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Sunset Beach Edition

Previous Thread: >>8498061 →

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 | https://civitai.com/models/1232765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgz/edit | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

>>8501594 (OP)
Previous Thread Highlighta:


bwo what about recycling...
You forgot to add that gilgamesh with a beard gen again, clown.
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well now it's on page 8 so it's too late. anons seem eager to use highlighterfag threads so whatever, all good.
>/hdg/ Hentai Diffusion General #705
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>>8501583 →
>>8501578 →
Use the 4chanx catbox extension in the OP, it's very convenient.
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holy FUCK saas just won. every architecture is now outdated in comparison.
this thread isn't numbered correctly either rumao
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What mental illness does highlighterfag have?
>>8501616 →
that's just illustrious 1.0 which is known to be really rough. the model I linked ahs this:
>using NOOBAI XL-VPred 1.0 and Illustrious XL 1.0 as teacher models during training.
don't know what "teacher model" means so I was wondering how good compatibility with illu 0.1 loras was
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Begin on a hurry got me.
>>8501594 (OP)
>/hdg/ Hentai Diffusion General #708
>/hdg/ Hentai Diffusion General #708
>/hdg/ Hentai Diffusion General #708
Next thread is /hdg/ Hentai Diffusion General #709.
Gotta run now. See you later.
kill yourself
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Nah fuck this retard. Someone bake 708.
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>>8501170 →
>>8501183 →
I like that style anon, which artists?
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That's the standard AI slop grifter style. You'll find a billion instances of them with metadata attached on Pixiv or some Indian bloke's Patreon.
>>8500706 →

is that a custom lora? I see no reference or tag in google or danbooru related to that
How is noob entirely unable to do kanoe_yuuko? simple design and over 200 entries. How did lax fuck this model up so badly?
I'm rearded there is a lora firther that indicates the artist merunyaa
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>Lora Hashes: merunyaa_style_illustrious_v1: 6daea031fcdc"
just read
you can put lora hashes directly into the Civitai search bar
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try with copyright tag or check if danbooru changed her name after noob was trained
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get a new material
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I'm just now noticing I've had an extra a in the tag all this time. Whoops
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Yeah I figured it out >>8501643 I got so used to not depending on loras since using noob that I was not taking that into consideration.

Now add_sharpness_XL: 280242db2df8 does not appear anywhere either, it has sucha generic name tho.
It's this one https://civitai.com/models/383129?modelVersionId=427617
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oh, thanks! the search bar with the hash was not returning anything, I'm surprised it works well with noob being a pony lora
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>>8501469 →
only anime style itt
just contrast it a bit
nta but, that's a lot of artists and loras for something that looks 80% wamudraws
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I'm downloading it rn
Can we get a heterosexual themed challenge for this thread? The last one was kind of gay.
>a surfer catching a wave on the beach
>vintage fashion style
>drawing inspiration from past decades
>showcases nostalgic cuts and classic prints
>celebrating a love for history and timeless elegance
LMAO what the fuck is that all for?
gen the sweatiest, hairiest, heterossexual male posing nude. Don't forget the firm cock.
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Cheers for the help!
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i downloaded a wildcard pack and am too lazy to filter through it yet
nonsense aesthetic sentences do wonders if you can believe it
>>8501052 →

>Rodechi_illv1: 06546ea5ee10
>search 06546ea5ee10 in civit

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>my shitty shitpost gen makes it in
>none of my good gens make it
it's almost a rule at this point
Why is somebody mimicking every image post?
Are there any possible explanations for iaschizo's behavior except for shitposting?
sometimes anons need ideas to run with
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this general deserves this thread
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>It really doesn't feel generated at all.
>dynamic range still blown the fuck out
AIgen will never recover from AOM, eh?
why is it so blurry
>asks the ai to make it a absurdres, masterpiece
your point?
my point is that xitter retards will gladly eat any slop and it's funny
>forgot to set enough epochs
oh ffs
Ask it to generate sexy hentai
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>POV: you're cursed to have a ghost girl show up and give you a blowjob whenever you are alone in a dark room
looks like manwha shit
always set more epochs than you need, or save state data to resume from
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the same girl or a different one? how does she feel about it after the 20th time?
nai users pay 25 buck a month for less
yeah i was just getting it up before going out in a hurry
well ig i'll look at these first
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Same one. She's always way too eager, and giggles maniacally when you cum. She doesn't stop until either you turn on the lights or the room becomes not empty, though.
oh nooooo sexy ghost girl please don't suck my dick aaaaaaaaahhhhh
>skip early negative prompt fries image with cfg++
make it make sense
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>skip early negative prompt
how do i do that, prompt editing?
"Ignore negative prompt during early sampling"
Since they both rein in v-pred's explosions, they probably do something very similar under the hood and should not be used together. Same also appplies to CFG Rescale.
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ok aqua may not be that bad
kill yourself retard
That's a terrifying curse. You won't be able to sleep.
NAI can do those exact things with director tools.
just turn on the lights and use a sleep mask
There were way more than 3 entries. Are you blind?
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Aqua habitbi would never
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So how do you guys come up with artist combinations? I guess it's all trial and error, but what is your thought process?

I have more or less 3 ways, apart from taking inspiration from boxes:

Attempting to use complementary styles to overcome shorcomings in the first artist
Adjacent to enhance the aspects of the base one.
Opposites to tryu get the best of each.

Using random combinations have ralerly provided any good results.
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Combinations, this shit is way too random to actually be a science, and these tags act unexpectedly by themselves let alone if you take in order into account.
About the same. I noticed when random combinations do work out, they're between very strong styles and not the more generic looking ones. Also if they're "opposites", I find loras with trigger tags mix much easier than prompted artists.
I don't, I only prompt for one artist at a time. Artist mixing is literally throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks, there is, inherenetly, no rhyme or reason to it.
box box?
massive xyz grid of combinations of artists I like
why is it so fried:99
do one of taokaka
Yeah, it's hard to predict what can work, sometiems shit that seems to be made to fit together looks like shit then a random combination of tags gives great results.


I got so burned with loras in 1.5 and pony eras that I've been trying to avoid using them, but I guess it's time to take a look into them again.

I did that initially as well, but I got dizzy afterwards looking at the images, got a lot of cheerleader effect thinking either all of them were nice gens or everythiong was shitty
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You just gotta do divergent prompts, it's pretty easy to get from 2000 images to 200 in two tests that way.
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i came. didn't even open a box to do so
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when I do that I suuallly vry the artists and the stregth of the tag, but you mean for the prompt to go into a different theme or style?
drunk sex is rape
Based and Austinpilled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS8GmEjRPPE [Embed]
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Beer goes out almost as quick as it goes in
I meant that to
>thinking either all of them were nice gens or everythiong was shitty
If you prompt something completely different like a guy instead of a girl it helps eliminate like half of them because a good portion of artist and mixes just completely fry guys and vice versa, same with different concepts/
I always eliminate the first 90% via errors and such, then worry about them looking good.
This, but only if the female is drunk and regrets the sex.
Looks more like honey.
Sure, shill.
Imagine someone walks into a dark room, turn on the light, spots you with your pants around your ankles and a half-hard dick out, a puddle of cum on the floor.
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counts as sex in my book
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not a very difficult request, here you go.
did allah tell him to be anti-nsfw?
is your model halal?
if u believe it
my model is falafel
bros is gelbooru shutting down
https://civitai.com/models/975798/falafel-mix-illustrious-xl (ai-generated:9001)
it's fucking over
danbooru is cucked to shit.
there are no alternatives to gelbooru.
artoists for rough painting style like this >>8501813
what the
i was just making a dumb joke, why is it real
>thrice the time to decide between the last three epochs than the rest of the lora
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How did you now I work for Big Bee?
Like I said, terrifying! And I hate sleep masks too.
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Gave anon's R3mix a shot and ultimately came to the same conclusion I did as 1+29+h. Better backgrounds and slightly less issues with anatomy (VERY negligible), but still can't keep up to the artist fidelity and lighting/contrast of 1+29, especially if you use any low weight lora to stabilize it. Did a few x/y/z plots like everyone but what I care about more is how the models handle my saved artist shitmixes. Picked a vibrant/grainy mix to see if it can persuade the model to steer away from that bright/glossy look and I just can't seem to do it.
r3mix: https://files.catbox.moe/dbcdpf.png
1+29: https://files.catbox.moe/474o28.png
1+29 just looks like autismmix pony
100% this, came here to write exactly this phrase, wtf. Literally no difference.
It has a shitton of MMD shit in it, so no wonder
why would you remove prompts from a model comparison catbox
>shitton of MMD shit
Where from? More than 1.0?
I don't know but it pretty consistently gave me MMD outputs on no artist prompts unlike any other model.
It's probably the cosplayer photos mixed with anime look like mmd.
Naaah, that was 1:1 MMD.
But my Patreon grift, anon...
Anyway, I'd have posted x/y/z plots otherwise if that was my aim but enough anons already did that. These were just 2 images from the tests I did that I decided to throw in with my post sharing my opinion which doesn't mean a thing.
what's MMD?
>rebake with more images is way more artist flexible, really liking it
>rerebake with eva makes rebake look like shit
Maybe intertia makes you more happy.
It a 3d animu software, it was used in niconicodouga pretty often.
liking chromayume quite a lot
Organic post.
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It's MikuMikuDance, the software used to make funny videos like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_wywqAH4io [Embed]
Post some outputs then.
I'm using nababa, enn matien, nat the lich, satsuki neko.
why are there so few people on hdg that have managed to get a following on twitter?
Is it just apathy? Lack of appeal/general inability? Or are you just content with the rough chance of being featured in a "highlight" image directly next to some AOM emotionless shoggoth pov cowgirl?
>get a following on twitter
i make gens for myself bwo
i just post em here for funsies
>le twitter
gill urself
fuck off, grifting retard
little zoomies mind cannot comprehend that some people dont constantly need numbers to validate their existence
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> funny
you can post to twitter and amass a following without any avenue for renumeration, anon.
It's pretty cute too.
> cute
more like this?!???!
for what purpose
Yes, do you disagree?
What makes you say that? I assume most people just don't want to link their shit here cause someone will stalk them incessantly
If I ever start wanting normalfag attention on the internet just blow my brains out with a bolt gun
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might as well try this shit, I guess.
it's a terrible medium for art; there's no gallery view, mass download, max 4 images per set, limited comment space, etc.
Imagine being such a chad that womens nipples are magnetically attracted to your fingers
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When does a pic reach /aco/ territory?
I do. It could be funny and cute if you are 9.
when you have to ask
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Is this possible irl?
When I don't liek it
>on 4chan
>uHmMMM wHy AreN't YoU GUYs oN TwITtER? ? ?
just fuck off to twitter if you love it so much faggot
No, you will never touch a woman.
further proliferation of your fetish and tastes.
the ones that are "known" seem to be doing just fine. And I'd personally expect the opposite scenario of someone getting popular on twitter getting reverse-stalked to here without them having to personally post their accounts.
>the largest platform for artists in the world
>it's terrible for art
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how do I proompt gynomorph oil
might have better luck on /d/, someone there probably tried it before
>further proliferation of your fetish and tastes.
how is that different from posting here?
been comparing my old prompts and some 1girling, I'll post something later when I get to h gens with at least a bit of effort. but so far it feels like improved v1.0. Still has slight contrast issues, but less than 1.0 and seems to be fully fixable by essential snake oils (skip early cfg, cfg++, some lora).
Still don't like it over good ol 0.75 cyberfix but it's the only mix I tried that isn't complete dog ass. Good work anon.
you're not getting multiple thousands of eyes on your 1girl standing here, while you can get that on twitter.
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trying to prompt this pose but I'm not very succesful https://files.catbox.moe/gruys4.jpg
I don't get slopmergers
there are bigger differences between seeds than between the models, it's all the same shit
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I make porn for me, not you fucker.

Besides, even if I wanted to share my shit the absolute last place I would do it is on Twatter. I got whatever I wanted out of my system before that thing became popular and never looked back, to give yourself an idea of how much of an early adopter I was, I left back when they still hadn't chosen to refer to posting on the site as "tweeting" we were still reffering to it as a form of microblogging back then
why do you think I want xitter normies to look at my stuff? why do you think we're on this anonymous website?
Simply keep your styles separate. Unless you think "can someone tell me what model/style this guy uses" counts as stalking
did you read the axis correctly?
box please?
Yeah. That was my point a few posts back when I was talking about r3mix. I just care how it handles my artist shitmixes over x/y/z plotting different seeds. You'd need an absurd amount of testing to really make a call. Just cull that and see how it works for your shit.
>posts absolute slop
>I don't like attention whores or namefags
>also hdg
>morning in north america
>shitty xitter bait
Most posters seem to generate something different every day, switching both characters and styles. If there's nothing consistent about what I make then I do not see the point of the gens being recognizable as from a single person.
nta but stealth meta
i switch between different styles, themes and characters practically all the time and i gen absolutely inconsistently. this is pretty much the opposite of best practices for getting audience on twitter. only thing i'd get from posting there is performance anxiety
are her breasts growing bigger
Did you watch it?
I like how he prompts "alternate breast size" for a nameless 1girl
with prompt editing it is
>hdg keeps proving why they're inferior to ayakon-sensei
The lie here is that you don't like the attention whores or namefags.

You still have posters that are easily identifyable and thus, might as well be namefags or attention whores, the only difference is that you don't have text in the Name field when you post.

See for example: >>8501765 This faggot is on every thread, posting his dead Honkai Impact 3rd waifu getting fucked. Might as well to him as Aliciafag just to piss him off.
I tried but couldn't
>dead Honkai Impact 3rd waifu getting fucked
Is that the infamous cadaveranon?
Meh, desu. If I wanted that style I'd just go for a less slopmerged base.
any new local snake oils other than
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sup fellas, I'm pretty pleased with one image in particular
might be the best one I've ever made so I wanted to share, see what other anons think of it (and the style)
>not fixed at all
>chromatic aberration
It was over before it began...
nah he posted shoebill, on back, splotch of cum
nt chroma anon, but how do you expect us to take your aesthetic judgment seriously when you're slopping with cyberfix perpendicular unironically, anon?
I understand anon, it's not everyone's thing, but what do you think of the technical quality
why would black forest labs do this? https://huggingface.co/lodestones/Chroma#12b-%E2%86%92-89b
IDC, I was looking for myself and threw you some scraps.
I see. No such thing as a free lunch anymore, I should've cashed as much stuff as I could back when bing dalle was less restricted. Thanks anyway
fuck off to /aco/ is what I think about the style
also real surprised her eyes are melted despite the close-up shot
>one fang
Chromatic aberration must be destroyed.
the explanation is right there...
do you are have brain damage
>simple schedule solved some problems I had with the r3mix while inpainting
what? why is a little unstable with SGM uniform?
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you don't like it???
why are you pretending to be newfag, niggerjeet?
meds now
and get a pair of functional eyes while you're at it kek
Allow me to rephrase that then, why would black forest labs use 3.3b parameters to encode 8 bytes of float values
you can do gore-ish stuff now with dall-e
>all this effort being put into a worthless architecture
it's going to be entertaining see it ending up worse than v4 at everything. Even more entertaining with how shit v4 actually is.
but top looks better?
better colors, shading and line art
and it doesn't affect the body type like cyberfix does
cyberfix gives your 1girls bodies closer to a real woman's, which is fine if you're using artists that draw realistic anatomy, but it ruins styles too much otherwise
what caused the meltie?
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good work anons
don't let any newfag disturb our circlejerk
he hasn't had cock in his ass today
SGM uniform was one of the worst schedulers I tested, personally.
this, it's very fucking artifacty
You can? At best I can get some red streaks, but it has to be with massive trial and error and just hitting prompt until one image goes through. Can't so stuff like this anymore (at least with bing image gen). Half the time I have to trick the ai into making spooky skeletons by using "skel" cause the filters are triggered when fully spelled
purge the mutant, cleanse the heretic, burn the aberration
What "style" are you referring to? And in what way is it slopmerged when it's a finetune? Artist tags don't feel lobotomized, so it feels pretty neutral to me, unlike cyberfix that completely ruins all flat styles.
I only use it for base gens together with cfg++, seems good there.
then switch to dpm++2m/karras for upscale/inpaint
something went very wrong with r3mix merging
it's the only noob model that I had to use an external vae for
and even weirder, its wrong vae presents itself old nai1-style with withered colors
There's still time for you to buy a gpu
>chromatic aberration
>lens flare
>sun rays
Problem, visioncels?
So not with merging then, but they replaced the baked-in SDXL VAE with a different one?
artoists for THICK brush style like this?>>8501974
only my personal views should be allowed
The trick now is not using any variation of red+liquids
Well it's not due merging model weights themselves yeah but he might have made a mistake with some VAE setting while merging them. First time I'm seeing anything like this on an SDXL model actually. Previously the only "wrong vae" on sdxl I've seen was the jaggy one.
also, make sure to fill completely the prompt
Opensource deepseek dalle equivalent when?
>wears unzipped jeans normally
>zips up for sex
is she really emotionless or just retarded
>/hdg/ suddenly likes flat styles
Counterpoint: all of the images here
i have plenty shitmixes that produce gray images with random white dots,it's just they don't have vae baked in
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I avoiding mentioning all that, but the image filter trips it, you have to trick it and it has to br a scenario the AI knows as having blood (so not pic rel which you have to tell to do). Which sucks. Also can't get boobies anymore.

The bing style prompt was "illustrated with oil painting, picture book style, messy, filthy, deranged, muted colours, thick brushstrokes, darkness". Don't bother with it too much, this also is enough to trigger the filters (removing filthy/deranged works most but not all of the time)
I saw one on a pony merge that made white circles everywhere, like burn marks. There aren't any settings tho afaik, you just pick which VAE to use or leave it empty to reuse the source model's.
Hello /hdg, long time listener first time caller.
Just wanted to ask what you think of the new gemini 2.0 flash exp model in AI studio.
Do you guys think that the future of /h/ generation is going to be multimodal LLMs?
Obviously the google one is heavily censored, but maybe next year we'll have some open source multimodal LLMs?
Big fan of your work.
they do have a VAE baked in, just a bad one
you can't decode the latent into pixel space without one
i didn't know that, thanks.
We let that son of a bitch Utada Hikaru get away with it.
>Also can't get boobies anymore.
peperoni nipples are rare, but gigantic boobs are back
Hey anon, thanks for your call.
Right now we're reserving our opinion until we can see some actual tits and ass without censorship.
Because that what everyone is here for on WHDG, tits and ass.
So until we can see them, it's a exciting technology, in the same way an Elon Musk rocket is an exciting technology.
Next caller.
I feel like a long time listener would know we don't give a shit about censored closed-source models. There's no future there.

There was already an open multimodal LLM, was so bad I already forgot the name. The whole idea goes against our preferred way of prompting, which is using booru tags and not natural language. And you can see the same preference on the realism side, they merge our anime models at a huge stylistic cost just to make prompting easier. For porn there just aren't any good NL-tagged datasets.
It's already a meme cope in LLMs so even if it wasn't censored corposlop I wouldn't really care desu
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which is weird because should be the opposite
What video model?
wan 2.1?
I've been trying to get into video generation but all I get is garbage outputs.
no one here likes any style at all, they only like something when a recognizable poster do it
why is lora that i made with 2 images for free on tensorart is better than lora i made with 17 on local?is beacuse i have dogshit gpu and had to train with 512x512 resolution?
i only like ciloranko, deadnoodles, tianamen wahoo pingpong
Better how? Character or style?

Styles are stronger the fewer images you have, they just get overfit on everything else, character features, concepts, poses, view angles, backgrounds and environments, etc.
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hmm... I'm tempted to post aqua getting it from behind with clothes on again...
102d final is the only reason r3mix is not dog ass. It's still a slight downgrade from it too so pointless in it's existence like 99% of shitmixes.
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I think I'm just a contrarian when it comes to liking styles.
yeah, wan 2.1 i2v 480p
Thanks. I'll give it a try.
bro your quasarcake and dinoartforame?
I think resolutions are still too low to do like 80% of artists correctly, that's why everyone is still using 2.5d AIslop.
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2.5d is more popular than those remaining 20% of artists that "work correctly"
if it were resolution you could just upscale
loras can do any artist correctly at 1024

so...seems like you're wrong
nah bwo, you might not wanna accept it,but most people actually like 2.5 shiny fried slop look
arcane is my favorite anime
It's over.
and she looks so much hotter in her game art, I don't get it
probably just fotm appeal
what happen
Haven't visited this shithole for few months and I guess it's still full of NoobAI shills to the brim? Sad to see a once great general turn into this garbage.
Ugh I think you'd need to go a few years back for /hdg/ to be great general
so true, but don't worry we'll come crawling back to our pony overlord soon
i don't think i've ever seen a post containing a word "shill" that was worth reading
time to filter
wait no anon you just filtered yourself noo-0----
i don't think i've ever seen a post that was worth reading
you're reading this post now thoughbeit
but was it worth it?
oh my g-d the universe is crumbling due to this paradox
i don't think i've ever seen
t. shizune
can you guys finally figure out which noob vpred shitmix is the best?
the one i use and the worst is the one you use
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Can you finally accept using multiple? 1+29, Chromayume, ΣΙΗ and WAI give you a nice slop gradient so you can pick the right one for the job.
just use novelai 0.5
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the fuck is 1+29?
It's been inpainted a bit with different prompts, but here's the original prompt.
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why is the sun up
A merge of v-pred 1.0 and the unreleased v-pred v29
The best shitmerge of noob (closest to state of the art models like NovelAI)
sekrit tranny mix
it's as shit as every other civit shitmix
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Anyway, that weird 128/1 lora method from the github was predictably shit.
main difference being it merges two good models, together, instead of merging noob with some animagine crap
go to bed, 0.5 eps schizo
thanks for reporting back
why is every sampler other than euler A complete fucking useless dogshit on v4?
v4 is completely useless dogshit
greek letter mix is also total slop btw
it's good
i don't believe you
that's what I said >>8502070
it's near the end off the slop gradient, but not nearly as far as wai or cat tower
decent compromise, long as you're making a somewhat shiny style
Because I have taste and can't eat shit?
it's not nearly as bad as garbage like wai/scat tower but yeah it's a slopmix. far better than what I expected looking at its recipe desu
so did someone upload it or is it just a trust me bro? with AI in general whenever I hear about some unreleased shit being amazing it turns out to be dogshit
it is
but slightly less slop
Here ya go, ya filthy fucking animal.
Oh hey someone also mentioned this about 30 before >>8482512 →
I guess it might be custom maid not MMD
some retard put it up itt as a base64-encoded magnet link, so you can't even search the archive for it
100 million gens and counting, you lost.
one weird thing that i've noticed after going back to the 0.0078125 ratio is that my resized loras are now 1/3 the size that they were at 1:1 dim/alpha. i don't really know why
>model talk
>get the urge to retest again even though i did it twice already
fug u fags
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Hey, you're the one with the autism. It's not our fault
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What made you think I didn't do that when I referred to "the lora method"? Or do you just want to fight for shit reasons?
>long as you're making a somewhat shiny style
apparently so many people just love that shiny pony stuff, huh?
You people wouldn't believe how good my 1.0+v29 gens are...
h-hes fast
I'm liking r3mix so far, has better colours than naiXLVpred and I can do the same type of gens
Anyone try merging this olympus model with noob yet?
>downloading more than two models from civit at once destroys my pc
Greatly optimized site
>Teleports behind pyra
>Blows her clothes away at lightspeed
>"heh, nothing personel, kid."
>thigh fucks her

Not pictured: the dude's fedora, it's out of frame.
>he doesn't know
I know that people on /hdg/ are illiterate and can't be trusted to do anything more complicated than clicking a button of a certain color (questionable)
it's not what it looks like ....
ok boomie
You're right, I forgot.
Nah, I'm kidding.
what about the mushy blurry styles?
anyone getting severe memory leaks on reforge while using firefox? i honestly regretting trying this troon browser again
People like AOM shiny too, sure.
I remember I switched from Firetroonx only because auto1111 would implode it after some gens. I think it had something to do with hardware acceleration. Maybe it's still relevant.
it's honestly baffling how bad this browser is nowadays and how much it is shilled in techbro circlejerk places like /g/
Seems firefox may have some weird bug with A111 and it forks in general.

reforge on dev2 has gradio4, maybe there isn't a mem leak?
you can just close the site and still download the files pajeet
real buttbox with meta?
No, actually it's a download thing, I never keep them open, pajeet.
Aren't they more into Brave noawdays?
I still haven't updated reforge after they changed the git branches. Redoing my settings sounds like too much work for some new snake oil extensions.
well, then your computer sucks, Agarwal Kumar
don't think so
the smug trannies that think that they are 150iq for tinkering with user.js still screech at anyone who isn't using gecko browsers
I am downloading 37 models from hugginface right now with no problem. Fix your shit site, Motilal Patel.
more than half the images itt are shiny in a way the greek letters wouldn't make any worse
firefox has been absolute garbage since they migrated to ""quantum"" and broke a fuckton of old extensions and how they worked.
it's useful to have kicking around as a secondary "secure" browser with all the super inconvenient extensions that lock shit down and often require a lot of futzing to make websites work properly when you need to visit some sketchy ass site but it hasn't been worth using as a daily driver browser for well over a decade.
what's the alternative?
i just use nu-edge and it works fine 100% of the time /shrug
How technologically illiterate do you have to be to think that downloading from different sites can affect your computer differently, it's just a download anon, handled by the browser, not the site
How technologically illiterate do you have to be that your site is the only one that gives me those problems? It's just a download, how do you fuck it up?
I still just use chrome with a lot of custom flags set up(important ones for now being the ones that allow ublock origin to still work). Though I gotta say that they're making it real hard to want to continue with this bullshit with a lot of the awful forced UI changes(which are UX regressions) they're doing for zero reason.
I don't care about backend memes but it's so unpleasantly designed for every day use that even with my foss schizoiness I just stay on Ungoogled Chromium
>was thinking about switching to firefox mobile because kiwi is unsupported and getting really fucky
>they still don't have tab grids in 2025 and have no plans of implementing them
Literally useless.
downloading stuff is quite cpu-intensive all in all, how have you never noticed it?
disk writes too, but neither depends on the source site beyond what download speed you can reach
doubt [x]
it's more like 86%
>released jan 8, 2024
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should I hide the number of subscribers on my patreon?
you asked this already fag
>#ffffff highlights
What, you're humble and don't want to embarrass people with your $70k/month?
the picture is also a repost
>haired penis face
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Sepia maxxing
why is there lamp
I think it's a torso with breasts, ADetailer is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Lamp chan is in the prompt
why lucy and nijika have to be so similar?
wtf kek
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>it's not what it looks like ....

sure, sure, look anon, we are both in 4chan, I'm not judging anyone.
one needs to have a dorito, the other one doesn't need to
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i doubt lucy would ever look at anyone with that expression though
You need to up your antialiasing
NTA but is there any place with a guide for those flags?
she likes Wise tho?, even big daddy gave them his blessing
starting to think my GPU is giving me tinnitus
>nyalia lora
>aesthetic quality modifiers lora
>detailer lora
>artist loras even though they're trained in the model
>better hands lora
>easynegative lora
>very as2
>very awa
>schizo negative full of "bad x, bad y, bad z"
ahhh, time to gen
Mr. Bezos?
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bwos im retarded...
i forgot to bake in a vae... flashbacks of nai...
i'll go swap the model out
anyway for whomever was wondering if noob vpred loras work, my previously baked vpred loras do. thanks
chroma just gives me schizo results i dont know how to tard wrangle it so back to the greek letters i go
that's pretty irrelevant when you consider lucy's personality as a whole, she'd rather be a brat
anyway i just can't unsee nijika who lost her dorito there
Anon returning to AI here
What's the best anime model now?
Illustrious or Noob?

Pony isn't worth anymore?
I always load a VAE separately anyway
was just about to say this
So what is the VAE that was baked in without your override? And which one did you use?
extra blurry+melty
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finally RNG popped
skill issue
I didn't touch anything so I would assume it to be the default sdxl vae?
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For me, it's nai-anime-v1-full
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Ok, composing a single scene with v4 is pretty straightforward and the regional prompting + macros come in handy, but how do you compose something like picrel? NL captioning proved to be pretty useless.
try "1girl, 1boy, artist:ohisashiburi, large breasts, long hair, silver hair, nun, habit, revealing clothes, pelvic curtain, breast curtains, thigh boots, thighhighs under boots, high heels, nsfw, sex, penis, testicles, ass, doggystyle, sex from behind, all fours, faceless male, anal, closed eyes, closed mouth, light smile, hanging breasts, anal only, maebari, nipples, multiple views, after sex, cum in ass, cumdrip, gaping,"
Yeah very funny. That's just the same gacha of rerolling until you get a decent seed that it would be on local, I want to know how to leverage v4's abilities to achieve it more consistently.
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based cheek squasher
Looking for a kind anon who can help me train another shield hero dataset for illustrious. This is for S'yne Lokk, the cutie with big scissors. I could only find 45 images including caps from the anime. As she's just appeared in season 3 it's understandable there's only so few of her but with the help of taggui i was able to tag em all. Though there were a few odd tags it threw out, still i managed to sort it all out. Thank you for picking this up if you do.
my aqua repost made it in? you're too kind, highlight kun.
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very fine looking cowgirl pov, almost perfect, if it wasn't for the misaligned spoken breath. I'm doing you a C-.
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I repent
stfu nigger
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have you tried regional prompting?
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Ok, I guess you just describe the character again and only change the part about what she's doing. Still not perfectly consistent and there's often tag bleed but it's certainly more consistent than normal prompting.
Yes, but I didn't try repeating most of thee girl's prompt. I thought that maybe describing the characters once and then adding the alternative views to the common prompt would work, but nope.
this puts all other gens to shame
Look how happy oboro is watching asagi get railed by orcs.
I guess her outfit does have a zipper, she just always wore it open to below her navel. Must be cold down in the rape dungeons.
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hello saars. how many versions of cat tower should i install?
state what caste you belong to first
>use v4
>make 2 separate character prompts, one having futanari tag and the other just a girl
>will just get ignored and both be made futa or the other girl is the only futa
faggot model
>use v4
what causes this metal ilnis?
it's not to the taste of the occult sage
It's the latest and best SOA anime model with revolutionary bespoke architecture and character prompting.
the ai is really conflicted with her twintails here
If it's really just regional prompter under the hood, your overall prompt should have "futa_with_female" or "intersex/female", and then just put "penis" in one of the areas.

There's a lot of unintuitive stuff, like for example "hand on another's X" should be prompted on the "another" and not who the hand belongs to.
Patreon idea: AI grifting but with otoko no ko getting BLACKED.
tbf nonco is also kinda confused a lot of the times about her twintails
How are nai subscribers holding up?
>otoko no ko
real men jerk off to muscly sweaty baras
Business idea: Grifting service for cunny but it's blurry
Doing pretty great with both the best SDXL vpred anime model and the new shiny V4 at my disposal, meanwhile local has to choose between undercooked illustrious, fried Noob and >>>>pony
Use my image comparison tool!

its an accurate model
iirc he's been very consistent with the twintails and horns being the same thing even if the way he draws her hair changes every month
Can you guys please slow down the posting? I have a job and it's tiring having to scroll through 500+ posts every day. Maybe we can cut down on the shitposting a tiny bit and have some more image posts.
you're part of the problem
>more image posts
That looks good if it works
I agree, it's so tiring to work on my patreon that i barely have the energy to scroll the thread.
I've been using it for months. Whenever I make a tiny change to my prompt I'm always like "did that even make shit better?", so I do blind tests with 15 vs 15 images all the time.
fair enough, this kanan lore might be too much for the model
idk which you're using but mine has that issue and isn't trained on nonco's art, i think the ai just really wants to give her that silhouette no matter what
Can you provide real box with meta pls?
it's a custom checkpoint. it has a few artists in dataset, and nonco is between them
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Stubborn retard again here.

Attempting to make a character lora out of only figurine photos has proven to be a mistake. It either makes a horrid photo look-alike, or it keeps adding these splotches here and there. Lowering lora weight helps, but then it stops being faithful to the character design.
Box for the Nerissa and Shiori bj?
put penis in the girl's uc
unless you got some other images in your training that isn't a figurine photo, then it's gonna leak into the style
Just force emphasis on some very strong artist tags like Wamu or Porforever, and generate some less 3D images with it. Get some variety then retrain lora on those gens and repeat.
god bless you anon, you are still trying this. Ive seen you post about this months ago.

someone help this man
train a figurine style lora without activation tokens and then use --base_weights to merge it with your checkpoint when training the character lora
>less shitmixed models are less 2.5d
>but don't do the styles as well and don't have a lot of detail
Could also try to img2img the images before.
just... use Cat Tower
if you're gonna do that then share the lora and ask people to gen her in their own styles
it's no worse than the challenge guy and you get better variety
Amazing gen, box?
The style thing is false overall, styles are strongest on 1.0 where the knowledge is not diluted by merging. Might just be your style if it's 2.5D adjacent, or otherwise relies on that style bias.
i mean i can see what i see
there ain't much to say
What values do you use for this snake oil? I just want to test my schizo rebakes in peace without constantly wondering if my inference settings are fucking me over.
It was v4, but sure.
what the fuck is that name
What APG does and when should I use it?
nai 1.1 looks pretty soulful but it doesnt know what white background means
if autismmix is so great, why don't they merge it into noob
Started pixiv like a week ago and someone already sent me a message how good my stuff looks. I'm blushing.
"they" tried, our posters too. Pony is too fried to be merged with anything, didn't work with artiwaifu, tofu, 4th tail, didn't work with illu either.
it's a little sloppy but i still want to share it
How much blacked are you uploading per day
My guy besides the toes it's a better style than anything ITT
Started a xitter like a week ago and I already have one follower. I'm going to become the next big thing, just wait
that's just cause you're a pedophile
takes one to know one
Drop the @ so I can repost your gens, I have 2 follower
Dr. Pizza is out of jail?
Uhh... Based?
depends on the scheduler and steps. post your current settings
second one looks great
i meant sloppy as in unfinished, i didn't wanna
bother with upscaling because my gpu is slow.
Literally zero, or maybe one, out of my like 20 images I posted so far.
bless me with some grift mixes Anons
I want to get rich
is this hunyan? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/127372006
jumpscare warning
I can't expose myself like that bakka (,,> ᴗ <,,)
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Not /h/ but I just couldn't ignore it: what in the everliving FUCK are those artifacts? I swear I didn't do shit to this image, it literally just reproduced nearest neighbor upscaling artifacts, unprompted, by itself, perfectly, across the whole image. What the FUCK?
it's NAI.
make lora of this person
its nai
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Why is gradio 4 so fucking slow
Settings might look crazy to some but they're what I ended up with after a pretty long testing session.
Play with the settings
I see some opossu in that mix
I gotta work on my naming game ngl
Lmao I find those videos so hilarious
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Rebake something a 100 times and you'll end up in the same hole.
oh you meant the guidance limiter not APG. from my testing that shit is just bad and ruins anatomy more often than not. APG is legit but depends on other settings
That's my biggest incognito for me , how frequent should I upload, I started like a month ago and uploaded 17 works. Should I go for 1 a day?
Kill yourself
What's the drawback to distillation loras like LCM or TCD? The only thing I noticed while testing is that you can't run high steps without getting pixel art, but there must be something I'm missing since no one uses them.
that is literally chirdenel
I just do A.B, and change A if I change the dataset and B if I change just the settings. I also save copies of the dataset and setting files, though I don't really go back to any of the bad ones
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no u ;-)
catbox please?
File deleted.
you will look at the named males and you will enjoy them
dunno what happened to the upload
I do around 2-3. I like to believe that I don't post slop
i use guidance limits with sliding window guidance
how many waifus are you gonna desecrate mr?
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Holy mother of meltyness...
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Damn, nice composition but what the fuck is happening with the style
thanks, what model is that if you dont mind sharing
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it's ok aqua didnt stain griffith too badly
oh, it's the funny greek letters, ΣΙΗ
it can't write them into metadata properly
i see, thank you
Reminder that this is NOT a shitmix and is the best model.
>jeet hours
>uptick in challenge submissions
for me it's the way the upper arm meat bulges out a little bit
>jeet hours
>check what time it actually is in India
>1:36 AM
they're american jeets
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amerijeet entering the challenge
>done with 70 model grid
>went with the same i used but the S version
It's 0.75S (nonshitmixed)?
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I have tried using artists tags to mitigate the retardation, tell me how it went for you.

Now prompt Guts fucking fem-Grifith.
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>made it in again
Reverse spitroast threesomes can be tricky to prompt for, especially if you want the girls to make out with each other.
no it's 0.75s very slopped
it looks pretty decent just from this pic, I wouldnt have known she was trained on a figurine
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your training settings are probably ass
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That's almost Neuro
They may be. Thus why I ask for help.
are these threads doomed to be wrongly numbered for all eternity?
whats the purpose of numbers anyway
they help me count my followers (0)
>it's not a shitmix
i'll keep my expectations low then.
What's that?
how do i into background prompting
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Further take
the ai veechuber
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oh how did i miss that one
why is local so much better than nai?
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It isn't.
It works but I had to change the script to self.root.state('normal') or it wouldn't boot on Loonix.
box please?
why is nai so bad?
See >>8502516
I use both, local and NAIv4 equally.
I'm guessing the .txt is a list of all tags in the dataset? Not seeing any "figure" and "doll joints" in there, those would be the first things to negate this bias. If you don't tell the model what style it is it'll learn the style instead.

Maybe, but it's not like training settings can do much to avoid style biases. imo their effect is negligible compared to dataset.
its local
same, based
Based centrist keeping both Kurumuz and Jensen clothed and fed.
Not at all? Since you know, no images...
how much inpainting
why is nai so good?
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Fuck off, only impoverished homeless 90 iq jeets use NovelAI.
i do not live in India anymore saar.
after enough people subscribed i move to U.K!
he's mad at basic ass tribalism lol
wrong link.
Just a bit for details, the pose is from a scribble I drew with my mouse.
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Tried to get rid of that pointy ears without using Lora with "true" Midna appearance , but vpred said - fuck you =< So it is what it is.
composition of the bottom right one if the best, but style of bottom 2 is the best. mind sharing a training settings and what you're trying to do?
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I didn't like APG, CFG++ with guidance limiter worked really well to me.
local could never
Character name?
I think these would be better if it was just the girl and everything else was up to the creative.
The problem is that it tends to make for very long men.
butt cheeks. the shoulders look like butt cheeks. the tits are the sagging balls.
drunk sex really isn't very restrictive
i see, thanks
Those things Strike Witches fight against.
At least I tried
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I remember one Anon was trying to achieve saboten style, he got pretty close too
Still waiting for him to give us an update
that cretin is the last person you should take criticism from
Saved. Character name?
Ole' Six Fingers
alright, that's pretty good, now upscale it
Just testing settings for a style lora with different max snr for sangoi loss modifier (slm15, 50 etc.).

I aint touching your powershell script mustard gas
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masterpiece, best quality v nothing tied at 6:6
Yeah it doesn't matter with these models. Good utility from anon though.
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it wasn't negative criticism saar.
i like you style :)
are you as curious as i am about who asked though?
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All these meta tags like masterpiece, best quality, worst quality, bad anatomy, lowres, absurdres etc. never do anything useful. Image quality is highly subjective and the people applying those tags are often retards, hence why all high scoring images converge towards the ponyslop look (or rather, ponyslop got its look from averaging out the highest rated images)
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1girl, reference sheet, expressions,
Well, the Illustrious people did it based on percentiles from Danbooru, from what I can understand. (They also prescribed a specific prompt order but shhhh) It's just that that's meaningless at that scale. The differences on the slopmix on my end were basically additional letter gacha tier.
I think there's also penis in vagina there.
the prompt metadata is still in there, that anon is lying big time because he has a lot more in his prompt
Nooo anon wouldn't lie to me :(
remember to use
worthwhile spyware
I would never......EVER.........lie to you
>Note: This node does not support SD1.5 or SDXL VAEs, as they typically perform faster on local hardware.
Yeah no gracias
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Ok this time actually since anon lied
can you make her "I'm gonna pummel you into the ground" face?
local can
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Unironic virus
hey v4, please generate me hentai sex in default style
uegh we really need higher res models
1024x1024 is nothing
i'll sometimes fuck with higher reses and they look so good if they don't have errors
we need a 16ch vae model that isn't crippled by low param like v4
higher res is not that big of a deal
1024X1024 IS NOTHING
based truthspeaker. look at all the 1060jeets seething over the notion of improving beyond sdxl
what caused the thermonuclear explosion?
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Is this her? You didn't give a sample image where she looks "correct" so I'm just going off of what the fried lora output looks like.
grok speculated that, without explicitly captioning in-depth the style of the training images, a general purpose pretrain may be necessary to generalize artist tags and allow them to blend into each other rather than compartmentalizing them like NAIv4 seems to do
File deleted.
this is all i got
Why would you ever use this piece of muskrat garbage you magatard idiot?
>you have to go back saaar
whats a good upscaler that doesnt fry when you use a bunch of styles?
upscale models work only on the image data
i think these are the best upscale models, real or multiblur
Can you link to a picture of the figurine you trained on? Was it only one figurine?
but i tried the newer animesharp and it was actually pretty okayish compared to older upscalers
Upscalers don't even see your style prompt. Whether you use the standard realEsrgan or some fancy animeSharp, Nomos or whatever, the difference is small.

I think your issue is more likely with the upscaling process itself, denoise value, regular vs tiled, controlnet or not, etc.
I need gens of roxy getting raped
why reply to me? I'm as confused as you are
I just ran the lora at an unreasonably high strength and used the fried result as a reference
based on the rape part, probably from mushoku tensei
she has some dumb name like midgardia or such, they all do
I need gens of boxxy getting raped
Thanks anons, I always avoided upscaling, heres a box, what settings and upscaler would you reccomend? It still seems kinda fried

nomos might be the worst example for small differences because it really fucks up the colors
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yeah u rite
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>bodysuit completely covers her legs unless i include a shoe token
>leotard creates high leg leotards
it's fucked up
kys muskrat
A leotard with shorts is a unitard according to danbooru.
Awesome thanks for the nothingburger info dump, retard.
Stopped reading there.
i don't get it
seething troonjeets. musk owns you
i'm actually a localpilled genjet fr
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Any new trooncord screenshots from Astralite? Need to laugh.
Why would you use a failed LLM from a fascist billionaire unless you are a magatard yourself?
NTA, reforge guy here. Added support to this upscaler if someone wants to try it there.

are you upscaling with cfg++? don't do that
box for dar queen?
>upscaling with cfg++? don't do that
Why? Works fine for me unless the hires fix/img2img slider is accidentally in 3-6 cfg range.
it is safe to pull yet?
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thanks i guess i am retarded
probably white guilt, tranny, or both.
sometimes, depending on the character, art style, framing tag, moon phase and whether it's a day that ends in -y or not, images will come out super blurry and artifact-y but it's 10x more common with framing tags than without
I mean anon is complaining about upscaling being fried and I see cfg++ used in the catbox metadata and in my experience upscaling with cfg++ looks fried and bad so I don't do that. I only do my base gens with cfg++ and otherwise upscale/detail/inpaint with normal cfg
I don't get issues, but if you use reForge via Stability Matrix (idk what it is, but seems it is used) it won't work.

Or if you use layer diffusion (because diffusers version)

Else should work fine. I created the main-old branch in case you get issues after updating, though.
Okay, a week of testing is done. Now time to not gen using the results.
I'll right, I'll pull and also test that new sampler
why, it already doesn't fit on my screen
Sure. If you find issues, please report them, since I haven't tested all the possible issues.

I waited about 9 months to merge dev into main, but it was time to do so. Old Forge backend was giving me too much issues to mantain.
>I'll right
kekmao, I should rest
I name thee based
One insult.
Holy cunny Anon, box?
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Also a small comparison. I guess I could add more interesting or missing spandrel upscalers.


PLKSR seems to be faster than RCAN
>upscaling model comparison
For the last time: None of this shit matters when you do real upscaling (hires fix/img2img) because the denoising pass after the upscale will remove all details anyway. Just use Lanczos.
I'm blind or does this new er_sde sampler not yet in the dev branch?
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Bait btw, don't reply to this.
its nai
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I pulled
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It should be on all brances (also dev is the same as main now ,dev2 difference is it uses gradio4)
on your venv do

pip install -r .\requirements_versions.txt

I think pydantic is having some issues for some reason after the git pull from dev merge into main.

If it persists, I will investigate.
Uhh I don't have it for some reason, probably a issue on my end, i'll check it
>pip install -r .\requirements_versions.txt

didnt work same error
Check in your sampler options if it's hidden. Shouldn't be, but on any case.

Man I hate pydantic, will take a look. For now you can do "git checkout main-old" to work as it was before.
So do you have the VC++?
Oh cool, I almost got it. Necklace needs a close-up shot.

You can reduce the lora weight a lot when upscaling, to get rid of some style bias. And then bring it back up for inpainting, even above 1.0 if it struggles with details.
is there cfg++ version for er sde?
He probably doesn't but he shouldn't need one. I'm thinking of building the wheel manually and then using it on reqs for each python version.

Not yet that I know. I could a take a look to see if one is possible.
I don't even know what cfg++ means or does I just use it
I do

after I switched to that it still has the same error,I guess ill wait....
a quick a/b and youll realize you're full of shit
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Like C++ vs C, CFG++ it is a straight downgrade from regular CFG.
If it's so quick why didn't you post one?
Based, that's the true-true.
becaues i enjoy knowing that i have technological superiority over you
He's either baiting or using 0.6+ denoise. Either way, there was no reason to give a (You) to him.
Copecession accepted.
yeah no shit stop responding to yourself or to bait retard
If you aren't using a denoise value that properly cleans up the artifacts in the base gen, then what are you using hires fix for? It's called hires F I X for a reason.
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Okay should be fixed now, I have built a wheel that should work on any python version

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Thanks forgeanon, its working now.
thats some peak cunny
kinda remind me of healthyman
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>comfyu filename on what looks like a v4 gen
u wot
got the metadata for this?
hahah fuck that one got me see the gen is blurry means its nai, peak referential humor
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same anon here, am I super dumb or is the new upscaler not here
Did you add the upscaler model into the PLKSR folder?
oh. no I didnt. I thought updating would add it. my bad
>Check in your sampler options if it's hidden.
It wasn't, idk what happened but it's okay, I did a fresh install and moved all my shit over
All is fine now
Thanks for your work, Pancho
d-do i pull?
anonie...dont pull! im gonna...im gonna-
>756111 insertions
it's over...
anyone still on SD1.5???
yeah me >>8502216
I am. there's tons of anons who are still happily using 1.5 but don't want to post because XL shills would just immediately attack them and bully out of the thread
also gonna need that cunny mix
Holy cope prompt...
>highly finished
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The XLcel fears the strawberrychad
it's 1.5 (based)
on what?
oh wait right i forgot i can convert the wgwy swfs to mp4 and extract the frames from there
i'll rebake that liru lora tomorrow
I'm 2h late and its already dead, any chance for reup? Maybe not in litter
>Only the character's face and body are nsfw, the rest is sfw.
Why did she do it?
>I exclusively gen 1girls using shitmixes only
Is this the AI h-animation thread? There's an image I want animated to something of this degree.
That's decent, yeah
this is the ai thread but we dont do requests unless it is worded in the form of a challenge
i challenge you to gen 1girl, standing, looking at viewer,
Sure, why not
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Fine, as long as there's a splotch of cum.
Nah, not requesting but just looking for resources. Pic>>8502886 was from some chink AI that I found on the gook Arca. I'm looking for specialized animation that's trained on h motions like pistoning and cumming at least.

Don't think commissioning some L2D rigger to do it manually would be cheap.
why is there always a fucking lamp in my gens
just inpaint ze lamp out broski
check your tags for any leaks, any instance of "v" will make the girl throw up peace signs for example
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Anyway, specifically I want to animate this static H-scene from a series of key frames using AI. This is the best I got, can't extract it from the unity without it being scrambled.

Anyone know the best so far? Maybe I'll go search Arca again for tips.
slideshow in random order, let RNGesus take the wheel
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Why do I have to cheat with control net just to get a bit of scenery in the image? Why does every model insist on filling 100% of the picture with the 1girl?
Fix this shit, Bill Gates.
kill yourself
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hello I'm new to this, if I make the width/height of my gens above 1024x1024 everything will become extremely fucked up right
using noob
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(detailed background, outdoors, scenery:1.3) and adjust upward as necessary.
check danbooru
it's chadmix
Already done that countless times. I want to see boobs pop open from a blast wave instead of just 3 frames
surprised I haven't seen drunk aqua getting railed in front of megumin or darkness yet
>detailed background
placebo tag
placebo tag
placebo tag
too complicated, requires at least 5 inpaints
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Generate at one of these resolutions, and afterwards upscale the image either with hiresfix or img2img.
thanks anon i've been doing this for like 3 weeks now just assuming that getting siamese twins every other gen was just the norm because i am a fucking retard
>start getting aroused by otoko no kos
it's over, isn't it?
somebody commissioned me to do venti from genshin recently and I had the same horrifying moment
shut it down, it's not too late
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[photo background::0.x]
show xyz to disprove it
you won't
you can't
you lost
a hole's a hole
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>show xyz to disprove it
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i don't like tard wrangling vpred textures
Cute eyes though
that guy has a worm in his penis
yeah, she's sucking it out. glad someone caught that
By scenery I meant something like this, where the shot is zoomed out and characters don't take up the majority of the screen. I was not referring to pretty backgrounds.
that's a problem with shitmixes, if you prompt wide shot on base noob you can get those gens you want.
it's called wide shot, but it's not like your scat tower will know what that is with the amount of shit merged into it
yeah, skill issue
cat tower objectively has less shit in it. maybe youre forgetting noob was trained on literal furry scat, retard.
holy shit i can't with this obnoxious cat faggot
I see you have all attached gens as proof that your miracle model can produce such shots.
if that anon can gen a wide cat grabbing two dicks, anything is possible
aqua box?
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i did this one on illus like 4 months ago. it's kinda shit but its literally a wide shot.
Do I sense a wide shot challenge thread coming?
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don't tell them about "photo background" tag
can you catbox this one? love hilda
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i gen 'cowboy shot' but all i get is a girl standing there???
dumb coomer
try also prompting for hat, horseback riding, desert
Okay I figured it out all on my own no thanks to you. I just put "scenery, (very wide shot:1.1)" in the prompt and changed the resolution to ultrawide. It really is just that easy on waiNSFWIllustrious_v120.safetensors [89cb4ec0a9]
annoying cunt
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Glad to be of help.
Stop shitting up the thread please.
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That's Rosa..
woopsies, mixed it up cus i wasnt paying attention. can you do a hilda one lol
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We've become one with Civjeet.
also didnt say it the first time, thank you
>accidentally train lora without partially pruned tags
>visual fidelity is great but it's annoying to prompt because the outfit activation tags don't work well
>retrain with 30% pruned clothing/character feature tags in order to reinforce activation tokens
>the details are suddenly all shit
i understand everything now
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/h/? /e/?
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maybe gooning is bad for you
yeah ai video still has a long way to go
still using cyberfix and loving it
No I'm gonna gen her chasing after cats today.
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it's okay, some retards use scat tower
it just works
Which Wan2.1 are you using? Any free websites? If there's none, I'll use https://github.com/Wan-Video/Wan2.1 and figure it out on my own then.
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480p I2V, I use comfyUI for inference.
explain naiXLVpred102d_final glazing to me
>[latest thing]

>old but reliable
it weks
>old but reliable
which is? (it's going to be something retarded, isn't it?)
Okay, can you share some of the prompts you are using so I can roughly get your results?

I don't think Wan can take multiple images as keyframes so it will be generating multiple videos of each frame and picking the best ones that can flow togather then.
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NoobAI-XL-Vpred-v1.0+v29b of course
Here you go: https://files.catbox.moe/yufv1w.png
Ok, that made me chuckle
I personally feel like this exact mix is popular here only because it is somewhat of an underground model. It is nothing special, but people value it more because it is rare, especially outside of these threads.
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Learned how fucking hard is it to do group images, this is the best I could.
many such cases here
>as close to vpred 1.0 as possible
>don't burn colors on euler a (sota sampler)
>nothing special
yeah okay, bro
So you're saying that >>8503046's post was indeed something retarded as you expected.
>9 times more images
>over 900 in total
>better quality
>better captioning
Jesus, this should be a most blessed bake. The original was already really good.
any ideas how to make "size difference" not turn the girl into a loli? using noobai
don't specify loli
hope that helps
(loli:1.5) is in negative prompts
the prompts are just whatever the lora suggests:
"Very high quality 4k illustration, is leaning over a man positioned in between the legs of the viewer and performing oral sex on a man. Her head moves up and down as she sucks the penis, anime girl sloppy pov blowjob, purple eyes look up at viewer aroused"
Negative: "bad quality video, character is not moving, , censored"
Use the Wanvideowrapper and pull to latest, probably won't work out of the box unless you prepare the enviroment. you'll need to install triton and sageattention and latest torch nightly (later than 2/27).
that being said, my workflow:
Perfect, thanks!
so what's the best region prompt thing to use for reForge?
this, i realized this some weeks ago and went back to noob v1.0 and now on chromayume (i'm sitll not sure about this one). v1.0+v29b is washed out.
what snake oil are you using for base vpred? don't tell me cfg++
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If you're not using cfg++ you're using cfg rescale which is way worse oil tho.
so why would i use any snake oil at all if 1.0+29 works without them?
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Give me a schizo prompt of yours that (you wrongfully believe) doesn't work without snake oil and I will prove you wrong.
controlnet and inpaint
>Regional Prompt doesn't work in reForge
>Forge Couple is shit
Local is dead
any prompt with euler a 6 cfg. if there is black clothing or whatever it will literally be rgb (0,0,0), so no detail, no anything
CFG++ samplers aren't snake oil, they have been a thing since the first illust release
Comfy bwo?
Is she ovulating? This chinese bean has been extra ornery lately.
I tried it but making me install 20 different nodes just to do what Forge/reForge had by default was annoying so I quit.
that's really cool.
tried forge couple today, glad to see someone else finds it shit.
A low weight lora is all you need.
That's a feature of the architecture and expected behavior.
this so much this. fried outputs are expected for local vpred. the only other alternative is pony sepia
you'd say the same about naiv4 artifacts?
I don't use AIaaS so I don't know what artifacts you are referring to.
best artists for scared cunny?
I don't think it works in reForge at all. I get literally the same gens regardless if it's enabled or not. After all these months Comfy gets the last laugh.
There's a repo that has a (partial) reforge-compatible RP. I don't remember the name though.
There's 2 easy solutions:

One: designate the guys as background. So you could have a group of make men waiting for their turn in the background, blur said background as needed to hide mistakes, done.

Two: Gran an image from the net with the situation you want, go to img2img, and impaint, impaint, impaint, impaint until you get what you want.
I like the style, reminds roropull.
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I am here to steal
its 228cm style hes lying
mythra is such a cutie
what the fuck is 228cm style, there's no artist with such a name
That’s Pyra.
Yeah, I went with the second, sadly. I am wondering how to do the first one, either with regional prompting or some kind of layering. I suffer though because Regional doesn't work in Reforge and the reforge guy doesn't seem interested in porting it.
When do you guys usually bake a new thread?
I'm afraid to post my stuff / ask my questions if this thread is 2 posts away from getting abandoned for a new one
>When do you guys usually bake a new thread?
until we hit 300 images, text post doesn't matter
Look at image count you fucking retarded newfag
>newcuck can't even be bothered to check the catalog
why do I love inpaint and doodle around so much
YOU check the catalog, dumb fuck
The threads have inconsistent image counts, so "when the thread hits 300 images" wouldn't be a valid conclusion to draw
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Like squeezing water from a stone.
lurk moar faggot
just ignore them, newcutie. people here are angry all the time for no reason.
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nyo. just calm down bwo, he was asking a simple question. no one was attacking you.
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Been around a week since I started pixiv, got 50 followers and 4.5k views. Are those good stats for new account?
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I have participated.
Those stats are meaningless if you don't convert them into Patreon subscribers
What? I just do it for fu-
>pajeet hours
Ah yeah, right.
how tho
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Ok chump, just leave the money on the table so that actually smart enterpreneurs can take it.
Why should we tell you?
This hobby specifically is. Either you’re paying more in your electricity bills or paying for a subscription.
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what paysite can I use that won't ban me for oppailoli
it's just a bait.
top quality bait
# of bookmarks you get are probably the most important thing if you want to maximize traction, usually it'll be concentrated within the first few hours of a post
It's just like I'm in /ic/, except it's filled with jeets
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+1 for sex dungeons
…so it’s just like /ic/.
nah /ic/ is more 3rd worlders and amerimutts
the SEA containment board
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Reminder that no one knows how the fuck AI actually works and prompting like a literal schizo is based.
>nah /ic/ is more 3rd worlders
What do you think India is?
Based situation diffuser.
little girls need to know their place
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>that kind of prompt
did you also made pic related?
i was talking about mythra
I’m gonna kill you.
Ask there >>>/biz/
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of course
what is it
dont you like mythra?
My overall ratio is 1:5 view to bookmarks, which I think is good, because I post mostly SFW and some OC stuff
I don't know if you guys noticed it but anyone who has recently pulled has stealthpnginfo on by default.
damn, almost all the gang is back, the only one missing is my nigga saya-anon

>Bought nvidia stocks at $20 per share.

This hobby paid for itself plus my retirement. You had a chance to slurp the dip, multiple times.
This is a massive violation of my privacy and my intellectual property rights.
nice so now a1111, comfyui, and reforge are all spyware. back to regular forge it is i guess
It's only ever useful for chans.
because its not your prompt that's being embedded in it :)
whomstd've then?
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eyes hidden by hair is kinda hot
so it's 748cm not 228cm like the retard said. but why would you want to replicate an ai style lmao, it doesn't even look remotely close to the style
so it's just pedo that are get mad about patreon? i think i got it now
there's literally no reason to miss out on easy patreon money unless you only prompt pedo garbage
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How many sex acts can you fit into one image?
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>cum explosion
well, it's technically correct.
Are the styles of kizuki rei and shindol possible yet?
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that's actually really fucking stupid.
haven't pulled since october and I guess it'll stay that way.
LOL reforgedev was probably denied a catbox and now is trying to backdoor the prompt
you vill share your prompt now.
you're the reason /hdg/ declined
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How has no one made a butt chugging lora yet
I already share catboxes without issue tho.
I have a bigger issue with a shitty extension I don't agree with being used without consent. Even more considering it's against 4chan ToS to embed any form of information into an image while posting.
I hate Kana.
Just remove it you fucking retard
it shouldn't be there or get enabled in the first fucking place you retard.
This. When it also installs a monero miner without informing you, just remove it too, you are free to do so.
fucking retard
wtf? i love being retarded now.
You don't check changes before pulling? Who is the real retard here pal.
I just explained I haven't pulled since october and will continue to not pull?
Do you not know how to read?
>cat tower objectively has less shit in it.

Merge recipes (vPred v1.7)
Merging the difference between CyberRealistic XL v5 and stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 to NoobAI-V-Pred-1.0-Version by "Add Difference" (Checkpoint A)

Replacing the CLIP of Checkpoint A by NoobAI-V-Pred-1.0-Version (Checkpoint B)

Merging Cat Carrier v3.0 to Checkpoint B by "Weighted Sum" with block (0,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4,0.0,0,0,0,0) (Checkpoint C)

Merging Cat Tower vpred v1.5 to Checkpoint C by "Add Cosine B" with block (0,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0,0,0,0,0) (Checkpoint D)

Merging Cat Bread eps-pred v1.0 to Checkpoint D by "Weighted Sum" with block (0,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0,0,0,0,0) (Checkpoint E)

Merging the difference between Catloaf and ponyDiffusionV6XL to Checkpoint E by "Train Difference" with block (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0,0,0,0,0) (Checkpoint F)

Merging the difference between copycat-noob Vpred_v1.01 and NoobAI-V-Pred-1.0-Version to Checkpoint F by "Train Difference" with block (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0,0,0,0,0) (Checkpoint G)

Merging style LoRA to Checkpoint G (Checkpoint H)

Add v_pred and ztsnr keys to Checkpoint H by noob_v_pencil-XL merge recipes (Cat Tower vPred v1.7)

Merge recipes (vPred v1.6)
only a nogenner or a grifter would complain about imbedded stealth pnginfo
to both i say "fuck off, retard."
We love cat tower tho
i'm trans btw
> against 4chan ToS to embed any form of information
Why aren't you using AnyNoob https://civitai.com/models/916326?modelVersionId=1198073 for training?
Same ingenious idea as AnyLora by Lykon, it reduces unintended style changes and allows for superior lora training. You aren't still training on illustrious 0.1, right..?
Snake oil.
are you so sure?
embedded prompts are just text. this refers to shit like rarjpeg where pictures contained actual archives in them.
of course it's open to interpretation but nobody has ever been warned or banned for stealthpng
embedded text is an embedded document you retarded shitfuck
I train my loras on 1.0 + v29, it just works
Do you see word "any"? I do not.
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Why does WAI handle it so much better? I guess I'll have to live with the sloppy look
>I'm going to pretend to not know what "etc" is to fit my narrative!
sasuga, bro.
If you really stretch it I guess? Who cares considering it has never been enforced this way and people have been sharing stealthpng pics for almost 2 years now?
>just inpa-AAAACK
you were sayin'?
Retard? If I'd made a screenshot of ms word document page, will it be counted as an just plain image or an image with a document?

You have a problem with logic.
^ retard
*inpaints this post*
I just made you say something nice instead.
>If I'd made a screenshot of ms word document page, will it be counted as an just plain image or an image with a document?
That's just an image.
There is a key word here. It's EMBED. Which means you're presenting one set of information while hiding another that requires specific knowledge to find.
I don't even understand why you're defending this retarded shit. This sort of thing should always be OPT IN, not opt out.
hiding your prompts should be a bannable offense
you promised to pull out ;_;
> while hiding another that requires specific knowledge to find
Could you please cite a dictionary where you took that from?
If it's just an image, why could I pass it through an OCR and get the words back as text? Isn't it some usage of specific knowledge to find it?

Let's just upload an image with embedded prompt, report it and end this argue once and for all?
hiding your cdrenishl should be a bannable offense
yes no no
it definitely is
local and malware, no duo more iconic
I like to hide little messages in my prompts for anons to find :3c
His lora makes things blurry for some reason. Also I forgot the panty curtain, damn.
If you're talking about regonal prompt specifically, that's only one optional node for attention mode. Latent mode works with just default ones.
what the fuck is this creature?
That looks like an angry cat holding up his paw
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Ah, Zoe. The only reason I know Dinosaur King was a thing.
Who draws the cheekiest lolis?
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give me something to find bwo
how do you guys make models with quantum merge script? my models came out blurry and gray
>models came out blurry and gray
its quantum merge
mantis-x probably
if that counts as drawing
no i mean unusably blurry and gray not just a little bit.
nai it is
i think everyone abandoned nai already
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what are you trying to merge bwo?
i did it like this (paths redacted)
clip_g = r"naiXLVpred102d_final.safetensors"
clip_l = r"naiXLVpred102d_final.safetensors"
prompt_to_follow = r"masterpiece, best quality, uncensored, white background, 1girl, ... "
base_model = r"naiXLVpred102d_final.safetensors"
secondary_model = r"ΣΙΗ.safetensors"
output_path = r"QM_nai102dEIH.safetensors"
why did everyone abandon pony??
Aggressive shills pushed out anyone who dared to stay.
is prompt necessary? i did mine with blank prompt
0 reasons
>why did people leave a model with absolutely shit character recognition and a host of absolutely bizarre anatomy issues?
we may never know
With how v7 is looking there was just no reason to stay. I won't be able to run that so the future of remaining on pony seemed pointless
no such thing for localchads
>no such thing
>general 24/7 spammed with noob shilling
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>tfw the ticket checkers are coming and you forgot to buy a ticket
this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every local model is good, and all are equally valid. i sometimes whip out pony just to do things noob simply isn't capable of. no such thing as a bad local model, only different tools
ticket checker box
I inpainted some things with slightly different prompts. Here's base gen:
i saw that they are used to generate the coefficients for the fourier transform blendings
while im not sure how all this works exactly i just gave it a prompt
thanks mr ticket checker, may your checking go well
Glad somebody else pointed this out. The shilling is incredibly fucking annoying.
In case you're serious, it's just way easier to reproduce styles when you have tens of thousands of innate artists and no baked-in shading. Rarely need character loras either.

It's still much better for realism, but using booru models for 3dp is a niche within a niche.
so true, i only use pure illustrious shitmixes
whats that recipe for noob merge? v29 something something
i took base vpred 1.0 cfg++ pill...
catbox please
>pony has over 200 million gens on civits shitty online generator alone
>untold billions locally and on other sites
>meanwhile naiv4 barely manages to break 100m
what went wrong naisisters?
it's really nice when it works
thought about doing the first few steps with the 29 merge or chroma, and the rest with 1.0
Why not fully on chroma?
check NAI stats in a year so it's an even comparison, baitbro
this so fucking much
You know it's a bait and still replied. What a cute little sissy. Get on your knees now~
it still looks sloppy, just way less than mixes
nai still on 100m?
what retard will buy a second month of subscription after that trainwreck?
what cfg
nta but stay in the 0.8-1.5 range
my default is 1.0, only breaks with very short prompts
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any specific one?
why so many gays itt?
What do you mean? This thread has the least amount of groids I've seen in a while.
I guess. I wonder why considering it's not a shitmix, or at least they claim it isn't.
is this the goat model that everyone here is using? which version should i get?
it's not
all roads lead back to noobaiXLNAIXL_vPred10Version
Then what is? And don't give some troll answer like cattower/wai/chadntrmix/cyberfix or dumb greek letters
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This but unironically
shitmixes are easier to use but base noob(and 29 merge) just looks way better and is more creative with its compositions when it works properly
thats pretty good, more?
I personally was using 1.0+v29, tried shit like vpred_fixed and chromayume but I think I'll just go back to base vpred 1.0
>didn't even try cat tower and wai
yeah this general is retarded
The "final" version of this is pretty much the best local model for 2d styles. It also unfries a ton of artists compared to base noob
and good for him
both are autism-tier slopmixes
>>8502748-anon here, it's not 748cm and it's also not nai, it's a custom artists mix :P
retarded bait
whats the recipe for 1.0 + v29 again
so it's a shitmix but with a 2d bias instead of slop bias? "unfrying" artist tags probably means that the artists that worked fine are gonna be weaker right
honestly doesn't sound too bad though, I should try this.
some block merge of 1.0 and v29, I don't know the blocks and proportions and I don't think they were ever mentioned.
it's nice because it's basically devoid of frying of v1 without slopping up the style, but a lot of the times it feels washed out instead.
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How come most of the top models are never discussed here? what about nova anime and miao miao harem? Is this general just behind the times?
1.0+29 recipe is
this in comfy, but time_embed should be 0
I only hate stealthpng cause there's nothing to indicate the image has metadata, someone fix the fucking script.
>scat tower is top 5
>catfaggot uses it
popularity =/= quality
cat tower general
Did anything changed in lora training? Last update in OP's FAQ was in 2023, are all scripts actual for illust v1? or still better train it on 0.1?
>illust v1
nobody uses that
either train on illu 01 or a noob version you're using
I really hate the innate style baked into miao miao
they're all SDXL models, very little changed between pony and illu training wise; just dataset captioning since the model recognizes characters and artists

you do have to change setting when training on v-pred, but I do not recomment it. loras from base illu 0.1 also work fine there, if not even better
how do you prompt for this angle?
cat tower is all you need.
worst quality, lowres, doesnotexist, abstract,
oekaki, jaggy lines, pixel art, unfinished, adversarial noise, ai-generated, shiny skin,
@_@, slit pupils,
saturated, colorful, blending, night, shadow,
censored, mosaic censoring, bar censor,
crowd, people, chibi inset,
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generate this and see what you get.
literally me

my gpu just tried talking to me...
holy shit that is so epic bro LOL
>oekaki in negs
no, I don't think I will
Looking now in OP and there is several scripts and 2 GUIs - which one is better to use? Or anons nowadays use some other scripts to efficiently train loras?
>ai-generated in negs
no, I don't think I will
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>Come on, Saori-chan, I can already kind of see them, anyway.
why is it so ugly
i vill not be gaslit into using base models
they all do more or less the same thing under the hood
I've always used the easy-training script, but it's just a UI on top of kohya
I think nai lost.
is using cfg++ below 1.0 bad
So the reason why one loras are better then other when it comes to style or character training is only because of better dataset?
>makes the only actually anime gens itt
I kneel, sar. Box?
Yeah. Unless you completely fuck up your training settings, they barely matter compared to having good images and captioning them properly.
I think nai won.
wtf is this
your loss, dumbo
What's wrong with using Cat Tower? It just works
ive never once seen a catbox in this thread that actually uses cat tower so i find it curious why it seems to be shilled here unless it was just some type of thread meme or something
pony autismmix also works, retard
>upload selfie into eva large
>tags me as muscular male
enough about aqua
you've never seen anyone use bingus token but you'll still find people shilling it. jeet mindset, don't try to understand them
I look like this
dafuck is bingus token
>this dingus hasnt heard about the bingus
lurk more
according to eva large?
why is bubukka so fucking ugly on noob
>taking model advice from a general that posts 2.5d exclusively
now cat tower, that's not 2.5d
i'm quantumjeet
I will do some XYs tomorrow evening to show off catTower's issues, and any upsides
make him pee in her mouth? plesae
Just make sure to flip the axis labels in Photoshop so you get people praising it because it's labelled as 1+29
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I'm afraid that'd be easy to spot

any more suggestions? I'm thinking 1+29, chroma, greek letters and WAI
holy catjeet meltie
base v1 and 102dfinal
I did it before with other models lol
never seen that one before
can also add v29 lol because I wonder how it looks vs 1.0+v29
why is some schizo constantly shilling his noname shittune? it barely has 300 downloads
issue with semi-blind xyzs that someone else posts here is that it does not account for different models performing differently
you can do a simple 1girl standing prompt and 1+29 will shit out some 3dpd for you while scat tower will do some do something that looks nice enough
you have to account for the fact that those shitmixes break any model flexibility and creativity which you probably won't be able to see on 2 xy pictures that well
all those shitmixes are great if you just started prompting or doing it on civitai for limited points but if you're prompting locally there's literally no reason to use garbage like wai/ct
every model with more than 300 downloads had 300 downloads at some point
The composition thing has been overblown by people, IMHO. I haven't seen models fry composition, even the worst shitmixes. Style, sure, WAI will obliterate your artists into nothingness, composition though? Nah.
sloppers won
since noob cant really do 3d and i want to train a lora using 3d hentai images what should the dims be? large like 128 since thats recommended for things the model struggles with?
>have to go thread by thread because of the base64 fag
maybe it's time to actually learn some nihongo and move to jap imageboards
The WGWY Liru I baked was 16 and it has a surprising amount of 3d space awareness. But I think it's purely dataset dependent because fugtrup didn't really work for me.
>the comments
people here liked the aomslop that game maker anon was posting the other too i guess
how are even tell is ai???
for >>8503724
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21 KB
Illust 2.0 base and pro.

"Pro has better 'aesthetics' - which means you will less face unwanted results with same condition

However training should be more better in Base models in most case- and the trained lora works on both"
i look like this
thanks bro i like her more than aqua
so glad this is failing spectacularly
retarded koreans
sweet, coming to local in 2027!
all this talk about v4 and v7. where is gemini?
so excited to pay to tensorart for this amazing eps-prediction model oh my god i can't wait
>just ten more years of 1024x1024 xl models
I meant to use prompts that would highlight those differences. Both in reproducing artists, and with composition. Because some artists to actually look better on shitmerges, ones that already have that kind of shine. Kagami Hirotaka is my favorite example, he almost looks better on Pony.

It's also way harder to do unusual body types; chibi, shortstack, etc. Hakika struggles a lot, Porforever looks more human, etc.

When it comes to composition it doesn't break, more like the opposite. It becomes stiff, not allowing the weirder and unusual angles to show up at all. Also makes images from the same prompt look very similar between seeds.
Nobody used NAIv1 after shitmixes appeared, now I'm wondering how usable would it be with loras compared to aom/based64
I think a lot of artists don't actually good on base models, that's why I don't want to use them. If 7 of my 10 artists don't look like themselves on the based pure model then you know...
nobody cares
>retard in comments complaining that ilxl has same face
what gennig with base style and using slop mixes does to motherfucker
I played with both recently and it was even worse than I remembered kek
artist tags aren't great on noob, but at least base finetunes don't introduce disgusting slop styles like the shitmixes do. and still there are plenty of artist tags that work well enough.
next month local will have been on XL longer than 1.5
1.5: Oct 2022 - Jan 2024 (15 months)
XL: Jan 2023 - March 2024 (14 months)
describe hdg in 2 words or less
cute boys
2.5d slop
If we're talking accuracy, there's no way merges can do a better job than vpred 1.0. They just dilute the existing knowledge with whatever model they merge in. But some artists benefit from the style bias it brings, long as they're not sketch-y, flat color, matte shading, etc.
>>as close to vpred 1.0 as possible
lol no it is not
it's slopped and yet the slop doesn't look good even as slop
western girls
yeah all the sdxl complainers don't know how bad we boomers had it
XL dates should be shifted a year (2024-2025), but still the same length. who's counting anyway, we all could've lived with pony forever!
>there's no way merges can do a better job than vpred
>unless they do
all me
merges are needed to fix madman/a's vslop implementation
nai won
to be fair if not them we'd probably be stuck with eps 1.1
Finish reading the sentence. They look better but not more accurate. Have you seen the shit wamudraws makes? https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5700958 Most models do the style better than he does.
>They look better but not more accurate
But that's my point, I have artists that do not look like themselves on the base models. So they're less accurate.
(Speaking of him, Pony did him way better than Illu models do lmao)
we're all waiting for pony v7 here
Shitmixes also make some artist styles that are almost unusable in base noob, usable by fixing the constant anatomy issues that come up otherwise. momio for example is almost impossible to get right on base noob, the limbs get melty, hands have varying number of fingers etc.
nice drum
shitmix that merge this slop blah blah blah

if it makes an image that gives me a big ole raging boner please explain to me in 100 words or less why i should care one way or another
well you see the shitmixes have a 2.5d shitmixed flavor that we totally hate
>looks at 95% of the posts here
you should move to /aco/ if some random cartoon slop makes your boner rage
pls understand, oversaturation, muddled backgrounds, and artifacts are more true to life representations of the artist
miquella box
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most of the 2.5d slop is posted by trolls who pick random shit from civitai and repost it here
you never see them in catboxes with metadata
ffs there's even shit that clearly was genned with SD 1.5, no one uses that crap unironically
greek letters and similar models can do 2d just fine, there's just a general tendency for posters to favor "2.5d" prompts, and there's plenty of variety within "2.5d" as well
link 5 examples of genuine 2.5d that is in this thread because people keep saying this term but i dont believe you even know what it means
Yeah that's probably what he prompts.
Why doesn't that chink beaner cathaggot do this?
if there's even 10% of a nose, lips, nonflat shading especially on skin, or shadows then it's 2.5d
>greek letters and similar models can do 2d just fine
You can literally see how greek letters model will make 2D styles less flat compared to noobv1 if you ever compared them side-by-side.
Its style is one of the less slopped ones but it still fucks with the model range.
anime has had noses and lips since the 80s though
They are confusing shiny skin for 2.5d methinks.
Of the type of slop shiny skin is the most easily reduced or negated outright too, models like Obsession will very much bend if you put shiny skin to negative prompts.
you just replied to cathag
But those shiny skin shitmixes are also the ones that can't do dark scenes properly.
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Good old No True Scotsman.
oh damnit ive been bamboozled
I'd have to tag 100 images doe
2.5d is what i call my dick (because its that many inches hard and the d is for dick)
quality over quantity
1 nai gen worth 100 made locally
It'd be easier to link 5 examples of something approaching actual flat anime 2D because that's how many there are ITT.
hdg turning pony today
>all this cope without anyone able to link examples
concessions accepted
issue is that no local model still can do appealing 2d styles like naiv3 can. 99% of local 2d styles look like fried shit and it takes a lot of effort or luck to make them look good. i don't blame anons for just taking the path of least resistance and slopping it on wai
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i can't wait to retrain this 40 times before it gets the ether lines right
just for (You)
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This one turned out the dankest
the real reason is nobody likes flat 2d
soulful is not fappable
Just so we're clear on the categories of slop with examples from this very thread
cyberfix slop
it's almost 2.5d, but not really (face still looks animu)
actual 2.5d, also looks like SD1.5 slop.
AOM slop
/aco/ slop
((ai generated)) ((((shiny skin)))) painterly newest very awa mixes

Now you know!
fuck you
your call it slop but you realize there people to pay money in it, right????
it's alright to get angry
just tired of your stupid /pol/ buzzwords
someone is mad today. I guess anon likes 2.5d
anything that doesn't exclusively appeal to my shit taste is slop
I came to this thread to ask this question, it was working fine yesterday and now my progression is fucked up, I'm still shit tier newbie at degenning and thought I was doing something wrong, spent 5 hours troubleshooting fuuuuuck
what's this? >>8500926 →
aquaposting has proven the justice of challenges
I've seen a lot of people companing about prompt leakage the past two weeks or so, is that related?
almost correct, my taste is with utmost certainty the most refined patrician of tastes in human history, and probably in the history and future of the entire universe as well
Dafuck is "esl" ?
is it a bot posting it ?
Yeah I'm pretty sure it is, I can get one part of RP to work, the rest doesn't get registered no matter what you do
v4 is pretty bad and kurumuz lied about it being sota
my imagination is sota
>image focused thread on an imageboard
>extremely low entry barrier for valid content
>1270 posts, 220 images
and to think this is actually kind of low for text posts
> nogen
pony ruined this general
ironic post
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you mean, pony began this general.
Pony was the first usable model, everything that came before was unusable unless you were autistically inpainting for hours.
I'm glad we have illustrious/noob but let's not pretend there was a world before pony. SD 1.5 was cancer and the first SDXL models were horrible at anatomy and couldn't do NSFW.
we should've stayed on eff + hll
I use the Wai models for all of my gens, Wai Illustrous, Wai Noob, Wai Pony, etc.and whenever I post all I get is shat on.

So I would not be surprised if people who do use the popular stuff, and are nor just verbally sucking the cock of 29+1, or the frat house model, or whatever shitmix one of you comes up on a monthly basis just keep it on the down low and don't post shit.
glad to see that shitting on slop here has at least some effect. now to get rid of ayakon...
hello newfaggot
this general was peak soul during wd and naileak/base64 times and was fun during naiv3 times
then came the pony and brought all the aco slopping redditor cancer like you and this general became what it is now - putrid shithole
also if you want to go full freetard and pretend like fully capable of sex naiv3 didn't exist before pony, there was easyfluff that also didn't need inpainting to do sex, so pony was not the first "usable" model
nah you're full of shit
> during wd and naileak/base64
enjoy your spam of 1girl, standing, looking at viewer,
> was fun during naiv3 times
lol you outed yourself as the newfag
the thread was nothing but local butthurt vs naiv3 shill flinging shit at each other, believe or not but there's far less trolling now than there was at the peak of nai usage.
i agree with everything but
pony had superior prompt adhesion to naiv3, that's why it took over as the popular model. prompting for paizuri on v3 and getting bjs 70% of the time was painful.
1girl standing 2.5 2022 bad
1girl standing 2.5d 2025 good
that's right. you could prompt very sexy woman and pony gave you exactly that 100% of the time unlike nai3 which spat out some blurry children
we're busy sanitizing our gens to prevent jeets from stealing the prompts after reforge meltied over a denied catbox
the only reason it took over was because it's fReE.
no style knowledge, no character knowledge, no base model knowledge, ugly, fried-in plastic style, fried-in composition and zero model creativity, ugly ass fucked up e621 backgrounds. v3's prompt adherence was indeed mid but it couldn't be too hard to put oral in negs, right? i never had such issues.
i didn't say it was amazing as a whole but it could do sex without inpainting, am i wrong
based and womanpilled.
typical nai era comment thread:
>its nai
>lol nai sucks just use 300 LoRA and inpaint all the broken SD anatomy
>skill issue
>local has the greater diversity (of broken shit)
>lolol locals are such poorfags can't even afford a measly sub
repeat to infinity
it's pony's era and we're all stuck smelling it
typical baiter
Here you go. Took a while because I have a life, sorry.
Based life haver
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pony saved this general and early pony era was peak. Don't know why trolls had to ruin it.
t. February 2024 oldfag
hash mining was the saddest collective copium this general has ever been through
Elysia (honkai impact)
the hash mining was absolutely hilarious when gpo and ces was found
stupid clowns
My beloved
it was kind of fun but it working like that to begin with was and always will be retarded
>accidentally deleted all my models and loras while using git commands
kek, to be fair I just wake up and didn't double check what I was doing
I once lost all my loras by appending the text _SDXL to the end of all the models themselves rather than the file name
>has a life
>has a taste
I kneel...
isn't v7 supposed to unironically release soon? isn't the model already done?
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I think v7 might end up like Star Citizen and always be "close" to releasing but never actually doing it. If it did release Astralite would have to admit to the world he's wasted all that compute money.
>Chooses to train on the experimental base model that has no community support
>Has no ML experience
This was a foregone conclusion, lol. If there is one thing that illustrious showed us is that all you need to do to get a good model is dump raw danbooru and brute force train. The fact that horsefucker still managed to fuck up pony v6 and somehow get a model that's worse than the braindeadest "just fucking train it" attempt should be very telling.
How? even git stash or git reset --hard won't do that
The funny thing is he made an okay model but deliberately chose to fuck it up
colored version, pretty please?
Gimme Gimme
Yeah, that's the funniest thing. If he just pointed kohya at a danbooru / r34 / pony porn folder and waited, the output would likely have been better than his "hand curated" dataset with hashes, lol. This was the state of imagen back then: a dude trying to actively fuck up.
MiyaHACKi is what I call him.
Hey faggot, where's the collage of entries from last thread?
miquella should have been a GIRL with a PUSSY
based based based
y-yamero.. onegai.
BASED but now do /ss/ with miquella and marika
You don't have the right O you don't have the right
pov, penis on stomach is just disguised futa
sometimes I wonder what happened to fern gens
It's very easy, just gen it yourself.
i just gen naked otoko no kos
He could've just not made the shitty quality tags and not hash artists and it would've been better than Noob
what were they thinking
quality tags are such a shit idea, just drop everything that is bad quality from your training instead if you are going to go to this effort of rating images
That's how you get the flux look
And Illu still did it :-)
To be fair you'd probably have to get rid of 80% of your dataset if you discarded trash
Yup. I think the hashed artists were the true downfall, because that fucked up the text encoder and any attempt to control style. He could have even kept the retarded score_9 bullshit and it would still likely be better than noob.
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I ran
>git clean -f
>git clean -fd
all my loras and outputs are gone but to be fair a was kind of hoarding a bunch of things that at best I only used once
I'll just download the r3mix, naiXLvpred and call it a day
flux isn't an anime model, I am sure if the flux team had been focusing on making hentai we would have had the best model ever
well thank gods you retards don't have any means to make a model
you never backup your stuff on external drives?
Yea the tags weren't a problem unless you actively used them (and then complained about brownness), but hashing artists just makes a model completely useless.
This is not that simple. Some shit like fetishes, bdsm, etc. correlates to lower quality. By adding a quality tag, you partially disentangle those so that you are able to generate high quality bowser inflation vore. The quality tags do make sense, and training with no quality tags likely makes your model worse. That said, I don't think score is how you should be setting quality tags, because that correlates to popularity.
why is it so
any professional team focusing on making hentai would deliver something miles ahead of what we currently have. NAI barely qualifies as an actual company and they released V3. The porn models you see are all done by hobbyists, anon.

Also, flux got the look from finetuning heavily on midjourney (lol)
excuse me?
>flux got the look from finetuning heavily on midjourney
>source: trust me bro
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All my models and loras were on a single external drive, my fully finished (and some of "to be fixed") gens are on another drive
I only lost my models, loras, and raw outputs, which some of them I was about to delete anyway since the fucking folder was about 320GB by now
It's all good but holy kek, I went full retard
File deleted.
dick so bad it makes her vomit
Nah, I actually know the BFL folks. In fact, remember when MJ claimed stability had crashed their servers from scraping? Then Emad came public to say that made no sense, stability has no use for that data? That was one of the BFL guys scraping MJ on the side because he knew he was leaving stability anyway, lol. But you're free to not trust this, whatever.
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Euler love
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unfucked her thumb
hello neggles
Who's neggles?
me ;)
what caused the fags to show up?
Fuck off before I call Docletian
what if /hdg/ was the fags we made along the way
VERY nice
that's so gay
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Sorry it’s a bit scuffed, had to color it manually and i2i. Couldn’t get same gen without monochrome and hatching
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disgusting people
Says the guy who used to post little boys all the time.
oh the irony
When I do it, it's tasteful and based.
When you do it, it's degenerate cringe.
you don't get it. those cat children? it was reverse pedophilia. anti-pedophilia even
I'm glad he grew out of it
This but interracial gens
its just not the same without a dick and balls
>every single post i make needs to either be comedic or ironic
At what age do people normally grow out of this type of behavior?
waiting until catfaggot hits puberty
Hi, op here, the code was written with deepseek and I just gave some instructions here and there. Based on my tests the prompt following part is not really working as expected. That should be fixed in a new version coming this weekend or sometime next week along with a simple ui and hopefully clip mixing. The most important part is the clip being used. Feedback/improvements are welcome
i blame aliciaschizo
Trying to be sincere on the internet, and fourchan especially, is pointless. You speak your honest thoughts and someone will disagree and call you a troll/shill/apologist/tranny/chud because the modern autistic millennial that makes up 90% of this website suffers from main character syndrome and cannot tolerate different opinions.
pukejob doko?
I should have played Hyperdimension Neptunia when it came out but I was trying to avoid "weeb allegations"
its nai
unironically its nai
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSRHxVDMzvc [Embed]
lose the cone tits
>At what age do people normally grow out of this type of behavior?
Silly billy anon, you don't. You just get better at it. more subtle, more nuanced, more subliminal.

That's all "growing up" is. The only differences between a 6 year old, a 16 year old, and a 60 year old is nothing more than responsibilities, duties, and experiences.

There's only one way to change and that is being forced to change, and this is why everyone is so misserable in their adulthood. Deep down we all just want to laugh at fart jokes.
If you want serious discussion maybe stop visiting a site for 20 year old neets
why does local need to stack dozens of snakeoils and then redraw half the image in ps to even come close to a decent image? its so trivial in nai, you just hit generate...
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What did you say???
>discussion can only be ironic shitposting or it has to be super serious
You retards are such hyperbolic drama queens all the time
lil' bro did the naiggers dirty with that one :skull:
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>check metadata
why are you still using v3, v4 doesnt have smea
Looks suspiciously like Elon Musk and SweetieFox.
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why did you apply add_sharpness_XL:-69 to the post?
How much longer do we have to wait before AI can generate doors correctly?
You didn't miss out on much b th. The first game was just vidya reference jokes that usually fell flat or were lost in translation. They killed off the whole cast in the true end and had to retcon everything afterwards, reboot the franchise into basically just a crappy low-budget version of the Trails series, only carried by upskirt shots and yuribait.
don't read, just write...
>upskirt shots
Got to get that Pony Doorway LoRa
use Flux
Every single one of those examples is terrible though.
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And that's why the doorway problem has yet to be fixed in AI.
At this point we are going to get GTA6 before we ever get normal ass doors.
could you make the male darker?
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Anything for you sir
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2 more weeks.
Artist cluster #5857 was specifically trained to address this problem.
based! more please
AI can already make doors correctly, the problem is you need to give them some attention via tags. and if you have to tag every single detail then you're gonna end up with a prompt the size of a novella.
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What's that thing rusty iron thing lying on her breast?
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I miss Pony.
Illustrious is nice and has the characters I want, but I just got used to that pasty American style.
>no cum
this is still /h/ sir
You need to squint
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>specifically using a door cluster
>get absolutely perfect doors, the best ones you have ever seen
>but that cluster has terrible looking dicks
pony's paw
it's black cum from black (and tasty) penis
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thanks for providing next thread's OP
white background
this is peak /hdg/
well done, your gen gave me the hardest boner of my life
masterpiece, absurdres, very aesthetic, white background, blonde hair, two side-up, pink scrunchies, beautiful blue eyes,blush, pink lips, blonde eyelashes, wrist scrunchies, pink babydoll lingerie, thigh highs, light smile
You forgot,
>1boy, otoko no ko, small penis, foreskin
this is hot sars, box?
>white background
>black background
>black penis
>lol gay porn haha xd
happy 15th birthday lil bro
>white penis
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very pretty eyes but im not falling for your trap and asking for a box because i know you wont give one :(
every post i make is 100% genuine
you still asked for it retarded sissy
i'll ask. care to box?
if he keeps posting images I'll just train a lora on them and upload it here
based if true
its nai
ayakonarts lora when?
people have been asking for a fart lora for over a year now, i dont think its going to happen
why is refoge load models slowly than forge?
other way around
what's wrong with 1girl standing
not for me it takes 200sec on forge and 600s on reforge
nice, thank you
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i use nai, now box it
it's /e/
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black dick and cum
thank you again
Triggering a potentially >100mb data transfer anytime a thread is opened is a horrible idea.
and still somehow threads pretty much never reached 1000 posts
now even after v4 release 1300 posts is the bare minimum

although really image genning is just no longer novel and fun enough by itself
>halfway through march
>pony v7 is still not released
What in the actual fuck is astralie doing?
I've never seen someone this hellbent on sabotaging their own products.
First the whole artist tag thing, then the JPG thing and now the auraflow thing.
I don't understand.
its one of the worst looking models ive seen so i really dont care
People need (you)s in order to continue posting images. Gens used to get a lot more attention back then, even other gens in response.
someone needs to astra-lite a fire under his bum haha!
why would you even want it anyway
for abysmal gens, memes and discord screenshots
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Astralite is a retard who is only relevant because he produced the first NSFW capable SDXL finetune that didn't have completely fucked anatomy.
NovelAI v3 was the first sex-capable and SDXL finetune with good anatomy and wide anime knowledge.
we hate saas here though, stfu
No shit, obviously talking about local.
based truvke
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toga is a good girl
after ankoman turned him into an NTR bait, he just doesn't do it for me anymore. sad.
Post more, girls who clearly want to be anywhere else on the planet rather than being sexually groped, touched, or used by this person at this very moment, but being unable to do anything about it is my fetish.
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made my first blacked edit today for 35 dollars. had no idea these retards were this easy to fleece
cool story bro
>43 pics left

c'mon fill 'er up. I wanna see the next challenge, I'm tired of aqua posting.
shad, is dis real?
i know civit loves their 2.5d pony looking models,but can they make one that is actually clean and pleasant to look at?all 2.5d models look like they use cfg:20 and 30 detailer loras
They also claim to ban scrapers, yet here I am, having scraped hundreds of gigs worth of thread, never received a ban for it.
The rules mean absolutely nothing. Make your own rules based on what people have actually gotten banned over.
Also you're a retard if you don't understand that the "etc" is there as a way for them to have a reason to ban you if they wanted, not that they will.
It's for when there's other sus things than sounds, documents or archives.
Not a single person has been banned for embedding a PROMPT in their image, and there's been 1000x more of that happening than any other kind of embedding, so go fuck yourself retard.
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hello hdg. this thread has a disappointing lack of FAT men
where's muh v7? I'm gonna explode without my pony any time now
>Not a single person has been banned for embedding a PROMPT in their image
Yeah if this rule was actually enforced then the majority of NAI images being posted across all the boards on this site would get nuked
uhh, based??? how do we get them to start enforcing it?
That rule would single-handedly save 4chan from astroturfing...
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Post thick bitches
This style is so pleasant to look at, mind catboxing it?
bitch needs to buy a bidet wtf
1 load per cum jar everyday that v7 isnt released
Challenge fag better post the results from the previous challenge too!
Yeah, it's called my tongue
Put her on a diet.
feed her more
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nah thats crazy bro
These look so amazing, could I please have a catbox for some of them? Surprised hardly anyone is commenting on it, the level of quality is 10x that of other gens in here.
nyo :)
its nai (only 25$ a month!)
Anyone have astralite trooncord leaks? Surely the people in there have raised concerns.
because he posts his /e/ almost every thread and has custom loras that he doesnt share so most people no longer care to give him attention
I asked nicely :'(
he already posted catbox before and it looked similar
Oh I wouldn't know, I come here like once a month and stay for a short time lol.
i forgot
You mean you lied
>erhm embedding metadata is against the rules sir
>nai gens are now a bannable offense
omega lul
i really don't like the style and they need to be younger.
butiful lamp
thanks otokonoko king
nta but here, it was litter though https://archived.moe/h/thread/8479711/#8481518
he did post his boxes a while ago, but his gens have a ton of private loras so they are basically useless
Go nuts
no problem:
Oops, wrong file.
oh no no no no he boxed the wrong one HAHAHAHA
They all have the fucking ugly local look to it, in a bad way, with some actual art style in them. I hate it
lol, I had already boxed that one, look a few posts above.
>2 boxes for the price of one
grifter bros winning
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does a fat hypno count?
saarmammu, i've come here to bargain.
you give me catbox and i send subscriber.
do we having the deal?
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I've been posting on /trash/ for the most part, but I'll share some of my findings here too.
if no one's asking for box, should I just do it myself?
I got a warning once for hypno posting. :(
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time to migrate to /slop/
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>Elysia (honkai impact)
She's absolutely stunning. thank you for helping me learn of her!
Anyone else kind of down with Hypno porn since getting into StableDiffusion?
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Requesting Tana from Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones. Sex please.
this isn't /slop/ bwo
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in that case it's a fat dude cosplaying hypno

I am down
That was the quickest I ever got a request done holy shit
Thank you
Admittedly, I just copied your post in the prompt box, slapped on nsfw and posted the first output
Also the lowest effort.
all my characters keep glowing
uh oh, the glowies got him
stop feeding them uranium bwo
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Is fingering /h/ or /e/?
>looks better than every localslop itt
the thread is saved >>8504298
Oh, double delivery! Thank you both!
this one in particular would be /d/ as it looks like she has two vaginas which is a monster girl
boxo onegais himasu
its ayakon
why it looks so /aco/?
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I love this style, her face is lovely in this one
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I liked the pose here more, but I think the eye colour is off model.


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i did what the other anon did and just put your post in with nsfw and no negs and this looks way better than my snake oil artist mix ive been using
it's pony
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What are these and where do you get them?
>Model: ΣΙΗ
What the fuck is this? This is worse than moonrunes, I can't translate them.
you hack into that anon's computer and steal them
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yeah I don't think my lora really worked out, kind of but not really
My requests are all ignored, while some rando goes "Tana sex please sir" and gets like 5 cakes
>no lightness
>still shiny skin and hair
Vpred sissies.....
must of had a shit request, try putting it in a challenge format next time
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Don't conflate us with the chadmix subhuman
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its vpred
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>uses image to prove it's vpred
>doesn't show model
You literally described how to get following... It's better to spam 20 slop images with 4 fingers and no inpainting than is to make something that looks kinda unique and high quality
It's incredible how all of the rule34 slop looks the same, just pony shitmixes. Site is unusable unless you search for animated.
>some AOM emotionless shoggoth pov cowgirl?
That sounds sexy as fuck
>I make porn for me, not you fucker.
so that is why youre a no gen huh
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is 3k post dream dead?
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Maybe if nai v5 is bad as well
that... is not a chilrdenes???
what if an chilederens... but with titties??
any suggestion how to consistently gen kissing stomach like this?
is it just rng?
I can't wait for murahachiro inspired bug sex mixes get made, I'm going to make so many vids of girls getting fucked by giant roaches
I really wanted to make a mingaru lora so I could gen cockroaches fucking girls but I have literally 0 experience and don't know where to start or know if it's even possible
It would be the holy grail being able to gen insect stuff
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There are a handful that I know of that post high quality gens occasionally, but the only way to really get a big following is to post like this:
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>Anon sat on the open HentaiDiffusion thread, his 4chanX Eyeball Icon sitting there grayed out, not flicking red with the lovely news of a reply to his posts. It had been awhile since he's recieved a (You) for a post in this thread. While pictures of gorgeously illustrated waifus dotted the thread, each a snapshot of the waifu at her most slutty, he scrolled right past them. He was not amazed by how far image generation technology has come. He did not cheer as a niche waifu from the 80s regained popularity in image generation groups, or even relish in designing his own beautiful OC to show to the world. No, the joys of image generation, of slopping for fun and personal pleasure, were extinguished. His smile and optimism: gone. All because of Astralite.
>Anon's gaze was locked upon his monitor screen, his fingers typing feverishly against his keyboard. A window was opened on the browser, his eyes fixed upon the text input. This was it, his big chance.
>">Astralite is a faggot and his model is terrible"
>He smiled, hitting the Enter button and clenching his fists to his chest in excitement. The person behind the development of the Pony Model, Astralite, was the target of all of his malice. The ponyfaggot, the clopper, the horse fucker. The man responsible for the end of his joy, the man who took everything from him. He wanted Astralite to hurt. He wanted Astralite to die, like Anon did, inside.
>It was a small act of rebellion, posting to the HentaiDiffusion board about Astralite, but it was the only place he could do so without being mocked, or worse, ignored. This is what his life has become, posting about his hate in the only place where he could do so and get any sort of reaction. But still, he hoped, deep down, that somebody would hear his words and join his cause. That someone, somewhere, would see his words, would read his message, and would know the truth.
need cute feet
burger king foot lettuce LoRa when
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take this instead
put this in v4
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NTA but
Remove some quality/negative tags, use a non shitmix model, use ays for more creativity, prompt things related to the man's head, like bald or faceless male, remove anything that will make your gen zoom out like legs scale, add close-up. Why are you still using forge instead of reforge?
align your snakeoils
too much muscle but I like the footjob angle
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Really? No new killer model?
thank you good sir
surely /d/ must have already attempted this
>I really wanted to make a mingaru lora so I could gen cockroaches fucking girls but I have literally 0 experience and don't know where to start or know if it's even possible
>It would be the holy grail being able to gen insect stuff
Somehow we must combine our efforts together to make our dream a reality
bro your artist:softhanten?
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forge loads models faster(at least for me) and isn't laggy, also can you tell me why is this green creature showing up in my gens?
i generated artist mix randomly, so maybe it's one of the artist that cause it?
>cute feet in nylon
why is that like magic to my brain
this but smug misato
sars... gbooru and dbooru are shutting down.. we brainlets are doomed
no mention of it on gelbooru forums so probably fake
I don’t even know why I check when stupid niggers here say things. It’s never true.
lie but made me check well done
it's semi believable as I am sure they are being fucked by data scrapers since ai became popular kek
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sorry - it's krita and inpaint

here is the mix of artists though:
masterpiece, high score, great score, absurdres, [orushibu:takeda hiromitsu:0.6], [:pija \(pianiishimo\):0.6], 2023,
nothing ever happens the admin just wants one order of attention
another day, another nothing burger
I’m sure dan/gelbooru will both shut down in the same way that sadpanda did. Some of you are too young and new to know what I’m talking about.
I had some anons pointing at me for my bestiality gens but these guys have a pass? yeah ok alright
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If I had things my way, you’d both be thrown into a pit and made to fight to the death.
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Box, Anon asks as Anon waits patiently for the catbox link.
>using shitterbox in 2025
Kill yourself useless faggot, litter was meant for files above 200MB.
You scared someone will download your gen after a week rather than in a few hours?
>You scared someone will download your gen after a week rather than in a few hours?
text alone is harmless
I barely got a chance to enjoy Sadpanda.
I don't know what I'd do if the only good boorus dan/gel ended up vanishing.
>I barely got a chance to enjoy Sadpanda.
biology book harmed many trannies
Use this extension: https://github.com/DominikDoom/a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete. You have some grammatical mistakes in your prompt. Regarding your question, I have no idea, but it might be because you're prompting for too many artists, you're prompting for scales and you have an artist with a name that ends in "mon" Adding "artist:" before each artist might help mitigate this problem. Also, why are you using " [ " and " { " "::" that way? They work differently on local or are you trying to prompt schedule. Read this: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features. Fix your quality positives and negatives, I'm usually fine with "masterpiece, best quality, very awa, very aesthetic, absurdres, newest" and "worst quality, low quality, lowres, worst aesthetic, jpeg artifacts, bad quality, sketch, 4koma"
>4 pics left
>jannies wake up
>back 64 pics left

wait for it...
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It's slop o'clock
i hope i make the highlights!!!
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The Civitai Discord suggested me a model that fixed all my issues
I'm never going back to AnyLora again
For me, it's cripplebooru
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Sorry lads forgot cum
for me its aibooru. so many metadatas stolen
i didnt
now lift that skirt up you hot momma
*unzips penis*
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non-euclidean fence
for me it's atfbooru. ToT
>it's actually very hard to find a non-slopped image itt
whom is bro quoting
>it's actually very easy to find a nyogen ITT
someone bake quick before highlightschizo makes it to the bathroom
sankaku is better than everything else
>can’t search more than two tags ever again because the owner desperately wants to monetize the site
>he doesn't know either of the 2 workarounds
>>he doesn’t know either of the 2 workarounds
sucks to suck
well yeah it's the 2.5d slop general
New Thread

>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>forgot to prune some important tags in the 8h bake
It really is over...
how do we rid /hdg/ of the 2.5d sloppers?
>2.5d slop general
highlighterfag should probably rename it as such
Mmmmmmm, NYO!
ok i waited now what?
Become a janny and start banning 90% of the posters here for off topic per the rules of "eastern style"
unironically why I haven't made a new thread.
choosing an OP out of this selection of garbage just feels wrong.
at this point you fucks deserve highlightfaget.
just gen the op yourself. clearly something needs to change
>choosing an OP
you can just skip that part though
get the fucking numbering right this time, god dammit.
what's that?
every image itt
well it was down for a couple of days
>>8504508 →
>>8504508 →
>>8504508 →
all the crazy scrapping that's happening must make it quite expensive to run this kind of website. I bet that's the real reason why the gelbooru guy is having a meltdown, gel has been extremely slow and unresponsive since scrappers cranked it to 11.
>retard can't spell scraping/scrapers correctly

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