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Thread to study the female body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute girls and beautiful women.

No NSFW, to differentiate from /sex/ /asg/ /other generals.

>All art styles welcome so long as the focus is cutesy girls/ beautiful women. Nobody cares about east vs west debates.
>Males are welcome so long as the image remains female focus.
>For male focused thread post in /cgsg/.
>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different women vs girls, Nobody cares.
>No trans/lolicon/futa/. Go to /sex/ or /lsg/ for that.

Previous thread >>7056387
cute girl anon.
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I posted this a while ago, but thoughts on these designs?
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sorry for spam lel
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Werewolf girl


Trad SOVL, anon, but might I suggest using a scanning app so others can see your images better? I use one a lot when I work in trad, and it does wonders!
thank you. I did have a scanner once but it was no good. maybe I should get a dedicated one and try my luck.
I use adobe scan app + automatic enhancement on photo app for my pencil works >>7172687

I don't have time to wait for a scanner and send it to my computer kek. Best of luck, anon!!!
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photoscan app pic vs unaltered photo. I erased a line for the right one doe. is pretty neat
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Very nice, though I recommend improving the hand that's grabbing the string and to add some fun line weight.
Yeah I can try fixing the hand when I get home for sure. As for the lineweight do you mean the rope specifically or the entire picture overall?
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WIP c:
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The picture overall, I feel like if the lines on the legs were more dramatic (following the weight you already have) it'd really pop.
Yeah I'll give it a once over when I get back home. Thanks anon!
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tried some winter clothes
tiny baby hands
Correct, with that being said I really like the colors you chose
Tried a marker thing
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me trying to copy The Horseback Ride (1884) by Bouguereau.
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mage girls
Lovely work
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doodle for anon
Some decent cute girls in this thread . Keep at it!
These are just outfit sketches for an illustration I'm making but yeah
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practicing lineart and styilization
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Plant girl concept
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these are sketchy but cute. I don't even consider them furries
I really like your work. What do you study from?
thanks anon. i found my own way of doing things, but I can try explain my method if you're interested
If you'd be so kind as to do that, I'd appreciate it
i'll try write some stuff, in the meanwhile i recommend reading this post. >>7172866
Thanks, I appreciate it. You don't have to write anything more unless you have anything else to add
I'll explain the philosophy first, and then the method, because if your thinking doesn't change you'll never use it.

You have to think its good to avoid failure. I'm well aware this is the opposite of what people usually tell you. usually people say its okay to fail, that you should fail faster even, because its good to fail, as you learn from your mistakes. More mistakes? more learning, so fail faster! Well if you think about it for just 2 seconds, its very stupid advice.

Mistakes... aren't... good? Like at all. There no redeeming qualities found in them, mistakes only "provide value" when you finally learn to stop making them. No really, think about it, you only learn from your mistakes when you don't make the mistake anymore. That's what that saying means. Simply put, if you aren't avoiding making mistakes, then you don't actually learn from your mistakes, because you're going to keep doing them.

It's actually good to avoid making mistakes. Please know I'm saying something very literal here like math not emotion, I'm not asking you to be afraid of failure or become a perfectionist or something, just to admit basic logic. I'm actually a very easy going person personally, like the opposite of a perfectionist, but I don't cope, I think failure is just a bad thing with no redeeming qualities.

"More mistakes you avoid = more gooder."
You shouldn't think that this means oh I just hate innovation, or something something about a comfort zone. You should think "well duh, no shit". (1/2)
Now that you are thinking with clarity, I can show the method, which is how to avoid failure. As you can imagine... if you didn't think it was good to avoid failure, you'd never use this method. Your thinking had to change first.

In a nutshell: actually notice what doesn't work from now on, and don't do it anymore.

the method is based on 3 things:
1: Constant, conscious awareness while drawing. You need to notice what and where you tend to mess up. You should be able to notice what tends to put you on the path towards frustration. Also, what tends to work usually. I recommend looking back at your previous works to help with this too. You need to notice it every time where you mess up if you want to avoid failure in the future!

2: develop associations based on patterns you notice. ie "every time I draw eyes like this, I subtly dislike the drawing, even though I thought it was an interesting way of doing it." or "Every time I do the hair this way, it always comes out super cute and I love it." or "I learn nothing after spamming these ref copies, every time i do them." or "even though I think huge boobs is lewd, my moderate ones come out lewder in practice." or "this literally never works."

3: Once you've developed the associations, learn to act on those associations in practice. If you realize you're about to draw something you recall usually doesn't work, CATCH YOURSELF. stop, reorient, do it different. Maybe try something with a higher success rate? You'll know what that is, because you've been paying attention to what works for you! About to do something and get frustrated over it? STOP! reorient, find a way off that path.

Notice what works: act on the associations

Its actually fairly easy to do, no hard work required, just mindfulness. its a human operated neural network algorithm, it sorts out bad methods that tend to fail, and makes you do more good things that work in practice. kinda like osha guidelines for artists, where failures are the hazards. (2/2)
tl;dr I think avoiding failure is a good thing, so I actively consciously notice what doesn't work and try to do less of it, and actively notice what does work and try to do more of it, and I'm always noticing it.
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WIP. Updating a ref of one of my OCs. Posting it here so I'm more motivated to finished.

Planning on reworking the whole pose and possibly the face. Tried to sprinkle some of the magic that my favorite artist puts into his faces, but, for some reason, my attempts to replicate his style don't come that close (I will simply study more).

Hopefully, something good will come out of this once I rework this... here's hoping!!!



Based tradmaxxer. Big fan of the ink and hatching!!!
Good luck on your OC, anon. Thank you for your kind words, I'm rooting for you to finish!
Thanks for the advice, sorry for not responding sooner. I really like your artstyle, and your perspective is really interesting. Saved this as a .txt file, I'll think about it more as I'm drawing
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designing cute lady knights
stiff pose because i was worried about the design more
very cute, i like how you painted the eyelashes.
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Finished!!! Very happy with this ref >:{}

Thanks anon!!! I love your style!!! Feels like it's pulled straight from the 90s!!!

Sick armor!!! Love the colors!!!
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Thanks a lot, the shadows made that piece a lot better, and you can't go wrong with purple and yellow, she looks cool.
I should also finish shading mine, maybe later, I wanna design more outfits first. >>7191772
Doodled a casual outfit for Ferfou c:
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Holy shit forgot pic
thanks, its a bit of a wall so that's as much as I can hope for haha.

try doing the conscious awareness thing as an exercise. You should only need to do it once, after that you should find you are always aware naturally after that. Thats what happened to me anyways.

What I did was this: I'd start drawing normally, but paying close attention. The moment I notice i start having trouble on a part or something, I stop, and go do a study on that thing to find a way of making it easier, fix it so it no longer gives trouble, y'know to try trouble shoot it. Again ya only need to do this once for it to affect you. Good luck!
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nice tummy
nice artstyle
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Making more refs...

Thanks, man >:{}
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Lovely design!
Absolute trooper; keep up the great work!
Thanks anon, and your colors and shapes are lovely too
Simple work doodles

Thanks!!! Loving the pose and colors here btw >:{}
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Forgot pic
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I still think i am messing up girl faces. Theyre not that cute.

The damn spot under the lips always looks wrong to me. and i still dont have it defined what is a "masculine" or "femenine" chin. Pls help :c
What I would do to make her cuter is, and some of these are preferences, shorten the chin a bit, decrease the gap between the mouth and chin, move the nose just a little bit down, make the eyes slightly bigger.
Now for some other tihngs ive learned, the shadow under the lower lips look wrong to you because that black line stands out and it doesnt sell the idea of a little shadow but a very noticeable fold in the skin or something like that, but you can actually apply Impressionist ideas to animay, instead of doing such a graphic representation of what it is, just make it a very simple version of that shadow without the lines to sell the idea even if its not 100% accurate, this is what is stylization is about, capture the essence, step back from the canvas to see what it looks like from a distance.
Now the eyebrows dont get thicker as they reach the side of the face, its thicker on the inwards, unless you wanna make an old man with bushy eyebrow i would avoid this, makes her look less cute, and i would also add some basic shading to the eyes, and some highlights, which i will take this opportunity to tell you about how highlights and the whites of the eyes arent actually pure white.
Hope it helps.
cute drawing otherwise, anon, keep it up
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im a dumbass and i forgot the damn pic
thanks anon ill have these in mind <3
that's not cute
No problem, keep on experimenting and playing around with ideas, check out the work of other artists that you like and that you want for your own style, analyze it, try to copy what works, etc.
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very pretty anon
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Challenged myself with the lasso tool.

Love the linework. Almost looks analog >:{}
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if else fails you can always just give them bigger boobs probably
cute but [spoiler]i find small titties cuter[/spoiler]
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If the bio listed is actually true then that means you can just use yourself for ref for cute girls, since you are girl anyways. you got the OP strat potential
really nice edit, im actually not the original anon, but the other person who made an edit, cant use myself for reference in that case!
I have notice a lot of women artists draw a bunch of cute grils tho, so you're onto something.
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need fresh eyes.
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Here you go
Any corrections would be nitpicking.

My best critique would be to move the eyebrows above her left eye farther forward to the left cause it's a 3/4 view and to make the right eye less of a circle and more of an oval as it would be squished due to the angle/perspective. but honestly it's really hard to find fault in your work.
Ahhh youre way too good with these edits.

damnit,i wish i could get better at those kinda effects...
Anywho thanks.

I really gotta get that "cute face" problem sorted out.
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Tried aping the Madeline style in digital, but it just ended up looking super-jank :/
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Thoughts on this new one?
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You really are great at this.

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One thing that stood out to me was that it seems like he isn't looking anywhere in particular. Here's how I would change it to make the face less long and make her expression less.. empty?

It's hard to describe but I hope picrel will help show what I mean. Hope this helps
Yeah, i just moved her pupils around so she'd look "good enough".

Thanks for the help tho. I also need to improve drawing the face in general
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also you should make her shoulders and torso skinner/less wide and make her ass bigger, cuz you know, hot wammen.
rn it looks like shes got a huge back which isnt what you want i think.
again, if you're a girl you can always just use yourself as ref. you also have this problem of making your shading way soft, so just stick with cell shading it and then adding gradients and softening the edge with an airbrush in little spots, the important thing is making the the shadows and lights well shaped and in the right spot. dont feel like painting over your whole thing but heres roughly what id push to
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Thank you!

Yeah, i am very insecure about my celshading attempts (pic related) so i just blur everything.

Airbrush softening the edges when necessary might help making me feel more confident.
Thank you a lot for the tips!
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Nakoruru from Samurai Shodown.
This is an older pic, i usually just blur the entire shading.
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lazy sketch
Looks good, severely uninspired outfit design for a devil though
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I drew this for /dpt/ but they didn't like it.
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Gonna work on this for the next few days…or weeks.Ím slow.
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I think you can rethink your composition a bit for Marissa
Is that You, Subu? Thanks for the tip. Hope I dont fuck this up.
yeah but dont out me Jonah. >:C
make sure to make it better or else ill steal your idea and draw her naked
Wip Bump
Please refrain of using my wife for your degeneracy. You have plenty of Touhou whores to choose from.
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i might color more stuff now
Nice work anon, and thanks! It's Usagi's 47th birthday!
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Drew someone's slime girl
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gun grill
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Initiating complete thread takeover (this is a girl), albeit a funny-looking one)
Very shapely, ahahaha ha
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Toying around with character designs sketching.
Horns or no horns?
I think the horns are cute!

This was for a recent art fight attack :)
Thank you, I agree, but I like how she looks without them too. I think it does add to the design's silhouette though, if you subscribe to the "recognize a character by that" theory on character design. I feel like the horns kind of disrupt the rounder cutesier look I'm going for with the head.
Nice drawing by the way, I wish I was good enough to do art attack. Your anatomy is really nice.
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WIP. Going to finish fixing up the lighting tomorrow.
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The colors are really nice, I would try to study hard edges and apply it to this piece, airbrush is good but you need to balance the soft parts with sharpness. Not sure if that explanation makes sense so here's a doodle.
Thank you, moai-kun :)

I wasn't exactly sure how to approach the lighting scheme as it was, so I defaulted to the airbrush. I'm going to give it a shot and see if I can fix some of it up with some harder edges (and probably use a different brush as well)!!!

Very cute doodle btw!!!
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Alright... attempted to fix the edges and add harder edges. Thanks again for the crit (and cute doodle), moai-kun!
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Long time no post :)
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More or less the final look, now doing shading stuff. Ended up merging the og comp with what subu suggested.
3 left facing 3/4 faces in a row is good luck! Get your lotto tickets now
careful with the feet it looks like she wearing opposite shoes on each foot and the right one is notably bigger than the other
nta but the shoes look fine

the shading feels incomplete though in terms of transitions from light to shadow
>the shading feels incomplete though in terms of transitions from light to shadow
well, yeah, its a wip,there are parts that are not even painted yet. I have yet to refine most of it.
the braid along with that hank of hair( deer antler?) looks so weird i think theres a word for that something something tangents? it looks like it's floating in the hair, the tips at the end of the hair are too symmetric looks unnatural, the hand grabbing the brom looks like its ironc clawing the brom instead of holding it, also is the broom curved inwards? her right shoe lacks form, it's pretty oval shaped. If the intention with the braid and antler was some flowy thing, i would go with this, also that ribbon is flat, all of this are probably things only other artist would care most normies wont realise/care for this.
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I wanted to try something different for a composition...
Nta but great tips
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I did what I could, now just polishing stuff
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Painted grill

This is lovely :)

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Done, this was a fun study.
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My Pretty Pretty Penelo :D
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really nice drawings
based midori enjoyer
cute drawing
My favorite thing to do is draw cute women. Is she cute enough?
WIP of Okina
She is CUTE! I wanna know more
I'm having trouble with the hair and lighting, this wavy hair isn't easy...
Not much to say, she's a 2hu character and I drew her hat wrong but I'm rolling with it
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More artfight dump
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Didn't turn out so well, not a fan of this one
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Also this, not a fan of it since the composition did not turn out the way I wanted it to. I plan on practicing dumb angles more.
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Last one for now. Tried thumbnailing before I actually started the drawing. Hoping it turns out the way I want it to.
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IDK what I don't like about this, but I hope my recipient enjoys
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Cute sailor scout!!!
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Updated this pic
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Old and new stuff of mine...
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based and wiggle-pilled
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Not perfect, but I did my best :)
based and yandere-pilled
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I have saved your older design from an oc thread from a few months ago. A delightful design and it seems that youre still growing. Keep up the great work!

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