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This is a thread for /beg/s and /int/s (there is no /adv/) to share and discuss art.
man, this is pathetic for 4 months practice lmao

just something i drew at work from imagination idk
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No problem, right guys?
Time to color and some extra bg i guess

Don't fuck it up
Don't fuck it up
Don't fuck it up
Is this even that bad for 4 months? Drawing is bullshit hard and it's a complex scene with multiple figures interacting with the environment.
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I’m doodling, and the technique isn’t great, but I like how it turned out.
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more color
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just posted this on /v/
Real Thread
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The top and bottom of this study are like 5 months apart.
Idk how to shade yet, but I kinda like this
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My Dopey can talk because most dopey people can't stop talking.
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exp sheet
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not sure who the original artist was
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Disney Renaissance concept art... they eventually jettisoned the pumpkin hat
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everyone, keep up the good work and don't be so hard on yourselves!

i've done basic coloring on this picture now.
might do something fancier later and make a few more adjustments.

looks good.

looks good, especially for only 4 months practice.
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Shitty self-indulgent 10min doodle
I feel like I've seen this same boring yuri scene posted five or six times now.
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Can I get some feedback on this? its still in progress.
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ebin meme my fren :DDDDDD
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Help pls
Thanks, I'll try that.
Mischief needs damn lasso tool
I'll change the background when I get home
Also thanks
Nah. He’s lost in the void of space. Nothing to bw done.
Looks good. What are your concerns about it?
you're too good for /beg&int/
leave this place
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this one was really hard
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Dinosaur head
>be me
>low tier /int/
>could probably become decent with a few months of consistent practice and finally start doing cool shit with my art
>haven't drawn in months
>every single day I come home from my shitty wageslave job, think about drawing and still don't do it
why am I like this?
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Beg alt horror/characterfag artist I guess. Any feedback/tips? I want to get into digital and eventually animation/game dev but don't really know where to start, been comfort zoning with the graphite sketches hard.
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Idk, I'm not sure how to color or render things.
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Overconfident warrior gets hexed with a fertility venus transformation -ᆺ-
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I dug up something I drew a while ago and colored it for a bit. Kinda feel like I haven’t improved in the 2 years since I drew it. I wish I could spend more time drawing instead of worrying about work and life.
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bushy pusy
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What are those machines? Do you find you need a wider page when it's set vertically?
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paper mario up in the hizz-owwse
bro you need to learn hatching techiniques and line weight ASAP like right now like what are you waiting bro your shit is good i feel the SOUL and the fun that you had drawing it. Learn those things, do it at your pace, you can be as slow as you want, but do it, it will greatly improve the appeal of your drawings.
I recommend you try other, hardness, in your pencils, if you are using a classic HB pen, you can try others like a B, or B2, you will feel it more "soft" in the strokes, you can fill space more easy, but also if you want to go more black, you can go further than an regular HB, that will give you more range of values more easy, so the darker blacks are gonna pop up more your works, specially in the lines.
Thank you so much bro, this may be exactly what I needed! I've just been using two weights because I get overwhelmed with more and I end up spending too much time but I should do more. Still planning on making the switch to digital but I will def try the things you mentioned.
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I believe I see. Might give pen a go, it'll force me to be more concise of this.
Tesla coils, also idk I didn't really have a plan when I started but I guess.
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Tried drawing Kuro from Sekiro. Messed up the eye proportions here
Guys am I gmi? https://files.catbox.moe/iuc969.jpg
What a piece of shit.
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some hands and feeta practice
good shit by why are you in a hurry? do you put a time limit on your practice?
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What other butts should I draw
crit on these butts?
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I don't understand how I can get the proportions well. I can't copy drawings well either.
my doddle fun
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I'm happy that I can get out of my comfort zone more and try new stuff, today I tried to draw clothes by using references, (that mesmerizing vocaloid MV) not perfect but it turned out better than I expected, as usual I would like to hear your criticisms
Oh god I'm coping so hard, three and s half year of drawing and this is where I'm at, I'm gonna kill myself
I barely can understand proper anatomy and perspective, I can't shade, I focused on drawing cute girls so much and I draw like a teenager who's obsessed with anime at the age of 25 Fuck me
Sorry, I had a moment of weakness, didn't mean to throw s fit like that, I'm normal now and would like to hear your criticisms for this >>7151244
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picked a reference out from another thread i realize sharing is going to matter a lot for a pose like this but ill post that when I get home.
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Proko accuracy project
It took me 2 and a half hours, but it wasn't as tedious as I thought it would be
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Any tips for drawing jawlines? I always end up making them look like they have an underbite or overbite.
holy fucking shit dude, you didn't do it
All this complaining and begging for advice and you fucking ignored it, go to hell howie
>three and s half year of drawing and this is where I'm at, I'm gonna kill myself
Hands are pretty good on both of them. Left one's face doesn't line up with the jawline. Arms feel a bit stiff and unnatural too. I get the forearms are supposed to be in front of the upper arm but it looks like they kinda come up from out of nowhere.
I like the clothes too though, especially the one on the left. Your lines are pretty bold and clear too.
Thank you anons, due to my low self esteem I just spazed out, I'm much better now. I think I just feel like I either invoice immediately or I'll never improve ever, I'll strive for better.
I don't know if painting full blown armour especially in colour immediately is a good idea for you anon
Just practice lots of jaws.

In this example, you over exaggerated the eyewells, eyes are much too large and position wrong, nose is wrong. So you'd either fix eyes/nose or you'd have to change the jaws and mouth to match them.

You need to shorten your grind time. You will burn out extremely fast if you take 2.5 hours for something like that. That should take 20 minutes. Stop getting distracted.

Remember that anime is a tool to convey emotion, not a style.

Whenever you draw the 3/4 face animu, the chin gets angled forward towards the angle she is looking, not backwards.

Start working on line discipline.

Just keep practicing refs, you are doing well.

Excellent. Let's start adding to your scenes.

I love this. Are you using random refs?


draw half of these.

Good start. Make sure to finish your faces so that you can see what is out of balance on them. For instance, that eye is way too large, and it's the main reason you weren't able to finish a jaw that looks normal and were forced to chicken scratch it.

I really like the perspective shot here. The material seems a bit bland though. Try to indicate your story into the image itself.

I would recommend more face studies regardless of what art style you are looking for. The faces draw people to the image first.
Live like a bug for few months and save money like crazy then quit for a couple months and live off of your savings
Thanks anon.
That won't help anon, he is mazed and has no purpose to draw. He won't be able to do anything until he fixes being mazed.
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>Break the body down into shapes
What? Why?
Are you telling me I am fucking myself over FOR ALL THESE FUCKING YEARS by not making my bodies out of FUCKING BOXES?
Pic related is not me but my biggest fucking nightmare.
Anon that's their first time drawing in 9 years. Most users in this thread already have better anatomy.
Breaking something down into basic shapes and forms is a fundamental skill. You don't necessarily need to use it on a human body if you're comfortable visualizing the form without it, but it's a good tool to have.
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the goal is to have a better understanding of what you see
so that you are able to manipulate it to your liking
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day 77 of drawing day 1 of deliberate practice
god i hope it was deliberate enough, how am i supposed to tell?
you're drawing too small
and you don't seem to be using reference
so no
What skills would qualify me as /int/ and not just high /beg/
cool you're wrong, i'm copying from tako's point character drawing book but thanks for trying
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I've seen taco's studies
unless you apply yourself more in your copies, it's just going to be a waste of time
yeah those are some of the ones i'm trying to copy, obviously not there yet
i thought i was applying myself with these but maybe I need to go bigger and slower with each one
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Lost like 2 hours of progress on this study from yesterday because i didn't save, i'm so mad.
how do I draw like this i love nonsexualized lolis
cool ref anon. Finally some good taste in this shithole
You know that's 80% clothes 20% head/hair. Focus on clothing design.
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Are your brush strokes supposed to follow the form? I'm trying to learn how to paint my drawings and I guess it looks 3d but it reminds me more of a weird pen and ink drawing than a painting.
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honestly another level between intermediate and advanced
No there isn't, stop creating copeslop.
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I always only draw quick figures, the second I try to draw longer everything looks like shit. How fix?
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I hate drawing
seems like you're not giving muscles enough volume
push the form, don't be timid
Could someone kindly link the chinese book that Pawell translated?
if its a study then it doesnt matter.
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Not sure what im doing wrong with the curve of the right hand, but I can see it from a mile away but cant fix it.
try doing the same pose in front of a mirror
you'll notice that it's more natural to raise the elbow more to avoid bending the wrist that much and that you won't see as much of the top of the hand (but you will partially see the thumb)
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Sup beg, today i am happy with my draw session!

welcome to the club of draw hating
less thinking, more drawing (even if it looks bad)
there are nearly infinite strategies with brush, but in general: yes. your picture can never have too much form and depth
krita has auto save feature, so even if you go full retard, you lost at most 10 minutes
be aware that cranium is HUGE, loomis head starts with ball, but then he chops the sides for profile view: in side view you keep whole ball. your heads dont have enough space for brains
i like it
pro and charming as usual
the suicidal dude is how begs look like when its time to draw
pretty cool. pick up INK and level up easily into mangaka
Guptill Rendering in Pen and Ink
when taking photo ensure the lighting is good and dont put camera so close to paper
the face is liiiitle deformed, but i bet there is a woman which looks like this
holy sovl
No he isn't, you're drawing much too small. These >>7151590 are scaled down images so they all fit on the page.
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thanks for the xiao book pawell, it's fun
cool faces too
this is what I mean
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Colored. I sleep. Another reference tomorrow.
the perspective of her torso doesn't really make sense
it's facing away from us (as the breasts show) and suddenly has to shift toward us to make the neck work
Why are there 2 beg threads?
This is still alive fork that still exists parallel to the main branch.
Why do I suck so much?
You can't be that bad. PYW and let us be the judge of that.
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Do you guys think that the trend of goth loli wearing big guns will one day become retarded and out of fashion?
shes not a loli shes 6'3"
Is she a robot?
/ic/ is just that /beg/
This thread is for int/ and advanced as well.
>This is a thread for /beg/s and /int/s (there is no /adv/)
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simple, subtly skillful. appealing shape language, even in the shading. post more work and tell me your secrets.
over-complicated, clearly banal, terrible shape language, especially in the "shading". never post here again
Who hurt you so much?
who pleased you so little?
Who fucked your mom?
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how do I connect these 2 boxes properly?
You're doing fine stop baiting for pity (You)s
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Definitely need to do some hand studies.
how are those fine nigger?
please post more you fuck
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How do i learn fundamentals? all i've ever done is draw, and draw from imagination. whenever i try and use ref it looks x100 times worse. most of the guide and resources assume you are starting from 0 and never drawn before, i can't seem to stick with them.
I have the complete opposite problem. My imagination drawings, barring one or two flukes are my worst pieces. The only decent ones are the ones I use reference for
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isn't that a far easier problem to solve? how often do you do figure drawings? i suggest adding them to your routine. You'll get more used the the human figure and develop your imagination since you need to simplify what you are drawing. do the fast ones like 1 minute-2 minutes at most. Eventually you'll be able to do figures form imagination and any part that feels wrong you can bust out reference to fix.
I'll try giving figure drawing a try. Do you know any good places to learn figure drawing from or should I just google or youtube "how to figure drawing"
there are so many different ways to go about figure drawing. look at a couple videos and try to see what works best for you. I don't recall what i used when i started. but remember your figures won't look "good" to begin with. even with a lot of time it might just look meh. a lot of the professionals have been doing it for years and have their shape design solved so their figures still look aesthetic. what you want to get from figure drawing is how to simplify the body and what connects where.
If your observational drawings look like shit, then you need to start observational drawing studies "from 0". How good you think you are at drawing from imagination doesn't matter.
Put your ego aside and Read Keys to Drawing.
Tip: when someone mentions ktd it's pawell posting
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i don't want to be a howie but i tried again when i had a bit of time this morning, bigger, and other than the comments i've written down next to them i'm still not understanding where in the process i'm going wrong that makes the outcome look shit
yeah i was too tired and annoyed to be clear at the time, "you're wrong" was just to the accusation of not drawing from any references, drawing larger makes sense + i agree
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>i'm still not understanding where in the process i'm going wrong
you can self critique by overlaying your drawing against the ref

in the top left, you almost got the overal shape right, but placed the nose and mouth too low
in the bottom right, you made the cranium too big, and made the same mistake regarding nose and mouth
don't skip drawing the neck and ears
does figure work for every drawing or are there some where you can't use it? Like if it's a drawing with a really weird perspective or something
ty and you're right, i guess it never occurred to me when drawing on paper since i usually do it too far from my pc to keep digitally overlaying them
i know you are right. but ego is hard to kill or quell down to study. any tips on that?
Can someone help me, I need an idea for my portfolio for artschool. I really have no idea what to draw or do
I want to study animation
I can replicate any drawing style so all ideas are welcome
Thanks in advance
it works for every drawing. figure is simplification that makes sense to YOU. if you aren’t getting it right then your simplification aren’t working and you need to solidify your understanding of the subject more. also upgrading your mannequization.
I van't draw anything and also have not done it in two days. It might be over quite frankly.
set a timer for 5 minutes. so anything. scribble lines practice shapes whatever you want. look thru twitter and find some art to imitate. once 5 minutes are up you are either in the zone and want to keep drawing or you stop for the day and completed the task for today. just keep repeating it every single day. by day 30 you built the habit of drawing every single day but start today.
do it right now
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even stuff like this? this is the sort weird perspective I was talking about. Are you just supposed to guess where her arms and shoulders should would be?
meant for >>7152325
Learn three point perspective, reduce her to boxes, redraw her
but you wouldn't do figure here if you were trying to draw something from a similar perspective?
what is figure
figure drawing
Oh you mean like a loomis mannequin
Those are boxes too
oh so figure drawing is the same as reducing them to boxes?
figure drawing is just "drawing a figure", i'm pretty sure you mean "construction" which yes you should use even in extreme perspectives
that was my original question though "does figure drawing work for every drawing?" and I wanted to know for something like that. But maybe I'm just getting my terminology mixed up
yeah i wasn't any of the other responses to you, the term is construction and the answer is yes
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drawing will never be fun
What's the best way to construct breasts and asses?
Just Feel the form
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does anyone know any good videos that show out a digital drawing process that is NOT Sketch layer -> Lineart layer ->Color & Shadow Layer?

I think this sort of approach really doesn't work for my brain. Really sucks out all the joy out of it for me.

pic related is my wip, that i feel like is going to stay as such for awhile
>NOT Sketch layer -> Lineart layer ->Color & Shadow Layer?
what exactly are you looking for
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Well the problem is that you want to have a layer for the things you are shading so you can individually edit them. If you don't divide the shading layers it's very slow to edit mistakes out.
Did you really have to amplify top right's original ugliness?
show your most impressive artworks/animations in your portfolio
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queen gigi
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Finished this. So much wrong with it. But it was still nice to finish something.
Better check your pulse bro, she's a total smokeshow.
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Some practice from today
very nice, I want a cameo from Maid Marion (the animated one)
Why didn't you assholes tell me about the dynamic brush tool? I have been crying my eyes out because my lines come out all retarded but I could have fixed it with a button click this entire time??
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Is this bad or good? I feel like I am completely unable to assess the quality of my work
you are top-beg keep working
anatomy is wonky and your lines are weird but if you double down on that it could be a neat style
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hi bros can you help me with lighting
Thanks a lot guys, now I will try to check the anatomy a little and line and finish it
because it's a crutch when beginners use it
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drawing irl is too hard
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I can raytrace something but not much better than what you do. you draw better than me, And what to do depends on what you want it to look like.
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Just give it to me straight am i going to make it? I can't draw this stupid elf and it's tearing me apart.
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More Mermay Sketches.
you need to draw and study for a few more years before you ask this question
we both know that's not how it works
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this video helped me out

I too enjoy Dungeon Meshi. Cithis is literal sex.

I'm still super /beg/ but I feel like I've gotten a lot further than my first day.
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Gave drawing the elf a shot. You can watch me struggle trying to match the big anime eye art style for awhile. Not great, can definitely be improved.

You're very early on your art path for sure, but the definite answer to your question depends on if you give up or not. If you give up, you're not going to make it. If you don't, you'll get there.

The biggest advice I can give is try to see the 3D shapes even in an anime art style. Try to understand how the elf's face is constructed.

In my timelapse you can see me alter the position of the nose because the Dungeon Meshi art style, or at the very least the reference I was using had the nose further ahead to give this impression of 3D shape and contours of the face. The Dungeon Meshi artist seems to always push the nose further out than your usual anime face at certain angles, I think that's what gives the series it's look.

You're doing a quite a bit of symbol drawing instead of creating the impression of a 3D object/face. Try not to think about each facial feature as separate objects to draw, but think of the face as an entire object in itself.

Faces in a 3/4th's view are never going to be the same exact width and shape. The perspective and angle is going to warp one of the eyes. This same principle applies to the nose. While in the art style it's super stylized it's constructed against the face in a way that gives that impression of 3D space. Observe why the nose bridge connects to the eyebrows the way it does. Likewise, the mouth should follow the shape of the face.

Keep at it. I would just redraw Marcille multiple times. If you're getting frustrated just take a break for awhile and try again.
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>Do the Bridgman thing, but don't look at the figures
That shit is really difficult what the hell
how do you pick your colors? Is this gradient mapping?

it's too dirty to be an example of anything, but it's mostly the usual multiply stack with some dodge overlay and normal to spice things up. I used a bit of map underneath to get rid of blacks
should've just used ai
can someone redline this?, my anatomy skill are lacking btw.
i've realized i don't actually enjoy drawing. i draw but i don't think i actually like doing it. i want a nice final product, but i don't really find drawing fun at all. it's just something i do i guess.
So then stop. Unless you’re making good money off it.
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how am i doing? i feel like i've been improving lately
having ctrl+z messed up my irl sketching a bit as well for some time. digital just let's you be alot more confident with your strokes because you can just undo it with alot less friction.
redline what
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should I finish FWAP before moving onto vilppu
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cute elf
Dunno. Do you want to? You can try different books at the same time and see what you want to do at the process.
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I don't know if I should continue or not
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Good grief I just suck at painting. What am I doing so wrong? Even rendering a basic grey sphere is nightmarish, let alone something this complex.
>try to draw a face/head
>looks uncanny as hell
>but similar stuff done by other people feels alright
Is there a way to counter that?
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you're being distracted by details and color
turn the picture to grayscale, blur it (or just squint your eyes) and copy shapes and values
Oh that's really helpful, thank you
cleaner edges, more contrast sometimes
lukin nice keep going
copy the stuff done by other people
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Total beg, here. My buddy's dog.
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Définition: Force psychique qui fait tendre la personne vers un but.
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guys how can I make this drawing better. I feel like there might be to much going on in the image
>draws vivziepop neon sparklefur art
>hmm you guys think its too busy?

lol what bro
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first time seriously drawing only from imagination (aside from having to recall what Gladiator's costume looks like). I'm only a few chapters into Bridgman but it's really helped my understanding of the human body. pretty happy with it for my progress, though I opted not to ink it because I'm not too confident on my values/inking.
im having a hard time figuring out the anatomy of my ref
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>vizzie crap
Gross, get better tastes, for starters.
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Another ngmi
I feel like arms are weird
Looks fine, though the phone looks like it's just floating there and I can't figure out how the hair is supposed to attach in yours. I would try to workout what's under the hood and repair after that.
redline is correcting a picture, what do you want corrected?
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More MERMAY bullshit, let's go.
you forgot to add the dicks on your characters
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Unironically, that's what AI is for. Use AI to generate a solution for your idea, and take it from there.
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use ref
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drew spheres and cubes for few days, tried to work on memory drawing, I noticed I didn't draw as much so back to booba hell yeah
I don't know what that means.
it's retard speak for "i like it"
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pay me and i still won't do it. Picasso had ugly style and you know why he was so prolific? Because ugly is easy and standards a so low, anything you make is good enough. He was a hack with connections. I spit on him and anyone who likes him.
You'll have much more luck playing with AI for a million years to get a good ref image, than hoping anybody here replying to your request. LMAO
What’s with the hostility? It’s beginner art thread, im simply asking how an experienced painter would approach this situation. It’s not that big of a deal if no one replies, but isn’t Art supposed to be fun? People used to like sharing their creative thoughts or ideas on things, or intrinsically wave them off or scoff at them.
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Hello beg, the head spam continues.

first day on the internet? many people use it as outlet for their frustrations and in a lot of cultures kindness is seen as weakness
half elf, half fish
combat madness
get a roll of tracing paper or light table. all trad chads use these
nice doggo
i think it is better to finish 1 art book instead of half-assing three different ones
when you go to such lengths in constructing head, you should remember perspective rules and notice how your lines dont converge to vanishing point on horizon
eyes too far apart
that difficulty is what turns you into INT as the rumors go
cute shota
he angry
>I can't even draw loomis-style anime heads
is it over for me? even following examples everything looks like shit
Is this Loomis?
>main thing holding back my art is the inability to be able to draw boxes, spheres (with dividing lines), ellipses and ovals in perspective.
>every single guide i find is just explaining 1 point, 2 point and 3 point perspective and not how i can utilize them to draw the shapes in proportions and angles that i need.
tl;dr what's a good resource and study plan to learn construction very well.
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Sketched this while watching digital circus ep 02. Is it any good?
How do I start with drawing complete bodies?
I want to do stuff with simplified anatomy, but i really dont know where to begin.
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How good/bad/terrible is this?
try drawing them 1:1 from observation first, to learn their proportions and shapes
watch the line between the shoulder and the butt, and the join at the right shoulder. otherwise it's not bad.
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head looks too small. thoughts?
knees fat. knees are just bone, cartilage and tendons, and fat knees bend worse
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I started learning gesture drawing a bit slowly and I noticed that my fundamentals are weak so I went back to practice primary lines of action.
I've been doing 30 seconds per attempt but I stopped on this one specifically because it seems impossible for me so I wanted to really try to actually come up with some useful foundation. I'm struggling to imagine a coherent line/s of action for pic related.
I think I have a weak grasp of lines of action, anything I attempt ends up looking incoherent which to my understanding lines of action are meant to prevent. How would you establish the lines of action?
Is it normal for muscle memory to take a while to develop when transitioning from paper to a screenless tablet?
fellow beglet here, so take this with a cavern of salt.
line of action is meant to convey the "energy" of a pose in the simplest way. since the figure is sitting and balling up, we aren't really seeing movement or high energy, but rather stability and maybe confinement. picrel is just my attempt.
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just a doodle
no it’s lunacy
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evening doodle
there is literally no action there to capture, would be my take
some poses are static, it's stupid that gesture sites include them but it is what it is, skip + don't worry about it
how about you go fuck yourself
meaningless pose
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Made the head longer and fixed the muscle anatomy a bit.
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>don't droooow
>enjoy cool tranime art on twitter
>start doodling a little
>become jealous and seethe at nice drawings
it's all so tiresome
lol, anyone in particular?
Do I just have to accept that it is near impossible to get wobbly lines when drawing on a drawing tablet?
Why do you want to get woobly lines?
"near impossible not to get wobbly lines", is what I meant. Whoops!
Get a ruler and turn up the stabilization until you don't get wobbly lines. It can't be helped.
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here's a quick sketch
can someone redline/crit my attempt? ref is on the far left
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I cannot figure out how lineweight is added to cartoony drawings
feels like they just add it randomly
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I've spent several hours fucking up my wrist browsing /hc/ because a girl called me an incel
too ripped, going for a wider physique
Open toed shoes are so fuckin sexy, goddamn
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Maybe check out tutorials about drawing capeshit, they tend to have a few sections about line weights and inking techniques.
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My goal is becoming the Louis Wain of our time
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Numerous instances of lineweight variation are just a consecuence of the motion made to put a line down - it happens naturally.
Picrel is a super basic, relatively easy to apply tutorial that I made long ago.
so it is random kinda
thanks bros
something wrong with his smile
I was told that doing art for fun helps to progress faster.

Not sure if it is working as my art is shit no matter what
depends on how much you are drawing and if you are trying to imrpove, most of best gains have happened while doing sketchs
progressing makes you progress
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3 days of grinding (skipped yesterday) front-faces later, i don't even care about the remaining problems i can work on them as i go, this was so boring and i'm worried i forgot everything i learned about the rest of the body
but at the same time fuck it's nice to see progress
crab meme, literally the only way to progress is deliberate practice
sure, because deliberate practice must be boring. you can't study your fav artists or do personal work, just grind grind grind bro. you are totally not gonna quit.
>deliberate practice must be boring
it is
>you can't study your fav artists or do personal work
nobody says this, if you never did whatever you wanted just for fun that would be retarded
>you are totally not gonna quit
3 months and counting, maybe i'm just built different
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Pinocchio series continued.
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never saw this yet, but I have Disney+
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any tips for clothing?
a few changes here and there
good work anon, the improvement between each day is great
don't worry about forgetting stuff, that's a normal part of learning
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One moment I am like
>it's over. I have nothing to offer, Im just a dumbass casual wasting time with stupid hobby I suck at
And then 5 minutes later like
>Girl, we're so back! Let's slay this, keep going because good things will happen! Your art will mean so much to people
You must be over 18 to post here, Cindy Lou
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more 2 min gestures. i kinda fell back on focusing on contours, which i feel like helped me capture the pose, but proportions suffered, especially limbs.

also went back to using pinterest as opposed to the quickdraw sites, mostly because then i can pick out figures with little clothing so i can focus on the forms of the body.
any lazy anons here share tips for overcoming their laziness? how do you find the motivation to draw for 1-2 hours after a 10 hour shift + classes?
time's gonna pass either way, do you wanna be the kind of no-life faggot who dies having spent his life doing nothing but consooming or do you want to leave your creative spirit behind in the world
if you don't have motivation pick a different hobby
if you don't have the mental capacity to do it because you're overworked, maybe draw before your shift, but realistically there's nothing you can do
>realistically there's nothing you can do
a lot of anons can probably unlock extra daily energy by getting fitter but that eats into drawing time so ymmv immediately, highly recommend for everyone for long-term whole-life gains anyway
It basically comes down to style - there are some general ideas like putting thicker lines on the side of the character that is in shadow, on thicker parts of the body, to emphasize some body part overlaps and so on. But in the end you need to choose things you want to put attention on and stick with it. Hell, there are even people who use lines with same thickness over the whole drawing on purpose and make it work.
pls respond
Yes, because being a true artist means constant grinding for years, losing any love or passion for craft, hating your work 24/7, while malding from the fact your previously faved artists are having an easier lives.

Everything else like having fun and supporting friends is not allowed, and only leads to coddeling
if you have adhd like me you can try hiding all your gadgets in a separate room so your boredom will force you to do something. resist the temptation to daydream as much as possible.

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