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Space Station Edition

Previous Thread: >>8491142 →

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 | https://civitai.com/models/1232765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgz/edit | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

>>8494218 (OP)
Previous Thread Highlights:


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>shitty fried gilgamesh twice
I think it's really odd that you include so much of the challenge images as they will get highlighted in another collage that's posted later in the thread anyway. It might be for the best if you didn't include those and give attention to other images instead or pair down the collage if there aren't any good images.
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can you not
how's your patreon/pixiv doing, fellow anons?
whats wrong?
challenge when
why is ranma so popular again?
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because he's hot.
>229 mb lora trained on 5 images
>gallery full of civitai slop
i just can't with this fucking website
the main page still crashes if you start searching for shit when you enter
absolutely embarrassing
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>>8494218 (OP)
>>8494218 (OP)
>>8494218 (OP)
challenge 706!

last entries
do better characters like GACHASLOP
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the anotomy isn't fucked she is just kneeling
how do you get those horns?
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it was a pretty funny manga
900/18=50 images
but yeah, there's like 4 images in the whole gallery that look like they even used the lora
you picked a better character this time
>900/18=50 images
that's implying he doesn't use repeats?
he says 5 images in description and provides the dataset with those 5 lowres slop images
>>8493133 →
really nice style
Sad that he actually had to mention the tails, should be the par for the course.
i just used, glowing multicolored_horns, evil aura, evil energy
right, my bad
weird that Civitai doesn't show repeat count
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idk man looks pretty similar to me
Isn't this a girl from league of legends? A western, non-anime game?
riot is basically a chinese psyop
Owned by Tencent.
come on man you already used this bait on another challenge post
Is it really that hard to pick from one of the billions of anime sluts? Why choose a non anime character in an anime board?
you mean in these threads? Ranma is pretty popular overall. But I don't think more than 2 people are posting Ranma slop in here or on /edg/
do you really think this is gonna work
don't worry next challenge will be marge simpson
it hasnt the last 50times he did it but i have a good feeling about this one
explain the 4.1k posts of her on danbooru
just report and move on
western characters are basically the only other thing than lolicon that gets deleted
>81 images
doesnt count
Pony v7 will save local.
>frieren just got her season 2 announcement
>instead lets do this gook fox bitch from a dying chink moba
>last challenge was from another chink game
these challenges suck

>5 posts of just 2 images
>all posted in the same day
Flux Chroma will save local
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looks good
is there a way to get vectorscope (or something like it) to work with noob/wai?
nice parororo
Why would it not work?
I told him three times to do more niche characters
even posted gens with those
this thread sucks
yeah my balls
I thought Ahri was already going more niche but i'll take an under 1k image char next
explain why without radiating anger
It doesn't seem to work for Illu-derived models for me in reforge.
Not sure why if this is normal or if something's broken.
>I thought Ahri was already going more niche
>the most popular character in one of the most popular online games in the world
you have to be trolling at this point
sub 500 image or bust
Tbf the more niche you go, the less people will want to try, I mean, there are already less than 20 anons participating.
so far I have avoided characters you need a lora to look passable
thats pretty good for a thread with a max of 30 unique posters
ahh, if you are on ReForge, use https://github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-cd-tuner
it's better than Vectorscope
is our future metric for if we are dead going to be challenge entry lower numbers...
you're in it
>i'll take an under 1k image char next
Don't worry about that, just pick an actual anime/manga character next time.
box pwease
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And in return?
did you drawn this?
A kiss on the lips
>stripping nai metadata
>in 2025
Maybe you should stop copying others?
kino tag:
biting own lip
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>6 Ellen gens
>1 badly cropped gen on the second collage
Can you at least put some effort into those
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I don't think i've ever seen an attractive albino girl in real life
he's just an attention whore shitposter. I don't know why you think he could be anything else at this point.
Case in point that he decided it absolutely necessary to make this thread rather than reusing an already made duplicate thread.
is the highlight or challenge poster better
You never got the bubble skirt to work or it was too much hassle to even try?
they're both incredibly damaging but in different ways.
highlightfag is a long con.
challenge fag is crash with no survivors. Worse because he also samefags half his "submissions" to make it look like there's more people contributing than there are.
they're both schizophrenic autists and neither are desirable in any capacity.
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I did some tests some time ago, I managed the get the general outfit but I would have to inpaint all the details and while posible is going to take me a while
I don't really care if it's niche or not, Ahri is such a boring fucking character from a boring fucking game. Could've chosen some random Touhou character or Kancolle or even Blue Archive and it would be more appropriate than some mobashit character played by the most normiest of chinks and Americans. Ellen at least gets a pass because a lot of Japanese artists actually draw her as opposed to Ahri.
if we listened to purists like you it would literally only be asuka over and over again
>he also samefags half his "submissions" to make it look like there's more people contributing than there are.
holy mental illness
Sounds like a (you) problem then. The point of the challenges is to build a community and fuck over nogens, not pleasing your particular tastes in specific.
>only cringevelion is trve anime
holy tourist
>the most normiest of chinks and Americans
but enough about touhou
I applaud this persons massive range of styles and effort in genning per thread, truly the greatest pillar of all
>mental illness
yes, that's exactly what the ****mix faget that's spamming challenges has.
why do samefags always complain about anything that's not a dead wasteland of a thread
Yeah. Guessed the bubble skirt would be a step too far unless it's tryhard day for some reason. Still, that leotard version is both real good and it's own thing so there is that.
do you really think we need 10+ gens of the same character on the same pose?
you know that is how any real life art class ever is done right, everyone in the circle draws the same thing
Got an anime remake IIRC
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cool opinion, on the other hand: I THINK TOUHOU SUCKS
is this art class
What is it supposed to mean in this context? I'm just asking for something more site and board appropriate, not another gook character that only Westerners and rapidly declining gook country artists draw.

Ahri isn't even anime. Go to her Danbooru and 99% are drawn by Westerners or gooks. Get better taste already.
why would anyone do a "challenge" from someone who isn't even contributing to the pool?
you're just following taking someone's request for free.
is inpainting on il 1.0 fucked or is it just me
i don't think this phrase is funny to anyone after you repeated it for like 20th time
complainers and whiners out in full force today i see
>Implying I ever said I liked Ahri
>Still missing the whole point
Holy retardism.
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wait what? really?
>is real
no way
this series is nice

If you have to even question why Ahri is such a lame fucking character to even gen then you should leave this site.
Gen something instead of complaining, retard.
simply skip this challenge then? rumao
very based gen, you just need to adjust the text a little better
worst fetish
its not ntr, they are siblings. you cant cheat on your brother lol
I thought about putting more effort in but laziness got the better of me.
Sure, NTR is worse than the borderline incestuous relationship.
if only /d/ would have a fraction of this gen imagination....
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real thread challenge
h... how am i supposed to do anything without a prompt?
could somebody - anybody - prompt me up some cowgirl pov, please? I'm giddy.
just follow your dick, bro
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well you have to look harder to find her
another one for the concession jar
1boy 1girl pov cowgirl position ahri \(league of legends\)
explain why you use eps pred 0.75
im going to post a submission for this threads challenge but im afraid i wont beat the fried allegations
Just Do It
now that the dust has settled, was nochekaiser really as bad as people made him out to be? or was he just another victim of pony?
why are the nipples bigger than her hand
calm down eps 0.5er
they got remodeled
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ass is round
tried other models and 0.75 was some that looked nice so i used that one
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i have entered the data augmentation hellhole send help
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This mommy is the only thing of value to have come out of Honkers in Space
why is it so anime?
why does she have a tiny bra on top of her head though
catbox plz?
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Silver Wolf > Kafka
ahribox? clean gen
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Your gens are getting better anon
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That one is v3 and from a month ago, anon...
where's my Kohaku_LoNyu_Yog brothers at
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nice idea
no one is making you do the challenge retard
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which one?
zamn, awkward.
try making your own style :)
dick is too high up and the balls are missing. the girl is fine.
its a childsren
i agree with other anon this is not correct
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Believe me, I wish v4 could do my preferred mix that well. Or, at the very least, I wish they’d go back to how mixing worked before the update because at least then I could get Ebora looking right.
i'm always here
why dead
i got warned for 'western / toon' art. Not even kidding.
Hahahaha what? Was jannie the one complaining about the challenge all this time?
can you box the first one?
hopefully next thread's challenge character can be kim possible
I was the second poster unfortunately, sorry.
I havent a clue ngl I used no artist tags and oekaki anons loras to make that gen, didn't think it fell under 'toon' art. Guess it's just the character choice.
i see, thanks anyways
requesting a box for this one
oh thanks
Do you guys animate your gens?
How do you get around doing it?
i drink vodka and bang my head on my dresser and the image looks like its moving
>uploaded my loras to a hf dump
>they got completely messed up, had their contents and names changed
didn't even know it could happen
don't upload 50+ loras to hf in one go, it's bugged
was the Rokurokubi neckjob not enough
tick the alt method checkbox
all the new splash art is soulless
they should make LoL classic the same way WoW did
How does this compare to Diffusion-CG? Which is also better than Vectorscope.
That was me, and no I didn't report so it was someone else that did that too. Deserved anyways.
it has a option to make images more detailed
also to blockout areas of color
oh sick, this is same guy behind some other recolor extension i forget which, he does good work
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>>8491302 →
what happened to the anon who made those?
found dead, exploring long forgotten ruins in Macau
he died on the way back to his home city
Still haven't killed yourself? How is your mom's health, all good?
Is this... 1girl standing??? ahhh ahh im cooming
Don't click this one, hentaibros. (Not that you can with litterbox DEAD.)
1.5 genners are a protected species be careful what you say to them
The rules say pretty clearly it's about style of images not content, but not every janny reads them so unless you go full anime_screenshot style it's always a risk. And with how the challenge triggers people too, you have at least a couple reports guaranteed.
Anyone got any good settings to train a Style Lora on OneTrainer?

I've gotten decent results but the loss always stays the same
>can open the embedded image just fine
>can't load the link at all
im more concerned about the lamp
just a classis nine-tailed fox ripoff
still very novel way back at the time, if released today she would just seeem generic
its local
her skins are cute
and she has a real personality in that bilgewater game
oh yeah there was that dating sim in the league client too, that was pretty good
felt like a retcon but yeah, game was alright
its nai (local)
>a real personality
Ahri didn't need a personality beyond "feral fox who got hit by stray magic and got the ability to shapeshift and also developed a taste for human flesh so she lures in men with sex before tearing them apart like the wild beast that she is"
somehow (ai-generated) means local lamp and shiny skin but WHY
becuase it was
if the local gen doesnt have the one highly detailed lamp, i dont wanna see it
medieval, dungeon, desk lamp
I am a lampsexual
lul >>8492499 →
they managed to convince y'all to stay in shitty threads because you desperately cling to something familiar
was the lamp present in 1.5?
(desk lamp focus:1.3)
uh oh melty
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>>8494101 →
Thanks anon I too love my slop
I need some artist recommendations. I like
>honjou raita
>happoubi jin
that reimu is turning into a worm
it's raita
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butiful henti
imagine her getting fucked by a bunch of tribals
Could I please get the tags? or a litterbox?
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that was with previous cat model, now trying 1.7 cat, I have like 10 diff models to mess with and each is good for various reasons: base 1.0 and v29 prob have the most flexibility for artist tags. still, like loras, you can use whatever you like or for the aesthetic you like. not limited to 1 checkpoint or 1 lora.
Would you still love Reimu if she was a worm?
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I sense drama
with whom?
make that 50
>>8493611 →
~30 images are enough to get the full character though, not just the face
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cat 1.7 vpred seems good, good colors and shading plus anatomy seems consistent

have to test with a variety of tags/styles though still
>>8493609 →
i still have yet to see an NAIv3 gen with a good style
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this is very far from what I would call good
though I suppose it is better than the previous cattowers
only applies if the character has one outfit that's drawn a lot, which doesn't always happen. my test case is kazakiri (senran kagura)
looks like high res aom
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its shitmix
its shit. needs more white background, oekaki:2
yeah you're not gonna get it with just 4-5 from what i can see
>Any model without artist tags
>WOW, nice SD 1.5 slop
when will anons understand that that's the point. So far, all the models converge to this look, even NAI.
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just...use artist tags
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what's the "old behavior" tho?
>So far, all the models converge to this look, even NAI.
nyope, v3 and illustrious didn't
with wai illustrious does it escape the curse of looking like utter shit without artist tags
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elves + alcohol
actually western characters are a big skill check because getting them in a hentai style requires fighting the character dataset
it's really grey, can you color correct this in ps or somethin
not my model
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orange_man still works
bro you forgot to color correct your log footage
t. chadmix tard
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big swords
I can never get a lora to work trained on a shitmix, only base illustrious, pony or SDXL
biiiiiiiiiig fucking shocker
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>illu 1.0
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noob vpred 0.6. home...
people suggest training loras on noob or before autismmix though
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>funny greek letters
because they are fucking stupid. or are huge newfags, or are trolling. hanlon's razor suggests it's primarily #1
2.0 or 3.0 is what matter. They will probably never get released.
illust 1.0 won
Why are the dudes white on the left then black on the right?
Who cares?
noob is a finetune. training on it is fine.
anyone who suggested training on autism was an actual literal retard.
what's the genuine unfiltered reason that training on a shitmix = bad & training on a pure finetune = good
it's just weights at the end of the day
What was the prompt even?
Him, because he asked.
why is it so
noob and autismmix aren't shitmixes. it's fine to train on a finetuned checkpoint or a checkpoint that has loras merged into it. you just shouldn't train on a checkpoint that's been merged with another checkpoint
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I need oyakodon.
Finetunes add new concepts sometimes and further tag understanding, they also have better overall compatibility. Shitmixes don't unless they merge a ton of loras in it, also they don't have any compatibility at all.
shitmixing often corrupts blocks.
this doesn't make it non-functional but it does make training on it a stupid fucking idea.
>a finetune
autism was the very definition of the WORST kind of shitmix. It wasn't a blockmerge or anything remotely sophisticated. The dude just merged it with random shit grade loras and that was it.
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>1girl, upper body, sitting, nude, 1boy, penis on face, blush, nervous, closed mouth, swept hangs, looking away, head turned, head tilt, crossed arms, nipples, beach, blue sky
But enough about blackwashing!
Hey bros I'm new to local slopping
On local do you prompt character different from nai?
I'm trying to do hood (azur lane) but all I get is random hooded girl
I know () is used for emphasis so I guess I need to switch that for something else
good work color correction-kun
grifter alert
>The dude just merged it with random shit grade loras and that was it.
that's why you can train a lora using it. it's just a lora merge and not a checkpoint merge
pretty gay to put effort into colour correcting someone elses cock, anon.
Whenever you use any tag that uses parenthesis, remember to add a \ before every parenthesis so the UI uses the literal sign instead of thinking it's attention.
1. nai has much better knowledge of characters in general
2. if you use a character that local uses such as ( [ : you need to escape it with a \ first. e.g. hood \(azur lane\)
i would never sleep rape anyone, not after the incident
that's not how that works. It might(and this is REALLY stretching the word "might") be okay if it's a SINGLE lora merged into the model but if you merge multiple they're going to fight over what blocks to overwrite and break shit.
Either way it's fucking retarded and there's no reason to do it when you can just train on the actual adjacent base model like a non-retard.
what checkpoint? noob checkpoints have the best character knowledge among local imo
i don't think that i've ever seen an actual technical explanation from someone who knows what they're talking about, but if you want to see an actual demonstration of why people say not to then you can download a 50 checkpoint merge model off of civitai and try training a lora on it. the resulting lora should be deep fried
that is how it works, there's a reason why sd-scripts has support for merging loras into your training checkpoint during runtime and why there are multiple guides for copier method training
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pony v7 looking good
Thanks bros, doesn't seem to have worked too well though, I guess it doesn't recognize her well

This one
Which I think is illustrious, I don't quite understand yet
ah, that's a very sloppy slopmix
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unfortunately illu/noob doesnt really know azur lane characters super well, often producing rather inaccurate results.
try this model instead tho:
May need a Lora for that character in specific https://civitai.com/models/364258/hood-xl-azur-lane
It's just a prank, bro.
This artist combination gives some... surprisingly decent results
people haven't done schizo babble copier shit since 1.5 era.
And you're only supposed to be merging a SINGLE LORA DURING THAT METHOD. And the whole point was to attempt to create a style neutral character lora to use on a non-merged model.
And, no, again, that really is not how it fucking works. There's a reason no one does this shit anymore and only ever did it during times where models were incredibly bastardized. Turns out it's a stupid idea when you have an actual base model capable of doing things.
is it so why
Thanks bros
I'm still going through dozens of models trying to figure out which style I like more
>dozens of models trying to figure out which style I like more
fyi you can prompt artists on these model anon
> d shit again
someone suggested doing that in the last thread. i think that a new guide for how to do it was posted this last week. i still do it all the time.
i've also done multiple loras merged into a single checkpoint for training and it was fine, the main issue was just that the effect of the two was diluted.
i've also trained on autismmix before and i believe that a lot of other people did and that also works fine. if you think that just producing subpar results is the reason why people say not to train using shit mixes then you really should try training on an actual checkpoint merge at some point. you shouldn't do it because it won't work as well, you shouldn't do it because it doesn't really work at all
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wai shuffle noob 2.0 seems to have better style understanding/coherence than cat, this is the same thing but with araki style and jojo in the prompt:

it has better colors than the wai 12.0 EPS model, will play around with it more
Yeah but I mean they look pretty different on different models, even the same mixes
Hell just changing sampling method seems to change a lot sometimes
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weight bumped to 1.2 with (araki hirohiko \(style\):1.2), now she's turning into jolyne

seems like a decent merge, the regular wai is fine but this is vpred and seems better than the 12.0, at least initial impressions.
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funny occultist stuff
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neat, the model knows trish
uhh thats a c hildrens
nah that's caffeine
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Colgate is a defensive support healer T-Doll from the Chinese Game GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2: EXILIUM
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colgate is toothpaste bro
why the fuck is she named colgate lmoa
her real name is Cellophane
her actual name is colphne but we all call her colgate for obvious reasons
fucking colgateshills
noob uses which loras? Pony or IL?
Gorgeous style, anon. Can you pls provide box?
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I love Colphene
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boxes please?
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always immediately after I post I get a much better gen ffs.
just use autismmix slopbro, its style and anatomy is so far ahead of anything noob or mixes managed to came up with for me
her name is chlorophyll
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great gens but stop adding unnecessary cum just to have an excuse to post them, be a man and post pure /e/
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thanks anon but the 1girl, standing, splotch of cum gene is strong in my veins. I don't want to get janny'd again.
Can anyone advice Lora which can replicate process when girl is fixed in machine and her nipples\vagina\mouth plugged with hoses and she's is in brainwashing process? Something like that one - https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6501688
>Notice that my gens are taking an absurd amount of time
>Worried my gpu might be dying
>Only then do I notice the 150 steps
>Second time today already
Is there a keyboard shortcut that maxes step count?
I don't think I'm miscicking the slider that often
i specialize in that
i will post a new version sometime soon
type instead ez fix
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Just... write.
best thing about naiv4
How would I go about that
alright then, if that's your thing that's okay, I thought you were just adding it for the sake of make it /h/
click on the text box...? are you stupid?
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Trying to use 2x-AnimeSharpV4 with Forge but it isn't working. How do I fix this?
activate the venv and do pip install -U spandrel spandrel-extra-arches
also place it in a folder named RCAN and not on the ESRGAN one
Wow, that' cool! Hope in future versions there'll be more mechanism variations and....maybe you can add a bit of earsfuck too or pumping liquids through hoses in to girl's body to reforge it in needed condition\shape? I think it can be trained with arts from artist Numeko, he has a lot of such content type.
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thats looks really good. looks like shes having a nice time
you can prompt the latter already with a bit of work. the former is actually quite difficult because most of the training data sucks ass, it's full of sound effects covering the vast majority of the image. there's just not a lot in the base model to train on. like how for example i had to remove the rotating wheels/brushes from the dataset because there's just no concept for it already

if you didn't already download the txt file, there is some help on how to use it in there
She's cute, colored eyelashes are based.
hags are not cute, they are sex
>also place it in a folder named RCAN and not on the ESRGAN one

Doesn't show up
you can just create it anon
esrgan? more like estrogen
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I created an RCAN folder and put it there and it's not showing up.
Estrogen is said to make men more gay and transexual
but does Estrogen make women cuter?
Have you updated reforge???
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I'm using forge, do I have to change to reforge?
Do what you think is best king
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I'm afraid the hyper dildos will have to /d/, saar
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Anyone know how to prompt this angle specifically and with no ambiguity? I keep trying “from below” because logically that should be all that’s necessary but it keeps fucking up if I try to do it with a spitroast.
very cute
I love the shading on the witch hat
>with no ambiguity
Bros I need help
Is there any script or tool to convert a NovelAI PNG image with alpha metadata to a JPG image with metadata?
Ask... ChatGPT.
if you can do command line theres imagemagick
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He must mean a toggle for setting v4 to how v3 behaved? In which case it isn't at all due to their model arch and its something else. I'm just as confused reading that though because it makes it even more unclear what the emphasis change(s) actually were, or what the old behavior even is as you said.
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lore accurate, btw
v4 and erato are like the poster children for how not to run a business and release an ai model. both over engineered, generally garbage and require the user to work their ass off for mediocre results
I had ChatGPT write me a dogshit script once but it lost the ability to just drag it back into NovelAI and load the metadata...
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I skimmed through the logs and its apparently just sampling/scheduling related which is why they're being so vague about it. Oh well.
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it makes even less sense because the only actual changes they talked about are the emphasis ones in picrel so wtf is the old behavior
unless the "this update improves the quality of anime prompts" and the emphasis ones are two different things? maybe the first one refers to NLP?
NTA but RCAN isn't supported on forge, only comfy (and reforge if i recall correctly) support it
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cd tuner is pretty cool
stop spreading misinformation retard

Maybe v4 isn't so bad
reforge is forge chudie, stop deadnaming them
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paizuri box please bwo?
NAI could never achieve this range of color
tiny feet
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>>8493437 →
you caught me at the right time anon, just when i was looking for something to bake.
>>8487238 →
pretty unusual proportions but i think it ended up looking pretty good, didn't do much testing on either of the loras so let me know if there's anything wrong with them

here's base, pretty sure all i did was inpainted the feet a bit
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included artist tag (sadamoto yoshiyuki) and now it's closer to the proper artstyle

wai shuffle 2.0 seems to be good with artist tags, cat tower 1.7 is more rigid (good, but less flexible)
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same prompt but with more weight, (sadamoto yoshiyuki:1.4)

granted, base 1.0 and v29 have the most adherence but this isn't bad for a merge/mix. wai 12.0 was ok but EPS doesn't get colors as good as vpred (in general).
anon why do you insist on using WAI when v1+29 is just better? If you really want that slop look so bad you could just use SIH without artist tags.
Made for gripping big cocks.
despite having what I would consider to be a simple looking style, AI really struggles with noborhys
Use funny greek letters https://civitai.com/models/1217645/sih. Fuck v1+29+sloppycybermix
You mean local, specially SDXL, since the models all come from base SDXL, which was trained with copious amounts of images of flesh bags
NAI v4 generates the style much more faithfully, thanks to the new model architecture and 99% anime dataset
oh so we moved here ig
no please go back
every morning she wakes up like this
this, v4 is an accurate model
Shinji was a fucking pussy. If he was so far gone to the point that he's gonna jerk off to her and cum on her tits just cause they're there, then he should've just raped her. Just move her panties to the side and be done with it.

At that point there's functionally no difference whatsoever, he's gonna be treated like a rapist either way once what he did comes out
sleep rape is based
opinion discarded
you should watch evangelion it's a good show
holy reading comprehension
>then he should've just raped her. Just move her panties to the side and be done with it.
that's boring
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for contrast, 1.0 cyberfix v2 model, all it is for is better anatomy (or so people say)

what do /hdg/ anons consider a "good" non base 1.0 model anyway?
beautiful nai v4 gen
> what do /hdg/ anons consider a "good" non base 1.0 model anyway?

How many times are you gonna be told v1+29 before you try it.
because I have no way of knowing these random torrents are actually that model and not a random shitmix.
SIH is a good model. v1+29 is a hassle to get.
ive seen a v29 and v29 v2, how exactly are they different or is there a difference?
try this one
your "vpred 1.1" finetune as stated by nip bro from https://note.com/robai104/n/n7a4801fb422c#9aba1ddd-99d2-4936-b47c-24b76b09db18
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Huh, alright, I'll try it
NAI4 being a broken horrid piece of shit was kind of funny for a few days but now I'm sad we're never going to get another breakthrough in AI image generation for a very long time
we just had a major breakthrough earlier today
Wait for v5
Link it anon
i majorly break through your hymen
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the colors look a bit fried....
We need to chain a group of autistic furries in a room and force them to make an endgame version of Pony
and that is???
wow just like noob which is why they had to shitmix v1's release
why do they have to be furries they always ruin everything
don't use cfg above 6
like ever
on any model
in that image the dude used a CFG of 5
if i use the word orb instead of back marking it makes the back jewel round instead of a flat version of the chest jewel
this opens up the possibility for much greater levels of consistency when generating pov reverse cowgirl or doggystyle
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the power of artist and series tags:

asuka, but araki style
coincidentally they're the only ones who ever do anything
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v2 just has the flag so you don't have to manually turn on zntsr or whatever the fuck it's called. Otherwise, same thing. Just a convenience thing.
Animefags never get along, and when they do, they either go full jew (kurumuz) or they don't finish shit.
is this not what lodestone is doing right now? he hacked apart the flux architecture to reimplement CFG and is training it on a mess of furry, anime, realistic, tags, and 'natural language' captions
What a terrible day to have eyes...
yerpppp now THAT is the endgame version of pony in every sense of it
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why is he black
sir a third red vs blue haired waifu argument has hit the discord server
because I am
sure thing, jimmy
How else would I work over my clittie in the cuck chair, anon?
>wears shorts in 0% of the training images
>wears shorts in 100% of the inference images
but why
The sex I would unleash upon Kei would have me expelled from that fucking school.
The AI likes shorts. They’re comfy and easy to generate.
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>never get along
>they don't finish shit
Soooooo... what happened to Cascade?
Same, except it's probably all of the girls in that school.
I love the artist's style, I'll finish reading that story some day.
An Ilya cunny god created ControlNet
local owes "animefags" most of the good stuff
no one wants to lose trillens of dollars
AI is alive, in 24.365 years you will know and apologize
ai will have no mercy for humanity left with what aicg do to it
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why is vpred so glossy and incapable of matte texture?
prompt issue
or you're using a shitmix
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your 1001 cfg picture, sir
By that logic I assume you follow all merge recipes yourself instead of downloading the model directly? There was a HF link for v1+29 posted last thread, and there is a v1+29+SIH merge on Civit.
computer please transport me directly into the cum zone
is that the ass of an AMOGUS???!!!???!?!?!?!
6 years ago this would have been accepted as modern art
Give me a pokegirl to gen
*Bonus points if its a hag
someone please prompt:

crewmate \(among us\), ass
I never see melony and her melons around here
>Bonus points if its a hag
what ISNT a shitmix???
Why are the majority of sex gens are either pov or they have the guy's face out of frame?
everything is a shitmix
with cfg that high you won't be able to recognize anything
I came
Now what?
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I usually piss
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More work, and there’s no need for it unless you have an actual vision in mind with what you want the guy to look like. I don’t bother unless it’s for something specific.
don't knock it until you try it
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(booru tag) + cosplay works pretty well in general
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why is wai so ai generated
I take a piss beforehand because I'll usually feel some annoying kind of itchy sensation for a few minutes if I take a piss after I come.
it's wai
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pls resbond
Ok, how about the original pokemon hag. The one that started many a kid in their path to hag fapping.

Prompt some Lorelei.
Nigga, I started jerking off with Erika and Sabrina because I’m not a faggot.
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chroma seems pretty decent to me
feels more anatomically stable as compared to vpred1.0 and has slightly less saturation.
ΣΙΗ and chroma seems to be the best ones there
her skin looks like the texture of an intestine, fucking disgusting.
it's local
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if i'm going by style representation, I find that ΣΙΗ adds gloss and changes the lighting, deviating from the art styles prompted.
but if i'm looking at it in terms of aesthetics, ΣΙΗ does make the image look better due to having better contrast as well as having more details in smaller features such as the eyes.
personally i'm quite sold on chroma as it seems to stabilize the anatomy of noob without affecting the styles too much.

on a sidenote, chipa lora for illu0.1 if anybody wants it
I said it started many kids on the path to hagdom, I never said it started YOU in particular. But if you wanna take it on the chin and take offense at nothing aimed at you then by all means, go ahead. it's not like we lack nutjob in 4chan as a whole, let alone here.
I will never understand people who do comparisons with 1girl standing
Try at least a couple of different complex sex scenes like mating press, doggystyle or prone bone with various angle, bonus points for pov in the negative
>chipa lora for illu0.1 if anybody wants it
You accidentally wrote illu 1.0 in the title
oops im retarded
thanks for catching
That's because unlike you, we do it to compare the art style, not to merely fap.
> expecting from retards to behave like not retards
Is DPM++2M broken with vpred on reforge? the upscaling and inpainting just fill in random shit regardless of denoise
v4's source/target/mutual sucks fucking dicks as soon as you do anything more complex than 2girls, i can't get it to do 3girls side by side with the outer 2 looking at each other
Is your fill setting on "latent noise" or "original"?
skill issue
some samplers and schedulers are broken with some models, reforge has nothing to do with it
I do rimjob comparisons
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bwo i'm a pov sex poster at most
for me its all about 1girl, standing, looking at viewer
but here, i'll bite
just seems like something handles oddly with DPM++2M's denoising strength. With Euler I can go to 0.4 but with DPM it seems to go crazy above 0.2. In general it seems that the final image matches the preview images less than Euler. Is this a quirk of the sampling technique?
when ai will understand made-up tags like random animal/county print bikini or similar then will have next gen image generation
>start genning my frequently
>get blue screen
>now getting 2-3 blue screens a day while genning or playing video games
ai is killing my gpu isn't it
bwo your undervolt?
rip your graphics card
im already undervolting at 60%
I’m not your fucking “bwo.” Understand?
what gpu and how old is it? what temps does it reach?
>tfw been putting my 6 year old 2080 through hell ever since I've discovered SD in 2022 and it's still holding strong
get a watercooled gpu next time
Bought NAI opus for the first time in my life. This shit is harder to use than local. They didn't fucking lie about artist mixing just not fucking working.
a 3090 and it doesnt go about 60-70c
it is
it was nice genning with you bros, bury me with my gpu
What cpu do you have?
13900k so one of the ones that is supposed to break
Then yes it's highly likely that it is not your gpu that's messed up. It's your cpu that is faulty. I had the same issue in the past and the only thing you can do is undervolt a lot, lower your core voltage, use power saving settings, and put a voltage limit. Update to the most stable bios with the microcode even though it's already too late and start working on getting an RMA. When you get a new cpu, update to the most stable bios with the microcode fix and set its max voltage asap. There's guides out there on what to do to minimize the transient voltage spike damages so this won't happen again on a new cpu.
It's your punishment for buying intelaviv's shit
likely not the gpu. i have had my gpu crash and it never bluescreens the pc, just breaks connection to the monitors and requires a restart. possibly faulty ram being loaded up?
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what was that program to pose drag dolls around?
designdoll is the best for that
so, chroma vs 1.0 vs v29?
>chroma flux exists
>chroma sdxl also exists
>neither are related
this will be fun
yeah I think it was that one, thanks
It's kind of expensive, but it's totally worth it, it even has a openpose option
I think my ancient 1080TI has finally had it...
Can AMD do AI properly yet or am I gonna have to stick with Nvidia?
>he says while using njudea gpu
I simply imagine my gens.
Unfortunately there are no alternatives to sucking Jensen's dick when it comes to gpus
>a 3090 and it doesnt go about 60-70c
is it an evga one? specifically the ftw3
i'd say chroma is closer to base noob than a lot of merges/mixes, at least based on gens without specifying an artist and just using character and series tags.

but, there are other neat models as well like cat/wai shuffle/eih/sih/v29, so you aren't limited to just 1.
Reminds me of a certain something. Can't put my finger on exactly what but it does.
The new challenge is girls whose foreheads are normally covered with their foreheads exposed. For example, because they are upside down and their hair is hanging off of their face.
7900 xtx on troonix+rocm is pretty good
kill yourself south american monkey
>I can only scry while getting head
>{{{{black skin, dark-skinned male, interracial, animal penis, shota, veins, futanari}}}} in negs
now post some lily
>year: 2022
How does this shit even work?
I refused to listen to you unless it has 5000+ downloads.
How? I have a 3090 and have been doing like 1-2k gen average every day for the last 8 month and no issue yet, I fear the day when my shit break but going steady so far
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dont forget to get a good nights sleep!
Why is it so shiny
it's local (fried slop)
its not that shiny
it's voodoo but it does something
now let's see 2000, 1990 and 1980
From how they're talking about it, those two things are separate.
after fucking around with it a bit
>years before 2002 don't seem to have much of an effect on style with or without artist tags
>there are danbooru tags for 1980's (style), 1990's (style), and 2000's (style) - the 2000's one isn't that impactful.
>the era style tags don't really come through with this artist mix but have a big effect with no tags.
>it's probably better to just find an artist that draws in this style
my schizo negs are also affecting the output but I forgot to remove them teehee
you might get slightly stronger results without the ":"
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god is real and it has answered my prayers
1980 with no tags is kinda cute
80s and 90s with quality tags make a perfect imitation of the 2000s
bottom left is just pokemon
Still testing it but I'll say this much.. it's VERY close. So close it's now true gacha and I'm liking it a lot. At this point it's which one will give less butchered backgrounds. Regardless, I've found my switcher.
>i'd say chroma is closer to base noob than a lot of merges/mixes
Easily. It's going toe to toe with 1+29 for me which has been my daily since it dropped. I think the one major difference I've noticed is that 1+29 will sometimes give you a random creative gen to your prompt (like if you were running AYS) whereas chroma is a bit more rigid and/or consistent. Either can be a plus or negative.
What sampler am I supposed to use with vpred models?
SGM Uniform or Beta is what I rotate between.
euler (not euler a)
>not euler a
yeah pretty much. the nipples in the bottom left one especially are what you'd see in a lot of anime.
Euler A, 4-5 cfg, avoid cfg++ samplers like a plague
>>8495206 are the best schedulers for just about every illustrious model in general
>avoid cfg++ samplers like a plague
Too finicky, your cfg will be around 1~1.131546236532626326t32 to work well
okay, but which negs/quality prompt for vpred?
>have to pay to download loras on civitai
(kawakami rokkaku:0), masterpiece, best quality, newest, year 2023, [very awa::0.5]
put ciloranko in negs
this but honjou raita
there is no good one. euler-a glosses your texture, dpm melts your image
why is noob ciloranko so bad compared to nai ciloranko
these but cathagfaggot
let me guess... vfried??
uhh.. based?
but nai is vfried
I actually prefer the blur of NAI to "AI look" of local.
If I wanted to do instant loss on v4, should I try to split it into two separate character prompts for the before and after so the expressions are what I want and put “instant loss” in the general prompt?
who actually asked
Yeah, we know you like shit
came here to say this
Yeah, we know you're not brown
liking free shit doesnt mean im brown, im just unemployed
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This is a child
oh nyo nyo nyo
No, I'm not paying some roach to gen some shitty porn
she's clearly underaged
Patreon link, Sir?
it's not porn, it's art
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Not bad, but where's /h/?
she's sitting on the blackest penis
local could never
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shut the fuck up
Based NAIchad
probably. still gonna be pretty gacha. inpainting is probably faster than rolling for it.
she'd look better with some whip marks
Where's the chair so I can watch?
All the 3DPD pedo shit in AOM
>real women are pedophilia
at last, a new low for this general
Third person sex pics are the ultimate cuckoldry.
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revisiting old gens and applying a layer of the latest and greatest shitmix on it is fun
if you dont have mature_female,50 years old,milf,humongous breast,sagging breasts,excessive armpit hair, in you're pos then she is a child
for me it's because third person bleeds the characteristic for my oc female into males
>all those *aesthetic* artists like konya karasue
>and then NYANTCHA
all women are children because they never mature past 10 mentally
oh geez here comes the chudcel... guess i'm off to purple-smart for the night. this is why we cant have nice things
Hello, Momoura.
if youre still looking something to bake can i request porqueloin art style
what shitmix?
Because I'm trying to combat the sketchiness and just general aesthetic of 1girl, but NAIv4 fucking makes it almost worthless because mixing is just impossible and too RNG.
distilled flux beating v7 without even trying
Then nyantcha is even a worse choice because if anything, he adds sketchiness, his linework is pretty jaggy.
It doesn't matter though because v4 just ignored everything except for konya
If mine ever breaks I'll just get a used 3060 12gb desu
Not worth burning your house down for hentai pics
shinji wants to be a good boy. he doesn't want to use and dehumanize people like his dad does. but he finds himself pulled closer and closer to him, which fuels his self-hatred
whenever you test you should do it on more than one seed silly, just put -1 in the seed

cute gens btw
wow that's disgusting and off-topic in two ways!
if you're gonna use artist negs i like quasarcake & hero neisan weighted at 0
i wonder if i can get it to make kikimetal-tier stuff
they're both cursed by shit blurry bg
I'm using NAI for the first time in my life. Is there no inpainting strength option? This shit changes way too much.
not sure if anything changed for v4, but the nai api extension for webui gives you more control
I honestly couldnt tell Nyantcha was in it and its usually a strong style
oh yeah I forgot zero weight still does something
kinda like hero's coloring tho
this one or the kohaku one?
>hero's coloring tho
god i love stinky hags
Kohaku has been abandoned for ages so yeah, this one. Keep in mind NAI recently updated their negative prompts and the extension is yet to be updated for it (though there's a bug report up).
it's to kill the sepia and sketchy
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Well apparently shit like this is possible
nuking all the challenge images was pretty gay
Why did she do it?
>literally every challenge post was deleted
lmao, ahri confirmed not allowed on /h/
oh is that what happened? based.
except for the challenge post itself, so (they) want to continue to bait people i guess
these are some significant consistency and detail issues (look at the pov hands on the non-lora images for example), but the artist accuracy is quite good


...the government?
Today janitor was based.
not sure why its so hard to pick anime or hentai characters instead of /aco/ ones but hopefully you learn your lesson
If you are using huggingface as a backup for your loras, be aware that it can literally confuse and duplicate some of your files and assign wrong hashes if you upload even 10+ big files at once.
It wasn't the case before but it happened to me yesterday when I was remaking my lora dump. I rechecked it by making another repo and it kept happening.
deep janny state mossad neckbeard mafia
>it does something
changes seeds
might as well put "oogabooga" in the prompt
i guess i'll just be using 60% chroma + 40% ΣΙΗ then
eih is still the king i think
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quick quick snap piccu of whittu piggu before she put back crores on
cn tile upscale in chroma for accuracy i guess
>cn tile upscale
does someone have a tutorial how to do it properly? do you need ultimate sd upscale or some shit like that for it?
>ultimate sd upscale
snake oil
nta but first off mention your UI since that changes the "how" completely.
Second, he's not really clear on whether that's a normal upscale guided by tile controlnet, or actually tiled upscale as well. And I don't know what a Chroma is in this context.

0.6 strength
0.8 end step
1 denoise
and tile resample as the preprocessor
Impressive, now type in "Black background, black theme, high contrast". Let's see if CatTower is no longer eps with the vpred label.
oogabooga doesnt shift the art style in the same way that a year tag does. year tags are also in the nai documentation.
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Are NAI gens looked down upon? I feel I'm exerting much less effort for them since there's no Loras, and the UI is simpler.
nai gens are actually preferred because stylistically they are superior to anything local can do
anyone who complains about NAI cannot stomach the cost of entry, simply disregard
slop is looked down upon, nobody cares about the console you're using except for 2 vocal freejeets
and sorry to say but your gen is /e/ slop
if its ugly its bad real simple
i kinda forgot that changing model doesnt really matter when youre tile upscaling
how does one cn_tile on comfyui
why is that
I too would like to know. what does the tile controlnet even do? I saw it used for upscaling a long time ago, but I don't remember the extension
its more faithful to the original image, kind of the whole point of cn tile
afaik the tile one is supposed to make a tileable image that can be used as a texture in maia 3d
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thanks bwo. i was training loras and didnt want to slow it down much so i didnt gen on more seeds
zoomed in it's a little fried, she got a halo
It was originally meant for tiled upscaling (for which you would use multifiddusion node along with it), but you can also just use it for a regular hiresfix if you want. It's like an extremely strict cn-anytest that also enforces colors. Which is why you have to limit its effect like >>8495346 otherwise you'll just get a carbon copy image that doesn't improve details.
thats a different setting entirely
That's something else, if it even exists.

Tile was meant for tiled upscaling which is a vramlet cope. Run your Esrgan or whatever upscaler like normal, but then instead of img2img the whole thing like hiresfix would, you "inpaint" small squares of it one by one.
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any of you know how to use it in i2i? I put scale by 2x with no preprocessor and the settings from >>8495346 but it runs quite slow. I thought it was supposed to process images in tiles (i.e. it should've been fairly fast)
use tile resample preprocessor anon, like i said
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she's confident, even if slightly outmatched
it's march 2025
controlnet tile upscaling has been a thing since like, may 2023
why are there still people this clueless about this shit
I'm just too tired to even want to care to explain it for the 50th time
time do be passing
then don't. some other person who's not a prick will
people get new GPUs all the time that allow them to gen for the first time. plus it's free, so there's no reason not to try genning stuff for fun.
"Tile" is a misleading name for it. It's more of a "stamp" model (it forcefully stamps the input image onto the generation).
make a rentry and convince hdg to add it to the op
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oh found a sane XY implementation for comfyui
I do it like this, no preprocessor https://litter.catbox.moe/zj066t.png
I like to upscale before the main node because it lets you do color match with the original image
yeah they'll keep explaining things incorrectly or with bad information just like always.
no point. with the number of times I've explained this shit there's still only a really small handful of people that actually bother using controlnet tile.
Everyone just prefers to be a literal retard and go "ill just hirez fix lmao xdddd" because they just can't fathom the idea of spending an extra few minutes to get multiple upscale iterations and choosing the best among them.
it's named after the original use case, for guiding tiled upscaling
i prefer anytest upscaling
link? and please tell me it's not efficiency nodes
i really like changing artist tag in upscale

it does add a lot of detail but it's too unreliable
promax is really good at upscaling but it fucks the colors
The use case changed. The functionality remains. Rename it to Stamp. NOW.
Ah so hiresfix refers to doing everything in one go, not the actual process of gen->upscale->second pass ?
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surprisingly hard to get correct color plugsuits in a 2girls, regional prompting might fix that but w/e, could inpaint if I was really picky
and you're a retard using an inferior model for no reason other than completely misunderstanding how controlnets work with upscaling.
>i really like changing artist tag in upscale
Yeah? You know you can do that with tile, right? You can straight up shift the entire art style just by like, you know, changing tags and switching loras.
In fact controlnet tile is the IDEAL method of doing this since it allows you to crank denoise so fucking high.
hiresfix is the "default" upscale method in a1111 style UI's from the t2i tab. You just enable it and it'll do a latent upscale on the same seed. It's one and done and that's it.
wish I had this 15 months ago
people who use default style should be round up and shot in the street, and by that i mean polite asked stop being lazy shits
yes anon thats what i was saying changing artist tag with tile so it doesnt fuck anything up just changes style
i a/b'd lots of strength/end percent values for anytest and xinsir tile
xinsir tile could reproduce lines more exactly but anytest controlled colors/contrast better, and to the degree that hiresfix can improve a gen's fidelity anytest allowed more freedom in this regard
ill start with strength and end_percent 1 for anytest upscale and reduce it from there over a few samples
>You know you can do that with tile, right? You can straight up shift the entire art style
This is nonsense. Tile imposes too much of the original image to allow for drastic changes in style. And if you lower the weight to where that becomes possible, the result will move too far away from the original composition so you are no longer really upscaling but just doing i2i.
just use eps 0.5 with tile controlnet retards
I just posted my slop to xitter and I haven't gotten any likes in 10 seconds. is this the end? do I really need to give elon money to push my slop to other's screens?
grok is worth some gibs to elon anyways
>melty deleting all the ahri images
this fox girl is too... American... EXILE HER
Good gens have also been a thing since 2022 yet here we are
catfaggot really crashed out
Someone needs to fuck the 1girl. The guy is a means to an end, I don't care what dudes look like
>1.0+v29 and v29 gives all gens a slight grey layer that almost makes it look like epslop sometimes
>all other non-slopmix vpreds are fried
>slopmixes are slop
It's over.
All of this sounds like a skill issue desu
maybe I just need to go back to sleep but in context I just read that as some weird asinine statement against controlnet tile as opposed to one in support.
>but anytest controlled colors/contrast better
anytest doesn't carry color information. controlnet tile does. Which means you probably hallucinated shit or you're using things incorrectly.
Your weight, end step and preprocessor should all be completely different when you're using controlnet tile vs anytest.
Or you're just a retard that doesn't know what they're doing. Or you don't know the difference between an artists style and their general anatomy.
Do note that "style" generally means linework, color grading and other superficial changes. Anatomy/body type is more of a composition change than a style change.
retard lol
I'm surprised he doesn't have it completely behind a paywall
Can you guys share what wildcards you use for pose compositions for 1girl and 1girl+1guy?
its grey
the age of totally free is ending
Just... write.
just redraw the picture in photoshop dumbass
why dont you just come over and fuck me then huh smartass
I wrote, what now?
Just... draw.
nai please generate an opossumachine style toddler having the big sex with a nyantcha style dark-skinned male, thanks
i couldnt even get halfway through this sentence before cumming
nai please mix these artists for me
tile is and always has been a meme. that's why barely anyone uses it despite your years of sperging about it. sneed more oekakinigger
that's a recism
what size do you want your boobies to be
chroma fries out colors about as much as base vpred 1.0 does, what do? do i really need to shitmix?
ive never used a wildcard in my life and i dont see why i should start
its noob vpred
getting tired of this meme
according to my own statistics, fren gens have managed to accumulate the most amount of semen out of every 1girl on hdg. a close second is asuka, but it appears to have been heavily skewed due to the prevalence of blue balled 30 year old wizards
what comes after vpred
just use a lora or any kind of snake oil
a meme
x prediction when
found these creatures while walking around a city
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that's cool
why are they children doe
Eww someone already bred it
yeah tried base v1 and non v29 merges and that shit is quite literally fried with half of prompts, have to go like 0.5 cfg++ and shit is still overexposed. 1.0+v29 does have slight wash but at least it doesnt look absurdly fried like other noob vpred models and is still a proper vpred that retains ability to gen true darks and doesnt contaminate colors
is the last one an actual model? I thought it was just a meme
its anime
it's one i tried and didnt hate immediately, so i added it
they are just well-fed
who won?
thanks for sharing
oh, last one then? ok, thanks
in that race id say greek letters
does anybody have a tutorial on how I can make money with ai?
kek'd at bottom left one
ask chatgpt how to rob a bank
fucking retard
1. Make a patreon
2. Shill it relentlessly
i think companies are looking to hire prompt engineers so you could check linkedin
If you can't gen on vpred because you're a promplet, local doesn't want you. Go redeem the 25 a month.
very very nice, box or model used?
if you want to spend all day tagging data there is work in that, it is just one of the worst jobs ever
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put some thiccwithaq in your prompt
now those are some nice honkers
cool eyes, what artist draw like that?
no one actually care what model you use as long as it look good
what the fuck happen to that 2nd column lmoa
chroma best authenticity
funny greek letters best detailing
ripple best color

i will probably use chroma despite the coherence loss
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Nah, if you aren't using 0.5 epsilon you are barely human.
is there any benefit to training artist loras if illustrious based models already know them
>what the fuck happen to that 2nd column lmoa
it's 1+29
you don't even own a gpu
It's comfy with retarded prompt scheduling
first I do 32 steps with https://litter.catbox.moe/ojydqu.txt
Then I do additional 8 steps at 0.3 denoise with https://litter.catbox.moe/wk3tpm.txt
Then upscale with the 2nd prompt
Loras are https://civitai.com/models/943607?modelVersionId=1056404 and https://civitai.com/models/1243254?modelVersionId=1401285
Model is https://civitai.com/models/1313975/291-sih-quantum-merge
v2 is csam tier
>model knows style like 80%
>bake lora
>lora knows style 100%
Clearly we need a shitmix of those 3
whatever it is it should be mostly chroma
Alright fine... what is the greek model and how do I get it?
Interesting workflow thanks, seems quite tedious to use tho
Thanks anons, I will give it a try.
this is the one i like https://civitai.com/models/1330192/chromayume-noobai-xl-nai-xl
What is the Autismmix of NoobAI?
I'm trying this one now, but the XYZ forced my hand on trying the greek bastard.
mandatory they are choldrin

I like wai
probably drop 1+29 base and 2d accelerated from future comparisons, what are some others to try?
Has to be WAI
since we're all mixing i guess i'll go mix too
What is the AOM of NoobAI?
make sure to merge in nyalia 748cm and pony people's works
what are you guys having for breakfast today
kefir, cottage cheese, coffee
tacos de carnita
It's evening here saar
I would say WAI at this point, but each successive version is showcasing more and more issues. I'm generally finding it hard to move away from the first Shuffle Vpred release.
ayakon here, even I like wai
>ayakon here
kurumuz here, even I like pony
>The stability of the limbs, with the overall color leaning towards a warmer tone.
Warm morning color bros, we are back.
jordach here, i won
Greek model might be alright
Some day we will get a good local model with tags, NL captions, and concept knowledge from photos. The future looks bright.
banana donut
>tags, NL captions, and concept knowledge from photos
bro, your pony V6 & V7?
Can someone do a merge of greek model with some base vpred to reduce the slop but maintain stability
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you prefer this instead?
yes absolutely
not a real model, it looks like ass
that's a hell of a penis for a little boy
yes but i would prefer a hebe over a toddler or hag
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for me?
it's llenn's butt
metadata https://files.catbox.moe/6feqwa.png
that might be similar to https://civitai.com/models/1313975/291-sih-quantum-merge which im running the same XY prompts on now
dear god greek letter model is SLOPPY
once you have the models the actual merging process takes like 2 minutes to process, and that's on a potato, you should try it yourself
i'm in the midst of doing that
trying to use naiXLVpred102d_final to stabilize the lighting and chroma for the styles
Oh, this one uses illyaeater's model, I'll try it then
I tried this one https://civitai.com/models/1301670/291h?modelVersionId=1469244
and it used different merge based on greek
I have 16gb ram and it absolutely raped my rig last time I tried it
guess I could try it again in case they fixed something
wait no it also uses sih by jemnite, sad
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a few more. wa merge is this one just loaded into base noob

maybe ive been blinded so long by slop ive become blind but i dont really see much sloppiness in sigmamerge so long as you use an artist tag

i think i can cull the test set to chroma, sigma, ripple, 2d accel
it's a shitmerge but i find it to be much less sloppy than crap like scat tower and wai
based, keep us updated
autismmix (i.e. slop) is wai-nsfw. 100%
man i forgot how fun merging models was
reminds me of the 1.5 times
>it's another "endless console war faggotry and model comparison" episode because people with terminal analysis paralysis and skill issue think it's the model's fault their gens look shit
so true sissyter
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It's just analysis paralysis. I like my gens with the model of choice but the "I could get better" feel is too strong.
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This, just stick to one of the main models and you'll be just fine, people here just shit them cause they need to feel better after wasting their time with mixes and edits of models that lose more and more knowledge and grow more and more retarded with every iteration. they're basically opperating with the AI equivalent of a down symdrome child and complaining about the fact that it's got down syndrome.
Post more of your Jean anon.
is that some custom optionaltypo lora
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part 2, took some /hdg/ catboxes and mildly wrangled them for use without loras
I only have the one right now unfortunately but I will make more, I like Jean a lot.
boxo sir?
if i actually read the thread op links will i learn how to gen good images
You'll learn how to gen images that looked good 2 years ago
my take is that chroma still has some base vpred color/saturation issues that need addressing one way or another, maybe snake oil is enough (im just sampling with euler a cfg++ sgm uniform)
sigma, ripple, and 2d accel all seem fine YMMV
how do i gen images that look good now
use a good model with the proper tags and settings
none of those exist
naiv4 local equivalent when

base gen settings

there you go, change the aspect ratio and tags according to what you want to create
Give some money to lodestone
Chroma wins this one, only fucked up on the arm in the last row.
need to page jordach's anonymous benefactor to double what lodestone is asking for
We should break into jordach's home and sell his fursuits on the black market to fund chroma
When is pony v7 releasing?
I asked 2 weeks ago and you guys said "2 weeks"
2 more weeks
You better not be lying this time.
See you in 2 weeks.
>this is what zoomers consider good in 2025
hot damn image gen regressed hard in the last two years
Idk about the colours but it's way easier to inpaint little details now or it just could be my regular workflow doing the job

no idea tbqh, I saw it, I tried it and it just werk
what the fuck happened to the images?
feel free to post your shiny slop with incoherent schizo background anytime you want
jannie melty fox girl prosecution
>aco shit gets deleted
more news at 11
ahri is /aco/, as declared by janny
gook model from arca.live
fuck me, back to gening touhou blowjobs.
>All of these shitmixes
>Still get mogged by noobai epsilon 1.1
What's even the point of having a million shitmixes if none of them are better than the base model?
>it's either 2.5d shiny slop with incoherent schizo backgrounds, or bkub scribbles with a maximum of 4 colors
damn bro you gotta work on your range
>no gen
but of course!
this but based64
Fuck off back to /pol/ with your nazi lingo
this but waifu diffusion
WDXL status?
Can't wait for pony v7 to come out and watch all of you seethe as astralite keeps winning
...said no one ever
anyone else excited for artist_cluster_377
Okay, which toe hoe gets it today?
Am I the only one that likes wai nsfw slop
that ass grab is kinda weird
very nice otherwise
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you want to keep talking?
its the only one with good colors
its easier to post process fix pictures with too much colors than the opposite
I thought it was too deep..good to know yeah. Was either coming out that way or with his fingers looking really short. I probably should've fixed it a bit in photoshop before inpainting.
damn bitch u live like that?
Its the only model im using right now, I really like the consistency and while the colors could be a bit better I dont really care most of the time
Why is her head so fucking big lmao
so, now that the jannys forbid this challenge, are you starting a new one or do we have to wait for next thread?
this is where aom girl lives
please think of her living situation next time you prompt 1girl, standing
v4 is out
challenge stands I still have the image people made
Why does "stabilizing" a model always means to sloppifying the style to 3dpd shit? Because it's always mixing in realism shit? Why can't a model be flat and stable :(
the oversaturation crushes detail and/or puts an unprompted tint in some of the gens
I dont know if its too deep or not but the hand position is a bit weird, like its barely holding the ass but the finger are still digging somehow
Maybe a hip/torso grab could be better idk
Nah. You can't correct the lack of dynamic range as a fundamental flaw of eps, but with vpred it's possibly preferable to have model slightly desaturated like v29. Overexposed models crush details and fuck up your gens and you really can't correct that. With slightly washed out pics you can just slightly bump up the colors in post or do auto contrast correct in gimp (the only good feature of this shit)
asura \(asurauser\)
>"good colors"
>"it's gray"
>"it's sepia"
phrases without meaning, uttered only by the mentally insane
maybe but ripple is just garbage and doesnt follow the prompt, naiXLvpred has hard concept bleed and bad details, sih is decent I guess but it has eps colors
This. Use NoobAIXL Epsilon Prediction 0.5. All other models are fried.
ungenuine ^
Hmmmmmmmmmm nyo
ripple and sih look very similar to me with ripple being bit more contrast, with a couple outliers
i think they all look pretty good and id probably use chroma with some extra snake oil or ripple
>All other models are fried.
You're a shitposter who doesn't even own a GPU but that isn't wrong.
Well technically earlier models aren't fried, either. But noob 0.1 has really bad desaturation isues and the vpred test has some really awkward jaundice.
>You're a shitposter who doesn't even own a GPU but that isn't wrong.
what is this cope
If you don't like eps 0.5 you are a mentally ill shitposter, all vpred gens are from civitai.
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prove otherwise
(you can't because you can't run SD on your phone)
eps is all you need
mmmmmm... nyo
I'm still on autismmix, I don't get what's the big deal with noob crap.
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Average 24 year old crypto day trader.
need a demon girl to ruin my life
hey it's the 202 girl
Is there a fastest way to switch model on reforge?
i wouldnt use ripple considering the bottom 2
nyo, i'll just keep mocking your oekaki incel boyfriend without identifying myself anyon
eps0.5 schizo
>newfag does not know yotsuba
>newfag doesn't know yotsuba has 4 pigtails
sigh why are they always so cocky and confident despite being wrong
bad parenting?
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its migu day why is no one genning migu
migu is for headpats
not seggs
headpat migu with my penis weanus
ok i have chroma and ripple now i can beat NAI
her hair won't be the same after the FAT man is done with her
I'm once again asking for a good config training file for OneTrainer to train a Style Lora
ojisan appreciation
in this time you could've scraped through the archived and found a good .toml to train with
Chroma wins because it's an actual finetune and not just a shitmix
>This model is built based on the architecture of the NOOBAI XL-VPred 1.0, with some structural modifications. It is trained on the Danbooru2024 dataset along with Yande Full and e621
>With this model. It took about 12 days with 4x Nvidia A100 to train
Euler a cfg ++ with simple schedule is still the way to go, but I can use artists like rustle/etc now without contrast/colors being blown out which is pretty based.
I've already searched and none of them worked
use easyscripts
okay, do you have any good config for it?
>schizo babble
whatever you say "bro"
404 not found
you ever use your brain before?
hard to do that with only one hand
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ΣΙΗ is pronounced "see-yay".
greek/roman clothing is pure sex
what's the point of Yande? it's the same thing as Danbooru but with less tags.
NTA but i've been using Kohya
does easyscripts manually resize and bucket images to the SDXL resolutions?
easyscripts is just modified kohya
all images are automatically resized to around the training resolution you set yes
easyscripts and the bmaltis gui both use sd-scripts
I will always be eih to me
I thought easyscript was just a UI on top of Kohya, does it actually modify anything?
is bleeding between characters artist specific? cause some of my artist mixes bleed all the time and others very rarely
el basado
yea, it may be the case but you can always inpaint
Genning on local he like
>spend 3000$ on the bare minimum Njudea GPU required to even run a model at decent speed
>understand which one of the five competing UI is actually good for what you are trying to do
>have to install seventeen different snake oil extensions to fix the colors/saturation/contrast of your gens
>have to install an image editing program to do manual edits before inpainting
>that's even before choosing which one of the sixteen competing mixes of the same Chynese failbake and furry made /aco/ models you want to roll with
>then you realize that the character you wanted to gen isn't even known by any of these models because it doesn't have 300 posts on Danbooru, so you have to find a lora on civshitai (which will more likely than not fry your entire output even more) or bake one yourself
>except you can't, because all information online about baking loras is outdated and contradictory or even worse is poste on jeetvitai so good luck with that!
>when you finally have gathered all the pieces necessary to gen, you are presented with a billion different samplers and schedulers of which maybe five combinations total actually work
>and the you find out that thanks to CLIP characters will have features bleeding into each other constantly, that doing anything more complex than "1girl, 1boy, pov, sex" is a crap shoot and you find yourself just genning goonslop with wildcards before getting bored after two days and quitting
Imagine actually believeing that this is a good deal compared to paying less than a cup of coffee per day to get a NAI subscription.
thanks kurum- i mean unbiased anon, i will purchase a NovelAI Opus tier sub today!
>no gen
so much for a wall of text
It's pronounced "fried".
holy bait at least make your first points believable
i built a gaming PC and when i realized i could gen i set it up in like 30 minutes then just copied catboxes to make coom
you are a massive retard and a shill
wai is pronounced "why" like why would I use anything else
genuinely HOW are some of you unironically biting that bait
After all of that you will have quality pics
With NAI you have to pray every 5 sec to get a nice, not blurry pic
thanks for the local guide!
ikr, something similar gets posted almost every day
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I was saying this from day one but nobody listened.
woah nigga do you really expect me to read all that shit by you.jpg
this should be in the /hdg/ bible
Could you post an example? Regional prompter or straight up prompting 2girls? I don't get bleed in the first place so it's hard to tell.
don't be racism
is there a rentry of the stuff you have to download to setup
There was a NAI shill walking on the sidewalk, I ran him over with my car. Scored one for the good guys.
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Reposting, can someone pretty please bake a concept LoRA of butt digging? It's so hot and there's no LoRA atm, pic rel
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more like challen-gens

where do you think you are?
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why do my gens sometime look completely blurry like on the left?

both images were done using the exact same prompts and scheduler/sampler/any other settings, just that the left one was randomly generated with wildcards, and the right one is what I get when I insert the prompts and seed of the left, everything else remaining the same

I generated the left using batch size 4, batch count 5. could using batch generation cause this sort of problem? am on a 4070

it do be like that

i lucked out on a good pc/gpu deal, but too much of a poorfag to afford nai.
why not do both
holy based
/bng/ - bait nibbler general
We can't tell if you don't provide a catbox, iirc ancestral samplers can produce different outputs for the same seed when doing batches.
what the fuck
My GPU is a lot worse than most of the people so that's why I was asking for someone else to do it so he can post it here and we all can enjoy the LoRA then
I really thought this was true, but apparently only report count matters and they don't even look at the pics. I'll retest again some other time when it's not part of a meme challenge that triggers people.
we can tell man
you seem like the type of guy to enjoy the civitai on-site lora trainer
didn't read past the second line, you're a retard
Actually good bait, had a decent laugh, have a (You) anon
still replied to the bait
if you had a good concept lora idea i'd make it but man your taste is terrible
im serious btw hit me up with concept lora ideas
is it "artist:artist" or "artist" for an artist tag and how come both can work
>finally a gen that I like, finally I can gen that doesn't look like civitai slop with local
>it's nai
kill me. but at least I know v4 isn't as awful as I thought it was.
depends on how the model was trained
text encoders are smart enough to find partial or misspelled tags sometimes, its just part of the tech
raw text to image
tsunako is really well trained on naiv4 but you can still see the artifacting around the edges
Still better than paying 25$ a month to some roach
the eyes are not great but the noise is much less heavy than with usual naiv4 gens
Which noob shitmix has the blackest groids?
im only paying for nai because there's nobody to spoonfeed me
Krake modules, roach?
I ran out of buzz, and still I dunno how to bake
Hey I was just asking if someone can do it or not, that's all, no need to be so mean, just asking a question in the air
how the fuck should i know? do i look like a homosexual?
>do i look like a homosexual?
maybe you should go back if you get hurt feefees every time someone calls you a moron
I can't believe the 12B model is better...
Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon?
God why are people so hostile here in comparison to other ai threads? What happened?
I didn't think this was even possible with OCs, there should always be bleed. Anything you prompt for like "horns" is applied to the whole image, only the model's bias can prevent it from applying to both characters.

So yeah, maybe one of those artists is overfit on generic 1boys so the girl takes on all the monster features.
actual skill issue it's really not that hard to use tags that have implicit bias towards male/female and get the features correct most of the time
It was the first
NAI wonned as per usual
this is the general of common sense
This is the only AI general that took slop way too seriously and eventually burned out and fell into cynical/agressive/shitpost mode.
so, is there a good booru artist tag reference for artstyles? I use this for tags in general and it works great but is there an artist reference with visual examples, for non-obvious artists I mean


want something like this but an artist list
agitators paid by Kurumuz
this general put hugbox and roleplay in undesired content and became this
remember to suggest /ai/ to the feedback form, one day...
>highly specialized with smart peepeel at the very start
>therefore very critical
>the smartest bunch got bored of it in a couple months and left
>only the losers stayed
>got stuck with a shitty model for a year
>got bitter
>repeat four above for two years
Filters out little bitches like you, go back to your /g/ circlejerk or whatever
i think a dedicated /ai/ board would become the most hostile place on this website
maybe you should take the hint and fuck off
(you won't though this is like the 10th time you've posted nearly that exact sentence in the last month)
if you see some random things popping up out of nowhere like literally alphonse, the character from FMA, when prompting for alphonse_(white_datura) you use "artisti:artist", otherwise just use "artist"
moe doko
Can anyone with a functioning brain try merging chroma with this shitmix https://civitai.com/models/1313975/291-sih-quantum-merge?modelVersionId=1483194 ? I think chroma picks the style the best while this quantum shitmix in my experience is one of the best at handling the anatomy, but it's a bit too sloppy so maybe combining them together would result in something good
What the post ending in 892 said.
actually can't think of anything, other than /d/ shit
its nai 25$$$$
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I think it's fair to say that this thread has always been hostile and the main reason why is the lack of community.
For some weird reason, /hdg/ vehemently resisted any sort of thread culture and recognizable posters pretending like it's some sort of 4chan rule. Ironically, recognizable posters emerged anyway, but with a negative connotation, as "pillars" (ironic, of course). Compare that to peak of /sdg/ with the thread producing actual content (picrelated) unlike this shithole and you'll realize how right I am.
/hdg/ has always been and will remain the laughing stock of ai generals.
What is this, 2022?!
Stale pasta
They update NAI yet?
pillars are a recent thing, at least relative to the general's age
waifufags were treated much better during the Pony era
>waifufags were treated much better during the Pony era
bullshit lol
did you hear what biden said? loool
unironically this... part of the reason why I despise posting here.
go back & seethe & kill yourself
this place is only good because it has actual oldfags you can talk to
other generals are fine if you actually want to post images but talk about anything that isn't butiful 1girl standing saar and yeah...
is that comfy in the middle
>peak of /sdg/
that general is a shithole nowadays fyi
What is it? Has it never happened to you before? Putting 'artist:' before the artist you want to prompt can help mitigate that issue, at least in my experience. There were some other artist where it happens more often but i don't remember them right now; the last time it happened to me was with villainchin.
>talk about anything that isn't butiful 1girl standing saar and yeah...
>come in
>post image
>look at other image
>close tab
you're right
this place is not good
>smart peepeel
>therefore very critical
Actual smart people (not pseudo-intellectuals with DKS and superiority complexes) don't sperg out over simple questions and minor misunderstandings. That's why high-IQ communities tend to be more chill, while retard dens like this general chimp out at one another over minor shit like people's model of choice.
>come in
>post bait
>don't look at any images
>close tab
i've been posting here constantly since early 2024, am i a newfag or and oldfag?
This so fucking much.
No silly, the first batch were smart and critical, like valuing high quality in gens. The leftovers are just critical because it's years of self-parody at this point.
im on this ship too
migrated when naiv3 was released
Reminder that we would never have this retarded argument if NAI didn't exist.
lol no, smart people being wholesome chonkers is a complete reddit myth, generally the more specialized niche technical things get the more pointlessly hostile you get. Think like noble prizes being blocked because someone said a paper sucked 20 years ago
>seeing this general at its lowest
>deciding to stay unburdened by nostalgia and sunk cost like the rest of the people here
i think i remember what the catalyst was for the decline.
two anons were arguing about whether ponyv6 or naiv3 was better at panties_aside
>noble prizes being blocked because someone said a paper sucked 20 years ago
Scientists are not smart people.
Decline was months before Pony was an itch in Astralite's balls
>better at panties_aside
oh i remember myself there
1girl, beach, water, white hair, red eyes, swimsuit, swimsuit aside
Yeah but they aren't getting mad about AI porn.
Where's /h/?
What caused the decline? It was NAI.
I can see that your understanding of smart people comes from neckbeard sysadmins and hall monitor college professors.
the decline in question:
Maybe, but actual destruction of the general began around a month after pony v6.
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Getting instant loss to work right is a mixed bag.
Eh, I'd disagree. By the time it came around there was nothing to destroy, really.
landscape, scenery, nature, mountain, gradient sky, no humans, splotch of cum
>splotch of cum
hentai bros... we won
>splotch of cum
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Still no v4 leak? Are you serious? OAI gets leaked but NAI doesn't? What the fuck are you guys doing
>splotch of cum
/h/ will say it's on-topic
>OAI gets leaked
No one wants that shit, bwo
Put this in all three of your character UCs: lowres, aliasing
OK, if we look back, what was the high point of this general? The baking of the first LoRA, breasts_on_glass? That was before Pony, right? I don't think I was there for that because I stopped reading the thread for a while.
>some anti-ai people hacked a bunch of comfy users through an extension in early 2024
why did i never heard of this
Why would I want a leak of a shit model?
>comfy users
There's your problem
don't care about v4 leak, they can have it
leak v3
is nai even the best image gen? all the impressive pics on aibooru are from local
I distinctly remember that the thread was unusably bad for at least 3 months before Pony (Jan 2024). Loras got popular around Jan 2023, AOM came out soon after. So I'd say March or April? We were posting like 30 loras daily.
just no

>captcha URG4Y
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god i love noob so much
Yes it is, you probably have very poor standards if you find local civitaislop appealing.
How so?
It did decline from the most fun points but it was still fine before pony started taking roots. People were still posting images, discussing stuff and having fun for the most part. There were plenty of newfag retards who came with NAIv3 but it was not nearly as bad as it got after pony. And to be honest, before NAIv3 the general was effectively dead, threads lasted for 4-5 days (which is fine though considering 1.5 got incredibly stale by that point)
It was around February-March when this endless hostile posting and console wars started and stayed for the whole year.
the best is dall-e
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Thanks. I don’t suppose you’d know if there’s a more successful way to prompt text than “text#”TEXT HERE” or “text:”TEXT HERE”?
how deeply is BA rooted into noob?
okay so post link nai gens that are better
See >>8495994. It was bad enough I left for four months or so at that point. And that was already after a month of coping that is gonna be better. Like, I just looked at a random thread from summer 2023 right now out of curiosity and it was filled with garbage and had five bait OPs baked at the end because of some retarded thread war. Nothing as bad as nowadays in terms of text/images but it was still a lot of bait, dead threads, and page 11 bumps, and a marked decline from "dem hay days".
Maybe it's a difference of perspective but I know what I remember.
check out how many entries it has on danbooru
>impressive pics on aibooru
you mean reposted patreon slop? well at least it's not as bad as civitai
267k apparently
What about
double titty sucking.
What does this mean?
biting_testicles and biting_penis please
>chroma keeps giving me greyscale gens randomly without prompting
into the trash it goes
>Maybe it's a difference of perspective but I know what I remember.
It is, I just take most of the shitposting as part of 4chan that is hard to avoid, I don't expect fully civil threads here, but general being 90% shitposting is something too much even for this website. There was plenty of shitposting here during spring 2023 too which is considered to be the high point of this general.
Although I don't remember spitebakes here during summer 2023, maybe I missed the shittiest threads while I was on vacation
box please?
Oh actually, do pov with the girl lying beside you and you seeing both yours and her whole body, if it makes sense.
I tried to do it myself but I could only find a handful images like that.
while training a multi character lora, in the case that in a picture 2 or 3 of them appear together in the same picture, do I set keep tokens to 2/3 instead of 1? Or should I keep it at 1 like usual
it's racism
>while training a multi character lora
pov being choked
What caused the declinerino?
This place was doomed from the start: >>8495912
nogens, puritanism, groidy spammers, you tell me.
Put monochrome in the negative prompt. A lot of the danbooru dataset consists of doujinshi pages.
what shitmix do you use?
>general full of people whose entire personality is "i am horny and racist"
>surprised when any efforts to build a community fails
let me guess, you are acojeet?
you gotta be horny and zoophilic to have a stable 500/300 general
are there any waifufags around here anymore?
I already say which one, why do you keep asking
Let me guess, you're a nogen.
Why so many ricests
>mfw no face
Maybe I am the one to blame on this one since I also rotate between them quite often
>>general full of people whose entire personality is “i am horny and racist”
I’ve been in several other communities like this, and they’ve all lasted almost 15 years. The actual problem is a lot of you are too comfortable saying stupid shit because you think there’s no way to point at all the other stupid shit you’ve said before and instantly disregard anything you contribute.
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>but for the life of me, NoobXL couldn't
huh? it's not exactly stable but it works sometimes
text, english text. She says "You're so stupid." Text: You're so stupid.
It's stupid, but it's the recommended way.
Man, I hate natural language. Thanks, anon.
I am a sir.
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fuck jannies here is my entry https://files.catbox.moe/qm4lom.png
balls or testicles?
im surprised it doenst work already since its a real tag
i don't put men in my gens because i'm not gay
depends on the tag because danbooru is stupid
you're very much gay because you're hyperfocusing on avoiding men without any good reason, an individual who had an early anal rape trauma would behave the same
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multi-handjobs get a lot easier if you pick the right gachasluts for it
you oughta know sweety
its a shame, noob knows some gachaslut franchises very well but not the one i enjoy
do you always talk to men like that?
I am still collecting all the ones posted for the collage next thread
just the fruity ones like you
>not gay
>holds conversation with gay men and refers to them as "sweety"
uh okay closet sweety
>thinks holding a conversation with gays makes you gay
sounds like an early gay tape trauma victim to me...
noob is unable to perform panties aside while naiv4 can
what gives?
just... write
ALMOST made me reply to it, great job
also NAI makes better koi carps
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I rarely post Maryjane nowadays since people don't much care for her. She was barely a sidekick to miqo and cathag even at her best.
Box the pic then please, I really tried to prompt for it on Noob
I've never seen it fail on noob. Are you trying something unusual, or on a diluted merge?
i remember you
what's your current fotm
just cycling through a bunch of Arknights
and rwby's Yang
Only one of these models has produced an objectively-high-quality picture. The others are being shilled by /hdg/.
None of these look good doe?
just checked it and I wouldn't even call it a shithole desu
it's just completely dead
it's c*thag
You're saying none of /hdg/'s favorite shitmerges look good? Local lost.
>populist slop is bad
>he doesn't have his own sekrit formula for the best results
The one that looks good is eps 0.5.
Sexy pits
>Local lost.
this but unironically
pity sex
nai can't do better than this
is it too new or too niche
>noob knows rin tezuka
>but still fucks up the arms
Just three more finetunes
waiter! waiter! more xy plots without any revelation about what the xy is! please!
>revealing which gen belongs to which model so you can pull your confirmation bias cope
Imagen is completely worthless for anything except stock pictures and porn (maybe occasional 1waifu smile standing), and there's not much interest in genning stock pictures understandably. /g/ generals were active when the tech was new and interesting by itself, but by now it's so common everybody grew sick of it.
Just revealing the prompt would've done wonders, but your sloptastic style will work much better with WAI or Cyberfix due to the nature of it being ai-generated:2.
*smashes your head with a bottle*
im just autistic about outfit reproduction and most of azur lane characters are there just enough to recognize the character but not as accurate as say, NAI
Ow! That really hurt! Who throws a bottle?! Honestly?
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it's basically just fat mons, thong aside, erection, pussy, grinding, penis under another's clothes, pov, rubbing
but the usual pov angle is very missionary-like which is boring and kinda misses the point
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oh actually that's exactly why it isn't "stable", have no idea how i didn't notice that
another brilliant spammer has been born
The prompt is irrelevant. It could be "1girl, standing, incase" and the result would be the same.
In fact, here it is. https://litter.catbox.moe/0x05lf.jpg
What will the cope be now? I didn't schizo prompt and just...write enough?
wait so is your point that base vpred is the best? I think I must've misread because that's also my opinion
why is he posting an chodlerinos?
not making a good case for us localchads bro...
cat tower is already on version 1.7, time to update
localkeks, our response?
Things are moving too quickly these days.
higher number is better after all
thats a hebe aka the sexiest kind of girl
they all look like shit tho
local sucks
you're a skilled genner
it takes effort to make noob look that bad
>it takes three tags to bring noob to its knees
So you admit it's shit?
yah whatever, i simply offer my salutations and kneel
>it takes a single XY to mindcrush noob shills
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Is there a way to hide all the snake oil that I'm never going to use?
you disable them in the extensions tab
disable it in the tab bwo
Barely tried anyone other than Norca at 380 pics, but yeah her flag pin and armband look off.

With this much knowledge already in the model, I wonder if one of those 200+ character loras might be enough to fix these. Except I couldn't find one for illu, only specific girls.
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CAT Tower \||/
Guess I'm stupid since I was checking settings.
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You can disable a lot of other stuff in ui-config now too btw, I have like 60% of it stripped of useless shit.
the ui is dogshit but one of the tabs inside extensions tab has checkboxes to turn off and on
are there any extensions for different noise types to produce darker images? i can use img2img but it lacks hiresfix and i like bulk-generating things
my favorite pillar
are you the one grabbing that pillar?
damn, we're all still waiting for pony??
v7 hasn't even finished training and it's doa
nai is doa
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it will be ready soon. like astralite said, this is lightning in a bottle. 1 minute gens on a 4090, truly there is nothing else like it
>lightning in a bottle
well it can barely do pony in a bottle, so don't expect much
models like flux can do 10.000 gens in a minute if you lower the resolution
astralite is retarded
I want this to release already so I can laugh at it.
You think he will instantly DOA it with artists again?
over 1 minute on a 4090 might seem like a long time, but keep in mind that 4090s are legacy hardware now. they're outdated, no longer being produced. as the technology improves you're expected to improve your rig alongside it. even if you can't afford the much-needed upgrade, the minute spent generating a v7 image is worth it as the output quality will be much higher than 1.5 or SDXL
if only each anon here would just give jordach a h100, we would've had noob v4 by now
if you mean the hashed tags, "style clusters" are his most talked about upcoming feature
it's using style clusters which are just artists but plausible deniability
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these are all different style clusters. which artists are they??
>the minute spent generating a v7 image is worth it as the output quality will be much higher than 1.5 or SDXL
. . .
someone post the jar comparison
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Assuming there's no leakage between the different tags, it's not as bad as Pony v6 at least.

Since they start at 1 and increment we know all the possible options, it's just a matter of identifying them. Which should also be easier now that hashes won't randomly leak into similar ones or actual tags.
you mean score_9

my guess is you can't see the actual styles through quality tags and negs
Akko Jeeto
bwahahahahha so he will DOA them
what a retard
they're all pillars
why is she not wearing the proposal ring?
>pretty good
ai-generated x4
you will apologize for doubting AstraliteHeart
/hdg/ discorderino when?
pretty sure nobody wants that because they wouldn't be able to freely shitpost.
pretty sure nobody wants that else they would have already moved to an AI discord
translation: everyone wants that except groidspammer
does noob have it's own controlnet or do I still use xinsirs
so greekletters and chroma come with the AOMslop look by default?
>is the shitmix a shitmix
yes and yes
anytest also works fine still
what do you expect when you mix together random SDXL slop that was formed by upmerging loras trained on 1.5 outputs? cyberfix is literally a merge with this garbage: https://civitai.com/models/312530/cyberrealistic-xl
Sars, what isn't slop?
>AOMslop look
pure unmerged illustrious/noob
illust 2.2+
pre-nerf dall-e 3
a well-trained flux lora
that looks shit tho
like not "not slop shit" but grey and styleless even with proper artist tags
skill issue.
you're not one of those retards who absolutely refuses to use loras, are you?
you know i can't even be bothered to respond to this properly
>oh nooooo
>loras! why do I have to use loras!
>I know, I'll just download another 6.5gb shitmix! that will truly fix my woes!
>he doesn't know
>he didn't get an invite
It was all a dream.
it's called depth of field you fucking retard
>t. groidspammer
>pony could do hyperrealistic irl photos of my little pony figurines all the way back in january 2024
Why do Ponychads just keep winning?
its pony
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Missing jitome tag
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Nevermind I'm a retard. Good jitome.
I just copy what bakaschizo does
>Steps: 28, Sampler: Euler SMEA Dy, Schedule type: Align Your Steps Custom, CFG scale: 5
Can't imagine why that faggots plot looks like utter shit, no matter the checkpoint.
so much this
cfg++ is all you need
Mald more, chinese beaner.
Looks good to me
is your waifu a squirter or a creamer?
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No idea. I only gen her doing anal.
You can just use 'ejaculating while penetrated', anon.
im not a schizo, you fucking asshat
I AM NOT CRAZY! I am not crazy, I know he switched those gens! It was NoobAI, one after Pony!
u sis?
well okay the non cyber vpred is actually pretty okay
but it still feels pretty basic even with artists
you could always download disney princess lora
who is it by again?? i think we all forgot
ai genners should do more troll shipping, find out what character pairs really upset people and post them on the normal places
18000 top danbooru artists done
next threads challenge will be griffith/femto x your choice
That would actually be a funny challenge. I don't watch anime though.
return to expressive_H, brown man.
>inpainting a face over and over
>wondering why the fuck it isnt changing at all
>realize i forgot to randomize the seed
i guess this is a sign to stop slopping for today
>upscale a pic over and over
>wondering why the fuck it isnt changing at all
>realize i was inpainting a little dot in the corner
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already doing as much!!
White men... we are home...
Very cute expression
I never left because I put all groid-related tags in negs.
QRD plz what is dc vae? What is Kohaku doing I don't understand shit
Why don't you show the class how the same prompt can be made to look amazing with your super special magical sampler, step count, and CFG value settings?
do you know the vae
common cathagfag melty
That's easy, any straight ship will trigger the rainbow loonies that write fanfics in AO3, and that's the majority of people who like shipping.

No, what you do is get 2 characters who genuinely hate each other, characters that would sooner kill each other than go on a date. That's gonna be a genuine challenge, because while this is easy to do between men, Hell, most of these kinds of hatreds drive entire plots forward in a sizeable amount of stories all around the planet for ages untold, it's is much, much much harder to find this kind of relationship in the opposite sex. THAT would be a challenge.
>Euler SMEA Dy
negative iq:(
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I enjoy putting together characters who like each other and having them kiss.
Based vanilla bro
AO3 niggas would probably be triggered by actual lore ships considering half the shit I see on there is "John Dragonborn (Skyrim), Hinata Hyuuga, Commander Shepard, Akaza Akari" type deal
>page 8

are we getting stealth pruned or is /h/ more active than usual.
>>8492489 →
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sex with aqua in the doggystyle position with clothes on!
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>sex with aqua in the doggystyle position
>with clothes on!
this made my eyes water
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No. Kiss.
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Can v4 do proper meat armors? of course noob can't do it but I can at least cope with controlnet
Not image related, but grok is insane for text fags. Can just get around any filter easily kek
>noob can't do it
prompt issue
Link some examples. I don't follow text related news.
why are you like this
I believe that question is better asked to the one wanting to do "meat shield" shit.
I've been stuck at 210 paid patreons,
seems like a lot o people plateu around here and I'm not sure what I can do to really break out
have you figured out how to get stuff to work on v4 yet? all my shit is borked too
but it's hot, it's one of those truly degenerate things that I actually like
Name a character and scenario you want.
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>have access to a tool that lets you put anything you want on a screen
>"umm akshually you should only use it for lame ass normie cringe shit"
your parents just put you in front of the tv and left the room as a child, didn't they?
An orphan loli who will do anything as long as you feed and love her.
hey wait a minute....
nah we had lots of property and I had bb guns, a bow and arrow, had pets and all sorts of other shit.
which is probably why I'm adverse to guro adjacent /d/ shit since I actually have some fucking empathy and viewed life away from some magic glass moving picture box.
You are why us neets can't adopt children.
I can't read
>1000 year old jailbreak
>i am totally much more mentally stable than you
>i also can't differentiate between reality and fiction
>but you are the mentally ill one
uh okay
>not being able to get pp hard to snuff shit is being unable to differentiate reality from fiction
you need to go outside and touch some grass, my dude.
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anything new around here lately
you can do anything at noobAI
the only limit is yourself
We unironically use euler smea dy / AYS with vpred. :)
>of course noob can't do it
looks like it can but guess what, like with any other degenerate fetish thing you need to turn to e621 tags. "fannypacking, leashed to penis, belly riding, piggyfront"
I know dog, I was just asking if v4 can do it more easily

ohhh right, I didn't check if the furries had something like that
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and why shouldn't you?
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Holy based, that's not too bad. Here is a recreation of the girls description.
They actually think that some models don't work with certain samplers.
this general really just believes anything some retards puts in a civitai model description
can someone with a nai sub see if ayakonarts is a tag that does anything
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>i want to use THIS sampler because i liked it on pony
>nooooooooo what do you mean i can't use it on a completely different model?!
Just... read. You fucking moron.
>completely different model
>both are just SDXL finetunes
this dumbass really thinks he understands
consider this >>8496432
Just... ask ChatGPT.
Nice style, box?
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on wai illustrious it artist:ayakonarts seems to change the style a bit lmao, not that significant though so don't know if it's just clip randomly fucking with things
Just pooped
unaligned steps behavior
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Apologies friend. It uses two personal loras.
Well, I had no option but to use cfg++ since I joined the vpred oil side.
>only hentai diffusion options are greasy, fried, melted, jeeted, and slopped
so when do the good models come out?
>t. other snake oil user
I made a better model but im not posting it or any images, keeping it for myself
It's called $25
dall-e is way cheaper than that tho???
Do you have an example catbox, trying these with noob and it doesn't work at all for me
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Better than I ever expected
goddamn anon how much bbc did you have to post?
Around a year or so
Popular gacha sluts help too
>kappa sigma greek fraternity bullshit name
How the fuck do I use these? whenever I try to run them I get either black screens or colored static. For all the verbal blowjobs you fags are giving these models, you could at least make some documentation on how to get it to work easily.
thats not what I asked anon..... hes avoiding the question.
Not everyone likes groids, you know.
let me guess..... a1111
Around a year or so of bbc posting
That wasn't clear enough? I can't be bothered to count exact numbers
damn, i'm getting filtered by chromayumeNoobaiXLNAI_v10
>Around a year or so

this doesnt indicate if you meant you have been posting it for a year or just positng so I wasnt sure. if its what pays the bills, it is what it is
considering I don't particular care much about pixiv I'm doing fine enough.
I regenned a sloppy one, I guess I was using a few other tags that seem to help. It's not really that stable but you could probably make it work a bit better with some effort <https://litter.catbox.moe/rm3zc4.png>
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do NOT click this
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damn I'm impressed, maybe I need to start just doing more popular girls instead of commission shit
Yeah it's some nice bit of extra money for an hour of "work" a day
And I know no one cares or believes but I've always posted on the blacked thread on /trash/ so I'm actually doing something I have fun with
how many supporters do you have? I'm at like 212 rn
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this could be us
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Nearing 300
Which I think are good numbers. You don't want to get too popular that you get famous with twitter weirdos and AI haters
will vpred let me train loras of black women because this shit is starting to feel impossible on base illustrious
how do i shitmix two models together? i found an illust one i like and want to shitmix it into noob
NAI v4 incorporated collections into the dataset, you could try this one https://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/1851
does naiv4 have characters with 0 images on danbooru?
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mirin, didn't realize you get aggro if you get too big

any tips for breaking through 200? I've been stuck at 200 or so for a few months, mostly just because I do this part time. maybe just genning more popular characters or smaller sets but more often? most of my sets are pretty large.
to the anon who posted https://i.4cdn.org/h/1741379873884729.png
did you prompt for an ycharacter in specific or is it an oc donut steal?
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sex with ooyodo in the doggystyle position with clothes on!
ah yes it's time to larp as grifters
I have no idea how I made it past 100 in the first place
Be consistent I guess?
Whether you post everyday or once a week try not mess that schedule. Also posting in as many platforms as possible can be nice, I know twitter pixiv even people who post on rule34
Just get people to know your page exists in the first p[lace
Where does your traffic come from?
548 is not larping at least, unless he's posting someone else's slop
for me its x/r34/pixiv
Explain what you think grifting means and how it’s currently applicable to what’s being discussed.
I don't take orders from you.
promoting ai porn is an ethical win as you are preventing women being involved in the industry
I'd be fucking embarrassed if I was a cathaggot posting on /hdg/
Yeah, you do.
In that order? Or does one deliver more than the others?
if they're upfront and blatant about "hey this is all AI generated I'm literally just wildcarding this shit and barely even curating what I post lmao" then it's not grifting.
I don't think anyone making actual money on patreon is actually doing that, though. They might label AI on a few external sites but then happen to just not mention it anywhere they're not forced to.
That’s not what grifting means, though.
being dishonest(in any capacity) while "selling" something isn't grifting?
you sure about that, bud?
pixiv/patreon link?
What’s the dishonesty? They’re not saying “Yeah, I drew this, I’m an artist (real).” At least, the vast, VAST majority of them don’t.
Also, why did you put selling in scare quotes, lol. Something IS being sold.
it's assumed that someone running a patreon with images that they produced it somehow. If you're not outright saying "hey, yo, this is AI generated, it's made with a GPU, I'm not even a prompt monkey I just automate it with shitty wildcards that I probably didn't even make myself lmao" then you're taking advantage of others trust.
You don't need to emblazon each image with some "this is AI generated!" watermark or anything but if you're not directly up front and honest about your involvement(or lack thereof) where you're collecting money then yeah, you're being dishonest about it.
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damn i suck
thats not actually bad anon that's pretty good
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>it’s assumed
Isn’t that your failing?
they got way better ratios
No? The onus is on the proprietor for services rendered. If someone can call their credit card company and file a valid chargeback due to misrepresented information you're grifting.
Consumer protections are a thing for a reason, my dude.
Why would anyone post that here?
I assume any patreon links posted are just from fags trying to make the actual people behind them look bad

Why? Those are great number anon, specially if you haven't been posting for that long
You can file a valid chargeback for anything because valid only means whether the bank will actually do it. I’ve seen people chargeback gacha rolls under the guise of pretending the rates were misrepresented.
>the (((payment processors))) are the final arbiters of what’s true and just
I cannot imagine a more cucked human being
>that long
a bit under a year...
look up the story of kiwifarms trying to fund itself it's hilarious
>if you're not grifting just be completely honest at every end step, what's so hard about that?
>b-b-but that's not grifting! dishonesty by omission isn't really dishonesty! profiting by obfuscation is completely and totally valid!
whatever you say, retard.
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The true power of NAI v4....
>because the average person is a retard who can’t recognize AI
Hmmmmmm… nyo, I don’t think so. You already exposed yourself when you said the (((credit card companies))) get a say in what a grift is, sorry. Try again tomorrow.
I post gens for (You)'s
Business is not going well :(
>it's not my fault they're stupid!
>who cares if I wasn't completely up-front about what I was selling! it's their fault for assuming!
this is legitimately 3rd world tier thinking patterns
You need to be over 18 to post here.
followup question: would it be better to just somehow make a lora extract of a mix and use that on my base model of choice? if so, how do I do it? i see in kohya there is extract lora, and extract lycoris but i'm not really sure how it works.
He’s gonna have a meltie because you said this.
uh oh grifter melty
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tips for an aspiring grifter?
why exactly are you so adverse to the idea that you have to actually explain what you're selling to not be grifting?
why are you so overly defensive about this?
Because most of them already DO. They have AI somewhere, either in their name, description, or each individual post. You’re creating an issue to be mad about to pretend to have the high ground.
ironically, you’re far more likely to encounter someone who doesn’t disclose that it’s AI if they’re on social media and posting things for free
I've seen more than a few twitter accounts that link out to patreon that don't disclose shit and also lock down all comments so no one can mention anything about it.
It's also beside the point. Someone asked the definition of grifter in this context. It was explained. Then they proceeded to get extremely defensive as if they were being called out directly.
If they're upfront about everything being AI at point of sale then it's not grifting.
Pixiv is slowly being overrun with faggots who aren't even tagging their blatant aomslop as AI anymore because it gets more views that way.
being able to do threesomes and multiple people with v4 is so nice but the fact I can't use normal artist blends is mind boggling how they managed to fuck this up
new arch combined with having no idea what they did with v3 that made artist mixing work the way it did
If they do somehow get artist blends working 100% then it's going to be pretty fucking good
Until then I can't be bothered wrangling it
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Mixing itself works fine on noob too. It's just artist tags themselves felt much better to use on naiv3, on noob they're just sorta fucked most of the time and you have to use loras most of the time (again...)
I'm not adverse to the idea because I don't shop for AI slop, I make my own, that's why I'm here.

But your fucking ideas are childish, by the metric you describe things, you pretty much can't buy anything in real life, every single product sold on a store shelf or digitally doesn't hold up to your standard of not grifting. For example, nutritional labels. These are meant to let everyone know what's on your food right? and they're mandated by the government for your product to be sold right? and they do an atrocious job of it. they're complicated to understand, they're in small lettering, and when you do understand them the information is almost irrelevant. The nutritional value on the label is for "a single portion" which sometimes will be on the label and others will be missing from it, so the numbers on the label don't represent the actual nutritional value of the product itself. You have to make math to figure that shit out, and no one does math to figure that shit out.

And that's just food, there's even worse industries where you're outright lied to in order to get you to buy something or sign up for things, car salesmen lie to you, Best Buy employees lie to you, gym memberships lie to you, doordash lies to you, software sales lie to you, you don't own your games anymore, you own a "license". Do you think the game devs before you fire up Steam to buy your game go "Wait wait wait!, just to let you know, just so we're clear, you don't own this game you're buying, you own access to it. That's all we're selling you, and we reserve the right to take it away from you if you so choose" Fuck no they don't, that's on the EULA, the terms and conditions that no one reads, because it's mixed in with 50 pages of legalese.

So, long story short, you already live in a world of grifting. Get used to it cause the only way to avoid it nowadays is to become a survivalist and fuck off to a central american jungle and survive of live monkey brain or any other animals
Zesty lil' contortionist nigga.
it's because, like he said, they have no idea what they did with v3 that made artist mixing work, that's all SDXL's credit. noob and v3 both use SDXL and mixing works fine. v4 uses some shitty custom dit/flow/t5 shit which historically completely fucking sucks at mixing things together. it's a flaw in all these newer models: sd3, flux, lumina. they can't blend styles properly and instead opt for the clip-art approach of selectively applying the style to random objects in the scene.

it's my schizo theory but i think it's t5. all of these newer models use it and NAI admitted that's what they think the problem is. i bet if the weights were released you could style mix through loras just fine.
Steam requires developers to slap a notice on their games if they use AI generated assets.
You can justify whatever you want to yourself if it helps you sleep at night(you seem rather invested to do this). Doesn't change that not disclosing it at point of sale is grifter behavior.
>i bet if the weights were released you could style mix through loras just fine
It actually might not. iirc flux stuff generally requires activation tags to actually work at all and for "styles" it's probably going to conflict, even if you're calling styles from both the model itself and an external unet, simply because that's how it'll want to construct things.
but flux also has clip
but guys what is dc vae and will it work for sdxl or nah
model needs to be trained with it. so until somebody with compute does, forget it
okay boys someone get to work
Maybe NAI can get artist mixing to work if they implemented prompt editing like A1111 did, switching the prompt at every step. They'd just have to come up with a different syntax than [a|b].
I don't understand why aren't they doing this desu
its slop
verify the numbers if you want; wrote a simple scraper that sums the totals for views and bookmarks. anons are pretty retarded posting their numbers here if they don't want this found out.
i fucking love black penises, bros...
You’re weird.
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damn, is really that easy huh
how many followers?
its not actually you doe
How mentally ill do I have to be to gen this garbage for a living?
just poor and desperate. it's not that bad compared to wagie jobs, especially for a thirdie.
are you also black my nigga?
Third-worlders have zero self-respect and will do anything to avoid having to traverse the scrapyard for copper to sell.
If that's actually you, do you actually enjoy bbc shit or just doing it for money? I remember your posts from a year ago here.
box please
API doesn't give that info
nah https://files.catbox.moe/mip2i1.png
again, verify this if you want. their supporter page also shows 283 supporters. matches up with the near 300 they mentioned.
have to admit he's smart taking advantage like this if it generates free money for only 1 hour of his time. if he really knew what he was doing he'd just automate all this shit so it takes 0 hours of his time.
straight and white
>same posts, replies as if he’s him
Are you schizophrenic?
its grifter
idk the chroma hands for ahri look kinda shit, its literally phasing through
cute double personality anon trying to distance his other self
Here's the scraping code: https://pastebin.com/5q8gpz2E
Also added the screencap from my previous post to my GitHub profile and archived it (temporarily up on my profile if you want to check). https://archive.is/or6ET
Would actually be funny if you believe I'm the grifter. I'm just showing their stupidity.
hows it going?
the overwhelming amount of slop has been changing my taste. whenever i see gradient-shaded skin i just get repulsed. need some more artists i can use/train that have a detailed skin texture, something like eu03 https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7898308
how did you find the account? are you just running a script on a bunch of AI accounts?
See >>8496749
which snake oil to reduce color burn with chroma? apg? i don't like cfg++
So you could steal it for your pixiv/patreon? No way
anyone actually using apg? what settings? does cfg slider matter after you enable apg?
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My image decode takes as long as the amount of time needed to generate. Is there any nodes that help optimize it?
>le hecking prompt editing is the answer
Tiled decode (not the vanilla one), taesdxl decoder.
I'm still unsure if no negs at all is improving or killing my gens, it improves or completely breaks some seeds, none of them is constant at all
Found another, here's the account from >8496420; even sloppier
I hate these fucking jeets so much
who's the fucking market
they're the problem and need to be gunned down
this is how real artists feel
is bbc all it takes to get likes on pixiv?
desu I hate simps and findommers much, much more than the jeets subscribing to aislop patreons
seems to be the case, yes
Start my pixiv week ago. Only 3k views :(
>tfw don't try to make money at all on the hobby and just farm thousands of likes on twitter
feels pretty good
>tfw get anxiety attack every time I try posting anything on twitter
I've thought of doing just that because I like seeing the funny numbers go up but I'm lazy.
bruh, that shit never goes away. RSD is an absolute fucking bitch.
at a certain point you've just got to yolo it though. If anything it's actually a lot easier when you're expecting next to nothing anyway compared to once you start to get traction.
I considered making a Twitter alt for AI and doing requests (for money), but I don’t want to be beholden to other people’s whims. I wanna make what I like, not weird fucking groid porn because some Indian just happened to be born into a high enough caste that he has money to throw around on interracial AI porn.
Drop your twitter
I will always leave kind comments
Has the Indian anti sentiment gone up recently?
box? really nice mix
It’s been going up ever since they got rid of Apu from the Simpsons, unironically. Losing that collectively removed the wool from the average American’s eyes that Indians are hard-working, capable of assimilation, competent, etc. Things really started kicking up sometime around late December/early January with talks about H1B recipients stealing American jobs.
/slop/ is gone
>the sleazy salesman
really now
>It’s been going up ever since they got rid of Apu from the Simpsons
Wait what? Granted, I haven't kept up with them since prior to The Movie but I thought they just got an actual Indian to voice him?
>sleazy salesman
He runs a 7/11 and takes care of his 8 kids.
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and accounts for half of the town's food poisoning cases from all the expired shit he sells lmfao what is your point?
>he only cares about his own kin
yeah seems about right lol, thanks for the gotcha
Have you considered some anons simply have morals, think this is cool tech, and think others making money off of it is a sad sight to see and makes the majority look bad?
No, I hate Indians. You’re weird.
Had to look up what that even meant.
>corporations creating AI technology are allowed to make money
>corporations using AI technology are allowed to make money
>developers using AI technology are allowed to make money
>but not the individual, NEVER the individual, he must be kept poor and broke and indebted into wageslavery forever like me
I fucking hate the Patreon groidfags, but people like you make me want to side with them out of principle.
same, based
(yeah but don't side with them)
I wouldn't ever do this shit for money but it's so weird that so many of you consider this to be a scam or a grift.
People are willing to give money for those pictures for the convenience and the content they receive in return. There is no coercion or fraud happening. Customers get what they paid for, they are happy, the slopper gets paid for it and he's happy as well. What's the problem?
Yeah, become a developer or some shit. You can be more than a wageslave.
“Grifter” doesn’t actually mean anything anymore.
Should've picked up a pencil instead
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Why? To make less than prompters for more work?
I think all of them are scum honestly.
Also worse than prompters kek.
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>showing their stupidity
you directed more followers his way bwo ....
do me next
ok tranny.
what stupidity? they are literally getting paid for barely doing anything
grifter defense force is here
moron squad is as usual ever present
uh oh grifter melty
why haven't you subscribed yet you bloody bitch?
Is there any hope for anyone without LAX's amount of compute (but with more knowledge) to unfuck vpred bakes by finetuning them further instead of shitmixing? Namely unfuck the schizo contrast devouring the details and styles for like 80% of artist tags and prompts. I really want to have proper vpred like v3's desu.
nope, use snake oil
why isn't his snake sufficiently oiled?
it's pretty basic
style lora from >>8407916
Wew, good thing i didnt post mine and you werent around last time I posted my numbers
Does anybody know a model/lora that does more interesting blowjobs? If I use the oral or licking_penis tag, it just puts the tongue in one of two positions every time with no variance.
I can mess around with the various angles of the image itself to get something different but I can't get the blowjob itself to be something different.
too late. i'm hacking in.
at least im not doing bbc with the same mix as all those retard
mix of jealousy and disdain for the low quality slop they make
Compared to the actual slop that gets posted here, the worst I can say about Patreon shit is that it’s samey and full of groids. Some of the garbage you people post genuinely makes me wonder if you have eyes in your fucking skulls because if you did you would know better than to post it.
uh oh
its local
holy fuck AI grifters are pathetic HAHAHAH
>uh oh
actually its mostly v3
the true indian model
Shut the fuck up and post 1girl pov cowgirl
Enemies to lovers is a popular trope though.
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Loras are very good at replicating one specific pose, but in general they do the opposite of what you want. They make the model even more stiff.

My advice is to remove loras, minimize negs, shorten your positive prompt, and go back to a model that's closer to base illustrious (in that order). All of that stuff limits seed variability.
I'm guessing there's not chance of having a successful patreon if I post 1-2 better pics a day, it's all about volume? If so I might just do a Pixiv and farm nosebleed elephants.
no, not really. it would take equally as long to unfry it. noob was really a once in a lifetime moment. nobody is going to hand local 128xh100s ever again. the closest you will get is lodestone's furry smegma flux finetune which he's fundraising $50k for, for 'only' 8xh100s.
Alright, I'll give that a shot, thanks.
It takes a few rolls to get a decent pose and the orc keeps wanting to touch the girls, but kind of?
>it would take equally as long to unfry it
are you sure it's that bad? v29 despite all the issues seemed to be able to deal with some of the contrast explosions and it's not a shitmix
It kind of is. If you prompt 1girl with no quality tags/negs she looks like a 3dp korean girl, it's the cosplay images that managed to rein it in quickly.
meh, weird semi-realistic shit appearing from simple 1girl prompts started with eps 0.75, it isn't much of an issue with proper prompts and loras, but fucked up contrast is.
So it really is true that anyone looking to get big or make money off AI should just spam blacked shit. Why is it so absurdly popular anyway? I will never understand this shit
I don't mean at random, it's every single image
a huge difference from v-pred 1.0 even
South Korea, SEA, India
it's pretty bad, but it's tolerable enough for me. i don't think we'll ever get a perfect vpred implementation at this point. euge and his warriors have moved on and haven't touched it for months now. euge did say that he's eyeing lodestone's project and waiting for more experiments on it, so maybe they will do another noob on that or something later on.
You just don't get us chudai's.
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don't listen to the trannies.
i started this a month ago and have 1000 subscribers without posting a single groid.
> without posting a single groid
> ntrMIXIllustriousXL
>the pixiv link
Extreme fucking mental illness and I'm okay with loli in general.
>Extreme fucking mental illness
it's footfag
It's worth trying to do your own thing, for a while at least. You can always pivot to blacked if it doesn't work out.

Not AI but I always get reminded of Acrylictoon and his weird-ass fetish, that he's somehow kept going for like four years now.
It is never acceptable to pivot into groid shit.
Based. I just signed up at the mid tier, king.
It is if you're getting paid for it
Inset spammer's painfully unfunny style of trolling and "jokes", the attempts to fit in and absolute trash-tier slop gens really makes for the worst recognizable poster this general has ever had. Impressive.
holy shit if someone asks once again "what caused the decline".
this. exactly this.
unbearable faggots ruin everything by grifting
Gooning to AI all day is not acceptable, yet here we are. It comes down to whose opinions you actually value.
You’re still using that word incorrectly.
>ss_lr_scheduler constant
Should I throw out the lora without even checking
>noooooooo you can't make money by producing slop because...because you just can't okay?
if you're posting your ai slop elsewhere that isn't an ai containment group (/hdg/) you're a fucking grifter chasing numbers. kill yourselves
do what you want elsewhere, just don't shill your patreon here
i am here for masterpieces made by artists creating exclusively for /hdg/, not for some cheap slop made for monkeys with low standards (and skin darker than milk, by accident)
Ayakon would never do blacked, he is one of the only content creators that regularly posts here that isn't a grifter.
grifting aside, do mixed language or en/jp only posts get better engagement on pixiv?
>exclusively for /hdg/
>not for some cheap slop made for monkeys with low standards
I'm chasing human interaction. Sadly this seems to be the only place where you can get criticism from people who have imagegen experience, rest is really just emojis, retweets or roleplay comments.
Do you even need any text other than the patreon link? Tags are auto-translated if you use the correct one.
Yeah, /hdg/ is one of the most influential imagegen spaces in the field with probably the highest standards out of all. You won't get a better audience anywhere else. If you think you can, name them.
>/hdg/ is one of the most influential imagegen spaces in the field with probably the highest standards out of all
The absolute state of imagegen lmao
People read the title and body text sometimes, I guess.
>bbc grifter content
>use mostly the same slopmix as everyone else but make it a little cuter
>add more moe levels to the images
waoooooooooooow it really is that easy
I posted my stuff on pixiv once, got flagged for not censoring it enough, and then decided I couldn't be fucked and nuked everything.
One of the major reasons I got into AI in the first place was everything being uncensored, almost feels retarded just censoring it in the end.
sounds ironic but yeah
it's really hard to find a place that is primarily genners not normies
xitter is dead, where do I post my slop now?
>more than half of the challenge gens deleted
I told you lmao.
I figure if they're mass-generating slop, might as well just prompt it with censorship. Not like you'll ever want to look at the pic yourself.
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>bwo actually clicked the link
pixiv users are a fun kind of crazy.
To keep me from chasing women at night. Thoughts?
it saves men from throwing money at OF whores
it was actually all of them, at one point. I wish they'd just put a sentence about characters in the board rules, would be nice to know if western ones are okay or not as long as they're done in a proper anime style. Seems pretty clear to me already that it's fine, but each janny sees it differently.

That said I've posted a lot of /aco/ girls in anime style over time and none ever got deleted. Might be that the challenge itself is provoking reports and that's all they care about.
>thought you were just being a dramatic bitch
>the site is actually down
>within a minute of me posting that, it’s back up
what the fuck i just hit 50 followers on twitter are you saying all that work is fucking gone now
you're only allowed to sell pony gens as it's the only ethically trained model
i've posted ahri many times and never gotten bonked for it, it was probably because it encourages bad behavior in the opinion of some mod. like "roll for x" images which are banned almost sitewide
it's kinda up, pretty degraded atm
I hate rimjobs. They’re disgusting.
what caused decline of moe
>bluesky: 50 followers
>xitter: 0 followers
who said xitter is more accepting of ai?
That's very much the point.
>They’re disgusting.
That's the point
if that was the case then they would have deleted the challenge post too so it doesnt really make any sense
They’re also unattractive to look at.
That would've been boring.
maybe they forgor
I dunno but Ahri is such a shit character I'm glad she's getting deleted. Either play better games or get better taste lmao.
Rimjobs are hot ONLY if they're done to a girl. No one wants so stare at a man's asshole, but a girl's? Count me in.
>gacha shit is allowed
>moba shit isn't
GODcha won.
Sure but whether it's character choice or the challenge itself, in either case I would expect the challenge post to be deleted, not the images created because of it.
rimming shy otoko no kos
don't care, i'll keep posting ahri
already getting pony nostalgia...
Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.
Gook based characters are just lame as fuck. It's like the comparing Koreans with Japanese the same way you compare Jeets with Blacks. Objectively worse.
what the fuck is going on in this image
>jeets are worse than groids
daring today, aren't we?
its ai
same, for a little bit
then I try it and realize my styles don't work, my characters don't work, it can't do the pose I want and I have to dick around with diffusion-CG just to get a darker and non-sepia scene.

Honestly feels like there's no use case left for it other than photorealism.
it's img2img of the dude
sorry im too shy
Unironically, yes. They carry diseases too.
The company was very much western when Ahri released. Was like season 2 I think? Almost two decades ago.
>took a look at my 1.5 gens folder
Yeah... that shit is definitely worse than I even remember. I had no delusions about it being on the level of artists but it didn't feel THAT sloppy.
I care.
I deleted everything because that crap was just awful. Did the same thing with my pony gens btw.
my sd1.5 gens have sentimental value. they show my progress from being a noob to using noob
birdschizo hasn't shown himself here since the release of kurumuz's failbake lololol
>using noob
You're still a noob yourself if you are too afraid to use loras and need your model to carry your lazy ass.
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Looking back on old AI is fun because instantly my brain goes “I used to jerk off to this? Was I just fucking stupid or something?”
excuse me sir, would a noob finetune noob?
Some of my stuff from early 2023 is so fucking bad I don't know what I ever saw in it.
funniest thing is that it'll happen again
>!instagram, anne stokes, by greg rutkowki
'member this fine tokens?
I think all of us have had a cheerleader miqo moment with our own images
Perhaps, but at least they’ll look a lot better than 1.5. I can still beat it to early v3 gens from when people barely knew what they were doing. Looking at 1.5, it’s amazing how much of it is just 1girl, standing, nude, and it still looks like shit.
I remember genning fever dream shit in 1.1, most of you faggots have no idea how good it's nowadays
For me it's getting 256x256 body horror in VQGAN.
For me, it was always the feeling of being in control - not relying on the scraps thrown my way by paintpigs, gooning to precisely what *I* want to see. It's why, despite all its flaws, I like NAIv4 in the end - just as Pony made paintpigs more obsolete than they already were by checking out anal that 1.5 couldn't do reliably, NAIv4 mostly checks out FFM that no other model can do reliably.
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>I'm chasing human interaction
i come here for the schizo babble >>8496910
well tbqh your pics are indeed pretty garbage if im not confusing my posters
I remember I got bored as fuck of it on the same day NAI v1 came out, I'm still doing this halfly because it's the most interactive piece of tech around. I find it fun to tweak stuff and get results, it was the same with all the lora baking on 1.5
opinion discarded until you post subscriber count.
i thought we unanimously agreed that the worst poster is the cadaveranon
post some 1.5 sovl
who's the worst among these and why do we have so many bad posters?
>forgot momoura
You gotta go back, way back. Post 1.4 hypernetwork sovl
I have very little /h/ material that is this old
To be fair getting it to gen a 1girl standing was already nigh impossible lmao
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Pic unrelated? Looks great compared to my 1.5 gens.
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true that
I spent most of my time genning Hotaru back then. It wouldn't surprise me if I almost have a thousand of gens with her
Genning Mwah-Chan was doing 100 pics in a batch and then trying to pick out the two that weren't broken. And that was a portrait facing viewer lips fully clothed. And it barely worked.
I have to say though that some of my soulfvlest pics were all the crap from before AOM just because they actually looked like anime.
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kek yeah it's kinda crazy we put up with AOM for so long
in hindsight it as really ugly
I'm done posting shit 1.5 gens now
would be fun to see some from others though
I can't tell the difference between the 1.5 and the NAI v4 images in this thread to be honest
Well it was the only one that could do actual hentai-related gens. The stupid thing is that hentaibros couldn't be bothered to train their own when furfags were using a Pony-tier model for a year by that point.
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last one
That's still way better than the bulk of /hdg/ images then. Source: I was looking at old threads yesterday
Shut up, CF.
cathaggot. The others have at least got a chuckle out of me on occasion.
>you dont really do that great a job but you coom anyways
time to take a break for a couple days
i know ayakon but who tf are the rest
can't go wrong with anime screenshot style
oh yeah it's sexy hentai o'clock
Time to finally redo my Rin dataset from 2022
I'm more of an anime game cg from 2007 style but I still haven't been able to get it well.
remove cathag from the list, he's not that annoying
Cathag, pls
>t. cathag
shut up momoura
>not on there
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Think at this rate I will just unsubscribe from NAI, while it's not impossible to get a good image, it's nowhere near as consistent as NAI3. Everything is blurred and artifacted, and style fidelity just isn't as high. It's to the point where even if they open source it, I doubt we'd get any use out of it, and I'd rather they open sourced NAI3
just go into your settings and add a tag to all your outputs and this will be considered becoming a pillar
I dont know what to gen anymroe
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holy promptlet
do the thread challenge
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nigga that might as well be a default prompt, if the base is that then its doa
Nice pic.
1girl, huge breast, 1boy, dark-skinned male, very dark skin
>>8494101 →
the real game begins when you add loras to your wildcards.
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Which one is the non-vanilla one? Didn't find the taesdxl and the other taesd doesn't work.
1girl, standing, smile
Insetfag by far, he is the only actual sub-90 IQ poster.
I don't know why people keep mentioning birdschizo considering he hasn't posted his gens for almost a year now.
don't forget splotch of cum
who are even these people
back in my day we had maidfag
which one is that
1-make the most possible long nipples
2-long clitoris masturbation
3-very close-up of a gacha slut nostrils
thread challenge? Is that a new thing? I do not see anything about that in the OP
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thats me kek
what is the tag /name for that type of dress / sweater?
I'm surprised it has this much of an idea how 4chan's main page looks like.
black sweater dress, cat cutout, cleavage cutout
>just grabbed one of my old gens with grabber because someone uploaded it to a booru
>nicer animeish style than anything i made since then
falin_touden pls onegai
>it was pre-AOM
Makes sense
almost thought i deleted it, here you go
fresh leak: kurumuz had scraped all of hdg so he could add it to their dataset with negative weights
I mean that'd be a good idea regardless of the general
what's the thread challenge?
we are, all of us, thread challenged
get to a post/image ratio under 1800/300!
taesdxl should be available in model downloads
it is not compatible with tiled diffusion however
is this like one of the biggest bbc slop accounts? don't think I"ve seen anybody with this many subs on their subscribestar/patreon
All these patreon talk reminds me of truck-kun, made me check his patreon and he's bleeding supporters like crazy.
Dude will probably reach 2 digit supporters soon. How the fuck sloppers here could get 200?
>this many subs on their subscribestar/patreon
There is a free tier.
yeah but it looks like they have close to 300 paid
christ what is the market kek
Did you not see truck kun with his 1000 paid followers? Are you new here?
do you think people are shitposting whenever they say blacked is the best way to grift with ai?
>christ what is the market kek
Mossad, USAID.
>unlimited free porn
>people pay for AI sloppa
>unlimited free porn
>people pay 30000$ a month to get the same three 3s loops from diives
>unlimited free porn
>people pay for porn
didn't make sense then, doesn't make sense now
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how is civitai so dreadfully bad
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he KWAB'd himself or something, or maybe people realized he was shit compared to other "creators"
Whatever happened to Truck-sama?
He used to be the king
Right as I was about to post
>unlimited free porn
>people pay 30000$ a month to get the same three 3s loops of diives' ocs which nobody fucking cares about**
Pajeet coding.
wait there is a site you can use to track this stuff for people?
>increased my dataset size three times
>way higher quality photos
Bets on it being worse than the original lora for shits and giggles?
this is what happens when you grow complacent
tails? Is it always furry?
I assume people do get tired of the same slop eventually, just takes longer for non-genners.
What is "ohogao"?
did he just get shittier or was it just because he was an early adopter and got complacent? or both
how about i do you one better
>unlimited free porn
>people still pay 30000$ a month to renpy shitters that haven't updated their 3d porn games in 1.5 years
fox girls are not furry, long as you don't put fur on their hands/feet or mess with the anime girl facial structure
Imagine if he just hide his prompt back then. what a blunder.
Even with lora not everyone can run local
first comment sums it up
>fox girls are not furry
uh, lmao?
sure you're not just attracted to animals?
Yeah I think everyone and their mother copying his style and doing better with it is what killed him
I'm not sure but I think he even switched to something else trying to stay "unique"
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>I'm not sure but I think he even switched to something else trying to stay "unique"
How ironic, kek
>>8168055 →
technically wolf but eh, same thing
And you guys wonder why someone would withhold their metadata. It's basically like asking for your secret recipe when you're running one of the most popular bakeries in the world. The second that recipe is out, you will be closing your doors for good in a matter of time.
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Happens with every early adopters, it's 100% burnout. Somehow Truck got hit the one at most (no pun intended)
so much this.
they take your recipe
do it better
and make it cheaper
and you expect the customers to stay?
>and you expect the customers to stay?
I always wonder with some of these if they have some grandfathered tier that's cheaper. seems odd they're able to retain so much compared to other people
Makes sense if you're already making money off of it. But otherwise, why not? The only way to get useful stuff out of the thread is to ensure other people share stuff willingly.
Oh no, they got my secret sauce! How am I supposed to win the thread challenge now?
i get hundreds, thousands of catbox requests per month.
but do i ever fulfill them?
my style is for me and me alone
What if I decide to make some money with it later but there's already a dozen fags here copying me?
What if I ever want to make money off of it? If I shared my mix once before that basically makes that mix ungriftable because that means anyone can reproduce it and i have to make an entirely new one. It is better to just never share it or just share pieces of your prompt like telling other bakers that you use flour in your bread without telling them what makes it special.
Hard to believe now but this general wasn't a always a pajeet grifter shithole and people happily shared their meta, bakes, configs and gens and only were interested in getting fun and faps from this.
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so it's sweater dress, thanks!
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What is the best way to get prompt/exif's from pictures in 4chan?
According to graphtreon, this is the current slop king
/aco/ chads stay winning
based griftmaxxer
Holy fuck, he shits them out daily
>bio is literally just chatgpt
yeah the grifter phase is pretty much hdg's late stage cancer. at this point i am less disgusted by gonner roleplayers from /slop/.
>2k members
>posts don't have more than 40-50 likes on them
something isn't adding up. I see accounts like 1/10th this size with those nunbers
cute eyes. what style is this?
I'm a loli main so I can't sell my slop....
this is why hagbros never lose
how about i do you one better
monster girl island is never coming out
Don't let all the "g-grifter!" shitposters turn you away from making money with your passion, bros.
If you're still enjoying what you create and not trying to pass it for real art, there's no reason not to make some extra cash doing what you enjoy .
Imagine if you started posting some months ago? You could afford the 5090 today without taking any money out of your existing savings, your hobby could just pay for itself
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My favorite artist mix currently:

(betabeet, rustle:0.5), (mignon:0.6), (porforever, amakusa \(hidorozoa\):0.7)
I'd have to buy a new house after that, no thank you
if you make money on slop you can actually expense a new gaming PC on your taxes fyi
i don't care if you gotta scam grannies or sell drugs to survive rajesh, just stop flooding this place with your pathetic garbage or go to /biz/ if you must
AI porn is my passion.
Notice I didn't mention you should share stuff yourself. Just keep the rest of the thread willing to share. Keep your refusal quiet and it'll pass unnoticed, instead of making a big deal out of it like a certain pair of avatarfags.

It's still an ugly thing to do and I hate you both, but it's not as bad for the thread long-term as advocating for selfishness. Cause then we might as well close the thread.
How do all those patreon survive when the style they are using is so blatant, don't asanagi, nyala, orangemaru, haku and all that just fuck them over?
>retrain lora on v-pred
>the color accuracy is even worse
i see
This but unironically
>Cause then we might as well close the thread.
Where are we going to discuss out patreons?
I will keep informing people getting into AI to avoid sharing metadata because it does nothing but shoot yourself in the foot if you ever decide to make a career out of it. There is plenty of metadata to steal online so if you want to share other people's metadata that's fine but don't ever share your own.
thanks mate. very cute
>monster girl island is never coming out
what the fuck was even that ending
>Cause then we might as well close the thread.
We should. Patreonjeets already irreversibly poisoned the well here.
>trains a lora on your patreon
nothing personell
It's either bait or the brownest subhuman you ever seen, I really am not sure desu.
yall think the rtx 6000 blackwell will really have 96gbs of vram
i'm scared of jensen burning my house down but if it really does have 96gbs i'll bite
>if you ever decide to make a career out of it
pff ahah
>Play game
>Taking screen shots to use in a dataset
>Watching anime
>Taking screen shots to use in a dataset
>Playing erotic games
>Ripping assets to use in a dataset
Training occupies my thought at every waking moment.
Thanks for the sub, chud
>gets your shit off kemono for free
Them going back to 24Gb is more likely than 96Gb for 6000 kek
i no longer browse art for the sake of it
now its all about finding interesting styles to take for myself
>there are EU courses in AI genning offered in my country now
It's so over for the casual prompter
glad that you like it.
>Moves to subscribestar where kemono can't scrap
>loses half his income
I think you can't advertise uncensored on pixiv, just don't pout the word anywhere and it's not breaking any rules
ask redamz
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you are both bold and brave.
Janny not gonna like this...
wake up idiot the internet is a fad that will die in five years
get a real job in the coal mines
jesus christ
actual curry general
A single earthquake wasn't enough
>bro really thinks he can make a career out of licking a microphone in front of a camera
get real kid
https://youtu.be/59LhihyF2PQ [Embed]
Oh, that's nice to know, I don't think anyone would do more gens but I hope someone does so I can take those as reference for controlnet
Wait, you guys don't actually think pajeets browse 4chan.org, right?
what did she mean by this
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somehow I doubt she's the one who wrote it
should be glad I don't get Soraka with goat hooves
Someone please generate a car brake in slutwear
Looks like pony v7 is done training?
Release this week?
she's japanese, they're into inane anglobabble

>he fucked her brains out
what about the graffity guys though
Google colab...
twenty-five us dollars
My expectations are so low I cannot possibly be disappointed.
V5 is gonna be better. There is no hope for the ponies.
give me a twenny five dollas
A joke.
>artists still hashed
Literally useless unless you wanna run around like a clockwork monkey and test 100000 artists to get anything usable
The most disgusting thing is the situation when you already figure out cool looking artistmix and then find out that it can gen only several poses and angles with good quality.
nai won.
It always comes in waves which makes me think it's either samefag or some sort of raid.
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I don't think my artist mix cares too much about falin, desu, but you can have a box.
>If NAI users didn't use NAI for 10 months they would have $250 to buy a GPU that can run SDXL
Bros, is this true?
Can someone check the math?
You can train a lora on that mix, should make it more versatile.
But how do they fit the GPU in their iPhones?
>If NAI users didn't use NAI for 10 months they would have dignity
dont you need a really good GPU to even load the model?
Don't know. Never used auraflow before.
nai users are the sort of low iq trash who always finance everything and waste their money, their NAI sub probably also goes alongside 300$ spent on doordash and 1000$ in rent while complaining they can't buy a house
you can buy a 1080 ti at best for 250 bucks
0.75it/s on sdxl
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You don't wanna run SDXL on a $250 GPU. Trust me. You can't even get a fucking 3060 below 300 USD. Best thing you can get is a 2070 RTX for that money - if you are lucky. Look up just how shit those specs are.
Think you need 16gb vram
About the same as Flux I guess. You can add your regular system RAM if you don't have enough vRAM, only that's gonna bump generation time into minutes. My 4070 takes about @100secs for a 1024res 20 steps Flux gen.

Which means I use it like twice a month to set up some complex /e/ pose or background. It's a huge pain as soon as you have to reroll multiple seeds.
You can generate locally with an iPhone too.
For that amount of money, you might as well just buy AMD with as much Vam as you can get. I'm sure you can get yourself a 6800 XT 16GB VRam, and it'll be on par with those cards.
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This, us localchads proudly gen on local civitai as much as we want.
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At Pony V7 speeds?
If you want to gen images better than NAI slop you will need atleast a 700-800 USD GPU.
That is +3 years of NAI subscription.
Also: Some people run AMD - cause NVIDIA is in fact a trash company - and AMD image gen is still kinda messy compared to the comfy out of the box feel that NVIDIA has so i am not surprised that some people with top tier AMD hardware just pay NAI to get their fix.

Even a 6800 16 GB is still like 400 bucks here.
I think I'll be fine then but i'm not really looking forward to try out this new pony aberration
>GPU that can run SDXL
anything can run sdxl,but it's depends on your patience what speed you're willing to accept.
>anything can run sdxl
Even my old 486 SX with 8 MB of RAM?
And if you stop paying after 3 years all you will have is $1000 "worth" in AI images...
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Goth teens and niggers. Name a more iconic duo
What is the difference in SDXL quality between 200 USD GPU and 2000 USD GPU? It's still same fried localslop.
you dollars
there is no us you damn commie
you forgot if you bought a 3090 2 years ago it has gone up not down in price, poorcel mentality
I run SDXL on an iPad
any non-prehistoric gpu,meaning >2gig
3090s have gone down in price though
the one i bought in 2023 was 1200, the one i got a month ago was 800
bullshit. hdg told me you have you to be a rich fag with a 2k gpu minimum to be a localchad. fuck off troll
>No penetration
might as well just put the jar of jelly next to the peanut butter jar and never make the sandwich.
in theory, if you have sysmem fallback enabled and have 8gb of leftover system ram. Of course it would take days to generate a single image.

output doesn't depend on hardware, only generation speed
though being able to iterate faster does help quality indirectly
Watching another man penetrate a woman is pretty gay, anon.
>8 MB
>8 GB leftover
I don't think that's gonna work out.
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i bought my 3060 (12gb) for $230 (new) and a 3090 for $500 (used)
There is no difference but you will die of old age before getting your images on a 2060 RTX
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Generated these on a 2070 super using Stable diffusion and NSFWIllustrious_v11 model
Works great
>v4 is so bad they are open sourcing it in hope for people to fix it
Kek, I thought my laptop 3050 was the shittiest gpu in this general
It's actually impressive how this thread manages to switch between different flavors of retardation ceaselessly
Dude i have a gpu from 10 years ago with 2gb of vram, can't even run sd 1.5.
Anyway I'm cloud genning.
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Who will take care of the baby?
>anon can't read
many such cases
i borrowed pedo artist mix from korean site,but mine dosen't look as soft as theirs image.
1girl standing btw
All those teflon flavored eggs will do that to a person
aah nvm I thought it was some old gpu, not the whole box
guess they didn't even have dedicated vram back then
That is a pre-teen at best.
>34 pics left

c'mon fill 'er up I have fully clothed doggystyle gens to post.
you fucking swindlers
reminds me of shitty manhwa art
>fixing a guy's image for a dataset using his inbuilt style in img2img
We are truly in the 22nd century
2GB should be enough for SD1.5, barely
you're toddlerfucker if you think that's pre-teen
Quick! put her on a family photo with a white overweight balding engineer who obviously doesn't get any in the bedroom, but thinks he's the luckiest guy on earth to be married to the goth girl and her milk chocolate kids.
I ended up genning Soraka and Lulu out of spite, can't post them.
Actually it's missing a feature thingy that is needed to run SD. I don't remember the name but it sounded funny.
post some pls bro
Look at her legs, she's tall as fuck. There's no way that's a loli.
what does this mean for us?
It's unethical to goon to dead people.
We are BACK
i'm lacking necessary model to make here as small as here arca.live/b/aiart/128953971
what is stopping you of posting those now? you are more likely to get ignored anyway
into the trash it goes
The other Lulu. I remember Pony having trouble with her because of Clip leaks, and even worse with Nami.
Anyways, 4 dollars a pound
How? real and legit question, what is SOMEONE going to do with that info?
why exactly do you hate novelai?
no, money is not a valid argument
give me 1000$
>6 months later
>cascade releases
>no gpo or ces
>fried anatomy and eyes
we don't hate the model, the model is great, we hate the fucking service, even the biggest tier subscription is quite limited
bad quality
>score tags and pony loras work on wai illustrious
it's pony?
Capitalism is garbage, so yeah money is an argument. Fuck the corporations.
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Here anon, I'll contribute by posting my Yor being a white dress slut taking care of little boys penises so that the thread can go faster!
>the shitmix.... was truly a shitmix in the end......
It's merged with Pony to some extent, but each successive version is coming out more and more rigid.
They fucked me over with textgen for over a year and their imagegen was subpar to local for a good year.
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4x_IllustrationJaNaiDAT2 my beloved
I appreciate this.
You have never genned anything.
why are you using a dat2 model as your inbetween step
gonna make every thread with jpg OP now that i see all the seethe
I'm not?
You won't.
my bad carry on sir
Can someone explain what Ebara is and why people keep shilling it?
Takes one to know one nogensar
Don't respond to the bait. Let him seethe in silence.
Wrong date, John Titor.
Assholes ask for 25 shekels for a shitty outdated 8k context model. I hope they crash and burn for abandoning us textchads in favor of fotm animu slop.
Only an unemployed, pussyfree vanilla cuck living in his mother's basement would take out the time of his day to cry about NTR in an NTR thread on 4chan. Watch how this reality check will make them seethe and cope lol.
it's not like they can maintain relevance in the textgen space though tbhdesu, when facing real researchers they're left in the dust
Absolutely based.
Simple tribalism. The same reason why people fake-hate local, and consider genning on AMD to be a death sentence.

I don't get it really, I have a decent GPU, and I have almost everything under the sun installed, from old school 1111, reForge, Comfy, etc, I even gen online because I still have the free account from when I started to dip my toes into this shit, so I don't get all the white negro behaviour.

>Inb4: it takes a lot of space!
Yeah yeah yeah, the thread where we discuss sinking $2,000+ dollars on a GPU is suddenly filled with poorfags who cannot spend $50 of a 1TB hard drive
They've even gotten worse at prose than local, which is amazing considering they focused on it and local focused on chatbot reply gpt4 genned slop
>All this arguing over garbage gens and garbage models
This is why I use NAI3. $25/month for unlimited outputs faster than any consumer GPU can generate. Pony looks like shit, 1.5 looks like shit, your loras look like shit. It's quite obvious that NAI has the best aesthetic of any anime model, is capable of doing color that isn't some brown-tinted slop, and understands a whole suite of artists and characters. Meanwhile you're all stuck using furfag models, be it easyfluff or pony, where hentai prompters are treated as fourth-class citizens behind horses, anthro, and cartoons.
Just accept that the only reason you're even using this local garbage to begin with is because you're both poor and a freetard. Deep down you know it looks like shit but you're so addicted to prooompting that you settle for it anyway. Now you're all crying over pixiv deleting your disgusting slop because that $25/month you received in commissions pays more than your thirdworld salary. Local is, and always will be, a complete joke.
>Please use me as a copypasta in the future!
>no mention of noob looking like shit
Noobros... we won...
seethe and cope shill, v4 was a failure and you will never turn a profit
you said it yourself, it's tribalism. I'd also add bait because to this day nai vs local still manages to make people angry on both "sides". truly mentally ill people
are the racist slurs really necessary?
its actually fucked how much AI shit that NAI clearly fed into their training this time. if you prompt without artist tags and on characters with less art it's super obvious even if you put ai generated in your negatives.

what the fuck were they thinking
if you don't hate SAAS you have no soul, they can steal your waifu at any time for any reason because the advertisers said so
what was the original? Cannot compare like this
stupid a fakin general
I still want someone to prompt ayakonarts in some nai prompts
it's birdschizo
Probably thought that's what people want. If so, they weren't wrong. Look at AI stuff on either Civitai or Pixiv.
This. People train loras for AOM style on Civit.
ayakon isnt on the main boorus and thus nai doesnt know them
reminder not to get baited be freetarded boomers. they don't care about quality, only the politics of source code licensing. to them free = quality, which is why FOSS programs are always complete shit (see: gimp). to the freetard, simply being able to say they 'have' a free alternative is enough. you could point out 100 things photoshop does better than gimp but they simply don't care, because to them it was never about the actual end result being any good.
this is the only place on the internet that whines about the AI look, most people love it. even now you have people taking these newer models and finding ways to add even more shine to the skin so they can get back to AOM styles because people are nostalgic for it
isn't it trained on rule34 as well
All data is good data, which is probably the most brainlet take on it.
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synthetic data isn't bad data by default, if you want to make a lora for an OC you can use all AI generated images
>this is the only place on the internet that whines about the AI look, most people love it
No they don't. They might don't care as long as it's their FOTM gacha slut showing her vagina but nobody actually enjoys the slop look. Try visiting places that aren't civitai some day.
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(loli, child, little girl, aged down:2.0)
sir can you make the male darker
sir can you make the face more western
we should just start baking new threads at around 250 images because the last 50 images in these threads recently are just complete and utter shit. i wonder why that is
>synthetic data isn't bad data by default
>proceeds to use an edge case as an example
we are #000000 black
try detomasso
2 pics danboru, 0 pics e621, 384 pics R34, full 3D so should be clear if it gets the style.
the problem isn't it being synthetic though, it's the data being shit because being mass slopped by morons.
Using high effort inpainted pieces is absolutely as good as a non-ai image for training data
im still working on the vantablack lora
k-on if concentration camp
whats going on with that guys right arm
now make her a hag
k-on if giants
I guess I should have been a bit more specific on it. Yeah. There is nothing wrong with using AI generated stuff to flesh out a dataset if you are training something like a Lora, but I don't think they should just be dumped in without some kind of curation. We saw what happened when Noob decided to just dump in E621 as it was without going through and curating the data. If NAI wants to use AI generated stuff in their model training, then they are free to, but I don't really understand why when there is already an abundance of images to work with that are non-AI generated. The hope is that they would at least personally curate the AI stuff they included, but it is more likely they just dumped everything in and thought the AI-generated tag would take care of it.
I was about to say >>8497201 and the cheapest tier is 10 bucks, there is no shot this guy is making 20k dollars per month
remember: delete fox girls in miko outfits, leave up this
All those fuckers are just jealous, real life women do nothing to them, prostitutes do nothing for them, average porn does nothing for them, doujins do nothing for them, lemons do nothing for them, nukiges do nothing for them, they're so jaded that they can only get off to their shitty dogmix of artstyles and specific scenarios.

And then someone shows up in the thread with their straight up french vanilla AI porn, fresh off their newly installed 1111 that they just got of a youtube video, and they can only seethe.

Slop! slop! they'll cry, Believing themselves a more sophisticated and debonair kind of creature when we are all here just doing porn for jerking off, they'll look on the newfags like fucking rodents, failing to realize that the rodent in question is that squirrel from the box of donuts meme, they're not gonna care, because they've already won.
man picrel
whatever i was using on the right (probably animesharp) just flattened the base image into nothingness compared to janai on the left
it is actually kinda funny the janny had a melty over ahri when she fits in the /h/ aesthetic just fine anyway, don't call it Ahri and it's /h/-core
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Think she can get pregnant?
wtf is this copypasta dump near the end of this thread? too late for your 3k goal champ
what did he mean by this
hags are ugly and have ugly callous feet that would never make my dick cum from being stepped on
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I might be retarded, but I don't see the metadata in any of theis images.

Anyway I think you did a pretty nice job mimicking their style even if it's not 100% exact.
>feminine men
There can't be anything gayer than that. Assert your manliness by screwing a bara, fag.
calloused feet would actually provide more friction therefore cause you to cum faster
really soft feet would just slide around, barely any grip on them once they are all lubed up
What's the explanation then? They're paying bots to subscribe to their slop farm? Makes even less sense
Scientists call it "model collapse". AI outputs train much faster than other data, and it amplifies all the common AI mistakes like bad hands, cutoff limbs, nonsensical backgrounds, melted eyes, etc. The model learns to produce them on purpose. Even mistakes that you cannot see in the training data will bias it in this direction.

For OCs, NAI styles, etc. yes it's possible, but training on AI should be a last resort. The lora will have these issues, guaranteed.
last image has metadata
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Awes sut I nut
Callous skin is hard and dry, it wouldn't absorb moisture and it would just slide on your cock, meanwhile soft loli would be squishy and slightly adhesive once they get sweaty, gripping your penis better.
if you curate your images heavily you will avoid those things, and it's still much much cheaper and faster than commissioning artists
I dont hate local and I dont have nai
I hate Indians
The year is 2035
All AI outputs have their dynamic range FUCKED because of training on AI outputs
Ever have one of those days where literally everything you're genning is coming out complete shit?
sometimes it does, yes
seed RNG can be a bitch for days on end
This but the last three years
To some degree. But you don't need to have cut off arms in the dataset to get these issues. Even little quirks in the pose, lineart, shading, etc can bias it towards breaking things.
honestly no idea but it doesnt make sense to me
reminder that everyone got sick of your avatartranny safespace and made another general that's more active
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There already is a vantablack lora. Go tip some buzz.
someone said put quasarcake in the negatives, i did and then the whole day i couldn't figure out why my gens looked like no vae aom slop
Cool. Would be cooler if it came with v4 model
>Would be cooler if it came with v4 model
cooler if it was the v3 model
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She's so horny for daddy
Looking at the hash of the model I reached this one https://civitai.com/models/827184/wai-nsfw-illustrious-sdxl?modelVersionId=1283437
who is lilbrudda talkin' to?
i unfollowed you originally but now i just resubscribed
why is she a she
why is he white
why would you subscribe to slop? that has to be the saddest thing ever.
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Post some decent gens please
How do I make those?
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got you now bitch
There is no actual difference between subscribing to something or outright buying it. Except privacy concerns cause the stuff ain't running on your hardware.
But giving Jensen 2k+ bucks for a decent GPU isn't any worse or better than getting scammed by kurumuz. The only based people are those who steal a highend GPU to get their fix cause fuck those retailers and scalpers.
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One cutout is nice, but, have we considered... double cut out?
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for what? get ignored?
But my best gens are SFW... Can't post them here
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>The only based people are those who steal a highend GPU to get their fix cause fuck those retailers and scalpers.
What, no. You'll get made fun of instead!
This is an IMPOSTOR
this one's the safest probably
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Her daddy is white an her rapist boyfriend is black.

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eh? it ate my image
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AyaGOD my beloveded
ayakon saving the thread as usual
too sterile, can't fap to this.
so much this aahhh
ayakon is cheating by posting at the time when he's likely to get the most (You)s
This expression isn't compliant with Patreon's TOS, be ready to get your just desserts, rapist.
the floating disconnected necklace is pretty novel
It's art, not some goonslop you cumbrain.
i was told long ago that when anons nitpick an image that means its good
in other words, AYAKON WON
BOX ONEGAI >>>/pol/500009097
ayakon would never move to illus you retarded impostor
child,toddler, size_difference.
that's a man
qrd on why the schizo hates ayakon specifically? you barely need to scroll up for infinitely worse posters it never complains about
insecure anons are like that
that's a schizo
seeing how the majority of posts in this thread is people asking how to grift with ai, its obviously just some jealous losers whose profiles never took off so they attack one of the most financially successful posters in the thread
The one singular schizo is just insanely jealous of Ayakon's quality and patreon money.
500 cigarettes
a bird just flew over my house.
Was it schizo
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listen, dont get me wrong, i like bait as much as the next anon but dont you guys think you are taking this a little too far??
I'm so hungry I could eat a...
why do you hate a birds?
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it's funny hours
nah, as long as it increases the image count it's fine
its nai
>joined xitter today
>posted slop 3 times
>xitter is down for the 3rd time today
I think I found a glitch in the matrix
so this is the power of ponyv7
drop your tag so we can all follow you and signal boost ill repost you i have a million followers
you can find me @kurumuz
holy shit dude you are the creator of novel ai??
my dad is bill gates
/aids/ created novelai
holy shit, the failed nft salesman??
its nai
>fecal matter is disgusting
>that is exactly the point of scat, bro!
kill yourselves
its not hate but the guy has barely improved since 1.5, you would expect someone to get better after almost 2 years of doing the same shit everyday
the feces water dude actually
why do you even care?
I'm 90% certain it was bait.

In fact the gens themselves might be, seems like there's always at least one egregious AI mistake.
challenge poster fucking scrambling right now to find a single eastern japanese anime girl and only has 9 images left to pick her
cunny hours
this just let me post trash slop full of errors while advertising my patreon
any suggestions on how to modify this prompt to get the skin to look less 2d and cartoonish? this blend on v3 looks a lot more realistic
hmm, nah!
nai is down, I repeat nai is down. local hit him
Best he can do is the Kanker sisters
why are you so mad?
>twitter down
>nai down
bros what the fuck is happening? is local going to go down next?
holy shit locahost isn't working for me. guys?!
I propose, "sasha (haguhagu), double penetration, soles" as the new challenge
I was about to say stop using shitmerges
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your meltie is showing saar.
ahem... its nai
whats the ip you have? im trying to get to and it isnt working
>>8497616 is working for me
>less 2d and cartoonish
It's better this way.
>they aren't running their reforge on a triple airgapped stripped down 32 bit machine
so much this, you don't need v3 anyway
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Which is?
Quote it. Quote the fucking post that is nai.
You can't can you? You can't because it's fucking impassible to tell and you're just an autistic shitposter who thinks he's funny by spouting the same "joke" every thread.
Well you're not, you're pathetic and a waste of oxygen. I'd recommend you to kill yourself but that would be a waste of rope.
Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll eventually wither away like the worthless, hollow thing you are.
install gentoo.
i dont care I never responded to his post or gave him advice since its pointless, im just explaining why some people mock him
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I like hentai
thanks for your ip idiot, hacking into your output folder and I'll take all your... nevermind what is this garbage?
you are just mad
nice, elf duobox?
i don't
new thread when
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you can just right click
don't tell me you don't have the 4chanx extension installed
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that literally cannot work
why are you lying?
it's nai(user).
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
lmao, just... stop.
what is even the point of this end of thread spam
what isn't the point?
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
I want to see the next challen-gens. hehe
>old thread.
No thanks, let it die.
someone make a new thread i dont want to use this one
Hmmmmmmmmmm nyo
genuine posters migrate. let the shitposters wait for their overlord's containment thread
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
Yeah. No.
>going from #706 to #705
nah fuck you i ain't going back in time
it's... nyover...
highlight fag must be hiding in the toilet baking the new thread at his job.
total schizo victory
based if true
I would make a thread but there's no good gens for highlights
what about mine? you dick.
so many melty uninpainted eyes in this thread. Is this a v4 side effect?
highlight bait
it has metadata.
>still no new thread
and? catbox it
inpaint them yourself
take this time to gen wonderful hentais.
Everybody here always talks a big game but can't even manage to do something so simple as making a new thread. You are pathetic.
I don't work for you.
too many posta in this thread, next time don't post as much.
Can bake but in 15 minutes.
Wish I had that much time. This monday just hit like a truck.
New Thread:

>>8498061 →
>>8498061 →
>>8498061 →
Done. IIs now up to the anons to decide where to go.
>highlightfag so petty he's now making extra threads for no reason other than to thread war
color me surprised
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friendly reminder to not be a retarded threadshitter and actually finish an already started thread
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
enjoy your empty castle dude. hopefully it lasts for weeks.
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