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Making a christianity iceberg. Give me some good topics for the bottom three tiers.
• Jesus was a pedophile tranny groomer with breasts
• early Christian artwork depicting Jesus as androgynous or with breasts
• Origen was a tranny
Borborites, Encratites, Elchasites, Valentinians, Ebionites, Nazarenes
>All verses that condemn rape are from the (abolished) Old Testament
>Arguments against sinmaxxing still pending
>Known forged verses in texts most widely used for worship
>The "synagogue of Satan" refers to the very people who keep using the term today
These sound legitimately interesting. Could you spoonfeed me a little on these topics?
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• Justin Martyr's First Apology (see pic)

• Valesians
>The Valesians were a Christian sect that advocated self-castration.
>They were notorious for forcibly castrating travelers whom they encountered and guests who visited them.[3]

>They are known chiefly from the Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, which describes how disciples of the sect were not allowed to eat meat until they had been castrated, because those who are not castrated might be tempted to lust by eating certain foods.
Borborites ate cum and period blood for communion. Encratites were a very strict ascetic group. Elchasaites were a Jewish Christian group that inspired Manichaeism later on. Valentinians were a Gnostic group whose teachings are said to be taught by Paul himself through his student Theudas and onto Valentinus. Ebionites were a Jewish Christian sect that denied stuff like the virgin birth, incarnation, etc. They followed the Torah but didn't offer sacrifices and were vegetarian. Nazarenes were similar but they believed in stuff like the virgin birth. Read Epiphanius' Panarion, it's insightful.
its fake
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• Gospel of Thomas 22
• Castration for the sake of the kingdom of heaven

Matthew 19:12
>for there are eunuchs who from the mother’s womb were so born[1];
>and there are eunuchs who were castrated[2] by men[3];
>and there are eunuchs who castrated[4] themselves for the sake of the kingdom of the heavens:
>he who is able to receive—let him receive.”

1. i.e., birth defects of the genitals.
2. εὐνουχίσθησαν. Conjugation of εὐνουχίζω. Aorist tense, indicative mood, passive voice, 3rd person, plural.
3. e.g., slavery or criminal punishment.
4. εὐνούχισαν. Conjugation of εὐνουχίζω. Aorist tense, indicative mood, active voice, 3rd person, plural.

εὐνουχίζω • (eunouchizō):
From εὐνοῦχος (eunouchos) + -ίζω (-ízō).
“eunuch” + “-ize”. Literally, “eunuchize”.
A. (verb) to castrate
τινα Ev.Matt.19.12 (Act. and Pass.), Luc.Sat. 12, etc.; “γυναῖκας” Xanth.19: metaph., “γῆν” Philostr.V A6.42; “φάρμακον” Archig. ap.Orib.8.2.8:—Pass., Gal.4.570, D.C.68.2.
>They took the Roman Empire away from us just to save the Jews
I'm gonna flip
Gospel of Thomas 22
>Jesus saw some infants who were being suckled.
>He said to his disciples: These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom.
>They said to him: If we then become children, shall we enter the kingdom?
>Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and when you make the inside as the outside, and the outside as the inside, and the upper as the lower, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male is not male and the female not female, and when you make eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then shall you enter [the kingdom].

Parallels with:
Luke 9:46-48, Luke 18:15-17, Matt 18:1-4, Matt 19:12-15, John 3:1-10, Mark 9:33-37, Mark 10:13-16, Gal 3:28-29.
Yahweh is evil and a different being than The Father
>Gospel of Judas
Judas was ordered by Jesus to betray him
Jesus was the serpent
>Gospel of Barnabas
Supposedly predicts Islam
>Gospel of Thomas
Depicts Jesus as a spiritual guide rather than God
Montinus was essentially an early Christian who declared himself a prophet and was widely accepted by the early church.
Jesus was adopted as God's son during his baptism. Probably the leading belief of early Christians until Tertulian came up with the Trinity
>Gospel of Mary
Asserts Mary was Jesus' true favorite and Peter didn't understand his message
>Gospel of jesus' wife
>Simon Magus may have been a remembering Paul
I should also note that the point of the bottom tiers of the iceberg aren't meant to "expose" christianity, but rather to redpill us on topics that help us understand God/Jesus more that would shake the faith of a baby Christian.

i.e. something like "the tombs that opened after Jesus's crucifixion in the book of Matthew was actually Enoch and Elijah" or something along those lines.
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You should as /x/, this board is full of retards seething about christianity 24/7
/x/ is where religion threads belong (the trash bin)
During the arrest of Jesus, which was at 4AM, he has a young boy with him, wearing nothing but a linen cloth around his penis. That boy is one of the apostles, who were like this boy all minors. Minors in this case means prepubertal. Jesus was having sex with the apostles.
Humanity's history of evolution via natural selection is conclusive proof that the original sin wasn't a real thing, that bodily death has always been a natural phenomenon and not some unnatural punishment brought into the world by humanity, and that whatever Jesus died for, it wasn't to free mankind from an original sin it had neither committed nor was being "punished" for.

There's a reason the Catholic church gives its followers "the option" to simply not believe that evolution is real, since evolution directly destroys Jesus' atonement and the entire Christian religion. When you've spent the past 1500+ years teaching people that the first humans were LITERALLY immortal in body, and that they immortally lived on the very planet we live on now, and that they only stopped being immortal because they disobeyed God, necessitating God having to sacrifice his own son/himself so as to give mankind a chance to restore itself to the bodily incorruptibility it once had and was always meant to have, you don't want people thinking about the theological ramifications of a discovery that neither humans (nor any of the species humans evolved from) were ever immortal, and that bodily death isn't actually some unnatural punishment after all.

You could probably still salvage Christianity by claiming Jesus might not've died for the original sin but for all the actual sins each person has committed/will commit, but the church called that school "Pelagianism" shut it down pretty quick, since it technically opens up the possibility that not every person NEEDS the clergy and the sacraments to be saved; as practically impossible as it might be, someone could theoretically be so good that they wouldn’t need the church to be saved at all. The church instead preferred the idea that sin is so inescapable that even someone who never sinned is still guilty of the “sin of Adam,” making the clergy indispensable for everyone who ever will live.
So if you wanna know who killed Christianity, blame Augustine of Hippo instead of someone like Charles Darwin. By getting greedy and trying to make the church indispensable for everyone’s salvation and trying to make it impossible to be sinless, Augustine ended up destroying the entire faith.
>Borborites ate cum and period blood for communion.
holy shit lmao is this where Thelema got it from centuries later? iirc they did the same thing for their own “gnostic mass”, and Crowley took a lot from Gnosticism
Isn't /x/ filled with guys who believe in aliens, though?
zero day brain virus
He died from poison before he was on the cross. He was using poison cocktails as drugs, to alter his state of mind.
Borborites never existed.
See: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueGnostic/comments/f6v8dh/the_borborites_never_existed/?captcha=1
Why don't you trust the testimony of Orthodox fathers? It's not like they're known liars and forgers.
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More sane than people who believe in a magic zombie jew who can give you eternal life if you eat his flesh and drink his blood
*tips fedora*
We got an esoteric christianity general. It's pretty neat actually.
>*tips pastor twenty bucks so he can house and feed illegal immigrants because they're Christian*
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
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It's time to outlaw Abrahamism completely. Take their children away and raise them in state run indoctrination centers just like the way China erases Islam among the Uyghur children.
No >:(
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>Tier 6
Jesus never directly condemns homosexuality in any of the gospels

(My take: However, some will note that Jesus claimed "I have came not to destroy a letter of the law" even though he later said things like "It doesn't matter what you eat" which totally destroys the mosaic laws food customs *shrug*)

>Tier 7
God loves polygamists

(My take: This one is hard for westerners to swallow. Jesus's own birth was in part due to polygamist marriages (Bathesheba / David)

>Tier 8
Jesus is a byproduct of sin

(My take: Adam & Eve as well as when David sinned by taking Bathesheba, another man's wife, and in process the lineage of Christ was kept going)
Continued from >>17091292

In regards to God loving polygamists, I forgot the scripture where God says, "David is a man after my own heart" or something to that extent - meanwhile he has 700 wives and 300 concubines
send all religious people to madagascar.
Why is it never the Amish who do these stupid things? The Amish are of course 100% white still, mostly of Dutch, German and Swiss ancestry, except for those who leave the movement.
Because the amish don't know that anyone else exists.
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Amish and Mennonites do cucked shit too. It only happens less because they tend to stay isolated on their farms. Christianity has them programmed to be weak regardless, so their strategy only works as long as society doesn't come to them.
The Bible forbids anal sex, not homosexuality.
>Gospel of Barnabas
>Supposedly predicts Islam
Anyone with >60 IQ knows it's a forgery.
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The Bible does not forbid anal sex or gay sex
It forbids gay sex, not anal sex.
It does not forbid gay sex
Sounds delightful, we must protect them at all costs.
The Ungrund and the Father being malevolent until He's redeemed by the Son
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Repent. Now.
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>t. picrel
Or the people who made Islam read it. Either way it's interesting and is good for the iceberg
Another Ammon fag detected! Y'all even use the same spiel every time.
>didn't say it's false
Jesus being raped to death by sodomite apelings
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>Holy Foreskin
>Feast of the Circumcision of Christ

These should be at the 3rd bottom most layer
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>Jesus was a Jew
Probably above the water.
Jews are descended from Phoenician converts whereas Jesus' ancestors were from the hill country around lake Gallilee.

It's like saying a Frenchman and a Romanian are the same thing because they share a distant common ancestor.
So, what you're saying is: Jesus was a Muslim?
get in the fucking oven.
Christian was the BLM/antifa/woke movement of the ancient world.
that one goes above the water.
That's very clearly not Jesus. I think that's Domna's cousin.
The Jansenists and the Convulsionnaires
>That's very clearly not Jesus.
It's Jesus.
It's called Cristo docente "Christ the teacher" located at Museo nazionale romano di palazzo Massimo, Rome, Italy.
The dog headed saint (Saint Christopher
The woman saint with beard who was crucified (Vilgeforte)
The french gypsy saint (Saint Sarah the Black or Sara e Kali, maybe an indian Kali conection considering that gypsies come from there?)
(To be honest all of them are folk saints, not recognised by the church but with local cults)
Anorexia Mirabilis
The russian orthodox cult who cutted their dicks off
Credo ad absurdum
Look into how the french revolutionaries wanted enlightenment-ify their christianity.
Paul was a Valentinian? What?
Aren't these widely accepted to be forgeries?
Marcion also excluded texts he didn't like from his canon (like Matthew because it makes evident the continuity between the OT and NT)
Thomas also doesn't depict Jesus as "merely a spiritual guide", the Ethiopian Orthodox Church accepts it as canon
>top right
Is that a cigarette?
>Aren't these widely accepted to be forgeries?
Do you think that the gospels of Mark, Luke, Matthew, and John were written by those apostles?
All the gospels were written later by people who weren't actually there. The Early church chose those particular gospels because they specifically affirmed their version of the religion and then they condemned the gospels that didn't.
For all we know Marcions may have been the first.
>Aren't these widely accepted to be forgeries?
In what sense would the Gospel of Thomas be a "forgery"? It's not considered canonical TODAY, but many Christians fail to understand that there are numerous non-canonical texts that were essential to the composition of the texts that were later canonized (Book of Enoch comes to mind) and also essential to establishing the original Christian culture.

The Gospel of Thomas is underappreciated because "scholars" with religious bias have repeatedly dismissed it as a secondary, later work which was written after the synoptic gospels. In reality, it's easy to see how the synoptics draw material FROM Thomas. That's why I provided an extensive list of parallels to Thomas 22 in order to show something very weird is going on even if you don't believe Thomas is authentic, non-heretical, early Christianity.

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