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Post some sexy cut meat.

Old thread is full: >>2635175
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I used to think that the scars and colour change were a downside of cut dicks, now I find it one of the hottest things about them.
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Mine lol
I don't like it, kinda looks like decomposing flesh but its not a dealbreaker i guess
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I remember seeing a website awhile ago that had photo examples of different circumcision styles all the way from minimal (only overhang and ridged band removed, penis looks for all intents and purposes uncircumcised) to radical (skin is so drum tight that the meatus is held open when flaccid.) I can't find it anymore no matter how much I google. Anyone know where it is?
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My before and after
I’m circumcised from bith & I’m so mad about this.
You are such fool to hv this done…dry knob now for never. Watch guys wanking that are still complete , the knob is soft, lubricated …..
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Intact's better
I don't really enjoy sex or masturbation, to be honest. I enjoy the idea that I'm having sex far more than the actual act. I'm a very detached person.
I was curious about what being cut would feel like, so I got cut. It's irreversible now. Would I do it again? No, not really. Do I regret it? No, not really.
The biggest change is that I can last indefinitely in bed without any effort now. Of course I felt more pleasure before, but I don't even like pleasure.
How much did it cost you in your location?
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No. Much more specific to the different styles and many more pictures.
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That’s a perfect big curved cock! Sauce please
Was it the Coverage Index? Went offline a while ago but another site has mirrored it: https://www.restoringforeskin.org/coverage-index/CI-chart.htm
Around a decade ago, there was a guide describing how to simulate a circumcision using elastic medical tape and similar stuff. Anyone know where to find it?
Found a guy with a fresh cut
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No, still more detailed specifically about different cut styles, with a mirroring page about different natural foreskin lengths. It was really specific. The language of "minimal," "partial," etc circumcisions was used.

It looks smaller clipped.

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Absolutely love these big curved cocks! Any sauce on this one
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I used to look at cut cocks and think that maybe they'd be OK if it wasn't for the conspicuous scarring, because there was just something so jarring and unnatural about how it looked. Now the stark colour change is one of the things I find hottest about them.
Shalom rabbi
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sauce? Im also an aussie and would get cut if I could get a result like this
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https://x.com/ImFoueteur / https://www.reddit.com/user/Foueteur
he's open to PMs I think, but German tho xP
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can a test monkey please do this and post video and pictures my partner has phimosis and would be greatly wounded by this experince and i am circumsised so i cannot do this so please someone!!!!! pleaase!!!! we wanna see!!!
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One of these has only been cut for 3 years

It is crazy just how high some RICs are

The right-hand guy's shaft is like 60% inner foreskin
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t.me sight is virus infected and black listed.
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Dan Benson's celebrity circumcision
Always Functional
Left is hottest, but middle has best cock.

Would give it all to get dicked down by the middle guy
Reposting because the old thread was already dead when i posted it lol

Idk if this is the right thread but i'm going to ask anyway.
Can someone who got cut as an adult give me the qrd on the before/after and what changes?
I am considering getting cut because of phimosis (not really a problem but it bothers me) and aesthetics (my foreskin is longer than my penis). I'm a bit afraid of losing sensation and sex being worse for me, though I could use lasting a bit longer, i don't want to nerf my own sexual experiences.
I got cut because I was extremely insecure about being an uncut American and hated the feeling of partners commenting on it. It got to the point where I was ashamed to look at my own cock.
Masturbation is much less enjoyable. I can masturbate without lube, but it's not really pleasurable at all.
Sex is lateral. I have much more control over my cock and can last a pretty much unlimited amount of time now, with or without a condom.
The beginning of penetration used to be a big rush--a cock just slides in better with a foreskin--whereas now it's kind of dull. The feeling once inside is pretty much the same. The upside is that I am much more on the giving side sexually and can now do more or less whatever without even risking cumming unless I want to.
Overall, it's just better to be uncut, but I was too insecure ever to enjoy it. I still wish I had been cut at birth so as to be like everyone else and not know anything different.
As an uncut guy who's always been interested in cut dicks, subconsciously I gradually transitioned away from using my foreskin at all. Now I exclusively jerk off like a cut guy, and I much prefer rubbing the head directly, which is something I could never have imagined a few years ago. Sometimes I'll even leave the skin pulled back in my underwear until it inevitably slips forwards again.

I often think about getting cut just to "finish the job." I don't use the skin, I prefer the way dicks look without it, and the other issue I have is that guys I hook up with always play with it and pull it up over the head, which is the opposite of what I want. I feel like it would be easier with it gone, but it just seems like a hassle to get done.


I was given a high-and-tight so I have to use lube now


It’s definitely less intense but I wouldn’t say it feels worse. Instead of like 5-10 minutes of intense pleasure it’s like 15-20 of good pleasure


As mentioned above it takes longer now.
Masturbation: 5-10 > 15-20
Sex: 10-15 > 25-30

But the bust at the end is definitely stronger
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Circumcised Asians just hit different, especially the muscular ones.
Don't you just hate it when there's a thread that's just minding its own business, catering to guys who like a particular kind of sexual thing, and some asshole comes along to "enlighten" everyone about how fucked up their preference is? Or worse, like this one, provide instruction on how one might "experience" their kink, should they want to see what it's really like, the operative intention being to discourage them from it, which makes them no different from the finger-wagging morons who insist that your turn-on is somehow fucked up, and how they know so much better.

How about just shutting the fuck up and enjoying the cocks on display?

And after this brief interruption, that's what I'm going to go back to doing.

I mean, Jesus ...
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lickable as fuck
was it this? https://web.archive.org/web/20110625055916/http://www.circlist.com/styles/page1.html if you go through all the pages there are pictures of different styles
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Something about a tight cut framed by muscular thighs
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Who this?

Beautiful boy and that’s such a tight cut holy shit
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Hot cock, looks like a recent cut
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not super recent but I did get it done as an adult. had full erect coverage before, but too short/tight frenulum and the foreskin would bunch up behind the head, which was made it too tight and resulted in uncomfortable orgasms. in retrospect, stretching might have solved some of that, and masturbation was definitely better with a foreskin. but I prefer the look of it now and sex is better now. I ended up with a slightly too-tight cut for my liking, but did some minimal stretching which helped loosen it up a bit. I would for sure have requested a looser cut had I known that was an option when I got it done.
>I did get it done as an adult.
What age?
>had full erect coverage before, but too short/tight frenulum and the foreskin would bunch up behind the head
Got any before pics?
>I prefer the look of it now and sex is better now. I ended up with a slightly too-tight cut for my liking
It looks perfect
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I got cut as an adult because of phimosis two years ago. I had pretty bad phimosis and the doc told me I should get it done, I didn't want to do it as a teen because I was scared but I just thought "fuck it" and let them do it. I went into it without much knowledge about the topic and just let the docs do their thing.
Masturbation is a little bit worse I would say, but only very slightly. there is a little bit less sensation, but the orgasm is a little bit stronger I would say. also, my foreskin would sometimes hurt when jerking, that is completely gone now. I can still jerk without lube, because it's not a really tight cut, and that's really nice because I hate lube.
Sadly can't say anything about sex, am still a virgin rip.
oh, I. can last much longer now. I used to cum pretty quickly and that's changed now.
Also, aesthetically I prefer my cut dick. I had pretty long and weird foreskin, and now it looks much better.
Maybe I would change my style, or get informed more about different types before letting the doc decide. but overall I'm more happy than unhappy about it
All useful info. Got an appointment with an urologist for next month, short frenulum and mild phimosis is a problem so it has to happen either way, but at least i'm going into it with more confidence now.
Make sure to come back and tell us how you're doing!
Will do. The surgery will probably be only in december so maybe in january i'll report back lol
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I didn't know this guy had publicly known political opinions. I just follow for the dick sillhouette.
Dubs i suck this week
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>Somebody was paid money to write this

Anywhere here’s an 18 year old cut cock
I first learned about circumcision as a teenager watching gay porn and wondering why the (american) actors dicks looked so strange. Almost no one is cut where i live so i had never seen a cut dick before and didn't know what it was.

Over the years I've developed a circumcision kink/fetish and i love reading about guys getting cut on places like r/circumcisionfetish. tumblr used to also have a lot of great circfetish captions before all the porn got nuked.

I'm strongly considering getting cut simply because it looks a lot hotter than uncut dick. I dont need it for medical reasons or anything im just a cut cock enjoyer.
is this a reasonable idea or has my brain been damaged by american porn?

its also much nicer giving head to cut than uncut dick imo. Living in Europe so the only cut guys here are immigrants.A great benefit of mass immigration lol

also have some of seamus o'reilly's beautiful circumcised tool.
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Source: https://x.com/Nicco979797/status/1849485099424747852/
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Sounds like you and I are the same person, Anon
cut, hung american here. dont do it. we like the difference and also it messes with your sensitivity.
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A great data point to show the importance of bodily autonomy, the right of choice, and the diverse range of psychosexuality.
Your answers may be biased, asking in a literal circumfetishist thread.
Personally, I'd never and keep it to fantasy. But I believe as long as you completely understand the risks and losses involved and are of sound mind — your body, your choice.
God, i wanna do the surgery but im so afraid of being left with a too ugly scar... Some scars are hot, but others are horrendous...
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I'm seeing a urologist in January about my frenulum tearing during sex. I've wanted to be circumcised since I was a teenager so it'd be convenient if I could get it done for this so it's covered by medicare. What should I say to increase the chances of getting cut? I'm in Australia so I assume he's not going to just suggest circumcision off the bat.
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My head is so big I couldn't imagine what it would have looked like uncircumcised
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Obviously a different medical culture, but I went in for this and the doctor suggested a frenuloplasty. I told him I'd prefer circumcision to be done once and for all, and a month later I was circumcised for $40.
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so hot - sexy cut, perfect glans, and pyjamas... perfection.
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Remember to rub scars with your bros
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Perfect. Great cut cock with natural pubes on a fit young guy.

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