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Highlights as bad as your writing edition

Previous Thread: >>8479711 →

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 | https://civitai.com/models/1232765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgz/edit | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

NAIgods won
No refunds
>>8481807 (OP)
bwos why is my pic the op
small peepee gens when
esls are mocking us on the cord, chanxisters
Yeah NAI wined
is cute pic bwo :3c
>>8481807 (OP)
Someone bake a real thread >>8481816 →
kurumuz stalking general
Let's see MaeineseneaM's gens
because a third of the last thread was offtopic garbage that should be deleted
and 2/3rds of what was left after that is mostly ironic shitposting
and what's left after that was mostly people posting really mediocre shit with v4 because shiny new toy
it can't be helped
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kill yourself highlightfag
bet you feel real dumb rn
can you share your v-pred lora training settings?
Kurumuz had like two or three melties today to put here
damn, I'm sorry
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Retvrn to löcal
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I am a skill issued male
finally some good v4 shit
>and it came out better than expected!
Did they really?
Can you not just gen with v3 and inpaint with v4 to get the text?
the penetration still sucks but its better
nice uooh but can you give her less dead eyes
Can you gen this again with V3? V4 is fucking ugly.
it would be literally faster to just open paint and put the text there instead
s-shut up
any recommended uc to put in v4?
>the things niggas will do to avoid opening photoshop
i'm testing the model to its limits

also it changes the image quite drastically
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At least it can gen melussy.
v3 cant do text so it wouldnt be an effort post, no
Toldya them hyping up v5 before even releasing this shit was muh red flag.
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Seems like most of the Anlatan guys don't even what artifacts are
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new challenge WHEN? >>8480259 →
it better be an easy challenge, I like easy stuff.
have nai staff commented at all on why genitalia is so fucking bad?
or are they pretending the topic doesn't exist because they don't want staff replies leading to being dropped by more payment processors?
white penis
>genitalia is so fucking bad
v4 genitalia is bad.
it's not 1.5 bad but it's largely worse than pony. And that's not very great.
That's terrible, jesas
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thanks bwo :3

i see. i was just kinda surprised

here ya go bwo
>>8481807 (OP)
Previous Thread Highlights:

https://youtu.be/S_pzMGAG_B8?t=68 [Embed]
Go back.
>>8481807 (OP)
Previous Thread Highlights:

I want to try local again.
Should I go with forge or comfy ?
lol the hachimedes pic got in
>my melty 2b-lalatina made it again.

sometimes I don't understand you, highlight fag.
Nta but are these settings for characters or style? I'm looking to start doing some loras.
kill yourself.

also if you didn't need any further proof, the "thread challenge" fag is also the highlightfaget fishing for people to do shit that he can't do himself.
Sometimes? He's a known jeet.
Sometimes I don't know if you actually pick these out or you just spin a wheel
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>>8481807 (OP)
>>8481807 (OP)
#701 challenge

>I dislike this character/pose/too popular
yes for now I am choosing based on most popular things to keep as many people happy as possible!
yeah, local wonnenedst've
fuck off and kill yourself you actual retard
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If you got missed you didn't reply to the post
that config is for styles, bwo
i haven't really settled on a config for concepts and characters yet, but I would start by turning down the dim/alpha.
haha ur mad lol
thanks for the settings bwo
The aspect ratios...
>flat chest, skinny, blonde hair, twintails, blue eyes
Yeah, I think I am cooking
what the fuck are you doing
cumming sexy hard
great v4 gen
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highlight worthy gen https://files.catbox.moe/wn9b18.jpg
>captcha: NASA
yeah looks like you were right, ugh
highlights weren't enough to kill the thread so he needs to up the ante
>do shit that he can't do himself.
but he asks for the simplest shit.
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>hmm, you thought you could train a better base than sdxl did you?
and he doesn't have a gpu
please understand
wow the possible variety of a 1girl pov cowgirl image are practically limitless i cant wait to see what the general has cooking up today!
i look like this
yeah I intentionally took characters and poses with extremely high existing images to make people claiming this was requests look stupid really
You'll get in the highlights next time lil bro
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This screenshot will be used in the lawsuit that will lead to NAI's downfall.
on the other hand even the most obscure gacha whore with 40 images works decently enough
>finally a good pic from batch
>do hires thing
>adds extra finger

my gen points, gone.
I'm gonna do some crazy shit like reverse cowgirl
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edited how script worked
is this a new ritual post
>I know 5 dudes that all use nai
>4 of them Japanese
Bro why the fuck is kuru even talking to English speakers lol. Apparently japs splurge in some cases 100s on nai per MONTH.
the one i did is the best one
ermmm melty much sisters??
post bbc
unghh fuckk
>4 2B gens
Thanks. Would it be a good starting point for my first attempts at style lora?
There's nothing wrong with v4 yall just having skill issues!
Can I has a gift key to your based and awesome model subscription Lord Kurumuz Sir?
I wasn't here for the release of v3, was there as much trouble trying to get decent images out of that at the start? I understand it probably took a while to find artist mixes that people liked, but this seems like even the most basic prompts are having issues unless I'm just missing something obvious from their documentation or something?
why is she so mad
Have you tried asking chatGPT to describe the style you want?
Civitai again shitting the bed. Fuck I hate that site with passion.
keep posting snippets from the anlatan discord this shit is too funny
I think I'm just going to keep prompting and posting images that I personally like and ignore any highlights and requests.
that was always allowed
Omg sankyuuuuu!
i also had trouble getting good images but it wasn't this bad
v3 blew my dick off immediately
v4 was shit at first but I'm warming up to it
Well since we're going full retard mode...

yall need to stop grifting and just gen with {{{{amazing quality}}}}
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No because the jump from V2 to V3 was quite large.
V2 was very outdated by the time V3 got released and the fact that V3 got just do all those characters and styles made it vastly superior to anything local could do at the time. Took localfags to get pony to finally have a decent answer to V3 - but V4 right now is just a mix of ups and downs with most prompts needing adjustments to not be completely worthless.
In case of V2 there wasn't much to do cause V2 was primitive to begin with.
>but I'm warming up to it
No refunds will that to you.
can i please get your favorite pokegirl with pov anal? my favorite pokegirl is hex maniac so if you want to do her that would be great but i am happy with any pokegirl
I'd love to buy one or two gift keys for people to try but they disabled them since months ago...
cyclingbox? this is pretty hot
It is NovelAI version 4
careful bro, garrosh hellscream is from warcraft which is a western property
interesting, how well does it work?
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eh i guess its a decent starting point
just iteratively test and update it as you see fit bwo
you might need to drop down the batch size / use gradient accumulation if ya dont have enough vram tho
Yeah, I hate they disabled buying (I think you still can redeem one though). Somehow other platforms have gifting available and can deal with the abuse, but not Kurumuz.
i fard and shid
No, not even close, v3 was impressively good from the start, even the default style was at least palatable. v3 still produces good results with zero effort garbage prompts, while v4 can just barely create something half decent with a meticulously crafted high effort prompt.
um.. so true sister. can we get an upvote for this one here?
bery nice, box?
I-It's their first try, next time they will hit out of the park for sure!
They already said that v5 is gonna mog, do you have any reason not to trust them?
didn't they say that v4 was better than v3 too
bunch of localfags getting uppity itt
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Sowwy Kurumuz-senpai...
I mean they said the same thing about V4
>incompetent mega grifter STILL btfoes turk retard
Other than like every model they ever cooked up other than v3 being a failure?
He's right you know
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V3.5 will save NAI
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what's the keyword to prompt 1girl sitting like this?
poop n shid
v3 wasn't actually even that great, either. It was a step up from 1.5 but the start of the show was a complete and total accident.
v3 without smea is probably worse than pony.
i look like that black dude
it was easier to get good output with simple tags like for sd, but the baiting meltdown here was the same
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Pony v7 will save /hdg/
sitting backwards
Yeah no thanks, I'm going back to Noob.
My husbando...
probably kurumuz doing
did he post about it in discord?
still only local can replicate(with lora) true pedoKING
As someone who never used smea I disagree.
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Don't mind me, I'm just posting lewds like we're supposed to, instead of endlessly debate about Nai
fuck pony
it was the monkey paw model
>I want to do sex without loras like NAI3!!!
>here you go bro ;)
soulless, ugly, fried castrated abortion
It's Indian
>Occult Retard
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forgot the link
>can deal with the abuse
What kind of abuse can you get in buying gift cards? You paid for them, what's the big deal?
link of the lora?
people buy with stolen credit cards
Deaf people deserve being unhappy.
Tried both loras linked here and they don't seem to replicate that plastic-y look of the skin, can you bake a better lora for him?
Can someone please hack him to steal his metadata so a LoRA of his style is not needed? Pretty please?
I love this artist so much
pony was hard carried by all the local support, tools and community, but it was still a step up from SD1.5
Tifa paizuri and some misaka mikoto for dessert
I recall it was because of being able to refund
thanks anon, this gives me idea for my own gens
>misaka mikoto
That's childs
Oh I see.
They should make them only available with crypto.
kill yourself
lol uir mad
omg, b-box please...
NoobV2 when?
i kneel
no, that's not real
One NAI-specific reason is that their system encourages creating new accounts for each month instead of subbing continuously and gift keys made that much more easy. You get 10000 anals a month, but they don't stack, and you keep them once your sub expires, so if you re-sub with a new account each month, you get an extra 10k. I had 6 accounts at the end, and I know a number of other people did this too.
fuck that's genius
>purposefully picks the most generic slop possible
yeah, nobody doing this one lil bro
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got it, thanks a ton!
or you could unsub at the end of the month, use remaining anals and resub again
Wow such abuse.
If she walks outside during rain, does she float?
how can anyone trust him if he doesn't even know how his model works? also didn't he say that v4 could make images that make him believe they weren't AI generated?
she would melt
That's not abuse at all though, though it's a nice idea.

That's what I do, usually enough to resub only once in a while.
Be honest: have you ever taken part in creating an image of a pale girl getting fucked by a dark-skin male?
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Try something that's actually challenging next time. You might get fewer people joining in, but they'll put in more effort and that's the fun part.
only once, with a loli, and I instantly regretted it
.... You may regret it, but that young pale woman is now forever married by black cock in the digital realm...
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I dunno why don't you ask your mom?
i prefer green goblins instead
i'll consider the first two a warm up and yeah pick more obscure characters next time, the next problem there is people complaining about whatever character you choose but i'll ignore them
>also didn't he say that v4 could make images that make him believe they weren't AI generated?
I don't even understand how that's supposed to really be praise. At this point of image gen, if you can't produce something that "doesn't look AI generated" you're doing something wrong and the model is fried to shit on synthetic datasets.
i fukken love black men so much, bros...
i wish they would ruin my bussy
Well yes I do like the contrast after all but you n-words always make a drama about it or try to sneak in some /pol/ bullshit
Or you could just fuck off back to wherever you spawned from.
>contrast excuse
it's the only thing i gen
red orcs are great too
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Found it. Guy doesn't even know about artifacts so of course he doesn't get shit
Not sure the opinion of nogens matters when it comes to an imagegen challenge.
um, can you do me *one* cowgirl pov, please? with extra cum.
So much this, death to nogens!
Who was it that got black cock?
That'll be 10 anlas
sure, and the opposite too
not a big deal
M-my waifu's bull of course (an imaginary one, we don't have black people where I live)
I think I have to make more AI clown gens, you are not stopping at all
Favorite artist tags?
He's been at it for the better part of a year now and seemingly thrives on the hatred
Why do v4 images have this little blurriness to it? The nipples here for example are visible but lack a certain distinctiveness to them? Had for me to express.
>it does buzzwords gpt gave me too good
In the meantime, it's all artifact and melt galore. My hopes for v5 are waning...
I tried to warn you about those stairs, bro.
I despise most artists, I prefer anime screencap style.
They get pissy if you use the same credit card/paddle for too many NAI accounts, I think. Had a new account closed and refunded a day later due to abuse, assuming it was because I made it with the cc I had used for 2 other accounts. Does work for extending a single account though.
I like your gens. You don't mind if I gen a pale skin girl with a pale skin man, do you?
There was a fuckton of shitposting and copium from blind based64 freetard jeets who refused to look at anything but shiny candy slop, though compared to current levels of shitposting that was very tame. Anyone with an eye could see that v3 is better than anything local, but even adjusting for the amount of schizo posting of today, that time it didn't explode this loud. I've never seen any angry trooncord screencaps at that time at least. Not sure where exactly that was on the timeline, but there also were some posters coping about EF+HLL, the gens made with it looked very off to me.
jpg artifacts like base pony
no. interracial has always been part of my negs.
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I'm fine the highlights but not the choices, he do said he was going to be more selective with those but I don't see any change at all, same all things almost all the time
what style is this?
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turisasu, morino bambi
NAI v4 mogs again.
No niggas where you live? Which country? Here in Germany we now have a lot but all subhumans (even compared to Americans) Africans that are literally scrawny and shorter than 1.80m. getting cucked by a dog is more likely
When are we getting a combo story + art gen program? Generating images is cool and all, but I want more context behind them so I can bust fatter nuts.

With v4 having ‘character’ options, I don’t see why its story generation can’t just start generating images on its own. I want a visual novel. AI VN
What ideas, if I can ask?
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> same all things almost all the time
ESL brain fart moment but I can't help it, I just wake up
What a... novel idea.
nta but eastern europe is still clean
no brown/black immigration pressure either, because of ukrainians fleeing war and balkans leaving their shithole
I have seen some VNs made on fucking power point before, what's stopping you from doing that?, you can take the text from any LLM and just slap a 1girl standing nice background on it
In fact I'm going to do that later
I am going to generate a picture of you hanging from a noose
they don't exist in china and people love that shit
it's the contrast anon, not what your neighbour may look like, unless you go american political racewar shit, then there is no bigger turn off for me
mainly the multicharacter poses, styles
I'm so used to one girl gens I need to train to find cool ideas for my characters
>take the text from any LLM
what a horrible idea
Having to make the VN myself makes it unfappable. I already know what scene is coming next. No surprise. No tension. No narrative. Which is all of the appeal.
I literally just want NovelAI’s existing story gen to throw me a pic every now and then
So what is the prompt meta for NAIv4?
Does prompting knowledge from NAIv3 still apply?
That is v4? Zaaaaaamn, subbing immediately
>same all things almost all the time
Guess I will always have "mal gusto" from your point of view then.
>ESL brain fart moment but I can't help it,
It was still understandable. On the same topic tho:
>he do said
>he *did* said
what do you recommend then?

>>he *did* said
he did *say*
>he *did* said
its nai
Yes, you can tell by the lighting, cohesion and shading.
How do they achieve the claimed character consistency?
Yawn. Any new vpred shitmixes?
write it yourself, have the ai proofread it
modern ai write erotica like the target demographic is a teenage girl, full of a purple prose
Yeah, that. It doesn't happen nearly as much every time, depends on artists and specific prompting I think. But it still a major annoyance. I'm gonna guess that it as smea that fixed that but it is unavailable to v4 lol
vpred? did you mean "eps"?
>write it yourself
Ahh ahh Mistress
it's been made pretty clear that he's just a shitposter that begets more shitposting.
he doesn't contribute to the thread in any positive way. he doesn't even post anything himself. he just DEMANDS to be THE person to make all the new threads and to ram his garbage "highlights" down your and everyone else's throats.
I haven't been to /e/ in a month but I'm sure it's probably as garbage now as it was the last time I was there. That's his ideal thread. That's what he wants from hdg.
you can do that with local...
if you know about that meme, you know about why it's a very bad idea to let it write a full vn
i've never used it anon
What local does this? I don’t know shit about locals
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I'm pretty sure all popular frontends have that functionality. Only problem is having hardware that can run some good llm and stable diffusion
cute but both girl's right hands are deformed
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wowzers, that looks like it came straight out of my favorite vn Subarashiki Hibi
Yes, but you can wrangle some models into writing decent erotica or just general creative shit. You will need to supervise and edit everything, but you don't need to write it all yourself.
It's not NAI v4, which is the only model on the market that does great hands!
but who actually reads erotica? Even when I play vns i usually just look at the cg and then skip over all the dialogue
did you have to inpaint and fix the word?
oh yeah on that I agree, but I'd always start with my own take, then do a back and forth to write more and more text basically
I do, good erotica writing makes the experience so much better, but good erotica is rare.
Read a book ffs!
Yeah a little bit. I just remove brushed the additional letters, manually moved around the remaining letters and inpainting over it again.
However most times policewoman, text, and clothes writing in the prompt gives "POLICE" on the back of the shirt pretty consistently.
Not sure if shitposter or just an attentionwhore, or both.
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true fuck reading i only care about images
yes, smea avoids this issue. they trained on many lowres images. same thing illu did.
SCA-jiji and kuru should collab
this is why i never got into the ai dungeon thing or ai gf, like wtf the only time I read erotica was when i was a fucking kid and was desperate and needed to just jack off to anything, it was only when I found out you could actually transform words to images that I actually started caring about ai.
Yeah most VNs have really bad writing when it comes to sex scenes, I think it's just a japan thing.
More moans and onomatopoeia than actual words.
>new NAI is actually DOA
Kinda sad really, I thought we were just shitposting...
What's so bad about the /e/ thread?
Honest question, I rarely go there.
>Honest question, I rarely go there.
that's why you don't know, go there right now
>[zankuro], [[[[khyle.]]]], [[photo (medium)]], seven (sixplusone)
Weird, these look like the style that was previously achieved with s16xue, 3d, fizrotart, etc.
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They look fine?
last I was there it was filled with a lot of unironic aco(actual capeshit/disney shit) and a ton of lowres civit grade web-generated stuff.
basically some people found the thread, started posting really low quality stuff, got encouraged for it rather than being told to fuck off, more people found it and found themselves to be in good company and continued on.
sounds like what is happening to /hdg/
So about a year ago the long time /e/ highlightfag threw a temper tantrum and left, saying his work was not appreciated enough. This guy took over and did his best from what I can tell, but he just has terminally shit taste. And as a result the gen quality has gone down the drain and hasn't recovered since. Because on /e/ they are actually the high point of the thread. There is little conversation going on otherwise, and most images stay at zero (you)s.
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Weird, I was curious how that would end up looking.
Can you please repost catbox?
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V4 is the cuck model
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Well the highlightjeet for one crawled out of there I suspect, so that's that.
>So about a year ago the long time /e/ highlightfag threw a temper tantrum and left
Hey that's me, fun times lol. Sad to hear it's in a much worse state now, never opened it again after leaving.
>>8481369 →
It's a nice progress. Either 1, 2 or last is fine.
wow plus another wow
you're still a drama queen who wanted a discord server instead of 4chan
What caused the decline?
v4 didn't live up to the hype
>didn't make it to highlights again...
>So about a year ago the long time /e/ highlightfag threw a temper tantrum and left
Hilariously this was actually more because he kept trying to force a thread "theme" and some sort of "community" only to be mostly ignored.
turns out that 4chan isn't really a good place for community building for something as dumb and vague as generating AI smut. Who knew.
anyway, highlightfaget came in, started spamming highlights that included literally half the previous threads images while seemingly ignoring the higher quality images but including bottom of the barrel fucked up AOM shit.
Any time he was told to fuck off and that his taste was shit anyone who criticized him would immediately be met with multiple shitposters encouraging highlight faget and calling any dissenters "nogen shitposters" and "I'm sure you'll make the highlights next time bro". Almost as if he had an organized schizoposting defense force.
not shiny enough
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This is what I hate about v4, this style (>>8482174) doesn't look too bad, but remove one non-style tag (close-up), and it's back to generic AI slop.
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Guys how do you upscale using the api on reforge?
>lora trained on go-pro images
I wish you would release this. I have actually been looking for some lora that handle distorted and grainy photos.
>remove one non-style tag (close-up)
Is it also just because close-up allows more detail due to being zoomed in? Would it still look generic if you jacked up the resolution despite not being zoomed in to see if it goes closer to that original style?
>Because on /e/ they are actually the high point of the thread
why is there hair growing on her upper arm?
You don't need to upscale NAI4 gens, they come out perfect every time!
body hair is /aco/
I said my final "fuck you" and left forever. Never caused any drama during my time on /e/, never complained either. The whole "drama" was a single post. Sorry for not disappearing without saying a word.
>who wanted a discord server instead of 4chan
Yeah I regret leaning into jeetlights and challengefuckery too heavily. Honestly only wanted /edg/ to grow and attract all the /e/ posting /hdg/ anons to migrate. At some point I realized it wasn't working and my approach sucked I guess.
/e/ doesn't really have a lot going on.
and the retards that have taken over the thread seem to actually care about making it into the "highlights" since they've been, dare I say, groomed into thinking it's somehow a positive thing.
i forgor nsfw tag
Is that the best v4 can do in terms of that shiny grifter style? Griftjeets on suicide watch.
>/e/ is boring
I mean...yeah? No shit? What kind of riveting content can you even have when the entire point of the board is just 1girl standing over and over without allowing anything else.
That's what I did, that's why I still have 30k anlas for inpaints and some v3 gens.
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If thats true its better to keep using local...
Is it the same highlight faggot there too? Cause just looking at what he picks for the highlights here, I can tell the guy is actually retarded and it doesn't even matter.
1girl gen material is endless you fucking pleb
its nai
I don't really disagree and I gen quite a bit of it but I wouldn't ever want to sit in a thread full of it. I gen /h/ and /e/, post my /h/ and keep my /e/ to myself.
First of all 1girl is peak art. Second of all, you can make 1girl content that isn't boring even if there's no cock or cum. Third of all, you'd think that if it's just '1girl, standing' people would at least put more effort into the quality of their gens. But no, /e/ is allergic to anything but slop.
there are plenty of good posters in the /e/ thread
it's the same guy.
it's a fucking mystery why he started trying to force shit on /h/, too. At least his schizo defense force mostly quieted down when it was being made clear that people included in the highlights were telling him to kill himself.
>I gen /h/ and /e/, post my /h/ and keep my /e/ to myself.
Alright, you get a pass, very based
Nah it's cringe, you can share your /e/ here, wannabe jannies like you can fuck off.
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I don't know shit about genshin, so she makes you cum with electricity, right?
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>set img2img mode to Resize to
>always keep the size at 1024x1024 (it'll be the tile size, not the image size)
>make sure NAI Inpainting is at Img2Img (Use Denoise Strength)
>select SD upscale as the script
>change Scale factor to your liking (2 should be fine)
>set Denoising strength to 0.35 (I *think* that's the website's "Enhance" value)
You know it's bad when
>Kurumuz didn't even bother sending out his shill brigade to hdg this time around
v4 does a better ishikei than v3, I give it that.
She's the saviorfag's girl of choice (lost everyone that was dear to her besides her pet 500 years ago and was left dead inside in self-isolation in a pocket dimension till her knight in shining armor (CHADther) came along).
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I mean, I know we can share /e/ gens but I do the same, there is a plenty of /e/ gens that I don't post here because they are pretty tame for a, you know a /h/ thread
>it's a fucking mystery why he started
You mean the time we where in the middle of constant split-thread attempts, hagspam, bbcspam, highlighterinos, threads getting nuked, near-constant tries of thread derailment and many other things going against /hdg/ for no reason other than to troll the thread? Yeah, I wonder why. If you still need something simle to latch on, you can blame the highlighterinos as the final straw.
It's almost as it was a natural response to a good model from actual users, and now that the new model is shit, the tables have turned.
>and keep my /e/ to myself
hey that's me
Fuck you. It was paid shills all along. v3 wasn't actually good because it wasn't le local. Okay? Shill. Shill.
>nai creature is melting again
I thought you ACKed after the failure of v4?
I understand that you're a redditor (you even talk like one), but no, NAI shilling used to be a real thing on 4chins. That doesn't mean of course that every positive post related to NAI is made by a shill, just an inb4 knowing what you'll inevitably would try going at next kek.
just noticed reforge has gradio4 on the dev2 branch


is there any benefit for that vs gradio 3
kys nai shill
Well yeah, the /e/ shit needs to be on a lewder side, but otherwise I don't think we should deter anyone from posting it.
>I don't think we should deter anyone from posting it.
True, true
ahhhh ahhhh i think im gonna astrotoooooooorf
lol, you just keep telling yourself that. NAI shilled in /aids/ but they wouldn't go anywhere near this shithole.
how long is nai going to last, I really doubt they are making any money with those huge compute costs
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Thank you so much!!
But im retarded i get this
get new materials bro
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It would make it a whole lot easier to help you if you changed this setting or at least posted box.
Will you subscribe to NovelAI? Please subscribe
Freejeets can't comprehend that people can enjoy things for what they are instead of blindly following their identity. SaaS is good - great. Local is good - even better. But the freejeet is immune to logic.
Oh sorry i didnt know that was active here is the catbox
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quality aside, are nai4 gens much faster than nai3?
it feels so, but maybe it's placebo
is their new model meant to be more hardware efficient than sdxl?
You don't think you can use that and the SD Upscale script at the same time.
They just give more priority to v4.
>You don't think
I don't think*
they want to shill it as much as they can
>boomers would coom incessantly to this
And? She's hot as fuck
why is it so hand-drawn?
you're brown
Any grifting advices ?
Im thirdie so this shit is way more than "just some extra bucks"
makes sense
> [detailed face, detailed eyes:0.5]
Don't you put face tags in negs if you want to gen faceless pic?
actually yes
NAI v4 gens look hand-drawn
Local gens look like plastic
this but the opposite
>Best local gen in months
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I tried and you're right thank you!!
not this shit again
[ :0.5] means it starts at 50% of gen
at that point it doesn't matter if gen has a face
Is this the final boss of SaaS?
what is most rancid/smelliest image you can make?
hard mode:no scat
All I know is that this launch is probably going to turn out to be a complete failure. A large amount of the compute they are spending is on leftover anlas from old accounts. Even if v4 isn't as bad as we make it out to be, it still isn't enough of an improvement for people to resub if they weren't already subbed for v3. Couple that with the forced payment processor switch, and I wouldn't be surprised if they lose a ton of money.
Whole local scene is still fully indebted to the man that stole from the rich (rabid AI investors) and gave it freely to the masses.
I can't stop kneeling.
Why does NAIv4 suck so much?
he was against 1.5's release and is behind the butchering of SD3. he's a complete jeet fraud
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its nai
Turns out the Indians are our saviors
not the chinese
not the americans
not the europoors
but Mohammad Emad Mostaque from Bangladesh
kurumuz made it
>what is most rancid/smelliest image you can make?
i havent subbed to nai v4 though
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Have you said thank you once?
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Emad actively worked against it though, 1.5 only got released thanks to RunwayML, and he actively worked toward making SDXL and SD3 as filtered and unusable as possible. It's his incompetence we have to thank more than anything.
that looks better
the retardo is learning
This can't be real, he must be trolling now.
>SD1.5 was good, SD2 was shit, SDXL was good, SD3 was shit
>NAIv1 was good, NAIv2 was shit, NAIv3 was good, NAIv4...
this so much I might coom for real
the absolute state of hentai image generation. sdxl is complete garbage, yet somehow v4 is worse. midjourney won. dall-e won
v2 wasn't shit, it was rather good for a 1.5 bake. It just wasn't relevant.
Imagen 3 from google is best
AI was a mistake
I'm going to go learn to draw instead
Thanks google shill.
lacks styles compared to dall-e and midjourney.
it has limited artstyles
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So for how long will this place remain unusable
if naiv4 leaked I wouldn't use it
I need a girl lying on a beach eating an ice cream in the style of v4
29 days
As long as you don't just download 4chan X and hit the F key on your keyboard I suppose
t-minus 336 hours
So it wasn't just me. Yeah, I have been trying to upload loras since yesterday and I keep getting 404 errors.
It was unusable before v4 too though? Full of shitposting and schizos. At least it's a bit fun now.
It has been unusable since the pony release. It's even comparably chill right now, no fag gens and no gpo blacked either
>it's only shilling if they aren't being paid by Anlatan
Until v5 drops to save us!
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>ImageFX isn't available in your country yet
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All things considered I think it's pretty usable right now
Google shill damage control.
Then why does it still use SDXLs resolutions?
country issue
Kuru is raping your mother as we speak
They forgor to change
out shopping with my gf
Because then they might have to bump up the resolution limits and increase their compute costs.
man, how can local even compete?
>allowing your gf to wear a condom on her cute suckable penis
You're a terrible boyfriend
Ok, so using game screenshots doesn't work TOO badly.

why does it look like naiv4?
>best anime checkpoints
>catTowerNoobaiXL Vpred
is this true?
What models are recommended for inpainting anime outputs?
Somehow every single v4 gen looks off, dunno what it is but it's not very pleasing to the eye.
fuck no
retard wrote that
the same model that you are using to gen
Lol no.
its nai
it's nai
those models are both usable if you want to use pony loras with noob knowledge, otherwise no
Just don't fall for the Foocus meme, it's no better than inpainting with Noob on Reforge.
he's partially right since the best models are shitmix derivations of those, but lol no
>>8481780 →
It is hard to stand when your efforts get mogged by nobrain nai posters.
OK thanks
Nyo, v3 looked nice and better than anything we had locally at that point.
time passes unfortunately
you obviously haven't seen what peak local under hidden loras can make
aesthetically the best but shit anatomy
good for slopping
good compromise
Literal game screenshots, my dude. I feared it would look way worse.

Could always do the base gen with a shitmix and upscale with the base model, well, assuming you have the vram
The only local posters here these days are on the level of ayakon and the solangefag
good enough list
holy shit it's nai
There's also SIH (which is based on ΣΙΗ) and its merge with Noob v29+v1
how do I know if a model needs a vae, trying to get this :
Wait fr??
here, now stfu
Local posters have fallen off...
i didn't get it. it makes it even brighter and i don't like that
its localhost
true, these are actually worse than ayakon
Bros I just looked through the last thread and all the shit Sage has been posting. How the fuck is this nigga for real? I doubt anyone could post worse than him if they were INTENTIONALLY sabotaging v4
doesn't do anything
Agreed, model's overall aesthetics are fucked. Everything just looks off, haven't seen a single image that looked good, even if the composition control is extremely impressive. It was the same with pony IMO, but at least that had shitmixes and loras that made it useable.
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for the orangeflavorednai users, how do i fix this grain shit in the gens?
>bro your base settings in the page
i tried that and the grain is still present, is this baked in to the model or something?, i kinda don't want to drop it because it behaves nicely.
If you're not a newkek you should've learned by now that any claims by the baker/shitmixer shouldn't be taken at face value and often aren't true at all.
depends on your use case I suppose
I brought myself down to posting almost-loli and still get no (you)s
They're all so far their asses they don't care.
how many times should I repeat myself?? its fucking nai
what does kawakami rokkaku look on v4
Is the "position control" better than regional prompter?
>sota model
>can't use it to 1girl
why are we still here?
>1girl standing and 1nigger
is this the power of local...
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I need to start posting my stuff somewhere. What do you anons suggest?
post bait
The only place with constant gen output that I know of are the /trash/ threads but I'd much rather have this then the constant garbage /aco/ /d/ slop and the request begging.
>muh updooteronis
Just samefag to bring attention to your posts retard.
>I need to start posting my stuff
no you don't
wtf does that even mean, wtf did they even do to the model?
pixiv is good but you have to manually censor it
its not a very good model bwo
He's losing it.
I assume he meant natural language
1girl is not all you need anymore, just write
natural language is fucking garbage for prompting
Are they ever going to post an example of a proper prompt or just keep saying to write one and nothing more?
you would be pretty famous on twitter with gens that clean
The more you read the worse it gets.
Does anyone actually check AIbooru, other than to steal prompts?

yes, I know
doesn't mean he knows
>post some blurry loli with splotch of cum
>wait a little
>samefag and call your own post appreciated and artistic
>wait a little while longer
>samefag and ask yourself for genning advice
>spiral into a full blown self-interview
>wait some more
DM him >>8481994 on Cord for actual skillchad prompts.
Much better, works more reliably, and has no side effects whatsoever versus normal prompting. Regional Prompting tends to look weird and artificial, and v4 avoids that, even if it still looks bad overall.
I do this.
you seem pretty obsessed, my dude
you seem pretty called out, my dude
I don't do any of those things. But you've been going on about this shit on repeat that it's not very hard to figure out who you're referring to.
why? just some good self-care advice that makes the thread more lively.
Have you tried attention mode instead of latent? That doesn't look artificial, but it's less reliable as a result. More concerned with making a nice image than listening to all your prompts. Not sure what you mean by side effects either.

But yeah, that does sound nice. Maybe they did some actual training with regions.
yes, it's quite good
this much so based
latent mode has been broken since 1.5 days bruh
Funny cause I'm not the one who posted that either, but we all know who's that about. Not like it's a unique behavior pattern, most attentionwhores engage in similar tactics. Sucks for you to be a whiteknight for one of them though.
when will the hdg geniuses make a model to show the world how it's done
Give me 256xH100 and I'll do it
In 2 weeks, currently baking.
I used it literally yesterday on Comfy. In fact it's kind of a pain to enable attention mode there, still not part of the built-in nodes and every custom implementation has weird downsides.
we all work for antrophic and are under a non-compete, sorry
Umm Astralite is an hdg chad actually, so
why would someone with an actual twitter following have to fake engagement on an anonymous underground basket weaving forum?
what game is it?
Why not
anyone have the link for that one?
Google attentionwhoring. He's not getting anything aside from numbers on Twitter, there's very little actual interactions there. Also quit recycling your gotcha bait questions cuckie.
Wuthering Waves. It's not porn though. I just really like the design choices for NPCs.

thanks anon
These don't look much like game screenshots though?
so your only answer is "b-because I say they're doing it!"
cool story, bro.
so your only answer is "b-because I say they're not doing it!"
cool story, bro.
that was what he was going for anon...
I just wanted to be a hentaimaker...
So v4 is basically a $25/month pose generator. I'll stick to Controlnet, thanks
Is there a difference?
I don't get it but if he's happy I'm happy for her.
Is this some patreon exclusive? Why does it need encoding?

No thanks. I actually know how to use a computer.
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>1.0 - check
>1.0 Cyberfix - check
>v29 - check
>1.0 + v29 - check
>1.0 + v29 Cyberxfix - check
Where can I find v29 Cyberfix? My OCD is killing me that I don't have the last remaining permutation.
Holyyy wapow
what's new in v2?
>no eps 0.5
You will never be a pillar.
You don't need all those checkpoints anon, NAI4 is here
Merged with NAI
No, he's just being retarded on purpose, him or the one who shared it originally. Just makes it harder to find in the archives.
Any character lora baking tutorial for tards? Getting a gpu, wanna start baking some obscure characters for Noob.
I don't have literally unlimited disk space so I only hoard the latest and/or one-off experimental versions.
fyi if you prompt 1girl without any quality tags on vpred1+29, you'll get a 3D pic like from custom maid
There was a time where a employee fucked up a screencap posting here lol.
an 8tb internal hdd is shockingly cheap nowadays
You're so new it's not even funny.
That was you using inspect element, sis.
I'm never going back.
in the OP, and on Civitai
there's nothing special about Noob when it comes to training, long as you don't train on the v-pred ones
>Too retarded to identify shitposting.
I pity you.
>using 40010 for cuckshit
Well I've never baked anything before so just need a good starting point.
it's for all your other files so you can dedicate your ssds to ai and shit
my boi zack finally getting some game
Everyone expected NAI v4 to completely mindbreak local users but I never expected this twist that it would instead mindbreak NAI users.
waow is that nai?
first pick a trainer (kohya no command prompt, kohya guy, easyscripts)
>I wuz jus' pretendin' beeeng reetardeed!
Whatever you say brudie.
that's how you know it's fanart
no clue but v2 has to be better than v1 right? it is a higher number
unironically this, they even come here to shill their shitty service in desperate attempts at damage control
who should i use then
ah wait, you meant v29 only. mb
lmao, that was clearly not what I was referring to, but thank you for reinforcing my point.
>Everyone expected NAI v4 to completely mindbreak local users
Bro actually got swayed by our resident schizos kek. Yeah we were shitposting about it but most were hoping it would be good.
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hey, thank you :D
You reek of Reddit, give it up and stop trying so hard to fit in.
penises are NOT allowed on /e/
Wows did you maked this urself?
Automated bot. Report it for off topic and move on.
very untrue post
And then?
Quite the contrary it is extremely truthful!
Higher number = better. This might not necessarily hold true for bakes but it most often does for mixes.
The only ones mindbroken are NAI's staff doing damage control on discord.

>reeeee reddit
illustrious 3.0 will save us!!!
>newfag meltie
I mean yeah it actually will.
What caused the decline?
Nah I'll stick with SD 1.5(NAI4)
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is there anyone even using 1.0 or 1.1 since it was leaked?
based (true)
what is his end game?
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>Red, unnatural swelling
Take that poor guy to a fucking doctor.
Shitter cope.
I hate 25$
is that a heckin basderino UO gen
anyone got that NoobAI-XL-VPred-v1-v29-v2-prependicular-v3-cyberfix-v4-illust11-v2-waiv5-ntr-mix-sihv9-epic model?
Yeah, check on my Patreon.
timestep embedding are pulled entirely from v29 instead of like 0.95, gets rid of some artifacts
which one?
If you hate it so much give it to me.
For the niche usecases I'd been keeping the original 0.1 around before. Refiner for overly "soulful" styles.
wow nai4 literally doesn't suck my cock!? kurumz you really overpromised. nai is finished!!!!
It should be pretty obvious which one I'm referring to, anonie.
Not on Pixiv, after NAI V3 dropped, I started posting gens in the style of popular artists, and that got me banned, I lost 3k followers...
yeah i still have 0.1 as well as 0.6 but was curious as i dont think ive seen any catboxes with 1.0 or 1.1 since 1.0 leaked a little while ago
Kurumuz meltie btw: >>8482581
I tried doing stuff with it for a bit but it was just too wonky.
pretty sure the "let's train it to do higher resolutions natively!" bullshit did irreversible harm and that it wasn't actually done very correctly.
Wait, really?
everyone switched to >>8482559
keep up with the times, boomer
imagine posting on pixiv
Why would you give a (You) fucking worthless troglodyte?
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Have you guys ever tried making a princess carrying scene or similar while using two character loras? How do you keep the characters from blending with each other? In my case, both are blonde, so their hairstyles blend together.
i agree
You should thank me, wtf!
Just use NAI v4!
just train a lora with both character datasets in it. especially if there is fanart with them together.
>glasses-wearing plain jane
>gets to fuck muscular athletic chad
have you seen the tits on her?
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I thought you were supposed to keep characters separate when training? I will try your suggestion though. I think I have 10 images of them together.
Why aren't you sucking her off? Can't you see she is hard?
This but sarcastically.
You know, I'm something of a hentaimaker myselg.
$25 is too much for a flop like this, make it $20 and I'll think about it.
I love using "official art style" prompt and getting a different result every time
not necessarily, i'd just throw in both their datasets and the 10 couple images and you should be good to go
The copier method of making lora often relies on 3d screenshots. Always been viable.
(((its nai)))
Best we can do is 24.99, take it or leave it!
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But you didn't post anything...
It's to keep you entertained! You're welcome.
You are supposed to describe what the style looks like using natural language, how many times does this need to be repeated?
use naiv4 sarcastically?
Why would you ask such ungenuine question??
why would you respond to bait?
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So this is where all blacked crackers are now
Why didn't you take your meds?
Which style cluster is that?
Yeah I don't think nai can come close to this masterpiece
v4 doesn't even know Clara, she is our wife.
nice gf, anon
just sent mine off to school
Good, good
alright here's you sexy hentai masterpiece now pay up
you don't know anything about me
I AM you.
Subscribed :)
Can local do this though?
Nyo :(
Yeah, side-by-side is easy with regional prompter. Try something with more interesting composition where you can't separate the canvas that easily. Something where there's one character behind another, for example. That one Regional prompter can't do.
Switch the skin colors on the 2 guys and you'll have something local can't do.
Astralite won so hard
What are funny checkpoints though?
>j-just use Regional prompter
Nah I'd rather pay for a service that lets me do it with ease!
Are you white and bald/balding, by any chance?
>I thought you were supposed to keep characters separate when training?
you can do multiple characters but i am pretty sure that you do not want to tag any of their features
for my own datasets i've been doing stuff like "3girls, playboy bunny, girl A, girl B, cowboy shot, white background" or alternatively "3girls, character A \(swimsuit\), character B \(swimsuit\), full body, black background" if the outfits aren't interchangeable. but you seem to have to use a single outfit token across all characters even if the outfits are bespoke. stuff like "character A \(school uniform\), character B \(swimsuit\)" doesn't seem to work at all though but that may be due to batch size or something
Mario won.
I'm Indian, why do you ask?
Humiliating Emiya is based doe even if its groidshit
I think that's an childs.
oooohh? where???
>using batches when there are any fine details
do not
I would honestly be on this sentiment if the prompting style wasnt exactly the same as using region. Hate writing prompts for each fucking section.
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i don't have enough vram to train the whole dataset at once unfortunately
That is also an option, but then you'd have to not prune any of their features. Then you could regional prompt them in the right place, without leaking the lora's influence all over the image.
So developed he grew a beard
Decided to check in since V4 released, but never expected this. Kurumuz, how are you just as blind as the average civit user?
catbox please
stop recommending this shit model when it struggles to do rimjobs
this looks nice but wtf happen to the pussy
Other than the pupils, that actually looks like something he might've drawn
Congrats you fuckers, I got a 25$phobia
you said that last time
which are your favorites?
He's going for that NAI v4 genitals style trend, look it up it's hot shit.
rimjobs arent everything
It can, just takes a lot more steps. Local can do anything if you're willing to spend hours at it.

Also, you could just roll it at random.
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yeah nai got no pussy at all
Is civitai finally working again or is it still throwing 404 errors?
Minigen status?
I forgot to put censored in negative. this mix makes everything sfw
Wanna share your account with me?
Thanks for the setting, these actually work.
The agent got all the data he needed.
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I'm not saying it's impossible at all, but regional prompter can't really do more complex compositions, it's limited and clunky with anything that isn't side-by-side.
that's what no SMEA does to a mf
just combine it with controlnet
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"and so I told the guy, your own architecture? You'll come crawling back like a dog."
>v4 artstyle is more truthful to the anime
holy shit that actually made me interested, did they train on actual anime all along?
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how is he involved in all of this?
It's a good benchmark to check model competency. If the model you're shilling can't even do rimjobs then it's a) using older dataset b) trained or finetuned like shit. Wai probably covers both.
Um, did the studios consent to that? I wonder...
>v4 artstyle is more truthful to the anime
Does the anime have artifacts everywhere and her underboob melting with her torso too?
That what you smell when doing a rimjob you asslicker lol!
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Quick one because I don't have a lot of time today.
>did they train on actual anime all along?
Maybe Danbooru itself has screencaps or scans of magazine previews.
raidenbox please? nice gen
Perfect deepthroat every single time
>no argument
haha good one lol! glad we understand that Wai is shit.
it's generally accepted that v4 is closer to the original styles for single artists and art sources
Argument? Wai? The fuck you on about nonnie?? You just like smelling shit, that's it.
You can use it for pieces of a single character even. Just need more exact masks, not Forge Couple squares.
Truly the cutting edge.
Is NTRmix old news? I tried in january and just stuck with it. I haven't been able to gen much lately.
Ignoring the artifacts part, yes, that looks closer to anime.
That's probably not enough to capture the style so well
who cares? I'm remembering the happy days with b-chan now and it makes me sad
it's like, I wanna appreciate the joke but I also hate the image itself so
either bair or retarded
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>Just the tip, and no movement.

No luck with Wan so far. The best I get is like one of those religious Mormon technically not-sex.
By whom, the cocksuckers in NAI's discord?
By me, the Kurumuz.
is cutesexyrobutts just completely fucked in artist combos now? what the fuck is up with it, they used to work great but now it completely overpowers everything
>v4 artstyle is more truthful to the anime
What kind of cope is that? V3 did it as well and did it better.
So, v4 is actually a bit better than v3 but people are losing their shit because it isn't another big leap like SD15, SDXL, NAIv3, DALLE3, etc
theres a v29+1 + sih model https://civitai.com/models/1301670/291h?modelVersionId=1469244. im did a schizo quantum merge version of it and i like it so far
v4 killed grifters
by everyone with eyes
It seems much better at 1girl walking than anything sex-related. Even with /d/ sized proportions.
Yeah it's perfect
csrb's art has been getting worse and datasets have recency bias is my theory
>You just like smelling shit, that's it.
Huh? Is this your weird projection. It's the reverse dumbass. Do you actually not get it or are you retarded? Oh wait you think Wai is good so I guess it's on track lmao!
It's the new official cope.
>schizo quantum merge version of it
Dunno what that means, but share it!
it has a lot of cool tech and stuff but it looks like ass. calling it v4 is also a bit disingenuous since this model was trained from scratch.
people are losing their shit because artist mixing on it is shit and they're slowly beginning to realize that v3 itself wasn't super special and that what was special was, instead, their incorrect implementation of smea.
and both of those things are important because, surprise, people want to make things that don't look like garbage.
which model?
anyways, downweight emphasis or use prompt editing to add it into the mix later on
so does 16ch vae do anything at all?
>it has a lot of cool tech and stuff but it looks like ass
Could have just said, "it looks like ass"
The latter... it just werked for me compared to pony idk what to say. Lot of random civit mixes I tried sucked ass so I gave up on looking for something different.
>v4 is actually a bit better than v3
It isn't, every single gen looks like ass and the antlan people have no idea of how to use it either.
lurk more
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It's better in a few ways, but worse in others, it's disappointing.
that's true
It adds extra crispiness around the eyes and fingers and lets you make out the writing on the BLACKED brand underwear better.
>they're slowly beginning to realize that v3 itself wasn't super special and that what was special was, instead, their incorrect implementation of smea
You made that shit up, bro. v3's great with and without SMEA. v4 is artifacted poop.
Is that NAI? Please Sir tell me your secret to this style I will pay you!
raw gens are a little more detailed in v4 than local/v3. still feels lackluster compared to flux tho. maybe not enough parameters
>and the antlan people have no idea of how to use it either
i just dont understand how did this happen... but i guess that's exactly what they are thinking rn
its nai
Text and accurate jpeg artifacts.
Ishikei actually looks like Ishikei in v4 and not like some horrid abomination like in v3.
It is a new arch, so expecting a big leap like from SD15 to SDXL seems reasonable. Flux was huge too, except no one's able to finetune it for anime.
But Ishikei looking like a horrid abomination is more accurate.
its local
v3sissies wtf is this...........
box please??!

right as im uploading it civitai goes down, ill drop link after i upload when its back up
Your sure that's "v4 Ishikei looking like Ishikei" and not just "Badly trained v4 Ishikei mixed with some generic artistic style looking like Ishikei"?
ratatatat74 looks weird
Time for Kurumuz to do the right thing and drop the v3 for us.
why is v4 so blurry? even more than v3?
they clearly stated that they still use unet
they probably just slapped some t5 encoder on moe unet, running everything through flux vae trained for photorealism and called it a day
thought this is noob for a second
Tell chatGPT to write you a non blurry prompt.
not gonna happen if v4 flops
naiv4 lol
the VAE we use now is also trained for photorealism in the same way
>still use unet
didn't they say it's something like 90%mmdit and 10% unet? honestly the way it sometimes just stubbornly ignores part of your prompt even if you emphasize/restructure feels a lot like flux.
looks very maharaja, sir
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I look like this
and what do you say?
>didn't they say it's something like 90%mmdit and 10% unet?
they don't mention transformers in the blog
>the way it sometimes just stubbornly ignores part of your prompt even if you emphasize/restructure
that's probably the text encoder's fault
Nice pussy?
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holy shit
can v4 do this?
>they don't mention transformers in the blog
kurumuz said something about mmdit when he bragged about his new arch on the 2hou discord.
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people are losing their shit because it's far too easy to gen artifacted garbage on v4

simpler styles, prompt comprehension, the placement and character separation are all amazing, but it doesn't matter if the popular or non flat styles look like overly compressed jpegs
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more of her?
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delet this
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not really
Because nobody their has any idea what they are doing which was pretty obvious to anyone that read their vpred paper, which was essentially "we let compute go brrr"
yeah I bet nai can't do this
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sorry forgot pic
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maybe he just doesn't know
box sars
why is it so dogshit
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also this
it's nai
Better than v3 maybe, worse than curated v4
It's yet another "ml layman invent new architecture" meme
"anime screenshot"'s work really nice on v4 now for some shows
i gen it on huggingface while my gpu slowly gen other shit, so it's lost forever, but it's hiramedousa+ikuchan kaoru+hero neisan
It's because 95% of shows have the same artstyle. And the rest get shat on for CGI, like Kengan Ashura or Berserk.
is civit upload fucking shit or is it my internet
accepted by whom? you?
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here's local
I think both are pretty far off t bh https://catbox.moe/c/tjmbd7
in a good way, anime just looks like ass when not in motion
wait what the fuck why does "ai generated" have such a huge affect on NAIv4 outputs? did they feed fucking ai outputs into the model?
V4 looks like a high quality anime still.
Local looks like a random ass screencap in the middle of something.
novelanimagine v4
this but opposite
Came here to point out this.
mushoku tensei actually looks pretty amazing in every frame
Is it any worse than V3? Afaik every anime model since Animagine has had that tag, pretty strong too. In case someone wanted to reproduce AOMslop.
Anon, danbooru keeps all uploaded posts, even ones that don't get accepted, https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=ai-generated+&z=5
I'll be honest that to me looks like what an AI would think when trying to make an anime screencap, which isn't bad but I don't think will fool anyone.

AI generate shit
ai-generated in negs had pretty weak effect on v3
ai-generated in negs on animagine destroys outputs
ai-generated in negs on v4 improves outputs considerably
on pony i don't remember, i think it was weak
That’s the power of having an entire animation studio created just to adapt a series.
It's way too glossy and shiny, I posted the screenshot box for that reason. Of course both models are capable of looking better than this, I thought the point was to reproduce the show's style.
Berserk got shat on for WAY more than CGI.
>didn’t think I’d be able to prompt Brazilian Miku getting her throat hammered
>I can, she’s in the dataset
…I still don’t like v4, but kudos.
okay but we're talking about styles
[[[[CLANG'ing intensifeies]]]]
Why the fuck would that be impressive?
The dataset is from 3 months ago
good goy
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what would the hero himmel do?
Would rather be fishing.
oh, I was talking about in positives
Based freethinker.
so this is the power of naiv4...
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its NoobAI-XL-Vpred-v1.0+v29b-v2-perpendicular-cyberfixv2
So this is the power of NoobAI-XL-Vpred-v1.0+v29b-v2-perpendicular-cyberfixv2
>shit image quality
>shit artist mixing
>artifacting out of the wazoo
>AIslopcore signature look
>but it can do anal birth!!!!!!
Absolutely stunning, take all my anals, Kurumuz
>anal birth
TIL, gonna post about it on Reddit tonight.
i think i am completely desensitized to the imagery of vaginas penetrated by penises
Every time OccultSage posts an image I have a sensible chuckle. He really doesn't know how to use the model at all.
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why doesn't kurumuz stop him
Convert to anus.
occult is just the master baiter
sodomy is sinful
can anyone try out this cool prompt?

1girl, loli, {{{{{{{{{{realistic}}}}}}}}}}, {{{{{{{{{photorealism}}}}}}}}}}}

{{{{{{{{{anime}}}}}}}}}} in the negs
I have no idea. His passive-aggressive autistic way of replying isn't doing the company any favors as far as optics go.
Why can't I prompt a girlfriend in real life so I don't have to be using this shit?
>shit image quality
vae is the greatest monkey paw of our time
This is what peak v4 prompting looks like. Better book a couple writing courses in your local community college, grifter chuds
From what I saw, ai-generated had minimal effect in positives in v4, but a major effect in the negs, while in v3 it was the other way around.

Almost leaning towards this theory, some of his shit is too tone-deaf to be real.
It's okay, God is all-forgiving. Just read a prayer after each coom.
Beutiful grammar, I'm so wet rn
That's not dall-e bro, I want boobs
yes glowie-sir, mister
Do people hate prompting with booru tags that much? NL just seems so annoying to me but maybe it's because I just haven't ever done it. I feel we're so far away from it being accurate enough for me to want to bother with it
Tell me which shitmix I should be using lads
that, after anon manages to upload it >>8482780
On local you would get a much closer result using a realism merge like cyberillustrious. And NAI was never any good at realism.
you don't get it, anon. it HAS to be nai
I know everyone's laughing at this right now, but this will actually become a norm in a couple of years with a t10 encoder or something
>Do people hate prompting with booru tags that much?
No. It’s an entirely self-made issue that they convinced themselves they’re right on. The technology itself just isn’t ready for NL prompting compared to booru tags.
I wonder, would training a text encoder on booru tags from scratch improve things for our use case? So that it treats them as exact match, "eyepatch bikini" and doesn't slip into natural language.
I'm laughing at that prose, I used to gen on Dalle a lot and got used to prompting with NL which worked alright. If we get to the point where a model actually gets everything you prompt with NL, I'd be happy to move on from tags.
who needs tags anyway? just write
Just pick up a book ffs
it's not about whether the tech is "ready" or not for NL shit. It's just a plain issue that NL is really, really bad for this sort of shit.
The optimal NL framework is going to involve a small translation layer LLM that takes your text input and then gives the REAL (abridged) input to the model itself.
booru tags fucking suck
>It’s just a plain issue that NL is really, really bad for this sort of shit.
…Which it wouldn’t be if the technology was capable of parsing it. Hence why it’s a technological issue.
As someone who uses flux and now this video models a lot, I agree. English has way to many ways to describe the same scene using completely different words and I am always floundering trying to figure what damn way was this trained
nl is ok when you use short, precise sentences to describe something, but there will never be a model that produces anything useful with "palette of subdued, natural tones"
Hey bros newfag here
A shitmix is just two models mixed together right? Like noob and illustrious? In that case, can this mix use loras from both models or does it need to be trained on this specific mix?
stop genning bbc
Me inside the chest (the black bull put me there).
Name at least 10 valid reasons not to gen BBC.
I've never bothered with dall-e, but doesn't that do the exact opposite? I was under the impression it fed the user's prompt into an LLM which generated an even wordier version, rather than a shorter abridged version.
If you look at the realism side of things, everyone is suffering because of NL. The reason they make Pony and illustrious merges is not anime character cosplays and /d/ shit, it's because tags are the only way to get prompt adherence and reliable output. Even Flux struggles despite its much better understanding.
sorry its taking a while. what the fuck is wrong with civit? i uploaded the model and then it says missing files, ive reuploaded twice now and publishing it does nothing
who chopped off bruh's legs?

males skin needs to be darker
no bbc = anger
>training a text encoder on booru tags from scratch
why can't you use wd tagger?
It's Indian.
males skin needs to be _____
>he actually added "ai-generated" to the negatives after being called out on all his gens looking like AOMslop even though he was insistent there was nothing wrong with them yesterday
Fucking kek it keeps getting better
Two or a dozen. Anyway, in order to work loras need to be trained on one of the merge components, or their ancestors. It does weaken their effect somewhat, but in my experience base illustrious loras still work fine even on noob merges.
>t. pajeet
Bullied into giving up his unique style :(
Hairy, I can't self insert in some shaved prettyboy.
*t. trooner
CLIP text encoder. For prompting, not for dataset tagging.
What we're using now is the SDXL base one trained on natural language, then finetuned on booru tags in kohaku, illustrious and noob. Just wondering what if we had one that used tags from the very start.
No, you retard.
You need a TE attached to the model. You do not want that TE to be super diversified with 10 different things actually meaning ONE conceptual output. You want everything as condensed as fucking possible.
Again. The absolute perfect ideal scenario for NL to actually "work" with an image model is going to require a translation layer LLM to interpret your inputs correctly.
Also note that I'm not saying *booru tags are best. Ideally those would, also, be put through a translation layer. In a perfect ideal world the model is going to want inputs for various things as short text strings that don't actually form words. Think shit like "blue skirt" being "u153" and "red skirt" being "r153"
First, that's because dall3 was made by a corp with a fuckton of datacenter to burn.
Second, that's not really quite the reason they're doing it. They're doing it to "pretty" the prompt to add detail that wasn't prompted for. Shit like turning "1girl, standing" into "1girl, standing, beautiful sunset, lens flare, park"
#000000 #FFFFFF or monster colored
it’s funny because troons are one of the groups obsessed with niggers
naiXLVpred102d_final.safetensors is pretty good
You're getting shit image quality because that's not how you're supposed to prompt in v4, try using natural language and no artist tags.
Okay cool, thanks anon
waow did you drawed that???
how does emad keeps wonning so bigly?
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legit couldnt tell this was AI until i examined it for a couple minutes, holy shit
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thread challenges are a fun idea
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Wow, Noob just can't compare with that.
Even the nip channel started calling him out on it
>The difference between v3 and v4 reminds me of the difference between the old AOM derivative models and v1.

>For better or worse, the artist tag is displayed perfectly, so I can't tweak it to make it sound original.

>The official moderator's work is on nai-diffusion-showcase, but I can't really understand it.
>The elements that were highly rated by users are not being used at all.

>It seems like what the official website recommends and what we want are at odds. (edited)

>#nai-diffusion-showcase >
>This was shocking, as it seemed like the AOM generation had come back to life. (edited)
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Why is NAI so popular in Japeen? Doesn't Nvidia sell their shit there?
is so over thanks to a single retard, amazing
Japs can't into coding
Most Japanese people don't really have the hardware to run locally. It's why NAI and Nijijourney are so popular because most of them are generating from their phones.
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goes to market, sees wolf girl, what do anons
garbage gen. no artifacting, no melted and fused fingers and hands. dont you know we're a novelai community??
Finally, a good v4 gen.
maybe give a basic prompt for a character/pose as a point to jump off from. I'm not bothering if it's not in my wildcards, she got boring real fast back in SD1.5 days
not funny bro
free her but she will still act as my slave because of the implication
uhm gulp its... local...
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*Plap* *Plap* *Plap**Plap* Get pregnant! *Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt*

Wan works... sometimes.
actually made me spit out my drink, fuck you
Didn't we all agree to not post any local gens for a while? To pay respect for Kurumuz's efforts? Guys please.
Hmmm, yes, I think so.
This bitch needs an exorcism
taste the rainbow
its showing i have the model in my profile but when i open it, it still says i have to publish it

https://civitai.com/models/1313975/291-sih-quantum-merge does this work?
Is MiniNai dead?
very nice
Man once I have an outcome I like, I'm always so scared of messing it all by modifying it, despite knowing I can easily go back.
What a weird feeling.
At what point does Kurumuz pull him aside for a one-to-one Zoom meeting
Can someone try Tenk? Need to know if he works well, ideally with crazy_smile.
The first link worked fine for me, had to reload a 404 page once but that's it. Just Civit things I guess.
we were burning through some rich fags private anlas fund
very samefag
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yeah thanks
>most popular
>not fern
>I'm an artist
Top keke.
jej even
meds?, it's a cute gen and I do like the characters used
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It's a pity that many nsfw artists have stopped drawing beautiful porn with draenei girls...Seems like that the whole genre has died :(
>mangled melt
Yep, that's how atristes are doing it fr
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bro what the fuck
i like this season. only wish some old faces would make a cameo
How are they proud of the most souless boring slop imaginable?
If at least it was some pixelshit anime screencap I get it that it looks bad on purpose, but that shit looks like something out of v1
why not limit it to gens that don't take up anlas? is there any hope of it coming back?
Oh that buddy is getting banned, and SOON
wd tagger uses encoder-decoder arch, right? it encodes image domain and then decodes tags, no? maybe you can use that to train a tag encoder by comparing the outputs of said tag encoder when given tags to the outputs of an image encoder when given image?
I bet you guys never heard of background fade.
what would be funny if challenge anon compiles everyone's images and opens a patreon with them as imagsets, we'd go full circle
You tried, but not succeed. Better try to make your own prompt next time and use local model, not nai shitbox =)
Never heard of her :(
Hah, nah, I've been disagreeing with Sage for years now. A little snark ain't enough for him to ban me.
it's what happened to me on all my class photos in high school
recognized by kinda fried
>How are they proud of the most souless boring slop imaginable?
Always talk the product up. It doesn’t matter if it’s shit. It doesn’t matter if the consumer knows it’s shit. Deny the reality before your very eyes until you break even.
>whole genre has died
anon your futa horsecocks?
my fucking sides
Huh so Sage is a merciful God, I wasn't aware, makes me respect Him even more!
Is that the haircut all the black people get nowadays?
what is that model
no refunds status?
>background fade
>not depth of field or bokeh
who keeps allowing this clown the right to speak
the quantum merge here, im the uploader and its so fucked on my end https://civitai.com/models/1313975/291-sih-quantum-merge

civit needs to fix their shit man
No-no-no, I mean just regular porn arts with draenei girls, it was very popular in mid 2012-2016, but after WoW developers started make shit expansions artists stopped being interest in making content with that genre and even DrGraevling stopped draw his stories with Monara and her adventures as a slutty mage. Eh, that was a good times...
Brother, they won’t even answer my email asking why the fuck I got double-charged after switching payment processors despite them explicitly saying that wouldn’t happen. I’m calling my bank in the morning. They’re not taking $25 from me.
qrd on this merge?
i was disappointed when the draenei girl art shifted into endless horsecock futa spam too
but that's why this tech exists, get or bake loras of your favorite artists and create all the draenei girls you want
DM Sage he'll fix everything in no time.
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new emoji dropped
alright, let's get you to bed grandpa. a nice glass of warm milk and your kidney meds will make you dream about all your favorite wow cooms
Yeah, NL has the potential to be much better and easier to grasp compared to learning tags by heart.
Even the characters or localized prompting things can become useless with enough comprehension.
localsisters don't look!
We live in truly magnificent time, anon
Coliseum of Lust was a peak sfm fiction movie, ya know...
V4 can be alright sometimes
wait did i just invent clip
Thanks! That's actually pretty good, somewhere between noob and lora except the messed up eyes.
hey guys, quick question.

why do frozen pizza directions tell you to put it straight on the oven without an oven pan or anything? wouldnt that cause it to like melt into the bottom?
>How are they
It's mostly one autistic guy on his high horses who should have been muted from the discord a few days to avoid constantly looking like a smug clown.
I have no idea if he's always like that, but he's horrible at PR.

using it for all kinds of ridiculous shit is fun
For just 25 dollars you can generate unlimited images of your waifus yourself!
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I'm ESL and illiterate in general so I prefer booru tags
Boring character
damn that gen goes hard
nai kurumuz sage sage? kurumuz nai kurumuz discord sage!
>I'm ESL and illiterate
we know paycuckie
np any other artists you want to see?
I always put it on the...grill? is that the right word?
the metal grid thingy

It'll be fine, the dough is solid even after it melts, don't know if it's pre-baked or stuffed with chemicals, possibly both
catbox please? are you the same guy that posted the new jersey picture?
does nai4 support jap nl prompting or how do the nips do it?
oh dang, am i fucking it up by putting it on a pan instead of on the grate directly?
nta but do canvassolaris
42 pics on e621, zero on danbooru
Guys what controlnet and openpose model is better working with Illustrious-based models? Also if I use controlnet - do I need to use openpose somehow too to pose setup? Is that correct that if I setup pose with controlnet from image - I can disable pose tags in prompt at all?
i think it works
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You have to put it directly on the glowing red heating element for maximum crispiness.
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this is better than the other 29h1 merge at least. can you share recipe or how to?
I'll allow it this time, since it's testing a new model.
Why the fuck is Raiden even popular
Yae I could understand to some extent but either Raiden has the personality of a wooden board
1 little typo can give you funny results
this guy?
doesn't look like his artstyle
yeah local still mogs nai I guess
I like her (I have never played the game)
it's got a rough idea at least
I thought their e621 dataset would be more curated
yeah, as a test
i figured it's so /d/ they would just prune it all
And where to find exact last version? I only found that page https://civitai.com/models/136070?modelVersionId=519452 but there is a foken huge list and I can't understand what to download :D
idk, maybe try using huggingface instead of shitvit for that stuff. It's not a lora
xinsir in the bottom row
Released when Genshin was still in its upswing of popularity, Archon, fat tits, pulls a sword out of her chest.
she's a clueless shut-in autist (like yourself) who was sitting in her own world while her personal ai assistant ruined her country or something like that
also booba sword
Lightning is the coolest element
This gen made me spend 25$ for NovelAI v4
Thanks Anon!
Technically, Puppet Raiden did exactly as she was told to, just taken to its logical extreme of maintaining eternity by oppressing the people until nothing was capable of change.
yamato nadeshiko
Japan is obsessed with boring women
>>8483119 (Me)
I'm lying btw
You could ask this of every FOTM bitch; it's just network effects from something that caters to the least common denominator. Don't expect any critical thinking about depth with this shit, people going crazy over Ram waifubait back when re:zero came out had me reeling
>>8483122 (Me)
I lied (Again)
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I have been using this one

>do I need to use openpose somehow too to pose setup? Is that correct that if I setup pose with controlnet from image
It's not necesary with that particular model, pic related is everything you need to get it working in the right way

>I can disable pose tags in prompt at all?
You should try to recreate with mere tags all the important elements of the image you are using
(pose, actions, 1girl, 2girls, 2boys, from above from behind, etc)
I mean't Rem, can barely even remember her name
I know how to save NAI, stop people genning on v3 so they can't do comparisons anymore
Brought to you by think like an exec
>several years of steady popularity
Blacks come on this site and just say anything.
yeah but how exactly is le heckin reimu more sovlful than genshin slut #255? 2hou "fans" can't even remember a single line of her dialogue and that is provided they played any games in the first place
in gacha world the OP characters get all the art she was extremely strong on release. + lightning cool + on the surface strong stoic character with a secret side of loving sweets
I can accept waifubait when it has that much buildup
bowsette doesn't even exist in canon and she has more booru pics than princess daisy
People don't like her for her personality, but her design/the visual niche she occupies.
There's a few popular fanservice archetypes that artists will churn out on the regular, like "catgirl, cool Japanese beauty, white-haired maid, slut gyaru girl, etc." whatever IP happens to be popular at the time will have their characters slotted into these archetypes based on their visual appearance and farmed for likes even if their personality doesn't match at all.

Raiden has just eternally held the position for "cool Japanese beauty" for the past few years in the popular consciousness. Asia has begun to move onto Rio but the west doesn't give a shit about BA so all the weebs pining for a Japanese waifu are still projecting their desires on Raiden.
>catgirl, cool Japanese beauty, white-haired maid, slut gyaru girl
sounds like a proper thread challenge
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You truly grows up when you realize that good women and good relationships are boring and bland. Like fried eggs, rice, green tea, etc. You can always spice it up with seasoning according to taste like non stop baby making sex.
>but the west doesn't give a shit about BA
Because they weren't created by a company solely to milk money out of pathetic losers.
>pathetic losers
You are in a thread about using AI to generate pornography of cartoons.
The vast, vast majority of the """"english speaking global BA community"""" is SEA/Viet. Like just go look at all the english speaking BA content creators, the english speaking artists who mostly draw BA, even the fucking Discord. You can spot from a mile away that 90% of them are EOPs.
Takes one to know one.
>Kaji’s sloppy thousandths
how does enjoying
>cutting edge technology
>the act of procreation
make you a loser?
She's also effectively two people. Which makes avoiding OOC complaints much easier, just don't specify which one it is and leave people guessing.
You should be a lawyer.
let's not forget we earn enough to buy a gpu
This. It's not even available in a bunch of Euro countries cause they don't give a shit, that's not the main customer base.
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Except the most popular Raiden fanon personality is "sexy electro mommy who will pin you down and milk you dry" and neither of them are anything close to that. One is a murder robot autist and the other is a shut-in NEET autist.
it's new = bad mostly lol, most genshin characters are pretty good designs hence a billion dollar company being built from them
>the only actual use case of nai v4 is shitposting memes
but we already had flux
it's in the description but i'll update it in a bit
Miyuki Sawashiro
transhou lost btw
genshitroon lost btw
Just... write.
to whomst?
is that a slur for neggles?
Next OP
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How's your patreon looking following the release of NAI4
i miss it too...
>pretty good designs hence a billion dollar company being built from them
Not sovl
NAI4 is playing out exactly like SD3, the exact same 'skill issue' and everything. occult sperg = lykon
Have you considered using chatgpt sir?
naiXLVpred102d_final or ΣΙΗ ?
who wins sars
Neither, just use vpred 1.0.
whats sd3
naiv5 is going to be an sd3.5 finetune
nai v6 when
nah, kuru would sooner go bankrupt than go back to daddy emad. his pride won't allow it
I think even 3.5 medium is too large for them to run profitably
All they had to do was finetune SDXL again with an updated dataset and the knowledge they acquired from tuning NAI3 -- could do a 16ch vae as well. SAD!
Would be better if they tuned wan get both video and image going
wan sucks like all video models
i added a picture to the desc, lmk if you need more help
I am pretty bored of image models now ngl, would love a good nsfw video model.
Am I crazy or did novelai website quietly change the settings for V4 so you can use a higher cfg? It used to be able to go only to 10 but now it can go up to 20, and it seems the gens come out better when you use a high cfg like 8-9
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I don't see an image in the desc :(
maybe an image posted alongside this post would be a good idea
would be funny if all this quantum entanglement crap produced the same model as a 50/50 block merge
Nevermind, I think it's always been like that, but if you're on mobile like me the CFG slider will only go up to 10 unless you change the model to V4 then refresh the browser. Anyways I'm finding much better luck with gens when I pump the cfg higher. The sweet spot seems to be 8-9.
man im sorry, civit is fucking everything up right now. model card doesnt even show up on my own profile

i dont think it does, i shouldve probably tested it
There's an announcement about that on the 'cord.
Yea so if you use older models like V4 curated or V3, then switch over to V4 full, the CFG slider will only go up to 10 unless you refresh your browser. I don't know if desktop has the same issue but maybe people are complaining because they're using a low CFG?
Makes sense if it's a foundational model. Base SD1.5/SDXL can go up to 20 without breaking. Finetunes make them prone to burning, so you have to go lower the more you train.
"Illustrious XL v1.0 you don't hear much about it these days"
Thanks, Anon! Works perfect from fist run, lmao :D Didn't expect that kind of magic desu.
illustrious is shit without shitmixes
its definitely different. if its better or not i cant tell
whats the best model if im a homosexual?
CFG 8-9, ending all my prompt with ". Highly finished digital illustration", and adding "best quality, highly aesthetic, absurdres" at the end of my base prompt seems to work. Style mixing still fucked.
Is fine but I can't get back to eps models
kinda hot
So style mixing is only possible because of CLIP being retarded. SDXL forever it is than.
fyi but you can exhibitionist sex with other girls watching really easily with NAIv4. just put 2 or 3 girls in the main prompt, and then "caught"

then for the character specific prompts put "source#looking at" on the girls and then "target#looking at" on the male. you can also prompt specific reactions for each girl.

would love to see any results you lads come up with
Easily solved with prompt editing, if they took one afternoon to steal local's implementation.
I'm pretty sure it's because of the transformer architecture and not clip. sd3/ flux can't mix styles either despite having clip as one of multiple tes
Does Flux even have more than one style?
some of the "finetunes" do
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when are we supposed to get the free anlas for switching to the new NAI payment procesor?
so got like 14k anlas since i subbed a year ago or so, how many images could i make with that at base res?
would you perhaps mind posting a catbox?
>source#looking at
where is that documented? how does it work?

source, as in source of the action? so the source of the action is being looked at?
source of the action. so if you think of it in terms of looking or fucking "source#" would be the person doing the action. if somebody is getting fucked they're the target, or if they're being looked at they're also the target

I'm not sure if this is documented anywhere I just picked it up from somebody's prompts
good pony gen
What dataset did V4 pull from? It seems to be able to make gens from artists whose artwork isn't even on danbooru
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>localkeks dont understand the concept of building your own dataset
this is why dall-e won
only for the higher patreon tier, sorry~
yes, buttchin and occasionally no buttchin
thanks anon
It's documented on NAI's announcement page for the curated model for V4. It also includes some tips for how to structure your prompts. For example, it recommends creating a new sentence at the end of your prompt and adding (Highly detailed digital illustration).
For example a prompt would look like:
>1girl, school uniform, skirt, feet out of frame. One girl looking to the side. Highly finished digital illustration.
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Well I ask because V3 pulled all their shit from danbooru so naturally I would assume that V4 did the same
Other than the first one rest are just side by side gen, not sure if look at stuff is doing anything.
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interesting, I was putting sentences at the start instead
so now that you can prompt for settled dust in v4, what's our opinion?
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raiden sucks. next time is fawks rape plz
its nai :o
Right away.
metadata https://files.catbox.moe/5zwapb.png
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At your service all night long.
is that an L shaped bed
Nope, just bedspread much bigger then bed itself, so that's why it hangs over the edges and forms such visual anomalies, hehe :>
>unwanted content: anime
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wikipedia has started an initiative to replace all images in sex position articles with wikipe-tan
Is that Mikoyan?
add Gmod ragdoll noises
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This is fine
I mean they already have implied age gap yuri with her on the "shipping discourse" page. Not much stopping anyone from submitting or replacing images.
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does that faggot really have his own s*yjak emote?
holy shit lmao
i'd say i'm fairly tolerant but still my teeth are screeching whenever i see this broken flat slop >>8483286
genuinely wonder if he's enjoying it
I do it for (you)
Just listen to Occult bros, you can't compete with his gens.
that's not really canvassolaris
trust me, i know what his stuff looks like unfortunately
Just... write chads be eating good.
Other than the missing clit, it looks alright imo
NTA and I mean this in the least mean way possible...do you not get bored of of this exact same pose all the time?
sorry thats what I was testing in those. here is some more, actual group stuff
>was able to expense my NAI subscriptions from last year on my taxes since I made money on slop
>might be able to expense a new pc this year

feels good bros
you don't have to
pony ad nauseam
I'm going to post this as a reaction image to the shittiest gens I see posted
like 800
keep having nai (v3) as a tax writeoff because the 50 series is fucking garbage, the 40 series is already dead and used 3090s are approaching new 5080 prices
>used 3090s are approaching new 5080 prices
what the fuck
you think that's bad? used 4090s are anywhere from 1.5 to 2x their retail price here, they're selling used strixs for 4000
Why can't AMDnigs pull a ryzen and shit all over this AI racket
Is there any way to automate images generate process with different prompts with different images used with ControlNet in ReForge or Comfy? At least with only console or somehow else?
Because of skill issue.
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>1girl, pov, cowgirl
>let me guess, you NEED more?
shitpost aside, there's 300+chars in my wildcards file and the close ups have the cleanest eyes so that it's not (nearly) as low hanging fruit for bitchmade anons like >>8483294 to criticize and make a clown of themselves -- it's not great, but it's not terrible, so it gets plausible deniability
(fun fact, I have a cleaner/simpler the style jumped off of in vpred, picrel, but I don't use it because posting slightly fried to /hdg/ is recreationally enjoyable)
I don't do detailer pass or inpainting so I just prefer less variety over hassle of organizing limb horror/shitty angle gens.
I could in fact, wrangle together a python script to send requests with workflows to comfy for more variety with linking prompts to more variety of controlnet input-pose combination since there are a couple non pov positions I do like but I haven't had the motivation to do so; it's just coom gen that I close down once I bust a nut anyways
AMD software division is utterly incompetent and will never be able to compete with NVIDIA's
adult pussy
The annoying thing with characters in naiv4 is that there is a limitation of 512 tokens for all the positive description, which means that characters count towards the limit.
And it's VERY easy to go over it when you start using some NL and 2-3 characters, so it's useful to check that.
I was wondering why my last character was looking like shit, and it turns out it was cut off in the middle of its description.
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if their own sliders are to be believed it seems like the 9070 xt will be quite decent in AI? but you'll probably still have to run linux or WSL
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kek, yeah it's like the ghost of his shading and that's it
I got a gtx 2070 super and I might just sit on this the next 3 years or so since most modern games suck anyway
doesn't mean much without cuda.
It kind of makes sense, there is literally nothing else competing in the current market, with anemic 5090 stocks, and the future 6090 being probably at least in 2027-2028.
Knowing that the 5090 is basically a 4090 + 20% perf, the older gens are being bought left and right.
Personally I'll wait to see the nvidia 3000$ box thing, if that calms down the gpu/ai enthusiast market.
good thing you don't need cuda to generate images
cuda was a genius move
you don't *need* cuda. I ran this shit on an intel arc a770 before intel had native pytorch support. Everything is way more annoying without it though
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box? really like how fat that labia is
i can literally copy-paste entire danbooru posts and still have 250 to 200 tokens left, what the fuck are you doing?
just use nai's own LLMs to trim your prompt down :^)
Just... write.
pray that the rumored 32gb version is real
they are over 2 decades behind in software
that $3000 box will be shit because it'll use regular ram, not vram
I'm describing each character in their details, there are 3 characters, it's basically :
main: 150
char1: 150
char2: 50
char3: 150

and it's already at 500...
lol what
wasn't it shared memory?
That'll be AMD RADEON PRO W9070 for ENTERPRISE customers goy

Just like how they made the double vram versions of the 7XXX series: https://www.amd.com/en/products/graphics/workstations/radeon-pro/w7800.html
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It's amazing how much damage this single image has done to the NAI brand
shared memory means the gpu and system ram are one and the same, it's LPDDR5x (it's laptop ram LOL)
imagine leaking into ram while training loras except that's the entire experience on your THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS box. there's no actual fucking dedicated vram, there's no GDDR
it's gonna be fucking useless, bandwidth matters just as much as size
you know you can wire up lpddr5x at a wider bus and get gddr level bandwidth right?
i'm convinced that had to be a shitpost, there's no way it was unironic
You already used this one this thread
vram itself is actually fairly cheap, it's just business practices > bus width bottleneck > clearance/cooling issues in order of stuff preventing consumers from getting it
looking at the nvidia news blog, it states it has cuda on blackwell. I'm guessing it's going to be 32x2 VRAM based on GDDR7 specs + 32x2 system ram to reach the 128 figure. The point of having them both on the same chip is that bandwith/read/write speed is actually important at the scale of data you're working with in AI/ML and you get gains in that department by straying a bit from von Neumann architecture
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and Nvidia is giving you all that for just $3000
it's lpddr5 from head to toe senpai, it would make zero fucking sense for them to practically give away 32x2gb of gddr7 + a blackwell die
ah so you are the shitposter who shits on noob for allegedly horrible anatomy compared to pony, never attaching any images to such posts, good to know
AOMchads eating good
don't know what you're talking about but if you're such an authority on taste, why don't you go ahead and point at what you think are good non inpainted gens in this thread. Go ahead, I won't even ask you to post your own gens, just let us know who we're working with here
Dude literally making any% speedrun of Nai to bankruptcy in solo mode, what a legend. How he can be so dumb to not realise that customers don't want to write poems 'bout needed style and that they want to pay only for tool that can do exact that it asked and make it in most quality way? Nobody cares about a product that can't handle different artists' styles and mix them directly, instead offering fucking Mesozoic era of early SD drawings with lots of visual artifacts and blur/bloom, just because it's such a new complex artist's style of version 4 of the their new NAI model that DEFINITELY can't even be distinguished from a drawing by real human.
that's a challenge
That's how my dick looks like
you might know more than me, I don't actually follow this shit but here's the link stating $3000 blackwell rig, which is spec'd for GDDR7. Nvidia is smarter than to not put in GDDR7 after announcing it'd be blackwell since it'd be a complete flop to who they're marketing to (AI researchers)
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you know what I mean, feel free to deflect if you wanna be a coward about it. That derailing tactic is tired
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I'm going to make a lora out of these cm3d2 screenshots. Is there anything extra I should do for 3d stuff?
bocchi the sex maid
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biteable nipples
anon, the "post your gens or at least show us some good ones" is literally the most "tired" tactic in this thread that's used by absolutely nobody except trolls or some really offended individuals. also you don't need to talk like an arrogant and pretentious cunt, we're all friends here. from the very beginning i was just curious whether you're trolling or having a really shit taste, apparently you just have a shit taste and really trying to bitch about it, so kindly fuck off already.
Thanks for answering, I see a lot of people in AI gens who just do one thing and one thing only without ever venturing out, personally seems like a waste to me but you do you. As long as you are having fun I suppose.
Anon he doesn't have access to NAI4 it's no wonder he's unable to gen anything else!!!
unironically box?
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i just aligned my steps...
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Same prompt, same settings, can you guess which one's V4? :^)
Trick question they're both v4
doesn't really matter in this case because both of them are dogshit
Try using natural language next time kiddo
How does NAI v4 handle unnatural language though?
>natural language
The one time I tried using natural language with it, It only got it correct once out of 10 tries, and completely ruined the style of the generation.
It's a cut down blackwell rig, using LPDDR5. The box is mainly for textgen (think Mac Mini). It would absolutely be dogshit for imagegen and videogen.
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>Check the image posting channel on the NAI-Cord
>It's full of worse gens than the fucking Dall-e thread on /v/
I'm losing my shit here, bros.
I tried unnatural language (French) and it gave me this
You clearly forgot to add "l' artefact" to the unwanted content.
what kind of upscaling did this slop peddler do to get this level of detail? you can see some of his workflow in the catbox, but it looks like theres more post processing happening that my dumbass cant figure out

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>Steps: 100
it's a low bar to just have you point to a gen or two to know what you think looks good as a reference, but I guess opening yourself up to being vulnerable on that low a bar is too much for you
Is there some Starmilk in there
a 128gb 40-core gpu m4 max system would mog the shit out of the project digits for imagegen, not sure about training but coreml is VERY efficient
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anyways less recreational bitching, more 1girl pov gen
every single gen of yours has the penis going under the pussy rather than in, it's hilarious
nyalia, (starmilk:0.8), (meyoco:1.2), (ssambatea:0.65)
Thanks, looks nice
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So how do I start. Just posting stuff and tagging them to some common hashtags?
I like the look of it without nyalia.
Actually, admittedly it's really fucking annoying how poor of an understanding sdxl has of the foreshortened pov angles I like. That's a pretty valid take lmao
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Agree to disagree, I think it ends up being a bit too flat.
Just add (cum, excessive cum) and now nobody can tell
nta but yeah too flat, reminds me of kamepan
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I just realized after 2 days I uploaded the wrong lora to civit whoops
Oh I'm not saying it's better, I just like the look of it. Sometimes I do stuff that benefits from a more flatter style so it'll work nicely for that.
based absurd levels of cum overflow enjoyer
Nothing but hires fix and adetailer. I was able to replicate near perfectly (except for the face since I didn't bother with adetailer) with zero effort by downloading the loras and dragging it into reforge.
Just... write.
why didn't lax train an inpainting model?
Oh god, I just noticed it uses 100 fucking steps, it literally gives the same results with 30. Fucking why.
What's the model of choice for local right now? Been using WAI 10 and it seems alright.
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hes an ape, hes got 150 steps in another image of his

interesting, the level of detail ive been getting using the exact same loras and weights isnt getting anywhere close to the same level of detail (only difference is im doing it in comfy which shouldnt matter). ill keep looking into it, thanks anon
We all dropped local and started using naiv4
good lena
i say this
I need an artist to stabilize clits, wish mamerakko didn't bar censor the shit out of everything or I'd use him
pick any shitmix from this list >>8482399
He's using A1111's original token emphasis normalization, so comfy would definitely give very different results, unless you are accounting for that in some way.
i am a fucking moron and forgot about that
try optionaltypo and or reiq
Has there been anymore NAI v4 dev cope? Or did they finally accept its a failed launch?
Cope of being too good?
Cope of being ass.
Are people seriously still shilling for this?
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Not /h/ enough
Put some cum on her glasses
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loras I use probably fry it out too strong for noob to ever be able to detail such a small part of the image cleanly. They look fine when the pussy is close up taking a large part of the image but I don't like those angles at all
detailer takes too much time for it to be worth it
cute eyes tho
nobody unironically shilled v4, you're in what's been a shitposting thread for a year and a quarter
That body type seems way too mannish.
If you know men that look like that then please introduce them to me
That's kinda gay anon.
I just want to tweak and suck on their nipples a little bit, nothing gay.
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fine take this instead
>no cum
Eh good enough, cute style though.
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i like booba
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milk mage

Occultbros, your response?
It had metadata
Oh, thanks bro.
Phoneposting right now so i couldn't check it.
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it's mid
did ayakon change models?
Matches my experience with it completely, every bullet point
nah the dudes lower anatomy still makes no sense, her leg is fusing into him and her vag is only barely not shoggoth'ing out.
it's probably just style bias from the character lora or whatever that he's using.
abyamo sucks on v4 the moment you try to gen nudity, nipples and genitals are scuffed as fuck AND they're fried on top
it should be there now
abmayo* i can't spell, i should just... write
Occult has always been a faggot and he never gives legit advice and just says "git gud"
I really don't know where NAI goes from here. Their text models have completely fallen off and their first attempt at custom architecture for a image generation model really doesn't seem to be going well.
what are angels thoughts on the matter?
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dude's only job is to be a meat sack with a dick attached lmao
Any grifting advices ?
grab a knife
slit your throat
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love it when another girl admires the girl's face when she's getting losing her mind getting fucked
Is civitAI broken for someone else?
It keeps logging me out
civitai is broken 24/7
I'm getting 404 everything
civit is always broken
never knew I wanted female Raiden before now
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>female raiden
we've had female raiden at home for years
2B's great, but she lacks that gritty edge, you know?
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pretty good actually for what I assume is a nai gen
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It's local. And I'm playing around with blur, trying to make booba to stand out more. This one should be a bit better I think.
wooohoooo yeah baby NAI v4
woooooooo, don't stop the partyyyyyyyyyy
>And I'm playing around with blur
So is NAI.
Anon... Krita plugin...
There has to be something at least decent posted there...
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need some puffy_anus tag to improve that one
Why 80% of the pics ITT are Naiv4? I thought you guys said that the model wasn't good/not really impressive, and that you'd return to local genning.
lmao even
lies+shiny new toys bring interest
make better shitpost next time
I know you’re being a disingenuous retard but I feel a need to answer seriously—people WANT it to work and are trying to make it. That doesn’t mean it’s good, it means people are stubborn and don’t want the $25 they spent to have been a waste.
not a single good gen has ever been made with local
>*sobs* *sniff*
Any gen you spill your seed to is a good gen!
Thoughts on your sister dating a black man?
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probably kill them both, lol
im black so nothing?
heh, nai losted
Holdup, I wanted to get a 5070ti, I thought nvid cards are the best for ai?
so leleck is the blacked schizo. makes sense
totally agree
you're getting it up the ass no matter which Nvidia gpu you buy, snatch a used 3090 for <1k or get a 7900xtx to game and keep using v3 (frankly the better option)
But anon, then you'll go to prison.
I also thought about getting a 9070 xt, as I gen local on the side, but the prices here in Germany are way too crazy. A 5070 ti costs 1280€. The literally cheapest version. The MSI og price for the founder edition is 750$ lol. That being said, dlss4 seems to be good for the future.
Anyone else think NAI tanked v4 to put the final nail in /hdg/'s coffin, bros? It was supposed to revitalize the general. Now all we do is just... write.
0/10 try again
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We were Sage all along...
>Now all we do is just... write.
i clapped, bravo
If their server cluster is getting shat on from load it's objectively not a failed launch.
If you go on Twitter the amount of Asian accounts soifacing over how it can do the latest ZZZ characters and anime characters from last cour vastly outweighs the amount of people who are shitting on it for the AOMslop look (which doesn't show up if you prompt copyrighted characters since it'll tend towards the official artstyle then) or breaking their old artist mix.
Months in this thread...text and discord screenshots are my new fetish
Based image gen writers.
Based af, just telling the retards to write is genuinely how it works.
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I love jirai kei bros
based, it's a nice outfit
Local could NEVER
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based naichad
you're joking?
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box please?
How do I prompt for this outfit?
Is it just (jirai kei:1.90)?
My cringing at my own captions, how is this mental illness called?
post nut clarity
I like the gen but why it is so fucking blurry, is the real artist style like that?
I cammed
dlss is fucking garbage, we already have blurry shit with SD
buy a used 3090 or the 7900 XTX
there's always a chance you get a defective 5070 ti with 8 missing rops lol
Where was this posted in their discord specifically?
nta, but "pink dress, frilled dress, black skirt, choker" help
there may be some LoRAs too, if you're on local
it's blurry because it's FUCKING NAI. now give me your shekels
Why would they copare it to the GRE version though?
I think v4 just likes blur a bit too much. will learn more as I use it
why is it so optionaltypo (99%)?
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it means you've become less based. you need to regain your mojo.
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Is WanX NSFW anon on? The meat stick keep turning into candles and bursting into flames. Omitting "penis going in and out of pussy" makes only the breasts bounce. Did you have this problem and find a solution?
desperately need a wan yuzutei lora
the model is really unstable with nsfw motions, it definitely needs finetune catered to it
What do footjobs feel like
it really likes to latch on to certain artists. I weakened the style for this one so the other artists can come through more
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>Local could NEVER

NAI is Aether in this scene, And you are Yelan. Local is the orc.
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AIIIIEEEE, Aqua is turning my seed into water! Totally unprompted, Wan is weird and esoteric. Randomly your penis head also catches fire.
>no stretched protruding anus
yeah local could NEVER
cool, now it looks like optionaltypo (98%)
NT nsfw anon but he messed up and uploaded the wrong LoRA, you should re-download from the page again, if you haven't. It's not perfect still but I am having better luck with it now.
What the heck? He spent so much effort and electricity to fumble at the last mile, lmao. I'll learn that lesson.
Please remember that the real challenge begins after Wan creates the Lora.
localchads, do you really find ŞİH is better than ΣΙΗ?
I don't speak
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if all localfags died tomorrow, what sector of imagegen would be truly affected?
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localchads despise sodomy
Pick one
it feels like the tip of your dick has frostbite so don't try it
OccultCHAD showing localsissies how it's done
Not only can you emulate the look of AOMslop, but Dall-Eslop is also no problem!
Purchase your opus subscription now!
is there a text model just as uncensored as NAI?
Virtually all of them are, if not OOB then with a set-and-forget jailbreak.
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The new LoRa works. Tard wrangling the broken one made me learned how it worked, able reduced to 10 steps 81 frames, 5 min. Plus there are other optimizations techniques coming out for Wan. Kohya-ss is also jumping onto the wan wagon. Localchads, we'll be eating good from now on.
I wanna sex Aqua now…
Where's the second fucking leg bro
The position of her hips makes it impossible for the foreground leg to occlude the other one
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You are not supposed to point this out

It's the shitty Civit lora and a bit of melon22 https://civitai.com/models/438194?modelVersionId=1122965
Dude claims 10 000 steps and it's still very weak, even on base illustrious and early eps noobs.
Damn you got it working quick, took me some wrangling. Yeah gen times are the worst, trying to cut it down with teacache but honestly feel I am reaching the limits of what my 3060 can do lol
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i dont see a bit of wagashi in this
I like your artist mix.
holy fuck, it just doesn't end
yeah, that's the mixing issue
Why is she strangling Frisk Undertale?
Is this part of the model's actual syntax or just you experimenting?
putting him in there pulls the style in a direction I really like, here's a gen without him
| is the shorthand way to use regional/character prompting in the main prompt box.
v4 looks like it's possible to unfuck it. If they can rid of the artifacts and implement some bandaid solution for the artist mixing (prompt editing is the obvious one) it might be pretty good.
for v3 they even finetuned the vae to make the pics cleaner. I can't believe they can be completely oblivious to the issue. but man they pr is bad right now, especially with occultard spamming his slop in discord.
The fundamental problem with v4 is that they believe there are no problems with v4.
>NAI's advice for creating the best images is just...write
>all along /hdg/ was saying nogens and text chads were ruining the threads
>when in reality all we have been doing is just...writing
I think they know it has a lot of issues but they decided to engage in typical corpo denial.
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naikeks be like

>why the fuck is there an imperfection in an already very complex prompt

chill out nigga this isn't art twitter
At least princess carry usually works. I have yet to successfully carry over shoulder.
batch actually increases vram consumption, as opposed to training one image at a time
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Can anyone read gook to know how this guy got this gen?
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where pixel art bros at
After over 400 hours of x/y/z, I finally I found the magic keywords that increases the image quality in a massive way. No thanks to you.

Finally I can start my patreon and become rich.
>actually, unironically pining for the BLACKED NAIslop style
Why are NAIkeks like this?
that's still 100% aom1-y
the style is not inherently interracial, that's just what v3 people decided to do with it
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I used it EXCLUSIVELY for lightskins having sex with other lightskins. No niggers on my NAI.
the auto translate is perfectly fine for that post, he's just complaining that his gens don't come out the way he wants because nai 4 is difficult
Damn. Well, any clue how he did this?
Is this the new meta?
its nai
What do you like about this pic though? It doesn't look that great to me, it's rather melty desu. I had cuter Satoris on v3.
no idea, it's a grifter anyway, he's not likely to share metadata
>what is this?
>flashbanged by birdschizo
guys it's only 25$, why u heff to be mad
my rent is 150$
You live in the street?
rent issue
is this even humanely possible?
wanna try?
village in poland
This mix has been a blight upon the ai porn scene, I wonder if people would have been more creative instead of spamming it everywhere
I wish you guys would put these on the non-futa /d/ thread, It could use more activity to justify the split and not die off.

if you mean humanly, yes
I doubt it's "humane"
Left is local, right is nai. I can tell because i'm local expert.
If you need to artificially inflate your thead then it deserve to die
Enjoy the futa dick
no it's pretty inhumane to subject a horse to that
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wholesome manlet fantasy
I have no idea but it comes out pretty consistently
me in the back (i was hugging her two minutes prior)
the bad angle elongated my boy aether
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>non-futa /d/ thread
I'd rather just post on /slop/ because at least it's not a dead thread
>but if you posted then it wouldn't be dead!
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Sometimes I just want 1girl pov cowgirl
what did she do to deserve such treatment? sex with niggers?
what if... cowgirl but from behind?
sorry wrong mention I asked this horse nigga >>8483786
this is more humane if that's the case
If the tie were a little longer and thicker for convenient censoring it would be perfect. Big fan of implied_sex.
why does nai suck so much?
it sucks at making the image look good but in terms of composition and posing nothing even comes close
Instructions unclear
>that artifacting on the face
Jesus Christ it's really over for NAI isn't it
here >>8483764
Literally everything wrong with NAI can be traced back to them trying to force the furry dataset into it
there's nothing wrong with furry dataset, just stop having skill issue
I've been mostly sticking with 9 since 10 looked kinda blurrier and brighter the few times I've tried it. 11 is sometimes helpful if I want a taller girl, or if 9 is being stubbornly bigheaded on a prompt.
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I just realized... AI gf soon. You can probably combine Wan with textgen to get character avatar emotions on the fly.
fuck that's incredible
is it
It's ΣΙΗ. I was gonna say check last thread, but it's actually still this one. So just stop being a lazy fucker I guess.
if you have to ask
sorry about that I made a more realistic one
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They all would just use a different one. Anything that looks nice has stable output to handle character/pose wildcards.
It's not a bad style, there's a reason it was successful, but it's used so much everywhere, especially by people posting thousands of non curated gens, that people got tired of seeing it.
As for interracial, not really, it was literally used in every non gay non furry niche.
>168 pages with dark-skinned_male in negs
>296 without
Jesus christ lmao
truck kun's mix didnt have nyantcha in it
based manlet wholesome fantasy #2
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I am retarded, here
Do you have nsfw in your prompt?
mucho basado twink with large cock
Now post nursing handjob
i'm not telling you my prompt you damn beggar
curses, foiled again!
>decided to watch bb's stream vod
>immediately got to the part where he's talking about jerking off to AI porn of Saber
link to that specific moment?
You deny your nai it's purpose
I like 11 because the colors are kinda better but its way more biased toward slop shiny look (which I dont mind)
>decide to try out nai4 for fun
>4hours later pic
This shit is addictive, I was cooking so much from the porn I was genning that I bought 10k anals like 6 six times. The sex scenes are damn coherent, I can use this as my pixiv replacement.
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are you the one that did the ayase a few thread ago?
and you couldn't do that with v3?
Nah. The problem is that complex scenes were like 30% success. Also the melting of different aspects, it would give megumin big breasts or mix clothes. Now it gets them all nicely. Can't really mix styles as much as before but I love the way it "understands" what you want. Dogeza, rimjobs, being stepped on etc all work easily. Then sex scenes from side work 100% of the time.
I think he's genning this >8483854
Yeah that's me.
man... fucking a horse???
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good idea
Yeah alright. That's one of those "I could gen this but it's not worth the efffort". Good for NAI I suppose.
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NAI is gonna end up being the go-to /d/ slop at this point

>can do birthing
>can do vore
>can do body horror
>can do TF shit
>hyper futa/preg and the likes
>snuff shit
What the FUCK did they train it on?
so where the gen at...
Also looks like shit which helps bring out the ugly /d/ stuff even more.
but also NL helps
Nope, we're two different anons. Also I genned that pic in 20 seconds with no inpainting. I obviously didn't specify any background or scenery features since I don't care about them. Can local do any better? Saying yes without posting any pics doesn't count.
It's e621.
that was some good gen, didnt catch it on time to say so before
Lol no wonder it looks like shit. Another victim of the great e621 dataset
I'm so glad we are back to form posting NAI gens and done with ugly boring uncreative localslop.
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Forgot the pic. >>8483868
>Can local do any better?
I don't want local or nai to do that at all:)
>gen a absolute shit of a picture
....I am good thanks
Base noob was also trained on e621 and even if it's rather ugly on its own, it still manages to look better than the absolute nightmare slop that is v4.
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>mucho basado twink with large cock
You will never be a real man. You will always be a fucktoy for real males to fool around with when they grow bored of women
v4 isn't really nightmare slop with artist tags and ai-generated in negs. Artifacting is the biggest issue.
Thanks! I posted an Ayase last thread as well >>8481227 →
What are the supposed benefits of quantum merge over simple merge?
>from groid model to /d/ model
extremely grim
Yeah saw that one aswell, was talking about both when I said they were nice!
V5 will be the bara furry mode.
That doesn't really matter when the vast, vast majority of v4's userbase is nipponese with a tenuous grasp on english and even more tenuous grasp on technology. Just because the 1% of the userbase that is power users can get it to work eventually (while still moaning about how all their mcfuckhueg v3 prompts are completely broken) doesn't mean that the average Asian guy tapping away on their phone with prompts like "blonde elf knight, her breasts are big, misionary position, black skin man, masterpiece, 1girl ,nsfw" isn't getting crappy-ass gens that look like AOMslop. That's what really defines NAI's public image in the end.
why are the genitals so fucking scuffed in all of these
Damn I guess that is also an experience. cant relate cause I am an oversized balding med-balkan
It's so you didn't feel bad censoring them for pixiv, anon!
I just tried that exact prompt and it looks amazing idk what you're talking about
one of the dicks?

they need to hire me to be their chad genner whose job will be to generate 24/7 and give people legitimate advice
yeah yeah whatever post more toehoe feet
slight bleed from the cloaca part of the dataset, don't mind it
I really wonder what the hell they trained to tap AOM so perfectly lol
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i have no idea. from the github the description it says code was written by deep seek
Probably lots of rule34 slop?
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the base style does gravitate towards that 1.5/aomslop style by default with no artist tags but why does it get so, so much fucking worse when using nlp?
You just... need to write more.
All the hidden danbooru AOMslop posts that they scraped.
>terrible compression artifacts all over the gen
Fucking hell, anti-nai schizo did curse them after all
I got it, need to use the illustrious version. He trained the noob one on eps1.1, but the v-pred fork happened at eps 0.5 so they're not really compatible anymore.

kek, funny coincidence with the skin texture and shoebill
I think his stuff was strictly /e/ though
Reminds me of early noob shitbakes.
>v-pred fork happened at eps 0.5
eps 1.0 you mean
I find it fucking hilarious that you can still find people sticking masterpiece into NAI prompts on Pixiv in current fucking year.
you mean the artifacting it inherited from illustrious? the biggest issue with early noob bakes was the washed out color afaik
I think AI has made me addicted to cute girls
you can't tell me >>8483904 isn't a masterpiece though
this, but cute and funny girls
I did, thanks. Anyway the rest still applies, and I'm not sure anyone at all is using 1.1 at this point.
how can it be a masterpiece? the male is not black enough
I still can't even believe this shit is even real. God bless AI.
What caused the you-know-what?
>I think his stuff was strictly /e/ though
Maybe *half* of it at worst.
Does the UI translate tags into English or did they train every meaning with two tags?
This, but impregnation of cute and funny girls
cute and funny goes to /b/
this but pov cowgirl
this but dark-skinned males
but dark-skinned males dont have small penises. use the same seed but make the skin go dark... it will be bigger. this is in every model
Do NOT sex the AIs
so much this
What does miqobro think about all this?
this but otoko no ko, small penis, phimosis
nai sucks
can local do this though???
Am I too late?
forgot pic
One of the reasons for sure
but dark-skinned females
so this... this is the power of naiv4...
Why is it so cute
...Because i have more bad news
i fucking told you people
>>8481807 (OP)
Please never add nai ad to the OP, thank you
is this indian SPH?
why is it so optionaltypo (9999%)?
I'll add them back when they start paying me again
No bun thiss is sdxl
can someone test hot boxing match between 2girls on nai?
Am I doing this right?
nope, too /aco/ face
why is it so csr?
yeah you won't believe how good it looks
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>40 anals to gen at 1088x1920
>these artifacts are everywhere
>only "hot boxing match between 2girls, {{{{{ muscular }}}}}"
>guidance to 18
>when it naturally only goes to 10
lol all that and still more coherent than every other model
very organic nai post!
what's going on with karin's elbow and why is momoi an amputee
>they literally have to fuck up settings for it to look bad
>still manages to look like an average local image
Ask Kurumuz I guess
>>when it naturally only goes to 10
it's infinite, actually :)
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How much will nai rise now?
Okay but for real. What happened between december and january? How did they grow that fast?
v4 curated happened
v4 preview came out in late December.
>17 minutes
its insane how accurate that is. Same with pages. There is really only one page, retards will go to the main page and then from there to to image or text gen. Then the 17 minutes, they literally are there to come and then leave.
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"When can things return to the glory days of totally forgetting NAI Slop" -Teto 2025
green with envy huh
red, like turk's anus will be after getting raped by local bulls
Lol what, I remember when this entire sub was dead. literally nothing came out except the same 3 people posting. Days could pass without the same thread actually hitting the limit. When naiv3 came out it literally made the thread alive. That is when a shitton of people came into the thread, which caused the 3 people there to MASSIVELY seethe as it was "their" thread. What is the number one talk in hdg?
Kek, it's real. Number one site is danbooru if you visit nai. I wonder if danbooru is fine with being used as a essential AI tag site.
Winner gets the D?
yeah we ain't ever reaching 3k or even 2k texts ever,but maybe pony v7,illu 3.5 or chinks might get us there
Of course. It's still traffic, gives them ad money.
I'm pretty sure that nai has actually secretly won. people here always like to make a big deal out of styles and artifacts and what not, but the truth is that the vast majority always migrates to the model with the best prompt following. people migrated from 1.5 to v3 to pony and then to noob and now v4 has the best prompt adhesion and will take the crown of meta model. you can see it itt right now, all the ironic nai posts become less and less ironic as people begin to see past the aesthetic flaws because it can generate newer waifus in more interesting scenes.
Fern looks so happy.
>ad money.
there are no ads on danbooru, it's gelbooru you're thinking about
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textfags owned this general for months, the change is refreshing
why is it so zankuro (999999%)
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>drops from the top 50
I use adblock on. Right, they have the stupid search limitation and 20$ to unlock it. If you're paying 25$/mo (if not more for extra anlas) might as well splurge here too.
what the actual fuck is going on with those testicles
And then V4 preview came out.
You can't buy an upgrade anymore.
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but it still looks like shit on its own
seems like a good way to make composition images to later upscale with noob
still not gonna pay doe
you haven't been able to buy danbooru gold for a long ass time
That's the thing there are no ads + : you can only search for 2 tags at once, you want more? Buy gold. Costs 10 $ once. You can't buy it. People are asking for it, they don't respond. They literally don't want money.
why are talking out of your ass? these stats aren't accessible to anyone who doesn't the website
That's some serious cope kek, you can already see how dead this thread is. You would think with a new and amazing model we would go back to v3 level of posting
They're low-hanging and a little big. Sitting on her cleavage right now.
tfw when you get sucker punched by a girl with two left hands
Text spam > ugly V4 slop that isn't even /h/
>NAI v4 can do anything! The comprehension is incredible!!
>But every image will look like shit
Hilarious monkey paw. Is there any way to run NAI v4 for the first 15% of the steps and then switch to Noob or something?
There are multiple ways to track shit. There are multiple sites, all say the same.
>No-no, science isn't real
Here, they have automatic algorithm that checks it. They even somehow know that people search now nai4 to get to the site is from January tho.
It's what, day 3? Give it a week, people are still just testing what it can do.

Or start sending reports if it really bothers you.
If only you could controlnet tile upscale with V3
is a nyalia actual artist?
yes, and technically a creative
ai art is actual art
You could just use it as a CN image, but you could just doodle/photobash the pose and not give kurumuz your money.
ai art
more like ai fart
Nyalia (100%)
or ai lard
if we're talking about nai
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Jotaro fumbled hard on this one honestly
is she ok
he's gay
just like me
Business idea: patreon grifitng but with otoko no ko yaoi
why would i pay to look at otoko no ko penis when i can look down and see it for free?
please be in London
You would only get twice the complaints about their balls
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Surprisingly accurate to the style, albeit fucked up hand placement. Not bad, v4. Still wish I could have my mixes back.
the Ds
hot af
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They're accessible because NovelAI and chargebee sell your data.
they literally switched to chargebee 3 days ago
>krish subhuman
>raj satan
>shekel kirani
That shows you how willing they're to sell themselves.
they know what chudai i prompt...
Everything you do online is getting tracked by a million spy cookies
Companies ALL sell you data. This isn't a retarded "novelai bad" bait post, every company does it. It's literally free money for them. It's not even that much, but if you get multiple million views a month you are certainly going to get some bucks for that info. Pure data is quite valuable in the modern day era.
I hope the next thread's challenge is as exciting as this one's!! I wonder what character it will be, I'm quivering with anticipation
man, i wish i had naiv4 so i could prompt cute anime girl projectile peeing on wall
There is no next thread. This is the end.
The main website has tracking from plausible and sentry, and other things.
>compose with v4
>upscale with local
i hate these artifacts https://files.catbox.moe/fu05r3.png
have you tried negging polka dot?
you could always arrange some complex scene with flux/koikatsu on local, but nobody does it because it's too much effort
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>NAI cares about your privacy
doesn't help, it's inherently fucked
New Thread:

>>8484079 →
>>8484079 →
>>8484079 →
what's with all the organic nai hate?
This, that's why I use SharkVPN to protect my data from hackers, greedy corporations and advertisers.
the next challenge will be chloe von einzbern, flat chest, double anal
Switching gears, CF?
it's nai
it's a pain in the ass

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