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Whenever I see Christians in real life they're just old people going to church or foreigners from Asia or Africa on exchange programs at my college, talking about love, acceptance and stories about Jews walking in the desert and stuff

It's only here I see all the nonsense about Christianity being racist and anti-semitic
Are these 4chan Christians just failures with mental problems who randomly stuck to and project their own hate onto a 2000 year old Judean religion of love and tolerance?
>Are these 4chan Christians just failures with mental problems who randomly stuck to and project their own hate onto a 2000 year old Judean religion of love and tolerance?
Original Christoid delusional claim with zero proof


I'm still waiting for him to show me proof that the Southern Baptist convention or any church for that matter officially is against racemixing, believes the Confederates were right (right about what?) or any church for that matter being antisemitic, racist, white supremacist etc
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I don't think you are seeing delusion by itself. Sure, those people exist, but when this sort of behavior is so persistent on a website that was never known for being particularly religious, one begins to wonder...
>Are these 4channers just failures with mental problems
Here, fixed it for you.
>I don't think you are seeing delusion by itself. Sure, those people exist, but when this sort of behavior is so persistent on a website that was never known for being particularly religious, one begins to wonder...

I agree wholeheartedly. I do not remember encountering any Christian related shilling before the 2016 election rush. I stopped visiting /pol/ entirely after that, but I imagine the Christian Identity cult is in full shill mode right now over there.

Their tactic on this board is quite curious: it is not focused on proselytizing per se. Rather, it simply a highly delusional form of apologetics of Christianity from an alleged right-wing, traditional point of view that is actually completely detached from the reality of any past or present church doctrine, and a deeply imbecilic type of polemic mainly directed at people they (mis)identify as "Pagan", and secondary at "Atheists".

While it is nothing out of the ordinary to have mentally ill people on this site, like you said, the "persistency" is a key motif here. Also, they seem to have came out of nowhere during the last few years. How did an obscure, quasi-dead idea from the 1940's of America -- that up until a few years ago no one has heard about -- gain such traction online? And this is another key motif: this idea seems to only thrive online, besides allegedly also being popular among the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang. The latter does not grant much creduility to this "movement". Ignoring the fact that the Aryan Brotherhood members do not really abide themselves to anything that could be called a white supremacist philosophy or lifestyle, they are also prime subjects of mole programs.
No church or organization officialy endorses the CI movement's views. This means that their bond is weak and their members are relatively highly segregated from each other: it is easier for different forces to infiltrate, subvert, and control them. I think the question of who is really behind them is secondary. It could be an American, Russian (i.e. Duginist) or an Israeli led or financed operation.

What really matters is the motive. As the document you posted claims, it can serve as a tool of mitigation, partially to the weak structure of the movement I described in the previous reply. Also, no matter what claims the CI have on the extremity of Christianity, and its benefits to the white race, the truth is that even in their views, Christianity is still a universalist, global religion, open for all, regardless of race or nationality. Through becoming a Christian, the misled victim will with time change his views on members of other races: they are acceptable if not beneficial, and even potential allies as long as happen to be Christian, opposed to non-Christian ("pagan", "atheist") whites. Ultimately, this also leads to their geopolitical views aligning with those of the neo-conservative movement which is effectively an arm of Israel.

It is easy to see how the former scenario benefits America and Israel. On the other hand though, this group can be used to further fragment (what is perceived to be) the right in America. It leads to more infighting in right wing circles and creates chaos and mistrust. To create, finance, and operate this movement would be perfectly in line with Duginist views:
>...encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the US.

Cui bono?
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It's worth examining the history of CI.
Did you know British nobility circumcise their children? It's because they believe in British Israelism.
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Basically, this version of CI where Europeans and jews are grouped together as the tribes of Israel is the original version, and most modern CI believers in the U.S. are blissfully unaware of this basic fact and how this fringe belief was used to manipulate people in the past.
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Simply put, adulteration is a sin, the sin of adultery. The bible is explicit about adultery being sin because it is corruption of God's creation.

Now you will wonder what that has to do with race mixing, because you were led to believe that adultery is when married people commit marital infidelity. Marital infidelity is a form of adultery, but it is not the only type of adulteration. Race mixing is adulteration of God's creation.

The product of adulterating your race is abomination, the same sort of sin that angered God so much that he sent the flood to destroy all such mistakes. He punished his people for the sin by nearly destroying all of them, and in the story it was one man and his sons who were spared because he was uncorrupted and true in his generations, free of contamination.

There will be another such purge, if you believe revelation, when again the Lord will destroy the abomination and restore the separation between what is of God and what is not.
All my time here, they are two separate issues and Christianity doesn’t even have any sort of relevancy to what’s talked about here, but they are real ISSUES nonetheless, that if no one is going to speak about they are going to
Be much worse in the future
^ChatGPT bot

You'll probably go to hell btw
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To add to the discussion, there is one Christian Identity poster who has spammed /pol/ for years now. He got doxxed and still posts on a regular basis... almost as if it's his job. So many memes have been made of this one guy who is apparently a Turk living in Germany and every time he shows up someone starts making fun of him because his posting style is easily identifiable. Most people would have been humiliated into leaving because of all the memes, but he keeps posting. He might really be paid to do it!
The one picture we have of him shows him wearing dog tags. Is it just a fashion statement or is he actually associated with a military in some capacity? So bizarre.
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curious why do you think so?
not a bot, obviously
these 4 are mine
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I agree with OP about Christianity being a religion of love and that trying to integrate it with racism being garbage 4chan contrarian larping, BUT the Southern Baptists exist because they divided from the now barely existent Northern Baptists over the matter of slavery back in the day. They've since dropped their old racist beliefs officially, but it remains the reason they even exist at all.
We wuz Jews n shiet. Who’s going to tell these we wuzers that Jews were running England so they were talking about their “fellow” “whytes”
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>Europeans and jews are grouped together
They're called white people and have since the beginning been identified by christianity as the people for whom the religion exists.
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You clearly haven't been paying attention to /pol/ since 2011.

The DEUS VULT meme is about that old, if not older.
You're a sockpuppet or a troll.
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gas yourself underage faggot
I accept your concession
eat my fuck retard
>The Southern Baptist convention is against racemixing and believes the confederates were right.
>w-well, it w-w-was.. originally... in the beginning...

If my grandfather states he has a car but actually haven't had one since he sold it 70 years ago, my grandfather is delusional at best or (hear me out, shocking) lying on purpose
Based FBI

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