latent2RGB
textsisters still slacking
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This plus this artist tag easily breaks local genners' pride.
give it up, v4 tragedy was our only chance for 3k
local could never create such lively interactions between characters.
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i think he is correct, in the discord i know like 10 people us it, one dude spent FIFTY (50) bucks the instant v4 released. One dude ALWAYS gens at 2 images at once, because this apparently makes the images load 10 times faster (lol what?) despite costing 20 anlas. This dude "pays" for every gen with anlas, even though using it at one at a time is free. He is 100% smug because hes getting LOADS of cash
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Thanks. It worked. Thanks anon for sharing the WanX lora.

>Jane doe is cumming out of her mind.
>because this apparently makes the images load 10 times faster
I don’t know if it makes it load THAT fast but spending anlas for a normal res gen gets you put higher in the queue. I tried it by changing my steps to 30 soon after v4 released while people were bombarding it and almost instantly got a gen.
>because this apparently makes the images load 10 times faster (lol what?) despite costing 20 anlas.
Because free Opus gens are put into a shared queue and are very slow (think like 15 seconds or more), but paid anlas gens are prioritized and get done in like 2-4 seconds, even at FHD
Just... kek.
btw make sure your gens stick to the models resolution, for 480p, ones like 720x480, 832x480 work well imo
God, i coomed like 10 times yesterday, im still sore
I'm using NovelAI v4 and cumming my brains out.
v4 is the ultimate cuck monkey paw because even though it has better comprehension than v3 you can't come even close to generating the delicious looking BBCs that v3 could
it is like cuckception where i am getting cucked out of being a cuck
Imagine cherrypicking the worst possible no-artist gens to prove your wrong point.
doesn't matter, we're all brothers here, fellow cucks, fapping our tiny clits to majestic black cocks
That's 4chan for you, normies are enjoying v4 a lot, so much that their servers are overloaded >>8481216. hdg isn't the target audience, while you cry about v4 turk gets another million
*smacks lips* ayo 'ol up y'all sayain just... write?
this is why every AI startup wants to go straight to SaaS subscription models btw
normies will eat the FUCK out of it and net you hundreds of thousands
You will never see a cent of the profit made btw. You’re living vicariously through a fat brown retard btw.
nah, works for me
Is that miside?
sorry but i have yet to see a v4 cock that makes me salivate the way some of the v3 ones did
that one does not look steamy, wet, or juicy enough
Am I the only guy in here who just likes normal hentai for normal people?
Capitalism is immoral as fuck. This is just wrong. Wish everyone would just bake hentai models for free so I could goon all I want.
BLACKED BBC is normal porn
/v/ is also enjoying it a lot.
>Wow that’s really good. Omg. How is this AI lmao. Please more. Can you prompt it to recreate art like pic related?
>Holy fuckkkk. That looks amazing. What are these points you speak of? Do you need money. I will send you money to make more money
>This is insane. What the fuck. Keep trying.
>Holy fuck this is amazing. Omfg. Dude send me a way to give you money so you can generate more. I’ll send you $20. This is the best art we’ve gotten in years since Yamooon stopped drawing.
>Wow. Wonderful. Sublime. Please. More.
>come on anon stop pulling our leg you are drawing this lol
VERY organic!!!!!
this! so much even!
>Dude send me a way to give you money so you can generate more. I’ll send you $20.
why are they like this
yeah using 1 style is so easy
hm, good enough for me
Kek dead internet theory strikes again
That's the power of v4. It breaks minds.
so much based this that I cum
wtf... bigger than mine
>that Zelda thread was linked here
>immediately a bunch of posts like that popped up with the same typing style
I know what you're getting at but a lot of those are clearly just shitposters from here
why is it so perfect
this is a drawing
please allow me to send you $50
why can't i just have a huge black juicy cock all to myself...
ahhh ahhh my black overlord
oh yeah let me gen an image which uses 95% of sciamano240
It was linked after all these comments were made: >>8479986
take penis enlargement pills and infect yourself with re-vitiligo?
Yes that's how it usually works.
>make a bunch of false flag posts
>cross link to show all these totally organic posts that you just made are
its 4chan
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Can someone try KH Aqua in NAI4? pic related was on 3 for reference
it's write
nyope ;)
write power
noticing a shocking lack of NAIV4 vs NoobAI comparisons... what happened?
Every Zelda thread turns into a NAI shill thread:
why is it so so
naiv4 should be compared to aom3
What are you gonna do with your life when Anlatan is no more, Claudefag?
What are you gonna do with your life after your split thread dies, Momoura?
oooh I just came up with a brilliant way to order a quality prompt (arrange the words in the best order).
You generate simple images for each word and then compare them.
So for example you generate:
1girl, masterpiece
Followed by:
1girl, very awa
And then pick the image you like more. Then put that term at the front of your prompt.
What do you think?
What are you gonna do with your life after your split thread dies, Birdschizo?
>my local software can't make an artstyle NAI can
>people ask for images in that artstyle
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that "it's nai" should now be retired and replaced with "it's aom" to more accurately capture the essence of v4?
no way fag
it's nai just... write
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Is this some DEI bullshit or???
please do not kick up more dust, I have allergies
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V4-full doesn't make as pretty images as V3 (even the preview was better!) but the things you can pull off with the multi-character prompting and target shit is neat.
You can do shit like making a third "character" and using it describe a cutaway. For example:
>The illustration has a cut-in showing another view: A close up shot of the pussy being licked, tongue, clitoris, close up, lips, pussy juice
I hope they put this tech into a model that doesn't suck.
yeah, sue me.
blacked meme model
it's still just regional prompter
you were always able to do this with inset and zoom layer tags though
I do kinda like naiXLVpred102d_final.safetensors even if the name is retarded. Doesn't have the ai slop look of cyberfix and doesn't need as much brushing up as Vpred-v1.0+v29b-v2
I'll give it a shot on Noob, the last time I really tried to do stuff like this was on sd1.5 lol.
How does it compare against ΣΙΗ? I would describe it with those same words. Including the retarded name.
link? never tried it
>Your BBC in april
character 3 didn't follow a single word in her prompt, not even hime cut which is an actual tag
RIP MiniNai
were NAI director tools updated to v4 too? Seems the BG removal is way better but im not 100% sure
>not even hime cut which is an actual tag
desu I never had it work properly without "blunt bangs" for some reason
it never works that well for me, always some typo. howe
Reminder furries are the blacks in RWBY
there's a whole story arc about the race thing
i hope one day you share some catboxes with us, love your images a lot
It has metadata
Please man
At least we know this one wasn't....
nai could never..
localchads, I kneel
This is the best image ive seen posted to this place in over a year
Anyone knows artists that draw thigh gap like this? With stick legs: https://litter.catbox.moe/f2tn3z.png
actually THAT one wasnt yang, it was kaori from your lie in april.They look VERY similar
seems like artists can't decide if her eyes are blue or purple
A single image isn't going to tell you everything, there is randomness involved in generation.
and just like that, the dust following the launch of NAIV4 has settled.
ok then 10 images vs 10 images

the core idea should be good though
why would you need a specific artist for that
just add thigh gap, petite to your prompt
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MiniNai dev, where are you? Should I expect the app to be fixed, or not? I can't gen stuff since yesterday.
good bait
Have you thought about paying 25 dollars instead of being a leech?
Thigh gap usually forces legs together. If I use artists that draw figure like this consistently, I'm hoping it will be more consistent across different poses.
well, testing isn't a bad idea - there is a lot involved ingenning though, even if your combination works as you tested it might be different if you add other things to the prompt, so it is just tedious and you can't test all possible combinations.
its only 25$
go on, show it to daddy kurumuz...
Yes, but because of NAI V3, I'm a bit disappointed with V4 so far, but I wanna try more stuff.
god damn what the fuck happened in the last 3 hours, the nai image discussion discord in the analatan server is full of nothing but people talking shit
Believe it or not, but this place is the focal point of ai image gen and will always set the tone for discussion around the internet
It's fun watching kurumuz try to reply during the tidal wave of posts talking about the artifacting
in case anyone cares about my progress on sex machines, i am almost finished fucking around with random shit and am now solidly in tag shuffling gacha reroll hell, which of these best represents the ~20 tags i prompted that i trained on? that's for me to decide.

True Love
Yeah it's not really a thigh gap, it's wide hips with thin legs. But those tags work differently when used together.
i swear to god, it's been YEARS and you still do the same fucking thing?
sex machine?
xenoblade crystal placement?
no way that's all the same guy
do you expect my fetish to just up and disappear or what
Problem is that thin legs isn't even a tag.
it's not really for me but i do like the status updates as i enjoy seeing other anons achieve the things that they are striving for
you know, it's called "sex"
He's been typing and stopping for the past 30 minutes because he can't decide which post to get mad at
it's slim legs, my bad I usually gen the opposite
i don't think he was saying it was the same guy, if he does he underestimates how much effort this stupid shit takes
i do not have severe adhd and need to make my gens increasingly complex or fucked up
i baked a bunch of other concept loras with more general appeal too
its autism
he'll ban them soon enough or call in occultsage to melt their brains with his retardation ray
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>>8480818 (Me)
ok, i've tested my bake of a style on illu1.0 on noobvp1.0 and the results are honestly unflattering.
considering that there is a visible increase in artifacts, i guess either training on illu0.1 or versions of noob would probably make more sense.
guess i'll go back to testing training on illu0.1 vs noobvp1.0.

thanks for the idea, kinda funny that hachimedes leaves the prompts in his images.
while waiting for my bakes, i wrote a lil python script to convert the prompts in the metadata into a tag file while removing those that aren't part of danbooru.
I guess it could be useful for training ai styles; maybe i'll train a lora on my own gens someday
Yeah that one might be helpful. Although unfortunately it's also tagged in 5% of applicable images.
The sheep are revolting.......
Usually putting narrow waist in the prompt and thick thighs in the negatives works for me but might not always work depending on artist
>local converges on AOMslop but it actually looks good if you don't mind the style
>NAI converges on AOMslop but it looks like ass and is ridden with artifacts
What gives?
those threads have 5 people in there, 20 if you are generous at buger hours
is he literally blind?
>but it actually looks good if you don't mind the style
Blind and retarded, yes.
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i pity those who can't see what's happening in their general chat right now
this shit is golden, there's too much to screencap
i have no idea what the fuck happened since it was mostly cope over the artifacts in the main chat earlier but the hell is going on now lol
kuru is arguing with everyone
there no fuckign way
To be fair. "V4 is inferior" is pretty baity.
There are a good number of things V4 is doing way better than V3 - it's just that a lot of users value style consistency and well - consistency in general - and V4 really ain't good there at all.
yeah, because they now saw that people from here shitpost, a few mentioned it lol, he said korean and Japanese love it and use it e masses
Another week until the people here are forced to eat their words once everyone learns how to actually prompt on V4 and its true potential is discovered. I have been cumming for 16 hours straight because V4 is that powerful but it's no surprise the idiots here have no clue how to unlock it's near limitless power.
^ kek
People are noticing the artifacts and other noise and the whole no artist mix thing is pissing a bunch of them off so it's probably that
>near limitless power.
Trim this off and you'd have some fine bait here
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Another week until the people here are forced to eat their words once everyone learns how to actually prompt on V4 and its true potential is discovered. I have been cumming for 16 hours straight because V4 is that powerful but it's no surprise the idiots here have no clue how to unlock it's near limitless power.
Artifactual doom? Yes, it is.
same on all models, i think the ai things hime cut is long straight hair and has nothing to do with bangs
>Dataset is what matters. Garbage in, garbage out.
real baker detected
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bro is gonna murder his own subs
bro, they already know he joined today, people called him already out
Leleck on damage control
I seem to remember a lot of people in this general who were Kurumuz supporters.

Could I get your thoughts on all of this? How are you guys feeling?
V4 isn't as bad as many make it out to be, and it has a couple small issues but is vastly better than V3 when it comes to consistency with artist styles. Poses, sure, but not artist consistency.

There's a difference between issues, and just not knowing how to prompt
>hdg sub
>Entire thread is literally about nai
You retards are not even postig anything, wth is going on here?
NovelAI discord proves one rule right again.
Never let CEOs and regular devs/software engineers into the conversation.
It's a place that should only house your own social media experts. CEOs and devs have no idea how to communicate with their own consumerbase.
>vastly better than V3 when it comes to consistency with artist styles. Poses, sure, but not artist consistency
anon you are contradicting yourself in your own bait, you might want to proofread before posting
Sorry, english isn't my first language.
I was shilling NAI because v3 is amazing. I am shitting on v4 because it's trash. It's rather simple.
>small issues
>artist mixes fucked
>MASSIVE artifacting everywhere
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show us your ryona collection leleck
i think anon is having trouble comprehending people who use principles to make decisions instead of identity
>openly admiting you are a discord tranny and lurk there every second
Kill yourself retarded moron
why does her donut have such a big hole?
i mainly want to know which model/sampler/cfg/quality tags
your gens are really nice
why are you defending nai
for big hard anonie dickies
show me the ryona
kinda funny that we have people here that feel genuine loyalty towards novelai
i'm not, learn to read retard
Tried something else with V4 something I unsuccessful unable pull off in V3.

I tried to create image when women inserted bottle inside her pussy and it work. I increased to two bottle and surprisingly it work too but not completely perfect
the model being great at character placement is quite nice
i know its just me being greedy but you could share those custom loras as well, but i understand completely why you wouldnt as well. i will cope by being happy that at least you share the images, thank you.
all me
What do you even do it for ?
You don't use model, you don't post gen and you just stir shit in pot for no good reason. It's good model, but you continue to point out various things that do not matter in the long term. It will be fixed, it will be better, and instead you screech and cry and post mis info .
the general knowledge is really quite good but the look is awful
Same. I'm kinda mad because I waited a lot for this model to come out, and ended up disappointed, so fuck NAI V4.
>v4 hands don't have extra fingers
>but they look like shit
why the fuck do i have this extreme sensation of deja vu
like yeah, v4 artists are pretty accurate, moreso than local without loras almost across the board. but it LOOKS LIKE FUCKING SHIT. being accurate does not matter at all if the model is ugly
oh fuck are you actually him LOL
show me the gigagens rajesh
look at the lines, the lines, the lines, they are fuckign disintegrating into little diffusion bits
it's Pony all over again
The whole point of getting the highest tier is to have unlimited gens, why are they paying???

>One dude ALWAYS gens at 2 images at once
at this point get two subs, it's more economical...
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the problems are different but both were caused by retarded devs
I faking your mather san benchod bloody
imo the good and the bad about nai4:
can do more complicated setups (fucks up anatomy though)

can do more obscure characters (fucks up details though)

can have separate prompts for separate characters (still has tag cross contamination though)

can specify who's being done by the action and who is doing the action (still fucks up sometimes though, especially with source nipple pinch and target nipple pinch)

>black man = nai
>Mita = HDG
black penis -> my mouth
can you repost this with tiny mita please
So raise steps? Change guidance ?
do something in stead of complaining and hating
it's also current on gacha whores
can it do choker snapping?
Dude, how obsessed are you? That's from over a year ago
are you ready for v4 vibe transfer?
none of those fix the issue, they appear in every image
i collect images
They dont . They appear in badly prompted images I suggest trying to use prose with languaging because just tags are not enough for V4, your guidance is off
>elden ring official art
why not just put artifacts in the negatives if you want them gone in nai v4???
>just overload your negatives with so much shit that everything turns into a greasy aom3 smear
good advice ganesh
show me a good image, i've been in cars on vacation since it came out and i have not seen a single image without intense artifacting around the edges
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masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic),absurdres,detailed,beautiful color,amazing quality,sensitive,(shiny skin:1.1),(olied skin:1.1),
1girl,solo,large breasts, (curvy:1.2),mature_female,
looking at viewer,blush, embarrassed,
(completely_nude:1.2),(puffy_nipples:1.2),blush, embarrassed,looking at viewer,half-closed eyes,open mouth,
motion lines,on back,lying,on bed,
breast suppress, grabbing another's breast, looking at viewer, motion lines, paizuri,large penis, pov,pov hand,blue nails,straddling_paizuri,sweat, sweatdrop,
white background,simple background,

Steps: 50, Sampler: Euler, Schedule type: Automatic, CFG scale: 3.5, Seed: 3549275547, Size: 832x1216, Model hash: a281d00d46, Denoising strength: 0.29, Clip skip: 2, ADetailer model: face_yolov8s.pt, ADetailer confidence: 0.18, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer mask blur: 20, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.35, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer version: 24.9.0, Hires upscale: 1.5, Hires steps: 12, Hires upscaler: 8xNMKDSuperscale_150000G, Lora hashes: "StopthinkingSoulV9: 60209c424ddb, eatsleep111SDXL: 976554DC294C, detailed_hands: 5b4b264411f2, nyalia: 965D9B2AB486", Emphasis: No norm, Version: v1.10.1
it can also do more artstyles but it's blurry as fuck, has some sort of ai generated filter, or just really screws up on basic artstyles for wahtever reason
old prompt mix
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kuru also agrees that mixing sucks
If Disgaea or Dead or Alive work as style tags, why not?
maybe its just me, but the most important part of image gen is for the images to look nice so all those positives (at least to me) are completely useless if the styles are a complete wash and the images are full of artifacts
take a look at romcom light novel covers, this style is quite popular there
literally this
No ? because this shits is just hating and that's it
You wont like a single gen even if it looks good to anyone else.
Some of my mixes are still trapped in it
how much longer can they last in full damage control mode? shit's gotta be exhausting
>show me something good
wow amazing response, shut the fuck up retard
I fak u bloody
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I was just here for shitposting about ai models, now i am addicted to seeing white and asian girls getting fucked by black cocks + being awed at black dick size. Cause and causation is fucked
fucking frogposters
which characters do you like getting ntr'd by
Can someone explain to me what "artifacts" are in general? Does it just mean "low resolution" part?
We need a 32ch VAE.
Have you seen any of the Indiana Jones movies?
this GMT+1 discord fag is amusing
Hallo saar I v4 good?
Every single person in this thread should archive this screenshot. This will be used in the lawsuit that will bring NovelAI down.
kill yourself
not even gonna reach 2k texts, you guys are pathetic pigs
File deleted.
Being able to shitpost about V4's major flaws and employee embarrassments while still being able to gen and make the most of it has made for an entertaining weekend.
Also just wanna say good on the guy in >>8480116 for figuring it out on his own https://files.catbox.moe/soachs.png
leleck can you show me your ryona gens please PLEASE I BEG OF YOU
the naiv4 thing will go on for a year, same points repeated ad nauseam, and when it's calm, suddenly a random rage bait post
so is the solution just loading it up with a shit ton of weights
Copying what someone said on the Discord with the attached pic (which got ignored by the analtan people): "When it looks like you saved your picture from Twitter which was saved from Facebook"
it's no different than v3 then
>can specify who's being done by the action and who is doing the action
is there a specific way to ask that or is "xx is doing to yy" enough?
it's definitely close but the v3 one still looks better
Could do something differtly than hating, but whatever
discord screenshots are just straight up unfair.
can it do a tanned mita
Wasn't that cancelled?
AIs really work in mysterious ways...
>(for blurry/fisheye effect/ overexposure effect)
this boils down to a personal preference and unfortuantely the "its blurry" memes have kind of mindbroken a lot of anons in this general similarly to how sepia broke their ability to judge colors in images. i wouldnt worry too much about it, it looks nice.
>noob fucks up their bake
everyone laughs and memes in unison
>nai fucks up their bake
corpo defense force arrives
dude, you think this is some identity shit? you think i'm just a hater? i paid $25 and i want to use what i bought correctly, i'm just trying to make some fucking hentai. i've spent like 10 hours on my phone fucking around over the last couple days and it does not look good, and neither does anything anyone else posts. all this delusion about "oh just increase steps" aka "give us money" because i'm already on 28 and "increase guidance" aka "fry the fuck out of your image" no thanks, bro
no shit noob is free
yes, but it won't, all women whave to be pale, as they take bd
I mean penis awe is erotic, regardless of the color of the dick
>mixing real photography improves the gens
...are you the anon that trained on the blacked photos from several threads back? I thought they were interesting at least.
>on my phone
of course, opinion discarded KEK
Si pixellisation?
>nai brought /hdg/ back from the grave
hail kurumuz!
how did you even find this place
i think its evident from sd 1.5 that real photos help anime
supposedly natural language should work but i saw someone use source#tag target#tag under the character prompt section and it works for some, doesn't work for others
Mainly yes, think of jpeg artifacts, aliasing, etc. Also melting
I like tanned gyaru look, I'll try that later
>corpo defense force arrives
this thread has been nothing but shitposting
melting is different but yea
>i dont agree with it therefore its shitposting!!
why are you defending nai so hard
>copro defense force
just retards trying to justify their missing 25$
leleck is built like that
I see, and it can't be solved by higher resolutions?
>source#tag target#tag
where the hell does that come from, is that danbooru tagging?
this thread has been nothing but shitposting
so is the main takeaway you don't try making models from scratch, use good normie models like SDXL as a base
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it's a new v4 feature
alright, thanks anon
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why is her hair black
nah apparently it's something they were experimenting with while redoing their dataset. not sure how far they got with that if the rumors of ai generated slop being in the dataset are true tho
i wouldn't know, i dropped v3 after a few months
Cuz I prefere girls with black hairs =)
Not with V4
ai-generated is a fairly powerful tag in v4 so signs do not look good
Is it possible to have one artist draw the face but another draw the boobs and et cetera?
every v3 prompt has at least 15-20 sets of {} brackets while people always bragged about how good the comprehension was while they brushed over the fact their prompts always ended up like {{{{{{{loli}}}}}}}
it would still be nice if we had some local model development
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M2OgPeMO8E [Embed]
i mean, as long as it works, i really don't care, besides the fact that they should use numeric weights instead of repeated brackets
you can try with region prompter and/or adetailer but it might look weird
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putting ai-generated in the negative helps my gens
has anyone tried genning stuff on v4 with nothing in the prompts
oh my god
thts an chldrn
if it's like any other models I've that with, it's just random weird stuff
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Why is it all feet
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yeah i'm actually playing with weighting the shit out of it, and, uh, it looks pretty good
That isn't empty. Turn off quality tags and UC preset.
this needs some semen on the nylon
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okay i actually enjoy this one
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>the BBC devil
File deleted.
Yeah, and I was the one half-shitposting about hoping you'd post the LoRA or else I'd train my own (I haven't yet). Cool stuff tho.
it's sovl
>i asked a catbox from bl*cked shitposter
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I wish the script was updated but at least picrel is possible now.
sorry to break it to you but genning blacked is like picking your nose
you may think its gross and that no one else does it, but everyone does it even if they deny it
this is so cute
i gen bestiality and that's more humanizing than blacked
Please post 2hus
i know you're shitposting, but this is what got me into it. People were Nuking threads on 4chan with anime girls getting fucked, Then japs started doing it too, then it got me
I don't mind interracial as long as it's not bnwo racewar shit.
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>especially with source nipple pinch and target nipple pinch
nvm after retrying it again i think it might've just been fucking up from another tag i was using, it's consistently good now
artystyle is still smoothed/feels ai generated tho
>thread thansforms to nai general
>"we love blacked here" unironically
now that's organic
wtf, it kind of work better, why, it's not like ai generated stuff looks bad
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kill yourself
I do not agree with you.
Now react angrily.
ai gen images have lots of little problems like you average luminance, dithering, fried edges
Everyone knows that everyone has picked their nose before
Shitty analogy
i did it once ironically for yous but thats about it
Oh, so they did copy my script but gave it an even shittier implementation, that's funny. I don't really have a desire to fix it right now unfortunately.
I'd like to submit my pillar application
you forgot your image
>everybody knows everyone watched bbc porn
I'd like to be the first no-gen pillar.
not once
this, I always hate when they try to make it /pol/
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>making shit up
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the irony here is that the brackets are actually helping now that i piled them on ai-generated
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Could make loras out of them, if you have enough gens saved. My favorite mixes are taken from NAIv3.
is it artist: or by or nothing in v4
i only gen interracial with lolis, with big woman it's not as hot/empowering
Do you copy the UC on each character or do you leave it empty?
first one
I like both but I can understand the appeal of size difference, interracial or not, and lolis are perfect for it.
LMAOOOOOOOO coping is insane. Thee million views on every single video just come from nothingness. While of course not everyone wathes it,An absolutely crazy amount of percentage of people watch it. Literally it even gets traction in japan. The point is the humiliation,people see it as an animal fucking a good girl, doesn't stop it from being one of the most loved category. The guilt amplifies pleasure, thats the reason why people "GO" into threads and comment sections about ntr. They say "uh i hate this" AFTER they nut to it
yes i think you are right
I use nothing, both seem to work, but it's faster to not write anything.
At this rate the NAI discord is going to end up like the Cascade discord where the only people left are enablers of a schizo that made a dogshit model
meta tags are the same as v3
i meant realistic, ive seen it a lot in hentai
0.0375% of 8 billion
A bigger percentage of the population has 6 toes on one foot
I'm not sure but I think that those that know what they are doing will train the model to accept all the different ways.
> The cuck's confession, chapter 2.
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embarrassing indeed...
In Asia before that there was always the "tanned antagonist fucking the girl" trope, and it makes sense since in many cultures, working under the sun (and getting a tan) = peasant activity vs being a noble (and being white and delicate).
It's why being as pale as possible is seen as a beauty thing.
What annoys me is like >>8481610 said the whole racewar modern political bullshit that is a boner killer for me.
i meant thats what i did too, hentai is way hotter
lol what? One of thise blacked vids has literally like 500 million views. One.
interracial, dark-skinned male in negatives
NAIgroids this isn't a good look
>1boy, 2girls, elden ring,(...).png
They are too skinny.
why did leleck stop posting
Thats like music videos those are 90% rewatches, you guys are so obsessed its crazy
it got a lot better when i removed quality tags from positives, they fight the artist imo
realistic in general (for anything) looks ugly with very few exceptions with actually pretty girls and no weird zooms on vaginas and other shit ideas
untrue, melina is canonically flat as a board
kurumuz is fighting on discord about the artifacts lol
But what if I want to generate BLEACHED?
can someone call kurumuz a nogen in the discord please
same, so far removed all quality tags and added my own, removed UCs and added my own, and added ai generated and koikatsu (medium) in the negatives
these give me better output
interracial is completely overfit on black male, dataset bias
kurumuz said something in the discord!
what negs?
yup, based
would you milk kurumuz to kurisu for unlimited opus and anlas
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the local tools scare the turk
very minimalistic as I check each time if they make the outcome weirder or better

displeasing, very displeasing, sketch, deformed, text, signature, blurry, anime, {{{{ai-generated}}}}, koikatsu (medium)
>unlimited opus and anlas
maybe if you asked me a year ago, anlas stocks have tanked in the past week
That just changed everything, thanks.
kurumuz wrote something else!
you think displeasing actually works? hmm
lol, sure thing, the millions of views on thousands of vids DAILY are all from the same person, right?
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I added them by default, at least they don't seem to hurt, and they're documented so I use them.

you're welcome
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>website shitters don't know they could use Adetailer with NAI since v3 with the webui extension
i look like that
I can show you a hundred baby learning videos with 9 billion views, but I'm not dumb enough to think aliens on other planets are watching those
also 3090 bro here, styles about an hour
concepts/characters about 10-15 minutes
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>styles about an hour
holy slopconfig
normally id say this is /aco/ but it was made with nai v4 so it cant be due to only being trained on japanese art
with every picture i post i get another white boy somewhere on the planet addicted to interracial porn
a couple of weeks or months
maybe if it wasn't so /aco/
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3060 12gb here - styles take 1.5-2 hours at batch1, 1.2-1.5 for batch4grad4.
characters should take less since they generally don't require as many steps.
why he dumpy?
but enough of that, let's talk about nai and kurumuz and nai and kurumuz
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we talked about jordach and cascade for half a year...
I'm down to about 30 minutes for a style lora on a 3090, and then 10 minutes or so for a concept or character lora.
What do you think wb watch on twitter?
RWBY -> Rwby porn -> Rwby interracial porn -> Interracial porn pipeline is real
so this is the power of NAIv4...
what the fuck did they train onnnnnn
so that's why cathag is such a faggot
>captcha: SP0T on
I do not know what rwby means, kind sir
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is it a black guy that hypnotized her? is that the plot twist?
why are you gae
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no, but I'm black
sorry for your loss
is it possible to gen shota reverse suspended congress a milf?
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3D "cartoon" show, anime-inspired
actually pretty decent for two and half seasons, then it goes downhill fast
wait a minute, this is a repost and i would know as i have a great memory
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correct, is a repost
please do not repost gens without warning
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sorry, this one is also a repost
ok i did this with my quality tags (Illustrious btw) and ended up with this order, which seems to be an improvement over what I had:

best quality, detailed face, detailed eyes, very aesthetic, ultra-detailed, newest, hetero, very awa, highres, high resolution, detailed background, afterimage, nsfw, masterpiece, official style, absurdres, explicit, motion lines, anime coloring

masterpiece kinda looked like slop so it got a low ranking.
since I was genning 1girl I picked the ones that had detailed faces as opposed to shitty blurred faces so that's why "detailed face" ended up so high. but I think it works well.
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please accept this short haired marisa...
Ram! :D
Local BROTHERS Stand toegether!
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finally, let's talk about discord kurumuz comments!
thanks, works nice for my ellen joe toddler anilingus gens
sending you a fax with kurumuz's entire chat history rn
Not him, just using the same lora he always uses.
Before upscaling
>Not him, just using the same lora he always uses.
Hi not-Ram :)
>Someone posted a gen at 50 steps with the highest resolution full of artifacts
>Kurumuz and the others hurried to replicate it
>They all still had artifacts
>"yeah well it's still better than local just inpaint bro"
>motion lines
why these?
I propose next thread to consist entirely of kurumuz discord screenshots
Dude is getting close to writing a "skill issue" wall of text copypasta, I hope cord trannies will push him over the edge.
just make a kurumuz thread bwo
Maybe ChatGPT can write him some better retorts
I am a dark-skinned male
I am a pale-skinned female
ah well it's always subjective. I'm not sure about hetero it just ended up in the mix alongside nsfw (I also had "uncensored" in there for a while but I removed it for some reason).

But I really love afterimage and motion lines for conveying movement in a static image.
motion_blur is shit though never use motion_blur, just like you turn it off in video games too. shit game setting, shit danbooru tag.
>>8481807 →
>>8481807 →
>>8481807 →
I am
new thread WHEN? I have lalatinas to repost
i'm charcoal skinned femboy
>>8479711 (OP)
next thread should be /kcg/ Kurumuz Comments General #1
sorry to hear that, hope you get better
My father was a dark-skinned male and so was his father before him. It's a family tradition.
prompt? curious how you got the style to work on v4
kill yourself
I don't mind the LoRA autism.
At least they try the new tools and give their takes here.
File: Clara (14).png (2.31 MB, 1200x1600)
2.31 MB
2.31 MB PNG
its local
thanks anon, what model out of curiosity?
Noob :) + Messing with a Floox lora to test out a few things
Another pseudo-Ginfag turned out to be a freak. Grrr.
will try this later
See that's exactly why I fucking love normal people
>I used to provide shine for my prompts' dicks
kek, how are you gonna do that now?

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