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This is snailevi. He's a snail/dog who likes dr pepper, monster other sloppish drinks. He's bored, What should he do?
He should pass out from Soda withdrawal.
He almost died. I hope you're happy
Built for curvaceous older women
I'm not happy until he learns his lesson.
There's nothing to learn. He can stop drinking soda any time he wants, he just doesn't want to
Hes a little scared of women
Drink water.
File: Leviachad.png (1.29 MB, 2296x2721)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB PNG
>What should he do?
Put on a pirate cosplay and join Hunger Games >>784129
Maybe he'll find some friendly twinks that are fan of things just like himself.
>Hes a little scared of women
Reverse rape imminent
Oh yeah >>785253
Kinda want to draw this
i like this character did op die

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