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Previous >>4943167
AI fakes thread >>4961074

Active fakers blogs, resources, archives compendium;
(newly added: darkgabe)
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pretty sure Doom Fakes is in twitter as rip van winkle, not sure of the exact @ though
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it's @wipvanrinkle69 but is locked
idk if they've ever posted on it
Twitter hates fakers, so it's unreliable to link them.
I also abstained from linking Discord and Telegram links since neither is public.

He is very active on Discord and you can find all his stuff if you know where to find him.
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That is AI.
AI fakes go here >>4961074
>search mckenna grace
>returns zero results
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nobody making them.
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I've seen 1 decent set. Not many headshots and some of the more accessible fakers forums insist on 21+ these days so not many places to post them if you do make any.
the state of this thread
these are all extremely tacky and unappealing
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If anyone wants this without the black dick here's a couple variants
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Is there a black dick-only variant?
Zoomers don't fake, I guess. I was a little surprised how quickly faking died off. Yeah, you still have people doing Swift, but it's nowhere near what it used to be.
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Activity hasn't dropped much but twitter deciding to ban for them almost immediately killed the 'next generation' so to speak.
I never really used the faking forums until everywhere else became unviable. And those are either mainly gen-x and mostly dying off or absolutely filled with ai spam and creeps who want you to do their 'sister/friend'
>Activity hasn't dropped
Really? I'm a member of NFC and that place is dead. Just a post every other day or so, usually of older celebs like Robbie or Watson. Maybe everyone just moved to blogspot like in the rentry. I don't like rooting through 50 sites. Long ago I started just making my own, so maybe I'm just out of touch.

I've found I have a distaste for most HC stuff and I kinda like making non-nude fakes which no one wants to see.
>usually of older celebs like Robbie or Watson
>older celebs
>like Robbie or Watson
Fucking hell
You know what I mean. Both are mid-30s. Been famous awhile.
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imo part of the problem with zoomer celebs is that it's all shit size/quality instagram pics
harder to use than pics of an older celebs who has hundreds of public appearances and photoshoots to source from
People used to make do with way worse quality stuff than that for both body and head shots.

I think it really boils down to patience. Making a decent fake takes some and Generation ADHD has none.
>old man yells at cloud
new tools released and anyone smart moved on to them. only morons stay using old tools and even bigger morons pretend that people dont use old tools because lack of patience.
Yeah, you can see it if you drop a toaster into your bath water.
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There really isn't anywhere for fakers to go where they can actually build an audience now that Twitter isn't an option anymore. We've basically only got personal blogs, discord servers and dedicated sites/forums like NFC or Fakersrealm now, and the latter two have seen their communities dying a lot. Especially discord, where server deletion is a definite risk, meaning most are invite-only for fakers. A few fakers I've seen talk about why they retired have said the lack of community is a big reason for their motivation being killed.

Very annoying of Mckenna to focus on her very average music career and stop showing up to movie premieres right as she turned 18. Her headshots from Halloween Horror Nights are cute though, should probably use them.
I mean twitter fakers got shot when that one idiot posted a bunch of AI generated Taylor Swift fakes (the one where she's in a football stadium). I mean even Cfake have to remove the Taylor Swift section because it's also there
No one is mad. It's just a discussion, zoomer.
Fair enough. I suppose a big part of it is the rules. Even many of the boards don't allow a penis in the picture.
cringe old person trying too hard
btw the ai tools make doing these tacky fakes even easier to make. by inpainting necklines to match better for one example
This is what AI fags actually believe.
AI might be"easier" to learn, but you must be retarded if you think Photoshop and such are obsolete or "worse" tools.
did you know you can use both? fucking kek you stuck in the past people are such morons
Great reading comprehension, retard.
read this >>4964318 as many times as you need, moron
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That is not even a fake, it's a 3D model.

>fakers being witch-hunted on every social media
>AI killing all the love for hand-crafted fakes, making tons of veterans retire because the average consumer is more than happy with 300 shitty variations of an uncanny abomination
Porn has always been a hobby for the common man, any effort put into it will be ignored by most people.
>hobby is seen as "illegal" in some countries and overall taboo, extra care has to be taken to not fake UA HSs
>newer generations seem more tech illiterate than before, also most internet users are on phones instead of desktops
The niche was already in decline before the AI boom, and because of these factors, it just accelerated its death.
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>A few fakers I've seen talk about why they retired have said the lack of community is a big reason for their motivation being killed.

That's definitely what did it for me. It's not much fun to put a lot of work into a shoop and then have barely anyone see it and even fewer comment on it.
It's a shame cfake can't or won't update their site to something a bit more modern with comments and followed user feeds, etc.
>any effort put into it will be ignored by most people.
Even worse, they criticize them. I don't mean offering constructive input on how to mask hair better or things of that nature, but shit like 'she never looked that good' and things of that nature.

I still dabble a bit but mostly I just keep them on my PC.
>if only the brown userbase would say my posts were based its all i need i need it so bad
There’s a clothes swapper webpage that turns your photo nood if you, um, accidentally type in words like “naked”, “nude”, “no clothes”, “topless, big booty, teen” you know normal stuff. it must be a glitch!
Engagement is the main reason anyone posts anything online. Even (You)
The only place you get this kind of rancid response is this shithole, on faking forums people, are rather lenient even with shitty fakes.

DESU, if someone is out here mainly faking to post on this Mongolian basket-waving website, seriously, why? You will only get beggars, being ignored, or trolls. It is simply not worth it, the link on OP has plenty of communities, go to Realms if you want the most people to see your stuff.

>The only place you get this kind of rancid response is this shithole
its time for you to fuck off, faggot and you know it.
What are you gonna do about it? Cry about it?
Piss yourself? Are you gonna pee yourself, pee pee boy? Huh, lil piss boy?
your owning that reply, bro! go get em!
>already outed as needing brown teenage boy approval to feel validation on 4chan
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i love this one
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Anyone know where I can get some fakes made? I want to get some custom face swaps.
Right here. Post'em.
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Fakers Realm forums have a commission channel.
You can also just approach a faker by DMs and ask if they do comms, they usually all do.

>but I don't want pay
Well you can still DM and (beg) request them. The chances are slimmer though.
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This clothes swapper app gives you noods if you play with it enough, lol
Most McKenna fakes I've seen are years old by now
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What pornstars that have done Anal and possibly DP fit Mckenna body?

>are years old by now
>>she turned 18 just this year
>anal and dp with a fucked up spine and ugly veneers
Adriana Chechik
I'd say Natalia Queen but I'm not sure she does anal/dp
Probably referring to the Vargas/Griever/Vagikarp ones.
Can you help me find the cord?
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>that Picard and Waltz
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Not certain if this one is AI or traditional. The original pic was from a good bit before AI but the tita have some of that AI smoothing that happens with the lazy nudify stuff though the original pic was airbrushed to hell too.
Sorry for the stupid/shitty watermarks on some of these. Gonna remove them eventually.
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Not, AI. You can tell the nipples and tits were for the most part painted, it's especially noticeable on Gillian's nipples. Also, Sylar isn't an AI slopper and I'm pretty sure this fake is at least several years old.

This is AI. and based on some of your other posts >>4969505 >>4969504 in the other thread, you are either bad at telling AI from handmade or don't care.
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For the Aubrey Plaza I took this image with unknown origin and edited the tits in (from either Lexi Luna, Madison Ivy, or some other pornstar. Idr). I only half know what I'm doing and am still messing around.
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Don't care.
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I am a faker. People have probably seen a fake or two of mine. The truth is, they take a lot of time to make, and a lot of effort, and it simply isn't appreciated now. AI is already producing them far faster and at higher quality. It will be a matter of time before they are indistinguishable from real images. When that happens the traditional photoshop fake will be obsolete.

It is like making furniture for fun while everyone is buying Ikea now. It isn't as impressive as it once was.

Here's one of mine, Natalia Dyer.
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I like making fakes of celebs punked out, or gothed out rather than just a dick up their ass.

I always enjoyed simple nudes.

Here is another of mine.
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Posting a few more of mine.
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Very underrated show, Halt and Catch Fire.
i like you for understanding whats happening instead of holding on tight to the past being angry about everything changing.
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>AI is already producing them far faster and at higher quality
They are producing faster, but I don't see them becoming higher quality unless there is some user effort or the tech becomes "really" good, it's all depends if it has already plateaued and we start getting diminishing returns or we haven't reached its peak yet but the number of AI computations needed for "indistinguishable " results are so high that the average user won't be able to reproduce.

Wishful thinking. AI has already not proven to create better work than handmade and the non-stop flood of less than mediocre work being spammed daily is more than enough to make anyone bitter about it.
>Wishful thinking
its not. its very capable. you shouldnt be judging based on the shit people post on 4chan. there is often people will just gen and then post. they dont inpaint, or fix issues. they just post the first gen they make.
inpainting is the main reason why it makes faking 1000x easier. you can still do the same old style these fakes do, and then use a little inpainting to fix inconsistency quicker.
ai isnt just about making the total image. inpainting allows you to change only portions of images.
stop living in the past.
ai is a tool.
you have to remember 4chan gives you the bottom of the barrel of users. lots of them dont even have actual graphic cards. they use free to use websites.
your judging ai based on the lowest of creators the internet has to offer. your data is shit because of that.
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See my first sentence;
>but I don't see them becoming higher quality unless there is some user effort
The average, if not 90% of all AI users will never bother to go any further than what the AI gen spills out,

and even the very few that decide to use it as a tool, congratulations, now you are a "traditional faker". Enjoy seeing your hard work in the middle of a sea of non-effort AI spam slop.

You are assuming I'm basing my opinion of AI on 4chan, I'm basing it on the whole internet in general, also when rarely some AI guy decides to put some effort, it's bound to be behind some paywall or forgotten in some corner of the internet.

The problem persists. It's the sheer quantity. Imagine a good-looking person in the middle of a packed stadium. The chances of you noticing them are 1 in 10000. The more approachable AI gets, the larger will be the number.
who gives a fuck about the 90%. why even bring that up. you just want to hate on it to hate on it because your one of those losers that hate change.
if you didnt give a fuck about the 4chan users. you wouldnt be posting on 4chan hoping to impress the current year brown userbase of 4chan. you are posting this shit hoping to impress 4chan.
>insists there are good ai fakes out there
>doesn't post any
Anon, unless there is an adblock that blocks 90% of the shit ones, I will bring it up, because it's constantly on your face everywhere, I can't even go to google images without adding "-AI, -CivitAI" to my searches because no matter what I search, there will be shitty prompt results at the very top.

>"why even bring that up"
The nerve of these people.

You went straight to assuming shit like "Hate change" and "want to impress 4channelers". instead of even addressing any of my arguments. Keep moving the goalposts or most likely trolling for ~le lulz, you are doing great.

Good, this is not the AI fakes thread.
Really fantastic fake anon. Sexy as fuck.
Loving all the Dyer.
>Good, this is not the AI fakes thread.
That and they don't exist.
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>AI is already producing them far faster and at higher quality.
They look like shit. If they looked good I wouldn't care
These are the only remotely decent AI fakes I've seen: https://jpg5.su/xlfakes/albums and they're still just faceswaps and even then half of them still look off because the pornstar's face dominates the blend instead of the celebrity who it's supposed to be.
Besides that the ai fakes where they generate the whole body still look weird with the overly smooth tits and the weird focus. It's why the smarter people caught on and started using stuff like neon lighting to cover up the weird skin tone.
Also they flat out still suck at hardcore which is what I mainly care about.
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covers the scar well enough
Bold move.
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moar Natty is always welcome if you have more
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highjacking this thread because tranny mods deleted my Bryce Dallas Howard thread despite only being on page 4
What the fuck is going on with the shadow on the neck? I'd have deleted your thread too, you're obviously a faggot.
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can never really find a good body to fake bryce with
hard to find thick but not big tits in porn
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Jax Slayher is so hot
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Merry Christmas!

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