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Post YouTubers, Twitch streamers, vloggers and the like, from no-name creathots to big name sluts, post them hot
Nick Wooster
Mel Gibson
That’s not an E-celeb but would fuck
>mmm, love the taste of your v-sauce
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this man has not left my mind since i discovered him, i feel so pathetic simping for someone like him
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I wanna rape this guy and get aids
i already regret asking this but who is that? for research purposes
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i ship it, the video was good and all but let them kiss and explore each other's bodies please
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fr though the veritasium guy was my first youtube crush, 10/10 would make sweet vanilla love with him after a nice date in a fancy restaurant
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Sergio Torrico
everyone posted itt are complete nobodies lol
just like you
Münür Önkan
That’s just a theory
A GAY theory
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TheBoys youtuber group, Mully, Joshdub, The Narrator, EddieVR and Juicy. I think it's from one of their members-only videos.
Who are you?
davie504. got randomly recommended to me and I immediately thought he was handsome af. I'd pound his hot stud manly ass so hard.
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Vid just dropped with Pewds in his trunks. But damn his friend is like semi hard for him.
Asmongold ... but only from certain angels
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Jay Bauman my beloved
He looks like a foot.
Constructed by a five year old in Minecraft.
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I would pay money to watch Turkey Tom and Wendigoon have degenerate naked gay buttsex
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Based asf I think he is cute
I wanna nut on his face
I want the legal eagle to tie me up and force me to lick his feet while he wears a suit and makes me look into his eyes and asks me how his Superior American sweat tastes
I recently discovered him through his waterproofed skin video. He's so cute.
who is this? looks like a more chad version of john krasinski
Devon, his channel is Legal Eagle on YT.
looks like my creepy lyft driver in anchorage
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Definitely VaatiVidya
Fuck Mizkif is fine af
What's up with his skin, though? Is that self tan/whatever they put on competition bodybuilders?
turkish daddies know how to fuck
Jaxon's ass in the gray sweatpants
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he says he got the mutton chops to shake off fangirls essentially. meanwhile, i'm here loving it
cute, but too sissy looking. who is it anyways
this man's lips belong on a dick, preferably mine but the other dude's is fine too i guess
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obligatiry markiplier because why the hell is he so pretty
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Imagine being on top of all of this
effeminate fag
Thank god i wasnt the only one who think wendigoon its so fucking hot, he's so cute
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>ugly old bastards
>greasy fat nerds
what a shit thread
>getting this butthurt
zoomer back to twitter
Weeb Jail
There's something about MarcoMeatball that I can't grasp, he's got some sort of charm that I don't often find in anyone else.
Whenever I heart him sing opera with his powerful voice, I get flushed

I agree with Wendigoon being hot, but he looks too much like my ex so now it feels weird
do tiktok/insta guys count too?
i know this is gonna sound generic and basic asf, but he gives me dad vibes and that's all the charisma at least for me, also he looks hairy as fuck which is hot
Do you think he knows what he's doing by taking a picture like that? Like, does he know that people are just going to stare at that ass? Or do you think he's oblivious and he just thinks that it's a cool picture?

>I'd bury my face into those two fat cheeks...
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He hasn't posted a thirst trap in ages but honestly, still would Felix from Chapo
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Leon Lush
Heterosexual, homeschooled, Christian daddy
>Leon Lush

That sounds like a porn name...
stop lusting after married men you sinner
>Do you think he knows what he's doing
Yes, he makes gay jokes incessantly about being attracted to men. Half of his shorts I see are about that. He is well aware.
It sorta is, his real name is James Simons.
Christians should practice being very fucking quiet right now.
>Kids are soft these days

Says the random, unnecessarily semi-shirtless man with a stage name which basically translates to 'sexually attractive lion' alking about kids being soft.

'Influencers' are fucking weirdos.
I mean, I don't expect people to use their real name online. That's just common sense.

But that is one helluva name. Lush means "sexually attractive" pretty much (it also means healthy vegetation, but I get the feeling he didn't choose 'lush' for that defenition)
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I think Spencer (Smosh) is pretty fucking cute.
he's kinda annoying to listen to but god damn if I wouldn't get this boy repeatedly pregnant
breedable and easy to man-handle, i need to impregnate him in the name of god

He should let me eat his ass though, just saying.
Can someone please snap/dm Ethan some pussy so we can see his dick already!?
(He murdered his OF so its never gonna happen there)
This thread is making me realize how fat and ugly most youtubers are.
It's very informative.
who is he??
Isn't a fake of marks dick all over tiktok or some shit?
oh brother, go back to twitter please
A very, very, very bad looking fake.
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most dick fakes are lame and i doubt that one is any different
He is so beautiful
>actually gay
>no onlyfans
>just posts stuff about botany and pokemon

Matthew is the perfect husband
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>new hot e-celebs thread
>gotta post new goodtimeswithscar propaganda
mmm fuck i want devin to rape me with his daddy cock
I will absolutely not press charges.
>he's pinning you down under him, leveraging his body weight into the heavy thrusts of his hips while his huge cock crushes into your much too tight bussy without even noticing its desperate attempts to resist by clenching up further
>while continuing to relentlessly pound away to turn your once tight hole into a sloppy worn-out gape, he leans in and whispers in your ear about all the loopholes and dirty legal tricks he knows that would make it impossible for you to win even if you were to make a case of him having raped you
>meaning he essentially has legal immunity to rape you anytime, anywhere, as much as he wants, and there is nothing you can do about it
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>hey vsauce michael here what if you and me had gay sex
anon please I can only get SO hard
tom's voice is more attractive than his face t b h
wendigoon should undo another button or two on his hawaiian shirts
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He's a shill that doesn't even know what he's talking about half the time. Another example of the algorithm favoring complete hacks. The fact that he's a civil lawyer should have tipped you off.

At least he's hot.
okay so where's the James Somerton ass pics
he gives onions vibes
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and he's recently single
what does that even mean
lurk moar newfag
I like them but not like that, they all look sloppy recently, I used to like narrator and Eddie tho
back to twitter with you queen
who, the fuck is that
Why do people hate Hasan so much, is it his political beliefs, the queer baiting, or is there something else I'm missing?
I think it's because Hasan is basically a "gucci liberal and socialist" like many in the US and merely a commentator.

He espouses all his political believes as a sort of entertainment product he can market and sell just like his general commentary. He figured out like many others that political entertainment and commentary is a valuable product he can sell, more than actual politics, because that's hard and boring.

You can say he is a self-made entrepreneur that just happens to produce politically related products in forms of streams.

Privately, all the things he does do not point to someone who actually takes his political positions or his commentary that seriously. He is fluid privately and does whatever makes sense to him in that moment and doesn't inconvenience himself too much.

He is a multimillionaire and amassed enough wealth to buy real estate in high end California, doesn't really do politics actively.

Even his personal background is solidly middle class and a bit removed from his espoused left positions. His dad is an ex-academic and in a board director position at a company now, he grew up wealthy enough to move around between Turkey and the US, which only middle class people can do.

It doesn't make him a typical figure that takes socialism that seriously.
Id hate-fuck him
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I just want to kiss yspikeyness in the face and tell him that it's ok to be older and that he can just live a quiet and peaceful life with me
imagine the hot space bear sex in out of this world positions
floating cum and pissplay
where do they cum
no way these studs were abstinent the entire trip
if they didn’t eat their own cum they shot it down the urinal tube
the piss and cum gets recycled into drinking water
Did you type that with a straight face?
no im gay
Oh forgive me.
Did you type that with a gay face?
He's fat and gross again.
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I want PremierTwo so bad it's unreal. His recent video of him in a suit and sunglasses did things to my fucking cock. The fact Pete is insecure about his belly makes me imagine body worshipping him and making him embarrassed
not even funny how bad he ticks all the boxes on my checklist in men i like. he's older, incredibly charismatic and a cute fucking nerd gamer. i dreamt about sucking his dick in a bar in ni-chome and i woke up horny as fuck. shame he's a married straight man..
Yeah he is so hot. The openly Bi friend of his is annoying and looks like a theatre fag who's whole personality is reminding you that 'um akschualy I love pussy TOO' a la Alan Cummings. something so irritating about them
All good points that >>2621409 said, but I would go further - he is a self absorbed phony. He wasn't merely middle class, indeed the middle class as we would consider it doesnt really exist in Turkey and certainly didnt back in the 90's when he was growing up. Hasan, while not the son of a billionaire, is of the elite. Private boarding school and equestrian pursuits to boot. His lack of insight into his utter privilege while portraying a 'socialist' (and making millions out of it) is nauseating. He makes such sweeping statements about serious political issues while having not introspection of how those systems allow him to even be in the position to be saying anything. Even small things he will gloss over - like 'Oh I started my media career as an intern' - yeah handed a job by your uncle who owned a media network like fuck off.

He is such a wokescold, but often knows nothing about what he is talking about. EG rages against JK Rowling as a 'bitch' while nothing NOTHING about the issues other than I guess he has been sucked off by a tranny pornstar or something? He knows nothing about the LGBT issues, really. Like has anyone seen the clip of Austin trying to say Hasan is a queer baiter, but Hasan is so high on his horse that he says Austin doesnt know what he is talking about, while proceeding to not understand that he HE is wrong. He is so confident in whatever he thinks that he acts like he is right so strongly that he cant even be countered even though he is wrong. And like I dont give a fuck about him being a 'queerbaiter' its a stupid argument, but he was litterally in the wrong but just dismissed and mocked Austin, even though Austin was correct in his point. Like he is thick as shit. SO arrogant, so dismissive.

Also, he isnt that hot and has the personality of a spoiled rich kid who was ugly but then got hot-ish and is now insufferable
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would do unspeakable things to xqc..
Bruh, does this look like your therapist's office? We're just here for cock, not your DGG manifesto.
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same unfortunately
the juicer got me juicin
mcconnell is that you
you talk like you're one of those depraved twitter dykes
cannot get over his pixar nose
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In one of these videos was a comment about how like xqc screams like this when he's getting railed by his boyfriend Forsen from behind and I can't get that imagery out of my head
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>whimpering and trying to hold back his voice to not sound like a bitch
>screaming like that by the end
I think about this retard way too much.. some other juicers here in the same boat at least
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i want him to call me a faggot nigger while he jerks me off
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The whiney bitchy attitude paired with his failure to restrain his high pitched screams is kind of a god tier combo for me desu
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seeing asmongold never fails to kill my boner and inspire nausea
he needs to be baited by a gay dude pretending to be a girl, that way not only we'll get dick, he'll also get tricked into showing off and playing with his ass.
that onlyfans could've been the thing to save is dying career, he could've have a complete rebrand as a porn star. instead he decided to let his career die. yes i'm bitter about it
is he like a preaching type of christian? i've seen videos of him with his wife reacting to content, and i'd never use christian as a way to describe him.
sure he might be of christian faith, but if i'm describing someone as christian, i'm meaning they're bigots, and if they're the preaching type, probably magas too
>>2623045 dw, as someone who paid for his bullshit OF I also very bitter about it lol
i didn't pay for it, but i did see all the leaks on telegram and lpsg. and yeah, those pics were shit. and all so he could fund the documentary of his flop tour that had to be cancelled from lack of sales in europe
sorry for not cropping :(
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Chris Ulmer of SBSK
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Creepier than mr beast. But I'm assuming that's part of the appeal
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This man makes my heart flutter
Steve’s got this cute nerdy guy-next-door kind of charm… but seems like he’d be one hard fucker
let him cook
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I'm pretty sure he's straight... despite... everything
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Chance my beloved.
yeah, pretty sure the girl that's been in a few videos(mostly in the back walking past, or off camera) is his gf or wife.
would still love to milk his cock and skullfuck him
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Also you reckon he did something weird with another streamer? He seems degen enough for it.
Pretty sure he shared his sex doll with Xqc.
Chance has one of those faces/bodies where depending on the picture he can either look extremely attractive or frankly, quite homely. I can never put my thumb on either one.
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ColdCrashPictures aka Serge
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got chills looking at this
it's impossible to look at him and not imagine cum all over his face. it's so funny and tragic how he's nearly always sitting next to some malformed monstrosity, the contrast makes them look even scarier
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anybody have any nudes or anything of @loloverruled?
is there anything spicy out there from him or just the same selfies and tiktoks from the same angle
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he's such a slut...
kinda mid desu
I'm going to fuck turkey tom in the ass
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Nvm coward canceled it :(
not sure why anyone is surprised that the dude who has stated he's a virgin because he gets performances anxiety when trying to have sex with others and can't even get it hard chickened out from an orgy. virtual or not, it's still a sex act with other people, he was never gonna be able to do it
>still a sex act
oh my god please leave you zoomxr
He posts pictures of himself all the time tho
And it said "SFW images + bonus video"
I could definitely see it being a bunch of new clothed thirsttraps and maybe a lovense clothed video (whatever that looks like)
He probably got shy last second.
he's basically the rich hypocrite who doesnt practice what he preaches to others

That and he’s a parasite who steals other people’s content and advocates for some of the worst shit imaginable
The sturniolo triplets are hot.
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He has a lovely belly, too
I have never seen any of Hasan first-hand (only in other channels) and desu I don't want to because he's hot and turkish and that's enough for me to ignore whatever flaws he might have
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it's kinda like Markiplier in that I look at him and don't know how I'm supposed not to fall in love with him, but at least Mark doesn't do politics
nah. mark is attractive from head to toe and even his voice is fucking hot. hasan has a butterface and an annoying voice. the only reason fags give him any time of day is because he's muscular. same with his buddy austin show. butterface, annoying voice, hot body
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A man of superior taste I see.
I can see why Austin hangs around him, just waiting to be bred. He just comes off as very stand offish
You're projecting. Austin's too heteronormative to ever allow himself to be fucked. That's too gay for him.
>no Joe Santagato
let's fix that

Plot twist, he wants to breed Hasan
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insta fitness influencer zach wein
great tits and loves posting shirtless jogging videos of himself
Joe said on his podcast that the internet has seen his dick, I've looked and looked without success.
it's on lpsg
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I will agree to kinda disagree, unlike Mark Hasan's voice is not a perk but plenty of hot guys have way more annoying voices and he has a very pretty face. Mark is definitely gorgeous from head to toe to his attitude to his voice, and thankfully I find the type of content he makes boring and annoying otherwise I would get parasocial about him
ewww, this guy's a scammer.
this entire thread makes me wanna go to an electroshock conversion therapy. y'all simping for the most mid ugly ass men. half of the dudes itt are fugly. jesus christ
After x amount of years here, it's quite clear most of /hm/ has garbage takes (doesn't help so many uggos and fatties post selfies) and shit taste in general
I actually agree for the most part, but it's never bothered me because I understand everyone has different taste. If we're being honest half of us wouldn't have even been born if EVERYONE had the same exact taste and no one was attracted to "mid" or "fugly" men.
this is a thread for e-celebs, not just for models whose personality you know nothing about, it makes sense that after watching someone's content for a while you'd be prone to find them more attractive than if you just saw their face once or twice
post a pic
Finally, an attractive man.
thinking about tyler sederwall.
wish he had nudes
Reminds me of that white guy on tiktok that fights karate
0 bulge
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Not exclusively an eceleb but Sal from impractical jokers. I was always more into brian quinn and still am but goddamn has sal gotten sexier and sexier as the years went by
I've always been somewhat ashamed of the fact that I would fuck both Q and Murr so this post made me feel more normal
Is there more nudes of him?
hottest man ever like dayum daddy
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Modern Vintage Gamer
Would suck his balls dry every day
rednecks are so hot
you're joking
>beautiful long hair
>military nerd
>huge arms
truly husband material
Does anyone have Daniel Preda's (YT) nudes that apparently leaked? But were quickly removed and no one seem to find it...
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I want Joshua Tomar to ruthlessly breed me and then I want to breed him times infinity
as connor franta put it, he's just joey graceffa's boyfriend
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He got millions of views off one of my /tg/ greentexts, so I think I'm at least entitled to throat fuck him on his back until his eyes are red and covered in his spit and my cum
the hottest he's ever looked desu
>Nick Wooster
oh god his voice though
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Is Alex Apollonov gay?
I find him attractive in an annoying way
He’s retarded
I bet his belly button smells a bit funny
No, they're just Australian.
more scar cause i've spent the last month doing nothing but thinking about raping and breeding him
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this is not an e-celeb - the channel is too small.
But i want to suck his balls and cock all day long (he also has that hot russian accent)
he looks like the homosexual from the live-action the last of us
He's hot, but is he wearing makeup?
>he looks like the homosexual from the live-action the last of us
he doesn't but that would be even hotter
i prefer dave and jeff
ApnaJ’s accent can impregnate me
I swear I saw him as my Lyft driver
just threw up in my mouth a bit desu
I don't think his videos are funny at all but i would fuck him until the room stinks and the wallpaper starts peeling
In comparison to most digital lifting gurus Sam Sulek seems like a really down to earth and charming guy. It's a shame he's going to die before he turns 30 and his testes probably look like raisins.
God this guy is hot, who is he?
A hypocrite who spreads stupidity to his audience that's too stupid to realize he's not on thier side
Troy Casey
He drinks piss and preaches the benefits online
one of the sturniolo triplets.
don't ask me which one. i know one's gay, but it's impossible to figure out which one's which
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I would love to fuck him, especially now that he's a dilf
chris sturniolo
I would risk it all for him
finding out brennan lee mulligan was much hairier than i’d imagined changed my life
Cute Brit heeb
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Anyone got kwite's fansly pics?
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Based as fuck
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James Rolfe (Angry Video Game Nerd)

Growing up watching him i wish I had a cute goofy white boyfriend lol
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Fuck that's so hot. I don't care if he calls me a dirty faggot I'd willingly lick his shoes.
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Saaaame, would love to have him suck my dick and he gets bonus points for having huge fucking feet.

Shame there's no pics of him showing even a HINT of skin apart from his legs
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twitch streamer narpy

Oh wow I thought he was whiter
i think he's half black or half mexican. pretends he's half japanese
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I unironically want to have sex with Mike even if he is a piggy. I wanna ride him and watch his fat belly roll while he jokes about old people.
Mike actually isn't too bad looking and Jay would be a good otter if he lost the weight (again)
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Narpy is underaged in this video. This video was leaked by a pedophile who groomed him. You are posting CP you fucking creep.
anyone ever got a look at what memeulous looks like? that pale ass twink is either a pretty boy or the most average looking chav brit with bad skin and bad teeth. but i'm hoping for the former. hard to wank to butterfaces
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He has very pretty eyelashes, but if you look up memeulous face then you'll see your average british lad with a zoomer cut.
I would do dirty things to most of the RLM crew desu just cause they’re such dorky dumb but cute fuckers I’d want to get them drunk & then fuck the shit out of them and make them gag on my cock desu
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apparently the one in the middle is memeulous. not disappointing. was worried he was gonna look like one of those brits from shameless, but he's actually a pretty twink.
and he looks very gay next to all the lads in this and other pics i saw
Same eyes, that's definitely him
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Impeccable taste.
For some reason I'm more attracted to pre-glow up Jay. He strikes me as a dorky guy you'd meet in a college film class who you'd end up rubbing dicks together in the dorms with.
anyone got some of the sketch vids? i had some bookmarked but the twitter account got sused. the ones of him sucking cock and getting his dick compared to the monster he was fucking were pure gold.
One on the left looks like he's gonna fill you up with fresh cum while you're sleeping
He was a BBC addict
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the things id do to see Doug breeding Ludwig's ass
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Doug is prime boner material
First vid I saw of him was him cooking Breath of the Wild recipes. Also just so happened that he was wearing either bathing shorts or boxer shorts; so when the camera panned down you were graced with glimpses of his fine legs.

I'll raise Trevor from Mythical Kitchen/Smosh. Not getting goony over him, I just think hes cute. With the shorter hair though, not really a fan of his longer hair he used to have
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I kinda hate the Language Simp and his stupid face even if he does it ironically. That being said when I look at him my thoughts become filled with a desire of having him impregnate me
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He’s a stupid nigger, who’s reinforced by retards whose only impulse is reactionary. Especially when he queer baits morons with obvious signs and it’s embarrassing to believe faggots are stupid enough to fall for it. Gen z is the stupidest generation to abuse sexually and manipulate for financial gains. Don’t get me wrong old ass faggots thinking he’s hot is on thing cause they aren’t spending or wasting their time outside threads such as these, but little faggots in chat are so easily manipulated they keep this faggots income alive.
STFU, Hasan. Stuff another tranny cock in your mouth and be quiet.
Totally agree with you, just a bunch of fags praising these mid and overweight losers acting like their worth defending give me a break.
FINALLY someone gets it. I've been dreaming of that freakishly tall (also good with his fingers because of all the bass playing) Italian man for a long time. Been commenting, but no one seemed to share my hots for him. He's got a healthy relationship with his Taiwanese gf the last time I checked and I'm happy for them. Just kinda wish sometimes that it was me that he played all his music to. Need me a tall funny music bf
This guy is beautiful, and has a unique gaming channel.

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