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Previous thread: >>7202489

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/
old vastian discord id doesn't work
What's the /dad/ discord is like? Is it cozy and comfy? While certainly nodraws are non-existent, how many powertripping mods and oldfags are there?
thank you new bread baker
it’s mostly chill and comfy. the sensitive drama folks are long gone.
i like it
When the site's gone (in 2 months) I wont forget you guys (lie)
your mom (fat) you (stoopid)
>no tableguy posts for 1/2 year
The anon who draws heavily stylized skinny bitches.
The most hated man on /ic/
it's just 2 guys (probably the same guy) that hates him who is terminally online and chases him around in every thread.
We love you table, come back
iirc, he's got family responsibilities. I miss his octuple chested ladies, though. A true hero of our time.
>family responsibilities
I can almost see the lines. They're forming.
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I’m not feeling discouraged so far.
Hello slime, goblin, racoon disney rape fetish anon. How do you do?
He's Jewish.
kikes are 'aight as long as they're not talmudic and payz 'jizya
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I’ve not drawn slime in quite a while.
I thought that was Pawell. Or gains goblin. Or this asshole >>7215550
How about now? The last thing I saw from you is some big spider penis :)
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The last time I recall drawing spiders was this one from January 2022. I’ve gotten way worse since then. I focus more on my straight shota/furry stuff lately, like here. >>7215778
Nobody likes it.
I left /ic/ for 2 years thats why.
>nobody like it
people from /beg/ do your stuff. You can always watch more hentai/porn to see the appeal.
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Nah. The people from /beg/ give me lots of shit, too. Kind of like the situation here >>7215371 I’ve probably just got a couple of very dedicated crabs. Although other people find the idea of a twelve year old boy with an adult raccoon sex slave kind of weird (although my shtick is that while she WANTS to be a sex slave, he just treats her like his pet.)
Most of /ic/ goers are socially maladjusted, terminal online weirdos. Getting shat on is to be expected.
Thanks. So what’ve you been drawing? What’d you do during the 2 years away?
you forgot gabe
Play a bunch of gacha games without drawing much. I am trying to get the rust off. Just post your stuff really, and try not to take things too seriously.
i really love the way you draw and structure things. really inspiring
I want to have sex
I will protect all female DADs from you predators
i love school boys
What a coincidence :)
Send me a message: Paganini#0312
I'll fuck you in the ass
y not?
Whores are legal where I live so sex is no issue
i will never have sex
What a coincidence :)
Wanna change your destiny with me?
What's ur destiny?
oh, uhm, i was trying to be funny and with the "What a coincidence" comment imply that I will never have sex either, unless something changes
She's hot! Nice one anon!
thanks but I larp as a male, it's easier this way
If I was born with a brain I'd be unstoppable.
I have no idea how to draw good humans. I can make good eyes. All of the lips I draw always look the same. The nose turns the whole thing into one of those realism arts or is too simple where it conflicts. Unless it's something simple like a hime cut, the hair looks very bad.
These month long streak-based challenges are too draining. Next time make it submission based, 15 subs required.
my first page is filled with unicorns
Only join challenges you'll actually have fun doing then retard
It's like having sex. Fun when you nut the first 2 times. I am still having fun, but a little tired.
>challenge is too challenging
the upcoming coom one is exactly that
>end in july 1st
Is this the final day of the horse challenge?
speaking of that one, does it need to be 15 unique pieces or can there be multiple updates to a piece?
Is DAD dead or something? The only one who has posted any drawings is a schizo?
Why posting stuff itt while you can post on the real site?
Oh. What's the point of the exchange then?
Anon. The point was to make you amused enough that we would meet in real life and have sex. Really, forcing me to explain the joke like that... I'll forgive you only if you'll flirt back ;)
DIE NORMIES!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder how does it feels to be inside of another person...
>I larp as a male
that's a really ballsy move
some dad hit on me years ago in these threads and it was so smooth I still think about it every now and then
I think we should migrate from dad discord onto habbo hotel
Self deprecation doesn't just get you nowhere, it drills you back into the fucking ground. Stop being a preemptively defensive pussy and putting your art down.
? What are you talking about?
More like a "dick move"... amirite?
you're right. Even if this isn't directed at me specifically, it's something I worry about doing. Honestly, I'm very proud of my overall progress since I started, but I try to be realistic of how much more I have to learn still with my self-crits. Beating myself up over it doesn't help, though.
>I'll forgive you only if you'll flirt back ;)

Have you seen yourself?
Have you seen MYSELF?
no. for the sake of both of us no

Weren't you born of a woman?
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It relieves me of responsibility for my failures and gives me the moral right to continue plunging into the swamp because I'm worthless anyway so why not
self deprecation is good because it forces you to improve. there is nobody you want to disappoint less than yourself
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>Have you seen yourself?
Sigh. When will I find someone with an "ugly bastard" fetish...
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Im sensing a certain dad will do something bad to themselves and they should reconsider
Don't worry I don't have enough courage fro that
I'm not sure what are you referring to, Anon - I've looked through all submissions from today and everything seemed perfectly normal.
Never become a crime investigator
He's retarded. Don't worry about it.
didn't you see... THAT submission? you know.. the one that held a bunch of WICKED aura??
Big updates soon
mp4 on the way among other things
Based hack
well, now that you mention it, the way OrokanaIkimono talked about his night shift really did sound like that
Poor guy.
(((They've))) been saying updates soon for years.
Nsix is nonbinary?!
mp5 update
... I made it
you made what
Made out with both your mom and dad. The now love me more than you! Beetch!
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Scenes from my last lucid dream (first in a long time).
Some crowded chinese market that devolved into a western themed skyscraper, which I tried to super hero punch from high up, but crashed a dozen meters off mark.
I'm new and I submitted a drawing but I can't see it for some reason, the page is blank
Did this happen to anyone else?
Reason: you updated the submission with the same file name. You need to change the file name of your sub ex: girl to girl_1, girl_a, etc,
It's a known glitch.
* You can not update yesterday submissions.
Oh, that's weird, thanks for the explanation
Just another thing that will be fixed 'soon'.
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The year is half over. How are you doing on your goals for the year?
I didn't bother to set any
Pretty good so far but have yet to crunch that short movie. We will see if I can make it.
Whats this "artfight" thing i see ppl post about? Sounds interesting
Had you ever gained inspiration from /dad/? Name the one thing that you learnt.
Those are two very different questions, Anon.
I've gained inspiration from dad many times, mostly in the form of cool compositions, color palettes, design elements and poses that could be used for my own art. But I'm not sure if there's much learning to be done there - usually critiques I got there have lead to me to other places to learn from, like specific courses.
I think Ive done half of my resolutions, so I'm right on track desu
This is the year I learn Anatomy. (I haven't made it past page one of the Introduction). Seven months of progress.
Offsite yearly event running for nearly 10ish years now I think. You pick one of two teams and draw the opposing teams' characters to gain points. You get more points based on what kind of drawing you submit, i.e., a fullbody colored illustration scores more points than an uncolored sketch of an oc would.
Dang that sounds like fun! Would've loved to try it out.
No. I’m still here.
Starting a season of mecha studies on Sunday atelier in the dadcord
I don't think they close entering while it's happening so you can probably still make a account and do it if you want.
I failed all of my new year resolutions, except drawing daily.
Seeing the embarrassing shitty wips teaches you more than a cultured 'best of' social media feed.
Got a link to the event anon?
you might be the shittiest artist I've ever seen without seeing your work, if you expend more effort asking someone to google something for you. Lacking self agency and resourcefulness needed to be a GMI. Course correct please.
kek, you're seething so much, because you can't find that link either
pyl (post your link)
Now this is what I call an art fight
I-I was just making conversation...
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I give up now, I don't want to draw any more
PYW and I'll give you a commpliment/crit, then you'll feel good again!
I wish more page1'ers would admit this to themselves
No it's the guy who does oil paintings, I think his name is Robbie or something I can't remember. I do remember he lit one of his paintings on fire though.

Honestly I don't know why, he seems earnest and isn't bad at painting but the trad/oil painting chads just go for his throat the second he shows his head.
Honestly, Anon I have no idea who you are because I haven't been here since 2019 but from just seeing the last few things you just posted I'd say you're really good. I really like your composition and character design. You kind of remind me of Don Bluth in a way.
I don't make the rules but 15 updates to the same piece sounds kind of BS Anom
I think one or two wips of a piece is fine but dont be someone doing 5 updates per piece
Brian? He paints slop.
Spring and Summer badge is the samr. DAD EOS is upon us!
any examples?
Nov 10 2023 - Feb 13 2024
Just don't do this
The rules for the challenge don't specify that it has to be 15 unique pieces. In the spirit of the Coom Week challenges, you'll be fine if you just draw coom for 15 days. Like the other anons mentioned, you probably shouldn't be spending all 15 submissions on one piece though
yeah, I was concerned since I've been working on 1 piece for a long time and want to get it done. I've decided to do rough sketches for unique submissions while I get my main WIP finished. thanks, anons.
The absolute state of coomtards.
Could you be more specific?
He's retarded. Don't worry about it.
How to give advice/crits without specifically commenting under the submissions.
Post it here
Posting vague unsolicited crits here is just to creepy imo. I am thinking about setting examples on my submissions but don't want the DADs I want to help think that I pity/one-up them.
i like seeing criticism from the thread
>I am thinking about setting examples on my submissions but don't want the DADs I want to help think that I pity/one-up them.
Basically draw the same things from those DADs' submissions, but with the how to and explanations.
Jesus, just reply to their posts lol. What a strangely passive way to offer critique
I am shy and a bit of a kuudere. I don't want them to think that I like them or anything.
You’re a dumb faggot and you should KKYS
my penis stood up when you said that anon....
>generic insult
>buzz words
anon, save yourself time and effort and just write an anonymous crit under their submission. Knowing someone cares enough to check out my work and offer advice is more uplifting than anything else because it shows someone out there cares, but seeing someone unprovoked do my piece better than I did right after I tried my very best on it would be kind of insulting and deflating. If you're worried about when to give crit, I would recommend doing it when someone asks for it or they acknowledge they're really struggling at something. Or, hell, have you tried simply asking if they're open to it before giving it?
You are right! Thanks for your input.
Jesus, what the hell is going on on /DAD/? Is like a padded room full of skizos taking each other eyes out.
Jesus, what's with these homies dissing my girl? Why do they gotta front?
Good lord, what is happening in there?
crit people so much that they lock their comments
Then you know you have won
You - the brown ground sparrow will never understand us - the pheonix soaring above the stratosphere
>No tier lists
Make one now !!!
Aurora Borealis?
Me fucking yo mama! beetch jajajajajajjajajajajajaj
Infidels. They will learn.
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/DAD/ threads have sunk to reddit levels. SAD!
Thanks. I’ve always said the three biggest influences on my style were Don Bluth, Glen Keane, and J. Scott Campbell.
YOU make a tier list stop waiting around for other people to do what you want to do
Official /dad/ tier list as of 7/5/24
1. Him
2. That dude
3. Another guy
4. A “woman”
5. Bill
6. I.C. Weiner
7. Ilovedick69420
8. That other dude
9. Megatron
10. Pawell
No no, you have to use active DADs only
Take a redditor to spot a reddit comment you stoopid faggot.
nice digits m8, shame you've wasted them like that
feels like the site is on life support literally and spiritually
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Another scene from a dream.
Bob cut female assassins, maybe cloned, sent to kill me.
Death is often a metaphor for change in dreams.
It clearly means you should do more copies and studies of female body to change and improve your art, but you're afraid of meeting those challenges face on, of putting in effort.
Wanna know what doesn't need any additional support? ;^)
(I'm referring to my penis)
(and by not needing support I mean that I'm NOT suffering from erectile dysfunction; it's perfectly healthy)
(and by asking if you wanna know I mean you should start flirting with me as well, start a weird long-distance relationship, exchange arousing stories, get to know each other better, book a plane ticket so we would finally meet, get married, have 3 children, 2 dogs, 1 cat and 0 free time, get old together and occasionally piss in my mouth and do nude art studies of each other)
(god I'm lonely)
>do nude art studies of each other

Unironically one of reasons I'd like to get a girl. I'm not going to ofc, but how nice would it be gosh
Eww. They're unclean. There are better ways to do studies of women than to be in close proximity to a real girl.
Don't be like that dude. Girls are warm, soft and usually smell good

That's how you get cooties but you do you.
DAD fuck/marry/kill !!!
i agree. feminine male body is superior
That's even worse. Only a female dog comes second to a fictional woman.
Fathers really need to stick around and be there for their sons. I'm saying this for no reason in particular.
I'm saying this for absolutely no reason in particular, but society needs to take mental health seriously.
Females really should stay virgin until marriage and thus ensure that their husband (and later father of her children) is someone that isn't interested in just sex. White dress used to symbolize purity and we really need to come back to that beautiful tradition. Of course it's reasonable in this scenario that she would only date males that are virgins as well. I'm saying that for the reason of this roastie seething: >>7222671
Posts like this always confuse me and make me double check what thread/board I left open
Do Art Daily™
man fuck
Trad women are very low iq. It's like dating a child
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Women behave like children, period. Including and especially (you)
i love young boys
I just want a nurturing man who doesn't compromise, who doesn't treat me like a mother is that too much
Nah that's too much, I'm just gonna go fuck men
How many dads are still standing for the summer daily?
73 I think
>Blurred works
>Lock comment section
>implying that doesn't make it even better
man, if all it took to get women's attention was jingling keys in front of their face, it'd save a lot of time, money, and hassle.
Have you tried jingling your penis in front of their face? Your penis DOES jingle, right?
no, best I got is a meatspin or a sweaty slap across the face. wait, does everyone's penis here jingle?
I'm sorry to hear your doesn't. There's even a carol about it, "jingle balls". Did you skip the penis inspection day in your school?
What does any of this have to do with drawing, everyone in this thread is ngmi
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Does this feeling ever go away?
I found a bug.
I'm in houses. I tried to make a submission, but forgot to chose a file.
In this specific scenario dad.gallery tells me to join houses (see screenshot), even though I've already done that, so this is a bug.

It's not a big deal at all so no pressure. I just assume you guys would like to be aware of even those almost meaningless bugs.
This is one of the pictures I clicked on to look closely at. I think it has appeal so you're on the right path.
life is eternal
death is temporal
I've felt the same way and as feedback, others have said that it's not something that completely goes away. There's always going to be something you think you can improve with each piece. You use that feeling to figure out what area you want to study next, not beat yourself up for not reaching unrealistic or too high of expectations. I think it's a matter of loving your work for what it is at your skill level and changing your perspective for the bigger picture.

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