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Active fakers' blogs and archives compendium;
(newly added: jeruba_edit)

Previous thread: >>4961074
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More Era's tour Tay nudes?
I might need to get making some of these myself.
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tried some greenscreen stuff so i can put her in other photos easier
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This is a great idea, be fun to put her places.

Can I ask what you're using exactly for your gens? They're very good and I'd love to start making again.
I use flux and a taylor swift lora
please share..
Any Isabella Merced or Adria Ajorna?
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very nice, any more Winny? Old or young, I love both
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Pregnant Maisie
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Is there an ai program/ tool I can use to create variations of the same picture/person without training a model?
Like a picture of me and the ai just changes the angle or activity?
maybe you can just use inpainting?
Spectacular, even with t-rex hand gestures.
everybody feared the t-rex
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>who played bass
>and had muscular dystrophy
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why is the face so small and the head so big?
Did you use anything other than kling for this?
Is this flux? Can it do nudity ok?
can it do nudity well? no. can it do it ok. also no. can it kind of do it with loras. kind of. sometimes the nipples still look shitty even with boob or nipple loras.
what you WANT to do is either gen it in pony realism for the nude body and then inpaint the head with flux. or make it in flux and then inpaint the body nude.
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Can it at least do partial nudity well? Why is it so bad at it anyways?
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now make her a super-yacht sized Giantess in the same spot but zoomed out
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It can do partial nudity very good, but it depends greatly on your lora. It can also do complete nudity with inpainting.
I need lots of billie, sydney, sabrina and jenna
we need more Brett!
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I need the real thing
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please more. please more. please
did you post more before?
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Posted a lot on the /b/ celeb AI threads. Moved here now for the bigger file sizes
Sucks it's slow here
thanks, thanks a lot.
I'll definitely keep checking for your work. she's so amazingly beautiful. these pics are incredible. really amazing
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amazing work. thank you
Now this.. this is special work. Well done.
What did you use to make these?

Big Lust 1.6
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no way it's sdxl, you're lying. sdxl either outputs good quality photos or higher resolution upscales, you can't have both.
Some one was doing some great jenna coleman fakes the other day, love to see them and more again
Just needs a good workflow...
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fresh off the presses
This place is nice, but slow

Can you do one of these with Saoirse Ronan?
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Who dis? File name just says "Fran".
Prompt pls?
Francesca Capaldi, the big tiddy pocket rocket.
there's a lot of grok prompts that were shared all over on /b/ would it be ok to post them here one by one with an image? ( there's like 40 prompts).
More please
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these are so bad you should actually neck yourself
those are all bangers, filtered
post image fucking fag
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Anyone got the Dall-E gens of her in a glass box being filled with semen?
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any chance you could do a few Emma watson's in this pose?
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dirty frilly socks hngggg
more topless like this?
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Wish i could but i don't have an Emma Lora for BigLust1.6
amazing thanks. you have no idea how amazing these are.
how do you make these? what program and how do you get them?
ComfyUI - using a model called BigLust and Celeb loras trained on it. Also use a model called Flux to add better face details. All can be found on CivitAI
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huh? you use flux over sdxl and not sdxl over flux? I don't wanna look at your spaghettification but then again I'm extremely curious
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BigLust is SDXL. I use flux + Flux Celeb Lora just on the face if its not detailed enough.
Makes sense. I've also found that flux is much better with faces, but SDXL/Pony is much better with body details and general NSFW content.

What's the procedure? You do BigLust first for the scene and inpaint the face later with flux? or something else?
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Yes its nothing special. SDXL for the base image with a BigLust Fran Lora so that it looks some what like her at least - then into face detailer with Flux Lora
Holy fuck! I need a billie or sabrina of this
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do some olivia bro
Any felicity jones or lindsey stirling? Preferably in big high heels and/or latex
Need very pale jenna ortega
This is hot and I like women in confined spaces, even toilets; but the smell of a festival toilet is impossible to dissociate with this image. Right down to the brown filth in the corner. I feel sick
fuck off cringy newfag . no one gives a fuck about your blog
Franny's mound should have no labia minora visible. just a smooth puffy clam.
Would you mind awfully making a screenshot of your comfyui and posting or linking it?
Just installed BigLust on it and feeling a little overwhelmed.
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Not entirely happy with my workflow as its always changing. Give me your discord and i can send you the workflow though
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Amazing <3
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kiki is not for these derogatory depictions, stop
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i cant stop :(
pls help
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We always need more Kiki
strip her
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Got one with Millie and Sadie instead?
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Okay these Olivia ones are actually really fucking good, damn
Any more of her in latex? Or just any celeb in latex, if you have
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I use this model on ForgeUI with the SDXL 8 Step lora. I do not have good luck with character loras and have to use FaceSwapLabs or ReActor to face swap. It's pretty good but it can ruin likeness if the gen has her mouth open before swap, makes the chin too pointy. Also it does not have an occluder for oral. I have to move over to Rope and face swap there instead. Looking for a better workflow. I have a 10gb RTX3080 so I dunno how to run Flux on that little VRAM.
I'm not falling for the subliminal israel flag psyop
its too late for me...
Natalia a cute
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These are incredible as well
it's sdxl, i've shared my workflow and models with anons. If you're interested I can send you an invite to my disc where we mostly just discuss model training and share loras. I don't post my loras on civit or HF, but share them via bitorrent
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she is very well suited for ai for some reason. she has the face of someone who belongs in porn
No problem, I love these

Jesus Christ, do you have more slutty bunny latex Tay, please?
this is sexy as fuck. Jesus christ
this is the best AI celeb thread that has ever existed. Good work wizards.

Can you share how you made these?
What models do you guys like? I'm pretty entrenched in Pony right now because i've been doing a ton of 2D and semirealistic stuff but i've been wanting to get a proper realistic workflow going and I assume most of you guys are not using pony based models for that.
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More amazing Maisie
too fat
Yeah, her normal proportions are perfection
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Public Maisie
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luv seeing emma ride c0ck
fuck yeah especially black
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It's an illness anon. Leave Kiki alone.
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even in fakes we cant get no Taytummy ;__;

now make her spread her ass with both hands and wink that brown eye
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Love the Tays. Could we get any with tanlines, a ballgag or like domme clothing? Please and thank you.
She looks perfect!
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Thanks! I Do love some Harley
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We were promised matching bush...

AI has gotten very good at girl feet.
could you inv me to that disc? sounds super helpful @johnnyhashbrowns
Yes, that would be the best.
more! please
moar Emma+Millie
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hmm almost forgot i had this in the basement
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this is the kind of taytay that you have to feed every day
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sun your taytay
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no idea why but they are super hot together
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why give her jewish pubes?
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this uggo must be corrected by fucking
have you ever seen a girl naked irl?
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bumping this for inv still
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need more billie
people post her all the time. she is one of the most post ai celebs on 4chan
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man wtf did you do to my picture lmao
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Time to get buttfucked
Butt to get timefucked
Doctor who?!
Looking for good Taylor Swift fakes and the forums where they're posted.

Thanks for the link to the fakers blogs I went to all of them. However I know there's other places - any tips anyone? Thanks.
Insane, can you share a workflow?
Legit jelly of your comfyui skills.
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It's just sdxl with my own LoRA
Who needs cancer comfyui spaghetti workflows anyways lol, A1111/Forge is all you need
i am so jelly of her
More Kate Middleton please
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Idk why but imagining her blue/blond/pink bush made me immediately hard
any wrestling/wwe girls fakes?
More of her like this please?
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oh, wow... this girl should start to exploit all this sex appeal she still has... anyway, all we got left are just fake after fake...
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Ah yes I remember this request from a while ago, I tried playing around with pubic hair a bit and it didn't go too well. I'll give it another go soonish though

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