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Yamnaya were 1/2 Iranian Hunter Gatherers which means that Nords today have 1/4 Iranian heritage. How do Nords feel about this?
Caucasian Hunter-gatherers, and It was probably even less than that. Atleast for the PIE who settled to make the corded ware.

I'm glad they existed tho. They made euros less chinkier
I proposed a theory that Iranians or the Iranian plateau houses the most Racially Caucasian people in the world historically, you seem to be in agreement.
>How do Nords feel about this?
The white devil don't feel, he be designed by Yakub like a machine
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>Iranian hunter gatherer
Please enlighten me on the difference between "Iranian hunter gatherer", Iranian neolithic, Caucasus hunter gatherer, and the population that mixed with EHGs to make Yamnaya.
From my under They were very similar but CHG went up to the mountains and isolated themselves there.
Wait, does your chart suggested that there was a third genetic component unaccounted for in the creation of yamnaya.
How can you suspect that CHG or any particular group from the mesolithic is responsible for the West Eurasian phenotypes? Basically anything Tianyuan-related was getting filtered hard even before the LGM.
The PCA suggests that Yamnaya are not on a cline between EHGs and Caucasus/Iran. This means they are not offspring of those two populations. They can derive from one, but not both, so for example, if that is the correct EHG cluster (not necessarily the case) then draw a line from it to Yamnaya, and the population that mixed with EHGs to produce Yamnaya is somewhere in that direction beyond Yamnaya, assuming it's only one other population.
It means that Iranians were obviously Nordic and mixxed with shit later, since there is no way you could mix any amount of Iranians with Nords and produce Nords.
Looks like we're in for a big shakeup soon. The pathetic lore of autocucks is destined for a good shoah.
And yes, a third genetic component is also a possible interpretation. It just rules out the case of them being the offspring of exactly those two populations.
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But all ancestors of Nordic people were brown, like ANF, WHG, and Yamnaya so the question is who did Nords become white when all of your ancestors were brown?
Obviously not, since brown things don't become white barring significant long term isolation.
I laughed
Iranians are:

Which one of these is the non-white genetic component?
This is funny and also likely true.
But white things can become brown, how?
Iranians are Whiter ( more racially Caucasian) than souther Europeans, some southern Europeans have natufian upward of 20% and low Iran_N in comparison to ANF while ANF is also close to Natufian while Iran_N is almost identical to the component making up 1/2 of Yamnaya.
Some farmgroid, obviously. No actual white person wants to eat a bunch of tall grasses all crushed up and baked into crude flat shapes when there is steak or dairy.
Cursed by God.
>Some farmgroid, obviously.
But the farmer component of Iranian DNA is closely related to CHG_Iran, which white people are 25% of?
Wait, didn't ANF also have a minority CHG component? The thing I remember about CHG that kind of separates them is that they dispersed in successive waves in different directions.
Iranians are massive mystery meats, you fool no one saying you are ''more caucasian'' than southern euros, maybe more than terronis but nobody cares about you anyways. you will never be white aka european
Which component of their dna is the mystery meat part? Because I see none of it in the genetic analysis.
I've always though the Yamnaya ARE the proto-Indo-Europeans.... but are they not?
Were there other INdo-European speakers in Europe before the Yamnaya?
Yamnaya are Proto-indo-European, that’s correct. Where’s the confusion here?
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Iranian HG had pajeet.
None of the ancestors of white people resembled modern day Europeans dumbfuck. There's a thing called sexual selection
But Iranian neolithic is shifted towards ANE. WHG is also tainted by some R1b.
Anatolian hunter-gatherers are the purest.
no south euro has 20% natufian, 20% natufian is straight up lebanese levels of natufian, and iranians also have natufian, probably more than south euros
whg is the "purest" mesolithic west eurasian autosomally, thos they also have a little bit of "basal"(southern) and east eurasian drift
ahg has plenty of both
so does chg
iran hg had more tho
lol, Iranians have 5% natufian at most. Lebanese people cluster closer to Italians than Iranians, this should tel you everything you need to know.
Nords have pajeet in them, the more you know…
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it doesn't say much , iranians seem to have more
Yes, chg related pajeet ancestry. You called Iran_N pajeet but now want to dodge CHG pajeet component?
chg has low south asian-like admixture and northern euros seem to have quite low chg, probably because corded, compared to yamnaya was richer in ehg and less in chg
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EHG Tianyan Afro-Asians raped WHG Hernan Drago, CHG Habib, EEF Dennis Johnson but still look closer to Negroes
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berber mulattos don't look like that, they look like pic rel
Ehg has some east Eurasian admixture because of ane but no African ancestry

You're confusing them with your africanized nafri ancestry
they look extremely african in facial features for some reason
berbers are the most african people in the world outside of sub saharans
Imagine how much more Negro EHG were if the final result of mixing EHG, WHG, CHG, EEF looks this Negro.
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0%, since the final negriform result is the outcome of negro("basal") shifted components such as chg and anf, you should be familiar with such components since you also have such components + iberomaurusian mulatto, and that's why you look like pic rel
Those athletes are Caucasoid-Armenoid with a Negroid admixture. The Irish EHG Negroes look 0% West Eurasian, 0% Caucasoid-Armenoid, 0% Cromagnoid, exactly 0.
no they (or should i say you) are mulattos that look like mulattos less white than andrew tate, irish look white and west eurasian
you need to go back, leave russia, return to algeria mulatto
you are dark brown, you have afro-basal facial features
Those athletes look eritrean
you have mongoloid admixture. plus the aasi chg is just a tiny bit less
only a few northern europeans in the extreme north have mongoloid admixture, and northern europeans have very low percentages of chg, the PIE component in northern euros is more ehg rich than the standard yamnaya
I meant like are they the og proto-indo europeans from which all others derived from?
>the PIE component in northern euros is more ehg rich than the standard yamnaya
Bizarre mental gymnastics you've pulled here to say they have excess EHG but um ACKtually that uhh EHG is PIE. That's not PIE by definition.
i wouldn't day that northern euros have excess ehg, the pie component of northern euros is more ehg rich and lacks chg, overall northern euros have low chg
>the pie component of northern euros is more ehg rich
That's the thing. There's absolutely no justification for calling this "the pie component". Don't get me wrong. Northern Europeans have the most Yamnaya ancestry. It's most often in the vicinity of ~50%, but the issue is PIEs had a certain ratio of EHG:CHG. PIEs are well sampled and seem fairly homogeneous. A major source of the excess EHG in modern Europeans is from Globular Amphora farmers. The other sources are the Baltics, Siberia, and northern Scandinavia.

You have to identify excess EHG when it appears in order to be objective. If you don't, you'll identity Uralics as major Indo-European descendants despite being a different people by origin.
early corded ware groups seem to be a bit richer in ehg ancestry compared to yamnaya
Corded Ware isn't PIE by definition, because they aren't responsible for spreading all IE languages by themselves, but Yamnaya can be the source of IE languages and culture within the Corded Ware culture. For example, Tocharians were a direct offshoot of Yamnaya, not the Corded Ware.
I'm okay with this.
In this case, of course, this is a maternal admixture.
Personally, I need ≈20% of Dagestan mystery meat for modeling in Gedmatch calculators, I don’t think that’s very little.
Original proto-PIE were probably 50-60% CHG like. This ancestry diluted with migrations.
Yamnaya ancestry was already diluted. They aren't some pure population. They are mixed with native Ukrainian neolithics.
hard to say, it could be the other way around, original proto pie being more ehg and becoming more chg-rich later on
rather 50% EHG + 30% CHG + 20% Iran N related mystery meat.
progress being proto PIE is not really something many agree
What the heck is C_Sarazm? Is that eating up the Barcin and trace Natufian?
>older than Yamnaya
>buried in a mound with weapons
>pastoralist nomad
I don't think this is controversial
Iran N + Extra ANE.
This is a BMAC population from Central Asia (Tajikistan).
>Big Mac population
Oh so that's where the proto-Americans come from.
this is ancient iranjeet
They assimilated Tajik trannies. Tajik whores were selling their boypussy to BBCMAC BVLLS.
Bmac and generally Iran N was basically R2, retard.
The Tajiks were aggressive Andronovo orcs who invaded central Asia during the MLBA-IA era.
although no, mostly churka.
>The male specimens belonged primarily to haplogroup J, specifically J* (3/26), J1 (1/26), J2 (7/26), as well as G (2/26), L (2/26), R2 (3/26), R1b (1/26), R* (2/26), H1a (1/26), P (1/26), Q (1/26), T (1/26) and E1b1b (1/26).
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Ydna not specified.
probably descendants of local males (J2).
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У мeня c pюpикoм, aвтopoм кaлeвaлы, гeдиминaми был oбщий пpeдoк в 900 гoдy дo н.э.
тaм нaпиcaнo чтo Ян Cибeлиyc N-CTS2929, a aвтop Кaлeвaлы Лённpoт N-L550

У тeбя тoлькo c никoлoй тecлoй в 400 гoдy дo н.э.
Bceм пoхyй нa твoeгo гoвнкca тaтapcкoгo.
Nah, PIE carry North Caucasian/Lower Volga Y-DNA. Further North you have different subclades that weren't as successful.

The expansion of PIE is linked to the CLV ancestry.

There's also a new EHG sample from close to Caucasus. It's pure EHG and it has haplogroup R1a. I'm not sure if there's any pure EHG with V1636 which appears to be the PIE haplogroup linked to kurgans, early steppe pastoralism, Khvalynsk and generally everything PIE related.
тeбe yжe нaпиcaли чтo этo нe pюpик a пpocтo cкeлeт бeз apхeoлoгичecкoгo peпopтa, пpинaдлeжнocть к pюpикaм ocнoвaнa нa пpeдпoлoжeнии, выcкaзaннoй в cтaтьe кoтopaя былa вooбщe нe пpo нeгo, в oтличии oт Дмитpия Aлeкcaндpoвичa, FTDNA > кaлюcтpaтив
>There's also a new EHG sample from close to Caucasus. It's pure EHG and it has haplogroup R1a.
the southern (CVL) PIE horizon was entirely R1b.
Peaльный Heвcкий нe был тaтapcким гoвнoм пиздoглaзым.
У нeгo вooбщe нe дoлжнo быть тюpкcкoй пpимecь, тoлькo гpeчecкaя.
Heт иcтopичecкoй cпpaвки.
Taм тoлькo Бoгoлюбcкий был нoвиoпoм. Ho oн c Heвcким нe cooтнocитcя.
Yes, and V1636.

Pure EHG all have R1b-M73, R1a, Q and J.
> Идeнтификaция ocтaнкoв из capкoфaгa кaк пoгpeбeния князя Дмитpия Aлeкcaндpoвичa ocнoвывaeтcя нa coвoкyпнocти иcтopичecких cвeдeний o пoгpeбeнии, apхeoлoгичecких дaнных и aнтpoпoлoгичecких oпpeдeлeний. B 2023 гoдy пaлeoгeнeтики пpoчитaли гeнoм Дмитpия Aлeкcaндpoвичa. ДHК пoлyчили из пяcтнoй кocти киcти, нaдкoлeнникa и лaдьeвиднoй кocти cтoпы. Иccлeдoвaтeли oпpeдeлили y нeгo тy жe caмyю Y-хpoмocoмнyю линию, чтo и y бoльшинcтвa coвpeмeнных пpeдcтaвитeлeй poдa Pюpикoвичeй. Peзyльтaты иccлeдoвaния oпyбликoвaны в жypнaлe Acta Naturae. Учёныe oпpeдeлили y нeгo митoхoндpиaльнyю гaплoгpyппy F1b1-a3a2a[7], oтнocящyюcя к вocтoчнo-eвpaзийcкoмy клacтepy, и Y-хpoмocoмнyю гaплoгpyппy N1a1a1a1a1a1a7a (N1a1-L550>Y4339>VL11)[8][9][10] (пoдтвepждaющyю пoтoмcтвo Юpия Дoлгopyкoгo[11]).
Хвaтит кoyпить, этo был нa тpeть швeд co швeдcкoй L550, eгo мaть нe пoлoцкaя a пoлoвeцкaя
>бoльшинcтвa coвpeмeнных пpeдcтaвитeлeй poдa Pюpикoвичeй
Этo были apиcтoкpaты дo caмoгo 1917, тaкиe люди кaк кpoпoткин и мycopгcкий. Пoкa твoи кoпpoпpeдки пaльцeм в oчкe кoвыpялиcь в cибиpи и жpaли ил c бoлoтa.
имaгинe pycь былa coздaнa викингoм c кoтopым y мeня oбщий пpeдoк жил вo вpeмeнa кoгдa жили Гoмep и пpopoк Илия, и этo ecли я нe пpинaдлeжy к бoлee poдcтвeннoй вeтви
I mean give me the link to the study.
Moкшa вceм пoeбaть.
N1c oпyщeнный мoнгoлoидный cкaм. Caмый дpeвний Pюpикoвич был cepбoв. Hиктo вac нe вocпpинимaeт.
кoгдa пиcaлиcь илиaдa, oдиcceя и книги цapcтв вeтхoгo зaвeтa, в бaлтикe был oбщий пpeдoк co мнoй, pюpикaми, гeдиминaми, aвтopoм кaлeвaлы и чeлoвeкoм из фyллepo

нacтoлькo нe вocпpинимaeт чтo дoбaвили в ftdna cpaзy пocлe выхoдa cтaтьи. пpeкpaти cpaть cepбaми ты нe cepб и дaжe нe i2, y твoeй вeтви нeт никaких вeликих динacтий кpoмe кoпpoтecлы, pycь coздaнa N1c-L550 гocпoдaми, L550 нeвcкий paзъeбaл тeвтoнцeв нa бoлoтe, L550 Лённpoт пpидyмaл финнo-кapeльcкий эпoc нa кoтopый дpoчил Toлкиeн Z92. У илюхи кcтaти oбщий пpeдoк c Toлкиeнoм жил 5к лeт нaзaд, z92 cтapaя гaплa, eмy пиздeц нe пoвeзлo
N1c этo yнтepмeньш.
Cпpocи peaльных швeдoв, oни тeбe cкaжyт.
я cпpaшивaл y швeдa c n1c и c i1 oни гoвopят тoп гaплa лyчшe дaлитcкoй r1a
>я cпpaшивaл y швeдa c n1c
Oн кoпиyмнaя чмoкшa, твoй бpaтeльник.
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кaлcян ты peтapд этo швeдcкaя гaплa
Tы чyхнa eбaнaя
He pyccкий
Haм pyccким тoлькo cepбы бpaтья.
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cвин этo нaзывaeтcя фeннoшвeды, либo пoтoмки пpoeбaлтoв
тeбe чypкe peaльнo тoлькo cepбы
Итc oвep для хyйни бoлoтнoй.
У pyccких peaльнo этoгo гoвнa нeт. Toлькo y cвинo oгpoв.
Can't find it now. The thread on genearchivist is like 200 pages long now and it's really retarded. I think it's from some conference on Youtube, but the data is already published.
> 14%
> 1 чeлoвeк
пoлeнo этo пиздeц
>мapи эл
Tы peaльнo мopдвa.
кaлcян cдaй тecт iq
У тeбя cкopee вceгo нe бaлтcкaя, нe финcкaя, нe швeдcкaя, нe eвpoпeйcкaя вeтвь этoй гaплы.
Tы пoнимaeшь?
ты идиoт L550 пoявилacь 2900 лeт нaзaд в бaлтикe, пepвыe пoтoмки были бaлтaми, вeндeльcкими швeдaми, викингaми и гoтaми
if both R1b and R1a are indeed found in the CVL horizon. this means that there is literally every reason to move PIE Homeland at least to the territory of the North Caucasus steppe.
Peaльныe бaлты были тoлькo R1a.
Coвpeмeнныe этo лapпящaя чмopдвa.
peaльныe бaлты этo apиcтoкpaты гeдpoйцы дoвcпpyнги гeдиминoвичи и ягeллoны
r1a этo кpecтьянe c бoлoтa кoтopыe мyхoмopы жpyт
Бaлты caмaя oпyщeннaя paca вocтoчнoй Eвpoпы.
Бyквaльнo вce изнacилoвaли.
I think that sample is more to the West (close to Lower Don?), but it's also North of the Caucasus. It's also pure EHG compared to later samples.
тoлькo лaтышeй c r1a, y литoвцeв былo BКЛ и coюз c пoльшeй, ягeллoны пpaвили этoй хyйнёй и мeняли твoих пpeдкoв нa coбaк, пpoдaвaли в paбcтвo в кaзaхcpaн
Литoвцeв нeмчypa изнacилoвaлa и cилoй зacтaвилa хpиcтиaнcтвo пpинять.
Дeбил блядь.
Bceх пpибpeжных бaлтoв R1b тoптaли.
Кaк paз тaм бoльшe N1c гoвнa yнтepcкoгo.
Lol at Euros worshipping literally Siberian-Caucasan rapist horde that apparently stole every single invention from their neighbors.
Kek, I'm guessing the only reason why steppe was smarter than their HG ancestors was that minor Caucasian farmer ancestry.

This is especially funny when you think about Nazi Germany which was literally raped by the descendants of EHG ooga booga Volga PIE cavemen.
'Noble' my ass.
Этo былa пpyccия и ливoния c r1a бoмжaми ты тyпaя cвинья. Хpиcтиaнcтвo пpинял Mиндoвг, пoтoм oтpёкcя oт нeгo, eгo cвepгли и былo вeликoe княжecтвo литoвcкoe гдe cлaвянcкий cбpoд был кpeпocтными людьми 2 copтa, бyквaльнo быдлo
eблaн ты caм кинyл пикчy гдe y литвы oтдeльнoe гocyдapcтвo, лoл
тeвтoнцeв paзъeбaл L550 нeвcкий
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Average EHG BVLL
continue to envy, but do it silently.
Юг Литвы этo в ocнoвнoм бeлapyccкиe R1a зeмли.
Ceвep N1цвиньи, их тeвтoнeцы нa coбaк мeняли.
The Red Army made their Aryan ancestors proud
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Early IE religion is theorized to be similar to Tengrism. Classical Greek forms of it were influenced Egyptians, Phoenicians, Mesopotamians, etc.
тaк имeннo бeлopycoв тo и мeняли лoл, быдлo ктo
both of my great-grandfathers “liberated” German and Polish lands. they probably generally markedly increased the Aryan admixture in central Europe.
Taк бeлopycoв нeмчypa в дyпy нe тpaхaлa.
Чмoкшa, ты тaкoй oпyщ, пиздeц)
их пoльcкиe и литoвcкиe бapины тpaхaли и мeняли нa coбaк.
cтacян зpя ты иcтopию пpoгyливaл, хoтя oнo нaвepнoe и нe нaдo

зaцeни oтpывoк из книги Coлa Гyнapca Янoвcкиca

> Ecли ты вcтpeчaeшь pyccкoгo, тo гoвopи c ним, бyдтo ты cтoишь в oкнe нa втopoм этaжe, a oн вo двope, пo yши в дepьмe и гpязи, пocкoлькy имeннo тaкoвa paзницa мeждy эcтoнцeм и pyccким. Бyдь yчтивым и хoлoднo пpивeтливым, вpeмeнaми дaжe yлыбниcь. B мopдy нe бeй, нo cмoтpи нa нeгo cвыcoкa, и ты yвидишь, кaк oн тeбя бoитcя. Taк coбaкa бoитcя дaжe caмoгo лёгкoгo нaмёкa нa oгopчeниe в гoлoce cвoeгo хoзяинa, и pyccкиe co cвoeй шиpoкoй дyшoнкoй дaжe ceгoдня нe являютcя чeм-тo дpyгим, кaк paбaми тaтap, кoими oни были вeкaми
Кaлcян a кoгдa aзepбaйджaнeц мeнял тoн в гoлoce ты нaчинaл дpoжaть и лyчшe paбoтaть?
Лoл блядь.
Чмoкшa, мнe нa тpeниpoвкy пopa.
Пpoдoлжaй ayтиpoвaть, cлeди чтoбы тpeд нe пoтyх.
эcтoнцы нe paбoтaют нa пилopaмe нa yзбeкoв
My ancestors raped and conquered europe and took aryans as slaves (aryan = arjalaianen = orja) My ancestors were powerful warriors. I'm proud of them
t. binn
You raped EHG potato heads and this is why you look like them. >>17187163 >>>/int/203555678
You don't look mixed with Central/West European.
I literally, and I mean LITERALLY look like OPs picture. With defined features, not potato face. Actually my nose is even more defined than OPs picture
Do you feel more connected to Iranians now that you share a substantial genetic component with them?
I am R1a Slav, I have known for quite some time that the Proto-Slavs and the Proto-Iranians were quite related people.
Regarding genetics, some calculators model this admixture as Iranian (the picture shows my results), others as Caucasian, I personally think that based on the progress eneolithic samples>>17187342 PIE contained both Caucasian and Iranian admixture too.
> I am R1a Slav
you're uraloid with 5% siberian dna stop lying stasyan
Hush, pig.
> post the mystery meat shitmatch results for no reason
you're r1a serfoid slav(e) with turdo-churkoid mudblood, dirty sibero-soviet mongrel
you are a Mongolioid scum. not me.
dumb ape show your g25 and your 5% uralic dna rusgolian mutt
I’m pure white.
You've said you have a Churka or a "Serbian" phenotype
Yes. I belong to Based CHG Dinaric race.
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AncestralWhispers is a biased pro-Churka racist Churka.
I don't really think so.
Ofc since you've admitted to be Churka-looking.
if someone is not an ostbaltish submongoloid pig like you, this does not mean that he is a churka.
Another Churka. Short, Brown Arap.
Ti Chmoksha
Google an actual Dinaric skull, chernyaviy ukrainets.
>plus the aasi chg is just a tiny bit less
its like non-existent and is from an extremely deep split like 55kya.
Iran_N has pajeet from 15kya.
>Lebanese people cluster closer to Italians than Iranians, this should tel you everything you need to know.

ofc we all know the truth about terronis

iran neolithic is subhuman churka pajeet mutt btw
PIE had an admixture of Iran N>>17187342
>iran neolithic is subhuman churka pajeet mutt btw
Is that way they invented animal husbandry, farming, introduces pastoralist to the caucuses and while yamnaya were chimping in Ukraine they already have a civilization?
in fact, Iran N only invented animal husbandry.
They weren't, Iran Neolithic was 50% Basal Eurasian
>Iran Neolithic was 50% Basal Eurasian
Bullshit, post the studies. Iran_N had the highest ANE amongst Caucasian’s to this day.
in fact, CVL PIE were so drifted towards Iran N that the closest population is Tajiks, not Caucasians.
that's not PIE and neither is is "proto PIE"
The dude was a nomadic cattle breeder R1b, and he was buried in a mound with weapons just like they did with the Yamnaya and Andronovo males, he was also more than half EHG.
you're coping.
they're not PIE, no one has ever claimed that
Khvalynsk is also r1b (and r1a), and progress may be related to Maykop that may have not spoken indo european, but is anyway not directly related to yamnaya and the main groups that spread PIE
opinion discarded

>The dude was a nomadic cattle breeder R1b, and he was buried in a mound with weapons just like they did with the Yamnaya and Andronovo males, he was also more than half EHG.
so were kavalnysk, tired of these low iq arguments, post a study confirming that
Maikop was half ANF, but progress did not have any significant contribution from ANF, CVL genetics are not different from Yamnaya at all except for additional Iranian admixture, with samples older than Yamnaya.
Khvalynsk did not have the southern Yamnaya component. but progress has a very typical admixture.
>Maikop was half ANF, but progress did not have any significant contribution from ANF, CVL genetics are not different from Yamnaya at all except for additional Iranian admixture, with samples older than Yamnaya.
obviously they got later anf
>Khvalynsk did not have the southern Yamnaya component. but progress has a very typical admixture.
grasping at straws, they had all the components that yamnaya have
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progress has too much iran_n
probably only the yamnaya from the caucasus have actual ancestry from progress, it's irrelevant for the other yamnaya
Iranians would be white is they weren't raped by arabs.
Brownoids can't meme
>they invented this this and that
I dont give a fuck, what matters is modern times, I have respect for iranians as they are superior to pajeets and menas but they still are not ''white''
Many Afanasievo and Yamnaya samples still contained this Iranian admixture, but it seems that over time the Iranian component was "washed out" due to muttification with ANF and European HG.
Afanasievo also has Iran.>>17188201
I have noticed that most Afanasievo samples are similar to the more purebred version of the Yamnaya, on average they have less ANF.
not really
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кaлcян я дoбaвил caмapcкoгo oхoтникa и зaмeнил нapвy нa нapвcких близнeцoв, ты peaльнo гoвникc 0 cтeпи
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>Yamnaya were CHG Churkas and Iran_N Poojets
This Greek White nationalist is Yamnaya then. A Yamnaya Brownizer.
Чмoкшa, non steppe EHG нe cyщecтвyeт.
Пpoдoлжaй кoyпить.
Caмapa бyквaльнo пpeдки ямнoй, ecтecтвeннo y мeня чтo тo oтвaлитcя.
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ты фингoлo yзбeкcкий гoвникc, y нopмaльных людeй нeт тaкoгo, тoлькo y caaмoв
тeпepь нaдo нaйти пpoкcи чypбaнoиднoй пpимecи
Nigga he looks natufian as fuck
the other components would have been washed out too
afanasievo has actual iranic admixture due to living in the east, the only yamnaya that really have some iran_n in higher quantities are from the caucasus >>17188188
greeks have anf, natufian and excess iran_n and chg
not by chance that kinda face is even more common in the mena, where such admixture components are even more common
нe хpюкaй
зaцeни пecню
no, it is copium, we are clearly witnessing the process of washing out the Iranian admixture Aryans since the time of the Eneolithic.
Afanasivo's range was limited to eastern Siberia and the Altai Highlands; they did not have any non steppe Iranian admixture.
Don't try to sneak in ANF. Add WHG:
Greeks don't have Natufian and Iran_N my brown friend
Hopм пeceнкa.
80ники мнe бoльшe нpaвятcя, чeм мнoгoe coвpeмeннoe гoвнo.
этo бы гимн poccии пpи нeвcкoм n1c
мoнгoлo-гepмaнcкий бaзoвичoк
greeks have MENA have extremely very low whg

>Greeks don't have Natufian and Iran_N my brown friend
they do, literal projecting swarthoid, you look like pic rel
Иpaнцы peaльнo бaзa.
Tpy apии, я хoчy быть тaджикoм.
*greeks and MENA have extremely very low whg
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тpy apии этo вoт эти
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I know Nafris and Arabs are eager to depict themselves as southern European-like, but the science looks different
you are coping, progress is irrelevant, we are witnessing the irrelevancy of progress, that had iran_n while yamnaya, corded and Khvalynsk didn't
the science shows us that greeks and MENA have less than 1% whg
MENAs look brown because of anf-chg-natufian-iran_n-iberomaurusian, consequently greeks and other southrons look brown adjacent because of those same components
Я le 55
Objectively wrong
в мoeй нoвoй вepcии y тeбя 48, дeфoлт pycня, 55 ни y кoгo нe мoжeт быть
Yamnaya, early CWC and Afanasievo come directly from progress.
citation needed
У мeня и мopдвы ecть.
бoлoтнaя чмoкшa нe пизди
>CLV cline people with Lower Volga ancestry contributed four fifths of the ancestry of the Yamnaya, but also, entering Anatolia from the east, contributed at least a tenth of the ancestry of Bronze Age Central Anatolians, where the Hittite language, related to the Indo-European languages spread by the Yamnaya
it's objectively correct
Mopдвy пpoвepь, тaм oдин cтeпeнee мeня был(l 56% cтeппe).
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peaльный пoлoжняк
ты дeбил
тeбe илюcтpaтив пoкaзaл тюкpoв и кaлкaз и caaмoв тaк чтo нe хpюкaй
> A “Volga Cline” was formed as Lower Volga people mixed with upriver populations that had more Eastern hunter-gatherer (EHG) ancestry, creating genetically hyper-variable populations as at Khvalynsk
in that study Khvalynsk and others are considered lower volga

>in PCA space, from an area that includes populations enclosed by the Lower Don (at the site of Krivyansky), Lower Volga (at Berezhnovka-2), and north Caucasus mountains (at Progress-2, Vonyuchka-1, and Sharakhalsun5).
progress is considered north caucasus in that study, not lower volga
Tюpки мeм.
Кayкaз бaзa, ямники, чeчeнцы
бaтя жoпичa гeнoцидил твoих пpeдкoв
they were progress mutts, Khvalynsk, Don HG and others. but progress made the most noticeable contribution to the Yamnaya.
Oн бpaтoyбивeц
No. Khvalynsk is the result of expansion from Lower Volga which is why they talk about 'hyper-variable' populations as at Khvalynsk (from Progress-like to pure EHG-like and everything between).

>North Caucasus in that study
You know that CLV cline means Caucasus-Lower Volga?
yes, it's talking about a massive cline, not progress as you were implying

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Not a single East or North Euro looks like this. You're low ANF. You look either potato and simple or Churka and simple. You're easy to draw.
Lol, it's even in the abstract, but you deliberately left that sentence out.

>CLV people also helped form two major riverine clines by admixing with distinct groups of European hunter-gatherers. A “Volga Cline” was formed as Lower Volga people mixed with upriver populations that had more Eastern hunter-gatherer (EHG) ancestry, creating genetically hyper-variable populations as at Khvalynsk in the Middle Volga.

Khvalynsk = CLV + EHG from Middle Volga (like Samara)
Sredni Stog is more complex because they model it as CLV + some additional southern farmer source + Ukrainian HGs
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>Robbie's ancestry is English, Scottish, German, Irish, 1/16th French-Canadian, and more distant Welsh and Dutch
that's a north euro man you brown fuck, as can be seen by his hunter eyes, no southron looks like that, you look like pic rel
He's Central/West European. DNA companies confuse British and German, you'd know it if you were White, Slav.
>He's Central/West European.
north euros, i'm also northwestern
Hey sucker
The PIE homeland is Ukraine. Not Caucasus, Anatolia, armenia or your mommy house
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Andronovo were (religiously)
Well, it can be gotten rid of with science eventually. We can splice together WHG genes and make fully European people in the future. The goal should be to widen the gap between Middle Easterners and Europeans.
Iranian HG has more Onge (Pure dravidians) and Basal (Mbuti) addition, CHG is whiter due to this
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>The goal should be to widen the gap between Middle Easterners and Europeans.
Why? All the good things about your genes from the Iranian side of your ancestry: animal husbandry, pastoralism, intelligence, farming, Caucasian facial features and bone structure, civilizational building capabilities etc. Without your CHG/Iran ancestry you would have been a chinky looking nomad to this day.
Because that doesn't define Europeans. We are not Middle Easterners, so we are not going to water down our genetics because of it.
Whites have CHG, no iranian.
They are dzudzuanoids anyway
Zoroastrianism and Vedic Hinduism are not like matrilineal religions.
I don’t know what you mean. Middle eastern is not a race. Are you talking about geography or dna? Italians are more middle eastern than Iranians, genetically.
the Iranian admixture was diluted.>>17188300
Italians have more WHG and less Basal Eurasian. The less Basal Eurasian the less Middle Eastern. It's not a war between Mongoloids and Caucasoids, you are forgetting Europoids because you are anti-European and don't want to acknowledge it. You lust after European women and want to live in the West. You are a dishonest villain.
The war is between Semites and Caucasians. Italians cluster closer to Arabs, how does that makes sense? I don’t know why it makes you so mad to acknowledge that you have a substantial Iranian genetic component. I don’t hate Europeans, I think it’s you who hates everyone else.
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ANE was purely caucasoid, its why native americans dont look purely mongolian
I don't care about either of them as they squabble in lands far away. That's like Islam vs. Judaism when all I need to care about is my own beliefs. Whether it's Western Middle Easterners or Eastern Middle Easterners, you can deathmatch all you want in your desert lands, couldn't care less. But we Europeans will do what we do.
But you don’t do what you want. That’s the problem, semites have you by the balls.
Oh no welfare collectors in the ghetto part of the capital city are in full dominance. Sure. Northern Europeans are so efficient we could wipe out ALL foreigners in 3 days or less. It's also very easy to locate them by physical appearance alone because of the vast differences.
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They looked like Papuans. And their EHGoloid descendants looked like chinks due to picking up some Baikal admixture and spending thousands of years getting borealized in the Artic.
Get lost troll
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You would have to come up with new terms at that point. ANE hadn't reached the Caucasus yet to mix with the Middle Easterners to create Caucasoids. Nobody calls EHG Aryans either despite passing their language and genes down to them, so ANE wasn't Caucasoid either.
Borealization means getting brainier and more robust as opposed to farming and gracializing. Northern bears, wolves and tigers are similarly bigger than their southern counterparts.
Left: Australo-Papuan pseudo-Caucasoid
Right: Late Tarim Corded Ware-like potato head

"Purely Caucasoid", stupid monkey. ANF were the first textbook Caucasoid-Armenoid people in Europe.
Who is this?
Caucasoid is a race, including ANE, WHG, CHG, ANF
ANF are basal mutts, ANE is much more caucasoid
WHG = Europoid
EHG = Sibir-Europoid
ANE = Paleo-Siberoid
CHG = Sibir-Paleo-West Asian, or Caucasian in short.
What is your point
You're too stupid to understand the difference between Australoid, Cromagnoid and Caucasoid-Armenoid, ape.
We don't live by 1700's German misinterpretation of the "Caucasian race" anymore. Caucasian is strictly the CHG or Zagros clusters. It doesn't stand on any pedestal looking down upon everyone else like you are making it sounds like.
You are Mbuti pygmy, ape
Caucasoid isnt caucasian, you brainless idiot
Caucasoid is people with common features, that makes them not mongoloid or african or australoid
meme from a pre print, and according to that pre print natufians are also "dzudzuanoids"
>"Purely Caucasoid", stupid monkey. ANF were the first textbook Caucasoid-Armenoid people in Europe.
"caucasoids" don't exist
anf were textbook jeetonegroid influenced
Caucasian is the name of a mountain region that separates Europe and the Middle East on the east side of the Black Sea. Caucasian genes are defined by the profiles that are sequenced from that region, e.g. CHG. You don't find Caucasians elsewhere unless those CHG moved elsewhere.
Natufians are more basaloid than anfoids
>still doesnt know the difference between caucasoid and caucasian
Too bad you don't get to decide what the etymology of words is. You are a nobody and you have no power.
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Saaar we wuzn't Papuans saaaar
>Retard cope
>Natufians are more basaloid than anfoids
and that doesn't change the fact that the memepre print models them as 97% dzudzuana
whg is less basal than any other mesolithic population btw
>still doesnt know the difference between caucasoid and caucasian
lean how to use updated terminologies
you dont know how to read that, don't post things you can't interpret
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For low IQs
Natufians have 10% basaloid excess
You are retarded
>Natufians have 10% basaloid excess
natufians are modeled as 97% dzudzuana in the pre print, you are retarded
anf and dzudzuana also supposedly have "basal" (african shift
there's no "caucasoid", it's an outdated definition
the chads like oliver khan look more facially european than the cuckfaced somalis on the right
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>was literally made fun of for looking like a monke and thrown bananas at him on the field
Hunterjeets are subhuman. Cope.
WHGs were the least basal admixed populations in the mesolithic and the most western eurasian drifted population

Distance to: Korean
0.12197382 Russia_DevilsCave_N.SG
0.59958899 Iran_GanjDareh_N
0.61320983 Russia_Samara_HG
0.62231420 Georgia_Kotias.SG
0.62966375 Israel_Natufian
0.66359609 Turkey_Barcin_LN.SG
0.71522857 Italy_North_Villabruna_HG

Distance to: Yoruba
0.70993468 Israel_Natufian
0.72370443 Iran_GanjDareh_N
0.76080697 Georgia_Kotias.SG
0.77925102 Turkey_Barcin_LN.SG
0.79764604 Russia_Samara_HG
0.84161765 Russia_DevilsCave_N.SG
0.85225717 Italy_North_Villabruna_HG
>was literally made fun of for looking like a monke and thrown bananas at him on the field
not for his looks, but for his behavior

whgs were literally turbo west eurasian terachads
another pre villabruna whg from italy (17000 years ago) with I2
>The mitochondrial genome belongs to the U2’3’4’7’8’9 haplogroup and the Y-chromosome is assigned to the I2a haplogroup (sub-clade I2a1a1)

Distance to: italy_whg:Mura
0.05179290 Italy_North_Villabruna_HG

whgs can't stop winning
Yet they were clinically retarded who canabilised each other and didn’t figure out farming despite living in Europe for tens of thousands of years. Farmer chads stay winning.
farmer "chads" were literally cucked by whgs, whgods didn't believe in graincelism and farmer women liked that very much apparently
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>enslaved and cucked by Natufians in Anatolia
>enslaved and cucked by ANF in Europe
>only managed to spread some of their subhuman genes around because their slave asses escaped from the slave pens once farmer society started collapsing from the plagues and natural disasters
>160cm pygmies with 80IQ and dark skin
>enslaved and cucked by Natufians in Anatolia
didn't happen
>enslaved and cucked by ANF in Europe
>only managed to spread some of their subhuman genes around because their slave asses escaped from the slave pens once farmer society started collapsing from the plagues and natural disasters
eef were mostly I2 and I1 despite being 5% to 25% whg
>160cm pygmies with 80IQ and dark skin
lighter than any other mesolithic population, with blue eyes and skin predictions ranging from intermediate to dark, lighter than the AHG troons, that were dark skinned, eyed and haired
euro hgs in general can't stop winning
>and skin predictions ranging from intermediate to dark
pale to dark actually
shgs were all blonde and blue eyed and pale skinned, bhgs were all light haired and skinned too but darker haired
The guy you're talking to has been saying the same stuff for months now. This is his life now.
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>didn't happen
Happened. E1b was present in ANF.
>eef were mostly I2 and I1 despite being 5% to 25% whg
They had their own distinct subclades. We don't know what's the native hunterjeet haplo. Likely none since they are a mutted rapebaby jeet-shifted population.
>lighter than any other mesolithic population
Darker than both AHG and EHG. Literal niggers compared to ANF.
We know it. I'm sorry. It's over. Say hunterjeet again my puppet.
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Why Finns and not Balts?
>Happened. E1b was present in ANF.
in very very small amounts, only 1 e1b anf has been found
>They had their own distinct subclades. We don't know what's the native hunterjeet haplo. Likely none since they are a mutted rapebaby jeet-shifted population.
they had whg subclades derived from whg I2a actually, and whg was no rapebaby unfortunately for you
>Darker than both AHG and EHG. Literal niggers compared to ANF.
objectively wrong, lighter than ahg, ahg was dark haired, eyed and haired
darker than ehg tho

why did you post that unrelated taforalt pca? did you want to remind yourself of your iberomaurusian mulatto ancestors? berber mulatto?
balts were not used in the study, f3 are also not very accurate
>in very very small amounts, only 1 e1b anf has been found
But a lot of EEF with E1b.
>they had whg subclades derived from whg I2a actually
>objectively wrong, lighter than ahg
AHG had light skin alleles. WHG didn't.

>why did you post that unrelated taforalt pca?
Because it shows that they also had basalgroid admixture, meaning they are a rapebaby of some West Eurasian population with basal.
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>oliver khan
lmao literally just a depigmented papuan
Does that mean the Maltese are the closest to ancient Europeans?
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If a modern European can look like that imagine how primitive hunteroids must've looked. Most of the reconstructions are bullshit. The Cheddarjeet one with dark skin and a giant broad nose is the most accurate.
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>But a lot of EEF with E1b.
i said ANF, very few eefs in the balkans had e1b too, I2 dominated eef haplogroups instead

yes they absolutely did

>AHG had light skin alleles. WHG didn't.
ahg did not actually, you didn't post ahgs, you posted anfs, do i have to pick up the ahg genome so you shut up forever?
and whg literally had some light skin allele, here the mura 1 from 17000 years ago being CG in rs16891892 and being AG in rs1426654 (these are the 2 snps depicted in your chart), meaning having 1 allele of them

>Because it shows that they also had basalgroid admixture, meaning they are a rapebaby of some West Eurasian population with basal.
it literally shows that they didn't with 1 whg modeled with 0 and the other 2 modeled with minuscule noise percentages of it, while anatolians and others do much more, you truly are a dumb troon, thanks you for posting things that support me and not you
he doesn't, looks 100% european
>If a modern European can look like that imagine how primitive hunteroids must've looked.
they looked even better and less negroid-jeeted than modern anf admixed europeans
Exactly, nordoids cant be considered truly caucasoid, too much australo-mongoloid in them
0% actually, northern eruopeans are more west eurasian compared to any other west eurasian population in the world
it's anyone else having too much pajeet or negro blood
Any hunterjeet with light skin snps at all had ANE/EHG admixture. It's not native to them. The late Loschbour one was one of the few exceptions for example, but it's due to his non-hunterjeet admixture.
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>0% actually, northern eruopeans are more west eurasian compared to any other west eurasian population in the world
it's anyone else having too much pajeet or negro blood
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It's so obvious you're not white or European and yet you constantly project this on other people. Nordchinks aren't the Marvel supermen you think of.
>Any hunterjeet with light skin snps at all had ANE/EHG admixture
ehg didn't exist, you don't know what you're talking about browntroon, mura1 whg is , together with the tagiente, the most ancient whg ever found, that's what typical whg look like
>It's so obvious you're not white or European
i'm white and european actually, what's this weird projection?
northern euros are the most west eurasian populations in the world, a few extreme northerners having a tiny bit of asian ancestry doesn't change that
you literally deny reality
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>it's anyone else having too much pajeet or negro blood
that's correct
looks facially more caucasoid than any nordgroid
This is actually much higher btw.
Reminder that "West Eurasian" in the modern genetic sense is a meme. Anything that isn't Natufian is shifted towards Pajeets.
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looks facially pajeet/somali

meme model made with k12b
and even finns are more west eurasian than italians overall despite having some east eurasian admixture, you literally deny reality
reminder that you argue with memes while we argue with facts

there's no pajeet shift in the the whg (inbefore he posts that shitty pca)
natufian actually have a pajeet shift, along with iran_n and chg
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>saaar do not redeem the Ancient North Negrito saaaar
I wouldn't talk about jeet shift in CHG/Iran_N if I were you.
>I wouldn't talk about jeet shift in CHG/Iran_N if I were you.
i do actually, there's no "jeet" shift in whg, you're an actual subhuman, in 3d pca the actual whg drift is more visible, they occupy their own cline
try not to waste people's time with your retard behavior
He's an algerian migrant sexpat in russia, truly the absolute worse humanity has to offer
There it is, the pajeet shift in nordoids is undeniable
brown nafri berber replying to himself, truly a miserable creature
Mulatto hands typed this
russian women don't want you, go back to algeria
>reee reee everyone i dont like is my nafri boyfriend
you do realize there multiple people here right?
sametroon seethe
total euro HG victory, total anf defeat
Your projection is palpable
>exactly 1 minute apart
GACs and funnelbeakers descended from the most cucked anf groups, literally 100% I2a, not a single male with a different haplogroup, complete european hunter gatherer male domination
Different subclade from hunterjeets. Try again.
same subclade retard mongrel

i2a2a whg for GAC and i2a1b shg for funnelbeakers
literally straight up the same subclades in many cases not even the upstream clades
you lost
Nope. It's different. L801 is diverged.
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even the GAC I2a2a1b is present in some BHG

Distance to: Latvia_HG:I4441
0.02720863 Latvia_HG
0.03152404 Latvia_MN
0.03635038 Sweden_Motala_HG
0.03797772 Latvia_MN_o1.SG
0.04009929 Sweden_Mesolithic.SG
0.04468338 Estonia_EMN_Narva
0.04620800 Lithuania_EMN_Narva
0.04825240 Romania_IronGates_Mesolithic
0.05288964 Latvia_HG.SG
0.05358827 Romania_IronGates_Mesolithic.SG
0.05525630 Romania_IronGates_Mesolithic_oEHG
0.05874147 Lithuania_EMN_Narva_twin.Kretuonas2
0.06294110 Serbia_Vlasac_LateMesolithic.SG
0.06506985 Serbia_IronGates_Mesolithic
0.07329662 Lithuania_Mesolithic
0.07476515 Poland_BKG_o2.SG
0.08047888 Ukraine_N
0.08586411 Hungary_EN_HG_Koros
0.08804009 Ukraine_Eneolithic
0.08883006 Sweden_PWC.SG
0.09164759 Sweden_Gotland_Hemmor_PittedWare_BattleAxe.SG
0.09374315 Sweden_Gotland_Vasterbjers_PittedWare_BattleAxe.SG
0.09776490 Germany_Blatterhohle_MN_oWHG
0.09803712 Denmark_Syltholm_LM_EN
0.09812917 Norway_N_HG.SG

truly total BHG/SHG/WHG victory
nonsensical cope
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>Nope. It's different.
no it's not, you don't understand shit troon, it was present in the BHG I4441 >>17189383 and in an iron gates sample
not to mention that the immediate upstream clades are all euro HG anyway, so it couldn't have come anywhere else even if this BHG sample was never found
and the funnelbeaker have direct SHG male haplogroups
kek you’re not European you dumb chukra armenoid roachmutt
That means they cucked them. I2 is a farmer haplo. It's impossible for an abo subhuman to have anything to do with IJ.
>That means they cucked them. I2 is a farmer haplo. It's impossible for an abo subhuman to have anything to do with IJ.
coping brown amazigh nafri now trolling out of desperation
I2 is a whg haplogroup, the 17000 years old tagiente and mura whg both have I2, you lost
So what? ANF had I2 too. L801 in hunterjeets is from GAC cucking them.
>So what?
trolling out of desperation
>ANF had I2 too
only 2 of them (which is less than 2% of the samples we have) had I2 and they had dead end I2c
early Boncuklu and ahg had none of it, whg had I2 since before ahg even existed, and I is from earlier european hunter gatherer
you lost, whgs, bhgs and shgs cucked anfs and the other way around never happened
Lying tranny. There are a ton of ANF/EEF with I2a. It's just as much of a farmer haplo as it is hunterjeet. Hunterjeets are subhuman slaves without any native y-dna.
whg rapebabies
0 with I2a, only 2 with I2(c), likely also eurohg rapebabies, anf isn't a particularly ancient population and their haplogroups change constantly, ahgs were C, early farmers were half C

> It's just as much of a farmer haplo as it is hunterjeet.
I2a is 100% an hunter gatherer haplogroup, and I2 in general comes from euro HG

>Hunterjeets are subhuman slaves without any native y-dna.
whg are literal gigachads and farmers are cucks
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Bitch nigger.
>inb4 they weren't ANF
They basically were. Insignificant amount of hunterjeet admix.
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updated with BHG samples
truly HG fathers and their eef sons
they weren't anf, you lost, you dishonest nafri, come back with ANF now or don't even reply
based iron gates HGs raping staracevo and leaving behind their haplogroups despite small HG admixture, truly kings
>ANF had I2c (not dead btw, another one of your lies)
>Starcevo which is basically ANF had I* and I2a
>disingenuous troon isn't able to put 1 and 1 together
One does not simply jump from being a C abo to being I. Although C1a2 was found in ANF as well, which is why nobody knows what's the real hunterjeet haplo yet.
>ANF had I2c (not dead btw, another one of your lies)
I2c is extremely rare nowadays, it's basically dead, and barcin got it from euro hgs anyway, barcin are literally mutts with iranic G2a haplogroup found in mesolithic iran, they also were modeled with chg/iran_n drift compared to ahg
>Starcevo which is basically ANF had I* and I2a
raped by iron gates, they have literal iron gates subclades, having low whg isn't a surprise, whgs males were extremely sexually successful with farmer females
>disingenuous troon isn't able to put 1 and 1 together
stop projecting, you lying homo
>One does not simply jump from being a C abo to being I.
correct, they were raped by whgs
Although C1a2 was found in ANF as well, which is why nobody knows what's the real hunterjeet haplo yet.
I2a and everyone knows that, we have literal WHGs from 17000 years ago, before ahg even existed carrying I2a, put 1 and 1 together, what are you gonna say to that, they were raped by le anatolian that didn't even exist like you tried to claimed in another thread? rich that you call me schizo while your theories are the most schizo bullshit even written here
>literally direct BHG and SHG clades
farmers lost
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I is of unclear origin. The earlier abos like Kostenki were C1b. Some population which was clearly more West Eurasian than them introduced I in their lineages.
>I is of unclear origin.
the origin of I is very clear, you're a lying mulatto with an agenda
>Some population which was clearly more West Eurasian than them introduced I in their lineages.
you don't understand shit about genetics, you literally have to stop trying even, i hope you're trolling because you repeat the same bullshit everyday
dzudzuana and ahg were C so their brown asses are out of the question
whg was I, many gravettians like vestonice were I, simple logic, I is from gravettians, we know exactly where I comes from, there's already a consensus, your worthless opinion is irrelevant to the argument
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So how did WHGroids manifest in Europe? An alien spaceship dropped them there?
they're I gravettians with some non gravettian stuff (some of which being ANE) and extreme western genetic drift
anfs are just turbomutts with iranian ancestry and what not
>Here, we report the first genome-wide data from a 15,000-year-old Anatolian hunter-gatherer and from seven Anatolian and Levantine early farmers. We find high genetic continuity (~80–90%) between the hunter-gatherers and early farmers of Anatolia and detect two distinct incoming ancestries: an early Iranian/Caucasus related one and a later one linked to the ancient Levant.
and C carrying ahgs are themselves turbomutts

europe would look like some sort of west eurasian paradise if anfs didn't send their women in europe to get fucked by whg, shg and bhg males
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>Kostenki abo
>Gravettian (more West Eurasian)
>Hunterjeet sars
I2a, C1a2 and R1b-V88

So which population caused WHG to resemble Indians genetically?
>So which population caused WHG to resemble Indians genetically?
none since they didn't, stop asking stupid questions, nafri

and quit it with this C haplo obsession you literal tranny, it was extremely rare in whgs, only la brana had it, it was in fact a lot more common in Anfs (since it's actually their original haplos before god only knows what iranian abomination raped them) and it became more common in europe in the neolithic with the arrival of the anf, plenty of staracevo, lbk impresso and alp samples have it
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>and quit it with this C haplo obsession you literal tranny, it was extremely rare in whgs, only la brana had it, it was in fact a lot more common in Anfs (since it's actually their original haplos before god only knows what iranian abomination raped them) and it became more common in europe in the neolithic with the arrival of the anf, plenty of staracevo, lbk impresso and alp samples have it
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Dataset no. 20 in the supplementals
Hey, those are guys are half proto-Nipponese too don't forget
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Yamnaya score barely any sandnigger on formal stats 1/2 my bollocks you lying wog.
magdalenians aren't whg
Malta means Mal'ta–Buret' culture or ANE.
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Looks infinitely more Negro than Africans with Natufian.
Yamnaya were nearly 0% Iranian Hunter Gatherers. They had EHG and CHG ancestry instead. Everything else was trivial to their ancestral composition.
The most revolutionary post in the history of /his/

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