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This thread is a collaborative BURGER comic where anyone can contribute.

The rules are simple:
>Make a comic that follows the story of the previous one.
>Make sure to leave a choice in the final panel for the next entry: (ex: You buy a burger, a vegan attacks you...)
>Make sure to put some kind of effort in your entry

>m muh stolen idea, m muh rpg
don't care, post burger comics
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I'll post the entries made so far (originally started in the crab gaiden thread >https://archived.moe/i/thread/754541/)
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That's it for now. There are many art pieces that I might re-upload from time to time
who the hell is burgerman
He is the one that follows the burger way.

Is someone on the next? If not, i will try to deliver within 1 week (after 2 days waiting for response).
You are free to go
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feels like this would be the anime opening
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Rad as fuck
i have literally not heard about this comic until now
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It was an unrelated (?) part of another thread. Check first post.
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KEK, rare photo.
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Might do a couple of these two. See how the ball rolls.
part 2
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Nice, let us go, shall we?
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wake up
Is it my turn? All right.
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>Turns unexpectedly sexual
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Heh, lets go!

Also checked.
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The best I can do with my skill and time
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Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)
I don't like where this is going...
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Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)
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Didnt have much time to finish the second page sosory!!!
I'm on the edge of my seat
It turned out well.
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I dont remember the size limit, so it may take a time to post all (spliting an image in two).

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Oh well, the "need to pick" options are only the two ones after "AND". Cos i gonna go "3" so bad.

I was thinking about continuing it in the original (Irina) creator thread ( >>778779 ) if the OC don't mind. But we can have a thread for it (probs better option), where we can make rules so it don't get postponed to death like com/i/c RPG ( >>762154 ) was/is/will.
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Nvm that >>786407 . Sorry for being rude.

I will do the next one if no one is willing (within 3 days).
>Got set up to job and get corrected
>Reversed her situation through pure brattiness
>All that skinship
I hope she gets her just deserts.
It's kinda nice to have so many drawings of her made by other people. Thanks.
Only that she's from Finland. Her lore changes according to the thread, in this case she stole Marco so she could drop off school because she doesn't want to study.
On it.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 36m, Replay: View)
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