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/i/ - Oekaki

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Reborn edition

Welcome, one and all, to the Hungry Games General! This bold new reimagining is now a multi-game hub instead of having one game per thread, so don't be discouraged from stopping by if the thread's already at 100 posts.
For the uninitiated, the premise of the games is simple - draw a contestant to compete against 23 other challengers, and they'll all be put into a simulation, often full of wacky events, where every new slide could mean life or death! You're encouraged to interact with these events via drawing your character and anyone else that shares an event with you, but it's entirely optional if you just feel like watching instead. The last one standing gets the glory of victory, and maybe a snazzy wincard as well!
There are no set rules for these threads, however some basic etiquette should be followed - make sure you reply to the host with your character's picture, their name, and their gender in case it's not immediately obvious. Make sure your entry is drawn by you - this is the art board after all! (If you want to use non-drawn tributes, why not check out the HG threads on /trash/ or /b/?) Try not to spam a bunch of tributes at once - give other people a chance to enter, and if you can't, be nice and swap one of your characters out if there are latecomers.
>Question of the thread: What was your first word?
Happy drawing, and good luck!

Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
What is our first theme/ question of the game?
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With the advent of multi-game threads, it seems like a good idea to have an anchor post for hosts to use to make sure their games remain visible. I also included a bunch of hosting tools and info for any prospective new hosts who wanna get started!

>Brantsteele Hungry Games
>The new version of the Hungry Games sim
>Community Codes and /co/des
>Aikawa Tools Hub
>Virginia's Script Host Helper
>Aikawa's Hungry Games Customizer
>Hosting Manual
>Hosting Guide

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
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Pirate Code
Are you hosting or did you think that was an entry post?
I can start a game if the other fella from the end of the last thread doesn't show up but I haven't heard anything from them yet
Yes, start a game. That guy isn't coming back, believe me.
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Okie dokie then
First 24 for Hungry Game #31, we'll be doing the pirate code cos why not
Don't forget to link to this post if you want a spot!

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
23 more to go :)
Is it a cosplay?
It's complicated, I'll only talk if we get the rest of the tributes.
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Unfinished sadly :(
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His name is Babusa
He's a man with a baby head
He just quit his job and killed three people on his way out of the office
The police keeps shooting but bullets bounce off his body
He requests Pokemon cards
Thanks, Chads
Also i forgot to say her name is Monica TrixWell too
Roger that
Coppetina with a Lenny
Haha YES! This time YOU are the object!
If the host can't give her a win, who can?
>drawing is too big
dang, I wanted to see the replay :(
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Can i enter my man damaskas?
You have to draw him
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throw me in anywhere doc
That's what she bought with the money from the casino in the Fallout games.
Funny, I actually thought of adding a pile of caps on the ship lol
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The little catboy sprite thing is supposed to be his "ego" like little fighting holograms that represent the inner side of the person, controlled by the armbands Christopher is wearing. And yada yada yada.
Also I wanted to color this but then I realized I lined in the wrong layer lmao

Oekaki Post (Time: 25m, Replay: View)
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Mr. Smiles
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Veronica Sawyer
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Bocchi no.2
Good thing you made the little boy because it's easier to draw if needed.
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Yawn, princess of being extremely tired all the time
I doubt we're getting more tributes. I know you are not going to like it but maybe you should include the ones from the old thread.
Just don't include Butterfly nor any Carl.
Link them to my entry post and I'll do it
Wait a bit, I'm going to draw my guy in a pirate costume
I'll do it tomorrow. I want to give it a last chance
Sorry I'm retarded and forgot to link to the post. My entry is >>785253

Thanks, I hope he's ok, there will be some scary women in the game.
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I don't know how this works but I share my character anyway.

Laura: A childish and immature evil scientist.

Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)

It's just Hunger Games but there's enough time between each event to draw what happens to your character.
It's not a must though, you can just drop a character and forget about it.
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Linked from the old thread
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Monica TrixWell
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Stick-Chan the pedo hunter
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Captain Mustard.
Pirate. Has a peg leg (left leg).
From Burgerman thread >>773742
More info on him >>781690 and onwards.
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Britva the frog

Britva's childhood let's say was kinda messed up his father was a vervet felinophobe who hanged and chopped cat faggots including some cat whores and their kittens

Britva's father although kinda insane was a good father and a devoted husband who brutally murdered cats because he was scared for his tadpole

One day britva's father wasn't very careful and he got scratched by some feline crack heads
Britva was heart broken and sore at oath to exterminate the feline race

Britva is a serial killer who makes even his frog brethren think that he's insane but he's just doing a world a favour killing cats

I owe you at least one page.
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And that's 24. If you didn't get in then you have nobody to blame but yourselves for not reading the rules that I wrote TWICE
If there're any swaps to be made, now's the time to do it!
Do you need me to reword the OP text so it's easier to understand next time? I thought it was a bit wordy at the time but I wasn't sure how to cut it down

I think you should be more concise in your explanation, detailing step by step what this is about instead of assuming that anons are already familiar with these game dynamics. Only then describe the specific gimmicks of this iteration.

But don't worry, a little 'confusion' doesn't hurt anyone.. @_@

I'm quite interested to see how this progresses.
>no damaskas.

Rip nigga.
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It would have been better without the wall of text desu.
It doesn't matter now, I hope it goes well.
Silence Fred
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No swaps? Then it's time to set sail, shipmates!
Seven people died in the very first slide - hope one of them wasn't you.
Also of note is that Captain Mustard got himself a promotion to Double Captain; cake and refreshments will be served later to celebrate.
Yeah I think next time I'll put it in bullet points, ty for the feedback
Ive been on the /hg/ 4 a long time, before i did fred and other such grifts on other boards.

Damaskas when
Not funny
Last bit of feedback, set a fixed schedule for the events if possible please. It's better to for everyone participating and it'll make you look better.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 36m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Source: >>785594)
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departing to the afterlife, all aboard YARR HARR
(he'll be fine)
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I'll take the head of Starving Artist
I thought nobody from the recycled tributes would be around, good to have you.
I'll put everything in Uglybastardcoin from the get go.
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The starving artist must have used up all his luck in his opening attack. Captain Scurvy has no excuse.
Never underestimate the power of a good night's rest!
"Do Not Steal" eh? Those are some double standards right there.
You had over a week to link your entry and you didn't do it so uhhhh maybe next time
You mean like a certain time I should post my slide per day? That's fair enough. When do you suggest?
I'll let the time thing to you, I just need a fixed hour.
How about this time every day? Might as well start as I mean to go on
Sure, no prob
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0% luck stat, we meet again
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 21m, Replay: View)
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Nobody but my character will kill the Starving Artist. It's destiny
I hope one of my characters got into one of your events soon.
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>f g. rime
>f bocchi no.2
>f wrapper
>f kuruminha
>f stick-chan the pedo hunter
>f mr. smiles
>f laura
>f yawn
For those at home who didn't notice - wrapper technically lasted longer than Bocchi did, even though Bocchi died last in their event. Blame this on the code - there'll be another slightly unpolished event right at the end. Let's see if you can spot it!
Don't try and wipe your butt with that thing, if you can even find it any more.
In Soviet Russia, Mustard cuts YOU!
I know I just made a joke about not stealing but I guess Carl and Lenny found out the hard way exactly what the punishments are for trying
Are you sure that's a map? Looks like a picture of his shell to me...
Bounties have been placed on TWO tributes! I wonder if they'll outlast their pursuers.
Britva finds a ship of cats and does what he does best.
Monica turns a ship into Swiss cheese! But I read somewhere that the more cheese you have, the more holes there are in it, so the less cheese there is - following this logic, maybe she was just trying to upgrade her targets' ship?
It's perfectly legal, as long as you don't look at his face.
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Well, he tried.

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Hope you dont mind the joke.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 3m, Replay: View)
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Our bond is growing deeper
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I'd like to make a comment about the enticing appearance of the Viking maiden, but I'm a good person so I won't.
Monica won't tolerate more humiliation, it's her turn to be the hunter.
He just puts 200 percent enthusiasm in everything he does, I simply can't not admire someone like him
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>f ecce
>f christopher
>f coppetina with a lenny
(me, clueless) Hmm maybe I should play Freddi Fish 4 for 10 hours, this is a good idea that will lead only to good things
Being blind, Tosque is at no disadvantage.
I just realised how dangerous being a pirate snail is. Don't they disintegrate when exposed to salt? One drop of the ocean on your skin and that's IT.
"A huge cloud of mist filled the air, covering everything in sight, and making these two pages incredibly easy to draw."
What, did you think he was carrying food?
The RNG gods may have cursed Coppetina for trying to loophole her way to victory, but at least the sea gods were kind enough to avenge her.
It's not my fault that 51% of your power was stored in the peg leg you left behind!
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>Snailevi gets stranded on a small island after getting shipwrecked. He builds a raft with the corpses of his dead crew to leave.
Become a pirate, they said. It'll be a lot of fun, they said...
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>f veronica sawyer
>f monica trixwell
Hey their first names rhyme.
Welcome to the Salty Skeletoon, how hungry are ya?
Must have been a hell of an orgy to have lost a hand in it.
Tosque blows his cover immediately! Nice work.
Oh and if anyone was curious this is the noise that otters make https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wozMD0enDU
Man this artist kicks ass
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The game finally started let's go.
What changed?
What do you mean the game finally started?
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charisma: 100
That was fun.

Im guessing Cptn Mustard was around the 3rd or 4th strongest candidate. But the starving artist was the second or first one so~
Was >>785500 you? Thanks!
A gentleman i see T-T

Good luck hearties.
Thanks Mr.Skeleton
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Remember to only kill the cat skeletons, just to be on the safe side. Wouldn't want to make an enemy out of him; his kill count is ridiculously high already.
Which of the two cartographers will get the upper hand?
Scurvy lands a hit, at long last!
Don't tell him, he doesn't know one way or the other.
Even though it looks like it, that last event is NOT fatal. He'll have a nasty hangover in the morning though.
Happy to have you, oh Captain Captain my Captain Captain.
You pulled an immense weight, dude. I still owe you that page and you'll have it because I need to convince you to come back.
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Good for big pirates!
Nghhhhhhh! Cat-ahem cute!
Those pirate that howl to the moon!
Thanks Mr Skeleton. For good bones and calcium.
Thanks! Just be careful with that otter on fire!
Nice. I wonder if you actually censor something or you just stick the censor shield. Asking for a friend.
Ohhhhh, i'm looking forward to it. Thanks!
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Awesome, thanks for drawing him!
>I wonder if you actually censor something or you just stick the censor shield.
Only for lolis, the men are Ken-like down there. I don't like benis so I don't draw them.
Irina is cute as a button even if it's just her eyes.
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>f captain mustard
>f snailevi
>f original the character (do not steal)
Gonna post this slide a bit early cos I stayed up late to talk with my pals all night
I wonder what the differences are between a pirate marriage and a regular marriage.
>looks it up
Oh it's called matelotage, that's kinda interesting
Carl and lenny have no idea how to steer a ship. Wonder if you can get sails with L-plates on them?
Remember that dual looting-the-village event way back on Day 2? Looks like neither of the villages are ever seeing their stuff again, and the criminals are still at large. Bummer.
Funnily enough that's exactly how I got fired from my job as a kindergarten teacher!
I'm glad he went down fighting at least
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It's babover.
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No probs! Babusa and Irina are my favorites! I can't believe they didnt even got to the finals.
>the men are Ken-like down there
My man!
Thank you for the pages, theyre amazing! Burgerman sometimes thrills and sometimes annoys (me), it's kinda hard to be full of love for Burgerman, but you made me realize one thing, the essence of Burgerman is chaos, and you did an absolute good job, not only adding it but doing it good. Cheers!
That otter...
Maybe the otter or the starving artist, bets?
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hook, line and sinker? i barely even hook, line and know her!
What if you got an event with a tribute that was literally a dick with legs, would you draw them or censor them
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Oh well, she can still be an idol.
Thanks, if you don't get any new drawing soon, I'll close her arc. She's not supposed to accomplish anything, just like a Kengan Omega villain.
I'm rooting for you but you can't beat the Starving Artist.
I'd draw it uncensored. There're some battles you just can't avoid.
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Scurvey such a meanie. Willing to have the upper hand against the starving artist with new equipment, pehaps?
Cute even as a ghost.
>not supposed to accomplish anything
Ohhh, i have proposed something about her on >>786407 .

She has much potential to be in a story. TOO MUCH, i'm afraid. She will outshine Burgerman, that's why i think she could be the main character of her own story.
But if it is a hassle, i do understand. I can keep around here on HG.

Let's see what kinda of awesome characters we have around here, shall we?
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Pull into port for some b-arrrr-gains on fresh oranges, lemons and limes! While you're here, it's also a good time to place your bets on the grand winner if you haven't already - the end of the game is just over the horizon!
Captain Scurvy lives up to his name by rejecting the citrus fruits!
That matelotage didn't last for very long. Is there a word for a pirate divorce?
Nice foreshortening!
I like it here. I'm lazy and unreliable and I get bored of things real fast so I'm not made for collaborative comics. I can only thrive in the randomness of HG.
You can use the brat as you please. I might join for a page or two but I'm not sure.
I want the otter to win but Starving Artist got this in the bag.
>a big pile of rudeness.
To say the least.
I'm sorry about that, to the burgermates that check this thread. It's just that Burgerman is more of a villain, or at least has the essence of one. It's also my responsibility to make him cooler, so i will gabare!

Scurvey don't need vitamins, right!
>You can use the brat as you please.
Oho! That's quite a way to present me, thanks.
If you have noteworthy information on her, please share!
Yes, Britva in third place, perhaps second. But the first one is for the starving artist, pretty pretty sure.
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Forgot to say that this divorce was brutal! And Britva fought alongside the starving artist once. This counts, right?
>a big pile of rudeness
I exaggerated here, not a big pile, actually just one phrase. I will cease my babbling now. My bad :)

Oekaki Post (Time: 21m, Replay: View)
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DISCLAIMER: The Hungry Games does not endorse the cruel practice of animal testing, unless it's really really funny.
Looks like you all got it right! I think that's the first time everyone's been on the same side
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The king of the pirates and by far and away the hungriest gamer...congrats to the starving artist!
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Now let's have a peek at these stats, shall we? I saw one mistake on my first look through - Bocchi didn't get credit for her kills in the opening slide - but there are probably more that I haven't seen yet
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I can't believe I didn't make an "/i/ /i/ captain" joke at any point during this game that was wasted potential
Anyway thanks for playing, wincard coming later, and I'll see you in the next one! If you have any desire for a different code next time then let me know, otherwise I'll go back to the Tropes code
Thanks for hosting, it took four months to get this going but it was worth it.
If nobody proposes any code, I'd like beach games or Kaiju.
Kaiju would be great
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Oh no! You know what that means...
Given that this will take months to get going, I think I should have taken that Irina spin-off...
It doesn't matter I'll start a game later to see what happens.
>a game
Oh! I'm looking forward to it. In this thread?

>I should have taken that Irina spin-off...
That would be good. You can always bring it back, i guess. I wasnt joking about making a thread with her as (one of) mc, but it will be later this year. I have something planned, but it's more a /qst/ esque thread (not a colaborative comic). I wanted to salvage the mcs from rpgcomic 2 in case of thread abandonment, but it seems there will be delivery (hopefully).
Sure, waiting for months is not a problem for me
I'm gathering the tributes and votes for the next game to gain time. If Lenny doesn't accept them, I'll host myself.
Kaiju code unless something happens.
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Are the characters supposed to be the kaiju or the people under attack?
Mostly people under attack but there're events with both situations.
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Giant Pirate.
Has a peg leg (left). One can only imagine the width of the tree used to make it.
Actually, same as >>785354 , but with grown bones (thanks Mr. Skelton).
Mustard achieved his lifelong dream of not being a manlet.
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Pelayo and Gustavo.
Both male.
Pelayo is back for more and this time is controlling a giant ass duck alien from his spaceship.

Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)
My bad, I meant PAPADOPOULUS and Gustavo
If someone else grows, he has the risk of becoming a giantlet.
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You may have been starving, but you were also (blood)thirsty! Well done!

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 13m)
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Carl Weathers
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Lil' Luc-ee's
you have to draw him
Draw as in actually draw, or like random draw from a deck of cards? Because if it’s the first one the best you’ll get is a stick figure cuz I can draw for shit lol
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all skill levels are welcome, stick figure is fine but do try your best
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UMA Language
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Dumb Garden Gnome I Saw This Morning
Or just
Dumb Garden Gnome
Think it's a girl

Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
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Coppetina, with a worm

Oekaki Post (Time: 27m, Replay: View)
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Rusty Dip Lenny
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Edna the salamander (filler entry)

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)
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Scrapper the wannabe super hero robot
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Kaisuke wearing a Sprite hat
You need to make art, my friend.
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Submitting my Unicorn Warmonger, Reyna.
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bald man in a suit
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Himiko Toga in her bra and underwear
Cécile Croomy in her bra and underwear
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Himiko Toga in her bra and underwear
fixed himiko use this instead
not this: >>790985
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Viking Maid
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Himiko Toga in her bra and underwear
final version
not these:
Homura Akemi, c. 1875
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Himiko Toga in her bra and underwear

so whens this game starting????
4 tributes left, 3 if Starving Artist gets linked. I'm not putting the AI tributes, Apolo Creed or more than one Himiko Toga in her underwear.
not a problem.
you will be using this one and this one only: >>791735
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Niajul The 3rd

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Use none
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my bad, there was a typo in the name.

Oekaki Post (Time: 41s, Source: >>791764)
nope! using this one:>>791735
YA DIG????
Linking Starving Artist
And Nyanjul
And Sex Witch, an special guest
That starving artist pic wasn't an entry
I know but I'd like to start the game this weekend. If it goes, it goes.
polished her up for the big game
Are you going to do this shit for every drawing you post?
nah im done yo ya happy now
Corporate wants you to find the differences between these four images
I believe anon is a good person and only reposted his drawings to bump the thread.
He used to do that on /ic/ posting up to ten revisions at a time until mods started deleting them and anons started to get pissed
Oh! Are you the anon that was drawing toga every day until it was revealed she was alive and well (rip btw).
himikos dead tho
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Drew Carl Weathers for you. Well, at least I tried. Can we start?

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 52m, Replay: View)
Holy moly, that's impressive
bout damn time
Holy shit, I kneel. I'll wait for Lenny for no more than a day, no more than that.
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Well, fuck waiting. Sorry but this will be a quality game, I thought hosting would be retard proof.

Ready, good luck everynyan.
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- Hameru won't tolerate any shitty kid approaching Meguka
- Kuru didn't take very well the Twitter ban on Brazil and now she has joined the UMA in their quest for human annihilation.
- Rusty got a weird fetish
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-Papa already has the power to control monsters but whatever
- I hope Fuuko dies
- etc.
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>twas his stomach all along!
Does this general have a discord attached?
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At long last, I can draw my beloved monsters.
Not that I know, but it's probably better to try to keep the thread afloat instead of taking things to discord.
That's Lenny's business anyways, I don't pay attention to those things.
I never thought someone could ever make something with that shitty event. I kneel.
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I'll post the events everyday at this time and without comments.
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It seems this game will be a flop but I started this shit and I'm going to end it.
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He's got the drip to prove it!
Yeah, gimme your username and I'll give you an invite
RIP Baragon.
Irinaaaa, you can't fight against kaiju! they are natural disasters. Cool monsuta, btw.
gone but not forgotten :'(
I can't believe Baragon is fucking dead. F
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D,: *sniff, sniff*
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My HERO Greenman
Thanks, I just googled Bagan and drew the one I liked the most.
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Captain! Planet X needs you! What would Baragon think of this!
Baragon was a bro though, he would probably think that Mustard has excellent taste in women.
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Not after finding out Mustard is already eyeing other female.
How is it possible that someone's interest shifts from Coppetina to Mothra?
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I have a theory

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
If there's a hole, there's a way
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A wise man words.
The flight was expensive as f*. Kaiju Airlines is no joke.
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Irina rides Mustard's waifu for free.
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Is this your idea of a first date, captain?

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 12m, Replay: View)
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That's what you get for dating a monster fucker.
That's romantic!
Riding Mothra and killing Shin. Irina's a strong candidate to winrar.
She can also turn into Zone Fighter and team up with Greenman and Ultraman. This is probably the strongest Irina of them all.
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I can't read this shit

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
You visit Seatopia. It's nice this time of the year.
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BIDIBIDIBIDIBIDI cant hurt, right? Unless it summons lightning.
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That's how Ghidorah cries
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Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
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At least the water is nice.
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I can't wait for weekend. I have no time or energy right now to make this less shit.
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I'm a fucking retard
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Yer cant beat the ol' flintlock mate.
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Code Geass' girls are top tier desu
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Another to keep Baragon company ;)
Scrapper tried to avenge him, tho.
He'll be back, such an evil can't be suppressed by death alone. Also holy mother of GeASS (Cecille)
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>Nothing personel kid

Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)
Papadopoulus thinks he's hot shit but he only publishes shitty isekai.
Do you know about 自動販売機に生まれ変わった俺は迷宮を彷徨う?
You can thank him for that.
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I haven’t been here for a long-ass time. What happened to Lenny?
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Who knows, maybe he's come back later.
Country wifi strikes again
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I'll post the Arena Event now to speed things out.
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It sucks anyways.
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What a team up

Oekaki Post (Time: 48m, Replay: View)
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Maybe some anon will show up.
Nice! Keep the worm safe! (btw, what does she use/have on her crotch?)
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Those are her pubes lol

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)
Oh yes! Those are some hips!
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I need to balance the sudden sex.
I also wanted to add Pete in Coppetina's side but I job harder with more characters.
SpaceGodzilla is an antiyuri chud and says "girls can't love girls".
Owari desu. Back to space.
It's Spacechudzillover, lolis and tomboys have been corrupted, the world must perish.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
She'll make good use of that duck.
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And it's over
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Thanks for playing, everyone.
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Omedetou Irina-chan!

Thanks for hosting!
Good to see that I left the duck in good hands...
Thanks for playing and the cute girls specially the Coppetina sex, Mustardo. If you need help for any of your threads, count me in. Although I only care about lolis and collectable creatures, I'm not as adaptable as you.
The saviour of Tokyo
File deleted.
Banzai! She seems to be having so much fun inside Space Chudzilla mouth!
Thanks man! Later this year i'll make one on /qst/ and put the link here. Your lolis are so cute! I hope you participate :)
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Forgot the loincloths string!
I'll be there to spread degeneracy or to tone it down if it's already high. For the sake of contrarianism.
so....when's the next game?
i sure would love to participate, in fact, i too want to contribute to the degeneracy. got moar girls in their underwear i want to use like kayochin here.
had to clean up the outline.
First the thread needs to get archived or get to certain page after reaching bump limit and then someone has to make a new thread.
And some anon just hosts his desired code.
Is Lenny okay?
is he alive even?
I hope so. It’s been so long since I’ve heard anything from him.
i wanna smell her feet so badly <3
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Ohhh, nice~ Just be careful that /qst/ is a blue board. I guess panties are ok. That goes for >>794413 too.
The ban on a blue board for being too "redie" is aroung 3 days from ALL 4chun, i beliebe. A nip slip and breast feeding (no nips shown) got me the hammer 3 days each on /v/, and i must admit /v/anons are waaaaay more perverted than us /i/rmanos.
I'll be fine, I can work with safe characters.
so bra and panties are fine, good!
hope they don't mind my smelly feet tho
Sorry for vanishing, mental health kills me sometimes
Anyway I made the new thread
Glad you’re feeling a bit better, Len! Hope your mentals continue to get well.
Cool idea!
Cool idea!
what is this thread
i shed a tear before the nights over

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