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>A collection of Jewish lawyers arguing petty semantics that nobody gives a shit about 90% of the time
>a list of things the child grooming prophet arbitrarily decided were le bad because it inconvenienced him on that particular day
>a compiled mishmash of ancient Hebrew cosmology carefully edited over the centuries by ambitious kings and egghead councils
How exactly are any of these, "the infallible word of God"?
The fact that these idiotic beliefs gained so much ground is proof that some form of intelligent human hating spiritual powers do exist.
One of them says that you can't leave the religion on pain of death, so you'd better keep up appearances
>How exactly are any of these, "the infallible word of God"?
Politics and low IQ populations
>quran is ai goyslop
But OP, you worship an elephant man with 50 arms and cannot into indoor plumbing. Take the beam out of your own eye.
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This new narrative of semites vs indians just cements that the internet is a third world now.
Talmud is the most worthwhile of those, because it is the most intellectually challenging and it doesn’t hide the fact that it is human interpretations of divine commandments.
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koran is the worst of those 3 by far
What made you think I was pagan? Indians are disgusting.
>Indians bathe in shit and eat alongside rats
>therefore, snakes can talk and a burning bush spoke to a man
Do religitards really
>one of these things is not like the other
You new fedoras make the worst posts, and you're a bunch of emotional faggot retards too, lol.

Abrahamoid meltdown
The Quran is the Word of God. The Bible is not.
The Quran is God talking to you directly.
The Bible is some people talking about God to you.
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>The Quran is the Word of God
>The Quran is God talking to you directly
Utterly deranged. The Qur'an is loaded with contradictions and lies. If anything, it is a poorly edited novella detailing the exploits of a fictional desert bandit, compulsive liar, and pervert (Mohammed). The Bible is not a reflection of reality either, but Mohammed is so devoid of honesty and fidelity that he looks like an absolute sociopath compared to Moses or Jesus.
>The Quran is the Word of God
Umm, source?
>The Quran is God talking to you directly
Again, source? Why does god talk through some book written and rewritten by sand people from 1400 years ago? Why can't he talk directly to me? Is he not omnipotent enough to do it?
Honestly anon, the false god in the Koran is literally Satan. It even admits to being the "greatest of deceivers" in one place. Those guys are satan worshippers, because they explicitly worship the great deceiver.

It's fitting that those people follow a false prophet named Mohammed who was a pedophile and even made up satanic verses that he admitted were false at one point.
Talmud is the least worthwhile of those, because it is the most intellectually time wasting by splitting hairs like petty lawyers arguing over commas about ancient rules that no longer apply and it makes it clear it is worthless human interpretation of other human interpretations about other human interpretations which is interpreted by humans who have nothing better to do with their time than argue.
>Why does god talk through some book written and rewritten by sand people from 1400 years ago?
nta, because he willed his message to be sent through prophets? Why? Only God knows but he clearly meant life to be a test. God forcing you to recognize him breaks that test.
But there's a bit where the Rabbis argue against God and win because they're so persistant. That makes it the best by far
You don't need any of that to prove islam is satanic, just look at its fruits really.
He is telling the truth you dolt.
>O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, Lawful and good; and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one (Satan), for he is to you an avowed enemy. (2:168)

>O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy. (2:208)
Even the God himself laughs at it, that tells how based it is.
What, you're telling me that an omnipotent deity responsible for creating and maintaining existence itself probably doesn't care whether eating boiled beef on the weekend is mishnaf or sherefim?
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>look, it says right here in our book that we aren't evil, bet you feel pretty stupid now
Do mudslimes really?
The Life of Muhammed the Caravan Raider would be an interesting TV show or anime or whatever, but the fact that this criminal, pedo, mass murder, racist, paranoid, greedy, literally put any fucking negative adjective you can think of started his own religion is just a cosmic joke, a cosmic tragedy.

Why are we here? To kill someone else for 72 virgin girls/boys to fuck forever? Really? Dear fucking Lord help us.
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The remaining 10% of the time the Jews are arguing over the best ways to fuck over goys
>new narrative of semites vs indians
I see this too.
What a bizarre thing to assume.
The internet needs segregation
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Anon unlike the organized religions the Hindu pantheon has zero rules.

Which means an Hindu man can lie if it benefits him and or his pantheon.

So, there's literally no feasible way to believe someone is Hindu, regardless if they say no.
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>if i say it it must be true

Kek he accused you of being an fedora and you proved him right.

Shit like this is exactly why i don't identify myself as an atheist anymore, 99% of you are zoomers.
>t. has not read one word of the sacred Hindu texts

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