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I Have Control~ Edition

Previous Thread: >>8488670 →

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 | https://civitai.com/models/1232765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgz/edit | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

>>8491142 (OP)
Previous Thread Highlights:


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This thread was technically 6 seconds earlier...

Challenge 705!

last thread

No more strawpolls cos not enough people bothering to vote
seen this one a lot. who is it?
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holy stick
you ok anon?
> tail
if its just a tail or ears it's still fine
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>sex from behind
that's asking for trouble with that tail
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No, it is not. You just didn't notice how they made you think /d/ shit is normal piece by piece. And will continue to do so.
but /d/ told me a cat is fine too
that's why you grab it
You've never actually been to /d/ have you? If that shit was even 5% normalized here this place would be a wasteland.
What the latest mega super duper amazing model? I haven't been here for an entire week.
Let's say I will subscribe to NAI and get Opus. How much will I be able to upscale with it per month? I know there are two ways to upscale there but don't know which one is better, so let's assume the better one. Is upscaling with local an good replacement?
upscale costs 7 anlas
And enhance? Isn't upscale just some shitty esrgan that you can do locally?
very much that
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this thread would be good if you could post horse cock here
Jerked off too much in one day and actually developed a pain from my wrist all the way to my shoulder blade. v4 hits hard.
Hey guys. I am a nai shill. I shill nai. Totally not claudefag, I am a nai shill.
Please buy nai it's amazing and just 25 dollars. Jerked off so much my cock fell off!
See, I am a shill, this post proves it.
that thread is for futa wierdos
sometimes, like, one in three threads, they do post some other things.
Yeah I want to post my hyper shit as well, but /d/ isn't really a good place for that.
I guess /b/ is the most decent option, maybe /trash/ too.
why would anyone pay someone to post here when there's only like 200 viewers per thread max
stop thinking
we still need ip counter back
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dead thread
I'm fucking sleeping here, what do you want from me
I will gladly take some slow time here
give me 14 hours, I'll post some fresh lalatinas for you.
Wait what? I was told naiv4 was excellent at generating text, but after rolling 23 gens it got right only 2 of them. What the fuck? Is there a way to make it more consistent? If not then I want a refund right fucking now
Wait what? I was told naiv4 was excellent at generating text, but after rolling 23 gens it got right only 2 of them. What the fuck? Is there a way to make it more consistent? If not then I want a refund right fucking now
Wait what? I was told naiv4 was excellent at generating text, but after rolling 23 gens it got right only 2 of them. What the fuck? Is there a way to make it more consistent? If not then I want a refund right fucking now
no refunds
freejesh is REALLY upset

Skill issue
I'm waiting right fucking here to teach me then.
Ummmm, nyo...
It will NEVER be a skill issue unless someone proves me wrong and shows me how to do things properly. Eat shit otherwise.
you said it yourself, it got 2 of them right. if you ask an AI to generate complex hentai images and get 2 of them right with UNLIMITED gens, then it looks like the AI is working. it's clearly an issue on your end because the AI proved it was smart enough to get it right. you just can't seduce it properly
i wish an ai would seduce me...
Didn't knew I paid for a casino game just to gamble all day. What a waste of time. Fuck you.
>Didn't knew
Didn't know'd
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wish i knew'd'std've that nai sucks so fucking much
>blaming others for how you wasted your money
also, that's what you get for SaaSing the fuck out, piggie
If a gen is not made specifically for sexual arousal then it can only be called pretentious garbage, no matter the effort it was put into that inpainted penis.
Hand over your metadata.
this but unironically
metadata please
I like your mix a lot.
>check thread
>localpoors still gaslighting themselves over superior nai
This cope again? I own a 1050ti for my local install, saasjeet, I am far from poor. You, on the other hand, will own nothing and eat the bugs.
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captcha: w0wnd
that's a chadlren
sloppa squared keep it classy
Man, every once in a blue moon it works pretty well, but navel piercings almost always come out wrong. Usually there will be three instead of just two end points. No clue what causes that.
just do the i-word anon
Yeah but even then it can still suck, but I suck at inpainting so it's a skill issue I think
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Thanks. Knew it was Ebora but couldn’t figure out what the other was.
>but I suck at inpainting so it's a skill issue I think
very nice, now what are you going to do? let it be or try to learn it?
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Any good resource you recommend?
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furry guide but pretty decent, it can put you into the right way
after that it's just a matter of experimenting with it
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where is artist: ?
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We need more Plappland....
Do your part
I think NAI won...
holy fucking shit
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chef mao's daughter always makes the runniest eggs
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I should do more mother-daughter combos.
Please sir make the man darker?
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>he took the un-inpainted version
>with a leg stump and melted ghost people in the background
>>8491040 →

I didn't consider this before, but it might not even be shit taste but just a bot or a script.
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this lora of a cm3d character turned out to work decently well as a style but is still pretty janky. are there are settings or tips to train a lora of one character work as a general style lora?
it's a bot randomly picking any image in the thread
so the shitposter is shitposting?
I doubt it's a bot unless it's a fancy one because you can clearly tell he avoids certain images.
>he took the un-inpainted version
you mean he picked the honest non-tryhard version.
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Yeah, he seems to never pick any interracial or image with even slightly rapey undertones, as well as "hard" lolicon.

zamn mang, impressive

try putting ben-day_dots tag into negs for your gens. The ones in your gens look artifacted.
Not picking groids is based
Will definitely try that. I need to sort out some of my negs anyway, way too much superfluous shit in there.
If you have more than 5 then wtf are you doing
>20 tags in my negatives
Uh oh
It’s a holdover from a long time ago on v3 when I would take other people’s styles and adjust them as I went, but I never bothered with negs because it was rarely an issue.
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actually, after testing your prompt, I think with the sheer strength of your artist tags will just over power any style negs anyways. It basically does nothing.

I do appreciate seeing a different look posted though. Thats fucking madness to run with eight artists front prompt, im surprised it even works.
Yeah, it started with me just testing to see if it WOULD work, and when it did and looked more or less how I wanted it to, I stopped tinkering with it. I should try to shave the artist count down while retaining the look, but I’ve been distracted by being able to pose each figure in a gen so much more easily now.
yet anons picked troll thread instead of the one without highlights
the op picture was better :3
>>8490875 →
nice, more of this?
How do I use beta scheduler, it just produces some weird deep-fried shit
it shouldn't by default
1boy oughta be enough for any 1girl
My 1girl need 3boys at least
t. cuck
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uhhhh... agshually, tentacles are not hentai mmmmkay?
but they are
Tentacles and futa are quintessential fundamentals of hentai. In fact they are the reason hentai exists in the first place.
but human error is a boring explanation
You can put in 20 artists at once if you want, they just sort of average out into a generic meh style. Only breaks if your CFG is high.
I really want it to be a cable, but it turns out to be biological-style tentacles, what should I do?
You got any danbooru reference for what you want? Might need a lora
I use restrained together with chains or ropes, not sure cable is understood in this sense. You could maybe trick it with prompt editing or inpaint.

Interesting point, because tentacles are pretty vanilla compared to most /d/ shit they just disappeared off the whole site rather than post in the futa thread.

The issue with futa on /d/ is that it is no longer an excuse to avoid drawing a guy in an otherwise regular sex scene, it's now primarily 1futa standing and focused on showing off the dick. aka thinly veiled gay shit. With balls and often no pussy at all.
4chan rules are completely antiquated
they stayed the same for almost 20 fucking years already and make absolutely no sense anymore
>naiv4 is so good
>artist mixing whats that?
>peepee poopoo?
heh freejeets fucking pwned
time to buy for anals
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WAPOW status?
>>8491142 (OP)
It's up. Top 50 web AI products by unique monthly visits. 3rd time in a row that NovelAI doesn't make it.
Remember the guy spamming analytics? LMAAAAOOOOOO
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You got me close to what I thought I had, thanks.
The wire is not thick enough and the cable is not enough quantity, it is difficult.
WAPOW delivered
you see naishills, you just run them over, that's what you do
they blur in the dark
it is a mystery https://litter.catbox.moe/pkgoyg.jpg
Any decent illu 1.0 shitmix yet?
oh yeah source and target tags exist
>cathag spends 2 hours inpainting some ugly garbage
>replies to himself
>does this for 8 hours a day
why is it so mad again?
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couldnt sleep so i spent the night obsessively tweaking my shitmix
Why is it so fried?
its nai
pls be more specific i want to optimize
lets go
overblown contrast, unpleasantly detailed background, noise all over the picture, fucked up eyes
its chadmix
contrast is right where i want it, backgrounds im working on, eyes are pretty decent for a quasarcake base gen
any samefags in the chat?
>i want to optimize
>no you are wrong, feedback ignored
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All gens must be soft pastel painterly scratchy lofi.
sorry sis but your shitmix is ruining flat and painterly styles
Make better feedback.
use nai
>>8491043 →
For a moment I thought that was this slut. Not sure why the model keeps trying to give her a sword though...
civit is there but not nai?
ok how does you're model gen quasarcake eyes
>holstered (weapon)
my huh what
because civitai actually provides a useful service
It's chadmix_vpred_spo
NAI only has the illusion of popularity because they astroturf this place to hell and back.
How many of these are paid and how many are free?
came here to say this and then reply to myself after that
Chadmix retard looks at all the arbitrary and out of place protrusions on that abomination of a dude and says "good enough".
You should make monsters, they would suit your horrendous style better, humans just aren't your thing.
A freemium service will be more widely used than a paid only one. NAI is only popular among people that are enthusiastic enough about AI to buy a premium subscription, but somehow not able/willing to buy a GPU to gen locally.
>suno that high
Didn't expect that. It's a great product, but I thought image generation would be much more popular than music.
a lot of ai songs popped off on yt recently, if you want to make a meme video it's fine. but ai music is still totally missing any actual musicality. similar situation to image where maybe you can do something good enough if you put in the work yourself.

the only ai i think is actually in a good state is voice gen, if you train it enough
Never use the upscale button for 7, it's garbage.
For some reason, AI generated music never attracted the stigma AI generated pictures got and I see people in other boards using Suno to gen meme songs constantly, same with normies dissing each other with soundslop on IM.
in fact we got our first court case involving a fake smear recording made by ai voice like, yesterday
Freejeets have been doing all the astroturfing themselves for 1.5 years already. NAI don't need to hire anyone to remind of their existence on hdg when schizos do it themselves by constantly seething and spamming retarded "its nai" posts 40 times a day.
because the state of music education is abysmal nowadays
artfags have much more of a cultish community status in the internet, music on the other hand is perceived as purely corpo trash
drawing is way more accessible than composing
box? nice gen
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Anon we have had Vocaloid for decades.
Art education is equally terrible, probably people got turned off by the horrid SD1.5 sloppa being spammed everywhere back then.
>NAI don’t need
You are not making as good of an argument for yourself as you think when you do shit like this. Grammarly is free.
and every fucking child has crayons and paper
What does me wanting to fuck Miku have to do with music?
Which toe hoe
personally i'm a fan of the doujins about patchouli and koakuma having some incredibly degenerate relationship
Watch your tone, kid.
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>made a typo
it's over for me isn't it
> cathag
whenever i make a typo i close the thread and only come back for the next one. the embarrassment is too much
no need, that's the nice thing about being anonymous, you can say the most retarded thing and you can detach from it as long as nobody brings it up again. and may i suggest using recursive hiding + hide stubs for conversations you don't like or were stupid in
it does a pretty good job with his handwriting
This but post shitty images and immediately hide them and all replies to them.
i don't see what's fun about that
Voice gen still needs a lot of manual editing to sound good, you can't just feed in a visual novel script and get professional quality voices out of it.

If anything it's in a worse state than art/music where your average random off the street can't tell the difference at all between human art and a good gen.
If I wanted to train a lora for a cute OC I want to put into a lot of different stuff, how do I go about that?
unless you post gens, then everyone can identify you
even if you change artstyle they can track the way your filenames increment
>I want to put into a lot of different stuff
You mean like cosplays?
hmm maybe i'm uninformed here

i've never seen a person since this thread has existed that bothered to track someone by numbers. it only happens if you leave the prompt in the filename and use the same artists or whatever a lot
do not click
ring boxes are supposed to be a cube and why is he wearing a ring already

do it again
Cute and wholesome, love your works bro
Put them in cosplays or sex or put them together with other characters.
i came
I can't stop genning gacha sluts
the box... I clicked
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you should only gen fernus
>people aren't allowed to wear rings on their index finger
fern is BANNNNED!!!!
it's about context
What happened to this general?
Now is full of shit
Tag everything, give her a name but do not prune any character tags. This way you will have to prompt for every single thing when using the lora: eye color, hair color, individual clothing pieces, etc. But because of that it also makes those features changeable/removable, and makes them leak far less onto other characters when using regional prompter.

If she's an AI OC I can only guess, haven't tried. Should probably generate her in different styles, view angles, positions, facial expressions, etc avoid using Loras and reuse your prompts as the dataset captions, without quality tags but keeping all the other ones including style mix.
Can you explain what exactly you are referring to?
i can't tell if you dumb fucks genuinely like cathags toddler doodles.
or does he samefag all day?
good posters moved to the 'cord. now hdg is just poojeet dumping ground
it's SEA time. Euros are working, burgers are asleep. Check back in 8-10 hours.

If you mean long-term, we lost too many effortposters over time and don't retain newfags very well.
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why is he still seething?
why do you mean? there's has not been scat posts in this thread for a while now
*raises paw*
its nai
>and don't retain newfags very well.
This is a good thing though.
I like his gens in secret
make a point of not acknowledging him though because when fed attention he gets more and more obnoxious; and not sharing boxes is bad for the general's declining health
it's about as good as a declining birth rate
fewer zoomers to ruin your day, until the town starts dying out
I'll die before the town does so it's fine
there's a cord?
>not sharing boxes is bad for the general's declining health
Nah it's beyond salvation, at this point just relax and enjoy the shitposting
THE 'cord
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bwo... gib link?
Post bird girls.
nyo :)
the thread will not recover until certain posters leave
Post your five best gens to submit alongside the application
it's just an old meme
which posters?
Are you referring to since 2 years ago or newfag?
such as?
you know
It's been almost exactly a year since it become shit.
cope for those left behind. should have inpainted some gens when invites were still being sent.
The colored ones
sure but tell me anyway
NovelAI happened. Crazy to think a company born in 4chan has no morals.
what do u even mean
v4.1 will save the world
based, on character snake
only monochrome niggas allowed
tag for aggressive grabbing face?
I am 6 4 and 300 lbs. How do I gen wholesome big fat guys that dont look like rape? Shit is boggling my mind that only twink gens are wholesome by default.
Lose weight
Question still stands Claudefag-kun. What are you gonna do with your life when Anlatan eventually goes bankrupt? You devoted to shit that has no actual meaning and brings you nothing but hatred from people you are supposed to protect from the "shills". How often do you contemplate suicide?
what about average men, are they not wholesome?
gen a burger or something
>Inb4 why you need to self insert

I dont care,. I dont wanna self insert as mr. lean perfectfag, I want to live the fantasy of self inserting into the harem king of my many wives with a character as close to my physical form as possible
Just tag "fat man", it doesnt look like rape for me
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NO. I aim for this build.
Did you know that V4 is an accurate model?
Sorry custom lora
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I did. THis is the issue. ALmost all the time it's like the girl is angry. And the fat nigga looks at her like a creep. If I write happy, it looks like the girl is forcing a smile. picred is what I am aiming for, but maybe from a different angle
Just try a different model/artist mix?
bwos what is quantum merging... i dont understand :(
kys I am not American. My eight is made off homecooked meals, not goyslop.
the shitposting began in earnest in late november 2022. you're either a newfag or history revisionist
>getting fat of homecookery
mmmmboy you are fat
this has been a persistent issue since sd 1.5 days.

I checked danbooru, seems like these niggas does not want to see a chonky man happy and almost all the stuff tagged with fat man is also rape?hypno etc.
more likely has a different treshold for what is considered shit
I also liked the early Pony days
based rapist oji-sans
The obvious answer is to lose weight so you can self-insert as a non-rapist.
early pony days were ok. too much /aco/slop for my liking
He's referring to groidspam so yeah newfag, general was dead for basically a year before that.
Thanks for the tips. I'll give it a shot. Is there a preferred tagger to set this up?

life is too short to sulk ingoyslop bro. Cook your own high calorie diet and indulge
>interracial is all blacked
>fatty sex is all rape
Nips, I kneel...
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Not when the woman is fat tho. Then it's le chubby and cute.

This is injustice.
Only the dregs of society let themselves become fat in Japan. It is not socially acceptable.
make a lora
groidspam was a part of this general becoming shit.
imo it started with nai vs local console wars, continued with pedo baiting/janny purges and groidspam was the final part of the transformation to a shithole
there was some shitposing here before that sure, but it was more than reasonable for 4chan
If I made a scrawny self-insert with a smaller than average penor, I'd probably get beaned for shotacon...
HE should have a big ol belly for her to comfortably balance on, not a cheese shredder
Sumo's seem pretty respected...?
Ok but let's talk about realistic penises
Cocks are always 1.5-3x times too big in proportion in hentai
Just self insert as the girl like a normal person
(1girl:0.1), (fat man:1.9)
you say toddler doodles i say S T Y L I Z E D A R T
>techlet with rtx 2060

it's joever for me
Yeah that honestly would fit the vibe better
you know that's different

i have a 4090. if you or anyone preps a dataset for a concept i will bake it for you. don't ask me about styles, i have no fucking idea
That's closer to corporate than kid doodles desu
how about i self insert into u
this is good enough, the girl looks happy. but the man is too aggressive. It does jnjot give off wholesome, more like ugly bastard found a crazy whore who only likes him for the dick and maybe money
CHinese anon has really fallen off huh
>crazy whore who only likes him for the dick and maybe money
its woman
Try couple, happy sex, leg lock, hug, kiss. Lovey-dovey tags like that.
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cadaveranon posting his corpses killed this general
Not him but that dude still looks like a fat creep.
I thought we were talking about the girl's reaction.
he posted his shit for like a month at most
>the man is too aggressive
How do you tell this from a still image without his facial expression?
and it's also long after the general died
i think people forget how shit it was like three or four months after aom released
You can't make a fat person not look gross as all fat people are gross by definition of being fat. So it's not a surprise that you can't depict happy sex with a fat man similarly why you can't depict happy sex with a disgusting monster.
finally a good thread challenge
flashback to Injoutoko's consensual tentacle set
fucking kek
Nah, there's some okay happy consensual monster sex. Fat people though? Yeah.
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shit. I hate the wasteslop style but at least this artist does not default to rapeshit like the nips
it was fine
lora training was fun
It's been a few days without any Occult Sage posts, where are they
>its woman

I know but at least in my cope AI it should not be like this
dunno I love genning cute girls getting fucked by ugly hairy bastards
im not fat but i self insert as the bastard
holding your partners legs like that is not a very gentle and wholesome>>8491664
way to start segs.
We got too problematic...
You say toddler I say based.
Only other difference between us (aside from you not being fat) is I would prefer if the image was more "Making love" than "getting fucked"
is there a tag for penis between 2 stomach?
el basado

im serious though
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>>8490936 →
>>8490944 →
>>8490967 →
>>8491160 →
its nai
asura (asurauser)
i miss asura poster :(
After a few days, I can say with confidence that NAI V4 is red and basedpilled
My anlatan ID is #400984 @kurumuz
if fat women are called hags then what are fat men called
It's actually fucking over for Mininai now...
Its okay despite of how he looks this image seems like they both are very into it in a non fetishized way
hags are fetishized """milf"""s dummy
but... he looks like me...
I'm sorry...
Good job, report in got get your company car (white).
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this is pornography
yeah, child
its aco
Cooperative grinding, sandwiched and belly-to-belly usually do the job.
hags are just an ironic name for past-JK anime girls, basically anyone over 18 unless they're uguu moe
the fat thing is separate
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Did kurumuz send a Grey Wolves death squad to the anon who set it up?
is goodd
le bad

When will this humiliation end? Please, i just want to gen happily on my GTX 550ti...
The dude ran out of anlas.
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i just want to make pictures.......
What is the current /hdg/ approved reforge snake oil?
personally i like PAG at scale 3 adaptive scale 0.5 and guidance limiter start 9 end w/e (or skip early cfg 0.2 almost the same thing). everything else is too annoying or doesnt do anything
why are they looking at me
Jesus is it even possible to gen a fat guy who doesn't look like a total creep?
nai 25$ dollarinos
Not using any negatives
Why are you looking at them?
this thread needs less slop and more fernus
oh yeah i JUST switched to this and it's bizarrely good
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masters, I need your help.
How do I prompt "low energy happy lighthead" without going in milf territory? Like Tsumugi from k-on basically.

I'm already cranking out Tareme but it's not "ara ara oh my" enough
You're holding the camera
I'm the cummies inspector.
Comfybros are unironically suffering because it doesn't matter in Comfy
I still don't get what part of the reforge pipeline causes this behavior but github shadowbanned my issue so I won't ever know
can you be more specific
>Comfybros are unironically suffering because it doesn't matter in Comfy
What did he mean by this?
use the conditioning zero out node on the neg prompt if you wanna replicate it in comfy
well, like pic related. Make it look like she's stupid
I think in Comfy you have to explicitly use the "uncond zero out" or whatever node to zero out the uncond.
Beta scheduler.
meme use sgm uniform
You in the cuck chair, chudai.
I tried it and it just makes my gens blurrier, but I was already using a very light negative prompt in the first place compared to the schizo shit I see here.
meme use simple
there are a billion and one expression tags, there has to be a mix of those that will work
meme use Automatic
You barged into their room and you ask that?
>snake oil
a meme
but what if it picks a meme?
a snake oil
I still haven't heard any reason for not using Simple scheduler. It just works and causes no issues.
flux soon
I think the issue is even with tags like tareme and jitome there are some artists that just aren't going to draw them that way no matter how hard you weight them because the look of eyes for your artist mix will bleed into it.
You could always try prompting those characters (like Tsumugi) at low weights to see if their style of eyes overpowers it and then just see if you can prompt them as a different character like as a black woman or whatever
chudai mix when?
Neg or no neg doesn't matter in Comfy unless you apparently do whatever the anons said.
Does that also work with negs? That'd provide an actual use case for me.
Size doesn't matter, you can add "a" and it'll change the image completely. Makes a lot of styles very gritty and fucky for me.
Expressions are fucked in general because tagging is shit and context matters.
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Anatomy is fucked but cba continuing to gen this one, model fucking hates it. NAI wonnered.
>Does that also work with negs?
>Expressions are fucked in general because tagging is shit and context matters.
use novelai v3
what's up with that tiny butt
yeah Tsumugi overpowers it immediately and the character becomes her
>Anatomy is fucked
Read, retard.
Damn, yeah I figured as much kek
don't post garbage, retard
>remove most of my negatives except a few
>gens are slightly different
>not better or worse
>just different
I see...
means they were meaningless
>Neg or no neg doesn't matter in Comfy unless you apparently do whatever the anons said.
Except it does, even without doing that. What are you basing this statement off of? I've tried no negs, minimal negs, and schizo negs on comfy without it and it does matter.
>Size doesn't matter, you can add "a" and it'll change the image completely. Makes a lot of styles very gritty and fucky for me.
It doesn't for me, I tested it for various seeds and positive prompts, wasn't that a bug some installs had due to python fuckery with library versions?
it's pedophilia
thas a childs
I thought you meant a different part
why throw insults over a misunderstanding
He's taking about the specific case of totally empty negs vs having anything at all in negs, even a single character. Which makes a huge difference in Forge but not in Comfy. Not unless you do use the conditioning zero out node on those empty negs.
It doesn't matter as much as it does on Reforge, just test it yourself. Gen an image with an artist with no negs on reforge, add "a" in negs. Completely different style. I wish I had the comparison image to post. I'll photorec it.
Considering the reforge guy already said it was intentional, no.
>remove all negatives
sorry, you weren't supposed to take it to heart.
Might be but I am not average sized
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ok this was quicker to redo
left is no neg right is "a" neg
top is reforge
bottom is comfy
You can see that no neg on Reforge might as well be a completely different style compared to the difference in Comfy. And it's the same on other styles and models etc
Some chinks come out of nowhere with a free model that surpasses everything we have currently.
noneg schizo is just trying to get you to post groids, don't fall for it
(dark-skinned male:16) never leaves my negs
i use (groid:-1.8) with negpip doe?
you can't tell the model what not to do, it's le bad!
This, but positives
(dark-skinned male:16) never leaves my pos's
snake oil
yes i can, i'm white
I just generate with completely empty positives and negatives and let my imagination do the work because I'm a creative
it clearly does what it says, I'm just wary of side-effects
Okay, what ISN'T a snake oil?
you can't just call everything snake oil
holy based!
Regular CFG with Euler Ancestral and Karras schedule.
Prompting like a normal person instead of making giant snakes that have like 700 words in them
i suppose with NOT snake oil eps slop?
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>700 words in them
No one does that nowadays, right? Right?
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can be kino
AI image gen is in it of itself snakeoil
It actually works as advertised (sometimes) so it can't be a snakeoil by definition
You ever come across one of those patreon grifters who forgot to delete their metadata?
They do.
I don't think I've seen a single catbox this year that was a single neat line of text instead of weird 15 column blocks
wait what did i miss something, are we not allowed to prompt over a certain character limit anymore?
this. if your prompt has anything beyond 1girl, standing, looking at viewer, its snake oil
it's just hard to predict the side effects
No (technically?) but when a catbox stretches my png info box to cover my entire monitor because the guy puts 300 word negs and random capitalized shit with empty newlines in his prompt I groan
my snake is oiled
Only because of Comfy's metadata format. My prompts are concise.
im going to start hiding riddles and cross words in my prompts, if you ever uncover one and solve it then please dm me and i will mail you a prize
sent you a dm ;)
Nah, I'm not talking about this. People prompt like maniacs. At least the ones I get catboxes from kek
I saw a childs
what you gon do to em?
why are you asking for jeetslop boxes then?
One should ask, why do I ask for jeetslop boxes over (You)rs?
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Someone asked me for the box in the previous thread so here
no one asked
nice try fed
I never asked for this
what a shame
I didn't ask but thank you for sharing the catbox.
now thats what i call a clean and concise prompt, nice work
thats what we call a see sam
that an child :(
there's no nipples so it's legal actually
Might be because I'm a newfag and still proomptlet but thanks (If you're not being ironic)
an childeresn just flew over my house
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Anyone try the RX 9070 XT for stable diffusion?
Is it decent or is Nvidias cuda still vastly superior?
that an jeet
naifags in shambles
a *jet just flew over my house
since when does kuro use eyeshadow hello
okay, but how do you replicate "no neg" quality but with negs?
It's my fetish and every girl in my gens is going to use it
understandable, have a nice day
For me it's black nail polish
based. can you gen some huge milker slut onegai?
say something nice about my wife fern
I did not expect her to work.
cute anus
She's a total SLUT!
she has hemorrhoids from fucking dogs
how did her anus become her most popular quality when it's her large boobies that are so nice
Yeah that's kinda based
cute mia
how exactly does your order of prompts impact the gen, are prompts earlier on considered more strongly?

If you do green eyes at the start then 20 tags later brown eyes, will they more likely have green
inpaint just the eyes with a prompt for a character that has eyes like you want
its magic so there is no logic what the funny machine will give you
That's something only promplets would do
forced meme
inpainting is snakeoil which is used to hide lack of skill
people always want to fuck stoic girl in the ass
If you're here from the last thread, you artist blend is pretty neat.
In your example, probably not. Because it also depends on the strength of the tags themselves.
But in theory yes, tags near the start are stronger.

You can see it best when inpainting. The general advice is to remove things from your prompt that aren't in the inpaint area, but keeping them and just putting the relevant ones up front is often enough.
it's an unreasonable amount of work if I want to keep character consistency in a series but I could try, thanks for the idea
>"artist blend"
you could add the character name to just your adetailer and see if thats enough
Instead of inpainting I just run the image through every single scheduler. Usually fixes the minor issue that bothered me.
prompts are broken up into 75 token chunks, and read in order. generally at the start = more important to the image. note that this only applies to CLIP based models, so not naiv4
>Anlatan invented T5
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Great taste
hot. ty
I tried, no noticeable difference, only stuff that could be attributed to rng
>>Anlatan invented T5
said nobody ever
yeah kinda expected
I Hate N
Euler sex
why are we still using that really old text encoder, surely all the new LLMs can help
atural language prompting
Say something nice about my husbando Emad
The entire half of Death Note was nothing but asspulls.
You faggots were right, v1.0+v29b-v2 is pretty good
The new LLMs are all decoder-only. Image gen needs encoder-decoder models.
he was right
Chroma is 11% funded... Fluxbros, we've almost won
Isn't that the one shitmixed with ΣIH
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There is too little delta art for training on
Good. The dogshit named eminence in shadow doesn't deserve any fan art.
how many times has ***kon been banned/warned for aco?
why does he still post here?
100 pics is more than enough, and you can find more on pixiv
don't forget her abs
first series that got me to read a ln
wrong it's good
if ***kon sensei claims there isn't enough there isn't enough
don't you know he's a highly professional and amazingly successful character lora baker?
how mad people get over someone's file names genuinely makes me smile every time I see it, thank you
I had no idea. imo would make more sense to use existing Civitai loras, and instead put that effort into the gens themselves.
ΣIH is a shitmix using that model maybe?
Just 45k$ more...
you just don't understand his genius.
he puts in the work here so he doesn't need to put in the effort elsewhere. he truly is a master in automating high quality image sets.
Now I wish I knew how to use photoshop
Just inpaint
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1girl pov cowgirl loli
Surely it won't go to fursuits...
It's never too late to learn.
just... paint...
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Ayakon is our greatest pillar.
I wonder if it's the right tool for what I'm trying to do, it's not about my gen but what I want to put around it, I feel like it's super simple but I'm just that stupid when it comes to image editing
At the very least it's nice to edit it in photoshop even if it's retard edits and then run it through img2img or inpaint it and let AI do the remaining 90% of the work
yes, we should all just embrace namefags and subscript to their sloptreon.
if it's to do with photo/image manipulation photoshop is pretty much always the "right" tool. Other tools might also be able to accomplish it but photoshop is most likely to do so in the easiest and most efficient way.
this little shit is gonna get it
unless you also want to draw in manually, then it's Krita
the challenge only NAI is good at
The perspective is kinda fucked
what is bro yapping about?
we are literally all namefags because we post with name Anonymous
But that's the issue here, my gen is ready, I don't need to touch it, I want to place it inside a mockup page, what I want is to design that mockup page but I think that's way too much for the little joke I want to do
unless it's faux watercolor/oil, lolno(and even for that you might be better off using corel) .
krita is fucking garbage. For digital art photoshop/csp are king and you're actually retarded if you think anything else.
eminence in shadow women are unmatched
he puts his patreon handle in the filename
makes it easy to fiter at least, but I'm still holding out hope that he can eventually produce something worth seeing
i had to choose between fucked background or fucked perspective and choose fucked perspective
What's going on with their clothes there?
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what is happening down there
its hard when you have a patreon because he has established a large fanbase and if he ever changes his style then he risks losing all of those subscribers as they pay to see his current style
retarded? or just inexperienced and relying on knowledge from others
please refrain from questioning the work of our finest pillar
>seething about filenames
The people who pay for slop don't have standards.
it's ayaslop
those are slime suits in canon, have to be consciously maintained else they dissolve
Maybe I should also start putting my patreon handle in the filename.
go check /ic/ on their thoughts about krita.
outside of a few pretty obvious retarded shills they'll echo exactly the same sentiments.
honestly ayakon images are better than 90% of groidslop here
there's a third navel up top
one would think it's impossible to squat /hdg/ for a year and not learn how to upscale
man up and say 90% of gens here
4chan is always full of contrarians so you can tell what the best images are by the ones that make people seethe the most, this has always been the case
that's low balling it too
it's technically against the advertisement rule, but nobody enforces it here
Do many of you post your stuff to pixiv?
t h i s
And you do? Don't kid yourself.
For me it's (asura \(asurauser\):0.85)
he's been here for 2 years, he was "TFT" before ayakon
my gens have only been seen by those who browse this general
grifter melty...
i only post gens i bother to inpaint on pixiv
She's supposed to have well-defined abs. I guess he wanted to make a version for little bitchboys and the model is fighting it.
i dont like censoring anything so no
>did not answer with a clear "Yes, I do."
>deflecting and strawmanning instead
The behavior speaks for itself.
I upload something at least once a week to pixiv.
engagement on it is too ass for me to care about doing it more consistently than that.
I was sure it's tile upscale getting confused and trying to make cleavage there.
im not interesting in larping
wow such a high bar
>have to censor
>get baleeted if you copy an artist
I haven't decided on my grifter style yet so no
i do
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Oiled snake
I posted my first slop there for the first time yesterday.
Nope, I started one but lost interest rather quickly.
Considered doing twitter, but my account got suspended and I'm not using my real phone to verify account where I'd post AI porn. Not like I was actually going to commit anyway.
There's 2 kinds of people on this thread when it comes to image quality anon: Perfectionists, and "fuck it".

That guy with the multiple bellybuttons? That's what he did, he said fuck it, and that's the philosophy of the Fuck Its, the image is 98% perfect and there's just this one tiny mistake they're gonna have to try an impaint more than once cause impainting a single spot tends to cause more issues than solutions.

So any small mistake is Fuck It territory. 6th finger? Fuck it, missing fingers? Fuck it, ugly toes on a foot that is not foot fetish? Fuck it, the waifu is perfect but the faceless man you prompted to be her dildo has some weird anatomy? Fuck it, You were prompting for standing sex, but the guy came out kneeling on the ground? Fuck it,
I should gen some ooyodos
who really cares about most of that shit, the image is still enjoyable even if there are a few minor mistakes. people pretend to be art critiques here when its just porn
I'm not a perfectionist but I at least try and make sure there's no glaring errors like fucked up hands.
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I'm too horny to make and post on pixiv/patreon for sheckels. I prompt with no rhyme or reason, just being led by the tip of my dick, so my gens all look wildly different.
his whole image is garbage from start to finish. there's a lot of passable pictures with small mistakes posted here that fit your description, but most of his pictures are just simply trash.
>***kon got suspended on leddit
one would hope that someone who tries to shill and sell their shit would be closer to a perfectionist than someone who says "fuck it."
I mean, it just makes more sense. Surely people are going to be more willing to pay for something that doesn't look like obvious garbage, right?
>Surely people are going to be more willing to pay for something that doesn't look like obvious garbage, right?
Check kemono for some grifter patreons and check how many blatant errors they have in their images. It's a quantity > quality game.
>shitty poster apologist
his gens being technically bad on occasion is not the main problem, it's the shitty fucking dead expressions everyone always has, every single fucking time. not a one of them have ever looked aroused. they are just smiling like it's a passport photo
those are all still substantially higher quality(with more variance) than ***kon's shit, though.
people pay thousands for default no artist tag ai slop from popular models
people dont give a shit about quality, dont bother wasting your time on perfecting images unless you are only doing that for your own enjoyment as 99.9% of people dont care and just stare at the tits, the ass, or the dick in every image
You'd be surprised. I have seen more people shilling their free sets for patreobux with shit that should be obvious to anyone looking. Like an extra arm. And I don't mean an extra hand, I mean the whole arm, coming from her shoulder like shes mutating into a spider woman before our very eyes.

I wish I could find it now, but because of that very reason, I dismissed the guy and forgot his name, probably in the graveyard of many failed pixivs or patreons.
you have to be retarded or blind to not see the middle ground. Lots of people care but most will not spend an hour inpainting a penis, like some of you fags.
Unironically this
>the image is 98% perfect
uh, lmao, mangled anatomy is not 98% perfect
As someone that inpaints a lot of penises, they are really quick and easy are usually done in one or two passes.
Guys why the fuck are you sneething at AyaGOD?
that made me remember that somewhere before NAIv3 people (including me) were unironically inpainting penises with furry models because local anime models sucked at genitals so fucking bad.
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Yo, what up bros
For ComfyUI, apart from Torch Compile, has there been any new nodes to speed up generations?
>the only /hdg/ poster who made it big and is actually turning a profit with this hobby
>everyone seethes at them for literally no reason
smells like jealousy in here
>for literally no reason
see reasons above
you are ignoring the reasons provided
all of those reasons apply to every poster in here though
Those nipples need more color, I'm not some brown nipple fag or anything, but you can barely see where they star on the boob, and what little recognition there is has to do with their shape.
amazing logical fallacy, you're at a 2x combo, is it time for a 3x
>i disagree therefore its a logical fallacy
pot meet kettle
also his engagement on twitter is so abysmally low I have no idea how he even manages it while supposedly having 2.9k followers
This place is the asshole of the AI art community, literal crab in the bucket mentality.
why are you stalking him lol
visiting his advertised socials is stalking?
thats like saying people with ComfyUI in their file name are advertising that application
talk about obsessed
numbers are facts which are offensive
Doing so for the sole purpose of maliciously gathering information to fuel your obsession over a succesful content creator is stalking, yes.
i too constantly visit the socials of people i hate with shit i don't want to see
More like ayakrap haha
I invoke.... artist: rustle
he's already tracer
Now that openAI needs more money, do you guys think they'll finally release a porn version of dalle 3?
Now post her getting it
>thats like saying people with ComfyUI in their file name are advertising that application
That's not false though. That's literally the reason for the naming.
Can I request one of you make a guy cumming his heart out, ahegao face and everything, while the girl clearly doesn't want to be there fucking this guy.

For an example of the situation, a count or a lord of the manor is using one of the maids for sexual pleasure. It doesn't need to be this literally, but the same dynamic, where the girl doesn't want to, but cannot refuse to do so and here we are, with her getting impregnated against her will.
Alright, I was trying to put this one into a twitch style fake page but I just can't really be bothered to do that after all

Yes, this time I did draw the composition for controlnet to use, it was fun to doodle around
in which hole?
all of them
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i mean, technically...
If they even think of releasing a porn model it'll have nothing to do with Dalle.

it's gonna be more like they set up like 17 shell corporations, and they run it out of country that no one even talks about like Luxembourg. And when it comes out that it's fueled by them, they'll be like "What? No! we didn't do anything of the sort, we provided consultation services to that company in the past, but that was all we did" conveniently ignoring that all the profit from that company goes in consultation fees back to open AI.
So this is the power of novelAi version 4...
that's just rape without physical coercion
That's called dubious consent.
Any or all like the other anon said, I'll let you cook
I asked for image gens anon, not a dictionary
then do it yourself you fucking retard.
just do the request or shut the fuck up
cleaned it up, but it mixed up who's making the ahegao...
I understand for a paltry sum, that one ayakon will take personal requests.
maybe you should support him to get it :)
It's not necesary for it to be exact ahegao per se, but just an expression that makes it seem like he's cumming his balls out
> like it's a passport photo
do you mean id?
so this is the power of naiv4...
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I got suspended for harassing a powermod and i'll do it again with a new account
i don't mind ayakon. the times when his submissions noticeably lowered the average gen quality of the thread are long gone
>***kon outs himself as a ban evading shitposter
sad! many such cases!
around these parts we respect the reddit terms and conditions and the hard working people who moderate 100s of subreddits for free
oh no, how can he ban evade on the hecking redditterino?!
>he's still seething at AyaCHAD
many such cases
I don't give a shit about off-site happenings
I'm just making the suggestion that perhaps he's related to more localized behaviors, since it's now very on-brand of them.
>it's the shitty fucking dead expressions everyone always has, every single fucking time. not a one of them have ever looked aroused. they are just smiling like it's a passport photo
it's pony
>reddit mod seething hard that ayakonGOD fucking wrecked him on his own turf so he stalks him back here to try to turn this community against him
holy melty
I say this
it's skillissue
Getting her untransformed on the ID card isn't that easy.
What caused the sharp pain in the butt?
My penis, now hold still.
dead-eyed expressions and lack of general knowledge of expressions is one of the worst and most obvious issues of pony
if literally didn't know basic shit like full-face blush
you could always tell a pony gen apart by the dead-eyed "anime" girls if we don't even count the sepia
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I wonder if that anon who called oekakifag a pillar feels sorry
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It was first applied to brittle, not oekakifag.
skill issue
and what are you even talking about. pony could do full blush and even ear blush perfectly fine.
ok, but which one is more faithful to the original style?
pony could do lip biting which noob cant do so how do you feel about that
the tag is different nonnie...
it cant do it
while it is true that pony generally had trouble with the things you said it's still a skill issue if you fail to correct it
I have been cooming to V4 since it was released, this shit is basically cocaine of porn, and I think textgen is dead since V4 is so good that people (and turk) won't care about textgen anymore.
> Torch Compile
i cant do it but nai v4 can do it very easily
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fat anon here, I figured out a way to inpaint really good. get FAT
holy fucking based
but you forgot to inpaint miku's face because having sex with an adonis like that would make her very happy big smile
mr president is it you?
At this point I'm almost convinced nobody is actually mad at Ayakon and is just looking for ways to derail the thread.
noo you weren't supposed to point this out!
> noob
"mad" isn't the right word.
just disappointed and annoyed.
1 more post saying I don't like ayakon's posts and he will leave
I unironically like ayakon
Just post an image that shows it can do it. It's that simple.
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very nice
See you fags late sunday. Don't kill the thread while I'm gone.
Great gen
Is this the one on jeetvitai or did you get it from somewhere else? I guess not since the hash looks different.
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here. upscaled and more FAT orgasm
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Custom, but it's shit rn and I need to retag the whole dataset.
why is she not delighted?
I'm having fun making these, but I'm having trouble making the actual pussy lips themselves wrap around the dick, is there a tag by any chance or do I have to hope on luck?
She isn't feeling the pleasure of being cum inside.
crotch rub
you could also try tribadism but it might fuck up the penis
Sore loser
What happened to his dick lmao
AYAKON in shambles rn
haven't you read the 2 decade old detachable dick doujin
pretty clearly what's going on here
i wish i knew
well this is definetely not nai
Cute. Just fix the hands on the girl.
Just to know, what's your dataset based on? I can't find many recent color illustrations.of his.
I tired tribadism, and hilariously enough, it leads to one of the girls getting penetrated while the other is just there offering her pussy.

So long as the girls are good looking and not error filled, I don't care what happens to the guy.
which one should go first in a workflow?
Pertubed Attention Guidance?
Kohya Deep Shrink?
snake oil
none of them
i love reimu so much
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Only if this cuck was a FAT man, he would not need to hold the tail like a beta and use his FAT belly to push and make his way
hello shitposter friend, please also use these loras in your edits
I am an illustrious chud, no horsefaggotry for me
So when you doodle the comp like that, which controlnet do you use? is it the sketch one? or something else? Or do you just leave it on auto
the base xl one might work!
Make him hairier!
obesity is /d/ for body horror
i guess you get jump scared every morning when looking in the mirror then
oh the last finger is fked i thouoght i checked
Autistically cleaned recent doujin panels going from his last work down to I think the Lancer Alter doujin, so there's a bunch of grayscale, monochrome in there.
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For any gen where I use controlnet, I use those options, sometimes I increse the control weight up to 0.6 and change resize mode to "just resize"
Also on some very special cases (this was not one of them) I set the prepocessor to "lineart_standard (from white bg & black line)"
who asked
did you guys figure out how to unfuck artist mixing or does nai plan to do something about it?
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You don't actually need artist mixing. Issue closed.
ask on their 'cord
why would i waste my time on something i'm going to cancel in 2 weeks
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that's nice, but I THINK TOUHOU SUCKS
who is brittle? you can't just make up posters
>artist mixing
kill yourself now!
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til i learn that i have no idea what human toes look like
This but unironically
why would i mix artists when yd (orangemaru) is already a perfect mix of moe, artistry and eroticism?
he was once known as rabid inpainter.
who are you two talkting to?
so fvcking ZASED
Fuck that was supposed to be my ebussy shitpost but I somehow forgot the phrase.
>>8489340 →
found the pillarthread
quit goin through threads so damn fast
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why is he so obsessed?
the challenge poster saved hdg
why is so much of the /hdg/ archive deleted btw? especially around spring 2024?
can you do some patchy and/or koa
Which gacha has the hottest sluts?
threads were getting spammed with real childs
tough question nowadays tbqh
idk personally i still think genshin is nice. and senran kagura gat dyamn
someone had a mind break and started reporting as many of the old threads as they could for copyright or whatever to get aos to nuke them.
something something because that's when pony was getting more into the swing of things.
>idk personally i still think genshin is nice
Too samey imo
fern's butthole is hotter than any gachaslop
i think they were reporting for cp
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99% of gacha whores are identical so it's about the costumes, i like the fantasy stuff.
local could never
FGO has so many characters there is something everyone will like
anon........it has...................stealthpng.................................
for me it's blue archive, fgo, nikke, idolmaster.
the problem with FGO is that its part of fate universe which has grown ever so further asymptotically close to so retarded it tears a whole in the fabric of existence
Anti-NAI schizo was trying to remove evidence that people used to use NAI.
and... it... shows.... NAI.... metadata....
you'll have to summon me next thread.
ah yeah blue archive sluts are nice
>thanks to a certain someone overhyping v4’s natural language qualities all the posts in the NAI showcase channel on their Discord are now back in to the {{{{{{{{amazing quality, HDR, 8K, absurdres, extremely detailed, volumetric lighting, ray tracing, cinematic lighting}}}}}}} prompt meta
honkai, girls frontline, arknights.
sorry im retarded
is it even worth it to ojisanmaxx when your dick is only kinda average?
Byased arkbwo
the loli ones
i think i could pick out the latter 2 but what even makes honker impact unique
Do they all look like AOM slop too?
Blue Archive has the best girls but the monkey's paw is that AI fucking blows ass at getting any of their halo's right except for a few of them that have very basic ones so it annoys the ever living shit out of me to gen them.
i like that blonde chick people keep drawing in a blue bunnysuit and emotionless sex
I command your dedication to this quarity 90s anime frame style.
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so I assume thats a no. thanks I guess
they're mostly children, othes games have more variety
arknights has the opposite "problem" where half of their characters are over 30
they said "it would be nice if it could be fixed with v5 but can't be fixed v4"
they're updating the model with a newer dataset and, I guess, to fix the artifacts but that's it
why are mature anime women so attractive?
I always thought it was just a limitation of tensorart or whatever service he's using
>arknights has the opposite "problem" where half of their characters are over 30
They look like regular anime girls so it doesn't matter. Well most of them
>check booru
>it's true
so there are only 2 bodytypes, male and female...
you know there's no way to "update" a model without changing everything about it
they are fictional and beautiful
I'm just using their phrasing, I think, I don't remember what the screenshot said exactly and I'm not gonna join their cord to go look for it
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it's actually a lot better at them than you'd expect.
Especially if you (crudely) manually correct them at lowres before upscaling.
>arknights has the opposite "problem" where half of their characters are over 30
the standards of ara-ara have fallen if you feel arknights has a majority of milf content
they're just young adults in terms of look (I don't know their actual age/lore and I don't care)
a franchise with a lot of milf is something that, unfortunately, does not exist
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It's literally a slightly different take on what I was genning on Autismmix last May lol.
i feel like gfl2 is the only "mainstream" gacha that actually has hag characters, but they're npcs
isn't there that one with the massive fucking thighs? this one maybe? https://litter.catbox.moe/4apr76.jpg

well it is japan, they glorify and fetishize youth to an extreme degree, it is what it is
isn't limbus fairly mainstream at this point?
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i literally never hear about limbus outside of limbus threads
what's that, unironically
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oh, good to know there'll be a minor update at least. ty
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FGO? do you mean the critically acclaimed FAT Grand Order?
limbus just has a weird safe horny crowd attach to it because they arent coomer designs like other gachas so you get a ton of people saying how hot the hags in that game are because its safe for them to do so
A gacha from the makers of Lobotomy Corporation set in the same universe.
I've seen it about here and there and I don't play it so I dunno, man.
meant for >>8492248
>check booru
>hot girls and guys in suits
now that's classic
i don't know why you thought that would help.
>safe horny
Isn't ligma just safe? Safe horny is something like arknights
Writing and voices. But yeah they dropped the ball visually, and the girls don't actually have canon ages listed. So if a fan want to cope that she went from university to police work to superintendent in under 18yo then I guess they're free to do so.
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some artists are too strong and you have to just throw them out. some artists are fried and give more artifacting. using more brackets increases artifacting. just pay attention to what you throw in and if things start looking fucked then take it out.
nikke has a high density of designs i like, but it fell off majorly imo with everything after egg
i guess but gacha games attract the horniest people so you're going to have everyone lusting over all the characters anyway, so limbus has this odd fanbase attachment from people that try to act like they aren't coomers when all they do is act like coomers anyway
Azur Lane, even old whores like the Atago and Takao are still sexy.

But they're not the only game in town anymore in terms of sexy whores, you have Nikke making a very strong case for the number 1 crown, That being said, my own personal preference is still with Hoyoverse sluts. Say what you will about HSR, Genshin, and all their other garbage games, they can design a fucking hot woman alright.

Blue Archive is popular only for the pedophiles. There's big tiddy whores like Hasumi or Saori in there, but that's camouflage so that it's not all just girls who look like 6 or 12 years old while pretending they're in the last grades of high school.

And if you don't believe me all you need to do is look at Ibuki. Who's supposed to be a high school freshman.
yeah ligmus doesn't do fanservice at all
well they actually made really good games before succumbing to gacha for crazy money
for me it's North Carolina
schizo cope. It clearly doesnt work no matter the bracketing (besides some very minor effects on some) and throwing 30 artists into it isnt exactly a solution
I'm going to gen some Washington now, thanks for reminding me
Theoretically a lot
In practice with gigafried models not at all
I don't play their games, I know someone who does, and from what he tells me, they're at least very honest about that. Like, they'll be on an interview and they'll be asked why they entered the gatcha market and their reply will be something like " you see, we wanted to make tons of money, so we can make other games, and gatcha is a very easy way to make tons of money"
>no mention of derpixon anywhere
>>8491142 (OP)
huge hair box?
Post results.
the stellar blade people did the same thing i believe
>why are mature anime women so attractive?
Ok but do you mean like actually early 2000s CG mature or modern mature where it's just a regular anime girl with bigger hair and slightly chubby
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What LAX and his band of chinks are up to nowadays?
good for them I suppose
it worked out for GFL, their tRPG was probably my goty and clearly benefitted from the extra budget
idk, i was hoping some pedo would start an argument with me
why is every noob-derived mix so much worse than just noob itself?
because mixes were always shit cope
naiXLVpred102d_final.safetensors is porpoisfully peek
they are looking at lodestone's Chroma flux project and seem to be waiting for it to get further into training.
NTA, but I'll take all. The barely past 20 year old girl the Nu anime nerds consider a MILF, all the way to the belly fat, sagging tits, brown nipples, wrecked roast beef pussy after giving birth to 3 children hag.

I do not discriminate in my love of hags.
yall returds
post some of your hag gens
oh yeah, Black Lagoon, Witchblade...man
there had to have been some more recent ones, even if just for variety
what about Komi's mom?
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Someone liked The Dictator
Balalaika without the scars is not Balalaika.
i don't post images here anymore
it's mixing the only competent finetune we have
meaning the other components of the mix are guaranteed to be inferior, and can only offer style bias in return for diluting noob's knowledge
>what about Komi's mom?
Honorary Aryan
That's my mom. Delet
noob is smart but fried. mixes are needed to dilute the poorly implemented vpred
speaking of shitty mixes
you ever think how aom single handedly shaped the normalfag opinion of ai images being fried glossy shit?
>what about Komi's mom?
I'm more of an Uzagi Tsuki connoisseur
there was nothing wrong with AOM. there, I said it
What are you using? the metadata looks scary...
i think the face most associated with AI is the revanimate one
aom looks way better in comparison
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for me, it's raspberry-mix
I started like two months before Pony, by then it was based64 and slowly moving onto EasyFluff. Always thought AOM was just a scapegoat for all the different 1.5 mixes people that were tired of by then.
Favorite cunny nai styles?
damn that bottom row especially just looks like local at this point
That's high guidance for you
How does Nai keep winning?
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cute onis
>One... Two... Blup... Textbook!
Without your old style, this looks so soulless...
what sampler do you prefer?
I tested a lot of artist, for example, yd (orange maru) and DPM++ 2M SDE was by far the best
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Cute style, boxu?
sde are the best for quality, period
delicious, mind giving a box?
samplers are placebo snakeoil, unless you're using low amount of steps, where some will converge to a decent picture earlier. X/Y sampler plots are retarded, changing the sampler has an effect similar to changing a seed. Euler is all you need.
steps be upon ye
You can't measure aesthetic quality when you don't have the eye for it anon
he's right tho
euler is and always has been king
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sadly most machine learning engineers don't have eyes at all
you used pony for 9 months
Sad but true.
Who lost
Who won
why are paintings lost technology to imagegen? every model now seems to have a base cfg of 22, they all have that glossy slop look on the right.
I won
you lost
get rekt nerd
they don't train on paintings anymore
Euler literally is not made to work with vpred. The sigmas are wrong.
Euler A is king among kings
Yet it still produces great results. Interesting
I think it's safe to say AstraliteHeart, the visionary behind PonyDiffusion, won. Nobody has defined a generation more than Astralite. Pony is now the household name for any NSFW finetune done on any model. When a new model drops, everyone shall ask "pony wen???". When you go to r34, it's Pony that dominates the ai_generated tag. PonyV7 is the only thing left to wait for, and it's going to be amazing.
The look on the right is what people actually want to use in a professional setting. How long have you guys lived in a cave not to see it? The DALL-E 3 render looks like a typical food advert / packaging art. People actually earn a living doing digital art like that one, while nobody would earn a penny from making the painting-like render of DALL-E 2.
Newfag here, by any chance, does anyone have wildcards you're willing to share? I don't mind building my own, but the worst thing that can happen by asking is you call me a faggot, and you already thought that of me anyways.
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I've already seen AI billboards and magazine covers here
Hmmmmmmmmmm nyo
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In dalle's case, they purposefully made it more fake and AI looking for "safety". In paper and during the first days of DALLE 3, it was way, way better
will chroma be better than v4?
Post more of Raymond's slut.
I miss seeing new models like this
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should I hide the number of my patrons on my patreon?
>Who lost
>Who won
Purple - Smart - AI
that model was sovl but extremely overfit
what if Euler A was an anime girl?
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someone just write this into v4 and preface it with 1girl

Leonhard Euler (/ˈɔJlər/ OY-lər;[b] German: [ˈleːɔnhaʁt ˈʔɔʏlɐ] , Swiss Standard German: [ˈleɔnhard ˈɔʏlər]; 15 April 1707 – 18 September 1783) was a Swiss polymath who was active as a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, logician, geographer, and engineer. He founded the studies of graph theory and topology and made influential discoveries in many other branches of mathematics, such as analytic number theory, complex analysis, and infinitesimal calculus. He also introduced much of modern mathematical terminology and notation, including the notion of a mathematical function.[6] He is known for his work in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics, astronomy, and music theory.[7] Euler has been called a "universal genius" who "was fully equipped with almost unlimited powers of imagination, intellectual gifts and extraordinary memory".[8] He spent most of his adult life in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and in Berlin, then the capital of Prussia.
hey i trained a rubens and van gogh loras for noob
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you have shit taste in artists
woah, link?
That doesn't mean it won't output a image. You can just increase the sigmas in reforge and see improvement. CFG++ samplers don't suffer from it.
t. William-Adolphe Bouguereau enjoyer
civitai is down again...
>art mediums
thats another thing I was wondering about, if you can influence the style by stuff like "thick outline" etc?
>Euler has been called a "universal genius" who "was fully equipped with almost unlimited powers of imagination, intellectual gifts and extraordinary memory
Someone, resurrect him. I want him to work on our coom-models
Train one based off of Hitler's art
>Euler literally is not made to work with vpred. The sigmas are wrong.
what's made for vpred?
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>get baleeted if you copy an artist

then why is anon's pixiv that blatantly copies asanagi still alive
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Sure. Not sure why it gave her an ahoge but I guess it fits for a waking up kind of thing so screw it.
my dogshit model is garbage at character consistency
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Mind if someone share their workflow for detailer on noob? I don't know if this is working or not. And I never realize the simplicity of ReForge helps me this much.
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love the style anon. your gens are really nice.
I don't understand what's I'm noodled on and how I noodled.
to me she's beautiful, rubenesque https://files.catbox.moe/5dx5dz.png
rubens https://files.catbox.moe/w9j2xs.safetensors
vangogh https://files.catbox.moe/ck4kw3.safetensors
This belongs in a museum
nai could never
it can still happen if he sends a dmca
The gogh is admittedly more sensitive to being bleached by composition and character but it's still funny to fuck around with.
Just gotta prompt with "van gogh/rubens, traditional media, oil painting \(medium\)"
thanks, i decided i wanted cute for a change. it's nns (sobchan) (known for ryona and rape) and namori (known for yuru yuri). truly the pinnacle of art technology
why do people on civitai shitting out so much 2.5d and realstic slop models so much now?
Very cute.
Can I have catbox?
Thank you
sovl. local could never
I was most surprised how well it gets the texture and the overall realistic composition despite being an anime model
I'd train more artists but I'm not into fine art. I'll train operas on txt2audio when it finally gets good lol
its nai my dudes
it's still base SDXL underneath
Yeah but still, Pony would refuse to train wackier styles for me even if they were anime related. Meanwhile this works well enough to have actual canvas showing underneath damage and have paint specks if you upscale enough.
I thought you were prompting for Sakurako.
not much of the base SDXL model left, Noob was trained on Illustrious which was train on Kohaku XL
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pony was like a tolkien orc, tortured and mutilated
ai peaked at js2prony
for me, it's vqgan clip
what artist is this? catbox??
needs more moisture saar.
I don't get you, what do you mean I use? it's comfyui and the model is right there on the metadata
You can really tell who is an autist by not knowing what a surprised face looks like
shit i didnt even read for long enough to realise it was a surprised prompt, my ellen is trying to be quiet. I losted.
why is it so shiny
>#FFFFFF highlights
it's nyalia:2
nyo wey
for me, it's #3 and i'm the girl
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thanks for the lora
holy fucking based gen
the only good fat thing is tits
make it more racist
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Anything particular that you prompted to get her legs under his legs? I feel that position always puts them on top when I try
stop being rices
when did 4chan remove sachiko from main page
RNG but try prompting for soles I guess?
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I can't believe I spent nine uglies shitposting another inpaint.
very nice, did you do a good morning blowjob too or just this?
What's her name again? she's from that castlevania game right?
Just that..I guess I could try one but I feel I fucked myself on that embroidery if I want to aim for consistency with a follow up image. I guess I'll find out.
so this is the power on naiv4........
that new CN tile model is really cool but i'm getting some serious issues with flat color surfaces, it generates dithering or covers walls with random shit
What's the downside to Vpredation?
or rather, it doesn't compensate for dithering like standard upscale, it just upscales that shit
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that's a really long torso but an otherwise really pleasant image
Somehow it's still very (ai-generated). Are you using a shitmix?
Nice, she did get it
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Isn't she a teenager?
yes she is, now you have a moral ground for today, congrats
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stablediffusion isnt even 3 years old you sickos
>pedo challenge
Only at the start when you have a dozen of them
After breaking a hundred make it visible
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lol monica's skin tone isn't sufficiently dark for the AI to recognize her as being black and not just tan
Nice arms, bro.
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Kuro cunny
miqomix my beloveded
local could easily dont make up
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that's the joke, dummy
>I was only pretending to be retarded :DDDD
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I'm bored. Tell me what to prompt
lil miss 4 fingies
Hag cunny, interpret that however you like
1boy, shotacon, small penis, foreskin, female pov
asanagi and raita aberrations
(((loli))), ((((((huge breasts)))))), ((((((((((((smug))))))))))))
1girl, penis awe, 1boy, dark-skinned male, very dark skin, huge penis
swap your positives and negatives and then try to salvage it
1girl, standing, smile
do somw yuzuhira inori a la >>8492362
loli, shota, kodomo only, vaginal, cum in pussy, full-face blush
Have a Taiwhore in return
don't tell me what to do
Your mom.
I'm serious.
Do your mom, respectfully, she's the woman that gave birth to you, so no lewd shenanigans, give us your mom in a whole enviroment or situation.
this is hentai board though. my mom was hot when she was 18 but i think it would be too weird, you know?
can i get a box
how are there still no solutions to the double navel issue when upscaling?
controlnet tile
it's called inpaint anon, has been a thing since ever
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The LoRA is for the character not the style
A few days ago anons were genderbending themselves. And they were not doing themselves naked.

But you do you man, if you're not confortable putting an anime girl of your mom out here for all of us sickos to see, then that's ok. but it would be a cute idea.
you're photoshoop?
>A few days ago anons were genderbending themselves. And they were not doing themselves naked.
the fuck?
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Ask Deepseek.

sure https://files.catbox.moe/t2mwrb.png

Added muji \(uimss\) to your recepie
r63 me is not a real person
cool artist
Right? The true chads were img2imging their irl nude photos to genderbend themselves into anime girls like two years ago.
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>a few days ago
>two year ago
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it wasn't too helpful tbqh
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You don't klnow how to ask man

ngl i have no in idea what I'm doing with LLMs but those prompts also suck ass
what artist makes this glue cum
> nogen
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Reposting because I spotted a slop error
None. I had to inpaint all of it.
did you inpaint all the cum? jfc anon
Hilda from Pokemon taking multiple dicks in the ass
why IS she so built for anal?
thanks, glad to see people trying my merge
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Couldn't get a follow up I was happy with wearing the shirt, oh well.
I always pictured Taihou as being more pudgy, cute nips though
box? what did you prompt for cum inpaint?
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they can be prompted in noob at least
Perfect bubble butt combined with you just know looks. She's the kind of girl that walks around in a G-string knowing full well it does nothing to hide her large sunken ass hole.
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Assuming you meant to tag me >>8492581
I didn't inpaint the cum, it just came out that way due to the artist tags.Try using namaniku ATK.
Also Butcha-U gives a nice meaty cumshot
Yeah I was hoping I could get a box, but was asking about cum inpainting with the other anon at the same time. I'll try the artist tag though thanks.
Dont think it will help that much but here's my box
its kloah
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For inpainting I used Krita and created a mask area with the freehand selection tool with a strength of 60% after scribbling some white lines transparent lines around.
(from side), penis, urethra, precum, cumshot, projectile cum, cum on floor, semen, pso2gene, blondehair, anime coloring, realistic:1, pale skin
>getting your own cum on your face
That's kinda gay
man, I can't fap to ghislaine, she's so cool
>sex with a woman
That's really gay
at least it's good moisturiser
I mean you're having sex with someone who fucks men isn't that pretty fucking gay?
only if you use their vagina
>random comedy gen
>fuck around with the prompt more
>it's always the guy being embarrassed
i have discovered a weird fold in the latent space somehow
damn, can krita run vpred models?
>That's kinda gay
I once came on my face and that shit stings like hell.
>they’re mostly children
This is so not true that it’s fucking hilarious because I’ve seen more people complaining over BA gets memed as Cunny Archive only for them to start playing and there are huge tits everywhere.
It should, there's an option for illustrious v-pred when selecting model architecture in the settings. But I haven't used any v-pred models so I can't test.
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When an artist doesn't work everyone just says to train a Lora
and sometimes an Anon shares the training parameters they think are best
But is there actually any Lora Creator that has shared some that actually work?
Yes, but do not touch the toggle in the Krita plugin settings, because that just forces CFG rescale @ 0.7. Ignore it and let comfy's own model detection do the work.
me :)
WAI vs Cyberfix vs 1.0 2d accelerated
funny greek letters mix
0.5 eps
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this was more what i had in mind
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look up bara artists but neg yaoi
Ellen Joe is overrated, and her popularity is astroturfed. Nicole is better.
astrolite turfed
nicole is generic as fuck, shark girl is interesting and memorable
You can always enjoy the view on her muscular and lustful body from the corner of the room, while she rides dicks of more self-confident guys from tavern =)
literally nothing about her design is interesting besides it looking like someone shoved a shark up her ass and left it there, get real
of course
At least Nicole is cute.
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>Ellen Joe LoRA can't get the "SHARK" tattoo on her tail right
literally unfappable
why did she tattoo shark on a shark tail is she stupid and can't remember what animal she is
just tested with one of my v4 gens from yesterday and the new version made it look worse. incredible. at least I got plenty of mileage out of it prior
I think wearing a shirt that just says HUMAN on it would be pretty cool
yeah but would you tattoo like your arm with it
Shut up, Deku.
Still handles like shit and I really don't care enough to try and wrangle it for hours on end.
Maybe a trip to Japan will fix this...
NAI v4 can
she wears pantyhose
wait is this why all my gens just became blurry
I fucking love pantyhose
no refunds
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I’m gonna have to re-wrangle the FUCKING tags again after I just started getting used to v4, for fuck’s sake.
did you try >>8484444 → during inpaint?
Bro, tell me I can pay 25$ a month somewhere to gen masterpieces like this???
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why does it look like it is a jpg with 20% quality compression
why even use a lora at this point? can't noob based models do her whole outfit out of the box or should i actually retrain mine
fishine? ireading? nice
thanks for beta testing
Yes, that is part of the problem. I’d finally ironed out issues like that, and now they’re back.
Die what? Die Linke?
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the die is cast
(chromatic aberration) in the negatives might be a good first step here
glad to know I wasn't suddenly losing my vision
>update fucked the mix I had working
but mixes weren't working...
I didn't try anything I was just commenting on anon's gens
loras are usually more accurate with details, unless she has thousands of images
she has 4k atm i think, that's why i haven't bothered updating mine
noob let me divest myself of all loras and i enjoy that
even if i liked training
then it probably wasn't a lora
actually, seems like only one person even tried to get the writing correct
doomsday for freejeets
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Yeah, that helped a lot. It’s getting there. Still not quite as good as before, but I’ll keep tweaking things.
They make a good mix. A friend of mine put me on them for NAI. He messes around with it way more than I do.
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fiend warlock pact ceremony
nai sisters, we're so back!
>mixing unironically works a bit better now
surprised nai knows her
OMG I MISSED HER SO MUCH!! thank you for bringing her back!
glue-on pussy
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make it MORE racist
you did it champ
she looks fucking retarded
Emphasis does work better now...
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but does NAI have ayakonarts work as an artist?
Yes, I love Aru.
Nah, {{{{{{{{{gigantic breasts}}}}}}} should go all the way down to the floor.
how do weights and emphasis work with natural language
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{} is screaming and [] is mumbling
Because anime is supposed to be blurry...
She's perfect.
Turn CFG down.
third time i went through the top 6000 danbooru artists but it's fun
I am going to find you.
what did u learn
japs are boring
>this bitch also has {{{{{{{{{{GIANT TITTIES}}}}}}}}}} and...
try reversing the order of your artist mix, I think they broke something
well that's true...
I was using a mix that would actually get consistent results right as they updated. Now a different artist has a way bigger effect on the mix now even if I go as far as to use 10 brackets. They either changed or fucked up something
Can I get the old v4 back? New one is fucked up
no refunds
i thought we were all bona fide localchads??? treacherous naishills the lot of you!!!
but what about naiXLVpred102d_custom though?
*pushes an update on a friday that makes your already lackluster model worse and then goes home for the weekend*
how does one consistently get 2 distinct characters to show up for 3P prompts?
use the right model or lora or regional prompter
you just have to remake your prompts, bro.
just... write...
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prompt for two distinct characters
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good seed or inpaint
>have like 12 brackets around a artist i want to have more emphasis
>a artist tag with a negative bracket around it AND less pics in the database just overrides it
Yeah real great update
now swap their order in the prompt
I did but they just end up combining into two
is it because I'm using two loras?
try regionprpomt
brother, we don’t do that here anymore
what changed?
compose your gen in nai
use it as a controlnet starting point for your local gen
so easy
imagine not being able to just... write
>nai minor update
>all of my prompts have radically different looks now

what the fuck, this isn't even the same model. I'm trying to lock in my artist mix ffs.
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Likely, but if you mean OCs then yeah that's how it be.
Well that helped somewhat, this shit is retarded
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literally a childs or whatever that thing people here say
Why the guy lookin so fruity?
it's redditsona 5
It’s the thick lips. There’s no reason for a boy to have lips like that. Zero.
you are insecure and gay
>heh, don’t like spiders? you must wanna FUCK THEM
extremely clean, box?
Not gonna lie I'd fuck an arachne
yeah, i'm a childe main
what does this mean
those 2 go so well together, fucking nice pick
No, it just means you're gay.
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im too deep in this branch of weight/wildcard experimentation to help
Woah, it's look really pretty, I love the brush strokes in the eyelashes
i'd stroke your brush
he looked like a chad in the original why did you make him so zesty
I heard they updated nai it's time to read the thread
just don’t forget to take your HRt
Why is it that whenever I prompt “bedroom” the AI decides that’s the A-OK to have characters standing on the bed? It’s not like anyone even draws that, so what is it pulling from?
it's ai
>said they wouldn't update a model because then they would have the issue of people preferring the previous one
>suddenly they update v4
>I prefer the previous one
>use SaaS
>complain that you own nothing
>use local
>complain that you own slop
its melty time!
uh oh
naisister melty yet again
they're going through tough times, please understand
Try 'on bed'?
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They never said that.
...who put that there
can i offer you a gacha whore in these trying times
only if it's a catgirl
only if she's a child
1boy, 1girl, sex, couple, happy sex, (fat man, double chin), completely nude, smile, looking at another, blush, open mouth, uncensored, indoors inside a bedroom

>Negative prompt:
sepia, signature, (2girls, 2boys), ugly man, muscular male, bald, group sex, (androgynous), censored, bar censor, mosaic censoring
Same with "mature male" added to the positive prompt.
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What was her name again?

Have some goddamn faith!
so much thisssss
faith status: entirely in pony v7
metadata https://files.catbox.moe/b9umyq.png
>artists mix is still not consistent with the update
Either I'm doing something wrong or this update is still shit
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Ying Yong
here you are sir, your sloppa
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v1.3 custom shitmix, guided the block merge with suggestions from grok
>I always pictured Taihou as being more pudgy,
Probably my fault, I've been promoting all day about azur lane botes being taken by big muscular men, so I assume since there's very little man in that shot, the muscular tag made out little crazy birb a little swole.

Have another one just cause
they gotta revert this shit
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what was for dinner anons? I had greek lemon chicken and rice
i got takeout from waffle house on the way home from work
Jesus christ this looks so fucking bad man. NaiV4 actually lost.
>every single update is gonna completely fuck up your mix
I was warming up to v4 last night but this update, that I didn't ask for, killed my shit
I got 2 for 1 burgers at a place near me after work.
how can i rollback the newest v4 update?
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just... write.
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4 out of every 5 people cant imagine an apple like this in their mind's eye
those 4 out of 5 are retarded cause that looks like a strawberry to me
it's obviously a strawberry tomato
That actually sounds delicious
just write, its nai
>No Studio Tiamat Lora
>Illustrious and NAI dont recognize him either
it's over
NAI v4 does
the blazblue doujin gawd
it's obviously a tomato lol, lmao
can you make the tomato riper???
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What's her magic trick?
make penis going disappear
she pulls out a pregnancy test and the volunteers disappear
But they aren’t groids?
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show me your best tribal girls, any races allowed
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>my mix doesn't work anymore
>one artist just overtakes the others even with 10 negative brackets
>also still does the shit of v4 just ignoring artist tags completely and spits out some shiny generic slop
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rebaked nusmusbim's style for illu0.1
Do people seriously pay to generate images?
plz share
that's what you get for using nai
Ohhhhh right this is how the original meme looked, fuck, I need to remade that IA clown gen
thx bwo
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it's taking me the whole day, but I'm slowly making my way back in the direction I wanted. I cant get the fucking choppy linework back which is fucking killing me. Everything looks so much more smooth now which I hate.



The original prompt (same seed) looked different as night and day, this is after some complete prompt alteration.
The new one look like it has triple the CFG
I don't get what you all complain about. V4 is literally a much more accurate model.
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Unless you are literally a favela monkey stealing electricity from your neighbor, you’re paying one way or another, it’s just a matter of who you’re paying it to.
alright this surprised me. an actual flawless gen from ayakon
whose tail is that on the floor?
>extra finger
>extra tail at the bottom
if you say so...
I haven't been having any luck recreating my mix. V4 is such a shit show, I was having fun with it last night but of course they have to fuck it up
you obviously dont play zzz
don't forget that the shark tail just isn't even in the remotely correct position and looks like it's popping up and over from behind her.
i never used to like nipple piercings until ai
praise the bread
again with the shitty faces
>15 brackets on a artist
>v4 says: Errrrrrrrm nope the other artist with less art is gonna be the dominant one
Fuck this shit, if they changed how emphasis works then how come brackets don't fucking work?
nobody on staff prompts so they dont know that artist mixing is essential
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It was unironically mixing better before this update though...now all of a sudden one artist tag just overtakes the others
i still mixed like shit last week dont kid urself
cute plug

maybe v4.2 will work for you. This isn't the last time they're gonna pull this shit.

but, i feel you. If even one aspect of the look is off to me, i lose any enthusiasm for prompting. Use tags like style tags liberally (sketch, painting_(medium), etc) liberally because otherwise it's pretty schizo in it's outputs.

same cfg depressingly. colors are the last thing im focusing on atm.

Oddly enough, my mixes work a bit better but not in the direction I wanted them too. if you even care still, just start over with your prompts.
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cute fox. here's my attempt bwo
it's SAAS, i never cared
Can staff even directly show examples of mixes or mention them more directly? That would be like admitting that their model was trained on that data.
thighjob sex
Just... write.
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idk, but my point is that they did not understand their audience's desires, which is core to an entertainment business
what the fuck is going on with gpus? do they produce them in hundred units only?
who the fuck buys them at +50% above msrp?
its nai!!!!!!!!!!
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Silicon is not infinite, NVIDIA makes more money with enterprise hardware
how the fuck are 5090s getting sold for like 3.5-5k on ebay every hour

there is even some of them sold for 6k

are americans that wealty?
Why is it so blurry?
>>8490808 →
You were correct. I refined my lora further and trained it a bit more. Much better results now. Still has some hiccups, but polishing it further will help.

so basically consumers should be happy with scraps they can scramble from huge tech companies who stockpile millions of gpus before they go on market?
ai was a mistake
scammers selling back to themselves to jack up the market value
Imagine you are a bakery selling Chocolates Cakes and Baguettes
Baguettes profit you 1.000 per sale
Chocolates Cakes profit you 10.000 per sale
Which one should you prioritize?
>you are a bakery
i am not though
With that ass you sure are a bakery boy
bake me
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she's got a huge left hand. Correct that.
it's just the camera angle
reminds of the (made for sex) monster hunter armor
so based
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cala my monster-fucking wife...
its 25$
cute bee. box?
which vpred shitmix can pull this off?
Is Wai version 12 hit or miss? It hurts to download 6.5GB model.
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Huh, so that's why flux chroma can do furry, anime and realism. Lodestone is training three datasets separately and somehow make it work together in a single model without those datasets going against each other.
So he's making a shitmix?
everything starting from sd1.4 is a shitmix
Technically, base model could be considered a shitmix.
a meme
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I warned you fuckers time and time again, furshit is poisonous and NAI just proved it (local will keep falling for it until the end times)
do you have slow internet? you can just delete it after testing it
not sure if it's split that way, because all the clusters were running a furry/anime preview generation mix. if this project works out without having 1.4-tier multiple limbs it will be insane
I haven’t seen a TOLD image in so long, I’d thought all the posters of them died.
Wait, how can you work with only 4GB of RAM?
anon... that post was being sarcastic
That's an obvious shitpost but I've seen people say that they can prompt SDXL with 4GB VRAM, it's just incredibly slow.
So it's furries that ruin the artist mixing? God damn it
its fur dataset
Feels like the v4 update killed what was left of mixing. Really seems like v4 will just pick a artist to use and ignore the rest
nta but i use forge and it works great only 3 min for 832x1216 image and 6min 1200x1600 image
It's the storage. Some anons says 8 to 11 are good for different things.
skill issue
why would you use wai nsfw eps?
I just miss autismmix
Guys I need buzz
bwo why do you need buzz
I am not your “bwo.”
so it impossible to consistently gen human male and oc monster girl without their characteristics blending into each other?
hmmm if only there were a revolutionary new model technology to solve this....
yeah, chroma flux
Based bwo denier.
ok bwo, guess you don't want the buzz then :(
it can't do it
flux has the same issues. local needs new tech to solve this.
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Shanoa (Castlevania) getting anal from behind, like this
copyright character doesn't count
>fucking her asscheek
It's so over for NAIvirgins...
my nigga looking really fresh, my nigga zesty
waiting for local's strongest heroes to arrive and do it even better... just a minute...
actually disregard this, what is the most generic copyright 1boy there's is?
Yeah, Galo Sengen.
Wow, three of those guys are literally me.
post more gal o's
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very sexy hentai saar!
did you draw this? please draw more
it was made using DucHaiten-Pony with a few loras including expressiveH, vixon's styles + anime comic style, and some negative embeddings to strengthen the anatomy and make it really pop.
wait, no disney princess lora? whaaat?
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this one does
>All Disney Princess XL LoRA Model from Ralph Breaks the Internet
>ExpressiveH (Hentai LoRa Style) エロアニメ
>Vixon's Pony Styles - gothic neon
>Incase Style [PonyXL]
>Penis Size Slider
Good shit.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EKTw50Uf8M&ab_channel=POLICEMAN110Tube [Embed]
After today's NAI update the default artstyle seems to be slightly less AOMslop
Still clearly biased towards the ai-generated look though.
Put “ai-generated” in negs.
local sisters im starting to get nervous
what if they fix it? what if it becomes...better???
You just need to... write more. Pasted THAT prompt in and it's just as AOMslop as before. Actually, it's even more deep-fried than before since apparently this new model needs more on the fly adjustment of prompt guidance to avoid frying the output.
Yeah, I drew that. Glad you like it.
At least V4 can do backgrounds again.
V3 was hilariously bad at coherent backgrounds compared to local.
dalle does it better
why is v4 so underwhelming? that honestly looks like a bog-standard XL local output you'd get from KohakuXL
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dall-e 3 leak when
Because v4's general knowledge is fucked by design. You can generate some minor gacha waifu with less than 50 images on Danbooru but it doesn't know Taylor Swift's face or what the Taj Mahal looks like because that shit just isn't in its dataset.
who cares, you can't run it
I don’t care about Taylor Swift or the Taj Mahal.
kagamine len, 1boy, small penis, shota, very sweaty, puckered anus
what was the prompt?
The point is that it won't know what an Indian saree looks like because that shit ain't tagged.
the exact same as his except it cut off at the end due to character limit
why does noob vfried not really like doing brush-stroke type textures? it seems eager to gloss everything over even at low cfg
>"Her attire should be a traditional Indian saree, sirs" doesn't work
>"indian clothes" does
Waow look at that natural language comprehension
That prose prompting
Just write amirite?
just use a few furry tags like human on feral or make up your own like human on monster
why is lodestone fundraising like jordach?? i thought it was using noob's server?
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I recognized the artist for this lora instantly.
desu to me that feels like an issue with all xl models, eps and vpred noob included
on noob you can get nice texture with a lora though
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standing on official /aco/ business
Take a moeshit artist
Now /aco/ them
Does anyone know why whenever I try to use
“hand on another’s head” as a tag my browser decides to be a fucking schizo and NAI keeps trying to give me tag suggestions for autocompletion? Is it just my browser?
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chipa is one of my fav artists.
i'll get to posting the rebake some time later
Holy shit
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use the right artists and don't use style aligned mixes
also, keep in mind many upscaling models also denoise the image, potentially softening fine texture
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thanks bro
They even trained on Gege's manga panels? Talk about being thorough. I wonder what other manga artists are available for use.
List me some artists that you think I should test on my massive x/y/z model test run.
i hate wai eps models but, its vpred shuffle 2 seems good
I think the quantum 29v1 sih shitmix is by far the best at balancing between good anatomy and non-sloppy look
that jinhsi example does not follow the prompt at all..
That 1+29 and the "perpendicular fix" version of it are some of the shittiest models I have ever tested.

I truly don't know what you guys are looking for in a model, but those 1+29 models have to be a thread's own inside joke. Literally base noob and base illustrious 0.1 are much, much better and every single shitmix that I have tested is better.

It is so bad that it has to be intentional.
feeling generous today, so have this
It's hilarious how e621 has poisoned the dataset into being /d/ as fuck
I'm not even trying to prompt for this shit and I just get ridiculous large insertion pics all the time while testing out the regional prompting.
how is it compared to the simple merge? less of a slop look?
if images looks detailed without artist tags it's slop model
>base illustrious 0.1 are much, much better
weakest bait
>uhhh it's bad.... because... uhh... it just is!
fuck off
nice eggplant kek
no shit. the only reason people use shitmixes is because they're hype junkies chasing the high they got when noob released epochs every week. shitmixes are how they cope with months of no updates.
So it is a inside joke, a troll model.
No wonder it is not in civitai.
once again you really shouldn't trust model bakers with how they use their models
>looking for in a model
base vpred 1.0 working with euler a at standard cfg without frying out. 1+29 does that. and any cyberfix is (ai-generated) slop.
oh it was a bait my bad
>base vpred 1.0 working with euler a at standard cfg without frying out
And for you to get that ability, you are willing to sacrifice massive amounts of quality and anatomy understanding?
Bro, it performs worse than 1.5 models (upscaled), shit is bad.
>sacrifice massive amounts of quality and anatomy understanding
compared to what? to vpred 1.0?
>Literally base noob and base illustrious 0.1 are much, much better
Post a comparison grid or you're a faggot
just use eps 0.5 it's only 25 bucks
Thanks for the (You)s, losers. I'll keep posting the most retarded blatant bait and you'll keep responding like my little bitches.
why is it that v4 still can't do hands right? aaagh
hott nipples
He is pretending to be me though. I am not baiting and I think anyone praising any 1+29 is baiting or rather trolling.
So what are you using?
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yeah ok, keep shit flinging without any arguments
Thanks for another (You), sissy.
i can give you another, autistic kid
>illust 0.1
>noob eps 0.5
>NAI v3
>autism confetti
>noob vpred
>scat tower
>NAI v4
>illust 0.1
Genuine retardation maybe
I still can't believe we can generate whole lewd animation sequence in 2 years. Locally. Still needs some wrangling of multiple generations to splice together for nakadashi, but it's going to be better no doubt.

For vpred, I use

For epred I use:

1+29 does not come even close to these, what 1+29 users here refer to as "shitmixes". At least I don't get shit outputs with these.
>euler a at standard cfg without frying out
post a box of said frying out happening
>just shitmixes
So it's more likely it's genuine retardation and not a bait, I see.
With gym leaders
If you're going to criticize models you need to post an XY with the models
Nobody cares about your anecdotal complaining if you don't back it up, retard
Yeah, you got me to download like 20 gigs worth of useless 1+29 shit. Haha, nice prank.
i mean yeah, he uses epsilon models
No amount of x/y will satisfy you. You will complain that I am prompting it wrong, I use wrong artists, I don't use correct loras, I don't use some bullshit like PAG or FreeU with correct setrings and other endless bitching.
>using scat tower unironically
You can use your scat tower slopmixes all you want if you can't prompt on proper models, it's your whiny resentful retard attitude that makes you look like a braindead troll. Piss off, dude.
is there an option to toggle controlnet tile for hiresfix to automatically use the lowres image as the reference?
time to jerk off
Stop being a bitch and post an XY
wait, is this cathagfaggot?
Okay, how about you give me the most basic bitch prompt you can think of. The most simple one and I will do a x/y for you.
Then it is your prompt and I will take time out of my day to prove you wrong and even pay for the electricity.
You're not even going to try and prove your point?
>shiitake_taishi, masterpiece, best quality, newest, 1girl, looking ahead, blue eyes, (from below:0.7), (facing viewer:0.75), pink sports bra, white panties, sports panties, navel, indoors, gym, sitting, knees apart feet together, grabbing own ankles ankle grab, breath
>worst quality, bad quality, low quality, lowres, oldest, old, bad hands, mutated hands, mammal, anthro, furry, ambiguous form, feral, semi-anthro, censored, mosaic censoring, text, watermark
>Euler, SGM Uniform, 25 steps, 5 CFG, 896x1152
You can have my test prompt that I use for trying out artist styles. It's a weird pose that showcases both body types and hands with a slightly unusual angle, a setting and specifically colored clothes
You can use whatever artist tag you want, just keep it consistent and don't use artist mixes because they are inherently unstable. When trying models I like to do artists that have a specific type of shading, so I've given you one that does flat shading because shitmixes tend to fail at flat shading
you came here to provide a contrarian opinion (a shitpost in disguise). you do the work, honey.
i like the boxy shading
And to add, my personal favorite model is just base v29 followed by vpred 0.6. I have been testing 1.0 + v29 + cyberfix too though and it does mess up shading a little bit. It also affects bodies, making proportions look more "realistic", so stylized artists get messed up. The power of shitmixing in some realism sloppa I suppose
Do all the other 1+29 fags approve this prompt? I will not waste compute if some of you trolls then say that it was wrong and not fair.
nta but did you actually get random furries popping up? I've never seen that on noob, and barely use negs at all.
I don't really care what you use, once again. If you get filtered by non-slopmix models it's fine, just don't come here screeching and shitting your pants about them not holding your hand.
29+1 solves the contrast issues of base vpred bakes for me while also saving flexibility of base models because it's not a shimix like scat tower that hat 15 loras + pony merged in it. It being flexible leads to it being harder to prompt with compared to overfit shinyslop shitmixes, but that's fine by me, I prefer style control over stability.
Everyone has their own quirks, you asked for me to provide you with parameters and so I did. Get to X/Y-ing, shitposter-kun
Nah but some time ago another anon recommended those negs and I did some testing and found that they slightly improved quality so I kept them
Could just be placebo thoughever
And oh yeah, don't forget to provide a catbox so that we can actually see your prompts
I will not consider your tests as anything useful and concrete if it's not a complicated prompt (gangbang dark night scene at ridiculous dynamic angle)
Also just realized you're using cyberfix which I don't use myself because it looks like aislop.
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I should gen mirko again
>noob eps(except 0.75)
>noob vpred
>Illustrous .1
>Illustrous 1.0
personally i don't use cyberfix nor any of the mixes, so i can't say much about them.
my only disagreement is with NAIv4, i honestly feel it should be v3 based on v4's current state.
well if kurumuz does improve it i might resub
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mirko gens on the newer models are too good
>That feeling when you get 1 in 10000 output from the model.
These rare happy accidents keep me going and doing this shit. It feels like gambling addiction. Gotta roll the dice and sometimes you win big.
you always win big with pony
>"look mom I averaged the weights of two inconsistent and ugly checkpoints of the same model! :OOO"
Strange how there's never any good gens being posted that use this amazing shitmerge.
Has the king of cuck porn artstyles returned?
>all those brackets
Good lord.
missing nyantcha
>still using negs
haha holy shit v29 losers really are the cavemen of imagegen
truly the modern age 1.5 aom sloppers clinging to their shit model they wasted hundreds of hours on to "learn to prompt it """properly""""
meanwhile wai and catbros just put words in a box and get good images without rerolling a dozen times
>prompt eyepatch bikini
>get eyepatch
eps cant make good colors
I love brackets more than the nai genner below me
Just turn down CFG to 6 for this one.
And strange how it is not in civitai either. You are supposed to scour months of past old threads to find torrent links for parts of the model and then link to a recipe on how to actually combine these models.

For all the work you need to do, one would assume it is some super duper secret underground model capable of doing things other "shitmixes" can only dream about.
But in reality it just ruins all the images.

Truly an expert level 4chan troll.
we really just need some kind of tag linking. would defeat the entire need for regional prompter if we could somehow link tags to each-other. something like this heatmap thing but in reverse where it restricts the tag's influence to the parent tag's attention region https://github.com/castorini/daam
>it's just one shitter writing long seethe posts about 1+29 not being on civitai for a month already
actual unironic mental illness
Was giving perfectly fine colors for the last couple years. The grass on the other side is not greener, it's just fried.
>prompt bear pose
>girl get fucked by a bear
it's blurry as fuck
>people still use negative prompts with illustrious based models
grizzle grizzle
lets see
I still prefer 1+29 but occasionally try out a prompt on quantum to see if it'll give me a better background at the cost of artist fidelity.
1+29 is still king in my book but as I stated above, you'll run into the incomprehensible backgrounds on it which quantum doesn't struggle with. The downside is quantum is just overall brighter and has that very identifiable "ai light reflection" off skin textures. Some artist mixes get it worse than others. shiny skin in negs helps a bit but it still up to the artist mix you're using. And if you're looking for a dark scene, it's just not going to play ball with you.
I still like it a lot though and looking forward to the rebake anon mentioned.
CHinese anon
by "simple" I meant proportion merge
neat, my main gripe with eps is it doesn't do color like vpred, mainly

wainsfw eps was decent so worth a try.
Fuck me with these names. SIH. EIH. DIC.
But yes, the one you linked is the one I was talking about >>8493351
so much bait itt IM CUMMING
Oh. right. I hate shiny skin slop look so I'll keep non-quantum then.
I wish there was a merge with https://civitai.com/models/1217645?modelVersionId=1371790 instead of https://civitai.com/models/1254035/sih
merging rapes my rig so I kinda avoid doing it myself
This specific prompt that I was given did not properly highlight how shitty the model is, but I would still not choose the outputs from it in this grid.

I will do a proper x/y later that will really highlight how utterly bad the 1+29 is. It's comical how bad it is.
Yikes just look at those washed out EPS colors and alien hieroglyph scribbles on the non-cat models.
yep it's cathag
>unironically shilling scat tower
damn that looks like shit
>only cathag shills scat tower because I SAID SO
no model can do this prompt correctly

1boy,standing,short hair,black hair,human male boy has brown eye,boy is human,boy has pale skin,pale skinned male,white penis, vaginal penetration,lifting a person,grabbing another's legs,veiny hands BREAK sex,cum burst,ejaculation,thick cum,30 year old mature muscular male,BREAK 1girl,feet up,girl has gray skin,cracked skin,dragon girl,shoked,scared,outstreched hands, sharp teeth,midriff,kindergarten uniform,torn white pantyhose,thick thighs, tail down BREAK sharp black fingernails, short fat tail,toddler,young, aged down, plump, chubby,red eyes,twin drills,two tone hair,Light blue hair, white hair BREAK wraparound horns,multicolored horns, devil horns, big fourhead, bangs_pinned_back BREAK heart_ahoge, glowing forehead jewel,girl with dark blue scales,scaled arms, hand scales, legs scales, waist scales, cheek scales, pointy ears,wall, nsfw, uncensored, rating explicit BREAK [hiramedousa], atte nanakusa, [quasarcake], {{{karv::WADA ARCO, konya karasue}}}, {{chuck \(harfmoondark\)::syhan, mx2j}}, {{zefrableu::dokomon, teriibol}},masterpiece, best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, high resolution, newest, absurdres,
My epsilons are doing just fine. And I don't even need snake oil. https://litter.catbox.moe/nh6elh.png
how can a simple merge existing and being used send a person into a actual mental breakdown
legendary music video
novelai existing sent an entire country into an actual mental breakdown
El Chino anon.
Stopped reading there. I don't generate gay shit.
>eps 0.5
>illustrious 0.1
>every single model with a fried TE
>Illustrious 1.0
>shitmix console war
what sparked this one
what are you on /h/ then? we only generate vanta black males on albino shemales
I can see why someone would melt down about nai even if I think it's retarded, but here I'm genuinely puzzled and still not sure if it's an elaborate bait or just someone losing their mind
>albino shemales
My prompts are saved as otoko no ko, faggot.
1+29 is done
1+29 they cant hurt you... *smooooch*
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waishuffle vpred 2 seems pretty good, it's like wai eps but better color
>better color
Is this the "it has electrolytes" of image gen?
All this talk about needing to prove 1+29 is bad, but has anyone proven that 1+29 is good?

Who has the burden of proof here?
I mean a lot of eps models seem washed out or like using a wrong VAE, it's like you need to postprocess it for ideal color
Sir, what shitmix failbake did you create that you want us to replace 1+29 with?
What caused the meltie?
the chinese one.
That's a classic thing of ours
EIH looks the best here IMO. catTower is bordering on fried and 1.0 + v29 just looks unstable and washed out
on person who has a meltie about 1+29 when no one forced him to use it
>download a single model recced by some anon
>decide to xyz the top 50 models against it a month later
>it comes out on top handily
Thanks anon
real question is
sharks are for coomers with fried brains and mutilated penises
NNAillous? You're welcome.
why are you upset
>Random merge of the two recently downloaded models I liked the most, Better Days and ΣΙΗ.
>>Better Days. [illustrious-XL] [ponyXL] (MERGE)
Uh huh
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shuffle 2.0 seems ok for me

but I use a bunch of diff checkpoints because you arent limited to one, same with loras, use whatever you like.
Two sides of the same coin. Just look how each was merged.
Little bit of pony does not hurt, does it? Surely it has some useful info.
>Little bit of dogshit does not hurt, does it? Surely it has some useful nutrients.
if you like shiny i guess, these artists are all flat as fuck but it still greases em a bit, picked two random gacha whores. i will note it also fucked up doctor costume which is like, cmon nigga he's got almost 9k images

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It would, if Pony wasn't so fucked internally. You literally can't merge Pony effectively with other SDXL models because of how fried it is
>recced by some anon
I like you. you don't share this secret knowledge. that's how it should be
And artist knowledge is strong but hashed under a different tag, so you'd have to prompt like "wamudraws, gjem" to get anything useful out of it.
Anyone make a good Sano-Br style yet?
It was 1+29
It's stealthpng
1+29 is nice. if you want a good shitmix, I recommend ripplemix. I really like that one
I'm honestly fucking tired of feeling fomo with all those fucking endless shitmixes and noob versions
I could but the best outcome for me would be getting shit on by some retard here so you know
But I will look at some of the models people talked about just out of pure FOMO
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>feeling fomo
bro all of them are just random shit cobbled together that produce nothing but placebo. they're all the same.
You are all sleeping on NTR Mix.
>look it up
abysmal taste
up to you, you don't have to listen to me. I'm biased cause my lora is in the mix
>look it up
This looks like something I'd jerk off to in 2008 after googling naked anime lady and that's based
yeah I know. but still some of them offer advantages and blend nicely with some styles and are just easy to use in general.
same for noob versions. there are things I like about base illu, some things I like about vpred or eps05, etc. And thoughts about changing the model (currently mainly use 29+1) appear every now and then.
I remember when we were a CHADmix general.
some of us put a lot of effort into making a golden shit mix
uh, lol?
Yeah that too
So now that the dust has settled, is noobmod good or shit?
Prefer gmod.
jJst pay $25 so you can forget about all this shitmix nonsense and enjoy the best sota model built with a custome architecture specifically for anime.
le customé architecture
Can we have a separate v4 experimentation general or something? I mean good on them for trying to make it work, but until they do... you know...
my penis has a custom arch when using a shitmix
god please let v3 leak some day.
I got a raging custom arch too.
Please no. I can't take SDXL any longer. v3 leaking would mean at least two more years of SDXL instead of looking for alternatives.
lodestone rock status?
i use his arch btw
You cannot escape SDXL.
it's jordachs alt btw
Are these alternatives to SDXL with us in the room right now?
did you know that v4 is a much more accurate model compared to v3?
when are we getting the next sota finetune? it's already been an hour since the last sota release
naiv4 knows characters with less than 100 images btw
noob can barely produce characters with 300+
you can literally make a lora yourself with 5-10 images that works.
ngl I'd be fine with v3 for 2 more years. with v4 being a failure v3 feels like lightning in a bottle type of thing, and I have little faith in future bakes succeeding. you don't really need 15b to prompt hentaislop anyway.
Idk about that. I've gotten noob to do a style that had like 30 pics in danbooru.
reminder that kurumuz jerks off to your data
nope, looks like shit
But enough about v4
Natural language is a meme and will be for several more years because the technology to support it simply isn’t ready.
This is not a debate.
v3.6 not great not terrible
this, also the time you wasted downloading those pics, tagging them, training the lora and testing it is worth way more than 25$ if you are elite human capital.
I can barely prompt with booru tags. how do you expect me to use natural language?
literally just ask chatgpt to do it for you?
just ask chatGPT
I always used local but loras have been the worst cope in his field
you are delusion
This, we should finetune the entire model after every single Genshin patch.
loras are the best thing that happened to imagen
the only valid way to create a lora is to finetune the full model and extract the difference
do you even know how to think without chat gpt?
I came to remind you all that 1+29 is bad
I literally switched to NAI initially because I had enough of dealing with fucking loras.
And now I'm back on local anyway because V3s dataset is too out of date and v4 is pure ass, and local doesn't need a lora for every single character in existence anymore.
Just... write.
They are good to quickly add some character or style that is out of scope for the model but the times when you had to cope with models being straight up fucking shit (1.5 and pony) by stacking 5 loras were absolutely miserable.
You are the one who asked what to do if you are too retarded to write English sentences.
>see nice looking slop on /hdg/
>actual metadata!
>see 37 loras I'm expected to hunt down all over the internet
>x out
kek no thx
>and local doesn't need a lora for every single character in existence anymore
Flashbacks to having 105 own trained loras because the only character 1.5 knew was some tuhu waifu
I was shit posting bruh
In hindsight, what were they thinking with this name?
they're all custom and no im not sharing :)
why the fuck do loras even have names and hashes when you can never ever actually search for any of them using those
I cannot thank you enough. this model is better than v4 imo
Based selfish baker.
I still keep grabbing loras I don't need like a retard because I don't think to just try prompting that character without the lora first.
based. wish i could see catbox beggars faces when they get their coveted box but still can't steal my style.
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Catbox, please?
I don't need to steal anyone's style, because my prompts look so fucking good on any style.
Excuse me, but we're having a conversation here. Can you take your images elsewhere?
>prompt: low_res, facebook_jpeg
I don't need to steal anyone's style because people's tastes are all worse than my own
i just coomed so you're safe for a while
Hmm I think I will post an image
It makes me happy when people ask for my catboxes so I will always think the request is genuine and not ironic as that would make me sad.
Only CHinese images are allowed
But what if you post the same exact style and artist mix every single time yet each thread they're someone asking for a box, anon? Wouldn't it be a little suspicious?
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Today I will gen monster girl on shota rape
oddly coherent room
Why are you saying the quiet part out loud, anon?
That room cost 1boy his legs, anon.
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my ass is still trying to crack v4. I didn't give up on v3 when everyone said it was shit, I wont give up now.

I just need that last style tag to take this look past the generic. I feel it nigga's, it's so close.
the lora has a bunch of room images in it from the game so there is a consistent theme in the room gens.
Of course not, that just means I have genuine fans who love to see my works.
kurumuz doesn't want you to know this, but the models on civit are free, you can just download them.
this game is so cute
miside was made by 2 people and was a bigger success than that shitty bioware game that cost like 200 mil+.
yeah i follow a lot of gaming news
talent goes to the top
you sound like a chud
whats a chud
>passion project by well-adjusted Russians
>soulless corporate slop by DEI tranny niggers
Not surprising desu.
It's what we search on twitter to find the lewds, sir.
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it's like a flag or pronoun in a twitter bio
any juicers in the chat?
How much you need, BMJ?
what's bmj? black male jigga?
Thank you anon for genning my wife
I have been gone for a while, I have disappointed my wife by not genning her...
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penis too big
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bit more refined egg:
Local should do what NAI did and rename it to square bikini.
How about we do a hostile takeover on danbooru and start fixing their shit tagging?
they do need an intervention or two
A least it's not r34 bad with at least 7 duplicates per image
But yeah it's shit
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yea sure, the models with baked in styles. Then the character lora's further cramming in. Then concepts and style lora's just shitting on whats left. comfy is the only way to actually tinker with all that stuff messing with your style by offsetting sampling steps in tiers but im not looking at that spaghetti mess again.
Shitmixing pony and illustrious will continue until morale improves
>hear mixed opinions on the V4 update
>can't trust people with skill issues or shills
>only way to test is by paying, and possibly regretting
They should give you some daily free gens like every other AI art generator site.
Krake loras when?
catbox? cute style
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someone didn't keep up with the relentless march of LOCAL progress
can you at least run your posts through a grammar fixer so i can get baited by them instead of calling you an esl
well i stand corrected
in terms of accuracy it was 4>2>1>shit. rarely the 2 was better than 4, like 20% or less.
i doubled the batch size and halved the steps every time. i didn't cherrypick the bakes either, just took the last one.
i guess the old thing of batch 3 being the sweet spot might be correct????
fucking black boxes now i have to rebake everything again, i think batch 1 might be only if you don't have enough training data to prevent fry. when your dataset is 300+ images like this, batches good, too much batches bad.

I spent a good week testing parameters before and my conclusion is that it's all bullshit
the only thing i know for sure is that dataset numba 1, GIGO
oh there's chipa in there, no wonder i felt something was familiar.
guess i'll need to try out ΣΙΗ.
thanks mate.
im tellin you the funny greek letters mix is good
Sure but then you get into tagging AND IT'S EVEN MORE BULLSHIT
That's why I'm glad I need zero loras on Noob

that would kill their reputation and then their company. 99% of people can't prompt for shit, including their own staff.

the label is accurate.
i last tried chipa on both noob's eps and vpred, but it was rather unbaked.
is ΣΙΗ a finetune to have improved the style? or is it a model / lora merge?
tagging really isn't that complicated if you think like an AI
we tested back when mininai was a thing
>when everyone said it was shit
that didn't happen. it was immediately obvious that it's better than local unless you were in hardcore denial.
Complicated? No. Not having any consistency when it comes to results? Sure?
I've baked the same datasets on the same settings and seeds with completely different tagging and the tagsets I'd consider significantly cleaner and better tagged were often worse in results than just pure ultra-low-filter sloppa.
the model page says (the way it's written you can tell it's a real one and not some jeetsl)

res + beta scheduler

noob eps finetunes -> vpred + noob vpred finetunes -> various incest maneuvers

(illPersonalMerge_v30, noobieater_v30, obsessionIllustrious_v3, obsessionIllustrious_vPredV10, catTowerNoobaiXL_v15Vpred, noobaiCyberfixV2_10vpredPerp, EasyFluffXLVpred, some loras and manual layer scaling)
cant say ive experienced the same, if i do a shit job tagging i can usually fix it and get a better result on same settings
in my own testing, i found batch 3 to be ideal for my usecases (dataset size ~200).
i found that b4 can lead to some artifacting if the dataset is very high in similarity (poses, colors, etc., i.e. cg sets / artists that draw the same compositions).
usually i perform a bake in b3 and if i notice any underbaking / non-convergence (in the loss), i switch to b4.
i particularly find b4 more effective when dealing with datasets with 500+ images.
anyway, i've mostly been training on styles and have yet to experiment with how all this influences concepts/characters.
Model mixing is the ultimate snakeoil
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nigger, go back to those threads. it was a month straight of people shitting on it, legit claiming 1.5 was better. I said i would screencap it for posterity and I did.
problem with concepts is that i'm often running on sub 100 dataset size, i used to run into a lot of problems
well if theres one thing about naiv4 its that it ACTUALLY is good at obscure waifus. naiv3 it was a fucking lie, v4 if they have 40 images it at least knows their face which is sufficient for porn usually
perhaps you can try to augment the dataset with crops + flips + rotation + marginal brightness / hue shifting? should be able to squeeze out +20 images or so.
but yeah i do agree that concepts are tough when there's just not enough source material
it's just one unironic naishill. weird dude. probably the same that constantly brings up the anthropic guy
Happy belated March 7th, folks
I was there. Those are cherrypicked comments of pure freetard copium and trolling. There were plenty of anons who quickly realized how good it was.
Nobody expected it to be good so first 2 days were like "oh it knows some characters but who cares when local is so heckin good with wholesome loras and controlnet" but that didn't last long.
v4's main issue is that it doesn't mix styles and it looks like crap and it doesn't seem like those issues are going anywhere until anlatan themselves fix the model's problems.
right, there's a lot of data augmentation that can be done, and the reason it's such a small dataset is i'm avoiding censorship, when you can actually add in a few of those without it causing issues.

i did some tests back in the day with mixing in 50% closeups and 50% other shots for a concept and it worked extremely well. this part specifically might be good for styles too, like for eyes or genitals or whatever
is it feasible to train an artist lora with only 10 images
nyo (no cap)
why are all shit mixes so overexposed? look at this shit
I should try handtagging a dataset and see if it's any better (it probably won't be)
That looks pretty normal. Especially for CivitAI.
furfags are retards
there is no substitute for manual tagging (should be autotagger correction, 100% is insanity). if you do a good job it WILL help
because they train on ai images high high average luminance
i suppose that the beta scheduler is the one from this paper? arxiv.org/abs/2407.12173 - seems like an interesting read
not quite sure what 'res' refers to though.

guessing that one of the other models used in the merge is a finetune that led to more 'style knowledge' being offloaded into the resultant.

still on the fence on mixes vs finetunes, but i guess i'll try it out for myself to draw a conclusion
This is so fucking embarrassing.
yes but it'll overfit poses, concepts, backgrounds, etc
>I'm expected
from who?
>100% is insanity
It's not terrible for a single lora but I do wonder if it'll help. I guess I'll see in an hour or two.
yup augmentation does help quite a bit.
i quite often introduce close-ups of high frequency areas of interest into the train set such as the eyes, genitals or any other stylized component that the artist tends to focus on.

from my own experience, censorship is quite alright in most recent models so long as its tagged well.
training on 1.5 on the other hand was a different story.
too much censorship and it becomes baked in.
even partially censored data caused pussies to become horrendously mangled
not chubby enough
nice nipples
i don't see forehead and legs literally glowing in other shitmixes
anyway, i'd been meaning to ask, how did you get your XY plots in dark mode
It would be simpler to make another database and add more tag and more less restricted data
>v4's main issue is that it doesn't mix styles and it looks like crap

underwhelming yea, but it can mix artists. It's just really fucking hard.
watch out for some indian with 2000 puppet account to redeem all his daily free gen
>cfg 7
I dont know, a real mystery
it's in the settings bwo
I wouldn't say the data is that bad, especially compared to other hentai sites. It's just the tags are both beyond basic and also not consolidated enough, paradoxically.
i have another 300+ censored sex machine images if i ever feel like tagging more...haha...
fuck. im retarded bwo
didnt realize i could scroll down more
>That new model arch comfy was using today looks promising
I wonder what that retard even meant. Cascade? Lol
perhaps you can try to introduce around 50 censored images (with varying styles, angles and compositions) to your train set.
i don't think you need to go all the way for the 300+.
if you can afford the train time, just keep upping the dataset until you get a result you're satisfied with.
the main thing is introducing a good amount of style / comp differences so that you don't end up with a style baked into the concept lora as well.
it's up
i think it's pretty good right now so no plans at the moment. for style bias, zeroing out the relevant down block weights and doing rank stabilization kills the vast majority of it
cursed model
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i see, i have yet to try messing with block weights and rank stabilization.
is there a general guide to which blocks correspond to concepts / characters / styles?
Let me start a sampler + scheduler war.

For samplers, Euler and Euler A is all you need and for schedulers Simple and Karras is all you need.
There is nothing "better" about any of the other ones. Other combinations just result in a different images and claiming one to be better than other is like claiming one seed is better than other. It's all just random. You are not missing out on anything if you don't use some schizo combo like Euler SMEA Dy with KL Optimal, or DPM++ 2M CFG++ with Align Your Steps
If it works and produces an image with the model, then it is a valid combination of sampler and scheduler and good for you.

The only knob you really need to care about is the seed. Adjust that. Many of the other knobs in the UI work just like the seed. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes not.
it doesn't really work like that, it's an upscaling/downscaling thing the ai does in training. the tl;dr is the "Important Block" section in the second article. i haven't really messed with adjusting numbers, i just turn em on and off.


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you've been trying to do this for a week now and it's still retarded today
Okay Satan
He's right though
alright, thanks for the resources mate.
i'll check em out
Should you escape parenthesis in training tags? I never remember.
i will definitely shill --network_args rank_stabilized=True as much as possible because after i turned it on there was an immediately noticeable color bias from the dataset that it killed, i didnt even realize it was there
good question
any sampler that nai doesn't have is a good sampler. not about to solve my differential equations in the same way as some paypiggie
CHADMIX General. NTRMIX cucks can sit in the chair.
organic posts
two points here:
cfg++ can replace cfg rescale in fixing the base v-pred models tendency to make blue, red or extra dark gens
smea-dyn lets you gen at higher base resolution without issues, although it is now obsoleted by RAUnet
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incredible background, i tip my hat to you good sir
oh cool. i'll try that out.
do you by any change know where to put this setting in for easyscripts?
She looks like she's clinically depressed.
i have no idea if it works or not since i gave up on ezscripts, but i believe it goes in the box at the bottom, extra network args or something? you can put in whatever you want in there comma separated
And for every positive thing you can think about, there is also a negatives. Sure some have some niche uses, but you are always sacrificing something when you want to hyperfocus on a very specific thing.
You don't really sacrifice anything With Euler/Euler A and Simple/Karras. Those are the baselines that you start with. No other Sampler & Scheduler combo is a direct upgrade that works better as a baseline.
alright, i didn't notice that there.
i'll take a look through the frontend code to see how it integrates with the backend before i give it a try
https://github.com/kohya-ss/sd-scripts/pull/1870 for details on why it's good, i think the graphs are pretty convincing
thanks for the data, appreciate it
The entity that burned a zeroday in order to hack and leak the first NovelAI model is still out there.

Maybe if they get their hands on more zerodays, they can do the funny thing again. You never know.
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gambare broski
cute piercings
but there's unironically nothing we really want from nai right now
But why would I need some shitty SaaS models that makes blurry shit unless you hoodo voodoo a precise artist order
It's over...local won...
asura (asurauser)
I sitll want v3
>>>>paying to generate AI images
My x/y is soon ready comparing ntrMIXIllustriousXL_xiii to nnaillousXlSeries_n13naillousXl
Which one do you think is gonna win?
I didnt say the data is bad but if your goal is to make a hentai model then its not enough
its ayakon
v4 has some really sick tech like the regionprompt and source/target
naillous was my little nigga until it took the ntrmix pill.
i'm not fucking using ntrmix because of its name.
and i'm not using scattower because cathagfaggot uses it.
simple as.
you will never be a pillar if you use shit models. use noob 0.5 eps
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cool but shouldn't the scanlines be horizontal
says who?
i didn't prompt for scanlines, it just did that
be gentle
Why are they all mad?
i only use sub 1k downloads models because i'm not a sheep
Same, brother. Until they sell out and stop being underground.
>naillous contaminates itself with ntrmix
>chadmix contaminates itself with CHina Tower
You interrupted them
So this is the power of SCIENCE
gods damn im finally done and it was only 105 images
i know this won't even improve the output kek
good luck mate.
i usually prefer using autotagging followed by a review of the tags before i even start tagging by hand
manual tagging is the only way to get actually correct image composition tags, havent seen an autotagger that can do it

and stuff like how many people, no you fucking faggot it's not "multiple girls, 1girl, 3girls" it's 2girls you dumb bitch
I always did that but autotagging really is messy as shit on closer inspection. This is mostly out of curiosity though, I barely use loras nowadays.
What are we genning today?
gacha sluts i guess
pov cowgirl otoko no ko
that's cowboy
I just run it with a higher confidence cutoff like 0.7 then add in the missing tags by hand.
who's the hottest whore in honker spacetrain
this is the way
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v29+whatever changes the colour and shading
Eh honestly from my tests that's basically like adding 70% of them anyway because it's often over confident on shit tags and needs like 0.05 confidence to get the actual composition and action.
How small is the average penis of hdg visitors?
that bitch with the tiny glasses. kekfa or something
that's kinda cute, it's a bit fuzzy though especially the nipple looks weird
what's the tag for this pose?
not bad...
>sph is kinda cute
cute qq nips
i don't see the h it's just sp
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also im pretty sure you want to use the specific family relation tag instead of the general "sibling"
that's average
That's it. I've decided that I'm going to masturbate today.
>31 pics left

c'mon, fill 'er up. I have hagposting to do
>earthquake in india
>/hdg/ becomes eerily quiet
no way
>find a cool lora
>it's trained fucking eps 1.1
sorry that was me
i farded
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I was asleep...
How do you train for Vpred? What base model to use?
pretty much anything except eps 1.1 is fine in my experience, most of the loras I use are trained on eps 0.5 or illustrious
so this is the powerino of naiv4
naiv4 gens are certainly... novel... at least
nta, genuine question, what's the point? like, look at the code, all it do is just scale not by your alpha, but by square root of your alpha. why not just set like 16/4, 64/8, 256/16 then?
naibros i need help, try this for me.

lan yan (genshin impact), fully naked, 1girl, artist: torriet, artnip, mochirong, thick thighs, nude,.
v4 is a very accurate model btw.
man i dont fuckin know all i know is that literally everything i tried that was not dim=alpha looked worse than dim=alpha and that this stablization shit looked better than not using it

its all empirical
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I don't know the average size of hdg anon. But what I do know, is that your gen is missing a BIG FAT man.
it came out better than expected
Very good pic, local could never.
Came here to say this
why is it so CFG:2
loras trained with that flag enabled are around 25% larger and train more slowly so it's doing more than that
How do I find Loras that work on Noob vpred?
train them yourself. Can't trust other bakers
just look for loras that were trained on illu0.1 or vpred1.0
they all do wym
have you tried with alpha=sqrt(dim) to compare results?
fully naked isn't even a proper tag dumb esl
Don't you need to set some flags for vpred training? I'm out of the loop.
no but it would be interesting to see the difference
Loras made for illustrious 0.1 and up eps noob work perfectly fine.
well idk, code look like a meme honestly
for me it's futanari, taker_pov....
If I put partially undressed in negs, will I get a fully nude or fully dressed 1girl?
Illustrious released 1.0 model (upgrade from their 0.1) and no one cares.
Is it that bad?
how do you cope with the cocks always looking so malformed and disgusting?
isn't it paywalled?
I only train on base illustrious now, worked the best fo me even when using on v-pred
my headcannon is network dropout at 0.1 makes it work better on further finetunes
fucking hate froren
shit pic
it feels underbaked
might as well use noob
i did a bunch of testing on network dropout and i just ended up having to train more because it would learn slower
it's not actually an upgrade from 0.1, it looks almost identical and has the same issues as 0.1, most importantly the heavy use of lowres art in training which degrades image quality
In my testing having the three dropouts at 0.1 was just better overall
nta I've always used "completely naked" instead of "completely nude" not even realizing it's wrong
still worked totally fine
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Where do you people even come from, we tested that shit day 1, it's an improvement over the 0.1 version but still fucking dogshit by today's standards, noob vpred and his shitmixes are way better
It does mushy cunny gens quite well tho
yeah you might as well just turn down the LR instead
rank and module dropoout might have some utility though
it will still work because the ai is not THAT stupid but if there's a proper tag you should use it
That was me with full body
Yeah but HOW do I do that? Just searching for Noob vpred 1.0 lora doesn't seem to work
I just gen good-looking cocks instead.
Is there any models that work similar to naiv3 with artist mixes?
I'm disappointment enough with v4 to drop it but I don't want to lose all my favorite mixes
lmao, seems like it based art from Artnip
I like the skin shine he does on the asses.
yeah that's expected
but the result is not reliant on a single path through the neural net, so a merge or finetune changing some neurons shouldn't mess it up as easily
Some artist mixes are hit or miss on local, if your NAI mix has ANY chink artist on it then it's sadly more than likely that you won't be able to replicate it on local
artist mixing is so fucked in v4
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Which one activates your neurons more?
>inb4 /e/
I gotta establish the mood first.
I couldn't get it to produce clean styles without a bunch of schizo negs, same as illu 0.1. And artist knowledge is lacking compared to noob, even if you discount the e621 dataset.
>pubic hair
none of them tbqh
is there a tag for girl grabbing guy face in male pov?
asses are NOT spheres
>breasts not sagging
Right if she kept then sunglasses down, now it's about 50/50
That said I do appreciate hagposting, thanks anon.
>fully naked
i always used it with v3
i dont think so on booru? maybe e621? but if youve paid your taxes you could try source and target tags on nai
no but they should be
just like torpedo tits
Looks like a mature woman. Is it an OC? If not, tell me her name so that I can do her justice by giving her to a FAT man
it's Briar from Pokemon SV
When did I ever say they are?
dommy hags are boring and old
timid hags give that sweet gap moe
closest is probably reaching_towards_viewer
Hags need pubic hair they'll die without it
It is what it is anon
I'm personally not a condomfag but I do like the trope of
>Well the condoms are gone now what
If the story just ends after one round of condom sex it's shit tho
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>I couldn't get it to produce clean styles without a bunch of schizo negs, same as illu 0.1
Correct, you need a lora to stablize it because surprise surprise, it has the same problems as illust 0.1
But, I have to say that it's more stable, it follows my prompt better and it can handle higher native base gens quite well

Again, it's not that bad but it adds nothing to what we currently have
condoms used for safe sex (or not) are fine, but holding them up or wearing them as belts or whatever is fuckin gross
>uoh on the sign
If you mean used ones I agree but just the wrapper is pretty inoffensive
the hentai condom is fucking boring
only the most breastiful of women
it's meant to be part of a gross gang bang type thing where you are the 15th person to enter, I cannot understand this being a fetish someone wants but I can't understand most of the unhinged hentai fetishes
I like "condom on penis". Gives a nice contrast without relying on BBC
who up 1girling their gens?
I hope the next challenge is girls emptying cum from condoms into their mouth
uhhh okay?
i already genned my gens for today
im only here to keep tabs on the latest and greatest snakeoil
Honest, non-shitpost opinions on NAI4?
one of the best things about anime is that stds dont exist
hate condoms
gift me a key kurumuz and i'll tell ya
Two steps forward, five steps back.
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i love training directly on screenshots
bros do you train style loras with character tags?
i'm facing an issue for an artist that mostly draws his oc where the style becomes binded to the character tag unintentionally.
shit on account of too few parameters. I'd be amazing if kurumuz wasn't such a greedy bastard and made it 7B at least. What's even the point of that coreweave cluster when you're only going to provide tiny models to customers.
shouldn't be a problem if you tag everything accordingly
>too few parameters
but it has much more knowledge than all local anime models?
it's ok
i've tagged all instances of the character with the appropriate tag. (illu/noob recognizes the character out of the box too)
i'm wondering if its due to not using any tags for the style.
should i just remove the character tag?
well yes
mixing artists is the only reason to use imagegen nowadays
if the model already recognizes the character and you tag her

otherwise >>8493925 train the character first, merge that lora into the model and train your style on this merge
yeah you might want an activation tag
I did not modify the metadata.
what are your go to artists to check for white balance anons

finally someone enlightened

Noob would have had good knowledge if they didn't fumble the TE
Last model I got was 29+1, what are ya'll using?
one schizo has turned the tides
1+29 is now a dumpster-tier model
for such cases, is there no way to create a style lora without activation tag?
the dataset is about 80% the oc character
I'm imagining this like merunyaa where most of his pics are of the red-skinned succubus, so the style tag also brings her out. But she has fanart from other artists, so you could train a lora on her (with a new character tag) using mainly other people's styles, then do >>8493940 and caption her with your new tag
what's in the ssr tier rn?
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I removed 'toned' and added belly + breast sag just to see what the impact would be
we all went back to autismmix
its nai
base noob, apparently
too shiny
why is her skin glazed rubber
Shiny skin prompt from a previous LoRA that I forgot to remove
needs more nyalia:2.0
why did we abandon pony if people are going to gen in the ponyslop style regardless
covered nipples
areola slip
well you could try copier method as other anons suggested
Is local inpainting different from nai?
yeah honestly where the fuck are the covered nipples hello
yes, quite a lot, you need to tinkering with it sometimes
alright thanks for the advice
nai inpainting is inpainting at 100% power
local inpainting is inpainting at around 25% power
nyes posts makes my cock hard
mate pony is one thing
people intentionally make models and loras to get aomsloppa style
chroma is going to be so good bros
looks like v4
>there is an "unbuttoned" tag
>there is no "buttoned" tag
throw open clothes in your negatives
look at this naijeet trying to cope that local won
when the fuck will base 1.0 vpred release
don't ever utter that term again
it's Undesired Content, not negatives
>He doesn't gen using the checkpoint and lora first before moving onto artists later
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I like when I'm trying for a certain image and the AI accidentally gives me something even better than I originally wanted. I guess I'm supposed to be upset at poor prompt comprehension though.
We--the artist and creative community--commonly refer to these as happy accidents.
I feel like most of the best images i get are like that
Maybe i'm really uncreative
you are
what the jeet doin
Not really comparable. NAI technically has infill, not inpaint. You can't sketch things in NAI and adjust denoise strength (unless you're using something like the API webui extension), it simply replaces everything according to the prompt. Also their updated blending in v4 (and backported to v3) is a ton better. I think it's just some sort of exponential falloff blur but point still stands.
I'm coming around on it. I haven't even come close to recreating the styles I liked from v3 but it's a bit more flexible than I first thought. I've just had to go digging through danbooru for new artists.
Natural language prompting feels retarded but it does just work for some things and in combination with tags makes some things easier to achieve than they were in v3. Overall it feels far less gacha.
I think I finally realized why people call AI slop
Even when I make an image that I feel is adequate I'm just like "Meh if I gen another 1000 images I can get something better" but the "Surprisingly good image that actually meets my expectations and gets me truly excited" never comes.
It doesn't get my heart racing like seeing an actual artist tweet out something that perfectly nails my fetishes
getting really fucking tired of beds with long ass pillows
Happy accidents, to quote Bob Ross. Most of mine look like this, where I'm prompting one girl and they multiple like rabbits, can't argue with the results though.
Sounds like a you problem to me
inb4 the human soul tweet.
That's why you don't mass slop and carefully inpaint 1 gen to perfection instead
this and also take breaks from AI once in a while
Localsis here.

Here's one better
Nah, I don't feel that way about 2d. I just like the technology and how well it replicate the styles. The closer it gets the more exciting it is.
small white pillows
large black pillows
why do all wai gens rook same
i put big black pillows in my undesirable content
I mean, if you watch porn all of the time, after a while it stops working. it becomes commonplace, the norm.

So yeah, take the day off genning smut, or if you absolutely must gen something today like an addict, then gen some normal shit. Try to make your own Star Wars spaceship, or Star Trek, or 40K, or whatever else you're into that's not about inserting a penis in a vagina for the strategic purposes of arousal.
>fried and incoherent details
uh... right
the hair ornament isn't right
>wrong hair
>wrong eye color
localbros i dont feel so good
textbros cmon, only 885 posts left for 3k!!!!
because it fray
egg fray rice
new thread when, this one has become stale.
I unironically thought you got that from a 2023 archive to bait
It has a delicious cock!
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i have removed big black pillows from my undesirable content
bigger, blacker
plush black pillows...
Take the "white background" pill
>gen base image, white background
>composite background in, draw crude lighting
>upscale image
>looks beautiful
>white background 1.6M
Real artists know what's up.
this looks like venti
>dated model is unable to gen FOTM sluts
better start training that lora!!
Bigger, blacker
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Nai wins again
jp artist discovers advancement in AI animation and is now motivated to draw more due to it
I was under the impression troons hate it and had a mass exodus to bluesky or whatever it's called?
straight and white actually
Why does /hdg/ hate black men but love black women?
Bit hypocritical innit?
they all flocked back to x after about a week after realizing bluesky sucks shit for porn
what style is this
exceedingly based
>love black women?
I don't "love" black women. I just want to get them all pregnant. It's different.
not black. brown. and the good kind.
I want to be a black woman
Could you please discuss shitmixes and other stuff somewhere else? I'm here for cool (nai) pics. Thanks.
i want to have sex with black women but i dont want to have sex with black men
that is not bad at all
which artist makes plenty cum actually be plenty and having some volume?
There are no black women in this thread, anon.
NAI back artist mixing boys. Check it
>and having some volume?
what sound does cum even make? i cant hear mine at all
holy testicular torsion!!!
You need to do some kegels, anon.
still waiting for a local model to be on par with kling
wan is so close yet so far
Time to write a script that converts all x links to xcancel. Typing that manually every time one of you fags decides to repost yet another garbage link is getting annoying.
I can do that with my balls
we need a cum tierlist
yeah cuz they're detached cuz ur an eunuch
official LN artist vs mix?
unironically yes, unless you use a lora, some of them just don't make it look good/erotic at all
1girl, 1boy, vaginal, spoken heart
I prompt this
My guy if you don't see anything wrong with these images, go to a doctor immediately.
Yes and no. The thing that makes it so much better is a custom inpainting model.
Better than local on almost everything that's not artist mixing, which is funny because most of the anime art and AI slop is literally just 1girl standing, so all the other advantages are not that important for most people. Also I expected way bigger difference from 16ch vae. They are using the flux one, but it doesn't look anything like it. I suspect they are using some latent compression like in stable cascade if anyone remembers that
1girl, 1boy, pov, sex, anal, jitome, expressionless, looking at viewer, puff of air
I came a bit
fine I'll redo them with the right direction
>puff of air
what's that?
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>Discovered wildcards
This is fucking great, I don't have to be in front of my PC anymore, I can just hit gen forever and go about my day, coming back a couple hours later to hundreds of new porn images to fap to.
this guy slops
flux chroma ahh gen
>happy of being a mass slopper
now all you need is a script to auto upload them to your patreon, pixiv and rule34 and it turns into a money printer
>auto upload them to your patreon, pixiv and rule34
You forgot /hdg/.
yeah i was serious
i got a boner
Yeah yeah yeah, as if you fuckers were some advant-guarde artists in your own right, pretending to make something original by mixing artists styles like a bunch of losers in your own right.

Fuck that, I'm making my porn. I have a good 9-5 waggie job, I'm not hurting for money, I don't need to make shekels from coomers to make a living. I may post my shit here just for shits and giggles, but I'm sure as fuck not starting to make sets of whores getting fucked 3-4 times a week for patreonbux
why are newfriends like this
wildcard guide?
Why is it so vanilla?
>implying anyone here hasn't been here since 2022
dont pretend we all werent slopping the fuck out of porn when you started
im glad i deleted my older folders because i look back at what i was making and cringe
let me test for free, and I'll tell my opinion.
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Concept-wise is godlike, a shame you can't get a decent style to gen with so it defeats the purpose.
speak for yourself i never made cringe but it is kinda low quality
https://youtu.be/bQK5diN59NA?si=jmz4oIyXqNRWDF7V [Embed]

My tastes are vanilla. And like I posted I just discovered this. I'll play with it a bit more, but for now all I have is sex poses and lingerie types, I'll add some more shit later on and make it more varied.
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>linking video guide
oh no
its retarded
You are making us localsisters looks bad.
Please drop video guides and READ.
Ok wholly hand-tagged lora update
It allowed me to pick an earlier epoch and is also better at artists because of it
Composition wise literally no difference
I bet you could do something similar just by tweaking training settings at less effort but eh I'll take it
You were a newfriend as well, fucking faggot.
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>/hdg/ has become so contrarian that even watching videos is somehow the wrong thing to do
literally my dad telling me to turn off the movie im watching because i should be reading the book instead
fuck off boomer, words are for losers
i told you
Uh no
>jerking off to this
I guess people pay csr thousands of dollars per month too...
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>pantyhose on the beach
pov: anon from yesterday
kudos to you for taking critique in stride and improving yourself
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Holy shit
fuck.... sexy hentai...
its nai
owari da
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resrgan anime 6b moment
iirc 6b had thicker lines
what a shit upscaler though
hentia sexy fuck
sexy bitch
naruto naked pics xxx feet
naruto can turn into girl with ninjatsu so it is not gay as he is girl with girl feet very cute trust me
It's the pony of nai
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Is there an extension that would detect and put lora activation tags automatically? I remember one existing but I can't find it anymore
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can someone generate this but the man is sitting and the women is standing,because i can't.
so like... futa on male?
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It's called the webui
no i mean male pov sitting on toilet and women standing and jerking him off
yeah I know about this one but I think there was an extension that detected the tag and added it. maybe I'm hallucinating though
so much this
I just did breast press and holding [whatever object]. Played around with RNG until it gave me that pose, then I put it into controlnet to always get the same pose.
>look for gui batch image resizer that lets you choose lanczos and proportion settings (yes i know imagemagick exists)
>first one i found is some russian thing that gates more than 1 processing thread past a license
godbless respect the hustle
use nai
>>8491142 (OP)
Add NAI to the OP or I won't post my masterpieces.
nobody wants to see that slop
I do
how do we redeem nai?
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
Troll thread.
Bake a new thread, I shan't be using that one.
you should have deleted the that thread
There is no proper way to detect the activation tag of a lora unless the baker explicitly adds additional metadata for it which then would require an extension that specifically reads that specific metadata.
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explain what's wrong with that thread without sounding like a samefag
It and this one are both titled #705 which is wrong.
I'm not reposting my 2hu's there.
New Thread:

>>8494218 →
>>8494218 →
>>8494218 →
one schizo obsessed with making the thread OP is bad enough, we shouldn't reward a second
>shit op
shan't be going there. bake the REAL thread
I see, thanks. I was hoping there was a "dick sandwiched between bellies" pose or something
kill yourself, retard.
reduce, reuse, recycle. don't be a literal baby throwing a tantrum.
>don't be a literal baby throwing a tantrum
the irony
there wasn't a thread war or anything though? the threads were made within seconds of eachother. one was made by a literal faget but they made it first so the thread was used with no friction.
And no, calling someone a faget in the (then dead) thread is not "throwing a tantrum" on the same level of making yet another new thread for no fucking reason rather than using an already made thread.
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8494218 →
>>8494218 →
>>8494218 →
>one thread with clearly made a significant amount of time before the other
choice is pretty clear

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