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Last heartbreaking episode that shocked viewers >>7184369

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post child photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Main resources & FAQ
>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon
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beeg cunne
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anyone know of some cute outfits i can draw?
bathing suit
I meant to say birthday suit
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String bikinis? Those are always cute.

I'm surprised I was able to shit out two,whole drawings this weekend. I guess it really is true: speed does come with experience, so there's no point in learning how to draw faster.
>eyeing the resoruces post
>https://gelbooru.com (only japanese artists. access to loli/shota in the settings.)
Kek, that site is fucking plagued with westoid shitters and beg tier art. What the fuck happened?
>beg tier art
what does this mean?
What do you think it means...? Rub your two brain cells together for once.
It’s so some Karen from the BBC network doesn’t make a yearly Japan attack piece documentary on the evils of image sites hosting such imagery and what the Japanese government is doing to prevent such sites from existing and how it harms women.

I noticed you draw tongues like its tongue tied but upside down which I find interesting.
So you don't know either...
I think girls' tongues are erotic so I rry drawing their tongues as pussies whenever I can. I've seen a couple artists do that and it always makes my dick explode, so I do the same. Case in point: Rance 01 OVA

Also I don't have any references on tongue musculature.
What if I want the teens?
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Looks super soft
Always love your cute drawings anon
Erotic bellies...
hah. somehow bathing suits and bikini's are the few things i can't draw all that great, let alone anything with little clothing It just never looks right for some reason. I'll still give it a shot though.
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Really liked this outfit, so ended up drawing it again. Not sure I like this one as much as the first one, but at least there's some storytelling this time around.
Why is she in a white void? Is she in purgatory?
Post your background
New niggers really just expect to be spoonfed
He’s talking about art like >>7195191
and >>7194955
which is fine to post in a place where youre looking for feedback. But has invaded art sites.
Westoids seem to have no shame and overestimate their skills
Who cares when gelbooru and pixiv are full of ai shit?
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wip today
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I'm in love with a fictional character
No one cares.
Some of us just want to draw what we like and don't need validation like some attention seeking whore.

Draw whatever you want, that's your artistic freedom
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>artistic freedom
it's a myth, don't you remember?
only money and power give freedom
no money = no honey, no freedom, no drawings, no lolis.
fuck them
no, first she has to prove she's an adult and give me her signed consent
>make a pretty decent thing last year
>notice that one small mistake
>it's an older work now
>the small mistake
Updated, but there's some awkward pauses.
Coming along great!
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I wish to insert into tachibana arisu
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>tachibana arisu
I know.. she's not 9歳
But I am okay with that.
Based loli snuffking.
Updating again (nsfw), I need to make the final part for the current animation better before I outline.
Think you should make the kissing part more intense
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Dooling more shit at work.
Very difficult to focus or have a good angle for drawing at all when I have two cameras staring at me and keep getting interrupted.
I know it is very bad but I want to draw more at work and hopefully get better because I am ITRED OF BEING SHIT.
Ideally, you should also start drawing at home too. Early on, I spent 8+ hours a day just drawing, so basically all I did was eat, sleep, and draw. You gotta learn to enjoy the process and acknowledge the suck, or you'll burn out, anon.
It is just a shitty plagiarized doodle.
Are you laughing at me? Anon, I also draw at home and know I need to put as many hours as humanly possible and I have been drowning in my own shit begness for a while but I only have 1-2 hours for myself after coming home all tired and want to stsrt doodling more at work to get that mileage.
Still pretty shit as you can see.
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>Are you laughing at me?
Not at all. I just assumed you were only drawing at work. From experience, you will always be your own biggest critic, which is why it's always important to have a second or third pair of eyes look at your work. If they can redline it, even better. Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to improve without the help from much more talented loli artists like shinodage and from all the random people online I subjected to my WIPs over the years. Assuming you're like me and you learn best by doing rather than reading, finding a drawing mentor of sorts to learn from would help you improve quickly and by leaps and bounds.
Not that anon, but the next step you should be learning is lighting. Specifically shadows.
I forgot to reply to you, you should learn lighting next be mindful of the contrast between the base color and the shadow.
Color theory's one of my weak points, as is controlled texturing, so I definitely will keep that in mind!
Oh, god,

I'm sorry, sometimes I forget that the majority of you guys are mentally ill.
I have no words.
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Used a reference, might turn her into a trap or futa just for that extra spicy degeneracy.
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Anonymous, 2X, drowned to death in the embrace of beautiful young girls, by their tears. He left no will and needs no epitaph, but requests that his IRC bouncer be kept alive.
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Cryptic. I’m sure you’ll achieve that goal one day when the stars align (-;
I think I need examples.
I don’t get Twitters recommendations. Why the fuck does it keep recommending me Blue Archive from artists? I don’t play BA, I don’t like BA artwork, I don’t reply to BA accounts or follow them. Why??? Is there some setting I need to uncheck?
cunny lovers fanbase, cunny game, cunny associations
in the settings, theres a topics section, which is a huge list of random shit that will show up in recommended feeds.
you can probably uncheck it there.
guess I’ll start there then
>Why the fuck does it keep recommending me Blue Archive

It seems I should draw some BA character.

Which one should I draw? I'm afraid I'll get banned...
don’t bother torturing yourself just to piss someone off
oh nice, likes are private now which means i no longer have to bookmark the intense porn that would make me look more of a degen than I already am
>to piss someone off
I'm not responsible for others feelings

Well I’m not responsible for telling you what’s trendy.
yeah, at first I though it sucks, but now it seems like a good idea, it will increase reposts, because attention whores like attention, they want people to know what they like.
I asked about BA characters, I already know what is trendy lmao.

you asked for a specific BA character, so you are clueless
gatekeeping gay
I know some information.
Right, so clueless.
It's a very good change. I can like as much as my heart wants now.
and? you know better? don't brag about it
Yeah, what if Elon is just trolling and bring likes back later?

I saw a tweet that he liked something about death note i think. Maybe he got embarrassed and is doing this to trick people into liking embarrassing things and then he brings it back.
I wasn’t bragging, i’m just well informed.
yeah, smart ass
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paper mario microphone
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paper mario sippy cup
why don't you post art anymore...
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Hunney is too good for us.
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he gave up
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Wip I didnt notice I created an orangutan hybrid until it was too late. I'll try a different idea tomorrow. Would you consider the face appealing?
Reminds me of Hayashibara so you cannot be far off the mark in appeal, it's more about line control to make it smooth

Tried to replicate master muk style in my own drawing
>no face
>no hands
Yes that was the idea

>no background
>no backstory
>no followers
>no job
>no gf
>no money
>no future
>no life
>no exercise
>no healthy eating habits
>no woman waiting for him after work
>no children to save for their college tuition
>future? completely stuck in the thoughts of his past
lolicels are truly the most pathetic beings to have ever walked this earth
I don't walk the Earth, I run.
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I'm a nutjob, so I'm limiting my activities to after bump-limit.
I don't think I can draw that well animated.
I tried (nsfw)https://files.catbox.moe/y14yd8.webm
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i highly recommend a friend who's an enl speaker to... suggest a more natural-sounding stream of dialogue
No way in hell i can find an English script writer for a loli hentai
don't you have loli buddies
There are loads of voice actors on Twitter and fiverr waiting for work. I use them all the time.
Scriptwriter, not va, but I don't think I'll be hiring any va.
Mainly because I don't use twitter and I am trying to keep external resources to a minimum.
definition of rent free
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You aren't cut out to be a caustic shitposter. Your words aren't provocative at all and you don't have any work to show. Bark less and settle for being a mopey concern troll instead. But only after a long hike so that we can forget you, as you can't be both at the same time.
Revised a scene, add a scene and removed the subs. (nsfw) https://files.catbox.moe/m3rerg.webm
I want to pip her lup until she uses water attack.
good stuff
add some impact for free by using a tiny horizontal camera pan on the first kiss and a vertical one when she jumps to catch the cum
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it's summer time frens
It’s been raining for daaays here in Florida #notmysummer
you missed these, janny
>vertical one when she jumps to catch the cum
Smart. Really smart.
stiff and unnatural
I can tell that you're actually used to drawing bodies but not hands or feet. Make a fist and compare to the drawing, you will notice that the fingers are not parallel to each other. Your feet is huge but the biggest issue is that it's too squarish, you need to fix the placements of the toe. The little and big toe are not supposed to be lined up that much.
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I know, I used pic related as ref.
I know I need to practice feet and hands more, but currently I'm trying to get better at poses by doing 50 random figure studies, once I'm done I'll practice those appendages properly https://files.catbox.moe/hc45bs.jpg
here :-)
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Let's pretend everything is fine
stiff and unnatural
did you draw that?

Oh. Well everything is fine, Fern.
Is there uploading issues in catbox?
Yes, use litterbox for now.
That's rather upsetting

w-what is that thing on the left?
her pet iguana
In a story scenario what is more appealing.. a shy and innocent girl decending into degeneration or a mesugaki who is actually inexperienced going in the same direction
Is there a specific fetish for the scenario?
mesugaki for me
i like a bratty girl who thinks shes hot shit then gets stuffed until she pisses allover herself
Not really I'm just playing with the idea to make a lolige but I would probably include some degenerate shit
shy innocent girl becoming dominant mesugaki during segs
That is a hard transition to make I feel..
Where do I grab requests?
I don't want to think about "what" to draw.
/b/'s art thread is a circlejerk
careful with the people making mosaics and collages. they may keep spamming the same requests all over the site.
Why do some popular artists get to post uncensored cunny on Twitter while others get banned for even implying? They seem especially immune if they are japanese.
i have so many wips that i can't finish because of not having a good set of brushes/not knowing how to color on CSP
it's over
hard round is all you need baby girl
>hard round
you think so? got any examples?
most people paint with a hard round as their primary brush
unless you need a specific kind of texture thats too tedious to do by hand you can paint mostly anything just fine with a hard round
hmmmm, i'll get to it someday, thank you
Psst https://files.catbox.moe/smucia.zip
Different audiences.
If antis can get enough traction/outrage they can get jp artists banned.
(Dorantabi is a recent example of a big jp loli artist that gets banned on x)
looks nice, ill keep that in mind as well
I wanted to draw a lot today, but ended up wasting a lot of time with vidya and doomscrolling xhitter. If I don't post at least five figure studies by tomorrow night you have my permission to call me a faggot.
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Look and dispair.
Dorontabi isn't banned though?
Weird commission I'm about to deliver https://litter.catbox.moe/egx4x3.jpg. Anything looking off or that could be improved?
I would recommend against drawing that upward bit of the nostrils. In my experience, it always looks very unappealing
I would also lower the outer corner of the eyes a little
The leg closest to the camera looks flat and strange compared to the nice forms throughout the rest of the picture. Particularly where the ass meets leg and the back of the knee. It looks amazing though otherwise.
Nice, thanks man. I'll look up some reference to fix it
That ass looks pretty wonky. I thought about doing a paintover but
Like other anons said, the butt looks off because it's drawn as if it was being looked at from directly forward instead of from slightly below and the left.
Make sure to make the crease between the butt and thigh more tubular so it gives a more rounded, perspectively correct look.
Fair enough
ooh, I see it. I'll see what I can do
gonna be afk so i'll go ahead and call you a faggot right now
Do not forget to play vidya, drawing is boring, have fun.
anon... i dont know if you are aware but people do pick art they like and upload on gelbooru, it's not necessarily the artist himself...
>people do pick art they like and upload on gelbooru
I stopped posting my nsfw lolis because of this
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Thanks for the feedback. I'm still trying to find muh style, so I'm experimenting.
Nah, I will win.
Hello anons, I come to share my concern and know what you think.

I am a lover of moe and kawaii anime illustration, from time to time erotic Loli content appears, I decide to rescue the technical side of illustration and not see the sexual BUT i have noticed that consuming too much content is affecting me and I am starting to not get bothered by seeing sexualization.
Do you think it is normal due to the consumption of this type of content?
ur just gay
>and not see the sexual

self-castration ?
>I decide to not see... the sexual
>starting to not get bothered
This is what you wanted, nerd
Definitely not a fan of the faces, but I'm focusing on the body, so it's OK if they look like ugly gremlins for now. https://files.catbox.moe/0uobcl.jpg
keep up the good work
Do you have a gallery or anything? Like the stuff
stiff and unnatural
Why do so many antis follow porforever?
Is the key to being a blatant lolicon just having 6 digit followers?
i remember hibi talking shit on loli artists on his alt then collabing with this guy two weeks later?
Does anyone actually care, or is it a grift?
You should really do a gesture drawing first.
Like no anatomy, just focusing on the flow.
Then add anatomy on top.
Proko explins it pretty well.
Also please post lolis instead of this faggot old guy art.
If you want an ojisan to hold you down and fuck you, just go on grinder instead of drawing them l. Or vote biden…nigger
Can you please just engage with what im saying instead of being a pedantic autistic cock sucker?
Westoids have polluted most sites. Even pixiv is a crap shoot now do to thes retarded faggots so deep in their own mediocre ass, they upload their rancid /beg/ art to various sites and cry about how nobody likes their shit.
90 percent of /ic/ are these fags.
Literally hope their family rapes them and gets murdered so they have actual problems instead of posting dog shit and crying on here about how theyll never get noticed

You're from the west, too, you dissociative disorder fuck. No amount of tweets in Japanese will make you Japanese. No amount of Japanese following you will acknowledge you as Japanese. No amount of entering Japanese circles will make you Japanese. You will never live permanently in Japan. You will never have a Japanese wife or Japanese children. You will never be employed by a Japanese company in Japan making art.
You are so fucking retarded.
Instead of acknowledging my point you assume i want to be a nip.
Unfortunately westoid culture promotes this behavior, where you all believe everything you do is worth acknowleding.
Obviously your art is trash or you wouldnt misconstrue my words into a personal attack.
Everyone who is not a faggot burger is aware of how overconfident you faggots are.
Please go back to letting your best friend(female) fuck black men while u pretend everything is fine retard

I'm not misconstruing your words, I'm giving you a reality check. We can be overconfident when it comes to Japan because we occupy their nation, not you. So sit your fuck down and remember that you're a "westoid" like us.
Jajajajajajajajajaja ty for the amusement.
Please keep posting your art and crying about no engagement.
My junior high students are better than most of you burgers and they dont wven have social media.
Ty for the reprieve.
Who is crying about no engagement? Point me to 1 post in this thread and I will shut up and send you $100.
Why would you feel the need to argue about the obvious fact burgers pollite the internet with terrible art unless you were a self conscious faggot?

So I take it nobody said "I'm getting no engagement" but you.
Great post orenji, cute feet.
Why are homosexuals like this?
Don't reply to spics
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delete it before it's too late and reupload it on catbox
good drawing, though
nah don't care but yeah thanks
Based. GR3 is a joke and needs to go
Looks 21
Best as always
>delete it before it's too late

Why? It's just a painting of a child, she's not a real.
Very nice
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Looks flat but I don't know why.
I think it looks fine as it is but maybe you want to make it so the girl in the front is facing the one in the back a little, like a 'side profile but turning away' angle. To draw that angle you need to move the eye closer to the edge of the face and angle it so the corner closer to the nose is slightly lower than the corner closer to the ear
I think that's what I'm looking for. Thank you.
holy shit dude....
I thought you were gizmos
Flat angles. One is in perfect profile and the other is drawn as full frontal, no body tilt visible. Even the fingers don't seem to bend.
Is it a closeup? This could be irrelevant if they are both kneeling and the movement is added in their torsos.
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I'm not that based
thanks https://www.pixiv.net/users/93035622
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>1 girls kissing other girl's decapitated head
>Dead girl made into a doll

You sick fucks made me horny.
sank you
How long have you been drawing?
17 years
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She's a cute little thing indeed
3 years since I found out this board and Loomis and timelapses but I had prior experience from watching Mark Crilley and drawing on my high school books
My shit will never look like fkey's baka. I dont even care about loli shit i wanna draw his contrast,coloring etc... You on the other hand captured his drawing style 1:1 amazing. Here i came to check anybody did an fkey one and i was not disappointed.
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>I'm not that based
you're more consistent
it's a whole ass drawing
Her hips are so wide she could give birth to herself...
Relaxing doodling. Clean lineart takes too much time.
I was just resting after working on my current (not a loli) drawing.
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I was given feedback that my faces didnt have everything lined up correctly in perspective, does this seem closer? Also does anyone else get drastically worse at drawing if they try to improve more than one aspect (consciously) at a time?

I hope i get to the point where this is a doodle.
>hips are so wide
That's actually a good thing.
I've been trying to learn how to draw adult looking characters, I mean erotic stuff. Normies don't like my art, they feel uncomfortable.
>I hope i get to the point where this is a doodle.

It comes with practice.
The right leg feels super long. Shades of Tatsuya Saeki in these proportions


Have you just not been drawing in a long time or is my friendar off this time?
I draw fairly regular.. I just don't post it all here.
Way off
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I see.
Maybe I'm slowly forgetting the scent.
Karens will still call you a pedo.
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More or less. You drew the nose as if she was looking straight at you and the far eye is a bit too far. In my redraw I put every facial feature where you yourself drew them to show it's on the right track, however, the way you drew the eyes is wrong. Make sure the corners aren't too slanted or it'll look bad. You can also omit the inner corner like I did and stop midway
Another thing is the shape of the head and hair. When drawing loli, I usually make it so the brow line divides the head/face in two equal sized sections, so that characteristic 5head can pop up. This is of paramount importance. As for the hair, always keep the top of the head nice and round. It's okay to draw some bumps from the hair parting but you gotta be subtle
My suggestion if you're drawing traditionally on cheap paper is to leave it as simple as possible and use straight-ish lines wherever you can because its lack precision when absorving the lead will fuck you up when drawing faces
Your torsos are always to wide and big, especially when leaning forward. You should study them more so you know where the ribcage ends and the waist begins. It's very clear here since you outlined the entire torso.
This has nothing to do with the guy you're redlining, and no, I'm not bullshitting you. You did the same thing with your commission drawing.
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how does one render hair like this?
thanks, but I said "how", not "what".
Experimenting while imitating the artist old artwork then take a guess how she paint the hair
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I thought you were supposed to be the chosen one, Gizmo kun
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ay lmao
Nice fixing my megumin
I appreciate you
Now draw her naked.
>No, I won't draw lolis

then fuck off the thread
Fuck off dude. Please. Just go.
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you're gonna play her name game right?
new game*
lol she's bald
I love how cute it is even if it's a bit off
any good sketch brushes? i hate how lineart looks like, and i wanna share sketches instead
Sorry for the mass reply but there is tons of good stuff tonight.

I luv u gizmo.
Goddamn thats nice. Blog?
Hair came out great
>I hope i get to the point where this is a doodle.
I feel you and I understand your pain.
>Face is flat.
I suffer 10 times as worse from this curse so if you ever figure it out let me know.
Too cute and too funny for just a doodle. Love the way the skmz shows off the fat lumps on the tummy and wide hips on kani is great.

Drafting up something for a fren's birthday. How badly am I fucking up aside from the
>Right leg is dislocated
>Left leg is massive
>Feet are boneless
>Hand is hag-looking and the forearm comes out from way too fucking below
>Head is badly proportioned
>Torso is too lanky.
I am going to put my all on this one because I fumbled last year's. Sorry for MAKING YOU LOOK AT MY SHIT.

nice work
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Dont lie.
You have a nice distinct style.
What was it?
/beg/ scribbles
Shame. Was expecting 2k
>>7205909 Was this fucker lying then?
they were just trying to compliment someone for trying despite the quality

lets all be less negative towards eachother and lift eachother up since everyone else hates us anyways why hate eachother on top of that
It was a drawing of Saya from Saya no Uta. I have the image saved.
And this >>7206244
Have no clue why a small minority of people on the board are attacking their own kin. It’s this cancerous posting >>7206242
>was expecting 2k
that needs to stop
>Drafting up something for a fren's birthday.
I feel bad for your "friend"
you’re just mad he has a friend
I am just tired of permabeg retards shitting up the board with their ngmi shit.
So we’re going back to pseudo gatekeeposing instead of the rickydoo shit from earlier, huh. Why do you waste your time?
It is shit but not unsalvegeable. Maybe a better artist can redline it.
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you should study how fabric works and learn to draw different eye shapes. Kazuma shouldn't have the same face as Megumin
??? why would i lie
i like it so far
So why don't you help the board by posting your work? Oh, it's because you're a self hating /beg/ retard. Do you even draw?
Oh look, he ran away with his tail detached.
I-is it really t-that bad?

Yes. But you can make it. I believe in you.
you actually draw while crabs don't; you're already light years ahead of them so keep being consistent
Not drawing beats being a mediocre artist desu. Feels horrible to keep making shit after shit.
Nah, it's just a sketch. Some good artists have wonky sketches.
I could redline it, but you already have reference (you need more ref imo). I could redline the ref too but that'd be a bit pointless.
>you need more ref imo
Stop acting like a pussy and elaborate
I know I can't draw worth shit and I must keep relying on refs to pseudo-photobash and plagiarize parts of a drawing. I thought that the ribbon ref was enough to see it cover the body and squish and for the ribbon while the Porno pose ref was good enough for the pose and proportions and Saya is just there to get a feel of her hair and eyes and face.
What other ref does he think it needs?
Disclaimer: I am very stupid
The feet are absolutely horrid because they're not in any ref. You changed the hand pose and is absolutely horrid because you don't have ref for it. You probably need more saya ref, as I'm sure you won't know what to do with the hair.
pls respond
Just lower the flow/density of your ink brush
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another for funsies
i love it
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anyone else see the two lollified one piece characters? i had absolutely no idea who they were but i love the one with the choker.
i love your art so much. its so inspiring. my favorite loli art style, i think.
from one beg to another, its better than i could do. i think working through the problems with it will be a huge aid to your growth. some of the things I noticed that are off: the right arm in your pose seems really flat and 2D, like its made from paper, where as in the reference image you can see some of the mass of her forearm like its coming forward and isn't just bending up. it also makes her arm look really long. another thing to note is the head shape and the placement of the head on the neck, you've made the neck the same size, and in the same position, as your reference image, but in your version the head is much larger and wider so the neck looks like its in the wrong spot. and then I think the nipple placement is off, but i really don't know. another thing to note may be the ribbon pull should probably be taut and tight against the ribbons tied to her chest because that's where it would encounter resistance I imagine. these are just beg criticisms though, so I may be wrong on every single point. i will say i like it so far and finishing a drawing always makes it look better. apologies for the long post
aww man
>started drawing for the first time in 2 weeks
>electricity fucking dies
is this a curse?
LOL, that's so funny. Yeah, I guess it is a curse - Maybe you should stop drawing or something, I dunno.
dont tell me that, i cant just stop drawing
Then don't. Rise above. Be the artist you know you have the potential to be and draw circles around those who don't believe in you.
The supply of cunny artists have exploded but the demand for it remains low and then you add up the constant purging by social media sites. We can't afford to feed another mouth
Cute Lain ! Recently i saw her in bikini more often... I can't complain i just love her ,i would like to see more of her and your drawings too. Can I have a social?
Bad western lineart that's why it's ugly, the drawing isn't that bad but the lines bring it down

is this a critique worth acknowledging
Almost never.
No, ignore. Lineart it's indeed ONE of the issues, but the retard doesn't explain why and hides behind buzzwords because he doesn't understand why either. You emphasize unimportant details with thick lines just as much as the main forms, which muddies readability as well. Someone already told you the angle of the heads is unnatural, and that's more important than the lines themselves right now.
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now it's my saya drawing
my ankle hurts just looking at this
You need to exercise, fatso.
You should get your health checked
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Is this sexually arousing? I think I'm incapable of producing sex. Too pure for this world.
it looks highly sus
it's good enough, but I'd personally make her hips a bit wider
I'm jealous of people that can cram a lot of appeal in very few lines.
more like too /beg/, yikes
proving you can't grind appeal
Cant go wrong with creampies
do posts get delisted from being searchable by tags after a while in the 'raag? what's the point of doing that? is it to make it harder for spammers to shit up the site, or is it due to an inherent weak point of using an decentralized system?
the search function doesnt even fucking work for me to begin with
Wabaki has officially fallen
a guy who drew one face in one angle for like 500 drawings
I noticed his account was deleted, did something happen to him?
>loli artist
>randomly nukes everything
At this point in the world you just stop wondering and accept it for what it is
Like 5th time already
eyebrows where?
Thanks! I will try to search you there.. ahh mastodon .. it will take a while...
nice drawing of Lain again.
"try to search you there" he literally gave you a link
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You need to relax, you're going to be IP wiped again if you continue acting so unhinged.
I would also make it a boy, but sometimes we need to depict or practice certain things over being purely indulgent.
I am also biased towards cum. Is it an erotic crutch, I wonder.
i can't understand what's going on here
why did you duplicated it
>You need to relax, you're going to be IP wiped again if you continue acting so unhinged
but we are over bump limit, it should be OK to go wild now
You're going to need to explain the autism behind this.
he just moved the color layer to show she had eyebrows
maybe that was a minor girl who doesn't know how to search on the internet
Those are eyelids though. She has no eyebrows. And if anon intended them to be eyebrows, anon made a big mistake.
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Some dumbass thinks I use AI.
I don't think he implied that. You're just a paranoid retard, probably because you mentioned using AI in the past.
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For the record, sampling AI once from a technological standpoint is not the same as actually using it for my work or any process therein.
You're forever tainted, and you know it, otherwise people thinking you use AI wouldn't even have come to your mind.
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Why would I feel tainted or guilty about that? Everyone's at least used DALL-E before they realized the little toy would be a threat to their livelihoods or whatever. That retard just pops up every time without fail and it smelled like shit, so.
>Everyone's at least used DALL-E
Stop projecting, closet AI retard
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Oh look, what did I say.
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lmao a fucking AItroon
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You (or one of you) even stalk me outside of these threads. What's your endgame? Are you in love with me?
Symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia
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It's a compliment + you're obsessed with me.
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I had fun fucking around with novel ai when it came out. You dont have to be a saint and never have touched AI to be against it.
Im in love with you whoever you are. Ill stalk you with compliments and love
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Nobody fucks with you until they see you succeed and surpass them. Just rejection and silence. When you pop off is when the DMs come, the hit ups, the follows, the collab requests. Where were they from the beginning? Where was that support without asking for it?
There's a finite amount of time and resources, so it's obvious that people will only support those who can help them back. Any organism that would have tried to help another one at its own expense would have gone extinct from the beginning. True selflessness the kind we see in shounenslop is impossible in real life.
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Was trying a new simpler style and came out with these little guys. If you see anything that stands out in a bad way let me know so I can fix it/not do it moving forward + not too proud of the top right guy, face looks too spacey, or maybe TOO simple. (and I hid his other hand) Any feedback is welcome

I know of some people here who would like my work but not follow me back because in their eyes there is nothing to gain for them. What was the like for? I guarantee when I'm popular they'll not just follow me back, but actually try to engage in communication with me.
A like without a follow means I like this but I can't be arsed too check your profile or I like this but not the rest of your work. Thinking there not following because there's nothing to gain from it is very sociopathic thinking and probably projection.

I really don’t care about all of that. I’m being cryptic in my posting and only care about 1 person
that's really gay
i’m gay then
I have a few stalkers too and it makes me uncomfortable
they wanted to find me, photos of me.
i’m going to show you all that i’m going to be popular
Why do you want to be popular? It seems annoying having to deal with so many shitters

To tell you the truth, real shit, 100% the reason stems from IRL. As the eldest brother of 2, I grew up with my youngest siblings looking up to me. But as we grew older we all drifted apart. I was no longer the cool other brother—they would rather hang out with their friends who had toys and games that I didn’t have. Those other boys had something I couldn’t provide. And then eventually I just became an eyesore loser of a brother in their eyes because I don’t have shit going for me. I’m not a pinnacle of example.

And so I see this didn’t stop with close family or coworkers, but pretty much everyone; offline or the digital world. Everyone just wants to chase and sit next to status. I want status, but what I will do with that status would be bold things nobody has the balls to do in the art community. To the next level. And then everyone who ignored me, doubted me, and distanced themselves from me will see.
Cool, but is it wishful chuuni thinking or are you actually working toward it?
I made that last sentence up on the fly. I don’t know what I want to do with popularity. I just want to be a popular artist to show people on the internet I’m something. I guess getting art jobs is a perk.

Yes. I’ll quit my job tomorrow morning and work toward my goal full time…is what I want to say. I don’t know. I have everything in place to see this goal to the end but I need to figure out how I’ll financially “survive”.
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The only thing I can think of would be to do Doorash/Ubereats/etc during dinner time, 4 hours per night. I did some runs earlier this week and 2 apps and 1 day I only made almost $30 in 2 hours while another day I made only $16 in 2 hours which is terrible but I was taking any trash that came up to gain experience. So to “survive” I’ll just need to make at least $50 per night minimum or 350 per week. I could work full time, 7 days per week in 1 week and part time the 2nd week then have 2 weeks fully off to commit to my goal without interruption.

All this means is I can’t eat happy meals for the next year or 2, just beans and rice.
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Artists besides, it's probably not that personal. Maybe I'm projecting here, but nobody actually has friends these days... Just little flings that last as long as they share the same interests and goals. Basically we're all in the same boat. Well, maybe not me. I'm more than content to message my one (1) friend of 11 years once a week or so and fulfill the rest of my social needs shitposting online. I'd be bored without these things but probably not lonely. Guess I'm fucked in the head like that.

Sure, anonymous strangers fulfill some gap of loneliness. I just know I feel like I should be something more. If popularity comes with legions of retards then so be the case but name in the credits is what I want. Something I can put on Linkedin. Being an artist of true recognition.
and you’re lucky to have (1) close friend
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I can't relate, but you can do whatever you want. Purge all shame and inhibition and you'll surely find a way. This world is hell, after all.

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