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Year of the snake edition

Welcome, one and all, to the Hungry Games General! This hub aims to have multiple games per thread, so don't be discouraged from stopping by if it's already at 100 posts.
For the uninitiated, the premise of the games is simple - draw a contestant to compete against 23 other challengers, and they'll all be put into an RNG simulation, often full of wacky events, where every new slide could mean life or death! You're encouraged to interact with these events via drawing your character and anyone else that shares an event with you, but it's entirely optional if you just feel like watching instead. The last one standing gets the glory of victory, and maybe a snazzy wincard as well!
There are no set rules for these threads, however some basic etiquette should be followed - make sure you reply to the host with your character's picture, their name, and their gender in case it's not immediately obvious. Make sure your entry is drawn by you - this is the art board after all! (If you want to use non-drawn tributes, why not check out the HG threads on /trash/ or /b/?) Try not to spam a bunch of tributes at once - give other people a chance to enter, and if you can't, be nice and swap one of your characters out if there are latecomers.
>Question of the thread: What was your new year's resolution? Have you kept to it?
Happy drawing, and good luck!
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Anchor post for hosts to make sure their games remain visible, and hosting tools/info for any new hosts who want to give it a try!

>Brantsteele Hungry Games
>The new version of the Hungry Games sim
>Community Codes and /co/des
>Aikawa Tools Hub
>Virginia's Script Host Helper
>Aikawa's Hungry Games Customizer
>Hosting Manual
>Hosting Guide
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Since folks wanted a venture into heroism last thread, I'll take 24 of you for a superhero-themed game. Yer choices are "Gotham City", "Marvel's New York", or the "Super Hero Code".
Make sure you link to this post if you want to enter! Pretty please.

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Are the entries from last thread still valid?
Sure, I'm feeling generous
First 16 then I guess lol, hard habit to break when 24 has been my funni number for almost 10 years(!) now
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Bald man in a suit
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A bit of an introduction for the character
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Kyreel. Her powers are standing in weird poses without her body hurting, and inducing not-lethal but extremely overwhelming orgasms. Super Hero Code.

Oekaki Post (Time: 53m, Replay: View)
Can I have one of those orgasms?
Torturing with pleasure is a real thing, I think.
are NSFW entries allowed?
How NSFW are we talking?
nudity ofc
granted the privates are censored
Yes, you can do as you please as long it's nudity only, be respectful of other people OC's though, as a matter of courtesy. Try to be tasteful if possible.
Once you let a tribute, only the mods can fuck you up, there's no real quality control or anything.
I advise you to let two tributes in case of bad RNG.
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Yes. Just try to make sure they're of age.

Oekaki Post (Time: 13h 14m, Replay: View)
Since we’re on the topic of oc courtesy, do we have to let the owner know we are going to nominate them or do we just post the oc?
If you want to play with someone else OC, just post them but try to choose from anons that are ok with most things. Like The Girl or Kotto.
Cécile Croomy in her bra and underwear
As long as you draw it yourself, I don't mind if you use someone else's OC to compete
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ye old fred "the sham" on his farfisa organ.
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Managed some time today and saw this >>803164
This witch is AWESOME!
I like her, dude... sexy as f*.
Actually I like most the chars you design, even the "fugobastards" are funny. Cheers!

btw, picrel is now canon.
Thanks, all of my blonde little girls take inspiration from Fate's Abigail Williams. They are all similar to each other so I made them siblings.
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Oh yes, there is resemblance with Irina I see!
Not so much with the witch, but it is very
plausible for they to be sisters. What's her name?
Maiko Kiyomizu in her bra and underwear with smelly feet
Anita Masamune in her bra and underwear with smelly feet
fixed my underwear use this instead
o_o missed >>803253
She's called Ririna, Riri for the friends. She's one year younger than Irina yet she's taller. The hat is called Marcie and the broom is Escobar Valdomero.
Do you think you'll have THAT ready anytime soon because I'll have some free time next week unlike now that I'm dying a bit.
Bro pls don't spam tributes, you'll piss off Lenny. Also it's one vote per Anon, the dupes votes are invalid.
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>She's called Ririna
Ririna! Such a cute mahou shoujo! They seem like a more easygoing team.
>Do you think you'll have THAT ready anytime soon
I'm actually planning for next week. Theres lettering, BG and OP text to do and rules that i still got to establish.
That seems like a lot of work, I said nothing. I'll get something else to do.
is that your viking maid by chance?
Yes, she is. But she was a maid for only two drawings, too hard to draw.
what is she now then?
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I ( >>803306 ) am an Irina appreciator, Irina is the vinking maid in question. The OC is >>803327 .
Irina's "default", let's say, is >>786801 .
I know your answer but I have to ask anyways. Can we do the forced recruitment thing? It kinda worked last time.
I will not. Nature's gotta take its course for my games
Linking Irina >>803336

Fine but I'll link one Irina
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Homura Akemi, c. 1875
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The Goth Trio showed up. This is Viper, the magician of the group. She seems to hate fun and always tries to get things done quickly. Nobody has ever seen her smile.
Also linking these niggas

Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 22m, Replay: View)
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Obsidian, the muscle of the group. She stands at a whopping 10 ft tall, but make no mistake, she's no gentle giant. She'll eat everything she kills, but not before ripping it to shreds. She also can't speak, but that obviously doesn't stop her from getting whatever she wants.

Oekaki Post (Time: 54m, Replay: View)
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And last but not least, Meredith. She's the founder and brains of the group. Responsible for giving Viper her magical powers and bringing Obsidian from her home planet to Earth. She's incredibly shy, always hiding behind Obsidian until she finds the perfect chance to stab villains with her staff.
These bitches are lazy as fuck so as soon as they're not needed, they just leave (read: filler entries).

Oekaki Post (Time: 33m, Replay: View)
>Also linking these niggas
I linked those entries to the recruitment post cause they didn't do it themselves
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Kaisuke wearing a Sprite hat
Mina Masamune in her bra and underwear

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