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Who the fuck let the general die edition?

Previous thread: >>7177880

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/
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Yay a raccoon I love raccoons they’re so cute!
>furfag OP
the /dad/ exodus truly is upon us
that's what we're here for sweaty, keep up
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There's one pedo and one edgy 14-year-old
bruh the 4 out of the top 10 dads either draw furries or are actual furries
Isn't the site owner a furry?
That’s terrible. Furries are the worst kind of people. Going around raping pets. Disgusting.
That's beastiality or zoofile. Furries like human body with animal faces, because we can't bear look at real stupid people. Like you!!!
Enough about furries. Let's talk about pedos
i like little boys
kachi likes little girls
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Lame people make lame posts. Most of them do not draw and have room temperature IQ.
I have room temperature IQ but I DAD: what do I win?
You win a smooch!
Prehensile penis.
I'll take it. I'd be like a spidermonkey, except my tail's on the front of my body and can ejaculate semen and urine. though, in all honesty, I'm a volcel, so I only ever excrete the latter.
let's talk about art and happy things!
>Not a single tier list for the last 4, 5 months
This thread is wack.
You're right, I won't post in the threads anymore.
see you in a couple hours
please dont post tier list i dont think i could take it
alright now someone *has* to post a tier list, to get this faggot outta here
Pedos? S tier
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Working on a Murloc collage
I want to hump some of you
prove it
I've had weirdly prophetic dreams lately and I dreamed of someone calling me out in the threads last night
lowkey has me on edge
yeah i had a dream of something similar to this but it was just beratement in the comments or something like that. i think we're next
So (You) had "the dream" finally huh...
I hope my dad crush is okay...
>someone calling me out
How? You cheating or just not improving?
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whats the point of a general on /ic/ if all the discussion happens off board?
containment for the super retards (me)
how old is his gf what do you guys think
i bet on 15 while he is in his mid 20s
I couldn't care less about his preferences; I'm just shocked that he's the same height as his gf
this is neither here nor there, but I heard they have the same cock size too
>has gf as tall as him
>looks kinda curvy
>basically complete opposite of what a pedo would like
yeah i'm confused too
How do you know this?
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look through his submissions
he draws him and his girl quite often
it was revealed to me in a dream
>lame beaten topics for the last 10 threads
>lame ass, un-funny thread goers with forced memes
>taking about personal life of a specific nodody in stead of art related topics
No wonder the last thread lasted for 3 weeks.
This general couldn't survive over the years without my memes.
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finally stopped asking questions and started uploading, thanks for the making me shut up
>furry op
>50 posts in 12 hours
dad renaissance?
Fortunately only one response was also furry. You people disgust me.
Sorry for threadjack. Can't make my own thread.
Anyone know what happened to Brother Baston?
His last content on Youtube is 2 years ago
Ayo stop talking trash about my boy Kachi crabs
Kachi don't listen to them, you are great. I wish you and ur girl to be happy together
ban everything i don't like
do it now
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I'm new to painting, just spent about 4 hours to do this. Any crit?
This video unlocked something in my brain that made me start painting competently. Hope it does the same for you.
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Give me (You)s or Garfield haunts your nightmares tonight.
>garfield meme
No, just that time I had watched garfield horrors on 4chan and they leaked into my dreams.
I promised I would translate to canvas.
Yea I'm a nazi so what. And my gf is black
at least they are not furries, which is far worse
the venn diagram of furries and zoofiles is a circle
You know what else are also circles? Your mom, your familitree, your bank account, your sex life, your future.
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3 times the madness
Is dad racist
against white people, yeah
so cute
>4 hours
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.
Maybe not dad, but the admin, yeah.
typical furry response, I doubt you even know what a venn diagram is as all your blood goes from your brain straight to your dick as soon as the family dog walks by
at least you creatures are less likely to procreate with actual humans and spread your degraded genes around
I told myself I wouldn't draw again until I reached master in majsoul and it's not looking good bros
Furchad board
Furchad site
Furchad WORLD
>he doesn't know
Factually false. Furshitters lost.
they lose by default - no ifs, ands, or buts about it
I'd be a furry if I could get a furry gf (female)
same but twink
same but futa
same but tentacle monster
same but with man
same but dog
You completely gave up on trying to get a girl using conventional methods haven't you?
same but shit
fuck trying to get a girl, 2D only
Anon, I'm 32 years old, kissless, hugless virgin (male). At this point it's not "giving up", it's just facing the facts and accepting reality for what it is.
Dude. God gave you masturbation but you are willing to become a furry just to have someone to drain your balls into? Do you even realise how far you've fallen?

And don't give me that love/family/companionship bs. Youre far too old to believe that
female furries = quirky, open to be bred like an animal, 8 kids minimum
male furries = sick twisted psychopaths
nobody here is drawing
It's shocking that the average DAD's age is early to mid-30s, and everyone's drawing cartoon and video game characters.
why's that shocking?
30+ are outliers
Most of 4chan is 20-25, and there's 18yo zoomers on dad who will bring down the average age further
According to you what should be the "norm" then? Kidz drawing peppa pig and Robloxxx?
Young people can't stand a site like this. This is a 2005 website, and it is being kept like that. Kids won't ever lurk this place, it is more than boring to them, it is literal SHIT.
not even just dad, but I've been finding out a lot of ic artists are mid-20s to mid-30s, myself included. I thought I'd be the odd one out surrounded by teens and early-20s kids, ngl
average age used to be lower on here and dad but a lot of people just never left so it's steadily increased
>Don't forget: you're here forever
The website killed my streak for no reasons. Fuck this I'm out
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I guess back to square 1
other dads have gotten their streak reinstated when there was an error with the website, so if you have actual proof of that, you can go to nanner and he will presumably do the same for you.
This. Everyone just lies and says it was site error
He uploaded 15 mins late. There is no error.
please refrain from inappropriate behavior such as using crass language
that is permissible, thank you
somone make a lewd challenge
be the change you wanna see in this community, you lazy fuck
I miss when I drew every day
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New challenge idea : Let yo bih go through yo dad submissions
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I guess /DAD/ threads lost discord status
wdym? dadcord still a thing, add vastian0988 when you have your 14 day streak
My bad the streak resets at an inconvenient time for me so after drawing I just forgot to to upload it yesterday.
Feels bad
wtf i wanna be an average dad when I grow up
that or a wolf for me
How much longer until the site goes down?
When.....oh, nevermind.
That would be fun
draw yourself in your transparent nightgown challenge
savage kek
Dad has been drinking
Please go directly to dad.gallery/submissions/new to make a submission. You’ll be able to navigate from there. If you miss this before roll over or something don’t stress this will no doubt be given leniency towards streaks just email the contact email bottom of the page asap.
OK crisis has been resolved sorry fellas
ty, banana daddy
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it begins
Look mom, I'm on TV!
>Spring Challenge 2024
>33 dads succeed
let's see how we fair this season, boys
we're starting with 111 people
nice digits in both
Congrats to the 33 flawless from Spring '24:

Piers, John Johnson, Ritstreler, King, Kouzui
quad, tsutra, rayminiscule, SN, Phoenie
Urazi, nsix, Amani, SireForseti, Frytail
Courtier, Calli, Kitaabun, Fran99, Zanzalur, mehl
٩(◕‿◕。)۶ The Destroyer of Worlds٩(◕‿◕。)۶
Bearslime, Aura, Dryhton, Grabstein, Apricot, Whizzard
jeejeen, mapache, kedskaput, Oliviet, and echo
am i too old for this meme?
I've finally accomplished something in my life. now maybe I can find a nice lady to let me lie down on top of her for a few minutes.
I don't think that's a meme, I just thought it looked interesting. It looks like a real life man enshrouded in darkness with his furry waifu licking his neck.
sorry bud I was here first I need a dad to take pity on me and take my first time (please be female)
I think it's a reference to this:
>not skipped
Thank you <3
When someone new joins I'm always suspicious that they are just posting old art to impress people. Within a few weeks they either stop posting because they run out of shit they made years ago, or it goes to the barest, basic minimum shit.

JUst start posting what you drew today. Be honest about the times. More people should post times, even if they aren't in houses. I want more autistic blog posts too.
>More people should post times

People do this with social media. They have a stockpile of drawings scheduled to drop every day before launching.
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I'm very proud of myself
i do this. i have lost the spark
Today I'll draw............. FURRY PORN!
based! :D
*plap plap plap*
I will do short but autistic blogposts just for you
> i have lost the spark
I think I may have stumbled on a solution to this, but I have to thoroughly test it out first - I'll make an elaborate autistic blogpost about how to solve this issue if I'll earn the flawless badge this season (assuming I won't forget to).
Hang in there buddy.
i will write autistic blogposts on every submission i make and also include a long title and post a comment to myself immediately after posting
untitled, unspecified, no description gang rise up
*crickets chirping*
I hope you like my daily dose of autism, anon. I've got plenty more for you if you ever read it.
Site broken? Or just really slow
Front page is broken it seems
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broken for me.

Hehe. I can't wait to feast on all those innocent dads that died because they didn't upload anything yet
or they could post their art here, in this thread to have a proof that they drew today, I suppose.
how many hours are left? I havent started yet.
2 hours left I think?
Sweaty summer eeeeh~
lookin forward to peoples work
The challenge got through then? I can't tell, my site doesn't load either
It's so hot I feel like I can barely focus on drawing. I always get extra frustrated when a sketch isn't turning out right when I'm all hot and sweaty.
Yeah worked on my end. Signed up to it 3 min ago
I feel ya, atm its quite cool but damn mid-day its blasting here..
People were asking for a coom week one but I thought 15 entries in 1 month works better
1 week streak challenges usually get ruined for me by irl stuff getting in the way
Lookin forward to non streak base for once, the unicorn and mermaid one back to back is abit draining atm for me
God I fucking hate that racoon. I want to stab it to death then run it over while it's still alive.
YFW the racoon wasn't even alive to begin with.
Kill it with fire then. Even better.
I cant access the website, its broken, cant submit my shitty art. How much time is left?
Thats me!
Yes it is, thats Melissa, old drawing I did 4 years ago on ms paint
i was able to access the site since i still had my profile open and the home page seems to be the only thing that isnt working for me
the home page and challenges page apparently
the submit page works for me, so does my profile etc
like others are saying only mainpage and challenges seem fucked
Many people are saying this
You are very right, and you saved my skin. Thanks.
lewd challenge but doesn't have to be lewd
ayo if it helps some get out of their comfort zones and finally draw naked figures not wearing underwear then sure
At what point do I accept that I just can't draw and give up.
Now with that attitude. Hate losers like you, I bet youre a weak faggot too. Stop complaining, stop seeking validation and fucking work for what you want. Bitch.
Anon, drawing is just a hobby. Everyone feels like that sometimes and it's important in moments like this to just take it easy. As long as you're having fun it doesn't matter how good you are. There will always be someone better than you, so there's no point in worrying about your skill level: just enjoy yourself and go with the flow. You'll improve on your own and in your own time and that's perfectly fine.
he doesnt have the spark...
Yeah he sounds submissive and breedable
I would need to know what your routine for learning is like. Typically, people crying like this refuse to put effort into learning
I recognize that badge!
why does dad have to be so gay all the time
Oh brother this guy STINKS
need more effective blackpill/demoralization techniques
make threads seemingly asking for advice in earnest, constantly pleading or insisting that anons to help you, but never actually taking it
accept a furry commission
I got a new sketchbook and pencil set. I like how it feels to hold a physical pencil and the control it has.
I really should get a good drawing pad. Are there any that simulate the degree of how hard/soft you use it well?
it probably doesn't matter, they're all pretty decent these days. What are you currently using? Get a big one if you haven't.
will a pencil fit in your urethra
do you get invasive thoughts anon? Do they win?
Ever since I got my friends to join DAD I've been finding it more motivating to draw for longer hours and do more creative stuff with my art
Challenges page just keeps giving me the application error again
It is kind of funny how ugly so many OCs on DAD are. I wonder if that says anything about the mind of the typical person who browses 4chan
Dont ask him for cringe OCs on DAD, because Im 99% sure my shit is about to be lambasted
i hope he shows mine
I can only recognise at most two artists OCs Everyone seems to either post studies, random furries or generic anime women
Sorry guys, I don't actually think that. I only made that post to provoke people. I am spending some time today on self reflection and I promise to do better in the future. I will say though that Apricot's bird sona thing and Coin's horn lady are the only memorable OCs for me
And what if I start drawing mlp porn?
Did not know that Discordia song had anything to do with Pony's it is one hell of a song.
if I had a dad girlfriend it would motivate me to work harder
He's right. Imagine all the free reference poses. I would buy her so many pretty dresses so I could draw them easier.
Sigh. I was pretty happy with the drawing I made, but it got completely ignored on social media. I realize that it's silly to worry about that, but I still can't help but to second guess myself.
landing page is completely broken for me today
It might be because I made another challenge, sorry
nah it wasnt working earlier too >>7209691
Or post here for timestamp
A challenge was made 7 minutes before rollover and killed the landing page again, if you lost your streak because of this find the contact at the bottom page (it’s all up again) and send an email w/ submission. Sorry fellas.

That’s how it goes! The one you’re proud of gets nothing, the doodle you just did for the fun gets all the attention. Don’t let social media dictate how you draw
I give the site 8 more months. it was fun while it lasted
I think 2 more weeks
who made the challenge 7 minutes before rollover? That was definitely intentional?
Not intentional, I didn't know making challenges somehow kills the site now
Are you banana?
Whatever the next site will be we have to remove the loli/shota ban
I bet you are the thread derailing, kachi dick sucker pedo faggot. KYS
you might think whatever you want about kachi but he's easily top 2% of dad artists
His dick must be wet because you and this fag >>7210347 sucking it all the time.
Let's see your tier list.
I'm too lazy for that but I'd put (you) in S tier

May I ask if you have a significant other? Something tells me you never had one

Yes, this is directly relevant to the conversation
I want to copy Ray's figures, but I don't want him to think of me as a thief, stalker. The dilema.
>copying other dads
Just do it. From my experience most dads would take it as a compliment.
Do you think /dad/ will become a popular site globally? Instead of a leech on slow board like /ic/.
Well, I've met some dads that never really browsed /ic/ or 4chan in the first place, who have learned about it from friends. So it is already happening to some small degree.
But I really hope it won't become like that: more users would necessitate more costly servers and Banana probably won't be able to support is (like he does now). I really don't want to be forced to donate, buy premium accounts or to watch ads just to participate. And smaller communities are just comfier.
you are probably a leech on society
it encourages people to draw, how is it a net negative?
if it does then banana's fucked
that cara website went from costing a couple hundred to host each month to like $20k a month
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Banana should take anonymous donations. But he'd feel obligated to upkeep the site
banana should start an OF account
Why copy from a dad instead of studying Bridgeman or Stonehouse?
because they're not (gay) furries
i would give him like $5, half a snickers and some pocket lint
I found the site through a 3 to 4 year old stream vod I had come across and the person's browser had it right on the bookmarks bar. I had peeked at /ic/ before but never really participated outside of just lurking or getting those sweet, sweet artbook pdfs
I tried to sketch a realistic Morgan Freeman image. Came out terribly and it made me make more horror style art in response to seeing it.
Time to draw furry, bros.
Happy you're drawing, anon. Keep it up!
>They haven't found the Banana OF
Are any DAD's planning on going to Lightbox Expo this year? Or will otherwise be in LA during LBX?

I'm thinking of setting-up an irl DAD meet-up if anyone's interested!
>started DAD account testing the ater before posting R18/gore stuff to disgust people
>made friend with several wholesome people
>can't no longer post my coom/darker pieces
At least I have friends now.
It's a shame how normie DAD is considering it's mostly anons. Even the loli porn is tame
There’s nothing tame about drawing little girls being raped, you disgusting pedo freak
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That jobless chick that somehow has money to travel all around the world's pigeon's beak is ugly af, There's one.
The legend of the DaD exodus is real. sadface.
Apparently to get better at something you need to do the thing. That's crazy.
Are you retarded? wtf are you babbling about?
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>saying that while eating
Is she an aspiring sumo wrestler?
Sigh. Some dads are simply rude. I really thought I'd make friends here, but it looks like discord is only good for critiques and art advice, not for socializing.
what happened? ;.;
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Did Urazi say something in vc? I sure they meant no harm

I mean Haebermani ofc
There was dad who really impressed me with their work and who I've reached out to on discord, wanting to chat and be friends. They ignored me... until I lost my streak, then they contacted me just to called me names.
It could've been an isolated case of an asshole, but much later I searched for my name on dadcord and found some mean comments and rumors about me made by other dads.
>inb4 names
No. I wanted to just vent a bit, not to start a new drama.
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I think the idea of making friends with other artists on the site because you like their style sounds like fun, but if you can only try to build a friendship from being just being a fan of someone's art there isn't going to be much to be friends about unless you already have other middle ground interests
Straight up ignoring someone who reaches you out isn't nice ofc but just liking someone's work isn't enough to be friends with them. You need to have some common ground
I'm rebuilding my lucid dreaming skills.
Been forever since I've had a proper dream to draw.

I wish I had natural talent for it, so I don't have to put all that effort to return to a good level every damn time I stop..
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I forgot the pic
It would be fine if they JUST ignored me, Anons or if they told me to get lost. I understand and I have no problems with that, some artists are just too busy for idle chat with strangers or aren't interested in becoming friends with me.
But I have a problem with how they reached out and put in some effort just to insult and kick me down when I lost my streak.
put everyone on the list except for me
If people are talking about you, you're doing something right. Look at kachi
Dads: "how good do I have to be to become popular and get an art gf??"
Also dads, when they get good enough and someone wants to befriend them:
d-do dads really shit-talk in the discord...
Reminder: There's no official DAD discord
If I ignored a comment on the site and forgot to say thankyou or reply with a witty comment I'm sorry sometimes I clear the notifications and try to do it later
I wish dads would put their hate comments for me here so I can see them. Or send them to me my anonymous comments are open. I'm just assuming they're pussies then.
Only losers care about what discord nerds talk about them in the back. Just post your work, reply to nice comments and log off.
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Ive been wanting to do this. Have a pretty vivid image of a nightmare from childhood Id like to paint.
Maybe once im more confident in my ability to draw/paint from imagination
>There was dad who really impressed me with their work
phew, couldnt be me
Where thw horny summer challenge?
Cool stuffs anon, love love love dream-related stuff. Ever kept a dream diary? I hear it helps
They post your account and fight over whether you're a girl or a boy
>a week in
> 1/2 of DADs drop the flawless badge
Is drawing daily that hard?
Seeing the 1 streaks eliminated is so sad
They really couldn't even manage uploading twice
Weaklings, the lot of 'em; and then there are DADs who upload like 8 hours worth of drawing daily.
i cant be bothered to post everything i draw right now
>lack self discipline/respect
I bet your "artworks" are just as uninspired.
i'm actively working on two projects that require me to draw. sometimes i dont want to post that stuff publicly
I'm sure some DADs drop streak constantly on purpose because their picture shows at the front page? Must be getting hella followers from it
I had dreamed something similar to this so maybe after I'm done with the thing I'm doing will draw it as well
Then what are you tracking? Just keeping up a streak for the sake of an internet streak? Other people are fine blurring their comms or nda stuff.
i just prefer this site to post on from others. i can recognize most of the posters. streak is nice i guess but i have my frequency set to every other day right now so i havent really thought about it much
Give me your name so I can take you off the list
>recognize most of the posters.
I don't believe you.
why not
>Ever kept a dream diary?
Yeah, I have over 151 lucid dreams recorded, and nearly two thousands normal dreams recorded.
I think my total lucids are a bit over 300 but I wasn't always this dedicated to writing them down.

A good spot to be is when you can recall around 3 dreams with good detail each night.
At that point I can have lucid dreams 3-4 days a week, if I rebuild my skills.

Drawing imagery from dreams is satisfying, especially when the memory is vivid enough to make for a detailed picture.
>Or send them to me my anonymous comments are open
Bullying is against the rules; they could get in trouble with mods/banana if they they did that.

t. someone without any online friends
I am just the fucking worst poster on the site but I just keep going. It must be nauseating to watch. Like a kid with a stutter in a spelling competition.
Name the following DADs on the top of your head
1. The anon who draws weak chin characters with crazy smile
2. The anon who posts gesture sheets or a whole year
3. The anon who loves drawing harpies
4. The anon who draws french cartoon style ga porn
5. The retard who spends hours to edit his description to look like a music player
6. The furry with inflation fetish
>Apricot's bird sona thing and Coin's horn lady
Those are the worst?
outofearshot but i think they used to go by a different name
Pretty good :) A kiss for you!
Are you MP5?
You just got lucky! Now try something actually difficult and name these dads:
1. The anon you'd like to marry
2. The anon you'd like to hug
3. The anon you'd like to fuck
4. The anon you'd like to befriend
5. The anon you just think is really cool and deserves more compliments
6. The anon who will make it for sure
hell yeah new challenge
Can't believe dad closed down forever
I'm literally Simon the Digger.
>The retard who spends hours to edit his description to look like a music player
nah that's cool
1-6 kachi
how old are you
anon better be 12 or under
Mid 20s
27/30 already. Time does fly.
nah that's heavily retarded.
All the best artists on DAD are either detached but polite or complete sociopaths
me on the right
>detached but polite or complete sociopaths
>not a good artist
Also examples for sociopathic comments/behaviour
hi I'm new here, can I post traditional drawings or only digital ones?
Anything that you spent at least 30 mins on.
>examples for sociopathic comments/behaviour
labelling a finished work as a "sketch"
upload description is something like "this was a lot of fun to draw"
exclamation points
oh ok thanks
Not sociopathic. Some people have really high standard. For you it's finish work, but for them it's just a sketch.
You forgot about:
>tries to diagnose others based on few comments / descriptions, after they've watched one or two youtube videos about that mental illness
wait, is it sociopathic to write the fun part? I do that sometimes
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>set up my drawing program to automatically take a screenshot every 30 minutes
>spend all day drawing, 8h
>take two week break while my streak steadily increases
Isn't it more embarrassing to have a high streak but it's all plateau?
Keep cheating yourself, we can tell but no one cares.
>we can tell
names or didn't happen
Why even post on dad if you dont even hold yourself to the name? Your streak should only matter to you
You're just cheating yourself doing that.
I'd rather fail and strive to reach further
Based :)
LMAO. nta, but y are you guys seething?
>u mad bro?
I could care less as I dont really browse the art posted on dad
Just saying what's the point of a medal if you didn't really earn it? That Anon basically got himself the equivalent of a participation award
I do this but also I'm gay if that matters
That anon clearly said that he's taking break. I too draw a week worth of posts in advance just in case.
You have to draw to have something to post. He did draw it, and the streak addiction will help him to keep on drawing. A lot of people played fair, lost streak and then quit for good.
high streak = high morale. he "cheated" to keep on drawing, and that a good thing.
>high streak = high morale
That's a fair point. Guess it still encourage improvement that way
Are you an animator?
I draw everyday, it might not appear as much since it's 30-35 mins but at least I'm doing it daily, building a habit and not lying to myself.
You are just playing yourself
ok whiff
Keeping a streak is really easy. I could lose mine tomorrow and get back on page 1 before any page 2'er
keeping the streak isn't the hard part, it's the waiting in line. it can sometimes take a month or two just to get ahead of the guy in front of you, even when you're posting daily. that's also assuming there are enough people ahead of you who aren't doing daily streaks so you can catch up in the first place, and fingers crossed the top 25 aren't all dailies or on multi-year streaks, or you can literally never get to page 1 (unless they fail). good luck regaining your page 1 status if you lose it, because you either need to hope those above you drop like flies or you blow the admins to reinstate you.
Literally take you 2, 3 year bucko.
courtier got to page 1 like 5 times now
Someone bake new thread pls
i hate that guy, he got kicked out of dadcord for damn good reason
1, 3, 4, 5 Christmas Yoshi
2 Banana
6 Me
No, I won't elaborate.
Kicked out? What was the lore?
With the DAD's still in there not drawing, being racist and homophobic it must have been pretty terrible
did sekx leave behind any socials before he left? I hope he comes back
I would trade my streak for the ability to draw.
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banana pls fix the site

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