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Every time i've seen some guy approach a Muslim and throw some current event at him, the Muslim looks astonished that this would even be raised as a thing. This was especially common during the years ISIS were in their prime:

>Non-Muslim "So how many have you killed around the world this month? Islam mate, all you lot do is kill innocent people"
>Muslim "Where are Muslims killing?"
>Non-Muslim "Whaaaat it's been all over the bastard news, you lot have just slaughtered 500 Christians in Nigeria, ain't ya?"
>Non-Muslim "and Manchester hey? what about Manchester arena? one of you lot just blew up a load of kids"
>Muslim "How do you know that's Muslims?"
>Non-Muslim "Saw it on the news"
>Muslim "So you believe everything you hear on the media?"
>Non-Muslim "Come on fella don't play dumb, it's widely known ain't it? everyone knows. Look how many you've just blown up in Sri Lanka."
>Muslim "Widely known is not an argument. Again, how do you know it's Muslims?"
>Non-Muslim "What about 9/11? how many dead there? do you condemn that?"
>Muslim "And has it been proven to be Muslims? How do you know?"
>Non-Muslim "everyone knows it was fackin Muslims mate, do you watch the fackin news?"
>Muslim "No"
>Non-Muslim "Give fackin' over, you don't watch the news?"
>Muslim "No. I don't think it's the law that i have to watch the news, is it? But out of respect we are going round in circles here, do you have any argument which proves Islam is untrue?"

The takeaway from these exchanges is that Muslims are not interested in discussing political events or terrorist attacks. Muslims are looking for hard, juicy theological objections to Islam. For Muslims, it doesn't matter if the entire world is on fire and it's being blamed on Islam. All of the political jargon is to be quite simply ignored. Why? Because none of it has anything to do with whether Islam is true or not.
No shit. Islam is the incest child of Judaism and tribal Arab culture. Of course it’s brain rot material.
>Muslims are baffled by extremely basic argument tactics
More news at 11
>Muzzie grifters doing muzzie grifter things so their audiences from Pakistan or some bumfuck shithole claps at them.

More news at 11.
Whoever it was done by is totally irrelevant to Muslims when a disbeliever approaches a Muslim looking to prove Islam is false. 9/11 for Muslims is just some controversial political event that happened and has long gone and doesn't mean anything in the context of giving dawah. The ins and outs of the debate and conspiracy around it are totally irrelevant to Salafis. Why would a Christian, for example, approach a Salafi looking to prove that Christianity is true by randomly bringing up 9/11 or ISIS? These things have nothing to do with proving Christianity true and Islam false. Muslims are thirsting for theological discussion and debate. They want to know why Tawheed is false not why a hijackers passport was found at the scene.
Because Muslims have literally no morals.

Killing, raping, stealing, even pedophilia, in the Muslim's mind literally all of it is justified so long as a Muslim was the one who did it.
Islam is a cult and cult members all defend the cult
New islamkino dropped
Love seeing this shit, always cheers me up
Pretty much. What you're looking at with Muslims and Islam is essentially a pre-civilization mindset. It benefits me and my tribe, therefore it's good. We should be real thankful when this thinking is inevitably relegated to the margins of society, and the world. It'll probably end up like the culture of those Sentinel tribepeople, in some forgotten desert in Arabia somewhere
no all it shows is that muslims are happy to lie to non-muslims because they see non-muslims as enemies.

To a muslim, lying to a non-muslim in order to benefit muslims or benefit islam is the same as using spies to spread misinformation to the enemy army in war or the same as a normal person lying to nazi officers about whether they've seen any jews nearby in order to hide jews in their basement.
they only consider it an obligation to be truthful to other muslims , because other muslims are their allies and non-muslims are their enemies.

They don't even care if blatantly lying about obvious truths demonstrates their enmity and hostility and demonstrates that they don't consider non-muslims to be people who are worth telling the truth to.
they don't care if doing this so blatantly in public undermines their credibility because they care more about providing an example to their muslim audience to show them how they should treat non-muslims.
They're setting an example to their young muslim audience that it's always good to lie to non-muslims if it is to benefit muslims or islam, and non-muslims are not people who deserve truthful conduct.
I used to argue with these retards in speakers corner and the outrageous lies they would try to get away with was astounding.
Before daniel haqiqatjou started pushing the muslim overton window to the right, these people at speakers corner used to flat out deny offensive jihad and claim that there is nothing in islamic law or the life of muhammad or the quran calling for offensive war against non-muslims.
These are people whose favourite scholars were ibn taymiyya, ahmad ibn hanbal , imam nawawi , imam shafi , ibn qayyim claiming that there's no such thing in islam as defensive war.
literally the biggest liars in the world
A couple of years later when they saw Daniel haqiqatjou get away with it, then suddenly they started admitting that islam calls for offensive jihad in the ideal islamic state in the future
Great post. Haqiqatjou has unironically done terrible damage to the Islamic preaching/dawah scene and it seems that Muslims do not even realize it. The guy still continues to wrack up the followers. Notice also that the speakers corner guys now are not hesitant to talk about underage marriage and child brides etc because they have seen Haqiqatjou get away with it. Prior to this, this was a taboo topic even to the likes of Mohammed Hijab. They would try to find routes around these issues and deny these things but since haqiqatjou has been doing it, now they seem to openly admit stuff that was kept under wraps or carefully navigated before.
Ok yeah, it's probably the australian rabbit comics lady.
What the hell is her deal.
These low IQ chimps are literally preaching jihad at the US capitol right now
I respect Daniel the most out of the dawah guys cause at least he doesn’t bullshit about the skeletons in the closet
Han Chinese incel known as Chinkspammer made this thread and >>16888837 >>16887776
>What about 9/11?
I see.. two retards arguing about.
This thread is made by the brum paki, he posts these dawahbro threads where he acts incredulous that kaffirs haven't converted to Islam yet all the time
Muslims are literally inbred people. They all marry their cousins and have been doing it for 1500 years. They're barely sentient at this point.
I just don't get why Muslims think it's true that a man talked to an angel in a cave 1500 years ago. Sounds retarded.
>hard, juicy theological objections to Islam
The fuck does that even mean?
>Muslim "Widely known is not an argument.
Also Muslims whenever they're discussing their religion
>x is widely known
It means they demand christians prove the Trinity is real but won't touch the Church Doctors with a ten foot pole.
OP isn't gay, just a little zesty
Remember that lying (taqiyya) is literally a core part of Islam. Muslims are, by their very nature and the core parts of their belief system, liars. Islam is a religion centered around conquest and unending spread, like a virus or a cancer, and anything that helps with it (such as lying) is a-ok. Don't try and debate with a muslim like they're a reasonable person, they're even bigger shysters than commies..
To be fair, radical Islamists have the same societal goals as /pol/tards
No, they want to both want to keep women in check but that's about it for the similarities.
>"So you believe everything you hear on the media?"
Have we ever had an example of an attack the media claimed was by Islamists that ended up being from someone else? I guess people may have suspected in in OKC, but I don't know if any news organization made that claim, and I'm certain they've all reported it was McVeigh when they found out it was him.
It also doesn't help that Islamist organizations claim these attacks, so I'm not just trusting the news but the words of extremely pious Muslims themselves.
Because when people use Christian violence against Christians they start seething about how it doesn't count. They're literally not able to act the same because of Rule of Law, and the violence in the Middle East is a result of Christian domination over the region which they failed to maintain or stabilize before continuing to interfere in the democratic processes of countries like Iran if not outright supporting violent dictators. The salafis you speak about only have political power now because of Christian support in the past, and continued Christian support to this day with economic deals and political alliances. The fact of the matter is that there is not a single Abrahamic religion that this argument does not work against, Christians and Jews just have the privilege of not being allowed to act the same because their nations have spent decades to centuries ensuring they couldn't through laws and suppression.
>Christian violence
no such thing
Why would violent Muslims disprove Islam? They'd just say they're misguided, have an incorrect interpretation of Islam or that violence can be justified in some cases.

Of course you'd need theological/philosophical arguments.
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>Muslims are looking for hard, juicy theological objections to Islam.

According to the quran Isa was sent ONLY to the Jews and spoke Jewish/Aramaic.
Not a single muslim would dispute these statements.
Here is the issue:
Why was the book allah gave to Isa titled "The Injeel" - which is an arabic TRANSLITERATION of the Greek word Evangelion?
What language was the Injeel written in? Why did allah gave it this title that no Jew would understand?

We have been waiting an answer to this for 1400 years.
>person from group I don't like uses violence
>person from my group uses violence
Ummm actually just because corporations produce weapons, ship them to the frontlines and bankroll both sides of the conflict while lobbying for more and more war all the time and literally paying soldiers to kill people doesn't mean capitalism is responsible for any war ever. Even though all wars are started and run for profit by capitalists, the source of wars is never capitalism because... because it isn't
>It benefits me and my tribe, therefore it's good.
This is pretty much the default mindset of all of humanity outside of the European enlightenment. ("Is it good for the Jews?")

The European way of thinking comes across as rather naive when looking at recent events.
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The quran encourages and commands muslims to commit violence, rape, enslave, and humiliate all non-muslims as long as they exist.
The quran came and divided humanity into muslim and non-muslim, and established the muslims as the executors of allah's will, which is that all religions need to perish and only islam must remain.
Go back to /vp/, Delcattyfag
Jesus spoke Greek. He obviously translated the injeel into Jewish/hebrew for his followers to understand
no muslim believes this
>for his followers
who were they?
"Is it good for humanity?" is the actual theoretical mindset of the Enlightenment. Some people might say one thing and do another thing.
I'm a black revert who was raised Christian and have dealt with what OP is describing in my own family. I have one uncle who will not hear anything i have to say at all about the connection to God in Islam and the Quran and actual message of Islam, he only wants to get me to answer for something boko haram did in Africa or he constantly brings up that the washington sniper was a Muslim and killed a lot of people. It's annoying.
>It's annoying.
Have you considered killing him so that it stops to annoy you?
It was done by the CIA and Mossad though
I don't like desert religions but at least the muslims have enough self respect preservation to follow a religion made by and for their race

Crosstards worshipp an effeminate emaciated rabbi nailed to a stick who considered the goyim the same as dogs, it is the ultimate spiritual and cultural slavery
damn nigger, edgy! Almost cut myself from all the edge, ouchie!
>I’m black
No one cares nigger
>I’m a revert
I love the language you pathetic converts use to try and make it sound like you were always Muslims.
that would be like blaming christrannies for all the shit American and NATO armies did, or all the cartel/gang violence
Christianies cope by saying the actions of christcucks do not represent Christinaity and that's why Muslims can also use the same cope

9/11 was done by muslims btw and it was based of them to punish Christrannies for their evil
>washington sniper
he was part of the N.O.I
that's like saying Mormons are christians
>keep women in check
>kill Jews
>kill gays
>ban "degeneracy" in pop culture
>return to some idealized traditional golden age
The only really big differences are race and the fact that Muslims have a different mythicized history to wewuz about
How could Islam possibly be the true religion when Muhammad was a pedophile and it instructs them to conquer unbelievers and force them to pay the jizya unless they convert? These are completely sound theological arguments, a true omnipotent omniscient God would never allow such things, only some kind of demonic entity.

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